self in Lourdes, totally free from anything that AN OUTLINE Our Lord’s Words through Julia in Naju on July 1, 1996 is evil or unholy. God created this Mother of God the Son in order to reveal His infinite When you make Me known, follow Me, and make My Mother known, Goodness and Love for us. By God’s Will and OF you may experience pains. But you lighten the dark world by by the merits of her Divine Son, she is the hurriedly propagating to everyone the salvation that has been won only one who can turn the tide of evil which is OUR LADY’S through My immeasurable pains on the Cross. currently enwrapping and pressing down heavily upon the entire world. Thus, what is at stake is the salvation of MESSAGES IN each one of us as well as the status of the Church and the fate of our world. Our Lady is bringing to us the message of hope that God NAJU wills to rescue us from our current spiritual and moral crisis. In order to help this to hap- I. THE IMPORTANCE OF pen, we must make a drastic rearrangement of our priorities and begin living Our Lord’s THE MESSAGES teachings faithfully as explained in the Gos- Our Lady gave us the following messages pels and as taught by His Church. By means through Julia Kim in Naju, Korea: of her detailed messages in Naju and else- where, Our Lady is repeating and explaining Tears are important. But the contents of to us the Lord’s teachings in the most loving the messages are more important. You and persuasive manner as our Mother and as must spread my messages fast. (Oct. 19, the final attempt by Heaven to change us. So, 1987) when Our Lady says that we should under- stand, practice and spread her messages, she Those who practice my messages are ac- is actually asking us to return to the original cepting me and, therefore, will experience teachings by Our Lord entrusted to His Church a renewal of their souls. (Jan. 30, 1988) and to evangelize the whole world with these As my messages are founded on love, teachings. We should never treat the true mes- mercy will overflow into any soul who re- sages from Our Lady like the daily newspa- pents and practices the messages. (Feb. pers, which we read and, then, throw away. 4, 1988) God’s truth is eternally beautiful and life-giv- ing. He entrusted this precious, awesome truth My messages of love will be the brake that to His for us and is now re- suppresses disorder. All the children in freshening our faith by means of Our Lady’s the world must hurriedly understand my messages and signs. messages of love and accept them. (Feb. 2, 1995) II. “The Truth Will Set You Our Lord also gave us the following message Free” immediately after the 11th Eucharistic through Julia on September 22, 1995: The foundation for our life as Christians is Because My Mother’s loving and kind our faith in the truths that Christ revealed and words for the past several centuries have entrusted to His Church. So, we profess the been ignored, sin has reached a satura- Creed and accept as truth all the official teach- tion point, even within the Church. ings by the . Because we believe that Christ is our Savior and the Truth Itself Two thousand years ago, in the small town of and also because He promised that the Holy Nazareth, Our Lady humbly consented to God’s Spirit will guide and protect His Church (John Plan of Human Salvation, opening the door 14:26), we accept that the official teachings of to the Incarnation and Redemptive Work by the Church on matters of faith and morals God the Son in our human world. About thirty- are totally free from errors. If there are any three years later, she was standing under the errors in what we believe, we will be misled Cross participating in her Divine Son’s suffer- and will mislead others, too. In order to attain ings and offering up His and her own sorrows salvation and eternal life, we need firm, abso- and pains to God the Father for our salvation. lute truths that will remain true for all eter- Even after her Assumption into Heaven, she Hundreds of thousands of people have pels but remain spiritually blind and deaf to nity. Because our salvation primarily involves has been constantly praying for us, her poor visited Naju since the beginning of the miracle the contents. Invaluable spiritual treasures are supernatural dimensions, human brains and children on earth, and channeling God’s graces in 1985. Many of them have personally wit- always available to us through the Church, but efforts alone will never find all the truths nec- to us. nessed miraculous signs such as tears and we often turn our eyes elsewhere, following essary for our salvation. We need At about the same time the devil was tears of blood from Our Lady’s statue, fragrant erroneous ideas and pursuing vain goals. It is and graces from God and also a safe preser- wreaking havoc in Europe by spreading the oil from the same statue, the on Julia, because of our such spiritual complacency, vation and authoritative interpretation of these Protestant errors, Our Lady appeared in and Eucharistic (thirteen times so far). apathy and unreliability that God has been revelations. In providing us with the neces- Guadalupe, Mexico, in 1531, giving us mes- Physical healings have also occurred on nu- prodding, encouraging and warning us by sary revelations and preserving them for us, sages and a miraculous image to remind us of merous occasions during Julia’s prayers and sending us the Mother of the Savior, who is God has never failed. It has been the humans, her deep motherly love for us and her con- in connection with the water from the miracu- also our true spiritual Mother. Our Lady is who have become proud and lost faith in God’s stant presence and powerful protection for us. lous spring on the mountain near Naju. Count- the ultimate reflection of God’s Love and Mercy. revelations, His Power and His Covenant. As About three hundred years later (1858), in less people have experienced spiritual conver- God filled her with such an abundance of His people began reasserting their egos — their own Lourdes, France, she repeated the mes- sion, repenting their sins and returning to the Love, Mercy and Goodness that she could iden- sage that we should do penance for our sins Sacraments, regaining peace and love in their tify herself as the Immaculate Conception It- Continued on Page 2 and also identified herself as THE IMMACU- families, and, most of all, recovering humility LATE CONCEPTION, who, by virtue of the full- and love in their hearts. ness of God’s graces in her from the moment In concerning ourselves with the Marian of her conception, can and will be totally tri- messages and signs, it is important that we go umphant over the devil. In Fatima, Portugal, deeper than what we can see and hear exter- in 1917, she asked us to consecrate ourselves nally and try to understand the motives in the to her Immaculate Heart and to fervently pray Hearts of Our Lord and Our Lady for giving and offer penance for the conversion of sin- us such messages and signs. Undoubtedly, ners. At other apparition sites also, she re- Our Lord is giving us supernatural signs not peated her pleas for our prayers, penance and to satisfy our curiosity but to induce some im- consecration to her Heart. Now, in the small portant changes in our hearts and in our lives, city of Naju in Korea, she has been giving us as He changed water into wine at the wedding “a synthesis of all her messages” (accord- in Cana. ing to Monsignor Matthias Peres Merino in The nature of the changes God desires in Vatican who visited Naju in September of us was already explained in the Gospels. The 1990), supported by a great number of most Church that Our Lord established has been amazing miracles. guiding, healing and nurturing the faithful in their efforts to live Our Lord’s teachings for the past two thousand years. The Saints have “If you love God, draw all to been the living examples of how we must con- the love of God.” duct our lives. But human minds are weak and unsteady and easily get distracted and —St. Augustine The Apostolic Pro Nuncio in Korea (second from right) explains the seventh Eucharistic misled. Frequently, we read and hear the Gos- miracle to other priests. — The Chapel in Naju, November 24, 1994 2 MARY’S TOUCH

Continued from Page 1: but also play a positive and yet supportive role AN OUTLINE of facilitating and reinforcing our understand- ing and implementation of the teachings of ideas, preferences, and judgment even on spiri- the Church. Good examples are the Blessed tual and moral matters, throwing away what Mother’s apparitions to Sister Catherine they had been receiving from God through His Labouré in 1830 giving us the Miraculous Church, the moral standards in the world were Medal, which confirmed the doctrine of Our crumbling down, the spiritual dimension of hu- Lady’s Immaculate Conception prior to the man life and culture was being replaced by official declaration of this doctrine in 1854; materialistic and hedonistic vanities, and hu- and also Our Lady’s apparitions in Lourdes in man dignity was being trampled upon at all 1858, which confirmed the same doctrine af- phases of the life. In fact, underlying all the ter the official announcement. problems in the Church and in the world to- The signs and messages in Naju are rich day is the contamination of human minds with in contents with doctrinal and theological sig- the ideas, perceptions and beliefs that are not nificance. These contents mainly concern: (1) from God. Humans have been eating the apple the Holy ; (2) the Incarnation of God of pride and independence again, forgetting the Son in our world and the continuation of that God alone is the source of all truth, life His Real Presence in the and Re- and love. Therefore, correction of our current demptive Work through the Church; (3) the problems requires, before anything else, the need for redemptive sufferings by the mem- restoration of eternal truths in our minds. If bers of the Church; and (4) the role of Our we do not know God, we cannot love Him. If Lady in salvation history. we do not know His Commandments, we can- not do His Will. If we do not know the truths 1. As the Father, the Son and the Holy from God, we will be at the mercy of the devil Spirit are One, you must all become one, and all his errors that will only lead us to con- too. (The Blessed Mother, October 19, 1986— fusion, corruption, violence, destruction and the first day of Our Lady’s shedding tears of despair. This is exactly the reason why Our blood in Naju) Lord gave us His teachings in the first place. It is the reason why He entrusted His teach- On a number of occasions in Naju, the Blessed ings and His teaching authority to the Church Mother repeated the above message, which so that the truth may always be available to resonates beautifully with Our Lord’s prayer us. It is also the reason why Our Lady is now before the beginning of His Passion, “I pray ... giving us messages and signs to reawaken us that they may all be one, as you, Father, to this tremendous reality of God’s eternal are in me and I in you ... that they may be truths in the Church. Jesus said to His dis- one, as we are one.” (John: 17: 20-22) ciples: If you remain in my word, you will The Scripture tells us that God created truly be my disciples, and you will know us in His own image and likeness. (Genesis: 1: the truth, and the truth will set you free. 26-27) So, like God, we have souls with intel- (John 8: 31-32) lect and free will. Unlike animals, we can con- duct intellectual activities by distinguishing III. THE DOCTRINAL AND between truth and errors and between good and evil and, then, with our free will, choose THEOLOGICAL CON- between truth and errors and between good TENTS OF OUR LADY’S and evil. Our ability to exercise intellect and free will is not perfect, though, because our and acts. The weakness and limitation of our last forever. Thus, God not only gave humans MESSAGES AND SIGNS IN human nature was impaired and weakened human nature is compensated for by the help intellect and free will to understand and pur- NAJU by the original sin. For this reason, we are of supernatural graces from God in our un- sue good; He also gave us the Supreme Prin- vulnerable to the disorderly inclinations in our- derstanding the supernatural truths, in our ciple of Love and Harmony in the Holy Trinity keeping God’s Commandments and in our at- as the ultimate paradigm which we must strive If a supernatural truly originates selves and the evil temptations by the devil taining eternal life. to emulate while we live on earth. Through from God and, therefore, constitutes a genu- and the world. Imperfect as they may be, our Stating that we have intellect and free will, her messages and signs in Naju, the Blessed ine part of the unfolding of God’s Plan of Hu- intellect and free will are at work in our daily however, covers only part of our likeness to Mother is reminding us of this tremendously man Salvation, it must not only be free from lives and we will be held responsible for all God, as God not only has His Intellect and beautiful and noble goal that God assigned to any conflict with the official Church teachings the choices we make with our thoughts, words, Free Will but is a triune God, Who is Three humans and is imploring us ardently to walk Persons — the Father, the Son and the Holy toward that goal by building unity with our Spirit — united as One, still remaining as three fellow humans with love, humility, forgiveness distinct Persons but completely sharing the and service toward each other. same perfect Divine Nature because of the in- finite Love between Them. The principle here 2. The Incarnation of God the Son Con- is that the distance between persons decreases, tinuing in Our Human World as the love between them increases, and dis- appears completely, when the love is infinite. A full expiation of human sins committed Actually, the Love is between the Father and against God could only be accomplished by the Son and this Love Itself is another Per- someone of infinite dignity, someone who is son: the Holy Spirit. Thus, God is not a lone- capable of making reparations of infinite value. some, stationary being but Three Persons in- God Himself was the only one who could meet teracting with each other with infinite inten- this requirement. This was the reason why sity and harmony in Their infinite Wisdom, God the Son was sent to us as our Redeemer. Goodness, and Love for all eternity. It was an expression of God’s Love and Mercy In likeness of the Triune God, we humans for us beyond our comprehension. It was also were created not as lone creatures but as so- a powerful example of humility, because God’s cial beings. Thus, God willed that man and becoming human was a descent in dignity of wife form and raise a family, united as one in immeasurable proportions. But, in taking the love, harmony and fidelity. God also willed human nature, God the Son did not relinquish that we function as members of other social His Divinity and will remain God forever. By entities as needed like schools, workplaces, re- entering the world of fallen humans, He wanted ligious orders, local communities, countries, to rescue humans out of their misery and raise and so on, and work toward unity in love in them to the level of God’s true children and those entities. Our Lady especially empha- true friends by restoring supernatural life to sized the need for unity between different na- them. By this supernatural grace (= the Sanc- tions and different races: I am Mother to all tifying Grace), humans can participate in God’s of you. Come closer to me, overcoming Life, truly understanding and communicating differences in nationality. (December 14, with Him in Love. 1992) After accomplishing the atonement for all If all my children in this world tran- human sins through His Passion, Jesus as- scend national boundaries, racial barri- cended into Heaven to be with God the Fa- ers and factional differences, form a unity ther. Out of His infinite Love and Wisdom, and harmony with each other, and display however, Jesus left His Church on earth which the power of love, the Church will be revi- could continue His Physical Presence and His talized, a shining new Pentecost will be Work until the end of the world. This Church realized, and this world will be saved by is truly the living extension of Christ Himself, the Lord, Who is present in the Eucharist. through which He could be with His followers (Sept. 24, 1994) always; administer the distribution of graces As the ultimate fulfillment of our social through the priesthood and the Sacraments; nature, God willed that we belong to the Mys- and preserve and teach the revealed truths tical , His Church. In other infallibly with His own divine authority. This words, we will realize our full potential as hu- Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, was also Our Lady wept tears and tears of blood for a total of exactly 700 days through her statue in man beings when we function as true mem- Naju between June 30, 1985 and January 14, 1992. bers of God’s Family, the Church, which is to Continued on Page 3 3 The 12th Eucharistic Miracle through Julia witnessed by the Holy Father

On October 31, 1995, Julia visited the Flesh, it also became larger and Vatican together with Monsignor Nam formed the shape of a heart. He said Ik Paik, Julio (her husband), Rosa (her that the shape was the same as in the eldest daughter) and Raphael Song 11th Eucharistic miracle that had oc- (a seminarian). They attended a pri- curred in Naju on September 22, vate celebrated by the Holy Fa- 1995 during the Mass celebrated by ther. There also were several people Bishop Roman Danylak from Toronto from France who had also been in- and two other priests. vited. During Mass, Julia and her com- panions were allowed to sing hymns Immediately after the Mass, the Holy in Korean. At time, an- Father came to Julia and witnessed other Eucharistic miracle occurred. this miracle. He blessed Julia and her As in most of the previous Eucharis- companions. tic miracles through Julia, the Sacred Host turned into live Flesh and Blood Julia also relayed the Blessed Mother’s on her tongue. message to the Holy Father, in which Our Lady asked him to teach the im- The process of this miracle was ob- portance of the Sacrament of Con- served by Msgr. Paik. He testified that, fession and the Mystery of the Holy as the Sacred Host was turning into Eucharist to all. The Holy Father witnesses a Eucharistic miracle through Julia.

The Holy Father blesses Julia after witnessing the Eucharistic miracle. The Holy Father gives a to Julia after the Eucharistic miracle.

Continued from Page 2: edented and beyond human description. demptive sufferings is so evident throughout for you; so carry the burden for others. AN OUTLINE (July 2, 1995) the messages and signs in Naju. The Blessed There are too many souls who fall into Mother wept tears and tears of blood through hell and bruise my Heart. When you offer Our Lord also gave us the following message: to grow and become sanctified in her mem- her statue so many times in Naju because of penance and prayers to compensate for bers as well over time. For this to happen, her Pray for the Pope, My Vicar, all the Cardi- her immense love for us and our repeated fail- the sins and ingratitude of so many souls, members would have to walk the same way nals, Bishops and priests. Offer sacrifices ures to obey God and His Commandments. they will be saved. (June 29, 1987) that Christ walked — the way of charity, humil- The Blessed Mother has also been imploring and reparations without ceasing so that In order to save many souls, we must carry ity, self-denial and reparations, always draw- all of us to participate in the sufferings of Our they may carry out their duties loyally. I the cross of love together and offer repa- ing the spiritual energy from the Head of the Lord and herself for the conversion of sinners. want them to follow Me with self-renun- rations with prayers and sacrifices and, Mystical Body, Christ Himself. Along with her It sometimes seems that many people are ciation and poverty. I entrusted all the thereby, appease the just anger of God the growth and sanctification, the Church will be turned off by the numerous intense manifes- work to them, and so, all the liturgical cel- Father. (October 19, 1987) transforming more and more of the human ebrations they offer are what I offer. (June tations of sorrows and pains in Naju. We could race into true citizens of God’s Kingdom until 5, 1988) feel better if the messages were filled with joy The souls who are elevated high on the the end of the world. This is God’s Plan of and compliments. But didn’t Christ suffer more Cross and offer themselves gracefully as Human Salvation. This is why the Church is 3. Salvation through the Cross because of many of His followers who ran away victims to the Lord are truly the souls who so important. The Blessed Mother is trying to from the Cross? Didn’t Jesus rebuke Peter, glorify the Lord and are the little souls who open our eyes to this tremendous reality of The teachings that Christ left to us seem to when Peter was trying to dissuade Him from are closest to me. (September 17, 1991) God’s Presence and Work through His Church be full of paradoxes. To follow Christ, we must suffering? (Matthew 17:21-23) Isn’t Christ call- by giving us many messages and Eucharistic deny ourselves and carry our cross (Luke 9:23). ing us to a life of the cross and penance, only 4. The Marian Role in Human Salvation miracles: Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but because He wants us to find true joy and peace whoever loses his life for Christ’s sake will find that will last forever? There is a significant corollary between the My Son Jesus is in Heaven, but is also Our generation may want salvation with present on earth with His Body, Blood, it (Matthew 16:25). If anyone wishes to be circumstances surrounding the fall of our first first, he must be the last of all and the servant minimum or no cross, peace and joy without parents and those surrounding the redemp- Soul and Divinity, while hiding His Dig- penance, love without sacrifice, the Mass nity, Humanity, and Divinity. Jesus in the of all (Mark 9:34). We must love our enemies, tion of the human race by Our Lord. In the and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew mainly as a joyful celebration rather than a case of the first human sin, the evil angel, Sa- Holy Eucharist will lead you to the pin- renewal of Our Lord’s Sacrifice on the Cross, nacle of prayer. (January 6, 1996) 5:44). And to lead us to the glory of Heaven, tan, first approached the woman, Eve, and Christ suffered a most painful death. Holy Communions with no Confessions, tempted her into commiting the sin of disobe- I want the lay people to obey the Pope, Christ’s teachings and examples of the deemphasis on Purgatory, membership in the dience. The woman, then, talked the man into Cardinals, Bishops and all the priests. Cross have never been popular, because they Church without full obedience to her teach- committing the same sin. In the case of hu- They are my most beloved sons and have teach us the value of the opposite of what we ing authority, and the like. But aren’t we de- man redemption, a good angel, St. Gabriel, first received the power to forgive the sins of usually want and admire. Nowadays, the Saints ceiving ourselves with a false sense of security approached the Woman, Mary, and asked her countless people who have become con- are not very popular, either, because they by compromising and diluting what is from if she would be willing to consent to God’s taminated with sins. For this reason, even reached high levels of holiness not through God for our own convenience? The Blessed plan of human salvation. In humble and lov- my Son Jesus comes down from Heaven self-centered accomplishments but through Mother has been very emphatic about this ing obedience, Mary accepted God’s Will and, to earth in obedience to them. (June 29, humility, self-denial and charity. But the eter- subject in Naju. In fact, her call to us to par- thus, conceived the Savior in her womb by 1987) nal truth will never change and cannot be al- ticipate in the redemptive suffering of Christ the power of the Holy Spirit. This humble tered for our convenience. The way of salva- and herself is the main theme of her messages obedience by Mary to God’s Will constituted a When you follow me entrusting everything tion is still the way of the cross. Sacrifices and in Naju. There is nothing new about this. It is preparation and precondition for the Savior’s to me, your union with God through His self-denial are still the only true signs of love. what Christ’s teaching has been all about. Incarnation will continue in the Mystery The emphasis on the importance of re- Continued on Page 4 of the Eucharist. This union is unprec- I am carrying the burden of reparation 4 MARY’S TOUCH

The 11th Eucharistic Miracle through Julia The Sacred Host in Julia’s mouth turned into live Flesh in the shape of the of Jesus. This was witnessed by Bishop Roman Danylak from Toronto, Canada, two other priests, and more than ten lay people. — Naju, September 22, 1995

See to proceed with the official declaration of Have complete trust in and reliance on these teachings as dogmas. When the mes- My Mother who is also your Heavenly sages and signs in Naju are officially approved Mother. My Mother, who is united to the by the Church, it will significantly enhance the sufferings of My Sacred Heart and is weep- chances for such a declaration. These titles ing tears and tears of blood and praying of Mary: the Mediatrix of All Graces, the constantly so that all the children in this Advocate for Sinners and the Co- world may leave their sinful ways and re- Redemptrix (or the Helper to Christ in turn to My Bosom of Love, is the only one Redemption) clarify Our Lady’s role in God’s who can turn the just anger of God the Plan of Human Salvation. Together with the Father away from you. (Nov. 2, 1994) Continued from Page 3: ing to lose the clear perception of God’s Incar- already-defined doctrines, an official declara- My Mother Mary who is most holy is a most AN OUTLINE nation and Its continuation through the tion of these as Church dogmas will represent Church, as Mary is the true guardian and ves- a full blossoming of our understanding of the precious treasure of the Church. My work of human salvation through His perfect sel of the God Incarnate and the channel Blessed Mother’s role in salvation history and Mother is the Queen of the Universe, the obedience to God the Father. Mary’s loving through which all of God’s graces flow to us. a glorious climax in the unfolding of God’s Plan Queen of Heaven and your Mother. There- assistance to the Savior did not end at this Thus, Mary is never an obstacle in our wor- of Human Salvation. The following are some fore, My Mother Mary can love you, as I beginning phase of God’s Incarnation in the shiping God, but is the greatest gift that God of Our Lady’s messages in Naju highlighting love you, and can do anything through the human world. She devoted all of herself to bestowed upon us for the purpose of leading her essential role for our salvation. grace from Me. (Sept. 22, 1995) supporting her Divine Son throughout His Life us to the road of loving and serving Him. I came to this world as the Lord’s Helper The title of the Co-Redemptrix for Mary can on earth — from the moment of His concep- to save you in this age fallen into danger. be confusing to some, because no human or tion to His birth and growth in the family and, The Marian Doctrines When you renounce everything and fol- angel can be elevated to the level of the Sav- eventually, to His suffering and death on the low me completely, my role as your true ior. This is really an unnecessary concern, be- Cross. Even after Christ’s resurrection and The Fathers in the early centuries of Church Mother and the Lord’s Helper in saving cause the title of the Co-Redemptrix does not ascension, Mary continued supporting His fol- history had to contend with many heresies that the world will soon be manifested clearly. mean that Our Lady is equal to Christ. All the lowers. Especially, she was together with her promoted erroneous ideas about Our Lord. (Aug. 27, 1991) redemptive merits originate solely from the suf- Son’s disciples in the upper room in Jerusa- Some denied the Divinity of Christ, while oth- ferings of Christ. The merits by the followers lem, praying with them until the Descent of ers denied His humanity. As the correct un- The reason why I was chosen to be the of Christ including the Blessed Mother can the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14), which marked the derstanding of the Savior’s identity was an es- Lord’s Helper was to give the opportunity have supernatural value, only in connection birth of the Catholic Church. sential foundation for Christian Faith, the of salvation to everyone. Keep in mind with and dependent on the merits of Christ. The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ Church countered these heresies by clearly that you were also chosen to be my help- It is Christ’s Will that the members of His Mys- — a true continuation and extension of Christ stating her official teaching that Christ is truly ers. (Aug. 27, 1991) tical Body imitate Him and do what He al- that comprises His followers as her members, God and truly Man, with both Divinity and ready accomplished as the Head of His Body. While the world is rushing into moral de- breathing with the Holy Spirit and living with humanity united in one Person of God the That is why Christ taught us to carry our own cays, all the children of the world will soon the Life of Christ Himself flowing in the mem- Son. cross and follow Him (Luke 9:23) and St. Paul know that I am the Mediatrix of Graces. bers of the Church, just as the same life flows To prevent people from correctly under- also said that he was filling up what was lack- (November 26, 1991) from the vine to its branches (John 15:1-10). standing the revealed truths, the devil works ing in the afflictions of Christ (Colossians 1:24). diligently by employing one method after an- Therefore, the Mother of Christ is also the What is important is that you become St. Paul was not implying that the sufferings other. In addition to confusing people’s un- Mother of the Church and the Mother of ev- sanctified in the Lord and offer up your of Christ were inadequate to atone for all hu- derstanding of the Savior’s identity, he also eryone who belongs to the Church. As she prayers with a sincere heart. I came down man sins but that what Christ achieved as the finds it convenient to harm people’s salvation conceived, gave birth to and raised the Child from Heaven as the Queen of the Universe Head of the Mystical Body of Christ must also process by blurring their minds about the Jesus two thousand years ago, she is still con- enwrapped in a brilliant immaculate light be achieved by us, who are members of the Blessed Mother. For example, as soon as ceiving, giving birth to, and raising the mem- in order to nurture you. (Feb. 18, 1993) same Body. Thus, every follower of Christ is bers of the Church as their true spiritual people begin hesitating to call Mary the Mother being called to participate in Christ’s suffer- Mother. This spiritual motherhood of Mary of God, their belief in God’s true Incarnation Sons and daughters who have been called ings for the conversion of the world and, thus, for all the followers of Our Lord was confirmed becomes shaky. If they can call Mary the because you are so dearly loved! This become another co-redeemer or co- by Christ Himself just before He expired on Mother of Jesus but not the Mother of God, Mother, who is the Mediatrix of Graces redemptrix. In assisting Christ in saving the the Cross (John 19:26-27). As the mother’s care then, they are denying that Jesus is God and, and the Co-Redemptrix, will transform you world, the Blessed Mother excels all others by is always essential to the growth and safety of therefore, are not fully accepting the doctrine through the little soul whom I have cho- far and, therefore, is truly the Co-Redemptrix her children in any family, Mary’s care is al- of God’s Incarnation in our world. Against the sen. (May 9, 1995) par excellence. ways essential to our spiritual nourishment, heresies about the Blessed Mother, the Church Our renewed and deepened understand- growth and safety in the Church, which is God’s formally declared the doctrine of Mary’s Di- Ask the Bishop to restore my position in the Church. Then, my messages will ing of the Blessed Mother’s role for our salva- Family. It is no surprise that the many prob- vine Motherhood in 431 (The Council of tion and the resulting revival of the Marian lems that exist in the Church today have oc- Ephesus). The Church continued clarifying spread to the world and people will amend their lives. (Dec. 8, 1988) devotion in the Church will be essential for curred simultaneously with an erosion of the the truth about Our Lady by defining her Per- revitalizing the Church and saving this world. Marian devotion. Whenever we distance our- petual Virginity in 649 (The Lateran Council), I wish to rescue the world by the victory of As Mary’s humble and loving obedience pre- selves from our Heavenly Mother, we are go- her Immaculate Conception in 1854 (Pope my mercy and love. Therefore, if you pray ceded the coming of the Savior two thousand Pius IX) and her Assumption in 1950 (Pope with me, with confidence in me, holding years ago, a full blossoming of the Marian doc- St. Bernard says that God has filled Mary Pius XII). my hands, my Immculate Heart will tri- trines and devotions will precede Christ’s reign with all graces, so that men may receive by Our Lady has given us many messages in umph. It will surely triumph. (Jan. 15, 1989) on earth. Saint Louis Marie de Montfort said: her means, as by a channel, every good Naju reminding us of her essential role for our I am praying, shedding tears that they do It was through the blessed Virgin Mary thing that comes to them. He says, that salvation and for the renewal of the Church. not walk on the road to hell but repent. that Jesus Christ came into the world, and "she is a full aqueduct, that others may re- Most significantly, these messages concern her (April 23, 1987) it is also through her that he must reign ceive of her plenitude.' Before the birth of role as the Mediatrix of Graces, the Advocate for sinners and the Helper to Christ in our in the world. —True Devotion the Blessed Virgin, a constant flow of graces I am praying for them (the Pope, Bishops redemption or the Co-Redemptrix, which have was wanting, because this aqueduct did not and priests) and offering up sufferings in not yet been officially declared as doctrines Continued on Page 5 exist. But now that Mary has been given their place today as always. (Jan. 15, 1989) but have been generally accepted as theologi- to the world, heavenly graces constantly cal truth by many Saints and theologians. A See Page 8 for information on order- flow through her on all. — St. Alphonsus Here are some of what Our Lord said in Naju large number of the faithful led by the Mexi- ing more copies of this newspaper. de Liguori, The Glories of Mary about the Blessed Mother: can hierarchy are already petitioning the Holy 5

Continued from Page 4: est neighbors? How can you say that you sult published by Bogomir Kuhar, president Aren’t these punishments too cruel for love me and love the Lord when you can- of Pharmacists for Life, Catholic Insight, May them? (July 29, 1988) AN OUTLINE not even love those in your family? Sanc- 1996, Volume IV, No. 4) Our Lady confirmed I am overcome with sorrows, because tify your family through love and harmony. to us that human life exists from the moment these innocent lives, precious lives given IV. OUR LADY’S REQUESTS This is what my Son Jesus thirsts for. (July of conception. She said in Naju: 15, 1985) by God, are cruelly trampled, brutally kneaded, crushed, torn, and killed by ig- 1. Achieve Unity in Your Family Tell everyone that a little baby is not a This world is being covered with darkness, bloody lump, but has a life flowing in it norant and indifferent parents. (July 29, as sins multiply. There cannot be peace 1988) God willed that the family be the most basic from the moment of conception in the in the world, because many families are social unit in our human world. He created mother’s womb. (July 29, 1988) getting sick. The couples united together 3. Respect, Love, Obey and Pray for Priests human beings as man and woman so that they to live a happy life are becoming isolated Then, taking any measure to stop pregnancy could form a family and prosper. Christ also individuals, as they are unable to forgive after fertilization is taking human life. Our On the second day of her messages in Naju, sanctified the family by living as a member of and love each other and are becoming Lady has asked us to pray hard for the elimi- Our Lady told us about priests. This is a clear the Holy Family Himself for most of His time jealous, resentful and hateful of each nation of this horrible evil, as the devil, the sign from Our Lady about the importance of on earth. God wants our families to be healthy other. (March 13, 1987) angel of death, is the real force behind it. Julia priesthood in the Church and for the predicted and united in love and harmony and gives spe- often suffers extreme pains in her womb in triumph of her Immaculate Heart. cial blessings to everyone who tries to main- 2. Stop Abortions reparation for the sins of abortions. Priests (the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and tain a good family. The devil, who wants de- priests) are the backbone of Christ’s Church struction of our world, on the other hand, at- My Heart is broken because of the unlim- Another message Our Lady gave us on the and the core elite unit in Christ’s army against tacks families with all his fury by promoting ited birth control. Prevent abortions and first day of her messages in Naju was about the devil. They are human beings also, but anger, resentment, violence, materialism, infi- pray for those who carry out abortions. abortions. She has been repeating her pleas they were given the power and mission from delity, abortions, child abuse, pornography, (July 15, 1985) to end abortions since then making it clear Christ to continue His Work of Redemption feminism, homosexuality, and so on. The fate that abortion is murder. She has been weep- People are carrying out abortions even at for the faithful by celebrating Mass, consecrat- of our whole world depends on the condition ing so sorrowfully, shedding tears of blood, be- this moment, causing intense pain in my ing bread and wine into the living Body and of our families. This is why, on the first day of cause of this kiling of innocent babies. In la- womb. Pray the rosary more fervently . during Mass, forgiving people’s her messages in Naju and also afterwards, Our menting over abortions, Our Lady also men- (Jan. 30, 1988) sins, administering other Sacraments and Lady talked about the family: tioned “unlimited birth controls.” By abortion, teaching the revealed truths to the faithful and People are walking on the road toward I want you to be happy. A husband and a we often mean the killing and removal of un- the world. They are little Christs who have hell, because they commit cruel murders wife are joined together so that they may born babies by surgical methods. Estimates given up everything to follow the Lord and to and yet do not know that they are mur- lead a happy life. But my Son becomes show us, however, that surgical abortions rep- serve His people. This is why we must re- derers. These little lives are deprived of broken-hearted when they hate each resent only 10-15% of all abortions and the spect, obey, love and support them and also their human dignity and receive terrible other and do not forgive eah other. You rest are by pills and other means that kill ba- punishments that their parents deserve. must love one another. Who are your clos- bies very soon after fertilization. (Research re- Continued on Page 6 The 13th Eucharistic Miracle occurs in Naju and Julia receives the Stigmata again

During the 11th Anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s first tears in Naju (June 30, 1996), the screaming, the Sacred Hosts entered her mouth. Fr. Francis Su, two other priests and lay Chapel was filled with pilgrims from many countries attending the overnight prayer ser- people around Julia witnessed the Sacred Hosts filling Julia’s mouth. vice. At about 3 a.m. on July 1, 1996, Julia saw the Precious Blood flowing from the seven wounds of Jesus on the Crucifix above Our Lady’s statue in the Chapel. The Blood soon From about 12:30 p.m., July 1, 1996, Julia received pains again and began bleeding on turned into Sacred Hosts enwrapped in bright light. The light became stronger and began both palms. Fr. Raymond Spies, Fr. Francis Su and several lay people witnessed this shining upon all those who were present in the Chapel as well as those outside the Chapel. bleeding. Then, a very powerful light radiated from the Crucifix and reached Julia. She fell down At about 1 p.m. on July 2, 1996, Fr. Spies, Julia and several other people were praying screaming loudly because of extreme pains at seven places on her body: the head, the before the Blessed Mother’s statue in the Chapel. While praying, Julia suddenly screamed heart, both hands, both feet and the side. While her mouth was open because of the and fell down on the floor. She received a powerful light from the Crucifix and suffered the same pains as on the previous day. Bleeding again occurred on both palms. Julia wore gloves to hide the bleeding, but the gloves became wet with blood. At about 4 p.m., Julia visited two hospitals in Kwangju in obedience to her spiritual director. Doctors examined her wounds and issued written statements that the bleeding and the wounds on Julia’s palms could not be explained by any natural causes. Bleeding stopped, and wounds disappeared later.


Our Lord performed many miracles during His public life on earth so that people may witness or hear about these supernatural signs and accept His teachings for their salva- tion.

To continue His Real Presence and Redemptive Work even after His Ascension and until the end of the world, Our Lord established His Church and entrusted His teachings and teaching authority to her. Especially since the 16th Century in Guadalupe, Mexico, Our Lord has been giving us amazing supernatural signs through His Mother so that we may not take His teachings and His Church for granted but obtain a true understanding of these teachings, practice them and be saved.

These supernatural signs of God through the Blessed Mother are now culminating in the small town of Naju on the Korean peninsula. While the signs continue, we can easily miss them or fail to understand where these signs are pointing to. Everyone has many impor- tant agenda while living on earth, but nothing can be more important and urgent than recognizing God’s signs, understanding their meanings, and doing what is expected of us, because our eternal life may depend on it. 6 MARY’S TOUCH

salvation of the human race will be automatic. 7. Pray and Pray Fervently It does not even mean that our salvation is guaranteed when we declare Jesus as our Lord. Our Lord said, “Without me you can do Jesus said, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ nothing.” (John 15:5) All the truth, life, good- but not do what I command?” (Luke 6:46) ness, and love originate from God. And He is What remains to be done for the salva- infinitely merciful, always willing to bestow tion of each person and of the whole world is abundant blessings upon His children. There- that we follow the way Christ walked — the fore, we must always ask our Heavenly Father way of self-denial and charity — in connection for graces for ourselves and others. We should with Jesus and His Church and deriving graces ask for His favors as His beloved and trusting from the infinite merits that Christ already children. We are unworthy, but Christ earned earned. In other words, we have to partici- infinite merits for us and we can also always pate in the actual work of salvation that is ask the Blessed Mother to pray with us. Be- being carried out by the whole Mystical Body sides, God will not grant us special graces, un- of Christ. If we say we are believers and mem- less we keep asking for them. (St. Alphonsus bers of the Church but fail to live a life of De Liguori, The Great Means of Salvation prayers and reparation, we are not contribut- and of Perfection) Also, when we pray, we ing at all to the advancement of the Lord’s must not pray for the fulfillment of our will Work of Human Salvation. It is truly amazing but for the fulfillment of God’s Will in our life that God is allowing us to participate in His and in our world. Jesus said, “Seek first the Work of Human Salvation. We should be so kingdom of God and his justice and all grateful to Him for this, because we do not these things shall be added unto you.” deserve it. Also, while participating in that (Matthew 6:33) work, we should always remember that all the Our Lady also told us numerous times in graces originate from the Lord and reach us Naju to offer fervent prayers: Hurriedly pray through the Blessed Mother and, therefore, we and pray. As the Apostles gathered and should never pretend that any good is origi- prayed together with me in the Cenacle nating from us. in Jerusalem in preparation for the De- scent of the Holy Spirit, you, too, should 6. Spread My Messages All Over The World pray with me in my Immaculate Heart as the Apostles of these end times. (Nov. 21, Courageously and hurriedly spread my 1995) messages of love to the whole world so Pray without ceasing for the souls that that all my children may respond to the are not turning away from the road that words I give them shedding tears and leads to their perdition. (Sept. 15, 1985) tears of blood and that they may repent. You must pray together constantly for If you accept my words without reserva- world peace and the conversion of sinners. tion and follow Jesus in this world which (Jan. 29, 1989) is becoming more and more miserable, Thus, not only our own salvation but also you will experience my presence filled with the fate of the whole world depend on our motherly love in this age of dangerous tri- prayers. The Blessed Mother especially en- als; this world will become purified result- couraged us to pray the rosary, which she said ing in the softening of God’s just anger; defeats the devil. She also repeated her Fatima the victory of my Immaculate Heart will message that we should offer the First Satur- Julia took this photo soon after the Blessed Mother promised to give a special sign for the be achieved, bringing the Lord’s Kingdom day devotion and also her request for Holy Holy Father on June 27, 1993. Just before this photo was taken, the statue moved forward a into this world; and, you, who are work- Hours prayers every Thursday evening in repa- little, which many people in the Chapel saw. Then, Julia saw some images forming behind the ing for me, will surely stand by my side. ration for the offenses against the Sacred Heart statue. When the photo was taken and developed, it had clear images of the Sacred Host and (Jan. 21, 1994) of Jesus and the sacrileges against the Blessed a . On the Sacred Host, there were a cross in the middle and two letters: “A” and “Ω”. Sacrament. By offering fervent prayers, we will In addition to the above message, Our Lady be helping Our Lord and Our Lady (and our- has repeatedly urged us to spread her mes- Continued from Page 5: world entail a greater darkness. Let’s die selves and other fellow humans) more than sages all over the world hurriedly. She says again and imitate Christ. (June 14, 1987) by any other means. AN OUTLINE that the triumph of her Immaculate Heart and Our Lord also told us: Admitting your sins the Coming of the Lord’s Reign depend on constantly pray for them and offer up sacri- (For more details about Our Lady's requests, in a simple and humble way and in obe- the acceptance and implementation of her fices for them so that they may be protected see the book: Messages of Love — The dience, aspire ever more strongly for the messages by her children all over the world. from the devil’s attacks and become saintly Mother of the Savior Speaks to the World little person’s way of love, loving and trust- We are often tempted to choose an easier way, priests. from Naju, Korea; also another book: Our ing My Mother. Then, your attachment to thinking that everything will be done by the Lady’s Messages from Naju — Compiled ac- Become sacrificial offerings for priests. I pleasures, reputation, social status, power, Divine Hand and that we should just remain cording to Subject) am helping them, too. So, support them material goods, pride and face-saving will passively. The Blessed Mother, however, is tell- to the end, because they are my most pre- be replaced by heroic deeds. (Dec. 8, 1992) ing us the very opposite, asking us to be cou- cious and beloved sons. (Aug. 11, 1985) rageous, forceful and even martyr-like in com- V. What Our Lady is asking for is basically that plying with her wishes and following the Lord. Pray for priests ceaselessly. Your severe we empty our hearts by throwing away all our In Naju, Our Lord said, “My Mother came The devil carries out his evil schemes through pains to the extent of shedding blood and vain attachments — attachments to wealth, into this world as the Heavenly Prophet- humans by instigating anger and hatred sweat will help priests. When priests work fame, achievements, respect by others, plea- ess and My Helper who will lead you to among them, by infusing errors into their to help those people who fell into errors sure, comfort, and, especially, the desire to sat- My brilliant and glorious revelations.” (May minds, and by promoting greed and lust in because of their ingratitude, how can they isfy our ego. So, we should never deem our- 16, 1991) Indeed, Our Lady delivered us very their hearts. God also does His Work through be liberated from their sins, unless your selves worthier than anyone else; we should important prophecies for the future of man- people. He sends the Blessed Mother to lead sacrifices and reparations accompany (the not get upset when others criticize us; and we kind and the Church. She did not give any us in the fight against the devil. The Blessed priests’ work)? (April 18, 1987) should not derive satisfaction from others’ secrets to Julia as she did in Fatima. Nor did Mother also relies on us to offer prayers, repa- praises. All we need to desire and seek is the rations, sacrifices and works of charity in or- I want the lay people to obey the Pope, fulfillment of God’s Will and the Blessed Continued on Page 7 der to accomplish God’s Plan of Human Sal- Cardinals, Bishops and all the priests. Mother’s wishes for the greater glory of God. vation. Her messages are about waking us up They are my most beloved sons and have Also, as we strive to free ourselves from all the Our Lady's Message on June 27, from our complacent life style and turning us received the power to forgive the sins of vanities, we should develop a habit of truly 1996 into truly motivated workers and self-sacrific- countless people who have become con- respecting and loving other people, because ing fighters for her. Our Heavenly Mother’s taminated with sins. For this reason, even God loves them, and accepting our crosses and Children! My beloved babies! This is an invitation to be a devoted apostle of hers is my Son Jesus comes down from Heaven our duties faithfully for the love of God. age of a great degradation, more corrupt to earth in obedience to them. (June 29, for every one of us: Do not seek your own than at the time of Noah and the Deluge 1987) 5. Participate in the Redemptive Suffer- satisfaction, but love me in a simple way. and at the age of Sodom and Gomorrah. ings of Jesus and Me Satan’s violence is increasing day after day For this reason, a great disaster lies ahead, 4. Live a Consecrated Life with a terrible force. He is becoming more but the release of God's wrath is being de- This world is decaying with sins. Even with active to make even fervent souls reject layed because you gather and pray together Every day, lower yourself further, thinking the Sacred Blood of my Son Jesus, it is me. Help me. I will give you the light from like this. Open your hearts widely and ac- about Jesus on Mt. Calvary. Through pov- difficult to appease the just anger of God my Immaculate Heart so that all of you cept the grace humbly and meekly. How- erty, humility, obedience and purity, keep the Father. Let me borrow your body and may be saved. Become apostles of my Im- ever much grace I bestow on you, you can- going down from the high place to the low your mouth. (Oct. 20, 1986) maculate Heart by receiving the light from not receive it unless you open your hearts. place following this Mother who wants you my burning Heart. (May 17, 1987) There may be souls near you who had re- to walk the way of perfection. Shouldn’t My Son Jesus paid a dear price to save ceived graces but turned against them. See we become more humble like Jesus, who the poor, sinful souls — the souls who are The information about Naju is spreading all to it that nobody is forgotten or given up, chose to be humble? Change your life fur- walking toward ruin because of their hy- over the world, but with much difficulty and at because they have to overcome temptations ther — throwing away every attachment. pocrisy, ingratitude and indifference. Do a slow pace. The dissemination of this infor- that entail deceptions and refuse all the Change your value system. Live a life of not have any doubt in following my wish mation is mostly by word of mouth and with compromises that are being made in the conversion. Convert every moment and that you offer your sufferings gracefully publications that have been prepared with ane- converse with Jesus. Conversion does not to lead many souls to the path of salva- mic resources. Currently, there is no large or- secular spirit. just mean repenting sins. It means trying tion. Also, believe that when you suffer ganization doing this work. Perhaps, this is Even the slightest sin, that is, a venial to live the life that God wants you to live. much, you accumulate much joy in the way Our Lady wanted, at least at this stage. sin, casts a shadow upon the innocence of Abandon the worldly life and live a life Heaven. (Feb. 4, 1988) But there are so many people in the world, all the soul and damages it by dimming its pure of whom are so precious to Our Lady and all light. But numerous children in this world based on the Gospels. Live like a lily. As Christ accomplished His Work of Human Re- of whom need to be reached and touched by are neglecting to make Confession even the higher-grade protein gives rise to a demption with His Passion and Death on the Our Lady's love. That is why she needs more when they are in the state of mortal sin. more foul odor, the shiny things of the Cross. This does not mean, however, that the help, more sacrifices and more prayers.. 7

Continued from Page 6: Him and, thus, promotes their sanctification. Spring, the Manna and a continuing Church makes her official on the AN OUTLINE Because the Eucharist is Christ Himself miracle that is no less than the miracles reported revelations, she must be respected Who is God and Man, its value is simply be- of the Creation of the Universe and of the and obeyed. Of course, the teaching authority she give us any timetables or any other specif- yond our comprehension. Eternity will not be Redemption, they would not be walking of the Church is not above God’s Word but is ics about exactly how events will unfold. In enough for us to thank God enough for this toward hell....” (Nov. 24, 1994) its servant (cf. Catechism of the Catholic fact, she warned us against too much curios- tremendous Gift of Love. In giving us this Gift Church, #86). Its role is not to confer truthful- ity and against anticipating the outcome with of incredible dignity, God requires of us at mini- VII. THE IMPORTANCE OF ness or falsehood on anything, but to discern, human calculations. Jesus Himself discour- mum two conditions: (1) that we have faith in and guide the faithful accordingly. Both the aged us from unnecessary curiosity: But of Christ’s teaching of His Real Presence in the OBEDIENCE TO THE pastors and faithful in the Church are called the day and hour no one knows, neither Eucharist and (2) that we remain in the state TEACHING AUTHORITY to be fully devoted to preserving the purity of the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the of grace and restore it if lost by making a sin- Christ’s teachings entrusted to His Church. Father alone. (Matthew 24:36) Instead, Our cere Confession. It is by God’s Wisdom that OF THE CHURCH Along with conformity and resonance with Lady urged us to devote everything we have to this Sacrament has the external form of bread the official Church teachings, a full submis- realizing God’s Kingdom on earth by helping and wine, making it impossible for anyone The proud angels fell because of their pride. sion of the reported revelations and the people her with prayers and sacrifices and by spread- without faith to recognize the Lord’s Real Pres- Our first parents also fell because of their dis- involved in them to the teaching and pastoral ing her messages. ence in it, and that we overcome this external obedience to God. In contrast, salvation came authority of the Church is the most salient The most urgent part of Our Lady’s proph- impossibility with our faith in Our Lord and to our world because of the obedience by the mark of their authenticity. Our Lady has also ecy is that this world is on the brink of a ma- our love for Him. Blessed Virgin and Our Lord to the Will of emphasized repeatedly the need for obedience: jor disaster because of the overabundance of Humans’ faith in God’s revelations in gen- God the Father. Thus, humble and loving obe- Obey all — your superiors as well as sins all over the world and even an infiltration eral and, particularly, in the Mystery of the Holy dience to God is the most basic of all virtues. those who are of a lower status than you. of them into the Church. Several times, she Eucharist, however, has eroded for the past God also delegates some of His authority As I obeyed all, you should do the same. has indicated that the chastisement may in- several centuries along with the advancement to certain people and positions. Thus, par- (Oct. 29, 1986) volve the Third World War and also the fire of a human-oriented and materialistic culture. ents have God-given authority as well as duty Obedience is the precious key that from above. She keeps asking us to repent This erosion has accelerated especially in re- toward their children. Teachers have certain opens the gate of Heaven widely. (June our sins and offer up prayers and reparations cent decades resulting in many abuses in the authority over students. The government also 21, 1995) so that the terrifying chastisement that is ap- Church. The tendency of treating the Eucha- has some authority over the people for the Sometimes we cannot do certain proaching may be turned into a blessing from rist merely as a symbol of Christ has been sake of public good. Regarding spiritual and things that you and I wish to do, in order God. This blessing, she says, will constitute spreading. In Naju, the Blessed Mother showed moral matters, God gave the teaching author- to be obedient to the Church. (June 21, the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart over the Julia a of numerous people receiving ity to the Church. Jesus confirmed this with 1995) devil and also the Second Pentecost, opening the Communion in the state of sin and, thus, the following words to His disciples: Who- In Naju, there have been many occasions a new era of Christ’s reign on earth. She says committing additional sins of sacrilege (Octo- ever listens to you listens to me. Whoever when obedience was tested. For example, on that there is very little time left for our conver- ber 31, 1986). In many churches, tabernacles rejects you rejects me. And whoever re- July 1, 1995, during the overnight prayer meet- sion before the chastisement. To those who have been moved to inconspicuous corners jects me rejects the one who sent me. ing, there was a Eucharistic miracle in the accept and practice the Blessed Mother’s mes- or side rooms. There even are some people (Luke 10:16) This is the reason why we can- Chapel. At about 3:45 a.m., seven Sacred Hosts sages, her is one of great hope be- who receive the Eucharist with the explicit in- not negotiate with the Church on spiritual and came down from the Crucifix and landed on yond our imagination rather than one of fear tention of committing sacrilege. Our Lord said moral matters, but must obey her, accepting the before Our Lady’s statue. Julia and and disaster. The following is some of what in Naju, “Many souls pay little attention to ALL her official teachings instead of accept- all others in the Chapel were so grateful to Our Lady said about the critical time we are My Real Presence, insult Me with sacrile- ing them selectively. the Lord for such a tremendous, unprec- entering. gious Communions, and neglect Me with This is also the reason why all the reported edented Eucharistic sign. They also remem- private revelations should be subjected to the ingratitude.” (May 16, 1991) Our Lady also Continued on Page 8 I will always stay close to the Pope, help said, “Jesus established the Sacrament of teaching authority of the Church. When the him, protect him from dangers, and be the Holy Eucharist to nurture us with His with him in the Heavenly Garden. If my Body and Blood, to unite with us, and to St. Louis Marie de Montfort words are well accepted and practiced, the resurrect our bodies after death. We must (Excerpted from the book: Jesus Living in Mary — Handbook of the chastisement which is to fall upon all of praise this amazing Sacrament, but many Spirituality of St. Louis Marie de Montfort) you will turn into a Second Pentecost, and souls are becoming unclean by failing to the Church will be renewed by the irre- make frequent Confessions.” (June 15, Comparative study of the three works in accomplish such a task. He will intervene sistible power of the Holy Spirit and Love. 1987) which Montfort speaks of the end times (The with “a deluge of fire, love and justice” (June 27, 1993) By neglecting and rejecting Our Lord in of Mary, Prayer for Missionaries, through the mediation of the Spirit and the True Devotion to Mary) leads us to distin- manifold acts of Mary. This divine interven- Depending on whether you accept my the and committing many guish four successive and intersecting stages. tion will be through and in mankind, espe- words well or reject them, the time of the other sins, our world is rapidly accumulating cially through the “apostles of the end times.” Second Pentecost and Purification can be spiritual and moral debts in the presence of a. First stage: tragic state of the Church. Their task will be twofold: “destroying sin advanced or delayed. Therefore, become God that call for massive and urgent repara- In the eyes of a missionary and mystic like and setting up the kingdom of Jesus.” simple and innocent babies, listening to tions by us all. Montfort, the state of the Church and the In Naju, the Blessed Mother has been giv- your Mother and rushing to her. Then, society of his time offered scarce consola- c. Third stage: the Second Coming and ing us the signs of tears, tears of blood, fra- you will be saved through a new Resur- tion. In his converging texts, he refers to the reign of Jesus Christ. There is no doubt grance of roses, and fragrant oil as clear re- rection and a new Birth, and this world “universal failure” of contemporary Christian that “the whole Church expects him (God) minders of her deep love for all of us without will surely be saved through the Lord’s practice, to the “corrupt kingdom of the to come and reign over all the earth and to exception and also her extreme sorrows over Resurrection. (Feb. 4, 1994) world” and the reign of the enemies of God. judge the living and the dead.” This Sec- our refusal to repent sins and return to God The encroaching wave of sin takes on cos- ond Coming of Jesus will lead successively When you follow me believing, trusting and His Church. Her main goal in Naju is to mic dimensions and does not spare even the to the reign of Jesus in the world and to the and relying on me, I will carry out my Plan awaken us to the reality of her Divine Son’s Church herself: “Your Gospel is thrown Last Judgment, although not in tandem. Here at your side through amazing methods; Presence and Redemptive Work through His aside, torrents of inequity flood the whole God the Son, Who is my Son, will estab- Church. For this reason, she has been repeat- we see the characteristic vision of Montfort: earth carrying away even your servants. The lish a Kingdom of Glory filled with Love, edly bringing to us Eucharistic miracles. From the universal and stable reign of Jesus an- whole land is desolate, ungodliness reigns Peace and Joy through you; and, through April to June in 1993, she gave us miraculous ticipated in time as an effect of his coming. Him, there will be a Resurrection and a photographs that had clear images of the Sa- supreme, your sanctuary is desecrated and Jesus “comes in glory once again to reign new Pentecost in this world. (Nov. 21, 1995) cred Host and the Chalice beside her statue. the abomination of desolation has even con- upon earth,” “the knowledge and the king- Between 1988 and July 1996, she brought Eu- taminated the holy place.” The Church her- dom of Jesus Christ must come into the self has become a “languishing heritage,” “so world,” “you yourself will ask of Jesus, to- VI. EUCHARISTIC SIGNS charistic miracles thirteen times through Julia — mostly in Naju but sometimes while Julia weakened and besmirched by the crimes of gether with Mary, that he come with his IN NAJU was in Rome or Hawaii. Even before Naju, her children.” Behind the domination of sin, kingdom on earth.” It is not a visible and there had been Eucharistic miracles through- Montfort sees the work of the devil, which is personal advent of Jesus and a temporal king- God is present everywhere in the universe out Church history to strengthen our Eucha- “daily increasing until the advent of the reign dom, as millenarians would hope for; through His power and knowledge and as the ristic devotion. The miracles in Naju are for of anti-Christ.” Montfort is so dismayed that Montfort insists that the kingdom of Jesus is first cause of every existence and activity. He the same purpose and represent a culmina- he invokes his own death if divine interven- “in the hearts” or “in our soul.” In other is also present in a special way in every mem- tion of Heaven’s efforts to strengthen our faith tion does not bring a change: “Send me your words, Jesus will reign when, by the interven- ber of the Church who is in the state of grace in the Eucharist. Some of these miracles in help from heaven or let me die.” Thus does tion of Mary, he is known, loved, and served. through his or her participation in the Divine Naju occurred in an unprecedented manner. he feel compelled to send up a cry of alarm In True Devotion, we have the logical and Life. In the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, On July 1, 1995, for example, seven Sacred when confronted with such a grave and im- perhaps even chronological steps: reign of the Incarnate God’s Presence is total, as the Hosts came down to the altar in the Chapel in minent danger: “The House of God is on fire! Mary, coming of the Spirit, reign of Jesus Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ exist Naju (See the photo on Page 8) and one of ... Help!” Christ. We also see here how Montfort in the Sacred Host (and in every particle of it) them later turned into visible flesh and blood spirituality has as its goal the establishment b. Second stage: divine intervention and in the Precious Blood in the form of wine on Julia’s tongue. of the kingdom of Christ: “When will that within salvation history. This intermedi- (and in every drop of it). This Sacrament is a All supernatural signs are important, but happy day come . . . when God’s Mother is ary stage is the most dynamic and active, perpetual extension in Christ’s Church of His Eucharistic signs in particular demand our enthroned in men’s hearts as Queen, sub- because during this stage we pass from the actual presence and life on earth two thou- most humble and serious attention. The fact jecting them to the dominion of her great reign of sin to the reign of Jesus Christ in the sand years ago and is intended for an intrin- that the Eucharistic miracles occurred thir- and princely Son?” hearts of men and women. Montfort is con- sic union of its recipient with Christ. Our Lord teen times already through Julia is not an or- vinced that the Kingdom of God in Jesus said, “He that eats my flesh and drinks my dinary matter that we can ignore. Ever since d. Fourth stage: In the first, the deluge of blood abides in me and I in him.” (John Christ came to our world and died on the Cross Christ should not be projected into the here- the fire of love will be followed by the deluge 6:57) Through this Sacrament, Christ gives two thousand years ago, too many people have after but must come into existence on earth, of justice, an expression of divine anger, the totality of Himself to the souls who love missed this sign of salvation, because they were in this world: “Is it not true that your king- which “reduces the whole world to ashes.” dom must come?” This is the leitmotif of The reign of Christ in the world is followed, Pilgrimages to Naju too busy with other “important” matters. We must wake up and seriously ponder the mean- True Devotion from its first sentence: “It was as if in continuation of his Second Coming, 1. Late June, to coincide with the anniversary of ing of the Marian and Eucharistic signs that through the blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus by the universal judgment: God will “come Our Lady’s first tears in Naju (June 30). Christ came into the world, and it is also and reign over all the earth and to judge 2. Mid-October, to coincide with the anniversary have been given to us especially in the past of Our Lady’s first tears of blood in Naju (Oct. 19). several centuries. Our Lady said in Naju, “If through her that he must reign in the world.” the living and the dead.” Then the end times Who will be able to transform the world? For themselves will end, and the true eschatology More information available from Mary’s Touch By Mail. my numerous children only knew that the (Replica statues of Our Lady available to pilgrims.) Eucharist is truly the Life, the Everlasting Montfort there is no doubt: God alone can — that is, eternity — will begin. 8 MARY’S TOUCH Continued from Page 7: pilgrims gathered in the Chapel again and they selected seven people including Julia to con- AN OUTLINE sume the Sacred Hosts. The Sacred Host re- bered the Blessed Mother’s earlier requests that ceived by Julia turned into visible flesh and a tabernacle be prepared in the Chapel. Also blood on her tongue and this was witnessed in His message immediately after this miracle, by everyone in the Chapel. It was the 10th Jesus reminded Julia of the Blessed Mother’s Eucharistic miracle through Julia. Undoubt- such wish. There was no doubt that the seven edly, Our Lord and Our Lady were pleased Sacred Hosts were to be preserved in a new with the obedience. The Archbishop also saw tabernacle in the Chapel. another sign of obedience in Naju. The local Archbishop, however, instructed that the seven Sacred Hosts be consumed as FINAL WORD soon as possible. People in Naju were in a Archbishop Victorinus Yoon of the Kwangju painful dilemma. What should they do? After Archdiocese which covers the Naju Parish much prayer and discernment, their conclu- formed an investigating committee at the end sion was to obey the Archbishop, as they have of 1994. The committee has been actively always been doing. From human standpoint, working, interviewing many witnesses and ex- this would make little sense, because it could amining evidences. No official announcement constitute a waste of an extremely precious has been made yet. Through the Apostolic heavenly sign that could help millions to con- Pro Nuncio in Korea, reports about Naju have vert. However, the Archbishop was the head been made to the Holy Father and to the Sa- of the Archdiocese with authority from Christ. cred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. Our Lord and Our Lady will never want us to We need to remain firmly obedient to the disobey Our Lord’s own authority vested in the Church and also pray hard that the revela- Church. tions in Naju will be officially approved soon So, just one day after the miracle of the and that the Church and the whole world will seven Sacred Hosts, two priests, Julia and other be renewed by the mercy and graces from God What the Saints said about through the Blessed Mother. Spiritual Reading is published by (according to St. Alphonsus de Liguori, The MARY’S TOUCH Mary's Touch By Mail, P.O. Box 1668, True Spouse of Jesus Christ) Gresham, OR 97030 U.S.A. Phone: (503) St. Bernard: Spiritual reading and prayer 669-8443; Fax: (503) 669-7923. are the arms by which the hell is conquered Spiritual Director: Fr. Robert J. Billett, C.M.F. and paradise won. Editor: Sang M. Lee. St. Athanasius: We find no one devoted First printing of the Third Issue: 10/96 to the service of the Lord that did not prac- Mary’s Touch By Mail is a non-profit orga- tice spiritual reading. nization established in 1992 for the purpose of defending the traditional teachings of the Catho- St. Jerome: When we pray we speak to lic Church and, subject to that purpose, for pro- God; but when we read, God speaks to us. moting Our Ladys messages from Naju, Korea. We fully submit ourselves to the authority St. Augustine: Good books are, as it were, of the Church regarding the authenticity of the so many letters of love that the Lord sends revelations in Naju, Korea. us; in them he warns us of our dangers, We thank the Redemptorist Fathers in teaches us the way of salvation, animates Brooklyn, New York, and Montfort Publica- us to suffer adversity, enlightens us, and tions in Bayshore, New York for their permis- During the overnight prayer service on July 1, 1995, Julia saw the Precious Blood from seven wounds inflames us with divine love. sion to quote from their publications. of Jesus on the Crucifix turning into Sacred Hosts. Then, the seven Sacred Hosts came down forcefully and landed on the altar before Our Lady’s statue. MATERIALS AVAILABLE

Œ Book: Messages of Love —The Mother of the Savior Speaks to  Book: Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma the World from Naju, Korea By Dr. Ludwig Ott. Translated from German by Dr. Patrick Lynch. Publiched by Tan Books. A conspectus of all Dogmatic Theology and a scientific exposition of the whole All the messages that Julia Kim in Naju, Korea, received from Our Lord and Our Lady field of Catholic teaching. More than 500 pages. between July 1985 and January 1996, plus Julia’s narrations describing the circum- Price: $20.00 plus $3.00 S&H stances surrounding the messages, such as visions, miracles, sufferings, and more. Fr. Raymond Spies, Julia’s spiritual director, says that these messages are like Our Lady’s ‘ letters to us, filled with motherly love and concern. Also includes information on travel Book: The Glories of Mary to Naju, and testimonies. 304 pages, including about 60 B&W photos. This book re- By St. Alphonsus Liguori, published by Redemptorist Fathers. A masterpiece collec- places the previous book: The Miracle in Naju, Korea. tion of the writings of Saints, Doctors of the Church and other holy authors on the Price: $12.95 plus $3.00 S&H Blessed Mother. It sets forth Our Lady's immense love, great mercy and powerful intercession for us, showing that devotion to Mary is a most certain mark of eternal salvation. Price: $9.00 plus $2.00 S&H  Book: Our Lady’s Messages from Naju—Compiled accord- ing to subject ’ Book: God Alone: The Collected Writings of St. Louis de A selection of the messages that Julia Kim in Naju received from Our Lord and Our Montfort Lady, compiled according to about 100 different subjects, such as the Holy Eucharist, Virtually all of Saint Louis de Montfort's writings in one volume. 672 pages. A veri- Confession, the Need for Penance, Family, Priesthood, Abortion, Apostasy, Warn- table guidebook by a master on Marian spirituality and preacher of the Cross. Printed ings, Chastisement, the Second Pentecost, and the Fragrant Oil. The purpose of this for durability. A book to keep, a book to use, for a lifetime. Deluxe clothbound edi- book is to help readers grasp the key points of the messages more quickly and more tion. Price: $24.95 plus $3.00 S&H clearly. 112 pages and 13 B&W photos. Price: $5.95 plus $2.00 S&H “ Color Photos: Color photos (4x6") from Naju. Our Lady shedding tears Ž Video: Mary Draws Us to the Eucharist and tears of blood through her statue; fragrant oil flowing from the same statue; Eucharistic miracle; Julia's Stigmata; and more. A summary of the Church teachings on the Holy Eucharist, and video footages and Price: $15.00 for 30 different photos, including S&H photos taken during the Eucharistic miracles through Julia Kim between June 1988 and July 1995. Powerful for revitalizing our Eucharistic devotion. VHS, 68 minutes. ” Mary's Touch - Special Issue 2nd issue/1995: The 11th Eucharistic Available in NTSC and PAL. Price: $15.95 plus $2.00 S&H miracle through Julia witnessed by Bishop Roman Danylak from Toronto and others Price: $8.50 for 50 copies;  Video: The Queen of the Holy Rosary in Naju, Korea $15.00 for 100 copies, including S&H (U.S.A.) A comprehensive summary of the supernatural signs and messages in Naju since their • More of this newspaper: Mary's Touch — 3rd issue beginning in 1985. Scenes of the Blessed Mother’s statue weeping tears and tears of blood, fragrant oil flowing from the same statue, Julia suffering the pains of the Cruci- (1st and 2nd issues are also available) $1.50 for 1 copy; $3.00 for 3 copies; $7.00 for fixion and of abortion, Eucharistic miracles, and more. VHS, 55 minutes. Available in 10 copies; $10.00 for 20 copies; $20.00 for 50 copies; $35.00 for 100 copies, includ- NTSC and PAL. Price: $14.95 plus $2.00 S&H ing S&H (U.S.A.) Please indicate which issue(s).

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