A Note on the Detection of Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus Infecting White Lupine in Canada C
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Document généré le 24 sept. 2021 13:05 Phytoprotection A note on the detection of bean yellow mosaic virus infecting white lupine in Canada C. Piché, J. Peterson et M.G. Fortin Volume 74, numéro 3, 1993 Résumé de l'article Des symptômes de mosaïque virale ont été observés dans des champs URI : https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/706044ar expérimentaux de lupin (Lupinus albus) dans Test du Canada. Les plants DOI : https://doi.org/10.7202/706044ar affectés montraient des symptômes de mosaïque, de réduction et de déformation des feuilles, et de nanisme du plant. Les symptômes ont pu être Aller au sommaire du numéro reproduits en serre par inoculation mécanique sur le cultivar de lupin Ultra. Les symptômes observés sur des espèces diagnostiques, l'observation par microscopie électronique, la détection sérologique ELISA et l'analyse Éditeur(s) immunologique Western ont été utilisés pour identifier le virus présent. Un potyvirus, identifié comme le virus de la mosaïque jaune du haricot (BYMV), a Société de protection des plantes du Québec (SPPQ)l été détecté dans les plants affectés. Ces résultats sont les premiers à caractériser une maladie virale du lupin au Canada. Puisque le virus est ISSN transmis par les pucerons et par la graine, la présence du virus peut devenir une limitation à la production du lupin. 0031-9511 (imprimé) 1710-1603 (numérique) Découvrir la revue Citer cet article Piché, C., Peterson, J. & Fortin, M. (1993). A note on the detection of bean yellow mosaic virus infecting white lupine in Canada. Phytoprotection, 74(3), 153–155. https://doi.org/10.7202/706044ar La société de protection des plantes du Québec, 1993 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d’auteur. L’utilisation des services d’Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d’utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. https://apropos.erudit.org/fr/usagers/politique-dutilisation/ Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l’Université de Montréal, l’Université Laval et l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. https://www.erudit.org/fr/ A note on the détection of bean yellow mosaic virus infecting white lupine in Canada Christian Piché1, Jean Peterson1, and Marc G. Fortin1 Received 1992-06-18; acceptée! 1993-08-24 Virus-like symptoms were observed in fields of white lupine {Lupinus albus) in Eastern Canada. Affected plants displayed mosaic, leaf stunting and défor mation, and bunchy growth habit. The disease was successfully reproduced in greenhouse by mechanical inoculation of white lupine cv. Ultra. The causal virus was identified as bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) by symptomatology on diagnostic species, électron microscopy, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunodetection after Western blotting. This is the first report of a viral disease of lupine in Canada. BYMV may represent a significant limitation to lupine culture since it is transmitted by aphids and through infected seed. Piché, C, J. Peterson et M. G. Fortin. 1993. Une note sur la détection du virus de la mosaïque jaune du haricot infectant le lupin blanc au Canada. PHYTO- PROTECTION 74: 153-155. Des symptômes de mosaïque virale ont été observés dans des champs expé rimentaux de lupin {Lupinus albus) dans Test du Canada. Les plants affectés montraient des symptômes de mosaïque, de réduction et de déformation des feuilles, et de nanisme du plant. Les symptômes ont pu être reproduits en serre par inoculation mécanique sur le cultivar de lupin Ultra. Les symptômes observés sur des espèces diagnostiques, l'observation par microscopie élec tronique, la détection sérologique ELISA et l'analyse immunologique Western ont été utilisés pour identifier le virus présent. Un potyvirus, identifié comme le virus de la mosaïque jaune du haricot (BYMV), a été détecté dans les plants affectés. Ces résultats sont les premiers à caractériser une maladie virale du lupin au Canada. Puisque le virus est transmis par les pucerons et par la graine, la présence du virus peut devenir une limitation à la production du lupin. Lupine (LupinusalbusL)\s an alternative yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) and cucum- to soybean for the production of a high ber mosaic virus (CMV) (Jones and protein crop in temperate climates. It is McLean 1989). Plants in expérimental more tolérant of low soil pH and low fields of white lupine established in températures than soybean, two limiting eastern Canada displayed virus-like factors for soybean production in north- symptoms ressembling those reported eastern North America. Seventeen virus for BYMV. BYMV, a member of the and mycoplasma-like diseases hâve been potyvirus family, is transmitted to lupine reported to infect lupine, but two virus plants by aphids and through seed. diseases are more prévalent: bean BYMV has a wide host range that includes most leguminous plants (Bos 1970). Infected white lupine plants 1. Department of Plant Science, Macdonald display narrower leaflets, vein clearing, Campus of McGill University, 21 111 necrotic spotting, severe mosaic and leaf Lakeshore Road, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, déformation. Early infection results in Québec, Canada H9X 3V9 severe stunting and bushy appearance of 153 plants (Jones and McLean 1989). We species should be observed when infect report hère the successful propagation ed with CMV (Francki étal. 1979). Symp- of the disease under greenhouse condi tomatology thus suggests the présence tions, and the détection of BYMV in of BYMV and the absence of CMV in infected white lupine. This is the first infected leaf extracts. report of a viral disease of white lupine Electron microscopy was performed in Canada. on extracts of frozen leaves collected Ninety-eight accessions of white lupine from the field, and on leaf extracts of were grown in expérimental plots at the cultivar Ultra inoculated in the green Macdonald Campus of McGill University house. Long filamentous rod particles near Montréal, Québec. Symptoms averaged 710 nm in length and thèse displayed by affected plants in the field measurements are in agreement with included reduced leaf size, mosaic, occa- the range of viral particle length for sional necrotic spotting of the stem, leaf potyviruses (680 nm to 900 nm; Matthews mottling, and a characteristic stunting of 1979). The average particle length for leaves on younger branches that gave BYMV is 750 nm (Moghal and Francki plants a bushy appearance. Some culti- 1981). No spherical particles characteris vars (cvs. Primorski and Ultra) seemed tic of CMV were observed. more affected than others. Résistance or In ELISA assays, the antï-potyvirus tolérance to viruses in white lupine has sérum (Agdia Inc., Elkhart, IL) bound to not been reported. The number of leaves infected plant extracts from both field affected by this stunting ranged from a and greenhouse samples, but not to few upper leaves to most leaves on the uninfected leaf material. Infected leaves plant. Leaves of plants showing virus- generated ELISA readings approximate- like symptoms were collected and ly 100 fold higher than control samples frozen at -70°C. In order to reproduce (either mock-inoculated or uninoculated). symptoms observed in the field under However, the Agdia potyvirus antiserum greenhouse conditions, white lupine cv. used for the ELISA tests cannot dlistin- Ultra was inoculated with frozen infected guish between various potyviruses. To leaves ground in 0.1 M potassium clearly establish that BYMV was présent phosphate at pH 7.0. Symptoms observed in the infected samples, an antiserum were identical to those observed in the raised against partially purified BYMV field and matched those described by (Drs. R.l. Hamilton and R. Stace-Smith, Jones and McLean (1989) for BYMV Agriculture Canada, Vancouver) was used infection on white lupine. We observed to detect the présence of BYMV capsid necrotic spotting of the stem, but it was protein on Western blots of SDS-PAGE not followed by death of the plant. separated leaf extracts. For Western blotting, leaf extracts were electro- Four diagnostic species were inoculat phoresed in a 12.5% denaturing poly- ed: Chenopodium amaranticolor Coste acrylamide gel according to Hames & Reyn, Cucumis sativus L. cv. Chicago and Rickwood (1981). Pickling, Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. White Burley, and Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Détection of antigen-antibody com „ Sprite. Chenopodium amaranticolor and plexes was performed using goat anti- o> P. vulgaris were infected systemically rabbit IgGs linked to alkaline phosphatase Z. when inoculated with infected leaf sap (Bio-Rad). The antibodies detected a band ~ extract. The systemic infection, necrotic of the expected size for the coat protein •^ lésions and leaf déformation observed of BYMV, which has been reported to be O on inoculated (but not mock-inoculated) 30.9 kD by Hammond and Hammond F C. amaranticolor ave typical of infection (1989). No CMV was detected by ELISA UJ by BYMV (Bos 1970). A severe mosaic in sap extracts prepared from field O was ob-served on P. vulgaris also char- samples. We verified that the absence of £ acteristic of BYMV infections (Bos 1970). reaction was not due to a failure of the £ No symptoms were observed on C. antiserum to recognize CMV. Tobacco ^ sativus and N. tabacum when inoculated leaves infected with CMV (PV-29 from °- with the same sap extract. Distinct American Type Culture Collection) pro- mosaic on leaves of those two diagnostic duced a strong reaction when used in the 154 PICHE ETAL: BYMV ON WHITE LUPINE same assay. A new potyvirus infecting (Agriculture Canada, Vancouver) for the white lupine was recently characterized generous gift of BYMV antiserum. This by Hampton et al. (1992). White lupine research was supported by a grant to mosaic virus (WLMV) is closely related Marc G. Fortin from the Natural Sciences to, but distinct from BYMV in host range, and Engineering Research Council of serology and coat protein peptide map Canada.