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7-7-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-07-1918 Journal Publishing Company

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Steamer Columbia, Carrying Ground to Which Austrians Yankees and Australians In- Chief of Staff Is Confident -- Turns 500 Excursionists, Have Been Clinging Tenac- vade Strongholds of Ger Germans Are Laying Their Over in lillinois Caus- Is River, iously Mostly Taken From mans During Early Morning Plans to Start a Big Of- ing Big Death Toll, Them by Troops of Diaz, of Independence Day, fensive on West Front " v. .


v t Near 1 T, ' City Where Catastrophe Many Compliments Heard on Pershing's Men Take Their Local Draft Boards Are In- Occurred Is Gov- Stunned; the Occasion of Their First First journey Into the Land structed to Speed Up Phys- Orders Notice the four stars on the shoulder of each of thesa fighting men P. C. March, T. H. Bliss snd J. J. ernment Thorough , Side by Side of Death Aid in ical All Appearance Tershing. They are the only men In the American army Sinco Ihe Civil Wur who hiive been nntitteri t. wear and Taking Examination of New -- " Probe of the Affair, With Great Britain's Men, these stars. Tliey represent the rank of full general, and the men are three of the only seven American a who Hamel Wood From Foe, Class One Recruits, ": have won the title, the other four being Washington, Grant. Sherman and Sheridan. Th la the (list ti me in Americas nisiory mat the nation has had three full generals at ono time. fY MOftMNfl JOURNAL SPBCtAl WM lB(D Undated War I,oad by the Associated lav MoaaiNa journal arvciAL lkao ariaa aaaciAL coaaaa, mmnci fo MvatNa jouaHAU Peoria, 111., 6. With sixty . July Prcs.) With the Hritlsh Army In France, Washington. July 6. The present three bodies recovered and the total fi The Italians have succeeded In July (by tho Associated Press). deity of the Germans In pressing at- number of dead estimated at FUTURE OUTLOOK Gen. Yankee, tako It a bit and tonight clearing the Austrians out of a very Count von Mirbach, "Hey easy tacks In France means only that they ISO to 200 state for me. YOU persons, government, considerable of the ' wait ain't running no are part terrain the 100-yar- preparing npw and blown; and county officials began searching bloody d dash, you know." heavy inquiries Into the cause of the wreck enemy had been clinging to near the, The was a General March, chief of staff said to- of between new Hun Minister to Russia. speaker giant Australian, of the excursion steamer Columbia mouth the Plave, the IN OLD looso of limb and with face bronzed day In his weekly conference with the old beds of MEXICO "Friday night. and the river., by years of constant exposure to tho men. Austrian re- newspaper have In hard fighting the sun. His was Survivors charged that the big was broken In area close Moscow companion equally "It is perfectly evident," he said, 500 on a sistance the Assassinated at sturdy, his brawn acquired on his steamer, carrying passengers to the Adriatic, General Diaz's troops "that this delay is to'a, return from Peoria to Pekin. BRIGHT-MURG- UIA father's farm In a far western state. preparatory trip moving the invaders across the new assault In force III., was driven a sand' bank IPhmmI It was dawn of July 4, and these two, heavy by the German against bed from Grlsolera to the sea, ap- (By Morning Journal Special Wire.) scarcely ten feet from shore and about Paris, 6. General Count von German min- with many others from Australia and "high command. The present condi or proximately five miles. Four hundred July Mirbach, America were Just out across tion rive miles south Peoria, during a were to been pushing of affairs does not mean anything taken prisoners. ister Russia, has assassinated at Moscow according to tho still d field heavy fog. First reports were thai that but that. They are their Vienna admits a loss of ground a Berlin received tho Havaa Two unknown stretched the Homme val- reorganizing the craft had struck a, snag or sub- Commander Northeastern Mi- report by agency. away along and here. in ley toward tho of the troops, filling up losses, preparing log. low-lyin- were involved the crime. strongholds merged of this g persons to , In the northorn part Is Germans, whom were that day try again. While the orchestra continued to litary Zone Says Republic Twolmknown men asked for an audience with the German they "With sector northeast of Capo Slle, to tn Anglo-Americ- referenco to the American on dance vanquish the first play the floor, which proved where the Austrians are still west of Order ambassador this morning, then attacked him, wounding him of program, we have embarked a million, a death to most of the 200 danc- .Neutral; Prevails; attack history. trap the new stream they rallied their with shots from a revolver. They followed this by Just ahead of them was a curtain mon and now we are going after the. ers, the vessel. It was said, backed counter-attacke- d. throwing forces and General Conditions Improved, of shells from hundreds of socond million." .nn-T- o Into deep water, where It grenades. , Von Mirbach died almost immediately. breaking suddenly Diaz's troops stood their ground and Rritlsh guns in the rear, the Meet German Menace. broke In two and settled on the bot- The assassins fled and have not been arrested. clearing repulsed ihe enemy. way for their and the Yun-ke- Another Indication or the pressures tom of I advance, the river, with only the pilot Little Fighting iii Went. jotMNM. araetAu keAaao wtaat wore under which the American house and 6. Gen. Fran- having their initial experi- program part of the superstructure Except on the Italian front the Juarez, Mcx.. July 6 Associated ence with is to meet above the water. Basel, July (by the Press). General Count a barrago fire. being rushed the German, appearing closing days of the week witnessed cisco Murguia, commander of the "That continued Aus- - menace came from the mar Smith, chief of of von Mirbach, German ambassador to Russia, was assassinated barrage," the provost Harry police little fighting of an Intensive nature northeastern military rone, denied shal general's office today when or . Pekln, said: al- at Moscow to a received here. un anywhere. For the moment the Germans were to today according dispatch (Conllnurrt ruga Hevra.) ders were Issued to local boards to "Reports have coma to me that the local in that being permitted lied plan of thrusts the Obtaining admittance under false pretenses, two unknown speed up physical examination of the an violate. Mexico's in an ln drinking on board the Columbia the Franco-Belgi- area, calculated to neutrality, men was in1 entered the private office of Count von Mirbach this new class one men and have them night of the tragedy carried to upset such dispositions for a now at- tervkw given the Associated Press A extremes. This case will Gen- morning. ,i short discussion ensued. Then revolver shots ready for call In August . phase of the tack as the Germans might be making his private car here lute today. ' we I were - iJ.llELIS Statements of the draft program receive rigid attention after have on any of the numerous fronts Involv-tiS- j from Ch- heartl, followed by explosions of hand serenades. eral Murguia arrived today i. i . Indicated tCSfi-riM- -- i: TV,... A..& i mi.' made public in congress the .nirM .mir,.d','l ; . ..':.!,,.. i . - sfeIjc. . 'f ihuahua City to Inspect borilef troopi. .uiifR.n.i .uicu uitnusi maiaiiicuiL'uuKiy, i.n assassins purpose of out at least JOO.OOtt amazing.' There are but compliments have-no- calling nothing to these and t been arrested. subse-que- nt Condemned Eight Years Ago. for Americans the occasion "There is nothing reports escaped yet men during August, although the upon were not The Columbia was condemned eight of their first appearance in an attack of unusual activities among the few KILLEOINIL calls during the year to exceed one half of that years ago Just before It was purchased side by side with' British troops. To German refugees in northern Mexico," Count von Mirbach formerly was German minister to expected and accord- ma- figure monthly. The orders sent out repaired by Captain Mehl, the Australians who formed the General Murguia Bald. "Neither are Greece. .The Bolshevik consented to his nomina ing to R. V. Downes. federal inspector which government today, however, coupled with the jor portion of the force carried to conduct a campaign tion as to of hulls of St. Louis, and his assistant, at- they permitted ambassador Russia last April. In May a dispatch AT LAKE CHARLES statement by the chief of staff, indi- out the brilliant Fourth of July of In the north, Q. R. Bowers, who have begun an In- tack on the Amiens northeast propaganda from Moscow said that the demands by the German cate that hopes are entertained at the front, "Our is neutral presented vestigation of the accident. of Vlllers-Bretonne- Is concedod the government strictly ambassador would war department that tn. present rate and is to maintain virtually make Russia a German colony. It was the return trip to Pekin larger part of the glory. The hitherto doing everything of moving troops to Europe can sub- from Peoria Friday night that a faint American are this neutrality and no pno is permit- be maintained for several untried troops coming who- stantially " extending from stem to stern gave In for the ted to commit unneutral acts, Former Mayor of New York monthu. jar for the highest praise part seems the first Intimation of the took In the through ever they may be. The trouble Goneral March said: ! they fighting to be that some do not under- WILSON TO VETO Plunges to His Death; His tragedy. Hamcl. people Austrian Losses is on. The came without stand what is." Nibbling Going tragedy warning Details of the Americans' behavior neutrality really Widow Will Take Body to "The situation along the various when the BOO aboard, In Revolution Is Over. In Drive merrymakers Indicate that fighting spirit and Italian western fronts has developed a condl-- after a at Alfresco General tho mil- Old Home for night's outing park effectiveness in pushing back the Murguia, reviewing Interment, lion where the anted in Peoria, were the evening's even in his said the BILL Reach nibbling by ending enemy they were not excelled by itary situation zone, BECAUSE OF 250,000 forces Is on all the time, and with and con- vet- was defi- going entertainment dancing the traditionally gallant, seasoned revolutionary period now success so as certs the orchestra. over. with complete far the by erans In whose oompany they 'received nitely He announced today his concerned. The the survivors had been Cared 8. Lake Charles, I.a., July 6. Major allied attacks are mdet After their baptism of fire. Their losses forces had captured and executed as Washington, July Austrian the for it was because of the to Iohhcs in recent unsuccessful John Purroy Mitchel, killed interesting of these raids, from impossible, are reported have been extremely bandits Canuto Reyes, a revolutionary the today was success- darkness, to continue, the search for with of his NEW1EATPRCE offensive and dur- when he fell B0n feet from the air- American view point, the light. general, together twenty against Italy which and was until counter-offensiv- e plane In which he was ful attack on Vaux, occurred (bodies, this halted day- followers, at Terrame, on ing the Italian riding, dropped - Durango, 1. town was light. At sunrise scores of volunteer June 27. was a reb- are estimated at between 200,000 from the pilot's seat and plunged July This taken by Reyes prominent American attack In workers hacked at the wreckage while el leader In the Torreon and Chihua- and 250,000, including at least downward while his plane skimmed nicely planned RECESS PLANS OF woaNiNa 23rd two divers began bringing out the hua districts. lar jouaNU. aaieiAL Luaao wiatl 50,000 killed, says an official dis- on without a pilot for nearly half a which the ninth and regiments 6. President Wil- and bodies. General said Villa and his Washington, July patch today based on testimony of mile according to statements tonight of Infantry furnished contingent Murguia son will veto the annual 16th 17th Of band of followers had been agricultural prisoners. by officers at Oerstner aviaion field the 12th, and regiments 6OTIVIVOJ18 TO thirty bill because of rider GATHER driven into foothills appropriation the The message said the Austrians near here. An examination of the field artillery supported the aUaclj. TELL EXPERIENCES BY the Durango and to both senato and house our sec- OP SENATE OPSET was no a factor in agreed by insist on beaUng the ground wrecked machine developed tonight These troops form a part of longer the north. fixing" tho mini- Is com- The revolutionists now In today government about positions by the that the safety bolt was unfastened at ond division, which under the Pekln, III., 6. Torn, bruised only the mum at $2.40 captured July - guaranteed wheat price Italians u inef- tho time of the Ma mand of Major General Omar Burnjy. women child field, he added, were Martin Lopez with strong but accident, causing and bandaged men, and a bushel. This Information whs trans- fectual fire. adds: jor Mitchel to fall from his seat as The successes attained have been Con- of the and Nicolas Fernandez in northeast- to artillery Jt ren, survivors of the wreck mitted Chairman Iever of the "Prisoners at Monte the plane went inn a nose dive. solidated and subsequent attacks of steamer HOUSE'S ACTION ern Chihuahua. , , house taken Columbia, today gathered agriculture cominltteo today Grappa state tho Austrians had . Major Klrby, commandant of the Germans have not been sufficient In of "Now that the period 1'oiitniBB'er the about the little store the heart revolutionary through Omeral Burlenon, no Idea coilo? bet beaten field declined to to cause our withdrawal from any tert has been Mexico is they from tonight speculate as ' the business district which had been passed, entering Just before Speaker Clark had signed to which been Into a of Gen their strong poc'tlon In twenty the cause for the belt being unfast- rain ha ocoupled. turned Into a temporary morgue to period reconstruction," the bill preliminary to sending It to Score Advances. . eral said. "Conditions are minutes. The bhimy's losses ened. It is a rule that all fliers fasten Italians receive the bodies of victims of the Until Murguia tho White House, were the situation - Lower Body Adjourns tho hcavyj his reur service was themselves in the place with the bolt "On the Italian front disaster. The all bus- Improved throughout republic and Should the veto the bill occn-pati- tragedy brought president badly disorganized and tho troops before ascending. has now come down to complete Inesg to a standstill. On the sidewalk Without what is needed now is a better under the f 28, 000,000: annual Monday Acting appropriation feel the lack of Tho was to- of the southern little groups watched the shrouded standing among the people, especial- of the of would baggage. body shipped from here by Italy bn Resolu- department agriculture "Seven Italians - who to New York whore It will ar- of the Plave, with the exception or one' r forms carried In a continual stream Upon a Concurrent ly among business men." be tied up until convenes. scaped night congress captivity state that the Austrians rive Tuesday Mrs. Mitcbel small sector. The size of that seotov from the wharf to for . The morning. the morgue Land Being Cultivated. department .however, would not one-ha- lf one-Ha- lf tion for Vacation, - forced a of the war is and by Identification. Here and there survi- Providing He said a of American be without funds' as majority accompanied the body. three delegation congress today to on the Is on delta near Grlse-ler- a. vors to editors would to a priuoners work second Major and Mrs. Mitchel came here miles. It the gathered tell of their experi- do much reveal the adopted resolution continuing last lino under our fire." entire the ences Officials of the boat said that true conditions in Just as had the from San Diego, Calif.. June 19. Ma Along that region ! MMHIM AH1HMM. SMCIAI. LIIHI Mexico, year's appropriation until appro- successful ad a faint Jar was bill Is jor Mitchel Intended to complete his Italians have made their first Intimation WflKhinirtnn- - Julv 6. Plans for an the delegation of Mexican editors now priation finally enacted. - vances over a nine mile of the the United revealed The tll.OOO.OOO training in pursuit work while at the practically approaching tragedy, Immediate recess ef congress were up touring States true emergency agri- DEATH SENTENCE OF ' . . was not a hard conditions In " Louisiana ifeld. lie was regarded front." "It blow," said Capt. set late when the house i ad- America. cultural appropriation measure will go Iltrman Mehl. '.'We were headed today until SOLDIER COMMUTED among the officers and cadets as a In answer to questions, Qenorat down Monday without acting General Murguia outlined his land ver after the recess, Its passage s journed until and skillful March said: . stream and it awfully foggy. The a concurrent resolution adopted colonization plan which is being car having been blocked In the senate be- daring pilot. tt had worked over upon cause Mitchel, In excellent "There is nothing to give out on boat pretty well to an ad- rkd out at Moiinar, and near Casas of the Norrls amendment pro- " .. vrvw.nv "- W.nB, Major spirits, the senate for ' the Peoria side. When she I went by providing for wartime 6. Commutation went out to the field early this morn the score of Russia." hit until August 12, subject to Grandes. There are large tracts of viding prohibition. Washington, July .. up to the bridge as fast ag I could. journment Officials estimated the death sentence ing with his Insructor, Lieutenant "Bo far as our Information goes the an earlier call the president, land being cultivated by amnestied that if the $2.40 by president of the by court-marti- al Germans did not use bodies of "She backed off, squared away and re- revolutionists colonists from price for wheat Is the Imposed by a John McCaffery, also of New York. large of President Wilson's and the approved price military V - , headed down stream of Ip spite of flour would be on Private Oscar of The officers were discussing cavalry In the recent drive." again. Many j south. Each settler is allotted eighty increased by ap- Valentine, Troop politics quest, emphatically reiterated today "Tho nr atter of the use of gas In the passengers rushed to the starboard him acres of government land, a team of proximately (J J barrel, with an In- B, Ninth cavalry, to twenty years at up until the time the former mayor out side that the resolution authorizing 2 been cortsollda'eJ and sha listed a bit. mules and plows. He announced Mex- crease of from to 3 cents In the price hard labor, was announced today by took the air. Tho Instructor remain- service has recently one crew to take over and operate during the stu- been announced to the presa, ordered of the to go came ana icans in Jhe United States would be of a loaf of bread.. With ttAO as the the war department. ed on he ground to observe the as has down Into the he waf telegraph .telephone, basis what we Call the "chem- hold, and yelled before the welcomed on these government lands price, wheat probably would sell Valentine was tried and convicted at dent's climbing operations. When by organizing was two foot water I radio systems be passed In , ical service under there' of there. to New York at $2,75 a bushel, it was Sapangbato, Philippines, of having about 600 feet up, Major Mitchel fell warfare Major recess the senate was begin - told (he passengers to hurry on up- - ready said. i'v- , murdered Private Benjamin J. Wil- from his seat and his body struck al- General Sibert ... .. General ,; its vacation when the house suddenly stairs and instructed the crew to keep son, also of the Ninth cavalry. most at tho :'eet of Lieutenant Mc Pershing haa been directed to make ' leaders. - blocked the of the ' seat-e- r, thettr-ganlzati- on order. ... plans STRIKE IN FJ. R. TORPEDO BOATS 0F; Caffery.. The airplane, a single his organization conform to 'Then scout machine, wont on adopted here.'1 .-- ,. KAISER RESPONSIBLE MOHAMMED VI NEW skimming (Continued on3'!rJ!'JjPage Seven.) ALLIES FIGHT FOE without a Pilot for a half a mile and FOR 'YELLOW PERIL' SULTAN OF TURKEY then fell 600 feet, completely dcmol. MOVIE SHOWS ARE mr MoaNiM MUBNAi truiu uuu mat) Ished. COTTON MILLS IS Amsterdam, t. An Austrian ESSENTIAL, RULING THE WEATHER ( HaH,M MUMMl UU WISH July far MoaxiNa jounl aatetai. itoaio wiall -- Boston, Mass., lnU 6. Viscount 8tatementrecelved here sari: Amsterdam, July 6. Mohammed July "A HoaHim avaeiAL . Ishil, Japanese ambassador, speaking detachment of our torpedo boat VI was proclaimed sultan of Turkey jmiiwm uun ariMi, FORECAST. encountered a superior in throne room Washington, July 6. Moving plo today at a luncheon given by Mayor enemy torpedo the of the Top Kapu 251,000 Americans tu re are classed as Andrew J. the BY WORKMEN force on July J. a violent engage- palace according players "legiti- 6. . Peters, declared that yesterday morning, mate Denver, Colo., July For New ment occurred at short A theatrical performers," In 'an Mexico: German emperor was responsible for range. large to a Constantinople dispatch received On Line order announced Sunday and Monday generally enemy destroyer was set an- Fighting today by Provost not much In the "yellow peril" In the United States, afire; here. , Marshal General Crowder, and ..draft fair; change temperature. other was severely I The of V occur- 1 Arizona: and and for an extensive I damaged. The burial Mohammed In Europe July boards are directed to consider such Sunday Monday enemy retired coffin . not tn tem- propaganda campaign In Japan. Two lav monin wiaii swiftly. red later, the being transported players, musicians and all skilled erally fair; much change mini aneii lum "Our vessels were little - . at Toklo, he he told N. II., ,8. The damaged. from the palace to the masque of Car MuaHAt mciAi uuaso wmal persons employed In creation- aMd perature. years ago, said, Manchester, July La few men were hohih the American ambassador he thought strike of operatives in the AmoskeagJ slightly wounded." Ejub by motor boat The new sultan Washington, July 6. American presentation of moving; picture pro' outside Influences were work cre- cotton mills was 6- - followed the burial In his steam on the ductions engaged In productive em- . Local at to and Stark settled party troops actually fighting ' report. To Hulld Two , in about 1 num- ployment. ;.. ate unfriendly feeling between .Japan aay on terms similar to inose arranged Baitlcahip. yacht lines Europe July 'This mostj moot A of local weather condl. but was not In case of Lowell Washington, 6. Two of the bered 251,000. to in- settles the queetttn summary and America, that he then the the strike yester July according of the status of the moving . Hons for twenty-fou- r ended to ' thousand ton : au- Pciii-- Gen- picture the hours tn a position state definitely the day, the. manufacturers agreeing to forty battleships Treaty Adopted. formation given today by Indusry under the work or Or- Max- con- 6. of fight at t p. m. yesterday follows: name of the person he suspected. pay the Increase of 15 per cent of thorized by congress will be Amsterdam, July The Ruman- eral March, chief staff, and der. Players, musicians, photograph- imum temperature, 8 degrees; mini- The ambassador Insisted that Japan wages ' demanded by the strike. The structed at the Brooklyn navy yard. ian senate has adopted the German other members of the war coun- ers, mechanics ' and others nauiaa'icy mum, range,; 24; temperature at Would fight with the allies until inter- - Increase will be paid- - frbm June 17., Secretary Pemlel. U was learned to- peace treaty, according to Bucharest cil at their weekly conference to productions will bold their p li; ' mil- p. tn, S2; south wind; partly cloudy; .national Justice and democracy had union leader guaranteed not to. call day, has approved the : building of advices! The vote it Is added, .was with members of the senate ent classifications under the i t pwc'plUttoti, . : peQ ests.BHSJieo,, - mother strict during the war. waya at that yard, unanimous. j itary committee, . ;ii rib Mi .niiafeijii

TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal. Sunday, July 7, 1918.


w- I NO. so. .. a- , sjJi r, REPORT 'OF THE CONDITION OF ; '' n at The Mrst' Sa Trust Company At Albuquerque, 111 the State of New Mexico, at the close of business on June 29, 1918. ' UESOrRCF-S- . Loans and discounts (except those shown on (W $1,105,118.12 Total Loans $1,105,118.12 t ... XJ. S. Bonds: , U. 8. honds owned and unpledged. ... i 8.800.00 Total U. S. bonds i.. 8,800.00 23 Stocks,i other than Federal Reserve Bank , stock 10,633.71 Furniture and Fixtures 6,478.10 Ileal estate owned' other than banking house.. 61,537.31 The most exclusive and complete stock of furniture, s- -t She Net amount due from National Banks 163,691.19 163.691.19 te on In same town up-ti-da- in style and periods fresh and direct from Frrr Other checks banks the city or i3 on the' floors our as. reporting bank 5,409.60 mi'ij and factories displayed of Outside checks and other cash Items. 3,615.91 store. Fractional currency, nlckjps and cents 198.20 3.814.11 Coin and currency - 67,064.50 Miil:o;:.rn.v. Walnut, CuMi-i- i or Iiriita Dining Tallies, Sl.andlu Other assets, if any 72.03 Fumed Oak.1' Buffets. China Closets, Library Tables. Total $1,432,618.67 Ivory nrosscr. Chiffoniers 1 ...... ;.,. wood i Kai'lii'ii and Icy Fiber ' i LIABILITIES. lint! Dressing Tables. Room Living Furniture. In 5 , cir In or Capital stock paid $ 250,000.00 Single Suite. Ijcutlirr. TaH'Mlry Velour, fund . I$ra:.n Scaly Mill-ra- n Surplus .., 60,000.00 Beit, kapoek Draperies. Undivided profits $5,386.88 5,386.88 to Our moderate for cash at- Individual deposits subject check ...... 120.073.03 prices place comfort and Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days 45,638.50 Ot. Cashier's checks outstanding ...... 17,638.01 tractiveness within the reach of everybody. State 38,343.81 deposits ' i County deposits ' 26,612.84 Total of demand deposits, Items 27, 28, 29, i 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 , 247,306.19 Certificates of Vorco on deposit 207,501.09 The lirilish lioya.; Air bulloonp are the eyes of the artillery Other time deposits 647,394.54 the ground. They direct the big guns which hammer the Ruche lines. Total of time Items 85, 36, 37 754,895.63 Brothers Koine bent work of war Is done men who in deposits. Strong of the the by the go aloft Trust funds 25,029.97 THE PIONEER HOME FURNISHERS must often to save lives 25,029.97 these baskets. They Jump with parachutes their Lills payable, including obligations representing an . Strong Clock. Second and Copper. from attacking airplane. money borrowed 100,000.00 100,000.00 Storage at reasonable rates in the largest and best Total Rois $1,432,618.67 3 i northern edge of the Fontaine ... . . - . State of New of Bernalillo, ss: h ... built warehouse in the city. . . In these concentrations there Mexico, County addition We, J. M. Raynolds, President, and C. S. White, Cashier, of the above was slight harassing fire on our front named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the about noon, July X. best of our knowledge and belief. "Tho enemy's airplanes were more J. M. RAYNOLDR, President. C. 8. 'WORK OR FIGHT' active during the morning than' at ' WHITE, Cashier. time the one i Correct Attest: AZTEC any other during day, ""Si fUEL CO. . J. M. ORDER ISSUED TO patrol of five planes being seen-ove- RAYNOLDS, our lines at that time. ' the A. B. McMILLEN, BASEBALL PLAYERS During G. L. ROGERS, " night bombs were dropped in which Directors. to appeared to be an attempt explode Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th of 1918. .! my SPECIAL 1 D day July, journal CASf WIRt out our ammunition dums. ' RAY C. BAILEY. Store your Fort .Worth. Tox., 6. Shortly Notary Public. July Roger before air combats occur- --4 sill ItornHby, star shortstop of the St. midnight winter's red. At 9 o'clock In the morning a " 0 next Iouis Cardinals, was today ordered German plane was brought down by by local draft board No. 1 to engage Rout in in an essential or be Americans Germans an ailied machine over the enemy's Coal Now. occupation were oldon placed in class one-- of the draft. He cle la lines Enemy working parties the Bois Roche; Yank Jen-li- s, is the first major league player to re- hoard at. Intervals n';;ir Chateau Fontaine Sous Mont-didi- er JinuA Phone . . 251 ceive a "work or fisht" notice under Gunners Score Several Hits Montdidier, the new ruling of the provost marshal and other postions. Our artil- general. This Is llornsby's home. on Ammunition Dumps. lery apparently registered directly on BRITISH i -- oV r,tt CASUALTIES Germa ammunition dumps. Salt Lake City, Utah, 6. Mem- Honvy Machine (inn Fire. July RV HORNtNIX JOURNAL .RCCIAL LCA.KO WIREl DURINGWEEK, 17,336 bers of tho Salt take and Sacramento "In Lorraine from noon June 30 tempts to assault our on Dciiiihioy Knocks out as of sec- ..O .V July 6. Tho Germans patrols Flyiin. chief the Industrial relations Washington, to noon 1 was Monte y, baseball teams of tho Taclfic Coast Do La July there unusiffilly Corone failed. Atlanta, Ga., July 6. Jack Demp-se- tion of i fled in disorder from the Hols ' the aircraft production bureau, lav morninc, jovmia rrecial racko . i league, who are within the' jurisdic- heavy machine gun tiro and rifle lire "Our aviators were very active in Salt 6. Roche to the Rois lies Uochets be- Lake City heavyweight, was de- London, July Britten cnmi.tltlca fire be- announced today by the war tion of draft boards here and who are fore the American on our lines. The machine gun bombarding enemy troop centers knocked out Dan (Porkey) Flynn of reported during tho veck ending to- of draft age, were notified beforo the charging infantry doubled in the of 24 the lower Piave. Two partment. .He succeeds Charles P. during the operations in tho vicinity space hours, yond enemy Boston, in the first round of a sched- reached, an. or 17,836, opening of today's game to t in the German were down." uled ten bout Ncilli chairman of tho railroad board 8fiU29 day aggregate appear of Vault last Monday and , Tuesday, originating largely airplanes brought round here tonight. The The losses were divided f'lllows: before the boards Monday morning com- position opposite BadonvIller. The round Was about offer wheft of adjustment M.P. 1., nj show General Pershing reported In his halt" Killed or died of wounds: and cause why they should not received enemy's artillery fire was light and Rome, July 6. " days of Dempsey sent a left hook to the stom- iffircrs, in an essnnlial or munique for yesterday, today 140; men, 2, BBS. Wounded or engage occupation at war Bca tiered, consulting mainly of small uninterrupted struggle," says the late ach followed by cross to the Jaw and Retired Banker Is Dead. missing: be In one-- selec- the department. KV. placed .class of the and the use official communication, "the enemy Officers, 413; men, 14.1 The statement follows: caliber shells, including Flynn took the count. EI Paso, 'Texas, 6. A tele- tive draft. The order was read to all of some and gas. was completely driven on to the left July and none received "Section R: Concerning the opera- shrapnel gram was received today from Gor-ha- These special Instructions. "Our were vory successful bank of thoTiew Piave after- IS- figures show. a considerable tions of our troops in the vicinity of patrols Saturday GITCHELL NAMED Maine, announcing the death off in of in information noon." A. falling the rale British Vaux, 1 to 2. it is stated gaining of J. Cloudman, a retired banker i To Lignite. July July 1 ON AIRCRAFT BOARD ualtles repor'.td an .compare with Investigate tiiat the fled In disorder from "In the Colmar sector on July "The recapture of all the coastal and mining man of El Paso. Ho own- 6. A bill intro- enemy zone ed at Steins 1 those of week after week during May Washington, July the Rois Do La Hoche to the I'.oisDes there were no developments of note, between Capo Sile and the Plave, mining properties Pass, V 1 N. M. He was 65 and June. duced by Senator Cronna appropriat- Rochets. Hand to hand was conditions being In every case nor- wliich the enemy had occupied and MORNIN JOURMAL SPECIAL LKABEO WIRf and Lordsbudg, secre- fighting of age and was director in a ing $1MI,000 to bo used by the So was mal. An amusing example of German held Binee November, brilliantly Washington, July 6. Appointment years 1 of short duration. effective leading El Paso bank. tary of Interior to investigate the our fire that communication propaganda, designed to induce our crowns the victory gained by us in of Maj. B. H. Oltchcll, national army, not artillery THE HAT SHOP practicability of utilizing lignite between German battalion and regi- n.en to surrender easily, was found. the first great battle of our recovery i only as fuel, but In the production of mental headquarters could bo main- "'Soldiers of the U. S. A. say that and enlarges the zone of protection Will close July 15 for remodeling. fuel oil, gasoline and other tained only by a ."Ingle messenger dog. we kill prisoners of war or do them for Venice. We have fifty new hats which must was passed today by the sen-at- p. a other harm. Don't, be such green- "Alogether since the 15th of June i be closed out beforo that date. Come "Intense machine cn fire and Clcrem-bcau- ts horns! How you smart Americans 523 officers, and 23,911 other ranks In and out a hat and we will make heavy . bombardment of the pick believe such a silly things.'" have been made We also the price irresistible. Mrs. I II. Cham-borll- n, wood preceded the German prisoner. i 63 63 103 South fourth street. Journal Wants Brina Results countor-ottae- Some gas was usod. captured guns, trench mortars, Hostile airplanes dropped bombs. One 1,234 machine guns, 3,700 rifles, two was brought down near Torcy, airplanes, 5,000,000 rifle cartridges, thousands of shells ot all kinds . flcrmaim Gnu Shells, many OFFICIAL STATEMENTS in- "In this sector between the evening and a large quantity of telephone REMEMBER ALWAYS THE our artil- of July 3 and July 4 activity on both struments and .recovered Bides greatly decreased. Tho enemy leries and material, which in the ad- shelled wood wilh gas during AUSTRIAN. vanced zone had to be abandoned RED CROSS the morning and nut down some ha during tho first phase of the RED CROSS This Is the ' rnssinir and interdiction fire. Our IRRCCIAL OI.RAT-- H TO MORNING JOURNAL! own batteries maintained a continuous Vienna, July (i London). To- Goodyear Machinery (via To Take a W In All - BUY harassing fire, apparently destroying Austrian official statement Junketing Trip. la. Our Krimlr Work.- W Offrr i WAR SAVINGS STAMPS day's . 6. Chairman I'rlEf-- to Bf.v or Olrl Bringing In Mn.1 wmK i an ammunition damn In Kterpilly and reads: Washington, July KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING WITH LOYALTY afire It was Padgett and other members of the CITY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP i setting buildings. again "At the mouth of the Plave the ' notable that the activity of the house naval affairs committee will Krre fall and Delivery. fighting continued yesterday. On the Phone , , 209 South Second. enemy's air forces decreased while our leave on a battleship this month t 57. W. southern wing of onr positions, the of of the naval i THESE ARE THE SENTIMENTS more Amer- make a tour Inspection ' OF THE , owii became aggressive. succeeded in us back ican seemed to be successful enemy pressing activities in the European war zone. snipers our main in and a number of toward body. killing wounding "On the Ventian mountain front the enemy. One of our reronnolsance NOTICE i tho was nntpnlH rTtnulut n tr rt ft rnmnml and yesterday fighting activity for BAKERY limited to the artillery fire of both I will not he responsible any UNION lines two men, crawled from our front ' debts contracted by my wife, Vlcentitc v. Sides. Most north of Vaux to house Inside the ' -- everybody C.'de Marcs.. 1 at Koohots at "Karly today the Italians launched bringstheir German lines Rois Pes v . Kodalc 320 North First Street In Solar-ol- o MANUEL MARES. finishing to us. Why not 2 o'clock In the afternoon. They cap-tur- renewed violent thrusts the a German outpost of two men region and near Aslago. The at- You? Hanna & Master ' INVESTIGATE Hanna, Let's All Help Uncle Sam to Win thi3 Blood Massacre and brought them back to our lines tempts were repulsed." ' "One-To- n Twice serv- of Innocent Women and Children by the Kaiser and at 4 o'clock In the afternoon despite The Ford Economy Unit" Photographers. daily his Hordes by Food. Eat the the continuous fire of German snipers. BRITISH. used by Henry's Delivery. It makes ice. S a a c t i o n Conserving Bread that will "Our located alons the your Ford carry more and is the final Remember, ii i'f tropps " Help to Win the War and Stop the Atrocities Known 8 m. on 1, to answer to ." Marno at o'clock p. July jr MoRNiNa journal spreiAL LI. SCD WIREl the big question of economi- guaranteed. to 2 Only Savages. 8 p. m. on July experienced ft quiet London, July 6. Today's BritiBh cal hauling. i day. There was an increase In the official statement reads: - enemy's fire. "Wo captured a, few prisoners in Journal Want Ads bring result. Sicnalling Is Kxcosslvo. encounters lit. the neighbor- patrol ' '' '"l,J - ; i ' " . .... 5 i The continues , r ,., ,; enemy's nignallln hood of Ypres. . were Indica excessive. There several "Hostile artillery: has been active made our ar Villcrs-Bretonneu- i tiona of hits being by between x and the on tho ammunition dumps. :. tillery Ancre." , i, o One of these occurred late in tho even- ing when a largo blaze was seen In the sky and a heavy explosion heard ITALIAN from a point which had Just been i MORNINR LCARBB aRECIAl WIRB1, shelled by our artillery. 'Lator, In the lr JOURNAL was Hume, July 6. Italian troop after samo vicinity an occasional glow , seen and heard. Another ex- desperate lighting yesterday-- repulsed report:) Austro-- 1 060 of ammuni- a counter offensive ot the plosion probably another fnncHrinns In direction of Chis- - tion occurred nt the same time tha dump anuova, on the northern. Italian front in another locality, where a bright to- the Italian war office announced After -- light- was at first observed, followed Monday,' " .!' .1 i : f iommprrp directly. by a loud explosion.- - day, .'' " American, Italian and Further nssaultS bv '. the & "In the early morning ofJuly 2, vinlpnt AnsYro-Hungaria- we will be at our new there was still another report of an on the' Italian po French Bread Our were on si Hons at. Port di; St-lto- were re- -' explosion. guns playing ' this particular spot at the time and pu'.sod. Air ? PASTRY OF ALL KINDS the report, the smoke of which Im- The Italian statement reids: ; pjn d aroso, tho "On the lower !uf pressure' Your mediately high shooting riar' 6-1- ' Ak Grocer For Union Bakery Bread flames and the of cartridges is continuing firmly; rTesterday hav 18 r bursting 11 West Avenue 5 - : or Phone For It. Can't Be Beat. are evidence that this was still another ing broken up most of the stubborn Silyei ' munition dump. Still another large anpmv defennf. - at, avav Vardj we fi fire, accompanied by several explo- gained more ground' reaching the v was observed. This was proba- bank of the new Piave' from sions, right - PHONE 376 bly an ammunition dump struck by CriHfllo In Ihn rlvor TVlOUth More 5 of BENEDETTI French shells. v thanOO prisoners, Including six - -- , ANGIOLO Activity In Picardy. ficers, remained In our hands. n "In Picardy the enemy's artillery - "A violent counter tkffenlve' at- v V V,. Proprietor. fire was the only outstanding feature tempted by the entmv- - In th1 direc ' - -r .320.NorthFir.tStr large proportion of his fire was em- tion of Chlsanov ' was arrested.' i v Mr v- ...mW.,?,,,,., ployed in concentrations and our lines '"Renewed violent attacks n our ;f in the vicinity o( Cantlgny and the positions on porte Dt Salton and at--j .i. j ,.J2 ,, ... ,rrj if, .rJ(.:ii,a.ia...,-w- 4 i I vov. v! ifciMrf irj' ''iZ T'rV

1 Albuquerquei Morning Journal, Sunday. July 7, 1918. THREE wwmt' ,t FLIPS FROM THE F1LLUMS 1 : Automobile Accesssories AT THK THKATKliS TODAY. "II" ThwiU'iw-.Iesy- ,. I,. I.asky pre Bcnra vecii ii. ite Alille's production, AT WHITNEY'S All Straw ine nmsporlng Chorus; also "Cur and rent Events See tlio World." t't yslal Opera llour. lL "Piny Straight or Figh,7' u two-pa- rt fea- - NOTE THIS PRICE LIST , Panama I..K-- rfii us nun ;u)(, Her." o two-re- I.-l- comedy, an,)' "A Walloping Blow Out 3 each i line. Patches, in., .35 Ideal Tl.eaterUopeat'n ..Verft Blow Out Patches, 3 1-- 2 in., each .45 IWi the ' with Medium, Kitty Gordon as Blow Out Patches, 4 in., each , 55 inu mar: also the 'Happy Hooligan HATS cartoon reel. Lightning 1-- 2 in. Spark Plugs, each . ... .50 " mcaicr Franklyn Farnura Champion 1-- 2 in. each .75 In Spark Plugs, starring "Five Thousand 1-- Dollars Hercules 2 in. each. Reward;" also a Lyons and Moran Spark Plugs, $1.00 fX. 7-- comedy, "Had News." A. C. 8 in. Spark Plug, each ; .1.00 gp . Pawlimo- Theater Juno Caprice Everlock (Self will appear ns the leading eharacter Vulcanizing Patch) ....1.00 in "Blue-Eye- d Mary:" Goldwvn pre- Sementol Radiator. Cement .75 sents Bill 1'arsons in Hill s liaby." Johnson Carbon Remover " .65 AT THI3 "11." ' (fbir Valve Grinding Coumpound v .40 'Ml Embracing In its oast a - notable ar- Johnson Oil m av of screen players nml nnf..i.iin Stop Squeak w .....40 a of In story intense dramatic Interest-"Th- Spoktite 1.00 Whispering Chorus," a special H. Golden Star Body Polish .75 Cecil Ue Millo producUon for Art. craft will be the feature at the "B" Battery Testers '. 1.00 theater today and tomorrow. Ths Tire Gauges 1.25 photopiiiy is bused up,m the hingazine story by 1'erley Moore Hheehnn and Ford Wrench Set 2.00 the scenario is by Jeanie Macpherson, Ford Socket Wrench ; .50 the, famous author o numeron, Art- - craft pictures starring Mary I'ickford, Basline Autowline 4.50 Geraldine Farrar and other notable Carbon cinema celebrities. Scrapers .30 Guarantee Co. The story is of unusual strength" cf JUNE Bearing Scrapers .65 Clothing conception and Its CAPRICE development mas DIRECTION FO - Valve Lifters w . .65 terly throughout. The central idea is waUAM ...... one or on the Valve Grinders .30 part of an Pastime erring husband who to At.lho Today nml Toiimhtow, ' prefers death Canteens, Oils, Water Bags. . sacrmcmg the happiness of the worn art who once was hiH wife. The ne Just the she tlon is way dreamed It would. rapid, the Interest of that inal- - In connection with the above uy wnich as pat grows each succeeding rons of the Pastime will be treated to ,H umouieu, anil its heart appeal a comedy, "Bill's Baby." is irresistible. In the various roles ar0 screen Hardware Co. prominent stars, Including Whitney Kathlyn Williams, NEW MINE PROMISES TO R. F. MEAD, Elliott Dexter, Tully Marshall, James Manager iNeiu aim many others, all of whom are BECOME RICH PRODUCER Phone 76. faimUon n.:il. I - 307 West Central .iu lovers oi Paramount and Artcrart pictures. Ernest B. Garcia, and There will also be secretary, shown a reel of Frank M. Gomez, treasurer of the St. "Current Events See the World." Patrick Mining company, will leave JOINT INSTALLATION Robert Laws; vice grand J. F, Wenborne; Tuesday morning via automobile for AT THE 'IDEAL. secretary, J. J. Votaw; treas- The Steeplerock, N. M., where the hold- HELD BY TRIPLE LINK feature at the to- Tor-re- y; Ideal theater ings of the company arc. While there urer, T. F, Kings; warden, Ed D. day for the lust time will bo Kitty AND HARMONY LODGE W. Cordon In they will make arrangements for the conductor, J. Bartlei chaplain, ."Vera, the Medium," an of a car of adaptation of Richard shipping high grade cop George Dent; R, 8. 8., Guy Bumner; Harding Davis per ore to the El Paso smelter. A of famous novel of the Joint installation of officers L. S. P., Charles Passmore; R. 8. to SOLDIERS SHOULD KEEP same name. This The St. Patrick mine is In Is the first situated Harmony Lodge No. 1, I. (). o. F., and N. O., If. W. 8ha.w;,L. S. to N. G., J. ALL production by the great the Steeplerock district and TRADITIONS English ns mining No. 10 Kerra; R. S. to V. G., T. T. L. INSURANCE PAYMENT UP I BE j beauty the head of her adjoins the famous Carlisle mine Triple Unk Lodge of the Wells; ALERTJ own film 8. to V. G., W. W. Whltesell; O. J. corporation and Is expected which has. millions of dol- was held at Odd Fellows hall a., win tier Hundreds of produced U French; I. G., W. H. Foster. ,! Soldiers to homes thousands of lars and vast of high grade Friday night. Past Grand Master Joo returning their w . quantities No. 10, The engineer Is in need of aamircw.. copper. The was discovered Whlleslriea was Installing officer for Triple Link Lodge Rebekaht after discharge from the army be corps mine by Jessie noble II. S. ARMY FOR 4..c mury ueaiR in a Highly dramat- one of the Odd Fellows and LMstrict Dep- Past grand, Clifford;' cause of disability, should not allow certain skilled men who will be al ic fashion Albuquerque's veteran miners, with the lure of women and the late F. G. uty President May Whitosldes grand, Flora, Scherer; vice grand. their life Insurance to lapse for non- lowed to volunteer their the O'Bannon, many years Leona ' through folly of men and affords the star ago, but so was Mr. O'Bannon's acted as Installing officer for Wenborne; secretary. ,,Anna payment of premiums. Such was an boards to' an great up and including the 17th opportunity to wear dozens of as- faith In his mine that he lived and the Hebekahs. A coincidence of the Anson; treasurer, Emma' Washburn;, announcement yesterday of the legal tounding gowns warden, Maude Bland; MAINTAINED - of this month in the following occupa- and to make the most died In the hope of realizing a Installation was the Installing of J. F. conductor, advisory board in Albuquerque,- of her big Maude Dirlndla Vo- 10 tions: remarkable dramatic talent. fortune from It, rather than take In Wenborne and his daughter, Mlm Torrey: chaplain, During the time the men were In Besides R. S. to N. G L. 8. the above there will be also a partner or have the mine Incorpo- Leona Wenborne, in the offices of the taw; Sarah Vann; the service their insurance Auto repairmen, axemen, black- to N. 8. premiums repeated the "Happy Hooligan" car- rated. Recently, however, the mine same rank f the Odd Fellows and O., Mary Rogers; R. to V. G., were taken out of their salaries smiths, boatmen, bridge toon - L. S. V. '.ft carpenters, reel. has been and If the respectively, lee cream was Nancy Shaw; to G., EllzaTseth When leave the army, however, cabinet makers, construction foremen, Incorporated, o. Yankees Their Bap- - they engineer's report may be taken as a served after the business session. Fol- Griffin; O, Eva Griffin; I. Q, Anna Undergo they are to to make the pay- cooks, draftsmen, clectriciuns, caulk- AT Ft: required TIIK LVIIIC. guide It is safe to predict that the lowing are the officers installed: Griffin. tism of Fire South of ments themselves. A number of sol- ers, concrete foremen, concrete The new Somme Franklin Farnum Blue-'min- e will develop Into as 1)lg a pro- - Lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F. diers, according to one member of the workers, gas cnginemen, station- Harmony birds, "l 5.000 la adapted Hucer as the Carlisle. Past Otto Scheer; noble Journal Wants Bring Results and Like Fiends board, have1 returned to this ary enginomen, Iiorse-shoer- s, grand, grand. 'Fight district farriers,' nom in magazine story, "His Arca- '" and forgotten to keep up the premium lithographers, machinists, bu- dian Wife," which was : British Officer, written by Says payments on their life insurance poli- glers, photographers, pow-derme- n, Charles plumbers, Wesley Sanders, and appeared cies with the government and thus are in All-Sto- qunrrymen, riggers, saddlers, the magazine. now without Insurance. shoemakers, surveyors, team- Many IV MORNIHQ JOURNAL PKCIAL LEAHO WINK tftilors, patrons of the Lyric The board and sters, theater have With the British In legal advisory the telephone operators, (imbermcn, doubtless read this interest- Army France, home service of the Red extremely Friday, July G (by the Associated department topographers. ing drama. The management takes Cross, whose headquarters are in the Those who in Press). All the traditions of the registered on June , pleasure Informing these readers federal will furnish the soi-die- United States army for valor were building, 191S, nre eligible for this service. as well as all others In town, that information regarding this mat Time expires 17, next "$5,000 Reward" will brilliantly sustained yesterday in the ter free July be presented successful attack made against the upon application. LOCAL HOARD. 'J here at the Lyric today only and that Hermans south of the River Somme, the picture presentation Is even more when for the first time American In- absorbing thariwas the orlclnal nmir. the f.nd v took their stand beside paid supreme price yesfcrday, MAN azino story. fantrymen the men the United States exar t- - IS INSTANTLY their British cousins and frpm There will also be a . fought ed a heavy toll. presented choulder to shoulder with them very KILLED IN PISTOL Lyons & Moran comedy entitled "Had The Americans were nalurillv News." against the common foe. over success - happy last night the of DUEL It was. a baptism- of fire for the NEAR MANGUS the operation in which they had play- AT T1H3 PASTIMM. Yankee soldiers on this front, staged ed a creditable and the Austral- part, (PICIAL CORRKPONOINCI TO MORNIMtt JOUAWAI.) Smiling June Caprice will be shown cn Independence day and they came ians were no less with their on with pleased Socorro, N. M., July 6. Alheno the screen at the Pastime thf.- - through flyingr colors, fitting new-foun- d pals. Berela was shot and tomorrow comrades for the famous Australian and instantly killed tday in William Fox's at 6 o'clock aicst "Blue-Eye- d warriors whom were assisting. Friday night on a photoplay Mary" they of Frank Hubbell In "Blue-Eye- d "The Americans fought like fiends," eight miles from Mary" Miss Caprice CAPTAIN ATW00D IS Mangus. Later in the night Eteimo has one of the best stories of her ca declared one British staff officer. reer. Nunes, an employe of Hubbell was ar- It gives her a chance to display They did all of that... They were PROMOTED TO MAJOR urumauc mad and the folks at home he rested and charged with the murder. anility far beyond anything may she has attempted before. took 'in V MOKNI According to the proud of the part their boys JOURNAL PBC,At LIABKO WlftCI deputy sheriff who She is the shell-tor- n daughter of a man who, the valley of the winding , San Calif., arrested Nunes the killing was the re- Camp Kearny," JJlego, years aso, has been disowned his valley- of the 'Somme. They were 6. These and as sult of a g feud between by July promotions wealthy for "be- over which had al were the men. It is said Berela met Nunes mother, marrying fighting ground signments announced today: neath his Btatlon." father has ready been stained with the blood of To be J. D. to and after a short fired at him major; Capt. Atwood, quarrel made a failure of life and June, called 30 Minutes in thousands of soldiers, but no better command 143rd) New Mexico ma- Nunes Is to have returned Spend .( reported Mary in the play, goes to New York troops ever charged across the rolling chine Ho was the fire, killing Berela with the first gun battalion. formerly to effect a reconciliation. The grand- fields than the pioneers from the attached to this organization. shot. Ho was brought to Socorro and mother likes a American with this it is Mary but nephew who army. Along Second Lieutenant McFio, formerly placed in Jail. Yesterday morning he is scheming to get his aunt's the Six That Saves possible to make the cheerful state soldier in bond in the sum fortune, a the military police, but gave of $.1,00(1 for fixes on Mary the of attempt- ment that their casualties were very 158th his charge attached to the (Arizona) in: appearance at the preliminary ing to rob the, aunt's safe. Things small, according to the latest reports, since his to which set fantry promotion that hearing, ,was for next Sat- look bad for Mary but an unexpected Virtually the entire body of Amert was to M. C. rank, transferred that organi- urday. Judge Splcer was retain development comes into the story at understand how the Oakland cans came through unscathed. This zation ed as Nunes' Actually was today. attorney. this point and everything come out probably due to the weak resist Sensible : ance which the Germans offered to Six's unusual combination of the onslaught. scientific and Celebrated July Fourth. Jiigh power, light 'weight Yesterday's operations were specif staunch construction affords the Ically planned as a Fourth of July celebration which should bring the utmost in service with the utmost in Americans Into the British battle line " for the first time. American troopt v ' who were to take part In this memor savings. able, event were with brigaded their In construction It ., Australian allies, who took represents the deep- such est Interest In the forthcoming weld- complete fortification Actually get to know for yourself the i ing of the link of brotherhood .' The against attacks from within and . plans were carefully rehearsed until without . that owners . seldom quickness, activity, sureness,. strength, every American knew his role alirost come In contact with even the well and ease of this automo- as as the hardy veterans from common Uls of motoring. $1,050 family his majesty's army. bile it Few people along the front knew by testing on the road, in traffic, of the forthcoming event, but the over car hills. . British staff officers were watch! ng tracks, up every move with the keenest attention. Those officers today were outspokenly bad seen. delighted with, what they Touring Car $t,050 Roadster ...... , $1,050 The Americans 'went ' over the top Roadster Coupe $1,210 Sedan ...... with the Australians, behind blgr tanks, k. $1,950 . . . . Couk as though they had been doing the Sttdau (I'nlt Body) $1,550 (Cult Body) ....$1,50 same thing all their lives. Then game the clash with the enemy Infantry F. O. B. Ponttar, Mich. among the shellhole defenses and trenches under the gray light of the WEAVER-PORTO- R MOTOR CO. dawn. i early V piNtrlhutortt of Xuh and Oakland Mot i Americans Apt Students. of Cars There was no hesitation. For a iweek past the British ' experts had been dinning Into the earl of the Americana the words "kill! kill! kill!" ' L-l- ! It la the cardinal slogan of the fight- : t- - ing man, and while It Is not pleasant ff -i - T to dwell upon, yet that Is what war is. J OAKLAND The Americans had learned their lesson well. The British officers spoke of this after the affair was over. THE WHISPERING CHORUS" No drlllmaster ever got better returnn CfCILBiPEMLES for his talks than the one who taught AnAICBAFTftctur. these American this hardest lesson ... fL AU.T A great number of Germans At the "B' Theater Todij sjid Tmurruw FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, July 7, 1918.

flhe Great semi-AMMii- al Ggara.nce Sale) Opens Monday Morning July 8th A Chance to Reduce the High Cost of Living Cash TalksNothing Charged--W- e Invite Your Inspection A Real Saving Awaits rYou-The- se Prices Talk Odd Lines of Men's Shirts Men's $5.00 Panama Hats Men's Fiber $2.00 Hats Underwear Sale Price $3.50 25c Wash Sale Price $1.00 Are Included in this Sale Ties, 15c 10 Doz. Perfection Mesh Union LOT NO. 1 Sale Price...... 95c Suits, short sleeves, long legs, . . 75c Men's $6.00 Panama Hats Men's $2.50 Sailor Hats 2 10 Dozen One Button Union , LOT NO. Sale Price $1.15 Sale Price $1.50 Suits 75c Sale Price $3.95 Emery & Wilson Bros. Makes 50c Wash Ties Men's $7.50 Bankok Hats Men's $4.00 Sailor Hats 3 for $1.00 CLOTHING Sale Price $5.00 Sale Price $2.75 -- i Boys Long Trouser Suits, Nothing Reserved at a Uniform Discount of 20 per cent. (Ages 16 to 20 Years) Cloth Hats Men's Knox Sailor Hats Palm Peach Suits . . . . .$8.50 and $9.00 Men's All Wool Suits, Sale Price $20.00 Worth $1.50 lo$175 Sale Price $4.75 Palm Peach Suits! .$12.00 Men's Two-piec- e $15.00 Suits Sale Price 95c Any Felt Hat Cool Suits to $18.00 Sale Price $11.95 in our Hat case .$7.50 Men's All Wool Suits, Sale Price $15.00 Men's Two-piec- e $27.00 Suits Cloth Hats Choice $2.00 Silk Hats, Light Weight Worth and $3.00 Men's All Wool Suits, Sale Price $18.00 Sale Price $19.75 $2.50 len or Boys 35c Sale Price $1.95 NO ALTERATIONS MADE BY US DURING THIS SALE SHOES All $3.50 White Oxfords All $6.00 Oxfords All $7.00 and $7.50 Oxfords All $6.50 Oxfords Sale Price $2.80 Tan or Black . Sale Price $6.00 Sale Price $5.00 All Oxfords, $5.00 Quality, Sale Prcie $4.50 Tan or Black Sale Price $3.95 All Stetson Oxfords One Lot of All $5.00 White Oxfords All $5.50 Oxfords Worth $9.00 and $10.00 Newport Union Made Blue Bib Sale Price $3.95 Sale Price $4.00 Sale Price $6.50 Overalls, $1.50


man within a mile of this city with a ANNOUNCE CIVIL ploy of the Bethlehem was edi- Shipbuilding named Elam, who at the time as a class 11 hud SERVICE EXAMS. corporation first machinist. F MINE JUSTICE tor of the Ilichmond Whig. Elam LITTLE TALKS ON THRIFT Am Btill with them. criticized or attacked editorially 1 FOR are U. S. JOBS "Here a few Governor Smith, the father, and Col- facts you may find By S. W. STRAUS in me: I onel Smith challenged him to a duel helpful reclassifying am 29 Amtrican years old, have a IN Elam was shot in the chin. This is one FUND DRIVE President Society Jor Thrift The U. S. Civil service commission compound astigma- OF M. DIES tism and burn in the of the few political duels fought in m announces open competitive examin- gunpowder right ations as follows: eye, rendering It sightless. My teeth I the earlier history of this state- in and Waste of time is as are which blood was During fjlhe clothing. jnst List No 1. Examinations In which very bad. Have a plato for my shed, though many two bad as waste of food or' any other Have duels were text competitors are not assembled but are upper teeth. a rheumatic heart, fought. STARTS JUL! months many material resource. It would be a fine arm crooked REPORT ft ratel upon the of education, right from a compound . Governor William Smith (known an millions of example of patriotism for each person subjects fracture and have a bullet hole of his will who to voU training, and experience, and corrobo- IGlt Extra Billy) was at the time Americans had planned a vacation the head in the rlirht pur. on be their eliminate one week of it. The rative evidence. Applications for through election as governor, one of the taking untarily My wife Is In a with a new- com- and benefit of such action would these examinations are received at hospital two occasions, in the army, and a vacations, aggregate born Am In the Elks Will Move- it is that mean much to our in winning time: baby. employed ship- Widely mittee had to go to bring him to tuke Lodge Sponsor hoped country any building and was Colonel Thomas Smith, the oath of office. In the interests the war. Examiner of accounts (male) corporation placed econ-om- by the government. here This ment in New Mexico; Presi- of public y We are other forms of $1,800 to 3,000. Registered Known Throughout "It Is related of Colonel Smith that eliminating for exemption on account of the con- these waste with an entbusiam born of pa- Master computer (male) .$1,800 to Rich- while he was chief Jus, lee of New dent and Governor Approve idle- dition ot my wife. I tried to enlist State Succumbs in periods of triotic devotion. Why not eliminate the 2,400. Mrxlco he ordered a sheriff to arrest ness be thirty-tw- o times in thirty-tw- o differ- for will worst w aste of all waste of time? $900 to 1,800. of 84 a certain member of the bar, and thnt Program Campaign, as Computer (male) ent places between the Mexican bor- mond Hospital at Age curtailed The elimination of one week of our In when the sheriff failed to follow In much as Engineer forest products (male) der trouble and registration day, June ' possi- make the sav- structions, Justice Smith left the vacation would possible $1.8G0 to 3,000. 5, 1917, and on re- ble. Ordinarily million dollars in being repeatedly bench and arrested the him In order to raise funds with' which a vacation be as a ing of several railway Assistant engineer In forest products, was told service for me Col. "Thomas Smith, 84 years old, lawyer may looked upon hotel bills and miscellaneous vaca- jected army Mexico self." to aid n fare, $1,200 to 1,800. was on of chief Justice of New the Salvation Army work good investment of time a worthy this were (male) hopeless account my eyes formerly of thrift. But to the abnor- tion expenses. If saving List No. 2. Examinations In which I two and one time UnUed Slates France, a financial campaign will example in Bonds or Thrift alone. married days after reg- territory mal of war when bit man- placed Liberty are not but so no one with In Albu- 22 days every of our act of would be competitors assembled, istration day, can say I am attorney headquarters open here July and continue for can be obtained should be Stamps patriotism must be filed In power that i for which a slacker. And you refer to my mar- querque, died in a sanatorium FUNERAL OF JOHNSON two time In thus further shown. applications of days, during which those made available, we should look on it by the dates specified: rying since May 18, 1918, as though Richmond, Va., on the afternoon This is not in way a re- charge" expect to raise Albuquerque'B as a patriotic duty as an instance of any sweeping 30: it was a crime or to be June 29, according to Information IS LARGELY ATTENDED condemnation of vacations. The vaca- July Leather worker (male) per something part of the. county which Is patriotic thrift to either eliminate diem $3.75. for. However, you have ceived here yesterday. quota our vacations or cut them tion is not to be considered as an act punished account of his life $2,500.' The campaign is nation wide entirely But our standards of August 6: Deputy collector, inspec- these facts to proceed with. If you The following Approximately 125 employes or the down very materially. of thriftlessness. In Richmond newspaper and an .effort will be made to raiso are not what were two tor, and agent, antinarcotic act (male) stilt wish to "me, go to it. appeared a Santa Fe There are probably at least 40,000,-00- 0 today they 30: railroad were among those $5,000,000 in the United States bf nor what will be when $l,fi00. I am ready for the kaiser and all of Bunday, June in the United States who years ago they hell-cats- . who people his ." "Col. Smith was born in Warrenton, attended the funeral services of which the state quota is $18,000. from peace comes again. Blueprlnter () $728 P. normally take vacations running Pa., but In his manhood he went to J. Johnson at the Masonic temple T. J. Mabry, chairman of the War one week to two months. It is not The vacation Is a good gener- to 900. or thing in which southwest Virginia to practice law. yesterday afternoon. About ninety of Service league, has been advised possible to make an accurate estimate ally because it gives one a rest and List No. 3. Examinations He had hardly begun when the war the 125 marched In the funeral pro- the appointment during the coming of these figures, but even two weeks change which prolongs life and adds competitors will be assembled for between the states broke out a'nd sum- cession to Broadway and Central ave- week of committees or teams, ; and each for 40,ooo,(kx people would be to our efficiency. But the need of scholastic tests: moned him to the defense of Virginia. nue. From there they rodfe in auto- their captains. The drive throughout equal to the tiiue of several hundred man power is so urgent in winning the July 24-2- Teacher, Indian service Colonel Smith entered the army and mobiles to the cemetery. James J. New Mexico will be sponsored by the thousand citizens for a period of the war that there should be no let down. (male and female) $600 to 720. from the 'conflict with tho Heaney acted as marshall for the Elks lodge. In other states various whole year. Just at this time our The machine of national activity must 27: Forest and field clerk emerged the July of colonel. He was a sol- railroad marchers. other will sponsor the nation can ill afford this loss of human be kept running at top speed until and $1,100 to 1,200. rank gallunt organizations endeavor. war is no matter what Inconven- (male female) dier, according to his fume. The Hev. C. O. Boekman, of campaign in an effort to aid In the won, 30: Unskilled laborer (male) pastor We are cause to the individual. July ' ' After war Colonel Smith re- noblo crowding to.,'the limit to get ience it may ' ; the the First Methodist Eplcopal church work of' (he organization. The has be- $660. to law will our soldiers over to the fiirliting front. necessity of yesterday ser- turned to Warrenton practice officiated at the temple. Many floral The state chalrmun of the drive the The voca- August 7: Clerk, Panama canal a Their places must be filled at home, come luxury of today. month He was for years thereafter porten offerings were sent. Wreaths were fur- be P. M. IJenau of Santa Fe, a prom- and be with food tion is an vice (male and female) per state. they must supplied example. v tiiius factor in public life of the nished by the switchmen, by the bag- inent Elk. $103. Fau- He represented the counties of gagemen and ticket office force, the The program for the drive has been August 10: Railway mail clerk quier and Loudoun in the house ol freight office force, the Abajo office approved and recommended by Presi- (male) $1,100. one term. He was one- en- and distributed to soldiers declared it was a busi blanks delegates for force, the freight platform force ,the dent Wilson and also has been clothing good paying , Information and application time district attorney for the Territory store department, the roundhouse dorsed by Governor W. E. ' Llndsey. and sailors; 100,000 wounded soldiers ness. Recently Provas joined the army may be obtained from H. F. Fagan,-loca- l of New Mexico, having been appointed In The work will be handled In taken from battlefields In Salvation of was N. M mm and employes the machine largely and management the theater secretary, Albuquerque, such a Sub- ambulances. sailors by democratic president. and boiler shops. the same manner ns have previous Army Soldiers and left to Johnson. Other business or C. U Snyder, district secretary, became chief foi who Salvation inter sequently he justice The members of the Tem- financial: campaigns here and only dally attend the Army Post Office Building, San Francisco. of New and at Knights Silo, of ests, however, monopolized his time the Territory Mexico, who acted as were: small amounts will be requested from buildings total 000. A tdtal such It has been said of him that he plar pallbearers been in and he was unable to manage the lo S. H. Reuben K. each Individual. No burdens will be $2,000,000 already has apent You'll converted the from chaos and Busch, Perry, J war activities are in cal house, with the result that It was BAD EYES, BULLET Never territory C. W. A. E. Walker placed upon the people and the work and army huts lawlessness into one of and or- Snlvely, Potter, at can- sold. Johnson will go from Albuquer equity and Frank H. Barr. Burial was In of the committees, it Is expected, will operation eleven of the largest IN HEAD, CROOKED der. tr tonments in the United States. que to Jerome, Ariz., near where ho Bake Another Cake consist In the - Colonel Smith in a duel Masonic plot in Fairvlew cemetery largely properly placing has large and varied Interests. WOULD FIGHT engaged matter before he people. j. Pershing's luconle message to Ad- ARM, The is to be used to as- jutant General McCain of Washington, Pappini Brothers have, contracted tried these. That's what $5,000,000 for the same line of sfter you've sist In additional huts for, sol- expresses the opinion in which the sol- popular pactures There is one man, at least, under one of our customers told her friend. erecting as have been Bhown house for """ was diers and sailors In France and In the diers hold the Salvation Army. The at the the jurisdiction of the Bernalillo And she knew what she talking the past four years. Johnson and draft board who about, (or at first she waa decidedly United States, and to equip, maintain message follows: county apparently any baking done "The Salvation Is doing Giorgio Pappini have gone to Dcncver has some excuse for exemption. He skeptical regarding ioitfofe'PERUNA and operate them. Army closed outside the home. But why praise Sal- work American where they the contract for the recently was ordered to report to the some and Official records show that the splendid with army new firm. The was our baking? Try pies or- In in much theater turned board for reclassification. Irom the cakes and do the GREATEST HUMAN VITALIZE! vation Army was the first relief France, and appreciated over to the new owners The you'll praising. ', ' Friday. letter received from the roan it would I ganization to get In working order by our men." V "During the" winters of 1897 Was playhouse is well equipped and will seem that aside from a few physical - "over there". are the last to ask V.v and 1898, I- was so badly They continue to maintain the stand- defects the man is all He is aid "over here.'" high right. afflicted with catarrh of the head for ard that was held by Johnson and Pro- Willing to take a ran at the kaiser - Entirely recent PASTIME THEATERS and thought I must surely die Among the accomplishments vas." shouldNthe board decide that is best. from It. - After trying many dot of the Salvation Army are cited the SOLD TO PAPPINI His Pioneer man- letter follows: ', '' Bakery tors and all other recommended Cured following: 48 motor ambulances ' "I have a summons at hand which remedies made, known to me, 1 was 77 hotels for the FRIDAY TliO of Living. . ' ned by Salvationists, BROTHERS Joy was to me induced to use - Veruna. I was To life we muBt forwarded from Albuquer- : use of soldiers and sailors. 107 build- enjoy have good or- : fcv n. ; Prop. cured by twelve bot- health. No one can to que under date of. June $5.' 191$. balling, entirely using 217 V4 S. In U, S. at the disposal one reasonably hope tles of Peruna and one bottle of Mr. Wm. A. Hartniann, ings the placo'd The sale of the Pastltrte theater, get much real pleasure out ot life dering me to report for reclassification of the for war relied pur- of houses 7 Month First. Mreas. Manalin. Second St., Muskogee, Oklahoma, government the principal moving picture when his bowels are clogged a good on account of marrying since May IS, Since time, I have never poses, 190 huts at Boldlern' camps, 300 In the city, owned John share of the time and the poisons 1917, as it is for me that case. Read his formerly ty and Impossible been without Peruna. I use It for, thus describes his rest rooms, equippel wjh "literature D. Johnson and .Tumes W. Proves, to that should be expelled are absorbed to report In person I hereby make re- dur- In Into headache classified raids and a general tonic . .;" and 4,000 beds hotels Uuido and the system, producing to mall. I left Albuquer- Tell it through the letter. comforts, Fappino Giorgio Pappini, A few doses of port you ty ing Spring and Fall months and close' to centers for the was announced and indigestion, que MarchXs. on of the vltal-izer- transportation 118, request find ." Sal-val- yesterday.,j!rhe Chamberlain's Tablets will move the it the greatest human use of soldiers and sailors: 50,000 was not made p utile...... United States board and ar- quits are quick and certain, ' bowels, the digestion and shipping ; Liquid oc Tablet Form officers with al- strengthen rived in via govern- ' Army fighting Johnson and Provus ha operated give you to realize the real San Francisco Sold Bverywliere 4 of The .Re lied armies; IQOiOOO parcels of food the theater here for four"Wftrstad Joy Ot living. Try It, ' ment expense and went nto the em columns Journal, p."

- o Albuquerque Morning" Journal, Sunday, July 7, 1918. FIVE " k VI. The period for the duration of the State of New Jersey. County of Hudson, ss. I NEW TEACHERS ADDED Company shall bo unlimited. BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 24th 6 15 AMERICA TO GERMANY COMBS VII. The power to make and alter day ot August, 1910, before me, tha sub- TO FORCE OF SANTA In the Directors, but scriber, a Master in Chancery of New Jer- made by tire Directors may alvvaya be. al- aey. personally arpeared Frederick T. Fish- FE PUBLIC ESH00LS tered, added to or repealed by the atock- er. Secretary of National Starch Company, holdera the corporation mentioned in and which ex- Mi The Directors shall have power and au- ecuted the foregwlng certificate, who, being TAKE A HAND III LAST DREGS OF tSeSCIAl COMRiaPONDBNCI TO MONNINa JOURNAL) thority, with the consent expressed either by me duly sworn on his oath says, that he Santa Fe, July 0. Superintendent by vote or In writing of the holders of Is such Secretary and that the seal affixed t' to the la E. J. Roth of the public schools, an- of each class of the capital stock aald certificate the corporate aeal issued and trans- of said corporation, the same well nounced F. A. St. outstanding, to sett, aHaign, being today that Foster of fer or otherwise dispose of the whole of the known to him. tab Joseph, Mo., has b?en elected to' be property of the corporation. Tnat K. B. Walden Is the President of SLAV POWER said AFFAIRS? IS suc- de- corporation and signed said certificate IN principal of the Santa Fe schools, The Directors shall from time to time and afrixed aald seal thereto, and deliv- ceeding Miss Boeke, who will as termine whether and to what exVnt and at ered aaid stay what tlmee and and under certificate by authority of the Latin teacher. Miss Bernice Bowman places what Board of Directors, and with the assent of condition and regulations, tfie accounts two-thir- of Colorado ot In Interest of each class of tha Springs has been chosen and booke the corporation, or any atockholdera of said ' Milton of of them shall he open to the Innpectlon corporation having Our in By llmnnor. teacher mathematics. She formerly voting powers, es and for his voluntary Waiting Policy Regard 6. is of the atockhoiders, and no stockholder act and Washington, July Germany taught in the Pueblo high school. Miss shall have of deed, and the voluntary act and lust of her man re- any right inspecting any deed of said In the (Si to Action in Russia tapping the power Irene Hodges of Cadiz, O., has been account or book or document of the cor- corporation. presence Work Military serves, says Snm L. of deprnent. who thereupon subscribed hla the lingers, director oa In conferred Help Speed appointed teacher of the second grade, poration except by atatute name thereto as witness. Is Understood Have of, ihe United states census. And New Jersey or authorised by the Ijrectora. to to succeeding Miss Hazel MeCleary. Miss Dlrectora And deponent further says that tha res- ttogers ought know something The may designate from their olution of the Board of Directora it .be cause it is to Hedges Is a of the number and Executive Committee which ahall referred Of our and best in Come to an about his business graduate University to In aald certificate, a-- true copy of army navy by doing your very your End, on of Ohio. C. T. Phi ine of for the time being and to the extent pro- which, keep posted population figuree, Lebanon, III., vided have la appended thereto, waa adopted at a own line, I called his to by the and exercise of aaid Board of particular attention recent stor. has been chosen manual the of the Board of In meeting Directora, duly training powera Directors. coivened and held on Ihe 12th of les regarding the population of Ger- teacher and athletic director and Miss (he Intervale between its meetings. In the day ,3 Do not waste Help conserve both food and fuel. many. One said German propagan- of the business and affairs of AoKUit, 1910. Washington, July 6. America's Margaret Cooperrider of Brownsville management And deponent further says that the writ- dists were claiming a population of the Company; all acts of aald Committee to ten assent of J O., teacher of stockholders to the even now in waiting policy in to military instead of 65, 000. 000 as English. be reported to the Board ot Directora at its appended There are many ways for saving money regard 80,000,000, 000, foregoing certificate la signed by two-thir- times. Action in RuRHtn it umlpi'Rtnnri tn have represented in the lust German census. meetings. In Interest of each class of the these war ' ended at a conference at the The other said an American citizen's In case of an Increaae In the number of atockhoiders of aald today Board of corporation having White House between President Wil- daughters, who had been guests of LEGAIiNOTICES. Directors of the Company the voting powers, in person. an account with us. Directors shall have power to elect the ad- F. T. FISHER. Start Hindenburg's daughters in 1913, had State un- son and Secretaries Lansing, Baker of New Mexico. State Corporation ditional Directors, who shall hold office Subscribed and sworn to before me, tha of head the Hun leader say Germany's Commission of New Mexico. til the next annual of atockholdera and Daniels, Admiral Penson, chief was Certificate meeting day and year aforesaid. naval General population really 90,000,000. of Compariaon. and until their successors are elected. FRANK H. HALL, operations, and March, a t,-- t "I don't believe either statement," United si of America. State of The shall provide for the dlvla-lo- n Master In Chancery on Accounts. chief of staff. said Rogers. "It would not be as. of the first Board of Directors Into three of New 4 per cent Interest Paid Savings possible la Jeraey. There was ho announcement after for a nation so to its ceiv-su-s It hereby certified, that the annexed la classes to serve for one. two and three years Endorsed: camouflage a full, true and tranacrtnt nt the conference and probably will be reports as to deceive the world. In complete th respectively and at each annual meeting of "Filed and recorded Sep. t. 1910. to do so, would be Certified Copy of Amended Certificate of the atockllotdcva of the Company one class "8. D. DICKINSON, none for the but It was said order it necessary or be present, to make all the tables incorporaunn of the Directors shall elected to serve for "Secretary of State." unofficially that an important decision gear up. NATIONAL STARCH COMPANY, three yeara each, to fill the place or places STATE OF .NEW JERSEY had been reached. Kxprrts Study HpirM, (No. 950S. ) In the Board of Directors made vacant by . Department of stale. "For instance, census experts study with the endorsementa thereon. as um an. the retirement of the members of Ihe class t THOMAS F. MARTIN, Secretary of ili Urgent appeals from the allied gov- and compare figures giving the age peara on file and of record In the offlca of ot Directors whose term of office then ex- State of the State of New Jersey, DO of sex constitution of uie mate (.orporation commission. HEREBY that the la ernments for American approval and the population, In pires. foregoing First Bank and In to the death mar- Testimony Whereof, the Stale Cornora. The Board of Directors shall annually elect a true copy of Amended CVrlficate nf Inc- III The and Joint measures the birth rate, rate, the tlon Commission of the Slate of New Mexico Savings the disease from among their own number a'Prexldent, orporation of tha NATIONAL STARCH meet the German menace , through riage statistics, figures. It haa rauaed thla certificate to be tinned by one or more and a Chair- COMPANY, and the endorsementa there- Russia, have been before President is a pretty hard thing to doctor all Ha Chairman and the aeal of aald Uommls-alo- man of the Board of Directora, and shall on, as the same, la taken from and com- these so as to make to be affixed at the of with the filed In of- Wilson for several days. Until now, them come right. City Santa Fa elect or appoint from their own number, pared original my ; "And even if they did, on inia srnri day of July, A. ., 118. or otherwise aa the Board elects in each fice on the Second day of September, A. i'i there has been no Intimation comparison HUGH H. WILLIAMS. D. on :. Trust however, with figures of past censuses would at case, any other officers, agents or em- 1910, and now remaining file and of Company his Chairman. record therein. that he had changed position, jonce reveal a vast discrepancy. There Acting ployees. of hi? Atteat: The President Shalt have the general man- IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have based upon recommendations would have to be soma A N. M. accounting for EDWIN F. CO It D, agement of the manufacturing business and hereunto aet my hand and affixed my Of- ALBUQUERQUE, a successful h military advisers, that the absence of growth. Marriage fig- Clerk. of the to the ficial tteal at Trenton, this Twenty-fourt- feas- property Company, subject military effort in Russia was not ures would have to be decreased, CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF CER provisions of the and In the ab- day of June, A. D. 1919. ible. births would have to be decreased and T.IFICATE OF INCOHl'OHATION sence of the Chairman of the Board of Di- (SEAL.) m And of rectors, shall preside at all meetings of the THOS. F. MARTIN, reasons strictest se- deaths Increased. this would NATIONAL STARCH COMPANY. For military have to be done on such a scale as Board and of the Executive Committee, shall Secretary of state. crecy is observed concerning the exact National Wtaroh Company, a corporation be a member ex officio, of all committees ENDORSED: at once to arouse wide discussion both or toe wtate of New Jeraey, by Ita tn of Foreign nature of steps proposed by the allies. . prealdent and. the absence the Chairman of the v. at home and abroad. and aecrelary, doea hereby certify; board, shall call meetings of the Board of No. 95U( and allied naval forces now I. Com- Harvard Flier Writes Thrilling American "Of course it would be possible for That the principal office of the Directora. Subject to the approval of the Cor. Rea'd. Vol. s, Page 419. ore guarding war supplies both at the Germans to huve sturted out with pany la at No. K, Exchange Place, Jeraey Executive Committee, he may appoint such Certified Copy of Amended Certificate of trans-Siberia- n N. J , and the In of NATIONAL STARCH i Eve of Fatal Vladivostok, terminal of the fake census in 1870. To do so city. that agent therein. officers and assistants as he may require, Incorporation Letter on Trip figures and upon whom COMPANY, filed In Office of State Cor- and terminal they would have to belittle their own charge thereof, process who shall perform auch duties as from time railroad, Kola, against the corporation may be aerved, la to time may be assigned to them by him. poration Commission of New Mexico, July to show slow In every M. lof the railroad on the Arctic coast, empire; growth Registrar and Transfer Company. and subject to like approval, he may at any .', mm, S;io p. (Only, the day before his death on American troops resting from their line of human endeavor. Instead of 2. That the Board of Directors of aald assist- EDWIN F. COARD, across the which is reported threatened by Ger- time remove any auch officers or May 22, Lieut. Kenneth P. Culbert, turn in the trenches; or cut that, they showed tremendous expan corporation at a meeting duly convened and ants. In raae of lha absence or disability Clerk. til man forces in the Interior. sea-fari- the American sat down in the field to the hospital to realize that war sion of a commercial and held on the 12th day of August, 1910, passed of the President, hla powers and duties shall Compared JJO to MH. aviator, left as in all a resolution declaring that the change and devolve and ba exercised by a head- has its marks here race and boasted about It. upon writing room of his squadron laces. will Bhow foo- amendments In the Amended Certificate of Slate of New Mexico, State Corporation ; ji , "Various checks the of iti quarters and wrote the following them whhoui mourning over the cost; lishness of The Incorporation thla corporation hereinaf The Chairman of the Board of Directors Commission ot New Mexico, Certificate Must Invade Germany. this propaganda story. ter set forth, are advisable, and called a shall all of the Board ' of epistle. It will be remem- the results that are to is preside at meetlnga Comparison. Mr Culbert, That is the one big thing Great seeing only total area of Germany 208,780 meeting of the stockholders to take action and of the Executive Committee, and, ex of- United states of America, State of New bered was a famous Harvard oarsman Britain the United States will come. miles, or less by &",0M0 square thereon. be member of all committees. as. dis- and square ficio ahall a Mexico, in his college days and was no less never have to contend with simply There are so many things that seem miles than Texas. There is not 3. That a copy of said resolution of the He shall call meetlnga of the Board of D- It Is hereby certified, that tha annexed la tinguished in 4he class room. because will never be able but it's neith- enough and grazing land to Board of Directors ts hereto appended. irectora when he deems It necessary; shall a full, true and complete transcript of tha IS! Germany queer and inexplicable farming 4. That thereafter on the 24th of Au of (His epistle veritably has a touch to reach their lands and because er loval nor opportune to criilcise! I give employment to a very large popu- day art generally aa the Financial Executive 'Statement ot gust, 1910, pursuant to such call of the the with full power In his discre- NATIONAL of premonition so straight out from France has had to with that for the men In whose hands the lation. A large part of Germany's Board of and Company STARCH COMPANY put up only hope Directors, upon notice given tion to examine the accounta of alUagents, Designating ate, the dead hero's soul was It written. so lie realize lives in cities and towns. to each stockholder as In the by- Principal Office, Agent, m long a man's heart very readily Industries and preparations population provided officers and employees, and he shall have (No. 9507.) Culbert felt Prance the men at the front UoikmmiI Fucts. laws, a of the atockholdera deeply for and goes out in sympathy for the country that the lives of the Can't special meeting general aupervlaion of the affairs of the with the endoraementa thereon, aa same ap reader feels with him In his descrip- people of France. are dependent directly upon them, Twenty million more people than of the Company was held at which meeting Company, subject to the Board ot Directora peara on file and of record In tha office of ii! tion of the of France at and difference!, is the census would mean more than two-thir- in Interest of each and of the Executive Committee. the countryside How hard It must have been foi that red tape petty they'daim claaa Stata Corporation Cummlaslon. war. to the stabs more cities have. of stockholders having voting powers, It. said of the atock- in the them to see the were born hack home are Identical many big than they voted In favor of auch and amend That at meeting Testimony Whereof, State Corpora places they of "An Increased changes holdera the amendmenta to the Amended tlon Commission of the Stata of New Mexico (He calls upon America for in, and had lived in and loved, shat- of the Hun bayonets and the burst industrial population ments, and that with such- changes and Ui to man at the 20,000,000 would more Certificate of Incorporation of thla Company has caused thla certificate to ba signed by and complete that tered and the civil- the Hun shells the by produce amendmanta the Certificate of Incorporation as aet were assented to In writ- Its Chairman of destroyed, Why! we know were sell- of will as above forth, and the seal said commis- fewer may be- the broken women In in the trenches, at the batteries, material than they the Company read follows: a In of to affixed "greatly ians of France, the peasant (ront more we know ing by more than interest sion, ba at the City of Santa Fa .1:1 hearts as the result of the war and the countless little towns are or in the air. Men with Imagination ing and eat far than AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF INCORPOR each claaa of the atockholdera having voting oa thla 2nd day of July, A. D., 1911. nothing those were anil You ATION ' points out that the temper of the short of heroes. There's only one so- realizes that here's hoping they raising importing. powers, and aald written assents ara hereto HUCIH H. WILLIAMS. is work and act solely for can't any more conceal the amount of of appended. ' Chairman. people at home the biggest influence lution, one remedy, one sedative. chaps who NATIONAL STARCH COMPANY. Acting on that of those at the are soon gotten rid of! stuff 20,000,000 people would produce 0. That nine hundred and ninety-thre- e (Seal.) front.) Regardless of all errors we may precendent consume hide I, The name of the corporation la shares of the Common Stork and one Attest: Needed to Win. and than you can the "NATIONAL STARCH (993) make, of the pass- Unity COMPANY." and sixty-tw- o sharea rf the SDWI.N F. OOARD, regardless quickly people themselves. of Ita hundred (102) 111 all This old war is the most gigantic If. The location principal offlca In Preferred Stock of said ara Is- Clerk. By IJeut. Kenneth Cullicrt. ing time, regardless of political doubtless, would like to No. 15 corporation, I. business proposition that ever came "Germuny, the State la Exchange Place, Jersey sued and NATIONAL STARCH COMPANY Its hard to reconcile peaceful rural and Industrial obstacles, we must have that more to be Hudson New outstanding, And the more effic- many people City, County, Jersey, and the Nation- Statement uf Foreign Corporation. scenes with war somehow cows gather together the men and materiel along. obviously on cannon 1 name of In IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said run the human sorrow drawn for fudder. Hut the agent therein and charge cauaed Certifi- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES- with, which to the war Into Ger- iently it's less thereof whom the cor- al Starch Company haa this ENTS: browsing by the side of a stream, the carry don't believe she has them. I think upon procesa agalnat cate to be ita President and tta Thai NATIONAL BTARCH OPls man For Just as British and will come from it; and greatly fewer poration may be served is Registrar and algned by PANY a rt fragrance of apple blossoms in the air, territory. Bhe is down to the bottom of the Secretary, and Ita corporate aeal to be here- corporation organised and exist- In will be the broken hearts. out-th- Transfer Company with which aald National - and the clear notes of church bells are American civilians are a compara- remnants thlewenty-f.aurth,da- ing under and by virtue ot the laws of lha and heap, combing lust la ba unto affixed ot.Ati- " so and complete Starch company to registered. - - " - State of and to trans-- - in no way connected with the general tively safe position, are the civilians of her population of bearing III. guat, ltto. i few Jersey ds4rlng to the fullest extent sincere and per- capable The objecta for which the COMPANY, act Its business In tha State of New Max-1- " nation of warV" Yet one has but to of hated Germany. arms. If the war goes to that side la formed to on NATIONAL STARCH sistent are that we need. are, carry the trada E. B. WALDEN, Ico, doth hereby make the following state- tramp over the hill and see the tiny And It Is a fact that the which has the lust reserves, then or business of manufacturing, producing By ment In regrettable will con-tiau- e President. accordance with lha provtalona of de- Until we that France man-pow- and black crosses on the planes (which temper of the people at home is the get America's vast Is destined adapting preparing from corn or any F. T. Section , N. M. Statutes, Codification to see her towns crumpled to otner grams or and FISHER, of 1915: notes Hun bullet, holes, or shrapnel biggest Influence on that of those at to defeat Germany. t vegetables products, buy Secretary. men of allies will die Ing and and otherwise In Tha Ita' $150,-00- 0. fiom "Archies"), or amble along the the front. United Btates has the re starU walls, the selling dealing (CORPORATE SEAL.) amount of capital stock la In and the Huh will ring his starcn, glucose and dextrine, and any and and lha amount Issued Is country road and watch French nnd sources and for once we must agony RESOLUTION OF DIRECTORS. actually ' tap In token of new all derived from corn or $115.5(10. , damned "Austergochen" several mexico or WHEREAS, under the amended certificate other grains vegetable products; In office of the Tha character of the business which It supposed victories. The Hun may have and In corn and other of Incorporation filed the are Promoted buying dealing grains of State of New Jersey on the la to transact in the State of New Mexico made some strategical and tactical boys and vegetable products ond social Secretary la: he's never won a victory, and second day of May.l00, the authorised cap- gains, but AT thereof, ina, m,Murcs and Is 19,5110.000, con- Bale of producta made from Corn. come until hearts CAMPJ5EARNY, CAL of urthlcs and In con- ital atock of this Company The' for victories don't compounds ihcrfrom, of 93,000 shares of the par value of location of Its principal office tn nection thertwlth. Uiylru, soiling and feed- sisting the State New Mexico and wills are broken and the last drop $100 each and, of la designated aa he .ISSSCIAI. CORNHPONDtNi-- l TO M0NNIN4 JOUSNALI ing cattle; buying and selling iumltr and stata National Bank of blood has been drained. That or own WHEREAS, the total amount of atock Building, Albuquer- in Santa 6. New timber landa; purchasing erecting, Is 1115,1,00 que, and the agent upon whom pro- has never accomplished any way. Fe, July Among Ing and box now laaued and outstanding only Mexicans operating factories, cooperages divided Into 12 sharea of preferred Stock cesa agalnat the corporation may ba aerved The French soldier and peasant promoted at Camp Kearny and planing mills; and also to manufacture, la Owen N. a The British are to be officers this of the par value of $100 each arid 993 ahares Marron, natural person of full alike, are undaunted.. produce, purchase, adapt, prepare, use, Stock the value of $100 aga actually resident In tha Stata ot New in are: A. Howell sell or otherwise deal in any mater- of Common of par hurling the Huns back and dying week Corporal Joseph each, and Mexico, whose place ot abode la Albuquer- like the men are of Willard, who is made in ials, articles or things required for, que, K. M. their tracks they sergeant In or to WHEREAS. It Is deemed advisable that God we've come at last, A, 144th bat connection with Incidental of thla corpo- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lha aaid NA- and thank Company machine gun the use, and the authorised capital stock manufacture, purchase, $H0,-00- TIONAL STARCH COMPANY, haa caused with all the ardor of youth and faith talion; Corporal CaH A. Heed of Elida, In ration be decreased from $9,600,000 to sale, of, or other dealing starch, glucose Certificate of Its name to be hereunto subscribed ana) Ita in the of our cause, to our promoted to sergeant In the same com- Of corn and and that the Amended right put and dextrine and of this ba amended corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and links Into the chain that must never pany; Corporal Homer 0. Compton of other and products, and Incorporation Company grains vegetable so aa to accomplish that reault. these presents to ba executed by Ita Pres- be broken. Portules, advanced to sergeant In the generally to carry on any other manufac BE IT ident .and Secretary, this 20th day of or Im- NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, June, like to hear of Major same company; Private B. Allen turlng or trading business, exporting of Board It Is ad- A. V. 191$. Perhaps you'll Harry which can be carried that In the Judgment this Lufbory's funeral you undoubiless of Fort Sumner, made corporal in porting, cjnveniently visable that Article Four of the Amended NATIONAL STARCH COMPANY. on In conjunction with any of the matters of Com- By G. B. WALDEN, know that he was shot down, and fell Company B; Corporal William A. Poe aforesaid: to hold Certificate of Incorporation this court- also purchase, acquire, filed In the office of the SVorelary Prealdent from his burning Into a of made In use and of patent-rlght- a pany plane Denting, sergeant Company dispose letters New on May second, 1900, Attest: f He had done a deal in B; Jones of devices, ot State of Jersey yard. great Corporal Arthur Paul patent, proceaeea, Inventions, brands, be amended so aa to read aa follows: F. T. FISHER, Americans In C labels, trade-mark- a and other and uniting the French and Gallup, made sergeant Company rlghta IV. The amount of tha total authorlxed Secrutary. Jjf he was the of our and Jacobo M. of also to do and tranaact all acts, business Is One hun- (CORPORATE SEAL.) Z . greatest airmen Corporal Lujan Clayton, to or to or capital stock of the corporation on to and things Incidental relating, dollars ($UO,000). ENDORSED: . seventh the list of French Aces advanced sergeant in Company C; on Ita business as dred and fifty thousand convenient in carrying of shares Into which tha same Forelga , he had all the qualities of a soldier, Prlvute Cecil W. Hodges of Company aforesaid. : Tha number utter K of the First New Mexico national " Is divided Is Fifteen hundred (1500). and No. 9607. audactlty, fearlessness, persist- fii'.d nwif oonduut business In Of Cor. Reo'd. Vol. , , In corporation tha par value of each share la $100. said Page ency and tremendous skill every guard regiment, made corporal of other atatea or In and 1100 Statement of NATIONAL 4. COM . or foreign countries, capital stock share ahall ba prefered STARCH way, sir, he was a valuable man. company b the 144th machine gun have one or more offices out of the Ktate ot stock and 1000 shares ahall ba common PANY. Designating Principal Of Sea, Pictures I.ufsbery'e Funeral. battalion. New Jersey, , and may hold, purchase, mrrt-gag- e atock. Agent, etc.,' filed In Office of Stata Cor- As we marched to his Interment the fourteen members of the and convey real and personal propcity The Preferred Stock ahall receive quarter-y- poration Commission of New Mexico, July Among of New 2, 1:15 M. un was behind the moun- Hall out of the State Jersey. early dividends Ct the rate ot and not 191$; P. just sinking volley league at Camp Kearny, The Directors hold their and 1900. EDWIN P. COARD. tain that rises so in front of the 144th machine battalion may meetings exceeding t per annum after July 1st, abruptly gun have one or more offlcea and keep the oooks Such dividends shall ba cumulative, and It Cleric cool T ; was a faultless stands The comfort of the sky blue the 143rd machine alock div- third; gun of the corporation (except the' and the proflta of any one year declarable aa Compared JJO to MH, .,, and the air was heavy with the scent battalion seventh and the 115h mili- transfer books) outslda of the Stat of New idends ahall not be sufficient to pay auch of the blossoms on the trees in the sur- tary police eighth, these organiza- Jersey. dividends for such year at the rate of sis State of New Mexico, Stale The amount of the total authorized Pre- Corporation the Electric Iron can't rounding fields. An American and tions being composed of New IV, per centum Me per annum upon said Cummlaslon of New Mexico, Certificate ot mostly la One Hun French led the fol- - capital atock of the corporation ferred Stock, then the same shall be made Authority. . general procession, Mexicans. dred and Fifty Thousand Dollars l$ir,o,000) ot a until lowing close on to a band which play- up from the profits later period United Statea of America, State ot New The number of shares Into which the same la tha full amount of dividenda herein spe- Mexico, as. ed the funeral march and "Nearer My To la be told in words the board of historical service divided Fifteen Hundred (1500) and the cified without Interest, ahall haya n P'1 It Is Hereby Certified, that there waa God to In so la Of Thee" beautiful a way were reported today the following par value of each ahare $100. said upon tha Preferred Stock, before any divi- filed for record In tha offlca of tha State that I for one could hardly keep my new volunteers: George Roach, Plains, Capital atock (100 shares shall be Preferred dend la declared or paid on tha Common Corporation Commission of tha slock and 1000 shares shall ba common net of Stata ot eyes dry. Quay county, medical department; Stock. Tha balance of tha profits New Mexico on the 2nd day of July. A. officers E. stock. tha Company declarable aa dividends ahall I).. 191$ at 1:15 p. M. by Then followed, the of his Harris Van Horn of Roy and Frank The Preferred stock shall receive quar the NATIONAL, But try hs: and of own O. Greenleaf be distributed among tha holdera of STARUH COMPANY' a corporation duly rny and after of Albunuernue. coast y squadron dividends at the rate of and not Common stock at auch times and under us an assorted of Frenchmen Plo of a cent annum organised ailsltlng and by vir- group artillery; Qulnto R. Martinez exceeding per per arter juiy or quarterly) as may ba fixed by tha Board tue ot tha laws of tha State of New Jeraey. famous in the stories of this war. I'en ral, 1. 1000. .Such dividends shall be cumula- of Directora. a certified of Just make the to quartermasters' corps; George de- ropy Ita Amended Certificate) proposition American officers of high rank, and Roberts, Carlsbad, seaman, second tive and If the prof Ita of any one year Tha par value of tha Preferred Stock and of Incorporation and Btatement Elec- clarable aa dividenda ahall not be Sufficient shall designat- any woman who uses an two American companies of Infantry, class; Robert Turner of Roswell, yeo- accrued and unpaid dividends thereon ing principal offlca tn thla Stata, agent, to pay auch dividenda for auch year at the In the event of the dissolution ot tne aa See separated by a French one. man; John S. Mllllken, Silver City, annum alao, etc., provided by Section 102, Chapter tric Iron to take it away. How rate of alx per centum (SI) per upon Company and division of Ita assets, be paid Laws ot - slowly we seemed to inarch as third Milton F. ti, ioa. electrician,' class; aald Preferred Stock, then the aame shall In full before any aum whatever ahall be Now Therefore, The said Is what happens any of the we went to his before Otero, second be the of a later per- corporation r grave, passing .hospital, apprentice made up from proflta nald on account of tha Common Htocsa, hereby authorised by tha Stats Corporation : s thousands of housewives who crowds of American nurses tn their class. iod until the full amount ot dividenda here and therafter tire Commoe. Stock ahall ba Commission to have transact buslneaa In tha use them! clean white uniforms, and a throng of in specified, without Interest, shall entitled to the entire aasets remaining. Stata of New Mexico, and tha business la v. and French civilians! He was been paid upon the Preferred Stock, before Tha earnings of the Company In exceas such aa may ba tranaacted patients or on div- lawfully by given a full military burial:, with the any dlvdend Is declared paid the of Interest and sinking fun charges and corporations organised under the tawa of Common Stock. The balance of the net idenda on Preferred Stock may ba used in thla State. of ' Does salutes the firing Bquad, and the of the declarable aa of Ita Pre- this catch the eye of a woman who is two of one profits Company the purchase and redemption In Testimony Whereof, tha Chairman repetitions taps, answering ahall be distributed among the hold ferred Stock at such times and on such and Clerk of aald Commission have here- sick and tired of old sad iron and a me otner from the west, s General era of the Common Stock at such times terms'. as the may provide. unto set their hands and affixed tha aeal the hot, E or as pa fixed to ba re- made a brief address, one of LEMON JUICE quarterly) may The power to ill the amount of aald Commission, . at tha City of stuffy kitchen on a summer's day? the finest talks I have ever heard anv by the Board ot Directors. served as a working capital for the corpor- Fe, on thla second day of July, A. D. 191. man while The par value of the Preferred Stock, and ation is hereby given to the Directors, and tSeal.) give throughout all the dividenda thereon ahall be Listen troubles are over You us accrued and unpaid the to dividends from profits shall , HUGH H. WILLIAMS. I your phone ceremony French and American TAKES OFF TAN of the right planet also. In the event of the dissolution subject thereto. Acting Chairman. we deliver you the Electric Iron whenever circiea ine neiu. Company and division of Ita assets, be paid Ba IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a spe Attest! In all life ahall be ' ' my I have never heard In full before any sum whatever cial meeting of tha Stockholders of this EDWIN r. COARD. Clark. , you say right away. ; ; taps blown so as on that paid on account of the Common Stock, arM ComDanv be called to be held on Wednesday, beautifully ahall en- afternoon even soma of the officer Girls! Make lotion thereafter the Common Stock be tha 24th day of August. 1910. at twelve FKOPOSAL8 FOB CONSTIU'CTIOV Joined the Women there in bleaching titled to the entire assets remaining. o'clock noon at Ihe offlca of tha Registrar GKADE quietly The earnings of the Company In excess of and Transfer Company, No. 15 Exchange OF SCHOOL BUILDING. Then iron if skin is ve you wherever it's most convenient naoning at tneir eyes with white , sunburned, and divi- Trout and Architects. ,Cmt-urer- handkerohiefs. Interest and sinking fund charges Place. Jeraey City. N. J., fot the purpose of Trout, and comfortable France and United tanned or freckled denda on Preferred Stock may be uaed In taking action on the foregoing resolution. Building;, Albuquerque, New right by the window, on the States had truly assembled to pay a the purchase and redemption of Ita Pre- ASSENT OF STOCKHOLDERS. Mexico, July 1st, 1018. Sealed pro- last triDute to one ot soldiers. ferred Stock at auch times and on such terms Tha undersigned, being more than s Archi- -' porch, upstairs or down. . Get in a their posals will be received at the through My only prayer is that somehow as the may provide. in Interest of each class of the stock- tect's Office o'clock M. to fix the amount to ba re- Starch hav- until t P. of fraction of the time and do much better through some means I can do as much the of two Into The power holders ot National Company 30th, 1,18. thai work. Squeeze juice lemons served as a working capital for the corpo- ing voting powera, haying at a meeting reg- July for, furnishing as he for my country before I too a bottle ouncea of end In necessary materials and labor to con- wanaer west containing three ration Is hereby given to the Directors, ularly called tor that purpose, voted favor it tn that direction I am Orchard White, shake well, and you the right to dividenda from proflta shall be of tha changes and amendmenta to the struct, erect and complete the school to travel. v have a of the best freckle, subject thereto. Amended Certificate of Incorporation of thla building In accordance with tha quarter pint office addresses plana Do that NOW! (fulbert, too, wandered "west" on sunburn and 'tan lotion, and complex-Io- n V. The names and post Company as et forth In tha above certifi- and specifications, prepared and fur right the very next day.) at small cost. of the Incorporators, and the number of cate do now, pursuant to law, give our writ- nished by Trost and Trost, Architects. beautlfier, very, very shares subscribed for by ara aa fol- to such and amend- each, ' ten assent changes A certified checU to cent Your grocer haa the lemons and any lows: menta. equal t per store or toilet counter will aup-pl- y of the estimated cost ot the To Sell Land. drug NAMES, POST OFFICE ADDRESSES IN WITNESS WHEREOF wa have duly building Bute three ouncea of Orchard White for NUMBER OF SHARES OP executed or caused thla Instrument to ba will be required with each proposal Santa t. Commis- i SUB- as Fe, July Land, a few cents. Massage this aweetly fra- , COMMON STOCK duly executed this 24th day of August. 1910. a guarantee of responsibility of tha ALBUQUERQUE GAS & sioner R. p. Ervlen, MaJ. Fred Muller grant lotion Into the face, neck, arms SCRIBED FOR. NAMES NUMBER OF SHARES bidder.' Checks will he returned aa and A. E. Dorff will leave tomorrow and hands - each day and aee how Henry C. Everdell, 111 Fifth avenue, CORN PRODUCTS REF1N-IN- soon as the Cortract is closed. The N. T. City t shares CO.. W. K. Kings- la reserved to accept or overland for to sell more than freckles, sunburn,' wlndburn and tan Vlce-Pre- $ right reject Clayton Armltage Matthews, tl William bury. 155 shares or all A Of ,170;000 acres of state lands at disappear and how clear, soft and New York shares SEAL) any proposals. deposit Tea auction white the akin becomes. la street, City t (CORPORATE (110.00) Dollars will be for ELECTRIC COMPANY 10. , Teal It John B. Summerfleld, Wall street. Attest: F. T. Flaher, Secy. required on Wednesday, The land will -- tl July harmless. .. r shares 1 each set of plana and be In - New York City R. B, Durham share specifications sold tracts ranging- from twelve Jamea C. Young. CI Montgomery F Ti Bedford 1 share given out, which will be returned to one-ha- lf acres-an- and to 9,000 If la street. Jersey City. N. J. share! F. T. Fisher i , I share the depositor when the plans and Tell it the classified 1ST , 1 Phone 98. "At Your Service' expected that going on .1 million dol through Oenrgv E. Spencer, Amity St (i. M. Moffett share specifications ara delivered back to Re- N. I. - . I shares E. B. Walden share lars will be added to the permanent columns of The Journal, Brooklyn, ,1 the Architects, in good. condition. school funds of tba stats by tits sale. sult are .Quick and certain. Tota4 J shares mil 'Total IK il sharea JtturMl Watt Ada krtac ,, SIX Sunday,- - 8. Albuquerque" Morning Journal, July 7,191 " ' ' - " ' Succeed see there: determination to win and CIVIL SUITS May we Von Kuehlmann ME 'naiiy Can Have Peace. "President Wilson Yesterday made it cloa what we are fichtina for. If the karrfer and his advisers will accept WH FILED AS RESULT DEATH KNELL OF the WE conditions voiced S by the, president ELECTED they cat)4 have, peace with America, peace wi!h France, and peace with Great Britain tomorrow. 0 DEPORTATIONS AUTDGRA 'llut he has given no Indication of 111 an Intention to do so. Because he will not do so is the very reason we all Butler Auto are fighting. ALLEGED I. W. W. "What are we here for? Not be- Arrival of a Million American cause we covet a single yard of Ger- man soil. Xot because we desire to in Soldiers France Makes dispossess Germany of her Inheritance. Company Kaiser Realize That His De- Nat eeiuse We desire to deprive the Men Who Were Exiled From German people of their legitimate feat Is Certain, rights. ..'AVe are fighting for the great Arizona laid down Wil-so- Mining Camps July principles' by President

Demand fBV To 12, 1917 Damages MOHNINa JOURNAL SICtAL L...CD W!.I! "I am delighted to have seen these Supply Car Owners of With the American Army on the men liere hear the field of tho great- Aggregating $3,280,000, British Front, July 5 (Friday, 'by the est battle the world has ever known. Associated Press.) Until Germany' W$ stand hero, as a great American at the accepts the conditions laid down by Armageddon, fighting for GENERAL FUND RAISED TO Lord." . Albuquerque President, Wilson, she cannot have "VON" DEFRAY COSTS OF ACTION ZUXTCZt&j peace, and she can have peace tomor FINDING OF ARMY Admiral Von Hintzo, retired is said row if she accepts them. David Lloyd to be slated to succeed Foreign Min- George, tho British premier, gave this ' COURT SET ASIDE E, P, & S, W. Railroad, Phelps ister Von Kuehlmann. , message to the American troops train on British r.t a review Dodge Corporation and ing the front ' Washington. .Tulv n. President Wil er county and stale, to,w-i- t into tut today. son Many Private Individuals Tho arrival in Franco' of 1,000,000 has, ordered set aside the finding state of New Mexico. or the court in the case of Sec Named American soldiers had made the Ger- army Defendants, Demand 810,000 Damages. ond Lieutenant A. Ixigan Scroggy, in man emperor realize that his defeat reserve at "That by the wrong and injurs fantry corns, convicted was certain. Tho emperor, the premier Camp Lewis, Wash., of having claimed IIV MOHHIfe JOURNAL .P.CIAL L.A.B Wltttl aforesaid the plafutiff dam- sustained to bo first collected the C. One hundred said, had had many Illusions regarding lieutenant and Blsbee, Ariz., July ages in thii), that he, the said plaintiff, of thai: ciade. and sentmued of the war. One of these was that the salary and sixty milts, asking upward was by the ni t of the defendants as to bo dismissed from the army arid to An Announcenient new American troops would not bo The Miller Co. $3,280,000 as the aggregate sum of aforesaid, aken away. from bis usual serve four years' imprisonment at hard by Rubber of meeting those of Germany. labor.' "The Ihn fol dumages alleged to have been sustain- of domicile and residence, busi- capable tiresidenl inndn NLY e place reiterated one out of twenty-fiv- applicants at the meets Miller standards ed through deportation from the Bls- ness and vocation and from his fam- Premier Lloyd George lowing endorsement of the records factory Uniform were and relatives that the allies do not covet submitted to him: Tires can come in bee district July 12th, 19l7, filed ily, friends and prevent- forcefully V no other way than by rigid exactions unwavering policies.' Just so today iu the district court of Cochise ed from returning thereto, and there- a single yard of German soil and do "As it appears from tho records that careful are we in choosincr- Wo want rtnlir tVu-tc-A .. i 1. t-- county in Tombstonu in behalf of 160 by suffered severe mental physical not want to dispossess (ierniany of her the accused was Insane at the time of , fr. luetusnere.J I. W. and and was or the German the commitment of the offense 1 " ni.uiciiciiyur W, pain anguish prevented righlfu inheritance hey must be capable ofgiving you exceptional service just as MiUerTires are W. D. one of the deportees, from carrying on and pursuing bin people of their legitimate rights. Lieutenant Scroggy will be released exceptional Clear', from In I. usual vocation and business, all to his , 1 desire to con- arrest, but due to his mental Uniform TiresGeared-to-the-Roa- at present Chicago representing "General d One Motorist in W. W. in their trial there, and F. C. damage in the sum of ten thousand gratulate you on being in ioinma,nd condition he will be kept In such eus Fifty saVl. 'us be the war v Tires must as the men who build Struckmtyer, of Phoenix, are the at- dollars ($10,000). That theaet of tho of sin li u fine body of men," he tody may directed by vary thern Tires so uniform can never be" produced aforesaid was wanton and I see I am deport ment." vary. So uniform tires can be built torneys for the plaintiffs. defendants "When them glad they aie by uniform where quantity output rules. Picked men are e wllfil and in violation of the laws of on our side. men We solved this One hundred and fifty-nin- of the only, problem by training rare. If and Uni- 1 you multiply workmen increase after that plain- the state of Arizona of the Disappointment Kaiser. TROOPSHIP ASHORE: crack squads of tire builders. Each must you complaints, alleging source of meet variables. So tiff sustained be- ted States, and did deprive the plain- "At tho same time it. is a standards. our production is necessarily lim- great injury through im- to NO LIVES ARE LOST exacting ing suffered mental tiff of civil rights .privileges and great disappointment the kaiser, ited. Only about one motorist in fifty can obtain deported, anguish to him - the who ver He was liere science and physical hardship, ask for $10,000 munities guaranteed by quite expected you. keeps bookson every man's Milier Tires this of tenured his advisers that America tv monnjn Journal wind year. actual and $10,000 additional laws of the state Arizona and of the by prciai. efficiency. He is marked on every tire he builds v damage was so that there was no dan- Ottawa, .Out.', July C A Canadian punitive damage. The one remaining United States. pacrtic But more than that he is penalized if ever one If you want to be sure of Uniform ger of her getting in. He. has gone troop ship, the City of Vienna, has securing case, that of Cleary, alleges actual "Whereof the plaintiff prays judg- gone on comes back. Under this mis. Tires get a at once. the In the from folly to folly. His advisers said ashore. the Atlantic coast. All searching system pair Dont put it off. Our damage of $50,000, and punitive dam- ment against defendants the and tho crew were takes are few. Each man's limited sum thousand that all the ships would lie sunk and troops Rafely personal efficiency output compels us to limit a dealer's ages of $0,000 additional. of ten dollars ($10,000) removed. Official re is him and there would be no means remaining announcement 96 per cent. allotment each " Defendants named are the El Paso actual damages by sustained, the Vessel was made here to month, r A sum of ten thousand of bringing you across the uca. garding N ad Southwestern Railroad company, for the further not day through the offb e of the chief na me tms il nil ma OflOi n and for nunitlve "But you are here, a part of a tires champion regiment builds S9 out of 100 wear the) Phelps-Dodg- e company, Cop- tm press censor. It is Mining force of a few thousands, Hiut a part thought tho shir same under like conditions. Less than 1 I corn-pa- liamoges and for his costs .herein sus ever needs per Queen Consolidated Mining of a force of hundreds of thousands will be a total loss. adjustment nt tained. Phelps-Dodg- e Corporation, to for Justice and the freedom C. STRUCK fight C. and Arizona Mining company, "F. MEYER, of the world. Boston, Mass., July The rescue "WILLIAM B. CLEARY, by an American boat of 700 Shattuck Arizona Copper company, . "Chateau-Thierr- y the kais- patrol The Miller Rubber opened from the Co., Ohio Walter Douglas, M. J. "Attorneys for plaintiff." to mistake. Yester- troops Canadian troop ship Akron, corporations; er's eyes another of C. Wheeler, In saw Lity Vienna, wrecked off the At Cunningham, Harrjr day Paris, I your comrades lantic was MAKERS OF Charles W. Allen, James R. Hender- NO MODIFICATION who at Chateau coast, reported here today. OF fought Thierry carry- American uoat son, Ben Sam Franken-ber- g, And It ine ran through a Frankenberg, ing their flag. they curried thick foK to. fiftiller Dow-cl- reach the of Vienna Moses Newman, Grant H. l, EMIGRATION: RULES of the fact had City Red and Inner high, proud that they which went down soon ufter all hands Gray Tubes John Annuls, Arthur Notman, k, not lowered it on the battlefields of had been taken Off. Team-Mat- es J. E. Curry and Florian B. tBV MOftNIN JOURNAL SPICIAL L.A.ED WlMI Europe. The French generals L have The of Uniform 6. The depart- Tires King. , Washington, July talked to have expressed delight with ment of labor today refused requests tho IllSBAXf) WAS SKEPTICAL Inlial Filing Expcaxo $1000. fighting qualities of Americans.. (Montreal of bituminous coal operators of Ari- So advisers and kaiser! Star.) For Sale BUTLER "Several of the individual defend- the kaiser's the Mrs. Chinnwag was highly elated by AUTO COMPANY zona that emigration restrictions be mis- ants, Captain Wheeler, Wal- realize they havo made another with the success or the women s including so modified as to permit tho Importa- take. nt Phone 62. ter Douglas, of the Phelps-'Dodg- e , meeting which she had spoken and Fifth and Copper. president tion of Mexican lubor to work' in the "We arc she could not about and Lemuel Shat-tuc- k, grateful that you are here help remarking Corporation, Arizona coul mines. to of course not li to ncr nusiiann. of the Shattuck-Arl-zon- a fight, but you are president Mexicans will le admitted for for not "I was absolutely outspoken In my Copper company, were Indicted, only fighting only America, only railroad laboring und lignite for which has Buffered more sentiments," she remarked, "at the at Tuscon last May by a federal farming France, grand coal as officials than nation in world suf- meeting today." Ji on of to de- mining, emigration any the has "I can hardly believe it, my dear," THE JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. ry charges conspiracy hold that in in other lines liber- QUICK a United States citizen of his working fered; you are fighting for tho he replied. "Who outspoke you?" prive would compete with American ties of tho world. In faces alone constitutional rights in connection they your labor. we have a source of we Join tho Two-Hit-" Red Cross with the deportaton. great hope, Club, The filing of these Buits which has been rumored from time to time to be imminent, is said to have been delay ed because a general fund was being raised among the I. V. W. to defray expenses of action, which will be con slderabie. Adv:ces from Tombstone wee are that the initial expense of filing alone was $1600. The text of the complaint, which 1b Bald to be identi cal in each of the cases, follows: "Complaint, "The' plaintiff complaining of the Men the cause of Wanted above named for for defendants, action against said defendant alleges: "That the El Paso and Southwest ern Railroad company is corporation organization and existing under the laws of the state of Arizona; that the Phelps Dodge Mercantile company, Naval Reserve the Copper Queen Consolidate Mining company and the P.helps-Dodg- e Cor- N Wllr poration are corporations organized fit and existing under the laws - of the New Calumet algc state of York; that the and Arizona Mining company is a cor ppraion organized anil existing under Follow the Join the the laws of the state of ; Michigan -- ,s("Mt J Flag; that the Shattuck Arizona Copper .v l$r J TmI company is a corporalon organized li First Line of Defense and existing under tne laws of the late of Minnesota; that all of 'the abovt mentioned corporations were, at the time of the grievance hereinaf ter mentioned, and are now doing bus- iness in the tate of Arhtona, in Co- chise couny therein Your Co-operati- on Will Seined and Deported. . "That heretofore, on, to-w- the 12th day of July, 1917. the plaintiff was, and had been for some time prior thereto, domiciled In add a resident of the county of Cochise, state afore staid, and on the day. aforesaid, the do Hasten Victory fend ant s, and other persons to the plaintiff unknown at, to-w- in the county aforesaid, with force and arms, to-w- it, by and through the employ and are offered ments by the defendants of a large Many opportunities advantages force of about one thousand armed to See the world. Attractive service; men and with the design to take him, good men. the said plaintiff, out of this state, and information enlist wihout established claim good pay. Any regarding I having any or right therefor, did arrest and im will be furnished prison the plaintiff, and with force ment cheerfully at and arms aforesaid did thereupon car- ry the plaintiff out of said county of Cochise, state of Arizona into anoth- -

. Widow , . Is a. Merry Navy Recruiting - "Soon after my husband's death 9 years ago I was taken with typhoid I fever. Since then have suffered from stomach and liver trouble and consti I have doctored a deal Station pation. great without benefit Since taking Mayr's wonderful Remedy three months ago Room 26, N. T. Armijo Albuquerque. my bowels have moved regularly and Bdg., I am feeling well again. I am now a happy woman." It is a simple, harm- upper picture Is that of the atic nenr Venice. The effect Ot the submarine ' less that removes the ca- when she was raised J preparation THE of an Austrian subuinrlne explosion of a mine may be noted the sub-tj A S tarrhal mucus from the by Italian naval forces. , This ' intestinal the tract and allays the inflammation ylth two robust Italian sailors crumpled appearance of the marine is one of the many sunk by which causes all mine shown in the upper the Italian In efr practically stomach, smiling through the torpedo tubes. Navy Its successful liver and intestinal ailments, includ- picture and tht tall of the torpedo In forts to keep open of conx One dose will con- Xhls submarine was sunk while on a the lines ing appendicitis the lower picture. .'These 'two crum- munlcatlon with allied armies In the vince or (For mine-layin- money refunded, sale by g expendltlon In the Adri pled weapons were taken from the - ' is-- Butt Bros., Brings' Pharmacy nd Far and Near East .. " Druggists everywhere. , j ' s f 4 ..I.'TJLMJI A. , i Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, July 7, 1918. SEVEN s . PRESIDENT S :i G0LDEIS1 RULE EXCLUSIVE LINES POWER TO SEIZE Time sits QUEEN QUALIJY SJiOES . PICTORIAL PATTERNS WARNER'S RUST PROOF , CORSETS HARTMAN'S TRUNKS The First National Bank makes a feature of receiving TELEGRAPH LINES Time Deposits on which interest is paid at the rate of X ONYX AND KAYSER HOSIERY ATHENA UNDERWEAR 4 per cent. ' These Complete Lines on Sale at Mr. Wilson Says It Is Import- No safer and mora convenient method of investing Idle ant That Legislation Should or surplus funds could be found than 'depositing money Be Enacted Before this Congress at interest with strong and thoroughly equipped' :' ' Takes Its Recess. ' Golden JRule Goods Co. bank." - Dry I MOBNINa JOURNAL PICIL LIAXD WIRII Also the Following: , , , Washington, July 6. In .letters v v to the chairman of the congres sional commerce committees, Presi- dent Wilson said it was critically i important that congress pass the Special Values f This Week resolution him to pr authorizing take over .telegraph and telephone lines before the er recess, plan- ned to begin tonight Special Price on Thin Frocks Waists for Summer Weather - Democratic Leader Martin, Senator Simmons of North Carolina, and They're delightfully wearable. Thin summer fab- Of cool voile, organdy and linen ; fashioned into tJQUfeRQtjkKli Representative Kltchin, majority rics are so fresh and cool looking. These tub frocks just the kind of blouses that the season demands K leader of the house, after a confer- are made of cotton voiles, and now. The kinda'td wear with white wash skirts ence to go to printed ginghams UUIED STATES DEPOSITARY-CAPITA- L AND SURPLUS i&OO arranged immediately tissue All OOOOO the White House to the sit- ginghams. this week you can buy them and sport skirts. The price quoted is a very special present - " ' uation to the president and urge at the special price of one, as you'll see when you examine these waists. him not to hold congress. After the visit to tiio White House, ed lo wreak' senators said the president was $5.95 $2.29 EXCURSION BOAT LADEN vengeance' on any of the on ship'g officers whom prompt passage of the they should find resolution, but was to have HEAVILY SINKS; J.0SS In. .any way at Tault for the willing of sinking congress recess while tho senate In MAY BE the ship with the loss of a hundred OF LIFE 160 oi' more terstate commerce committee, holds Women's White Tub Skirts Extra Special, Children's Knit Underwear -- lives. x. . r r- . hen rings on the measure.- Senators .' v. i ..... Precautionary measures against any estimated. that the would mob violence hearing Offer an to save on the summer outfit. Vests i and in and were taken by the city take from two to three weeks. opportunity pants Jersey ribbed, Balbriggan police. Extra were high-grad- Poros-krii- t. settled in a couple of minutes." patrols thrown Majority Leader Kitchin had asked You will like the cut of these skirts and the e Broken lots, sizes 2 to J2 at, the about - L. Li second who the streets, and- the closing of Immediato consideration of the Davison," engineer, saloons was for. This week at the of " " was watoh time the boat threatened If any unto- senate resolution but making. special price on at the ward after opposi- he every action started. tion he withdivw his re- struck, declared thought ' developed thing was all right until ho heard Although no official inquiry has quest with the explanation that he someone cry:. - , .... been made to determine whether the believed a majority of. thoi house 25c fatal accident to '""Everybody upstairs." wa8 dud negligence would vote against the resolution. $2.29 of the of the steam- A moment later the boat listed and navigators large: The Hone Adjourns er, relatives of those lost con- the lights went out. '"I suppose we loudly The house adjourned immediately demned members of the crew as re- afterward and notice stiuek a log," he Bald. "We were run- r upon receiving sponsible. for. the large loss of life. of Its action, the senate- also ad- A ning on a 'slow bell' and when the " For the Coming Week Wonderful Hose Value bump came it was not big enough for "Wa have sensed trouble 'and made journed until Monday. r ivt ,r'j-;- our Senate over Mr. anyone to notice much Williams (the arrangements accordingly," snld leaders, Indignant ONLY TWO PAIR TO A CUSTOMER pilot). gave me the 'stop' bell.' " O. W. Frederick, captain of the Pekin Kiychln's action, Bald .congress would . unit of the home guard, i be held Indefinitely and that vaca- SOc CAItEFTL WATCH IS KEPT While stretcher bearers carried tions, even for a brief time, would Fibre knit artificial Silk Hose, in black and white and assorted colors. not be taken. were 'OVER WRECKED STEAMER bodies up the main street scores, of Arrangements )CPAIR ' PAIR made for consideration in senate women . and , children,- - most of them the Specially priced at Tcoria, 111.; July 6. With two gov- In tears, lined. .the curb, trying for. of the telegraph-telephon- e resolution, ernment inspectors aboard the steam- glimpse Of; lost relatives. Somewhere with extciu'ive hearings not. later er Lancaster, a coal company boat, in the distance a cornet was than July 15. playing ' careful watch was kept' tonight over "Nearer My God To Thee," and as The senate's decision by a margin wrecked to-2- the steamer Columbia and its each additional body was brought up of but one vote if to adjourn cargo of dead during" a siorm which the noise In the saloons Increased. until August, which the house action struck this The broke was said tc NEWS vicinity. storm ' At dusk more than bodies had by leaders BARGAIN after 9 o'clock, with sixty installed, belief shortly sweeping been down the rlvor ami prompted by that almost hurricane over brought wire control would not velocity Peoria, 'In Identifica the legislation and fears that the sunken steamer placed the morgues for be tion. Virtually all were from Pekin. substantially delayed. Our Niew would break up were expressed, but The house Its as From Shoe A majority were women and children. sprang surprise Queen Quality Department communication with a farm house the senators were awaiting word that near the wreck brought word that ihc Old time rlvermcn were being in- the concurrent resolution had been wind there was not so strong, al terrogated tonight by officials investi- passed. ' the disaster in an to learn though a heavy rain was falling. gating effort In spite of the president's insist- Just Received New .Queen Quality Ladies' Shoes in Small Sizes the condition of sunken . At the wagon bridge at Pekln he steamboat, ence 'that the telegraph-telephon- e which was : lookout was being kept for any bodies they asserted, condemned legislation be enacted as quickly as Kii Pumps - fatent , eoum detwv.ths-rive'.- - Jfifsen .years, ago. ...Xhevessel was l was believed"- a' Odds and Ends in Good Shoes. Pumps and Oxfords .tUat.might" pomibley majority launched at ac- Out of the' first fifty-thre- e least forty years ago of both houses would be too Extreme Louis covered wood aluminum bodies only lines, heels, 1-- to local river men. f ' ' Sizes 2 2 and 3 only, values to $6.00, choice checked at the Pekin morgue, only cording glad to take advantage of extended heel plate Priced at " z your seven were men. Six were, babies Survivors stood, about in little hearings. Early this evening Chief of . Police groups tonight telling tales of heroism When the recess resolution was Mnitn of Pekin declared that the list and horror. When the fate of the boat sent to the house, Representative or dead will reach 150. seemed sealed, according to witnesses, kitchin asked for immediate consid- $6.50 $1.95 Capt. T. A. Collins of Camn Hrartlev Clyde Witcher, a Pekin man, em- eration. Dankhead of In Representative . charge of the rescue work at the braced his wife, then his two children-an- Alabama asked for a half hour's de- wreck, said tonight that all bodies the little family perished, clasped bate, to which Garner nan Representative been cleared from the danco floor in each others'' arms. Their bodies of Texas objected. A roll call for uf. that he expected to find more In have been recovered. a quorum followed and at its con- of Ladies Shoes ine lower floor, where was - the of of Fifty Pfiir$ it impos- In hands the body anothr clusion Mr. Kitchin reviewed the leg- sinie for the divers to reach them man, found late today was a quantlt islation situation as it referred to tho SPECIAL SPECIAL wimout the aid of wrecking tugs of his wife's hair. His attempt to save recess, lie said he and Senators QDDS AND ENDS-M-UST b!e SOLD which were On their way from Chi- - her failed, and her body was brought Martin and Simmons had conferred SHOES AT SHOES AT thro: mo said he that the after the searchers had list thought up shortly with President Wilson and then Few in white kid of dead would be mpre than 100. found her husband's corpse. button, white rcignskin lace, also grey and black, Bud of who swam to Ray Pekin, "I am satisfied now that the situa 1-- 2, 1-- SURVIVORS TELL with white kid top, lace. Values up to $8.50-Siz- e3 2 3 2, TALE tho shore after the wreck, said he tion In the house is' a 6, 7, OP that majority ' HEROISM AND TERROR was dancing when he felt the first of the members are the reso- $2.95 Choice , $2.95 against shock.. The orchestra stopped playing lution,, and I witljdra.w xny request Pekin, Ills., July 6. After a day for an Instant but continued almost for lis consideration. In spent collecting the dead from the immediately In response to cries of To Rcgln on Revenue Rill. wrecked i excursion steamer Columbia, On with the dance." Almost imme Mr.f Kitchin said bo had no per- .,; '''. many citizens, excited by the harrow- diately, however the electric lights sonal interests in the recess and that ing scenes, tonight gathered In sa- went out and water- - began, rushing as chairman of the- ways and means loons ' ' and other places and threaten through the windows. ' committee he expected to remain In Washington during the recess to work on the revenue bill. Later Mr. Kltch " In announced that the ways and Id).t.1 . means committee would meet during ,n 'f, ir next to begin framing 1 Wednesday is JULY the eight billion dollar revenue bill 7th an upro- The house was thrown into " ' 'Tle be fio pver the parapet. "t'u'r'n the'm rfVir" to W serif'Mck.' I'ret-t- y ar-when Mr. Kitchin, before with eran, tersefy." Tih "glnd Pacific coasf t.i was no to the 'MaymattTby plants. asked. for unani- ain't dead. You follows have got There necessity urge creatures, nin't theyt these cussod Air. Schwab was to din- drawing the request, He-wu- s ' entertain at mln-u- s. not to .Into a It Yankee., down among he sausage caters!" ner mous consent for ten learn change barrage. tonight the members of tlie sehip-buildo- rs' TKere to lick tho bocho. I know (Jormans like a and then Axe 63 More Representative Sims arose to don't help whirlwind, the allied pair continued on their bond.. Tomorrow ho Is ex- how you feel you want to get at .'im there began a furious lunging and object but members drowned out his adventurous journey, and the. story pected to concludo his. engagements but there'll time, old son, there'! time parrying with the bayonets. :; Therp of the moments voice by calling to him to "sit aown." ' early pf their fight- here by addressing the delegates to , it." 1, were four Germans in that of Mr. for , .y:...'- pit, great ing was the same as that at tho end. the convention of Ad- Days Summer He Anally compiled and Kitchin "y fellows the. Associated ' The American fell In beside the strapping with plenty of fight and ; was heard. . ... They fought gallantly grimly, side vertising clubs of the world..,. Australian ahead thought- In them, The Aniorlcan was n a bat' by killed - ."This means," said Representative and pushed side; they and they also took fully. He had had his first vital n tie rage and he fought furiously, but prisoners, and always the American which need and a KltchlB after the. house, adjourned. with the same charac- CHICAGO SWINDLER During you'll enjoy Is oft for In warfare as it is waged today. headiyork ihat boy did his share or the bitter work. . "that the recess program terized veteran meth- senate imme. He must not let his eagerness carry his, comrade's It was his first Journey into tho lund LEAPS TO Smart Summer' good unless the passes so he would ods.. It was alt over In a moment and LIBERTY Hat until resolution the pres. him ahead too' fast that of death, hut he did pot flinch. They diately the giving V line of the enemy lay in" the ditch. take-ove- get caught In that crashing crumpled reached their objccltve a mile a ' Ident to r he tele and lY MONIN JOUKHM. authority steel. Tom had Just learned by burp- The American had accounted for two half from. the. on MCUL UH WIKtl lines." starting point, and Bianiarck, N. . graph and telephone r his that fire was hot and of them; be had held his own. their left r., July Tony ing fingers right and their comrades a Chicago bank ar- other were getting the "You Can were clerk, SATURDAY JULY 13 Amerlcan.boys' Certainly fight." holding, positions which they, rested at Glendlve for In , same driven home- to fellow,:-Yank- complicity hard fact them, "Good ; too, had torn from the . FIRST ANGLP'AMEJUCAN you certainly enemy. a MO.OOO swindle, In un- fc was clad only strange as It tnay seem, that there can Australian said. "This Is whre we Aus- -' - -- fight,'' tha "But, rest," the derwear, from the ATTACk JN "HISTORY such a thing- as much speed In tralian as leaped north coast to, hell,' man," don't slab another boche asserted, he wiped the Sweat limited train between Bismarck and YOUR CHOICE rushing the" enemjvV :'"" through the chest. You'll bUBt'yoiir from his brow and leaned against the Jamestown OF ANY HAT American early today and scaped Th3 Australian and the steel nd "there'll be the devil to pay. breastwork. with handcuffs on him. When ar pushc-- forward through tha lighten Get 'em In the throat!" .'But why,?" the American .de-- l rested In Glendive, IN THIS 'Continued from Pa One. I '.' $81,000 alleged to ing gloom. Ffoin somewher far Out, of the Hamcl wood, the Gcr manded. , "Why don't we continue. i. . i . -- . nave Deen taken from shop:'for i ahead the German machine guns be- mans were" a We could trnllan a A he cloared 'a shell hole with maintaining wicked fire get ahead easily now. We've . by Zalatorlous .nH their bullets came from rrt hn k rK.i.ive vi.IVIUIIIUUD, a beside' com- gan barking and their machine guns but there was . in flying leap,, landing his - I recently arrested San Trancisco, singing. ':;,'-!'- no or the advance of the ' I t nnW Vflfllf on ar. nm. .1 ft U - was panion, "that barrarte ain't no blink- ' sjacKening found on him. ' The ducked Australian American. Australian as he ing bar to be loanedNasainsf, young- westernbo;' sharply ,or ;he They replied stared specu- ' ' as a ewishod past his surged forward with heads down latively toward the al ster.",. ... '. ; screaming pellet and cast,'"put Halg 3ft7U i Off on their other men from ear. "You dodged Uvat one. all right: loin me, personally, yesterday that h - right the wanted me to the United States were eagerly press Good work, Ynk, good work," Just a little distance ahead was a stay right here. Me and veteran aid with-- a "You fel Halg had AJRPIANC ACCIDENTS ing forward with rifles tense grin. niacblne gun nest and a bullet from quiteMf talk about It and m grasped lows are his Idea was thW if we Went mighty quick." that direction ly, and. faces expectant. , Out ahead grancd the American's any far mi were hav The AmerlB.n blushed under his cheek,, It him. He mer we might catch the Spanish in AT TRAINING CAMPS U there somewhere they to angered had .hctf ' tan and smiled "Oh, we are Bo Initiation - ruefully. his of , he had killed 4nd jiuenza mat.tne .bodies havp got. their into real warfare. baptism ire; we did noi know ,lt good, all right. Shorty. he replied now there was no stopping him. He better linger here for. a while, I They exactly yliat - m would be like but were through leiUihwl,teetli.''.:'',..''.;t; deliberately the Hest and HMwf iaumuk aneiM. im they running ' ' charged lum Bullets Oom In Waves. hurled a "All right." the YanRee dis- Lawton,.Okla. July Shop are .new, taste- to it with an Impetuous disregard for bomb among the gray coats. said, Charles Bartley hats, always be. The bullets Jtept comlnar in waves, Another and stUl appointedly. U Cone. pUct. was killed and the death' that might waiting for another hand gre- a student flier in in them.- v v but the Amsricap did not dodge again. nade went spinning into the 'midst seriously injured when ful, good style! Drop and shell-tor- n their machine gun side-slipp- ed " Suddenly, one boy who had pushed On they went, down-'th- of the enemy with the precision of a plane SHIPYARDS RAISE into a tall spin from a of 500 ; ahead of the others, staggered back slope that led to the Hamx. wood. baseball thrown by an Little height See Tyhese ' expert. feet of the machine Bargains one arm r which r had encountered no' enemy as spouts of earth HONOR gun targets eight clutching at hung They shot up and the rapid PENNANTS mile from Post field. . 'tell- but In one ,of was - ' ' Tort Sill today. helpless by his aide., "I was just yet, they were.; thr firer silenced ,'. , ' mmm ' " Cone's home address, the name of the " y ing you so!" muttered the Australian barbed wire and that tore their legs Two Germans from the MONIN WIDCl' ' appeared lT JoimNM, IMCIU LKSIO student ' . injured and other details of to v Vs. cruelly at times a they pushed nearby cover with their hands held San Francisco. Calif., t. Hon-- , ' " July the accident were withheld b h Old Son. V the network of Then high. "KanKrad!' or - mili "Then' Time, sharp spikes. they cried. pennants, awarded two San Fran- tary authorities,. . ''Whyi-iwh- yt It's lm!".i stammered came the first German trench, defense The American whirled and fixed his Cisco bay shipyards, were raised today bartLey the other - with a catch In his voice. and in a runway were, several gray bayonet...... ' .' pver the by Charles M. milunery - aa-- ' plants gchwab, It was the first time he bad ever seen coats firing- with riflci Vat, the ; "These CiihhmI gatuage EateM.' director general of the Emergency v maiterwhat you a man hit ft battle aad this was one , "No. Yankt the Australian t . The -- no! lef corporpUon. pennants were ' f want save of h(s pwn pals. Too bad, but thoM "Hit them; tankf At' t!" yelled shouted. "The blighters are trying to! awarded the yards as tokens of the you'll monev things happen," remarked ' the vet the Australian, and ht hurled himself surrender. Let 'em alone. We will! clean sweep In shipbuilding honors for .V'.'iiij. iMist: iiu-' jiii:-i'iiUi- .' EIGHT Albucuerquc Morning Journal, Sunday, July 7, 1918.

NEW MEXICO NEEDS CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. NAMED OFFICERS ) VISITING NURSES S18 WEST CENTRAL AVE. WANTED TO!"! AY AND TOMORROW JLDI Hot Water and Steam Tinners "Aside from a, real workable state Plumbers, Heaters, department of health, with adequate AND INSTALLED funds and efficient personnel. 1 am HOUSE OF HIGH CLASS PICTURES AND MUSIC "Wrot" Steel Warm Air Furnaces convinced that- New Mexico's sreatext 7S Salespeople - men, need is public health visiting nurses," ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. said John Toombs, executive secretary women and girls. Apply WILLIAM FOX Presents PHONE SIS. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. MACHINISTS of the New Mexico Public Health as- ' sociation,, upon his return to Albu- in person at once. querque last night. "There Is need of at least one In every fair sized town in the state and the need for them is of per- Co. JUNE CAPRICE The election and Installation even In Wright Clothing of greater the counties." manent officers and the installing Mr. Tombs, who been order of has attending IN TYRIC a charter formed the main a number of health conventions in the THEATER machin- bilsiness at a meeting of the east, also interviewed a ntimbei' of the ists' union at W. O. W. hall last night. best TODAY ONLY ' informed men in the country The officers elected are: , upon the state department o( i.oulth LOUIS C. GIELITZ President Phillip Leyenileckor. proposition and enlisted th active co- MERCHANT TAILOR Garcia. Vice President Martin 'Q. operation of Surgeon Blue f the Indies' and Gentlemen's Suits -- W. S. Blue FRANKLYN FARNUM Financial Secre.ary United States public health service in Made to Order Eyed the work of, the New Mexico associa- 107 SOUTH FOURTH IX- - Recording Secretary William tion. Crawford. ' Secretary Tombs was able to do Third door north of Postofflcc. "FIVE THOUSAND REWARD" Conductor Pitu'l Sullivanr, considerable advertising for the Sun- The Installment of offictrs was con shine state while on the and Tuken from Hie Story "MY ARCADIAN WIFE,, trip ducted and the society's obligation to comes home full of new Ideas for his Blue-Bir- d in Reels As A Feature Five the members was adminUtcrcl by work. r War Saving Medium Mary Waiter lodeo nruariz- - t'e and preserve u much fruit Webster, grand nomlhln. for ' how - 1hkh t'tirirlrn Also and Moran "BAD NEWS" cr. The membership of the union ThIe haVshop His at prices you can well afford to Lyons Comedy at. or totals 125, it was announced last night. Nos. buy Write call at crafts have been Offers 300 yards of ribbons. Although other 100 to 150, worth 75 cents a yard, at LASALLE RANCH And Her Sprightly are the Krd-J- formed hero, the machinists 10 cents a yard. Mrs. L. H. Chamber-lln- , I'hunr . Berniillllo, N. M. first to secure their charter. Follow 109 street. from will to the South Fourth Adventures in Love mory and there ge ing the business session a patriotic w. 8. 8. will hold Indian school, where they address mas made by John Slnims, at Don't the "Two-Bit- " Red a Each has invited har neglect Monarch Coffee, picnic. girl torney. trot Club. Join today. WANTED By FRANCES CROWLEY mother. The party will motor to the JUNE CAPRICE - ' The speaker commended the men 3 $1.00 Indian school campus, DIRECTION FOX! Stugcd 'by HARRY MILLARDE pounds, on their organization, telling the mem Experienced man to take charge WILLIAM George Roslington has presented to bers could do more for the na SryVeggs of cotton km)iIh and linen they Con-ro- y depart A With n Climax. A the local chapter the 10 per cent ot tion as Individuals. Hawkins, Skinner, Champion, nient In Apply PostofTlcc Box Thrilling Story Smashing Detective Story With collectively than and San .Tnse fl.c dozen. city. Thrift the gato receipts for the races on the re- Market: 200, City. , a Big Plinth. Mystery, Roniumc, and a Fight for a Fortune. Poor Stamps Liberty, Mr. Simms said, formerly W. R. Fourth of July, which were turned ferred to the United States alone, but Persons who wisa to renew or take Girl Wins Big Fortune. for Sale over to him. The Red Cross deeplj now it would be looked upon In a oat memberships In the Red Cross appreciates this gift and the patri- much sense would be broader and Can do so by railing at Strong's Book Also GOLDWYN PRESENTS Smiling Bill Pursons in BILL'S BABY otic spirit in which it was made. known the world before & throughout Store, O. A. Matson Co., Grinishaw's WANTED A In Two Parts Matteucci, Palladia Co. I H. Moss was arraignel before Police the war was ended. Following the or Mrs. II. B. or Screaming Comedy Ferguson, by phoning Will pay cash for Ford Truck GROCERIES AND MEATS Judge W. W. McClellan yesterday speaker's address a smoker was held the chairman of the Membership com- on with top. Must be cheap.' morning a charge of petit larceny. -- W. 8. V-- mittee. No. IMI-- EVENING 10c 601 W. Tijeras. Phones 495,496 He was sentenced to serve Ii. H. WOODS. Admission...... Adults, 15c; Children, sixty day." 16 BIRTHS REPORTED in the county jail. Moss is alleged to TELL 7iORYVl)EUVERY 312 W. Roma. MATINEE Admission Adults, 10c; Children, 5c have stolen two one-gall- cans of FOR MONTH OF JUNE varnish from the Santa Fe railroad. Tow baggage rronhlra. Phone MO. TIME OF THE SHOWS 10 M. Professor Conway, club specialist of 1:00, 2:30, 4.00,, 5:30, 7:00, 8:30, P. the State college, will be the principal - Sixteen births were reported to Dr. $1 I Brothers f E. M. for the SinfsLXEANED, Overland Club model Strong speaker at a meeting here Monday for Clayton, city physician, Four suit $1.25. Country all boys and girls who belong to the month of June. This is not believed pressed 00, In good condition. Price .Undertakers to be as Contract plan. Columbia Cleaning Co. gardening clubs and canning clubs, the complete total, however, ' right for quick sale. See car some In Deliver. Phone 690. The meeting will be held In the food physicians are generally late W. ft. at STRONG COPPER - 8. Phillips Garage. 76. BLK., administration 2:30 O'clock sending in their reports. The sixteen Two-b- it f a crrnvn iX building at Join the club. HIGHEST CLASS vt y Mrs. J. B. Herely of North Twelfth reported follow: amyya street Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Stephens, 216 has returned from a tour of tTiFhaVshop , B THEATER Texas, where she has been with her New York avenue, June 1, a son; Mr. IN EVERY WAY and Mrs. John C. Rockfeller, 318 West Offers a lot of flowers worth up to husband. Mr. Herely has been called 10 ' Silver avenue. June 3, a Mr. $1.60, choice cents a bunch. Mrs. Let Us Send a Man to Washington at New York. Mrs. daughter; L. H. Chamberlin, 109 South Fourth Herely has returned here In order to and Mrs. Salvador Garcia, 417 North street, To Replace That Broken Window LOCAL ITEMS Fourteenth 4, a enjoy the climate during her husband's street, June Bon; Mr. W. 8. H.. Glass. TODAY AND TOMORROW and Mrs. Nazarlo Valenzuela. 424 absence. .;. ALBUQUERQUE LUMBER CO, North June 12, a James T. Gann, who was arrested Broadway, daughter; Bryant's Delivery 421. 42S N. Mr. and Mrs. Ramon 1211 FOR QUICK SERVICE Phone First. Monday on order of the local board, Chavez, Tourist lunches. rullman Cafo. was South Broadway. June 13. a daughter; Fhone 601.-- ' 223 West Copper. JESSE L. LASKY Presents 273. arraigned before United States Martin & Thorn. Taxi. Phone Commissioner D. F. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Aguelano Contreras, 309 Miss Lovelace has gone tc yes- West "Two-Bit- Maybolle on a of to file Tijeras, June 14, a son; Mr. and " Beach on a vacation terday charge falling Mrs. 1203 Pay your Cecil B. De Millc Long trip. his questionnaire. The man was Walter Phelan, West Sliver HORSE SHOEING of avenue, June 14, a Mr. and Red Cross dues. This is Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Gascho Santa bound over to await a hearing before daughter; And General 4 In yes- Mrs. Ramon Sandoval, 916 Barelas Blacksmithing. Production Fe were visitors Albuquerque the which convenes In Black-smithin- grand Jury a should not Also g. terday. road, June 15. a son; Mr. and Mrs. C. duty you Automobile September. W. ' The Bricklayers' union yesterday The county food administrators of Teele, 316 South East street, a Cross Mr. and Mrs. O. R. neglect. ' G. SLOAN contributed $10 to the Red the state will meet here today and daughter; Allen, W. K. t. ROBERT "Two-b- it 318 North Second street, June 17, a Phone 770. 403 West club." tomorrow for the purpose of organiz- ARMIJO'S TAXI LINE Copper. 'The Chorus' who was working; in son; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grecnlcaf, Two Whispering Fred Higsins, ing their work and familiarizing AM r , . I . . . , . . . large cars at your service, day San Marcial for several months, ha themselves with the work of the ad iuii eouin r ounn street, June a and Cheap rates the hour. L. i, night by From returned to Albuquerque. ministration. The new administrators daughter; Mr. and Mrs. W. Lynch, PHONE 414. the Story by Perley Poore Sheehan 519 West a Hugh Davlos, machinist apprentice have been only Granite, June 19, daugh- KOBIELA & PUTNICK recently appointed Mr. and Mrs. Carl 417 at the Santa Fe shops, has gone to and their meeting today will be In ter; Amerdlng, iWest Granite avenue, June 21, a son; TAILORS Los Angeles for a brief stay. the nature of a gath- ALVARADO EGGS "CURRENT EVENTS" Mr. and Mrs. C. K. 609 West Sul'.d made lo order for ladles and Charles S. Railsback, special agent ering. Prlvett, On sale by leading grocer the Rents. - and Lead avenue, Mr. and Fitting- workmanship guar- SEE THE WORLD for the Santa Fe railroad, was In the Five new local branches have af- June 23, a son; morning after they arc laid; 60c. anteed. Prices reasonable, (.'leaning, on business. Mrs. Frank Sandoval, 409 North --W. 8. 8. pressing and repairing. N. T. Armijo city Friday night filiated themselves with the New Mex- corner Second and Central. 1 to 6 Admission 6 to 11 10c 8t. to the board of ico Bean First street, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Orders taken ror service nags. Building, 10c; Adults 15c, Children John's auxiliary Growers' association during Women of 'PholM Hi. at 4 o'clock Eustacio de Baca, 612 West Marquette American Army. 22S West missions will meet the past week with headquarters at Gold Avenue. In Guild hall. avenue, June 27, a daughter. Wednesday afternoon Cherry vale, Trujillo, Levy, Optimo i W. 8. 8. O. B. vice of a and French. C. A. McNabb Earlckson, president of the CITY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP bank at Fort Sumner. N. M., and Mrs. state college, who has Just returned DEATHS AND FUNERALS HAY FEVER Earlckson were In Albuquerque yes- from a tour of the northern counties, PHONP! 56T Its alleviation and cure, by my terday. states that the outlook for a big bean FREE CALL AND DELIVER! combined treatments of Osteopa- LAST TIME Narramore Hines and William F. crop is excellent and that rains are Harry Conner. BATCH'S OLD 8TAND thy, Medicine and Firger 8urgery. IDEAL THEATER services B. M. D. O. Bettis started to work in the Santa Improving the each day. Short funeral for Harry W. 8. C. H. CONNER, D, TODAY prespects died Fe shops yesterday as machinist ap- The bean growers are said to be rap- Conners, Santa Fe fireman, who B. M. WILLIAMS Office Stern Building prentices. idly perfecting their statewide organ- here Friday night were held at Fred Dentist Phones Office 655. Residence, 115 Leo Murphy, stationed at Camp ization for handling the bean crop! Crollott's chapel early last night by Rooms 1 and 8. Whiting Building KITTY GORDON in been commissioned as a and bean members of the Elks lodge. The body Phone No. 684. Cody, has promoting the Industry. Corner Second and Gold. sergeant, according to word received W. 8. S. was sent to Gallup where Knights ot here yesterday. S. Segaloff, proprietor of "The Columbus will take charge and hold "Vera, the Medium" The Eastern Star Sowing club will Fashion Shop," will leave for New a funeral for the dead man there. JoiiTThea8'Tw"o.Bit" The Real Hoover Candy 2 o'clock York and other eastern cities aft- In , meet Tuesday af'cfnoon at this Burial will be Gallup. Ciiocoiate ALSO "HAPPY HOOLIGAN" CARTOON Elsie 707 ernoon, where he will the fall and Cross club. snop unocoiaiea at the home of Mrs. Beeman, buy Red You are ADMISSION Children, all day, 5c; Matinee Adults, 10c; North Eighth street. winter stock of goods for his store NOTICE. Evening, 15c, War Tax Included. Before sis- needed. Mrs. J. L. Lovelace, mother of Dr returning he will visit his As I will be out of the city my car GRIMSHAWS TIME OE SHOWS 1:30. 3:15. 5:00, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00. W. R. Lovelace, has gone to visit rela- ter, who desldes with her family In pet cleaner will be shut down from Second and Central and saddle horses. 4 "Grlmshaw Wants to See Ton" tives In Springfield, Mo. She will also Detroit, Mich. July 15 to August 1st. Tjfvery Trimble's in Mo. ' Red Barn. visit relatives Holla, o W. A. GOFF. H. E. Sherman, manager of the "B" sign edTUpfoTqi?-t- theater and Crystal opera house, who Binlo housTrooms was on business, 0ldsm0b1les HOWARD GRUEHL WEDDED called to Kansas City sell SI9 2 South First. Phone 221. WANTED. AT TODAY ONLY returned to the city yesterday. TO CLEVELAND ARTIST rDVOT C. E. Henderson started to work B. T. Phillips, of this city, and C. Iuii 5 CENTS In the offices of the Santa A. of Santa Fifteen men for yesterday Bishop, Fe, principal Howard Gruehl, of the young lolAL employe as a He was members of the New Mexico Oldsmo-bll- e DR. MARRON ALONSO Fe shops timekeeper. curio room and Miss Hazel for Regi- transferred here from Fort Madison, company ,have returned from a Harvey S21 4 WEST CENTRAL buglers Railway of Cleveland, O., were mar STRAIGHT Iowa. business to the Leopold Phone 831-- ment. Apply "PLAY OR FIGHT" trip Lansing, Mich., ried at St. John's chuch at Mrs. Episcopal TWO-PAR- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Putney and home of the OJdsmobile auto- T SPECIAL factory 8 o'clock last night. The Rev. E. N. Belle Riffle of this city, are spending mobiles. They signed a contract to K. some time In Ocean Park, Calif., handle this excellent motor car for Bullock, pastor of the church, per- FRED ELLIS, formed the Mrs. J. C. Os- where they are guests at the Merrltt 1919. Mr. Phillips says he heard a ceremony. EYES 210 SOUTH SIXTH STREET AS HIM hotel. borne was bridesmaid and John A. "EVEN AND HER" Jones ;!.' great deal of complaint, while at Lan- 1 Matson acted as best man. TWO-PAR- T Charles H. Lembke, now located at the recent frost, it L.Ko. COMEDY sing, regarding be, The was the culmination of FITTED Camp Merrltt, N. J., has been pro- ing stated that the corn crop was wedding Becond to first a which when Mr. moted from lieutenant, frost-bitte- n and In will courtship began consequence school according to Information received fall considerable short of estimates Gruehl and Miss Leopold were RIGHT "A WALLOPING TIME" mates In Cleveland. The groom Is a NOTICE here yesterday. made on the yield for Michigan. - P. H. Sink, timekeeper at the Santa former newspaperman while the bride 'j.,..; COMEDY Fe sliops, and Mrs. Sink have gone to is a promising young artist. Mr. and DR. KING. SPECIALIST a of several c i zeTjsba n k"wTll in Owing to sugar Oakland, Calif., for stay ti Mrs. Gruehl will make their home week. weeks. will return by way of W1U he In Ills offico all this They GIVE PINS TO CLUBS Albuquerque. 508 2 West Central Avenue. Phone E'S Salt Lake City. - TIT, u. D. 085 for ' shortageFE J. A. claim for the Appointments. CANDY Riehl, adjustor All of the coun- STORE EI and Southwestern railroad boys of the various ARRESTED ON CHARGE WANTED Paso clubs are to be with AUTO SERVICE J31 was in yes ty presented will close at 6:30 once at Paso, Albuquerque achievement OF STABBING MUSICIAN p. ;'v: Waiter or Waitress at terday to attend the funeral of P. J, pins provided they jffEW AND MODERN Au- to Johnson. He will return home in a few achieve the completion of the pro- SERVICE m., during July, JEMEZ NEW REPUBLIC CAFE jects In which they are engaged. The Mateo Sanchez, yesterday was ar- days. Citizens bank has to provide' Attention and to the gust and September. 122 West Central agreed rested by Deputy Sheriff Albert Gar- Special Rates : Mr. and Mm. Thomas Isherwood Public HOT SPRINGS for Pacific Groves, the pins. cia, on a charge of stabbing Jose Traveling will leave today At there are 427 enrolled Open Saturday In California. For present .Alcasar, a musician, night. ROUND TRIP, $20. northern the past In war work. Of this numbor Thursday until 11.. few weeks the health of Mr. Isher garden tie was lodged in tne county jati to HOTEL HALL nights 254 have, been Inspected and found to .wood has been poor, and the Is await a hearing Tuesday afternoon. Notify Undersigned. trip meet the requirements, The princi- to and B. 6. HALL, Owner and Manager being made for his benefit. According Garcia Alcasar, CHAS. H. CLAY, pal defect is the small size of the Alca-sar- 's W. L. Trimble, Joe Barnett, Charles Sanches thrust the knife Into Magdalcna, New Mexico WANTED and Cliff Redd gardens. t back below the kineys and fled, Jemez Hot Springs, N. M. 1 Kuns, Charles Quler A of 464; are enrolled in the Hotel's Free Auto Meets all Trains - total leaving the knife there. It later was will leave this afternoon for the Ce- I STEAM various clubs as follows: Cooking, extracted by a but was Im- HEATED, ELECTRIC USED CAR SALE holla, In the Naclamlento mountains, friend, VACUUM i 90; sewing, 98; garden, 170; canning bedded In LIGHTED, , J where will fish for deeply the back, I CLEANED Look Von 75 salespeople men, they the "speckled and drying, 9; pig, 33; rabbit, 31; Is Over the List Slay beauties" for a week or ten Alcasar's condition not serious. days. calf, 2; poultry, 31. Find Jost What Yon Want. women and girls. , Noel L. Gasrho and Miss Ethel E. A good opportunity for a Apply mar- One Oakland Touring, house- Brown, both of Santa Fe, were r 6 -- young couple going to kappLFTuIi'nitureI passenger 1450 -- ried here night the Rev keeping; 4 room bungalow to in person at once. Friday by One Overland Touring, ' Hugh A. Cooper, pastor of the Presby- - COMPANY'S NEW HOME . $275 rent; furnishings tor. sale on terms. ; ; - . terian church. They will tour the One Overland Roadster. . . .$450 easy . automobile before One Bulck . T- - Address 1018 Forrester or state in an Announcement elsewhere end Your Touring. ' Co. lg made 1260-- Clothing to Fe. Sp Vacation passenger $050 Phone Wright Ing Santa In today's Journal to the effect that I i The Girl Soouts will meet at 4:30 One Bulck Touring (Light the Kapple Furniture for -- . . . $000 o'clock afternoon at the ar- - company,' passenger ...... Tuesday years doing business on East Central SULPHUR HOT SPRINGS One6)1Studebaker Six, 7 assenger avenue half a block from the Y. M. C (AlUtude 8,0 Feet) $850 ' Automobile all for BARGAINS ' AMONG A. building, will on tomorrow occupy ' road the way Stage the Sulphurs leaves MANY Store 116-11- .. CALL their new location Nos. 8 West every Tuesday and Saturday. Write for particulars to t THE ABOVE. AND JOerrUlos THEM OVER OerrUIoa Lumj StOTS Silver avenue. For the past week Mr. , LOOK SPRINGER Kapple hag been busily engaged In T.J.Prairie ' .PHONC i . . . , . 0 KISTLER-OVERLAN- the the old store D " moving stock from Proprietor Sulphur Springs Hotel, Sulphftrs, via fame Springs, I CO. ALL - I. " ' ' ANTHRACITE, SIZES; STBAsf COAIc ', MIYHIIIIG to the new, and he hopes to have ev- -, M.l.n . .... ; erythlng In .place to show goods to L . Coke, ma Wood, factor; Wood, Cor Wood. Natlr Kindling, uam. morrow mwninff, - .ttmwtmtmtmmm ALBUQUERQTIE : MORNING JOURNAL

1 , New Mexico. 1918. J Albuquerque, Sunday, July 7, v J

SPIRIT OF YANKS PARIS DEPENDS ON IN HAMEL FIGHT JT0" 'BIG BERTHA' FOR (MlMSjMMS . MMp .y PRAISED jfgSiiq LATEST WAR NEWS American Courage Displayed 11 Wins Newsman 1 ' . in Australians W Aiding !fe5Pcl nouncing a Commendation; Wounded Drive; Beats Food' Control- - QSSffl )Mk ' Lad Tells Touching Story, 1 ler By Reducing Prices. . 'qSpSJa rV W'TTfmZ "V, : . ""r..': 1 'iF HI MOHNINa JOURNAL SPtCIAI. ItMID WIM I" Mt PMNC JOURNAL SPECIAL LCASCO WISS " in. SO. the With the British Army France. Paris, June "Big Bertha" No Read Announcements of Calif Famous Hotels El ornia's July 6 (Friday, by the Associated t 2, the German super-canno- has Press.) American fighting spirit and beaten both the French war offii c and Beach as in assisting the the food controller In its bombard- Health, and Mountain Resorts and Solve "That Outing Problem." Literature and Full Infor- courage displayed ments of Paris. Australians in taking Hamel and ' woods has brought It beats the war office by giving mation by Writing Direct, or at Vaire Thursday, Parisians the news that a new German forth much commendation.' drive has before the official when begun "Our troops understood they communiques are issued. FREE INFORMATION BUREAU AT OFFICE OF THE MORNING JOURNAL went over the top that they expected It beats tho food controller bv re to do no less'Tndn any of their allies," ducing prices. said the general today. On Monday, May 27, it was "Bertha" The Americans were exceedingly who Informed I'aris the big of Eotsy (bat Within Reach of Ery(Ki , KSi'Al'K TI1K UK AT You ran havo AUm iiucrqtin today at K';3 V. M. ami the keen to participate in the attack, the fensive had started on the Aisno. The rnjy rr fresh (up cunl ava brccxea at ' genel.'l said. effect of "Bertha's" first "boom," Later the correspondent visited cas- nfter three weeks' silence, was lust like that of the starter's pistol when ualty clearing stations., a race starts. on a cot, flanked by British lying In Paris on that glorious spring soldiers, was a Chicago lad who naa hMil morning no one would have noticed Veen shot In the leg. anything unusual: No signs of excite- LOS ANGELEtT Era? "Are you from America, too?" he ment, no groups of anxious people dis- New imsski Mexico HI mm out a hand. the no blank faces. Headquarters tomorow. California's fnnolnntlnK itimmer p otmd. tried as he eagerly put cussing situation, ABSOLUTELY FIHKPnOOF m nOO MB- Iiijki "Tho center of nuntnier atttar-(ln- a was as a II and "Oh! I'm glad of that, It average Monday morning it with private hathi. Conducted on both tho apoiiina evrnia." Surf 'hnthlnic, plunirc tuitlilnir. yachting, lioatlnK. deep os as you could rinhiriK. Hurt iind Then he told this story of his part Imagine. European and American plan. pl,.r flFhlnir. tennis, golf, molorlnf, dancing, hoiaeti,ck rlcllnc, Until Clark la In ttrt i count When the brief "com- - miuatrd heart of the less in the battle: afternoon niiitiaemcnla, promenade attraction!!, dully bund concerts, boat trlpn. The munhiue" announced city, near brnmifut Canlral Park. Car tn ' alwayi "We knew there was trouble for un that tho offen dolltilitfullv cool resort whore 'plcuaura seekers congregate. Excellent sive had begun, there was no surprise. Bfaeht's, Mountains, etc., from Hill Street Sta- hotel, apart mom over there In No Man's Land. None of ' tion directly opposite hotel. Kuropean plan and cottage facilities. Write for Illustrated folders on Recroatlons Homes and Indus Bertha had got there first. Tariff 11.50 New VV. our cared for that, but the day from per day. Motion pntronaxe tries. I.. Ballard, Socretary. Chamber of Commerce, Long Cat. boys Cuts Food Prices. Boiiclted. Beach, before the attack all the men of my Illustrated folder upon refluent. One of the most earnest endeavors "Visit tlio Grill." V. M. Dlniinlt k. Lraof company got together and said good- of the French food minister, Victor bye. Boret, Is to reduce the scale of prices. "I had worked hard to be a good He will doubtless succeed In time. soldier. I guess I must have learned Meanwhile "Bertha" has got ahead of some things, for my commander gave him. nie twenty-fou- r of our chaps to lead As scoon as her voice was heard FREE AUTO BUS FROM DEPOT over the top as corporal. i that Monday morning, prices at the TO POPULAR Too Anxious. central markets dropped appreciably; IVW Av Few of Boys so much so, house- Iff VAt we went that many a needy midnight Wednesday .w . ,V.V.,.;...Jli holder was able to home a forward and laid out in the open, bring GA.ND DUKEVMtfjmk Ay spring chicken. waiting for the signal to advance. The of Bertha" performances "Big VW!f Mill 1.1 & l.ttll'ItUl Then about daylight came the bar- are sirlctly "iaboo." The second bom- I rage. Reports have come from Russia, bardment was the last occasion when "A few of our boys were too anx- following the earlier repmt of the anything was said about victims or M0f or ious and got so close to the bar- assassination the czar, that Grand damage. Since then all the public is they Duke Nicholas, believed to be the that were hurt. My was told is contained in a brief official rage they pal ablest man of the Russian royal fam- announcement. : struck by a shell beside me." has ily, been named emperor. It was "Bombardment" of be He stopped and there were tears in also stated "Kerenskv was cnnslilprnrl can, course, and a was work- man of variously InterpBeted. It may mean LOS his'blff eyes lump the the hour." Tho latter Is scores of shells In- ANGELES now In a minute, as for BROADWAY SEVENTH ing in his throat. There was silence ixndon. believed to bo on his stance in the case of Rheims and cer- FIFTH ST.NarMAJN t for. a moment and he went way to the United States. The center ol ehoppinf , business and the- abruptly tain other cities In the war zone. It atrical district. Convenient to all car lines. on: , may also mean a shell or two every RATES 300 outside rooms with crivate bath. tu. r $Rt0$3$? ABSOLUTEL- Y- Kates , . "We were advancing toward Hamel when I shall have a chance to write." twenty-fou- hours. CAFE ropeanplan. $1.50 and up. Dining to over one - Still iwi r tt a. a a room service refined and excellent, ! village and had go slope, That letter will His They .lump, Una from Denote Folder upon request. go Immediately. " mAnra& tt is to which WILLIAM R. lie then down into a little valley and. up wound la Naturally easy Imagine - , FLOOD, Manager. apparently not .serJaus. . .1. B. LANKF.RSHIM. Owner. U.tifn another hill. Down IrMne valley th're the German interpretation Is! That ' Chicago Boy KUIs Seven. 7 Ib some or-- was a lot of barbed wire that held up why papers have argued" It uuifo Just across the way was would be better to full ivivtv-uaiB-' up.: I know for, another publish reports f, I got caught, but not Chicago who had been of what "Bertha" has done or has not very long. corporal c. wounded three times in tho fighting done. SAN FRANCISCO men were fighting like every- "pur about Vare and Hamel woods. To When the first bombardment began weeHOME I for a Cool, and Vacation KtARNV'S thing and killing a lot of boches who last March the writer sat In a barber's Interesting Inexpensive SAII were compensate for his hurts he himself FI7ANCISC0 SACS in the trenches and shell holes. had killed seven boches. chair when a shell exploded. The bar-he- r L7IE.O A of were was one of Inhabi- good many the Germans His toward the "oldest EXCEPTIONAL SPECIAL SUMMEFLRATES 'kamerad' platoon drovo, up the tants," who remembered tho of s,op..HOTEL yelling and surrendering, woods. The ground was bad and there siege STEWART too. , Paris in the war of 1870. for a 35c was some wire obstructing the way. good accommodations from fl.BO day up. Breakfast and 60c (Sun- "Two of the boches came running "Ah, Monsieur!" he remarked. "It days 76c) Lunch 60c, Dinner (1 (Sundays $1.2.0). to me with They pushed forward, however, un- is a thing of no importance. We who Tho STEWART on Deary Street, Just off Union Square is close to everything up their hands over their til came a worth while. car line pauses the door, Stewart Motor Bui meet! heads. An they Up against Qerman lived under the borbardmcnt in 1871 Municipal officer sent them to th machine nest In we so principal trains and steamers. rear. gun camouflaged a are not easily moved!" ' wheat field. But it Is still to ' Wounded But Gamo. the fashion Jump This pout was spraying the advanc- when a shell goes off in the vicinity. FRft "We went on and had about reached Ifeolilit ing troops viciously with bullets. Target Itwordi Poor. FISHINO our objective when something hit me About this time the was If It is forbidden to about BOATINd In corporal Rpeak the DfG DH1UJD FOR the leg and I Went down. I tried to wounded in the leg. doings of "Bertha No. 2," certain facts TRlCTIOnEERS BATHIN9 get up but my leg would not let me The about her can be stated. The ar-- Imaortanna nf th tractor toifnv hu Aiutml tram Miriam ri. He kept going. machine gun predecessors Rtftnd for tractor operators and npalr men. Ranohert everywhera want ctAHY aTtan LOR sts. v I was I on cen- BIO PAY. u and dizzy. While was mj fire became hot and the (Long paragraph deleted by competent trutloneera. GREAT OPPORTUNITY NOW N. M. IIDADtll AltTFBN corporal OFFERED YOUNG MEN In thh new Wetter Amorlea'a Olriatr, IMI1CAI, knees I saw two boches sor.) trad. atruc io charging at charged tho nest with Laraeat and Moat Reliable Trade School has Inaugurated a special eouno A class "A" fireproof lure, all 1 deliberately sta-tlsti- 1 me with fixed bayonets. I had the butt bombs. Here he killed four Germans "Bertha" tops the list in these In Traetlonaerlna and aa PERFECT YOU as an expert. Write for otltslile ronnla, each Willi private hath. TO USE PEACE FUN due to an was on paid Catalog. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, On a rilreet car line to nil polnlb nf of my rifle resting on the ground, my, with 'his silenced accident. That Fliueroa at Elnhth Street. Lot Anielea, Cat. explosives and the Good when a shell an Intnicst and wllhrn walking dhuance FOR WAR finger on the and I fired when fire. Friday striking and Home-lik- PURPOSES trigger rapid ancient church a sacred con- of shops (heaters. they were about ten away. Onej he saw a German during Willi a personality instinctively Its yards Beyond running cert .caused the of a Vi of fell dead collapse plllai own. Varlff, Knr. plan. to fi per i mohin inueHAL aerciAL enar, them but the other kept Into a dugout. He followed. It was and of the roof. deleted up. Fire- lsasid on part (Hentence day. Amer. plan, per day Washington, 6. Theodore coming, and was on me before I dark but he got his man with the bay- by censor.) proof garage nearby. July could throw In a fresh cartridge. Then onet. As the corporal was returning (But for this Good Twenty-fift- h iangement nf Orwdhth Rlrb RooseveKt, toiday ahked consreps to knew Friday tragedy. Anniversary of I i had to fight hlniywith a up the stairway he was attacked by "Bertha's" target record would have return to him tho Nobel peace prize like a man. So been a one. bayonet I sot to my another German. This one also was poor arid fund which he donated to assist lit feet somehow, and as he jabbed at me finished with the bayonet after the Doubtless we shall some day learn Marriage ofKing George - much-vaunte- promoting- industrial peace and which with his bayonet I with my himself had been wounded exactly what the d "bom- parried corporal has never been used. He rifle and then swung the rifle to his again. bardment of Paris" amounted to. Queen Observed ORDERED TO CALL UP said he pro- head. The blow broke "German taken Those who know, or think they know, Mary Quietly posed to expend It In war relief work his skull and he prisoners recently have orders silent. ALL .NEW REGISTRANTS went down. That's all I remember un- have been much surprised to learn the throiiah the Hed Cross. Y. M. C. A., til I woke up and found a chum be- number of Americans on this side. KnlKhts of Columbus, Jewlah war lev MORNtNe Lsaeso side me. He had gone out and The German high command has been joueNAi. eesciAL wise fund and other relief organizations. brought Washington, July li. KtHte draft me back." , reports that the overseas ' spreading executives were directed Provost That finished the personal story of troops were not arriving in such num- SENATE ADOPTS by this boy who had fought and killed bers as entente capitals claim. t, HI Marshal General Ciowder today to Tit I ntcrtnln KxtltorH. and been some- boards call for HI Paso, 8. -- The wounded, but ho had - - . have local up physical Tex., July ..- s- 4.:-- I of commerce Is to en- thing else which was very much on WEATHER FORECAST . , IK. II examination Immediately all new reg- planning his mind. A 't tertain the Mexican eillfnru uh,i ata After hesitation tt finally tho seloctlvo draft law came out. FOR COMING WEEK RESOLUTION TO III istrants under touring the L'ntted Htatrs as the guests class one. of the A "I wonder If my little at home who have been placed in government. telegram ot girl was sent by A. W. Is Bald B)V LCASCO District and local boards and medi inquiry today happy." he anxiously, referring MOMNINV JOURNAL SPECIAL Wlftlt Jteeves, of the cham- - to his 6. in- general secretary sweetheart in Chicago. The Washington, July Weather pre- cal advisor board bodies will be htr asklnir whnn tho illtrii nvnMotml Mon- A I . correspondent told him she certainly dictions for the week beginning JAKE RECESS I f ' I structed to speed their work so as to to El Paso. A and be reach dinner sight would happy and proud to know day for the plateau regions: have new class one men available for seeing excursion will be fur iow. well he had done. . of arranged General showers first half week; call to the colors in August. uie ctiiinis wniio iney are nere. "I hope so," and then he added: fair second halt although probahly "Would it be too much week over western trouble for fair throughout twr MOflSHIMB JOURNAL IPICIAL LRAHO WIRI1 to a line to No de- you drop her just let her portion of plateau region. Washington, 6. The senate know I am all I don't know cided July right? temperature changes. tonight adopted by a vote of 27 to 26 the" concurrent resolution to adjourn 1 Lift Corns! 12. Off until August The resolution was offered while Senator Sheppard of Texas was endeavoring to call up for Lift (consideration the (11,000,000 emer "Freezone" is Magic! any Corn or Callus Just Once! Try Dodson's Liver Tone! ' gency agricultural appropriation with mr sotNiMs jousnal epftciAL Lsasso Willi mony fommenioratln It in which the riaht nff with fingers No nain! its amendment for war time prohibi London, July fi, Today la the twenty-f- royal couple participated took the tion. ifth of the rnarriaRe form of a Kpecial thankSBlvlnsr service No Calomel! Listen To' Mel anniversary t s A m m m Jake of King Georse and Queen Mary. The in St. Taul's cathedral. Thla was fol- popular rejoicing with which Buch an lowed by a visit to the Oulld hall event ordinarily would be celebrated where a congratulatory address und If bilious, constipated, headachy or sick, I guarantee was refrained from In consequence a gift from tho city of London were : " and cere- - received. ' v "relief without taking dangerous calomel Roll of Honor of the wan the only public which sickensf and salivates. ;''.;..; B. 111. American Casualties Eugene P. Murphy, Sayre. Pa. j Ernes! Llnster, Aurora, P. Oldenburg, Wilson, Mich.; Privates Died of Airplane Att'ltlent. Cau- Private Ernest Adams, Evanston, Stop using calomel! It makes you spoonful .tonight, and if It doesn't Guy Bell, Hillsdale, Mich,; tee Arlc.J, E. Illinois. straighten you right up and make you IOT MODHIN JOURNAL OMCIA WIHI dle, McCrory. George Doran, tick. Don't lose a day's work. If you LIAUO From AcHdcnt nl t'nuscs. feel fine and vigorous by morning, I 6. The Milwaukee; Joseph Downey, Chlcopee, Died Oilier feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti- want to back- to and Washington, July army O. you go the store forty-thre- e Mass.; Ted P. Gillett,' Yampa, Fla.; Private John Myrck, Portsmouth, pated, listen to me! your money. Dodson's Liver Tone casualty list today contain get 'names, divided as follows: Francis M, Lesley, Bcottsburg, Ind.; Virginia. Calomel in mercury or quicksilver is destroying the sale of calomel be- John Homestead, Pa.r cause it is r?al liver entire" Killed In of wounds. Naujokitis, which causei necrosis of the bones medicine; action, 15; died Peter Rahublk, Oilman, Wis.; Arthur Washington, "July 6. The marine Calomel, when it comes into contact ly vegetable, therefore it can not sail' 2: died of accident, 1;' died airplane F. Voss, Horicon, Wis, v corps casualty list today .contained with sour bile, crashes into it, break- vate or make you sick, of disease, 5; died of accident and of WxmK . 1 14 names, divided a follows: ing it up. This Is when you feel that I guarantee that one spoonful of other causes, 1; wounded severely, 17; j:ni ' Lieut. Stephen P. McGroarty, Falls Killed in action. ; died of wounds, awful nausea and cramping. If you Dodson's Liver Tone will put your missing In action, 2. are "all knocked out," if your liver is sluggish liver to work and clean your Church, va.; Private Chester O'Nell, 15: wounded severely, 23; missing tn JThe army list follows: ', torpid and bowels constipated or you bowels of that sour bile and const! Cleveland4.. 'W-- ".;, 'v;.'-- 'V action, 18; wounded, degrees unde- coated : HUle FreezniM! on ari bottle of Freezm lor a few have headache, dizziness, pated waste which is clogging your Killed In Action. 4 Died ol Disease,.'. .. termined, 52. ' JDrop a aching tiny eenti, is bad or stomach :'.. tongue, if breath system and making you feel miserable, Lieutenants Thomas W. Desmond, ' Sergeant Ernest W. Peason, Wau-sa- u, Privates James E. Clark,' Bent corn, 'instantly that corn stops hurt- tufficient to rid: your feet of wry sour. Just try- spoonful of harm- t guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's and Earl W. Davis, 1 . Randolph, Mass.; Thomas Goodfellow, Wis.; Corporal Clyde Gtlllspie, county, Colorado, ing, then you lift it right ouf. It hard corn, soft corn, cr corn between less Dodson's Liver Tone. Liver Tone will keep the entire family 207-We- A. Grand Mich.) ; Privates Wll-lii- m st Orman street. Pueblo, are Here's my guarantee Go to any feeling fine' for months. Give it to Peoria, III.; Sergeant Joseph Rapids, doeant hurt odd bit. Yet, magic! tUS VB, Mitt IMUIUKV, WlUIVUtl UICSSB Dodson's children. is doesn't Hauptman, Bloomington, 111.; Cor- Allen, Brooklyn; Joseph II. ij, reported wounded In action, degree drug store and get a bottle of your It harmless; - JVhf Wjitf Jour druggist fella or irritation, Ttj itt humbug I Uvtr Tost (or tow Gnti, Tako gripo and they like its pleasant taste. porals Roman Lemanskl, Milwaukee; WUUamsport, Pa.; William undetermined- ' ft TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, July 7, 1918. " all iNPIcrWNblflNl .aWSPe.Fm which makes It possible for him to "SAVE WHEAT? IT'S A CINCH!" make a mess of life and then punishes (Ell Siiu.Wllt him for doing so. Porter Fisher Is devoting his life to the work .of preventing homqless boys Yoiir War ftorning Journal from making a mess of their lives. Ho gpes out into, the streets and alleys of America's for PUBLISHING CO. biggest city hunting Bonds JOURNAL boys who may start downward, or WMttn Rvpw-atettv- e who already have headed that way, C. J. ANPIW N, "We think It Is a achieve- RW great Bid , Cideaso, m Jarquetta ment to take a tough boy from the Safely Kept f Baatara EapreaaataUve streets and mould him, Into a fine MOLLIOAIfi RALPH JL yoUng man," Fisher said, explaining f But Una ai'"t. Tork. his work. holders of Loan Bonds poatoffloa of AltraqarKtce, K. 1L, cndef At Liberty of Man-I-t I. IHt ' MANY nf Cwpm Your congressman waving a flag is -- nv othar no safe place to keep them: The Larsar circulation itaaa papar entitled to some con- la Kw Maxioo. il onl papar Nw your iVonds like to tfaxlo tasuad ava dar la tba vaar. gressman waving the flag with one are money, hard identify when hand and voting to tax war profits. lost or stolen. If is not safe to them at Dally, canter tor by Ball, one month, .toe keep by .....I7.M with the other Is entitled to another rarlT. la adTanoa...... ". term. home or in the office. nkaertbara tcvtha Journal whan wrtUnf b'e cent3 week to to ta ha tboll.Baprr ebaaacd to Bw LIBERTY MOTOR MAKlvS GOOD. i r. Wouldn't it worth a few a you muat be nra to fin tha old addraaa. know, absolutely that your war bonds a will perhaps, otrcu-tetl- os "Tea Morntna i'inMl baa a Disbar ...As progressive tests of the or some of a nature, a deed,: rattac tait ' aceorded to amy oihar Liberty correspondence very private papa, la ' New- - Majdco." The American motor show that It is superior .to .ex- mortgages,' .stock certificates, certificates of deposit, in- -' NawaaapoTIHraotory, isting types of engines for different surance papers,; maybe some jewelry not in use, were" O - - - - O classes of air and sea the .., planes, stored . in the Safe Vault of this bank where I MBMBaB Or THB AHcmuA'tauj 'who Deposit fcnnaa .... 1 critics a few months ago were neither fire nor flood nor burglary could reach th'em? Tb Aaaoolatad Pr la axeloalTaly denouncing it ji a failure must feel antUI. I to tba for npubllcatloa othar-rls- while its advocates are f All "awe arNUtad to It or Dot a pretty cheap, Nobody but yourself or an authorized representative; uredUot la (bla aapar aad AIM beginning to take heart. The motor can ever have access to them. tba local aawa puUllahad herein. may not meet all the early claims of .THU yBNAl takaa ab prtnta. Its promoters, but it is cctrainly not a Gome in and see the advantages offered etl hure and thirty minutas of failure, else the British .and French a safe within our vault. cloalv-- ij Annnciiiled Presa leaaad wire by private No newa-pap- ai governments would not have ordered eervlr th wetk. other ' ' ..... iutnlid In Now Mexico takaa them by the thousands, after exhaus- more thaa twenty-fou- r hour of A- -. tive tests. Citizens anniAtMri Praa aarvlca durlna a week. - The .Bank of Albuquerque d - u The latest tribute to the Liberty 'Wfe&mG. . Bank of Personal Serrice" motor is from Vice Admiral Sims, 'The SUNDAY. ..JULY 7, 1918 mm m. ', who says In a report to Secretary Dan- ALBlQUERQUE, n, . iels that recent tests In FORCING THE GOVERNMENT'S; European War Savings Stamps Buy Them Often waters showed that a seaplane HANI). equipped with tho new motor iiad better climbing and load-carryi- 'J The president's request for authority than any of the to take over the telegraph. anl .tclo-- ! qualities existing types. . is the one that "children are constant- phone lines an a war measure, follows to a . The who ly exposing themselves germs in order for a iitrjku by British, have, rever been more than logically the., in number of ways hazardous members of the Commercial Teleg- overhasty adopting American ma- Communicatbns by frequenting a soda fountain." As chinery, are said by Admiral Sims to if, one mistake or one raphers' union. With such, a, threat, righted another, "have expressed great confidence in accident amounts to nothing, because Whatever the merits ol. the industrial he receive a worse one. Mr. the Liberty motor." When the. tests of N. 1918. might dispute may be, further parleying I? Albuquerque; M.,' July 3, Editorial Writer, you might be willing actual experience are applied It will Editor Journal: to cut because it out of the question., i, have an arm off, be found that the was . to editorial on the would be both la, to be regrettpd. that, in pite Liberty motor Referring your better than having It neither so; nor so bad as the paper drinking cup proposition, which gone. But I prefer to safeguard both of the excuse presented by tno 'ltlcpr perfect of 2, 1 well. indicated. appeared in. th Journal July my arms, and my health as summary action should early reports It is already would ask what is the difference be- Unless desk rahers' union, as a SCISSORS you turned tfie editorial have been taken. It have rest regarded valuable contribution to WITH tween being told what to do and how over to the "printers' devil" for a day, might the assets do is on decline. ed Its case the sense of of the allies and AND it?, the Journal evidently the upon public PASTE sound-thinki- will become You say, ''no one objects being told How any man could justice and profited by It. Cut even Increasingly, effective, seems as these is both In and as what to eat and drink, but it advance such arguments more deplorable is the attitude of the quality quantity, the that when we are told how to eat and beyond my power of understanding. I weeks pass. PROTEST THEIR KAISER'S WORD Am a limit been reached. On to see this in as Western Union Telegraph company, drink, has hardly expect print, (The Outlook.) . I that proposition, then, it matters not athe truth is sometimes hard to face, which has sought a quarrel in a great A Swedish newspaper kais- The other day at the German main what we do a thing like, just so we but I want to let you know that not national crisis and shown Itself un- says the William AM a whimpering, shrinking coward, a curse to my race er Isn't much headquarters II celebrated do it, or leave it alone as the case everyone agrees with your amiable in the of it. worrying about the few the thirtieth anniversary of his acr and to fellow men. No noble impulse ever may be. We shall but it makes stand on the soda fountain question. compromising pursuit digrace my live, ' hundred thousand Americans ' G. A. AMBLER. All that the president and the war "over Session to the throne. As reported I soul or awakened a throb no difference how we live. We can there." He's too in press dispatches, he proclaims that thrilled my pitiful responsive have absolute freedom to shoot, kill, Alameda Road. labor board have asked of the parties busy worrying about sac- the few millions who are "either German principles of riliht, within my breast. My heart knows neither charity nor and trespass upon the rights of others, to this controversy is that they estab coming. honor-an- must be because it matters not now we freedom, morality , handiwork is for self alone. I shirk do a n rifice, and duty Chamberlain's Tablets. .' lish on open-sho- p a truce upheld, or Anglo-Saxo- principles, niy the principle I thing. Those tablets are' intended espec- of the war. Tho West- JOHN rrRBOY MITCHEL. with their Idolatry of mammon, must when my country calls; grip the shining shekels that are I fail to see your distinction between until the end be victorious." ially for stomach troubles, biliousness ern Union was the one needed to staunch the blood flow f my fellows who stand the thinus the board of health is ca- and If you have any company only. The death of Some Germans In Frankfort and of constipation. in of John Purroy Mltchcl, mouth and back blow for pable having goed judgment upon. troubles of this sort, give then) a trial lo refuse. In its cane, as that the Munich have had the hardihood to at the cannon's give promptly Certainly if tho board does anything a former mayor of New York In an mon- and realixe for yourself what first Telegraphers' union, there Is reason to protest against this imperial saying. blow where grim death reigns supreme. I am a living at all it should look after the sanitary class medicine will do for you. avtaticui . accident aft Lake They believe that the purpose all along was Chacles, The Frankfort Zeitung is one of their ument to selfishness, greed and avarice. I am alien from condition of such public places as only cost a quarter. ... to national of the tele- Ui,, yesterday came as a distinct spokesmen. "The German people drinking fountains and ice cream par- forcej operation shock his were not told on 4, 1914," af- God and a traitor to the land that gave me birth. lors. when the board unani- lines. Such an extension of fed- to many frlonda and ad- August Aiyl graph mirers firms the Frankfort paper,' accord- mously recommends that such places eral hag been under consid- throughout the country. But ing In th rilsrmtchps. "thai Ihev were serve food in authority ' sanitary dishes, but their FAYWOOD HOT. SPRINGS his is Dnincr nut tn flfrht the A ncrln-K- n vntl is eration, but to have it come by com- untimely taking away merejy .nro'po&ition rejected because "it Trou- one of the incidents conception of the world until It was costs too much," some- For Rheumatism, Stomach pulsion on the of pri connected with ' Am something, Inflamma- part quarreling corfqtierea. Had that been said, even I the Slacker where, is radically wrong. ble!, Kidney Ailments, vate both to this war Incidents for which we ' tions, Arterial Hardening, Loco- combinations, hoping .In veiled terms, the. high unity of It seems to me,' also, that your argu- must , ourselves. motor Ataxia, Nervous profit by It, will be nothing less than nerye , will of the German people would ment that should look Breaking, "parents after eto.-- Perfect Treatment, Perfect scandalous bo far as they are Mr. Mitchel was hardly 39 years have been rent asunder on the first their children," is very weak. If we for the German did not think of were to broaden au- Climate. Health. Pleasure, Large of age, having been born at Ford day, inflicted by the stray crumbs that weighs about thirty tons. Every part such a policy, an Modern Hotel. Booklet. Round this or that kind of world conception. one of made of metal. The tomobile or street car could strike a In the Union ham, Y.. on , lodge between the sheets unless is, course, to Faywood from Albuquerque particular, Western N., July 19, ,1879. fie He thought only of the Fatherland's child, through the drlver'B carelessn- trip used came Into be highly skilled in tlie Handling of motors, which are of the silent type, Telegraph, company, which has prominence while mayor need, of home and wife and mother." Crumbs in bed! are of about 105 ess1, and be not responsible, for of " the Frankfort goes breakfast trays. usually horsepower. course the child's the emergency of war hb. un occasion of New York. During his term of Moreover, paper Procustes missed a chance here. The Despite their weight and, clumsy ap- parents should be T. C. McDERMOTT on to i "there are there to see It for by long- office he ruled say that, though of dishes in a bed- the tanks can be handled that did not get hit! reviving aggression a the metropolis with dark; passages in Knglish his- presence emptied pearance, But the excuse cake FAYWOOD. H. H. with many room is disheartening in itself; the with surprising ease. They are de- that takps the standing feud its employees, can; an iroa hand . and it was largely tory, they are not the result of any con- sight of them brings to a sensitive signed to make as little noise as pos- not fall to find itself a subject of through his indomitable courage and particular perversity in world os Nor will the Frankfurter soul a conviction of Incompetence and sible, that they may approach the lasting reproach, in keeping in many determination to do what was ception." defeat. You cannot evade their sig- enemy without giving an alarm. The right Zeitung have the worship of money one respects with its past history. as he saw it that Ne York was com- enemies. "Un nificance; they are the wreck of a crew of a tank consists of officer confined to Germany's lost before have buckled seven men. to be it says, "our world con- battle, you and pelled good during his tenure fortunately," on your armor or fired an arrow at The American tanks combine the If you want to help the kalncr be a no- ception has not protected us from of office. His admistratlon was the foe. , - . of other making heavy sacrifioes on that same best features the systems, NOW! pessimist. free ?raft and $50,00(1,000 was SUBSCRIBE'. tably from scandal. ,, Thcro has been lack of An appropriation of altar. no, TOMMY ATKINS. fleet Ho catered to no party or clique. He 'service', to mamirton In Germany even KIPLI.XG MADE made to construct a formidable - "A Soldier's Memories .in of tanks of several different types. THE EFFECT. was a MAN in time of war." ,' i . '.(From , fearless, honest and Peace and War,'' by Sir ,George They vary in motive power .from 12 .' i Another spokesman is the Munich x conscientious. to It ounguusoann.) to 250 horsepower. The Ilghfer types The Gerntan wftjtjparty .spent mil Post. " According the, telegraph,! I, hhd .served foe1 many are to used for while the , M'ltchelj possessed the and myself, bp scouting, lions of donaj-- to the capacity has declared that "the 'anniversary wears wiln solnLors, nut had never ones trying kcop to one of the f accession could heavier will possible , TO THE JOURNAL qualifiCaUona .the Ijavp em-- United out of war until the ,eeome kalscjr' once, heard the words or expressions to use the heaviest ordnaAce yet , States the, been celebnated , by a measure 'of nation's leaders.'. lie was mentioned lhat'.Utidyard Kipling's sildiers used. ployed "in this way. Many of the ' German army had defeated Franco, and instead of by I ( clemency humanity a time did I ask my brother of to France for quite often" as presidential timber war-lik- e Many taaks being rushed Russia and Great iBrltain. German a speech of tenor against fleers whether had. eve heard' act as trac- and they General Pershing jre to I T7.'.: ' and without! number might pogiiihly have found his England without containing words qf Ihe.iu. No. never. But. sure enough, tors to field into action :' spies plotters own , The lrag guns way, to the White Hoime had he thanks to his people." few later, t'.je soldiers thought fire. were scattered all oyer this'' country Munich concludes . "the years under heavy ilved. Buk paper that and talked end expressed themselves d after relinquish- to make America's ,war effort less ef- shortly Anglo-Saxo- n races are powerful un exactly as Kudyard Kipling had obacco la- ing the office of mayor to his suc- to accept the chal-- J PIEKROT GOES. r fective, ad nutny of them stlll are enough emperor's taught them In his stories. He would cessor last he enlisted In the lengea. or (By Charlotte Becker.) : boring , ,; January got a word here, a stray expres- along thatjine. war Is Indeed between two sets Into Up among the efiimneys tall The same of has been aviation corns. Being beyond" the The sion there, and weave them gen- sor( plotting of princlplse. But the point ert Issue eral Aoldlero' talk in his priceless Lay the garrett of Pierrot. on - maximum draft he was exempt his call Good American Tobacco! going; In France and Great Brit- age Is that what the kaiser calls German stories. Kudyard Kipling made the Here came trooping at Old from military duty, (But, his. country principles of right are Prussian prin- modern soldier. Other writers have Fancies no one else might know; Here hevbade the spin the, road war In pne mo- called and he heeded the call. He ciples of wrong. Principles that jus- gone on with the good work, and spiders 3ut, party the bloody mire of Belriimv the have between tlteni manufac- Webs to hide his treasure in. By special arrangement The JournU guarantees to deliver, ment the work of Its has laid down his life In defense of tify they two destroys all, plot- ot. KheiniB, the of e, lov- ' ;. , 'J an with tobacoo manufacturers, dollars wrecking outraging tured the cheery, ,' through arrangement to our soldiers ters and propagandists. Hy sinking a those principles for which he fought women, the massacre of children, the able ,person enshrined In our hearts Here ho heard the night wind croon worth of tobacco, for every dollar subscribed, la I to France. hospital ship it offsets the work of a during his political career. May his defiance of law and humanity, cant as Tommy Atkins. . Slumber-song- s for sleepyheads; France and on the way t thousand a official and not prevail,, , , - ,, ..k1,. Here he spied the spendthrift moon The (60c worth of tobacco) are put up la attractive plotters. Bombing hospitals example, bothas public USED.,,--(Baltimor- packages When we. find that two widely AS IT IS Strew her silver on the leads; patrlotlo packages.- - In every package w put a' return postal card strengthens the arm and the determin- defender of Ws country In time of . weve known k German papers rise up in Kvening Sun.) Here he a coronet with your nam and address o that you win get word back from ation of our fighting men In the need, be and inspiration to others. complaint and contradiction of the . "Johnnie," said a teacher of, a Ju- Of quaint lyrics for Pierrette. the battlefields from as many soldiers as you subscribe 21 seat trenches, and quickens other, millions emperor, we welcome these signs of venile class, "what is the term 'etc' pieces. .- ,-, ii liaart .. used for?" c, him Into greater effort In American S. healthy reaction. .!,, But the bugles blew down ship ; Having taken the W. S. pledge i "It Is used to make people believe To the fields with war beset: yard, field, factory and home. Slaying we we TOBACCO IS MIGHTY SCARCE there Is only one other thing to do: MOVE FAMOUS CHESS CAME. that know a lot more than Marched him past tho quiet town, M'' wounded men and e . . ' murderlnfe keep it. (Paris .Edition or me New York really do,", replied the bright young- Past-th- window of Pierrette; .. Near the Trenches, :;., .. , r nullifies ster. ; A : Comrade now the pacifist Herajd,) of sword and lance FROM IRVIN COBB'S "PATHS OF GLORY" of Cafe de la no Pierrot gave his dreams to France. preachings plotters WHAT'S IN A NAME? The Kegence longer HE COULDN'T. BEAR TO LOOK. and socialists. The effect of Ilunnlsh shelters the chess players whose tem-pl- o - . "As X recall now, we had come through the gate of he school, (Pittsburgh Dispatch.) " When wind Is what it has been since 1854. The his tho street ' HIS APPAREL. house" to where the automobile stood a puff of blowing terrorism not the kaiser hopes A or so we Working way through us from the left; which meant from across the year ago began calling players now make their headquarters car, the line of women hanging (The to battlefront brought for. It makes us want to all the ,. 1' past Argonaut.) to our noses a certain smell which we knew full well, fight theni'Summles' , at the Cafe de Universe, facing the on the conductor noticed a A crossing from Detroit to already more. fYaacals. straps, lady ( a8ome, pf tt)em 'dlvln't like the name. Theater, man who ho supposed .was-feinln- Windsor was asked by the customs "'You get it. I see,' said the German officer, who Stood along- Had it other The Cafe de la has been me. comes five any .effect upon, us we Bald they wanted to be called Regenco sleep to. avoid paying fare. officer if she had anything dutiable. side of It from three miles off, but you can get It would not deserve to Tiey In Its present site in Kue Saint Hon-or- "Wake ho as he Jolted She assured him that she had noth miles when thS wind is strong' and he waved his left arm toward be free peo "Yanks." sec- up!" said, since. the early years of the. the siumberor, . '.- - ing but wearing apparel in her trunks It as'though the scent had been a visible thing. That explains why pie. If it frightened us Into less war we. and It was at ' is so scarce with us the staff In Laon. r AndvwlieneY.r didn't forget ond empire. Before that "I wasn't asleep," replied the pas- ut at the bottom of tho largest one, tobacco along back yonder , would In effort .we deserves, of the Palais ' ' ' to sus- - 'yMadp rail them "Sammies," we called them the angle Koyal square senger, producing a coin. which him seemed the most "All the tobacco which can be Spared Is- sent to the mea In ths uermany lawn, customs and where the Hotel du Louvre now Is "Then do with closed picious, were found twelve bottles of language . , why you sit front trenches. As long as smoke and oa smoking they "Tajiks."r,y , and In that location it from ' they keep and a. Potsdam ruler. t have Btarted operated eyes?" whisky. can stand that." put now. they calling 1681 .until ,it was expropriated in .. "Because of the crowded condition "Madam," said1 the officer; sarcas- 1864. . 'No Matter How Small the Amount Sen d in. them "Attabpys. ., of the car, 1 hate to ..see women tically, "do you call these wearjng Jt Go over 'fine top for another Thrift ", the All tiis clpnfuses, If Ike having In the Eighteenth Century standing." ''. apparel?" Our boys are going to need tobacco in great Quantities Till out Stamp everr time you have a quarter Cafe de la.ltegence was frequented the now is None Too Soon and make tt generous I three handles to, a pap, one wastes a Diderot', "Certainly," she replied sweetly. coupon Today you can cave. by the encyclopedists. WHY IT WAS CORRECT. . "Those are husband's Bring it, or mall It, to The Journal Office. - lot of time trying to decide which Grimm, Marmontel, even Voltaire and my nightcaps." (Chicago News,) "f " " were of ! . handle to grab. later Robespierre habitues "Now. little girl, would it he prop- 'i ' MAKES OVfCIt BOYS. ' the place. It Is Nopoleon gave er to say, 'You can't learn me noth- THE LURE OF THE RALOON. a chess party in the old cafe. The (Phlladclnhia Nerth American.) ' THE JOURNAL, ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO. Is1 of .national ing?'" ' not Porter Ftaher the commander-in-chie- f The Hungarian minister cafe charged by the hour for the "Yes'm it would," replied, the girl. Springfield, Mass. saloons do men 11 24 No. a Popular etrarattae having retail valae of Ma. the Harlem bet- 'defense haa tried to excuse tho, recent use ot its chessboards and. an .extra "Oh! Perhaps you'll tell me why4," attract young between and v.apkf. ykt Boys'jhome, was made at as do older men, nor are single khoWn liTtiew Austrian, defeat ,ln Italy. Excuses are charge the night games "Cause you cau't." ';' . '.' they ,.. pkf. No. 1 Popular tobacoo having retail vajae of Ha, ter York aa tho boys' to. pay- for the two candles which men so numerous as married men t plpt pretty food for a starving na sub hotel.', , poor each pair of players used. La Bour MALE AND FEMALE TANKS. -- the har. according to a report ...... a pkf. No. I Popular relsrette tobaooo Bering ratall vales tion. V . donnais, .famous chessmaster of the Two tanks are mitted by C. C. Robinson, of New ,, Many persons, Including fathers and general types of vatae ..,.'; there and after Life, York, to the conference- or the Asso- He pkf. No. 1 Popular piss ehewlag tobaeeo hevtsg ratall mothers are' Interested li) Restoration, played used by the British, saye Boys' of We, qf boys, ,the . Salnt-Aman- d, of Officers of the German. Austrian exchange, has him Alfred de Musset, the Boy Scouts' Magazine,- for July. ciation Employed "boy hojr Jb-lem- s pml de Bornier cel- ' of Youns1 Men's Christian Association. bran probb3m...Xherear) few Rosenthal, and other They are enclosed with sheets Is aaaordaaoa with vour offer .to Sags popular at of totaeee aal. In wei a's taken another drop. In a month of chess. . Mr. Robinson headed a section that elcarettea to oar marts af KM packages, each tot maiuriqna m jn.ten'e; ebrities literature and steel of a special composition. .The solaiera ta ataropa la Be, t one should be able to buy German of a male con-- , investigated the lure of the saloon. ment4 But mosseriua of al boy battery tank, usually con- pi marks with money, , BREAKFAST IN BED. slots of two one on Explaining the reason for the problems 19 tna has no home, stage guns, Mr. Robinson boy.ihf (Meredith Nicholson in the July Yale either side, which can. awing In a ditions noted, said: the lad who roams the seeking . di- i street,, . . i wide arc so that the be, ''This attributed to the THE SPLENDID ILKNCE. Review.) fire may ' partially shelter In a place which., really fan'! ., I breakfast in bed rected at any point at the sides or higher idealism of the. young . men (Washington Star.) protest against Street his home altftough It may he the "You are not the orator you used as not only unsocial but unbecoming fehind or in front. Several Lewis and also to the fact 'that unmarried Aasrcsi in the children of democracy. I have guns are also carried. The female! men spend a good deal of time in the home, t$ elatlye. it, 40.. UVJ,.. .r (.i: ...iir v," ,u t, ." no of sweethearts. The CKp sa State rar, pttefl, ,"I, sir," replied Senator Sorghum, never succumbed to this temptation tank carries six Lewis guns, but company their come humil- ? ' saloon seems to be most in docn;t ''am mastering one dif without experiencing a feeling field ordnance. , popular - between 36 dull I Most aften.that.Uoy,t''pk,goes wron.,Anj flcult problems. I am when iation and cowardice..! A proper pun- Although no. larger, ttian an ordli the years and 45, the .... .4 learning oe r j auch in British tank drab of middle age." who tan UUoie uim.?'Surily. net society to keep. UU." .r. lneftji nary touring car, tlw yean Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, July 7, 1 9 1 8. THREE 1 . - -- .,,. ,. ! 71 r . - a. Tefl 1 M011M JKM3L CMSSHIFHEP. COfflMI

;MNCIHI FOR roS-EXCOANGiB , FOE SALE ..; SALE " not a Market opens 12,000. 2 Why buy mall rnmh. move on to frame, modern, it and cut your livlnn cxihmisos to mini- iTOCI MCE! fur- a Ten acre ranch, convenient to City. sleeping porches, completely mum during these war times. We have a With fine orchard 5 acres suitable for 2 of 7 and alfalfa or Ranch 200,000 nished, families, tract acroa, with a go..,i houae. for Owner cannot look Extensive Cattle Sheep controlling i rents for 130.00 Srd adobe barn, fine younir orchard vt 250 City property. per month; treee farm. have to under located Jn Eastern coming Into boarlnn. Land on main after the What you of acres of grazing range fence, UWCERTAIN BUT ward. Jut Is or less. $2,500. frame, bath eta, ditch and is all under rultlvnilon.jonty 5 fer, around J2.500 Arizona. Watered by several running springs. Range tine ce- mllea from town. Owner must leave Inside sleeping porch, shade trees, of a week and will In consists of homestead and leased lands. 30,000 block com- throw household fur- deeded, ment garage, good barn; niture, farm Implements, & can be 4 ' garden tools, horse,. TIMTON head of or 8,000 head of cattle ranged pletely furnished; in. ward. buKsy and harness, everything goes. For sheep ' ' CLOSES STRONG 2,300. shingle bungalow, price and terms, see THIRD AND GOLD. built-i- n through year. modern, features, hardwood high-grad- e to be sold with ranch.; i A.-- 3,500 head cattle floors, glassed sleeping porch, MAKTINCO,-- . garage; 4th. ward. Best stock in Southwest. . Apply, REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE, proposition $2,600. stuccoed in I bungalow LOANS. r flrs- -' 1IEALTY LOAN Pre- University Heights, modern, , Phone 166. CITY Wm'MwmMwe, Steels, Oils and Marine 216 West Gold. cheap, 11modern Bungalow, good loca- place. 12.500 7 -- room dashed, tion, for only $2,200, Terms tp suit, Hurry adobe, pebble if want ferred , Retain the Greater modern, lot 76x142, cement walks, you it. 11.700 in- R. HAS Part of Their Advance; brick, city water, lid W. (inld. Phone M7. The Star Furniture Co. side toilet,, electrto lights, new Fire and Auto Insurance. Publie Notary 118 West Clold Afe. :; '., Metals Are Sluggish, floors, newly papered and painted; madern cnttnei Vnrniuhi near shops; easy terms. Garage, barn and all other good Have a nice line, of Furniture things, 12,500.00. FOR RENT- - Room. For Sale, IMeinB sml Several gaa plates at low prices. . IHCUL WISSI t 2nd hand furniture. 17 NMWIM JOUKNL IUHD "A. FUOSCHER MONEY TO LOAN Djilo-4iliiJ- e Still buying 6. ,. ... 409. ... New York, July Opening with BmI Estate, Inaunuioa, Loam ,.W. H. McMILUON Norttu Phone an uncertain tone, today's curtained 111 Souta Fourth Itreet i 206 West Gold. . Four room, and bath, largo glazed soon FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for session of the stock market housekeeping. 621 West Silver, and screened sleeping porch. Four evinced firmer tendencies. In a few FOR RENT Dwellingsv COR RENT Modera rurnisneo rooms; ao blocks front West Central. Close water, Cusli West Central. instances developing marked strength. South. sick; running month SALE A six-roo- adobe ' Steels of sotrV But in. Some) cash and $18 per FOn the Independent FOR RBXT to-rooi- n SitR RENT Rooms at Good Furnished week, bath; to In Old two blocks , Sloss Shef- Mf Wall Tents, by the bunga. summer- - no nj will handle. ,It will pay you house Town, Crucible, low, with slcki oyer Golden Rule group, notably glass sloping porch, llKbt and rates; ' I field and oils, week or the month. water paid. $16.50 per month, tile West store.- - Investigate. Owner leaving town, fron) Car; Line, cheap fof cash; Superior; particularly by Coal. Mexican Petroleum, and Marline pre- TELEPHONE 79 , RIO O HANDS HOTfJO Rooms and apart- and will sacrifice. See National must bo sold. Address P. (X. . tOR RENT' One furnlshea lour.ioom house ments, 610 West .Central, Mrs. Richard N. M. ferred and minor war Issues all re '& 401 ' 102 North Third. Box, 86, Old Abuqucrque, Bear South Seventh. Apply at 214 West West. Proprltress. Invet(tme.nt Co, tained the greater part of their one Gold. Also four-roo- unfurnished house ' at IMPERIAL. ROOMS. Ntce clean rooms; to two advances, but standard 411 South Seventh. . point rates by day er week:v over Woolworth s, ket unchanged. LOST. - i raijs kept within fractional limits. Potatoes HlghtanrtB. 319 r2 West Central.' United States Steel made a fractional Receipts, old, none; now, LOST A. AVuieimuu fountain pen witliuut FOR RENT Nicely turnisOed outside room 51 care. Market FOR RENT Desirable FOR SALE unchanged. cup.VRrturn to office at 11SS-- the week or month; also furnished room advance to its best quotation of the , SuperlntritiloiH'B lurnisnea cottage. Phone by Poultry--Alive- higher. Fowls, 29c; Httrh School, nr phone rj04-J- , for . llgbt-- housekeeping. . Elms Hotel, corner week but closed at a loss, 33 FOR R BINT Furnished WANTED. Underwood slight springs, 38c. eottaga First andVTUeral. i Typewriter Metals moved numer wnn sleeping porcn, loss soutli Welter, Can home sluggishly and HELP, WANTED. - Cook wages $40. go No. 4, in first class FOR RENT Four-roo- house two i v v Boutn. Style ous other speculative favorites receiv- NEW YORK COTTON. glaued nights. r . in porcnes. water 114. Phone 1522-- Cheap, i ( ed scant attention. Sales amounted Male. paid, FOR RENT Furnished roomat 414 Wast Hl-- FOR RENT-Three-r- furnished no no MRS, GEO. R0SLINGT0N, to New York, 6. Cotton - cottage. ver; sick, children. THE ECONOMIST 190,000 shares. July futures WANTED Men fur well work. J. P. Wollt- Inquire 617 South. Broadway. Phone H84-- Bonds were most of the war closed firm. July, $27.80: Oct.. ' int... nil v(iiper. FOR RENT Two nice clean modern rooms riionc 1049. firm, rpil liis.NT Furnished bungalow; for men, In desirable location, sill Wast issues a $24.99; Dec. $24.63; Jan.. $24.50: WHITli lAm AilKeles V. M. O. A. Auto School, , on ' hardening, with gain of sleeping porch ear lino. 1117 South Silver. , PROFESSIONAL CARDS. March, $24.80. Train for service. Arno. . - in Toklo 5'a. The Liberty group .was FOR RENT Nicely furnished front bed A'ANTED milk. Three-roo- Single man for route. FOR RENT furnished house room: olos 1431-- , ATTOBNEYS about steady. Total sales value) ' In. Phons Ml south FOR SALE MUcenaneou. (par KANSAS CITY PRODUCE. Matthew's IHUry. 1'hone r with $16.00 were $1, sleeping porch. per month. Ftftn. IOUM 875,000. WANTED A milker; am a rarra hand. AP. water paid. 622 South Walter. W. WILSON FOR RENT Three furnished rooms 122 WANTED If you nec u earpentcr, call .. Attorney United States bonds (old issues,) Kansas City, 6. Butter and ply Beiemek'a Dairy, 1901 North Fourth. RENT three-roo- July ult New cottage furn- , J, H. Durllng. Phone 16D5-- Rooms II, IT and Cromwell Bnlldlas were unchanged on call during the poultry unchanged. WANTED Man to wurk In warehouse. ished. Bleeping porches. 1400 South High Erwood ' Phonsl. 1171 street. Bakery. week. Eggs Firsts, 35 c; seconds, 30c. Steady work.- Apply immediately. J. Kor-b- City Realty CO., Phone 776. FOR. .RENT Furnished rooms for WANTED J.ace curtains washed and Co. light 35c Phone 606. OBEX KODET .. and FOR RENT Modern furnished flat on East Coal stove and 724 stretched. per pair. " Closing prices: housekeeping. gas. . at LIVESTOCK man 'Central .car. line,, convenient- lo vjinalor-lum- s. Smith Second. Attorneys law American Beet Sugar 71 MARKETS. WANTDVoung to drive laundry FOR SALE High grade piano 150.00, nearly alt I, Law Bnlldlnsj TUaxtort ft Co., Third and 2nld. 2424-F- Library American Can 46 and dry cleaning delivery car at Denting, FOR RENT Furuisha house. new :15.00 saddle $20.00. Phone ' N. M. . Ciiicaco T.lveslrwlr Wages liS.UO per week. Apply Hi FOR RN"urnlsnad cottag.. modern, with oanvaes sleeping porch, light and wa-t- er DKNTISTS American Smelting & 80 West Silver. ear FOR SALE Practically new Bosch ft T-- Refining. Chicago, 6. Cattle glaaaed porches; University lines. paid: 110.00 per month. 616 West Coal. O. Box DM. & July Receipts 1624' ' " Lomb engineer's transit, (100. P. i. K. KBAFT American Tel. Tel 96V) WANTED $4.25 to $5 Phone J81, mornlsgs. East Central - nun; compared witn a week ago steers Carpenters per day. FOR RENT 316 West Lead avenue, on 115. Kprlnger, N. M.- t, UesitBl lorgeoa ..... 12.60 53 90 40 labor- hree-roo- American Zinc 20 Inbove. 1.650 Laborers to per day. modern well furnished Aoonui t, Ph steady; cattle ' bungalow. ground floor, exceptionally HA143 new Cash reg- Barnett Building lacking ers for Oklahoma at once. Employment 110 Completely furnished; two desir- bed, bath. FOR Almost National stall Anaconda Copper 68 and 25c to 50c porches; room, with vanishing private 5 Appointments Made by weight quality, lower; South Third. Phone 854. able neighborhood. Call 116 South Cedar. Room nice window, and ister, 6 letter clerk keys, memorandum Atchison 84 has bay splendid 199.511 B. most butcher cattle 50c to $1 lower; 17 keys. Hays receipts totalled. Registers t. COPP , , .. ., , MEN Age to 45. Experience unnecessary. FOR RENT House In Highlands, four-roo- screened varanda adjoining. This Ideal Deitls4 (Baltimore & Ohio . ; 64 ',4 best and canners off less; stackers and make secret re- has been designed to give com- 1'rlntlng feature. I'ossmuto., 414 South See Travel; investigations, bungalow, furnlahed; liaised In imnniet ond. ' Kas''4-- 1 Mellnl Bnfiain" Butte & 29 feeders and veal calves 25c to 60c Ralarles; expenses. American For 1207 fort and Is very desirable for couple. . Superior port. ' sleeping porch; also garage, Call East PHTMtblAWn AWQ California Petroleum 19 lower; quotations unchanged from elgn fJeteetlve Agency, 500 St. Leuts.' 7entral. ... AOOF fM.ltnt , gUiKOBOWf Higlllsiltflsa. Me per gallon, Roofa under our eare will Ml. UABOAREt O. OAKTWsUOHT1 Canadian Pacific . ...147V4 Friday. INDUSTRIOUS men, desiring light work; FOB RENT Furnished bungalow, four to We can on Hogs Receipts '9,000. Market 6c Entirely new bunlnesa. No canvassing. rooms FOR RENT Furnished" Improve from year year. pat PraeUeei Limited to Wosnea's aa 71 V and bath with sleeping porch, lis new root will last as ions as the Central Leather to 10c than Inexperienced man made day. Typewrit- Walter. Phons Ml a that ajassjsji' S)lal0isnBMs9 67" higher yesterday, mostly lir North Sycamore. Apply iSll East Copper The Mansano Co. Phone uWl-- UM V. W. Chesapeake & Ohio ten details fur stamp. Krafft, Box 896, San or I41-- building. Ontral phons 171, Albusnersjae. M, 10c higher. Bulk, $16.55 17.10; pnone FOR RENT Furnished wmm, gentleman 110 South Walnut. & 41 Francisco, Calif. tdree-room- nua' "titi.i. Chicago, Mil. St. Paul. butchers, FOR RENT Modern . comDlete- - preferred. 101 South Walter, stiM $16.75i'17.00; packing, 20.000 NT oement i Kate) 41 w UOVBHNMENT NEKIS at with FOR-RE- ERIE carbon, root patnt, and roof rraotiesj Umltrd to Fye, Kar, asal Chino Copper $16.10(fi 16.76; light, $16.75 17.16; ' In ly furnished house sleeping porches; Two housekeeping rooms and Washington. Examination everywhere Ideal looation. 1122 - - H.- - A stops leaks; lasts five years. Use Devoe ; .. THJtOAT Colorado Fuel & Iron 48 $15.G0g 16.00; $16.00 wo- Eaef Central. poren; monern. eia rnmn Mign. rough. pigs, July. Experience unnecessary. Men and ready paint, floor paint, Valspar. Jap Office Hours: 14 to 1J: t to I Crucible Steel 69 16.35. men positions write FOR RENT Furnished room wiui sleeping cold water and be satisfied, State National Bank Building dealring government FOR RENT FunilKlied two room IHK-- kalsomlns, Sheep Receipts none; compared free to J. C. Leonard, (form-e- r eoltage porch. 62S South Edith. Phone Tbos. 401 W. Central, Phone 414. Cuba Cane Sugar 31 for particulars wltn In convenient r. Keleher, OB. BAB AH COKEB with ( week ago, lambs and Civil Service Examiner,) 1001 Kcnols glassed sleeping porch; FOR RENT furnished ouUide Erie . 15 light year to shops; light and water paid. $14 Newly Practice Limited In Children. lings 25c to 50c lower; sheep strong Bldg.. Washington. monm. " (ir Toom; reaaonahl. 623 "South Arnd. Offloa Rooms 1 and t. Wright Bits. Great NorthornOre C'tfs ., 32 not soutn Arno. to higher and In improved demand; WANTED At once an experienced sales- FOR RENT . room with ' OR BALA Fourth and Gold. l.xgs aleepln, - -- Great Northern pfd 89 from man for general store who can speak General. ideal tor two, East and Houis I p. m. to I p. ss. quotations unchanged Friday. Do not porch; m central. ONE Centrifugal pump 66 fluently. Also a bookkeeper. FOR RENT Mod em Houses Ap- Resldenoa Phone 1471. Offloe Phone 141 Inspiration Copper Spanish ex- rooms. FOR KENT Large furnished front roum, motor. With pressure control. unlesa you have had practical W. D. Int. Mer. Marine Pfd. Ctfs 102 Kansas City Livestock. apply re- ('lose In. Some furnished. Hr McMlllion, Well gentleman prefored. 107 South Wal ply Weinman. care Economist. perience and know that you can hold a us west God, SOCIETIES Kennecott ...... 33. Kansas City, July 6. Cattle Re Give full in ter. Copper position. particulars Four-roo- sponsible FOB BENT house - KNI0UT8 OK C'OLVMBUA. . Mexican Petroleum ..101 ceipts 500. Market steady. Prime fed first letter as to experience and salary with canvass FOR RENT Rooms furnished for housu- six - - Connrll No. 441. $17.26 18.2 5; dressed beef Address Bond-Sarge- Co., Grants, sleeping; porch, blocks from Central keeping,- large sleeping porch, South Albuquerque Miami Copper 29 steers, wanted. Ave. Phone 1121. lit Meets first third at I steers; M. - ' ' Walnut. - ' and Tuesdays p. n. 23 $12.5017.00; western steers, WANTED MUceIraneou.v In School ball on North Sixth M. Missouri Pacific ,'OR RENT houfc, furnished or FOR RENT Roems with sleeping porch street.' lll.0018.00; cows, $7.0013.50; In. T. Murphy, O. K , reeldence tot West Iead. Montana Power 66 - unfurnished, close Newly' papered and with or without board. Phone 171. 1181 heifers, $8.00 14.25; stockers- and 416 ' bPfclOlAL rates made to plcnlo and fishing & Rlbera, r. reeldehcs 1724 South ,v Oirl for housework. painted. City Realty Co. Phone 776. 1..83-J- . Nftw York Central ...... 72 feeders, $8.00 16.26; calves, $8.50 ANTED general East Cehtral. parties. Call Broadway..i. West Coal. FOR RENT house. S rooms up- 43 15.50. i FOR RENT Rooms and sleeping porches One set of double me- Pennsylvania saleswoman. stairs. 3 rooms down stairs, nicely furnt WANTED harness, 24 Market WANTED Competent in close to good boarding house; also light dium. B20 North Hcconfl. Ray Consolidated Copper Hogs Receipts 1,500. Economist, Ished, suitable for two parties. No children. South FOR SALE roUTtry and 624 or 1M housekeeping. Ice and telephone. Ill WANTKD Practical nurse confinement Egg . 92 steady. Bulk, $16.70 16.90: heavy, to Phone call West Gold. for Reading WANTED A woman do family washing. Walter. case. Box 16, care .8. 93 $16.80 16.95; light, $16.6016.85! Address Journal. FOR HALE Forty C Whits leghorn Republic Iron & Steel... Phone ins. 7; west lopper. FOR RENT Modern front room with glass- hens. Phone 1704. pigs, $16.25W16.50. col FOR SALLLiTestock. VVAnlTED Olrl for general housework. Ap. laying Southern Pacific 83 WANTED Woman to woflfln kitchen; ed In Bleeping porch, housekeeping privil- ' ' 25" SQ0. Market ply mornings. 314. West Marquette." F6"fi SALE 26 white!.or- and . . . 24 Sheep Receipts" ored 124 soutn mintn. HALE milch cow. Phone 222. eges If desired. No sick. Phone 1104. 208 - Southern Railway preferred. oh Jersey WANT A- spring" wagon." Navajo rone combed R. f. red chicks steady. Lambs, $15.00 18.25; year, no oeek. SALE North Arno. J ED horse and Texas 152 WOMAN For general housework; FOR Some fine Belgian "hares, get a Hvrse must be Address Box 4, cars. March hatched.' Hal South Walter.' Company $13.00 17.00; $12.00 RBNT--TW- gentle. lings, wethers, Address Box: raise own FOR O large modern rooms with Union Pacific . . 122 13.60. Ing. z. Aipuquerque. pair and your meat, f:j West Journal. FOR KALE 8. C. R. 1. Reas. Best In state. 14.50; ewes, $10.00 of two, Fruit. . . sleeping porch and bath. Clean and well WANTEI Experienced conk, family -- and C. 434 U. S. Industrial Alcohol 124 furnished for housekeeping. No sick, 310 WANTED At once second hand furniture Block, eggs, chicks., .P. Hay, 1424 East Silver. Phone 1717. FOR SALE One fresh and one dry milk kitchen also cook stove or Vorth High,, , 108 Denver Livestock. Apply South Walter. Phone 1706. and utensils; . - .j ..- - ...... f , United States Steel cows. One farm horse 2194-- 6. WANTED- oTrl or woman for general house and Forty chickens. range.' Phone J 83 Denver, Cattle Receipts Co. 776. . Utah Copper . July work! Call after 10 a. m. 606 North Third, City Realty Phone General.. aweet peas, FOR SALE Automobile. 500. Market Beef , steers, F6R 8ALK Beauttlui Spencer steady. N. M. FOR HAJ.E Seven head good milch cows. assorted colors cows $8.00 WANT BD Housekeeper f"r Santa Fe. modern long stemmed, fragrant, CHICAGO BOARD $12.0015.50; and heifers. 314 W. J. Haynle. five miles southwest FOR RENT Nicely, furnished 78c hundred. Order In advance. Rio FOR HALK Fosd car. Amorlcan Oarage, OF TRADE. Small family. Inquire Northjpievenm. " 1771. per 11.00; stockers and feeders, $7.50 of town en Nesrson's ' rooms for light housekeeping. Phone hool. J406-F8- . l North or for cleaning. raneh. " drande lndustrlaR( Phone Fourth.. calves, WANTED Woman girl KAI.IC Good 6. ar- 10.60; $11.00015.00. Hieariv Phnne 843. Fplt driving or work hnrso BMlEHTtSASH PlllfiW PAID FORUNK FOR SALE Ford car. 1917 model. Good Chicago, July Belief that 100. Market high- nosltlon. Albuquerque 776. Hogs Receipts also aplendid riding horse. Wo O ran do BT THB . SOUTHWESTERN JUNK CO.. condition. CUy Realty Co., Phone of corn soon would below Sanatorium. 2406-F- BUSINESS CHANCES. rivals fall er. Good hogs, $16.5016.75. Industrial School. Phone ii4 wb FOR Maxon In condi- TELEGRAPH T, Stenography, Bookkeeping. west Lead, phone i. also SALE roadster good immediate requirements strengthened Sheep Receipts 3,800. Market earned. FOR BALE Extra fine, young BrT OLD AUTOS. tion, after six, 1024' East room and tuition may bt pedigreed KENT Eight-roo- suitable for fall evenings, ' Au- Board, stock Flemish Zea- Foil house, 1676i the market for July delivery but steadv. Lambs, $17.00 17.60; ewes, Business Colleges, Log Angelsa and breeding Giant, New two apartments, phnne 613. HAVE your mattress renovated. Special Copper. Phone Mackay Rufus Red iORTSALEV-Five-passeng- to $11.50 12.60. - land, and Belgian hares. William rates. Juns only, IS up. Albu- er car, condi- gust and September sagged owing rreeno 924 FOR HE.Vr Two at Heventh and Summer good Oostreehv Sr., North Eleventh tltreet, buildings Mattress Co., 1011 South Second. A Co., the Prices 3 to 14 a for your spare time. N. M. I t.'eneral Avenue. to U. querque tion. bargain. Berryhlll Furniture auspicious prop outlook., LADIES day Aibuqueraue(. Apply J, Elder, 471. 124 . " r v ... pnone North Second. closed unsettled. o lower to, c ad- EXPLORERS DISCOVER Finest line; of Toilet PYeparatlone.. .HrtlMj agent. , , , r No ' WANTaDr-Seoond-han- men' And..! boys? FOhV We $1.53 to 'and Perfumes. Permanent. experience RENT BALK have two exceptionally vance with August $1.54 furnished free. Write today FOR WANTkTD Partner with t&,000 In a good shoes and underwear. Also trunks In scoond-lran- d cars one Oak- ft - OR PUEBLO required, Outfit Apartment, ' clothes, good, buys .,ir- o 41.U5 .i NEW MOUND Cln." paying business. Auto Device Mfg. Co.; Call 114. tsssad-- One and September $1.55 American Products Co.. 10(7 Third St.. Poll 11ENT FuijilsheU aparwnent, three and suit eases. Cotoage land tonrlng and Chevrolet muring. Oats finished c decline to a rise of CANON clnnatl, O. . t MfflTui and bath, modern, 'ail West Cnl. hand store, tIT Smith First Both right An appearanre, performance and ' IN THE CAPULIN . FOR SALB Well established WANTEb-Ml.O- .American ask for Mr, .; ladlea to three-rpo- delivery OO from lo price. Call Oarage, 2c;. 3 , WANTED Ten bright capable FOR RENT Two and apart- Ihags. Pay to ' Best In city; two Ford trucks. sh Peffley. . . - rtemonsiraie iinu r,, c.. ments and rooms. each. (M ton acrap Iron, Pay from I1 1' Heavy hedging- sales; Bgainst travel, 28.O0 to $50.00 sleeping Highland or terms. 313 Westdold. ; ttJ- 'l.l 3 'large taPCc'tAL CORNMPONDtNGB T MORNINfl JOURNAL to established dealers. House. '' to lb. i Patrlotlo duty. St. Louis J - goods ad- SAU-ll0Uas- ' purchases to arrive here put the oats V. Cressing-h- per week; railroad fare paid; weekly FOR MALE Good growing business, suitable Junk Co., "J South First street, pnone era, ' FOR Bt. Santa Fe, July 6. H. Address al r'Oll RENT Furnished housekeeping and Owner market on the down grade. Ar vance for traveling expenses. new for heaitbseeker; small capital WNTlif-;l"aref- u!l kodak finishing by nias-te- r nf Denver, member of the Dept. M0, single rooms, mudern building; no to Addresa Box Journal. HAI.E Nice home, furnished and Provisions with once Goodrich Dfug Company. 7ck. Kir worts wevemn. subject draft. 6i6, photonraphers. Twice dally service, FOR averaged c higher chaeological society, who spent the good paylnb business. 4.000, half cash. Omaha. Nehr. furnished1 FOR HALE A small profitable business, hemember. t satlsfactinti guaranteed. . Send hogs. .., ten days among the xliff dwell- FOR RENT Three or four room man o Munvaiow. J"nr.i wmun. ' past the 40 black South fully equlppel, suitable for either ynur finishing to a reliable, established firm, Closing of tho Rito de los re - apartments, eaodern;. woman, can be had for 1176.00. For A master FOR HALE i!4y home.) a brick, prices: ings Frijoles, FOR RENT- Ranches. sixth, inqinra Havny hotel office. particu- Banna llanna. Dhotographnra. Corn Aug., Sept.. to Santo. with A. J. lars, apply at 702 West Iron. ., modern, heating plant. One pf the tloest $1.53! 1,65, turned Fe Judge cauM ranch for HE Ceo- - In the 703 East Central Oats Aiig., Sept,, ; ' Cole- PuiiittsY--M-y tm piovod WAHHINOTON., FOR BALE seventeen well furnished locations city. 70c; 69c.i Abbott. with Misses OT more. Good hirase "Hotel, Pork $44.80.; Together term of six montha tral. The nnest modern family apart- rooms, close to For Rt?nt Room With Bonrd. eOll HALE Clieup; a nice little fnur-- . July. $44.45; Sept., vis- JJ-- ment house In he centrally located, depot. man and Walker, and a guide, he water, horse, verlcles, etc. Good rang., stats. For well people Owner wilt sacrifice. Bee National Invest- room cottage with nice big war garden: Lard July, $25.97; Sept., $ only.-- . Phone 2011. C ; Lions of Cochlti Will consider selling, runner pariicuiata. Apartments furnished ment nn 1ft Nnrth ' rXJRBKNT 1547-- Call 1114 South Ribs ited tho Stone and furnished- - D- - Third Umwlthlwpnf'Yorchan lefma. Phona July. $24.05; Sept., $24.60. B.. Journat. or partly J. .Benin. Prop. ' board. 414 East Central. " other unfrequented portions of the I Morning t'Oll BALE Small saw mm at 'oargaln. Rroadway. : .' WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT. Bandolier national monument, declar- Capacity six to eight house nil feet. In WANTED To buy a few stands of bees. FCiR SALB Flva-rci- modern bungalow. WANTED new of Z42t-Fj- , ., csr In pay- PERSONAL. Salesmen. good condition and running.; Plenty BhelleysFgrm. P(ione ; Will consider trade; monthly the a most delightful-one- . Address P. O. Box 115, ments if desired. Phons 1344 or address R, ing trip WANTED An man with timber. Springer, HItJH?iass bosrdnTsieeping porch ltk New York, July 6. The actual con- who will return to the energetic young N. M. . summer 134 South Arno. care. Journal. ' Judge Abbott, mal. H . 2ii3a Minna experience In selling groceries. Address room At rates, IK. dition of house trust ticulars by return 16H- -W. five-roo- clearing and Rito on Monday, reports the rediscov- Farneisco. canr. "Wholesale" care Journal.. FOR RENT One of the best double store Phone FOR SALE Bargain la house, St.. San best for modern furnsce; must sell Imme- companies for the week (five- days)' of a or pueblo site M.E worth EARN 25 weekly, for buildings and located general FOR RENT Nice large airy front room except ery large mod 1 BAKU YOU WRITE Widow; spare time, willing In Sea D. Bakln South Call owner (24 or shows that hold re- some Q . Mission newspapers, magszlnee.- - Exp.- - unnee. - de- merchandise tha city. f, at with board: private family, 737 South diately, til High. they $26,493,240 In the canyon, distance $50,0001 lonely; will marry; ' Capulin Washington Apartments ItOtyVTast Central. 1218-- (16 West Copper. in excess Ban tails Free. Press Syndicate, 767 Bt. Louis, Mo ' ' serve of legal requirements. west of the Cave. While com- Unity, rrancisco, ianr, Phona IQU. i i EdlthjPhone Painted V RENT-Ve- ry deelraulo This is a decrease of of CUT this out 'or luck' I"ul' fulure foretold? SALESMAN For general mercantile trade iin ro0m, sleeping $145,478,440 house ruins along the edge read-In- r. and cold water, 1st class labia PERSONAL.. munity send dime; age, birth date, for trial In .New Mexico tp sell a hew proposition of porch, hot from last Week. ' and on the mesas above it n.. - merit. now. Attractive commission FOR SALE lUnehet. board. Caaa de Pro 6H West Hold. : ' ' : . , the canyon Kim Zodell. Box Toledo, Vacancy LADY with car will drive reason- - t .'; ie contract, 125 weekly for expenses. Olllett, poroh and furnished parties; have been mapped, this other site the stars. blrthdate irENTBIeepIng Mo ratewT pnone see. . NEW YORK .MONEY. YOlfR life atory Jn Snd 19426 Curlin Bid., Cleveland, O. FOR SALE Must sell, a bargain,' smsll roea;,,toble. board, at rs Abbott, 301 South not shown on to and for- Janus, 71, All- - - - any map. It appears dime trial reading, ' ranch In wheat- and ISO.- Missouri. SALESMEN For New Mexhw vacancy July atfslfa. Inqalra Edith. Phone be ancient. 'In connection with Fountain Place. Kansas City, ' 417 West Copper. Phnne 1289-- or 47H. t FOR RENT New York, July 6. Mercantile pa- very 16th; permanent position; old. house sell- MRH. W U. REED, of the Lockhart Ranch Miscellanesjut. comes a bottomless hole, LET MADAM KO8M0S help you by giving line on FOR KALE 160 auras mountain ranch on per, four and six months, 6 per cent: it tho story of birth-dat- and ing staple exceptional .terms; high has moved to 602 Mouth Arno, where she BOUSES mad to Jesses life prediction. Send 1.15.00 advance. Pecos river, 15 acres under Cultivation ; Rita Springs; 60 4.72 a south Rito 'your commissions. weekly Is Phone MM , sterling day bljls,, mile and a half of the 10 D. B168, Louisville. five-roo- prepared to take health seekers. ratee. 8. Oarcls, North Arno. ,pcr cent; cents. I,. Kosinos, Ky. Sulle 263. 00 Woodward, Detroit. 60 acrea fenced ;: i modern bungr commercial 60 day bills on de los which was up mem- one irout bus- 'banks, Frijoles, plugged MARRY Thousands lonely, congenial EN Excellent Blows; ntle protected stream, FOR. BENT ilenlle driving horse and, 4.72 cent; commercial 60 wtll marry; De. )SALEM permanent position Box N. at. i ,'KU JARDIN ESCONDIDO'' For convalos-cent- for 8 hours. Phone 1694-j- . per day by the Indians when they abandpned bers, worth $26,000 up, salesmen In Near Mexico. 126, Valley Ranch, ty; IL0Q bills, 4.71 per . San Francisco, capable, Vacancy Somethms a tittle better. Coolest cent; demand, location scriptlon Free.' Rrflpli Hyde, for. 2 of pianu. 4 monthly the surrounding sites, but the - July 1st: staple line, general retail Ai'RES Four blocks from center most In Pleasant surroundings. Bates 4.76 per cent; cables, 4.753 Cal. 135.00 place city. Phone 106. ' : ' per man trade. Liberal commissions. weekly prosperous town In Arizona. 1801 1112. ' .. . of which Is known to an aged farming reasonable. West Central. Phone "cent. WEALTHY young widow would marry advance. Rice Co. 611 Williams Bids., De- hoyse, city water, telephone, plenty de who was the last home-lovin- g 60 ' ' BHATT"?IOOK ranoh offers excellent room Bar silver. 99 He. ,x named Baca, trustworthy, man. old as troit " ' of shade; all kinds of fruit; grapes and ber- ' V. M. 6 Los and, hoard. Just the niece to set strong. ' Mexican dollars,' 77c. , Spanish resident of the Rito canyon, considered, Mrs. Box St, Angeles, BALBSMBN lde line.' Plrce sam- ries., Chicken yard, barn. Page fence alt Sail Cat. !;'-- pocket Ifor rates phons I4I4F-4-; free transportation Government bonds, steady. who to Patent checks. seller around. Cash fl,109. Balance terms. Hants' LSo!li ' but has thus far refused point ples. puachless Big Accommodations now available, atra. tt, b, wGiy " Railroad bonds, firm. ATT R ACTIVE YOUN( WIDOW, $4. worth to restaurants, lunchrooms, hotels,' soda H. HrnHh, owner, R. 1. Mesa, Ariz. MAIL 8TAGB - - i out the spot to anyone else, although - Thomas. ' .. y ' fFi5,000. anxious 1V marry nonurauie cnv- fountains. No competition. Also commission Phone call anywhere any timet to so on Various 2 Los CniCACJO'PllODCCE. having promised do leman. Mrs. Warn, 221$ Temple St.. on reorders. Standard) Cheuk, Co., .Manufac WAW I tD fosltion. .i I.v, Silver City 7 a.m.; ar. Mogollon 4 p.m. occasions. He says (he hole is about Angeles.- uanr. turers: Transportation tiiQg.tjnicago. I.v. Mogollon 7 s.m ; ar. silver Cltx 4 p.m. dlmeT WANTKU Powllon by steixtgrapher eight' Best Sutn 'In southwest. 6. a foot and a half across and the YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD Send 2:14. equipped livery Butter Market that .1 . .... t -- 1 V. I U. years experience. Address Box City. J Chicago, July - ,Ut,. - . - w.-tri-nn.. WANTED--Agen- FOR RSNT Offices in suits or Call MOTOR age, oiriiioKiw - slngls. BENNETT TRANSIT CO. 37 42 c. is circular in form. - ss- In , unsettled. Creamery,' i opening reading. H. Uauae.. 13j St. ifANTED Position chauffeur 4rlva upstairs, over Woolworth's store. . . .. Citx, V. M. Eggs 15,728 cases. Mar- - WANTED Agents to represent a good live family. No heaitbseeker. F. D. P., Journal Ut Receipts Paul Ave., .1,0s Angeiei. yam. progressive Casually Company In New FOR RENT Downstairs office room, fine El Palaclo next in addition to WANTED-rSltuatl- on by book- week, YOUR future foretold, questions answered Mexico, writing all form of . Accident and experienced leoMten, next to ostoffioe. ill South news -- -- - keeper with knowledge of accounting Fourth. notes, will print a delightfully u : health Insurance.. Liberal commission,, and '- iree, seiiu B.Ml- - care - ful. convlncln trial raadlngs. Dr Write Bennett ft Wilson, Journal, 1 front toffies TIME CARDS.' sketchy description) of a to Taos . reliable,. good territory. FOR BENT connecting trip ifin I.iln n . by Mrs, a nriscenBeii. j")... T. ' General AxenH. Suite No. 1. MoCormlck WANTED Position as typewriter and rooms over Golden Ruls Store. Inquire Xydla J. .Trowbridge, and jmmmmmm Blk.. Trinidad. Colo, stenographer with thorough legal exper- synopsis of Dr. T. Mitchell r- LADIES' Mrs. M. V. 204 Cen TfcaV Prudden's AGENTS Delicious, soft drinks lV, conoen- -' ience, Apply Loeb, East Phone z. "Prehistoric Small House Ruins." giv- WheB Irretular or delayed ess TrlompK trated form. Always ready-ju- add tral. - FOR; SALE OR ; TRADE. , ing an Interesting of a culture Pills. Safa and "always dependable. Not pur. Every housewife WANTED By Japanese- bey, position aa glimpse 14. ' Kiaa Rn.ln.U la better osdmtoodsM older than that of the sold at drug stores. Do not sxperlmeat with wsnts them different kinds. Enormous a.n.ri.n.. ll)Tl HALS Oil TKADK One horse weigh- big community Write for demand. Big summer aellers-r-mon- comes Olty or county address B. Karad in ' houses others, save disappointment. Rel- . place, ing 1200 pounds, good condition. Pony. and modern in some Address al 2i0 other. popular-.prieed- fast Hecona ana nver. esjUrj AprsKiate41 itUf amajingly ief" and particulars. It's free. easy,. selling Aimex.' Buggy. Two sets of, harness, one heavy. ATCHISON, A SAUTA TM BAU respects, however.,. On the cover will Medina! Institute household necessities. We furnish free out- WANTED Gentleman 31 old, wants Two one One saddle. WAT CO. MllwaukMJjW, 7 years buggy polee, hevyt be fits. Write today now. M. FeUman, . or clerical One 6 Second. a picture tf the fine old fianto Do' bookkeeping good , position. cart. 'North Wssthoond. . ard Bt i Cincinnati, y. Several years experience. Best references. ' mlngo church as K . No. Class. Arrives Departa. stood before the ) Mv Arllnfsl lWcht RatS. AGENTS A huslness, of 'J'your,,'own--rOu- r .(Jood penman. Quick In figures. Halary Rio Grande flood' It V- - , rtanrillit ' Ibiwr IV R. - 'TYPEWRITEItS. I. The Beout' ...... 7:14 pro. pns, i washed it away in Bontn tea Jiilu Rate Clerk B. 1lf,Ml,'fIn less 1100 to start. Address ------i)otr than n . ------I. California Limited. ..11:44 am. 11:44 pns. 1888. The ' converts tiltroKene Into a . m., rA n np photograph was loaned to or- the etate 'Corporatioii quickly Sny lamd Pharr. Albuquerque. tieni I'eiivery TYPEWRITERS All makes, overhauled and 7 Fsrso 14:41 am. 11:16 am. Seggerson M I L. . i. raa( Mrs. B. M. - ,iHii...a, umii sulu.. vie. Bf ,VTPn Tntinir man mam 27. fesemnt machine. Al- I. The 1:14 am. 4:34 am ki faiacio by Thomas. commission, returnea irom a Inside SO you an repaired. Ribbons for every Navajo iieim evenly diffused light; days froni' draft account dependents) desires Phona 114 SUailahaaBj There will also be of El Paso, holds out In every home., store, faotory, office In buquerque Typwrlter Exchange. Mat V Without rae conference at place ' connection with established lrnv have III Snath lrnnrth Carlos Vlerras of the rug- will be your territory: sell direct to .consumer con- svi. b,i ruo hsiw Uxtivm. robluntloa. painting the hope that Las Cruces given practical business experience, anything ml new 467, El Paso Express ... and mission through salesmen: commission only; if you where there Is chance for advance- FOR BALE Dm Rex visible .type- U;4ssa. ged, primitive schurch at the .same nw is email .'to office we will sidered writer every modern feat- EaUbeaaA fY grain rreigni irai w here capital open ment If , la vroven, .Address J. . R. " equipped wjth , Zia, as well as several other fine New 4nva4 171 Pnan CltV ability Will sell tor 43.40 14. Boon 7:44 am. hi, from Kanina make you dlstHe manaver. Trop Special rare ure and fully guaranteed. Tha I:4tm. ' ' a Mexico landscape. The number of El 1 frAlsrht .ratAk-fram' ths ties CO., IBJ Dl.uwyr. new XVTR, .jour" per """th. P"'ldTlim "'y1, pt""1 t The, hAfaJcy , ...... 4:04 pen, ls4tn. i . i. - 4. Ckllrenla. Uralted .. 4:M sen. T)44 pas, - , m T'"ll-- Palacie out today, the ftrsWnits new coal fields Carthage and the Oark T' PAS1 UKAtil. 4. Santa r Bight.... (:(( pa. 14:H ism, 1 f form, includes the' third annual Year to eJcciiangs. MONEY TO LOAN. may De modified. F5R WtCHANOB cits! andT . Bookof the. Santa. Fa. of the T,sUoe - . v 111. Xanana Orty And Cxus-s- ssa. I Society eoun'ry seat near Albuquerque, for prop- nniisv V CBRMMOI ISi SKkTetove. Phone J17I--f. 117 W 0014, Btftltl Co. Ckoaa IT. 141. GUI MM BBlgac lis! BnV , Archaeological Institute, Irtjr (a .WulUBStol) S, C, fiox lii 'autnal. Oil J

I 7hf J i -- r 7"

FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, July 7, 1918. 1' RED 1 VICTORS PLACE HITTING VAUGHN'S SINGLE in OVER CLEVELAND Ty Cobb Airs His Views on Most Contested Question Baseball IN TWELFTH E


First Game of Double-head- er Game Is Pitchers' Battle From First IWith Postponed Because of Wet Inning Scratch

1 Bad Hits; Demaree Does Good Grounds; Wambsganss' - PITCH ON OOTxSIIffi HI S 1 , 1 t I f I u r Throw Aids Ruth to Tally. It Work Against Giants, ' BATTER KKSTX) hWZ " lar moknins IBV MORNIN JOURNAL SPECIAL LIA.tO Wlfti: FIEKD.. journal (picial L(aid wim) Boston, July 6. Ruth's three-ba- g Chicago, July 6. Jim Vaughn's ger to' right, with two on bases, fol WW LlV single to right in the twelfth Inning 1 York-Chicag- lowed by Wambsganss' bad throw to of today's New o game third to catch Ruth over-runni- vSy? ended a pitchers' battle between scored three runs in the sixth inning Vaughn and Demaree and gave Chi- of the first game of the Cleveland se- cago the victory. Score: ries, enabling Boston to win and move New York. Into first place. The other game of a AB. R. H. PO. A. E. scheduled double-heade- r was post- Burns, cf .'.. 5 0 1 2 0 0 poned because of wet grounds. Score: Young, rf 4 0 1 3 0 0 Fletcher, ss 3 0 0 4 5 Cleveland. fiATTEB-HrrS-- Q 2b 5 0 O S AB. R. H. PO. A Doyle, Sb 5 0 2 2 Johnson, 4 9 X Zimmerman, .. It 5 0 1 5 Chapman, ss 4 2 k 7 Thorpe, 5 0 1 14 Speaker, cf 4 0 0 Holke, lb c 4 0 0 1 Roth, rf 4 1 0 McCarty, 4 0 0 1 Wambsganss, 2b.. 4 2 2 Demaree, p Wood, If 4 2 0 Totals 40 0 6 35 18 0 Evans, Sb 3 3 out when was O'Neill, c .. 1 (Two winning run scored.) Coumbe, p. . 1 Hagby, p . . . 0 Chicago. I AB. R. H. PO. A. E Grancy, x . . 0 Flack, 5 0 0 0 Thomas, xx 0 rf 11 Hollocher, ss ..... 4 0 0 1 5 0 4 0 2 1 0 0 Totals 35 4 9 24 15 4 Mann. If ... Merkle, lb 4 0 0 19 2 0 - ' Boston. cf 4 1 1 7 0 0 The AB. R. II. Paskert, only way TO Sb 6 0 3 Kool-Klot- h Hooper, rf 4 1 1 3 Deal, 10 you can tell a Zeidcr, 2b 3 0 0 3 3 0 Shean, 2b ...... 4 0 3 2 is by the countenance 7. Barber 1 0 0 0 0 0 Btrunk, if ...... 3 0 0 3 Hhe Wortman, 2b 1 0 0 0 4 0 of wearer Mclnnis, lb 4 1 1 9 Klllifer, e 4 0 1 4 0 0 he looks comfortable and cool Whltemant If .... 3 1 3 1 Vaughn, 5 0 2 0 6 1 Ktansbury, 3b ..... 0 0 0 2 p.. D Scott, ss 4 1 1 2 noun Totals 40 1 8 36 23 1 The suit itself 3b 2 0 1 0 jasaam-L- Barbare, k z Batted for Zelder in tenth. looks like a high-price- d, If 1 1 0 Ruth, well-tailore- ...2 Score .by d, c 1 0 0 innings: "regular" model. Agnew, 4 New York .000 000 000 0000 Schang, e 3 .0 1.1 to 000 000 000 001 1 Cool, yet shapely Bush, 4 0 0 0 (Uy I""' Purnuiu.) Keelcr combined several things "If the batter meets the ball back Chicago p... make this possible. lie gripped his of his body, the angle at which the Summary: Two-bas- e hits Mann, If there is any secret in place hit- middle Klllifer, Stolen base Thorpe, Totals 34 B 12 27 13 X bat far down toward the and ball is mot will send it into opposite Vaughn. It is located in the of the - Killlfer. Double Zelder x Batted for Kvans In ting ability poked at the ball, rather than hit at fields.",, Mann, plays ninth. batter in his eye on the bali to Fletcher to to Holke. $9.50 to $15.00 six Batted for In keeping it. His swing was short and naturally The above shows how Merkle; Doyle Bagby ninth. from the time it has left the diagram Base on balls Vaughn 3, Demaree 4. Cleveland 121 000 pitcher's more accurate than the longer swings Cobb's of place works 0004 hand until it is almost to the plate. He was theory hitting Struck out Vaughn 2. Demaree I. Boston 001 003 OOx 5 of the average batter. able out. ( Is i Two-bas- e This the opinion of Ty Cobb, who to wait until the ball was almost upon Summary: hits-Ro- th, The top drawing shows a ball pitch- 9. comes as close to real place hitting him before poking at it. Many of Cincinnati 10; Philadelphia Wood, Barbare, Shean, White. Three-bas- e ed to the outside of the plate to a 6. Schneider, AN DELL Cincinnati, O., July MM as anyone in baseball. Kccler's hits were little flies, hit Ruth. Stolen bases Evans, pokey batter. The batter steps in after one scratch hit in But Cobb admits that It is impos- just past the infield. The delayed allowing "The Live Clothier" Wambsganss, Mclnnis. Sacrifice hit to hit the ball and meets It slightly eight Innings, lost control of the ball Strunk. Double sible to place hits with uny great; de- swing made It difficult for any pitcher back of the lino of his plays Chapman, out-gue- ss body, driving in and the six gree of accuracy. to Keelcr. His record of the. ninth passed first Wambsganss and Johnston: Wambs-eans- s. the ball into left field. to two be." the a season without strik- men. Regan then pitched Chapman and Johnston. Bases "It might peach admits, going through In the center the ball has one of whom while the on balls "If every ball delivered by the pitcher ing out is evidence of this. drawing batters, singled off Coumbe 1, off Bagby 1 been pitched inside. The batter steps other walked. Toney relieved Regan off Bush 2. cut the plate at a certain "The angle at which the bat meets Innings pitched By back and meets the ball In front of and allowed two hits, but got the side Mrs. Burns' licitcr. THE WM. FARR COMPANY Coumbe 5, spot. In fact, when a batter the ball is the determining factor in - ttmt Is certain to by Bagby 3. Struck out the line of his body and drives it after nine runs had been scored. Here is a letter By. 2, gets one In his "groove" he is able to the ball's ultimate direction. If 'the prove of interest to people In this Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Bagby by Bush 5. naturally Into right Afield. Score: i R. H. E. place it with pretty fair accuracy. ball is met squarely in the middle of vicinity, as cases of this sort occur in FRESH . AND SALT MEATS 000 000 009 9 4 2 "But the wise pitcher is keeping the the swing it will go to center field, In the lower drawing the ball cuts Philadelphia almost every neighborhood, and peo- Sausage a Specialty New 3-- 2; 060 031 1 6 in like York Chicago 3. batter guessing throwing him off his varying a trifle to the right or left, the heart of the plate. The batter Cincinnati 00010 ple should know what to do For Cattle and the New In Davis Hogs Ruling York. 6. New him from a to whether the batter is steps forward, meeting the ball Batteries: Jacobs, and Burns, circumstances: Market Are - July York and balance keeping getting according Mo., Oct. 12, 1916. Trices Paid Chicago broke even In - d. front of the line" of the body to drive Adams; Schneider, Regan, Toney and Savannah, a doubleheader toe hold. right or "I used a bottle of Chamberlain's here left-hand- natur- it into field, or back, it Cueto. today,' the Yankees taking the "Now, Willie Keelcr," the pride of "The batter hits right meeting Wingo, Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about right-hande- d with a to drive it into first game and losing the second. Georgia continued, "perhaps was the ally to right field. The delayed swing nine years ago and it cured me of flux it Score: best of the place hitters. batter hits naturally to left field. left field. Brooklyn 3; St. Louis 1. troubles of this sort, give them a trial First game: St. Louis, Mo., July 8. Meadows the same complaint some three or and few doses of this ' held Brooklyn to three hits in the four years ago a HELP Chicago, I recom- game of today's double header after STANDING OF THE TEAMS seven innings he worked but these remedy cured me. have AB. Ii. H. PO. A. K. mended Chamberlain's Colic and f losing the first. were bunched with a sacrifice hit and Murphy, rf ...... 3 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Diarrhoea Remedy to dozens of peo- First an error in the sixth, two - i Leibold, If . 3 0 game: NATIONAL LKAGCK. producing ple since I first used it." i; Score: R. II. E. runs, which the visitors E. Collins, 2b 3 1 W. L. Pet. by margin 9 3 i Ga-Jdi- Detroit . 000 000 3115 bested St. Louis. UNCLE l', lb ... 0 . . 20 .766 4; ..100 010 6 2 .Chicago ...48 San Francisco 4; Oakland 3. Score: R. H. E. 3. Collins, cf Philadelphia, 0002 New York . 25 .632 6. . ,..43 San Francisco, July 000 002 5 1 . 3.0 Batteries: Dauss and . .560 Brooklyn Albuquerque Foundry .Weaver, ss Stanage; Pittsburgh .34 34 Score: R. H. E. 0103 ..0 and McAvoy, Perkins. St. Louis 000 000 0101 7 1 McMUIlin. 3b 3 ,.0 Gregg Philadelphia ...32 33 .492 Oakland 3 11 1 and Machine Works c Batteries: Grimes and O. Stha!k;-- 3 j. Second game; Boston ...... 31 39 .443 4 13 1 Miller; SAM 0 0 R. II. E. San Francisco Meadows, Sherdell and Gonzales. CicOttS, D Score: Brooklyn . ...29 37 .439 Founders Machinists .. 0 8 2 (Ten innings.) Engineers 3,0 Detroit . 000 . . 39 .400 In Alu- .....100 0001 Cincinnati . .26 Batteries: Martin and Murray; Castings Iron, Brass, Bronze, ..000 004 30x 7 9 2 . . 42 '.391 minum. Electrlo Motors, Oil Engines Totals 1 5 Philadelphia St. Louis ...27 Brooks, 17-- Boston I -- ;..29 24 13 2 and Crespl, Kantlchner and j Pittsburgh I. Pumps and Irrigation. By Getting Batteries: Bailey, Cunningham 6. In New l'ork. and Perkins. AMERICAN LEAGCR Pittsburgh, Pa., July the first Works and Office Albuquerque. Stanage, Yclle; Perry Los Angeles 2; Vernon 1, game Pittsburgh put on the best bat- AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 6. .", Los Angeles, July ing performance of the season. Ru- Ollhooley, rf St. Ixuis iVatdiington 7. ., . W. L. Pet. ,0, t; .. Score; .. . R. II. E. dolph was banished Harri- Peckinpaugh, as 4 0 6. St. Louis de- Cleveland '. 43 3g .566 by Umpire Washington, July Vernon 1 8 4 son, after the Canavan 3b 3 X in 42 33 .560 fifth inning. Baiter, feated Washington a loosely played Boston 3 0 LUMBER 2b Gallia 30 31 .557 Los Angeles '.. i f was hit. harder than his predecessor. Trait, ...... 0 knocked .out New York ' Malthold Devor-me- r; OUs, Glass, game. Washington Batteries: Dell, Ricgcr and The second was more even. Paints, Roofln. lb 4 X 0 10 of the box in the third inning with 'Washington. , 40 35 .533 game and- Plp, ' Brown and Boles. Score: Building Paper. hi Bodie, If 2 1 1 3 six runB, but could do nothing with Chicago 35 38 .493 "J"" J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER 2 0 Sti Louis 35 38 .479 First game: Miller, cf ..... 2 2 Rogers. 16-- Salt Lako 0. , 29 41 - .414 Sacramento Boston, . . . . v . R.H. B. Detroit j, 1 Walters, 0 i : 0 0 6' Score: Salt-Lak- 10. COMPANY 12 2 23- 45 .338 Clty,Ju,ly ; AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Love, p ...... 3 0 0 v 0 0 St. Louis ...... 201-40- 1008 Philadelphia Score R. tt. E. t 7 8 2 First game:. , , ss . . . . 4 0 2 2 2 0 . . .106 ;000 000 1 Rawling8, Washington Sacramento . . . . .V...... 16 19 , .Gallia.'-Rogp- rs Herzog, 2b 4 0 0 2 3 0 t Totals . . . .27 3 6 27 14 0 Batteries: and Salt Lake 16 20 4 Severeid;1 WHERE HEY, PLAY TODAY ' Massey,.cf i'. 0 0 0 ' Score by innings: t. Harper, Bennan, :f .Batteries: West, and East- 1.4 DUKE CITY McN'ulty Wlckland, rf . . . . 4 1 2 0 0 0 Chicago '..000 001 0001 Aycrs and ricinich..' . erly; McCabe, Conkwright, and 0 LEAGl'E.1 Ewlng 4 2 2 3 1 '..000-20- NATIONAL ' J. C.LSmith, 3b ... 0 Cleaners-Hatte- New. York lOx 3 Dunn. , rs Konnlck, 0 0 9 1 0 Three-bas- e hits J. Col- WESTERN LEAGUE MAY Brooklyn at St. Louis. (' Score Second E. Konetchy, lb. ...4 Summary: gume: BH. o 4 0 2 3 1 0 lins.' base--E- . New York at Chicago. , 2 Wilson, WAS Stolen Collins. Sacrifice t 7. 13 120 West Gold. 44 Sacramento L. 4 2 0 2 Phone NOT FINISH SEASON . at Cincinnati. J. Smith, If ... 0 0 hit Miller, Walters.. Baker. DouHe Philadelphia Salt Lake 1 20 - V ' Rudolph.- p 2 0 0 0 .plays Pratt and Peckinpaugh; Wal-- '. ' Batteries: Bromley, Gardner and 0,0 , MV MONNIN9 JOUMNAL BNCIAL LtAMD WIRI1 AMERICAN CanavatT, 2 0 v0 0 A for infeatioM Gold E,'1 LEAGl'E. Kon- p 1.0 ifYSl jgJSka remedy For and Silver tors and Peckinpaugh; .McMulIln,' McNulty; Willett, Penncr and 1 lh - 1 KanBas City, Mo., July 6. E. W. ; Open date. . u 11alaV IT 1 t"t- Collins and Gandil. Base on balls nlck. , I I rtinlen, ickerson. of 'ihe Western 1 9 24 11 3 rtfeBaTi Im "" Off'. Love 4; Clcottei' 2. president Totals ...... 36 I I lTTus willnot Miietura A Wonderful Opportunity Struck 'out l!lH WWiwuin 1 to S ' a . 3 - league, announced here, today that: , .. .. . dyi. To Uncle , Love 4; Cicotte ? Pittsburgh. PRICK Let Sam Win Uy the.- owners would be. ' - $t.Z6 8M By DraggMs of. club, , , : AB. H. A. I Second meeting, SLUGGERS WILL PLAY ;.. " r: PO. E. TrntiM with Mcb hotile or muled on requeiL The War And game: ., Held in Omaha tomorrow to decide 6 4 3 ' 2 1 pp BPAttirn by At The Same Score: R. H. E. AMERICAN) ASSOCIATION- Caton, ss v. '0 i THE EVANS CHEMICAL CO CINCINNATI. O. whether the shall continue 1 Time Get Rid Of Odd . 020 9 0 league DOUBLEHEADER TODAY Bigbee, If t 0 3 3 8 .0 Chicago ..010 0003 tho season. ' Ne York 000 002 2 10 5 playing throughout Carey, cf...... 4 j 3 3 2 0 0 And Ends Of Old ....000 Mr. Dickerson out that 75 ', Rob- pointed At St. Milwaukee 4. The Highland will a Southworth,' rf . . 4 1 3 3 0 0 Silver And Gold Which Batteries: Russell and Jacobs; per cent of the Pauiai,' Sluggers play organization's players At , Kansas 4. double-head- er at the Cutsftawr 2b .... 4 1 4 0 inson, Shawkey and Hannah. had been called to the! .colors Minneapolis City Barelas grounds 12 You Can Exchange For already 'At 6, Toledo 3. 5 1 .2 9 1 0 Wallace Hesselden and was that" Columbus this afternoon. In their first game the Mollwltz, lb that it expected th?y Post-offi- 2b 5 0 0 2 2 0 5-- 2-- At 1, Louisville 9. Sluggers will cross bats wtth the McKechnie, ... Detroit 1; would lose 15 cent more. Indianapolis "41 Philadelphia per team as c 6 1 3 5 0 0 6. A bunt There was a he said, and a second contest Schmidt, General Contractor Philadelphia, July bf possibility, Choice old Alfalfa. Al- . 0 0 0 0 0 0 on the of teamB continue Bright gree-n- they will meet the Barents Grays. xGetz, We are In a to give War Garner his third strike upset that four the might B. w. . :, position FEtt the team W. c 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Savings Detroit Infield and the Athletics then to operate Instead of the eight clubs though latter has not played Smith, more value for the money than any games this season, the are 4 3 3 1 3 0 other BUILDING FIRM in batted out a victory in the second that now compose tho league. Journal Want Ads bring result. Grays Mayer, p any an aggregation of and are this Tlctnlty, and , expected to give the Sluggers a hard Totals 42 17 21 27 13 1 Office with contest!, The first number f the x Ran for Schmidt In eighth. double-heade- r Lum will start at o'clock. Score by innings: I The Superior Thrift The Sluggers are already negotiat- Boston ' 000 100 0001 ber & Mill Co. Stamps for a third Estan-cl- a ; ing game with the Pittsburgh 300 016 25x 17 Mrs. C. A. of the nine, which they defeated here on Summary: Two-bas- e Wright the Fourth, and Intend to fceep In trim Carey, Cutshaw, Moll wits, Mayer. Wright Trading Post 4th contest. for the As Estancla and the Three base hits Wilson, Caton, May- and Gold ha been placed in S6TEX" Sluggers are each credited with a vic- PAMKER er. Stolen base Wlckland, Konetchy, xharge of this by the War tory from the other, the last game is Caton, Bigbee, Carey, Suothworth (2), Committee will to record-breake- r. and expected. be a Sacrifice hit Carey. Sacrifice fly Cut- Savings Favorite Broncho Direct From the Remount ; return to you the full value Uncle Sam's Buster, shaw. Base on balls Rudolph . 1, Hudson for Signs Canavan 3. Hit Can- of the articles in stamps. Station at Camp Bowie . WOULD NAME OCR REGIMENTS. by pitcher By (Current Opinion.) avan .(Southworth). Struck out Ru- J Sentiment 2. pitcher-Rud- olph WILL ATTEMPT TO RIDE THE . counts tremendously in dolph 3; Mayer Innings : holding men to their 1n the 5 as duty ; WallPaper BUCK- - army elsewhere. A letter from an Second games: FAMOUS UN TAMABLE; ; OUTLAW American officer in France, ALBUQUERQUE artillery Score: R. H. Ei Chichester spillsBRAND, A received a Ifew days contained fo- ago, . 000 7 1 bimimi juw mifiii IMG HUKbt. '"ti the following: we could give Boston .....OH 1104 Hudson for jtirIMM 111 names to our . ..020 001 20x 5. 8 1 regiments right now. Pittsburgh ; bciM. Mtad frith Blu ihhrm- - when they have a chance to make Batteries: FtUlnglm and Henry; Picture Frames ? them mean : every bit as much ss the Wilson: Sanders, Comstock and Fourth ftV and Are. BlIaOND BKAND FILLS, fc. S Black Watch or ' Coppe the Coldstream Schmidt. -- ' mkMinuBeit,Sit,Artnltdi.Mt Gome" guards or the Gordon or SOLD BY CRUGGtSTS EVERYWHERE Dumin Highlanders . the Royat Welsh Fusiliers or the u Bays or the Princess Pats, It would add Immensely to our efficiency." I " WESTERN LEAGUE . Glass, Paint At Traction Park, This Aftcrnoon, July 7 Lame Shoulder. This aliment is'Tisually caused by LUMBER Cement, Plaster ZScI rheumatlsmfof the muscles. All that At Omaha 4; St. Joseph J. ' 1: there Will Be Other Features , ; Admission. Is needed if absolute rest and a few At Des Moines 3: Sioux City t. Lumber tfrwgmvj ' Albuquerque Company" applications .of Chamberlaln't :' Unl- - At Joplln 6, Hutchinson 7. 4ta jroaira raurr bTebebv , ." At Oklahoma City ij Wichita 5, Si c &ORNING Society Section ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL. Society Section Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sunday,"July 7, 1918.

' ' CapyrlghXlM

' The Shenanigan Kids

. I y I I J VftNTOOR D0D GP5TtD MfWRFVnn l SUCM&Nir.&Kr 9 ME 1 1 . m ui ivju vi l w NJf i CWJOGE .TJERE 155 REASONS! WTlND SHOULD W WELL I'LL 1 ' NfVifc. LHtNGtU VE J COULD GIF US H TjEftRMEl VMHY KERF ISS ft BAG FULL MIT REASONS LIKE YOU SHOULD ftFFlX THE COURT E HUllftNU BY DER NftME UF DID YOU SELECT L WROTED DOWN ON PAPER J f ALL DER LiTiDl F SEAL ftND THE DEED t-O- WE R nJ BUT VEN VE GET TO OWEN CUfMtvMiriAii Mi iUl VOT TWO WENto DOME! r ivwrnFift Miwc tr-- v i i i i i V ' J CHOWftNS T'S tr - -- v S ftoriQ , . MRS SUEMbM tUUI w I I I l v- I r v I .."r. iNUw DING-BUSTE- -- v ft r Mr Tr- ire vs ov s TVtm IGAN' NUISftMCE,!


9' FIRE ONLV o a ; g


' ;'.: ;f1! TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal. Sunday, July 7, 1918. -- - - ; ' , 1 fey Grace t Regene 't i i Society New of theutEwest Telephone Thirteen

V SAVES MILLION POUNDS OF Silver Service to Be Presented to Paris Styles July Fowth Functions Hold Sway FOOD EACH SUMMER MONTH For Early Fall i-- 1 ;; . . .. -

( Red Cross Workers Stay on Job The battleship New Mexico on s -- i fw,. S t :- -: :: :- -l :- -: :: 1 Lull in I i Band Concert Immensely Popular few V Monday; Capital Society

of this were married in p fl t J"'' lull in social allegory presented by sveh little girls a week of unusual girl city, no- WilliAlllM. b'.li'.U4lift.ll on the Helen Monday. Tho ceremony was activities has.iiet in, more C.cnrronil llllll DTTKING the nation's birthday, by Pr. John A. M. Kciglcr, ticeably, perhaps than for years. widdie, Caroline Ten Eyck, Margaret C5 ' 7 performed in I Yet, .thero is not inactiv- Amelia 1 preUv t unctions were pastor of tho Lutheran church entire McBride, Gladys Whittier, ci-- were ity, for war work is being kept Muecke and Annie Kooney, who car pi. on in the which partook Helen. The couple accompanied o T. Van up, thero are the oi of the war-.iin- spirit and at to Helen by her sister and patriotic gatherings, ried respectively Vie nags, urcai largely I museum ex- viucli the women spent their time Sac en. offcis now pictures and Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, the on ills for the men The couple left the city secretly and hibits continually and while schools Stars and Stripes, the Red Cross and & working gam.. and clubs are a thero is a who an- - f:7hting to malic the world obtained a license at Los Lunas. From taking recess, of pythiuntem, each pronouncing . the 'no lack of of cause she repre- ucn-caoy- Several there they went to Brlen and after meeting io attend and panegyric upon tho safe fur patriotic El to work- v. c c tind a of left for a honeymoon in work do outside of home and sented. The Masonic choir sang pa- number ceremony N parties , A sum- tci.r. ' ..lured the week. raso. shop, , triotic ncleciomi. profusion of "work decora- jo O A was used for In spi-.- j oi the fact tha. beautiful number of Santa Feans motored mer blmwoms weatlur (rivalled for tin; i.i"it part, Elizabeth inciter is efficiency ex- to Las Vegas during tho week to at- tions. A collection netted 20 which and th" called as never pert for the Elgin till.) Watch com- tend the Cowboys' reunion. The large was given to the Santa Fo chapter of before, tl.e faithful Red i'iik a work- pany. number of Spanish Americans, more the Red Cross. ' ers kept at their duties, biiiiis. the O and more of whom own their own au- week ihe women were forced aeveial AT HOME AT PHI Ml' tomobiles, v.ho made the trip, was riCNTCS, PARTIES AND DINNERS. times to leave their work loom-- i in IHM'KH FOB MISS M ATHES. commented upon. - Reports that many Judge and Mrs. C. .1. Roberts and to in the holiday cel- A beautiful at home was given at fm n, native family is itself Mrs. W. E. Lintlsey on Thursday ac- order purtieipute rehabilitating when not ;jo crwifjed Phi Mu house last Monday eveni- ( are Checks of of young folks to ebrations but the financially current. companied a party thoy remained at week ana 'he ma- ng- in honor of Miss Margaret Mathes. flft.OOO and mors for wool or lambs the Santa Fe Canyon where they en- chines hummed and ai.itara clicked an who has returned from Chicago where j sold are said to bo sufficiently fre- joyed a. Fourth of July picnic. Gov- uaual in tho garment roo.ns. she attended the conservatory of quent thesp (flays to spell general pros- ernor .Lindsey went to a community Virtually all of Alhiiqiiouiiiu society music. The guests of the Phi Mu perity. Crops and ranges in this sec- picnic at the settlement of Miami In was represented 'ihe.n.ij. y at tho chapter were Mrs. E. B. Garcia and tion are good and even those who gave Colfax' county to deliver a Fourth of Fourth of July races an t ai;.un Thurs- Miss Ma (lies. sons and husbands to serve in the July address there, returning thence day night tit the r.nin.e pal celebra- O , army find In their allotments a stead- to Las Vegas to speak at the Cowboys' tion. During lh5 ra. cs ill', grml-stand- s It is not a generally known fact that ier source of income than many of reunion. presented a variation id sum- many women engineering expcrls are them ever had before. O divssi'S mer frocks unl dainty doing1 business in this country. The presentation of the silver serv- Wednesday evening, Kathleen Rolls which in themselves tormed an exhibi- u ice to the New Mexico on entertained at ilinncr nine of her on c. AXT MP.S. .?. HI RAND battleship Miss tion well worth tho admins pru MR. O. Monday will not be as ceremonious an young girl friends in honor of At the municipal ( eii h: ntion the LEAVE FOR THEIR NEW 1 1 OMR of Walton of San Diego and Penn- d iu full IHuund loft last affair as the launching the ship or Mary Red Cross women attend, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. as it would have been In times of sylvania, who is a guest of Miss Dor- force, each attired iu I lie prctiy e Thursday evening for Venice, Calif., i ' G Pond on East Palace avenuo. or in ft W peace. The last legislativov assembly othy of her division ut.purtmcnt. where ihey will reside the future. voted the for the silver service Canteen workers, home rei .ce mem- The many' friends of the llurands re- money dc- - A und after much discussion and plan- Wednesday and Saturday after- bers, work room division, liandaiie gret verv much their departure. servlc la- . . ning and somo vissltudes, a noons, swimming parties at the partment, all attended and lent their number of their friends were at the Indian God-spee- ml deemed suitable by the committee of the United States a tSW goon In success. bid Also a aid making the program station to thorn L. ot week of farewell part- consisting of Mrs. Bradford Prince, school are quite the vogue among Another attraction the number dinners and M. Road Bronson M. Jkjl f WWII 10 es- were in honor. This Benjamin and young and old.. which promises become popular ies given their has been manufactured a with the - , was the will be missed In the OLIVERS Cutting by pecially younger charming couple famous New York firm. - In form and ' AND WORK municipal band conctrt. With Ihe society of Duke City. CHVRCII WAR well iind of which Mr. and shapes it is unique in that it carries GATHERINGS. municipal park 1'ghloil Tho J. O. C. club, as as women benches conveniently plac? I through- Mrs. Durund are members, gave a into effect far possible Indian Tho young of the Epworth New York, Juno 6. Mrs. Oliver dried vegetable soup to Europe's pris- and old Spanish patterns, while the were guests of Rev and Mrs. out, the park present-i- an animated number of parties in their honor. Y. M. C. A. With League list all that is worth savins on camps through the are symbolic, or present F. E: at the Methodist par- scene as the band Rave generous Perhaps the prettiest dinner of the dehydration, be- engravings Lochridge scheme for space at a premium, she views of historic lc spend- program of patriotic and ropulur airs. season was that given by Msdnmes Harriman's saving, by shipping and sonage on Wednesday evening Handsome sergo coat suits are re- s of fruits and lieves that only dehydrating perish- of taken from sew- The entire park was Iind with Conner and Oestreich in honor of the of tho 1,000,000 pounds by landmarks the state, ing several hours in knitting and from the the in- car- which would otherwise ablo foodstuffs can America supply drawings and tho soldiers. The samo even- moved ordinary by at tho curb each of which Purands, last Tuesday evening at the vegetables fulfill paintings, photographs. ing for troduction of charming and comfort- own nudii nee fur the were beau- spoil each summer month on the piers her armies properly iind her The principal address is to be by for- the War Relief club met with Miss ried its small Sturgcs hotel. The tables to allies. ing, able vestccs of somo tubable material. A added decorated in sweet and ot Nojv York, places her first among obligations her mer ambassador to Germany, Gerard. Jessie Carroll on East Palace avenue. popu- concert. delightful evuin;; tifully peas, na- the com- More than one example of this to of t tic com-irl- and were novel cards. the women food conservcrs of the Mrs. Harriman advocates U. S. Senator A. A. Jones and State O In the pleasure tiny flags the place best pos- lar design may bo seen any day the cas-il- tion. drying plunt as the Senator Isaac Barth aro also down for Tresby-terla- n every pension present i' waits Tho guests went from the dinner to munity of Tho Woman's union of the Ruo do la Paix, where this model was for Oestreich home was Mrs. Harriman has established a big sible way to conserve every pound addresses. A. P. tho program tonight. the where bridge According church met with Mrs. The coat belt slips through O until a late hour. 'ccntrkr kitchen at the corner of American garden produce. Bloom on Manhattan avenue. The snapped. tho vestee, played d slits und fastens above Mr. was the winner of Lexington avenue and Twenty-thir- to an estimate mado in her laboratory, of tho Rev. J. W. ara "BKAVTIrVl, SKiHTV" V" Purand lucky it to buv tin cans to hold KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS AFFAIR. new pastor church, taking the place of buttons which SW1MMPNC POOL. the and Mrs. David- street. Boy scouts, organized under rusts tl held and wife and two children, VAHSITV gentleman's prize will Ax worth of toiiiatods. Housewives .In conformity wlh celebrations Haniblin, growing costly. You didn't know that we had a son won the prize given the ladies. The the mayor's committee, salvage ex by the Knights of I'ythias throughout arrived on Saturday from Cass City, at this were tho materials and Mrs. Harriman's who face this particular Item of beach in tho old Duku City, did you' guests charming affair t the. of tho can tho United States, Sanfa Fe lodge on Mich., and took possession of the see Mcsdames Strong, chemists and assistants will dry them. becinning manse. Mrs. Well, if you could the swimming Durand, Petit, ninir season will consider Tuesday evening, despite a heavy Presbyterian Lansing York city to enter tho Presbyterian Bnsrh, Con The will be sold at cost to the naturally Ma-Ibn- lc to liool at the 'varsity on these hot after llannum, Davidson, Hust, product as a for can thunderstorm, assembled in the Bloom, who goes Long Beach with therei is now. at his homo in noons vou would almo.-- believe it. ner and Oestreich; Misses Nell Bryant, persons most in need of it. dehydration substitute and a en- her little will be succeeded hospital ninif I temple gave patriotic daughter, Long Island. Diagnosis with Iteba Messrs. Durand, This huge and system of Clarl-b- cl Flushing. Especially tho pretty younc; school and Connor; patriotic tertainment which thoso who heard it as chorister on Sunday by Miss X-r- instead of suffer- Hust, perishablo foods is the re All men cannot, be urcsident all revealed that teachers and the ch.irmint; maids who Conner, Strong, Davidson, Smith, conserving chief food pronounced a perfect symposium of Fischer, while Rev. Lansing Bloom from he is afflicted thin summer Busch, Petit, Hanniiin and Oestreich. sult of experiments mado in Mrs. Har women cannot become the will ing rheumatism, are attending the 'varsity or out any patriotic oratory nnd fervor. Chief and Miss Letha Stephens during with an aneurism of the aorta, causing take of the cool depths of rlman's food research laboratory conserver the country justice R. II. who Is chancel- the act as in place advantage which with the New York wimuiti ran enlist in the armv of food Hanna, siimmor, organists severe pains In his heart and making this pool, and really tho pretty baihing Mrs. Maurice Hewlett, an English- lor of Santa Fo lodge, presided and of Miss Evelyn Me Bride, who has gone ho lie absolute- woman, is tho first of her sex to gain bureau of foods and drugs. savers and servo by drying a few it imperative that kept suits worn by these yourin maids have city bv anv also made one of the addresses, speakl to San Diego to attend summer nor whole mesa for un air pilot's certificate. Mrs. Harriman has studied food iirniiulu nf fruits and vegetables in school. ly quiet. the skinned beauty. one of the home of lng of duty toward the community mal o So if want to see a beautiful scene conservation ever since the war broke simplo processes which we iive. Col. AV. Pilch- fou out. of ration. Gcorgo Tvit-- xvurrll I'. Vinson and which will make you believe you are DR. STROI'P AND She has sent vast quantities flenyu ard, former attorney general of New Members of the Red Cross celo- - ICi" of San Franiesco, are the on the "beach at Wat Ki just MISS JONES WED. Mexico and ono of the founders of brated the Fourth by working In tho daughters Commis- out to the pool some Dr. II. A. of Artesla and in New delivored room both forenoon and after- guests of Stato Corporation Journey 'varsity Stroup of T. Pythianism Mexico, gauze Mrs. II. Williams. warm afternoon. Miss Anna M. Jones, also of Artesia, les Schutt, who with his family resides era under tho direction Mrs. J. an eloquent oration on duty toward noon. The monthly meeting of the sioner and Hugh O were married at tho home of Dr. in New Mexico, and a daughter, Mrs. McLaughlin were represented. Girls Rev. E. was held after- O sold the nation; F, Lochrldgc, directors Wednesday Colin Neblett miss keabi ik; is S.'roup's brother, A. B. Ktroup, 400 Charles Peterson, who with her family from each of the allied booths chaplain of the lodge spoke feelingly noon at tho museum. U. S. District Judgo honor North Eleventh Btreet, yesterday noon. lives in the same state. flags of their respective nations for of toward home has gone to Blaekstone, Va., for six Gl EST AT A MNCHKON. Red duty and family, and One of the luncheons of The ceremony was performed by the Thoso present were Mr. and Mrs. A. the benefit of tho society. The J. Wight Giddlngs, former lieutenant COVING AND GOING. weeks' vacation. prettiest K. K. mission- E. Miss S' hall was artis-- . ; the week was Mrs. It. It. Key. Matties, synodical Schutt, Elma butt. Master Cross booth at Rodey of Michigan and Captain T. J. Molinarl of Portnles that given by Mr. as as governor prominent l'ollock In honor of tho V. VV. C. A. ary for the Presbyterian churches of Asa Schutt, and Mrs. Martin L. tically decorated and attractive in Pythian circles there, had as his is guest of his daughter, Mrs. C. B. Women employees of the California (national secretary, diss Anna Heaburg, JS'cvv Mexico. Dr. titroup is a leading Schutt of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. William any of these of the allied nations. theme duty toward the men In the Thompson. state printing office have mado two Miss Seaburg left last Monday fur physician of Artesla, while the bride Schutt, Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Schutt, trenches. Ho concluded dramatically hundred pairs of shoes for Belgian Denver. The guests at the luncheon has been a school teacher there. She Misses Helen, Nellie, Ituby and Verna with tho of Riley's "Old L. Bradford Prince, babies from scraps of leather and cor- In edi- Dr. John S. ' ' reading were: Mrs. William Long, the new was at one time employed the Schutt, Schutt and Mrs. Additional Society on Page 4. Glory." Very pleasing was a colorful who was taken from Santa Fe to New duroy used in book bindings president of the local Y. W. C. A.. Miss torial department'of the Pecos Valley Schutt, Dr. Ernest Crcclman and Mrs. and Miss News, a newspaper of Artesia. Creelman of Bremerton. Mrs. Marlory Kennedy Seaburg. iFitcb. New j o The two arrived here Friday night, of York, Mr. and Mrs. RIiVMBKR PARTY CSIVKX the groom coming from Artesia and Thomas K. Kolehcr, Jr., of Albuquer- AT THE PHI Mt HOl'KK. the bride from Peabody, Kans., where que, N. M. ' she been relatives. i O A (slumber ?)party was given at has visiting Only ' ' Mu house immediate relatives and friends at- Tho Springfield, Mass., Chamber of the Phi last Friday evening. Commerce A few girls frdm town were invited, tended tho wedding. is sponsor for a plan to and a hilarious time ensued and many The couple left Saturday night for bring over one hundred French girls at- to pretty young maids were 4'obbed or Santa Fe, where Dr. Stroup will study American business methods their tend a meeting of the state medical at tho Springfield high school of com- beauty sleep. board. Thence will to Artesia merce. SALE go JULY o they DOROTHY MOIHXKN AM) io make their home. O PEAKCE liOIMn' ARE VEI. I! I'D CROSS IS PLWNINfJ .),. At Waldorf-Astori- a In New Hardly anyone could believe It, and tho TO tilVE HOSPITAL SHOWER are in white , very few have as ypi recovered from York, fifteen girla neat There are showers and showers. the of boy to the given them the two uniforms, taking places Aut tho latest is a hospital shower. Real Wash Goods surprise by "bell-hops- ." They are under the iniH rerers to Buy Monday who were .se- neither baths nor to Opportunity popular young people of as married in Helen last Monday. Miss Margaret Foley, air raids. If you want to know ex- ' cretly lioad floor clerk. . Pearce Rodey. widely known young actly what a hospital shower is just of and Miss O ask Mas, J. T. who is attorney Albuquerque, SOCIAL McLaughlin Dorothy .McMlllen, a prominent society sritPHISE trying to furnish a temporary home 1 (III Mlt.S. HEY.MAN. for sick, discouraged A soldiers, or for Voile Voiles delegation of Congregatlonalists those who are delayed here in tran- 40c White 25c Colored 75c a C. $1.00 gave surprise social for Mrs. II. sit, as it were. Only those who are lot of fine Heyman at her home at tho Rio in There are only 10 pieces of these white voiles that Your choice of this English voiles; values actively tho work know how many ' Orando Industrial school Friday night such cases are handled are 3G to 40 inches wide; all fine sheer grades. There to Sale Price .75c Mrs. C. E. Boldt on bolng by the up $1.25, July behalf of the Red Cross here, and the need for as- in assortment to 40c Sale church members Mrs. Hey-Tna- n are values this up yard. July presented sistance Is very pressing. Mrs. Mc- with a large navajo blanket. and Price 25c Members of Laughlin her committee want tho delegation took their mirrors, dressers, cots, mat- own lunches. Mrs. will leave springs, Voiles 18c Heyman tresses, tables, chairs, sheets, pilr 25c Fancy Monday night for Demlng to Join her lows, towels in huuoaiid who Is thero. blanket, short, any- Voiles 25c These voiles are 27 inches wide, good assortment to ' county agent thing that can give aid- and imfort 35c White Striped o to tho fellows who are or have choose-fro- in both and dark colors, Mis. J. C. of Cleburne, re One lot of white voiles, 3G to 40 inches light regular price Parker, cently been ,iii their country's service. fancy wide; Price 18c lex., whoso more than eight thousand Look voiles 35c 25c. July Sale hand-mad- e through your supplies and see these are our regular values; sunbonnets have mado f Isn't there something you can spare Sale . . 25c her famous, has netted five thousand and then Mrs. July Price dollars from the sale of them since telephone McLaughlin about it. Gods of all kinds may be l'JOl. delivered tho room Cloth O to, between the $2.50 Long $1.98 Bond-Conne- ll Co. and Occidental Life Colored Voiles Miss Eleanor Lyon of Mesilla Park on Third street.. 45c 35c This is our Imperial longcloth, chamois finish; 10 yard r will arrive in a few to Visit Miss : - days o , Your choice of a good variety of pretty printed voiles; $2.50. Sale Price .$1.98 Diamonds, Jewelry Margaret Mathcs. She will be here And now pieces, regular July several days. appears the rirst woman there are striped, figured and floral styles to select from O clown, Lillian Vaughn, playing Gruen Wrist oomownero in Jow York." in this 45c wash material, Sale Price. .35c Watches, CELEBRATE THEIR GOLDEN ' regular July WKII1XU ANNIVERSARY. O Etc. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hchutt, former Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Oestrlch, and 45c Tissue Ginghams 3$c Etc., Dr. 11. residents of Albuquerque, but now and Mrs. C. Conner, with the 50c Shirting 39c , Tissue in These tissues You know our line. living In Seattle, Wash., celebrated Mlssese Reba Conner and NH1 Fancy ginghams plaids and stripes. wont to Bryant - are their golden wedding anniversary on Jemez Springs the B'oiirth ; Gabardine, pique and beach cloth skirtings; values in are just the right material for outing and traveling. They Tou know our prices right. to te-tu- the evening of Tuesday, June 25. The spend the week end. They will this lot to 50c Sale Price 39c are worth to 45c. Price .'. . . 35c You know our aim Is to and account ( up yard. July up July Sale please following of the affair Is taken ' Sunday.1 satisfy our customer. from the Seattle Times: O W want you to know that we sell Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Schutt of B71 In the B. & O. railroad yards wom- ltona avenue, were given a dinner en inspect journal boxes and handle Thrift Stamps. Let us start your , Tuesday evening? June 25, at tho New freight.. ' ' h ' ' cajd-wtt- thfct quarter you get in Washington hotel, in -- celebration of "a - Q . Chang. The government Deeds it rneir Ilttieth weddinir anniversary. Tho 'RED CROSS 'ATTENDS THU You won't miss It hosts were their sons and daughter, PATRIOTIC CELEBRATION nir. AHa Kcnutt and Mr. Morton Schutt One hundred and thirty-fiv- e work- Vz BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS or thlB city, Mr. W. H. Schutt of ers of the Red Cross in uniform led All Cotton Remnants on Sale at OH Remnant Prices Bremerton Miss Mrs. E. N. ESTABLISHED and Helen Schutt of by Bullock, chairman, 1885 , nremerton. David Weinman, n, and The table was pretty with yellow Mrs. Margaret Barnes, secretary and snapdragons and ferns, and the wed- the rest of the executive committee, ding cake appropriately decorated in marched from the Red Cross head- -- gold and white. Following- the dinner quarters In the Chamber of Com- a numoer ot piano selections were merce building to the Y. M. C. A Phone 283 We Sell the Gordon Master whore au- given by Rex Parrot. Toasts they were In "Hard-to-Wea- transported Hose r" and reminiscences of the . days of tomobiles to tha campus. 313-31- 5 West RELIABLE university - U' courismp and marriage were given by Each of the departments consisting Out Mr. William Schutt of New York, one of muslin workers under the direc- Central of the guests, who knew the couple tion of Mrs. H. B. Ferguson, the 4 i ,.!!!!"!!1 fifty years ago. Besides the sons and home service department in charge daughter who gave the dinner,- Mr. of Mrs. Louis Ilfeld, the hospital gar ana Mrs. Ecriutl have a son, Mr, Char- - ment workers and the canteen work- - Bungalow Apron 25 SilkTaftetta Specials THE E And Satin Dresses

Made of solU - Percale, Spring- and Summer Styles colors and 95c figured Special $15.98 Each while they last. Announces Monday, July 8th Annual July Sale With the steady increase of the cost of all classes of Merchandise and the added scarcity of reliable and dependable Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wea- r, etc. this annual event more than ever before comes at an opportune time, to every one, and affords an opportunity not to be overlooked.

on 'Sale During Clearance Sale Sillts OF THE RAW MATERIAL FOR LE$S THAN THE COST SUITS COATS DRESSES Summer Dresses, Mid-seaso- n ami 36-in- Good materials will be All in ch Silks", Plaids and Stripes, Satin and scarce, lined and half lined Coats Fancy Early Fall Silk Dresses, in Georg- Foulards in a large range of beautiful color styles will not change much and Velour, Poplin, Serge, Honor Cloth, Figured these suits will show a ette Crepe, Crepe dc Chine, Taffeta, combinations, divided in three lots. wonderful Silk Taffeta, Satin, Etc. saving. Satin, Crepe Meteor, Etc. LOT NO1 Regular values to $1.75, Clearance Sale Price $1.39 LOT NO. 2 values to Clerance Sale Price. . . . .$1.69 Values to $12.50, . . . . .$4.98 Values to $19.50, special $9.98 Regular $2.50, Values to $22.50, special $9.98 special. to Price Values . . . LOT NO. 3 Regular values $3.00, Clearance Sale $1.98 Values to . to $22.50, special, .$12.48 Values to . .". $17.50, special .$7.48 $25.00, special. .$12.48 Values to $25.00, $14.98 3&-INC- special H BLACK MESSALINE Values to $19.50, special...... $9.98 TAFFETA, Values to $30.00, special $14.98 Values to . . J . $1,7.48 AND SATINS $29.50, special. Values to $37.50, special $19.98 Values to $25.00, special. . . . .$12.48 Values to $32.50, $19.98 $2.00 for.. $1.59 special fRegular $1.75 grade for.. $1.39 Regular grade Values to $32.50, $14.98 Values to Regular $2.25 grade for.. $1.79 Regular $2.50 grade for.. $1.98 Values to $45.00, special $24.98 special $39.50, special $24.98 Values to $50.00, . . . .$29.98 Values to $37.50, special. . . . .$24.98 42-INC- special. ALL DRESSES' H CREPE OTHER 36 AND CHIFFON CLOTH, 1 Values to $34.48 Values to . . . $34.48 Fifteen CHIFFON, PRINTED CHIFFON AND NETS $65.00, special $50.00, special. Per Cent Off All Pure Silk in all colors but white, about 30 shades to select from ; our entire stock divided into 3 lots to close out as follows : Lot 1, 39c yard, Lot 2, 69c yard, Lot 3 at 98c yard SKIRTS Children's Wash Dresses " Our assortment of Skirts is very Gingham, Chambray, Voile, Or- WOOL FABRICS complete at this time and you can Dresses gandie, Lawn, Batiste Dresses all select Skirt now at one-ha- lf of f". Reduced for the July Clearance Sale your Gingham, Galatea, Kiddie Cloth, new and crisp merchandise. the price you will pay later. 36-in- ch Silk and Wool Faille Poplin, all colors including blacky Chambray, Lawn, Voile, Etc., material is Silk and Wool, special, yard $1.29 Dresses sizes 2 to 14 at less Values Values to $1.98 years to $5.00, special .$1.98 wool $4.00, special. than the actual cost of the material 42-in- ch Wool Voile, the ideal summer fabric, colors cream, Values to . . to . $2.48 $6.50, special. ... .$3.48 regular value $1.00 and $1.25, special, yard 48c Values $5.00, special. by the yard. navy, brown, Values to $8.50 $4.98 Values to $7.50, special $3.98 Values to $1.25, special J98c special - 32-inc- and h Silver Bloom Mohair, a summer suiting fabric, plain Values Values to $i 0.00, $6.48 '...... to $1.50, special. $1.29 special fancies. July clearance price, yard 69c Values to $9.35, special. .$4.48 $4.98 Values to $2.00, special...... $1.79 Values to $12.50, special $7.48 (koods, Values to $10.00, special; 6 pieces part wool Dress check, plaids and wool challies, Values to $2.50, special...... $2.19 Values to $9.98 school 48c Values to . . . . .$7.48 $16.50, special. regular values to 75c. Ideal children's dress goods, yard $15.00, special. Values to $3.50, . . . $2.98 special. .;. Values to $20.00, special $12.48 Values to $19.50, special $9.98 Values to $5.00, special, . .,. . . . $4.48 DRESS GOODS REMNANTS Values to $6.50, special. $4.98 Ov.r spring accumulations, remnants of all kinds and colors of ALL OTHER SKIRTS ALL OTHER DRESSES ALL OTHER WASH DRESSES materials 1-- 2 to 6 yards in length, some striped, some figured, and others plain. Ideal Itngths and materials for trimmings, dresses or for children's school dresses at special prices to close. Less 15 Less 15 Less 15 The Unexpected in Wash Goods Our Entire Stock of Wash Goods at Prices That Will Children9s Fairly Astonish Those Who Are Posted on Present K1MONAS Divided Five Lots Corsets Market Conditions Into Our entire stock of Georgette Lot 1 at 15c Yard Lot 2 at 19c Yard Lot 3 at 25c a Yard Crepe, Crepe De Chine, Satin, and Gossard, Bon-To- n, Royal Wor- 27-in- Printed Batiste Printed VoHes. Printed Printed Voiles, Mercerized Cotton Kimonas are on sale cester and Economist and Dimities worth to 25c Batiste, Etc, worth 85c Poplins, White and Striped Coats placed special A Yard at 15c and 40c yard Skirtings worth up to 60c at a great reduction for this sale. Corsets. At 19c a Yard yard Values to $5.00, special...... $1.98 Lot 4 at 39c Yard Sale priced, yard 25c An extra quality Voile Kimona full Lot 5 at 49c Values to $6.50, ...... $2.48 LOT 1, IniKrtel KneUtdi Voiles, special. made of good quality. Novelty Woven Voiles, Mercerized Skirting with Cloth Values to $7.50, . . . . . ,$3.98 Values $2.00, special 49c and a big line of White colored checks and stripes Long Special special. Skirtings, values to 75c White Pique Skirtings and Shyna Long Cloth 36 in. Values to $10.00, special. $4.98 Special $1.98 LOT 2. The Yard at 39c Novelty Satin Stripe wide, made of Sea Island Voiles worth to $1.25 Cotton, Fine Boft material Values to $12.50, special. ... .$7.48 worth today 40c a yard, Values $2.50, special. . , .$1.39 49c Yard l. Bed Spread At pieces only at Values to $15.00, special. ... .$9.98 Special Women's $2.75 a Piece House and Porch LOT 3. 100 Crocheted Bed Spreads Values $3.00, special. .:. .$1.98 size 74 by 84 inches, Hosiery worth J2.50 Women's Eiffel Brand and Women's Knit LOT 4. - Cclearance Price Wonder Hose Brand in Silk Petticoats Dresses black, tan, white, also Underwear ...... Special $1.95 Silk Values $3.98, special $2.48 Black Fiber Boot, Women's Knit Union Suits Our, entire stock of Silk and Satin We have built special values at 25c pr. up quite a deputa- i made of Sea Island Cot- LOT 5. Glove Specials ton, low neck, sleeveless, Petticoats in best grade Taffeta and tion on the and of our Children's 1 1 . style quality Kaysers Chamolsette by umbrella knee, low neck, Values $5.00, .. ...$2.98 Gloves, 12 button length Ribbed Hose sleeveless, tight knee, Beldings guaranteed Satin all the pretty Porch Dresses, our special. 2 or closed at especially and clasp style, black, Blue Bird Brand black open styles natural the special price of new shades and styles. Janes. Come in and see them. while and Hose, sizes from 6 ot 9 hi Sassy Extra specials in all other Corsets Special to Close 39c and Puritan Brand white 39c Suit Hose, sizes 6 to 8V4 only a Athletic Girdles, Brassieres, Plain Kayser 16 Button at the special price of Sizes 34 to 44. Less 15 Less 10 Girdles, Etc. y Length Silk Gloves 20c a Pair These Gloves may be Curtain Scrims made short length by Children's Sox and hemming at A big line of Curtain Nets cutting Broken sizes of 25c and and Scrims, both solid EXTRA the wrist. These Gloves ' offer better quality than 35c line of Children's Pox colors and with printed Millinery 2 , at choice borders In 3 lots at the Millinery can be In clasp your bought of at this . special price We, will not over trim- length price. 25c a Pair carry any We have a in 95c a Pair Sizes 6 to 9 39c, 29c and 19c Yd. med surprise trimmings, Special Hats or any Shapes into the 250 of feather Fall Season. Our loss, is just pieces trimmings, 5 of Women's Waist .your gain. Specials groups that beyond all styles, all colors, some sold as any question of a doubt, are the best values Come in early and derive the benefit offered this season. It will be wise to shop Racks and tables laid out with all high as $7.50, none sold for less than Waist Specials early on these. ' of an early selection. Everything 5c foa Voile Waists In various styles worth to $1.S5. ' ' kinds of Odds and Ends at $1.50. Choice f $1.19 for Voile and Organdy Waists, lace trimmed, in many styles, worth $1.75. goes at . $2.08 for French Voile Filet, lace trim and hand embroidered, regular values to $3.50. $3.48 for a big line of Crepe de Chine and Striped Bilk Waists, many worth to S5.0O. or Silk '. $3.98 for a large line new Georgette Waists, all colors, many worth to. $7.50. ... Y2 Price Cost i These all come In various styles and sizes up to 44 bust. 19c and Up r FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, July 7, 1918. So'iiie Williams; Ariz; Fashion Survives in Paris, Styles Snapped on the Bois de Boulogne

Among items that willTho of interest this week is that of the marriage of (Paris Approves of Plain, Practical Dresses Like These Samples) Miss Glndvs Schauper, of Charles City la., and Mr. Richard W. Ruffinof Williams, which took place in Kansas City last week. The bride is well known here, having been employed as stenographer at, the mm during me winter. Mr. Ruffin also has a host of friends here, having visited here many times during the past fifteen years, nnd having been a resident of Williams since March lust. The bride and groom hnve been spending the week in Wil liams and are stopping at the Fra Marcos hotel. An Intp rkstine event was the dance enjoyed by about fifty young people at the nouse last ouiuniu.v v-- parlsn furnished , j n jf evening, names' orchestra Ax thn tnsoiration for the dancers and 4Vk' ra&w pM' light refreshments were served during intermissions. Mrs. Corb Wolfe ami wkp MIfs Mary Mat- - were sponsors Tor lhls evening s pleasure. That the Thrift Stamp campaign in Williams has more than gone over the top, was evidenced by the report of the subscriptions, given by Mrs. Charles V. La Fontaine, chairman of the drive in Williams. Mrs. LaFon-taine- 's figures show that the quota of $35,000 lias been supplemented by at least an additional five thousand There was considerable delay in start- ing the campaign activities in Wit liams, and Mrs. LaFontHine is to he congratulated upon the success which has attended her efforts, as the real work was as late as June L'd. J begun a & The canteen service of Williams P r-- mm was called upon to meet a number of BP Ami ?m troop trains Tuesday morning. This was done with the usual ettuiency, and the authority of the assistants was shown by their new and attractive canteen service uniforms. These uni- forms consist of light blue garments nnd caps, with narrow trimmings in white, and a small red cross insignin ot the throat and on the front of the cap. The canteen service hut which was erected this week, was not com- pleted for Tuesday's work, but will nfitnncnt the future work of the ladles. Mrs. O. S. Kunyon and Mrs. O, S. Miller left Saturday fur the coast, where they will remain for the sum- mer, and possibly permanently. Mr. Jtunvnn twill join them in about a A aLiJi a. JySji month. Photos'' (s) kaqsi MewoegTT' ri. . .T' mnim Mrs. E. F. Orr Is entertaining Mrs. By Newspaper l AssiH'iulion. both art anil into tho and served to the hand- - dress- on for streets or keep them from looking Irma Yoder this week at the Orr iilcrpiisc style plainest limit. Kxcept for a The chief charm of all these relied durability. it is of every 0!:,: a one-piec- e well For part ranch. Nmost practical guriuenls. ed sash, and a satin collar, not dress es is that they look as if they had been The street suit rivals the groomed. of life Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lowe and Mrs. Paris, July C France remallisi the r.wn m- - made to fit tho wearer coat suit for slreet service. Hats are French woman's philosophy The frocks worn by tikis group of: "'"""" i,uuoii imvo ptrfei;tly. she can to the beauty of N. Cameron motored to Grand Can maker of fashions fur No , IWO CLt n UV. (Hinted Waist 'lines are of liiT the sailor outnum- to udd what the world. ,1 ..( i.'.r,.!,., ...i Q L',ln,l.. .M'J'camui Willy at the right point. simplest, all that she can yon Tuesday. Mr.. Lowe returned matter k. Vol ,.,,.ii rwiob Skirts are cut the rinht length. bering every other shape. . the world, to subtract what the wurlime limitations s offsat even in a time of great and Joined the Htternoon in the city greatest purK j u Km.,rtnosa and The are all or Not even a Hun gun can from ugliness, Tuesday night party French women manage to introduce siiow con- - i,s sophislication materials either scrgo atrocity sorrow. again on the Fourth of July, when that dress materials are wlii(.n is oiatlnctly I'arlsian. jersey cloth materials which can be frighten French women from the anxiety and they returned to Williams. At an .interesting meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, Rob-J- q turned by autos. of New Mexico maids: re- is concerned with all problems 28 1918. Hums WW) city Mrs. Will Smith and sons have Society Belle? No! soldiers families and discharged sol- Juno marshal. Justice of the 1'eaee J. S. turned to their home in Hondo, Tex. a month of Mrs. Margaret F. Barnes, Secretary Miss Naomi Becker Uncle Additional diers has had busy American Red llutton was authorized to try city left Wednesday Menus Helps Run Society with Indication that Albuquerque Chapter ' for Socorro where she will Miss Loyalty June, every July N. M. ' police court cases on a commission join will grcitly increase the work. Sixty-fiv- e Cross, Albuquerque, basis. Lucy Becker. They expect to go by Sam's Railroads were in June. My Dear Mrs. Barnes auto from to home cases handled 20 received About a dozen residents of Williams there the hitter's CONSERVATION Most of these dealt with such sim- Yemr kind letter 'of June have been called for service at fn Springerville, Ariz., whV"o Miss LOVE SONG. of informa- and I am writing again to thank you jury Naomi will visit for some time with 11Y lUDDIK BYK. ple matters as the giving in former the July session of the superior court, ''Go limit in Diink to me only with thino yes, and the of allot- for your interest the letter, 8. the Gustave Keeker a little farther than the tion adjustments wrote .' which commenced at Fluestaff July family. is And'.I thy pledge will ineit; ments and liut that gives I you, saving" an excellent kitchen rule u allowances, seems was in On the roll call aro the names of the Helen now has a newspaper s. Or leave kiss within the cup of It my letter published weekly now-a-day- very little idea of the scope the T. II. W. W. John-Mi- n, called "The1 Mr. And I'll not fur Sunday paper, and I following: Curelon, Valencia Stundard." Jio sure that you nro doing all the ask swoyt. work in general. The care of men the Albuquerque it Charles Button, C. H. Button, C. Musgrove is the editor and manager. substi- o the for tuber- haxto received so many replies that government requires in "Wiing in discharged from army to answer II. Hinds, Allen B. Montgomery, C. Tho following women have charge tutes for beef and and then for Nine thousand girls of all ages the giving of medical and will be utterly impossible K. T. A. Pat- of tho Hed Cross rooms each wheat, the state of huve culosis, them all. However I am again going Hinds, Lebseh, work good measure, set aside a "100 per Washington, pledged nurse's attendance and hospital care, nature to rick S. Crowley, Floyd N. McKay, O. J. ufternoon: Mrs. Fidler on Monday, week in month. In that themselves to spend the summer in of government compen- to presume upon your good V. C. cent every the securing ask to thank the young ladles as Kobinson, M, Slipher and Harold Mrs. Hoffman, Tuesday, Mrs. L. week take caro neither beef nor planting and handling crops. the finding of missing rela- you Greene. Heckor Mrs. Thurs- that O sation, na r,r,.,u;i.i ,,11,1 nsBiirA them that I Wednesday, Hyers wheat upon your tables even jobs for those who need Mrs. Itosseau, Mrs. A. Sine, Dr. P. and Mrs. Sloan All women, appears Mrs. Robert K. and litllo tives, Home appreciate the cheerful and day, Friday All housewives who huve men r the Curry tlicm. All have a part in the greatly wrote. Also as- A. Melick and Judge J. M. Holub met in Helen are urged to go to tho rooms made daughter, Susan, will arrive Monday welcome letters they army will gladly follow menus' 2 of Sendee work. their letters will not In lied Cross conference at the Fra to work us there is plenty for all to on such wom- on No. to be the house guests o sure thein that a plan. And surely the C. as I sure that the Marcos last Saturday, with Miss Eliza- do, and an urgent need for more en who have not their men will Mrs. H. Conner. They will remain on.nn of go unanswered ain B, who work. given for about ten was will be glad to correspond with beth Skeele, of San Francisco, completed 100 days. Mia., Curry boys " never hesllato to bo per cent giv- Mr! 'and M ITu Allison, 701 West, ' '" , is for the civilian relief de- Mrs. Sara Van Vleck and Miss formerly a resident ol' Dukr City, is. gh them. . traveling ers of wheat and. beef to tho armies left this morning for I am partment. Gretchen, returned early in the week them overseas. Housewives and her many friends will bo glad Silver avenue, Thanking you again, protecting .' 1 San Francisco, Pasadena, Sincerely, Charles K. Pishon of Phoenix, was from Albuquerque, where Mrs. Van who are 100 cent will to see her again. os Angeles, for an in Williams Monday and Tuesday Vleck assisted Miss Hawk ot tho Rtate per patriotic O and Vuher points in California, HARRY A. COOPER. like to follow this week's loyally S. S. care P. M., N Y. starting the Thrift Stamp campaign college in her demonstration work at menus: Miss Ruth Law, the first woman to extended visit. U. New Mexico, among the retail dealers. The plans the Mothers' and Daughters' congress. SUNDAY. fly from Chicago to New York, no Val-enu- la women are in Salvation call for a national sale of one hundred A team of seven young ladles of ' doubt Inherits her poise, nerve and Thirty-seve- n Folish At one station France, Breakfast: Prepared rice cakes with in as nurses bako and serve two thou- million dollars worth of War Savings county composed a canning class. fruit sauce or coffee. instinct for balance, us she comes of ready for service France, Army girls the months Misses Jtadoliffo and cream; an acrobatic family. of While Cross, the unit having sand doughnuts a day to our soldiers. Flumps during remaining Margaret Mary Dinner: Stewed chicken or baked the Pade-rewsk- i. of this year. llaca were the Helen girls In the Willi been recruited by Mme. Ignacc O fish, stuffed potatoes, cauliflower Miss Bessie 'Mrs. Harry Risteen, Miss Margery class. cheese mixed Strong has returned RED CROSS BENEFIT AT en- sauce; vegctablo salad, from sho Clark and John Hlsteen are the guests Mtsdames Wolford nnd Bowen ico cream, coffee. California where attended MOINTA1N VIEW SCHOOL. J. of tho Methodist I.eland Stanford 1 'I of Smiley at Grand Canyon this tertained the ladies Supper: Fruit salad with rice cakes, University. CELEBR ATES II YrSIXONI) On Friday evening, July 12, at 8:30, week. church Wednesday at the parlors of O I WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. two plays are to be given for the bene- of Mo-ton- A sneak thief has been working in the church. MONDAY. Recently, the wife Viscount Colonel and Mrs. Edward Johnson fit of tho Rod Cross at th Mountain Williams during the past week. Sever- Helen spent a quiet Fourth of Breakfast: Oatmeal steamed with 7' foreign minister, sold pict,iire celebrated their fifty-secon- d wedding View school house, six miles south of al victims were reported, them There was dancing during the after- Ai cards In Toklo, wearing tho costume last. Thursday at the home town on the east side of the river. among raisins (milk or cream), sour milk of a street aid in anniversary Otis who was on noon and at Goebel's . t salesgirl, to Mrs. Allison, of "Rise Jennie being Kent, sleeping evening hall. corn coffee. . raising of their daughter,. Hugh One the plays, Up, an outside con- Mrs. Van Vleck for bread; funds for the Red Cross of avenue. A won In the porch and lost a suit, left Friday the liunclM'on: Mixed vegotblo soup, f.KBRADtf. Japan. 701 West Silver delightful Smith," recently a ptize taining a purse with $30 In it. Tenants western part of the county where she o was served to the 'relatives at play competition held by the cold corn bread, marmalade, tea. r .Milton lll'OllIKT. dinner patriotic in a rooming house on Hal road av- will spend several days doing home Dinner: Fish or chicken with By .TUNE A BUSY MONTH AMONG tho Allison home. The decorations Drama League of America. The cast enue demonstration "work. pie Washington, July (i, lie was a big LOYAL CROSS follows: reported several small losses. potato, crust (meat left over from ne RED WORKERS. were flags. of characters M A. Young left There will be a service at fellow and quite aim t'lie hundred twelve sweaters and' were Mr. nnd Mrs. Jennie Smith . . . .Miss Naomi Loudon Monday evening patriotic Sunday), baked egg plant, mixed vege- an air. And The guests Harry for Camp Kearny to join tho 158th U. the Lutheran church this evening. tea. swept into the office with seventy palrsi of socks were shipped Johnson, Helen. Margaret and Harold Mabel Miss Thelma Loudon H. table salad, had a voicii to match his big Infantry band. "O" has been one of TUESDAY; ho big by the Red Cross on July 1. This Johnson'. Colonel and Mrs. Edward Mrs. Reynolds. .Miss Josephine Dolan the musjclans in the local body. His keen glance swept the would indicate in of the and Miss Rachel Allison. St. Michael Mr. Fred Hedlund orchestra rtrnkfant: Melon, fried mush and a that spito Johnson for a number of years and will be coffee. room and ceniered ipon very pretty, heat, the knitters are sticking to heir Tho children assisted by Miss A one act comedy, "Rosalie," will missed from that syrup.i denriirc-lookin- tf girl of 22. Job and to Allison a pro- have cast: organization. LuiK'licuii: Omelet, rye bread, hot looked at making every effort keep Rachel gave delightful the following John Duffy and E. S. Lawrence left Socorro "Miss," he boomed as he the Sammies warm, in tho trenches gram the dinner, nnd then took Madame Bol....Miss Thelma Loudon chocolate. iusi watch. "I am in a afir "lunduy for Vancouver, Wash., on tho her and also at next October. rip a collection for the Rod Cross. Monsieur Bol ...... Mr. O. B. Clarke Dinner: P.ean and nut roast (nuts U see mited serivce draft call. will hurry and I have the assistant Seventy-fiv- e of machine-mad- e Their were $2.00. Rosalie Miss Naomi Loudon They The .Catholic Ladles' auxiliary met may be omitted) with mushroom or to the pairs receipts irobably be employed in the spruce tomato tomato to tho assistant director general socks were received yesterday . O O orests of that state in with Miss Jane Muedonell last Fri sauce, potato fritters, of the railroads ufj tho United States from state work for the afternoon. and lettuce salad, coffee golatln. the penitentiary. Owing SA1I.OK BOY RECEIVES Tho Alpl Chi Omega has .eronautical corps. day on Borne very Important business to the fact that there Is at this time MANY sorority Mrs. Blanch Reed left Monday night WEDNESDAY. LETTERS. arranged to have a table at the Red j Mr. and Mra. Carl Valentine of which I want brought to the attention no yarn to out, the A with n for Kansas, where she will visit rela- Breakfast: Oatmel gems, fish cakes, , give knitting letter recently published Cr oss rooms on Tuesday of each week. F.rand Canyon, were in town Monday. of Mr. McAdoo viiry soon. Is your rooms at Rosenwnld's will ho open to Hie Indies of New tives for a month. coffee. '! ' request young Mrs. Valentine left for California, chief around only from four until five o'rlock be- Mexico to write to a sailor who was nere Mrs. H. K., Harris received word Luncheon: Corn pudding, cold oat- "Which chief ."' the 'asked. Bne, win. spend the summer. H. meal gems, tea. girl ginning tomorrow. on; board the U. S. S. New Mexico, and 1 Mrs. M. P. Lockwood ev. from her son, Harry Harris, that the us: istant to the assist- oavn in he had arrived In France. Dinner: Cream of tomato soup, "Why The Home Service section, which his answer here shows tho spirit of Journal Want Ads bring results. Mlent lesson in war rnnksn v safely ant." .Methodist Mrs. H. F. Clay of Kansas City, Mo., roast pork, baked potatoes, fruit salad, "I am she," s:ild tho girl with the church parlors Tuesday is her Mrs. Frunz couee. ufternoon. The at- - visiting sister, .suspicion of a smilo and a dimple. meeting was well Smldth. Mrs. Clay expects to spend THUllSDAY. " meaeu inougn many ot those who "you're what." he exclaimed. have the summer in Socorro. Breakfast: liice griddle cakes, boil- - "Assistant' to tlin assistant to Direc signified their intention nf nit. Mrs. (i. C. Wed this course were York and baby left tor General McAdoo." THERE IS A REASON WHY THE MOST EXPERIENCED ing called for help nesday for where will uuiciicnn: cneeso rarebit on ryo vaiiieen wnen num- Magdalena, they This kind of occurrence is not a rare "j service, a make their home. tonsf, lettuce salad, tea. In- ber of troop trains arrived, conse- instance on tho ninth floor of the MINERS USE 'THE GENUINE. and Mrs. W. H. Herrlck, and three Dinner: Tomato soup, stuffed egg- Commission build- quently were absent. It Is very much are vacation in terstate 'Commerce to the interest of everv woman to daughters enjoying a plant, barley crust apple pie. tea. And it is all because Miss Frances nijn Water Canyon. FRIDAY. ing, ever this lecture course as It Is given in ltev. - Hawthorne Bmdy is the first girl E. E. Mathes of Albuquerque, Breakfast: Oatmeal and milk, cof- so Job in rail- - and with the entire ap- filled t hold important a the the pulpit at tho Presbyterian tee. or for in the proval of the food administration A church ssuunon Ajjray world, that matter, FUSE AND Sunday morning. liineneon: salad an - POWDER imhsb or ririy would be a small num Howard of Santa Fe rkoverninent service. her for Vaughn spent bread sandwiches, fresh fruit, tea. f which to show that you Williams, where everv hnnu. several days in Socorro this week on Dinner: Baked beans with cheese i A" goes hold Is trying to be 100 per cent Amer- business. tan be pretty a ml love society and ican sauce, green peas, French cream, cof- and borso l.uck and then and the standard cannot ti main Mrs. W. (1. Hammel left Sunday fee. tennis riding tained without the befit efforts of the night for where she visited suddenly make up your mind to work DYNAMITE housewife. At Demlng SATURDAY. for Unclo Sam and make good. A the lecture Tuesday her son, William, for two duys. BrcakfnH'.: cakes and Mrs. Lockwood demonstrated A of Barley griddle Jittlo over six months ago Miss Brady the meeting the Woman's club was coffee. y. and held baron, graduated from a fashionable semin-ur- & tasty substitutes for Monday afternoon, nt which time I.tinclicon: Fotato chowder, rye It always gives perfect satisfaction an has the greatest efficiency. foods which must be conserved. plans were perfected for the ice cream Then the war was brought very Miss Pauline bread, tea. close to her. Two both, col- We stock on. hand N. at all umes or can Jones, who hna wn social held In the park Fourth pf 'Dinner: brothers, carry complete at Albuquerque,' M., All Cottage pio (fish and mixed lege men and expert engineers, volun- attending Marlborough school In Los July. the money received froth ship direct from Colorado Mills. , Angeles, returned to Williams the scale of Ice vegetables, potato crust) shredded teered for the army engineer corps Sunduy. cream, cookies and pineapple and rice flour, Miss Jean Rosseau Is lemonade goes to pay for the jelly cake, nnd sailed for France, the ono as Miss entertaining sanitary tea as cor--, Dorothy Jackie, of Flagstaff: this fountain recently purchased by the first llutenant and the other week. club. This drinking fountain is to be poral. Then It was that Miss Brady Installed in Kittrel park. Inoor)ora(ion Papers FUctl. up and spoke to her father, Colonel Mrs. J. B. Snrith entertained tho fol- Santa Fe, July . 0. Incorporation T. G. Brady, saying that she was as lowing ladies a Mon- papers were filed today by the Lucky good a "man" as hi;r brothers any day at bridge party Strike Kloctra day night: Mesdames J. L. Nicholas, oil and Gas company and was going to do her Wt by going Always guaranteed to be as low as the lowest' WHY BUY INFERIOR T. B. Kverhart; Anton Leo of Tucumcari, capitalize dat $100,000, to work. s Belen Mayer, divided Into ' Baldwin, W. B. Bunton, V. Sparks, shares of $10 each. The Her father was much amused until direc A. D. se- Sturges and Pritchett . incorporators and ors are: 10 learned that his daughter had Socorro enjoyed a free watermelon Goldeuburg, president, 1,100" Shares: cured a Job us secretary to Oscar Mrs. fhomas Mason and son have 100 - and cantaloupe feast Fourth of July Joseph Israel, vice president, Price, who at that time- was private returned from a visit in Missouri. shares; M. H. Koch and J. A. confidential to given by the members of Hose Com- Street, and secretary Director ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Mar-cl- al '.." , Cooley of San pany No. 1. An automobile was nil of Tucumcari, the paid-u- p capital General McAdoo. Price and the girl .... ."t".' spent a couple of day in Belen held parade being $51,000. The Refrig- all when GENUINE DU PONT '..' or In during the morning and Judge M. broke records for long hours. They you can buy explosives at the same price possibly the erator ,..'.';' 1 early week, the guests of the C. Spicer won first company of Tucumcari, capital- were nt their desk in the morn- . ; - Mallow on prize nnd Prof. C. ized early lower prices? .' ' . f.- family, their return home L. Nichols second prize for best at $5,000 of $1 shares, of which ing arid it was often 9 and 10 at they were Mrs. the $2,100 Is night accompanied by Hlley decorated Cars. , paid up. The Incorporators when McAdoo announced end Ben who Charles finally PROVE THIS, WRITE US TODAY (WE MAKE QUICK SHIPMENTS) Riley, have been visiting Miss Lucy Becker of Springerville, and T. Adair, president; U. A. ''good night." Recently their reward here for several days. Ariz., who was on Prentice, vice president'; John ,M. Ea- eame. Price is now assistant to the recently operated Tu-cumc- ; P.. P. Simmons has returned to at the Socorro ger and James Conwell, each of Is BIG HARDWARE v Helen hospital for appendi- director general. And Miss Brady ALBUQUERQUE'S STORE; t after several weeks spent in citis, left for- home Wednesday morn- and each subscribing to five assistant to tho assistant. .. Missouri. Mrs. Simmons And shares. . ' children ing. .. We Lowest ; ,. " have the goods and the of Prices and the quick service. will be away about three weeks longer. GERMAN SOLDIER'S PAY. 'jLJtT Mrs.- - Virginia Horn beck is here Mrs. Joseph A. Blake, wife of the FEWER I'IGS IX DENMARK. , A German f'dier's pay is roughly . from Mesilla , Park to spend a twp famous American doctor, has been Jn Denmark counted her pigs In May equivalent to nine cents a day. But , wecKs- vacation and will keep house France three years, mursing French there were but four hundred thou- )ut of this he must contribute about for her father, Mr. Simmons. ana American wounded, in her hus- sand. Before the war there had been three cents a day toward the cost of . The Belen 2 Z people enjoyed a decided band's hospital. , million. The two million miss his dinner. Apart from- dinner, gen- ireat Sunday when th Camp Cody were submarined as some kind band a two ing pigs just erally of stew, he gets gave hour concert1 at the Two thousand children are cultivat- surely as if they had been, to sea, nothing but black 'bread and alleged &C0 on. avenue. 208 to North Second. N. M. grove Becker The thirty ing war gardens In New York's city since luck of fodder . doomed them. coffee, so most of the six 220, Albuquerque,' of band remaining members the were brought parks, under the direction of Mrs. Their "bacon ration" (Jaily reminds cents must be expended on additional ' down here from Albuquerque aud re Fanny a. Parsons, tno Danes of frightlulness. . w , i " V'.f J::. I

t FIVE Albuquerque Morning. Journal Sunday, July 7, 1918. tion Army hut on East Pino street, , Simplest Frock took place Wednesday afternoon at ... 2:30. Colonel W. J. Cousins, head of Estancia For Paris Fete the western department, acconipaniod Church Services, by his sccrotry, Adjulunt Mccienan, Den- Sunday 4 arrived Tuesday morning from fTON ver, to assist Adjutant and, Mrs. Lewis C. and of I 11. H. FLORENCE B. Davenport daughter TSennett in the opening. Lieut WHERE TO WUKSim' TUDAY ' Enclno wero Kstancla visitors Tues J Kline, who bears tho distinction of ,i : ' day. Mr. Davenport had charge oti being the first Salvation Army chap-- j OIL COOK STOVES the recent V. S. S. drive in Torrance KCU2NCK SOCIETY. gregalton will be cordially welcomed lain in tho United S'.ates, and who Is CIIUISTIA oasuul county. Christian Science services are held to this service. now chaplain of the camp,! Miss Ruby Otto of Seattle, Wash., Sun- At the morning hour a matter of Cody, has been giving valuable, at 418 West Uold avenue, every bo refer- Camp arrived Wednesday fur an extended 11 o'clock. business will taken up with assistance in the building and opening day morning at to extended visit with the roller and Ayers fam- school at :45 o'clock. ence the call lo lr. Wedge. of the hut. At the opening Mayor R. ilies. ' Miss OUo is nicco of E. H. Sunday The meeting will be held and; a evoning meetings at s regular F. Hamilton represented 'Deiping Ayers. V Wednesday through tlie week ,und all without Lieut! Charles W. Ramshaw, chaplain o'clock. other at filiations aro invited field Mr. and Mrs. Heed, who have beenj room open daily except especially of the 125th artillery, represented! of Mrs. Reading in ail sji vices. , tho of Camp Cody. Attorney; here for sometime on account ami holida3 tiom ZMI) 10 chaplains - Reed's health, lcrt for Sundays avenue, A. A. Tempke, chairman of the com- Tuesday their; 6:;i0 p. in. at 418 West Uold fund for tho former homo in Kansas floor. I FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL mlt'CO that raised the (i,y. second ami establishment of the hut, niado a brief: Mr. and Mrs. Rex Men dor left Wed- . A free circulating library. Including (Corner Ixiul Soma Third.) St. eastern Unities Oscar Il4vkii1.u1, l'usior. address. Major H. A, Nelly, adjutant nesday for Louts and other all the, works of Mrfry I'aker Eddy, . to the .Science Miss ImIHI. Sorby, l'ciicoin-ss- of the Thirty-fourt- h division, detailed j points. Mr, Mcador goes buy and other authorized Christian oc- .' 11 8 a band to furnish music for the lall supply of goods tor tho Farmers". literature, la maintained in connection Public worhsip a. am and & Stockmen's Exchange store for with the reading room. p. m. ' casion. . to at- "Paul an Ideal Pa cost which he is manager., , Tho public is cordially Invited Jaorfnlng theme, The but approximately $8,000. for Las tend the scrviciB, the Wednes- triot." and the furnishings $1,000 .and was Oscar Kemp left Tuesday Sunday Cod Does for several vacation. day evening meetings, and to visit tho livening subject, "Why dedicated entirely free of debt. Tho Vegas days' No.. Kill the Devil." , which was built is A was at the Pastime reading room. lot on the hut dance given Siiiiuayi school a: 43 a. m. and the annual therefor - in honor of rented rental theater Monday night Kpworth League 7 p. m. is $300 per annum, which is Ly The FhpI Administration nut)ioripU8to y that Hamilton of Cornaozo. I.VANnF.MCAli paid It the un ol Oil Ccok Stovt nnd Oil Wade IMMANUL iniisio at ji'I services. S ir.-J- from citizens. consider commissioners were In I.IIIII.IIA.N CIII'Kl'lt.. Special subscriptions looming Hrntcrs at this tlmo n very tmvvortant help In the Tho county school at bight. ' 8 Save Coal of lor war several tho flist of t'srl KcIimUl. Pastor. orc.h.i Wednesday cvenfng at o'clock the ncccsuary conrrvatlon coal purpose. session for days A welcome for all. welcome srviei s will bo held the week. . Willi! All olilil opening ,tl by Adjutant and Mrs. Lewis Bennett Col. George 'pichard of Santa Fe, Phono 'Oil. who services are held In the public Till". l lll IK'Il OF CHRIST. and Lieutenant Austin, arrived was in Estancia the first of the week Out north- Denver, which Meals with Fuel , aud Meets each Lord's day in the Tuesday from Cheaper . corner of Edilh street Quicker t on legal business.-- libcrary, west corner basement room of llm scivicea will la hold on the street. cost County Superintendent Charles L. Central avenue: , You can offset the high cost of food with the reduced of school 10 a. in. Albuquerque public library. A dormitory has been provided for Burt of Mountuinuir, attended the Sunday 10 Florence. It burns kerosene, the cheap ana pien-- services 11 a. m. acrvicu from to 10:30 a. in. the use of relatives, visiting soldiers preparing it on a meeting of the county commissioners Preaching ijngISUue 10:30 to 11:30 lit. and this Tho services bavo been dis- s.udy, a. who are unable to pay thu prices or liful fuel. Come in and learn how simply quickly popular Tuesday. evening Communion services, 11:110 lo 12 m asked for rooms at a nominal Pr. Amble was in Eslanclp continued for tlu suir.n.'cr. ' dinarily stove works. " C.J., Hi bio. study for Sunday, July 7, sum. , ; - Tuesday to attend the annual meeting of Second CorinthiaiiB. j . wick fuss no messing, no trouble. You turn the Es- Thud chapter "Dr. und Mrs. P. M." Steed are enter- No to with, of the board, of directors of the are interested come and "a cooks tancia north roiiiTii sii;i:irr gospel If you study taining their, daughter, Mrs. Rosser, tevcr; touch a match, and get clean, hot flame that quickly Havings bank, n.M.i- - . with us. K. A. Tulicy, J. 11. Edwards. The Woman's club met with Mrs. this wtek. Sho arrived Monday night. ind heats water in n jitly. me ponaoie oven Danes qun.-Ki- nu Oscar home ItflMI Moiili l imrili Sliwt. Elders., Mrs. W. E. Foulks iH reported on watch Hay at. her east of town school Bible class. :4a and has a door through which you can your . Friday afternoon. Suudav and the sick list this week., vcnly glass week: ST- - gown John Block and P. a. in. Topic this 'Beginning .tOII.VS CHITU'H. Whenever a 'fancy appears baking. All Florence products are fully guaranteed. daughter Cora. - - be The Christian Life." nvrnne and Fourth Mrocl.. rs is ant lo a georgette , Rayborn and Hudson Trice left Wed-- ! wiU Sihpr it ll tell ajl aDout riorence economics m a icw umiu.a At-- p. " Mr. Carl Armerding Kcv. K. N. Hiilloi k, Hivtor. wUh a little soutache, like We you for I'alomas , trimmed nesday Springs. iho gospel.. Subject: "tour SUtti after Trinity. in iho Avenue de when come in. Peter McKissor of VVillnrd attend- -' preach Sunday this one snapped you Little Things." Proverbs 30. Communion 7:00 a. m- :Odd little aprons offer de- "Look for the Lever.' i ed the of court in Es- - Holy Opera. meeting probate Wednesday at S p. in. a nieel'iijj lot Chin oh school 0:15 a. m. excellent chance, to display r Ariz. J tancia Monday. ' signers ah . Flagstaff, Holy Communion aud sermon 11 designs to the best advant-.- Alejandro Baca left Wednesday prayer. outache t Thursday at 8 p. m. a mooting for a. m. i Klmiile frocks are worn for his ram i) . ' i!rh GEO. SCHEER FURNITURE CO. evening at W.llurd, Bible study. All are Invited to Join University Heights Misrion school ... .,, iiu fntm civrn in honor of An Informal dance wan given at tbei C where he will several I B spend days. this mixed clas.i in the study of I an 9:30 a. iii. on leave. These family af- normal school Saturday night, .liinej . At a of the executive botird soldiers 317-31- meeting to the Romans. limit of 29, for tho studonts of the summer 314-31- 9 of tho Red Cross Epistle fairs murk tho wartime r 6 South Second Street Wednesday morntns ' school.. was qu.)te largo at- C. H. Bennett was elected IM.MACl'LATi: CONCEITION Tlerp secretary to CHURCH tendance and a general, good time was take tho place of Mrs. II. I. Splismca-se- r ST. PAIL'S I.NnilRIl LlTHEItAN mass 7:00. reported. - who had resigned. Tho CIIVItCH. Sodality ' following Children's mass 8:30 The nnmiHl Fourth, of July exercises members wero added to the executive, (Corwor SMvcfiiinil sixt!i.) woro Cross head- tho Cliffs for their son, Allen. Thoso board: Carl A.ii,,ir M. KiiuiltM'ii. Pastor. Late mass and sermon 10. were held Thursday morning at the in white an.! Ited Tom Sherwood, I,eo Douglas, in dresses. present wero Mr. and Mrs. Camp- J. P.. Fish, Neol Jenson, L. Oarviti. HUB S. Sixth. Phine Evening service 7:30. r Deming J Orpboinn theater. The following Misses p. Residence, bell, Hugh Campbell, Lylle, L. A. School. Lesson., was rondered: will be a conservation meet- Rousseau and Alejandro Biica. 9:45 a. m. Sunday teresting piogram There 2:30 Helen Casey, lliighie Hone, Luella. , Life." Su- Emblem next Thursday ufternoon at The present work room waSvfound to "Beginning tho Christian FIRST March, National Flagstaff ing Campbell, Katherino Jack, Mildred be too CO.fJI!F;TIONAL C. B. have gone at tho Knicrson. The topic, Mrs. Mary smalt to meet the need of the perintendent, A. W. Kraemer. CHVIillf. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley orchestra. is Dorrls and Helen Kllis; Brody with to - will discuss ales. workers and Carl Shorwood donated .11 o'clock Morning worship, Coal utul Broadway. on a three weeks' vacation Invocation- Rev. O. S. Baum. Prltuor Jack Oriffln, Allen Camp- uso of his sermon the on "The Chris- Comer Christ! and San Antonio, "Uulanco nations." Campl.vll, the building just north of by pastor . school 9:45 a, m. W. ton; Corpus tltar Spangled Banner Audience Harold Marks and Tom Boule. Catholic Anthem the choir. Sunday Tho Five Hundred club will meet bell, the church. tian's Liberty." by superintendent. chorus and orchestra. A of the summer normal ' (Mason-Adams- .) Byrd, acting Hush this week. crowd Carl Sherwood has been appointed "Blest Day of God." service at 11 o'clock. Dr, Mrs. Jack Thompson and daughter Pledging Allegiance to the Flag with Mrs. Kdgnr at Lako 8 m. Combined Christian En- Morning relatives in Misses school students spent Saturday county chairman of the Salvation p. Gass will visited , with Emerson Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dolan, were worship. John R. preach. Elizabeth, Fourth and fifth grades Mary. Those present Misses drive for w&r work which deavor meeting and evening . Nina Theresa Dark army funds Special music. , Hurley Tuesday.. of school. . Mary Whalen, and Joan Norma Brezee, Ola Is to take sometime month. The topic is "Our Abilities for Christ. 7:30 Gilfillan, director Oakcrcek. where Armstrong. place this Man Christian Eendeavor p. m. Miss Dorothy a Selection, American Patrol Or- havo returned from Douglas, KlUaheth McKeen, Winnie Lieutenant field of The will speak on "The Y A. hostess house, made a few Tinney, secretry pastor 1 the W C chestra. . they spent dnys. Kvans, Louise Boyd, Mary Houck and the mountain division of Ameri- With Limited Ability." Kl Paso Tuesday. rhoo-ni- x, the business to . of Mr. Mrs. W. S. Olriffin of . For. week Wednesday evening: BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CITCRC11. trip to her Reading, "Declaration Independ- nnd Mrs. Peterson. , can Red Cross society, was in Fstancla the Miss Emellne Frey has gone ence" Miss MacAfeo. aro camping at Lako Mary. MoAtlne for nrnver and Bible study. --Bouth and Gold. u- Florence Wednesday visiting tho Torrance Broadway home in Oak raw a s- " Male exercises of St. An- county Thursday. 2:30 n. m. .Meeting of Neil Minister. romum u...... quartette, "Long Live, Long Tho closing chapter. chm-ch- Ferguson, cago, ana win Live America" Messrs. Johnston, school were held the evonlntf The county treasurer sold bonf for Ladies' Aid Society at the Bible school 9:45 a. ber. thony's 1 1 o'clock-Sermo- ,i Brandon, Morse and Brooks. of tho 2tith of. Juno in tho auditorium. three school districts lust Saturday. worshl) r n Rinn nnd....Daov retuiiicu was "Meas- Address C. B. Wilson. nf that school. Tho attendance . Cedarvale district had a Ml'TTHODIST by pastor. Subject, from an $5,i00 issue, OEXTHAIj AVKNl'K Thursday evening "wuu Duet, "The Service Star" Mrs. large, ninny being turned away on ac- Moriarty a JlO.Ono issue and Lucy a CHI IK1I, SOl'TH. uring Our Days." t w in relatives w jnioaiii'i and Mrs. Porter. count" of room. alceros $12,000 issue. The bonds Y. P. C. E. 7 rn. Verkamp of scarcity standing were sold Joshua O. Jone. Vnftnr p. Reading of President's ytessage The lasted from 8 to 11 p. m. to Perctval A warm-hearte- d church.' All W.! returned program Brooks Coffin of Chicago. ,, Anto and Central. Mrs U. Trowbridge Tom was excellent one. .FOR THROAT AND LUN6S The (truer visit to her und an , districts hope to begin building Sunday school 9: 45 a. m.. John F. Wednesday night from a "America" Audience, chorus and Seven books of thrift stamps wero soon. in Santa Rita. ''A Calcium compound tht will brlnr operatfons Mator. superintendent. daughter orchestra. given away as prizes to tho onos who in many rut and chrmvlo r.. Kinscll and Dr. of ilo- - 11 a. m. sermon CIICRCII A. )et rem- Clay Wiggins Preaching service ITRST PIU",!snYTF.RIAN W, Poilara, accompany , Benediction Rev. C. Vabre. mads ihn blithest crudes ill Clirtwttan Provides In haniiltHt form, k blo riarty were in Estancia Tuesday on Rev. MeKean. FifUi nnd Silver Avenue.) wife and daughter, wanni-a- uu and edy highly rflcommended, t,y gelpncflk Onn by (Corner m March, "Over There" Orchestra. doctrine deportment, attendanco thorn business. Solo Mrs. scnweniKer. Hugli A. Cooper. Churlcs R. spending the heated term cuuoi The Red Cross chapter here has school work. Prizes wore also given tains po harmful Jrii. Try today. John McOillivray and J. Tt, White of Senior Leasue 7 ti. in. MeKean, Pastors. cities of California. ! been doing fino work this last week In music. Tho first prir.e, a gold medal 50 cent a box, including war tax Lucy were In Estancia at- 8 n. m. Rev. R. S. school 9:45 a. tn. Edward Kev. D. B. CHrgilo, or Monday, Preaching Sunday of Two boxes of gauze, gaur.e rolls and and chain was won bv Miss Hernndottc For lisle bv 11 dnutl"t tending the commissioners mooting Owpn. I). Cristy, superintendent. occupied the pulpit at the Church for tho second a book Lckman i'tilkuielphl 1 pads have been packed ready ship Moritz; prize, prayer Laboratory, and probate court. Wednesday evening prayer service Morninir worship 1 o'clock. Christ Sunday morning. Also new was won Miss Felice E. W. Glenn have ninnt. many students aro by Rodriguez Raymond Eplcr made a business T. M. Dorris, loader. Sermon "The Heart and the Issues Itov. and Mrs. instructed in the of and tho third prize, a gold cross was to . where ho will being art running trip Albuquerque Monday. A cordial welcome to all. of Life." moved to Duncan, Arl, the knitting machine. won by llttlo Jack Murphy for pro- A number of will be rendered, of Church Christ. lournal Want Ads Because . patriotic mcetlnes Special music be pastor the of - The women of tho Red Cross ficiency In music. , Pay were hold ..In. this county, the last of CirTOCTf. Mrs. D. W. Faw. Mi tnlla Mnvdcr returned Satur- Mr. Tom FIRST BAPTIST ' marched in tho parade Thursday Friday night and Mrs, Journal. the week. O. A. l.nriazola pf Las Choir leader Mrs. E. L. Bradford. iiiv mnrtiliic from a pleasant visit Phoenix" at Everybody Reads the Corner Lead ami Broadway. - living Red Cross. They wero dressed Cnmpbeil of gave nplcnlo vogns spnKe at Willlard Saturday Dr. A. P. Wedge will preach both The ladles' fluartette will sing tirith in Mvndus. B. returned evening, pn Sunday morn morning and evening at the First Bap- "Beautifal Flag of Liberty." Mm .Tames Carriegen ing and at the Pastime theater in Es church. The of the morn Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. Topic: morning from i a visit to hor tist subject Abilities. Saturday was tancia Sunday evening. ing sermon will be A Definition oi "All for Christ." First, Our mother in Los Angeles, Calif. She 25:14-3- 0. meet the Kingdom." Matt. (Consecration accompanied home by a brother. The meeting in the evening win no ing.) Mrs. F. H. Wing left Saturday "addressed on patriotic lines, tho sub Evening worship 8 p. m. morning for a visit in Chicago and to ject being "The Survival of tne un- Sermon: "The Peace of God." hr,r nld home in Bangor, Mo. Artesia fit." All members are expected to be Solo: "Still, Still With Thee." Miss Mrs. V. Phillips and sons, Dorset present, and visitors not of the con- - Irma Walking. nnd Alvln, left Monday evening' for l,n Aneelcs and Sacramento, Calif., where they expect to reside. The Ircd Riley, the tinner and tank In Dem- manufacturer, has been to Phillips family have resided obliged . fori the past ton suspend business because of a scarcity ing and vicinity 1 until hla death Mr. oi material ror his products. Ha and yeurs and up The Lure of the was employed by the Southern his family have gone to Kansas City Phillips ror a visit, after which he will seek em Pacific railway. la ' San Tex., ployment In his line for the govern Mias James of Angelo, Now a, new member of the postofflce staff. Enlist ment.. e MeCaw Summer Monday, July 1, tho Doming post-offic- Auley has of his Frock disposed In first-clas- s business and gone with his wife to was placed the lexas for a visit. From there he will ;,The wrest part about the coming of idea, which reminded me of the slmple) column. J- frocks was a tucked Mrs. Anna Richardson, bookkeeper answer Uncle Sam's call to the colors summer is the dainty, adorable styles of a few years ago, morn- Dr. H. A. Strou has ,been In Santa and hats that it brings in its wake. net in white and flesh color, over a net In the poitoffice, left Monday p a month's vacation to hor old Fe the past week attending a meeting This year the woman's wardrobe is drop, with a ruffled fichu in iront, and ing for or tne state medical board of which beautiful and than finished off with Per home In Fulton, Ky. more more artistic an S. Van and he is a member. irresist- also at Mr. and Mrs. J. Eaton ever, for it contains the most sian sash. This style is quite riaiirhtnr. Miss Fern, havo Bono to San Your Galls You! Mrs. ! President Daniel Eipper has gone to El ible ,and batiste in tractive in a colored organdy. A stun Paso a organdy gowns, Francisco, Calif., leaving Monday for visit. She will return via pastel shades, so cool looking ana at- utilizes two 'Shades ot beau- Doming and visit son who ning origination morning. They have sold their her Jess, tractive. Organdy is the "war dress" batiste torefcrably blue and yellbw) and with the intention is stationed at Camp Cody. tiful home go and it is the fad of the moment, both and combines them tn the most bizarre- of their there. , Mr. Van Mr. and Mrs. L. G. '- - making Hadley, former for the woman who eoes to the sea effect imaemable. do hishielilt for Uncle Sam Artesia residents, now living In EI baton will and mountains and for- - the To our fluffy wo In the yards. faaor have been visiting friends here shore accompany gowns, i.v working ship building the Arntt Wants You! L. T. Smith who had woman who remains at home. War must have' light, almost ethereal hats, The best wishes of their many friends and. family, an w to new nonie. resided here many years, have gone to inevitably brings simplicity, and, the and this year the midsummer fhapeaux th.them tneir - Col. W. K. maao a uusineoni ( Phoenix, Ariz., which jilace is to be are most charming, Something new is, lion m ; , which can be trtD to El Paso Tuesday in the Inter v,-- M as i i tneir ; the nothing permanent residence. garden hat, Trench and if Independence dav was tint nhnprwd more than a peanut straw, provided it est of the Camp. here mar- Ftav. J. B. Boll went to ra rasu beyond the clo.iing of business is literally covered with flowers, two-da- Monday to attend, a y session me weeus places. Nearlv all thn voiinir men and poppies being the favor- you; to guerites f ho onnfnrince of the El Paso dis have gone war, and the older ones blossoms. . . One. t lus uountry ite; tlerer shop the McthodisV prererrcq to sit In the shade and "farm-- trict of Episcopal originated what call the i . smoke tho of they ) church. .,.... pipes peace and quiet faced with but rues-da- y ncss. - . yard" chapeau, straw; . Mrs. Alfred T. Anderson leu made embroidered in various HI mmammMMmmmmmmmmtdmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimm The New Mexico Health association of silk, morning for her home in Duluth, which Is colors with the objects one might see Minnesota. " - promoting the erection of a - In m in a house,1 windmill,' 13. M. Fisher was from Myndus at this place to be farmyard aU business. . , called Hotel New - re- chickens, pigs, trees and sorts of' Tuesday on Mexico, has left for Chi- organized and elected the lotlowing bdd objects. They also show hats S. Barnhlll Sunday I made that and in Indiana. You board of of so cago poinss directors: A, C. Keinath, entirely net, light it y Come - 15. F. Maunews rciurneu nun-da- on, Boecher Rowan, vice seems as if a heavy wind might blow Mrs Loyal president; presi- En- to her home In Wlnslow, dent; J. E. Robertson, all them away "over hill and. dale." - evening- treasurer, a visit to Mr. and Mrs. E, H of Artesia; John R. Gilder, 3. B. Mil- tire georgette crepe tats are very "good Arte.,- after of Roswell: H. Matthews, on Gold avenue. t ler,, George Hackman, for summer wear, and, of course,, leg- A. and twirl Mrs. K. lirt Jefferson City, Mo.;,J5r. S. G. Mr. and teopold Amrntrtni West, horns will be, used, trimmed with pink arrived Sunday morning from Chicago; T. F. Sullivan, St. Louis. The flowers and ribbon. ' baby announces that after georgette, Albuquerque for a visit with his par- company the sale To complete milady's garden, cos- Mrs. Otto 123 of a little more work will be- ents, Mr. and Leopold, stock, tume, she must a silk - gin and it Is hoped to open the doors possess pretty West Pine street . iPREB to match or harmonize with went to El woM Mrs. Nellie Paso Tuesday the to the public next fall. parasol While her gown and chapeau, and a knitting evening. ,. .. help New Mexico,' the through ' Mrs. J. If. Clifton 1s here from her vote of the people, Is soon to become v',. to the Pecos can not be It is a big mistake to think that when home In Phienix. Ariz., on a visit "dry," valley Bhe arrived much dryer, thanlt la now. The long the weather begins, to become warm her, daughter. Tuesday period of rain prohibition by nature corsets should be discarded in order to evenine. di- M. Steed her may has done a thorough Job in that secure comfort On the contrary, they Mra. P. accompanied tefo son John to El Paso Tuesday evening, rection. should merely be exchanged for lighter, -- Mrs. Beecher howan, with her two where he expects to "enlist In the more comfortable ones,, without , so navv. - - little girls, is visiting her married and made thinner - many bones of a Fielder was from In- Dimmitt, Tex. Mra. Maud down daughter material than the winter eorsets. Con- In Grant Kenneth Rowan and wife have gone . her ranch county Tuesday the abnqrroal condition of , . r 1 for, a month's camping vacation to tho sidering visiting relatives. ,.$ f - merchandise, the new summer corsets W. little ; mountains. . , ...... Mrs. J. Morgan and daugh ; . . ;,.,,..-- offer exceptional economical values, ter of tho Crescent) Bar ranch) re and if properly selected, despite their turned Tuesday evening from a visit r - -- Ml. lighter weight, fit as perfectly as winter with her son at Santa Rita. ones. Whether a woman is slender or Rev. Robert L. Ferguson, pastor of Rita union church. Santa - stout, to discard the corset the Santa A Pota altogether, was in town on Photo Joef Feder . even over the hot is Rita, Monday evening A by weather, very bad Tex. v 11 1 The his way to Dallas, ' ii w.u .u .11 ft n n n "Her lily for the figure., t; . r nv i o uih complexion is charm of the frock Ties v," Mrs. D, C. McMeans came down' ni Ike a organdy in the Light, fluffy dreams of frocks, made for Uly the that" it is most beautiful when from Lordsburg Tuesday evening beautiful fact, loose and comfortable, do not need as a week's visit with her daughter; velvety soft most simple. At exclusive corsets to. their nets of her skin with one, Fifth heavy preserve figure Mrs. Jack Fellows, 290 South Tin won- - Avepue shop they are showing a lines and fashionable . . - Its radiant pearly to. produce ihe avenue.- ' derful of illus- A white appearance is obtained thru array organdy gowns, silhouette, but they do require the sup- Mrs. S. R.'Nelscm has returned to tWm Mac trating how attractively this material ple corset to support such piquant lines her home in Owatonna, Minn., after a can be utilized. It is used in combina- as bouffante sashes and tight waists. pleasant visit with relatives In Dent- Gowaod'a Am tion with net, in two-tone- d , effects, Even these weightless corsets will save ine, t. ' v-- " 7f with contour - Mrs.' J. Burr returned Sunday mostly tiny rufrang, from destruction the, James - or, perhaps, a ribbon .of a contrasting which a woman, lias built dur- morninr from the Duke City., where- Cri::t:l 'Groan up been the shade drawn sashlike through the belt ing the winter, and will add the sup- she had attending Daughters ' Mothers congress. She was elect Net also makes an attractive gown port which is necessary for VeU and : t treasurer of the for summer,. wear. One hule Wanted figure ed organisation. pretty - The fgrroal dedication of the CaWa y SIX Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, July 7, 1918. 4OO0OO of its BIG LOT OF Big Lot of Well Known Men's Suits Albuquerque's Big Sensation Hanan Dress Shoes and Values up to $18.00, while they last Oxfords Values to $12.00 while last $7.98 up they $4,9$ Big Lot of the Well Known Wing it Company LOT OF 110-11- (Miig BIG N. M. W. L. Douglas Shoes 2 West Central Avenue Albuquerque, Oxfords Men's Dress Pants Values to $6.00 at Values up to $3.00 Go at up go Big Clothing and Shoe Stock $2.48 $40,000 98c Go on' Sale at a Saving of Thousands of Dollars to the Purchasing Public, the BIG LOT OF MEN'S BIG LOT OF of the $20,000.00 Must Be Raised, Hence This Amount Happening Unexpected. Palm Beach-Cra- sh Suits Be Sold This We Are Com- Men's Straw Hats of Goods Must at Once, and to Accomplish Purpose GO AT Values to $2.50 go at pelled to Slaughter This High-grad- e Stock of CLOTHING, SHOES, ETC., at Prices Lower Than the ACTUAL COST of the Raw Material, and This Bona-fid- e $2.98 93c Legitimate Cut Price Sale Will Start BIG LOT OF BIG LOT 15c Men's Dress Shirts Cotton Gloves 9. A. M Values Up to $2.00 While They Last " 10, , GO AT Wednesday, July And will last only ten days Clothing and Shoes will go at unheard of prices; often you can 26c 2c Big Lot of the Well Known You SCHAFFNER & MARX BIG LOT OF Save 60c to 80c in Every Dollar Spend HART Men's Rain Coats NOTICE Forced to rnove $20,000 worth of the world's best makes of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Men's Suits etc., during this sale, this means the greatest slaughtering of prices ever attempt- Go $5.00 Values, Go at Furnishings, Values Up to $25.00 at ed in Albuquerque. It comes at the right time to lift the shackles of high prices and enable you to enjoy a rightful return for your hard earned dollars, therefore it remains for you to act $2.69 promptly. Be on hand when the doors open and get your pick of the best. $10.48 Men's Men's ; Men's Furnishing Suit Department Shoe Department Hat Department Department lot of the well known W. L. Douglas Dress Big lot of Men's New Straw Hats Big lot of Men's Suits, values up to AO Big All to Men's Silk Shirts Shoes-an- to values to at ... 93c $7.50 $12.50 including at PI d Oxfords, values up $6.00 up $3.00, go $18.00 go fO j2 Q Wilson Bros, and Manhattan's ( AC lot of the well known Hart Schaffner & Marx All $3.50 to $10.00 Straw Hats OA go at up Big Dress Shoes and &i pietti to $25.00 Big lot of the Hanan AO and at tj)l-O-t UP Men's Suits, values up j Ji Panamas, go Jg Oxfords, values up to ,$12.00 go at ilVO Big lot of Men's Summer Underwear, lot of Men's Summer Caps values 75c go at ...... , 29c All $5.50 to $9.00 W. L. Douglas Dress Shoes and Big QQ values, Big lot of Men's Suits, this season's f7 O to $1.00 go at "... to at tPJL I Oxfords in all styles and leathers (PQ QQ Oti All to Men's Union Suits styles, values $27.50, go 0 UP $1.25 $5.00 All $25 to $45 Men's Suits, including Hart Schaff go at ..DO.t0 All $1.00 to $3.00 New Caps, the new-- go at 98c up '. KQp UP Kirsch- - All $9.06 and $10.00 Bostonian est styles and shades, go at ner & Marx and A. B. (11 Q QQ tftv All 25c to 50c Men's Hose, will at UP Dress Shoes and Oxfords go at . . ::$6.89 baum, all go pJLUOU go at , 14c up All $12.00 Hanan Men's Dress Shoes and Oxfords Men's Pants Department in all leathers and styles, the world's IQ r7Q All 50c to $1.00 Men's Silk Hose OQp best make of shoes, go at . . vO I go at OtL UP Big lot of Men's Pants, values up to $3.00 QOp go at VOX, Furnishing Dept. All 10c to 50c Men's Handkerchiefs i go at U v UP All $3.50 to $8.00 Men's Dress at QQ UP Men's Overcoat and lot Men's Dress Shirts values Pants in all styles and fabrics Big of, QAo All 50c to $2.00 Men's Belts tpQ $2.00, go at OL tq go at 23c up Suitcase Raincoat Department Trunk and Dept. All $1.00 to $3.00 Men's Dress All 50c to $2.50 Silk Neckwear All to Hartmann All $5.00 to $25.00 Men's, Rain ?A at UP $12.00 $50.00 UP Shirts go 69c go at 19c up Trunks go at $6.95 up Coats, go at ...... jtP.Ui to lot of Men's Silk $5.00 All $7.50 to $20.00 Men's Bath- - AO All $2.50 to $35.00 Suit Cases All $20.00 $45.00 Men's Heavy dA f7A Big Shirts, new &WV I J UP at robes go at jq UP and Bags, go at $1.39 UP Overcoats strictly styles go values, go ).$2.98 pQVO Public Notice MEN, READ! WANTED Doors Are Closed It will not be necesHary for us to go Into details relative Phone and Mail Orders will not be filled. No to the high class clothing, shirts, hats, and furnishings the man cash. Wright Clothing Company has been handling, for every e to and , on terms of sale, spot Seventy-fiv- ; Women We have closed the store,, goods approval, who has lived In and around Albuquerque knows that any salespeople, Men, and the stock and will remain closed until Wednesday. July 10, Goods can be exchanged or your money refunded article that was ever bought from this firm was absolutely Girls. Apply in person at once. at 9:00 a. m. No one allowed In the building till that time. for the asking. the best that money could buy. '

m... : cornrA a -- 'c cimnli nf Suits. Pants. Hats Shoes. Etc. In manv instances vou will buy three or four articles for the iUW 13 )'UUI ,u,aUiailWl, IU Jvvuiv u u ' ' ' " ' with the so-call- ed one-ha- lt ott thirty-thre- e and one-thir- d price of one. So do not compare this bona fide cash sale of high grade merchandise sales, This will be the sale ever off sales, or any old sales where the savings are merely postage stamps. greatest clothing attempted anywhere, of and Your back for the ask- and its genuineness is backed up by the Wright Clothing Company s reputation honesty square dealing. money So come to dress yourself from head to foot for a mere trifle: ; ing on any purchase not satisfactory. prepared ; j.;.: Opening Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday July 10, 11, 12,13, 15, and Ends m Ten Days and Be Sure You Find the Place Look for Big Electric Sign Special Attention Given to Merchants From Out of Town City. Warning Right Big Lot of Lot of Big MenS New Caps Men's Straw Hats Values up to $1.00 Values up to $3.00 go at . go at 93c W' 39C ; Lot of Men's Lot of . Big Big $5.00 Silk Shirts MEN'S SOX Go at Go at ' & Good clothes V 6c Home ofHart Schaffner Marx $2.98