Digital Art/Paint System Survey
Digital Art/Paint System Survey ROBERT RIVLIN . he most fundamental question to be three-dimensional letters, or complex addressed in this survey is, What computerized "mapping" designs, then is a digital art/paint system? output the results a frame at a time, Secondly,T thesurvey provides a basis for usually onto film, taking up to six minutes comparison among the different systems, to assemble each frame of a complex designed to show where they are similar, sequence. where they vary, and prompt you to The systems outlined here are designed directly contact those manufacturers to perform "down and dirty" whose systems you wish to evaluate artwork-artwork which is, in the words seriously . of Peter Black pf Xiphias, "short turn- It is clear, now that the dust from last around/short burst." In typical newsroom year's NAB show is beginning to settle, applications, the images will be created that we have seen, in the course of just the within minutes, then displayed, usually past year alone, the birth of a brand new compressed into a box wipe, for seconds. type of image creation product-the Though some of the systems possess the digital art/paint system. Its predecessors ability to perform 'limited animation"- pre-date it by several years, including the by having a finished picture build up from NEC Action Track/Digital Strobe Action scratch, for instance, unit or by having colors that uses extensive digital processing flash on and off simulating motion, these and a digital framestore to generate often systems are not designed to produce abstract images out of existing video animation effects.
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