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2 MB Searchable This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail: [email protected] u m v 1) NYCV84-A24 Z American Planning and Civic Association* XJ Records9 1909-1970b + 45 cubic ft* I z1 r3 The National League for Civic Imrrovement was established in 19009 and meeed with the American Park and Outdoor Association in 1904 to form the American Civic Association. In 19359 this orfanization merfed with the National 5 Conference on Citr Planning to form the American Planning and Civic Associagorl which was later Joined br the National Conference on Citr Planning* The Amegca Planning and Civic Association later merfed with Action? 1nc.p the State Ur@n Action Center9 and Urban An~erica~formins the National Urban Coalition* "a S~-lrnrnarr: Scrarbooksr vamvhle.tsr vublications~ bulletins? pavers and 2 corresvond6nce of the American Plannind and Civic Association* Corresvondenb include General Ulrsses St Grant 111, Harland Bartholomeur and Harlean James Indexes: Partial box list. 5 Cite as: American Plannins and Civic Association* Records? #2777. Devartm&it of Manuscrivts and University Archives? Cornell University Libraries* m?J Related collection: State Historical Societr of Wisconsin: National Urban- Coalition* Pavers. <r3 Z 1. Bartholomew? Herland. 2. James? Harlean? 1877- 3. Grant? Ulrsses S*? n?J (Ulrsses Simrson)? I11 4+ American Civic Association* 5. National ConferencT or1 Citr Plannins. 6. Action? Inc. 7. State Urban Action Center. 8. Urban Anteria* 9* National Urban Coalition. lo* Citr plannins*. 11. Cities and towns--Civicmm improvement* 12* Scravbooks. ,' / n RGPN: 2777 ID: NYCV84-A24 CC: 9554 DCF: a PROC: I= mP P P C :z cnz +I <r3 :E TI m 'A n P2 R P z Irl 4 < z0 ;T: C cnA Ln W I Ln W 0 Y American Planning and Civic Association Records. Box 1 - Frederic A. Delano material in Black Notebook, (1926-1944) . Action, Inc. , The National council For Good Cities, publications. d. Dean 12-8-81 Note : Letters from McFarland to Nolen. John Nolen Papers (#2903) contain the following letters from J. Horace McFarland: 2/15/1909 Box 32, Reading Project Folder #1 9/24/20 Box 3, American Civic Association Folder #lA zFi Scr ?book St. Louis Invites - Americ~nP1annin~ 8. Civic Association, I?@. H 11 N. tional Citizens Conference on Planning st Milwaukee, dis. in Hotel Pfister on April 2P-30, 1947. Lirn Yntionql Conference on Pl~nningat the Xarwick Fotel in Phila. C] on );?y 12-14, 191. Hw drd rn 'fie Citizens Conference on Planning in Olnsha, Neb. at Hotel Fontenelle on Jllly 14-16, 193. m 2 7th Annual Ccnvention of the American Civic Assoc; 2 tion at : the K9w '~JillardYotel ir! :iashi~,tor, ?I.C. on !kc. 13-15, 1911. cE! 11th Annual Convention of t3e American Civic Association at 'dashington, D.C. on Dec. 2Q-31, 1915. Convention Scrap Book, 1917. St. Louis Missouri. 12th Annual Convsntion of the American Civic Association, !dashington, D.C. on Dec. 13-15, 1916. 11 15th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Fenna. on Oct. 29-31, 1919. mi$ r F mss. vol. "The Y~tionalParks Tour", a report of tke Tour Fanager, 1916. s Scrapbook National Citizens Planning Conference - American Planning R Civic Association, June 9-12, 1957 at Little Rock, Ark2nsas. If National Citizens Conference on Planning, Yay 12-17, 1950 at Hotel Statler in Washington, D.C. National bonference on Planning & Resources, Mat 18-21, 1952 at Rroi?~Hotel, Louisville, Ky. Citizens Conference on Regional Planning, Far. 11-13,199 in Columbus, Ohio. Citizens Conference on Planning in kYlas,Texzs - Hotel Baker on April 21-24, 190. National Citizens Conference for Planning and R?sources, April 11-15, 1951 at McAllister Hotel in Miami, Fla. National Citizens Conference On Community Planning at Biltnore Hotel in Oklahoma on Mar. 27-30, 1949. National Citizens Planning Conference on Parks and Open Space for the American People, in Washington, n.C. on May 22-25, 1955. Citizens Conference on Planning at New Orleans, La. in Hotel Charles on Mar. 11-14, 1953. Na tionnl Citizens Planning Conference on Federal' Government and Local Planning with sessions marking the 40th Anniversary of the dstablishment of the National Park Service, held at Washington, D. C. on Feb. 5-8, 1956. National Citizens Conference at Newark, N. J. in Essex House on Pay 17-19, 198. An Invitation from the City of A Four-Star Preview of Little Rock. Manila Addressed to Mr. James Hatcher, Little Rock, contains Envelope a very large number of newsclippings. clippi$ - Publicity - Little Rock. mss. vol. Cash 3tatements - I?&, Minutss of Msrtings, 19h5 - 1049; Constitution of APRCA. Z Amsricsn Civic ^ssociation - Cash Statements 8 B~dgetsfor H Citizen's Advisory Board - Chapters of the Comprehensive man. B s IPPXA - Cash Statements, 1942 - 1945; Budyet, 192 - 1945; C) T1 Payroll -4uthorizations ; Investment Correspondence. 'd 3 AP&CA - Minutes, 1950; Budget - 1950; Cash Statements, 1950; 9, Membership Yeport, 1950; Terms of Board Hembers; Constitution. 2 APRCA - Ark - Budgets, 1934 - 1940. FSPP (Federated Society on Planning and Parks) Cash Statments, H - - 3 Winutes of Keetings, Correspd., 1925 - 1935. rC Citizen's Advisory Board - hutes, Correspd., 1932; 1948. Legal Counsel - reports, correspd., 1935. American Civic Association - Minutes of Meetings, Reports, Cash Statements, 1921 - 1933. A.P.C.A. - bgislation (current) n - legislation (Indiana Dunes, Senator ~ou~la~) - Library Lists - ' Inquiries - Interior, Dept. of (current) - Interprofessional Comnlission on Environmental ksign - Invitations - iieheyer , Alexander (kttorney for Taconi c fioundat-lon) 11 - GHadt,gd, Yajor Genera7 U .S. (current) o - History 11 - Ewald Proposal - Reorganization 11 - 1963 Executive Committee Meetings n Executive Committee, 1960-1962 - Ma F A- aneous (Current) '\ .- Ei / ?l %I H Paper on Technique of City Planning Report - Theodore T. 14cCrosky i " " Nhy I Believe City Flanning Pays in Dollars and Cents - zM PIS. llay H. Roberts .CJY " " Personal and Community Benefits from Subdivision Control- z hgh R. Pomeroy F20 -P Pam~hle: BzxsdXLwg--Cor State , -Tm-,*.City;- ;Vrl-laee--;Xohdh t Zm G n : Urban Renewal for Year Edding NOV. 1956 * 0 n : Summary of Prodeeding 4th Annual Comity Planning Institute- W P May 3-59 1950 lb a3 ul n : Environmental Influence of City and Regir@al Flanning- w I P 11 : Enforcing the City Plan - Frank B. Williams n : The Ideal Village - Joe .heeler Dow (World's Work", .June 1904) BOX 6 (con t'd. ) Iss.: L3nd Use - Physical - 3rd Lecture of llanning Course - C. B. '&itnag I4 " : Travel Xays - 5th Lecture - C. B. ldhitnall . g2 : The Planner - *at About Him? - C. B. Whitnall - 1st Lecture 8 " : Land Use and Economics - 2d Lecture - C. B. h? itnall ?iiE Clipping: from Scientific American, Sept. 1927 - "The City of the Future" 2 G Pamphlet: Planning as a Vital Element of Government and Yiethods of 2 Accomplishment - Lawrence V. Sheridan P, 11 : lY1~5~~--Irnyjrwemnt-h-.th.e-Qn i t e_d-- Sta-- te s - 2 IY'i?A&m3? .- 3ann'lng 2 88 ~j,.Ci~t-~ ~dmpi-gn- F+-L. -0- 8,3 ce Mss.: Advisory Bulletin - Neighborhood Organization in Urban Renewal w Areas Involving Rehabilitation (attached pamphlet - "Fix It Bird") V) kamplble t : A -%r~u~e~~~ecent'i~ann~n~~. s . 41kdem-hwl a ii2 Newspaper : WbL1- m F Famphlet: ~',--,'1---P;..n-m- %tor and Jones 2 Mss.: of Oze Van Xyck's mss. I-' IP (L, VI W I VI W 0 I-' ox f51 Civic Annual, P & C C Orders Conmitiee of 100; Re. Chairmanship 1963-1964 Conservatf on Legal Aic: Soc; ety Conservation Associ=tes dPCk - Conservation " - Contributions - Current " - New Froyram - Negotiations, etc. - Taconic J'oundation " - Albright, Hor~ceM. xddressograph - Nultigcaph Corp. - Contract AKA - Agreevents with N.C.S.P. " - American Society Landscape Arch. - Current Amer. Soc. of Flanning Officials - Press release, May 5-9, 1963 11 n 11 n n - Pamphlet APCA - Annual - Current " - Ehrtholomew, Harland - Current Bibliography AKA - Board (purpose and program) Current " - Board Corres. - Current Breezy Point, N.Y. Committee for a Park at Buffalo River - Arkansas APCA - Minutes, Budget, Cash Statements, etc. 1952 - (MSS. ~01.) - 1956-1959 - Yinutes, Budgets, Cash Statements (Mss. vole) Housing Conference Sponsored by Amer.Civic Assoc. - April 6, 2935 - Morning 3 Session (Mss. vol.) -cez Housing Conf; Spons.by Amer. Civie ASSOC. 9:30 A.H., June 29, 1935 and z afternoon meeting (Mss. vol. ) w IP m- Cn n 11 n n n 11 - evening session, Apr. 6, 1935 n 11 11 n n 11 4 '2 Box H: Famphlets: Local Government Conference on Subdivision Control Responsibilities and Opportunities of a Real Estate Soclrd by J. C. Nichols Brendonwood Foxhall Village - Boss and Phelps Story of the Heights (~Kass. ~ve.) , IJashington, D.C. 3egarding Radburn Rad -)urn Gsrden Ejomes Determining Vpe Amount, Charter, and Location of Business Property a Subdivision Needs by Wm. L. Pollard Real Estate Subdividing Activity and Po~ulation Growth in Nine Urban Areas Guilford Information for Buyers, Owners, and Architects M-rd - iul QprFEta-tiWLHYTJB. Typed of Ahrhi$esture Approved for Palos Verdes Estates Rose Valley - A garden Suburb - Koylan - Rose Valley Fenna. La Venta Protective Restrictions - Falos Verdes Estates Penalties of Excess Subdividing Radburn - The Challenge of a New Town by Tracy B. Augur Brendonwood in Picture An Index of Local Real Estate - prices - knry hmgarden Fictured Homes Country Club District Subdivision Regulations - A Guide Chatham Village Fow&-4ills--Garidem+-~9 Sto@wton - A New England Village The Palos Verdes Frotective Restrictions A Minimum Hmsing Ordinance - Suggested Standards for Small Tennessee Communities au Box (cont'd.
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