COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENTS Winter Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Gismondi Join Fr. Carl Gismondi, FSSP, on a winter pilgrimage Mater Dei Community to Italy, February 10th-20th, 2020. The trip features a FSSP Ordination Invitation Staffed by the Rev. Mr. William G. Rock, a Deacon of the Priestly six-day tour program throughout Rome and an addi- Fraternity of St. Peter, is to be ordained to the Holy tional three days in southern Italy, where we will visit Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Priesthood on Saturday, October 26, 2019, by His Ex- the Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano, the Sanctuary of cellency Athanasius Schneider at St. Mary’s Church in St Michael the Archangel and the shrines of St. Padre Providence, Rhode Island. Rev. Mr. Rock, along with Pio and St. Philomena. Father will celebrate daily Latin the pastor of St. Mary’s, Fr. John Berg, would like to Mass throughout the course of the journey. We’ve se- extend to the parishioners of Mater Dei an invitation to lected beautiful four-star hotels for the trip and a pri- St. Lawrence Chapel vate luxury motor-coach will accompany us through- the ordination. 110 State Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 out. The price is $3490.00 and this includes roundtrip Pilgrimage for Restoration 2019 airfaire from EWR. There are only forty seats availa- ~Home of Harrisburg’s Traditional Latin Mass~ ble. For more information or to sign up, please contact You are invited to take part in the 24th annu- al Pilgrimage for Restoration -- a walking pilgrimage the tour coordinator Joseph Long at in the footsteps of the North American Martyrs, in the
[email protected] or (540)-466-6070.