AnAn InterviewInterview Tips on withwith HondaHonda Towing a Trailer

SUMMER TOURING ALSO: SPECIALS Fire and Ice: One Cool Bike—One Hot Topic New “Decades of the Day” at Wing Ding 30

June 2008 • Monthly U.S. $3.95 • Canada $4.95

June 2008 • Volume 31 Issue 6


Page 26 Page 48 Page 58 You, too, could win a brand-new Gold Wing at Wing Ding. Just ask Kathy & Tom Peck, last year's Features winners (and, incidentally, GWRRA's International Couple of My First Wing Ding...... 26 the Year Coordinators).They say that, after winning the 2008 How Tragedy Turned to Triumph...... 48 GL1800 (pictured here), they opted to sell their two 2001s to a Fire and Ice: One Cool Bike—One Hot Topic...... 58 dealer who will ship them to Spain, as apparently there is an An Interview with ...... 64 increasing market for high-mileage Go Fly a Site: Google Earth ...... 66 Wings in Europe. (Kathy & Tom's each had well over 100,000 miles Tips on Towing a Trailer...... 70 on them.) Kathy adds that Tom has already put “lots of accessories” on the new bike and that, of course, they plan to take it to Info Bytes Wing Ding 30 in Greenville, S.C. And who knows, lightning could New “Decades of the Day” at Wing Ding 30...... 75 strike twice—so make more room in the garage Tom & Kathy! I.C.E.:An Adequate Space Cushion...... 46 Last Chance to Qualify for Preregistration Prizes...... 76 Region J Rally Means a “Gold Rush” in Alaska...... 77 Headlight On!: 3rd Annual Route 66 Ride for the Relay ...... 78 Summer Touring Specials Advertising Section...... 79

DEPARTMENTS Advertisers Listing ...... 88 Golden Dealers ...... 16 News Briefs ...... 22 Association Leader Listing ...... 93 GWRRA Official Products...... 98 Northern Reflections ...... 8 A Word from Your Executive Director...... 7 GWRRA/Rescue Application...... 78 Product Previews ...... 32 Bragging Rights...... 12 Hall of Fame ...... 97 Readers’ Responses...... 10 Cartoon...... 73 Classifieds...... 89 In Memoriam...... 97 Readers’ Rides...... 100 Events...... 91 In the Zone...... 4 Wing Ding 30 Application...... 85 Finishing Touches...... 102 Goodies...... 87 Workbench...... 36

ON-LINE • WING WORLD • MAY & JUNE NEW SHOWS! See SAFETY AND KNOWLEDGE FRIENDS FOR FUN, schedule on page 73. user name: safety • password: first

June 2008 3 In the Zone Sharon Stanley • Editor • [email protected] Come Together, Right Now…

This issue, I thought we’d steer away story (page 48) that goes even deeper as he (pun intended) from the usual number pours out his heart about a tragedy that turned his life completely around, but required of long travel stories we often run and the use of a three-wheeler to do it. Both of try a different approach—one that cele- these gentlemen’s stories may have us all brates the diversity of our Association, rethinking how we—as an Association—could from a geographical standpoint to that try to be more inclusive toward all Members. our annual International Wing Ding is held Finally, you’ll get to read some of the of the human spirit to what’s best for over the Fourth of July holiday. diverse opinions about the sport—and the our beloved Gold Wing. But for the June issue, let’s allow ourselves bike—we all love. Many of our Members tow to hear from Members—both U.S. citizens trailers, and Senior Technical Editor Stu et me tell you how the idea to diversify abroad and otherwise—about what being a Oltman shares his opinions on the possible this issue came about. To begin with, GWRRA Member and riding in their own travails of towing a trailer, along with recom- Lwe’ve recently begun receiving many country means to them. What’s important to mendations on how to do so more safely, on more types of articles, photos, etc., especially them? What would they like to brag about? page 70. from Members worldwide. But mainly, to be What kind words do they have to share with And Honda of America representatives, on totally honest with you here, it was spurred on Members worldwide? page 64, speak candidly in a recent interview by a letter I received recently from a Member Therefore, our “Bragging Rights” depart- with me about the difficult decision by Honda who was downing everything from GWRRA ment, this issue on page 12, is titled “An to relocate its production of Gold Wings back to Honda to women riders to “people from International Flair.” There, you’ll hear what to Japan. Keep an open mind, and you’ll see foreign countries” who are “telling of their Members in England, Saudi Arabia, Canada, how this relocation will affect not only ‘escapades’ in Wing World.” Germany, Mexico, Israel, and Australia have to American workers in the Marysville, Ohio, Oops, wrong things to say. First of all, I love say. Plus, you can check out Randy Powell’s plant but also Japanese workers in Honda’s GWRRA. I think its Members are some of the story on page 66 that will show you how to founding plant in Hamamatsu, Japan. best, kindest, and most giving people I’ve ever “fly around the globe” using Google Earth and The vast majority of GWRRA Members met in my life. Second, I respect a company see our entire planet from a birds-eye view. are U.S. citizens. We cherish and enjoy the who not only builds the world’s premier tour- Plus, there’s a humorous “Finishing Touches” freedoms our country provides us and that ing motorcycle but also has striven to be (page 102) sent in from the U.K. our military personnel—past and present— “green” long before “going green” was fash- In regard to the diversity of the human have guarded with their lives. One of those ionable.Third, I’m a female rider. (No need to spirit, this issue you’ll meet two riders who freedoms is the freedom of speech, guaran- comment on that one.) And fourth, GWRRA couldn’t be more different from one anoth- teed to us in our First Amendment. Members are some of the best, kindest, and er—and yet both are Members of GWRRA. As we celebrate our diversity this June, let’s most giving people I’ve ever met in my life— One is a person folks may think of as your not only let our U.S. Members speak, let’s let no matter which country they call home. “typical GWRRA Member” in terms of his our international Members speak as well. Let’s Now we all know that, speaking geograph- demographics and views on life, yet he rides a not only listen to the type of riders to whom ically, our magazine concentrates mainly on Gold Wing trike.Another rides a two-wheeled we’re used to listening, but also to some we our U.S. Members. And that’s appropriate. Gold Wing, but he is definitely not your “typi- are not. Let’s allow people to express how After all, the vast majority of our Members are cal Gold Winger” as he cruises around on his they feel about different aspects of our sport U.S. citizens. And—particularly in the July custom-painted flaming steed and blares rock and the difficult choices one has to make to issue—we often highlight our patriotism as an music. keep it alive and well. Association that was begun in, and will forever Mike Leatham’s story on page 58 is one of In other words, let’s “Come together, right be bound to, the United States. As a U.S. citi- a younger rider who just wishes to express his now.” Or should we not just because, as that zen and veteran myself, I wouldn’t want it any own, unique styling as he also shares in the one Member might say, it was a group of other way, especially for the July issue because great traditions of GWRRA. Gayle Vater’s is a Englishmen who coined that phrase? ●

4 Wing World

Publication No.: USPS No. 462-550 Publication No.: CPC No. 40032110 PUBLISHER INB PUBLICATIONS Publishers for GWRRA

EDITOR Sharon Stanley [email protected] (623) 581-2500, extension 253





EDITORIAL INTERNS Abigail Edwards Tina Vasquez

ADVERTISING SALES [email protected] (623) 581-5900 • Fax: (623) 516-7832 Jodi Lipson—ext. 244

ART DIRECTOR Keith Smith [email protected] INB • (623) 581-5900

Home Office Hours (MST) Monday - Thursday: 6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Wing World™ ISSN #0745-273X is published monthly by INB Publications at One Deer Valley Road, Suite #300, Phoenix, AZ 85027. Phone (623) 581-5900. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All letters, articles, art and photographs submit- ted become the property of GWRRA and are subject to edit- ing and alteration. Reprint of articles or quote excerpts is granted when full credit is given to source. Send all address changes, notices, undeliverable copies, subscriptions, let- ters, contributions, editorials and requests to: GWRRA, INC. Home Office: 21423 N. 11th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85027 P.O. Box 42450 • Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450 (800) 843-9460 • (623) 581-2500 FAX (623) 581-3844 For GWRRA Memberships, Questions About Wing World Contents, Subscriptions or Member Inquiries, Call (800) 843-9460 or (623) 581-2500 e-mail: [email protected]

PRINTED IN U.S.A. By Publication Printers

Periodicals postage paid at Phoenix, Arizona & additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Wing World, P.O. Box 42450 Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450. Send Canadian returns to: P.O. Box 240, Station A, Windsor, ON N9A6K7 COPYRIGHT© 2008 Gold Wing Road Riders Association, Inc. GWRRA (a nonprofit organization) is a completely separate entity from Honda Motor Company, Ltd., and is not affiliated with any organization. Honda®, Gold Wing®, Aspencade®, Interstate®, Valkyrie® and Hondaline® are Honda trademarks. Gold Wing Road Riders Association used by permission of and agreement with American Honda Motor Company, Inc. Publication of any article, photograph, illustration or advertisement should not be construed as an endorsement by GWRRA of specific products, accessories or practices. The opinions expressed in the articles in Wing World are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association.


s of June 21st, summer officially begins incorporate changes made in the forms as well in the northern hemisphere, so riding as the reporting process.They are also looking Aseason is now in full swing! This is the at adding two more courses, or possibly time of year we all look forward to with ral- expanding what we are currently using, and lies, rides, picnics and get-togethers with our adding a trike-trailering course. And RED is GWRRA family. So let’s get out there and have Melissa Eason taking steps to promote our programs with the some fun—ride, relax, enjoy the scenery, join Executive Director Motorcycle Safety Foundation and the National in the laughter,and take loads of pictures (with [email protected] Highway Traffic Safety Administration. which we can reminisce when those cold, hard We are taking a detailed look at the winter days arrive again!). Motorist Awareness Program for ways to But back to summer…the arrival of June is revise it and help keep you all safer on the also a reminder that the year is now half over, Summer: roads. In addition to that, we are examining the leaving us only six months to complete our MAD brochures and updating those. We are goals for 2008! A Time for also working on finding a new Director for this Our main goal this year is to find ways to program. show our appreciation to all of you for your Our list of motorcycle repair shops is continued support.We are researching hotels, Riding and almost completed. Recommendations are still insurance companies, stores and websites to trickling in daily, but there are many Districts negotiate substantial savings for you. If you Reviewing and Regions from which we have not yet heard, have any ideas or suggestions for benefits, and we have received only a few recommenda- please email me at [email protected]. tions from our Members in Canada. It is impor- The process of enhancing the renewal packets has begun along with tant that we compile the list to include as many areas as possible, so creating a program to provide quarterly prizes for membership renew- remember to email the information to [email protected]. al. Plus, a new recruiting program is on the way to say thank-you to all The list will be available to Members online in the very near future. of you who help find new Members to join us! And—last but not least—we are excited to offer you a great incen- During the first part of the year, we visited Honda Corporate tive for preregistering for Wing Ding! If an Officer registers at least ten Headquarters in Torrance, California, to see how we could better work Members for Wing Ding 30 by May 14, 2008, he or she will receive $5 together.Honda has agreed to allow us to contact their dealers and ask off the registration fee for the Officer and the delegates. Not only will them to place our brochures and applications in their dealerships to everyone receive the $5 discount but, also by preregistering, all regis- help recruit new Members.We are currently in the process of creating trants will automatically be entered into the drawing for one of our fan- a mailing for this. tastic preregistration prizes. We also spoke with Honda about the supposed “10-year rule” on We are continually looking to add new activities at Wing Ding.If you servicing Gold Wings. They said they recognize the need to set the have ideas you’d like to share with us, please let us know by contacting record straight on this matter, and they have agreed to visit with our Customer Service at [email protected] or by calling (800) editor on this and other Honda-related issues (beginning with the topic 843-9460.Along these lines, we are researching the possibility of adding of Honda of America Manufacturing relocating to Japan in 2009, see yet two more events to our calendar, in addition to Wing Ding. page 64). So there you have it—a review of our goals so far this year. Your Leadership Training Division is continuing to certify new train- Throughout the rest of the year, as these goals are met and the pro- ers and seminar presenters to be able to get the LTD programs to you. grams finalized, we will be certain to inform you of the specific details We will also have a new Director for the division soon. (There will be via Wing World, the website or through your Officers. more updates on this division once the new Director is in place.) Together we can meet and exceed all our goals for 2008! Now that The Membership Enhancement Division is pleased to announce its you have this half-year update, get out there and ride—after all, it is new Directors, Ed & Linda Johnson, of Bristol,Virginia. Please read their summertime! biography in this issue under “News Briefs.” We look forward to work- Enjoy the Ride, ing with Ed & Linda! Melissa The Rider Education Division is making courses and seminars more ● readily available to the membership.They are revising the handbook to

June 2008 7 GWRRA and the Gold Wing By Gordon Murphy • [email protected]

ou know, I have a tremendous respect tinent to British Columbia and back in 2006— for those who write or present week- with absolutely no trouble whatsoever. Some Yly columns in the media. I really didn’t of my non-biking friends find it hard to believe realize how challenging it could be until I that I could pull my Kwik Kamp trailer behind began this contribution to our magazine. my Wing clear across the continent and back For instance, even though this is being writ- with no more trouble than just an oil change. ten for an early summer edition ofWing World, But, such is the Gold Wing. as I look out my window all I can see is snow! Both the Gold Wing and the Gold Wing And, I’m told, more is on the way! Not much Road Riders Association have been the source like motorcycling weather. But, as you read of tremendous enjoyment over the years and this, most of you will have already enjoyed not one ounce of regret even enters the pic- many miles (kilometres) in the 2008 riding ture! years, which is about two-thirds of the time season. GWRRA has been in existence. This year marks my twentieth anniversary ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ I’ve also been fortunate enough to have as a Member of the Gold Wing Road Riders ridden extensively—and enjoyed immensely— Association. If anyone had intimated to me I couldn’t close this article without making one of the best ever built—the back in 1988 that I would still be a Member of reference to the recent passing of a friend of Gold Wing. GWRRA twenty years later, I would probably mine and one of the early leaders in bringing My first Wing was a Vetter/Krauser- GWRRA to this part of the country. have chuckled in disbelief—because such equipped 1978 GL1000 model, which I bought Roy Humby was a Life Member and was organizations just don’t last that long, do used with low mileage. My wife and I took our they?! first “long” trip on this machine and became probably the second-most senior GWRRA Organizations like that just started up as a entrenched long-distance motorcycle riders as Member in the province of Newfoundland and result of some super enthusiastic person and a result. Labrador. Roy was instrumental in organizing then fizzled out as interest peaked and then I moved up to a couple of GL1200s before the first meeting in St. John’s in 1988 that ulti- began to wane, didn’t they? taking my first ride on a GL1500. And of mately resulted in many of us joining the But, as you read this now, our organization course, as many of you will agree, there was Association and later establishing a Chapter— is entering its thirty-first year and is as vibrant little comparison. So a new 1989 GL1500 NL-A. as ever.That certainly speaks to the extraordi- became the first of three such machines Roy was a quiet, unassuming but stalwart nary vision of our Founder Paul Hildebrand before I made the mistake of doing a test run Member of his Chapter, who you could always and Co-Founder Shirley Stephens-Garcia! Like on a 2003 GL1800.You can probably guess the count on, even in the rough times. He was a all of the successful organizations, businesses, next step! consummate GWRRA Member to the end. and institutions in our world whose leaders A new 2003 GL1800 became my retire- He is survived by his wife, Joy, and two have a vision and a passion for their organiza- ment gift to myself.And just as the differences sons, Roger and Jamie. tions, there is little doubt but that Paul and between my GL1000 and GL1200 and then Simply put, Roy will continue to be missed Shirley did—and still do—as well. GL1500 were tremendous, so was the differ- by all of us. Au revoir,Roy. And I’ve been fortunate enough to be the ence between the GL1500 and the GL1800. Bon jour. beneficiary of that vision for the past twenty My 2006 GL1800 took us across the con- ●

8 Wing World

Glad to See More of Stu! car did not see the flashing lights on the sher- We reserve the right to edit or excerpt iff’s car but heard the siren. Not knowing see in the May issue that the Workbench Readers’ Responses. Send typed, dated and Idepartment is now extra-long.With all the signed letters to “Readers’ Responses,” Wing where the siren was coming from, he looked problems presented to Stu Oltman, it’s about World, P.O. Box 42450, Phoenix, AZ 85080- in his rearview mirror to see if an emergency time the Workbench article is expanded to 2450 or by e-mail to [email protected]. vehicle was behind him, and that distracted answer more questions. him. Albert Easterling So now let’s look at it another way: Two Binghamton, I-88 will take you to Albany then GWRRA #124234 motorcycles STOPPED on a busy road, US on to the Adirondacks and New England (I Metairie, Louisiana 27, with lots of winter traffic. Our bikes do use this I-88/86 route whenever I travel west not have the brightest tail lights during day- and it is only 15 or so miles farther). From (Ed. Note:Thanks Albert. Obviously, I couldn’t Niagara Falls to the Albany area, State Route light hours (though the turn signals and break agree more. We hope to extend “Workbench” 5 offers a very nice (although slower paced) lights are A-OK). from 3-5 pages as often as possible.) ride through the center of New York and the Before I ride this spring, I will have added Finger Lakes region. From Albany south, very a tail light modulator for my LED light bar to Insurance Agent Lauds GWRRA’s pleasant alternate routes include State help me be MORE VISIBLE! Emphasis on Safety Routes 9 and 9W. All free, providing a nice Bill Mooney had the honor of speaking to about 80 touring pace, and with very pleasant and his- GWRRA #168168 GWRRA Members at their Safety meeting, I toric vistas present. East Tawas, Michigan hosted by Ohio Chapter X-2, on Saturday, I hope this information is useful to you March 22, 2008. when you plan your trips through our great (Ed. Note: First, thank you to all the Members As an insurance agent specializing in State this summer. who wrote in concerning the “Ride Out Loud” motorcycle insurance, I am always pleased to Martin Kaiser article—even the gentleman who pointed out support motorcycle enthusiasts, and safety- GWRRA #123679 that I used “where” instead of “wear” and need related events in particular.These yearly safe- Troy, New York to proofread my own stuff a little more! Truly, ty presentations are an incredible resource to though, I am so glad so many Members found it your Members and a wonderful service In Regard to Riding “Out Loud” valuable and took time to express that. Second, offered by the host Chapter. ou offered valuable tips on how to “be several Members wrote in to say they believe Chapter Presidents Dave & Karen Taylor, visible” in the May issue (“Ride Out there is a Federal law that overrides state laws Safety Directors Dave & Sandy Creach, and Y Loud!”, page 4), and the VERY BEST WAY I’ve that prohibit modulating headlights. In other many other Chapter Members put on a great found to be visible is to have a modulating words, they believe modulating headlights are event with top notch speakers, great food, headlight. Last summer, I was on a two-lane permitted in all U.S. states. I’m currently investi- friends, and useful information to keep all rid- (sort of) rural road, and I saw a blinking head- gating that for you.) ers safe. light coming toward me from almost a mile I wish more motorcycle groups took the away. It was a motorcycle with a modulating Comment on “Taking a Stand for time to inform their riders in such a manner. headlight, and I was amazed at how “visible” Motorcyclists’ Rights” Thank you to the many great Gold Wingers I that Wing was. hank you for your informative article in met. Have a fun and safe 2008 riding season! Having been “knocked down” once (when the April 2008 issue (page 4). Karen Diehl T a guy pulled out from a stop sign on my right) I was not aware of any of these insurance Diehl Insurance and “almost” knocked down a second time loopholes, and I have sent letters to my con- Camp Dennison, Ohio (same scenario), I immediately had a modula- gressman and will continue to do so until Insurance Columnist for “Ridin’ On” tor installed on my Wing. Now I KNOW I’m these issues are finalized in favor of bikers. Motorcycle Magazine visible! I have also contacted my company’s Paul Windmuller human resources department, and the health Follow-up to Previous “Readers GWRRA #054357 insurance provider contracted by my employ- Responses” on NY Toll Structures Plymouth, Minnesota his letter is in follow-up to my letter pub- er to protest and to inform them of my dis- Tlished in January’s Wing World (“Needs to i Sharon, I read your “Ride Out Loud!” gust with this policy.Apparently this not only be Said: Unfair Toll Structure,” page 12) where Harticle in the May issue of our Wing affects bikers, but other types of recreation I expressed my dismay at the current New World Magazine and learned some new things also. York State Thruway toll structure and its about riding a motorcycle. To “be more visi- Fellow employees are writing letters to impact on motorcycles towing trailers. As ble,” I have added a modulator and only use it congress and to the insurance provider to MED Camping/Travel/RV SIG Coordinator, I at my discretion. protest also. If we all—not just bikers—speak think this information is important for you to After reading the article by Steve Johnson up, we will succeed in changing these policies. know. (“Why Even a Leisurely Ride Requires Safety Please keep us informed of any changes I would encourage riders coming from the Gear”, page 76), I offer these thoughts as to on this issue and keep up the good work at west to take a look at I-86 (old Route 17) how the driver of the car failed to see the GWRRA. from the Pennsylvania border to Binghamton, two bikes stopped at the intersection. Robert Morgan New York, where further Rt. 17 connections The sheriff’s car had flashing lights and GWRRA #262958 will take you to I-84 and New England. From maybe had the siren going.The driver of the Cleveland,Texas ●

10 Wing World Sierra ElectronicsElectronics ““ TheThe MotorcycleMotorcycle AudioAudio Store”Store”

Check Our Rally Schedule On-Line at See Us at Wing Ding 30, Booth Numbers 236 - 241

ARAI CLASSIC C & SZ/C SHOEI MULTITEC NOLAN N42 & N102 NEW HJC SY-MAX II J&M Integrated Headset Available. MODULAR HELMET N-Com MODULAR HELMET NEW 2008 Gold Wing Colors. J&M Integrated Headset Available. J&M Integrated Headset Available. One-Touch integrated smoke-tinted Sunshield that deploys quickly & easily.

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Headset volume & mic on-off switch and PTT all in one control that is plug and play In line headset volume and mic Stereo Bluetooth headset that pairs to most GL1500 ...... $127.50 on-off switch $170.00 Bluetooth devices and lets passenger plug in with GL1800 ...... $110.50 IMC-5P-SWB...... $50.00 Requires “P” series Lower Cord optional headset. JM-BLU277 ...$280.50 FREE Ground Shipping in Continental US for orders over $199.00

NEW J&M HIGH OUTPUT MIC HEADSETS AVAILABLE J&M JMCB-2003 Kit for Solo (Driver Only) CB 2003 Headset Operation ...... $255.00 HS-ECD584 HO (Open--Full--Modular)...... $189.00 JMCB-2003 Kit forDriver/Passenger HS-BCD277 HO (Open--Full--Modular)...... $140.00 Headset Operation ...... $306.00 HS-BCD257 UN (Open--Full--Modular) ...... $90.00 JMCB-2003 Handlebar Mounting These headsets require optional lower cords Bracket Kit Please specify bike ...... $34.00 JMCB-GL1500 Integrated into the Existing HS-8154 Includes 5 Pin hook up cord ...... $59.00 Audio System for GL1500 ...... $535.00


Fold-over assembly, which will accept a regular 3/8- 24 thread, CB antenna. A 3-foot, antenna which we are individually tuning on an 1800 to insure good SWR. A splitter, with Motorola connectors, that plugs Includes: Rain Cover, Wireless Connectivity for into the existing stereo and CB. Matching passive, as Intercom plus other Bluetooth in no wire, antenna for those who already have 2 Noise Filter, Plug & Play Devices on 2 Channels! Behind the head band with 5 Pin mounts installed on their bike. Wiring Harness. BHS-500 Single Channel...... $149 Gold Wing Connection Cord Dual Antenna Kit ...... $150.00 From $220.00 BHS-600 Two Channels...... $199 $75.00 Single Antenna Kit ...... $90.00 Now Modifying GL1500 Audio Units for Auxiliary Input! Toll Free Orders 800-338-6938 • 937-335-9950 • Internet Orders COD 2080 Experiment Farm Road Troy, OH 45373 COD In this department, we include some of the many photos we receive each month that do not necessarily fall into the other departments we’ve established over the years.We understand that, as one large family, we often have more to brag about than just our bikes. So here’s your opportunity to share those accomplish- ments (and just plain fun anecdotes) with the entire Association! Send photos and text to “Bragging Rights,” Wing World, P.O. Box 42450, Phoenix,AZ 85080-2450 or by email to [email protected]. An International Flair Greetings from South of the Border Israel’s New Chapter, Rider Education, e (Javier & Betty and Plans to Attend Wing Ding 30 WChavez, GWRRA andra and I (Bruce R. McMahill, GWRRA Life Members #33892, of #289717) are Members of SChapters WA-C/E and former WA District Educator) were first CA-1F of San Diego, introduced to Dan & Rachel Sanderovich—new Chapter Directors of California, but we live in ISR-A—while we attended the European Wing Ding in Sakskobing, Tijuana, Baja, California, Denmark, in August of 2007. Dan was very interested in the GWRRA Mexico. (We don’t have a in general, especially the Rider Education Program, nonexistent in any Chapter in Tijuana—yet!) form in Israel. We travel across the San Upon arriving back in Marysville, Washington, I sent Dan the only Isydro International Border copy of the “Cornering Practice Guide” plus I asked John Cracchiolo US/Mexico Port of Entry (the most traveled port of entry in the world) from the GWRRA Home Office to send an additional 25 copies to Dan. just to go to our Chapter meetings, rides, etc. And Rider Education is now in its infancy in Israel! Here is a photo of our pride and joy. It’s a 1988 GL1500 with Sandra, Dan and I had developed a real friendship during our four 131,000-plus miles on it, and it’s perfect and runs great.This picture was days at Wing Ding Europe, and I promised to attend the Chartering of taken on the monument that divides the US and Mexico, and it’s the Chapter ISR-A in Israel—so we did.And Sandra and I look forward to starting point for both countries. It’s the point of origin for maps, GPS, seeing Dan and Rachel in Greenville, South Carolina, this July. In fact, sea level, etc., and is located by the Pacific Ocean.You can also see in Dan recently wrote that at least eight Members from the new Israel the photo the fence that divides our countries—for the US, it’s the Chapter will be coming to Wing Ding. Most of the Members will be southwest corner of the country; for Mexico, it’s the northwest corner renting Gold Wings from a dealership in Knoxville,Tennessee, and Dan of the country. has a yellow Gold Wing stored in Manhattan, New York,for his trips to We would like to say thank-you to the GWRRA family, especially to the States. CA-1F.They welcome us and make us feel right at home. Thank God Here is the whole story as it actually unfolded. Starting a GWRRA there are no fences or walls for the GWRRA! May God bless you all. Chapter in Israel became the dream of Dan after attending Americade And we also wanted to let everyone know, if any GWRRA Members in Lake George, New York, a little over two years ago. The following or family ever travel south of the border and need anything, please year, Dan attended the “Muster Down Under,” a 10-day motorcycle remember you know you have someone on this side of the border,too. touring trip in New Zealand. When asked why he joined GWRRA in We can be reached at [email protected] and, as we often say 2005, Dan replied,“It was the GWRRA Member’s friendly attitude with here “Mi casa es su casa.” (“My house is your house.”) me while attending Americade and Muster Down Under.And I wanted to find out more about GWRRA.” Since becoming a GWRRA Member,Dan has worked tirelessly gath- ering information about the Association and how to bring a Chapter into Israel. In August of 2007, Dan attended the GWRRA Wing Ding Europe held in Sakskobing, Denmark, located about 80 miles south of Copenhagen. While there, he met and talked with many GWRRA Members from the sixteen different countries in attendance, including those from the United States and the United Kingdom. Returning to Israel, Dan designed a colorful “tri-fold” flyer and dis- tributed it to each owner to announce an initial Hello from Saudi Arabia GWRRA gathering for Friday, October 26, 2007. Through the efforts and full support from Na’aman Zohar,Tel Aviv Honda Dealership manager and host for the first Chapter ISR-A gath- ering, sixty-eight curious Riders and Co-Riders, riding a mix of Gold Wings, BSAs, and Yamahas attended the first gathering of the Chapter ISR-A, Israel. The first GWRRA Chapter, ISR-A, was officially Chartered in Israel from National in Phoenix,Arizona, on October 4, 2007, for the purpose of furthering the ideals of the Association in gathering Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge. At the start of the Chapter kick-off meeting on Friday, Dan and Rachel were the only two GWRRA Members in Israel. But by the end arm and sandy greetings from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. My name is of the meeting, the new Israel Chapter ISR-A had 22 Charter Members! WOdy Pond (GWRRA #286987), and I am a new Member.My wife New Chapter ISR-A Directors, Dan and Rachel, were officially rec- and I live, work and ride in Saudi Arabia. ognized by GWRRA Directors of Global Affairs, Peter Russell and

12 Wing World Lesley Kennedy from the UK. Israel is now the 53rd country represented in GWRRA, and Israelis are incredibly hospitable and naturally curious of visitors to their coun- try, where English is learned as a second language. When you meet Dan and Rachel, perhaps at Wing Ding 30 in July, greet them with “Shalom” and join them for a cup of coffee and some pleasant conversation.They will certainly be happy to meet you as well.

ON-N’s Annual Good Will Run

So we visit seniors and come alive as we receive as much as we give. We come back with a new, revitalized view of the world. And it’s a real eye-opener to realize the age span in nursing homes; as well as the aging sen- iors, there are also ach August, we in Chapter ON-N of North Bay, Ontario, Canada, many relatively young people there with disabilities and health issues. Ehold a Good Will Run. Last year, it was held on August 12 and this This revelation is repeated each year it will be held on August 10. year as we visit. We feel that, as Members of GWRRA, we can give back to the com- We also gather good, used munity by interacting in a special way with the seniors by visiting them. motorcycle T-shirts to hand out After all, these are the people who laid down the foundations of our to residents and, last year, 31 country, and each of us is aware of both family and friends that are mak- were delivered by Gilbert ing decisions for parents now.We all know that we may someday be in Morin (via David Burke) to the the same situation of going to a home. How nice it would be one day Algonquin Nursing Home and to have a bunch of Wingers come in for a visit with us and share stories! 40 were delivered by Gilbert to

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ACCESSORIESBAYTOWNBAYTOWN FOR GOLD WINGS Yuasa • K&N Progressive Suspension • Dunlop NGK 4500 Kendall Rd. • Baytown, TX 77520 THE GOLD WING LOW PRICE ACCESSORY DEALER •••••••• See Us at Wing Ding 30, Booth Numbers 1000 — 1004 •••••••• Küryakyn DUNLOP Küryakyn • Yuasa • K&N • Dunlop • Avon • • K&N Dunlop Avon Yuasa • Küryakyn TIRE SALE Elite III GL1500 (pair)...... $270.00

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Yuasa • K&N • Progressive Suspension • Dunlop NGK • K&N Progressive Yuasa $200 ISO Heated Grips for GL1800 ISO Grips with Chrome Accent STILETTO End Caps for ISO Grips ISO Throttle Boss #6183 Pair - $63.99 #6180 Pair - $55.99 #6249 Pair - $31.99 #6250 $13.60 We Also Carry Tires for Metric Cruisers 1-800-547-7613 • 281-383-3738 and Harleys. • Avon • Big Bike • • Big Bike • Avon Küryakyn • Yuasa • K&N • Progressive Suspension • Dunlop • NGK • Avon • Big Bike • Küryakyn • Yuasa • Küryakyn • Yuasa • K&N • Dunlop • Avon • Big Bike

June 2008 13 the Casselholme Nursing Only minutes south of the Hockenheim racetrack in Germany is a Home. city called Sinsheim. A seemingly sleepy little town, Sinsheim is The day of the ride, we renowned for its Auto Museum, but that is not all. Sinsheim Messe gathered at the Tourist Info GmbH stages several exciting events occurring throughout the year. Center at Totem Pole at 10 The 17th Annual “Faszination Motorrad” is one of the top three motor- a.m. and arrived at the cycle shows in all of Europe and took place February 8-10, 2008. Over Algonquin Nursing Home at 31,000 people and 185 vendors came to this event. 11:30 for our visit and lunch Vendors came from throughout the world and with all makes of there. (A sad note is that one motorcycles, including Honda, BMW,Boss Hoss, Buell, Harley-Davidson, of our favorite residents, Yamaha and many more.The Messe has six halls with approximately 1.7 Edna Humphrey (Seen in the top, left photo in the second column on million square feet of prime merchandise area. Halls 2-5 hosted vendors page 13, in 2006.), had passed away on May 22 of 2007). After a won- selling motorcycle apparel, custom motorcycles, trailers, sidecars and derful time of visiting with the Algonquin residents, we climbed back much more. aboard our bikes and headed for North Bay and the Casselholme Hall 1 was affectionately called “Main Street” and resembled many Nursing Home.We visited residents there until almost 4 p.m. old western USA cities’ streets, with their small town stores and Here are the stats of our 2007 ride. Members of Chapter ON-N: saloons. Food and drinks were available in all of the halls, but only Hall Angelo Collinassi & Linda Arseneau, Paul & Julie Meyers, Ron Hurley 1 had the distinction of having Main Street saloons. In addition, proud and his grandson Alexander Hurley, J P Brousseau and his grandson bikers could ride into Hall 1 and park their bike on the “Main Street” Tanner, Bob Warren, Norm Fischer, Mickey (Mick) Sandula, Steve for observers to see. The stage was the focal point of several enter- Bastarache & Sue Nadeau, Glenn & Sharon Lundy, and Gilbert & Leola taining acts, including motorcycle apparel fashion shows, Country and Morin.And Ron & Patsy Schiavo of Chapter ON-F. Western, and Rock ‘n’ Roll bands, as well as motorcycle burn-outs. Our annual Good Will ride is our way to show just a small bit of And while it was not quite the World Cup, Hall 6 housed one of appreciation to these folks and to share of ourselves and provide good Europe’s favorite sports—soccer—but with a twist: The players were will to those who went before us. riding motorcycles! And the matches were like the play-offs of any tour- For more information or to participate in this year’s event [August nament. It might be hard to imagine the sound inside the building, but 10, 2008 (rain or shine)], contact Chapter Directors Connie & it was an almost deafening malay of the roar of the crowd, the squeal- Claudette Verhulst at [email protected] or (705) 752-5724. ing of tires and the revving of the engines. The crowd screamed and (Submitted by Gilbert Morin. Photos by Paul Myers and Mick.) cheered for their teams even though the roar of the engines easily drowned them out. Top of the World Down Under On Sunday, the crowd slowly thinned out as the Sinsheim ust wanted to share this Faszination Motorrad ended and vendors returned their unsold wares Jphoto of my riding mate’s to their transports to await the next exciting expo. Messe personnel (John Brak, GWRRA prepared for a larger event on March 13-16, 2008, the 14th Annual #170853, of Melbourne Faszination Modellbau (Model building) Expo. Australia) Wing. Each day held many surprises as events were continuous through We took over a recent the expo. Just about anything that is related to motorcycles could be ride together, and this is seen at the event, including a 1/16 model of a Gold Wing. John’s 2002 GL1800 sitting Those who missed this year’s event will have to wait until next year, on top of the world at when the 18th Annual Motorcycle event returns January 30 through Mount Hotham,Australia. February 1, 2009. Perhaps I’ll see you there! (Submitted by John Gilbert, GWRRA #209469, of Melbourne,Australia.) Family Tales from Across the Pond ello Fellow Wingers. Firstly, Guten Tag Everyone! Hcan we take this opportunity s a new GWRRA to thank Mark & Christine Bright AMember and a U.S. for their dedication to EN-A and citizen, I (Ant Geiger, all their hard work in trying to GWRRA #245076) am please and entice all of us to get working with the U.S. together and attend events, social Army in Germany. I gatherings both with and without thought I’d give you an our trusty steeds. insight on a well-known Secondly, may we introduce motorcycle event held ourselves? Many of you will know annually over here. Though it is not a GWRRA event, I thought you us by name and face; some I am might be interested to learn what a European event is like. sure will not. We are Mark & Although I’m a new Member,I have been riding motorcycles (almost Tiffany Noy, who have taken up the challenge of following in Mark and all Honda) since the early Christine’s footsteps as Chapter Director and Secretary of EN-A.To be 70s. I’ve owned two Gold honest with you, we are not quite sure how we got ourselves in this Wings, and I plan to pur- position but as I said before Mark Bright put in a lot of hard work to chase another when I get entice us into taking part in EN-A’s activities, and none less so than per- back to the USA. I’m very suading us it was a task we were more than capable of! happy to have found the We live in Worthing,West Sussex, with our young growing family— Association, and I wish to two boys, Declan who is 13 and Kieran who is 8, our youngest girl, say hello to all by submit- called Erin, was born on June 20, 2006.We are rounded off as a family ting this article. with an extremely loopy Border Collie who makes the occasional trip

14 Wing World away with us, too. (I leave you to work cussed the pros and cons and out the maths as to how two adults, adapting the designs that Declan three children and one dog get about on had drawn, we came up with a our much loved motorcycles! Read prototype design. The next stage about the answer to this conundrum was finding someone who could later.) work to an 11-year-old’s drawing We have endeavoured with ideas to and produce a humane and safe encourage each and every one of you to trailer to transport Charys to the join us, whether that is for a meeting or various events that we wished to just a social gathering.We are under no illusions that we can “please all attend. of the people all of the time” and that EN-A can only survive with your We located a sheet metal worker and fibreglass specialist and, with participation. It would be lovely to feel supported in this new venture much toing and froing by Mark between these very skilled gentlemen and, if you feel that in amongst your busy schedules with holidays and over a 13-month period, the efforts of everyone involved resulted in a other commitments that you could attend a gathering at some point dog transporter they could all be rightfully proud of. through the year, we would love to see you. Conundrum 2. Here’s the final part of the answer to the conundrum Thirdly, we would like to of before. How does a family of five and a dog get about on a Gold thank John Mundy of Wing? So we sorted the transportation of our pampered pooch only Southampton, Hampshire, for to face another dilemma! Our family of four had grown to become five taking up the gauntlet as our and we were adamant that a growing family was not going to see us Assistant Chapter Director. going down the road of so many before us—that of having to give up Lastly, we would like to wish our family hobby and love because of our expected arrival.What to do? Mark Bright continued success Well, our budding car designer started to come up with ideas for my in his ventures and, again, thank trike! both Mark and Christine for all A gentle steer away from that was the order of the day.There was their hard work. nothing for it; it was going to have to be a sidecar! We researched, Now here’s part of the answer to the conundrum of before. How investigated and decided a Watsonian Squire RX4 adult/child chair fit- does a family of five and a dog get about on a Gold Wing? (Well, to be ted the bill.A new one was out of the question, so we began our hunt fair, two Gold Wings. Even our math isn’t good enough to get us all for a second-hand chair. about on one!) Mark and I own a 1997 solo magenta 1500SE and a Our search ended in Norfolk in September of 2006 with a family as 1989 California Sidecar Conversion wineberry 1500 trike. Our love of enthusiastic about motorcycling as we were who had ridden outfits of these wonderful machines had seen us out and about with our boys various designs since their children were born, now in their late teens riding pillion enjoying life to the full.That was until a new addition to and early twenties and riding for themselves.A weekend away resulted the family in the form of our rather daft Border Collie Charys. Then in our purchase of a nearly pristine black RX4 which, with a little hag- what? gling, resulted in it being delivered on our behalf to Watsonian Squire Neither of us liked the idea of kennelling her whilst away, and we in the Cotswolds ready for fitment to Mark’s Wing.There was just one knew that we were not always going to be able to call upon the family snag: Mark had never ridden a sidecar outfit in his life and my dipping a to help out, so what were we to do? The answer came in that month’s toe into the water of this sort of experience on an old Jawa was not current Wing World adverts—a dog trailer! But, with shipping costs and one I relished repeating—certainly not in front of Mark! more, the cost of a new one was out of the question. Could my ever loving husband do it, could he tame the beast of a Over dinner one evening we threw the challenge to our eldest, who combination and live to tell the tale? Well, we followed up the answer wants to be a car designer when he grows up. Reams of A4 computer to this in our next edition of EN-A’s newsletter.And, for you folks else- paper later,we had an initial design. Many evening meals later,having dis- where across the globe, I’ll end your suspense.The answer was yes! ●

HOW MUCH IS A COMFORTABLE RIDE WORTH? Insist on the Best. Proven in Quality and Comfort. Ask for the “Original” Built-In Driver Backrest* “The Utopia” BUILT-IN DRIVER'S BACKREST Made in INSTALLS IN GOLD WINGS, VALKYRIES, INTERSTATES U.S.A. AND MOST OTHER MODELS Now only $179.00 + $10.00 S/H U.S.A. OVER 100 MODELS AVAILABLE! Shop & AVAILABLE FOR ALL GOLD WINGS INCLUDING 2006 HEATED SEATS! Compare BUILT-IN DRIVER’S BACKREST Made to match your cycle’s upholstery! Becomes a part of your seat with no exposed bars to rub on your passenger’s legs or driver’s hips. Adjusts up, down, back and forth. Pad pivots to fit the angle of your back and folds forward for easy access to rear seat. Comes with rain resistant flap over removable pouch with shoulder strap. PASSENGER ARMREST POUCHES MY GRANDPA /set plus $4.50 s/h USA. Includes four 4.5” X 6.5” zippered pouches to fit most model armrests. since 1974 $29 BUILDS THE BEST Toll Free: 1-888-343-3320 For free Brochures with Color Samples and our other Quality Products 3867 W. Market St. #202, Akron, Ohio 44333 Our Phone Answering Hours: 12pm - 5pm E.S.T. Mon. - Fri *In Stock Seats Web site: • Email - [email protected]

June 2008 15 A selection of Member-written letters saluting excellent service.

Paris Honda-Yamaha-Harley wait to get tires from the local Honda dealer. Coming out of Arizona on Highway 180, Paris,Texas I put my Wing into the hands of Carl Nicolosi, my brother and I rounded a bend and— nominate Paris Honda-Yamaha-Harley, 2875 a certified tech, for the job, and I had to bring before we saw the rocks in the shadows—ran IN.E. Loop 286, Paris,TX 75460 as a Golden the Wing to his shop but I had no way to get over one.The rock edge broke about a 2-inch Dealer. back to work. But Frank Nicolosi, the owner, diameter hole in the bottom of the engine. On a recent ride to Texas from Ohio, I brought me back to work and I never lost We were able to coast down the moun- turned on the hazard lights while I was time on my job. tain and, with a few short starts, to get up the stopped to adjust the windshield. When I Since Carl had never reinstalled a Voyager, next hill, made it into Reserve, New Mexico, attempted to turn them off, the switch was I gave him the instructions to do the job and to Henry’s Corner. broken and the lights continued to flash. he did a wonderful job. After explaining what had happened, When I stopped at Paris Honda, I received If anyone is in a bind and needs work done Henry Martinez let us pull into his service bay the best treatment I have ever received at a on their Wing or Valkyrie, Cycle Alley is a great (now an ice cream parlor) and go to work on dealer. The Service Manager, Scott Powell, shop to have your bike or trike worked on. the bike. He even let us use his tools and sup- promptly got Technician David Seals to work And even if you have a Voyager on your bike, plies.To make a long story short, with a piece on the problem. It was determined that the Carl is very capable of reinstalling the unit. of tin cut from a coke can and some JB Weld panel needed to be replaced. They offered Both Frank and Carl are very conscien- and silicone, we were able to patch the hole either of two options: They would order the tious and they stand behind their work. For and get the bike to hold oil and drive on part in overnight mail or simply stop the flash- tires, maintenance or accessories, give Cycle home. ers from flashing. Since I did not want to wait, Alley Motorsports a call. We couldn’t have done it without Henry’s I chose the latter. Valerie lengo generosity. He even let us work on the bike I was only charged one-half hour labor and GWRRA #245826 after he closed, and he had his son stay with they threw in a complementary motorcycle Port Richey, Florida us to assist us. Then Henry was there early wash! Their customer waiting room was the next morning to let us in and get the bike super.It had a computer with high speed inter- Henry’s Corner ready to go.And, to my surprise, when it came net access. And before I was even caught up Reserve, Mexico time to pay up, he only charged us for the oil on my email, they had the Wing ready to go! and supplies we used. Charlie DeBerry You really find out who the good people GWRRA #165668 are when you are in need. Henry didn’t have Dayton, Ohio to help us out to the extent he did, but he did because that is the kind of person he is. Cycle Alley Motorsports Whenever you are in Reserve, New New Port Richey, Florida Mexico, stop and fuel up at Henry’s Corner, am very pleased with the good people at enjoy some ice cream, and join me in giving ICycle Alley Motorsports in New Port his is a photo of me in front of Henry’s him a big thanks for lending a hand to a Gold Richey. TCorner in Reserve, New Mexico, en route Winger in need. My 1993 Gold Wing had a worn-out front to the VLA Telescopes near Datil, New Don Skinner tire and a nail in the rear tire; I’d have a long Mexico. GWRRA #261250 Norman, Oklahoma

JBJ Cycles, Inc. Santa Ana, Ca. ack in November, I got a call from Loraine BFerguson. Apparently I had run into her husband and invited him to our Chapter and gave him my CD card with my info and Chapter meeting info, and he had gone home and told his wife how friendly we were. Unfortunately, soon afterward he passed away from a heart attack and Loraine found my card on the desk and called and wanted to know if I wanted to buy his 1980 Honda Gold Wing GL1100 for five dollars. I picked her up and we went to Auto Club and had the registration and insurance switched over.Then my son and I went there and with a battery jump, fired it up, and brought it home. I really did not have a need for it—as I am the proud owner of a 2004 Black Cherry

16 Wing World June 2008 17 GL1800 with lots of chrome and lights—so we decided to raffle it off, with the net pro- ceeds going to the Ride For Kids. We raised and turned in $2,300, with ride receipts in various amounts for all the Chapter Members who had helped.The win- Individually Designed To Your Specifications Since 1974 ner, Juan Romero of Fontana, actually bought a hundred tickets from our Chapter Director.That was ten percent of all the tick- “The” truly, handmade saddle, ets sold! Individually styled for both Not wanting the winner to be stuck with driver and passenger. a piece of junk, I had been fixing it up. First, - with the help of Jim Cassaro of Chapter Q, NEW GL1800 AND VALKYRIE we put on new brakes and serviced the SEATS NOW AVAILABLE calipers and master cylinder.Then I replaced the AM/FM/cassette knobless radio with a new AM/FM/CD radio. Next, I purchased a new neutral switch and all the gaskets and 386-698-2737 P.O. BOX 489 • SEVILLE, FL 32190 seals, but the dealer wanted almost two hun- dred dollars for labor.As Stu can tell you, it is a major project. Other dealers wanted even more to do it! Finally, I called JBJ Cycles of Santa Ana for a quote and John Weir, who knew about my Honda Direct Line Honda Direct Line project, said he would do it for only fifty dol- Buy From THE Source! lars, so I took it there at once. I also gave him The Gold Wing Superstore a list of the other things that needed repair and told him to do what he could for a hun- From Genuine Honda to dred and fifty dollars I had. I asked him to use aftermarket parts we his judgment on priority. carry the top brands you Soon he called me and said it was done, want for your ride! so we went to pick it up. It appeared a Honda dealer had sold me the wrong neutral switch, We will not be undersold! but JBJ had purchased the right one and fixed Call for details. Call for Lowest Price my problem. Then they had replaced the shifter seal, fixed the oil leak at the water Order OEM Parts in our NEW EASY on a NEW GL1800 to use Factory Parts Store: pump, repaired the turn signal system, and Four locations to serve you! cleaned and rebuilt the carburetors. Afterward, John handed me a bill for Toll Free (888) 258-6699 $44.20—the cost of the neutral switch. FREE SHIPPING There was no charge for seals, flasher unit, On All Parts Orders! Shop Online 24/7 labor—nothing. No charge! John said that, for such a good cause, if I could donate the bike the least they could do was donate some time to fix it. JBJ Cycles advertises in all the Chapter newsletters in this area and donates grand prizes to the various poker runs. Needless to say I will do all I can to spread the good word among the Chapters in this part of the coun- try of their generosity. A big thanks is in order to the gang at JBJ Cycles for their hours of work, and also to my fellow Members of CA1-D for making this raffle a success. Dan Brooks GWRRA #158154 Norwalk, California

Couer d’ Alene Honda Couer d’ Alene, Idaho e would like you to honor this dealer- Wship in your magazine—Couer d’ Alene Honda. While traveling to Washington from our

18 Wing World state of Colorado on Interstate 1-90 on July 5th of last year, we picked up a piece of metal Disabled Motorcycle Riders, off the highway through a construction zone. Inc. The metal went completely through our anti- freeze coolant reservoir on our 2006 Gold Kliktronic USA 518 36th St. West • Palmetto, FL 34221 Wing motorcycle. We pulled over and used our Gold Book to call for assistance and were able to contact Gary Widmyer in Couer d’ Alene, Idaho. It was the Fourth of July, and most Gold Wingers were probably in Billings for Wing Ding, so we were lucky he was available. Gary came and got us and took us to a motel near the Couer d’ Alene Honda dealer- ship. On July 5th, we went to the dealership to see if they had the part we needed, and they got us in right away that morning. They didn’t have the part, so they took one off of a 2007 Gold Wing that was sitting on the showroom 941-723-9817 floor and put it on our bike. We were on the road by 9:30 a.m.! The Assistant Service Manager Dick Tabatt and his mechanic went out of their way to accommo- date us, as we had to meet the ferry in Bellingham, Washington, the next day for our trip to Alaska. We can’t say enough good things about this dealership and all they did for us. They saved our Alaskan vacation! If you’re ever in Couer d’ Alene, Idaho, and have a problem, don’t hesitate to stop by and see them.They went above and beyond the call of duty! Keith & Bonnie Dallegge GWRRA #95042 Sterling, Colorado

Heartland Honda Springdale,Arkansas & Motor Trike Corporation Troup,Texas ast year, my wife Bonnie and I—with our Ltrusty trike—decided to visit Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and Turpentine Creek, a big cat wildlife sanctuary that we sponsor. After passing through Mobile, Alabama, I noticed a heavy pull to the right as I applied the brakes. After spending the night in 800-898-9411 Lucydale, Mississippi, and inquiring about repair work to the brakes from the local brake shop, 402.423.8274 faxfax Lincoln, Nebraska we thought it best to get to Eureka Springs and then have it checked over. LARGEST BUSHTEC DEALER IN THE NATION. Upon arriving safely to Eureka Springs on Largest Volume Honda Dealer in Nebraska. 2008 GOLD WINGS IN STOCK Sunday, I called Motor Trike Monday morning Quantum “GL” and talked to them about my problem (since my Gold Book had produced no results within the local area, due to all bike shops being closed on Mondays). Motor Trike called me back within the hour and informed me that Heartland Honda of DEALER Springdale, Arkansas, would pick up our trike on Tuesday morning and check it out. At 10 a.m.Tuesday morning, a nice young man by the When its time to decide on your next cargo name of Josh Swanson arrived from Heartland trailer, don’t compromise, expect the best!

June 2008 19 Honda to pick up the trike. Since I had no way to get back to Eureka Springs, I rode with him and waited until the trike was repaired. Upon arrival at Heartland Honda, the trike was unloaded and Larry Wood, the service manager, immediately set out to find the 2008 Models & Colors Available problem. After a detailed inspection of the rear brake system, he found that both rear axle seals were leaking and the right rear brake cylinder was also leaking. Larry called Motor Trike to report what he had found, and Motor Trike informed him to completely replace all seals, wheel cylinders, and brake shoes and to check the trike over completely and then send them the bill. I was back on the road prior to their clos- ing for the day. You can’t beat that now can you?! ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET, EYE PROTECTION AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. NEVER RIDE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL, AND NEVER USE THE STREET AS A RACE TRACK. OBEY THE LAW AND READ YOUR OWNER’S MANUAL THOROUGHLY. For rider training information or to locate a rider training course near you, call the Motorcycle Safety In fact, here is just a portion of the appre- Institute at 1-800-446-9227. Gold Wing® Honda Satellite-Linked navigation System™ and performance First™ are trademarks of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (9/05) ciation letter we sent to Motor Trike about Heartland Honda: “…Heartland Honda in Springdale, Arkansas, was very prompt, sending someone to pick up the trike and deliver it 40 miles Cruise with your away and immediately putting someone on it to find and fix the problem. The staff [there] “Bike on Board” was extremely courteous and helpful in our dilemma and, after repair that same day, we to the were able to enjoy our visit in Eureka Springs Mexican Riviera and [later return] home safely to Orlando.” So if you are in Springdale, Arkansas, or Troup,Texas, stop by to look around and say hello to two great dealers! Bill & Sandy Papagno Ben McLin GWRRA #101919 [email protected] Orlando, Florida 1-888-615-1953 Grapevine Kawasaki 818-957-3175 • 818-957-6355 Fax Grapevine,Texas ore kudos to supreme mechanic Steve Stop by and say hello MWagner. at Wing Ding 30, booth #233 When Steve Wagner was at Maxim Sports in Plano.Texas, I would drive 52 miles round- trip to take my bike problems to him. Here is why:The cluster of electric switch- es at my left hand on my 1987 GL1200 was giving me trouble. I took my bike to two other Honda dealers, and they said they couldn’t help me, as Honda was not making that con- trol module any longer. I took the bike to Steve, and he just cleaned the module out and it now works perfectly! Later, my dealer told me that my rear wheel spline and final drive spline were worn. Honda apparently no longer makes those parts. Steve just went on eBay and bought them for me for about $400 less than the parts retail for—if you can even find them. Steve Wagner is now at Grapevine Kawasaki in Grapevine,Texas,and I highly rec- ommend his work. Buzz Taylor GWRRA #138827 Dallas,Texas ●

20 Wing World


Wing World Corrections New MED Directors Selected —In “A Word from Your Executive Director” last month, we inad- Hello, we are Ed & Linda Johnson, vertently mentioned that June Agee, our then-current MED Director and we are excited to accept the who had passed away suddenly in February, had been the first female position of Membership Enhance- Chapter Director in the state of Illinois. In fact, the first female ment Division Directors and work Chapter Director in Illinois was Joan Stemke, who went on to hold with the National Staff and ALL many other positions within GWRRA. Our apologies Joan. Members of GWRRA. We reside in Bristol, Virginia, home of the Bristol New Chapters Chartered! Motor Speedway. Bristol is located on GWRRA welcomes the following new Chapters to our family! the border between Virginia and —Chapter NC-X of Wake Forest, North Carolina, led by Chapter Tennessee. We also have a farm in Directors Robert & Dorothy Richards. North Carolina that we use as our —Chapter NM-R of Roswell, New Mexico, led by Chapter quiet getaway! Directors Jim & Pauline Richards. We were married in August of 2000 during the Kentucky District Rally on the banks of the Ohio New Region D Directors River. Ed has been a Member of GWRRA since 1985 and served as We are Ronald & Chapter Director,Assistant District Director and District Director of Dianna Miller from Virginia in 1992-1993. Since we became a team, we have served as Stockbridge, Michigan, Chapter Directors, Newsletter Editors, Special Project Coordinator and we are very hon- and Treasurer of our home Chapter,VA-H. ored to be your new Prior to accepting this position, we served as National Region D Directors. Membership Enhancement Coordinators and as Region N We will try our very Membership Enhancement Coordinators. We are Life Members of best to make Region D GWRRA, and are both Level IV in Rider Education, Certified LTD and the GWRRA the Seminar Presenters and Certified Bike Show Judges.We currently ride best it can be and have a 2000 Gold Wing SE (Red/Red) and have toured in 46 states and one fun doing it. Atlantic Province (New Brunswick). A little background Ed retired from the Virginia State Police in 2003 as a First Sergeant on us is that we met with 34 years of service. I (Linda) retired from the Washington while we were in high County School System in 2005 after 27 years in the Business and school and, after gradu- Finance Department. We have three children, seven grand children ating, we were married (and that does not include the grand dogs and grand cats!). on December 7, 1958, so we’ll be celebrating our 50th wedding Other than GWRRA, we are active in our church, and our hob- anniversary this year.We have three children, ten grandchildren and bies are collecting Hull Pottery and repairing all types of clocks (espe- three great-grandchildren. cially grandfather clocks). On March 1, 1985, we joined GWRRA and, a couple of years later, Ed and I are excited to be serving the Members in the position of found our home with Chapter J in Jackson, Michigan. In 1990, we Membership Enhancement Division Directors. We have made many became Assistant Area Representatives (ACDs). In 1991, we were friends in GWRRA over the years and look forward to making many selected as the Chapter Couple of the Year and went on to become more. GWRRA is a great organization and we hope the work we do the Michigan District Couple of the Year. In 1992, we were appointed for the Members will make it even greater. as Assistant District Directors under Lorne & Carol Haase. We If we can be of service to enhance your membership or your became the Michigan District Directors in August of 1995 and held GWRRA experience, please feel free to contact us either by phone that position until August of 1998. at (276) 628-5535 (home) or (276) 492-5535 (cell) or by email at We went back to our home Chapter in 2000 and accepted the [email protected]. position of Chapter Educators. In 2001 and 2005 we were chosen as the Michigan Educators of the Year. We became Senior Chapter Nick Hoppner is Featured Speaker at Americade 2008 Educators and Certified Seminar Presenters in 2003 and are still Wing World’s legendary (16 year) editor, Nick Hoppner, is coming active Presenters. In 2005 we received a National Rider Education out of retirement to be a Featured Speaker at Americade 2008.This “Merit Award” at Wing Ding. is his first public appearance since retiring a year ago, and he will be In 2006 we both received our Master Tour Rider Level IV #199 & presenting “20 years, 20 Touring Trends, the Good, Bad and Ugly” on #200 “Life Grand Master” rockers. In August of 2007 Ron became Thursday evening, June 5, at Americade’s headquarters at Roaring one of the first seven GWRRA “Advanced Rider Course” Instructors Brook Ranch. in Michigan. As the former editor of Wing World, Nick witnessed many changes In February of 2008 at our Wingless Weekend, on behalf of the in long-distance touring and also the media’s perception of it. He Members and District Staff of Michigan, Chris & Sally Bobek the promises that “It’ll be a colorful narrative which will challenge the Senior District Directors presented us with a “Michigan GWRRA audience to agree, disagree, applaud or boo and hiss.” Lifetime Achievement Award”. Dianna and I were very honored and “We’re delighted to host Nick as a Featured Speaker here. I’ve surprised to receive such an award. enjoyed his writing for nearly two decades,” says Americade Founder We want to let you know that, as your new Region D Directors, Bill Dutcher. our door is always open, the coffee pot is on, and the iced tea is in Americade, the world’s largest multi-brand motorcycle touring the fridge. Feel free to call us, contact us, or stop in anytime—you are rally, takes place June 2-7, 2008, in Lake George, New York.For more always welcome! information, visit or call (518) 798-7888. ●

22 Wing World Call For Your FREE GL1800 & GL1500 Catalog or Visit Us at: No restocking fees! Win-A-Wing Sweepstakes You Could Win A New Gold Wing! It’s easy to enter. Just place an order with Chrome World. Every time you order you will receive another entry in the Win-A-Wing Sweepstakes. See for official rules. No Purchase Necessary. Subject to sweepstakes official rules at Sweepstakes begins 01/01/08 and ends12/31/08. Open to all legal residents of the United States and D.C., 18 years of age or older prior to 01/01/08. One Grand Prize winner will receive a New Honda Gold Wing motorcycle (ARV - $19,299). Sponsor: Chrome World Inc. Void where prohibited.

LOW PRICE GUARANTEE! WING MASTER BACKREST J&M 5-PIN HEADSET DUNLOP ELITE III TIRES EMGO OIL FILTER This headset fits all Honda Exceeds all Gold Wings. Available in Full manufacturers Face & Open Face. warranty The 5-pin straight-plug hook-up cord is included. requirements. Best Selling Backrest! GL1800 Front #4080-78 - $147.95 #HS-8154-OF - $59.95 GL1800 Rear #4180-56 - $199.95 GL1500 #1140-5 All GL1800 #5004BLK - $199.95 GL1800 #1141-5 5 Pack - $25.00 #HS-8154-FF - $59.95 GL1500 Front #4079-78 - $135.95 GL1500 Rear #4079-96 - $171.95 KURYAKYN SADDLEBAG COMFORT-MAX GEL PAD SIDE EMBLEMS with 2007 Win-A-Wing Winner Honored! Memory Foam Ortho-Deluxe

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By Robert Boots • GWRRA #244370 • Waterloo, Iowa

This story starts when I decided to purchase a motorcycle. It had been 22 years since last riding and then sell- ing my last one. This time, however, I was determined to get it right! I knew I wanted a large road bike, some- thing to take long trips on, or maybe even to do some camping. I looked at several different brands and types, talked with all the people I knew that ride, and the only name that kept surfacing was: Honda Gold Wing!

Meeting My Gold Wing Hitting the Road I knew people riding that “other Then the day of departure arrived! popular brand name” who kept say- I had purchased a trailer to tote along ing how much better they felt when, everything that I knew I wouldn’t at the end of the day, they got off need to bring along but would bring their bike and the feeling came back anyway. to their lower extremities! What? I The day was chilly, the wind- thought. I don’t think so! I want com- shield was fogged over with moisture fort all the time—both while I’m rid- (or was it perspiration?), and I was on ing and after the ride. edge. This would be my first long It took some time, but I finally trip, my first Wing Ding—my first found my bike—a 2004 GL1800 in crash on Bear Tooth Pass? Oh my! bright white. When I first saw the The smells were something to bike, it looked plain. And it didn’t remember—crisp, clean moisture help that the dealership had placed it laden air, newly mowed hay, skunk, back on the showroom floor dirty, manure, hay, wood smoke, skunk, after using it in a wedding. But I manure, manure, manure, skunk, and bought it anyway. more. We finally ran out of the And then chrometitis hit! After I talked with the Members of my Iowa majority of odors somewhere inside adding a few items that would be needed, the Chapter who had been out west. I wanted to the South Dakota state line. Or just maybe my sparkly stuff started showing up, and it was hear all the stories and plot the great sights and survival instincts kicked in and my olfactory plain no more. That was in June of 2006. do and see it all! During these conversations, senses shut down completely. (Breath, Forrest, they kept almost reverently referring to a loca- breath!) Meeting GWRRA tion and their eyes would become glassy and We had only traveled about 90 miles when Fast forward to July of 2007. I had been their speech would slow as if reliving the mem- something out of the ordinary occurred. keen enough to understand that I was a babe in ory: Bear Tooth Pass! Riding along, something black flew past my the woods when it came to riding big bikes, During their recollections, the words left elbow. Did I hit a bird? I wondered. No especially on long trips and sometimes with “steep” and “switchback turns” and “snow” feathers. Not a bird then, but what? My Baker large groups. But then along came GWRRA to and “how beautiful it was” kept coming up. To Air Wing was still attached to the underside of the rescue! And the Members of my local be honest, some of their words scared the heck the left mirror. But what is that gaping hole in Chapter have been great. They filled my head out of me! Here I was, a newbie of the first the dash on the left side? Oh no, my speaker with tales of “daring do” and visions of vistas order, and I was making plans to ride the most cover! My left speaker cover was A.W.O.L. too beautiful to describe. They also kept me beautifully dangerous piece of road on earth! After advising my mentor and riding com- from doing some very un-smart things that What have I gotten myself into? I won- panions, Tim & Mary Peverill, that I was los- newbies are prone to do. dered. But I finally asked one of the lead riders ing pieces off my bike, I pulled over. They During our get-togethers there were stories of our group if he thought I was up to the test coasted to a stop a little further along the road of Wing Dings held here and there and how of Bear Tooth Pass. He laughed and said “Sure, while I walked back to locate the missing much fun they were and how the areas were just stick with me and go slow and don’t look speaker cover. About three blocks back, there it such fun to ride. It made my mouth water and down, or don’t look off the end of the curve was along the shoulder, missing two of the four I wanted to ride far, see the vistas, and—gen- ahead, ha ha ha!” ears that normally hold it in place. The trailer erally—just make my own stories. So before the trip, I started riding the most or a passing 18-wheeler had already smushed I decided the time had arrived by July of winding, hilly roads I could find to ready it. But, on the bright side, my GWRRA friends last year. I would head to my first Wing Ding myself for Bear Tooth Pass. I didn’t want to did “come through” just moments later. in Billings, Montana. embarrass myself within my group. I felt sure While I was hiking back to the group, that once I got into or onto Bear Tooth Pass, another group of Wingers stopped to ask Tim Making Plans for My First Long Ride someone would be on the radio saying some- and Mary if I was having problems. My group My girlfriend could not make the ride, thing like “Ride, Forrest, ride.” I was con- politely informed them that nothing was wrong though she tried. She was still working, and cerned about this to no end. But I kept skill with the bike, it was the rider, he seemed not to that took precedence. But I was going! building and my confidence started improving. be able to get from point A to point B with all

26 Wing World 113 Briarwood Drive • Jackson, MS 39206

Call for Our Best Deal on 2007 Gold Wings 601.362.6492 or 866.660.5156

Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective gear. his pieces attached. (Ride, Forrest, ride!) If I hadn’t been, I would have been feeding the the headlights of the car. This trip would prove Our first day out—and 680 miles later—I donkeys marshmallows right along with the to be far more memorable I was sure! was so glad I hadn’t bought a brand X bike. other bystanders. What part of don’t feed the Imagine this, I still had complete control of my wild critters do people not understand? I asked Onward to Bear Tooth entire body, including my posterior! All in all, myself, since there were even signs posted that And Old Faithful certainly was memorable. it had been a great first day, and Rapid City, warned people they were in bear country. By The bear signs were right where the bears South Dakota, was comfortable. the way, that’s something I don’t get to see were, and Bear Tooth Pass was open and com- After having ridden so far the first day, everyday. I could just imagine two grizzly ing up fast! leaving the next morning for Mount Rushmore bears up above the highway looking down We had meandered around Yellowstone all was less stressful and pictures were a must for when one nudges the other and says, “I hear day and it was worth every minute. But now the old memory book. (Smile, Forrest, smile!) they taste like chicken.” (Then it would surely the moment of truth had arrived. Could be: Run, Forrest, run!) Forrest—I mean me, Rob—truly handle the Things Left Forgotten The second night out was spent in Cody, Bear Tooth? And as we rode there, I was won- Someone had forgotten to talk to me about Wyoming. After a wonderful day of sights and dering when we were going to pull over and Needles Highway! Where did all those sharp smells and scenery, it was all I could do to stay don our winter clothing. I had been told that turns and uphill grades appear from? What awake and reflect on the wonders of the uni- Bear Tooth can be sunny one minute and snow- one lane tunnel? I almost panicked. verse and Bear Tooth Pass. I knew it would be ing the next and I was ready, with winter hats, Needless to say, I didn’t get to look around coming up the next day but, after having lived gloves, insulated pants, boots and coat liners— that much. Probably a good thing, too, since I through Needles Highway, what was there that the whole nine yards! (Told you I had packed was holding the grips tight enough to squeeze could scare me? In fact, Yellowstone National enough stuff for six people.) I even had a tent, the glue out the ends! If I had run off the road, Park was actually a distant memory for me. just in case we got caught in the blizzard I was there was no way I could have ejected from the Forty-four years earlier, I had the pleasure expecting. Even bear repellent, but that was saddle. (Run, Forrest, run!) of staying in Yellowstone for one night. The really just the lunch I had eaten earlier. I fig- Meanwhile, thank goodness, Mary took united family was traveling to California in a ured if the bear wanted me, his sense of smell care of the picture-taking end of things. She 1968 Chevy station wagon and pulling a camp- and taste would have to be non-existent. But took pictures all the rest of the trip from the ing trailer. There were eight of us total, and the that’s another story. back of their 1800—about 495 in all. And trailer only slept five—the rest of us were Bear Tooth Pass—I had heard about this wow, what pictures! Stop by sometime and I’ll allowed to sleep on the picnic tables in sleep- ride for almost a year. Now I was going to be glad to show them to you. ing bags as “human burrito bear baits.” It had experience it firsthand, and did I ever! The But I did get to see a lot of critters, some up been dark when we entered the park, and it had turns were just as advertised—hairpins, with a close and personal, some from afar. And it was been zero dark thirty when we left. So my lot of them running out into the wild blue yon- probably a good thing I was on a motorcycle. memory of Yellowstone was of one lone tree in der, with no guard rails! Whenever I did get a

28 Wing World glance around, I saw snow-capped mountain were air-conditioned exhibit halls containing blond Elvira. (Run, Forrest, run!) peaks with clear water lakes above the tree food, drink, chrome—all in one huge place! It Devils Tower wound up being something to line, lots of flowers and, every once in awhile, was one of the best sights of the trip, and it did- see! As we approached Spearfish, South a splattered furry critter in the roadway. n’t take any time at all for me to find the spark- Dakota, we turned off and took Spearfish What a joy it was! Arriving at the summit, ly stuff! Canyon Road and it was a nice ride. The tow- I checked the thermometer and found it to be I also got to watch the vendors working on ering walls and trees provided some shade. I only 61 degrees F—a great change from the 95 the bikes, adding things, changing things. It even wanted to skinny dip in Bridalvale Falls, degrees F at the start of our climb. Still, I was was mesmerizing. I wanted to know how to but there was a wedding taking place and I’m comfortable in my short sleeve T-shirt and rid- change a tire if I had a flat, so I even watched a lot shy. (Blush, Forrest, blush!) ing jacket, mainly from the exertion of riding, for over an hour as one was being changed. But We finally pulled into Wall, South Dakota, leaning, counter steering, concentrating on by then realized that, if I do have a flat, I’m not for the night, and the temp was 106 F as we looking ahead for the line, and squeezing the going to have one of those nifty lifts handy came off the highway. Dinner, shower and bed heck out of the grips (By the way, I silently anyway. (Think, Forrest think!) was about all we had our minds on—those and, wondered. What is that cramp on my inner, The talent show, the variety show, the drill of course, placing our unmentionables some- upper thigh from? Could only be from pressing teams, the demonstration rider—it all couldn’t place where they wouldn’t walk off on their in on the shelter. I could have sworn I closed have gotten any better. And I learned quickly own or otherwise cause olfactory failure. the gas trap door, and why does the treble keep through some seminars that anything I find (Gag, Forrest, gag!) going up when I round the corners? (Breathe, myself getting into on my bike, it’s not the And at last it was home sweet home. My Forrest, breathe!) bike’s fault. first real Gold Wing adventure had lasted 9 There was also enough down time to take a days, covered 3,150 miles, and managed 495 Having Conquered Bear Tooth ride through the surrounding countryside. The photos and memories galore. Not to mention So, after all my trepidation, I had crossed only problem was that when Tim asked me to that all my extended body parts were still Bear Tooth with no problems at all—and with lead us back to the motel, I got “lost in space.” attached, due not only to my great machine but all the gear I had started up with, I might add! I had ridden the route with Tim several times also to the great guidance, knowledge and skill But I and the others had worked up an already, but when it came my turn to lead, I got of my mentors, Tim and his wife Mary. (I guar- appetite, only there didn’t seem to be anyplace lost like a baby raccoon! Thank goodness for antee I would have been somewhat a mess if I to eat until we hit a hole-in-the-road place Myrtle, Tim’s GPS unit. had undertaken this first trip myself.) Their called Silver Creek. The Log Cabin Restaurant During our stay, we even rode back to Bear patience with me was nearly heroic, as I asked was right on Main Street—the only street—so Tooth Pass, but this time without trailers. And in we went. And they did not have a cook, they riding the route in reverse had its benefits— a lot of questions and they talked me through had a chef! It was the best Chicken Marsaille more time for pictures and somewhat faster what to expect. Thanks again you two. I’ve ever had (perhaps not in small part speeds. And even though we got trapped in So now the talk is about more road trips, because of my recent victory). And the view construction on Chief Joseph Highway, several like Honda Hoot this month and possibly Wing was something to behold also. Out the front miles of gravel roads didn’t dampen any spir- Ding 30 in Greenville, South Carolina. window I was facing, there were two buffalo in its. Come to think of it, this not-so-newbie- the yard of the house directly across the street! anymore has heard of a road out there as well- Is this some country or what? I asked myself. Goodbye to My First Wing Ding known as Bear Tooth Pass. It’s called the Tail (Look, Forrest, look!) Upon leaving Billings, we headed for of the Dragon, and I’d love to ride it. Goodness This night, we arrived in Billings for Wing Devils Tower and, somewhere near there, we knows I’ve heard enough stories. Ding 29. After cajoling a room out of the stopped for lunch. This was a bar on a corner So now all I have to figure out is what to office staff at a motel, we crashed (thankfully, in the middle of nowhere, and the sign even pack, what to wear, and what the travel time, the only “crash” of the entire trip!). read “Warm beer and lousy food”. The food distance, and route to get there will be. So The next day was registration day for Wing was okay, though. And of course I don’t know many things to think about. (Dream, Forrest, Ding, and what a great facility it was in. There about the beer, but the bartender looked like a dream!) ●

June 2008 29

Product Previews shares information provided to us by the vendors of the products and services contained herein; responsibility for readers’ satisfaction with all specifications and claims rests with the vendors.

ADD-ON’S NEW GL1500 CB ANTENNA Positive energy defines the BLADE’s great style and looks. You simply choose the application! What a perfect way to pack for a long vacation This antenna will work on or just a getaway! any GL1500s. It comes com- Jason is redefining cargo protection. You are seeing not just great plete with all mounting hard- looking truck caps and tonneau covers, but innovative solutions to ware. Replacement tip only is changing consumer demands. also available. For more information, check out Jason’s website at www.jason Optional items are the chrome base and the tube top accent pieces to give a nice MY-BANDS INTRODUCES EMERGENCY chrome finished look to the INFORMATION ON YOUR WRIST bike. Part #s and pricing are MY-BANDS™ offers the easiest 15673-629, $109.95; 18673- way available to consolidate your 629AA Tip, $5.95; 15673-629A medical and identification informa- Base Accent, $14.95; and tion! 15673-629B Tube Top Accent, And MY-MED™ is a water- $7.95. resistant, USB, medical and identification wristband that is both PC & Also, Add-On has antennas for the GL1800, GL1200 and GL1100. MAC compatible (Patent Pending). Part #s and pricing are 18673-629 (GL1800), $109.95; 673-629 MY-BANDS protects all people, especially those who like to live an (GL1100 & GL1200), $49.95. active lifestyle. A MY-MED band offers the possibility to communicate For more information, call (800)821-9861 or visit info@addonac- your critical information when you cannot communicate for yourself. For instance, how would anyone know your medical past, blood type, prescriptions, and more in an emergency situation? The list of questions FORGED CONTEMPORARY DESIGN SHAPES THE BLADE! is endless that MY-BAND’s can answer! And MY-BAND requires no software and no membership or updat- ing fees. It comes with easy, step-by-step instructions. You just complete the in-depth questionnaire at home with the pertinent information to best protect you and your family. And you can update MY-BAND as often as needed. Bands are available in: red, black, white and pale pink (for Breast Cancer Awareness). Visit for more details.


Established in 1972, Jason is a full-line manufacturer of fiberglass truck caps and tonneau covers. The company’s line-up includes 7 truck cap models, 3 tonneau cover models, 4 types of “working” tops and the newest addition—the Jason Personal Cargo Carrier line. All of Jason’s products are designed and engineered to fit today’s lifestyle. Motorcycles, Tri-cycles, ATVs, mini cars and trucks, and specialty vehicles represent the wide audience to which this iron clad performer appeals. Looking for “Full Throttle” action? This light weight, easy to load, The DAKAR design offers great on/off-road cargo utility capabili- comfortable to tow high-end personal cargo carrier fits this life style. ties and extended versatility with our air ride suspension and tracks in

32 Wing World line with your motorcycle wheels, offering 7 inches of ground clearance These trailers are custom-built according to the owner and pet(s) and expanding your cargo needs by 7 cubic feet. specifications. Inside dimensions are: L-52.5”; W-32”; D-34.5” and The Uni-Trak includes an all powder-coated metal body and frame, this new size offers the same aerodynamic design, safe and easy lighting/wiring, 1” axle Timken tapered wheel bearing with 130/70-12” towing, durability, plus the eye-catching style as the standard 22 cubic- tire/wheel, and an overall length 75-1/2” by width 18” by height 29”. foot trailer. Options are available for a cooler rack and mounts for Yakama/Thule Base Price is $3,895 plus options. racks to carry your kayak, skis or bicycle. Watch for more options to Check out this and their other trailers at or come. call toll-free (866) 844-9247. The Uni-Trak DAKAR Trailer is available today for only $2,495. For more information and to order, visit or call (866) THE SECOND ANNUAL HANNIGAN HAPPENING 638-1793. TO PRESENT NEW REVERSE TRIKE Dauntless Motors Corporation also has sidecars, trikes, trailers, and hitches for all your motorcycling needs at Hannigan Motorsports is pleased to present our WAGS UNIQUE MOTORCYCLE TRAILERS OFFERS second annual Hannigan “LARGE” PET TRAILER OPTION Happening rally Friday and Saturday, June 13–14, Customers have in Murray, Kentucky. been asking for a trailer The company will be that will accommodate showcasing its new HRT up to 200 lbs.—for (Hannigan Reverse Trike) cargo and either a very Conversion kit for large dog or numerous Hannigan converted Gold Wing trikes that goes on the front of a pets. And WAGS is now Hannigan trike to make a Quadracycle. proud to announce it offers a larger pet trail- The Happening is a celebration of many years of dedication to er, with 34 cubic feet of enabling cyclists to have “the ride of their life”. Whether a sidecar is space, larger axles, needed to bring the family along or the stability of a trike so riders can tires, doors and win- keep riding their beloved Gold Wing, Hannigan Motorsports delivers. dows. Their excellent handling, large capacity trailers make touring the coun-

Come join us for the SECOND ANNUAL HANNIGAN HAPPENING June 13-14, 2008 • Murray, Kentucky. For details contact Ron & Grace Aguiar at 270-767-0632 or [email protected] HANNIGAN POLOS, SWEATS & CAPS AVAILABLE See our web site for Details!

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June 2008 33 tryside a breeze. Demos start Tuesday, June 3, and conclude Saturday, June 7. Since The Happening, which brings together Hannigan customers from each manufacturer runs their own schedule and has their own require- across the continent, displays a span of over 30 years of product. ments, riders are urged to arrange appointments early in the Americade However, all riders are welcomed. Week. This year’s rally features a sock hop ’50s theme on Friday night, For those who are not already registered for Americade 2008, access demo rides, factory tours, seminars, a charity poker run, bike show, bike passes are available at the Lake George Holiday Inn from 8 a.m. Tuesday parade, awards, dinner, door prizes and more, including the grand to 5 p.m. Friday. (See page 22 for more on Americade 2008.) prize—a Hannigan Europa II Trailer. The rally is both affordable and includes a free Hannigan Happening T-Shirt for those pre-registered. All net proceeds go to the local Lions CHROME WORLD'S 2007 WIN-A-WING WINNER ANNOUNCED Club for charity, whose members volunteer at the rally. Hannigan Motorsports says it is very grateful for their partnership with them. For more information and to register, please contact Rally Chrome World’s 2007 Coordinators Ron & Grace Aguiar at (270) 767-0632 or happen- Win-A-Wing Gold Wing win- [email protected]. ner is Richard Califano of Florida, who was surprised by a phone call to say he’d won a AMERICADE ANNOUNCES A RECORD-SETTING NUMBER brand new, dark red, 2008 OF MANUFACTURERS Gold Wing GL1800. On Saturday, February 9, At Americade 2008, 18 manufacturers will offer demo rides. BMW, 2008, at 8:30 a.m. at the Buell, Harely-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, Triumph, Victory, Yamaha city hall in Saint Cloud, and Hummer have done demos at Americade for years, some for all 25 Florida, Richard was presented with the keys to his gorgeous new years here. This year, they’ll be joined by KTM, Kymco, Moto Guzzi, GL1800. Richard's wife Gloria, and several other members of his CF Moto, plus new 3-wheelers from Motor Trike, Piaggio, Spyder and family attended. Thoroughbred, and also the new electric from Vectrix. Chrome World Vice President Jim Zervakos made the presentation. "Last year we hosted 14 brands and I doubted that we'd ever exceed For more product information and to order from Chrome World, visit that record number,” says Americade Founder Bill Dutcher. “But I was; (800) 872-9595. ● wrong!”

34 Wing World

Technical Questions and Answers about Gold Wings and Valkyries

Luggage Rack on Trunk Lid Answers to the technical questions in this month’s “Workbench” were provided by Dear Mr. Workbench, when I recently pur- chased my first Gold Wing (2007), one of the Stu Oltman, Wing World’s Senior Technical Editor. Please submit your technical questions salesmen advised me not to place anything on about Gold Wings or Valkyries by e-mail to [email protected] or by mail to the luggage rack that is mounted on the trunk lid. He stated that it would damage the trunk “Workbench,” GWRRA, 21423 North 11th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027. Please include lid. While traveling, I have seen other Gold your full name, city, state and GWRRA membership number. Wings with luggage bags mounted on these racks. Was the salesman misinformed or is this Horsepower for GL1800 issue). Stu, did the LTD come with a Honda really a problem? Harry Spring I have a 2006 GL1800 and it runs great, badge/nameplate over the front banjo bolts? GWRRA #284845 lots of power, no problems. The only question Thanks very much. Wilmington, North Carolina that I have is one that I can’t find an answer for Bill Mills in the owner’s manual or from my dealer. What GWRRA #265488 Harry, it’s really a problem. Many Wingers is the horsepower rating for this engine? I am Victoria, British Columbia use large washers under the mountings of the just curious. Thanks for your input. rack to prevent cracking of the trunk lid. Still, David L. Cappalonga Bill, of all the GL1000s I’ve examined, both weight on the trunk rack should be limited to 5 GWRRA #283184 on the road and in salvage yards, few had that pounds. To preserve handling characteristics, Connellsville, Pennsylvania badge attached over the hose junction block any luggage capacity in addition to what’s under the headlamp. I’ve found a picture of a provided by the manufacturer should be locat- David, the specifications when the bike was new-in-crate ’76 LTD that J. Wood & Company ed as low and as close to your bike’s center of released to the public in 2001 were 118 horse- sold at auction in 2000, and it clearly does not gravity as possible. A trunk rack does exactly power and 125 foot pounds of torque. I haven’t have that badge attached. From an examina- the opposite. You might consider investigating seen anything indicating a change from those tion of GL1000 parts diagrams, it appears that the excellent tank bag that The Electrical specs. badge and its attaching bracket first appeared Connection has produced specifically to fit the Stu on the 1978 model. But because it looked so GL1800. much better than the bare, exposed hose junc- Stu LTD Badge/Nameplate? tion, my hunch is that some owners opted to Hello Stu, my name is Bill Mills (from the install it on their earlier model Wings. In fact, Problem with CB Radio article “GL1000: Finding and Restoring My I’ve attached one to my personal ’76 LTD. Hi Stu, last weekend while riding with a Long-awaited Classic” page 75 of the March Stu group from my chapter my CB radio quit

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June 2008 37 transmitting. I could still hear on CB, but not capable of manufacturing a motorcycle that Two-part Oil Question on Gold Wings transmit. Looking down at the display I saw properly records the mileage on the odome- Hi, I have a two-part question concerning “CB ERROR!” I turned off the CB and turned ter—I am sure Honda cars do. Gold Wings. it back on and it is now working. Do you have The tires on my bike are the originals and Part one: I had a 2005 GL1800, and the fac- any idea what happened? I ride a 2006 1800. are in agreement with the specifications sec- tory manual gave a recommended engine oil of Larry Colson tion of the 2007 Gold Wing Owner’s Manual 10W40. I now have a 2007 GL1800 trike, and GWRRA #172644 (Bridgestone radials—G709 front—G704 the factory manual for this bike gives a recom- Harleton, Texas rear). I have also heard that there are electron- mended engine oil of 10W30. I am fairly sure these are the exact same engines. So my ques- ic devices available to purchase and install on Larry, this error message often pops up due tion is: What has changed? the bike to correct this issue. to a poor wiring connection in the CB harness. Also, if I get my oil from any other place Before doing that, I would like to better Pull off the seat and check all of the CB har- besides the dealer, they only carry 10W40, understand the issue and would prefer not to ness connectors from the trunk forward. which forces me to go to the dealer and pay a install this extra device. I am hoping that you Stu higher price for the 10W30. would at least be able to provide me an expla- Part Two: The GL1800s give a recommend- Odometer Excess Mileage nation of what you might know about this issue ed oil capacity of 3.9 quarts with filter change. on 2007 Gold Wing and any recommendations you might have. On my 2005, I would put the bike on the center Dear Stu, the “Workbench” section of Wing Thanks much in advance! stand to change the oil. I would put in 4 quarts World is the main reason I read this magazine. John R. Herzog and it would show full on the dip stick. Now, on I look forward to your responses and analysis GWRRA #277956 my 2007 (trike), I changed the oil with the trike of other reader’s questions. This time I have Canton, Michigan sitting on all three wheels. I put in 4 quarts, and one of my own. the dip stick showed no oil. I had to add a little After 28 years of owning, riding, and main- John, I have personally owned more than over 1/2 a quart to bring it to the full mark. taining a 1979 Honda CX500c, I purchased a 60 motorcycles in the years since 1967, and This trike does not have the rake in the brand new Gold Wing (2007 Premium Audio) virtually all of them had inaccurate speedome- steering, so the steering is stock GL1800. I last spring. I just love the machine and every- ters and odometers. This is not a new issue. raised the front end of the trike so the engine thing works great! One item that troubles me, Why is it so? I have asked this myself of sever- valve covers showed level using a standard and is the reason I am writing, is that for every al manufacturers and not gotten any reason- “level.” The oil quantity barely touched the bot- 1.0 miles I ride, the odometer registers 1.1 tom of the dip stick. My question is: At what able responses. Bikes of European manufacture miles. This may seem like nitpicking to some, angle does the engine have to be to put in 4 seem to have less of an issue in this regard, for but it still bothers me nonetheless. quarts of oil and have the dip stick show full? reasons I also can not explain. I have heard that this is a common issue Michael Mohrbacher Of those who can’t tolerate the inaccuracy, with Gold Wings—the GL1800—and that the GWRRA #242689 odometer routinely records excess mileage in we’ve seen some resort to larger tires, car tires, Crestview, Florida the 5% to 10% range. I have heard a couple of electronic calibration devices, or even attempt- different explanations for this, but the explana- ing to get their basic warranty extended by Michael, although I couldn’t swear to it, I tions don’t seem reasonable to me. 10%. I personally would opt for the electronic believe you’re correct about the engines being Based on my experience with the quality of calibration device if I were bothered by the the same. The change was likely for reasons of my old and new bike, it would seem most prob- inaccuracy. fuel efficiency and due to a realization that able that Honda (in Marysville, Ohio) is quite Stu 10W30 is quite sufficient to protect that engine.

38 Wing World You’ll notice that your owner’s manual pro- had the two timing belts put on this summer Don, if the engine power seems normal, vides some latitude in lubricant selection, so while on a trip in another state and, also, a year fuel mileage is consistent, and oil consumption 10W40 is still acceptable, though 10W30 is the ago I had brushes put in the alternator and had is low, it’s safe to assume that the engine is in recommended choice. By the way, 10W30 the fluids changed and had the radiator good condition. Smoke or unusual noises JASO approved oils are now available from checked last year (but I don’t think they would be reasons to go further with leak down suppliers other than American Honda. flushed it). Also, I had a new fuel filter put on and/or compression tests. If you’re not current the end of last summer (had a leak on the right with scheduled tune-up items, I’d recommend As you state, 3.9 quarts is the correct oil front fork and had a new seal put on both addressing those. Your Bunkhouse will put quantity when changing both oil and filter. forks). loads on the entire driveline that it was not However, whether that quantity registers as What else do I need to do to prepare for this designed to handle, so you may want to pull “full” on the dipstick depends on the front-to- trip? the driveshaft to inspect/lube the splines. That rear and side-to-side tilt of the engine. Some Donald W. Deuel goes for the splines in the rear wheel hub as brands of trikes will register full with 3.9 GWRRA #129805 well. quarts, some won’t. That’s unfortunate, Arlee, Montana Stu because overfilling by 1/2 quart probably isn’t a good thing - oil foaming being the main issue. It would be nice if trike manufacturers took this into account in their “engineering” and provided modified dipsticks. But they don’t. At what angle does the engine have to be? The same angle as an unmodified GL1800 motorcycle. Stu

1500 SE Gold Wing Technical Issues I have a 1996 1500 SE Gold Wing. I have two issues: Had the bike at the dealer last year at this time and had a pressure test on the radi- ator—could not find where it is leaking. Problem is back again. When I park the bike for wintertime, about one-and-a-half months later it starts to leak. Also, the clock does not keep correct time, it jumps ahead. I’d appreciate any help you can provide regarding these issues. Thank you. Don Heptner GWRRA #112709 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Don, small leaks are much harder to find when the engine is hot. A pressure test on a cold cooling system with the “Tupperware” stripped off will be more productive. Sometimes, the coolant pump begins seeping after a period of non-use. If that’s where your leak turns out to be, replace the pump. As for the clock problem, that’s often caused by a faulty clock adjuster. Stu

What Other Prep do I Need for This Trip? I am taking a two-month Alaska motorcy- cle trip this summer and will be pulling a 400- lb. bunkhouse trailer behind my 1996 Honda SE Gold Wing with 105,000 miles on it. I’ve done all the regular maintenance on it, but live in a small town and I don’t think the Honda shop nearby has a very qualified mechanic. I am not a mechanical person myself and have had everything done on my bike. Is there a test to see if the engine is in good shape? I

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Honda of Cool Springs Now Renting Gold Wings and Cruisers! - Ask for Ronnie Paint Exchange — Color-Matched GL1800 Dashes • NEW 2006-2008 Dashes Available Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective gear. Fried Thighs from Side Grilles front and through the radiators. Hot air then changed again. Hello Stu...first time to ask you for advice exits out the side grilles. My experience riding [To me], an average of 12000 miles per tire on my 2006 Gold Wing. The problem is, when the GL1800 here in the Phoenix metro area change is ridiculous as my last Honda, a 2001, the outside temperature is 80-85 degrees F, the during summer months mirrors that of your would go about 30000 miles before changing. bike becomes uncomfortable to ride, but when dealer. You didn’t indicate how you normally I have ridden Honda Gold Wings since my temps get to 90 F and higher, the thing dress while riding or whether you use “high- first new one in 1982. When that one was sold, becomes torture to ride. I’m talking about rid- way pegs” mounted on the cylinder head pro- I had about 250,000 miles on it. I purchased a tection bars. But be aware that skimpy cloth- ing 50-70 MPH (etc.) on the open road. 1988 and had about 175,000 on that when I The reason being, the two “radiator vents” ing and/or riding with legs splayed wide sold it and bought a 2001 and, finally, the in the fairing pour out hot air that would easi- across the radiator grilles will definitely 2005. ly cook a hot dog....or my thighs! reduce your level of comfort. I didn’t have any problems with any of the My local dealer has no answer. The Honda Stu tech line has no answer (per the dealer). earlier bikes and, at this point, I am consider- However, I was recently in Palm Springs and GL1800 Front Wheel ing trading it in on a Harley (of all things). stopped at the local dealer (Desert Cities Day by day, I am more confused about what Any suggestions or advice? Honda). The owner, Mike, said he rides his to do about the front end of my 2005 GL1800 Richard Zahn 2006 Gold Wing all summer long in temps concerning uneven tire wear and the wobble. GWRRA #246699 well over 100 degrees F and does not get any I went to my local dealer in Sanford, Lake Mary, Florida excessive heat. Florida, and was given paperwork and a CD After some discussion, it was determined about repairs a company was making to the Rich, I know you’re not going to like this these radiator vents “suck air in” to cool the front end that would completely cure the prob- answer, but it sounds to me like you’re experi- radiator and should not be blowing hot air lems. Price for this service was about $1500. encing typical symptoms of worn-out tires. No “out.” It was suggested that the fans on my Then, when I talked to a dealer in Iowa while I brand of rear tire for fitment on a GL1800 will bike must be wired-up backwards. This was there in December, they told me to wait to run 30,000 miles, not without being slick as a buy a new 1800, as Honda was going to seemed like good news, and I was excited to baby’s behind or even having cords showing. call my dealer at home to say I found the change the front tire. Then I went to a dealer in 12,000 to 15,000 miles is the norm, and the answer to the problem, but that dealer contin- South Carolina, I was told they knew of a shop tire should be replaced when the wear bars are ues to insist that those vents “exhaust hot radi- that was actually changing the rake on the bike flush with the tread, or if uneven wear presents ator air” and they are not designed to “suck air and that was fixing the problem. in.” If all the Gold Wing dealers know this vibration or handling quirks. The front tires on Stu, can you please set me straight on this problem exists, why can’t Honda do something these bikes seem to last about 12,000 to matter? about it—either develop a fix for the problem 15,000 miles before braking forces cause George Burnside or provide some other advice on what we can enough scalloping to create odd handling GWRRA #121990 do to be able to enjoy riding the bike. traits. Actually, this is pretty good, as many Kennewick, Washington I know for certain that the air pressure in other brands/models wear out their tires at the front tire is not the problem. I check the TP less than 10,000 miles. Respectfully, I suggest George, the fans suck cool air in at the before every ride in the front and rear and you may want to reevaluate your definition of radiator grilles on the sides of the bike when maintain the pressure in the front at 40 pounds “worn out.” I doubt you’ll see better tire life the bike’s speed is below 15 MPH. Above that as suggested by the local dealer. But I am on from any heavy or touring rig, Harley speed, the fans are turned off. The bike’s for- the second front tire with less than 25,000 included - at least not if you adopt my defini- ward movement then forces air in from the miles on the bike and, actually, it is due to be tion of “worn out.” By the way, you don’t mention what pres- sure you run in the rear tire, only that you check it before every ride. A gentleman brought me his 2005 GL1800 for evaluation of ride and handling problems last week. He made the same claims as you regarding TP checks. Checking myself, I found 38 psi in the front and 18 psi in the badly scalloped and feather-edged rear. It was this damage to his rear tire and the resultant chassis input that was causing all of his complaints. Because the rear tire valve is such a pain to get to, many riders check the front pressure, but merely give the rear a visual examination for bulging side- walls. But the sidewalls will give no indication of low pressure until it’s dangerously low. Not indicating you fit this mold, but many Wingers do. So I’d just like to include this warning in your published answer. Stu

42 Wing World Heated Seat and Grip No More I have a fully loaded 2006 Wing, and the first winter of 2007, the seat and grip worked great. But the winter of 2007-2008, they stopped working. I took the bike to a dealer, and they charged me $80 but never found the cause. I was told that they would check with a Honda Rep, but it’s been over thirty days and I’ve called, and their response is they haven’t heard from him. Can you help me? The shop said there was nothing wrong with the wiring. Gerald Fleming GWRRA #276380 Glendale, Arizona

Gerald, I have never charged anyone a nickel for NOT being able to diagnose a prob- lem. It’s my opinion that your dealer shouldn’t have, either. Only if the problem is diagnosed and the owner elects to forgo the repair would a diagnostic charge be justified. Because they haven’t replied to you, I personally would take my business to another dealer—one with a competent service department that will at least contact Tech Line for a solution if they’re unable to run through the diagnostic tree in the ETM by themselves. Stu

GL 1800 Engine Noise Dear Stu, I have a 2006 GL1800 with 38,000 miles on it. In the last 3,000 miles, I have noticed an erratic but constant rattling noise coming from the front of my engine. It sounds to me like a small piece of gravel is being shot around by the timing chain and rat- tling inside the cover. I read the April 2008 issue of Wing World and, under the title of “GL1800 Engine Surge” (on page 41), I noticed a reference to rattling cam chains. Do you think that could be my problem? Thanks. Scott Niel GWRRA #286742 Yuma, Arizona

Scott, yes, it could be the source of your noise, but the cam chain adjusters on the 1800 don’t require adjustment. If the chains are loose enough to rattle, then perhaps a tension- er or tensioner blade has broken. Have your dealership’s service manager listen to your bike, and see if he offers an opinion. I wish I could be more precise without hearing it for myself, but that’s obviously not possible. Stu ●

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“In Case of Emergency” is a new WingWing WorldWorld department we hope to include as often as possible in the magazine. It is our hope that the opinions and advice shared in it will provide useful guidance to riders on ways to prevent and/or treat emergency situations that may arise on our roadways. In Case of Emergency: By Skip Harrison • GWRRA #246069 • Mandeville, Louisiana The Need to Establish and Maintain an Adequate Space Cushion

hat happens when a Gold Wing, a I had ample space ahead, to each side, and ately turned to anger, and a subsequent reac- tractor trailer, and a bulldozer behind me that allowed me the time and dis- tion could be the dangerous act of road rage. Wmeet up on the highway? Hopefully tance to safely adjust my speed and change Your error was in not using your rider radar nothing (out of the ordinary,anyway).And with direction as necessary to avoid hitting, or effectively.You hadn’t checked your mirrors in an adequate space cushion, that could just be being hit by, something. a long time—and remember, over eight sec- the case. onds is a long time. I was recently riding southbound on a The Basics of Maintaining a Space divided four-lane with a wide, grassy median Cushion separating me from the northbound traffic. I Establishing and maintaining a space cush- A “Rider Radar” Breakdown was in the left lane doing the posted speed ion requires using what is known as “rider Let’s say the overtaking vehicle was travel- limit of fifty-five mph.Traffic was light, so I had radar.” Rider radar means being continuously ing at 100 mph, and you were cruising along at an excellent space cushion around me.An off- cognizant of your surroundings 360 degrees seventy mph. That means there’s a difference ramp from I-12 merged into my right-hand around you—and I mean all the way around of thirty mph.That vehicle was visible in your lane about a hundred yards ahead of me. A you all of the time. mirrors a quarter mile behind you thirty sec- stake-sided truck towing a flatbed trailer with Imagine turning on The Weather Channel onds ago. It was visible in your mirrors a half a large, track-driven, yellow bulldozer on it was to watching your “Local on the Eights” radar mile behind you a full minute ago.Two minutes entering onto the highway in my right-hand picture and all that was showing was the top ago it would have been visible in your mirrors lane. half of the screen, only the left half, only the a full mile behind you! Suddenly, the trailer began to sway and right half, or just the bottom half. What good Use all 360 degrees of your rider radar buck. On the second or third buck, the unse- would that do you? You need to see the whole every five to eight seconds.Then you won’t be cured bulldozer slid down and off the back of picture to get the information you need. its trailer, landed upright on its tracks, and slid The same is true for rider radar.You need startled, angered, or outraged.You’ll calmly say from right to left across the lanes of travel and to check your review mirror every five to to your companion, “Check out this Bozo onto the grassy median, where it came to rest. eight seconds whenever you’re seated on your coming up in the left lane. He must be going to When the dozer hit the pavement, mud clods bike.And that includes while you’re stopped at a fire.” ranging in size from softballs to beach balls a red light or a stop sign or in congested traf- I always try to position myself on the road- exploded from all around it, leaving a field of fic. way or in a specific lane position so that I can serious obstacles strewn across both lanes of Have you ever been cruising down the see as far as possible in all directions and be the roadway.The truck and trailer stayed just interstate in the right-hand lane, minding your seen as far as possible from all directions. I ahead of it as they also crossed both lanes and own business, listening to your favorite tunes, wear bright colors for conspicuity while striv- came to a graceful stop over on the median. conversing casually with a companion, and let- ing to place myself where all the other drivers As this frightening scene unfolded a couple ting the cruise control keep you just above the can see me. By continuously striving to avoid hundred feet ahead of me, I rolled off the posted seventy mph speed limit? Then, seem- throttle a bit, covered my front brake lever ingly out of nowhere, another vehicle passes close proximity to other vehicles, I’m trying to enough to activate my modulating brake light, you on the left going about 100 mph. Of communicate, “Hello there! Here I am! Can and checked my mirrors before signaling a lane course it scares the dickens out of you, and as you see me now? Please don’t drive into me.” change to the right—the far right! you watch the vehicle diminish in apparent size I avoid tailgating and lingering in the blind spots I had to execute a couple of swerves to and disappear over the horizon, you’re of other vehicles. I hope you do, too. avoid hitting the dirt clods, and as I passed the screaming,“What an idiot! Who the heck does That way, just in case you ever find yourself parked truck I was doing about thirty-five he think he is? How come there’s never a cop dodging an unmanned, out-of-control bulldoz- mph. My heart was beating at the rate of a around to catch those turkeys?” I’ve been er traveling over sixty mph and changing slow drum roll. I exited the highway a half-mile there and done that more than I’d like to lanes—without using turn signals—I hope later and stopped at a friend’s place. admit. you’ll find yourself with a comfortable enough After regaining my composure and a nor- Why were you so upset? You didn’t do any- cushion of space. Because trust me, you’re mal pulse rate, I realized that I had just escaped thing wrong. Well, actually you did. The over- going to need it. Ride safely. being killed by the world’s fastest, pilotless taking vehicle took you by surprise because bulldozer! you were unaware of it until it came into your So how did I manage to endure this ordeal peripheral vision, and the sound of the high (Skip invites you to share your thoughts about unscathed? A space cushion. I had kept a spa- revving engine, the windblast, and the loud Rider Radar and Space Cushions with him at cious space cushion all around me while riding: whine of the tires scared you. Fear immedi- [email protected].) ●

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June 2008 47 By Gayle Vater • GWRRA #198189 • Southgate, Kentucky

December 15, 2003—the most awful day of my life… t was about 11:30 a.m., and I had to leave to cry, I wanted to scream—but all I could do instantly. my office to pick up something at the store. was to slump back in my chair and faintly ask, The next five days were a blur to me—an IAs I left the store, I thought to myself, Why “How?” emotional roller coaster,mostly down. I could- don’t you have lunch with your brother? So n’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t work. I I made the turn to head toward his shop. just existed. My brother is a welder and owns his I tried to find things to do to distract own shop. I am a tax geek and own my myself. I paged through books and own office. magazines and, in one, I found a quote But on the drive there, I started feel- that made me stop and take inventory ing guilty about all the work I had to do of my life. The quote was marked back at the office.The guilt was so much “Anonymous.” How I found it and, better that I made a turn at the next intersec- yet, remembered it must have been the tion and went back to my office and got work of a higher power.The quote was: back to work. “Life is not a journey to the grave with About 4 p.m. the phone in my office the intentions of arriving safely, in one rang. It was my sister, and she asked if I handsome and well-preserved piece.You had talked to anybody else in the family should slide broadside across that finish before she had called.After I said no, she line, thoroughly used up, worn out, leak- said the words I still can’t get out of my ing oil and shouting ‘Geronimo!’” head to this day: “I have some bad news As I stood at Chip’s casket and for you. Chip is dead.” My sister told me that the piece of steel looked at him, I made myself a promise—I My heart stopped, I couldn’t breathe, my Chip had been welding—10 tons—had fallen would not sit back and be a spectator any nose started to run. I wanted to run, I wanted on him, crushed him and that he had died more.

48 Wing World AFTER HOURS ordering until 10:00 pm — Call 1-866-748-1007 Honda Millenium MAINTENANCEMAINTENANCE CORNER Gold Wing Jacket ELITE III DUNLOP We purchased the entire TIRES warehouse supply and we are passing the savings In Stock long to you! Hondaline Deka Batteries - in Stock GL1800...... Pair - $28999 GL1500 Compu-Fire 90Amp Alternator-Battery GL1500 ...... $109.99 Nylon Jacket with GL1500...... Pair - $26999 Combo ...... $489.99 FREE FREIGHT! GL1800 ...... $119.99 removable Liner, Gold Wing Logos & Ventilation. NEW from 10W40 High Lucas Oil Products. OUR SELECTION Performance Slik Mist Paint Enhancer. Spray on/wipe off easily! IS GOING FAST! Semi-Synthetic ...... $9.99 Call us for your size & color! Oil ...... $6.99 qt Best Detailer on the Market Reg. $139.99 — NOW $89.99 Stop by on Saturday for Tires & Oil Changes 4-2008’s in Stock, HANNIGAN TRIKES & #4-894G more arriving! Financing Now TRAILERS IN STOCK Available on CSC Trikes!

We are now a Stocking Dealer Transporter Bike Cover from Ultragard of CSC Cobra Trikes. Call Now! Hauling your Wing to Greenville? Use the Transporter CALL FOR INFO! Cover to protect it on your trailer...... $161.99 #8990-GG Küryakyn ESCAPADE GL1800 Driver Backrest and Passenger Armrest Trailer Combo Set. NEW #4-458 Ultragard 1/2 Cover GL1800 3 pc. Mat Set 2007/2008 Retail ...... $549.99 Save $100.00 plus ...... ONLY $34.99 ...... $39.99 Colors in Stock Introductry Price ...... $449.99 FREE FREIGHT! TRAILER SEE US AT WING DING 30 HITCHES Booth #’s 258-261 & 306-309 NEW ITEM! GL1800 Küryakyn ...... $26999 #7327 #45-1232 #4056 Küryakyn Fits all GL1800 Chrome Mirror Housing. Küryakyn Infinity Accent GL1500 Big Bike Parts ....$17999 #7450 Küryakyn GL1800 GL1800 Replaces the colormatched housing ..$79.99 ...... $54.99 Rotor Cover Set ...... $79.99 Ergo II Pags...... $179.99 Switchblade...... $199.99

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50 Wing World THE ROADSTER









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800-90-TRIKE • 800-908-7453 • [email protected] It’s been four summers now that I have owned this bike, and I have put close to 50,000 miles on it. I’ve ridden in 32 states, 10 national parks, 4 Canadian Provinces and to Sturgis, South Dakota—twice! From the seat of that teal trike—complete with what most bikers call a lot of “safety chrome”—my thoughts, my insights, and my life has changed. I no longer take tomorrow as something I am guaranteed. Now I know my wife, my children, and my life are the most important things I have. And I have met some of the greatest peo- ple from the seat of that teal trike. I am a Member of GWRRA’s Chapter G in Northern Kentucky. To name a few, there is Harry, Bob & Irene, the twins—James and Jerry, Bert and, of course, the King and Queen of Chapter G—Asa and Libby. Then there are also the folks I ride with most weekends: Gary, Darlene and their daughter Michelle (Jim’s co-rider), Bob & Debbie, and Jim.We will put on two- to four- hundred miles on any given Saturday. My pit ride over 900 miles—all by myself. and got on the bike. I started it, put the turn crew, Troy and Belden, from G & R I decided to take the long way, through the signal on, turned the throttle, and up the ramp Motorsports in Walton, Kentucky. And there’s back roads of Florida, to get to I-75. Then, I went. also Ron. Every summer we go on “the trip”. before I even felt I was ready for it, there it This past July, we did 5,585 miles in 15 days to was—the entrance ramp! So I did what any Stepping Out the Canadian Rockies and back. I’ve even met red-blooded American male would have done: They say the longest journey starts with a Rupert from the TV show “Survivor”! I pulled into the nearest gas station and pur- single step: Well, then and there was where I chased a soft drink! started keeping my promise to my brother. What I’ve Seen from the Then, after I finally finished my drink, I And let me tell you, I have not regretted one Seat of My Teal Trike made sure I had all of my gear on, walked moment since (well, maybe that one time in What I have seen from the seat of that teal around the bike, checked the bike out again, the rain). trike is hard for one to describe. I love the

June 2008 55 while westbound on I-40 out of Amarillo, I even saw rattlesnakes lying on the road, soak- ing up the heat.And let me tell you, they were not happy campers as we drove past. They raised their heads and shook their rattles at us. Thank goodness for the throttle and steering. From the seat of that teal trike, I have seen all kinds of roads and all kinds of weather. I have ridden in the tail rains of Hurricane Dennis. I rode down Bourbon Street in New Orleans, just days before Katrina. I was in a flash flood in Price, Utah. I made a snowball in July in Yellowstone. I have ridden the Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap, Tennessee. I’ve ridden when the gauge on the trike read as low as 34 degrees F and when it read as high as 117 degrees F. (And I have decided that my com- fort zone lies somewhere between 40 and 90 degrees F.) From the seat of that teal trike, I have heard concerts by Toby Keith, Tim McGraw, early morning best. My feet hit the floor And I have seen the most colorful sunsets— Gretchen Wilson, Montgomery Gentry, between 4 and 5 every morning I ride, and I over the Gulf of Mexico, a mountain in the George Thorogood, Ted Nugent and Lynard get to see great beauty in the sky when that Canadian Rockies and one in Nebraska that I Skynard. I even cried when Tim McGraw sang sun comes up. know must have been touched by the hand of “Live Like You Were Dying”—because that I have seen the sun come up over a rice God. song now has special meaning to me. field in Arkansas, over a cotton field in From the seat of that teal trike, I have seen Mississippi, over the bayou in Louisiana, on the all types of wildlife: Deer, moose, elk, bear, What I’ve Learned from the Grand Tetons in Wyoming, and even on the foxes, buffalo, coyotes, mountain goat, mus- Seat of My Teal Trike four dead presidents’ faces in South Dakota. tangs, and more. In fact, one early morning I have learned many things from the seat of that teal trike. One is that sometimes there is a lot of hidden wisdom in T-shirts, even if sometimes they seem just funny or silly. For instance, “Well trained reflexes are quicker than luck.” “Never be ashamed to unlearn an old habit.” “Gray-haired riders don’t get that way from pure luck.” Things I have learned from the seat of that teal trike in Sturgis include: Never mistake horsepower for staying power; if you don’t ride in the rain—you don’t ride; the only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rearview mirror; and sometimes the fastest way to get there is to stop for the night. Other kernels of wisdom include: Maintenance is as much art as it is science; and that there are drunk riders and there are old riders, but there are no old, drunk riders.

When All is Said and Done When all is said and done, I know why I love my bike: It was a decision I made of my own free will. I even know the date and the time that I made that decision. In my mind, I am a changed man. Work is no longer the driving force in my life, and I have even gained an appreciation of T-shirts, black leather and body art. But most of all, I now understand why my dog sticks his head out the car window. And I hope when my mother reads this, she understands it all started with a brother I loved dearly, a tragedy, a promise, and a Teal Trike. ●

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INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS & DEALERS Blue Diamond HID Headlight Kit for Honda GL1800 We specialize in Worldwide Shipping, offering Provides 3 times more light than traditional halogen bulbs, Creates an amazing Pure White/Bluish light similar to daylight, reflecting road markings and the lowest shipping rates with fast and friendly service. signs far better than conventional lighting. Saves Power with less power New HJC Symax 2 Flip-Front #LUGGCOMBO GL1800 Join our online VIP Club and receive extra discounts in draw, Runs cooler and HID Bulbs last far longer than halogen bulbs. Helmets w/Internal Retractable Luggage COMBO 3pc Deluxe Kit includes everything you need. Surely, one of the most exciting lighting Carpet Kit + 3pc Deluxe addition to our already super low pricing! 99 products ever offered for the Honda GL1800 Gold Wing by Tint Shield LOWEST PRICE Luggage Liners ...... $74

#8991 GL1800 Küryakyn Passenger #7151 Küryakyn GL1800 #4038 Küryakyn GL1800 Küryakyn GL1800 Armrest #8990 Küryakyn GL1800 #3911 Küryakyn GL1800 Küryakyn Trunk & SB LEDs J&M Gold Wing Headsets Boards with Folding Peg 99 99 Driver Backrest 99 Driver Floorboards 99 Frame Cover w/Rubber #3201 Trunk $131 HS8154OF,FF w/Cords Chrome Rack . . . .$174 99 w/Drink Holder .$179 99 99 w/Pouch $ 99 99 #7005 GL1800 .$184 w/Heel Shift $304 239 ...... $97 #3202 S. Bag $178 Reg $99.99 $59 #7000 GL1500 .$16299 HSBCD257UN Dual Mode Reg $109.99 $8999 #7001 GL1500ASP To order Online enter item # into our Search Box shown at: 99 HSECD584FL Elite ...... $179 Register On Our NEW Website! Create your own personal Gold Wing Page w/Picture, Wish List, Order History & More. Reg $229.99 $18799

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Gold Wing Full and Half Cover COMBO #CVRCOMBO1 Black Full 99 #S500 GW Full Size Compact #HALFGR Deluxe Grey Water #GL183 GL1800 3pc Deluxe #RACKBAG Gold Wing #673BC Ride COOL #GL18CA GL1800 + Gray Half ...... $62 Waterproof Black or Grey Resistant GW Half Covers Inner Luggage Liners Luggage Rack Bag with Rain Beaded Seat Covers. While Three Piece Deluxe Carpet Kits #CVRCOMBO2 Gray Full 99 99 99 99 99 99 Covers w/Bag . . . . .$34 w/Carry Bag . . . . .$29 w/Reinforced Corners$54 Cover ...... $34 Supplies Last! . . . . $12 ...... $2499 + Gray Half ...... $62 PHONE ORDERS WELCOME 800-260-4050 By Tina Vasquez • Editorial Assistant

Sometimes the materialistic things we choose have the power to subtly say something about us —they imply what we cannot, and they announce what goes unsaid. It can be argued that those who choose to ride Gold Wings are quietly proclaiming their demand for luxury, while suggesting their preference for comfort.

ut that being said, what do you make of recently had his new Gold Wing custom paint- Gold Wing can be just as sexy as riding a a man who is willing to dismember his ed with flames, much like the custom paint job Harley and he’s going to prove it. “I am a B2008 GL1800 Gold Wing with Airbag on his Harley-Davidson “Red Firefighter” bike. unique and somewhat weird dude, so a gener- limb by limb—or rather, part by part—in And, in this case, one hot paint job makes for ic Wing doesn’t cut it for me anymore.You can order to engulf it in flames? one cool Wing. still look cool and sexy on a Gold Wing.It’s all Meet Mike Leatham (GWRRA #249967, of about the attitude and I can afford it, so why Layton, Utah), a forty-seven-year old father of Light My Fire not paint it?” Mike says. four and a successful business owner who Mike is looking to stand out, he says. And Mike, who has volunteered as a firefighter owns both a Gold Wing and a Harley. He his bike sends a very clear message: Riding a since 1981 and is currently a volunteer fire

58 Wing World marshal in Utah, has a bit of a fire fixation, you Harleys do. I can ride my hog about 200 miles might say. “I liked fire as a kid and lit a lot of a day, but I can ride my Gold Wing for 600-900 them, so being a volunteer firefighter is kind of miles a day, and it feels much better than my my way of giving back to the community,” he hog. But Harley is so much better in terms of jokes. Aside from an early love of fire and a how they are marketed and the clothing they later, deep-seeded compulsion to put them offer. Honda is not catering to middle-aged out rather than start them, Mike is also guys who love to ride,” Mike says.“My friends responsible for a little get-together that he and I have a biker attitude, but Gold Wing stuff calls FireRide. doesn’t feel cool enough. We are in our 30’s FireRide, which began at Mike’s home base and 40’s; we love rock ‘n’ roll music. We ride in Uintah, Utah, is a fast growing organized hard and we love the open road and every- ride that is held three times a year for fire- thing about the Gold Wing, but we’re just not fighters and their friends. Over three hundred cut from the same mold as many traditional bikes have been known to attend the day-long Wing riders.” ride, which travels to different fire stations in So apparently some younger riders who Utah and brings firefighters lunches, as well as are new Members of the Gold Wing Road encouraging riders to support the stations by Riders Association feel the need to customize purchasing memorabilia from them. Current their bikes in ways that go beyond the already- efforts by FireRide include raising money for a existing chrome upgrades and the solid, yet firefighter’s memorial in Utah. vivid colors, like Illusion Blue and Black “We’re trying to raise money for a nation- Cherry, that Honda already offers. Like Mike, al monument that we’re going to call the they want their bikes to say something about ‘Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial.’ It will be in the lives they live, the things they love and honor of firefighters who have lost their lives above all else, they want their Wings to make in the line of duty.We’d like to look into old them feel young and look cool. “We like to records and include those who lost their lives ride and have fun during, before and after the as far back as forty to fifty years ago. I think it’s ride. I want to prove that you can still look important because about 100 firefighters lose cool and sexy on a Gold Wing.I haven’t ridden their lives each year and this would be a great with too many of the existing GWRRA way to honor them,” Mike says. groups.They look like they’re having fun, but I feel like I don’t belong.With all of the power Born To Be Wild and maneuverability of Gold Wings,my friends Mike’s choice to custom paint his Gold and I go a little faster and our music is defi- Wing with flames goes beyond his long stand- nitely a little louder and we have a little more ing love of fire, though. It also speaks of his attitude.We wear our helmets, but we look a desire to differentiate himself from the aver- little more mischievous and untamed,” Mike age Wing rider and to illustrate that younger said. generations are beginning to discover and embrace Gold Wings—but with the need to Life In The Fast Lane make them their own. Mike got a taste of his first Honda Gold “Gold Wings perform much better than Wing at the ripe old age of eighteen. It was a

June 2008 59 1976 Gold Wing, complete with an eight- track tape player on which he used to blare the Eagles rock music he loved so well. The idea of him riding a motorcycle worried his parents to no end, but it began a life-long love affair with what he refers to as “the greatest ultimate luxury machine out there.” The only problem was, in his opinion, that he felt a complete disconnect between how he felt—and still feels— about himself and his bike versus the image he thinks Honda Gold Wings have project- ed for many years. “I have nothing against more mature Gold Wing Riders, but I can’t really relate to them either. I just want to be a part of a younger crowd and I want to help create a sexier image for the Gold Wing group,” Mike explains. “It is sexy to ride a Gold Wing. I am a middle aged, educated busi- ness owner who wants to have fun with my Gold Wing,while still being on the cut- ting edge in the way I look and the way I ride. I want Honda [and my ride] to reflect that.”

My Generation Mike says that he is not the only person he knows of his age group who feels this disconnect. He says he has had the very fun

60 Wing World and fortunate experience of turning other sound to blow off steam. It’s fun for short dis- he laughingly adds,“They actually do get along people, similar in age to him, on to Gold tances, but my Gold Wing offers so much really good.” Wings, but not without a little apprehension power and balance and comfort. It’s like riding and trepidation on their part. a La-Z-Boy down the freeway,” Mike enthuses. Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood “Most guys my age are a little reluc- But make no mistake that Mike— tant to ride or buy a Gold Wing.They whose 2008 Gold Wing received its think it’s for a much older crowd,” Mike hot, fire-friendly custom paint job from explains,“but once you show them the dark, edgy artist Dan Langston of Dan benefits and features and allow them Langston Design in American Fork, the experience of driving a Gold Wing, Utah—is not really a rabble-rouser. it’s a life-changing experience for He’s just passionate about his belief that them.” Wings also hold appeal to the younger Mike continues,“I have a good friend generations of riders. and fellow firefighter who is a Harley- At forty-seven, Mike says he isn’t Davidson freak. He’d give me a hard some party animal looking for thrills time about my Wing and my group, but and chills out on the open road when I finally convinced him to go with us. He he’s away from his wife and kids. He is borrowed a Gold Wing, and it changed active in his church and community and his life. He couldn’t believe how it han- considers himself very patriotic. “I love dled and all of the features and benefits people and I love to travel,” Mike says. it had to offer over his Harley!” “I also love this great country and real- It should be said that though there ly admire people who do the right thing have been many comparisons between and stand up for what they believe in, Harley and Honda, it goes without say- even if it’s not the most popular thing ing that Gold Wings not only talk the to do. But I also like to go fast [some- talk, but they walk the walk. It is impos- times] and listen to loud music…and I sible to dispute not only the comfort just want to have fun riding my Wing and luxury that these touring bikes and look cool and sexy doing it.” provide but also the countless remark- Mike—and many younger Members able features and power-handling capa- like him—insist they aren’t looking to bilities that seem like second nature to shake up GWRRA and make it unrec- Gold Wings. ognizable to its most loyal and long- standing Members. And they are well Magic Carpet Ride aware of the old adage “If it ain’t broke, In fact, there seem to be more and don’t fix it.” more younger GWRRA Members who own “I can’t think of anything that could be done to But they do want to be accepted and feel both a Harley and a Wing—and there is improve the actual Wings themselves. Harley as if they belong in the Association and finds absolutely no mistaking what their riding pref- has the appeal, but Honda has the power! You ways to communicate, ride and—most impor- erence is when it comes to long distances and know, a lot of people say that Harley and Wing tantly, bond—with like-minded Members who comfort. riders don’t get along. But, like me, I know have similar interests.And—for Mike Leatham “I basically only ride my Harley when I people who have both bikes and, personally, I at least—those interests would include all need a quick pick-me-up or when I need some think my bikes complement each other.” Then things fire, flames and heat-related! ●

June 2008 61

Sharon Stanley • Editor

◆ Wing World: What will happen with the Marysville and Hamamatsu plants?

Honda: We are studying the options for future use of the MMP [Marysville] facility. There are many possibilities being evaluated on how it might best be used to support our auto manufacturing operations. The Hamamatsu factory will become a state-of-the- art transmission facility, primarily for autos. ◆ Wing World: Why not just update the Marysville plant like you are doing at Kumamoto, with the same equipment?

Honda: With the Gold Wing, we are building the most complex motorcycle in the world but most big bike production, as a whole, will be changing in the next decade—becoming much ou've likely heard the news that, in the spring of 2009, Honda will more high tech—and we need to prepare for that. One of Honda’s little known strengths is be transferring production of motorcycles from both its Marysville, its ability to design and build its own special- YOhio, plant and its Hamamatsu, Japan, factory to a new motorcycle ized manufacturing equipment, “the machines plant in Kumamoto, Japan. that make the machines”. The sophisticated Wing World asked American Honda/Motorcycle Department Rep- Sport, Custom and Touring motorcycles of the resentatives Jon Row and Bill Savino what these changes will mean for future will require Honda to build, and main- tain, equally sophisticated production machin- Honda and for Gold Wing owners, and here is what the company had to say: ery. These future high tech investments can be much better amortized at one super factory vs. Wing World: How long have Gold Wings been solar panels and utilization of natural light, making many copies of multi million dollar produced in the U.S.? resulting in a 20 percent reduction in CO2 machines to facilitate (relatively) small pro- emissions. All of Honda’s big bike production, duction quantities in local markets like the Honda: The Marysville motorcycle plant, including Gold Wing, will transfer to this new US. Even though Honda of America Manu- which also produces Honda motorcycle mod- factory. facturing’s 75,000 unit capacity appears large, els like the VTX cruiser and others, opened in ◆ it isn’t when one realizes the cost and produc- 1979 as Honda’s first U.S. plant. It started pro- Wing World: Are there any other reasons that tion sharing efficiencies possible with num- ducing the GL1100 Gold Wing model in 1980. motorcycle production will be shifted to this bers in the 600,000 unit range. In order to turn Over the course of its history, Marysville new plant? the Marysville plant and others into a similar went from an assembly operation to an actual state-of-the-art motorcycle facility, the price of motorcycle production facility with the Honda: Yes. It will be a huge change in effi- Gold Wings and other mid and large displace- addition of frame welding, plastic injection ment motorcycles would need to be much ciency as well. Honda builds over 10 million molding, painting and other sophisticated higher [to cover that cost]. The cost of tooling motorcycles a year but less than 10% of those processes. and modifying the existing production lines are the mid and large displacement size motor- ◆ would just be prohibitive. Also, the amount of cycles we here in the U.S. think of as “regular Wing World: What will the new motorcycle implementation time for these advanced state- plant in Kumamoto, Japan, be like? size”. We sell different models of Honda of-the-art technologies would be too great. motorcycles globally and Gold Wings in over ◆ Honda: The new plant will be a huge state-of- 50 countries. Here’s a small example: The Wing World: So you’re saying the price of a the-art facility—capable of producing 600,000 minimum lot size run for a specific paint color new Gold Wing shouldn’t rise dramatically bikes annually. It will have the most advanced on Gold Wings is 10. In order to clean guns because of the relocation to Japan? systems and machinery for producing next and purge all the equipment between different generation engine, frame and transmission colors, production time and sets of plastic are Honda: The efficiency we gain from relocat- technologies, the sophisticated electronics lost. One larger facility can invest in advanced ing will far outweigh that of not relocating. needed for the best environmental and paint technologies that have the efficiency and We will have a leg up on the competition by performance technologies and more. The plant flexibility to change paint colors without miss- being able to produce 600,000 big bikes a year employs environmental initiatives that include ing a beat. in one place, and we’ll be able to bring them

64 Wing World to market at competitive price points. This is Honda’s five plants in the state. Also, just to be really about putting our customers first. We clear, the relocation decision had nothing to do had to prepare for the future; anything else with our confidence in them or the quality of would have been the wrong decision for us to Gold Wings coming from the Marysville plant. be able to continue to meet and exceed our Marysville has always met or exceeded our customers’ expectations for our bigger bikes’ standards. performance, innovation, and value. ◆ ◆ Wing World: What is the effect on Honda’s DEALER GUIDE Wing World: What about arrival time for bikes suppliers in Ohio and the U.S.? and parts? Will they take longer? Honda: Overall the impact on suppliers is lim- ARIZONA NEBRASKA Honda: Absolutely not. In fact, some bikes Southwest Trikes Motor Trike Central ited, because nearly all have other business and parts may arrive even sooner because, Phoenix, AZ Norfolk, NE with Honda or other companies. We have 93 602-374-3510 (402) 379-2243 instead of having smaller factories producing OEM motorcycle suppliers, but only 11 motor- them, they’ll come from one large plant. And ARKANSAS NEVADA supply of specialty parts may actually end up cycle-only suppliers. Of these 11, the vast Arkansas Trike Center Trike Toys being quicker. majority have less than 10 percent of their Clarksville, AR Henderson, NV ◆ business with Honda. Production will continue (479) 754-4326 (702) 856-0308 Wing World: Will Gold Wing owners be for more than a year and HAM will work COLORADO NEW YORK expected to foot the bill for the added cost for closely with them during the transition. Unique Rides MJ Motorsports the ocean transport? ◆ Ft. Collins, CO Interlaken, N.Y. (970) 416-5986 (607)-592-7522 Wing World: How do folks in Marysville and Stan’s Harley Davidson Honda: No, ocean shipping is not such a big other Honda associates and management feel FLORIDA Batavia, NY Thoroughbred factor for Honda because our volume affords about the relocation? (585) 343-9598 us some of the best shipping rates available. Motorsports of Daytona Daytona Beach, FL OHIO Even though the domestic content of HAM’s Honda: Although there was some initial sad- (386) 255-1999 motorcycles is very high, there is still overseas Blackburn’s Inc. ness that our American factory won’t be pro- Medina, OH GEORGIA parts shipping involved, so the net effect ducing Gold Wings anymore we also under- (800) 424-0008 should not be much different. R & R Trikes and Bikes stand the clear advantages of moving it to the Jasper, GA ◆ OKLAHOMA new Kumamoto plant, and the advantages it (706) 692-2382 Wing World: Will Honda customers and asso- Nutting Custom Trikes means for our customers and the Gold Wing Afton, OK INDIANA ciates in the U.S. still have a say on the Gold long-term. There has been a tremendous (918) 257-8795 Wing? All American amount of pride building motorcycles in the Thoroughbred Trinity Trikes U.S. and being the number one market for Evansville, IN Moore, OK Honda: Yes. We will continue to offer innova- (405) 794-3935 large displacement cruiser and touring bikes. (888) 824-6566 tions for the Gold Wing, especially based on But we think the big story really is the trans- customer feedback and market analysis. LOUISIANA PENNSYLVANIA Loewer Powersports Leola Motor Trike There’s still going to be a lot of input in design fer and end of motorcycle production at the Hamamatsu factory. Hamamatsu, after all, was Alexandria, LA Leola, PA from the research work with the American (318) 487-9495 (888) 656-7531 staff. the very first Honda factory and the place ◆ where Gold Wings and other legendary Honda MARYLAND SOUTH CAROLINA motorcycles were first produced. Motorcycle Cycles & Trikes of CMJ Motorsports Wing World: To be direct, does this decision to Frederick Summerville, SC relocate have anything to do with the current production there has been uninterrupted for Frederick, MD (843) 376-2020 state of the U.S. economy? 60-plus years. It goes back several generations. (301) 662-9447 It is the founding factory. Customers with TENNESSEE MASSACHUSETTS Boswell’s Honda: No. Market conditions are always fac- knowledge of Honda’s history have to appreci- Thoroughbred Nashville, TN tors in business decisions. However market ate that if the move was important enough to Motorsports of Boston (800) 475-0737 factors are short-term situations. While these make this change then it will be good for every Peabody, MA factors impact our operations, our decision to (781) 603-2754 TEXAS Honda customer. Fun Motors transfer production to Kumamoto was based ◆ MICHIGAN Longview, TX on the long-term viewpoint on how to make Wing World: Any closing comments? Rathbun Enterprises (903) 663-9100 Clayton, MI our company more competitive, and how to Mitchell’s Trikes (866) 842-9221 best satisfy our customers. An announcement Honda: Just that this decision to relocate Gatesville, TX (254) 865-2731 like this [from a large, global company] more motorcycle production—from both Marysville MINNESOTA than a year in advance, is very unusual, but we and Hamamatsu—to Kumamoto was a very Trikes by Dewey Tim Grimes Motor Trike wanted to make the announcement early for Perham, MN Brady, TX difficult one for Honda to make. But we real- (325) 597-0404 the sake of our customers and our associates. (218) 346-3920 ◆ ize that, at the end of the day, you ask yourself if what you’re buying with your money is of MISSISSIPPI VIRGINIA Wing World: What will this mean for the Frank’s Trikes Thoroughbred of Virginia good value. And we know our Gold Wing cus- employees at the Marysville plant? Will they Laurel, MS Sterling, VA tomers, no matter who they ride next to, know (571) 237-2581 be laid off? (601) 425-1283 they’re on a machine that is unlike any other Honda: No, there will be no layoffs. About and can do things no other motorcycle can do. 450 Honda associates are currently employed With this relocation, Gold Wing owners will I-877-3RIDE4YOU there [in the motorcycle division] and they will continue to get high-quality, innovative prod- all retain their jobs at the same wages, same ucts at a great value for the price. And we I-888-783-3348 rates. There are more than 15,000 Honda asso- believe their pride in their machines now—and WWW.THOROUGHBRED-MOTORSPORTS.COM ciates in Ohio, and the vast majority work at in the future—will surpass all else. ●

June 2008 65 By Randy Powell • Contributing Writer •

f you have not experienced the adventure even before you gas up the Wing! the database is not perfect, but it is very good, of flying with Google Earth™, you are Please understand—Google Earth is not especially considering the sheer volume of Iabout to find a new friend even if you hate perfect. It is a data based application, and data- information it contains. your computer! bases contain wrong information. The site is But there is an accuracy on the site that Over 40 years ago, I really wanted to made up of thousands of aerial photos, pieced sometimes escapes you while riding. For become a pilot. I even took a private lesson. together to represent the entire world.Areas instance, after my wife and I returned from But then along came two daughters, and the in and around towns usually are high resolu- our recent Gold Wing trip to Alaska,I flew the discretionary money supply quickly dried up— tion pictures, and you can often see enough entire route on Google Earth several times. It except enough, of course, for a cheap used detail to distinguish which car was in your was amazing to see that, while we were riding, motorcycle. driveway when the photo was taken. But when we had occasionally been traveling in a slightly But a friend of mine pilots small planes and you get away from towns, the pictures become different direction than I perceived at the has flown to town every few time. It’s amazing how sometimes years. So we’d fly around to vari- Join the fun and find the a road you think is heading you ous breakfast locations, and I elevation at which Randy’s wife basically north while you’re on it always loved to see how every- Susan is standing. See details will actually be heading you south thing looks from the air. I still do, in the “Let’s Get Interactive” for a short distance, and you because it is so different from section of this article. never realized it. what you experience on the ground. Let’s Get Started with Little wonder then that maps Google Earth are also of great interest to me. Thousands of you readers Over the years, my wife and I have already use Google Earth, but if collected maps of every place you are one who has not yet used we’ve traveled—especially topo this process, keep reading this maps for off-road dirt bike travel. article and come back to this Now today, these types of maps paragraph when you are ready to are everywhere. But 40 years ago, download it. long before GPS info, they were To the high-tech guys and rid- few and far between and not ers with GPS units—you can turn always accurate. But we keep the page now to the next article. them anyway. In fact, we still have But you never know, you might copies of trail maps of the San still learn something if you keep Juan Mountains in southwestern reading. For instance, do you Colorado that were purchased in know about Trimble? the 60’s. lower resolution and it might be hard to even To download the Google Earth program, But then—just a little over a year ago—we find a road without the road overlay. go to your computer and enter the search discovered something truly unique.We discov- Also, some places have photographs taken engine you normally use. Now type in ered Google Earth. as recently as last year, while others may be and begin to read the several years old. Likewise, some remote page that comes up.You will need high-speed What is Google Earth? mountain locations have photographs taken internet to do this (sorry dial-up folks). This internet site allows you to view aerial during a season with snow-covered peaks; After you read that page, click on the big photographs of the entire world like you were those off-road trails you might be searching green “Download – Google Earth free” box in piloting a helicopter.You can fly from town to for in the summer may look to be covered by the upper right corner and follow the town, up and down, and basically go anywhere ten feet of snow when they’re actually not any- prompts, or follow these details instead: in the world, all without leaving the comfort of more. your computer room. Occasionally when you do a road overlay 1. Click on “Agree and Download.” A new If you’re planning a ride, it is especially con- (called a “layer”), the actual road will be 20- box will pop up. venient. Simply type in the name of the town 100 feet away from the overlay. But you should 2. Click on “Click here to start it.” where you are going. Then use the navigation be able to figure out what you are looking at 3. Click on “Run” (Do NOT click on tools to “fly” where you are planning to ride after “flying around” a few times. Simply put, “Save”).

66 Wing World 4. You will now have to wait 3-5 minutes, Now find the navigation tools in the upper based on the speed of your broadband right corner of the map—they look like Figure connection. 2. The round tool—I call it the compass— 5. When the box pops up that asks “Do you defines North at the top of the map and has a want to run this software,” click on “star” in the middle with four arrows around “Run.” (Just continue to follow the pop- it. up boxes to complete the operation.) You can move the map in any direction by 6. Afterward, you’ll see “Preparing to Install” either slowly moving the star in the middle, by or “Resume the installation shield wiz- clicking on one of the arrows, or by simply ard.” Simply click on “Next.” Eventually— moving your cursor in the middle of the pic- after all these pop-up boxes—the ture—then clicking and dragging the map in process will be complete and an icon one direction or the other. should appear on your start window. Don’t forget, this is a lot of data you’re 7. If for some reason the icon does not looking at, so the speed with which the change appear, go to “All programs” and find occurs will be based on the speed of your Google Earth. Right-click and drag it into internet connection. Be patient. a blank spot on the start window—then Now, go to the vertical bar to the right of hit “Copy here” and release it and the the compass and click on the center of the icon will appear. bar.While holding it down, SLOWLY push it up and you will see the map come closer.You have Now the fun begins to be patient, as the picture may take some time to come into focus and the other data come into view. (FYI: Watch the percentage progress numbers in the center at the bottom of the map—it will read “Streaming llll ??%”. Wait for it to get to 100%. Also, the horizontal bar at the top of the map will tilt the picture to change the view. Play with it—it makes the map look like you are landing an airplane!

What are layers?

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Type in the name of your hometown (city and state) in the “Fly To” box in the upper left corner—see Figure 1.You do not need to use caps and you can use your two-letter state Figure 3. designation instead of typing out the entire state name. In the lower left corner is an area called Now click on the little magnifying glass to “Layers”—see Figure 3. If the arrow is pointed the right of the box (looks like a lollipop). to the right, click on the arrow and it will point Google Earth will fly over your town and then down and several categories will become visi- stop, with the center of town in the middle of ble. the map. You will be anywhere from 10,000 If you see some blue dots and white feet up in the air to 35 miles high, based on the YouTube™ spots on the map, you can uncheck size of your town. “Gallery” and “Geographic Web” and these Look in the lower right corner of the map will go away. If you leave these items checked, for “Eye alt”—this will read in “feet”, up to 10 you can click on a blue dot and see miles high, then it changes to “miles” high.This Panoramio™ photos posted to this site.There is not elevation; it is your height above ground. are some great pictures from Panoramio post-

June 2008 67 ed on Google Earth. If you really want to see what an area looks like on ground level, go to Google Earth and click on the blue dots. In my opinion, these pictures are often better than what you find when you go to the Google search engine and click its Images feature. If you click on the “YouTube” spot,you can watch videos about the area shown there. But in many cities now, the YouTube markers real- ly get in the way because many of the realtors are making video clips to sell houses.What a pain.They get in the way and make it harder to find the good travel videos. The little green camera markers are Trimble Outdoors™, which is like Panoramio for posting of still pictures, but mainly of hik- ing locations. Some markers have trail infor- mation, shown by a squiggly red line. In addition, you will find several other markings—for example, the small letter “i” in blue, a little yellow book, little purple dots, orange dots and others. These all go away if you uncheck Gallery and Geographic Web. Click on every kind of marker to learn what information each provides for you.The “places of interest” will also pop up many little, col- ored icons for restaurants, motels, etc. Click on the “roads” layer to see this over- lay. It changes at different heights above ground. When you get real low, even street names pop up.

Time to Really Fly In the “Fly to” box, type in a popular spot like “Eiffel Tower”. Wait for it to come into focus—then uncheck “Geographic web” and “Gallery” (these will simply be in the way if you have them checked). Next, tilt the map with the horizontal nav- igation bar in the upper right corner (Figure 2) and go to the “Layer” box (Figure 3) and check “3D buildings”.Granted, this 3D feature is a little “cartoonish”, but it is still interesting. Notice that I asked you not to type in Paris, France, but rather to type in a featured place—the Eiffel Tower. Many well-known sites like this do not even require you to enter a city or state name. Give it a try.Type in “Monument Valley” or “Lake Powell” and you will get the same results. No city or state name required. Yet another feature I really like is the real elevation marker at the bottom of the map, just left of center.You will see the longitude and latitude markers and, to their right, the elevation of the little hand (which is, in fact, your cursor) as you move it around. To see how this works, type in “Ouray Co” and check out both the elevation in town and the elevation in the mountains around Ouray. This town—which is located in a box canyon—actually goes from 7,700 feet in town to over 10,000 feet within a quarter- mile circle of the center of town. I just love to know my elevation! I have

68 Wing World always had an altimeter on my Wing.To me, it’s as a kid and just fly around. I can’t believe how out your proposed sections, because the road nice to know things like why I had to use wrong my recollection of old locations is in out of Oatman is really crooked. fourth gear to pass a car when I was climbing some places and how accurate it is in others! The second gift certificate is for the first Summit Pass in Colorado at 10,000 feet or person who can locate the elevation of the why my bike seems a little less responsive at Let’s Get Interactive site at which this article’s photo of my wife 14,150 feet at the top of Mt. Evans, west of Finally, here’s a little challenge from me to Susan standing next to our Wing near Haines Denver. you to get you started on Google Earth (a Junction in the Yukon Territory was taken. company in which I have no vested interest, I (Remember, find the little blue dot!) Also, Anything Else I Should Know? assure you). It’s just that now’s as good a time “near” doesn’t necessarily mean “close” when There is one more disclaimer about as any—especially as you prepare for your you’re talking about the Yukon, so fly around Google Earth that I need to make: Sometimes road trip to Wing Ding 30 in Greenville, South until you find the correct little blue dot with the address information in Google Earth is Carolina—to jump right in and learn how to this Panoramio picture. simply wrong or incomplete. fly on Google Earth. Simply email me the elevation of this pic- For example, my home address does not So…I have two $20 gift certificates to ture on Google Earth and breakfast at come up correctly—so I just type in the town Cracker Barrel to give away: First, for the per- Cracker Barrel this summer will be $20 name and navigate to my house. In some son who, in my judgment, can show me a more cheaper for you! towns, especially if you built a house within the “squiggly” paved road than the one out of If multiple readers send me the same road last year, when you type in your address Oatman,Arizona (on the long abandoned sec- and it is more crooked than my choice, the Google Earth might mark the spot on a vacant tion of Route 66 that leaves Oatman to the sender of the first email with that section gets lot where your house now stands.Try typing in north, then heads east towards Kingman). the prize. Likewise, whoever sends in the cor- your street address and name, city and state Find a more squiggly road than that one— rect elevation first will win.Also, the two win- and see if that changes what comes up. It may make sure it’s a paved section of road at least ners must be from different GWRRA or may not. five miles long—on Google Earth and email it Chapters. I will wait until July 3, 2008, for But for lots of fun flying, type in the name to me at [email protected]. Make sure to emails to come in before awarding the gift cer- of the last two places you rode your Wing and indicate the closest town name or coordinates tificates, and the names of the two winners just fly back and forth on the roads you took. of your suggested road, and I will check it out will appear in an upcoming issue of Wing World. I guarantee you will love it! (U.S. states only please—I know there are It’s just a little bit of interactive fun I’d like You can also take a trip farther down mem- some in the Alps that will top the one out of to toss your way. Because flying Google Earth ory lane and type in the place where you were Oatman!). And, word to the wise, please look is just that—fun. So go fly a site before you born or the place you went to summer camp up Oatman, Arizona, FIRST before you check plan your next Gold Wing trip. ●

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June 2008 69 By Stu Oltman • Senior Technical Editor

With the summer rally season once again upon us, many of us may already be planning what to take with us on our Wings and deciding whether or not to tow a trailer behind the bike.

get lots of questions regarding solo, and he towed a top name trailering.Though I don’t consid- brand motorcycle trailer. Ier myself an expert on the sub- Why he found this necessary ject, I do have some thoughts based for a solo trip is anyone’s guess; on elementary physics that I mine is that he kept most of the thought I’d share for your consider- luggage in the trailer to keep the ation. bike’s chassis from being weighed We’ve all heard folks bragging down. If keeping the bike’s chassis about their trailer’s on-road han- from being weighed down was his dling with phrases like “You can’t main purpose for the trailer, that even tell it’s back there.” But is this may have proven to be a mistake, as really what’s most important when we’ll discuss later. considering safe trailering? For instance, is it more important to be Load limits able to maintain highway speeds, or Many things contribute to a is there perhaps a more important manufacturer’s determination of consideration? gross vehicle weight and/or maxi- When considering towing, mum load weight. Some riders what’s more important than being believe simply installing tires with able to get the bike up to speed? How about the ability to get both your greater load capacity can raise those figures. Others feel that installing bike and its trailer stopped, and doing so in the space and time dictat- aftermarket fork and shock springs is the key. But is it as simple as that ed by the situation? or are there other factors that need to be taken into account? Several years ago, one of our Arizona Chapter S Members decided I asked this question of the 50 or so folks at my latest Garage Day to ride to the Honda Hoot aboard his GL1800.This fellow was an expe- gathering and solicited suggestions as to what else may be involved. It rienced rider with excellent riding skills, both on-road and off. He rode took quite a while before someone hit on the answer I was looking

KINETIC ENERGY MOMENTUM Kinetic Energy = 1/2 mass (velocity squared) Momentum = (mass)(velocity) Formula for kinetic energy. Formula for momentum. EK = (1/2)(5.0 kg)(4.0 meters/second)2 p = (3.0 kg)(4.0 meters/second) Enter values for mass and speed. Enter values for mass and velocity. EK = 40 J p = 12 kg - m/s Kinetic Energy equals 40 J (Joules). Calculate the resultant momentum.

If these formulas seem confusing, not to worry. Read on as Stu explains what they mean to you.

70 Wing World for—brakes! What have brakes to do with a motorcycle’s maximum be injured or killed if you load the bike outside the given guidelines. But load weight? Read on. wouldn’t it be more convincing if one knew the reasons why these guidelines are given? (We’ll attempt to provide answers in a moment.) The Braking Envelope And why isn’t there any information on trailer towing in any Gold In years past, Federal law required that owner’s manuals for street Wing owner’s manual? Honda isn’t likely to include instructions for doing motorcycles contain charts describing the stopping distances that could things that they specifically warn against. We know that—even without be expected from various road speeds provided the bike was loaded guidelines provided—many of us are going to tow a trailer anyway, so within stated limits. Passing ability charts, which describe how much let’s consider the way a trailer affects the bike’s loading, its ability to stop, distance is required to safely pass another vehicle given a particular and what effect it may have in an emergency braking maneuver. beginning and ending speed, were also common. But before we delve into this subject too much, we need to have at The chart below appeared in an old Yamaha street bike handbook. least a basic understanding of Kinetic Energy and Momentum, so let’s Though the specific numbers differed from the ones shown for this start with an example everyone—including Co-riders—can associate Yamaha model, older Gold Wing handbooks had identical charts. with, the idea of walking forward both with and without a shopping cart behind us. Let’s say you begin walking at a constant rate (without a cart), and then stop abruptly. No problem. Now let’s say you do the same thing, but this time you’re pulling an empty shopping cart behind you.You’ll notice, especially if you stop abruptly, that the cart pushes you a bit. Finally, let’s say you do the same thing but, this time, the shopping cart is loaded to the hilt. In this last example, as you attempt to slow down, you’ll notice much more force coming from behind. And if you try to stop abruptly, you may even find—depending on the weight of the cart—that your shoes will break traction. These are all concepts that relate to Kinetic Energy,Momentum, and more. Let me explain.

Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy exists in all things moving from one place to anoth- Unfortunately, we don’t see charts like this in modern owner’s man- er but is not related to the direction of that movement. uals or rider handbooks—whichever you prefer to call them. For By definition, an object’s kinetic energy is directly proportional to instance, the owner’s manual for the GL1800 only states that you can the square of its speed. Therefore, if the object’s speed doubles, the

June 2008 71 energy increases by a factor of four.If you triple the speed (say, from 30 The Laws of Physics mph to 90), then the energy increases by a factor of 9.When we stop Unlike laws imposed on us by governments, there are laws of physics our bikes, with or without a trailer attached, that kinetic energy of that we can’t break, even if we wanted to. Conservation Of Energy (dis- motion will have gone to zero. cussed later) is one; Conservation Of Momentum is another. But the law of Conservation Of Energy tells us that energy cannot When we attempt to slow or stop our bike and trailer combina- simply be destroyed.That motion energy can be lessened only by trans- tions, a portion of the trailer’s momentum is directly transferred to the forming it into a different type of energy such as heat, light (we hope bike. How much force does that apply to the bike? The answer depends not!), or sound. not only on speed, but also on the trailer’s loaded weight and its rate These types of energy transformations become apparent as possi- of deceleration. ble brake squeal and heating of the brake pads, rotors, and fluid. The Obviously the weight of the trailer won’t change, but increasing rate at which we transform this energy (during deceleration) affects the rates of deceleration place more force against the bike and counter its level of heat, and that heat obviously can affect the performance of our braking force.We noted that reducing momentum requires an oppos- ing force and time. But time may be limited by the space available to braking systems. stop. Another key point to remember is that the trailer has no brakes of its own, so the opposing force is limited to what’s available from the Momentum bike’s brakes and its tires’ limits of adhesion. Momentum is mass in motion. Unlike kinetic energy, momentum does have a directional vector, and that direction is the same as that of Understanding Friction the velocity. For example, the momentum of the heavily laden shopping Two types of friction may exist between a tire’s contact patch and cart pushes you forward as you attempt to stop because that’s the the road surface—static friction and sliding friction. It takes more force direction it was traveling. to cause a tire to break traction than to keep it sliding. Here’s why. An object’s momentum is directly proportional to both speed and For any two given surfaces, the coefficient of static friction will weight. So if either weight or speed doubles, that object’s momentum always be greater than that of sliding friction, and the total amount of also doubles. Consider that if we are towing a trailer at 55 mph, then friction will depend on the force with which the two surfaces are con- increase our towing speed to 90 mph, the trailer’s momentum will have tacting each other. So when a tire is rolling with respect to the road, increased by approximately 60%. any point on the tire’s contact patch is stationary with respect to each Applying a force against the trailer’s momentum (such as applying point on the road surface it contacts, and static friction exists between brakes) over a period of time will reduce the momentum.The greater the surface of the tire’s contact patch and the surface of the road it is the momentum, the more force and/or time is required to reduce or contacting. eliminate it. But when attempting to stop our bike and trailer combo, But if the limits of this adhesion are exceeded, the tire’s contact do we always have unlimited time or braking power? Read on. patch begins sliding with respect to the road surface.Then, sliding fric-

72 Wing World tion rather than static exists between the two. To demonstrate this principle to yourself, Tour Toons hold a pencil with its eraser in contact with your desktop. Press down moderately, and by Tom Cremer attempt to slide the eraser forward. Note that it doesn’t move at first, though the eraser deforms backward. As you apply increasing force, the eraser will eventually break loose and slide on the surface.And it will continue to slide until you reduce the pushing force below what was required to start the slide. Do this little experiment again, but this time with heavy down force applied, and note that both static and sliding friction have increased. That is, it required more force to break the eraser loose from the surface, and it required more force than before to keep it sliding. Are you beginning to understand why our friend mentioned at the beginning of this arti- cle may have been better off with more weight resting on the bike’s tires? Because the coefficient of static friction is greater than that of sliding friction, a motorcy- cle stops more quickly while braking when the tires are rolling rather than sliding.Therefore, one objective while riding a motorcycle is to minimize or eliminate sliding friction. Helping to minimize or eliminate sliding friction is why Anti-lock Brakes can help reduce your stopping distance during a panic stop.Yet ABS can be less useful in severe over- load conditions or if a large external force is pushing from the rear.Are you beginning to see that it’s not absolutely necessary to stomp on the brakes for a wheel to lock up? All that’s required for a wheel to lock up is for the combined force to exceed the tire’s limit of adhesion. And with a heavy load being Internet Radio Programs for 2008 towed with no supplementary braking, that could happen before the bike reaches the NEW FEATURE! deceleration level you might expect. Download to your MP3 Player and listen on the go! The load on the bike’s rear tire becomes If you have not taken advantage of our new download feature, give it a try. lighter under braking as weight transfer It only takes seconds to download any of our programs to your MP3 player toward the front tire occurs, so static friction so you may listen to them on the go, any time, anywhere. in regard to the rear tire is lessened. Couple that with the force applied to the bike by the trailer’s momentum, and you have a situation This month INB Radio’s Motorcycle Touring Talk is an incredible ‘do not miss’ show. Ray Garris, Chapter Educator AZ-S, developing that could cause that bike’s rear “eraser” to begin sliding. TALKALK Life Grand Master #18, Arizona Medic First Aid/CPR Trainer, Former Arizona District Educator, Former Arizona District Director and Former When the “Tail Wags the Dog”: Region F Director, will speak about GWRRA’s “It’s all about our motto”. Getting Sideways Once the rear tire begins sliding with respect to the road surface, the rear of the Enjoy an in-depth discussion on GWRRA’s Rider Education Program. bike may begin to step out to either side.This creates an angle between the bike’s centerline and the centerline of the trailer. Go to to check out our archives of exciting presentations featuring: Remembering that the trailer’s momentum GWRRA, Wing Ding, Motorcycle Riders Foundation will act in the same direction as the trailer’s and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. velocity, perhaps you can see that the force These are a few companies who have taken advantage of the streaming technology we offer. imparted to the bike’s chassis will no longer be entirely along its centerline when the rear end steps out.There will be a sideways component. And with the reduced friction due to the

June 2008 73 bike’s tires sliding, that sideways force will tend to push the rear of the Is coming away from such an experience unscathed proof that it was a bike even further off line. In fact, the bike may be pushed sideways to safe or clever thing to do? its direction of travel. That would not be a good thing, and it’s what I believe happened to Other Considerations our friend from Arizona. He got into a panic stop situation on a curved So if we know that we’ve either exceeded the maximum recom- off ramp on which he was speeding, broke traction on the rear wheel, mended load (we don’t suggest doing that) or attached a device with and the bike went sideways, then down.The result was heavy damage its own kinetic energy and momentum to the rear of the bike, what to the bike and trailer combined with a good dose of road rash for the things can we do to reduce the possibility that we’ll run out of space, rider. luck, and ideas…all at the same time? • Reduce your towing speeds to reduce the maximum forces that Load Limits Revisited your trailer can apply to the bike. Getting back to the braking envelope and its contribution to load- • Reduce the loaded trailer weight by limiting yourself to those ing limits, perhaps we can now understand why exceeding those limits items that can’t be easily and inexpensively obtained on the road. is not a good idea, even when not towing a trailer. And be realistic—most folks find that they never actually use a No amount of increased tire capacity or increased suspension good portion of the items they pack. For example, is a cooler strength will alter the laws of physics.When attaching a trailer,many rid- really necessary if you’re not camping? Food and cold drinks are ers consider only the effect of the trailer’s tongue weight on the bike, readily available in most parts of the country. neglecting to consider the forces discussed in this article and their • Don’t start a long trip on a bike that isn’t in peak condition.Worn potential consequences should rapid deceleration become necessary. tires or brakes only make matters described here worse. And Yes, it’s nice to take a cross-country trip and have all of our con- leaking fork seals can render the front brakes useless. veniences with us when we arrive. And many riders see no reason to reduce their normal cruising speeds when towing. But now that you • Understand that exceeding the manufacturer’s stated maximum realize the effects of speed and weight on kinetic energy and momen- load and/or towing another vehicle behind the bike will increase tum and the effects those things have on your ability to stop, perhaps your braking times and distances. Leave yourself an “out.” Don’t you’d consider leaving the golf clubs at home, not stocking a week’s let on-board distractions prevent you from staying aware of the worth of food and drink in the tongue-mounted cooler,and maybe even situation as it develops around and in front of you.This will help limiting your towing speeds to 60 mph. you avoid surprises that could result in panic-stop situations. We’ve seen folks towing all manner of things with their motorcy- cles—camping trailers, other motorcycles…even boats! None had sup- Please have a safe summer.Whether you tow a trailer or not, we plementary brakes, and many were towing at speeds that virtually guar- hope the information contained in this article will assist you in that anteed loss of control had they encountered any unexpected situation. regard. ● Los Angeles Honda 2008 MODELS AVAILABLE IN ALL COLORS AT ALL LOCATIONS. DENVER, CO - 303-399-5447 OAKLAND, CA 510-635-6300 INGLEWOOD, CA - 310-677-5800

AUBURN, CA 530-885-7105 • 1-800-261-8397 • 310-674-8069 Fax Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective gear.

74 Wing World his year, we plan to extend Wing Ding even have the Home Office Mascot at the At 12:30 p.m. in Hall A (Please note: This 30’s theme of “Riding through the Mascot Contest! is the same time as the Bike Show), INB will TDecades” into the entire event (exclud- hold a special videotaped competition of ing July 6, which is a half-day). Another oldie but goodie will immediately “Name That Year of The Bike!”, and a few follow the Mascot Contest in Hall B—the lucky individuals will be plucked from the That’s right. Thursday, July 3, through Krazy Hat Contest is a much-loved favorite crowd to participate. These participants will be Saturday, July 5, each and will run from shown a few photos of Gold Wings, with each entire day will be indi- 3–4 p.m. And, this Wing’s year NOT disclosed. Contestants who vidually themed for two year, the hat designed can guess the most correct years, or who can of the last six decades guess them the fastest, will and beyond. These win a special prize. “Decades of the Day” and their subsequent Saturday, July 5 – Wing specially themed events Ding 30’s final theme day are listed below. So will be that of the ’90s and check them out and pre- beyond! We hope delegates pare to celebrate days of will have a ball dressing the ’50s, ’60s, ’70s, either in ’90s, present-day, ’80s, ’90s and beyond, or—taking it to the limit— including the future! and donning very futuristic attire! Wanna know why? Dolly, your fashion’s got it made Thursday, July 3 – in the shade for this contest. Well just see the next event The theme will be the ’50s we have planned (below). and ’60s, and we would like to encourage Members to dress We will be introducing up in ’50s and ’60s attire. the “Gold Wing of the Thursday will also introduce a Future!” Bike Show, new Chapter ’50s or ’60s Sorry snookums, but it’s clear as judged as a Members’ Competition for Wing Ding a bell your fashion won’t do. choice. Members 30, as Chapters dressed the should bring in a toy most creatively with either model, a detailed theme will win! Held at 11:30 drawing, or even just a a.m. in Hall B (sign-up from picture of their futur- 11–11:30 a.m.), the event is istic bike for display. sure to be fun for all, and the Sign-up/set-up winning Chapter will have will be 1-1:30 p.m. in their photo placed in Wing Hall A, with viewing World, as well as receive a and judging from special prize! Even if you 1:30-2:30 p.m. During don’t participate, delegates Hate to be a killjoy, your look is swell Groovy man, you can make the that hour, Members are encouraged to come cheer and swanky, just the wrong decade. scene with those threads. will be allowed to for their Chapter. view and judge each “bike” by placing a An oldie but a goodie, the annual Mascot or decorated most like a “Decades of the Day” ticket in a bucket of their choice for the winner. Contest will follow the Chapter ’50s and ’60s (’50s and beyond) will win a special prize! From 2:30-3 p.m., we will be counting the attire competition in Hall B, from 1–3 p.m. tickets and, when done, we will announce the This year, the Mascot most dressed for either Friday, July 4 – Themed “Decades of the winners. Talk about getting your creative the ’50s and ’60s or any of the upcoming Day” will continue, with Friday’s theme being juices flowing. Better start dreaming these “Decades of the Day” (’70s, ’80s, ’90s and the ’70s and ’80s, so we hope delegates will machines up now! beyond) will win a special prize. Be prepared, join in the fun and wear something relating to because Executive Director Melissa Eason will those two decades. (All photos, courtesy of ●

June 2008 75 Preregistration Grand Prizes Opening Ceremonies, but check these out. chance left so, again, make sure to preregister Okay, we all know the cover date of this by midnight of May 14 and you could win, just issue reads June. But we also know you 1st Place Preregistration Grand Prize – An like these folks did! receive your June issue the first week or two of Escapade ELITE trailer by California Side Car May—and boy is that good news for you! (a $4,480 retail value - See accompanying The March monthly drawing preregistra- Because just in case you haven’t yet photo for details!) tion winners are: checked out the Wing Ding 30 website ***Bill & Michelle Fuller of Sebring, ( read it on the GWRRA 2nd Place Preregistration Grand Prize – A Florida, Members of Chapter FL-2V*** home page or in Wing World, or learned of it GWRRA 3-in-1 Jacket (a $180 retail value) via your Chapter Newsletter, we’re having one Bill & Michelle won two Wing Ding 30 T- Wing Ding of an incentive to preregister and 3rd Place Preregistration Grand Prize – shirts. Next month, we’ll announce the April we wanted to give you one last chance. But Free Wing Ding Registration for 2 winners, who have won a 25% off discount you only have til midnight of May 14 to do so. (Reimbursed to delegate) certificate to the GWRRA Goodie Booth. (By preregistering online at either the Wing Then, who knows? Possibly your name will Ding website or or by calling Another Reason to Preregister be listed as the May winner of the biggest (800) 843-9460.) To add to the excitement even more, we’ve prize of all—a 5-night stay for two at the Wing Ding 30 delegates who preregister by been holding a preregistration monthly draw- Holiday Inn, I-85 during Wing Ding 30. (The then will have a chance to win one of several ing since March. Preregistered delegates had winner will be notified on May 15, 2008, so terrific prizes. Winners of this preregistration to be onboard for Wing Ding by the end of they have ample time to cancel any existing contest’s grand prizes will be announced at each month, and now you have only one hotel reservations.) You’re still reading?…Hurry, go preregister! ● Win an Escapade ELITE trailer by California Side Car!

With your 1st place preregistration grand prize, choose accessories to create your own Escapade ELITE trailer, like this one or not and up to $4,480 in value by selecting from a host of standard fea- tures and optional accessories, such as custom spoiler with brake light and lid- activated interior dome light. Never before has a trailer been so deserving of its name than Escapade’s ELITE trailer. (Visit now to start choosing yours!) (There is no cash redeemable with this prize. If the winner does not build the trailer out to the $4,480 amount, they cannot redeem the difference in cash or any other item/prod- uct that CSC handles.)

76 Wing World We have been building trikes since 1992 and have hundreds of satisfied customers. By Ken Jones • YT-A Chapter Director Build a Trike On-Line Go to our website for details! es, there’ll be gold in “them thar hills” in p.m. Special, local entertainment has been We Now Offer Two Choices for your Trike Conversion. Alaska—especially in the middle of the arranged and, throughout the meal, prizes will Ynight—this June when the Region J be distributed. Lots and lots of prizes, includ- CALIFORNIA SIDECAR Rally comes to Whitehorse, Yukon, for the ing that “gold poke” mentioned earlier. annual Midnight Sun Fun Run hosted by (Wanna know what a “gold poke” is? Guess Chapter YT-A,the Midnight Sun Riders! you’ll have to come find out!) From all around, visitors will be coming Sunday will allow any interested partici- north not only to try their pants to take a semi-guided luck at winning their very tour over to Skagway, Alaska, own “gold poke”—just one of where they can take a very the many, many door prizes “I wanted the special train ride, shop, or just up for grabs during the sum- sightsee and explore this WINTER SALE! mer solstice weekend of 20- gold and I sought quaint, historical town. SAVE UP TO $2,200 22 June 2008—but also for a (Reservations can be made ON COMPLETE UNITS! one-of-a-kind ride. it’ . . . I scrabbled through sites seen on the Offer ends 2/28/2008 Will it start at 6 p.m.? No. Links page of the Region J, Will it start at 7 p.m.? Of Chapter YT-A website, see course not.You see...up north and mucked like below). LEHMAN motorcycle riders have the And to top off an already definite advantage of starting a slave...” great weekend, the Top Gun their runs at midnight. That’s Robert Service demonstration will take place right—MIDNIGHT! - Spell of the Yukon at 7 p.m. Saturday. Right from the get-go— Another reason to make after everyone has been reg- the trek north? Either before istered and after the traditional Meet and or after the rally, you can travel even further Greet—riders will make a run to Braeburn up the road through Alaska, where Members Lodge for their famous cinnamon buns (prob- of GWRRA Chapter AK-P can show you Lehman Monarch II ably the best you will ever taste). In fact, many around. Conversion. riders take an after-dinner nap and get geared Believe me when I tell you that this will be If you’re looking for a new trike conversion, come in and test up and ready to ride for this late night snack a trip you will always remember. ride the totally re-engineered and redesigned Lehman trike. when the sun is still up and shining bright. Hope to see you here! ● Interested yet? Well, that’s not all! Saturday Küryakyn Acc’s will see you taking part in a local tradition— For more information, to register, and for registration links for Skagway, visit http://gwrra- the proverbial Bug Run through the Tagish or call or email Region J Loop. Then, a parade has been arranged for District Director Phil Craven at (250) 353-7108, Saturday afternoon, followed by a banquet at 6 [email protected].

Looking for a NEW GL1800 already dressed? We have 2007’s & 2008’s in stock accessorized with the most popular items from Küryakyn, Big Bike, J&M, Honda & More. Give our sales department a call to see if “your” bike is already here.

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June 2008 77 odger Fox’s annual Ride for the from Chicago, Illinois, to Santa Monica, Relay along Route 66 is set to kick California. Roff this year on September 6 at 9 Most riders will be riding the entire a.m. at Chicago’s Navy Pier. dozen or so day trip, but Rodger encour- If you’ve ever dreamed of riding Route ages short-distance riders to join him as 66, why not do it for a good cause and with well at any point along the way in the states a group of GWRRA Members and other in which the ride will be passing through riders who want to help stamp out cancer (Rodger has the approximate dates of by donating 100 percent of the funds raised arrival at various locations posted on his by the ride to the American Cancer website). He adds that one need not even Society’s Relay for Life. own a motorcycle to join in the fun—just Rodger (GWRRA #236472, of bring your four-wheeled vehicle instead. Jacksonville, Illinois) will be the first to Rodger and his wife Sue are the say that GWRRA Members have helped to Honory Co-Chairs of Relay for Life for turn what was once just a dream—and a their home district of Jacksonville, Illinois. modest-sized event of 5 bikes back in And with the help of others, like their 2006—into an ever-increasing ride that, as Team Times Square group of volunteers, of the end of March this year, already had they hold events throughout the year— 27 motorcycles and 36 riders signed up, from one June to the next—like their plus a donation goal nearly four times the Rodger Fox, gearing up for the 2007 ride. fourth annual Relay for Life banquet in original goal of $6,600 just two years ago. February to add even more donations to Riders this year so far are coming from Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. And, the pot. 13 states: Arkansas, California, Colorado, for the first time ever, at least two riders from For more information, to sign up, or to Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, overseas—Holzwickede, Germany, in fact— make a donation, visit www.rideforthe Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, plan to join the entourage for the entire trip or call (217) 473-1525. ●

• GWRRA Membership Application • Member Name: ______ New Renew Member No: ______Last First Co-Rider Names: ______

Mailing Address: ______

______ USA Canada Other: ______City State Zip Telephone: Home: ( ) ______Work: ( ) ______E-Mail:______

Gold Book™ Directory Information (must check at least one): A) Truck/Trailer B) Phone Calls Only C) Tent Space D) Lodging E) Tools F) Tour Guide Do Not list me in the Gold Book

GWRRA Member Type (Select One) Yes! I want Rescue Plus for just $25 per year. 21423 North 11 Avenue Individual Membership (Non-Members $50) Phoenix AZ 85027 3 yrs $120 USD 2 yrs $85 USD 1 yr $45 USD Rescue Plus offers enhanced benefits and covers all registered driv- 800-843-9460 Family Membership (2 or more people in household) ers in your household while driving or riding in any non-commercial (623) 581-2500 3 yrs $150 USD 2 yrs $105 USD 1 yr $55 USD vehicle or motorcycle. Rescue Plus also covers your motorcycle trail- (623) 581-3844 Fax Associate Individual* er. Certain limitations and exclusions apply to coverage. All individu- als must be registered with GWRRA to receive a membership card 3 yrs $135 USD 2 yrs $95 USD 1 yr $50 USD and coverage. Members of GWRRA must have a Family Membership Associate Family* to cover multiple drivers. 3 yrs $165 USD 2 yrs $115 USD 1 yr $60 USD Subscription Only (Wing World™ Magazine) 1 yr $40 Exclude me from email offers. *The Associate Membership is for those who wish to take advantage of GWRRA and its benefits and do not own a Gold Wing or Valkyrie. Exclude me from mailings.

New Members—Who referred you to us? Name: ______Member # ______Payment Information Make checks payable in US Funds to GWRRA. GWRRA dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes.

Credit Card Number/Expiration Date: ______Cardholder’s Signature:______

78 Wing World

Wing it though California. Rent your dream machine and take off on a exciting riding adventure Looking for Adventure... Call for GWRRA Members Special Pricing! 800-601-5370

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80 Wing World Tired of the wind/road noise on your intercom? You’ll Love Mic-Mutes! Got a cell phone, talking GPS or Radar Go from Detector interfaced to your intercom? You’ll Love Mic-Mutes! four-wheel touring to two-wheel Mic-Mutes stops the noise in fun the intercom of most bike models! and back again ● Now available for GL1800, GL1500, Valk Int. 95 in minutes! and JMCB-2003-DU on any bike. $119 ● Rider and co-rider toggle ON-OFF BOTH microphones. 877-434-7901 ● Not a VOX system, will not cause undesirable switching.

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84 Wing World GWRRA Invites you to Wing Ding 30 Greenville, South Carolina • July 3-6, 2008

To register, simply mail or fax this form, or call 1.800.843.9460, or visit on the Internet.

RIDER’S NAME: ______GWRRA MEMBER # ______Full registration includes: access to trade show, seminars, talent show, field CO-RIDER’S NAME: ______GWRRA MEMBER # ______events, parades, opening and closing ceremonies. CO-RIDER’S NAME: ______GWRRA MEMBER # ______Plus, each full registrant receives a souvenir event pin, MAILING ADDRESS: ______event program, one door prize ticket and one grand prize ticket for a chance to win thou- CITY/ST/ZIP: ______sands of dollars in prizes!

COUNTRY:______Please use ONE form for each rider (the rider is the driver of the motorcycle). Co- HOME PHONE: ______riders (passengers) use the same form as the rider. WORK PHONE: ______


EARLY: (Postmarked before May 14, 2008) LATE: (Postmarked May 14 - June 15, 2008)

Number of Life or Gold Members x $20 = $ Number of Life or Gold Members x $22 = $ FAX or MAIL this form to: Number of Members x $40 = $ Number of Members x $45 = $ GWRRA P.O. Box 42450 Number of Non-Members x $50 = $ Number of Non-Members x $55 = $ Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450

Children 15 and under at the time of the event are admitted free. Cancellations in writing 1.800.843.9460 623.581.2500 (Phoenix) must be received at the Home Office on or before June 15, 2008, and are subject to a $15 Fax: 623.581.3844 handling charge. No telephone or verbal cancellations will be accepted. Day passes will be available, $15 for Members, $22 for non-members. On-site full registration fee is $50 for Register on-line at Members and $60 for non-members.

Please note, only registered delegates may participate in Wing Ding functions, activities and events! Additional lodging and camping information will be sent with your registration confirmation 2-3 weeks after your application is processed. Armbands, tickets, T-shirts or any other items purchased will be available for pickup beginning the day prior to Wing Ding in the registration area. Continued on other side… Wing Ding 30, July 3-6, 2008 • Greenville, South Carolina

RIDER EDUCATION COURSES WIN A 2009 HONDA GOLD WING The number and availability of courses is dependent upon the number of participants. You will be notified of your class time and location as soon as possible. Must be present to win! Note: Certification cost is per bike!* ______5 Tickets = $15 ERC (One-up) Learn advanced techniques in turning, maximum braking, swerving and other possible lifesaving techniques plus mental skills and situation strategies for the ______10 Tickets = $20 single rider. 5.5 hours (range only). ______20 Tickets = $30 ERC (Two-up) This course offers the same basic principles as the ERC with the added element of a co-rider. 5.5 hours (range only). ______40 Tickets = $50 GWRRA ARC Experience advanced techniques in turning, maximum braking, and swerving Total ______techniques plus mental and situational strategies in GWRRA's own Advanced Rider Course. 8.0 hours (classroom & range). Sidecar This course offers advanced techniques of riding with a sidecar as well as situation GRAND 50/20-15-10-5 (4 WINNERS!) strategies and accident avoidance tactics. 6 hours (3 classroom/3 riding). 1 Yard (18 tickets) = $10 Trailering Learn advanced trailering techniques and strategies for safe and enjoyable travel. 3 Yards (54 tickets) = $20 Motorcycles only, no trikes or sidecars please. 6 hours (3 classroom/3 riding). 7 Yards (126 tickets) = $40 Trike This course teaches advanced riding skills for the trike rider such as Total ______maximum braking, swerving and turning. 6 hours (3 classroom/3 riding). Must be present to win! Drawings held at Closing CPR/First Aid This course is designed to teach and certify you in the basic principles of CPR and Ceremonies. GWRRA not responsible for filling out (New) First Aid. Come and learn these absolutely essential lifesaving techniques. 8 hours. tickets or placing them into hopper. Altered, illegible or CPR/First Aid This course is designed to refresh and recertify you in the basic principles of CPR counterfeit tickets will be voided. (Renew) and First Aid. 4 hours. Child & Infant This course is designed to teach and certify you in the Child & Infant principles CPR/First Aid of CPR and First Aid. Come and learn these lifesaving techniques. 8 hours. SOUVENIR OPTION: To receive your event shirt in advance, (New) please add $3 (s/h) per shirt. Valid only for WING DING T-SHIRT orders placed by May 1st, 2008. CLASS # OF PEOPLE TOTAL (Place quantity next to size) ERC (one-up) ______$50* per bike = ______Small x $15= ______(+$3/shirt)=______Medium x $15= ______(+$3/shirt)=______ERC (two-up) ______$50* per bike = ______Large x $15= ______(+$3/shirt)=______Rider ______Co-Rider______XL x $15= ______(+$3/shirt)=______GWRRA ARC ______$50* per bike = ______2XL x $17= ______(+$3/shirt)=______Rider ______Co-Rider______3XL x $20= ______(+$3/shirt)=______Golf Shirt (Qty) x $25= ______(N/A) Sidecar ______$50* per bike = ______Golf Shirt size(s) ______Rider ______Co-Rider______Trailering ______$50* per bike = ______Total ______Rider ______Co-Rider______BIKE SHOW COMPETITION Trike ______$50* per bike = ______Thirty-six classifications! Includes a special souvenir pin. Rider ______Co-Rider______CPR/First Aid-New ______x $50*per person = ______Number of bikes ______x $10 = ______Name ______Name ______POKER RUNS CPR/First Aid-Renewal ______x $50*per person = ______(8 WINNERS!) Name ______Name ______Must be present to win! Includes a special souvenir pin. Child/Infant CPR/First Aid ______x $50*per person = ______First place ($500), second ($250), third ($100), fourth ($50), fifth - eighth ($25 each). Winners will be posted Name ______Name ______on Closing Day. Five card draw. *$30 refund after course completion Grand Total ______Number of hands ______x $10 = ______

Keep informed of new information as it becomes available. GRAND TOTAL: $ Go to: ENCLOSED Check Money Order Please send check or money order in equivalent U.S. funds. All others will be returned to sender for adjustment. Please do not send cash. FAX or MAIL this form to: GWRRA • P.O. Box 42450 CHARGE MY: M/C VISA AmEx Discover Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450 1.800.843.9460 • Fax: 623.581.3844 Number: Register online at Exp. Signature: MOTORCYCLE GOODIES For information on advertising in this section call (623) 581-5900 Ext. 214 or 226 •

AMERICAN RoadRider HEAD SKIN The Ultimate Helmet Liners 281.488.3686 Reversible (Satin or Cotton)...... $13.95 16305 Hwy. 3 or call Toll Free 877.488.3686 Original (Cotton on Cotton)...... $13.95 Webster, TX 77598 USA Edition (Cotton on Satin) ..$13.95 Classic (Single Layer Cotton) ...... $9.95 GL1500/1800 Trike Patches - $8.95 ea. • 1-800-600-1358 Plus other “Goodies” used by California Side Car • Escapade • Champion • Voyager motorcycle riders everywhere. Riding across town or the USA, you can have peace of mind that all your personal medical Information is available in a flash. MEDFLASH is your comprehensive, 717-933-8070 lifesaving medical record on a 1GB Flash Drive. The Big Leaders in Small Trailers! Call 866-641-2363 or see website for GWRRA special pricing.

DREAMERS FASHIONS Celebrating our 20th Anniversary “THE BREEZE” CARGO TRAILER Specializing in: The Original 00 Champion & Tri-Wing *Black Denim Vests $26 *Denim Trike Conversion Specialist 00 00 Vests $26 *Leather Vests $35 & up Call for Brochure Made in the USA (386) 740-9952 608-846-5363 Visa & Mastercard Accepted 1895 W. Beresford Rd. • Deland, FL 32720 Email: [email protected] •

See us at Wing Ding 30, Booth #’s 432 & 433 in Hall C 541-973-5050 B&F Specialties 2481 Delta Ln, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 TRIKE & GOLD WING JEWELRY 847-350-9333 • Fax 847-350-9366 Discount Gold Wing Accessories LAYERED GOLD OR RHODIUM - Pendants, Pins, Earrings $20-$28 1-330-225-1169 TORQ MASTER PIPES! DAYTONA Make it a perfect match, with FLAMES GL1100/1200, GL1500, GL1800 the Gold Wing colors that meet $49900 $46900 Honda Engineering Standards. Toll Free 866-683-1825 800.992.9995 Original Equipment Supplier • Small Kits available 314-621-0525 MOTORCYCLE WINDSCREEN WIPER 507-841-2831 877-228-3120 79655 Black Bridge Rd. • Jackson, MN 56143 SELL YOUR TRIKE ON-LINE • [email protected]

Wind Noise Reduction NEW PRODUCT FOR GL1800 Since 2001 - Starting at $9.95 +s/h UB OF IRE “H F ” 8 sizes available 330-410-4190 L&T ENTERPRISES 586.598.3912 • Fax 586.598.3915 REDUCES NOISE • IMPROVES CLARITY • MAINTAIN AVC SETTINGS June 2008 87 JUNE 2008 ADS

Add On ...... 67 Aim / Richard Lester...... 60 Americade...... 28 American Honda...... 5 American Motorcycle Specialties...... 59 Baytown Accessories...... 13 Big Bike Parts ...... 71 See us at Wing Ding 30, Booth Numbers 808 - 811 Bikeline By Markel American Insurance..17 Bikes On Board ...... 20 Bolt Lock Corp...... 29 Bushtec Trailer ...... 37 Champion Trikes ...... 103 Chatterbox, USA...... 19, 47 Chrome World Inc...... 23 Corbin Pacific, Inc...... 35 Cruiserworks...... 69 Cyclegadgets...... 68 Deltran ...... 6 Diamond Custom Seats...... 18 Disabled Motorcycle Riders...... 19 Honda Trike Specialist Doran Mfg...... 76 218-773-7700 Shipping & Financing Electrical Connection...... 18 Available Electronic Resources...... 42 F4 Customs ...... 38 Foremost Insurance...... 39 Quick & Easy $40 Gene’s Gallery...... 49 + $5 S&H Gerbings Heated Clothing ...... 47 Hannigan Motorsports ...... 33 NEW Gold Wing Trikes $26,995 Honda Direct Line...... 18 Honda Of Cool Springs ...... 40-41 Honda Of Tupelo...... 20 LEES-URE LITE INB Radio ...... 73 Half cover - 100% ripstop nylon - water repellent. TENT TRAILERS J & M Corp...... 2, 62, 63 Custom fit for Wings, Valkyrie and more. 2 MODELS Coat pocket size for easy storage.“Tote” bag included. Jason Industries ...... 6 Specify if tall shield Excel - 255 lbs. • Cycle - 230 lbs. • Storage inside • Sets up in only 6.8 Seconds Kennedy Group...... 47 TOUR KING 1-800-572-8687 AC kit, awnings, rooms & storage solutions available 2418 Arrowhead Dr. • Abilene, TX 79606 Call for Distributor Locations Kuryakyn...... 30-31 800-660-0933 • LA Honda...... 74 Lake Michigan Car Ferry/SS Badger...... 37 Lehman Trikes U.S.A., Inc...... 21 Motor Trike Inc...... 51-54 Niehaus Cycle Sales ...... 44-45, 77 North Jackson Honda...... 27

GL1800 Armrest Chrome Helmet Locks Open Road Outfitters...... 47 Billet Exhaust Tips Progressive Insurance ...... 9 Rod’s Power Sports ...... 19, 34 S100 ...... 68 Schroaders Honda ...... 24-25 Sierra Electronics...... 11 Check out our new products online The Trike Shop...... 72 To order call: 888.244.6888 Thoroughbred Motorsports, Inc...... 65, 104 Tow-Pac, Inc ...... 61 Ultra 2000 Mfg...... 43 Utopia Products, Inc...... 15

800-715-5262 Vetesnik Powersports ...... 36 Custom $185 • Rug/Pelt $40 Wags Unique Trailers...... 20 Wing Stuff.Com...... 57

MADE IN THE USA Wing Worx ...... 56 Wingman Enterprise...... 43 World On Wheels...... 16

Sheepskin saves bottoms

88 Wing World 1984 GL1200 Aspencade. Champagne. 47K mi. One owner. Mint condition. New stator, Michelin tires, battery, front fork spring and seals and timing belt. $4,850 obo. FREE CLASSIFIEDS Richard. (781) 444-1620. MA. 1985 GL1200 LTD. 92K mi. Runs well, looks fine, original Visit boards/classifieds for up-to-date, Member-maintained classi- owner, lots of leg room. $3,900. Color-matched camper fied listings. with equipment, $1,900. Bill. (203) 268-1213 or drw- These classified listings are a benefit for GWRRA Members and are for GWRRA Members’ [email protected]. CT. personal property only. Listings limited to approximately 30 words each. We reserve the right to 1987 GL1200 Aspencade. 63K mi. Now a “classic,” this edit entries. Include year, model, mileage, price, name, phone number, e-mail, state or province. is an eye-catching Wing. Plenty of extra chrome, black Type or print written entries and send to “Classified Ads,” GWRRA, Inc., 21423 N. 11th with hand-painted murals by Sue VanHess Hopper. Radio- Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027, or by e-mail to [email protected]. Deadline is fourth Friday of cassette-CB, cruise, luggage rack. New windshield and the month approximately two months before issue’s cover date. Ads run one month on a first- velour Hartco seat with detachable backrest. Regular main- come, first-served, space-available basis. Late-arriving ads are held for a succeeding issue. tenance, runs great, garaged. $4,800. Wayne. (608) GWRRA assumes no responsibility for quality of items listed, nor for the out- 798-4070 or [email protected]. WI. come of transactions initiated through these listings. 1988 GL1500. Beige. 84,220 mi. Runs great. Well main- tained and always garaged. Many extras, hitch, like-new COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS Do You Have PMS? (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) tires, two helmets, plus more. $5,100. William. (828) Store your motorcycle or trailer in New Mexico. Where your 692-0371 or [email protected]. Western NC. Smoky Mountains lodg- motorcycle will have TLC. Enclosed storage & Motorcycle 1989 Honda Pacific Coast 800cc. Pearl White. 17K mi. ing at 4,200’ elevation. Closest Maggie motel to the Blue Maintenance Available. Within a days ride to Mexico, Las Good shape. Asking $3,500. John. (304) 723-3807 or Ridge Parkway, Deal’s Gap and the National Park. Great Vegas, Phoenix. Tell us how much time you have & where (304) 479-2686 (cell). W.V. views, clean rooms, free Internet. Groups welcome. you would like to ride. We will plot an enjoyable ride!Call us now for your year 'round riding! 403-912-2705. 1991 Honda Nitehawk 250 cc. Red. 3K mi. Windshield, Offering a variety of packages. 800-545-5853. [email protected]. Your host Brian & Johanna Wing. crashbar. Excellent condition. $1,700. Contact us at NEED PARTS FOR YOUR OLDER GOLDWING? (616) 794-2777 or [email protected]. MI. Ride the Mountains of NC and Tennessee. We are your #1 source! Over 2000 used parts in stock and Mapped routes to scenic places including Deal’s Gap, 1992 GL1500 Gold Wing SE. Blue. 16K mi. Running more than 20 GL's waiting to be stripped down. We spe- Waterfall tours, Blue Ridge Parkway, Cherokee, Gatlinburg, boards, highway boards, trailer hitch, extra chrome, pin cialize in Wing parts from 1980 to 1990. Visit us online etc. Cabins with great outdoor areas, view, stream, striping, good tires, and extra lights. $9,000 obo. Cash. at WWW.USEDGOLDWINGPARTS.COM or call Jacuzzi, and restaurant. CALL FIRESIDE COTTAGES, (303) 935-3282. Denver, CO. 305-305-1839. 828-926-1730. 1992 Gold Wing SE 1500. Two-tone teal. 75K mi. Smoky Mountain Mansion in Robbinsville, NC. Hand Painted Portrait of Your Motorcycle. Beautiful and well-cared for. Includes extras. Ill health Ride all day - relax in comfort at night. 6 BR/6BA Show off your pride and joy by having it painted on can- forces sale. Only those with garage need respond. huge home; sleeps 18-20. Dining and grill pavilions. vas. Your photograph will be 100% hand painted by pro- $6,500. Lowell. (518) 677-3531 or chapnell@ Catering available. Near Cherohala Skyway and fessional artists. Museum quality. Affordable prices. Many NY. Deal's Gap. Covered parking. Call 866-862-4220. sizes available. Visit us online at www.motorcycling 1993 Gold Wing Aspencade. Candy Red. 107K mi. New tires, CompuFire alternator, Progressive suspension, CB,, Florida, is looking for used MEMBER “FOR SALE” trailer hitch, passenger armrests, Fire Creek volt and tem- Gold Wing parts (no trike takeoff parts, pls) and Gold Wing perature gauges, new timing belts, and many more acces- GL1500s and GL1800s in any condition (salvage, high MOTORCYCLES sories. EC. $7,000. [email protected] or (336) 699- mileage, abused also) for export. Nationwide pickup avail- 8015. NC. 1975 GL1000. Blue. 22,526 miles. With Windjammer able. 727-259-3021. e-mail: [email protected]. 1995 GL1500 SE. “R” title. 207,000 pampered miles. fairing and Calafia trunk and bags. Also has touring saddle BUY—SELL—TRADE any and Dyna ignition. Have all the original pieces except head- Very nice condition; one of the best serviced bikes around. Wing. Highest prices paid for clean bikes!!! America’s light and seat. Own a classic or a daily rider. $2,500. Asking $5,500. George. (814) 355-3808 or jlsnoberg- largest independent dealer of used bikes (500+ in stock). Gerald. (306) 778-2309 (evenings) or email gand- [email protected]. Julian, PA. Always huge inventory of highest quality Wings, [email protected]. for more info. Swift Current, Sask. 1996 Gold Wing Honda Aspencade. 37K mi. Candy Apple Valkyries and others. Coast-to-coast pick up and delivery. Canada. Red. Extra good shape. Helmets with JKL sound system, Call us now or whenever. Check us out at 1979 GL1000. Blue with gold pinstriping. 45K mi. Vetter jell battery, driver backrest. $8,000. Larry. (309) 664- or call 1-800-572-3720. fairing, radio CB, Bates side and top boxes with wrap- 0438 or [email protected]. VACATION around light bar, highway boards, heel/toe shifter, Corbin 1997 Gold Wing SE. Pearl White. 45,617 miles. New RENTAL PROPERTIES in Southwest WISCONSIN owned by seat. Always kept in garage. $2,900. Walter. (507) 834- tires and brakes. Air rider seats, backrest, armrests, Air motorcyclists Ken & Ruth Rupp who will guide your ride on 6333. Gibbon, MN. wings, chrome bag and trunk rails, trailer hitch. Like new winding roads through the Ocooch Mountains and Kickapoo 1984 GL1200 Interstate. Candy Apple Red. 70K mi. New helmets with intercoms. CB radio. Excellent condition; River Valley. 3 condo units in Logan Mill Lodge each sleep stator, new tires, new grips, two new horns, professionally always garaged. $10,000. (217) 253-2694 or (217) 6. Avalanche East Cottage sleeps 8. [email protected] serviced, garaged, excellent condition. $3,200. George. 369-7009. Located in central Illinois. 608-606-2866 or 800-253-3997. (414) 482-0659. WI. 1997 1500 Aspencade SE. White. 46K mi. Kept in heat-

June 2008 89 ed garage. New Compufire stator, drivers highway boards, $7,900. Joe. (502) 558-7731. Shepherdsville, KY. 2006 GL1800 with California Sidecar conversion. Demo Ring of Fire, air horns, armrest, Hyper lights, Air Wings, 2004 Honda VT600CD Shadow VLX DLX. 13K mi. Very bike. Black. 6K mi. Running boards, extra fuel tank, trailer hitch and wiring. Runs and looks great! Asking good condition. Has K&M air filter, saddle bags and great chrome wheel well trim, chrome wheel upgrade, chrome $9,995. Call for more info. Ronnie. (304) 364-5547. sounding pipes. Has ample power and is a great bike. passenger floorboard side covers, performance brake WV. $3,800 obo. (520) 204-1650. Located in Tucson, AZ. upgrade, side marker lights, trailer hitch, trunk carpet with cargo net, trunk dome light, stone guard, power track Easy 1997 GL1500 SE. Pearl White. 28K mi. Custom seat with 2006 GL1800. Titanium. 16K mi. CB radio, fork brace, back rest, luggage rack and bag. Trailer hitch, cooler rack, Steer. Letting go at $35,500. Matching trailer also avail- luggage rack, backrest, trailer hitch, highway box and able at cost. (810) 635-9527 or (810) 241-9431 or Wind wings, running boards, air horns, side bag lights and more. $15,000. (706) 745-6890. North Georgia. two bike covers. Many extras! Like new. Intercom system [email protected]. MI. and always garaged. $9,700. (605) 673-5127 or 2006 Gold Wing GL1800 HPN. Black. 3,651 miles. 2007 Harley-Davidson Ultra with California Sidecar conver- [email protected]. Custer, SD. Navigation system. Honda warranty till 2013, transferable sion. Demo bike; priced to go at cost. 1,500 miles. Black to new owner. Service at dealers has extras. Floorboards, 1998 Gold Wing SE. Black. 47K mi. Very clean. Chrome. Cherry and Silver. Loaded! Running boards, trailer hitch, lighting, turndowns. Never hit or down. $18,350. Jesse. stone guard, trunk remote, Power Track. Power Track Easy New tires. $9,500. Forrester. (717) 261-6725 or (732) 350-5823 or [email protected]. Whiting, NJ. [email protected]. Steer, performance brake upgrade, trunk carpet with net 2007 Kawasaki Ninja 250. Black. 1K mi. Great starter and light. Would be $42,000; Only $36,000. (810) 635- 1998 Gold Wing SE. Two-tone beige. 55K mi. Tulsa, bike. As-new condition. $2,500 obo. Willing to ship. Call 9527 or (810) 241-9431 or [email protected]. MI. Markland boards, Progressives, backrests, passenger arm- Trefor at +1.330.289.4754 or email tpowell@curtiss- 2007 Gold Wing 1800 with Champion Trike Kit. Metallic rests. Clean. Never down. Always garaged; covered. Honda manual. $8,900 obo. John. (928) 681-4877. Kingman, Black. 4-1/2 degree EZ steer. Loaded with chrome. Too much to list. Warranty till 2013. Also, Bushtec Quantum AZ. TRIKES Sport Trailer. Asking $36,500 obo. Can email pictures upon 1998 Honda Shadow 1100 Ace Touring. Teal and cream. 1985 GL1200 Aspencade with California Sidecar conver- request [email protected] or call (727) 505-3584. New tires, windshield, driving lights, crash bar, highway sion. Beige. 16K original miles. Always garaged. Factory Located in Florida. pegs, driver running boards with heel/toe shifter, hard sad- installed intercom rider and sidecar, clear and solid Tonto dlebags, driver and passenger backrests, luggage rack, sidecar covers. Three helmets. Excellent condition. Ready to TRAILERS AND SIDECARS front fender rail, rear fender accent, EC. $5,895. go! $8,000. Pat. (315) 625-7705. NY. [email protected] or (336) 699-8015. NC. 1955 Chevy Replica Cargo Trailer. 6’ long by 3’ wide. 19 1989 Gold Wing GL1500 with California Sidecar conver- cubic feet of storage, carpet. Trailer frame has all working 1999 Honda Shadow (ACE), 30K miles, lots of extras: sion. Wineberry. 30,500 mi. Second owner. Excellent con- lights and neon lights. Great to pull with a bike or small car. amber driving lights, red running lights, saddle bags, extra dition. E-Z Steer, Ring of Fire, Progressive fork spring, driv- Please email me for pics. Asking $2,500 obo. chrome, new battery and brakes, garage kept. 570-325- ing light, Tulsa vented windshield, Air Wing, CB radio, driv- [email protected] or (904) 704-1410. Located in 2298 or [email protected] $3,500 PA Poconos er floorboard, heel/toe shifter, Utopia driver backrest with Jacksonville, FL. 2000 GL1500 SE. Blue with matching trailer. 28K mi. pouch, trunk rack, LED light in trunk, trailer receiver hitch, 1990 Travel Lite camping trailer, Model 123. Works well New Travelcade road sofa with saddle gel. Compufire alter- pinstriping, triple exhaust extension. $16,500. Deane. and is in good shape. Asking $1,000. John. (304) 723- nator, sealed battery (new 8/07). Elite 3 tires with 200 (740) 852-3945 or (740) 506-0945. OH. 3807 or (304) 479-2686 (cell). W.V. miles on them. Markland floor boards, transformer boards. 1993 GL1500 with 2000 CSC Conversion. 27K mi. 2005 Escapade SE trailer. Factory two-tone red with pin- Too much chrome and lights to list. Has 6-disc CD player, Armrest, backrest, trailer hitch and wiring, E-Z Steer, striping. Chrome accent package, includes wheels and Wind wing, Cee Bailey windshield, trailer and hitch with Ultraguard cover, service manual, many extras. $13,500. spare. Spoiler with light, carpeted, garment bag with light hook-up, Super Brace, Belly Pan, brake light flasher, (802) 824-5468 or [email protected], photos/list snaps, dome light, mud flaps, bra and trailer cover. Garage two matching helmets with headsets, two covers (1 dust; available. VT. 1 all-weather). Garage kept. $12,000. (502) 543-7399 kept. Used only once. Excellent condition. $3600. Jimi. or [email protected]. 1995 GLl500A with 2003 California Sidecar conversion. (770) 924-3365. GA. Candy Spectra Red. 24,962 mi. All SE options plus 2006 Escapade LE Trailer by California Sidecar. Demo unit; 2002 750 Shadow Ace Deluxe. Two-tone purple and grey. $5,000 accessories, chromed-out. Custom: wheels, never registered. Black. Every possible option. Letting go at 5,681 miles. Includes the following extras: Saddleman exhausts, fender bras. Corbin seat, Memphis Shade Travelcade Classic Explorer Gel seat with rider backrest, Windshield, trike cover, etc. Pictures available. $l7,750 cost price of $4,500. (810) 635-9527 or (810) 241- Saddleman Travelcade saddle bags, Cobra driving lights, obo (consider trade for small truck). (502) 477-5400 or 9431 or [email protected]. MI. Cobra rider floorboards, chrome air horns, Kissan headlight [email protected]. KY. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES modulator, Lite Brites brakelight modulator, Custom Heat heated foam grips (2 position switch), Gerbings electric 1997 Valkyrie with California trike kit with EZ steer. Voyager kit mounting hardware from 2001 Harley Dresser. vest hookup. $4,000 obo. Eileen. (847) 674-7263. Yellow/black. Fully equipped with every available option, Used on 1999 Dresser and in good condition. New axle including Corbin seats. Trophy winning show bike. bolt. All parts and installation manual except for cotter pin, 2003 Kawasaki Vulcan 1600 Classic. Red. 3,900 mi. $17,000 obo. Has matching trailer available, extra. which was used on the bike axle. $300. Valerie. (727) Windshield, passenger backrest. EC. $6,800. Serious inquiries only. Dick. (662) 223-5489 or 809-3941. [email protected] or (336) 699-8015. NC. [email protected]. Walnut, MS. 1995 GL1500 trike take-off parts. Magenta. Saddlebags, 2003 GL1800A and matching trailer. Black. Corbin seat. 2003 Gold Wing 1800 with Lehman Conversion. Beautiful swing arm with rear wheel and tow hitch. All toys! $17,500. Bob. (719) 594-9685 or bob- Candy Orange. Only 5K miles. Running boards, CB, inter- [email protected]. com, satellite radio, passenger arm rest, trunk rack, Ring of 42K mi. Asking $500. (518) 589-5806 or Skipand [email protected]. Located East Upstate NY. 2003 Honda VTX 1800-C series. Illusion Blue with graphic Fire and many extras. $24,000. Paul. (321) 508-6305 by Taylor House of Colors. 6,069 actual miles. All Honda or (321) 373-4924 or [email protected]. Can be Corbin seat with backrest. Black. Fits 1988-2000 Gold parts. Bike has many extras. Showroom Condition. Asking seen in Melbourne, FL. Wings. Excellent condition. $250. (330) 866-3222. OH.

90 Wing World Sirius Satellite radio, $50; trunk mirror light for 1500, Ga-Zee-Bo blue bike cover, new Kuryakyn amber Ring of 2071 or [email protected]. $35. Forrester. (717) 261-6725 or Joanne17201@ Fire (LEDs), headset cord from J&M, Gold Wing saddlebag RCI Gold Crown Resort studio timeshare at Orange Lake cooler, new fairing air vent trim (Drag Specialties). $125. Resort & Country Club, Kissimmee, FL. Comes with three Trailer Hitch for 1500 Gold Wing. Receiver style hitch, Mick. (734) 243-2249 or [email protected]. years paid RCI membership exchange. Minutes from chrome. Receiver and ball. $100 obo, plus shipping. Bob. 2002 GL1800 accessories. Hitch, relay, subharness, CB, Disney. $2,500.00. (734) 243-2249 or jacmcwil@char- (603) 448-3707 or [email protected]. NH. trunk and saddlebag liners, cover, some OEM parts, mis- MEMBER “WANTED” 2008 Steering head. Brand new. $125, plus shipping. cellaneous, Hannigan trailer. Russ. (615) 792-5613 (home-pm) or [email protected] for list. Bob. (603) 448-3707 or [email protected]. Traveling to UTAH this June! – We are 3 women who NH. Front fender - front half for 1500 Wing. Dark Wine color. would like to find a few other Members to travel with us to 2004 Steering Head for GL1800. Low Mileage on part. Fresh clear coat, $65; heel/toe shifter for 1500, $50. see the national parks in Utah. We plan to leave the after- John. (219) 923-0258 or [email protected]. $75 obo, plus shipping. Bob. (603) 448-3707 or boband- noon of JUNE 5, traveling on I-40 to Utah. We will be tak- [email protected]. NH. Parts from 1996 Gold Wing trike conversion. Blue. I recent- ing in the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, ly converted my 1996 Gold Wing into a trike; these are the Canyon Lands, Arches and a few more of the national 2008 GL1800 Dark Red Gold Wing take-off parts from excess saddle bags, etc. Price is negotiable. Chuck. (970) parks. Our last stop will be in Moab, and we will be return- conversion to trike. Includes drive shaft, wheel, saddle- 522-3945 or [email protected]. Sterling, CO. ing on I-70. We plan to be back in Greenville, S.C., no later bags, swing arm and all parts not needed. All new parts than June 21st. If interested, I can be reached at (864) right out of crate; 0 miles. $1,200, plus shipping. Bob. MISCELLANEOUS 235-0939 after 5 p.m. or anytime on the weekend or (603) 448-3707 or [email protected]. NH. 2005 Ford 500 SEL. 65,143 actual miles. White with email me at [email protected]. Both women and New GL1800 rear tire. Bridgestone Exedra 180/60 R16 Taylor graphics. Extended, transferable warranty to men are welcome to join us! 74H. [email protected] or (970) 874-0961. 100,000 miles. Loaded with many extras. Burglar alarm, MEMBER “PERSONAL” electric starter, side airbags. Asking $13,500. Joe. (502) Alternator for a 1500 Gold Wing. This unit has failed; I Lady would like to meet gentleman to ride with and for would like to sell it to someone who is interested in rebuild- 558-7731. Shepherdsville, KY. possible LTR. I have my own bike and live in Greenville, ing an alternator rather than tossing it in the junk. Best 2000 Seaward 25-foot sailboat. Wheel steering, diesel, S.C. I am 57 years young, a non-smoker and divorced. I offer, plus shipping. Ask for Cecil. (814)-358-2258. I live tandem trailer, and much more. Beautiful, excellent condi- travel to Coastal N.C., Galax, VA, and Augusta, GA. You in PA. tion. Trades/delivery considered. $28,000. (217) 442- may contact me at [email protected]. ● for registration form or contact Mike & Cathy Devine at (902) 662-4082 or [email protected] EVENTSEVENTS for more information. We list only GWRRA-sponsored functions by category, name, date, location and contact person and information. For full details, including rally costs, we recommend you also visit on-line listings AUGUST 1-3, 2008. CENTRAL CANADA REGION according to GWRRA Region, District and Chapter. Event listings may run up to six months in (K) RALLY “Rendezvous 2008” in North Bay, Ontario, “Gateway to the North.” Come join us for our annual rally advance of an event, and will run through the month of the issue’s cover date. “Photo Tours” and in the city that was once one of The Hudson’s Bay “Other Tours” will appear periodically. The deadline for Events is approximately the fourth Friday Company’s original trading posts on the Voyageur route of the month, two months before the issue’s cover date. west. Contact Ron & Jean Hurley at (705) 752-1782 or email [email protected]; or Con & Claudette Verhulst at To submit event information, e-mail [email protected] or mail to “Event & Tours,” GWRRA, Inc., (705) 752-5724 or email [email protected]. Visit the 21423 N. 11th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85027. * Indicates new listing in this issue. Region K website at maine.htm. NATIONAL AND AUGUST 14-16, 2008. REGION “I” RALLY “Big Fun GW PIN PATCH INTERNATIONAL EVENTS in the Bighorn Mountains” at the Park County Fairgrounds in Powell, Wyoming, near Yellowstone National Park. JULY 3-6, 2008. WING DING 30 returns to Greenville, THE FINEST QUALITY PINS & A time of fun, scenic rides, and building memories. PATCHES WITH GREAT SAVINGS! SC. Register now at or call 800-843- Registration forms available on Region I website. Contact 9460 or 623-581-2500 for info. Roy McKenzie at (253) 862-0220 or [email protected] or Steve Henicksman at (208) 523-9813 or ssheni@ REGIONAL EVENTS JANUARY 1-DECEMBER 31, 2008. REGION (E) ’s AUGUST 14-16, 2008. REGION F and Colorado “Awareness Ride 2008.” Open to all GWRRA Members. District combined “Wingin’ in the Rockies” rally in Participants to document 5 motorist awareness events, Cañon City, Colorado, at the historic Holy Cross Abbey. whereby awareness information is submitted to the public. Spectacular rides and fun events with the friendliest people Complete validation form and submit with photographs you’ve ever met! Lodging at the host hotel or at the Abbey; along with $5 to receive Awareness Ride Pin. Validation don’t miss this one! Registration, vendors, and information: form and guidelines available under “Chapter & District or [email protected]. Aids” tab on Region E web site: For information, contact: Charles Mallett (618) 867-2920 AUGUST 29-31, 2008. REGION “E” RALLY “Denim Email: [email protected] & Lace” in Okoboji, IA. For hotel reservations at the host hotel, contact the Arrowwood Resort at (800) 727-4561. You Create it! We Make it! JUNE 20-22, 2008. REGION (J)’s “2008 Midnight For rally information, contact Region Directors Dave & Sun Fun Run,” in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Gwen Carter at (815) 477-9893 or foxwing1@sbcglob- Visit our website Canada. For more information, contact Phil Craven at Or visit the Region E website at www.gwrra- or call 800-843-9460 or 623-581- (250) 353-7108 or [email protected]. 2500 Extension 274 or 232 JULY 31-AUGUST 3, 2008. Canadian Atlantic SEPTEMBER 11-13, 2008. REGION “A” RALLY Luau- Region (L) Rally in Kenville, NS. See www.canadi- themed in Dothan, AL. Vendors on-site. Grand prize a

June 2008 91 Honda Metropolitan Scooter.Host hotel is the Holiday Inn, Members). Incredible “Vendor Village” and Region Couple NC. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Home-cooked bar-b-que! Dothan-South (800-777-6611), mention GWRRA when of the Year Selection. Contact NJ District Directors Bill & Pat Contact Chapter Director Ken Pierce at (910) 890- making reservations. For more information, contact Region Losey at (732) 873-3864. 6038. Flyer available at North Carolina GWRRA web- Directors Bob & Nancy Shrader at (352) 668-3164 or Rally site at Coordinator Ed Porter at (727) 938-8190 or eeporter@ver- AUGUST 1-2, 2008. ILLINOIS DISTRICT SUMMER RALLY “Wings Along The Mississippi” event at the Oakley- JUNE 21, 2008. MA-M’s “Cruisin’ for a Cure” in Lindsey Convention Center in Quincy, IL. Friday night Phillipston, MA. For information, contact John Leblanc at DISTRICT EVENTS BBQ, dance at TNT Cycle Center, Quincy. Friday & (978) 895-0808 and visit the Chapter website at www.gwr- Saturday vendors, “Go for the Gold” with downtown mer- JUNE 5-7, 2008. NEBRASKA DISTRICT RALLY chants, bike show, bike games, people games, raffle, “Between a rock and a hard place” in Scottsbluff, NE. prizes, Saturday evening dinner and awards. For informa- JUNE 21, 2008. IN-K’s “Mercy Ride” for the Mercy Come to western Nebraska for some beautiful riding. For tion, call Steve & Sandy Schlager, District Directors, at (618) Flight organization. Begins in West Lafayette, Indiana, more information contact, Lance & Diane Brozek at (402) 985-6687 or at Purdue West Shopping Center. Registration starts at 9 582-4726 or [email protected] or go to a.m.; escorted ride leaves at 10:30 a.m. Tickets earned for *AUGUST 7-9, 2008. IOWA DISTRICT RALLY in prizes by playing skills games; food provided by SubWay, Amana, IA. For information and to register, contact Pizza Hut, and Papa Johns. $15/rider. $20/couple. JUNE 6-8, 2008. UTAH DISTRICT RALLY “National District Directors Duane & Sondra Rippel at (319) 342- Contact Richard Culbertson at (765) 474-3783 or Mike Park Delight” in Kanab, UT. For information, contact Utah 3285. Bible at (765) 471-0910. Senior District Directors Bruce & Virginia Hauser at (435) 752-0551 or email at [email protected]. For more details, AUGUST 7-9, 2008. NEW YORK DISTRICT RALLY. JUNE 22, 2008. NJ-I’s 13th annual “St. Jude Children’s including rally flyer, schedule, and registration forms, go to “The race is on.” In Newark, NY, at the Quality Inn of the Hospital Motorcycle Poker Run”, from the Lacey Elks at 900 Finger Lakes. Hotel reservations (315) 331-9500. Contact Beach Blvd. in Forked River, NJ. Registration from 8:30- District Director Ed Bahrenburg at (607) 648-4351 or 10 a.m.; $15/rider, $10/passenger. Special pin for first JUNE 12-14, 2008. OREGON DISTRICT RALLY [email protected] for more information or visit the district 100 riders; $100 for best poker hand. Breakfast at Elks for “Wings Over the Ochocos” in Prineville, OR. For more webpage at small fee; lunch free. For more info and to register, contact information, contact District Directors Woody & Rae District Director John Pasciak at (732) 818-7742 or McFarland at (503) 881-1034 or email woodyman1@com- AUGUST 21-23, 2008. PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT [email protected]. Visit Oregon District website for registration and RALLY “Western Hoe-Down” in Johnstown, details at Pennsylvania at the Pasquerilla Conference Center, 301 JUNE 28, 2008. IN-R2’s 5th Annual Rally For A.N.N.A. Napolean Street, Johnstown, PA 15901. Send rally regis- Ride for Neuroblastoma Research in Rensselaer, JUNE 12-14, 2008. GEORGIA DISTRICT RALLY “A trations to: Chuck & Evelyn Stone, 105 Robin Lane, Everett, Indiana. For information, contact Susan Healey at (219) Rally of Mythological Proportions,” in Athens, Georgia. PA 15537. 866-3526 or [email protected]. Contact Bill or Betty Livingston (229) 889-1705 or email liv- [email protected]. Vendors, contact Ron or Susan Larsen AUGUST 29-31, 2008. CALIFORNIA DISTRICT JULY 19-20, 2008. BC-D’s “Overnight ride to Mt. St. (478) 971-4291 or email goldwing1@ For more RALLY “Rally of Fame” in Bakersfield, CA. For more Helens”. Contact Shirley Williams, Events Coordinator, at details, including rally flyer and registration forms, go to information, contact District Directors Anita & Jr. Alkire at (604) 599-8769 or email [email protected]. (619) 741-8893. JULY 27, 2008. MI-K2’s 14th Annual Anniversary JUNE 13-15, 2008. OHIO DISTRICT RALLY “Summer SEPTEMBER 12-14, 2008. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Celebration at Green Township Hall, 21431 Northland Dr., Time Fun On The River “ at the Washington County DISTRICT CHAPTERS present the 23rd Annual Southern Paris, MI. Noon-2:30 p.m. Rain or Shine. Full summer Fairgrounds in Marietta, Ohio. Contact Roger Hurley, Illinois Ride-in at DuQuoin State Fairgrounds in DuQuoin, luncheon $7.50. No pets. Contact: Mike & Joyce Zagumny 201 Southview Lane, West Milton, Ohio 45383; (937) 698 Illinois. On-site camping and motel, 2 free hot meals, guid- at (616) 696-9518 or [email protected]. - 4443; email [email protected] or visit our website ed scenic ride, flea market, games, and more. Registration $10/person; $5/day pass. Garmin GPS giveaway to one AUGUST 2-3, 2008. BC-D’s “Overnight Ride Kootney lucky registered participant. For details, contact Charles Loop”. Contact Shirley Williams, Events Coordinator, at JUNE 21, 2008. DELAWARE DISTRICT's Daze Ride-In Mallett at (618) 867-2920 or [email protected]. (604) 599-8769 or email [email protected]. GPS/MAPS Pirate Treasure Hunt "Come Pillage and Plunder in Delaware". Contact Brian Gillard at (302) 995-6544 or *SEPTEMBER 18-20, 2008. NORTH CAROLINA AUGUST 9-10, 2008. VT-A’s annual cookout and ride. [email protected] or check out the website at http://the- DISTRICT’s “Wings Over the Smokies” in Fletcher, Enjoy good food and good company at Camp Plymouth NC. For information and to register, contact District State Park in Plymouth, Vermont. Starts Saturday at 2 Directors Dennis & Kathy Hull at (828) 295-6856. p.m. followed by an all-day ride through the beautiful Green JULY 17-19, 2008. NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT Mountains on Sunday, August 10. Preregistration is $12; RALLY (A combined rally of Maine, New Hampshire, OCTOBER 16-18, 2008. MISSISSIPPI DISTRICT onsite registration is $13. Overnight accommodations avail- Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Vermont) in RALLY “Stars on the Coast” in Biloxi, MS. Come dressed able for $49 (double occupancy). For more info, contact Joe Rutland, Vermont. This is a “Don’t Miss!” event! Vermont as your favorite movie star or TV personality. Vendors, sem- or Carol Coyne at (802) 672-1992 or smokinjoe1800 has some of the best motorcycle riding in the entire U.S.! inars, games and much more. Come play with us on the Host Hotel is the Holiday Inn in Rutland, Vermont. For more Gulf Coast! For information, please contact Rosemary information, contact Vermont District Directors Nate & Linda Patterson at (601) 736-5297, gwwolf, or go AUGUST 15-16, 2008. OH-B2’s “Buckeye Rider’s Evans at (802) 773-9197 or [email protected]. or reg- to our website at Challenge” in Bellefontaine, Ohio. An event for the avid ister online at hardcore super rider and a leisure day ride for the motor- cycling enthusiast. Check out the local area or accept the JUNE 19-21, 2008. WYOMING DISTRICT RALLY in CHAPTER EVENTS challenge to ride all over Ohio. Each rider will receive Newcastle, WY. For information, contact Bud Nading at points towards being named the champion. This event will (307) 266-1822. JUNE 1, 2008. KY-T’s annual “Poker Run” at Mountain challenge you both on your riding prowess, and your abili- Home Place, Paintsville, Kentucky. Contact Charles & ty to formulate the best route given the 50-plus points of JUNE 20-22, 2008. NEVADA DISTRICT RALLY “Rally Teresa Conn at (606) 587-3060 or by email at charles.tere- interest given out on the evening of the 15th. Compete in a in Mason Valley”. For information, contact Fred Wilson at [email protected]. friendly and safe atmosphere to see who can plan the most (775) 778-6746 or efficient routes across Ohio. Visit www.buckeyeriderschal- JUNE 6-7, 2008. AR-P’s “Rollin’ on the River” in Bull Contact Todd McQueen at (937) 465-6886. JULY 18-19, 2008. MICHIGAN DISTRICT RALLY at Shoals, AR. For information, contact Mike Williams at Ogemaw County Fairgrounds in West Branch, MI. (870) 488-5466. AUGUST 29-SEPTEMBER 1, 2008. BC-D’s “Gold Run” Camping, Top Gun, entertainment, games, great riding and in Merritt, BC. Contact Shirley Williams Events tons of fun! For info, visit or call JUNE 6-8, 2008. IA-H’s “Carnival Run & Camp Out” at Coordinator, at (604) 599-8769 or email shirley- Michigan District Directors Chris &r Sally Bobek at (248) the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, 2606 West Burlington [email protected]. 852-8537. (Hwy 34) in Fairfield, Iowa. Motels located across the street and camping on-site. For information, contact Jim & SEPTEMBER 11-14, 2008. DE-B’s “Gold Wing JULY 25-26, 2008. MINNESOTA DISTRICT RALLY Eta Chapman at (641) 932-7612. For flyer, information, Getaway.” During bike week at Chrome World in Located in Cass Lake, Minnesota. For more information, and accommodations, please email [email protected]. Selbyville DE. Vendors and food. For information, contact contact Kevin Heap at (763) 477-6579 or visit www. Ken Ingram at (410) 208-4802 or email ken.lois@ Rally registration available on the website. JUNE 8, 2008. IA-O’s “Roger Ride” in Davenport, Iowa at the Scott County Park. Contact Dennis English at JULY 31-AUGUST 2, 2008. NEW JERSEY DISTRICT (309) 799-7522 for details. OCTOBER 24-25, 2008. WA-F’s “All Motorcycle Mall RALLY, "Rolling Hills," in Mt. Olive, New Jersey, at the Show” at the Puyallup Washington South Hill Mall. Email Wyndham Garden Hotel (for hotel reservations, call (973) *JUNE 21, 2008. NC-Q2’s “7th Annual “Fun Fest” Raeanne Mitchell at [email protected] or visit our 448-1100; ask for Donna for special discounts for GWRRA at the Taste of Heaven Campground, Newton Grove, website at

92 Wing World ASSOCIATION LEADER LISTING Membership in all 50 States. Represented in 52 Countries.  Denotes senior officer




MELISSA EASON ...... EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ...... 21423 N. 11TH AVE...... PHOENIX ...... AZ...... 85027 ...... 623-581-2500 JIM HUTCHENS...... CHAPTER OF THE YEAR...... 2457 PLEASANT VIEW RD ...... PLEASANT VIEW...... TN...... 37146 ...... 615-746-2147 RON HODGSON...... CANADIAN...... 130 DONNELLY CRESCENT ...... RED DEER...... AB ...... T4R 2L7 ...... 403-309-5001 MELISSA EASON ...... MEMBER ENHANCEMENT PRO TEM .....21423 N. 11TH AVE...... PHOENIX ...... AZ...... 85027 ...... 623-581-2500 MARK ZINGERY ...... RIDER EDUCATION...... 5921 W. IRIS RD...... LUDINGTON ...... MI ...... 49431 ...... 231-845-0382 TBA...... LEADERSHIP TRAINING ...... 21423 N. 11TH AVE...... PHOENIX ...... AZ...... 85027 ...... 623-581-2500 PETER RUSSELL ...... GLOBAL AFFAIRS ...... 34 WEST PARK ...... LONDON...... ENG ...... SE9 4RH ...... 02088570525


ROBERT SHRADER ...... SOUTHEAST (A) ...... 9333 ROLLING CIRCLE ...... SAN ANTONIO ...... FL ...... 33576 ...... 352-668-3164 LORRAINE KNIGHT...... NORTHEAST (B)...... 71 HARRIS ST ...... PAWTUCKET...... RI ...... 02861 ...... 401-723-5959 TOM TAGGART ...... GREAT LAKES (D)...... BOX 119 5051 ST RT 78 ...... BUCHTEL...... OH...... 45716 ...... 740-753-2214 DAVE CARTER ...... AMERICA’S HEARTLAND (E) ...... 1854 WOOD HAVEN DR...... CRYSTAL LAKE ...... IL ...... 60014 ...... 815-477-9893 NEIL ZACK ...... SOUTHWEST (F)...... 2864 MESA RD ...... RIO RANCHO ...... NM ...... 87124 ...... 505-994-4150 CLIFF MILLER...... SOUTH CENTRAL (H) ...... 4515 N WARREN...... OKLAHOMA CITY...... OK ...... 73112 ...... 405-949-1748 ROY MCKENZIE ...... BIG SKY (I)...... 21417 106TH ST E...... BUCKLEY...... WA...... 98321 ...... 253-862-0220 FRANK ALBERT ...... APPALACHIAN (N)...... 310 NEWMAN DRIVE...... KODAK...... TN...... 37764 ...... 865-932-2994 AAGE SCHOUG ...... THE VIKING REGION (V)...... TOCKVAGEN 8 ...... TOCKSFORS ...... SWEDEN ...... 67010...... 004657329129 PETER RUSSELL ...... UNITED KINGDOM REGION (UK)...... 34 WEST PARK...... LONDON ...... ENG...... SE9 4RH ...... 02088570525 CANADA PHIL CRAVEN ...... GREAT NORTHWEST (J) ...... BOX 1343 AINSWORTH...... HOT SPRING...... BC...... V0G 1A0 ...... 250-353-7108 BOB PINET...... CENTRAL CANADA (K) ...... 1315 SHERWOOD CT...... BURLINGTON...... ON ...... L7M1C8 ...... 905-336-6166 MIKE DEVINE ...... CANADIAN ATLANTIC (L)...... RR #1 67 CAMPBELL RD...... DEBERT ...... NS ...... B0M 1G0 ...... 902-662-4082


AL-E ANDERSON POSS, J 256-757-3698 AL-L THOMASVILLE JERNIGAN, B 251-862-2190 ALABAMA AL-F MONTGOMERY SCOTT, M 334-356-2892 AL-M OPELIKA HARRISON, C★ 334-291-3234 D/D HARVEST FOSNIGHT, R 256-721-9151 AL-G SAMSON COLVIN, D 334-222-1294 AL-N GADSDEN WHITE, B 256-442-3625 AL-A MOBILE ROY, S 251-633-8557 AL-H ATHENS NEELY, P 256-216-1026 AL-O FAIRHOPE SUTTON, D 251-987-1718 AL-B HUNTSVILLE GRISWOLD, J 256-722-9128 AL-I DECATUR WALKER, J 256-351-9255 AL-Q DEATSVILLE SMITH, C 256-896-4192 AL-C HUEYTOWN BROWN, L 205-936-8728 AL-J TUSCALOOSA BEALL, R 205-393-2653 AL-R SYLACAUGA BURNEY, H 256-362-4377 AL-D ANNISTON LACKEY, R 256-831-1707 AL-K FLORENCE WILEY, J 256-766-1863 AL-S RUSSELLVILLE SWINDLE, M 256-331-2735

June 2008 93 AL-T MCCALLA TEASLEY, F 205-424-4717 FL-1L PANAMA CITY PIPPIN, D 850-785-9736 AL-U DOTHAN LETT, R 334-774-2749 FL-1L2 WESLEY CHAPEL BARGER, R 352-583-3487 INDIANA AL-X ALABASTER SMITH, W 205-620-4052 FL-1M CLEARWATER SCHAAD, R 727-421-6083 D/D PORTLAND MICHEAU, W★ 260-726-9534 AL-Y BIRMINGHAM ROSENOW, M 205-655-8565 FL-1O CRESTVIEW DAVIS, W 850-892-0318 IN-A HOBART KENNEDY, D 219-696-9657 AL-Z PRATTVILLE TAYLOR, V 334-361-7451 FL-1P PALATKA MEISNER, C 386-649-4799 IN-A2 LEBONON SUTER, S 765-654-7876 FL-1Q MILTON VAUGHN, W 850-623-5831 IN-B NEW ALBANY CRAFT, G 812-967-4705 ALASKA FL-1R DUNNELLON SCHLIMME, B 352-465-1228 IN-B2 MARION MONROE, R 765-651-1523 FL-1S ZEPHYRHILLS BROWN, F 813-719-9300 D/D EAGLE RIVER NORWOOD, S 907-696-3551 IN-C INDIANAPOLIS CREAGER, G 765-938-4352 FL-1T INVERNESS HARRIS, R 352-726-6128 IN-C2 FORT WAYNE CLOSSON, J 260-637-4001 AK-A ANCHORAGE LEWIS, W 907-244-8754 FL-1V JACKSONVILLE BCH HOWELL, D 904-745-6414 AK-B FAIRBANKS DE HAVEN, P 907-488-8777 IN-D TERRE HAUTE ROBBINS, D 765-344-1011 FL-1W APOPKA BENSON, J 407-889-3279 IN-D2 FORT WAYNE DANNER, A 260-749-5537 AK-M WASILLA GARTRELL, B 907-746-3420 FL-1X ORANGE PARK TUCKER, C 904-278-2802 AK-P SOLDOTNA WILLIAMS, P 907-283-0595 IN-E ANDERSON HUNTER, L 765-779-4187 FL-1Y GAINESVILLE OLDHAM, S 352-375-8781 IN-E2 MITCHELL BLACKBURN, C 812-275-8423 ARIZONA FL-1Z NORTH TAMPA DEL RIO, R 813-962-4501 IN-F WARSAW BROWN, T 574-305-1569 FL-2A WEST PALM BCH GARSON, J 561-439-5541 IN-G FORT WAYNE BOYD, R 260-749-5603 D/D TUCSON LUMPKIN, D 520-885-5709 FL-2B2 SARASOTA DELAPENHA, D 941-371-7928 IN-G2 MILAN WISE, T 812-623-4199 AZ-A TUCSON WOO, G 520-400-9897 FL-2C2 NAPLES FITZGERALD, J 239-775-3018 IN-H GOSHEN SHULL, D 574-831-4866 AZ-C LAKE HAVASU CTY CALLAWAY, J 928-855-8981 FL-2D MELBOURNE ANDERSON, H 321-952-1448 IN-H2 NEW CASTLE DINKINS, T 765-529-6434 AZ-D MESA BRINTON, D 480-786-0365 FL-2E MIAMI WITT, B 786-293-8326 IN-J KOKOMO MACKEY, M 765-963-3480 AZ-E SIERRA VISTA BROWN, D 520-366-5801 FL-2F PUNTA GORDA IRGENS, D 941-639-6886 IN-K LAFAYETTE CULBERTSON, R 765-474-3783 AZ-F BULLHEAD CITY SEIP, R 928-763-7858 FL-2G N FORT MYERS GARMON, E 239-541-2693 IN-L LIBERTY NEWMAN, T★ 765-966-8722 AZ-G GREEN VALLEY WELCH, C 520-548-0223 FL-2H WAUCHULA CARLTON, W★ 863-773-3648 IN-L2 GREENWOOD ZIMMERMAN, J 317-536-2635 AZ-J FLAGSTAFF GALES, T 928-774-7361 FL-2L LAKELAND DIEBOLD, T 863-293-6610 IN-M WASHINGTON BURCH, J 812-295-2226 AZ-K TUCSON LASH, K 520-237-2155 FL-2N COCOA ODONELL, J 321-784-3529 IN-M2 COLUMBIA CITY HODSON, D 260-396-2333 AZ-R PHOENIX TRASK, W 623-934-7496 FL-2O STUART LONG, K 772-283-1663 IN-N SOUTH BEND BARBER, J 269-687-5300 AZ-S SCOTTSDALE JOHNSON, G 480-488-5870 FL-2P BRADENTON LOUGH, G 941-371-3244 IN-N2 SALEM SPAULDING, D 812-294-1810 AZ-W SNOWFLAKE BERMELE, C 928-532-2908 FL-2Q CORAL SPRINGS TBA TBA IN-O EVANSVILLE STONESTREET, M 812-491-8971 AZ-Y PRESCOTT WHITE, S 928-772-0800 FL-2R FORT LAUDERDALE JEFFERSON, H 954-435-2730 IN-O2 ELKHART KNEPPLE, M 269-476-9777 FL-2V SEBRING FRANCIS, H 863-243-3300 IN-P NOBLESVILLE MOON, C 317-440-6971 ARKANSAS FL-2W WINTER HAVEN MCFARLAND, J 863-969-4583 IN-P2 CROWN POINT MAYER, J 219-836-5714 FL-2Z WEST PALM BCH SEADORF, T 561-433-8813 IN-Q2 PORTAGE NEWBOLD, L 219-762-5472 D/D DARDANELLE FRIEDEN, D 479-229-3370 IN-R INDIANAPOLIS SHRAKE, J 317-694-3126 AR-A NORTH LITTLE ROCK SUMMERVILLE, B 501-455-5231 GEORGIA IN-R2 RENSSELAER REED, M 219-866-4386 AR-B FAYETTEVILLE REDINGER, D 479-409-9566 IN-S2 SOUTH BEND KANIA, J 260-768-4780 D/D ALBANY LIVINGSTON, W 229-889-1705 AR-C CABOT DEPRIEST, C 501-882-9172 IN-T UNION CITY ROBINETTE, D 260-726-4124 GA-A MCDONOUGH MCCROSKEY, B 770-954-1924 AR-D JONESBORO BROWN, T 870-761-5490 IN-T2 HUNTINGTON CUSTER, S 260-356-8922 GA-A2 DUBLIN WHIDDON, G 478-986-5678 AR-E HOT SPRINGS BASS, C 501-922-3691 IN-U ANGOLA LIGHT, D 260-665-9082 GA-B MARIETTA STARK, T 770-642-2331 AR-F WARREN SAVAGE, D 870-463-8772 IN-U2 LAPORTE BARTOS, J 269-756-9509 GA-B2 DOUGLASVILLE THAYER, W 770-537-6476 AR-H BATESVILLE PROVENCE, D 870-793-4180 IN-V GARY WILLIAMS, Z 219-944-8122 GA-C BRUNSWICK POTTER, A 912-267-1536 AR-I STUTTGART MORRIS, W 870-659-3884 IN-W COLUMBUS LEWIS, R 812-579-6431 GA-C2 HINESVILLE URBAN, L 912-876-5632 AR-J RUSSELLVILLE HOLMES, K 479-968-5179 IN-Y LINTON GARWOOD, B 812-847-2881 GA-D GAINESVILLE DAVIS, S 770-314-8938 AR-L CONWAY REED, S 501-753-8580 IN-Z BLOOMINGTON WILLIAMS, J 812-828-9436 AR-P MOUNTAIN HOME WILLIAMS, M 870-488-5466 GA-D2 DALTON CRONAN, F 706-277-1298 AR-R VAN BUREN THOMPSON, L 479-471-0697 GA-E THOMASTON PEOPLES, B 706-646-3814 IOWA AR-T TEXARKANA GILLINGHAM, R 870-845-8702 GA-E2 SAVANNAH BRIDGES, R 912-823-2743 AR-W BLYTHEVILLE GLASSCOCK, J 870-763-4578 GA-F2 AUGUSTA CATES, L 706-860-9238 D/D LA PORTE CITY RIPPEL, D 319-342-3285 AR-X CLARKSVILLE HUMPHREY, R 479-754-4326 GA-G COLUMBUS MURPHY, A 706-569-6820 IA-A DES MOINES GEER, J 515-979-1989 GA-G2 ROSWELL SEGO, C 678-787-6273 IA-D MASON CITY EGGERS, W 515-832-6677 CALIFORNIA GA-H ALBANY VERNER, J 229-883-5598 IA-E BURLINGTON COLE, K 319-208-7812 GA-H2 STATESBORO GAY, C 912-852-9035 IA-F CEDAR RAPIDS STAUFFER, R 319-721-7487 D/D LA MESA ALKIRE, A 619-741-8893 GA-I MADISON SMITH, B 706-342-0125 IA-H OTTUMWA CHAPMAN, J 641-932-7612 CA-1A LANCASTER TIEDE, E 661-946-1409 GA-I2 CARROLLTON DUMES, M 770-251-9544 IA-I WATERLOO CLEMEN, J★ 319-283-4881 CA-1D PARAMOUNT MCSHANE, T 562-920-6564 GA-J HIAWASSEE GOTTLIEB, J 706-896-7403 IA-O DAVENPORT ENGLISH, D 309-799-7522 CA-1F SAN DIEGO CALLAWAY, R 858-581-3317 GA-K KINGSLAND YOTHER, J 912-729-6379 IA-P SHENANDOAH LEIGAN, C★ 712-246-3276 CA-1I COVINA NUNNALLY, D 909-592-1476 GA-L ROME NEWBY, D 706-295-1714 IA-S SHELDON SMITH, K 712-262-0317 CA-1K BURBANK GILMAN, J 818-362-8925 GA-M MOULTRIE MCCALL, G★ 229-985-2412 CA-1L ATASCADERO ROWLEY, R 805-489-1502 GA-O TIFTON TILLMAN, T 229-769-3197 KANSAS CA-1M RIVERSIDE TEGEL, L 951-443-2891 GA-P FAYETTEVILLE PRIVETT, D 770-471-2936 CA-1N OCEANSIDE ANDREWS, G 760-741-8230 GA-Q WARNER ROBINS CHAMBERS, T 478-953-4533 D/D LYNDON DRAKE, G 785-828-4801 CA-1Q BUENA PARK MONTEZ, R 714-750-6067 GA-R JASPER DAVIS, W 770-479-0247 KS-A WICHITA HILTON, C 316-425-7239 CA-1R IRVINE LORENZ, T 714-968-4393 GA-S WINDER THRASHER, K 706-310-1041 KS-B GARDNER AIKEN, D 785-842-8503 CA-1S VENTURA SHIPP, T 805-680-5071 GA-T ATHENS SIMPSON, R 706-546-5202 KS-C TOPEKA EDWARDS, T 785-266-4027 CA-1V VICTORVILLE CHAVARRIA, K 760-244-4919 GA-U SNELLVILLE NOY, A★ 770-736-5628 KS-E INDEPENDENCE MUSGROVE, T 620-336-3526 CA-1Y LOMPOC SASAKI, P 805-735-4641 GA-V HAWKINSVILLE SIMPSON, A 478-934-0584 KS-F EL DORADO KISTLER, R 316-541-2207 CA-1Z TEMECULA PUTERBAUGH, V 951-453-6000 GA-W WOODSTOCK FINLEY, T 770-974-7533 KS-P WICHITA TINKLER, J 316-722-2825 CA-2A TULARE AKKERMAN, J 559-594-5046 GA-X MACON ZIMMER, J★ 478-474-8821 KS-P WICHITA KISTLER, R 316-541-2207 CA-2J PITTSBURG RILEY, D 925-685-2111 GA-Z NEWNAN HEAD, R 770-461-8360 KS-Q ARKANSAS CITY MANGUS, G 620-221-1904 CA-2K FAIRFIELD CANNING, R 510-812-1621 KS-S EMPORIA SCHOECK, J 620-342-8687 CA-2N ANGELS CAMP BURKE, M 209-536-1318 HAWAII CA-2Q DUBLIN JARUMAY, A 510-659-8239 KENTUCKY CA-2R SALINAS O’KEEFE, P 831-646-9815 HI-A HONOLULU KAHN, G 808-545-3132 CA-2S SAN JOSE CARR, W 408-923-0740 D/D WILLIAMSTOWN CONRAD, R 859-824-6985 CA-2W CLOVIS ZANE, T 559-432-5405 IDAHO KY-A LOUISVILLE ROGERS, T 502-241-6894 CA-C SACRAMENTO GRAHAM, N 916-454-5290 KY-B PADUCAH JENNINGS, M 618-564-2444 D/D IDAHO FALLS KESTER, J 208-524-1768 KY-C LEXINGTON BELL, R 859-369-3668 COLORADO ID-A POCATELLO ORAM, W 208-237-7304 KY-D ASHLAND MCMILLEN, M 606-931-0774 ID-B LEWISTON ZELLER, J 208-413-0375 KY-G FLORENCE THOLA, B 859-384-7721 D/D LITTLETON RANDOLPH, S 720-963-9434 ID-D BOISE KESTER, J 208-524-1768 KY-I OWENSBORO BLANDFORD, B 270-229-4451 CO-A LITTLETON DAVIS, W 303-627-9263 ID-E IDAHO FALLS HAMMOND, T 208-529-5477 KY-J PRINCETON KIMBERLIN, M 270-988-2466 CO-B GRAND JUNCTION BAKER, B 970-242-6634 ID-H COEUR D’ ALENE BOLSTAD, T 208-683-6059 KY-N DRY RIDGE CONRAD, W 859-824-5234 CO-C CANON CITY AGNEW, J 719-275-4860 KY-P MAYSVILLE BAUMANN, D 937-446-3101 CO-E ARVADA DUNN, L 303-287-9537 ILLINOIS KY-S ELIZABETHTOWN PUGH, S 502-833-0097 CO-G FORT COLLINS HALLAM, R 970-493-5536 KY-T PAINTSVILLE CONN, C 606-587-3060 CO-I COLORADO SPGS HARDER, T 719-481-9044 D/D CARTERVILLE SCHLAGER, S 618-985-6687 KY-U FRANKLIN HITE, B 270-776-1552 CO-J AURORA HOWLAND, G 303-337-2740 IL-A CHAMPAIGN VAUGHT, D 217-469-7879 KY-V RICHMOND JACKSON, S 859-358-7622 CO-L LAKEWOOD ANDREWS, D 303-910-7301 IL-A2 MT PROSPECT MORGAN, R 630-759-0991 KY-W WINCHESTER GARRETT, J 859-498-6425 CO-N PUEBLO ROSE, M 719-485-3536 IL-B MACOMB WANAMAKER, G 309-836-6872 KY-Y MAYFIELD BALDREE, R★ 270-658-3862 CO-O LONGMONT ALDRICH, S 303-652-3227 IL-B2 CRYSTAL LAKE FERRARO, J 815-338-0981 CO-Q MONTROSE MEANS, I 970-240-1633 IL-C GILMAN ALLHANDS, J 815-432-3071 LOUISIANA IL-C2 LENA HOWARD, K 815-233-4433 CONNECTICUT IL-D MATTOON DOWNS, K 217-369-8776 D/D MONROE PYBURN, J 318-387-1741 IL-D2 EFFINGHAM RENTFRO, K 217-682-3683 LA-A BATON ROUGE DINNEL, T 225-647-0276 D/D FAIRFIELD MACCALLUM, C 203-259-8816 IL-DK DEKALB MINICK, B★ 815-264-7834 LA-B LAFAYETTE LAVERGNE, G 337-873-6825 CT-B MANCHESTER MCQUEENEY, S 860-688-0416 IL-E LITCHFIELD LIEVERS, G 618-585-6688 LA-C SHREVEPORT WEBB, C 318-925-2552 CT-E FAIRFIELD FRIEND, S 203-264-4180 IL-F MT VERNON BRIDGWATER, G 618-244-7420 LA-D WEST MONROE FULLER, J 318-728-2273 CT-Q PUTNAM OLSON, M 860-923-9966 IL-G DIXON SHORE, M 815-284-2335 LA-E ALEXANDRIA DUCOTE, R 318-346-4394 CT-W WATERBURY HOGABOOM, A 203-757-1488 IL-G2 GURNEE DAUJOTIS, E 847-356-6450 LA-F SLIDELL ENGOLIA, S 985-641-7128 IL-H ELGIN KORZUN, R 847-651-2575 LA-H HOUMA TAYLOR, J 985-868-0552 DELAWARE IL-H2 GALESBURG TOLAND, G 309-483-6106 LA-J LAKE CHARLES PALMER, B 337-433-6816 IL-I DECATUR GAITROS, T★ 217-763-2471 LA-K METAIRIE VILLERE, M 985-764-6028 D/D WILMINGTON GILLARD, B 302-995-6544 IL-L ROCKFORD BENNETT, D 815-398-1201 LA-M DE RIDDER BRINKLEY, L 337-825-6797 DE-A NEW CASTLE DEGEISO, M 302-547-2102 IL-M TINLEY PARK RAILA, D 815-254-5990 LA-O FRANKLINTON VERNON, E 225-683-5636 DE-B SEAFORD INGRAM, K 410-208-4803 IL-N QUINCY GODMAN, D 573-288-5342 IL-O COLLINSVILLE KOLLING, L 618-344-4885 MAINE FLORIDA IL-P LINCOLN HOLMES, M 217-735-1347 D/D MONMOUTH MUSHLIT, E 207-933-5899 IL-P2 MINOOKA CAMPUS, P 815-476-6005 D/D ORMOND BEACH CARR, E 386-673-6176 ME-A BERWICK BRIDLE, R 321-636-3133 IL-PI PARIS FELL, J 217-948-5674 FL-1A TAMPA MARION, B 813-299-6433 ME-C LEWISTON WRIGHT, D 207-763-3862 FL-1A2 TALLAHASSEE STEPHENS, C 850-539-5084 IL-Q CARBONDALE KOHLENBERGER, W 618-687-4736 ME-D BANGOR SHERBURNE, K 207-827-1238 FL-1B BRANDON IVERSON, J 813-654-6332 IL-R LASALLE HYLLA, G 815-223-1809 ME-V MADAWASKA CYR, J 207-895-3536 FL-1D PENSACOLA POPPELL, T 850-377-7977 IL-S OLNEY LAUDER, R 812-886-1761 FL-1D2 NEW PORT RICHEY HECKLER, R 727-819-1113 IL-T SPRINGFIELD RITZ, L 217-488-2915 MARYLAND FL-1E2 FORT WALTON BCH DONALDSON, D★ 850-279-6658 IL-U VANDALIA BRUNGARD, S 618-283-0496 FL-1F TITUSVILLE MILLINGTON, W 321-720-2968 IL-V BATAVIA JOHNSTON, R★ 630-260-0270 D/D DAVIDSONVILLE WILLINGHAM, H 410-956-5173 FL-1F2 OCALA DUNCAN, B 352-237-8409 IL-V BATAVIA KOVACH, A 630-466-1619 MD-A BALTIMORE COGBURN, W 410-788-4019 FL-1G DELTONA ABRAMS, J 386-668-9475 IL-V2 VIENNA HUDDLESTUN, H 618-275-4472 MD-B OXON HILL HILL, B 301-856-2329 FL-1H DAYTONA WELLS, G 386-427-5169 IL-W KANKAKEE SIPPEL, N 815-937-0849 MD-C GLEN BURNIE HEFFNER, G 410-757-6236 FL-1H2 ORLANDO RAESLY, D 407-568-6664 IL-Y NEW LENOX DOUGHER, R 708-481-6866 MD-F HAGERSTOWN WALTERS, R 301-293-1910 FL-1J JACKSONVILLE GRESHAM, E 904-724-6398 IL-Z PEORIA ONKEN, W 309-697-0208 MD-H BEL AIR KELLEY, S 410-879-3063 FL-1K PALM COAST GRAY, D 386-246-9335 IL-Z2 CHICAGO CIESLA, G★ 773-259-6896 MD-I WALDORF AHEARN, R 301-997-1254 FL-1K2 ST PETERSBURG CARACCIOLO, D 727-344-1805 IL-Z2 CHICAGO KRESCH, M 708-679-0520 MD-J ANNAPOLIS MANGUM, M 410-266-0092

94 Wing World MD-K ELDERSBURG HALL, W 410-876-8687 MO-X NEOSHO GILLMING, G 417-475-3598 MD-L ROCK HALL HORTON, D 410-827-8342 MO-XP ST JOSEPH TALBOT, J 816-232-4548 NORTH DAKOTA MO-Y BRANSON STOUT, J 417-779-0707 D/D FARGO SCHEURING, B 701-232-6217 MASSACHUSETTS MO-Z ST LOUIS STEWART, T 636-461-1681 ND-B BEULAH HAMMARGREN, K 701-873-2777 D/D LEICESTER ANDERSON, W 508-892-3521 MONTANA ND-C BISMARCK HENKE, A 701-255-4963 MA-A WAKEFIELD ODIERNO, P 978-667-3776 ND-D FARGO SEIBEL, C 701-261-0640 MA-B HYANNIS MORRISSEY, K 508-548-5880 D/D LAUREL PARPART, R 406-628-8115 ND-M MINOT CHRISTIANSON, G 701-852-1633 MA-D SPRINGFIELD DEBARGE, M 413-747-0547 MT-A BILLINGS BURRIGHT, J 406-259-3456 ND-R MOTT GJERSTAD, L 701-824-2220 MA-F BERKLEY ALVAREZ, S 508-386-3967 MT-B BILLINGS HOER, A 406-652-2341 MA-M LEOMINSTER MURPHY, P 978-355-2435 MT-C SIDNEY RUMSEY, R 406-787-5230 OHIO MA-W WORCESTER MAYO, G 508-987-0252 MT-H HELENA ANZIK, W 406-227-8904 D/D WEST MILTON HURLEY, R★ 937-698-4443 MT-M MISSOULA HINTZ, T 406-251-5781 MICHIGAN OH-A FINDLAY NOURSE, B 419-353-2522 NEBRASKA OH-A2 HAMILTON NEUMEISTER, R 513-887-1309 D/D ROCHESTER HILLS BOBEK, C★ 248-852-8537 OH-A3 MARIETTA SADLER, W 740-984-2297 MI-A STERLING HEIGHTS STRADLEY, J 248-545-4243 D/D PLAINVIEW BROZEK, L 402-582-4726 OH-B MANSFIELD SMITH, D 419-756-9702 MI-A2 ANN ARBOR KEEDLE, W 734-729-2327 NE-A GRAND ISLAND SKIDMORE, H 402-854-3369 OH-B2 BELLEFONTAINE STANIONS, T 614-467-4524 MI-B DEARBORN KIRK, R★ 734-397-2030 NE-C COLUMBUS HOUDEK, L 402-564-5736 OH-B3 OBETZ MOORE, J 614-833-4204 MI-B2 IMLAY CITY VAN DAMME, J 810-346-3195 NE-NE PLAINVIEW UMBERGER, G 402-360-2282 OH-C MAUMEE FRIESS, M 734-847-1294 MI-C MONROE LANCASTER, D 734-753-9317 NE-O OMAHA ROBERTS, R 402-991-0596 OH-C2 GALLIPOLIS SKIDMORE, W 740-446-3993 MI-C2 LUDINGTON WIGGINS, N 231-757-4448 NE-W SCOTTSBLUFF OLIVER, J 308-436-3616 OH-C3 STRONGSVILLE GAJEWSKY, T 330-225-0070 MI-D PORTAGE BURGAN, H 269-342-9249 OH-D CHARDON MEYER, R 440-834-4825 MI-D2 HOWELL DRESSLER, D★ 810-227-3271 NEVADA OH-D3 MARYSVILLE DENMAN, K 937-246-3221 MI-E CLARKSTON JISA, G 248-627-6320 OH-E2 CINCINNATI MARTIN, W 513-732-3528 MI-E2 OWOSSO SPENCER, W 517-725-7362 D/D SPRING CREEK WILSON, F 775-778-6746 OH-E3 POMEROY DARNELL, P 740-992-0486 MI-F MARINE CITY OWENS, T 586-598-3912 NV-A LAS VEGAS BOLSINGER, R 702-492-6703 OH-F FAIRBORN GLYDEWELL, L 937-322-7156 MI-F2 FLINT SMITH, D 810-265-3605 NV-E RENO THELANDER, R 775-358-8979 OH-F2 AMHERST SWARTZ, J 440-933-5561 MI-G ROCKFORD MEREDITH, J 616-696-3482 NV-H ELKO ELLISON, D 775-777-9356 OH-F3 LANCASTER BRAY, R 740-964-0216 MI-G2 EDMORE HOUTMAN, R 616-754-0615 OH-G2 MANTUA HANNING, L 330-626-2686 MI-H LIVONIA DINGUS, J 313-387-8477 NEW HAMPSHIRE OH-G3 EATON CHELLIS, M 937-678-9862 MI-H2 TAYLOR HOLMES, I 734-285-5048 D/D CANAAN FERLAND, W 603-523-9890 OH-H COLUMBUS SPAFFORD, B 614-873-5709 MI-I BATTLE CREEK CONINE, C 269-964-6365 NH-A CONCORD TARBELL, A 603-224-4516 OH-H2 GARFIELD HTS MITCHELL, C 216-383-9009 MI-I2 ALPENA ZAMPICH, D 989-354-3236 NH-E KEENE THIBAUDEAU, P 978-827-6091 OH-H3 PROCTORVILLE CHAPMAN, C 740-532-6386 MI-J JACKSON DUNCAN, D 517-569-3235 NH-F LEBANON SPRAGUE, H 603-448-3707 OH-I ORRVILLE BENJAMIN, R 330-276-5900 MI-J2 CLARE WENTZ, S 989-435-4753 NH-G LACONIA VENNE, S 603-435-5008 OH-I2 WARREN STOCKTON, R 330-637-5191 MI-K CLIO TOWNSEND, T 810-735-7126 NH-K GORHAM GULA, S 603-482-3252 OH-J DAYTON PESTER, R 937-434-3035 MI-K2 BIG RAPIDS ZAGUMNY, J 616-696-9518 OH-K TROY WALLACE, E 937-773-6631 MI-L LANSING PREBBLE, M 517-676-5810 NEW JERSEY OH-K2 BELLEVUE LANDON, G 419-465-4172 MI-L2 WAYLAND DOEZEMA, P 269-945-2565 OH-L CINCINNATI RICHARD, R 513-741-3548 MI-M SKANDIA MAXON, G 906-387-3019 D/D SOMERSET LOSEY, W 732-873-3864 OH-L2 NEW PHILADELPHIA LEDSOME, C 330-343-2966 MI-M2 MANISTIQUE TENNYSON, D 906-341-6245 NJ-A MILLVILLE CHEW, R 856-299-3586 OH-M AUSTINTOWN WILSON, W 330-549-3859 MI-N MUSKEGON RODGERS, G★ 231-893-4108 NJ-C MT. LAUREL KING, G 856-764-3718 OH-M2 DEFIANCE PETERSON, P 419-636-4958 MI-N2 GAYLORD PULLEN, W 989-786-2817 NJ-D HIGHTSTOWN BASSEL, T 732-261-0610 OH-N LIMA OTTO, C 419-646-3481 MI-O HOLLAND PATOW, H★ 616-886-7174 NJ-E EGG HARBOR TWP LORD, T 609-377-6356 OH-N2 SABINA LANGAN, J 937-376-2289 MI-P BERKLEY KINNEE, C 248-689-4299 NJ-F FREEHOLD EVANS, T 732-291-2355 OH-O NEWARK DAY, R 740-787-1557 MI-P2 CADILLAC BENNINGER, D 517-467-7662 NJ-G FLANDERS GODIN, D 973-885-3535 OH-P MEDINA MARCINKO, R 330-722-0494 MI-Q SAULT STE MARIE ROCHELEAU, H 906-495-5731 NJ-H WATCHUNG MARION, W 908-233-9025 OH-P2 CHILLICOTHE BLACK, J 740-993-2863 MI-Q2 CASS CITY GLAZA, D 989-864-3504 NJ-I TOMS RIVER PASCIAK, J 732-818-7742 OH-Q CANTON PHILLIPS, D 330-477-1827 MI-R CHARLOTTE IKLE, S 517-543-6625 OH-Q2 CIRCLEVILLE HUFFMAN, B 740-474-1830 MI-R2 IONIA LAW, S 517-652-5307 NEW MEXICO OH-R GREENVILLE EBERSOLE, J 937-448-2993 MI-S BENTON HARBOR OLSON, L 269-756-5721 OH-S TIFFIN WHITMER, W 419-618-5010 MI-S2 DETROIT EDWARDS, C 313-537-1824 D/D LAS CRUCES ROBINSON, G 505-524-0183 ★ NM-C CLOVIS PETTIGREW, D 505-763-1636 OH-S2 SPRINGFIELD BEVENS, J 740-852-1923 MI-T JONESVILLE BRADLEY, L 517-563-2557 OH-T KENT DETWILER, S 330-673-4072 MI-T2 EAST TAWAS MURPHY, K 989-305-1537 NM-D FARMINGTON DAVIS, R 505-632-1331 ★ NM-F ALBUQUERQUE BATES, T 505-889-3100 OH-T2 TROTWOOD SIMPSON, C 937-832-2197 MI-U ST. JOHNS SCHNEIDER, R 989-224-6259 OH-U CELINA KOHLER, V 419-738-6635 MI-U2 SHEPHERD ORWIG, R 989-773-1180 NM-R ROSWELL RICHARDS, J 505-627-7692 ★ NM-T LAS CRUCES LAWRENCE, B 575-649-3392 OH-U2 HILLIARD RIEHLE, J 614-336-8231 MI-V MIDLAND BADOUR, J 989-894-4180 OH-V ASHLAND WOLF, W 419-945-1315 MI-V2 CARO SCHERZER, J 989-652-4815 NM-W ALBUQUERQUE STILLWAGON, J 505-889-9557 ★ NM-Y ALAMOGORDO GILSDORF, J★ 505-443-1755 OH-V2 WINTERSVILLE STRAKA, T 740-266-6321 MI-W ADRIAN GARNER, B 517-403-7338 OH-W MARION CLICK, G 740-389-2488 MI-X STURGIS PAANANEN, J 269-435-8500 ★ NEW YORK OH-W2 BOWLING GREEN STADER, J 419-472-0633 MI-Y HOUGHTON LAKE LAVENDER, C 989-422-4750 OH-X ATHENS MEESE, J 740-385-3499 MI-Z CHEBOYGAN HILES, C 231-537-4752 D/D BINGHAMTON BAHRENBURG, E 607-648-4351 OH-X2 MONROE TAYLOR, D 513-863-6850 NY-C OSWEGO HANLON, R 315-622-3939 OH-Y FREDERICKTOWN HAWKINS, J 740-397-1743 MINNESOTA NY-D CENTRAL SQUARE REARDON, R 315-668-1690 OH-Y2 ZANESVILLE BRADLEY, G 740-849-2169 ★ D/D ANDOVER HEAP, K 763-477-6579 NY-F BURDETT BROWN, R 607-546-4111 OH-Z PAINESVILLE KOTHERA, K 440-255-4973 MN-B BEMIDJI SMITH, D 218-694-4078 NY-G WYNANTSKILL ST AMOUR, P 518-490-1031 OH-Z2 DELAWARE RICHARDS, B 740-397-0312 MN-C LAKE CRYSTAL ECKSTEIN, R 507-354-8105 NY-H YOUNGSTOWN SAULS, G 716-772-2280 MN-G NORTHEAST TWIN CITIE KEENE, R 651-489-7978 NY-K HAUPAUGH SHOWMAN, L 631-273-7769 OKLAHOMA MN-I IRON RANGE PIERCE, F 218-254-4245 NY-L EARLTON COLE, R 518-731-1041 D/D OWASSO GRENINGER, R 918-272-9055 MN-L LUVERNE ANDERSON, J 507-227-6756 NY-N SARATOGA SPRINGS CORK, G 518-877-4917 ★ OK-A ALTUS UPTERGROVE, B 580-535-4402 MN-N SOUTH TWIN CITIES PATTERSON, B 612-581-6566 NY-R BRONX HERNANDEZ, M 718-931-3243 OK-E TULSA HANLON, S 918-254-6470 MN-O NW TWIN CITIES SANDS, J 763-631-0725 NY-T TABERG SHAPLEY, L 315-245-2095 OK-G BARTLESVILLE SAVAGE, D 918-534-1690 MN-Q MAPLE GROVE HAJNY, G 763-478-6528 NY-U JAMESTOWN GAWORECKI, J 716-763-2304 OK-J GUTHRIE LEVINGS, W 405-751-6626 MN-R AUSTIN HARIG, B 507-294-3232 NY-W ROCHESTER SCHELKUN, M 585-663-1237 OK-K PONCA CITY DUNHAM, D 580-762-6950 MN-S OWATONNA BENSON, B 507-527-2423 NY-Y BINGHAMTON SEELEY, J 607-656-9414 OK-L LAWTON BYRNS, T 580-492-4090 MN-V MOORHEAD/FARGO CONLEY, L 701-241-4642 NORTH CAROLINA OK-N NORMAN JONES, M 405-703-2057 OK-P CLAREMORE DIEDRICH, K 918-343-0117 MISSISSIPPI D/D BOONE HULL, D 828-295-6856 OK-R ARDMORE MOSS, L 580-226-6385 D/D MCCOMB HARBISON, G 601-684-3308 NC-A GREENSBORO MYERS, R 336-697-8193 OK-S MIDWEST CITY THORNE, B 405-672-0663 MS-A COLUMBIA PATTERSON, R 601-736-1589 NC-A2 LEXINGTON DEZARN, R 336-969-2180 OK-W MUSTANG SHACKELFORD, J 405-392-3227 MS-B GULFPORT BATTAYA, C 228-990-4963 NC-B GOLDSBORO KING, F 910-293-7643 OK-X STILLWATER SWEEDEN, T 405-372-6288 MS-C COLUMBUS WHITSON, J 662-329-4749 NC-B2 WINSTON-SALEM HESTER, D 336-945-4031 MS-D MERIDIAN LOONEY, R 601-986-2665 NC-C CHARLOTTE HOPKINS, P 704-563-6185 OREGON MS-E VICKSBURG BISHOP, M 318-574-1243 NC-C2 SMITHFIELD STRAUGHAN, J 919-989-8232 MS-F JACKSON HARDY, J 601-856-6380 NC-D GREENVILLE MANNING, R 252-752-4520 D/D LEBANON MCFARLAND, W 541-259-4429 MS-G NATCHEZ THOMPSON, H 601-442-7269 NC-D2 NEW BERN JOYNER, P 252-638-1538 OR-C MEDFORD RITTER, D 541-245-9553 MS-H JACKSON LAUGHLIN, J 601-373-5503 NC-E CARY BERNER, R 919-387-7628 OR-E EUGENE HUNTER, M 541-912-3640 MS-I CORINTH STUTTS, R 662-728-3981 NC-E2 ELIZABETH CITY FORTIER, O 252-426-1878 OR-G SALEM CHOATE, B 503-399-8352 MS-J BATESVILLE ANDERSON, L 662-234-9251 NC-F JACKSONVILLE GRANT, W 910-577-7601 OR-I OREGON CITY MASHEK, R 503-650-6172 MS-K GRENADA KOONCE, R 665-226-0701 NC-F2 GARNER BOWEN, D 919-847-4151 OR-J ALBANY MORRIS, D 541-928-5614 MS-L LAUREL SCHUTZ, D 601-425-5135 NC-G HIGH POINT VERTEFEUILLE, B 336-476-1040 MS-M MCCOMB MOAK, D 601-734-6455 NC-G2 WAYNESVILLE WHEELER, C 828-926-7896 PENNSYLVANIA NC-H2 DURHAM HYDE, J 919-382-8097 MS-N TUPELO GODFREY, M 662-566-7661 D/D EVERETT STONE, C 814-652-6554 MS-O CARRIERE KUCHTA, P 601-749-8893 NC-I ASHEVILLE WARREN, A 828-628-1757 NC-J BOONE STOUT, P 423-727-5488 PA-A KING OF PRUSSIA BURGESS, R 267-312-0424 MS-Q GREENVILLE WHITE, G 662-820-9950 PA-B LITITZ MCCLUN, J 717-733-1870 MS-U MORTON ALLEN, B 601-537-3392 NC-K2 FAYETTEVILLE PARHAM, D 910-868-4946 NC-L GASTONIA HASKIN, J 704-922-8600 PA-C CHAMBERSBURG DICE, L 717-264-8863 MS-V VICKSBURG LEWIS, D 601-629-9862 PA-D CRANBERRY TWP RICE, D 724-452-5730 MS-W WEST POINT SWINDOL, G 662-494-2603 NC-L2 MOORESVILLE PENNONI, T 704-660-5887 PA-E BELLE VERNON LUFFY, S 724-228-4809 MS-X GREENWOOD BEAMAN, F 662-455-7481 NC-M SALISBURY CORRIHER, B 704-232-0631 PA-F BELLEFONTE SNYDER, C 814-571-3469 MS-Y HERNANDO FREELAND, J 662-404-4115 NC-M2 HENDERSONVILLE MOORE, L 828-649-1333 NC-N BURLINGTON DAVIS, L 919-732-7961 PA-G ERIE LOVE, H 814-835-9423 MISSOURI NC-O2 HICKORY WHITE, T 828-464-9796 PA-H BERWICK PETERS, D 570-764-1218 NC-P2 FOREST CITY CHAMPION, R 828-245-5002 PA-I DUBOIS HARTLE, D 814-938-7136 D/D BOURBON SCHELL, L 417-889-0321 NC-Q WILMINGTON ROBBINS, J 910-232-1975 PA-K DILLSBURG BRETZ, D 717-533-5879 MO-B SPRINGFIELD SHANNON, R 417-830-4426 NC-Q2 DUNN/BENSON PIERCE, K 910-822-1168 PA-L ALLENTOWN NEWTON, B 215-257-3350 MO-B2 SEDALIA SILVEY, T 573-378-5874 NC-R THOMASVILLE CLINE, S★ 336-731-6081 PA-M WILLIAMSPORT THOMAS, G 570-322-6976 MO-C FARMINGTON SMITH, P 573-760-1924 NC-S LENOIR EDWARDS, M 828-726-8049 PA-N MEADVILLE EDDY, K 724-253-3194 MO-G JEFFERSON CITY LUECKENOTTE, K 573-659-4641 NC-S2 SANFORD GUNTER, B 919-776-2894 PA-O SHELOCTA ARTMAN, D 724-845-1655 MO-I JACKSON HAUPT, J 573-275-6580 NC-T2 ALBEMARLE HATLEY, R 704-385-9318 PA-P PITTSBURGH MILLER, M 412-563-4920 MO-K KANSAS CITY MAYS, F 816-254-8165 NC-U LUMBERTON FREEMAN, L 910-739-4776 PA-Q RUSSELL MCAULAY, J 814-726-2466 MO-N SPRINGFIELD YATES, D 417-866-0206 NC-U2 LAURINBURG BAKER, V 910-281-4921 PA-R SAYRE HARPER, W 607-625-4414 MO-O O’FALLON LONG, J 636-661-5309 NC-V STATESVILLE LITTLE, R 704-873-1472 PA-S ALTOONA HEFFELFINGER, J 814-943-1392 MO-P SULLIVAN HOUSER, B 573-468-8827 NC-W EDEN HOPPER, D 336-349-6801 PA-T SOMERSET JOHNSON, D 814-324-4526 MO-R ELK CREEK KENSLOW, J 417-257-1784 NC-W2 JEFFERSON DANCY, J 336-982-4688 PA-U MONROEVILLE CRAIG, B 412-793-7151 MO-T JOPLIN LITTLE, S 417-624-5925 NC-X2 MOUNT AIRY DENNY, D 336-983-0753 PA-V HANOVER MOTTER, D 717-226-3153 MO-U ROLLA ROBERTSON, D 573-647-1784 NC-Y MORGANTON MAIN, A 828-874-1258 PA-W EVERETT FAUPEL, L 514-733-4349 MO-W HARRISBURG ANTHONY, L 573-474-4521 NC-Y2 MONROE LAMBERT, R 704-264-9801 PA-X TUNKHANNOCK RODGERS, R 570-587-2531 MO-W2 ST PETERS HUDSON, B 636-928-1438 NC-Z ROCKY MOUNT BRYANT, R 252-442-2309 PA-Y QUAKERTOWN JACKSON, W 610-970-0356



D/D ANCON PANAMA SANCHEZ, A 0-507-232-6640 D/D HJARNARP BUHLER, L 00-47-92-033847 ●

HALL OF FAME (Recruited more than 100 new GWRRA Members.) Allen, Donald...... Fairfield, CA Michaud, Roberta ...... Albuquerque, NM Babin, Phillip...... Gonzales, LA Miller, Clifford...... Oklahoma City, OK Brady, Gene ...... Pasadena, TX Mytinger, David ...... Lenoir, NC Brady, Sarah...... Pasadena, TX Panter, Jim...... Canton, OH Carson, John ...... Jacksonville, IL Preston, John...... Jacksboro, TN Carter, Dave...... Crystal Lake, IL Dodd, Kacey ...... Gadsden, AL Rasmussen, Robert ...... Minneapolis, MN Dodd, Josh ...... Gadsden, AL Rasmussen, Delores...... Minneapolis, MN Fisher, Steven...... Hutchinson, MN Rennick, Bob...... Kings Mountain, NC Grant, Ken...... Pensacola, FL Roberts, Logan ...... Chandler, AZ Hewitt, David ...... Mesa, AZ Sharp, Gaylord ...... Friesland, WI Holton, Dean ...... Louisburg, NC Shrader, Robert...... San Antonio, FL Howell, Richard...... Albuquerque, NM Simmons, William ...... Newbern, TN Humphrey, Robert ...... Clarksville, AR Smith, Steven ...... York, SC Hutchens, Jim ...... Pleasant View, TN Smith, Bruce ...... London, ON Hutchens, Shirrin...... Pleasant View, TN Kephart, Richard ...... Pensacola, FL Swanson, Lloyd ...... Oklahoma City, OK Knudtson, Ronald ...... Mason City, IA Taber, Frank...... Port Orchard, WA Knudtson, Karen...... Mason City, IA Taylor, John ...... Fountain Inn, SC Kolaske, Neal ...... Milwaukee, WI Thayer, Gary ...... McDonough, GA Landis, Dick ...... Zephyrhills, FL Townsley, Richard...... Mahomet, IL Lantz, Charles...... Wooster, OH Vaillancourt, Michael ...... Montrose, CO Lear, Tom...... Bidwell, OH Waer, Allan, Sr...... Meshoppen, PA Legris, Mike...... Bradley, IL White, Kirby ...... Burgoon, OH Lewis, Edward ...... Concord, NH Lewis, Judith ...... Concord, NH Williams, Boyce...... Holiday Island, AR Lyman, B.J...... Santa Barbara, CA Wilson, Kerry ...... Gadsden, AL Lyman, Kit L...... Santa Barbara, CA Wilson, Joyce ...... Gadsden, AL McNabb, Charles...... Springfield, MO Zakrajsek, Martin ...... Richland, WA


George Ault Raymond Kellam John McCracken Acie Riley James A. Stonerock GWRRA #72028-02 GWRRA #93479 GWRRA #1428 GWRRA #228778 GWRRA #11208 Deerfield, OH Kansas City, MO Dothan, AL Hartford, AL Marcellus, MI

Ken W. Bean James D. Kerr Bill Martin Wilma J. Roberts Pete Thompson GWRRA #150873 GWRRA #245418 GWRRA #129059 GWRRA #3831 GWRRA #165983 Katy, TX Livonia, MI Yukon, OK Spanaway, WA Palm Desert, CA

Capt. Thomas Dunn John M. Ledoux Darrell Mead Norman Rosenthal John Vella GWRRA #262688 GWRRA #252337 GWRRA #126153 GWRRA #134299 GWRRA #152482 Longview, WA Ozona, TX Tacoma, WA Waterford, PA Madliena, Malta

Rev. Jim Gunter James Legg Mildred Parkes Paul Schiffner Shirlene Wagner GWRRA #195434 GWRRA #146846 GWRRA #51845 GWRRA #83612 GWRRA #235331-01 Warwick, GA Minden, LA San Antonio, TX Alva, OK Edmond, OK

Larry A. Guttke John Leith Jack Pettis John D. Shumaker Everett Whitt GWRRA #77500 GWRRA #237095-01 GWRRA #15049 GWRRA #152448 GWRRA #210040 Albuquerque, NM Richmond, IN Ocala, FL Irving, TX Ashville, OH

Gene Hamilton Teresa Lively CJ Porter Joy L. Smith Wayne J. Zuccato GWRRA #103211 GWRRA #610861 GWRRA #153038 GWRRA #63849-01 GWRRA #102099 Philpot, KY Marion, IL Chipley, FL Newnan, GA Sherwood Park, AB

Bob Hayes Wayne Lowe Burton J. Post Robert Smith GWRRA #145726 GWRRA #233936 GWRRA #36655 GWRRA #31795 Mechanicsville, VA Hot Springs National, AR Herington, KS Ithaca, MI

Wade Hughes Robert W. Ludlum Kenneth Powers Donald South GWRRA #140066 GWRRA #88004 GWRRA #3823 GWRRA #120400 Roan Mountain, TN Graysville, TN Jacksonville, FL Leighton, AL

Richard V. Johnson Chuck Mallory John B. Reer Jeane Nancy Stegemiller GWRRA #126354 GWRRA #183239 GWRRA #165827 GWRRA #38022 Pine, AZ Madison, OH Forked River, NJ Albany, GA


Medium weight liner zips inside lightweight shell. Reflective piping. Embroidered logos and lettering. Great, easily packed, dirt-shedding jackets! BE SURE TO CHECK SIZING (below).

3061022 – Med (Size 40) ...... $180.00 3061023 – Lg (Size 42)...... $180.00 3061024 – XL (Size 44)...... $180.00


NEW! 30th Anniversary Now In Silver! Belt Buckle

Stay Cool With RideHide! RideHide Performance Gear’s Tour LS microfiber shirt will keep you dry and comfortable in the stickiest weather. This ingenious fabric wicks GWRRA RideHide moisture away from your skin, preventing the One of the most popular items in the past few years is now available in silver. Long Sleeve, shirt from clinging to you. Microfiber weighs stay-snug cuffs to prevent rollup. Blue lettering 50% less than cotton and dries 80% faster, shows GWRRA in a whole new way making it an ideal “wash and go” riding gear Available for Pre-Orders. item. You will enjoy this silky shirt with its exclu- Shirts will ship in 3-5 weeks. sive GWRRA logo. 3081000 - Small ...... $25.00 3081001 - Medium...... $25.00 3051000 - Small...... $25.00 Silver and gold-toned solid brass belt buckle meas- 3081002 - Large ...... $25.00 3051001 - Med...... $25.00 ures 3 1/2 inches wide. Black and white enamel set 3081003 - XL ...... $25.00 3051002 - Lg ...... $25.00 off the gleaming metal finish. Quantities limited, so 3051003 - XL ...... SORRY, SOLD OUT 3081004 - 2XL ...... $25.00 order yours right away! 3051004 - 2XL ...... $25.00 3081005 - 3XL ...... $25.00 4071000 $30.00

98 Wing World Order of Legions Patch This patch is perfect for your favorite friend or relative who has a military connection. The patches denote the status of their service from active, reserve, retired or veteran and the seal proudly announces their branch of the services. PATCH-ACTIVE...... $4.00 PATCH-RESERVE...... $4.00 PATCH-RETIRED...... $4.00 PATCH-VETERANS ...... $4.00 SEAL-AIRFORCE...... $2.00 SEAL-ARMY...... $2.00 SEAL-COASTGUARD...... $2.00 SEAL-MARINES ...... $2.00 SEAL-NAVY ...... $2.00

EZ Air Gauge From G.H. Meiser & Company, a combination air pressure gauge and inflator. Works with Gold Wing’s on-board compressor, as a stand-alone gauge or Black Drawstring Cinch Pack with service station air hoses. Permits viewing Griffin Patch Red GWRRA logo on the front. Open main compart- pressure while inflating. 4-inch vest patch...... 2031002 - 4”...... $4.50 ment includes shoulder straps, which also cinch Bleed valve permits fine pressure adjustment. Brass 10-inch back patch ....2031003 - 10”....$10.00 the bag shut. Creates easy access to large stor- fittings ensure a tight seal age compartment. Straps can be used for over the and long service life. Griffin Patch Black shoulder or backpack carry. Made of 210d 4011001 $19.95 4-inch vest patch...... 2031004 - 4”...... $5.00 Nylon fabric. NOTE: The GL1800 does not 10-inch back patch ....2031005 - 10”....$12.00 4081000 $10.00 have an on-board comressor. The EZ Air Gauge will work on the GL1800 tires, but requires access to a 1988- 2000 GL1500’s Mike & Maddie Children’s Picture Books compressor. NEW! Your children and grandchildren will love these adorable motor- Extension Hose. A 10-foot accessory cycle themed adventures, and misadventures, of Mike and hose with brass fittings on both ends. Use Maddie, two happy little dogs who just want to go for a ride. The with Gold Wing’s on-board compressor. 30+ page, full color books come hardcover with dustjackets so 4011000 $12.95 you’ll be able to share the stories by Miriam & Jeff Aronson and Jay Zephyr with generations to come. EZ Air Combo Buy both EZ Air Gauge and Extension Hose and save! 4071002 - "Little Mike & Maddie First Motorcycle Ride" - $14.99 4011002 $29.95 4071003 - "Little Mike & Maddie Black Hills Adventure" - $14.99 OR 2 books for - $20.00

Mastercard VISA American Express Discover Toll free phone orders 1-800-843-9460 • 623-581-2500 Card Number ______Expiration Date _____


If Subtotal is: ...... Postage is: $0 - 9.99 ...... $4.00 Subtotal $10.00 - 24.99 ...... $5.95 AZ Residents add 8.3% Sales Tax $25.00 - 49.99 ...... $8.95 $50.00 - 99.99 ...... $10.95 Postage, Handling & Insurance (See chart at left) $100.00 & Up ...... $14.95 Next day, 2nd day and 3rd day air shipping and out of (Average delivery time 7-10 Business days for in-stock items.) TOTAL country shipping costs, please call 800-843-9460 or 623-581-2500 or e-mail [email protected]. GWRRA Plaques Please ship items indicated above. Enclosed is payment for total amount. Recognition plaques for someone special or for Name ______GWRRA # ______your local Chapter meeting site. Engraved in Street Address ______Phone # ( ) ______solid wood with oak or white marble finish. ORDERCity FORM ______State______ZIP ______Order at (800) 843-9460 or at GWRRA • PO Box 42450 • Phoenix AZ 85080-2450 Unconditional Guarantee: Every item we sell is guaranteed unconditionally for its normal life under standard use. Should any product fail to 4061002 – Oak $20 plus s/h. meet your expectations, simply return it. We will replace it, refund the purchase price or credit your credit card. 4061003 – White Marble $20 plus s/h. June 2008 99 readers’ rides Do you have a good, clear photograph of your pride and joy? This section of Wing World is designed to show off as many bikes as possible. Give us information about your Gold Wing; start with the basics of its year, model and color, then tell a little about what is special about your bike. Send your description and photos to: Wing World Editorial Department, 21423 N. 11th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027, or via email to [email protected].

2003 GL1800 It is my (Tracy Warner, of Merrickville, Ontario, Canada) father-in-law’s birthday in June, and I wanted to share this photo of him and his granddaughter Rachel. My and my husband’s (Jim Warner) daughter, who is three, loves when Grandpa Rick Warner (GWRRA #157477, of Merrickville, Ontario, Canada) stops by for a visit and she gets to sit on the Gold Wing. I’m not sure who enjoys it more—Rachel or Grandpa! Rick and his wife Carol, who belong to ON-B, love to spend their summers traveling on their Wing, and Rachel can’t wait until her helmet fits so she can leave the driveway to travel around with them! 2005 GL1800 Trike This is our (Joe & Harriet Launier, GWRRA #252414, of of Dunnellon, Florida) Gold Wing trike. It is our very first bike, and we enjoy riding it a lot.We have traveled twice from Florida to the West Coast on our trike.We bought it in 2006—with 2,000 miles on it—and now have over 52,000 on it. On our most recent trip to the West Coast, we stopped in to see the Big Redwood trees.We traveled from Florida and did a total of 8,500 miles in 3-1/2 weeks.You seem to see so much more riding on a bike, so our trike doesn't sit too long in our driveway. We belong to GWRRA FL1-T out of Inverness, Florida— a wonderful group that loves to ride!

1995 GL1500 Aspencade This is a photo of our (Steve & Jennie Knode, GWRRA #195430, of Gering, Nebraska) Wing during the "Brother Bike Trip" to south Texas in April of 2006.While I didn't find "Waylon,Willie and the boys," I did find Luckenbach,Texas! This was the first "Brother Bike Trip" where my broth- er, Scott Knode, and I spent several days putting miles on the Wing and his Harley. In 2007, the Trip took us to Northwest Arkansas, where we road those great roads. But personally, I preferred the Texas Hill Country which was more open with nice roads, sparse traffic and great scenery.

100 Wing World 1991 GL1500 Aspencade My name is Jim Faison (GWRRA Life Member #23976, of Brooklyn, New York) (and AMA Life Member #44300).This is my 1991 Gold Wing Aspencade SE with 130,000 miles on it and still running good.This photo was made on my first trip to Alaska in 2002. I made the trip again in 2004. I have ridden my bikes to 49 states (includ- ing those two trips to Alaska) and have been to all Wing Dings, starting in 1988 (Snowmass, Colorado) to Billings, Montana, last year. I sold my 1991 1500 in 2005 and bought a 2005 1800 Gold Wing. I have 39,000 miles on it, and I hope to put on many more!

1986 GL1500 Aspencade Hi folks! Here is a photo of my wife and I (Bob & Sandra Farrell, GWRRA #283177, of Sunshine Coast, Queensland,Australia) near Mount Robinson in Canada.This was during our 2006 odyssey, when we travelled some 15,000 miles over five months from May to September.Apart from flat tires and a loose vacuum hose, the 1986 Aspencade didn’t miss a beat.We hope to return this coming May for another three months of exploring. Should you sight a 1500 Wing flying the Aussie flag, please give us a wave! 1986 GL1500 Aspencade Here is a picture of my (Merlin Tjarks, GWRRA #289463, of Sibley, Illinois) old—but new to me!—1986 Gold Wing. My brothers, who are Members, think I found a really good deal last year. She's smooth running and strong, with lots of life left for years to come! I at least have time while I am off from work to give her some real TLC.

June 2008 101 FINISHING TOUCHES Sat Nav Lady or My Misses? No Contest!

By Mike Davids • GWRRA #151660 • Warlingham, Surrey, England

here is strife in the family. It has been simmering since we GPS: (commandingly—to me) “Straight on for two miles” installed satellite navigation on our trike. WIFE: (firmly—to me) “Listen to me—turn left” T Traditionally ’er indoors navigates and is very good at it. GPS: (irritated) “Recalculating—recalculating” Before a trip she spends much time planning and rides pillion with GPS: (insistently—to me) “U-Turn at round a bout” computer route plans and photocopied map pages around her neck in WIFE: (wifely—to all) “Don’t listen to the silly b#@%$” one of those transparent thingies on a string that walkers and pilots use. From there she does what she does best—issues me instructions. Now what’s a fellow to do? It’s a lose/lose situation: The trouble is that the GPS, which talks through the audio system, If Garmin is right, then wifey’s way would have been quicker. tends to differ. Now it takes a brave soul to contradict my Misses, and I If Garmin is wrong, then it is a situation of “I told you so.” reckon the Sat Nav lady only gets away with it because she hides in a If Mrs. is right, then ditto. little electronic box on the handlebars. If Mrs. is wrong, then it will have been my fault anyway. It doesn’t help either that she is female with a very commanding voice, as I know that my old lady would be a lot more tolerant if it No contest. When we get to the destination, I can switch off the sounded like Elvis. As it stands, the following is a typical row that takes GPS—it won’t nag me and I don’t depend on it for food and sex. place across my shoulder: So it’s “Obey the wife”—unless and until Garmin produces a pretty WIFE: (sternly—to me) “Next left” one that can cook! ●

United Kingdom Members Mike & Dawn Davids (GWRRA #151660, of Warlingham, Surrey, England) say they live in the South of England but spend much of their summers on their GL1800/California Trike at their home on the French Riviera. "This we use as a base to travel to Wing [rallies] in France/Spain/Italy, etc.," Mike says.

102 Wing World


EPA Rating: 45 MPG - Highway; 35 MPG - City Fun Rating: Many Smiles per Mile!

Standard Features: 2.3 Litre Ford Motor; 5 Speed Automatic Transmission; Air Conditioning and Heat; AM-FM-CD Player; Power Brakes; 9.5 Gallon Tank; Power Adjustable Pedals; Trailer Hitch; Air-Ride Suspension w/On Board Air Compressor