Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Scientific Organisations


Annual Report 2015

St.Petersburg, 2015


Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Scientific Organisations


Annual Report 2015

St.Petersburg, 2015 SPIIRAS Administration Director Yusupov, Rafael M. Corresponding Member of RAS, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Tel:+7(812)328-3311; (812)328-3411; Fax: +7(812)328-4450 E-mail: [email protected] Deputy-Director for Research Popovich, Vasily V. Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, PhD Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Tel: +7(812)355-9691, E-mail: [email protected] Deputy-Director for Research Ronzhin, Andrey L. Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, PhD Tel: +7(812)328-7081, E-mail: [email protected] Deputy-Director for Research Sokolov, Boris V. Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, PhD Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Tel: +7(812)328-0103, E-mail: [email protected] Deputy-Director for Information Security Moldovyan, Alexander A. Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, PhD Tel: +7(812)328-51-85, E-mail: [email protected] Deputy-Director for Maintenance Tkach, Anatoly F. Associate Professor, PhD Tel:+7(812)328-1433, E-mail: [email protected] Scientific Secretary Silla, Evgeny P. Associate Professor, PhD Tel:+7(812)328-0625; E-mail: [email protected] Assistant to Director for International Research Cooperation Podnozova, Irina P. MS in Electrical Engineering Tel: +7(812)328-4446; Fax: +7(812)328-0685 E-mail: [email protected] Street Address: 39, 14 Line, St.Petersburg, 199178, Russia Tel. (812)328-3311; Fax: +7(812)328-4450 E-mail: [email protected]; http:// General Information

The Federal State Institution of Science St. Petersburg Institute for In- formatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences was found- ed in 1978 according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 12/19/1977 and to the Decision of the Presidium of the USSR Acad- emy of Sciences dated 01/19/1978 on the basis of the Computer Science Department of Ioffe Physical and Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and was assigned the name of Leningrad Research Computer Center (LRCC) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Currently the Institute is the only one scientific institution in the North-West region of Russia that does basic research in information technologies and automation. Since February, 1991 and at present Professor Rafael M. Yusupov, Correspond- ing Member of RAS is the head of the Institute. Based on LRCC one of the first global computer and information net- works in the country the Academic Network “North-West” was created. In 1985 LRCC was transformed into Leningrad Institute for Informatics and Automation of the USSR Academy of Sciences. By 1991 the Institute grew into a large scientific research organization, and its several departments gave rise to a new institution of the Academy of Sciences: Center of Ecologic Security of the St. Petersburg Scientific Re- search Center of RAS. In 1992 when historic name of St. Petersburg was returned to the city the Institute in turn was renamed in St. Petersburg Insti- tute for Informatics and Automation of RAS (SPIIRAS). According to the Decree of the Russian Federation Government dated 12/30/ 2013 #2591-p the Institute was handed over to the RF Federal Agency for Scientific Or- ganisations (FASO Russia). The Russian Academy of Sciences provides for the scientific and methodological guidance in regard to the Institute research activities. The Institute official name is St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS). The Institute purpose and object of activities are to do basic, predis- covery and applied scientific research aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge in the area of informatics and automation, control methods and information and telecommunication technologies applicable to solving actu- al scientific and engineering as well as social and economic problems, in- cluding those of interdisciplinary nature. In its basic, prediscovery and applied scientific research the Institute follows the below directions: fundamental basics of the informatization of the society and regions, regional data-computing systems and networks; information security; theoretic basics in developing the software-hardware complexes, ori- ented to the in real-time;

fundamental basics, models and methods aimed at investigating infor- mation processes in various complex (socio-, eco-, bio-, geo- and other) systems; fundamental basics in developing information technologies for intelli- gent automation systems of control, manufacturing, research, including the applicability to nanotechnologies and biotechnologies; fundamental basics of integration and self organization in computer and telecommunication software-hardware distributed complexes for intel- lectual space development; fundamental basics of design and implementation of the surrounding intellectual space incorporating technologies of , tele- and multi-modal users’ interfaces; fundamental basics of complex modeling, prognostication and optimi- zation of information processes in natural and artificial systems of the ani- mate and inanimate nature; fundamental basics of modeling the development processes of nano- technologies’ industry and processes of information, nano-, bio- and cogni- tive technologies’ convergence. Basic and applied research as well as design projects in the above listed areas are being done in accordance with the works of the Govern- ment Task approved by FASO Russia for the Institute in regard to the RAS Programs, within the projects of the Federal Special Programs and Pro- grams of the Russian Federation Ministries and Services, under regional scientific programs, under grants of the Russian Federation State Sicentific Foundations and other state foundations, international and foreign institu- tional foundations, order-driven works for domestic and international agen- cies and organizations in conjunction with domestic and foreign universities, research institutions and industrial companies. Applied results of the Institute research are oriented to developing new advanced technologies specified by The List of Crucial Technologies for the Russian Federation. The Institute latest research developments cover a wide range of up-to-date information technologies, particularly intended for: (a) design and software implementation of the intelligent multi-agent sys- tems in tasks of planning, scheduling, distributed heterogeneous data pro- cessing with knowledge mining purpose, as well as in tasks of protecting computer networks against distributed attacks, (b) knowledge logistics and context-driven management of flexible resource networks, (c) automated non-invasive diagnostics and monitoring of the patients’ functional states, (d) developing integrated intelligent geoinformation systems comprising the environment monitoring and interpreting as well as decision making support system, (e) automation and intellectualization of comprehensive modeling of complex organizational and engineering systems at different stages of their life cycles, (f) multi-agent control of robotic systems and their teams using virtual objects in real world and “augmented” reality, (g) audio- and visual information efficient and operational recognition and understanding, (i) multimodal man-computer interaction, (j) contriving distributed computer systems with dynamic architecture capable of developing super-, meta- computers and GRID- systems with automatic program paralleling and re- sources’ distribution as well as unlimited scalability, at that providing for high performance and high level of information security. The above technologies are ready for realization; many of them are al- ready implemented by domestic and international R&D and industrial organ- izations. It is worth noting that many developments are solving the import substitution problem. Certain part of the developments is of the twofold purpose, and some are used in the products’ serial manufacturing, for instance, hardware- software complex for the functional system of environment coverage by the navy integrated automated control system (HAC “Alevrit”) (36 items that permitted to deploy the automated system covering 84 objects), operational and tactical simulators’ complex (OTSC “Avtomatizm) (4 items), system protecting information against the non-authorised access (250 items), sys- tem securing the information deletion (50 items). The Institute is obviously one of the leading Russian scientific research organizations in the field of society informatization. The Institute scholars developed informatics’ scientific and methodological basics, the concept of informatization of the city of St. Petersburg and proposed the ways of its realization, the strategy of its transition to the information society, concep- tual frameworks of information policy accepted by St. Petersburg Admin- istration as guiding documents. Also were developed the model laws for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries: “About Informatiza- tion, Information and Information Protection”, “About Electronic Commerce”, “About Crucially Important Objects in Information and Telecommunication Infrastructure”; “Strategy Ensuring Information Security for CIS Countries”; “Model Regulations for Administrative Procedures Executed by Authorized Agencies in the Sphere of Information Security Assurance for CIS Coun- tries”. These documents are accepted as guidance by the CIS Interpar- lamentary Assembly. Besides “The Recommendations on Reapproachment and Harmonization of National Legislations in Assurance for Information and Security of the Countries – CSTO Members” were de- veloped; the problems of information assurance on the assumption of the society informatization were investigated. The SPIIRAS research and development basis (RDB) is constituted by researcher-oriented workstations integrated into a multi-level local comput- er network furnished with an Internet access through the nodes of RCOM and ROKSON providers. The above RDB’s most important constituents are the SPIIRAS Computer Research and Educational Center, Research and Educational Center “Technologies of Intellectual Space”, Innovation and Educational Center of Space Services, established under the agreement with RosCosmos, “Educational Center for Training the Certified Specilists in Processing Data of the Earth Remote Sensing” that includes the geoinfor- mation complex of space monitoring. RDB also incorporates High Perfor- mance Computer Cluster and Robotics Complex. The Institute organizes and hosts series of international scientific con- ferences like: “Regional Informatics”, “Information Assurance of Regions of Russia”, “Speech and Computer”, “Mathematical Methods, Models & Archi- tectures for Computer Networks Security”, “Information Fusion and Geo- information Systems”, “Simulation: Theory and Practice”; conferences on the theory of multi-agent systems and their applications and other. SPIIRAS scholars actively participate in international and domestic conferences and exhibitions; serve on the boards of international and Russian scientific jour- nals. Within 37 years the Institute researchers published over 105 mono- graphs and 1000 papers with domestic (“Nauka”, “Mashinostroenie”, etc) and international (“Springer-Verlag”, “Kluwer”, CRC Press, etc.) publishers. SPIIRAS prints its own transactions, and over 85 collected articles were published in the 37 years time span. Since 2006 the SPIIRAS proceedings are included in the list of the RF VAK journals. Today the SPIIRAS staff comprises one corresponding member of RAS, 38 full professors and 58 scientists bearing Ph. D. degrees. 30 SPIIRAS members are bestowed government awards for scientific achievements, including twelve Honored Scientists of The Russian Federa- tion and nine RF Government Prize winners. Ciurrently, the SPIIRAS post- graduate course counts 24 post graduate and doctoral students. SPIIRAS post-graduate course is authorized to act in the sphere of ed- ucational activity including specialities 05.13.01 “System analysis, control and information processing”; 05.13.11 “Mathematic- and software of com- puters, computer complexes, and computer networks”, 05.13.19 “Methods and systems for information security, information assurance”. The Doctoral Dissertation Council functions in the following speciali- ties: 05.13.01 “System analysis, control, and information processing”; 05.13.11 “Mathematic- and soft- ware of computers, computer complexes, and computer networks”; 05.13.19 “Methods and systems for information security, information assurance”. The Museum of SPIIRAS and Carl May (1856-1918) School is estab- lished and maintained at the Institute that currently occupies the building of the above mentioned school. 40 members of the Russian Academy of Sci- ences and the Academy of Fine Arts, 156 Full Professors, two ministers, seven governors, four members of the State Counsel, twenty generals and andmirals, three Heroes of Socialist Labor, two pilot-cosmonauts are among C. May School alumni. Using the Museum’s factual database the Institute scientists run en- lightement and educational activities at the secondary and higher schools of St. Petestburg promoting, at that, the best scientific, pedagogic, cultural and ethical traditions of the Russian education and science. SPIIRAS STRUCTURE 2015 Dissertation Council for Scientific Council D I R E C T O R Doctor of Sciences Yusupov Rafael M., RAS Cor. member Degree

Deputy-Director Deputy-Director for Deputy-Director for Deputy-Director for Assistant to Director for Deputy-Director for Scientific Secretary for Research Research Research Information Security International Research Maintenance Silla Evgeny P. Popovich Vasily V. Sokolov Boris V. Ronzhin Andrey L. Moldovyan Cooperation Tkach Anatoly F., PhD. PhD. Dr.Sci.,Prof. Dr.Sci.,Prof. Dr.Sci.,Prof. Alexander A. Dr.Sci.,Prof. Podnozova Irina P., MS

SPIIRAS and Gymnasium of Scientific Library Service Departments K. May History Museum L Object-Oriented Geo-Information Applied Informatics and Problems Computer Aided Integrated Systems A Systems of Society Informatization Autonomous Robotic Systems Popovich Vasily V., Dr.Sci., Prof. Smirnov Alexander V.,Dr.Sci.Prof. Yusupov Rafael M., RAS Cor.Member Ronzhin Andrey L., Dr.Sci., Prof. B O Information-Analytic Technologies Computer-Information Systems and Intelligent Systems R Programming Technologies for Economics Computer Security Problems Gorodetsky Vladimir I., Dr.Sci.,Prof. Osipov Vasily Yu., Dr.Sci., Prof. Lysenko Igor V., Dr.Sci., Prof. Kotenko Igor V., Dr.Sci.,Prof. A . T Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Research Automation Speech and Multimodal Interfaces O Problems of Informatics Cryptology Karpov Alexey A., Dr.Sci., Assoc. Prof. Tylupyev Alexander L. , Dr.Sci. Alexandrov Viktor V., Dr.Sci.,Prof. Moldovyan Nikola A., Dr.Sci. Prof. R I Department of Graduate School Information Technologies in System Information and Educational Biomedical Informatics Security of Information Systems E Analysis and Modeling Technologies and Services Roudnitsky Sergey B., Dr.Sci. Fakhrutdinov Roman Sh., PhD S Saluhov Vladimir I., PhD. Sokolov Boris V., Dr.Sci.Prof.

SPIIRAS Economical Agencies

«R&D Center of Cryptography SPIIRAS» LTD «R&D Center for Innovative Space LTD «Strategic Information Ltd. Technologies SPIIRAS» Technologies» (R&DCC SPIIRAS) (R&DCIST SPIIRAS)

Conferences, Exhibitions Conferences Managed and Hosted by SPIIRAS in 2015:  Interregional Theoretical and Practical Conference: “Advanced Lines of Development in National Information Technologies”, http://pnroit.code- Sevastopol, Crimea, September 22-25, (Yusupov R.M.)  III International Scientic and Practical Conference “Simulation and Com- plex Modeling of Marine Technologies and Marine Transport Systems” ICM MTMTS 2015. St. Petersburg, July 1-5, 2015 (Sokolov B. V.)  17-th International Conference “Speech and Computer” SPECOM-2015. Athens (Greece), September 20-24, 2015 (Ron- zhin, A. L)  IХ St. Petersburg Interregional Conference “Information Security of the Russian Regions (ISRR-2015)”. St. Pe- tersburg, October 28-30, 2015 (Yusupov, R. M.)  The 7-th International Workshop “Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems: Deep Virtualization for Mobile GIS” (IF&GIS'2015). Grenoble, France, May 18-20, 2015 (Popovich, V. V.)  Simulation. The Theory and Practice” (“IMMOD-2015”), Moscow, October 21-23, 2015 (Sokolov B. V.)  International School for Young Scientists “Incident Management and Counteraction to Target Cyber and Physical Attacks in Distributed Large-Scale Crusially Important Systems” EC TEMPUS #544455- TEMPUS-1-2013-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR (Educational Program ECTEM- PUS, Project “Masters’ program for a new generation of experts in in- formation security in accordance with EC (ENGENSEC) standards” (Kotenko, I. V.) Furthermore, 20 SPIIRAS scientists and professionals participated in over 32 other international conferences, workshops and meetings as invited speakers, speakers and program committees’ members. Conferences and Workshops to be Organized by SPIIRAS in 2016  18-th International Conference “Speech and Computer“ SPECOM-2015. Budapest (Hungary), August 23-27, 2016.  XV St. Petersburg International Conference “Rergional Informatics- 2016”, October 26-28, 2016.  The 9-th Russian Multi-conference “Information Technologies in Control” (ITC-2016)). St. Petersburg, October 7-9, 2016. Participation in the Exhibitions in 2015  Exhibition St. Petersburg Educational Forum 2015. November 20-21, 2015. St. Petersburg, Russia (Vatamanyuk, I. V., Denisov, A. V., Gaponov, V. S., Bashlovkina, V. V., Bojkov, L. V.).  III Annual National Forum-Exhibition “VUZPROMEXSPO-2015”. Decem- ber 2-4, 2015. Moscow, Russia (Karpov, A. A.).

International Cooperation

In 2015 SPIIRAS continued interactions and international scientific co- operation through international contracts, agreements, grants, has further proceeded with the established R&D contacts, information exchange; a num- ber of international scientific centers SPIIRAS keeps in touch with accepted the Institute scientists delegated to participate in joint projects, conferences and other meetings outside Russia. In addition SPIIRAS put a sincere effort in receiving international scholars, professionals and delegations on the Insti- tute premicies; international conferences were organized and held. The following professional contacts are worth mentioning and include: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (Bulgarian Acade- my of Sciences); Belarus Academy of Sciences, Belarus State University and other Belarus organizations like United Institute of Problems in Informatics, Institute of National Security, University of Informatics and Radio-electronics, Academy of Belarus Ministry of Domestic Affairs; Ukrainian National Acade- my of Sciences (UNAS); Kazakh Academy of Sciences; Uzbek Academy of Sciences; Novi Sad University (Serbia), Riga Technical University (Latvia); Research Economic Institute in Poznan (Poland); University Paris-VII, Re- search Institute for Informatics (Grenoble), LIMSI-CNRS, University Paul Sa- batier, Toulouse III (France); Jonkoping University (Sweden); University of Berlin, Fraunhofer Institute, Oberwolfach International Mathematic Institute (Germany); University of West Bohemia in Plzen (Czechia); University of Bo- gazici (Turkey); Yale University, EMS Company (USA); “Samsung Research Center”, Ltd. (Korea); a number of EC institutions in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Finland; institutions of China and other. The research works were done on the contracts and orders by EMC Company (USA); the Secretariat of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly (in the field of information assurance and harmonization of the national legislations); the EC Program TEMPUS; University of West Bohemia in Plzen (Czechia). A sincere effort has been put in the further development of the research cooperation with “SAMSUNG Research Center”, Ltd (Korea); and in main- taing cooperation and information exchange with based on the agreements with The Institute of Space Research and Technologies (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). Intensive scientific exchange totally comprised 65 business trips of 30 SPIIRAS scientists (48 trips to International Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions; 17 trips were related the current research con- tract/agreements/grants). In turn SPIIRAS arranged for visa support and received 34 foreign scien- tists and professionals as follows: Australia – two, Belarus – three, Bulgaria – two, Croatia – one, Czechia – three, Finland – one, Germany – six, Italy – one, Japan – one, Latvia – one, Lithuania – three, Moldova – one, Norway – one, South Korea – six, Sweden – one, Switzerland – one, Turkey - two.

Links with the Higher School and Branch Science

The Institute administers six basic departments in the leading St. Petersburg universities as well as several joint research laboratories. Basic Departments:  Basic department «Information Technologies and Computer Security» at The St. Petersburg State Electrical Engineering University, estab- lished in 1979.  Basic department “Applied Informatics” at The St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, established in 2002  Basic department: " and Robotics" at The St. Peters- burg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, established in 2004.  Affiliated department “Mechanics of Controlled Motion” at The St. Pe- tersburg State University, established in 1981.  Basic department “Distributed Intelligent Automation Systems” at The St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, established in 2009.  Basic department «Information Security» at The St. Petersburg State University of Transport Communications, established in 2010. Laboratories:  Joint R&D Laboratory “Problems of Regional Informatization and Man- agement” at The Astrakhan State University, established in 2006.  R&D Laboratory within CAD Department at Technological Institute of the Southern Federal University, Taganrog, established in 2010.  R&D Laboratory of Information Technologies in Transport Systems, Power Engineering, Automation and Modeling Systems at Mari State Technical Uiniversit, established in 2012.  International Research Laboratory “Intelligent Proactive Protected Tech- nologies and Systems” at ITMO University, established in 2014.  International Research Laboratory “Intelligent Technologies for Socio- CyberPhysical Systems” at ITMO University, established in 2014.  Competence Center “Control and Robotics” at The St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, established in 2014.  Virtual Joint Laboratory at The Military Teaching and Research Center of the RF Air Force “Military Air Force Academy” Voronezh, established in 2015. The Institute also has cooperation with a number of universities in St. Pe- tersburg, Moscow and other cities: Russian State Pedagogical University, Moscow State University, Moscow Engeeniring and Physical Institute, Moscow Physical and Technical Institute, Moscow State Technical University, Astra- khan State University, Petrozavodsk State University, South Federal Universi- ty, Northern Caucasian State Techological University, Naval Academy named af N. G. Kuznetsov, A. F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy, etc.

SPIIRAS Scholars deliver lectures for the students of the basic depart- ments and other higher schools in the advanced areas of informatics, infor- mation and telecommunication technologies, engage students in research activities, encourage the most capable ones to joint SPIIRAS post-graduate course, teach courses at SPIIRAS centers: Research and Education Center of Computer Studies (RECCS); Research and Education Center “Technolo- gies of Intelligent Space”; Innnovation and Education Center of Space Ser- vices; Educational Center for Training Certified Specialists in Processing Da- ta of the Earth Remote Sensing. The Institute organizes and runs continuing city seminar “Informatics and Computer Technologies”, Seminar Leader Prof. Baranov, S. N. The sem- inar on the one hand is aimed at maintaining professional exchange of latest scientific developments in informatics and computer technologies at the city level, and on the other hand at involving young researchers in submitting presentations on their own in front of competent scientists. Thus, the seminar contributes to integration of St. Petersburg higher school and academic sci- ence, clearly recognizes talented young people and fosters their professional growth. The Institute did joint research within the framework of agreements with the following organizations: FNPC OAO NPO “Mars”, OAO “Concern “Okeanpribor”” FSUE “CENKI", DD FSUE “46 R&D Institute", FRC FSB “RRI”of EMERCOM, Bajkonur Spaceport, Izhevsk Motorplant “Aksion Hold- ing” and other; with Secretariat of CIS Countries General Assembly, Secre- tariat of Parliamentary Assembly of CSTO countries, Committee on Science and Education, Committee on Informatization and Communication of St. Petersburg Government, St. Petersburg Government Information and An- alytic Center; with a number of agencies and departments of the Russian Federation Ministries and services. Major Publications Monographs Published by SPIIRAS Scientists:  Vus, M.A., Makarov, O.S. Comments to the Model Law “About the State Secrets”/ Introduction by Yusupov, R. M. – Spb., SPIIRAS, Anatoliya, «Poligraficheskie tehnologii», 2015. -136 p. ISBN 978-5-7452-0035-9.  Alexandrov, V. V., Vorobjev, V. I., Kuleshov, S. V., Levonevsky, D. K., Markov, V. S., Fatkieva, R. R., Yusupov, R. M. Chapter 5. Forming and Development of the Information Structure for the St. Petersburg Innova- tive Development. In the monograph: Prospective Lines of Science De- velopment in St. Petersburg./ Editors: Alferov, Zh. I., Bely, O. V, Dvas, G. V., Ivanova, E. A.- SPB., IP Permyakov, S. A. Publishing, 2015. 543p.Lambert Academic Press, 2014. -148 p.  Basov, O. O., Karpov, A. A., Saitov, I. A. Methodological Basics in Syn- thesis of Polymodal Infocommunication Systems for State Administration: monograph. – Orel: Academy of FSO Russia, 2015.-271 p.

Manuals and Teaching Aids:  Kashevnik, A. M., Korzun, D. Zh., Balandin, S. I., Ponomarev, A. V., De- velopment of Recommending Systems Based on Intelligent Spaces, Teaching Aid // Petrozavodsk: PetrSU Publishing, 2015.-73p. Conference Proceedings, SPIIRAS Proceedings:  17-th International Conference “Speech and Computer” Springer Interna- tional Publishing Switzerland. A. Ronzhin et al.(Eds): SPECOM 2015, LNAI 9319, 2015, 504 p.  The Seventh International Workshop on Information Fusion and Geo- graphic Information Systems (IF&GIS’2015). “Deep Virtualization for Mobile GIS” Springer International Publishing Switzerland. V. Popovich (Eds): IF&GIS’2015, LNG&C, 2015, 180 p. ISBN 978-3-319-16666- 7; ISSN 1863-2246  Information Security of the Russian Regions (ISRR-2015). IХ St. Peters- burg Interregional Conference Information Security of the Russian Re- gions. St.Petersburg, October 28-30, 2015: Conference Proceed- ings/SPOISU, Spb., 2015, 418 p. ISBN 978-5-906782-83-0.  The Seventh All-Russia Scientific and Practical Conference “Simulation. The Theory and Practice” (“IMMOD-2015”): Conference Proceedings, October 21-23, 2015, Moscow: 2 volumes edition/ Institute of Control Sciences named after V. A. Trapeznikov RAS; ed. Vasiljev, S. N., Yusupov, R. M., - V. 1. Plenary Papers – M.: ICS RAS, 2015 ISBN 978- 5-91450-172-0. SPIIRAS Proceedings Journal (in VAC list since 2011) – 6 issues:  SPIIRAS Proceedings. Vol. 1(38)/. St. Petersburg: Publishing centre GUAP, 2015. 16,8 p. sh.  SPIIRAS Proceedings. Vol. 2(39)/. St. Petersburg: Publishing centre GUAP, 2015. 15,4 p. sh.  SPIIRAS Proceedings. Vol. 3(40)/. St. Petersburg: Publishing centre GUAP, 2015. 13,8  SPIIRAS Proceedings. Vol. 4(41)/. St. Petersburg: Publishing centre GUAP, 2015. 14,3  SPIIRAS Proceedings. Vol. 5(42)/. St. Petersburg: Publishing centre GUAP, 2015. 14,95  SPIIRAS Proceedings. Vol. 6(43)/. St. Petersburg: Publishing centre GUAP, 2015. 15,7 p. sh. Since December of 2015 the Journal publishes papers on two groups of specialities: 05.13.00 Informatics, Computer Science and Control; 01.01.00 Mathematics. In addition the Institute scientists have published over 300 research pa- pers in various domestic and international journals and collected articles.

2015 Honours and Awards

Yusupov, R. M. – Corresponding member of RAS – awarded with the Honorary Diploma of the Russian Federation President (The RF President Order of 26.10.2015, #335-op). Chechulin, A. A., Doynikova, E. V. – Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Area of Informatics, Computer Science and Automation (Or- dinance of the RAS Presidium of 17.02.2015, #24) – bestowal for a cycle of research scientific works “Evaluation of Network Security and Security Events Processing Based upon Atacks’ Analytic Modeling”. Karpov, A. A. – winner of the 2015 contest for the right to receive the RF President Grants intended for the State support of the young Russian scien- tists – doctors of sciences in the branch of knowledge “Technical and Engi- neering Sciences” (Certificate #MD-3035.2015.8 from the RF President Grants’ Council). Kipyatkova, I. S. – winner of the 2015 contest for the right to receive the RF President Grants intended for the State support of the young Russian scientists – candidatess of sciences in the branch of knowledge “Technical and Engineering Sciences” (Certificate #MK-5209.2015.8). Verkhodanova, V. O., – winner of the St. Petersburg Grants’ Contest for young scientists of 2015 (Diploma from the St. Petersburg Governor and Government). Azarov, A. A. – winner of the St. Petersburg Grants’ Contest for young scientists of 2015 (Diploma from the St. Petersburg Governor and Govern- ment). Karpov, A. A. – Winner’s Diploma of the International Scientific Contest: Interspeech Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE-2015), Dresden, Germany. Karpov, A. A. – Diploma of the Elsevier Publishers (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) for the paper reckoned among the most popular works of Sci- enceDirect Service in 2014 (in Journal of “Speech Communication” the pa- per “Automatic speech recognition for under-resourced languages: A survey” took the place in downloading frequency). Ronzhin, A. L. – Winner’s Diploma of the 2015 contest for the right to re- ceive the RF President Scholarship intended for the State support of the young Russian scientists (Certificate #SP-3872.2015.5) from 2015-2018. Branitsky, A. A., Kotenko, I. V. – Best Paper Award bestowed at the Eighteenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Scienece and Engi- neering (CSE 2015). Porto, Portugal, October 21-23, 2015. Desnitsky, V. A. – winner of the 2015 contest for subsidy’s provisions to young scientists, young candidates of sciences at higher schools and aca-

demic institutions located in St. Petersburg. Research issue: “Development of the methodology and software means for evaluation of computer network reliability under the fault probability exponential distribution”. Doynikova, E. V. – winner of the 2015 contest for subsidy’s provisions to young scientists, young candidates of sciences at higher schools and aca- demic institutions located in St. Petersburg. Research issue: “Development of the methodology and generating the scenarios of attacks against a computeк network intended for an automated testing of its immunity level”. Doynikova, E. V. – winner of the 2015 contest for the right to receive the St. Petersburg Grants in the area of scientific and R&D activities. The contest is organized by the SPb Government Committee on Science and Education. Research issue: “Development of models, methodologies and software com- plex for dynamic evaluation of computer networks immunity in advanced sys- tem of information and security events’ management”. Chechulin, A. A. – winner of the 2015 contest for subsidy’s provisions to young scientists, young candidates of sciences at higher schools and aca- demic institutions located in St. Petersburg. Research issue: “Development of the models’ complex and methodologies for protection against unwanted and malicious information in Internet”. Smirnov, A. V., Ponomarev, A. V. – The Best Paper Award (in the area of Software Agent and Internet Computing) at the 17-th International Confer- ence on Enterprise Information Systems (Barcelona, Spain, April, 2015) for the paper entitled: “Privacy-preserving hybrid peer-to-peer recommendation architecture”. Ivanov, V. P. – Honorary Diploma for the paper at the IV All Russia R&D Conference “Actual Problems of Space-Rocket Hardware (IV Kozlovsky Readings)”. Abramov, M. V. – Winner’s Diploma of the 2015 contest for the right to receive the RF President Scholarship intended for the State support of the young Russian scientists from 2015-2018. Toropova A. V. – Winner’s Diploma of the 2015 contest for the right to receive the RF President Scholarship intended for the State support of the young Russian scientists from 2015-2018.

Research Leads and Main Research Results of SPIIRAS Laboratories

Laboratory of Research Automation

Head of the Laboratory: Dr.Sci.(Tech.), Honored Scientist of Russian Fed- eration, Laureate of John von Neumann prize, laureate of Russian Federation government prize in science and technology field Prof. Victor V. Alexandrov – algorithmic models, digital programmed technology, informatics, epistemolo- gy of growing infocommunication systems, semiological approach to data processing, NBICS. [email protected], Laboratory Staff – 8 members and 6 post-graduate students. Research Activities Semantic analysis of audio-, video data and texts within the framework of digital programmed technology theory. Software defined reconfigurable info- communication systems. The methods of energy effective optimization for object-oriented digital data transmission channels. Active data. Infology ap- proach to information analysis systems developing, analytical monitoring of Internet media. The basis for theory and methods of digital technologies for cognitive programming of complex spatial forms and their 3D prototyping. The application of mathematical methods for digital signal processing. Research Fellows Leading Researcher, Dr.Sci (Tech) – Sergey F. Svinyin – application of modern mathematical methods in digital signal processing, [email protected] Leading Researcher, Dr.Sci (Tech) – Sergey V. Kuleshov – analytical In- ternet monitoring, data processing, digital infocommunication systems, kule- [email protected] Senior Researcher, PhD (Tech) – Alexandra A. Zaytseva – data pro- cessing, digital technologies of cognitive programming, methods of 3D scan- ning of complex spatial forms, [email protected] Researcher, PhD (Tech) – Pavel P. Kokorin – infology information sys- tems, [email protected] Researcher, PhD (Edu), Associate Professor – Valeria A. Alexandrova – technologies of cognitive programming, methods of 3D modeling and 3D pro- totyping of complex spatial forms, [email protected]. Junior Researcher – Alexey J. Aksenov – digital signal processing, mod- ern methods of scanned 3D data compression, [email protected] Post-graduate Students and Competitors competitors for Dr.Sci.(Tech.) Alexander I. Popov – The research of the methods for improving reliabil- ity and clinical conclusiveness of biomedical information and development of

automated system for diagnosis conclusions based on information technolo- gy – supervisor prof. Sergey F. Svinyin. competitors for PhD (Tech.) Marina V. Belozerova – Methodology basis for electronic archives con- struction – supervisor prof. Victor V. Alexandrov. Victor V. Klimenko – The methods and technologies for information re- dundancy reduction of wideband radio signals data streams storage systems – supervisor Sergey V. Kuleshov. Sergey V. Smirnov – The technology and system for automatic correc- tion of the results of archive documents recognition – supervisor Sergey V. Kuleshov. Grants and Projects Alexandrov V. – contract No.6/2014. Reference number: Amethyst. Car- rying out gathering and analysis of data about distribution of audiovisual con- tent in network Internet, 2014-2015. Defense of the Theses Sergey V. Smirnov, “The technology and system for automatic correc- tion of the results of archive documents recognition”, PhD (Tech.) on 05.13.11 specialty, supervisor Sergey V. Kuleshov. Alexey J. Aksenov, “The models and methods of processing and repre- sentation of complex spatial objects”, PhD (Tech.) on 05.13.01 specialty, su- pervisor Sergey V. Kuleshov. University Courses SPSPTU, Department of Control Systems and Technology: Computer and cognitive systems; Knowledge engineering; Intellectual systems for data pro- cessing (Victor V. Alexandrov). Conferences International Research-to-Practice Conference “High-Tech Information Educational Environment”, May 12–13, 2015, Saint-Petersburg – V.Alexandrov, A.Aksenov, V.Alexandrova, A.Zaytseva, S.Kuleshov, S.Smirnov. International Scientific Conference “Technological perspective witin the frame of Eurasian space: new markets and points of economical growth”, Saint-Petersburg, November 20-21, 2015 – V.Alexandrov, A.Zaytseva, S.Kuleshov. Automated Systems and Technologies International Symposium AST’2015. St. Petersburg, Russia, May 25-26, 2015 – V.Alexandrov, A.Aksenov. Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Victor V. Alexandrov – active member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Editorial board member of “Scientific instrumentation” magazine. Thesis committee member of SPIIRAS, SPSPTU, RSPU.

Sergey F. Svinyin – member of Saint-Petersburg Assotiation of Scien- tists scientific council, chairman of Saint-Petersburg department of Lomono- sov’s foundation, member of international scientific Euroscience. Sergey V. Kuleshov – Thesis committee member of SPIIRAS. Recent results 1. The model for representation of multidimensional space as a linear bit se- quence. The novelty of the model is in dynamical generation of space filling curve to transform fragment of space into a bit stream preserving local fea- tures [5, 8, 10, 11]. 2. The possibility of the hybrid codec development for compression of 3D- scanning data within the frame of software defined infocommunication sys- tems was proved [6, 8, 9]. 3. The methodology for multi criteria filtering of textual documents in natural language is developed to increase the quality of associative ontology creation in the tasks of analytical Internet resources monitoring [2, 7, 12]. 4. The associative ontology creation and complex application of the formal approaches to text metrics detection and heuristic criteria of text quality esti- mation to create the development instruments for information search and in- ternet resources processing systems, electronic libraries and analytical sys- tems are proposed [4, 12]. 5. The identification method of the digital images origin based on comparison of the unique for every digital camera spatial location of special pixels is pro- posed [3]. 6. The conceptual methodological approaches for the development of real time monitoring system of spatial helicopter location and onboard systems characteristics via remote access technology [13-14]. 7. The theory of multidimensional signals sampling using wavelet basis with compact support [1]. References Publications indexed in Russian Science Citation Index 1. Svinyin S.F., Popov A.I. Finite Basic Functions in the Tasks of Sampling Signals of Finite Qxtension // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol. 6(43). pp. 50–67. (In Russ.). (Impact-factor 0,319). 2. Mikhailov S.N., Malashenko O.I., Zaytseva A.A. The Method for the In- fology Analysis of Patients Complaints Semantic Content in Order to Or- ganize the Electronic Appointments // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol. 5(42). pp. 140–154. (In Russ.). (Impact-factor 0,319). 3. Kuleshov S.V., Aksenov A.J., Zaytseva A.A. The Approach to Digital Camera Picture Identifaction // Innovation Science, 2015. vol. 12, no. 2. pp. 82–86. (In Russ.). 4. Kuleshov S.V., Zaytseva A.A., Markov V.S. Associative-ontological Ap- proach to Natural Language Texts Processing // Intellectual Technolo- gies on Transport. 2015. no 4. (In Russ.).

5. Zaytseva A.A. Aksenov A.J. The Method of 3D-data Effective Represen- tation // Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Technologi- cal Perspective within the Eurasian space: new markets and economic growth points. SPb: NPK «ROST», 2015, pp. 199–202. (In Russ.). 6. Alexandrov V.V., Kuleshov S.V. Software Defined World // Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Technological Perspective within the Eurasian space: new markets and economic growth points. SPb: NPK «ROST», 2015, pp. 163–168. (In Russ.). 7. Kuleshov S.V., Zaytseva A.A. Analytical Monitoring. The Metrics of Natu- ral Language Texts // Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Technological Perspective within the Eurasian space: new markets and economic growth points. SPb: NPK «ROST», 2015, pp. 90–95. (In Russ.). 8. Aksenov A.J. The Models and Methods of Processing and Representa- tion of Complex Spatial Objects // Thesis of PhD Tech, SPIIRAS, 2015, 22 p. (In Russ.). 9. Alexandrov V.V., Kuleshov S.V. Programmed World: Information Tech- nologies of XXIst Century // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference edited by V. Laptev. 2015. pp. 19–24. (In Russ.). 10. Aksenov A.J., Alexandrova V.V., Zaytseva A.A. New Information Tech- nologies in Engineering Graphics // Proceedings of the International Sci- entific Conference edited by V. Laptev. 2015. pp. 189–192. (In Russ.). 11. Kourneva D., Aksenov A., Alexandrov V. Digital Cognitive 3D- technologies // Proceedings of the Symposium Automated Systems and Technologies AST’2015. 2015 pp. 153–158. (In Russ.). Other Publications 12. Alexandrov V.V., Vorobiev V.I., Kuleshov S.V. etc. The Formation and Development of Information Infrastructure of St. Petersburg Innovation Development // in book «Perspective Trends of Development of Science in St. Petersburg» / editors J.I. Alferov, O.V. Bely, G.V. Dvas, E.A. Ivano- va. SPb: IP Permyakov S.A., 2015. 543 p. (In Russ.). 13. Chuntul A.V., Lapa V.V., Alexandrov V.V., Kuleshov S.V. et al. Ergonom- ics in the Design and Testing of Helicopters and Simulators "Mi" // The scientific paper collection dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the organi- zation department of ergonomics in JSC "Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant". Vol. 1 / Kogito-Centr, 2015. 221 p. (In Russ.). 14. Chuntul A.V., Fedunov B.E., Alexandrov V.V., Kuleshov S.V. etc. Ergo- nomics in the Design and Testing of Helicopters and Simulators "Mi" // Vol. 3 Technologies of intellectual support helicopter crew. Kogito-Centr, 2015. 167 p. (In Russ.).

Laboratory of Intelligent Systems

Head of the Laboratory: Prof. Ph.D. Gorodetsky Vladimir – Artificial Intelli- gence, in particular, Intelligent Data Analysis, Data and Information Fusion, P2P agent-based service oriented technology, Distributed and P2P Data Min- ing and Machine , Knowledge Discovery from Data, Multi-Agent Sys- tem Technology and Software Tools, Distributed Pattern Recognition, Self- organized B2B Networks, 3G Recommending systems, Big Data Analysis, Teamwork of agents, [email protected] Laboratory Staff – 10 members. Research Activities Multi-agent system technology, Multi-agent logistics, Self-organized B2B Networks, Distributed and P2P and Machine Learning, Intelli- gent Data Analysis, Data and Information Fusion, Knowledge Discovery from Data, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Big Data Analysis, Team- work of agents, 3G Recommending Systems, Mobile document images en- hancement. Research Fellows Senior Researcher Ph.D. – Karsaev Oleg – Artificial , Multi- agent Systems and Software Tools, Multi-agent Applications in Transporta- tion Logistics, Intelligent Planning and Scheduling, Air Traffic Control, P2P architectures and protocols, [email protected]/ Researcher – Samoylov Vladimir – , in particular, Intelligent Data Analysis, Ontology-based Data Analysis, Data and Infor- mation Fusion, Distributed and P2P Data Mining and Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery from Data, Multi-Agent System Technology and Software Tools, Big Data Analysis, Teamwork of agents, 3G Recommend- ing Systems, Mobile document images enhancement. [email protected] Researcher – Konyushy Victor – Artificial Intelligence, in particular, Multi-agent Software Tools, Data Analysis and Knowledge Representation, Multi-agent Applications, Intelligent Planning and Scheduling, Program- ming, [email protected] Researcher – Kislyakov Vakhtang – Artificial Intelligence, Data Bases, Ontology Design Automation, Intelligent Planning and Scheduling, Pro- gramming, Data Bases, [email protected]. Junior researcher – Tushkanova Olga – Artificial Intelligence, in partic- ular, Pattern Recognition, Informatics, Ontology Development, Multi-agent Systems, Computer Gaming Models, Teamwork of Agents, Programming, [email protected]. Junior researcher – Boykov Leonid – Artificial Intelligence, in particular, Multi-agent Systems, gent Platforms, Image Processing, Teamwork of ro- bots, [email protected].

Junior researcher – Bashlovkina Valeriya – Computer Vision of Ro- bots, 3D Scene Reconstruction, Teamwork of agents, [email protected]. Post-graduate Students Tushkanova Olga – Causality Detection and Analytics of Big Data for Decision Making Support (Supervisor Gorodetsky Vladimir). Boykov Leonid – Teamwork of Autonomous Agents with Application to Collective Robotics. (Supervisor Gorodetsky Vladimir). Bashlovkina Valeriya – Computer Vision of Robots and 3D Scene Re- construction (Supervisor Gorodetsky Vladimir and Stankevich Lev). Grants and Projects Gorodetsky Vladimir – Self-organized B2B networks. Project from Russian Foundation for Basic Research, # 10-07-00493 (2014-2016). Gorodetsky Vladimir – Contact from EMC2 company, (USA). 2015. Conferences International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Sys- tems (AAMAS-2014), Istanbul, Turkey, 4–9 May 2015 – Gorodetsky V. International Congress on Artificial Intelligence and Information Tech- nologies. (AIS-2015), 2-9 September 2015, Divnomorskoe – Gorodetsky V. Russian Conference on Perspective Control Systems and Tasks, 2-9 April 2015, Dombay – Gorodetsky V., Tushkanova O. International Conference on Creativity in intelligent technologies and data science, Volgograd, 15-17 September 2015 – Tushkanova V. Russian Conference Intelligent Technologies for Control, Divnomor- skoe, September 29 - October 1, 2015 – Gorodetsky V. (Invited paper presentation). International Conference The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (IEEE DSAA'2015), Paris, 22-24 Oc- tober 2015, – Tushkanova, V. (paper presentation). International Conference Distributed computing and Artificial Intelli- gence, 3-5 June 2015. Salamanca, Spain – Bukhvalov O. Joint International Conference The 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI’15) and the 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM In- ternational Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’15), Singa- pore, 6-9 December 2015 17-th European Agent Systems Summer School on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent systems, June 6-10, Barcelona, Spain – Boykov, L., Bashlovkina V. Extremal Robotics Conference 8-9 October 2015, St. Petersburg, Rus- sia – Boykov, L., Bashlovkina V. The Exhibition: St. Petersburg Education Forum. 2015. 20-21 Novem- ber 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia – Boykov, L., Bashlovkina V. International Cooperation University of Technology, Sydney (Sydney, Australia) – Coordinated actions in organizing of the Special Session on International Workshop on The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced

Analytic (IEEE DSAA'2015), Paris, 22-24 October 2015 – Gorodetsky V.I., C0- Chairman of the Session. Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Prof. Gorodetsky, Vladimir – Member of the Russian and European Associations for Artificial Intelligence, member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, International Society of Information Fusion (ISIF), International Federation of Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems (IF AAMAS), member of Editor Board of Journal on "Design Ontology". Recent Results 1. A novel approach to big data pre-processing called adaptive granula- tion is developed. It performs transformation of the heterogeneous data containing the components measured in various measurement scales, as well as natural language texts and regular expressions, into common Bool- ean measurement scale. The adaptive granulation takes into account the target task to be solved thus becoming adaptive. The in question is validated sing multiple data sets. 2. The technology for automatic ontology design that uses adaptive data granulation, Semantic data analysis framework as well as the existing data bases of concepts like Dbpedia/Wikipedia is developed and validated ex- perimentally. 3. The architecture for self-organized B2B network s developed. It con- tains (1) B2B network node architecture comprising agents of various roles, information components and agent interaction component; (2) software communication infrastructure supporting the p2p inter - agent interaction as well as their interactions with external environment and (3) the node inter- action protocols in various use cases that transform the set of agents in the multi-agent system of network structure. The results mentioned above were carefully validated using software proto- types applied to the different data sets. References Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 1. Gorodetsky V.I., Samoilov V.V., Trotskii D.V. Base ontology of collective behavior of autonomous agents and its extension // Izvestiya RAN. Teor- iya i sistemy upravleniya. 2015, no. 5, pp. 102–121. (In Russ.). 2. Gorodetsky V.I., Samoilov V.V., Trotskii D.V. The Reference Ontology of Collective Behavior of Autonomous Agents and Its Extensions // Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2015. Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 765–782. 3. Cao L., Zeng Y., Symeonidis A.L., Gorodetsky V., Coenen F., Yu P. (Eds.): Agent and Data Mining Interaction: Editorial Introduction // LNAI 9145, Springer, 2015. 4. Tushkanova O., Gorodetsky V. Data-driven Semantic Concept Analysis for Automatic Actionable Ontology Design // IEEE Proceedings of Inter- national Conference DSAA’15, Paris, France. 2015.

5. Gorodetsky V., Tushkanova O. Data-driven Semantic Concept Analysis for User Profile Learning in 3G Recommender Systems // IEEE WI- IAT’2015. 2015. 6. Gorodetsky V.I., Samoilov V.V., Tushkanova O. Agent-Based Customer Profile Learning in 3G Recommender Systems: Ontology-Driven Multi- source Cross-Domain Case // In L. Cao et al. (Eds.): ADMI 2014, LNAI 9145, 2015, pp. 1–14. 7. Bukhvalov O., Gorodetsky V. P2P Self-organizing Agent System: GRID Resource Management Case // In S.Omatu, Q.M. Malluhi, S.R.Gonzalez, G. Bocewiczm, E.Bucciarelli, G.Giulioni, F.Iqba (Eds.) “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 373, Springer, 2015, pp. 259–269. 8. Tushkanova O. Comparative Analysis of the Numerical Measures for Mining Associative and Causal Relationships in Big Data // Chapter Creativity in Intelligent, Technologies and Data Science, Volume 535 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science. pp. 571–582. Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 9. Gorodetsky V., Tushkanova O. Associative Classification: An Analytical Survey. Part 1 // SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2015. Vol. 1(38). pp. 183–203. (In Russ.). 10. Gorodetsky V., Tushkanova O. Associative Classification: An Analytical Survey. Part 2 // SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2015. Vol. 2(39). pp. 212–240. (In Russ.). 11. Tushkanova O. Experimental study of the Quantative Metrics for associ- ative and Causal dependencies evaluation // Information Technologies and Computing Systems. 2015. Vol.3. pp 16–25. (In Russ.). Other Publications 12. Tushkanova O.N. Comparative analysis of the associative – causal met- rics for big data // Proceedings of the 10-th Conference “Perspective Control Systems and Tasks. 2015. Vol 2. (In Russ.). 13. Tushkanova O.N. Experimental Investigation of the associative –causal metrics for big data // Information Technologies and Computer Systems. 2015. vol. 3. pp. 16–25. (In Russ.). 14. Karsaev O.V., Sabitov R.E., Smirnova G.S., Morosov B.M. Simulation of the Freight based on KAMATEINER Technology // Proceedings of the IMMOD-2015. 2015. pр. 139–144. (In Russ.). 15. Bashlovkina V.V., Boykov L.V., Stankevich L.A. Control ofGroup Behav- iorof Autonomous Robots in Dynamic Environment // International Con- ference on Extremal Robotics. 2015. pp. 295–301. (In Russ.).

Laboratory of Speech and Multimodal Interfaces

Head of the Laboratory: Dr. Tech. Sci., Assoc. Prof. Alexey Karpov – de- velopment of speech and multimodal human-computer interfaces and com- puter-based systems, [email protected], Laboratory Staff – 8 members and 1 Ph.D. student Research Activities Research and development of methods for natural human-computer interac- tion. Automatic audio-visual spontaneous speech recognition and understand- ing. Multimodal user interfaces. Intelligent rooms and spaces. Biometric securi- ty systems. Assistive information technologies for disabled people. Research Fellows PhD, senior researcher – Irina Kipyatkova – methods for transcription and language modeling for automatic Russian speech recognition sys- tems, [email protected] PhD, senior researcher – Alexander Ronzhin – methods and software for automation of the audio-visual monitoring of meetings participants in the intelligent room, [email protected] PhD, senior researcher – Victor Budkov – methods and models of au- dio-visual signal processing in web-systems for supporting distributed meet- ings, [email protected] Researcher – Anton Saveliev – development of cross-platform software and mobile services for teleconferencing, [email protected] Junior researcher – Vasilisa Verkhodanova – study of the nonverbal phenomena in spontaneous speech, probabilistic models of speech disfluen- cies, [email protected] Junior researcher – Alexander Denisov – methods and software for mo- tion control of a robot with an anthropomorphic kinematic scheme Translator – Polina Emeleva – editing and translation of scientific texts, [email protected] Grants and Projects Karpov A.A. – Federal Targeted Programme «Research and Develop- ment in Priority Areas of Development of the Russian Scientific and Techno- logical Complex for 2014-2020», Project № 14.616.21.0056 (reference RFMEFI61615X0056) with The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation «Research and development of audio-visual speech recognition system based on a microphone and a high-speed camera», 2015-2016. Karpov A.A. – Grant of the President of the Russian Federation № MD- 3035.2015.8 «Development of software for a multimodal assistive technology for helping people with disabilities», 2015-2016.

Kipyatkova I.S. – Grant of the President of the Russian Federation № МК-5209.2015.8 «Development of a neural network based Russian lan- guage model for a speech-to-text conversion system», 2015-2016. Ronzhin Al.L. – Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation № SP-3872.2015.5 «Development of the mathematical and software for au- tomation of audiovisual data processing at meeting carrying out in an intelli- gent room», 2015-2017. Verkhodanova V.O. – Project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Re- search (RFBR) № 15-06-04465-а «Study of the acoustical cues differentiating phonational speech disfluencies in the spontaneous speech», 2015-2017. Karpov A.A. – Project of the RFBR № 15-07-04415-а «Models and meth- ods of audio-visual signal processing for bimodal Russian speech recogni- tion», 2015-2017. Kipyatkova I.S. – Project of the RFBR № 15-07-04322-а «Research of acoustic and language models based on artificial neural networks for an au- tomatic large vocabulary Russian speech recognition system», 2015-2017. Saveliev A.I. – Project of the RFBR № 15-07-06774-а «Development of methods of multimedia data processing and exchange in peer-to-peer web application of multipoint videoconferencing», 2015-2017. University Courses SUAI University: Information systems; Automated information manage- ment systems (Ronzhin Al.L., Kipyatkova I. S.). ITMO University: Speech recognition (Karpov A.A.). Conferences 17th International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM- 2015, 20-24 September 2015, Athens, Greece – Ronzhin A.L., Kipyatkova I.S., Verkhodanova V.O., Karpov A.A. (conference co-organization); 16th International Conference INTERSPEECH-2015, 6-10 September 2015, Dresden, Germany – Karpov A.A.; 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI In- ternational 2015), 2-7 August 2015, Los Angeles, USA – Karpov A.A.; 8th International Conference on Smart Spaces (ruSMART’15) in con- junction with the 15th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking NEW2AN 2015, 26-28 August 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia – Budkov V.Yu.; 21st International Conference on Computer Linguistics “Dialogue", 27-30 May 2015, Moscow, Russia – Kipyatkova I.S.; International Conference AINL-ISMW FRUCT 2015, 9-14 November 2015 , St. Petersburg, Russia – Kipyatkova I.S.; Seminar on Quantitative Approaches to the Russian Language, 27 Au- gust 2015, Helsinki, Finland – Verkhodanova V.O.; IX All-Russian Conference «Current trends in the development of pro- tection systems, special communication systems and information systems

designed for the Government», 10-12 February 2015, Orel, Russia – Karpov A.A., Ronzhin A.L.; Research and Practice Seminar «Current issues of work psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics», 18 June 2015, Moscow, Russia – Karpov A.A.; 3rd Annual National Exhibition-Forum «VUZPROMEXPO-2015», 2-4 December 2015, Moscow, Russia – Karpov A.A.; XX St. Petersburg assembly of young scientists and specialists, 16 De- cember 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia – Verkhodanova V.O. International Cooperation Joint research and organization of scientific events in co-operation with University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic), Bogazici University in Istanbul (Turkey), University of Patras (Greece), Dresden University of Technology (Germany), United Institute of Information Problems of the Na- tional Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico), Institute of Computer Science University of Bialystok (Po- land), University of Aizu (Japan), A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University (Kazakhstan), International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Karpov A.A. – member of the European Association for Signal Pro- cessing (EURASIP), EURASIP Local Liaison Officer in Russia, member of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), member of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), reviewer of Interna- tional journals (IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing; Speech Communication; Computer Speech & Language; Lan- guage Resources and Evaluation; Soft Computing); member of the editorial board of the journal "Speech Technology" (Moscow). Ronzhin Al.L. – reviewer of the international journal “Computer Vision and Image Understanding”. Intellectual Property Registed in the Reporting Year Programs and Data Bases Certificate on Software Registration № 2015660333 issued on 29 Sep- tember 2015 by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent): Denisov A.V., Saveliev A.I. "QR Code-based Posi- tioning System (QR-Location)". Recent Results 1. The computer-based paralinguistic analysis system for natural speech (paralinguistics studies and analyses various non-verbal aspects of speech and communication) has been developed. The system is intended for the automatic recognition of human emotional states from speech and classifica- tion of speech paralinguistic phenomena. The system uses a complex of

state-of-the-art methods for extracting multiple informative features from au- dio signals, methods for filtering and normalizing data, machine learning and classification methods, including those based on artificial neural networks. The system was awarded 1st place in the Interspeech-2015 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge in the category "Eating condition sub-challenge" (September 2015, Dresden, Germany) [1,7,12]. 2. The language models for automatic recognition system for continuous Russian speech based on recurrent artificial neural networks with a different number of units in the hidden layer have been developed and studied. The models were used for rescoring the list of recognition hypotheses (N-best list) and choosing the best hypothesis. These models allow increasing the word recognition accuracy in the automatic Russian speech recognition sys- tem [10,16,17]. 3. The method for detecting filled pauses and word lengthenings in speech based on statistical analysis of the acoustic properties of speaker’s hesita- tions has been developed. The method optimizes parameters to maximize F1-measure for the detection of the investigated phenomena by gradient de- scent. The corpus of speech disfluencies in spontaneous Russian speech has been extended by adding recordings of spontaneous monologues from the corpus of Binghamton University. The corpus was used as an experi- mental database to assess the method in Python language. Experiments showed the value of F1-measure to determine the investigated phenomena equal to 0.46 (recognition accuracy when using this method is 81%). To veri- fy the language independence of the method, the corpus of the English lan- guage SwitchBoard-1 was used, where the obtained value of F1-measure is equal to 0.39 [14]. 4. The method and software support for automatic detection of meeting participants’ faces in images with a high optical resolution and complex back- ground that use state of the art methods of segmentation and cascade search of the facial area in the image and allow for detection of people’s fac- es in images under various degraded conditions have been devel- oped [2,4,18]. 5. The mobile web application for solving the problem of user's orientation and location in indoor space has been developed. The application consists of a client and a server part. The client part of the system is a web page with a displayed indoor map marking user’s location. The server part of the applica- tion is designed to store maps, decode QR codes and match QR modules to the points on the map. The server part is realized based on the software tools node.js, the client part – based on the tools HTML, CSS, JavaScript [3]. Awards Certificate of winner of the grant of the President of the Russian Federa- tion for state support of young Russian scientists – doctors of sciences in the field of knowledge “Technical and engineering sciences” (Certificate № МD-

3035.2015.8 of the Council on grants of the President of the Russian Federa- tion) – Karpov A.A.; Certificate of winner of the grant of the President of the Russian Federa- tion for state support of young Russian scientists – candidates of sciences in the field of knowledge “Technical and engineering sciences” (Certificate № МК-5209.2015.8 of the Council on grants of the President of the Russian Federation) - Kipyatkova I.S.; Certificate of winner of the grant of St. Petersburg Government of for young scientists (№ 15871) – Verhodanova V.O.; Certificate of winner of the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists (Certificate № SP- 3872.2015.5) – Ronzhin A.L.; Certificate of Inclusion in the Federal Register of experts in scientific and technical sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (FGBNU NII RINKTsE) for 2015-2018 – Karpov A.A.; Certificate from the Elsevier Publisher (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) for the most popular article of the service ScienceDirect Top 25 Articles for 2014 full year (3rd most downloaded article "Automatic speech recognition for un- der-resourced languages: A survey" in journal "Speech Communication") – Karpov A.A.; Award of the winner of the International Interspeech-2015 Computation- al Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE-2015) in the category "Eating condi- tion sub-challenge", Dresden, Germany, September 2015 – Karpov A.A. References Monographies 1. Basov О.О., Karpov А.А., Saitov I.А. Methodological basis for synthesis of polymodal infocommunication systems for state administration // Orel, Russia, 2015. 271 p. (In Russ.). Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 2. Ronzhin Al.L., Karpov A.A. A Software System for the Audiovisual Moni- toring of an Intelligent Meeting Room in Support of Scientific and Educa- tion Activities // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Springer, 2015, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 237–254. (Scopus SJR = 0,255). 3. Saveliev A.I., Ronzhin A.L. Algorithms and Software Tools for Distribution of Multimedia Data Streams in Client Server Videoconferencing Applica- tions // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Springer, 2015, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 517-525. (Scopus SJR = 0,255). 4. Ronzhin An.L., Vatamanyuk I.V., Ronzhin Al.L., Zelezny M. Mathemati- cal Methods to Estimate Image Blur and Recognize Faces in the System of Automatic Conference Participant Registration // Automation and Re- mote Control, Springer, 2015, Vol. 76, No. 11, pp. 1623–1632. (WoS JCR = 0,266; Scopus SJR = 0,292).

5. Karpov A.A., Verkhodanova V.О. Speech technologies for under- resourced languages of the world // Voprosy Jazykoznanija (Topics in the study of language). 2015, № 2, pp. 117–135. (Scopus SJR = 0,1). (In Russ.). 6. Ushakov I.B., Karpov A.A, Kryuchkov B.I., Polyakov A.V., Usov V.M. Promising options for medical robotics application in support of crew life activities and mitigation of medical risks during space flight // Aviakos- micheskaia i Ekologicheskaia Meditsina (Aerospace and Environmental Medicine). 2015, Vol. 49, № 6, pp. 76–83. (Scopus SJR = 0,205). (In Russ.). 7. Kaya H., Karpov A., Salah A. Fisher Vectors with Cascaded Normaliza- tion for Paralinguistic Analysis // In Proc. 16th International Conference INTERSPEECH-2015, ISCA, Dresden, Germany, 2015, pp. 909–913. (Scopus). 8. Karpov A., Ronzhin Al., Kipyatkova I. Automatic Analysis of Speech and Acoustic Events for Ambient Assisted Living // In Proc. 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCII 2015, Part II, Springer LNCS 9176. 2015. pp. 455–463. (Scopus SJR = 0,339). 9. Basov O.O., Ronzhin A.L., Budkov V.Yu., Saitov I.A. Method of Defining Multimodal Information Falsity for Smart Telecommunication Systems // Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems NEW2AN 2015/ruSMART 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia, Springer, LNCS 9247. 2015. pp 163–173. (Scopus SJR = 0,339). 10. Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. А Comparison of RNNLM and FLM for Russian speech recognition // Proc. of the Speech and Computer SPECOM- 2015. Springer, LNAI 9319, Athens, Greece. 2015. pp. 42–50. (Scopus SJR = 0,339). 11. Lyakso E., Frolova O., Dmitrieva E., Grigorev A., Kaya H., Salah A., Karpov A. EmoChildRu: Emotional Child Russian Speech Corpus // Proc. of the Speech and Computer SPECOM-2015. Springer, LNAI 9319, Athens, Greece. 2015. pp. 144–152. (Scopus SJR = 0,339). 12. Saveliev A.I, Basov O.O., Ronzhin A.L., Ronzhin Al.L. Algorithms for Low Bit-Rate Coding with Adaptation to Statistical Characteristics of Speech Signal // Proc. of the Speech and Computer SPECOM-2015. Springer, LNAI 9319, Athens, Greece. 2015. pp. 65–72. (Scopus SJR = 0,339). 13. Basov O.O., Ronzhin A.L., Budkov V.Yu. Optimization of Pitch Tracking and Quantization // Proc. of the Speech and Computer SPECOM-2015. Springer, LNAI 9319, Athens, Greece. 2015. pp. 317–324. (Scopus SJR = 0,339). 14. Verkhodanova V.O., Shapranov V. Multi-factor Method for Detection of Filled Pauses and Lengthenings in Russian Spontaneous Speech //

Proc. of the Speech and Computer SPECOM-2015. Springer, LNAI 9319, Athens, Greece. 2015. pp. 285–292. (Scopus SJR = 0,339). 15. Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. Development of Factored Language Models for Automatic Russian Speech Recognition // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, Moscow. 2015. Vol. 14. pp. 234–246. (Sco- pus). 16. Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. Recurrent Neural Network-based Language Modeling for an Automatic Russian Speech Recognition System // In Proc. International Conference AINL-ISMW FRUCT 2015, St. Peters- burg, Russia. 2015. pp. 33–38. (Scopus). Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 17. Kipyatkova I.S., Karpov A.A. Automatic Russian speech recognition us- ing factored language models // Artificial intelligence and decision- making. 2015, no.3, pp. 62–69. (VAK; RSCI impact factor – 0,826). (In Russ.). 18. Ronzhin An.L., Vatamaniuk I.V., Ronzhin Al.L. Zelezny M. Mathematical methods to estimate image blur and recognize faces in the system of automatic conference participant registration // Automatika i telemechanika. 2015, no.11, pp. 132–144. (VAC, RSCI, impact factor – 0,662). (In Russ.). 19. Basov O.O., Karpov A.A. Analysis of Strategies and Methods for Multi- modal Information Fusion // Information and control systems. 2015, no.2, pp. 7–14. (VAK; RSCI impact factor – 0,381). (In Russ.). 20. Karpov А.А., Ronzhin A.L., Usov V.М. Instrumental Methods of Testing Contactless Human-Machine Interaction When Using a Helmet-Mounted Display. // Manned spaceflights (Pilotiruemye polety v ). 2015, no. 3(16), pp. 43–53. (VAK; RSCI impact factor – 0,116). (In Russ.). 21. Usov V.M., Kryuchkov B.I., Karpov А.А., Kulakov F.M., Chernakova S.E. Engineering-psychological analysis of augmented reality technologies for visual support of robot manipulator remote control // Information and Space. 2015, no.4, pp. 58–67. (VAK; RSCI impact factor – 0,045). (In Russ.). 22. Ushakov I.B., Polyakov A.V., Karpov A.A., Usov V.M. Medical robotics application in on-board training simulators and biotechnical complexes for on-orbital station // Robotics and Technical Cybernetics. 2015, no.2 (7), pp. 12–17. (RSCI). (In Russ.). 23. Karpov А.А., Ronzhin A.L. Multimodal interfaces for human-computer and human-robot interaction // Current problems of work psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics. М.: Institute of Phycology, 2015. pp. 441–459. (RSCI). (In Russ.).

24. Karpov А.А., Kryuchkov B.I, Usov В.M. Verbal interaction of the astro- naut with the robot when maintaining spatial orientation in a closed work environment // Current problems of work psychology, engineering psy- chology and ergonomics. М.: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2015. pp. 460–477. (RSCI). (In Russ.). Other Publications 25. Karpov А.А. Multimodal user interface for an assistive contactless com- puter control system // Current trends in the development of protection systems, special communication systems and information systems de- signed for the Government: IX All-Russian Interdepartmental Scientific Conference: papers and proceedings. 2015, Vol. 9, pp. 90–92. (In Russ.). 26. Ronzhin Al.L., Ronzhin Аn.L., Budkov V.Yu. Cascade system for remote audiovisual speakers monitoring and recording // Current trends in the development of protection systems, special communication systems and information systems designed for the Government: IX All-Russian Inter- departmental Scientific Conference: papers and proceedings. Orel, Rus- sia, 2015, Vol. 9, pp. 93–95. (In Russ.). 27. Ushakov I.B., Polyakov A.V., Karpov A.A., Usov V.M. Medical robotics as a new stage of designing on-board trainers and biotechnical systems for the space station // In Proc. International Scientific and Technological Conference «Extreme Robotics (ER-2015)», 2015, pp. 43–46. (In Russ.). 28. Ushakov I.B., Polyakov A.V., Karpov A.A., Usov V.M. Medical robotics as a new stage of designing on-board trainers and biotechnical systems for the space station // In Proc. International Scientific and Technological Conference «Extreme Robotics». St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Pol- ytechnic-service", 2015. pp. 47–51. (In Russ.). 29. Kryuchkov B.I., Karpov A.A., Usov V.M. Organization of voice interaction between a human operator and an anthropomorphic mobile robot for maintaining spatial orientation in weightlessness // Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on "Complex Systems: Control and Mod- eling Problems", Samara: Samara Scientific Centre RAS, Russia, 2015, pp. 522–527. (In Russ.). 30. Karpov A.A. Means of speech and multimodal human-computer interac- tion for assistive information technologies // Speech Technology, 2014, no. 3-4, pp. 48–59. (In Russ.). 31. Verkhodanova V.O. Analysis and detection of phonational speech dis- fluencies on the material of continues Russian speech of different types and styles // In Proc. XX St. Petersburg Assembly of young scientists and specialists. 2015. p. 9. (In Russ.).

Laboratory of Computer Security Problems

Head of the Laboratory: Ph.D., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Igor V. Kotenko – information security, including security policy management, ac- cess control, authentication, network security analysis, intrusion detection, fire- walls, deception systems, malware protection, analysis of security protocols and systems, software protection against hacking and digital right manage- ment, modeling, simulation and visualization technologies for counteraction to cyber terrorism; artificial intelligence, including multi-agent frameworks and sys- tems, agent-based modeling and simulation, soft and evolutionary computing, machine learning, data mining, data and information fusion; telecommunica- tions, including decision making and planning for telecommunication systems. [email protected], [email protected], Laboratory Staff – 10 members and 2 Ph.D. students. Research Activities Information security, including security information and event manage- ment systems, security policy management, access control, authentication, network security analysis, intrusion detection, firewalls, deception systems, malware protection, analysis and verification of security protocols and sys- tems, software protection against hacking and digital right management, modeling, simulation and visualization technologies for counteraction to cyber terrorism, intellectualization of services for protection of critical infra- structures; Artificial intelligence, including multi-agent frameworks and systems, agent-based modeling and simulation, soft and evolutionary computing, ma- chine learning, data mining, data and information fusion, intellectual decision support systems, processing of incomplete and contradictory information; Telecommunications, including decision making and planning for tele- communication systems, analysis and synthesis of protected multiservice networks; Internet of things, smart cities; Geographical information systems (GIS), including the development of methods and models of applying the GIS for solving applied problems, ac- cess control in GIS. Research Fellows Leading Research Scientist, Ph.D., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Profes- sor – Igor B. Saenko – computer-based systems, information security, data processing and communications, modeling theory and mathematical statistics, , ibsaen@, Senior research, PhD. – Vasiliy A. Desnitsky – computer network security, anti-tamper techniques, security policies, object-oriented patterns, Java2 EE platform, [email protected],

Senior research, PhD. – Evgenia S. Novikova – computer network secu- rity, cryptography, authentication, visualization of security information, pro- gramming, [email protected], Senior research fellow, PhD. – Andrey A. Chechulin – computer network security, intrusion detection, virus, security analysis, network worm protec- tion, programming, [email protected], Research – Elena V. Doynikova – computer network security, infor- mation security risk analysis methods, risk management, doyniko- [email protected], Junior research, PHD student – Alexander A. Branitsky – computer net- work security, intrusion detection systems, neural networks, immune system and interpolation polynomials, [email protected], Junior research, PHD student – Andrey V. Fedorchenko – computer network security, methods of correlation of security events, vulnerability anal- ysis of computer networks, [email protected], Programmer – Maxim V. Kolomeec – computer network security, intru- sion detection systems, visualization of security information, ko- [email protected], / Programmer – Dmitry S. Levshun – security of distributed systems, em- bedded devices, correlation of security events, [email protected], Grants and Projects Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – Grant of Russian Science Foun- dation # 15-11-30029 "Incident management and counteraction against tar- geted cyber-physical attacks in distributed large-scale mission critical sys- tems taking into account cloud services and networks of the Internet of Things", 2015-2017., 2015-2017 (Principal Investigator). Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). State Contract No. 14.604.21.0033 “Models, methods and software for development and analysis of information- telecommunication system security components for Internet of Things con- cept”. Project of Russian Ministry of Education and Science, 2014-2015. Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – State Contract No. 14.604.21.0137 "Development of the technologies of the interactive visualiza- tion of the unformalized heterogeneous data for decision support systems in scope of the information security monitoring and management in the infor- mation and telecommunication systems". Project of Russian Ministry of Edu- cation and Science in scope of the Program "Research and development in priority directions of evolution of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on 2014-2020", 2014-2016. Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – State Contract No. 14.604.21.0147 "Development of the methods for aggregation, normalization,

analysis and visualization of big arrays of the heterogeneous, structured, semi-structured and unstructured data for the security monitoring and man- agement of the distributed network of the electronic consumer devices". Pro- ject of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in scope of the Program "Research and development in priority directions of evolution of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on 2014-2020", 2014-2016. Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator from SPIIRAS) – "Educating the Next generation experts in Cyber Security: the new EU-recognized Master’s program". Research Project of the European Community program TEMPUS № 544455-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR (, 2014-2016. Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – "Mathematical models and meth- ods for monitoring and management of information security in computer net- works and systems of critical infrastructures based on intelligent services of information protection". Research grant # 13-01-00843-a of Russian Founda- tion of Basic Research, 2013-2015. Vasiliy Desnitsky (Principal Investigator) – "Development and investiga- tion of models and techniques for design and verification of combined protec- tion mechanisms for information and telecommunication systems with em- bedded devices on the base of expert knowledge". Research grant # 14-07- 00417-a of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2014-2016. Igor Saenko (Principal Investigator) – "Models and methods of access to resources in a unified information and communication space of heterogene- ous systems based on artificial intelligence technology". Research grant # 14-07-00697-a of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2014-2016. Andrey Chechulin (Principal Investigator) – “Development of mathemati- cal models, techniques and alghoritms of security evaluation, attack model- ling and countermeasures selection in near-real time mode”. Research grant # 15-07-07451-a of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2015-2017. Conferences 23th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2015), Turku, Finland, March 4-6, 2015 – Kotenko I., Chechulin A. 17th Conference «RusCrypto» on Cryptology, Steganography, Digital Signature and Security Systems, Solnechnogorsk, Russia, March 17-20, 2015 – Kotenko I., Desnitsky V., Chechulin A., Branitskiy A. V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intellectual systems in transport” (IntellectTrans-2015), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, April 2-3, 2015 –Saenko I. XVIII International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM'2015), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, May 19-21, 2015 – Kotenko I., Des- nitsky V., Chechulin A., Saenko I.

International Forum on practical security Positive Hack Days, Moscow, May 26-27, 2015 – Kotenko I., plenary report, Fedorchenko A. 24th All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of infor- mation security” (MTTIS 2015), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 29th of June-02nd of July, 2015 – Saenko I. 10th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Sys- tems (CRiSIS 2015), island Lesbos, Greece, July 20-22, 2015 – Doynikova E. 14th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Compu- ting and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-15) and International Symposium on Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Com- munications (IEEE RATSP 2015), Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 20-22, 2015 – Ko- tenko I. International Congress on Intellectual Systems and Information Tech- nologies, «IS&IT’15», Divnomorskoye, Black Sea Coast, Russia, Sept. 2-8, 2015 – Kotenko I., Desnitsky V., Chechulin A., Saenko I. 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Ad- vanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS’2015), Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 24-26, 2015 – Kotenko I., Chechulin A. The 2015 Asian Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (Asi- aARES 2015), Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 4-7 – Kotenko I. 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC'2015), Guimarães, Portugal, Oct. 7-9, 2015 – Kotenko I. 18th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and En- gineering (CSE 2015), Porto, Portugal, Oct. 21-23, 2015 – Kotenko I. IX St.-Petersburg Interregional Conference “Information Security of Rus- sian Regions” (ISRR-2015), Oct. 28-30, 2015 – Kotenko I., plenary report; Saenko I., Desnitsky V., Doynikova E., Chechulin A., Fedorchenko A., Branitskiy A. International Scientific School "Incident management and countering targeted cyber-physical attacks in distributed large-scale critical systems", Saint-Petersburg, Nov. 26-28, 2015 – Kotenko I., Saenko I., Kolomeec M., Levshun D. Research Management Special session "Security in parallel, distributed and network-based sys- tems" (SPDNS 2015). PDP 2014. Turku, Finland, March 4-6, 2015. Igor Kotenko is the organizer and Chairman of the Program Committee. 24 participants. The section "Perspective research in the field of cybersecurity" at the In- ternational Conference “RusCrypto’2015”. Solnechnogorsk, Russia. March 17-20, 2015. Igor Koten- ko is the organizer and moderator of the section. 28 participants.

International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2015), Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 20-22, 2015. Kotenko I. – co-chair of seminars. 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS’2015), Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 24-26, 2015. Kotenko I. – co-chair of the special session on cybersecurity. 18th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and En- gineering (CSE 2015), Porto, Portugal, Oct. 21-23, 2015. events/cse2015/index.php?page=home Ko- tenko I. – vice-chairman of the program committee. International Cooperation Igor Kotenko – participation in Program Committees of 32 International conferences and workshops. Igor Saenko – participation in Program Committees of 4 International conferences and workshops. Vasiliy Desnitsky – participation in Program Committees of 2 Interna- tional conferences and workshops. Andrey Chechulin – participation in Program Committees of 2 Interna- tional conferences and workshops. International Cooperation by EC FP7 IST and bilateral programs with F- Secure (Finland), Council of National Research (CNR) of Italy (Consiglio Na- zionale delle Ricerche) (Italy), University of Torino (Politecnico di Torino) (Ita- ly), University of Murcia (Universidad de Murcia) (Spain), University of Trento (Universita di Trento) (Italy), Fraunhofer Institute for Secure (Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informations-Technologie in Darmstadt) (Germany), Atos Origin Sociedad Anonima Espanola (Spain), Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per L'Informatica (Italy), S.R.L (Italy), France Telecom SA (France), Fundacao da Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), Institut Telecom (France), Open Source Security , S.L. (Spain), T-Systems South Africa (PTY) LTD (South Africa), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain), 6CU RE SAS (France), Ascom (SCHWEIZ) AG (Switzerland), Infineon Technolo- gies AG (Germany), Linkopings University (Sweden), Mixed Mode GMBH (Germany), Search-Lab Security Evaluation Analysis and Research Labora- tory, LTD (Hungary), Universidad De Malaga (Spain), Queensland University of Technology - QLD QUT (Australia), Telefonica Investigacion Y Desarrollo SA (Spain), etc. Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Igor Kotenko – Member of Russian and European Associations of Artificial Intelligence, IEEE и Computer Society, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC), the Series Editor of Springer’s Communications in

Computer and information Science; member of board of directors of Interna- tional scientific, engineering and educational organization dedicated to advanc- ing the arts, sciences and applications of Information Technology and Microe- lectronics (Euromicro); the member of editorial board of scientific journals “Problems of Informatics”, “The FTRA Journal of Convergence” and “Interna- tional Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology”; the reviewer of the scientific journals: “Information technologies and computer systems”, “IEEE Software”, “IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing”, “Secu- rity and Communication Networks”, “Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cy- bernetics”, “Computer Standards & Interfaces”, “Recent Patents on Computer Science”, “The International Journal for the Computer and Telecommunications Industry”, “Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery”, “International Journal of Computer Science Applications”, “Informatica”, “Security and Communication Networks”, “Telecommunication Systems Journal”, etc. Igor B. Saenko - Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences on Section of Geopolitics and Security, Member of Arctic Academy of Sciences on Section of Information Technologies. Intellectual Property Registed in the Reporting Year Programs and databases Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin. Attack graph visualization module for network security evaluation system. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015615640. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.05.2015. Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin. Network topology visualization module for security information and event management in information and telecom- munication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015615773. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.05.2015. Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Room access con- trol and management system server based on the contactless smart cards. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662190. Regis- tered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015. Andrey Fedorchenko, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. The statistics analisys and qualitative parameters evoluation component of integrated vul- nerability database. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015662208. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015. Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Sergey Ageev, Igor Kotenko. Classifier of states of computer network elements for risk assessment of information security threats. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015662186. Registered in the database Registry 18.11.2015. Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Component of the attack modeling for the protection of the information and telecommunication systems. Certificate № 2015619128. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 25.11.2015.

Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Access and management services for the integrated vulnerability database for the security monitoring and man- agement in information and telecommunication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015615366. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 15.05.2015. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Component for assessment of the assests criticality on the base of service dependencies model for testing of the security components of networks of Internet of Things. Certificate No 2015615374. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 24.03.2015. Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko. A software tool for evaluation of effec- tiveness of configuring security components of Internet of Things systems. Certificate N 2015662025. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 16.11.2015. Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Adaptive intrusion detection system based on hybridization methods of computational intelligence. Federal Ser- vice for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662189. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015. Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko. Module of data collection for design, ver- ification and testing of protection components of information and telecommu- nication systems realizing the concept of the Internet of Things. Federal Ser- vice for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015615411. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.05.2015. Igor Saenko, Alexander Branitskiy. Software tool bench of visualization and evaluation of quality of design of virtual networks for decision support in monitoring and management of information security. Federal Service for Intel- lectual Property. Certificate No 2015615772. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.05.2015. Vasily Desnitsky. The software of representing the input data for config- uring components of protection of embedded devices. Certificate № 2015662185. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015. Vasily Desnitsky. Generator of report forms of analysis of security sys- tems of the Internet of things. Certificate № 2015662184. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. Generator of random attack se- quences for testing of networks of Internet of Things. Certificate № 2015615368. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 15.05.2015. Andrey Fedorchenko, Andrey Chechulin. The integrated vulnerability da- tabase for monitoring systems and security management in information and telecommunication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certifi- cate N 2015621655. Registered in the database Registry 17.11.2015. Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin. Room access control and man- agement system client based on the contactless smart cards. Federal Ser- vice for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662136. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 17.11.2015.

Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin. Room access control and manage- ment system embedded device's sketch based on the contactless smart cards. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662137. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 17.11.2015. Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Valery Kuvaev, Nikolai Barikin. Soft- ware for the operational efficiency evaluation of access to the resources of the common information and communication environment. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662574. Registered in the Com- puter Program Registry 16.11.2015. Expertise Igor Kotenko – member of commission of experts of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, expert of Foundation for Advanced Research, expert of the Russian Science Foundation and expert of the Federal service for super- vision in the sphere of education and science. Igor Saenko – member of the Higher Attestation Commission, expert of the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of education and science. Recent Results 1. The concept of constructing the security incident management system of critical objects on the basis of pro-activity, dynamism and multiple aspects. 2. Models, methods and software prototypes of tools for analytical attack modeling, security analysis and risk management for resources of computer networks and systems. 3. Models, techniques and software prototypes for mechanisms of gather- ing and aggregation of security events to protect information in critical infra- structures. 4. Mathematical methods and algorithms of normalization and analysis of large volumes of heterogeneous structured, semistructured and unstructured data received synchronously and asynchronously from distributed net of sources. 5. Methodological approaches to development of protocols for synchro- nous and asynchronous data transmission from consumer devices to data processing center. 6. Models, techniques, algorithms, architecture and software prototypes of data visualization tools on information security. 7. Models, techniques, algorithms, architecture and software prototypes of an unified repository of multimedia data from field ethnographic expeditions. 8. Models, techniques, algorithms, algorithms and software prototypes of tools for classification web sites on the base of data mining methods. 9. Technique of detection of functional and non-functional incompatibilities between protection components of embedded devices of information and telecommunication systems. 10. Technique of assessment of resource consumption components of in- formation security using the concept of modeling and analysis of real-time systems and embedded devices based on the methodology MARTE.

11. Models, techniques, algorithms, architecture and software prototypes of tools of configuring the protection components of embedded devices based on the use of expert knowledge, heuristics and rules for the implementation of multicriteria choice of protection components. 12. Models, techniques, algorithms, architecture and software prototypes of detection of anomalous network connections using different methods of data mining (immune systems, neural networks, neuro-fuzzy nets, support vector machines and hybrid approach). Awards Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko – Best Paper Award at 18th IEEE In- ternational Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (CSE 2015). Porto, Portugal. October 21-23, 2015. Vasily Desnitsky - The winner of the competitive selection for the grants for young scientists and young PhDs in St.Petersburg. Project title: Develop- ment of technique and software tool of reliability assessment of the computer network in the terms of exponential distribution of failure probability. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin - Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in computer science, computer engineering and automation (De- cree of the Presidium of RAS № 24 of 02.17.2015) for a series of research projects "Evaluation of network security and processing of security events based on analytical modeling of attacks." Elena Doynikova - Winner of competitive selection for the provision of subsidies in 2015 to young scientists, young PhD of universities and academ- ic institutions located in the territory of St. Petersburg. Theme: "Development of technique and algorithms for generating scenarios of attacks on the com- puter network for automated testing its level of security." Elena Doynikova - Winner of competitive selection for the right to re- ceive grants of St. Petersburg in the field of scientific and technical activity in 2015. Competition organizer: Committee on Science and Higher Education of St. Petersburg. Project Title: "Development of models, techniques and pro- gram prototype of dynamic evaluation of computer network security in the perspective system of information management and security events." Andrey Chechulin - Winner of competitive selection for the provision of subsidies in 2015 to young scientists, young PhD universities and academic institutions located in the territory of St. Petersburg. Theme: "Development of complex of models and techniques to protect against unwanted and harmful content on the Internet. References Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 1. Kotenko I., Doynikova E. Countermeasure selection in SIEM systems based on the integrated complex of security metrics // Proceedings of the 23th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2015). Turku, Finland. 4-6 March 2015.

Los Alamitos, California. IEEE Computer Society. 2015. pp. 567–574. (WoS, Scopus). 2. Fedorchenko A., Kotenko I., Chechulin A. Design of integrated vulnera- bilities database for computer networks security analysis // Proceedings of the 23th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2015). Turku, Finland. 4-6 March 2015. Los Alamitos, California. IEEE Computer Society. 2015. pp. 559– 566. (WoS, Scopus). 3. Kotenko I., Saenko I. Improved genetic algorithms for solving the optimi- zation tasks under design of access control schemes for computer net- works // International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015, pp. 98–110. (Scopus). 4. Kotenko I., Chechulin A., Komashinsky D. Evaluation of Text Classifica- tion Techniques for Inappropriate Web Content Blocking // The IEEE 8th International Conference on “Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications” (IDAACS'2015). Proceedings. Warsaw, Poland, September 24-26, 2015. pp. 412–417. (WoS, Scopus). 5. Kotenko I., Doynikova E. The CAPEC based generator of attack scenar- ios for network security evaluation // The IEEE 8th International Confer- ence on “Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications” (IDAACS'2015). Proceedings. Warsaw, Poland. 2015. pp. 436–441. (WoS, Scopus). 6. Kotenko I., Saenko I. Reconfiguring the access schemes in virtual com- puter networks of the Internet of things by genetic algorithms // Intelligent Distributed Computing IX. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer- Verlag, Vol.616. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Intelli- gent Distributed Computing - IDC'2015. Guimaraes, Portugal. Springer- Verlag. 2015. pp. 155–165. (WoS, Scopus). 7. Novozhilov D., Kotenko I., Chechulin A. Improving the categorization of Web sites by analysis of html-tags statistics to block inappropriate con- tent // Intelligent Distributed Computing IX. Studies in Computational In- telligence. Springer-Verlag, Vol.616. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC'2015. Guimaraes, Portugal. 7-9 October 2015. Springer-Verlag. pp. 257–263. (WoS, Sco- pus). 8. Kotenko I., Saenko I., Ageev S., Kopchak Y. Abnormal Traffic Detec- tion in networks of the Internet of things based on fuzzy logical infer- ence // XVIII International Conference on Soft Computing and Meas- urements (SCM'2015). IEEE Xplore, 2015. pp. 5–8. DOI: 10.1109/SCM.2015.7190394. (Scopus) 9. Kotenko I., Saenko I., Skorik F., Bushuev S. Neural Network Approach to forecast the States of Elements of the Internet of Things // XVIII Inter-

national Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM'2015). IEEE Xplore, 2015. pp. 133–135. DOI: 10.1109/SCM.2015.7190434. (Scopus) 10. Desnitsky V., Kotenko I., Nogin S. Detection of Anomalies in Data for Monitoring of Security Components in the Internet of Things // XVIII In- ternational Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM'2015). IEEE Xplore, 2015. pp. 189–192. DOI: 10.1109/SCM.2015.7190452. (Scopus) 11. Kotenko I. Guest Editorial: Security in Distributed and Network-Based Computing // Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Compu- ting, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA), Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2015. pp. 1–3. (Scopus) 12. Fedorchenko A., Kotenko I., Chechulin A. Integrated repository of secu- rity information for network security evaluation // Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA), Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2015. pp. 41–57. (Scopus) 13. Kotenko I., Saenko I., Ageev S. Security Risks Management in the In- ternet of Things based on Fuzzy Logic Inference // The 2015 IEEE Inter- national Symposium on Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (RATSP 2015) in conjunction with The 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-15). Helsinki, Fin- land. 20-22 August 2015. Los Alamitos, California. IEEE Computer So- ciety. 2015. pp. 654–659. (Scopus) 14. Doynikova E., Kotenko I. Countermeasure selection based on the attack and service dependency graphs for security incident management // 10th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Sys- tems: CRiSIS 2015. July 20-22, Mytilene, Lesvos Island, Greece / Lec- ture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, 2015. (WoS, Sco- pus) 15. Bekeneva Y., Borisenko K., Shorov A., Kotenko I. Investigation of DDoS Attacks by Hybrid Simulation // The 2015 Asian Conference on Availabil- ity, Reliability and Security (AsiaARES 2015). In conjunction with ICT- EurAsia 2015. October 4th – 7th, 2015, Daejeon, Korea / ICT-EurAsia 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.9357. IFIP Inter- national Federation for Information Processing (2015). Springer. 2015, pp. 179–189. (WoS, Scopus) 16. Kotenko I., Saenko I. The Genetic Approach for Design of Virtual Pri- vate Networks // The 18th IEEE International Conference on Computa- tional Science and Engineering (IEEE CSE2015). Porto, Portugal. Octo- ber 21-23, 2015, pp. 168–175. (WoS, Scopus) 17. Branitskiy A., Kotenko I. Network attack detection based on combination of neural, immune and neuro-fuzzy classifiers // The 18th IEEE Interna-

tional Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (IEEE CSE2015). Porto, Portugal. October 21-23, 2015, pp. 152–159. (WoS, Scopus) 18. Novikova E., Kotenko I., Fedotov E. Interactive Multi-view Visualization for Fraud Detection in Mobile Money Transfer Services // International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Commmunications, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2015. pp. 72–97. (Scopus) 19. Desnitsky V.A., Kotenko I.V. Design and Verification of Protected Sys- tems with Integrated Devices Based on Expert Knowledge // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, Inc., Vol. 49, No. 8, pp. 648–652. (Scopus) 20. Chechulin A.A., Kotenko I.V. Attack TreeBased Approach for RealTime Security Event Processing // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, Inc., Vol. 49, No. 8, pp. 701–704. (Scopus) Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 21. Kotenko I., Chechulin A., Komashinkiy D. Automated categorization of web–sites for inappropriate content blocking // Problems of information security, Computer systems. 2015. No. 2, pp. 69–79. (In Russ.). 22. Kotenko I., Shorov A. Research of protection mechanisms against infra- structure attacks based on the “nervous network system” approach // Problems of information security, Computer systems. 2015. No. 3, pp. 45–55. (In Russ.). 23. Desnitsky V., Kotenko I.Formation of the expertise to develop secure systems with embedded devices // Problems of information security, Computer systems. 2015. No. 4, pp. 35–47. (In Russ.). 24. Branitskiy A., Kotenko I. Construction of neural network and immune cell intrusion detection system // Problems of information security, Computer systems. 2015. No. 4, pp. 23–27. (In Russ.). 25. Kotenko I., Novikova E., Chechulin A. Visualization of security metrics for monitoring of security and incident management // Problems of in- formation security, Computer systems. 2015. No. 4, pp. 42–47. (In Russ.). 26. Saenko I., Kotenko I. Using genetic optimization and visual analysis tools for access schema design in virtual local area networks // Infor- mation technology and computer systems. 2015. No. 1, pp. 33–46. (In Russ.). 27. Doynikova E., Kotenko I., Chechulin A. Dynamic Assessment of Com- puter Networks Security in SIEM Systems // Information Technology Se- curity. 2015. No. 3. (In Russ.). 28. Kotenko I., Doynikova E. Methods of selecting countermeasures on the basis of an integrated system of indicators of security in systems of in- formation management and security events // Information management

systems, 2015. No. 3, pp. 60–69. DOI:10.15217/issn1684– 8853.2015.3.60. (In Russ.). 29. Branitskiy A., Kotenko I. Network attack detection based on aggregation of neural, immune and neuro–fuzzy classifier // Information management systems, 2015. No. 4, pp. 69–77. DOI:10.15217/issn1684– 8853.2015.4.69. (In Russ.). 30. Kolomeec M., Chechulin A., Kotenko I. Review of Methodological Primi- tives for the Phased Construction of Data Visualization Model // SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2015. vol. 5(42), pp. 232–257. (In Russ.). 31. Kuvayev V., Chechulin A., Efimov V., Konstantin L. Variants of construc- tion of a single information space for the integration of heterogeneous automated systems // Information and space, Scientific and Technical Journal, 2015. No. 4, pp. 83–87. (In Russ.). 32. Kotenko I., Saenko I., Ageev S., Kopchak Y. Detection of anomalous traffic in the networks of the Internet of Things, based on fuzzy logical deduction // Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM'2015), 2015. Vol. 1. pp. 9–14. (In Russ.). 33. Kotenko I., Saenko I., Skorik F., Bushuev S. Neural network approach for predicting the state of the elements of the Internet of things // Pro- ceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM'2015), 2015. Vol. 1. pp. 395–399. (In Russ.). 34. Desnitsky V., Kotenko I., Nogin S. Detecting anomalies in the data for monitoring protection components of the Internet of things // Proceed- ings of the XVIII International Conference on Soft Computing and Meas- urements (SCM'2015), 2015. Vol. 2. pp. 17–22. (In Russ.). 35. Saenko I., Kuvayev V., Biryukov M. The general architecture of the common access control system for diverse resources in uniform infor- mation and communication space // Technical sciences – from theory to practice. 2015. Vol. 11(47), pp. 70–75. (In Russ.). 36. Saenko I., Kuvayev V., Biryukov M. Use of ontologies for management of access differentiation to diverse resources of common information and communication space // Technical sciences – from theory to prac- tice, 2015. Vol. 11(47), pp. 76–80. (In Russ.). 37. Levshun D., Chechulin A. Problems of construction a single repository of multimedia data from field ethnographic expeditions // Technical scienc- es – from theory to practice, 2015. No. 46, pp. 25–30. (In Russ.). 38. Desnitsky V. Configuring security components of embedded devices on the base of a heuristic approach // Technical sciences – from theory to practice, 2015. No. 46, pp. 16–20. (In Russ.). 39. Desnitsky V. A technique for evaluation resource consumption of securi- ty components for systems with embedded devices // Technical scienc- es – from theory to practice, 2015. No. 47, pp. 14–18. (In Russ.).

40. Desnitsky V., Doynikova E. Architecture and effectiveness evaluation of software tool for configuring security components of systems with em- bedded devices // Technical sciences – from theory to practice, 2015. No. 47, pp. 9–13. (In Russ.). 41. Doynikova E., Desnitsky V.Generator of the random attack sequences for the computer network on the base of the CAPEC attack patterns // Technical sciences – from theory to practice, 2015. No. 46, pp. 11–16. (In Russ.). Other Publications 42. Kolomeec M., Chechulin A., Kotenko I. Methodological Primitives for Phased Construction of Data Visualization Models // Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (JISIS), Vol. 5, No. 4, November 2015. pp. 60–84. 43. Kotenko I., Novikova E., Arkhipov Y. Visualization of security metrics for monitoring of security and incident management // 17th International Conference “RusCrypto`2015”. 2015. (In Russ.). 44. Bushuev S., Desnitsky V. Formation of expertise for the development of secure systems, "Internet of Things" // 17th International Conference “RusCrypto`2015”. 2015. (In Russ.). 45. Smirnov D., Chechulin A. Correlation of data security in the network "In- ternet of Things" // 17th International Conference “RusCrypto`2015”. 2015. (In Russ.). 46. Branitskiy A., Polushin V. Construction of neural network and immune cell intrusion detection system // 17th International Conference “RusCrypto`2015”. 2015. (In Russ.). 47. Kotenko I. Calculation, Visualization, and Analysis of Security Metrics in SIEM Systems // Forum on practical security Positive Hack Days. Mos- cow. 2015. (In Russ.). 48. Saenko I., Kotenko I. Adaptive change of policies and schemes of of access control to the resources of an unified information space // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information se- curity” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 127-128. (In Russ.). 49. Kotenko I., Saenko I., Chechulin A. Development of new generation of security information and event management systems // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 123-124. (In Russ.). 50. Branitskiy A., Kotenko I. Methods of combining the binary classifiers for problems of detection and classification of network attacks // ХXIV All- Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information securi- ty” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. p. 68. (In Russ.). 51. Doynikova E., Kotenko I. Countermeasure selection for the management of the computer networks security on the base of the integrated system

of security metrics // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and tech- nical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 114-115. (In Russ.). 52. Novikov I., Kotenko I. Defining the functional logic of Web applications according to network traffic // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 91-92. (In Russ.). 53. Chechulin A., Pronoza A. Classification and analysis of network objects' relations types for further visualization // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 132-133. (In Russ.). 54. Pronoza A., Chechulin A. Model of information gathering process for a heterogeneous network structure investigation for visualization compo- nent of security information and event management systems // ХXIV All- Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information securi- ty” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 125-127. (In Russ.). 55. Ageev S., Vasil'ev D., Saenko I. Security Management protected multi- service network of special-purpose // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 106-107. (In Russ.). 56. Desnitsky V. A technique for evaluation resource consumption of securi- ty components of information and telecommunication systems with em- bedded devices // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 69- 70. (In Russ.). 57. Desnitsky V. A technique for revelation of functional and non-functional incompatibilities of security components of embedded devices of infor- mation and telecommunication systems // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 70-71. (In Russ.). 58. Branitskiy A. Intrusion detection on the basis of combination of signa- ture-based methods and mechanisms of machine learning // ХXIV All- Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information securi- ty” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. p. 67. (In Russ.). 59. Doynikova E. Attacks generator on the base of the classification of the attack patterns CAPEC // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 71-72. (In Russ.). 60. Fedorchenko A. The combined correlation process of security events in SIEM-systems // ХXIV All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2015)”. Proceedings. 2015. pp. 102-103. (In Russ.).

61. Kotenko I., Saenko I. The genetic approach to designing a virtual private network in secure information space // Proceedings of the Congress on Intelligent Systems and Information Technology IS-IT'15, 2015. Vol. 2, pp. 320-325. (In Russ.). 62. Chechulin A. Classification and models of representation of relations between objects in computer networks // Proceedings of the Congress on Intelligent Systems and Information Technology IS-IT'15, 2015. Vol. 2, pp. 165-170. (In Russ.). 63. Desnitsky V. Models of the development process of combined protection mechanisms for information and telecommunication systems with embed- ded devices // Proceedings of the Congress on Intelligent Systems and In- formation Technology IS-IT'15, 2015. Vol. 2, pp. 113-118. (In Russ.). 64. Saenko I., Kotenko I. Models and methods for evaluating the effective- ness of functioning of the system of access control to resources of an in- formation space. IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Infor- mation Security of Russian Regions (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 85-86. (In Russ.). 65. Kolomeec M., Chechulin A., Kotenko I. Visualization of security settings of computer networks using a Voronoy’s diagram. IX Saint-Petersburg Inter- regional conference "Information Security of Russian Regions (ISRR- 2015)". 2015. pp. 73-74. (In Russ.). 66. Dmitry L., Chechulin A., Kolomeec M., Kotenko I. An architecture of ac- cess management system to a room on the base of contactless smart cards. IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. p. 76. (In Russ.). 67. Deshevikh E., Ushakov I., Kotenko I. Survey of tools and platforms of processing big data for monitoring tasks of information security. IX Saint- Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. p. 67. (In Russ.). 68. Duprovin N., Ushakov I., Kotenko I. Implementation of a prototype based on the Hadoop for analyzing big data. IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 69-70. (In Russ.). 69. Krilov K., Ushakov I., Kotenko I. Analysis of techniques of using the con- cept of big data for monitoring security of computer networks. IX Saint- Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 75-76. (In Russ.). 70. Fedorchenko A. Rule-based event correlation method SIEM-security systems. IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information se- curity of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 86-87. (In Russ.). 71. Branitskiy A. Computational intelligence methods for detection and clas- sification of anomalies in network traffic. IX Saint-Petersburg Interre-

gional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR- 2015)". 2015. pp. 61-62. (In Russ.). 72. Desnitsky V. Model of process of configuring protection components of embedded devices. IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "In- formation security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 65-66. (In Russ.). 73. Desnitsky V. Technique assessment of resource consumption of protec- tion components of embedded devices. IX Saint-Petersburg Interregion- al conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 66-67. (In Russ.). 74. Aleksandrov V., Desnitsky V., Bushuev S. Development and analysis of a fragment of a secure system implementing a concept of the Internet of Things. IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information secu- rity of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 56-57. (In Russ.). 75. Doynikova E. Application of dependency graphs of services within a task of analysis of computer network security for criticality assessment of sys- tem resources and reasonable choice of protective measures. IX Saint- Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 68-69. (In Russ.). 76. Saenko I., Gania S. Technical principles and methodological approach- es to the organization and deployment of solutions for aggregation, nor- malization, analysis and visualization of large volumes of heterogeneous data for monitoring security in networks of "Internet of Things". IX Saint- Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 84-85. (In Russ.). 77. Novozhilov D., Chechulin A. Development of software tools of support of carrying out the experiments on classification of web sites. IX Saint- Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 80-81. (In Russ.). 78. Pronoza A., Chechulin A., Bushuev S. Model of representing data of heterogeneous structure of information objects of computer network for visualization module of event management and information security sys- tems // IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information securi- ty of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. pp. 82-83. (In Russ.). 79. Bushuev S., Chechulin A., Pronoza A. Classification of sources of data of network objects and their relationships // IX Saint-Petersburg Interre- gional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR- 2015)". 2015. pp. 62-63. (In Russ.). 80. Chechulin A. Mathematical models and algorithms for simulation of at- tacks and the development of countermeasures in near-real time mode // IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)". 2015. p. 90. (In Russ.).

Laboratory for Information-Analytic Technologies for Economics

Head of the Laboratory: Dr. Nat. Sci., Prof., Igor V.Lysenko – Modelling, technologies of information analysis, economic analysis of techno- organizational and socio-economic systems, planning–programming– budgeting and management, models and methods of technological process- es planning in corporate governance systems, fuzzy numbers and fuzzy func- tions theory and its applications, [email protected]. Laboratory Staff – 9 members. Research Activities Modeling, information technologies, organizational, technical and socioeco- nomic systems research at various stages of their life cycle, public programs planning, models and methods for technological processes planning, devel- opment of the theory of fuzzy numbers and functions, the analysis and syn- thesis of organizational, technical, social and economic systems, estimation of systems potential, capabilities, efficiency of functioning, the mesoeconomic analysis, the theory of optimum control. Research Fellows Professor, Dr. Nat. Sci., Leading Researcher – Grankin Boris – Model- ling and system analysis for technical complexes functioning, advanced in- formation technologies for technical complexes design, [email protected] Dr. Nat. Sci., Leading Researcher – Fedorov Alexey – System analysis methodology and methods for rocket-space complexes design and exploita- tion, with application to economics; the problems of monitoring and diagnos- ing technical condition, [email protected] Assistant Professor, PhD (in Technics), Senior Researcher – Bakuradze Dmitry – Modelling of complex technical systems, operations management, optimization of systems functioning, [email protected] Assistant Professor, PhD (in Technics), Senior Researcher – Geida Al- exander – Transformational modeling theory, socio-economic systems capa- bility and risks assessment and investigation, model based architecture of software for project management, [email protected] Researcher – Yusupova Olga – Methods and Models of technological pro- cesses planning in corporate governance systems, [email protected]. Grants and Projects Lysenko I.V., Yusupova O.A. – Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) Grant of 2015 No. № 15-08-01825-а “Conceptual and methodological foundations of crucial objects technical condition management on the basis of their monitoring", 1st stage: "Development of the conceptual framework the- saurus in the field of technical monitoring and development of the scientific problems list in concern of systems of monitoring design”.

Lysenko I.V., Grankin B.K. – Federal Program 1 (FP1). The project No. (217-2100-2011) -2105/339-2011 of December 19, 2011. OCD of “Otrabotka- SPIIRAN" the 5th stage: “Development of techniques and programs accord- ing requirement specification paragraph 2.2.5”. Lysenko I.V., Fedorov A.V. – Federal Program “Maintain, develop and use the GLONASS system for 2012 - 2020 years”. The project No. 11607- 11/2014_2015 of September 4, 2014. OCD of “NKU–RAN” the 2d stage: “In- stallation and software configuration of relational database engine. Participa- tion in preparation and carrying out of complex tests regarding relational da- tabase engine software made by SPIIRAS”. Lysenko I.V., Geida A.S. – FP1. The project No. 41/22 of Jun 09, 2014. RW of “Prognoz–K” the 2d stage: “The analysis of personnel planning prob- lems in military industrial complex and suggestions justification on formation of system of monitoring and forecasting of defense industry enterprises pro- vision with qualified personnel”. Lysenko I.V., Grankin B.K. – FP1. The project No. 540-2015/3 of No- vemeber 3, 2015. Code VNS–NT–2-SPIIRAN the 1st stage: “Research of the methodical and legal base for providing stability of production of missile wea- ponry products and missile and space equipment". Code "VNS-NT-2- SPIIRAN" 1st stage: "Analysis of problems of actions complex for creation of rocketry products efficiency increase. Justification of features of collecting basic data for the solution of problems of rocketry production. Development of standard and legal base suggestions for carrying out current state inspec- tion of the airspace enterprises”. Lysenko I.V., Geida A.S. – FP1. The project No. 503-2015 of December 1, 2015. Development of the module of the mathematical problems solution for estimation, analysis and synthesis based on armaments operational prop- erties indicators for compliance monitoring of armaments produced by gov- ernment order and for export, to requirements of customers", Code "Monitor- ing-VVST-SPIIRAN", 1st stage: "Development of the engineering design of the mathematical problems solution module for estimation, analysis and syn- thesis based on armaments operational properties indicators for compliance monitoring of armaments produced by government order and for export, to requirements of customers". Lysenko I.V., Bakuradze D.V. – FP1. The project No. (37-4011-2014)- 1103/38-2014 of March 28, 2014. Code “IPI–tech”–SPIIRAN”. Proposals de- velopment for existing and perspective samples of airspace equipment indus- trial life cycle operational management. Participation in preparation of analyti- cal materials concerning creation of perspective samples of airspace equip- ment industrial life cycle management technologies.

Lysenko I.V., Geida A.S. – FP1. The project No. 10-222/11 of December 16, 2014. Code “-2014-SPIIRAN”. Research of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member states economic cooperation mecha- nisms and proposals preparation on measures of their improvement based on modern information technologies usage and usage of mathematical mod- eling methods. 2d stage: "Research of problems in the field of military and economic cooperation of the organizations of the Russian military industrial complex with the enterprises of member states of the CSTO and proposals preparation as of measures directed on problems decision. Lysenko I.V., Bakuradze D.V. – FP1. The project No. 13/2011, Novem- ber, 10, 2014. Measures development to improve Russian national standard and legal base in the field of military and economic cooperation with the for- eign states and offers proposals to carry out further actions in the field of re- forming and development of military industrial complex. Code VTS 2014- SPIIRAN. The 2d stage: "The analysis of the international legal acts and the Russian regulations defining legal bases of the foreign trade activity of the military industrial complex organizations. Development of the measures di- rected on improvement of the Russian national standard and legal base in the field of military and economic cooperation with the foreign countries and development of proposals on carrying out further actions in the field of refor- ming and development of military industrial complex. Conferences International conference «Fundamental and applied sciences today» VI. spc Academic. August, 24-25. 2015. North Charleston, SC, USA. – Gey- da A.S., Lysenko I.V. VI International conference «Global Science and Innovation», Chicago, USA, November 18-19, 2015 – Geyda A.S., Lysenko I.V. International conference «Science XXI Century», Czech Repiblic – Rus- sian, Moscow, 30-31 Jule 2015 – Geyda A.S., Lysenko I.V. Russian scientific and practical conference «Problems of economic management in Russian military industrial complex», Moscow, December 10- 11, 2015 – Geyda A.S., Lysenko I.V., Yusupov R.М. XXXI conference «Development of scientific and technical aspects of tests methodology and operation for the purpose of increase of existing means and systems of experimental base application efficiency», Cosmo- drome «Plesetck», November 2-3, 2015 – Fedorov A.V. XXVIII Ural conference «Physical Methods Of Nondestructive Control (Yanusovsky Readings)», Ekaterinburg, November 24-26, 2015 – Fedorov A.V.

Recent Results 1. Analysis of personnel planning problems in military industrial complex executed, offers on formation of system of monitoring and forecasting of de- fense industry enterprises provision with qualified personnel justified. 2. Offers on operational management of industrial life cycle of the existing and perspective samples of airspace equipment developed. 3. Techniques are let out, fulfilled and put in operation: of the program for management of the airspace industry experimental base complex of stands equipment life cycle, estimations of technical condition of perspective air- space products; estimations of perspective airspace products safety; estima- tions of perspective airspace products reliability; estimations of perspective airspace products operability, estimations of perspective airspace products functioning efficiency. 4. Thesaurus for a conceptual framework in the field of equipment monitor- ing developed, the list of the scientific problems connected with design of systems of monitoring organizations suggested. References Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 1. Geida A.S., Ismailova Z.F., Klitnyu I.V., Lysenko I.V. Relations of Effec- tiveness of System Functioning, System Potential and Adjacent Opera- tional Properties // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol. 4(41). pp. 218– 246. (In Russ.). 2. Geida A.S., Lysenko I.V., Yusupov R.M. Main Concepts and Principles for Information Technologies Operational Properties Research // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol. 5(42). pp. 5–36. (In Russ.). Other Publications 3. Geida A.S., Ismailova Z.F., Klitnyu I.V., Lysenko I.V. Research problems of systems operational properties // Collection of works of the interna- tional conference “Fundamental and applied sciences today” VI. spc Ac- ademic. 2015. pp. 149–153. (In Russ.). 4. Geida A.S., Ismailova Z.F., Klitnyu I.V., Lysenko I.V. Research of opera- tional properties of systems and processes of their functioning // Materi- als of the VI International conference "Global Science and Innovation”, Chicago, USA. 2015. (In Russ.). 5. Geida A.S., Ismailova Z.F., Klitnyu I.V., Lysenko I.V. Relations of various operational properties of systems and processes of their functioning // Materials of the international conference «SCIENCE XXI CENTURY», Czech republic, Karlovy Vary, 2015. (In Russ.). 6. Geida A.S., Lysenko I.V., Yusupov R.M. Analytical estimation of military industrial complex enterprises operational properties and the solution of research problems of defense industry enterprises based on these

properties // Materials of the first scientific and practical conference "Questions of Economic Management in military industrial complex of Russia", Publishing house Connect, Moscow, 2015. (In Russ.). 7. Grankin B.K., Gravchenko Yu.A. Synthesis of structure of systems of a load flow with bipolar elements // Works of military space engineering academy after the name of A.F Mozhaiskiy, 2015, No. 1912, pp. 5–12. (In Russ.). 8. Grankin B.K., Zvyagin V.I., Kozlov V.V. About treatment and approaches to modeling of emergency situations at creation and operation of rocket- ry products // Works of the 2nd All-Russian scientific and practical con- ference "Modern Problems of Creation and Operation of armaments", 2015, pp. 56–62. (In Russ.). 9. Grankin B.K., Zvyagin V.I. Submission of information on emergency situa- tions in monitoring systems of rocket launch complexes // Works of the 2nd All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Modern Problems of Creation and Operation of armaments", 2015, pp. 77–84. (In Russ.). 10. Fedorov A.V. Monitoring of launching constructions construction designs technical condition as factor of ensuring space-rocket complexes safe operation // Materials of the XXXI Interdepartmental scientific and tech- nical conference "Development of Scientific and Technical Aspects of Methodology of Tests and Operation for the purpose of Increase of Effi- ciency of Application of the Existing Means and Systems of Experi- mental Base", the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, 2015. (In Russ.). 11. Prochorovich V.E., Fedorov A.V., Byuchenok V.A., Berkutov I.V. Engi- neering and technological aspects of the accounting of dependence of speed of distribution of waves on temperature at control of the intense deformed condition of designs // Materials XXVIII of the Ural conference "physical methods of nondestructive control (Yanusovsky readings)". 2015. (In Russ.).

Laboratory of Computing and Information Systems and Software Engineering

Head of the Laboratory: Dr. Eng., Prof. Vasiliy Yur’evich Osipov – mathe- matical modeling, intelligent systems, neural networks, information security, [email protected] Laboratory Staff – 16 members and 5 Ph.D. students. Research Activities Corporate user systems; parallel and distributed data processing; dynamic architecture distributed computer systems and supercomputers (DADCS, DASC); architecture and hardware decisions in DASC; software for DASC; application of dynamic architecture processors (DAP) in logistics and digital signal processing; real-time operating systems; GRID technologies; cloud computing; neural networks; computer modeling; mathematical modeling; theory of fractals; information security; risk analysis and modeling; infor- mation security; network security monitoring; object oriented programming; software engineering; cognitive technologies; ontological modeling; e- documents circulation; software design automation; multiscale problems; converged infrastructures; big data. Research Fellows Chief Researcher, Dr. Nat. Sci., Prof. – Baranov Sergey Nicolayevich – software engineering, [email protected] Chief Researcher, Dr. Eng., Prof. – Vorobiev Vladimir Ivanovich – mod- eling and design of information protection systems, automation of parallel and distributed programming, cluster and GRID- technologies, e-document circu- lation, [email protected] Chief Researcher, Dr. Eng., Prof. – Torgashev Valery Antonovich – dis- tributed computer systems (DCS) and supercomputers with dynamic archi- tecture, parallel computations, [email protected]. Leading Researcher, Dr. Eng., Prof. – Nikiforov Victor Vikent’evich – re- al-time operating systems, embedded real-time software systems, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D., Prof. – Mustafin Nikolay Alexeevich – discrete optimization, GIS technologies, image processing, niko- [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Shishkin Vladimir Mikhailovich – information security, security and risk modeling and analysis, social technology systems security, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Fatkieva Rosa Ravilievna – information sys- tems modeling, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Evnevich Elena Ludvigovna – cloud and dis- tributed computations, cognitive technologies, [email protected]

Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Afanasiev Sergey Vladimirovich – object- oriented programming and design technologies for information systems, cloud computing, [email protected] (up to 01.04.2015) Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Zhukov Valery A. – digital holography in dis- tributed computing, development of numerical models of quantum nanotran- sistors with low heat emission, development of simplest systems for focusing ion beams for nano-characterization of objects, [email protected] (up to 01.10.2015) Researcher – Kalacheva Svetlana Borisovna – methods of software de- velopment, [email protected] Researcher, Ph.D. – Atiskov Alexey Yurievich – computer aided soft- ware development, software development for mobile platforms, [email protected] (up to 01.04.2015) Junior researcher, PhD – Podkorytov Sergey Alexeevich – theory of fractals, 3D modeling, [email protected] Junior researcher – Levonevsky Dmitry Konstantinovich – analysis and simulation of network traffic in information systems, dle- [email protected] Defense of the Theses Telezhkin Alexander Mikhailovich – Application of Algorithmic Networks to Resource Estimating in Software Projects, Prof. Baranov S.N., the viva was held on December, 8, 2015. Post-graduate Students Nosal Irina Alekseevna – Justification of Information Security Measures of Socio-Critical Facilities, Prof. Osipov V.Yu. Makshakov Vjacheslav Valer'evich – A Method of Passive Multi- Positional Radiolocation Using Benchmark Signal Descriptions, Prof. Nikifo- rov V.V. Kondybaev Saken Nurlanovich – Methods of Agile Programming in Sci- entific Research, Prof. Baranov S.N. Ryzhkov Sergej Romanovich – Cloud Computing Security, Prof. Voro- biev V.I. Golovishnikov Alexey Sergeevich – Development of Cloud Convergent Architecture, Ass. Prof. Fatkieva R.R. Grants and Projects Baranov S.N., Nikiforov V.V. – Programme of Fundamental Scientific Research of State Academies of Sciences in 2013-2020, i.39 «Architecture, System Solutions, Software, Standardization and Information Security of In- formational and Computing Complexes and Networks of the New Generation. System Programming», scientific research work "3. Checking Feasibility of Real-Time Applications on UCM Models". Baranov S.N., Mustafin N.G., Podkorytov S.A. – Grant 074-U01 of the Government of the Russian Federation on the scientific research work

№713574 ", Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Coding Theory, Proactive Systems" as part of 2013-2020 Program aimed at maxim- izing customer's competitive advantage among world’s leading educational centers (action #1.1.2, purchase # of the "Roadmap" for Program realization (jointly with the ITMO University). Torgashev V. A., Tsarev I.V. – Program No 4 of Fundamental Research of ONIT RAS “Architectural and software decisions and providing of security of supercomputer informational and computing complexes of new genera- tions”, Direction No 1: “Architecture and software solutions in supercomputer informational and computing complexes of new generations”, Project No 1.5 “High-performance computing systems with dynamic architecture”. Vorobiev V.I. – Program No 1.5 of Fundamental Research of ONIT RAS “Problems of development of high performance distributed and cloud systems and technologies. Intelligent information technologies and systems”. University Courses St.Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, chair of information technologies and computer security, “Methods and means of information pro- tection”, Vorobiev V.I. St.Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, chair of information se- curity, “Fundamentals of information security”, Fatkieva R., Shishkin V.M. St.Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, chair of automated in- formation processing and control systems, “Theory of decision making”, “Op- timization methods”, Mustafin N.A. St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University, chair of information and con- trol systems, "Metrology, Standardization, and Certification in a Software Pro- ject", Baranov S.N. St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University, chair of information and con- trol systems, "Methodology of Scientific Research", Baranov S.N. St.Petersburg State University for Aerospace Instrumentation, the re- search and educational center SPIIRAS-SUAI, "Software Engineering for Embedded Systems", Baranov S.N. St.Petersburg Power Industry Institute for Skills Enhancement (PEIPK), “Risks and regulations of information security assurance at power industry enterprises”, Shishkin V.M. Conferences XVII National Forum on Information Security “INFOFORUM – 2015”, Moscow, February 5-6, 2015 – Shishkin V.M. I International Science and Practice Conference “Problems of Infor- mation Security”, Gurzuf, February 26-28, 2015 – Shishkin V.M., Levonevsky D.K., Fatkieva R.R., Vorobiev V.I., Evnevich E.L. Scientific Session of the RAS Department for Nanotechnologies and In- formation Technologies (ONIT) “Neuroscience and Neurotechnologies”, April 24, 2015, Moscow – Osipov V.Yu.

17th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 20-24 April 2015, Yaroslavl, Russia – Baranov S.N., Nikiforov V.V. Ongoing city seminar "Informatics and Computer Technologies" – Bara- nov S.N. XVIII International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM'2015), St. Petersburg, May 19-21, 2015 – Ryzhkov S.R., Fatki- eva R.R., Levonevsky D.K. International Symposium “Reliability and Quality - 2015”, Penza, May 25-31, 2015 – Shishkin V.M. Cyber-Infoforum, Moscow, June 8, 2015 – Shishkin V.M. Congress on Intelligent Systems and Information Technologies IS&IT’15, Divnomorskoye, September 2-9, 2015 – Shishkin V.M. IX International School-Symposium “Analysis, Modeling, Control, Devel- opment of Economical Systems”, Sebastopol, September 12-21, 2015 – Shishkin V.M. Interregional Science and Practice Conference “Upcoming Trends of National Information Technologies Development”, Sebastopol, September 22-25, 2015 – Shishkin V.M. 31th EuroForth Conference, October 2-4, 2015, Pratt's Hotel, Bath, Eng- land – Baranov S.N. IX St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of Rus- sian Regions" (ISRR-2015), St. Petersburg, October 28-30, 2015 – Levonevsky D.K., Fatkieva R.R., Evnevich E.L. XIII International Scientific School “Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems” (MASR – 2015), St. Petersburg, November, 17- 19, 2015 – Shishkin V.M. 1-st International Conference “Technological trends in the Euro Asian region: new markets and points of economic growth”, St. Petersburg, No- vember 20-21, 2015 – Osipov V.Yu. Fourth National Supercomputer Forum (NSCF-2015), Pereslavl’ Zalessky, November 24-27, 2014 – Vorobiev V.I., Evnevich E.L. International Research and Practice Conference “Social and Psycholog- ical Issues of National Security Assurance”, State Education Establishment “Institute of National Security of the Republic of Belarus”, Minsk, December 3-4, 2015 – Shishkin V.M. Research Management Ongoing city seminar "Informatics and Computer Technologies", twice a month, SPIIRAS; in 2015: 6 sessions, 7 reports, 15 participants at average,, seminar chair – Baranov S.N., 3 papers on the basis of reports in 2014-2015 were published in "The SPIIRAS Proceedings" in 2015. All Russian Scientific School Conference “Intellectual Renaissance”, St. Petersburg, section supervision, jury participation – Shishkin V.M.

Saint Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of Rus- sia Regions" (ISRR-2015), section working programs development, session organization, section reports creation, secretary of the section – Shish- kin V.M. International Cooperation Toulouse Research Institute for Informatics (IRIT – Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse,, France – joint research and publications on theoretical foundations of informatics. Uppsala University (department of computer science), Sweden – theo- retic foundations of informatics, software engineering, modeling in the sphere of physiology and medicine. Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems – FOKUS, Berlin, Germany – e-documents circulation. Institute of National Security of the Republic of Belarus – issues of in- formation security. Membership in Domestic and International Societies, Editorial Boards, etc. Baranov S.N. – Professional member of the ACM (Association for Com- puting Machinery) since 2000 – Baranov S.N. – Professional member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) since 2000 – Baranov S.N. – member of the editorial board of the "SPIIRAS Proceed- ings" – S.N.Baranov – member of the Working group on the ANSI-standard of the Forth language – Fatkieva R.R. – reviewer in the journal “Mathematics and Statistics” (ISSN: 2332-2144). Intellectual Property Registered in the Reporting Year Osipov V. Yu. Method for intelligent information processing in neural network. Patent RU 2553074. Date of publication 10.06.2015. Bull. №16. (In Russ.). Fatkieva R.R., Atiskov A.Yu., Levonevsky D.K. Method of detection of computer system attack. Patent RU № 2538292. Date of publication 10.01.2015. (In Russ.). Recent Results 1. New theoretical propositions, models and methods, original methods and devices that implement cognitive analog neural network expeditious pro- cessing of heterogeneous information using memristors were developed. It was proposed to implement associative addressing spatial memory neural networks. Designed provisions allow a breakthrough in the creation of small cognitive analog neural network machines, new cognitive weapons, military and civilian equipment. These machines allow you to quickly solve applied problems of cognitive associative information processing with the complexity

that could not be overcome with the use of advanced super computer [5, 7, 16, 17]. 2. Research was carried out of network traffic forecasting models including those of triple exponential smoothing (Holt-Winters, Theil-Wage) and ARMA and ARIMA (Box-Jenkins). Efficiency of forecasting was estimated for differ- ent models and with respect to various traffic components [22, 33, 34]. 3. The problem of selection of algorithms and data structures was consid- ered for the purpose of efficient processing of events produced by intrusion detection systems. An approach was suggested to add and retrieve records on the basis of balanced binary trees. The approach efficiency was confirmed both in theory and in experiments [8]. 4. A geo-tagging technology was developed in order to identify and to pro- tect data and to control data relocation during their whole life cycle. Security perimeter based on geo tags would make it possible to prevent attacks by means of restriction of the boundaries of data processing to authorized geo- graphic locations [6]. 5. A software complex for simulation of execution of real-time software sys- tems was developed. Using this complex allows to find a combination of scheduling mode and a protocol of access to shares informational resources which ensures the highest load of processor [2, 29, 30, 32]. 6. A modification of the transitive priority inheritance procedure was pro- posed for software real-time applications with sharing of informational re- sources among applications tasks. Its usage allows: 1) to eliminate the known constraints of the conventional procedure; and 2) to ensure dynamic identification of incorrect exceptions like mutual task blocking with an option to provide an provisioned reaction to such exceptions [9]. 7. Technologies of solving complicated problems on the base of dynamic automata networks in supercomputers with dynamic architecture (DASC) with usage of special programming language YARD in that number were devel- oped [11]. 8. The method of “hybrid programming” that allows combining different hardware and software means during solving complicated problems was pro- posed. This permits to execute a part of the solving problem, that does not require parallelism and high performance on the host computer (i.e. usual PC) while remaining parts are executed on DASC [11]. 9. Different variants of architectural, circuit technique, and constructional decisions for realization of DASC using FPGA or specially designed domestic large-scale integrated circuits were proposed. Analysis of characteristics of DASC and its components (performance, geometrical volumes, power con- sumption and cost) was performed.

10. The ambivalent features of protection means were studied. Methods and algorithm were developed for taking into account possible negative conse- quences of protection means application with the stochastic analysis technol- ogy, thus enabling to obtain complex estimation of protection efficiency and to avoid undesired consequences of protection means enforcement [12, 13, 14, 19, 20]. 11. A conception of application of the population dynamics mathematical model to modelling of information interaction process was developed. The model provides a possibility to study the processes of information confronta- tion under process scaling in a wide range of subject domains from technical level to inter-state one [15, 24, 28, 31, 36, 38]. References Monographies 1. Alexandrov V.V., Vorobiev V.I., Kouleshov S.V., Levonevsky D.K., Mar- kov V.S., Fatkieva R.R., Yusupov R.M. Chapter 5. Organization and De- velopment of Information Structure of St. Petersburg Innovative Devel- opment // In the monography ”Upcoming Trends of Science Develop- ment in St. Petersburg” / Otv. red. Zh.I. Alferov, O.V. Belyi, G.V. Dvas, E.A. Ivanova. SPb.: Izd-vo IP Permyakov S.A., 2015. 543 p. (In Russ.). Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 2. Baranov S.N., Nikiforov V.V. Density of Multi-Task Real-Time Applica- tions // Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Open Innovations Asso- ciation FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia, April 2015, pp. 20–24. 3. Baranov S.N. Formation of the Discipline of Programming in Russia // Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Tech- nology in Russia and in the Former Soviet Union (SoRuCom 2014), pp. 107–109. DOI: 10.1109/SoRuCom.2014.30. Published in 2015. 4. Zhukov V.A., Maslov V.G. A tunnel field-effect transistor with a graphene derivatives (coh)n-(cf)n-(ch)n three-layer quantum well with the middle (cf)n drain layer // Russian Microelectronics. 2015. Vol. 44, No. 2. pp. 89–100. Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 5. Osipov V.Yu. Associative and Spatial Addressing to Memory of Recur- rent Neural Networks // Informacionnye Tehnologii, 2015. Vol. 21. No 8, pp. 631–637. (In Russ.). 6. Vorobiev V.I., Ryzhkov S.R., Fatkieva R.R. Protection of Cloud Compu- tations Perimeter. Programmnye sistemy: teoriya i prilozheniya. 2015. Vol.. 6. No. 1 (24), pp. 61–71. (In Russ.). 7. Osipov V. Yu. Neural Network Prediction of Events for Intelligent Robots // Mehatronika, Avtomatizacia, Upravlenie, 2015. No 12, pp. 836–840. (In Russ.).

8. Fatkieva R.R., Levonevsky D.K. Binary Trees Application to Aggregation of Events of Intrusion Detection // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol.4(41), pp. 110–121. (In Russ.). 9. Baranov S.N., Nikiforov V.V. Baranov S.N., Nikiforov V.V. Transitive Pri- ority Inheritance in Multi-Task Real-Time Applications // SPIIRAS Pro- ceedings. 2015. Vol.6(43). pp. 114–134. (In Russ.). 10. Levonevskiy D.K., Evnevich E.L. Research of Structure Intersections of Precomplete Closed Classes of Boolean Functions // Aktualnyie problemyi gumanitarnyih i estestvennyih nauk, 2015, Vol.12(83). (In Russ.). 11. Torgashev V. A., Tsarev I. V. Technologies of Solving Complicated Prob- lems on the Base of Dynamic Automata Networks // Informatsionno- upravlyayuschie sistemyi. 2015. Vol.6, pp. 57–65. (In Russ.). 12. Shishkin V.M., Markov V.S. Protection Against Security // Nadezhnost i kachestvo – 2015 // Trudyi Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma: v 2 t. / pod red. N.K. Yurkova. 2015. (In Russ.). 13. Nosal’ I.A. Method of Accounting for Information Security Measures in Socially Significant Objects // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol.2(39), pp. 84-100. (In Russ.). Other Publications 14. Kuvshinov I.V., Savkov S.V., Shishkin V.M. The Technique and Algo- rithm of Expert Assessments Homogenization. The Application Experi- ence in Automated System of Stochastic Risk Analysis “ASTRA” // Trud- yi kongressa po intellektualnyim sistemam i informatsionnyim tehnologiyam «IS&IT’15». Nauchnoe izdanie v 3-h tomah. 2015. vol.1, pp. 215–221. (In Russ.). 15. Shishkin V.M. Information Security Control under Confrontation – Dy- namic Model // Materialy I Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi kon- ferentsiyi «Problemyi informatsionnoy bezopasnosti». 2015. pp. 102– 107. (In Russ.). 16. Osipov V.Yu. New technologies for intelligent processing of real-time information // Nauchnaya sessiya ONIT RAN "Neyronauki i ney- rotehnologii". 2015. (In Russ.). 17. Osipov V.Yu. Cognitive associative neural machines for handling the op- erational socio-economic information // Technological perspective within the Eurasian space, new markets and economic growth points. Materialyi 1-oy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii. 2015. pp. 196–197. (In Russ.). 18. Vasyukov V.A., Shishkin V.M. Pentesting: Theoretical and Applied As- pects // Trudyi kongressa po intellektualnyim sistemam i infor- matsionnyim tehnologiyam «IS&IT’15». Nauchnoe izdanie v 3-h tomah. 2015. vol.2, pp. 309–313. (In Russ.).

19. Gatchin Yu.A., Savkov S.V., Shishkin V.M. Assessment of Negative Im- pact of Information Protection Means on Total Security // Trudyi kon- gressa po intellektualnyim sistemam i informatsionnyim tehnologiyam «IS&IT’15». Nauchnoe izdanie v 3-h tomah. 2015. vol.2, pp. 313–319. (In Russ.). 20. Shishkin V.M. Ambivalence of Security Assurance Tools and Evaluation of Final Effectiveness // Analiz, modelirovanie, upravlenie, razvitie ekonomicheskih sistem: sbornik nauchnyih trudov IX Mezhdunarodnoy shkolyi-simpoziuma -2015, Sevastopol, 12-21 sentyabrya 2015 / Pod red. dotsenta A.V. Sigala. 2015. pp. 416–421. (In Russ.). 21. Shishkin V.M., Petuhov A.N. Extension of Polygonal Lattice for the Presentation and Analysis of Expert Information on a Standard Simplex // Analiz, modelirovanie, upravlenie, razvitie ekonomicheskih sistem: sbornik nauchnyih trudov IX Mezhdunarodnoy shkolyi-simpoziuma AMUR-2015, Sevastopol, 12-21 sentyabrya 2015 / Pod red. dotsenta A.V. Sigala. 2015. pp. 422–427. (In Russ.). 22. Ryzhkov S.R., Fatkieva R.R., Levonevsky D.K. Detection of Network Attacks using Fuzzy Logic // XVIII Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po myagkim vyichisleniyam i izmereniyam. (SCM'2015), Sankt-Peterburg, 2015. vol. 2. pp. 190–192. (In Russ.). 23. Fatkieva R.R., Levonevsky D.K. Aggregation and Visualization of Events of Intrusion Detection Systems in Distributed Systems // I mezhdunarod- naya konferentsiya «Problemyi informatsionnoy bezopasnosti». 2015. pp. 96–98. (In Russ.). 24. Shishkin V. M. Information Security Control under Confrontation – Dy- namic Model // I mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya «Problemyi infor- matsionnoy bezopasnosti». 2015. pp. 48–53. (In Russ.). 25. Shishkin V. M. Penetration Testing: Methods, Experience, Prospects // I mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya «Problemyi informatsionnoy bezopas- nosti». 2015. pp. 102–105. (In Russ.). 26. Vorobiev V.I., Evnevich E. L. Ontological Approach to Vulnerability As- sessment in Cloud Computing // I mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya «Problemyi informatsionnoy bezopasnosti». 2015. pp. 105–107. (In Russ.). 27. Afanasiev S.V. Ontological Approach to Define Cloud Services. Region- alnaya informatika i informatsionnaya bezopasnost // Sbornik trudov. 2015. pp. 160–162. (In Russ.). 28. Alekseev A.V., Vorobiev V.I. Information Confrontation: 20 years of Conceptual and Technological Development // Regionalnaya informatika i informatsionnaya bezopasnost. Sbornik trudov. 2015. pp. 153–160. (In Russ.).

29. Kalacheva S.B. Method of the Guaranteed Task Execution in Real Time Scheduling of Processor Usage // Regionalnaya informatika i infor- matsionnaya bezopasnost. Sbornik trudov. 2015. pp. 44–48. (In Russ.). 30. Nikiforov V.V. Simulation of Execution of Software Complexes for Real- Time Systems // Regionalnaya informatika i informatsionnaya bezopas- nost. Sbornik trudov. 2015. pp. 53–57. (In Russ.). 31. Shishkin V.M. Abrosimov I.K. Dynamic Model of Interaction System of IT Development and National Security Ensuring // Regionalnaya informat- ika i informatsionnaya bezopasnost. Sbornik trudov. 2015. pp. 230–235. (In Russ.). 32. Baranov S.N. A Forth-Simulator of Real-Time Multi-Task Applications // 31th EuroForth Conf. Proc. 2015. pp. 33–40. 33. Levonevsky D.K., Fatkieva R.R. Measurement of Critical Characteristics of Information Security in Computer Networks // Informatsionnaya be- zopasnost regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt-Peterburgskaya mezhregionalnaya konferentsiya. 2015. (In Russ.). 34. Fatkieva R.R. Automation of Choice of Indices for Security Estimation // Informatsionnaya bezopasnost regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt-Peterburgskaya mezhregionalnaya konferentsi- ya. 2015. (In Russ.). 35. Evnevich E.L. Personalized Semantic Search, Navigation and Content Analysis // Informatsionnaya bezopasnost regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt-Peterburgskaya mezhregionalnaya konferentsiya. 2015. (In Russ.). 36. Shishkin V.M. Non Linear Effects in Estimation of Costs of Critical Ob- jects Security Assurance // Teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty infor- macion-noj bezopasnosti: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. 2015. pp. 295–299. (In Russ.). 37. Vorobiev V.I., Evnevich E.L., Fatkieva R.R. Instrumental Analysis of Se- curity Policies and Profiles // Teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty infor- macion-noj bezopasnosti: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. 2015. pp. 108–111. (In Russ.). 38. Shishkin V.M. Modeling of Information Confrontation Dynamics // Teoret- icheskie i prikladnye aspekty informacion-noj bezopasnosti: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. 2015. pp. 249–254. (In Russ.).

Laboratory of Object-Oriented Geo-Information Systems

Head of the Laboratory: Dr. Sci., Professor, Honored Doer of Science, SPIIRAS Deputy Director for Research, Vasily V. Popovich – Theory of intel- ligent geographical information systems (IGIS), [email protected]; Laboratory Staff – 18 members, 2 post-graduate students. Research Activities Theory of Search and Concept of Harmonization, Integration and Data Fu- sion; Geoinformation Sciences and Technologies; Geoinformation Systems and Applied Systems of Decision-Making Support, underwater acoustics and radar calculations. Research Fellows Leading researcher, Dr. Sci., professor – Pavel N. Volgin – theory of search, mathematical modelling and evaluation of the effectiveness for moni- toring systems, [email protected]. Leading researcher, Dr. Sci., Assoc. Prof. – Yan A. Ivakin – Computer intellectualization in geo-information systems, [email protected]. Leading researcher, Dr. Sci., professor – Andrew V. Makshanov – Mathematical modeling, [email protected] Leading researcher, Dr. Sci., Assoc. Prof. – Vladimir V. Maliy – Hydroa- coustics, Hydroacoustic systems, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Peter V. Vasilev – Information science, The- ory of search, [email protected] Senior researcher, Assoc. Prof. – Valery I. Guchek – Hydroacoustics, software management, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. – Viktor I. Ermolaev – Hydroa- coustics, simulation modeling, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. – Andrew A. Ermolenko – Infor- mation security in geo-information systems, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D, Assoc. Prof. – Gregory L. Zykov – decision support systems at various levels for complex organizational and technical systems management, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Yuri B. Leontyev – Development and maintenance of program component libraries, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Sergey N. Potapychev – The 3D-diagram, software management, [email protected] Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Viktor V. Kuzeniy – object-oriented analysis, programming, software management, [email protected]. Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Ruslan P. Sorokin – knowledge engineering and its applications in geo-information systems, [email protected]. Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Mikhail V. Tsvetkov – object-oriented analy- sis, design, programming, simulation modeling, [email protected]. Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Yaroslav Yu. Shalamaiko – software man- agement, [email protected].

Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Sergey S. Shaida – Object-oriented analysis, design, programming, simulation modeling for GIS-applications, [email protected]. Senior researcher, Ph.D. – Sergey V. Shtanjko – Cryptographical meth- ods for information security in geo-information systems, [email protected]. Post-graduated students Margarita Rishatovna. Amineva, Supervisor – Dr. Sci., Professor, Popo- vich V. Victoria M. Sherieva – The development of mobile applications for geo- graphic information systems, Supervisor – Ph.D., senior researcher, Assoc. Prof. Andrew A. Ermolenko Grants and Projects Popovich V. – Delivery of Hardware-software complex Surveil- lance&Recognize Systems’ for Navy Formations and Units’ headquar- ters(“Alevrit-001.1”, “Alevrit-001”, “Alevrit-FRTS” ) - for the needs of the Minis- try of Defense of the Russian Federation. State Contract № 0173100000812000821-0087535-01 from 18.12.2012 year. Conferences International workshop Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems (IF&GIS’ 2015), Grenoble, France, May 18 -20, 2015 – Vasily V. Popovich, Yan A. Ivakin, Oksana V. Smirnova. Round-table conference «Fundamental science – for the Navy», St. Pe- tersburg, Section of Applied Problems of the Presidium of the Russian Acad- emy of Sciences, 2015 – P. Volgin Round-table conference «Surveillance&Recognize Systems’ for surface and underwater situation. New opportunities» during the military-technical forum "Army 2015" Kubinka, Moscow region, June 16 – 19, 2015 – P. Volgin Sea Underwater Weapon, prospects for development: All-Russian scien- tific-practical conference. – St. Petersburg: Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Krulovskiy GNC», 25.11.2015 – A. Prokaev. XII International Scientific Conference «Current concepts of scientific re- search». Russia, Moscow, 29-30.05.2015 – A. Makshanov XI International Scientific Conference «Scientific Perspectives XXI cen- tury. Achievements and prospects of the new century». Russia, Novosibirsk, 22-23.05.2015 – A. Makshanov XVIII All-Russian Navy scientific-practical conference «Actual problems of protection and safety» Russia, St. Petersburg, 06.2015 – A. Makshanov Joint scientific and educational laboratory with Astrakhan State Universi- ty (ASU): “Regional Guidance and Information”, Co-managers of the labora- tory are Professor, Dr. Sci., V. Popovich, SPIIRAS Deputy Director for Re- search, and Dr. Sci. I. Petrova, ASU Deputy Director for Information. International Cooperation Cooperation with University of Grenoble, France in regard to the organi- zation and running the International workshop: Information Fusion and Geo- grafhic Information Systems (IF&GIS’2015).

Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Popovich V. – Editorial Board member of the scientific and technical journal "Computers, Environment end Urban Systems". USA. Popovich V. – co-editor of CORP 2014 (Italy). Volgin P. – Editorial Board member of the scientific and technical journal "Automation of control processes". Maliy V. – member of editorial board of scientific and technical journal "Fundamental and Applied hydrophysics" RAS. Development and Expertise of Documents for the State Authorities Maliy V.V. – Participation in the work of the Expert Council of the Navy Commander. Examination on a special theme, August 2015. Volgin P.N. – Participation in the work of the Expert Council of the Navy Commander. Examination on a special theme, October 2015. Recent Results Method adjusted with the environment for tracking the noisy objects in the waveguide. The basis of this method laid program for acoustic field calcu- lation, based on proposed and developed by V.Y. Zavadsky methods of nu- merical solution for the wave equation in finite differences. Under this meth- od, algorithms adjusted with the environment for processing sonar infor- mation are developed and implemented. As well as tracking algorithms for tracks of the noise sound sources. References Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 1. Ivakin Y., Ivakin V. Application of GIS technologies in historic and eth- nographic search results research // Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 2015, Vol. 216. рр. 39–42. 2. Ivakin Y., Tsvetkov M., Ivakin V. Intellectual GIS technologies in histori- cal and ethnographic search results research // International Multidisci- plinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecolo- gy Management, SGEM, 2015, рр. 33–38. 3. Ivakin Y., Tsvetkov M. Aggregate indices method for choice of danger prevention search results strategy in GIS based monitoring system // In- ternational Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geolo- gy and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 2015, рр. 43–47. 4. Smirnova O., Svetlichny V. Geoinformation systems for maritime radar visibility zone modeling // Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartog- raphy, 2015, Vol. 216. рр. 52–56. Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 5. Ivakin Y., Musya А.М. Ensuring the effectiveness of geoinformation sys- tems for spatial processes management // Questions of Radio Electron- ics. 2015. No. 1(1). pp. 159–169. (In Russ.). Other Publications 15. Popovich V.V.; Smirnova O.V.; Tsvetkov M.V. Application of Intelligent Geoinformation Systems for Integrated Safety Assessment of Marine Activities // Information, communication and environment: marine navi- gation and safety of sea transportation, 2015, рр. 139–144.

16. Popovich V., Tsvetkov M., Smirnova O., Sorokin R. Application of intelligent geoinformation systems for integrated safety assessment of marine activities // In: Weintrit A., Neumann T. (eds.) Information, Communication and Environment. Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. A Balkema Book, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, Leiden, 2015, pp. 89–94. 17. Prokaev A.N. The hybrid network for providing a distributed Surveillance system of maritime situation // Item condition and prospects of develop- ment of communication networks: the works of Scientific and Technical Conference «Rosinfokom – 2015». 2015. pp. 243–247. (In Russ.). 18. Prokaev A.N. Unified algorithm for determining the coordinates and par- ametres of targets’ traffic according to the passive sonar data // Sea Un- derwater Weapon, prospects for development: Proceedings of All- Russian scientific-practical conference. St. Petersburg: Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Krulovskiy GNC», 2015. pp. 372–378. (In Russ.). 19. Prokaev A.N. Unified algorithm for determining the coordinates and par- ametres of targets’ traffic according to the passive surveillance data // In- telligent design in the interest of the construction and development of the Navy: Proceedings of Scientific and Technical Conference. 2015. pp. 256–262. (In Russ.). 20. Makshanov A.V., Polenin V.I., Popovich T.V. Poly scenario approach to the estimation of parametres of traffic during the formation IGIS services // International Institute of Science «Education». 2015. No.5. pp. 25–29. (In Russ.). 21. Makshanov A.V., Polenin V.I., Popovich T.V. Poly scenario approach to the estimation of parametres of traffic during the formation IGIS services // Eurasian Union of Scientists (EUS). 2015. No.5 (14). pp. 71–75. (In Russ.). 22. Kolesnik V.A., Kruglevskiy V.N., Makshanov A.V., Popovich T.V. A new approach to data fusion in a multi-channel monitoring // Actual problems of protection and safety. Proceedings of All-Russian Navy scientific- practical conference. 2015. Vol.4, pp. 214–219. (In Russ.). 23. Markowski M.V., Popovich T.V., Makshanov A.V., Kruglevsky V.N., Kolesnik V.A. Data fusion in Multi-channel monitoring, for emergency monitoring systems // Proceedings NII K&V Naval Academy according to the results of VOKOR 2015, St. Persburg: NII K&V, 2015. pp. 171–177. (In Russ.). 24. Markowski M.V., Popovich T.V., Makshanov A.V., Kruglevsky V.N., Michnenok M.V. Algorithms of processing measurement in emergency monitoring systems (EMS) // Proceedings NII K&V Naval Academy ac- cording to the results of VOKOR 2015, St. Persburg: NII K&V, 2015. pp. 178–184. (In Russ.). 25. Prokaev A.N., Schmidt A.R. The Systems analysis and Prediction: A Tutorial // St. Petersburg: Naval Academy. 2015. 168 pages. (In Russ.).

Laboratory of Autonomous Robotic Systems

Head of the Laboratory: Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof. Andrey Ronzhin – interaction of autonomous robotic systems and users in cyberphysical space. ron- [email protected], Laboratory Staff – 14 members and 3 Ph.D. students. Research Activities Research and development of mathematical models, software and hard- ware of autonomous robotic systems, including methods of group interac- tion, supervision control, mechanical linkages and topological robotics, hu- manoid robot kinematics and onboard specialized processor prototypes. Research Fellows Chief researcher, Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof., professor, honored worker of science – Felix Kulakov – supervisory control robots, automation of mecha- tronic and robotic systems, virtual and augmented reality, [email protected] Leading researcher, Dr. Phys. – Math. Sci. – Gaiane Panina – me- chanical linkages, topological robotics, geometric models and algo-rithms, geometry of polytopes, [email protected] Senior researcher, Dr. Phys. – Math. Sci. – Tatiana Kosovskaya – methods and algorithms (as well as their complexity bounds) for artifi-cial intelligence problems solving (particularly recognition of complex imagies and scenes) based on their descriptions using the predicate calculus lan- guage, [email protected] Senior researcher, PhD – Vladimir Dashevsky – concept and proto- type development of onboard calculators for autonomous robotic sys-tems based on standard system modules SMARC, vladi- [email protected] Junior researcher, MSc – Nikita Pavliuk – software and structural- functional models of networking cooperation of anthropomorphic robots, [email protected] Junior researcher, MSc – Maxim Bizin – intelligent embedded con-trol systems of technical objects, [email protected] Junior researcher, MSc – Svetlana Chernakova – intelligent tech- nologies for robots training by movement demonstration, , hu- man-machine interfaces, [email protected] Leading programmer – Alexander Myskin – architecture and hardware solutions for distributed computing systems with dynamic architecture, [email protected] Leading programmer – Vasilij Rzhimskij – architecture and hardware solutions for distributed computing systems with dynamic architecture, rbas- [email protected]

Leading programmer – Jurij Mihajlov – intelligent technologies for robot education and supervisory control robots, virtual and augmented reality, human-machine interfaces, [email protected] Programmer – Arseniy Ivin – programming of control systems of an- thropomorphic robots kinematics, [email protected] Programmer – Daniil Mihal'chenko – programming of sensor and navi- gation control systems of anthropomorphic robots, [email protected] Programmer – Anton Shirokov – web-interface programming of in- formation-control systems, [email protected] Grants and Projects Ronzhin A. – Project No. 0073-2015-0001 “Group control of mobile ro- bots in the intelligent space” in the framework of the Program of the Presidi- um of RAS “Actual problems of robotics”, 2015-2016. (Jointly with Laboratory of Integrated Automation Systems headed by Prof. Smirnov A.V.). Kulakov F. – RFBR project No. 14-08-01225-a «Force-torque supervisory remote control of space robotic manipulator», 2014-2016. Panina G. – RFBR project No. 15-01-02021-а «Mechanical linkages: theory and applications», 2014-2016. Kosovskaya T. – RFBR project No.14-08-01276-а «Complexing logic- neural analysis and recognition of complex images and scenes in intelligent technical systems», 2014-2016. Ronzhin A. – RFBR project No. 13-08-00741-a «Development of meth- ods and cross-platform software for audiovisual support of mobile meet- ing», 2013-2015. Karpov А. – Agreement No. 14.616.21.0056 “Research and develop- ment of audiovisual speech recognition system based on a microphone and a high-speed videocamera” in the framework of the Federal Target Program “Research and development in priority areas of scientific-technological com- plex of Russia for 2014 – 2020”, 2015-2016. (Jointly with the Laboratory of Speech and Multimodal Interfaces headed by Dr. Tech. Sci. Karpov A.A.). Ronzhin A. – Contract for development of site software with e-edition of journal “Intellectual Technologies on Transport” No. 360/1, September 22, 2015. University Courses SPSUAI: “Neural network and expert systems”; “Methods of artificial in- telligence”; “Robots and mechanotronic systems control”; Introduction to the speciality “Management in Technical Systems” (A. Ronzhin). SPSU: “Mathematical Logic”, “Introduction to the Artificial Intelligence”, “Logic-objective approach to the Artificial Intelligence problems solving”, “Al- gorithms and complexity analysis” (T. Kosovskaya); “Combinatorial geome- try”, “Smooth manifolds” (G. Panina); “Fundamentals of control of robot and mechatronic systems” (F. Kulakov).

Physical-mathematical club at Steklov Institute: “Morse theory”, “Geome- try and combinatorics” (G. Panina). Summer school “Contemporary mathematics”, Dubna: “Discrete Morse theory” (G. Panina). SPbGMTU: «Mathematical Logic», «Theory of Algorithms», «Artificial Intelli- gence», «Discrete Mathematics» (T. Kosovskaya). Conferences International Scientific and Technological Conference «EXTREME RO- BOTICS», October 08 – 09, 2015, St.Petersburg – Kulakov F., Ronzhin A. The 8th conference on Internet of Things and Smart Spaces (ruSMART’15) in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking NEW2AN 2015, August 26-27, 2015. St.-Petersburg, Russia – Ronzhin A. Saint Petersburg International Fair “Education and Career” – 2015, No- vember 20 – 21, 2015 – Vatamaniuk I., Denisov A., Gaponov V. 10th Allrussian Scientific-Practical Conference “Advanced Control Sys- tems and Problems”, April 6 – 10, 2015, Dombay Village, Karachay-Cherkess Republic – Dashevsky V., Ronzhin A. IX Allrussian interministerial conference “Topical areas of security sys- tems, special communications and information for the needs of public admin- istration”, February 10 – 11, 2015, Orel – Ronzhin A. 17th International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM’2015, September 20 – 24, 2015, Athens, Greece – Ronzhin A. Discrete Models in the System Control Theory: IX International Confer- ence, Moscow and Moscow region, May 20 – 22 2015. – Kosovskaya T. XVIII-th Joint International Scientific Events on Informatics. June 29 – July 11, 2015. Varna, Bulgaria. – Kosovskaya T.; International conference “Torus Actions in Geometry, Topology, and Ap- plications”, February 16 – 21 2015, Сколково, Москва – Panina G. The Fifth German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher on Discrete Geometry, September 7 – 11 2015, MIPT, Moscow – Panina G.; International conference“Dynamics, Combinatorics, Representations”, August 31- September 4, 2015, Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg – Panina G. The annual conference Polynomial Computer Algebra, April 13-18, 2015, Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg – Panina G. Annual memorial conference dedicated to the memory of Andrei Niko- laevich Tyurin, October 26, 2015, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow – Panina G. (Invited talk). Scientific and Technical Conference “Technical Vision Control Systems - 2015”, March 17 – 19, Moscow – Vatamaniuk I., Ronzhin A. Eighth All-Russia Multiconference of Control Sciences. September 28- October 3, 2015 S. Divnomorskoe, Gelendzhik – Kulakov F.M.

Research Management The organization of 17th International Conference on Speech and Com- puter – Specom 2015, 20-24 September, 2015, Athens, Greece. Proceedings are published: Speech and Computer. Springer Interna-tional Publishing Switzerland. A. Ronzhin et al. (Eds.): SPECOM 2015, LNAI 9319, 2015, 504 p. International Cooperation Joint research and organization of scientific events in collaboration with the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic), Bogazici University in Istanbul (Turkey), Dresden University of Technology (Germany), Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Belarus), United Institute of Information Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Uni- versidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico), program «Geometry and Control of Mechanical Linkages» at the International Research Center CIRM (Luminy, Marseille), with prof. D. Siersma (Utrecht) and prof. G. Khimshiashvili (Tbilisi). Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Ronzhin A.L. – Member of the Scientific Council on Robotics and Mech- atronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the sub-committee on Eastern Europe of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Member of the Academy of Navigation and Motion Control, General Conference Co-Chair of the International Conference “Speech and Comput- er” SPECOM, Editorial Board Member of Journal “Speech Technology”, Dep- uty Chief Editor of Journal «SPIIRAS Proceedings». Panina G.Y. – Member of the Saint-Petersburg Mathematical Society, reviewer of Zentrallblatt. Intellectual Property Registered in the Reporting Year Certificate on Software Registration № 2015617155 issued on July 01, 2015 by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trade- marks (Rospatent): Dashevsky V.P., Bizin M.M., Rzhimskij V.G., “The Pro- gram for the Turnstiles and Card Venders Controller Praktika (IAC-K-01)”. Certificate on Software Registration № 2015617156 issued on July 01, 2015 by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trade- marks (Rospatent): Dashevsky V.P., Rzhimskij V.G., “The Master Software Program of RFID-reader with a Touchscreen TFT Display (IAC-RD- 02TFT)”. Certificate on Software Registration № 2015616586 issued on June 16, 2015 by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trade- marks (Rospatent): Ronzhin Dashevsky V.P., Rzhimskij V.G., “Web-service of Access Control System TELE-PASS based on RFID technology (TELE- PASS-WEB)”. Certificate on Software Registration № 2015616551 issued on July 01, 2015 by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trade-

marks (Rospatent): Dashevsky V.P., Bizin M.M., Rzhimskij V.G., “Web- service of Development and CNC-processing of Hull Parts System in the field of Instrumentation (Web-Mill)”. Recent Results 1. Mathematical model and software of control and navigation of swarm of autonomous homogeneous mobile robots involved in the formation of a con- vex space surface are developed. Experimental tests with various numbers of robots (up to 10,000 robots) confirmed quadratic complexity, scalability of algorithms and applicability of usage in rapidly deployable simulation tools and distributed cyberphysical systems [11, 22, 25]. 2. A multisensory approach of robot traning by movement demonstration is developed. This approach is based on the use of a heterogeneous robot sys- tem in the form of intelligent human-machine simulator interface based on the robots with multimodal sensory software, which improves the accuracy and reliability of the robot action program performance. It is formed as a result of training and is destined for the controlling of robots in the copying and the supervisory modes, and in particular for use in space robotics [26-28]. 3. An algorithm based on the ant tactics and decreasing the time bounds of an artificial intelligence problem permitting predicate calculus formalization is developed. The algorithm essentially decreases exhaustion appeared while solving the mentioned NP-hard problems [16, 31]. 4. A model of self-modificated predicate network with the cells implement- ed predicates characterizing properties of an object parts and relations be- tween them is developed for the recognition of a complex object. Complexity characteristics of construction, change and the use of such a network are proved. Such a network allows to take in account not only properties of an object but also relations between its parts which may be extracted in the pro- cess of the network configuration forming [32]. 5. Cell decomposition of the configuration space of a polygonal linkage is obtained. A “universal” polytope is constructed: each such cell decomposition embeds in the face lattice of the polytope. The construction is generalized to a series of combinatorial manifolds associated with simple games (in the game theoretic sense). Navigation and control (Coulomb control) of a flexible pentagon by point charges placed at its vertices is described [2-5]. 6. Image processing module, designed to process images taken from camera of anthropomorphic robot Aldebaran NAO is developed. The module allows robot to find the ball, marking lines of soccer field, goalposts of proper team and opponent team. It is applied for programming robot soccer players for international RoboCup competition [19]. 7. The architecture, algorithms and basic software modules of motion con- trol and navigation of anthropomorphic robot Aldebaran NAO are developed. Behavior scenarios for anthropomorphic robot player in a soccer match among the robots are designed, including robot self-localization scenario, ball-searching scenario, dribbling scenario, pass transmission scenario, kick- off scenario, and goalkeeper scenario [1].

8. The concept of the use of SMARC-architecture system modules as the basis for the construction of mobile robotic systems onboard computers is developed. The onboard computer layout based on SMARC is designed for Dynamixel servo network control. Experimental software for servo control is developed based on inbuilt Linux OS [14]. 9. The concept of the embedded servocontroller with Dynamixel interface is developed for inexpensive mass-produced model servos. It is based on microcontroller with ARM Cortex M3 architecture. A working sample of the drive is designed and assembled, which works with the SMARC-module by the Dynamixel protocol [30]. References Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 1. Ronzhin An.L., Vatamanyuk I.V., Ronzhin Al.L., and Zelezny M. Mathe- matical Methods to Estimate Image Blur and Recognize Faces in the System of Automatic Conference Participant Registration // Automation and Remote Control. 2015. Vol. 76, No. 11. pp. 1623–1632. 2. Panina G. Cyclopermutohrdron // Proc. Steklov Inst.Math. 2015. Vol. 288, pp. 149–162. 3. Panina G., Siersma D., Khimshiashvili G., Equilibria of point charges on convex curves // Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2015. Vol. 98, pp. 110–117. 4. Panina G., Siersma D., Khimshiashvili G., Zolotov V. Point Charges and Polygonal Linkages // Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 2015. pp. 1–17. 5. Panina G., Streinu I. Virtual polytopes // Uspehi Mat. Nauk 2015. Vol.70, No.6, pp. 140–202. (In Russ.). 6. Saveliev A.I., Ronzhin A.L. Algorithms and Software Tools for Distribu- tion of Multimedia Data Streams in Client Server Videoconferencing Ap- plications // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Springer, 2015, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 517–525. 7. Basov O.O., Struev D.A., Ronzhin A.L. Synthesis of Multi-service Info- communication Systems with Multimodal Interfaces // Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems. NEW2AN 2015/ruSMART 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia. Springer. 2015. LNCS 9247. pp. 128–139. 8. Basov O.O., Ronzhin A.L., Budkov V.Yu., Saitov I.A. Method of Defining Multimodal Information Falsity for Smart Telecommunication Systems // Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems. NEW2AN 2015/ruSMART 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia. Springer. 2015. LNCS 9247. pp 163–173. 9. Saveliev A.I, Basov O.O., Ronzhin A.L., Ronzhin Al.L. Algorithms for Low Bit-Rate Coding with Adaptation to Statistical Characteristics of Speech Signal. Speech and Computer // Proc. SPECOM-2015, Athens, Greece. Springer. 2015. LNAI 9319. pp. 65–72.

10. Basov O.O., Ronzhin A.L., Budkov V.Yu. Optimization of Pitch Track- ing and Quantization. Speech and Computer // Proc. SPECOM-2015, Athens, Greece. Springer. 2015. LNAI 9319. pp. 317–324. Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 11. Vatamaniuk I.V., Panina G.Yu., Ronzhin A.L. Reconfiguration of Space Formation of Robot Swarm // Large-scale Systems Control. Moscow: Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sci- ences. 2015. Vol. 58. pp. 285–305. (In Russ.). 12. Ronzhin A.L., Yusupov R.M. Multimodal Interfaces for Autonomous Mo- bile Robotic Systems // Proceedings of SFedU. Engineering Sciences. 2015. No. 1(162). pp. 195–206. (In Russ.). 13. Ronzhin A.L., Vatamaniuk I.V., Ronzhin Al.L., Zelezny M. Mathematical methods to estimate image blur and recognize faces in the system of automatic conference participant registration // Automation and Remote Control. 2015. No. 11. pp. 132–144. (In Russ.). 14. Dashevsky V.P., Bizin М.М. Overview of onboard computers based SMARC-modules for robotic systems // Bulletin of TUSUR, 2015. Vol. 3(37). pp. 91–97. (In Russ.). 15. Usov V.M., Kryuchkov B.I., Karpov А.А., Kulakov F.M., Chernakova S.E. Engineering and psychological analysis of augmented reality technology to provide visual support of remote control of a robot-manipulator // In- formation and Space. 2015. No. 4. pp. 58–67. (In Russ.). 16. Kosovskaya T.M. Self-training Network with the Sells Implementing Predicate Formulas // SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2015. Vol. 6(43). pp. 94– 113. (In Russ.). 17. Basov О.О., Ronzhin A.L. Technique of phased implementation of pol- ymodal communication systems // Belgorod State University Scientific Bulletin. Series Economics. Computer Science. 2015. Vol. 1(198). No. 33/1. pp. 131–137. (In Russ.). 18. Motienko A.I., Makeev S.M., Basov O.O. Analysis and Modeling of Posi- tion Choice Process for Transportation of the Sufferer on the Basis of Bayesian Belief Networks // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol. 6(43). pp. 135–155. (In Russ.). 19. Motienko A.I., Ronzhin A.L., Pavlyuk N.А. Modern developments of res- cue robots: possibilities and principles of their application // Science Bulle- tin of the NSTU. 2015. No. 3(60). pp. 147–165. (In Russ.). 20. Ronzhin A.L., Basov О.О. Determination of the human alcohol intoxica- tion degree based on the automatic speech analysis // Bulletin of Mos- cow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federa- tion. 2015. No. 5. pp. 216–220. (In Russ.). 21. Karpov A.A., Ronzhin A.L., Usov V.M. Instrumental Methods of Testing Contactless Human-Machine Interaction When Using a Helmet-Mounted Display // Manned Space Flights. 2015. No. 3(16). pp. 43–53. (In Russ.). 22. Vatamaniuk I.V., Panina G.Yu., Ronzhin A.L. Modeling of Trajectories of the Robotic Systems in the Spatial Reconfiguration of the Swarm // Ro- botics and Technical Cybernetics. 2015. No. 3(8). pp. 52–57. (In Russ.).

23. Basov О.О., Shcherbakov D.А., Saveliev А.I., Ronzhin А.L. Interpersonal Aspects of Polymodality when Creating Communications Systems // Manned Space Flights. 2015. No. 4(17). pp. 28–48. (In Russ.). 24. Karpov A.A., Ronzhin A.L. Multimodal Interfaces for Human-Computer and Robot Interaction // Actual problems of psychology of labor, engi- neering psychology and ergonomics / Edited by Oboznov А.А., Zhurav- lev A.L. Moscow: Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sci- ences. 2015. pp. 441–459. (In Russ.). 25. Vatamaniuk I.V., Panina G.Yu., Ronzhin A.L. Modeling of Trajectories of the Robotic Systems in the Spatial Reconfiguration of the Swarm // Pro- ceedings of the International Scientific and Technological Conference “Extreme Robotics”. 2015. pp. 135–140. (In Russ.). Other Publications 26. Kulakov F.M. The Simulator Interface for Space Robot Controlling // Proceedings of the 8th Allrussian Multiconference on Control, Divnomor- skoe village, Gelendzhik, 2015. pp. 251–254. (In Russ.). 27. Kulakov F., Chernakova S. Information Technology for Interactive Robot Task Training Through Demonstration of Movement // Yuriy P. Kon- dratenko, Richard J. Duro. Advances in Intelligent Robotics and Collabo- rative Automation. Danmark. RiverPublishers. 2015. pp. 95–122. 28. Ronzhin A.L., Ronzhin A.L., Budkov V.Yu. Cascading system for remote audiovisual monitoring and recording of speakers // Topical areas of se- curity systems, special communications and information for the needs of public administration: IX Allrussian interministerial conference: proceed- ings and reports. Orel: The Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation. 2015. Part. 9. pp. 93–95. (In Russ.). 29. Dashevsky V.P., Bizin М.М., Ronzhin A.L. Development of Onboard Cal- culators for Robotic Systems Based on SMARC Modules // 10th Allrussian Scientific-Practical Conference “Advanced Control Systems and Prob- lems”. 2015. Vol. 2. pp. 14–21. (In Russ.). 30. Kosovskaya T.M. The use of partial deduction in the predicate calculus for solving of some Artificial Intelligence problems // Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Discrete Models in the System Control Theory. 2015. pp. 121–123. (In Russ.). 31. Kosovskaya T. Self-modificated predicate networks // International Jour- nal on Information Theory and Applications. 2015. Vol. 22, No. 3. pp. 245–257. 32. Vatamaniuk I.V., Ronzhin Al.L. Elimination of poor quality images in the sys- tem of audiovisual monitoring in the smart meeting room // Proceedings of Scientific and Technical Conference “Technical Vision Control Systems – 2015” (TVCS-2015). 2015. pp. 92–93. (In Russ.).

Laboratory of Biomedical Informatics

Head of the Laboratory: D.Sc. (Tech.), Rudnitsky Sergei B. – distance biometry, chronobiology, integrated signal processing, radio navigation. [email protected] Laboratory Staff – 9 members. Research Activities Development and research into new information technologies for biological, medical, biometrical, and telemedical systems. Development of methods, algorithms, and software for automated non-invasive diagnostics and moni- toring of human functional state. Research Fellows Leading Researcher, D.Sc. (Tech.) – Duke V. A. – methods of data analysis in knowledge domains with complex system structure. [email protected] Leading Researcher, D.Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof. – Senkevich Y. I. – de- velopment and production of medical information systems for core organisa- tions. [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Phys.–Math.) – Popova E. A. – development of mathematical models; numerical experiments in biotechnical systems. e- [email protected] Senior Researcher, M.D., Ph.D. (Med.) – Wasserman E. L. – research of human brain electric activity; design of psychophysiological testing systems; polygraphy; medical informatics as an academic discipline. [email protected] Researcher – Kartashev N. K. – research of human brain electric activi- ty; study of safe computing environment design problems; design of psycho- physiological testing systems; polygraphy; telemedicine. [email protected] Researcher – Zhvalevsky O. V. – mathematical processing of biometric data; design of automation software; software application integration. [email protected] Junior researcher – Denisova D. M. – investigations in human emotional sphere; design of psychological modelling methods of emotion-inducing sit- uations; psychophysiology of stress; survival-oriented behaviour. [email protected] Grants and projects Senkevich Yu.I. – research work for Perspective Research Foundation “Basis for the technical characteristics of a hydrobiotechnical system”. University courses Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Department of Infor- mation Systems and Software: “Intellectual information systems” – prof. V.A. Duke

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Department of Principles of Special Education: “Information technology in psychological and educational rehabilitation of disabled people”, “Child neurology”, “Psychopathology with a clinical picture of intellectual disorders”, “Medical and biological problems of special education” – assoc. prof. E.L. Wasserman. Saint Petersburg State University, Department of Healthcare Manage- ment: “Informatics”, “Medical informatics” – assoc. prof. E.L. Wasserman. Conferences V annual international partnering forum “Life Sciences Invest. Partnering Russia”, November 10–11, 2015, Saint Petersburg – Duke V.A. Saint Petersburg international innovation forum, October 7–9, 2015, Saint Petersburg – Duke V.A. IX international scientific conference “Systems analysis in medicine” (SAM 2015), Blagoveshchensk, October 22–23, 2015 – Wasserman E.L., Kartashev N.K., Popova E.A. V Anniversary Baltic congress on child neurology supported by ICNA, Saint Petersburg, June 8–10, 2015 – Wasserman E.L., Kartashev N.K., Popova E.A. 1st Russian oncological scientific and educational forum with interna- tional participation “White nights – 2015» – Roudnitsky S.B., Denisova D.M. III annual international conference “Modern medical centers. Invest- ments. Equipment. Personnel” – Roudnitsky S.B. All-Russian School-Seminar “Methods of computer diagnostics in biolo- gy and medicine” – 2015» – Roudnitsky S.B., Zhvalevsky O. V. Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Sergey B. Roudnitsky – expert on applications and report materials 2015 FTP R&D 14-20 FSFSI “Directorate of STP” of Ministry of education and sci- ence, scientific expert for the Foundation for Assistance to Small Research and Technology Enterprises; member of thesis committee DS 409.016.01 at All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Equipment, reviewer at Proceedings of SPIIRAS. Vacheslav A. Duke – editorial board member of theoretical and practical journal “Clinico-Laboratory Council”, member of the board of administration of the regional department of Russian Association of Medical Laboratory Diag- nostics, member of Saint Petersburg State University thesis committee. Yuri I. Senkevich – member of the “Biotechnosphere” journal editorial board, member of SPIIRAS thesis committee. Intellectual Property Registered in the Reporting Year Zhvalevsky O.V., Wasserman E.L., Kartashev N.K., Roudnitsky S.B. Program “LBMI-001”. Right holder: Federal state budget-funded scientific institution Saint-Petersburg institute for informatics and automation of Rus-

sian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS). Certificate of state registration of soft- ware № 2015617737. Date of state registration: July 22, 2015. Zhvalevsky O.V., Wasserman E.L., Kartashev N.K., Roudnitsky S.B. Module for database maintenance for the LBMI-001 program. Right holder: Federal state budget-funded scientific institution Saint-Petersburg institute for informatics and automation of Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS). Cer- tificate of state registration of software № 2015617738. Date of state registra- tion: July 22, 2015. Zhvalevsky O.V., Wasserman E.L., Kartashev N.K., Roudnitsky S.B. Module for interaction with hardware and performing examinations for the LBMI-001 program. Right holder: Federal state budget-funded scientific insti- tution Saint-Petersburg institute for informatics and automation of Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS). Certificate of state registration of software № 2015617740. Date of state registration: July 22, 2015. Zhvalevsky O.V., Wasserman E.L., Kartashev N.K., Roudnitsky S.B. Module for mathematical processing of experimental data for the LBMI-001 program. Right holder: Federal state budget-funded scientific institution Saint- Petersburg institute for informatics and automation of Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS). Certificate of state registration of software № 2015617739. Date of state registration: July 22, 2015. Recent Results 1. A methodology for pattern search in electrophysiological signals record- ed during visual, auditory, and audiovisual stimulation has been developed. In its basis lie special methods of signal preprocessing and modern mathe- matical data mining methods [3]. 2. The software for performing experiments that involve dichotic listening to speech with synchronous EEG recording has been modified to enhance the protection of study results from failures and equipped with a special edition of stimulus material. 3. A pattern of state anxiety rate distribution in patients with malignant ne- oplasms undergoing antitumor therapy has been discovered. It consists in bimodal distribution becoming unimodal and then returning back to bimodal once clinical remission is achieved [2, 4, 12]. 4. A conceptual layout of performing biomedical research enables using a configuration-based approach for automated performance of biomedical re- search. Always using the same configuration guarantees uniform storage of experimental data and, therefore, enables unimpeded data exchange be- tween different researcher groups [11]. 5. A modified algorithm for a method of fractal dynamics analysis has been suggested. The modified algorithm is designed for processing the tenso- tremorograms that are recorded for Parkinson’s disease diagnostics.

References Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 1. Pinchuk D.Y., Wasserman M.V., Wasserman E.L., Sirbiladze K.T., Kartashev N.K. Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on dichot- ic listening test results in children with disorders of psychological devel- opment. // Polish Annals of Medicine. 2015. Vol. 22. pp. 67–73, DOI: 10.1016/j.poamed.2015.05.005 2. Blank M., Blank O., Myasnikova E., Denisova D. Peculiarities of anxie- ty score distribution in adult cancer patients // Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 2015. Vol. 33, Issue 5. pp. 551–560. DOI: 10.1080/07347332.2015.1067280 Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 3. Duke V.A., Kravchik M.R., Senkevich Yu.I. Detection of subliminal visual influence on humans by means of data mining of electroencephalo- graphic measurements // Vestnik SpbGU. 2015. No. 1. pp. 83–93. 4. Blank M.A., Blank O.A., Myasnikova E.M., Roudnitsky S.B., Denisova D.M. Peculiarities of integrated anxiety score distribution in cancer pa- tients revealed by statistical methods // Trudy SPIIRAN. 2015. Vol. 2(39). pp. 143–156. 5. Popova E.A., Wasserman E.L., Kartashev N.K. Dichotic listening to speech from a statistical point of view: hypergeometrical distribution and random walks // Proceedings of IX international scientific conference “Systems analysis in medicine” (SAM 2015). 2015. pp. 35–38. Other Publications 6. Roudnitsky S.B., Blank M.A., Blank O.A. Scientific discoveries–2014 // Collected brief descriptions of scientific discoveries, ideas, and hypothe- ses. Compiled by Pototsky V.V. Мoscow, RAEN. 2015. 100 p. pp. 51-64. 7. Zhvalevsky O.V., Roudnitsky S.B. Construction of configuration for per- forming biomedical research based on recording human physiological rates // Metody komp'yuternoi diagnostiki v biologii i meditsine – 2015: materialy Vseros. molodezh. konf. / ed. Prof. D.A. Usanov. Saratov: Izd- vo Saratovskii istochnik, 2015. pp. 276–278. 8. Blank M.A., Blank O.A., Roudnitsky S.B., Myasnikova E.M., Den- isova D.M. Psychological peculiarities of cancer patients // 1-i Rossiiskii onkologicheskii nauchno-obrazovatel'nyi forum s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Belye nochi – 2015». Sbornik tezisov. Moscow, 2015. p. 366. 9. Wasserman E.L., Kartashev N.K., Popova E.A. Dichotic listening to speech in children: certain methodological problems and the formal de- termination of lateralization significance of results // V Yubileinyi Baltiiskii kongress po detskoi nevrologii pri podderzhke ICNA: Sbornik materialov / Ed. Prof. V.I. Guzeva. Saint Petersburg, Chelovek i ego zdorov'e. 2015. pp. 74–76.

10. Zhvalevsky O.V., Kartashev N.K., Wasserman E.L., Roudnitsky S.B. Pro- gram “LBMI-001” // Ofitsial'nyi byulleten' Federal'noi sluzhby po intel- lektual'noi sobstvennosti (Rospatent) – Programmy dlya EVM, bazy dannykh, topologii integral'nykh mikroskhem. 2015, no.8 no.2015617737. URL: (ac- cessed on 03.09.2015). 11. Zhvalevsky O.V., Kartashev N.K., Wasserman E.L., Roudnitsky S.B. Module for database maintenance for the LBMI-001 program // Pro- grammy dlya EVM. Bazy dannykh. Topologii integral'nykh mikroskhem: Ofitsial'nyi byulleten' Federal'noi sluzhby po intellektual'noi sobstvennosti (Rospatent). 2015, no.8 no.2015617738. URL: (accessed on 03.09.2015). 12. Zhvalevsky O.V., Kartashev N.K., Wasserman E.L., Roudnitsky S.B. Module for mathematical processing of experimental data for the LBMI- 001 program // Programmy dlya EVM. Bazy dannykh. Topologii inte- gral'nykh mikroskhem: Ofitsial'nyi byulleten' Federal'noi sluzhby po intel- lektual'noi sobstvennosti (Rospatent). 2015, no.8 no.2015617739. URL: (accessed on 03.09.2015). 13. Zhvalevsky O.V., Kartashev N.K., Wasserman E.L., Roudnitsky S.B. Module for interaction with hardware and performing examinations for the LBMI-001 program // Programmy dlya EVM. Bazy dannykh. Topologii in- tegral'nykh mikroskhem: Ofitsial'nyi byulleten' Federal'noi sluzhby po intel- lektual'noi sobstvennosti (Rospatent). 2015, no.8 no.2015617740. URL: (accessed on 03.09.2015). 14. Balluzek M.F., Chagunava O.L., Kartashev N.K., Mashkova M.V. Soft- ware for decision making support during cancer patient management in cases of detected signs of cachexia syndrome // Programmy dlya EVM. Bazy dannykh. Topologii integral'nykh mikroskhem: Ofitsial'nyi byulleten' Federal'noi sluzhby po intellektual'noi sobstvennosti. 2015, no.4 no.2015613907. URL: (accessed on 29.05.2015). 15. Senkevich Yu.I., Krivolapov M.S., Yafarov A.Z., Glazova A.Yu., Portable autonomous device for monitoring human state in extreme weather and climate conditions // Izobreteniya. Poleznye modeli: Ofitsial'nyi byulleten' Federal'noi sluzhby po intellektual'noi sobstvennosti. 2015, no.25 no.154760. URL: (ac- cessed on 29.11.2015).

Laboratory of Computer Aided Integrated Systems

Head of the Laboratory: Dr.Habil., Ph.D., Honored Scientist of Russia, Prof. Alexander V. Smirnov – intelligent configuration management of virtual and networked organizations, and knowledge logistics, [email protected]; Laboratory Staff – 14 members. Research Activities Methods and technologies for knowledge logistics and intelligent manage- ment of virtual resource networks. Research Fellows Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Alexey M. Kashevnik – methods and tech- nologies for knowledge management in intelligent environments. alex- [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Andrew A. Krizhanovsky – methods and technologies for computational linguistics. [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Tatiana V. Levashova – methods and tech- nologies for ontology management. [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Michael. P. Pashkin – Internet-based tech- nologies for group decision support. [email protected] Researcher, Ph.D. – Andrew V. Ponomarev – methods and technologies for complex decision support. [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Sergey V. Savosin – methods and infor- mation technologies for business process management. Senior Researcher, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. – Nikolai G. Shilov – methods, models and tools for networked organization configuration. [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Vladimir M. Shpakov - hybrid dynamic sys- tem modelling and simulation. [email protected] Junior Researcher, Ph.D. – Nikolai N. Teslya – technologies for smart space. [email protected] Junior Researcher, Ph.D. student, M.Sc. – Maxim S. Shchekotov – mo- bile services and social media technologies. [email protected] Defense of the Theses Teslya N.N. – Development of Models and Methods for Service-Oriented Infomobility System. PhD in technical sciences, 05.13.11 “Mathematical and Software Support for Computers, Computer Systems and Networks” (SPIIRAS, supervisor Prof. A.V. Smirnov) Grants and Projects Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., – Group Control of Mobile Robots in Smart Space (RAS Presidium Program “Actual robotics problems”, 2015- 2017 joint with Prof. A.L. Ronzhin’ laboratory, SPIIRAS) Smirnov A., Levashova T., Ponomarev A. – Development of Fundamen- tals and Technological Basis of Building Man-Machine Cloud Services for

Decision Support Systems in Smart Space (RAS Presidium Program "Intelli- gent Information Technologies and Systems", 2015–2017, the Project no. 213) Smirnov A., Shilov N. – Development of the Methodology for Building In- fomobile User Support Systems (Nanotechnologies and Information Technol- ogy Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Program on Intelligent Information Technologies, System Analysis and Automation, 2015-2017, pro- ject 2.2). Smirnov A., Shilov N. – Methods and Models for Socially-Oriented Deci- sion Support of Transport Process Participants (the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2013-2015 - grant № 13-07-12095-ofi). Smirnov A. – Development of a Methodology and Models for Configura- tion of Dynamic Resource Networks in Smart Spaces for Users Support (the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2014-2016 - grant № 14-07-00345). Levashova T. – Development of a Methodology and Models for Design of Context-aware Decision Support Systems based on Knowledge Integration Patterns (the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2014-2016 - grant № 114-07-00427). Savosin S. – Development of Logic-Dynamic Based Methods for Intelli- gent Decision Support in Diagnosis & Management of Dynamical Systems (the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2014-2016 - grant № 14-07- 00363). Savosin S. – Development of Semantic Models for Business Processes Integration based on Web-Services in Flexible Supply Networks (the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2014-2016 - grant № 14-07-00378, 2014- 2016 joint with Prof. V. Popovich’ lab, SPIIRAS). Kashevnik A. – Context-Oriented Knowledge Management for Decision Support of Smart Space Participants (the Russian Foundation for Basic Re- search, 2013-2015 - grant № 13-07-00336). Pashkin M. – Development of Ontological Models and Mechanisms for Context-Aware Access to Smart Space Resources (the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2013-2015 - grant № 13-01-00286). Ponomarev A. – Development of Theoretical and Technological Founda- tions for the Construction of the Context-Aware Recommendation Systems for Information Resources Selection (the Russian Foundation for Basic Re- search, 2013-2015 - grant № 13-07-00271). Kashevnik A. – Models and Methods for Personalized Support of Produc- tion Network Participants for Decision Support Tasks (the Russian Founda- tion for Basic Research, 2013-2015 - grant № 13-07-00039 joint with Prof. B. Osipov’ lab, SPIIRAS). Shilov N. – Context-Dependent Proactive Modelling for Decision Support in Transport Systems (the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2015- 2017- grant № 15-07-08391 joint with Prof. B. Sokolov’ lab, SPIIRAS).

University Courses SPSEEU, Department of Research Automation: Decision Support Sys- tems in Manufacturing (Prof. A. Smirnov). SPSEEU, Department of Research Automation: Intelligent Data Analy- sis; Knowledge Engineering (Assoc. Prof. N. Shilov). Conferences The 6th All-Russian Conference on Theory and Practice of System Dy- namics, Apatiti, Russia, March 30 – April, 2015. – A. Smirnov The 17th Conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Ya- roslavl, Russia, April 20-24, 2015. – A. Kashevnik, A. Ponomarev, N. Teslya, M. Shchekotov The 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, April 27-30, 2015. – A. Smirnov The 7th International Workshop on Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems (IF&GIS’ 2015), Grenoble, France, May 18-20, 2015 – A. Smirnov The 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference (PSS 2015), Saint-Etienne, France, May 21-22, 2015. – A. Smirnov The 18th International Conference, BIS 2015, Poznań, Poland, June 24- 26, 2015. – A. Smirnov, N. Shilov The 8th International Сonference on Internet of Things and Smart Spac- es (ruSMART 2015), St.Petersburg, Russia, August 26-27, 2015. – A. Kashevnik The14th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informat- ics Research (BIR 2015), Tartu, Estonia, August 26-28, 2015. – A. Smirnov, N. Shilov The International Congress on Intelligent Systems and Information Technologies (IS&IT 2015), Divnomorskoe, Russia, September 2-9, 2015. – A. Smirnov The First IDEA Workshop in conjunction with the 4th European Confer- ence on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2015), Taormina, Italy, September 15-17, 2015 – A. Ponomarev The 7th Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS 2015), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-9, 2015 – N. Shilov The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applica- tions, St. Julians, Malta, October 11 - 16, 2015. – A. Smirnov The 7th All-Russian Conference “Simulation: Theory and Practice”, Moscow, Russia, October 21-23, 2015 – V. Shpakov Research Management Smirnov A. – member of Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Scientific Basis of Information Technologies and Automation. Smirnov A. – expert of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science in the area “Information Technologies and Computational Systems”, expert of

Analytical Center of Russian Government; expert of European Commission (Directorate-General Information Society – Research; NEST, FET) and Euro- pean Research Council (ERC). Kashevnik A. – Secretary of the Working Group on Smart Spaces, the Open Innovations Association FRUCT (Finnish-Russian University Coopera- tion in Telecommunications). International Cooperation Smirnov A. – visiting professor of Jönköping University (Sweden), con- sulting of Ford Motor Company (USA) and Festo (Germany). Shilov N. – visiting professor of Jönköping University (Sweden). Membership in Domestic and International Societies, Editorial Boards, etc. Smirnov A. – member of technical committee of IFAC TC 5.1 on Manu- facturing Plant Control; IEEE SMC TC on Cyber-Physical Cloud Systems, IEEE COMCOS ETC on Situation Management, IFIP TC WG5.1 on Global Product Development for the Whole Life-Cycle. Smirnov A. – member of IEEE, honorary member of International Asso- ciation “Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication”, and fellow of the European Academy of Industrial Man- agement. Smirnov A. – member of Advisory Committee & Editor Board of Journal on Information Technologies and Computer Systems (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia); Journal on Artificial Intelligent and Decision Making (Rus- sian Academy of Sciences, Russia); Journal of Information & Control Sys- tems (Russia), Journal “SPIIRAS Proceedings” (Russia), Journal of Comput- er Research and Development (the Chinese Academy of Sciences); Interna- tional Journal of Multiagent and Grid Systems (IOS Press); International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications (Springer), International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies (Inderscience Publish- ers), Management and Production Engineering Review (the Polish Academy of Sciences), International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management (In- derscience Publishers), Intelligent Industrial Systems (Springer). Levashova T. – a member of Editor Board of Journal “Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly” (RTU Press). Recent Results 1. Requirements specification for human-computer cloud services for deci- sion support in smart spaces has been developed. The specification includes requirements from the following topics: programming methods and tools, quality management, user interface, incentives and rewarding, interoperabil- ity, decision support, and interaction via smart spaces. Further, conceptual model has been proposed for human-computer services based decision sup- port in smart spaces, allowing dynamic reconfiguration of human-computer cloud for a specific problem. [4, 6, 21, 26, 45].

2. A technology model for building problem-oriented decision support sys- tems in smart spaces has been developed. In the framework of service- oriented architecture, the model integrates the following technologies - con- text-aware knowledge integration, ontology-based modelling of smart space resources, multilevel self-organization of smart space resources, intelligent agents, and Internet communities [1-3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16-20, 23-25, 28-34, 36-38, 41, 44]. 3. A methodology for groups of mobile robots and info-communication re- sources self-organization for joint tasks solving in smart space has been devel- oped. The methodology allows to organize common access to information and knowledge of robots / resources with using of ontology management technolo- gy. Self-Organization is based on publish / subscribe mechanism taking into account current situation [9-11, 13, 15, 22, 27, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46]. Awards The paper «Privacy-Preserving Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Recommendation Architecture» by Smirnov A. and Ponomarev A. has got “The best paper in the area Software Agents and Internet Computing” award in the 17th Interna- tional Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2015 (Spain, Barcelona, April 2015). References Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 1. Smirnov A., Levashova T., Shilov N. Patterns for Context-Based Knowledge Fusion in Decision Support // Information Fusion, 2015, Vol. 21, pp. 114–129. 2. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Teslya N. Context-Aware Access Control Model for Privacy Support in Mobile-Based Assisted Living // Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2015. Vol.24, issue (3). pp. 333–342. 3. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Ponomarev A., Savosin S. Ontology-Based Organization of Interactions between Services in the Smart Space for Hybrid System Control // Scientific and Technical Information Pro- cessing. 2015. Vol. 42, No. 5. pp. 3–15. 4. Smirnov A., Levashova T., Shilov N., Kashevnik A. Context-Aware Deci- sion Support in Dynamic Environments: Theoretical & Technological Foundations // M.S. Obaidat et al. (eds.), Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 319. Springer, 2015, pp. 3–20. 5. Smirnov A., Shilov N., Kashevnik A. Multilevel Self-organization in Smart Environment: Approach and Major Technologies // Knowledge Discov- ery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management; eds. by A. Fred, J.L.G. Dietz, K. Liu, J. Filipe. Communications in Computer and In- formation Science. Vol. 454. Springer. 2015. pp. 311–325. 6. Smirnov A., Ponomarev A. Crowd Computing Framework for Geoinfor- mation Tasks // Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems (IF&GIS' 2015), Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer. 2015. pp. 109–123.

7. Smirnov A., Levashova T., Shilov N. Role-Driven Context-Based Deci- sion Support: Approach, Implementation and Lessons Learned // Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Man- agement, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 553, Springer. 2015. pp. 525–540. 8. Smirnov A., Levashova N., Shilov N., Kashevnik A. Decision Support for Wide Area Disasters // Fusion Methodologies in Crisis Management; eds. by G.Rogova, P.Scott. Springer. 2015. pp. 521–545. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-22527-2 9. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Lashkov I., Hashimoto N., Boyali A. Smartphone-Based Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Vehicles Rider Assis- tant // Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Open Innovations As- sociation FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2015, pp. 201–209. 10. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Mikhailov S., Shabaev A. Smart- M3-Based Robots Self-Organization in Pick-and-Place System // Pro- ceedings of the 17th Conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2015. pp. 210–215. 11. Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Padun B., Kipriyanov K., Arckhipov V. Industri- al Cyber-Physical System for Lenses Assembly: Configuration Work- station Scenario // Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Open In- novations Association FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2015. pp. 62–67. 12. Ponomarev A., Parfenov V. Verification-Enabling Interaction Model for Services in Smart Space: a TAIS Case // Proceedings of the 17th Con- ference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2015. pp. 163–172. 13. Shchekotov M. Indoor Localization Methods Based on Wi-Fi Lateration and Signal Strength Data Collection // Proceedings of the 17th Confer- ence of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2015. pp. 186–191. 14. Smirnov A., Ponomarev A. Privacy-Preserving Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Recommendation System Architecture: Locality-Sensitive Hashing in Structured Overlay Network // Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain. 2015. Vol. 2, pp. 532–542. 15. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Ponomarev A. Multi-level Self-organization in Cyber-physical-social Systems: Smart Home Cleaning Scenario // Pro- ceedings of the 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference (PSS 2015), Procedia CIRP. 2015. Vol. 30, pp. 329–334. 16. Sandkuhl K., Smirnov A., Shilov N., Koç H. Ontology-Driven Enterprise Modelling in Practice: Experiences from Industrial Cases // CAiSE 2015 International Workshops. Lecture Notes in Business Information Pro- cessing, Vol. 215. Springer. 2015. pp. 209–220. 17. Smirnov A., Sandkuhl K., Shilov N., Teslya N. Context Variation for Ser- vice Self-Contextualization in Cyber-Physical Systems // Proceedings of the 18th International Conference, BIS 2015, Poznań, Poland, Springer,

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 208, 2015, pp. 309–320. 18. Kaidalova J., Lewańska E., Seigerroth U., Shilov N. Interrelations be- tween Enterprise Modeling Focal Areas and Business and IT Alignment Domains // Proceedings of the 18th International Conference, BIS 2015, Poznań, Poland, Springer, Lecture Notes in Business Information Pro- cessing, Vol. 208, 2015, pp. 273–284. 19. Sandkuhl K., Smirnov A., Shilov N. Cyber-Physical Systems in an Enter- prise Context: from Enterprise Model to System Configuration // BIS 2015 International Workshops, Poznań, Poland, Springer, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 228, 2015. pp. 148–159. 20. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Ponomarev A., Shchekotov M., Kulakov K. Application for e-Tourism: Intelligent Mobile Tourist Guide // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Man- agement (ESKM 2015) in conjunction with IIAI 4th International Confer- ence on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2015), Okayama, Ja- pan, 2015, pp. 40–45. 21. Smirnov A., Shilov N., Gusikhin O. Socio-Cyberphysical System for Pro- active Driver Support - Approach and Case Study // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2015), Colmar, Alsace, France, SCITEPRESS. 2015. pp. 289–295. 22. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Mikhailov S., Mironov M., Baraniuc O. Multi- Level Robots Self-Organisation in Smart Space: Approach and Case Study // Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Internet of Things and Smart Spaces ( ruSMART 2015), St.Petersburg, Russia, Springer, LNCS 9247. 2015. pp. 68–79. 23. Korzun D., Balandin S., Kashevnik A., Smirnov A. The Smart-M3 Plat- form: Experience of Smart Spaces Application Development for Internet of Things // Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Internet of Things and Smart Spaces (ruSMART 2015), St.Petersburg, Russia, Springer, LNCS 9247. 2015. pp. 56–67. 24. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Oroszi A., Sinko M., Krebs T. Changing Business Information Systems for Innovative Configuration Processes // R. Matulevičius, F. Maggi, P. Küngas (Eds.) Joint Proceed- ings of the BIR 2015 Workshops and Doctoral Consortium co-located with 14th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Infor- matics Research (BIR 2015), Tartu, Estonia, CEUR, Vol. 1420. 2015. pp. 62–73. 25. Smirnov A., Levashova T., Shilov N. Online Communities for Agent Col- laboration in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems // R. Matulevičius, F. Mag- gi, P. Küngas (Eds.) Joint Proceedings of the BIR 2015 Workshops and Doctoral Consortium co-located with 14th International Conference on Perspectives in Research (BIR 2015), Tartu, Esto- nia, CEUR, Vol. 1420. 2015. pp. 124–135.

26. Smirnov A., Sandkuhl K. Changing Context-Oriented Knowledge Man- agement for Decision Support in Business Networks: Modern Require- ments and Challenges. Invited talk // Raimundas Matulevičius, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Peep Küngas (Eds.) Joint Proceedings of the BIR 2015 Workshops and Doctoral Consortium co-located with 14th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR 2015), Tartu, Estonia, CEUR, Vol. 1420. 2015. pp. 9–23. 27. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N. Cyber-Physical-Social System Self- Organization: Ontology-Based Multi-Level Approach and Case Study // Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Self- Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Cambridge, MA, USA. 2015. pp. 168–169. 28. Lashkov I., Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Parfenov V. Ontology-Based Ap- proach and Implementation of ADAS System for Mobile Device Use While Driving // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (KESW 2015), Moscow, Russia, Springer, 2015, pp. 117–131. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-24543-0. Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 29. Levashova T. A Methodology for Management of Smart Space Re- sources // Scientific Bulletin of NSTU, Novosibirsk, 2015. Vol. 58, no. 1. pp. 171–182. (In Russ.). 30. Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Mikhailov S.A., Mironov M.D. Multi-Layer Self-Organization of Cyber-Physical System Resources: Context- Oriented Approach and Implementation // Scientific and Technical In- formation Processing, 2015, Vol. 4, pp. 95–103. (In Russ.). 31. Ponomarev A. Decentralized Recommendation System Architecture Based on Locality-Sensitive Hashing // Information and Control Sys- tems, 2015, vol.5, pp. 91–99. (In Russ.). Other Publications 32. Stamer D., Ponomarev A., Shilov N., Smirnov A. Technical Perspective on Using Information Demand Pattern in a Collaborative Recommenda- tion System for Improving E-Mail Communication // Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly CSIMQ. 2015. Issue 2. pp. 31–45. 33. Smirnov A., Levashova T., Shilov N. Knowledge Fusion Patterns for Context Aware Decision Support // Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology; ed. by M. Khosrow-Pour, Third Edition. IGI Global, 2015 (chapter 57 in book of 758 chapters, 10 volumes). pp. 599–611. 34. Smirnov A., Shilov N., Fedotov Y., Krotov K. Context-Aware Self- Configuration of Flexible Combined Transportation Chains: Theoretical and Technological Foundations // Proceedings of mobil.TUM 2015 Con- ference, Munich, Germany, 2015. 35. Smirnov A., Shilov N. Service-Based Socio-Cyberphysical Network Modeling for Guided Self-Organization // Proceedings of the 7th Confer-

ence on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS 2015), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2015. 36. Kashevnik A.M., Korzun D.Z., Balandin S.I., Ponomarev A.V., Smart Space-Based Recommendation Systems Development // Petrozavodsk, PetrGU, 2015. 73 p. (In Russ.). 37. Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Ponomarev A. Intelligent Decision Support System for Tourism: Architecture and Implementation // Pro- ceedings of the 6th all-Russian Scientific Conference “Theory and Prac- tice of System Dynamics”, Apatity, 2015, pp. 76–79. (In Russ.). 38. Shchekotov M. Android e-Tourism Application Tourist Assistant – TAIS // Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Open Innovations Associa- tion FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2015, pp. 344–344. 39. Teslya N. Robots Interaction in Smart Space: Object Finding Scenario // Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Open Innovations Associa- tion FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2015, pp. 350–350. 40. Mikhailov S. Lego Mindstorm EV3-Based Pick-and-Place System // Pro- ceedings of the 17th Conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2015, pp. 318–318. 41. Smirnov A., Lashkov I. State-of-the-Art Analysis of Available Advanced Driver Assistance Systems // Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2015, pp. 345–349. 42. Kashevnik A. Ontology-Based Robots Self-Organization in Cyber- Physical Systems // Proceedings of the Annual International Workshop on Advances in Methods of Information and Communication Technology (AMICT’2015), 2015. 43. Hashimoto N., Tomita K., Boyli A., Matsumoto O., Smirnov A., Ka- shevnik A., Lashkov I. Operational Evaluation of New Transportation Method for Smart City: Use of Personal Mobility Vehicles under Three Different Scenarios // Proceedings of the Fourth International Confer- ence on Smart Systems, Devices and Technologies, 2015, pp. 1–6. 44. Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Teslya N.N., Singayevsky A., Multi- Model Routes Development of Public Transport Network for Infomobility // Proceedings of Intelligent Systems and Technologies Conference (IS- IT’15), Moskov, Fizmatlit, 2015, pp. 243–249. (In Russ.). 45. Smirnov A., Shilov N., Teslya N., Kashevnik A. Crowdsourcing-Based Multi-Layer Automated Ontology Matching: An Approach and Case Study // Proceedings of INTELLI 2015 : the Fourth International Confer- ence on Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015. pp. 74–79. 46. Shpakov V. About using Simulation for Physics Learning // Proceedings of the 7th All-Russian Conference “Simulation: Theory and Practice”, Moscow, Russia. 2015. pp. 184–189.

Laboratory of Information Technologies in System Analysis and Modeling

Head of the Laboratory: Professor, Dr. Tech. Sci., honored scientist, Lau- reate of the Russian Government in the field of science and technology, Boris V. Sokolov – fundamental and applied investigations in system modeling and in the theory of optimal control, development of mathematical models and methods for multi-objective decision making in complex technical- organizational systems under conditions of uncertainty. [email protected] Laboratory Staff – 16 members and 6 post-graduate students. Research Activities Development, research and implementation of methodological, methodical and technological bases of automation and intellectualization of processes of complex modeling of complex systems and processes at different stages of their life cycle. Research Fellows Leading Researcher, Professor, Dr. Tech. Sci. – Vyacheslav I. Mironov – fundamental and applied investigations in system modeling, in the theory of optimal observation and dynamic-processes control, in calculus mathematics, in space-flight ballistics, and in statistical analysis as applied to characteris- tics of complex technical systems, [email protected] Leading Researcher, Professor, Dr. Tech. Sci., Honored scientist – Yury I. Ryzhikov – numerical approximation, queuing theory and simulation, inven- tory theory, educator of scientists, [email protected] Leading Researcher, Professor, Dr. Tech. Sci., Honored scientist – Al- exander P. Kovalev – System analysis and modeling of complex space- rocket systems at different stages of their life cycle. Leading Researcher, Professor, Dr. Tech. Sci. – Vladimir V. Mihailov – Modeling of populational, ecological, and ecological-economical systems, modeling of bioclimatic fields for ranges of populations, [email protected] Leading Researcher, Professor, Dr. Tech. Sci. – Mikhail Yu. Okhtilev – fundamental approaches to structure-functional synthesis of intellectual in- formation technologies and real-time monitoring systems as applied to com- plex technical objects in dynamic environment, [email protected] Leading Researcher, Professor, Dr. Econom. Sci. – Dmitry N. Verzilin – Modeling socio-economic systems and processes, ver- [email protected] Leading Researcher, Professor, Dr. Tech. Sci. – Vyacheslav A. Zelen- tsov – Intellectual information technologies, integrated processing of aero- space information in monitoring and control systems servicing organizational- technical complexes, the theory of hierarchical systems, reliability and maintenance of complex systems, [email protected]

Leading Researcher, Professor, Dr. Tech. Sci. – Alexander A. Musaev – Modeling and automation of control processes for complex technological ob- jects, [email protected] Leading Researcher, Associate professor, Dr. Tech. Sci. – Vadim V. Bu- rakov – Methodology of software quality evaluation, refactoring of software, [email protected] Senior Researcher, Associate professor, PhD. – Nikolay P. Kirillov – In- formational technologies generating structured rules and decision-making algorithms for control of technical systems, [email protected] Senior Researcher, Associate professor, Dr. Tech. Sci. – Alexander N. Pavlov – Models and methods of multi-criteria decision making under uncer- tainty, [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Alexander N. Kozhanov – Fundamental and applied research on problems of an integrated modeling, development of mathematical models and methods for decision-making support in complex organizational and technical systems, application of geo-systems, [email protected]. Senior Researcher, Associate professor, Ph.D. – Alevtina V. Zyuban – Problem-oriented databases, software for computing and communication sys- tems and networks, information technologies of intelligent decision-support, researches of socio-economic and economic-geographic processes, eco- nomic problems of modernization, innovative development and environmental safety applying natural science methods, [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Semen A. Potriasaev – fundamental and applied problems of integrated modeling and control of dynamic systems with reconfigurable structure, the development of mathematical models and meth- ods for decision support in complex organizational and technical systems under uncertainty and multi-criteria, [email protected] Researcher, Ph.D. – Oleg F. Korolev – Methodology of modeling auto- mation, [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Inna V. Solovieva – Research and devel- opment of models and methods for real-time correction of plans defining the use of information systems, [email protected] Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – Victoria V. Tuboltzeva – Development of al- gorithmic models, automation of software designs, [email protected] Senior Scientist, Ph.D. – Pashchenko Anton E. – modeling and statisti- cal evaluation of the parameters of risk behavior in the information deficit. The use of scenario approaches for the development of mathematical models and methods for decision support in complex organizational and technical systems, [email protected] Leading researcher, Professor, Dr. Tech. Sci. – Mikoni Stanislav V. – system analysis, intelligent technologies, decision-making theory, [email protected]

Post-graduate Students Kulakov A.Yu. (SPIIRAS third year post-graduate) – Models and algo- rithms for reconfiguring complex objects under changing conditions – super- viser Pavlov A.N. Pimanov Ilya Yuryevich – graduate student of SPIIRAS, set of 2014 – superviser Zelentsov V.A. Malysheva Irma Vladimirovna – graduate student of SPIIRAS set of 2014 – superviser Sokolov B. V. Nazarov Dmitry Igorievich – graduate student of SPIIRAS, set of 2014 – superviser Sokolov B. V. Krylov Aleksei Valer'evich – graduate student of SPIIRAS, set of 2015 – superviser Sokolov B. V. Ohtilev Pavel Alekseevich – graduate student of SPIIRAS, set of 2015 – superviser Sokolov B. V. Grants and Projects Yusupov R.M. – Project #13-07-00279-a from Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Research and development of intellectual information tech- nology for proactive monitoring and control of complex objects via ground- based and space-based means. (2013-2015). Burakou V.V. – Project #13-08-01250-a from Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Development and application of models qualimetry and poly-model complexes for an analysis and synthesis of scenarios describing flexible situational interaction in man-machine control systems of complex objects. (2013-2015). Sokolov B.V. – Project #13-07-12120 - ofi_m from Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Intelligent information technology for real-time monitoring and proactive modeling of floods using satellite imagery and access to the results through . (2013-2015). Zelentsov V.A. – Project #13-08-00702 from Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Research and development of a methodology and a proto- type automated information system for integrated ground-space monitoring vegetation dynamics of the Far North. (2013-2015). Mikhailov V.V. – Project #15-07-01230 from Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Development of methods of computational modeling of the dynamics exposed to excessive industrial catches of fish populations and evaluate the effectiveness of measures for their artificial restoration based event-driven scenario models. (2015-2017). Ohtilev M.Yu. – Project #15-08-08459 from Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Research and development of models and methods of com- plex adaptive planning of the system management of complex technical ob- jects. (2015-2017)

Sokolov B.V. – Project #15-07-08391 from Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Context-sensitive predictive modeling complex to support decision making in transportation systems. (2015-2017) Yusupov R.M. – Fundamental research Program of the Division of Nanotechnologies and Information Technology (DNIT RAS), "Fundamentals of Information Technology and Systems" “Intelligent information technology, systems analysis and automation” (Project # 2.11) “Complex modeling, multi- criteria evaluation and risk analysis in the formulation of management deci- sions in a fault tolerant information system”. Zelentsov V.A. – Research from International Committee of the Project IASMS: Prospects for integration of information resources of Russian space vehicles in the interests of solving the problems of monitoring and control of the forecast. Sokolov B.V. – Design and development work. Federal State Unitary En- terprise Design Office “Arsenal”. Development of methods and algorithmic support of integrated simulation of transport-energy module for calculation and analysis of indicators of reliability and survivability. Zelentsov V.A. – An integral part of work on the implementation of measures aimed at creating a geographic information system (Center) agro- industrial complex of the Leningrad region in 2014 "Thematic processing of remote sensing data". Sokolov B.V. – International project - IP of research "Monitoring - SG" - Development of methodological support and experimental software for the analysis and prediction of reliability characteristics of the onboard equipment small-sized spacecraft at different stages of the life cycle ", stages 3. Pashchenko A.E. – Grant Agreement No. 998X-14-60202-1. Название: «The role of complex determinants of HIV-infected patients in the adherence to HAART, Saint-Petersburg, Russia». Sokolov B.V. – IP of research. Customer "Center of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology". "The development of simulation technology indus- trial complexes shipyards" Code "Model C". University Courses SPbSUAU, Chair of computer systems and networks. Subjects: Modeling packages, Simulation technologies, Discrete mathematics. (Mikhailov V.V.) SPbSUAU, Chair of computer mathematics and programming. Subjects: Systems Analysis, Mathematical Methods and models of operations re- search. (Sokolov B.V.) The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Faculty of Economics (Mos- cow): "" (Mikoni S.V.) SPbSPU, Chair of political economy. Subjects: Mathematical methods in economics. (Verzilin D.N.)

Mojaisky MCA, Chair of computer-aided control systems. Subjects: Methods and technologies of control decision making; Systems analysis and organization of computer-aided control systems. Inter-branch Institute for ed- ucation and information. Subjects: Basics of System approach and systems analysis; Processes control. (Pavlov A.N.) SPbSUAU, Chair of computer mathematics and programming. Subjects: Design of software tools for scientific researches. (Zelentsov V.A.) Mojaisky MCA, Chair for aircraft autonomic control systems. Subjects: Spacecrafts control systems. (Mironov V.I.) SPbSUAU, Chair of computer mathematics and programming. Subjects: Database management system and databases, Programming C++. (Zyu- ban A.V.) Saint Petersburg State University, faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes. Elective course Mathematical modeling of social and economic processes. (Solovieva I.V.) SPbSUAU, Chair of computer mathematics and programming. Subjects: Structures and data processing algorithms, Algorithms and structures for data processing. (Matiash V.A.) St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (technical university), De- partment of System Analysis. Subjects: "Theory of probabilities and mathe- matical statistics", "Methodology of dissertation research” (for postgraduate students). (Musaev A.A.) SPbSUAU, Chair of computer mathematics and programming. Subjects: The structure and data processing algorithms; Opportunities and the use of remote sensing of the Earth; Remote sensing - Space-based Information Processing. (Matiash V.A.) Conferences Symposium Automated Systems and Technologies AST'2015 (St.Petersburg, Russia, 25-26 May 2015) – Zelentsov V.A., Pavlov A.N., Mo- chalov V.F., Potriasaev S.A., Ohtilev M.Yu. 5. 29th European Comference on Modelling and Simulation (May, 26th- 29th, 2015, Albena (Varna), Bulgaria) – Sokolov B.V., Pashchenko A.E., Po- triasaev S.A., Zuban A.V., Zelentsov V.A. Third International Scientific Conference "Simulation and modeling of complex marine engineering and marine transportation systems" - "PCM MTMTS 2015" (July 1, 2015, St. Petersburg) – Sokolov B.V., Pashchen- ko A.E., Potriasaev S.A., Mochalov V.F., Zelentsov V.A., Pavlov A.N., Ryzhi- kov Y.I. Seventh All-Russia Scientific Conference "Simulation. Theory and Prac- tice" (IMMOD 2015) (21-23 October. 2015, Moscow) – Sokolov B.V., Mikoni S.V. III International Conference "Stability and Control Processes" (St. Pe- tersburg, October 5-9, 2015) – Sokolov B.V.

International Scientific School "Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems" IDB-2015 (St. Petersburg, 17-19 November, 2015) – Sokolov B.V. The 4th Computer Science On-line Conference, CSOC 2015 (Zlin; Czech Republic; 27 April 2015 through 30 April 2015) – Sokolov B.V., Zelen- tsov V.A., Pavlov A.N., Mochalov V.F., Potriasaev S.A., Ohtilev M.Yu. International Environmental Conference "Environment protection and in- dustrial activity in the North." Norilsk. (09.30.2015) – Mikhailov V.V. International scientific-practical conference "The role of protected areas in biodiversity conservation" (21-24 October 2015) Cheboksary – Mikhai- lov V.V. International Conference: "Protection and management of animal and plant resources" dedicated to the sixtieth of the first issue of biologists - hunt- ing experts Irkutsk Agricultural Institute, (28-31 May 2015). Irkutsk – Mikhai- lov V.V. Scientific conference Theriological society "The structure species of mammalian" (21-23 October 2015). Moscow – Mikhailov V.V. VIII All-Russian Multiconference on Control Problems, (28.09- 03.10.2015). Gelendzhik, Divnomorskoe – Mikhailov V.V. All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Problems and prospects of socio-economic and ethno-cultural development of indigenous peoples of the North" (21.09-28.09.2015). Voronezh – Mikhailov V.V. International Conference "System analysis in the design and manage- ment." (1-3 July 2015, St. Petersburg) – Mikoni S.V. International Congress on Intelligent Systems and Information Technol- ogy IS-IT'15 (3-9 September 2015, Gelendzhik-Divnomorskoe) – Mikoni S.V. Conference "Regional Informatics and Information Security" (October 25-27, 2015, St. Petersburg) – Mikoni S.V. XXXIV National Conference "Problems of efficiency and safety of com- plex technical and information systems" on June 21-22, 2015 Serpukhov, VA Strategic Missile Forces of Peter the Great – Mironov V.I. X All-Russian commemorative STC "Problems of perfection of robotics and intelligent systems aircraft" 21-22 June 2015, Moscow, the Moscow Avia- tion Institute – Mironov V.I. Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language & Information Extraction, Social Media and Web Search FRUCT Conference (9-14 November 2015, Saint Petersburg) – Mikoni S.V. II All-Russian scientific conference "Ecology and Space" Academician KY Kondratiev, St. Petersburg, GCA them. A.F.Mozhayskogo, 10-11 Febru- ary 2015 – Matyas V.A., Rogachev S.A. Scientific Conference on Control Problems in technical systems (putts 2015) (St.-Petersburg. October 28-30, 2015) – Musaev A.A.

International scientific-practical conference "Globalization of Science: Problems and Prospects" (June 2, 2015, Ufa) – Musaev A.A. International scientific-practical conference "Modern science: theoretical and practical view" (Neftekamsk, 2015) – Musaev A.A. Research Management The organization of the conference "System analysis, integrated fashion- The organization of the Third International Scientific Conference "Simulation and modeling of complex marine engineering and marine transportation sys- tems" - "PCM MTMTS 2015" (July 1, 2015, St. Petersburg). Organization of the Seventh All-Russia Scientific Conference "Simula- tion. Theory and Practice "(IMMOD 2015). 21-23 October 2015, Moscow. At the sessions of the conference took part 175 people. It was presented 136 reports. International Collaboration Collaboration with Lappeenranta Technological University - organization of training courses for students, postgraduated students and lecturers of the State University of Aviation Instrumentation. Collaboration with Wirma Lappeenranta OY, Finland as an expert of the project of cross-border cooperation «From Innovation to Business». Cooperation with University of Northern Aiova. Participation at the International projects CARMA (Circum Arctic Rangi- fer Monitoring and Assessment). Cooperation with the International Public Committee for implementation of International Aerospace System Project of the Global Monitoring (IASMS): representation of SPIIRAS as a participant in IASMS noncommercial partner- ship, cooperation on defining the principles and methodology for integration of heterogeneous navigation and telecommunication resources. Cooperation with Riga Technical University and Riga Polytechnic Uni- versity Institute of Transport and Communications (Latvia) on the program «Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Program within European Neighborhood and Partnership instrument 2007-2013», joint applications for participation in the program TEMPUS, ERASMUS+. Cooperation with Demo Centres of Riga (Latvia), Tallinn and Tartu (Es- tonia) at the border of the program «Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Co- operation Programme within European Neighborhood and Partnership in- strument 2007-2013» within the project «Baltic ICT Platform». Cooperation with the Institute of Space Research of the National Acad- emy of Sciences of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine - prepar- ing a joint application for a grant of RFBR and NASU. Cooperation with the Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: the exchange of trainees, requirements specification for the joint international program "Monitoring-SG."

Cooperation with Federal State Budgetary Institution “Wildlife Sanctuary of Taymyr” and "Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve". Pashchenko A.E. the participant of the research project within the AIDS International Training and Research Program ―Training and Research in HIV Prevention in Russia program, joint with Yale university (a grant of NIH/Yale University 2D43TW001028 — 11A1/M12A11159(A08370)). Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Sokolov B.V. – The member of organizing committee of the International scientific school “Modeling and analysis of safety and risk in complex sys- tems”; The member of program committee of Russian-German conference on logistics; The member of program committee of the conference "Cybernetics and Advanced Technologies of 21st Century"; deputy-chairman of the pro- gram committee of the conference “Simulation: Theory and Applications”; The member of the editorial boards of the journals “Logbook of Information of Higher School: Instrument-making”, “Information Technologies”; The member of Cosmonautics federation; The full member of the International Academy of navigation and motion control; The member of the association “North-West”; The member of scientific-engineering committee for establishing International global airspace monitoring system; The academic board member of the li- brary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mironov V.I. – Academician of International Academy of Integrated Se- curity. Mikhailov V.V. – Member of the National Society of simulation, Member of the Society "Russian scientists socialist orientation (RSSO)." Chairman of ma- joring 230400.65, 230400.62. A member of the National Society of simulation. Zyuban A.V. – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natu- ral Sciences. Musaev A.A. – Member of American Mathematical Society (AMS). Ohtilev M.Yu. – The member of editors of the journal “Aerospace in- strument-making”; The full member of the International Academy of naviga- tion and motion control. Ryzhikov Yu.I. – The member of the program committee of the confer- ence “Simulation: Theory and Applications”. Mikoni S.V. – Member of the Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence. Verzilin D.N. – The member of program committee of the conference “Simulation: Theory and Applications” Matiash V.A. – Member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics after K.E. Tsiolkovsky (RAC), St. Petersburg branch. Intellectual Property Registed in the Reporting Year The patent №2542666 of February 19, 2014 for the invention according to the demand No. 2014106239 “The device for determining the optimal time control technical state apparatus” (Sokolov B.V., Grishin V.D., Potriasaev S.A., Pavlov A.N.)

The patent №2553077 of February 19, 2014 for the invention according to the demand №2014106241 Patent "The apparatus for determining the op- erating and technical characteristics of the product at an optimal period of his service" (Sokolov B.V., Grishin V.D., Kolesnikov K.G., Potriasaev S.A.). The positive decision on issue of the patent for the invention on the de- mand №2014142730 from 22.10.2014 "The device for determining the pa- rameters of the strategy maintenance funds system" is received (Sokolov B.V., Grishin V.D., Moskvin B.V., Potriasaev S.A.). The application for the invention N2015612034 from 11.02.2015 "The program for the calculation of the heat balance of the animals" is submitted (Mikhailov V.V.) The application for the invention N 2015610081 from 12.01.2015 "Inte- grated model of the lake" is submitted (Mikhailov V.V.) Recent Results 1. Developed and successfully implemented the methodology and tech- nique of designing and using a mobile service-oriented intellectual geoinfor- mation technologies and corresponding integrated system of proactive moni- toring and decision support in complex organizational and technical objects. The methodology and methods are based on the combined use of logical, linguistic and mathematical models, methods and algorithms that provide a parallel and geographically distributed processing and analysis in real time very large volumes of heterogeneous data in the presence of these flawed, inaccurate and contradictory information, as well as proactive predictive complex modeling in dynamically changing environments. The developed methodology, the technology has been tested in 2014-2015, with the solution of problems of territorial management in urban and rural municipalities of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region [3-14, 19-21, 43, 44]. 2. Established the relationship between the utility functions of many attribute utility theory and normalizing scalar functions multicriteria optimization. Pro- posed to consider normalizing function simple variant utility functions. A meth- od for automatically setting many attribute utility model based on neural net- work approach. Completed the systematization of methods of evaluation of objects by many criteria. Proposed draft design of intelligent assistance sys- tems to select the method the most appropriate the task at hand [1, 2, 25-28]. 3. Continue improving procedures for calculating multi-channel systems with phase approximations service by matrix-geometric, widely used by for- eign and domestic researchers, but almost exclusively for single-channel sys- tems. Been proposed and explored ways to address, of the underlying matrix quadratic equation: a simple iteration matrix generalizations Aitken scheme for the equation with one unknown, and the method of Lyusternik - from linear algebra, a specialized version of Newton's method [82-83]. 4. Continue (with Ulanov A.V.) study of the problem with the "impatient" requests - with random restrictions on the waiting time or staying in the sys-

tem. Developed programs on Fortran that implement numerical methods and simulation models. These programs received a certificate from the fund of algorithms. Found military space application of development. AV Ulanov suc- cessfully defended PhD thesis [81]. 5. Improved use of the new scheme of ray diagrams for multicriteria adop- tion making: based on the calculation of areas bounding matched options. VA Lokhvitskii developed stand-alone software application that allows you to re- alize the potential of the method in full (including the scaling of the axes, changing angles and central logging project). In order to prepare methodical recommendations relevant experience accumulated application (together with prof. A. Alekseev - to assess sonar systems to detect enemy submarines and firewalls in information networks) [80, 81]. 6. Developed prototype software system planning information interaction cluster of small satellites for Earth remote sensing, which allows to take into account aggregation and temporary restrictions on the processing and trans- fer of heterogeneous flows of information under the destructive influences. Designed complex was used for research in any subject areas as adaptive supply chain and shipbuilding [14-16, 46-54-59, 60]. 7. Developed prototype software system for the simulation of structural dynamics of the control contour of board of the spacecraft to parry failures and failures, as well as of the structural and functional reconfiguration of sen- sors and executive bodies of the traffic management systems considering satellites maintain energy balance board equipment [14-16, 54, 62-71]. 8. Developed methodology and intelligent information technology infor- mation resources integration of space systems for monitoring and forecasting of of natural and technological objects [10-13, 19-23]. 9. Developed methods and algorithms for parametric and structural ad- justment multimodal describe the functioning inherited corporate information systems [1-14, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52]. 10. Developed methodology of construction and the general architecture of hardware and software to develop and test methodologies and software tools to assess the reliability and survivability of onboard equipment low weight and size spacecraft during its design, and operation of ground tests [3, 10, 11, 17-18]. 11. Developed methodical support and software modules experimental samples analysis of the structural indicators of low weight and size spacecraft and its reliability considering the impact of space factors [11-14, 17-18]. 12. Developed and experimentally tested the methodology of integrated da- ta processing of ground and space monitoring of natural and natural- technological objects, including the monitoring of forest management, moni- toring and operational forecasting floods, monitoring of water objects [10-13, 19-23, 47, 56, 57].

13. Developed and experimentally tested a technique of ecological ground- space monitoring of territories in conditions of intensive technogenic devel- opment [10-13, 19-23, 57]. 14. Developed and produced the first implementation of software for infor- mation and analytical support processes of territorial management based on an integrated use of geospatial data and mobile Web-technology "Re- gionView" (base version) [10-13, 19-23, 43-47, 56, 57]. 15. Developed and tested a prototype of operational flood forecasting sys- tem based on service-oriented architecture [10-13, 56, 57]. 16. The methods and technology of integrated processing of ground and space-based data on the state of the vegetation cover of the Far North in the automated information monitoring system [10-13, 19-23]. 17. The developed prototype of an intelligent information platform for solving the problems of monitoring, analysis, complex modeling and forecasting of complex organizational, technical and of natural andtechnological systems was adapted to meet the challenges of multi-criteria estimating and analysis of integrated indicators satisfiability of production plans shipyard in a dynami- cally changing environment [3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 43, 44, 53]. 18. Proposed Multiple-description, combined methods and algorithms for solving the operational problems of scheduling prohibitions on the interrupt of the work and taking into account the interval specified disturbances were sig- nificantly modified and supplemented to account for branching processes scheme AND, OR, XOR, and for controlling the intensity of operations. These methods and algorithms have been implemented in the prototype of the new software module. To ensure the work as part of the previously developed intellectual platform prototype was implemented as a web service in compli- ance with the requirements for the unification and standardization of the soft- ware interface [3, 10, 11, 43, 44, 53]. 19. The program complex of information and analytical support processes of territorial management based on an integrated use of geospatial data and mobile web technologies "RegionView" was supplemented by a centralized system of administrationand new functions: the conduct of linked lists, map- ping the temporal and alternative data, providing flexible search index data archives [3, 10-13, 43, 44, 53]. 20. The methods, models and algorithms of adaptive multi regression esti- mation of chaotic processes the foreign exchange market. Proposals have been worked for information security in the defense industrial orientation [9, 10, 12, 14.1 6]. 21. Based on the analysis the current state of Russian terminology pro- posed to develop a program Antiinyaz to determine the proportion of optional foreign language in terms of scientific publications [1, 2, 25-28]. 22. Formed methodology and research technology migration and estimates of the number of wild reindeer Taimyr population using satellite radio collars

and computer simulator. The mathematical description of the kinematic mod- el of the walking robot as a system for determining the position of the robot units for given angles of turn units limbs. A system of of difference equations, which allows simulating the movement of the robot with a visual representa- tion of its motion in space. The model can be used in the development and testing of algorithms for motion control of the robotand to control the dummy of the machine in the mode tracking coordinate drive [72-81]. References Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 1. Merkuryeva G.V., Merkuryev Y.A., Lectauers A., Sokolov B.V., Po- tryasaev S.A., Zelentsov V.A. Advanced river flood monitoring, modeling and forecasting // Journal of Computational Science. 2015. Vol. 10, pp. 77–85. 2. Sokolov B.V., Yusupov R.M., Ivanov D.A. Conceptual description of in- tegrated risk modelling problems for managerial decisions in complex organisational and technical systems // International Journal of Risk As- sessment and Management. 2015. Vol. 18, Issue 3-4, pp. 288–306. 3. Boris Sokolov, Dmitry Ivanov. Integrated scheduling of material flows and information services in industry 4.0 supply networks // IFAC- PapersOnLine. 2015. vol. 48-3. pp. 1533–1538. 4. Ivanov D., Sokolov B. Coordination of the supply chain schedules with re-scheduling considerations // IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2015. vol. 48-3. pp. 1509–1514. 5. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Solovyeva I., Dolgui A., Jie F. Ripple Effect in the Time-Critical Food Supply Chains and Recovery Policies // IFAC- PapersOnLine. 2015. vol. 48-3. pp. 1682–1687. 6. Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B. Supply Chain Design with Disruption Considerations: Review of Research Streams on the Ripple Effect in the Supply Chain // IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2015. vol. 48-3. pp. 1700–1707. 7. Sokolov B., Ivanov D. Integrated scheduling of material flows and infor- mation services in industry 4.0 supply networks // IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2015. vol. 48-3. pp. 1533–1538. 8. Sokolov B.V., Pashchenko A.Ev., Potryasaev S.A., Ziuban A.V., Zelen- tsov V.A. Operational Flood Forecasting As A Web-Service // Proceed- ings. 29th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2015. Albena (Varna), Bulgaria. 2015. pp. 364-370. ISBN 978-0- 9932440-0-1. Scopus. 9. Sokolov B.V., Zelentsov V.A., Brovkina O., Pavlov A.N., Mochalov V.F., Potryasaev S.A. Intelligent Integrated Decision Support Systems for Ter- ritory Management // Artificial Intelligence Perspectives and Applica- tions. Proceedings of the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference

2015 (CSOC2015), Vol 1: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Compu- ting, 2015, Vol. 347, pp 321–331. Springer, Scopus. 10. Sokolov B.V., Zelentsov V.A., Brovkina O., Pavlov A.N., Mochalov V.F., Potryasaev S.A. Models adaptation of complex objects structure dynam- ics control – Intelligent Integrated Decision Support Systems for Territory Management // Intelligent Systems in Cybernetics and Automation Theo- ry. Proceedings of the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference 2015 (CSOC2015), Vol 2: Intelligent Systems in Cybernetics and Automation Theory. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015, Vol. 348, pp 21–34. Springer, Scopus. 11. Potryasaev S., Sokolov B., Zelentsov V. River floods short-term fore- casting system based on integrated use of space-ground dat. - Geosci- ences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE Interna- tional, 2015. pp. 1377-1380. 12. Ivanov D., Hartl R., Dolgui A., Pavlov A., Sokolov B. Integration of ag- gregate distribution and dynamic transportation planning in a supply chain with capacity disruptions and the ripple effect consideration // In- ternational Journal of Production Research - INT J PROD RES. 2015. (accepted, In Press, DOI: 10.1080/00207543. 2014.986303). 13. Sokolov B., Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Pavlov A. Structural quantification of the ripple effect in the supply chain // International Journal of Production Research - INT J PROD RES. 2015. (accepted, In Press, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1055347). 14. Ivanov D., Hartl R., Dolgui A., Pavlov A., Sokolov B. Disruption-driven supply chain (re)-planning and performance impact assessment with consideration of pro-active and recovery policies // International Journal of Transportation Research. 2015. (accepted). Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 15. Akhmetov R.N., Vasiliev I.E., Kapitonov V.A., Ohtilev M.Yu., Sokolov B.V. The concept of creation and application of perspective au- tomation preparation and launch of a space rocket "Soyuz-2", new ap- proaches to integration, intellectualization, the management // Aero- space Instrument. 2015. No.4. pp. 3–54. (In Russ.). 16. M.Yu.Ohtilev, B.V.Sokolov, R.M.Yusupov. Theoretical and technological bases of the concept of proactive monitoring and management of com- plex objects // Bulletin of the SFedU. Technical science. 2015. No.1. pp. 162–174. (In Russ.). 17. Mezentsev V.A., Krylenko I. Romanov, I. Yu., Potriasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Achtman J. Fundamentals of data processing system re- mote sensing based on service-oriented architecture // Math. Universi- ties. Instrument. 2015. Vol. 58, No. 3. pp. 241–243. (In Russ.).

18. Alabyan A.M., Zelentsov V.A., Krylenko I.N., Potriasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Yusupov R.M. Operational forecasting of floods on the the basis of complex proactive modeling and integration of heterogeneous data // SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2015, vol. 4(41), pp. 3–33. (In Russ.). 19. Mezentsev V.A., Kovalev A.P., Kozhanov A.N., Pimanov I.Yu., Potri- asaev S.A. Information-analytical system development management ar- eas based on the use of remote sensing and geographic information of mobile technology // Ecology. Economy. Computer science. - Collection of articles: 3 m. - Rostov - on - Don Univ. SFedU, 2015. V.3. pp. 48–59. (In Russ.). 20. Zelentsov V.A., Puzanov A.V. Grigorieva O.V., Potriasaev S.A., Mo- chalov V.F., Sokolov B.V. Improving information support the construction and operation of the cosmodrome "East" based on the use of data for Aerospace Survey and mobile geo-information technologies // Questions electronics. Series: Technology TV. 2015. vol. 2, pp. 45–56. (In Russ.). 21. Mezentsev V.A., Kovalev A.P., Kozhanov A.N. Pimanov I.Yu., Potri- asaev S.A., Skobtsov V.Y. Integration of subsystems and services, ac- cess to the results of space monitoring and forecasting emergencies. - Regional Informatics (RI 2014). XIV St. Petersburg International Confer- ence "Regional Informatics (RI 2014)". 2015. (In Russ.). 22. Waszko V.Y., Kovalev A.P., Semenko O.I., Zelentsov V.A., Potri- asaev S.A., Sokolov B.V. Multicriterion scheduling modernization and operation of the inherited information system. - Regional Informatics (RI 2014). XIV St. Petersburg International Conference "Regional Informat- ics (RI 2014)". 2015. (In Russ.). 23. Mikoni S.V. System analysis of multi-criteria optimization methods on a finite set of alternatives // Proceedings SPIIRAS. 2015. Vol. 4(41). pp. 180–199. (In Russ.). 24. Mikoni S.V. The systems view of modern terminology // Collected scien- tific works of XIX-th International Conference "System analysis in the design and management". 2015. pp. 62–71. (In Russ.). 25. Mikoni S.V. The logical approach to the range of models that meet the requirements of one class tasks // Proceedings "Simulation. Theory and Practice "IMMOD 2015”. 2015. pp. 132-136. (In Russ.). 26. Mikoni S.V. Problems of modern Russian terminology // Ontology de- sign. 2015. Vol. 5. No. 4 (18). pp. 10–21. (In Russ.). 27. Mironov V.I., Fomenko I.V., Maletin A.N. Method autonomous indirect identification of the transformation of the compensation pendulum accel- erometer orbital flight of the spacecraft // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol.2(39), pp. 93–109. (In Russ.).

28. Mironov V.I., Mironov Y.V., Makarov M.M. Application of the Euler- Lambert for the calculation of impulse control program convergence of spacecraft in a noncentral gravitational field of the Earth, with the ulti- mate traction // "Questions Electromechanics" VNIIEM, 2015. No. 1, pp. 7–12. (In Russ.). 29. Musaev A.A. Comparative analysis of the trend strategies based on evo- lutionary modeling // Scientific Bulletin of the NSTU. 2015. vol.57, no.4, pp. 95–108. DOI: 10.17212 / 1814-1196-2014-4-95-108. (In Russ.). 30. Musaev A.A., Gazelle S.M. Ananchenko I.V. The information infrastruc- ture design of an education organization using virtualization technolo- gies // Proceedings SPbSTI. 2015. Vol. 27 (53). pp. 71–76. (In Russ.). 31. Musaev A.A. Multiple regression estimate of the cost currency instru- ment // SPbSTI Izvestiya, 2015, vol.28 (5), pp. 83–88. (In Russ.). 32. Musaev A.A. Adaptive multi regression estimation in a chaotic process- es of currency market // SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2015, Vol.2 (39), pp. 177–192. (In Russ.). 33. Musaev A.A., Ananchenko I.V. Choosing cointegrated currency pair for neutral market strategy // Interdisciplinary Research in the field of math- ematical modeling and computer science. Proceedings of the 6th Scien- tific-practical internet-conference. Ulyanovsk: SIMJET. 2015. pp 225– 232. (In Russ.). 34. Musaev A.A., Ananchenko I.V. Features of evolutionary optimization of chaotic processes // Actual question sissues of the economy and mod- ern management. Collection of scientific papers on the results of the in- ternational scientific-practical conference. Innovation Centre for Devel- opment of Education and Science. 2015. pp 102–105. (In Russ.). 35. Musaev A.A., Ananchenko I.V. Modern technologyof automated analysis of the state of capital markets and building trading strategies // Collec- tion of articles of the International scientific and practical conference "Globalization of Science: Problems and Perspectives". 2015. pp. 25– 29. (In Russ.). 36. Musaev A.A., Ananchenko I.V. Modelling of processes of changes in the state of capital markets based on the concept of the state space // Pro- ceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Modern sci- ence: theoretical and practical view." Neftekamsk. 2015. pp. 110–117. (In Russ.). 37. Musaev A.A. Correlation analysis of chaotic dynamics of currency mar- ket // SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2015, Vol. 4 (41), pp. 200–217. (In Russ.). 38. Musaev A.A., Ananchenko I.V. Simulation of a chaotic process, based on the criterion of utility // Seventh All-Russia Scientific Conference "Simula- tion. Theory and Practice "(IMMOD 2015). 2015. pp. 143–147. (In Russ.).

Other Publications 39. Mikoni S.V. Theory of managerial decision-making. Textbook // Proceed- ings of the Congress IS-IT'15, Divnomorskoe, 2015. pp. 227–233. (In Russ.). 40. Ohtilev M.Yu., Pavlov A.N., Plotnikov A.M., Potriasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Yusupov R.M.. Integrated Modelling of complex objects: the main features and examples of practical implementation // Seventh All-Russia Scientific Conference "Simulation. Theory and Practice" (IM- MOD 2015): Proceedings of conf. 2015. pp. 58–81. (In Russ.). 41. Sokolov B.V., Ivanov D.A., Pavlov A.N., Slinko A.A.. Simulation model- ing of survivability of critical infrastructure // The Seventh All-Russia Sci- entific Conference "Simulation. Theory and Practice" (IMMOD 2015): Proceedings of conf. 2015. pp. 162–167. (In Russ.). 42. Potriasaev S.A., Brovkina O., Zelentsov V.A., Mochalov V.F., Pav- lov A.N., Sokolov B.V. Methodology and technique of intelligent integrat- ed decision support systems development for territory management // Proceedings of the Symposium Automated Systems and Technologies AST’2015. Edited by Prof. Viacheslav P. Shkodyrev and Prof. Ludger Overmeyer. 2015. pp. 7–14. (In Russ.). 43. Sokolov Boris V., A Pavlov lexsander N., Yusupov Rafael M., Ohtilev Michail U., Potriasaev Semyon A.. Theoretical and technological founda- tions if complex objects proactive monitoring management and control // Proceedings of the Symposium Automated Systems and Technologies AST'2015. 2015. pp. 103–110. (In Russ.). 44. Mochalov V.F., Grigorieva O.V., Brovkina O.V., Zelentsov V.A., Potri- asaev S.A., Zemek F. Parametric adaptation of analytical and simulation model to describe the ecological situation in the port area. // Proceed- ings of the Third International SPC "Simulation and modeling of complex marine engineering and marine transportation systems MTMT. 2015. pp. 103–109. (In Russ.). 45. Sokolov B.V., Pavlov A.N., Ivanov D.A., Pavlov D.A., Pavlov A.A. Multi- criteria approach to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the production plans shipyards // Third International Scientific Conference "Simulation and modeling of complex marine engineering and marine transportation systems" - "PCM MTMTS 2015". 2015. pp. 137–142. (In Russ.). 46. Zelentsov V.A., Kozhanov A.N., Pimanov I.Yu., Potriasaev S.A. The im- plementation of interdisciplinary projects on the basis of open GIS plat- form // Geodesy, cartography, and inventories. From idea to implementation. Coll.: Materials Intern. Scientific and practical. Conf. 2015. pp. 162–166. (In Russ.).

47. Mikoni S.V. The theoretical justification of methods of multi-criteria sys- tematization of choice on a finite set of alternatives // Proceedings of St. Petersburg. International Conference "Regional informatics and infor- mation security." 2015. Vol. 1. pp. 48–52. (In Russ.). 48. Mochalov V.F., Grigorieva O.V., Brovkina O.V., Zelentsov V.A., Potri- asaev S.A., Zemek F. Parametric adaptation of analytical and simulation model to describe the ecological situation in the port area. // Proceed- ings of the Third International SPC "Simulation and modeling of complex marine engineering and marine transportation systems MTMTS 2015 - St. Petersburg, 2015. pp. 103–109. (In Russ.). 49. Sokolov B.V., Pavlov A.N., Ivanov D.A., Pavlov D.A., Pavlov A.A., Saluh VI Structural and functional analysis of the intensity of the use of com- ponents and sub-systems of production lines of shipyards // Third Inter- national Scientific Conference "Simulation and modeling of complex ma- rine engineering and marine transportation systems" - "PCM MTMTS". 2015. pp. 130–136. (In Russ.). 50. Solovieva I.V., Sokolov B.V., Ivanov D.A. Analysis of the applicability of the method of positional optimization problem of supply chain manage- ment // Stability and Control Processes: Proceedings of the III Interna- tional conference. 2015. pp. 451–452. (In Russ.). 51. Malyshev I.V., Nazarov D., Potriasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V. Methods and algorithms of adaptation models of functioning of complex dynamic ob- jects with reconfigurable structure // Stability and Control Processes: Proceedings of the III International conference. 2015. pp. 531–532. 52. Mezentsev V.A., Pavlov A.N., Potriasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Yusupov R.M., Ivanov D.A. Methods and algorithms for complex model- ing techniques proactive management of complex objects in assessing their effectiveness // Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Com- plex Systems: Proceedings of the International Scientific School MA SR- 2015. 2015. pp. 41–50. (In Russ.). 53. Sokolov B.V., Pavlov A.N., Pavlov A.A. Methods of identification of po- tentially dangerous objects of critical infrastructure // Modeling and Anal- ysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems: Proceedings of the Interna- tional Scientific School MA SR-2015. 2015. pp. 185-187. (In Russ.). 54. Zelentsov V.A., Kozhanov A.N., Pimanov I.Yu., Potriasaev S.A. The im- plementation of interdisciplinary projects on the basis of open GIS plat- form. Geodesy, cartography, geoinformatics and inventories. From idea to implementation. Coll. Materials Intern. scientific and practical. Conf. 2015. pp. 162–166. (In Russ.). 55. Grigorieva O.V., Matias V.A., Mochalov V.F., Rogachev S.A. Ecological monitoring of protected areas on the basis of survey of domestic space-

craft // Proceedings of II Russian Scientific Conference "Ecology and Space" Academician KY Kondratiev. 2015. pp. 104–109. 56. Lewis J., Trifanovs A., Burakov V.V., Matiyash V.A., Rogachev S.A. In- tegrated Conceptual Framework for Monitoring and Control of Risk Situ- ations in the Sea Area // Proceedings of the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Simulation and modeling of complex marine engineering and marine transportation systems" - "PCM MTMTS" 2015. pp. 11–14. 57. Manuilov Yu, Pavlov A.N., Osipenko S.P., Pavlov D.A. Comparative analysis of planning complex operations information exchange complex objects in dynamically changing conditions // Collection "Proceedings of the Military Space Academy named after AF Mozhaiskogo". 2015. Vol.647. pp. 30–36. (In Russ.). 58. Pavlov A.N., Pavlov D.A., Pavlov A.A., Slin'ko A.A., Masalkin A.A. Theo- retical basis of the study of monotonous and non-monotonous structure complex objects // The 2nd All-Russian Scientific and Technical Confer- ence "Theoretical and applied problems of development and improvement of automated control systems for military purposes". 2015. (In Russ.). 59. Pavlov A.N., Pavlov D.A., Pavlov A.A., Slin'ko A.A., Masalkin A.A. Anal- ysis of the intensity of use of the functional elements of the automated control system of spacecraft remote sensing // The 2nd All-Russian Sci- entific and Technical Conference "Theoretical and applied problems of development and improvement of automated control systems for military purposes". 2015. (In Russ.). 60. Kulakov A.Y. The task of choosing the optimal configuration of airborne spacecraft // Proceedings of the IV All-Russia scientific-technical confer- ence "Actual problems of rocket and space technology" (IV Kozlovsky reading). 2015. pp. 126–128. (In Russ.). 61. Mironov V.I., Mironov Y.V., Makarov M.M. The algorithm for calculating control program interception in a noncentral gravitational field of the Earth, taking into account the final draft on the basis of the Euler- Lambert // Coll. GCA works to them. A.F.Mozhayskogo. 2015. No.4 (645). 8 p. (In Russ.). 62. Mironov V.I., Zotkin M.Y. Synthesis programs spacecraft orientation by observing the orbital object // In Proc. Reports XXXIV-Russia NTC "Problems of efficiency and safety of complex technical and information systems". 2015. pp. 99–103. (In Russ.). 63. Mironov V.I., Zotkin M.Y. Methods and algorithms for calculating the pa- rameters of observation areas and programs targeting spacecraft to an object in the corner of his support // In Proc. reports of X All-Russian

jubilee STC "Problems of perfection of robotics and intelligent systems technology aircraft". 2015. pp. 42–47. (In Russ.). 64. Mironov V.I., Mironov Y.V., Zotkin M.Y. Calculation of management pro- grams angular motion of spacecraft in orbital mode angular tracking fa- cility Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters // Coll. GCA works to them. A.F.Mozhayskogo. 2015. No. 1(646). (In printing). (In Russ.). 65. Mironov V.I., Mironov Y.V., Makarov M.M. The methods ensure efficien- cy calculation software terminal control convergence CA // Coll. GCA works to them. A.F.Mozhayskogo, 2015. 8 p. (accepted for publication) 66. Mironov V.I., Mironov Y.V., Makarov M.M. The calculation of the opti- mum energy management program convergence of spacecraft in the ob- late spheroid // B Sat. Reports NTS "Actual problems of autonomous control of and spacecraft". 2015. pp. 19–26. (In Russ.). 67. Mironov V.I., Mironov Y.V., Makarov M.M. Ways to improve the the speed of algorithms for calculating terminal control programs at the stage of the spacecraft convergence far guidance // B Sat. Reports NTS "Actual problems of autonomous control of launch vehicle and space- craft". 2015. pp. 27–35. (In Russ.). 68. Mironov V.I., Mironov Y.V., Makarov M.M. Methods of evaluating the characteristics of the approximate analytical precision motion control terminal spacecraft during a meeting with an orbital object // In Proc. Reports NTS "Actual problems of autonomous control of launch vehicle and spacecraft". 2015. pp. 36–49. (In Russ.). 69. Mironov V.I., Mironov Y.V., Zotkin M.Y. Options for calculating the angu- lar motion control programs spacecraft angular tracking mode space- craft-target // In Proc. Reports NTS "Actual problems of autonomous control of launch vehicle and spacecraft". 2015. pp. 36–49. (In Russ.). 70. Kolpashikov L., Mikhailov V., Russell D.E. The role ofharvest, predators, and socio-political environment in the dynamics of theTaimyr wild rein- deer herd with some lessons for North America // Ecology andSociety. 2015. Vol.20(1) p. 9. (In Russ.). 71. Kulikov K.B., Mikhailov V.V. Identification of the traditional territories of the traditional reindeer herding indigenous people of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University. 2015. Vol.40. pp. 105–108. 72. Mikhailov V., Kolesnikov L.A. The dynamics of the seasonal placement of reindeer // Proceedings of the State Nature Biosphere Reserve "Cen- tral Siberia". 2015. pp. 34–48. (In Russ.). 73. Kolesnikov L.A., Kochkarev P.V., Mikhailov V.V., Okhlopkov I.M. Re- search and evaluation of migration of wild reindeer Taimyr population using satellite radio collars and computer simulator // Proceedings of the

International scientific-practical conference "Biological resources: status, use and protection", dedicated to the 50th anniversary of training hunt- ers. Kirov, 2015. pp. 217–219. (In Russ.). 74. Kolpashchikov L.A., Mikhailov V.V. On the question of monitoring the Taimyr population of wild reindeer using the integrated analysis system informatitsono // Proceedings of the International scientific-practical con- ference "The role of specially protected areas in biodiversity conserva- tion", Cheboksary, 2015. pp. 125–129. (In Russ.). 75. Kolesnikov L.A., Mukhachov A.D., Mikhailov V.V. Outstanding game manager Yenisey north – Pavlov B.M. // Proceedings of the International Conference: "Protection and management of animal and plant re- sources" dedicated to the sixtieth of the first issue of biologists - hunters Irkutsk Agricultural Institute. Irkutsk, 2015. pp. 72–75. (In Russ.). 76. Kolesnikov L.A., Mikhailov V.V. Features of the territorial distribution of parking areas reindeer // Proceedings of the conference Theriological society "structure of mammalian species". 2015. pp. 224–226. (In Russ.). 77. Kolesnikov L.A., Mikhailov V.V. Biodiversity Conservation in terms of industrial development of Taimyr // Problems and prospects of socio- economic and ethno-cultural development of indigenous peoples of the North: Materials of All-Russian scientific-practical conference. 2015. Part 1. pp. 143–153. (In Russ.). 78. Kolesnikov L.A., Mikhailov V.V. Development of an integrated infor- mation-analytical system of monitoring of Taimyr population of wild rein- deer in protected areas of Taimyr and adjacent territories // Proceedings of the National Nature Reserve "Prisursky". 2015. Vol.30. No.2. pp. 62- 65. (In Russ.). 79. Mikhailov V.V., Soloviev T.N. Kinematical model of the walking robot // Proceedings of the 8th All-Russian multiconference on governance. Rostov-on-Don. 2015. Vol.2. pp. 46–48. (In Russ.). 80. Ryzhikov Y.I, Alekseev A.V., Lokhvitskii V.A. Naval problems and ray diagrams // Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Simulation and modeling of complex marine engineering and marine vehicles". 2015. pp. 121–125. (In Russ.). 81. Ryzhikov Y.I., Alekseev A.V., Lokhvitskii V.A. Using the technique of ray diagrams in Multiple-estimation and analysis of control systems of ob- jects of marine equipment // Proceedings of the IX St. Petersburg. Inter- regional Conference IBRD-2015. 2015. pp. 286–287. (In Russ.). 82. Musaev AA, Lisitsyn N.V. Information security defense enterprises: Pre- dictive analytics and cognitive approach // Bulletin of the State Duma Committee on Defense. 2015. No.3(5). pp. 8–18. (In Russ.).

Laboratory of Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Problems of Informatics

Head of the Laboratory: Ph.D. in Phys. and Math. Sc., Dr. Sci., Assoc. Prof. Alexander Lvovich Tulupyev – representation and processing of data and knowledge with uncertainty, application of mathematical methods and infor- matics to socio-cultural research, probabilistic graphical models, Bayesian networks, methods of Biostatistics and mathematical models in Epidemiolo- gy. [email protected] Laboratory Staff – 9 members and 1 Ph.D. student. Research Activities Theoretical and technological principles, algorithms and software tools for Bayesian networks, probabilistic graphical models, logic-probabilistic graph- ical models, relational-probabilistic models and other models based on prob- ability and degree of belief models of cognitive systems, socio-technical sys- tems (including information security), biosocial systems, systems for deci- sion-making under uncertainty; theory and technology of programming; sets of methods, techniques, tools and languages for data storage, processing and analysis in interdisciplinary research; students’ programming training and application of information technologies in universities; organizational, regula- tory, theoretical and technological principles of electronic scientific publica- tions as an open information systems – elements of virtual community sup- porting space of scientific and technical knowledge of the new generation, informatization management; technological principles and software tools for behavior analysis in social networks. Research Fellows Senior Researcher, PhD in Med., Dr. Sci., Assoc. Prof. – Tatiana Va- lerievna Krasnoselskikh – the rationale and development of modern multidis- ciplinary STI prevention strategies for the high risk populations. tatia- [email protected] Senior Researcher, PhD in Psychology, Assoc. Prof. – Tatiana Valenti- novna Tulupyeva – application of mathematical methods and informatics to humanities research, informatization of the psychology research manage- ment and conduct, biostatistics methods and mathematical models in epide- miology psychology of personality, psychology of management. [email protected] Senior Researcher, PhD in Phys. and. Math. – Alexander Vladimirovich Sirotkin – algebraic Bayesian networks: computational aspects of probabilis- tic logic inference under uncertainty, application of the Bayesian methods to ranging problems. [email protected] Senior Researcher, PhD in Tech. – Stepanov Denis Vyacheslavovich – genetic algorithms, probabilistic methods in machine learning, nonlinear filtra- tion. [email protected]

Senior Researcher, PhD in Phys. and. Math. – Alena Vladimirovna Su- vorova – probabilistic graphical models for modelling of the socially significant behaviour on the base of incomplete data; indirect estimates of odds ratio related to respondents’ behaviour under uncertainty, machine learning in so- cial sciences. [email protected] Senior Researcher, PhD in Tech. – Artur Alexandrovich Azarov – analy- sis of the protection of information systems, socio-engineering attack on the users of information systems, social computing, models of information dis- semination in social networks. [email protected] Junior Researcher – Valeriya Fuatovna Stolyarova – probabilistic as- pects of the algebraic Bayesian networks theory: conjugate distributions, lo- cal learning; statistical and probabilistic analysis of the risky behavior, meth- ods of effective management of investment portfolio. va- [email protected] Junior Researcher – Toropova Aleksandra Vitalevna – evidence coher- ence diagnostics on models for risky behavior rate estimate, Bayesian belief networks. [email protected] Junior Researcher – Abramov Maksim Victorovich – analysis of diss- mination of information in social networks, based on the models, that are used for information systems' user's protection analysis from malefactor's social-engineering attacks. [email protected] Post-graduate Students PhD student – Stolyarova V.F. – Probabilistic graphical models in meth- ods and algorithms for analysis of risks associated with respondents’ behav- ior. – Sc. Adv. Tulupyev A.L. Grants and Projects Tulupyev A.L. – RFBR project 15-01-09001-а, Combined Probabilistic- Logic Graphical Approach to Representation and Processing of Unsertain Knowledge Systems: Algebraical Bayesian Networks and Related Models (2015–2017). Stepanov D.V. – RFBR project No. 14-01-00580-а, Hybrid methods, models and algorithms for analysis and synthesis of parameters estimation of latent processes in complex social systems under information deficiency (2014–2016). Sirotkin A.V. — Scientific project on investigation HIV status disclosure in the framework of Yale University AIDS International Training and Research Program ―Training and Research in HIV Prevention in Russia (NIH/Yale University grant 2D43TW001028 — 11A1/M12A11159(A08370)). Suvorova A.V. — RFBR project No. 16-31-60063-а, Methods for design and evaluation of probabilistic graphical models for latent social processes (2016–2018)

Azarov A.A. — Grant of Science and Higher School Committee of the Saint-Petersburg Government, Probabilistic evaluation of the user's affection rate on the malefactor's social engineering attack impact (2015). University Courses SPSU, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Computer Science De- partment: “Software systems development”, “Finite graph theory and its ap- plications”, “Bayesian network theory” (Tulupyev A.L.). SPSU, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Computer Science De- partment: “Essentials of the data analysis and data processing”, “Human Computer Interaction”, “Technologies of Professional Communication” (Tulupyeva T.V.). SPSU, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Computer Science De- partment: “Software engineering”, “Software development practicum” (Aza- rov A.A.). HSE, Data Science minor: “Programming with Data and Reproducible Research” (Suvorova A.V., Sirotkin A.V.) HSE, St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities: “Alge- bra and Calculus”, “Probability theory and mathematical statistics” (Sirot- kin A.V.) Conferences Nauchnaya sessiya NIYAU MIFI, Moscow, Russia, February 16–20, 2015 – Azarov A.A., Abramov M.V., Suvorova A.V., Tulupyev A.L., To- ropova A.V. VIII International Conference on Integrated Models and Soft Computing in Artificial Intelligence [Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-tehnicheskaja konferenci- ja “Integrirovannye modeli i mjagkie vychislenija v iskusstvennom intellekte”], Kolomna, May 18–20, 2015 – Azarov A.A., Abramov M.V., Suvorova A.V., Tulupyev A.L., Toropova A.V., Tulupyeva T.V. International Congress “HIV Infection: Diagnostic, Therapeutic, Preven- tive, and Prognostic Issues”, St.Petersburg, Russia, October 14–15, 2015 – Tulupyev A.L., Suvorova A.V., Sirotkin A.V. XVIII Conference on Soft Computing and Measurement (SCM'2015), St.Petersburg, Russia, May 19–21, 2015 – Azarov A.A., Tulupyev A.L., Abramov M.V., Suvorova A.V., Toropova A.V., Tulupyeva T.V. III Summer school on Artificial Intelligence for young scientists “Intellec- tual systems and technologies: current state and perspectives” [Mezhdu- narodnaja letnjaja shkola-seminar po iskusstvennomu intellektu dlja studen- tov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh “Intellektual'nye sistemy i tehnologii: sov- remennoe sostojanie i perspektivy”], Tver-Protasovo, July 1–5, 2015 – Suvo- rova A.V., Toropova A.V. IX St.Petersburg Conference on Information Security of Regions of Rus- sia [Sankt-Peterburgskaja mezhregional'naja konferencija Informacionnaja bezopasnost' regionov Rossii] (IBRR-2015), St.Petersburg, Russia, October

28–30, 2015 – Azarov A.A., Abramov M.V., Suvorova A.V., Tulupyev A.L., Toropova A.V., Tulupyeva T.V. BASHH Spring Conference 2015, Glasgow, Scotland, 1–3 June, 2015 – Suvorova A.V. Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija “Psihologo- pedagogicheskie problemy deviantnogo povedenija lichnosti: issledovanija, profilaktika, preodolenie”, Pskov, April 16–18 2015 – Tulupyeva T.V. IX Conference “St.Petersburg dermatological readings” [Rossijskaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija “Sankt-Peterburgskie dermatologiches- kie chtenija”], St.Petersburg, Russia, October 29–31, 2015 – Krasnoselskikh T.V. International conference “Social computing: basics, technologies, social effects” [Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija “Social'nyj komp'juting: osnovy, tehnologii razvitija, social'no-gumanitarnye jeffekty”] (ISС-15), Moscow, October 22–24, 2015 – Azarov A.A., Abramov M.V. Ananiev’s readings – 2015: fundamental psychology issues [Anan'evskie chtenija – 2015: Fundamental'nye problemy psihologii], St.Petersburg, Rus- sia, October 20–22, 2015 – Krasnoselskikh T.V. V Grushin’s conference “Big sociology: expansion of data space” [Socio- logicheskaja Grushinskaja konferencija «Bol'shaja sociologija: rasshirenie prostranstva dannyh»], Moscow, March 12–13, 2015 – Azarov A.A., Abramov M.V. Research Management Section “Informacionnaja bezopasnost' v sociokomp'jutinge” (Information security in social computing) in conference “IBBR-2015”: section chairperson Tulupyev A.L. International Cooperation Sirotkin A.V. – postdoctorate fellow, AITRP (AIDS International Training and Research Program), School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University, USA OmegaWave, Inc., USA — Bayesian network applications to planning and control of sport regiment and training workload. Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Tulupyev A.L. – President of Russian Association for Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing (2012–2015), member of the academy of navigation and motion control. Krasnoselskikh T.V. – member of St.Petersburg V.M. Tarnovsky Medical Research Association of Dermatovenerologists. Recent Results 1. The models of the "critical documents - information system - personnel - malefactor" complex were developed on the basis of the Markov's networks. Some algorithms for the informational systems user’s protection level from the social engineering attacks were clarified due to these models.

2. The model of malefactor, that implements social engineering attacks on the users of informational systems, was developed. Critical properties of this model that are needed for social engineering attacks were highlighted. This model makes the detection of the users with the weakest protection possible and allows preparing some educational programs for the user’s protection strengthening. 3. We proposed the development of tools for estimating the parameters of socially significant individual behavior including evidence coherence tech- nique and methods for test data generating. Software application for design- ing Bayesian belief network for socially significant behavior modelling was updated with evidence coherence module. We developed software system for generating test data according to theoretical assumptions of behavior model that was used for model quality assessment. We checked with copula test the accordance of the theoretical assumptions with the real data about risky behavior episodes. 4. We determined associations between type of user's posts in social net- work VKontakte and his/her psychological traits. The results provide the pos- sible ways to apply user account analysis as a rapid primary test to determine and change users’ behavior that influence the protection level of information systems. 5. Proposed matrix-vector form of the normalizing factors, appearing in the posterior probabilities formulas of quanta propositions and ideals of con- juncts, simplifies the preparation of specifications for corresponding algo- rithms, and allows us to apply a classical mathematical approach to the anal- ysis of the results. Number of previous results is adapted based on a given result. It is shown that one of the components in each scalar product is ex- pressed as a degree of fixed Kronecker vector of dimension two. A decom- position of one of the factors in a sequence of tensor products of vectors of dimension two is obtained. These results make it possible to use the method of deferred calculations and enable to calculate the components of the large dimension vectors through the use of bit operations. 6. The matrix-vector equations for local posteriori inference in knowledge patterns on quanta propositions in algebraic Bayesian networks are obtained. Formed a linear programming problem, which solution gives the desired in- terval estimates of posterior probabilities in the case of inaccurate evidence or interval estimates in the knowledge pattern. The theoretical result expands a set of knowledge pattern types, as well as simplifies the design and imple- mentation of complex programs that automate given types of probabilistic logic inference. Awards Azarov A.A. is the winner of the competitive selection process for the provision of the 2015 grants to young scientists, young PhD of universities, industry and academic institutions located in St. Petersburg. Abramov M.V. – scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation. Toropova A.V. – scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation.

References Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 1. Suvorova A., Belyakov A., Makhamatova A., Ustinov A., Levina O., Tulupyev A., Niccolai L., Rassokhin V., Heimer R. Comparison of satis- faction with care between two different models of HIV care delivery in St. Petersburg, Russia // AIDS Care. 2015. Vol. 27. No. 10. pp. 1309– 1316.(WoS, Scopus) 2. Makhamatova A., Suvorova A., Belyakov A., Ustinov A., Levina O., Heimer R. Psychosocial determinants of HIV disclosure to confidants with different HIV status // Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2015. Vol. 91, Supplement 1. pp. A35–A36 (WoS) 3. Tulupyev A. L., Sirotkin A. V., Zolotin A. A. Matrix equations for normal- izing factors in local a posteriori inference of truth estimates in algebraic Bayesian networks // Vestnik St. Petersburg University: Mathematics. 2015. Vol. 48. No. 3. pp. 168–174. (Scopus) 4. Tulupyeva T. V., Suvorova A. V., Toropova A. V. Evidence coherence estimation in risky behavior // Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM), 2015 XVIII International Conference on. IEEE, 2015. pp. 27–29. (Scopus) 5. Abdala N., Li F., Shaboltas A.V., Skochilov R.V., Krasnoselskikh T.V. History of childhood abuse, drinking motives, alcohol use, and sexual risk behavior among STD clinic patients in St. Petersburg, Russia // AIDS Behav, 2015. [Epub ahead of print]. Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 6. Filchenkov A.A., Zolotin A.A., Tulupyev A.L. Graph structures in rela- tional databases, constraint satisfaction and Bayesian networks // Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing. 2015. Vol. 10, no. 2. pp. 155–179. 7. Azarov A.A., Abramov M.V., Tulupyeva T.V., Filchenkov A.A. The use of probabilistic relational mo dels of complex “critical do cuments - infor- mation system - the user - the attacker” for the analysis of security of in- formation systems users from social engineering attacks // Fuzzy Sys- tems and Soft Computing. 2015. Vol. 10, no. 2. pp. 209–221. 8. Zolotin A.A., Tulupyev A.L., Sirotkin A.V. Matrix-vector algorithms for normalizing factors in algebraic bayesian networks local posteriori infer- ence // Nauchno-tehnicheskij vestnik informacionnyh tehnologij, mehan- iki i optiki. 2015. Vol. 15. No. 1 (95). pp. 78–85. 9. Zotov M.A., Tulupyev A.L. Secondary structure synthesis in algebraic bayesian networks // Komp’juternye instrumenty v obrazovanii. 2015. No. 1. pp. 3–18. 10. Zolotin A.A., Tulupyev A.L., Sirotkin A.V. Matrix-vector algorithms of lo- cal posteriori inference in algebraic bayesian networks on quanta propo- sitions // Nauchno-tehnicheskij vestnik informacionnyh tehnologij, me- haniki i optiki. 2015. Vol. 15. No. 4. pp. 676–684. 11. Tulupyev A.L., Sirotkin A.V., Zolotin A.A. Matrix equations for normaliz- ing factors in the local posteriori inferenceof the truthestimation inalge-

braic bayesian networks // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Serija 1: Matematika. Mehanika. Astronomija. 2015. Vol. 2. No. 3. pp. 379–386. 12. Zotov M.A., Tulupyev A.L., Sirotkin A.V. Complexity statistical estimates of straightforward and greedy algorithms for algebraic Baesian networks synthesis // Nechetkie sistemy i mjagkie vychislenija. 2015. Vol. 10. No.1. pp. 75–91 13. Toropova A.V., Suvorova A.V., Tulupyev A.L. Model for socially signifi- cant behavior rate estimate: consistency diagnostics // Nechetkie siste- my i mjagkie vychislenija. 2015. Vol. 10. No.1. pp. 93–107 14. Ustinov A.S., Suvorova A.V., Belyakov A.N., Makhamatova A.F., Levina O.S., Rassokhin V.V., Krupitskiy E.M., Lioznov D.A., Niccolai L., Heimer R. The influence of psychopathology symptoms and substance use on viral load suppression in HIV-infected patients taking ART // VICh- infekcija i immunosupressii. 2015. Vol. 7. No. 2. pp. 41–48. 15. Tulupyeva T.V., Suvorova A.V., Azarov A.A., Tulupyev A.L., Bor- dovskaya N.V. Сomputer tools in the analysis of students' digital foot- prints in social network: possibilities and primary results // Komp’juternye instrumenty v obrazovanii. 2015. No. 5. pp. 3–13. 16. Azarov A.A., Abramov M.V., Tulupyev A.L., Tulupyeva T.V. The Analysis of the information systems' users' groups protection analysis from the social engineering attacks: the principle and program implementation // Komp’juternye instrumenty v obrazovanii. 2015. No. 4. pp. 52–60. 17. Abramov M.V., Azarov A.A. Analysis of the propagation simulated socio- engineering malicious attacks on users of information systems, present- ed as a graph of social ties // Informatizacija i svjaz'. 2015. Issue 2. pp. 69–76. 18. Golovina E.I., Azarov A.A. Differentiation of water tax rates as an ele- ment of economic mechanism improving in the management structure of underground water extraction // Jekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. 2015. Issue 2 (55). pp. 358–364. 19. Toropova A.V. Approaches to the data coherence diagnosis in Bayesian belief network models // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol.6(43). pp. 156–178. 20. Krasnoselskikh T.V., Sokolovskiy E.V. Neurosyphilis in HIV-infected pa- tients // Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015. No.2. pp. 49–57. 21. Levents D.G., Zotov M.A., Tulupyev A.L. An Incremental Algorithm for Minimal Joint Graph Synthesis // Komp’juternye instrumenty v obra- zovanii. 2015. No. 6. [in print]. 22. Zolotin A.A., Tulupyev A.L. Lokal'nyj aposteriornyj vyvod v alge- braicheskih bajesovskih setjah: matrichno-vektornaja interpretacija // Sbornik dokladov. XVIII Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija po mjagkim vychislenijam i izmerenijam SCM-2015. 2015. Vol. 1. pp. 34–37. 23. Zotov M.A., Tulupyev A.L. Vtorichnaja struktura algebraicheskih ba- jesovskih setej: statisticheskaja ocenka slozhnosti prjamogo algoritma sinteza // Sbornik dokladov. XVIII Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija po

mjagkim vychislenijam i izmerenijam SCM-2015. 2015. Vol. 2. pp. 158– 162. 24. Tulupyeva T.V. Youth behavior in social networks // Psihologo- pedagogicheskie problemy deviantnogo povedenija lichnosti: issledo- vanija, profilaktika, preodolenie. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno- prakticheskoj konferencii. Pskov, 2015. pp. 157–166. 25. Abramov M.V., Azarov A.A., Filchenkov A.A. Analysis of the propagation simulated socio-engineering malicious attacks on users of information systems, presented as a graph of social ties // Sbornik dokladov. XVIII Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija po mjagkim vychislenijam i izmerenijam SCM-2015. 2015. Vol. 1. pp. 329–332. 26. Toropova A.V., Suvorova A.V., Tulupyeva T.V. Evidence coherence es- timation in risky behavior // Sbornik dokladov. XVIII Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija po mjagkim vychislenijam i izmerenijam SCM-2015. 2015. Vol. 1. pp. 5–8. 27. Suvorova A.V. Data generator for risky behavior model based on Bayes- ian belief network // Nauchnaja sessija MIFI - 2015. Annotacii dokladov. V 3 tomah. Vol.3. M.: MIFI, 2015. p. 149. 28. Toropova A.V., Suvorova A.V. Input data diagnostics in the Bayesian networks synthesis for the estimation of social activity parameters // Nauchnaja sessija MIFI - 2015. Annotacii dokladov. V 3 tomah. Vol.3. M.: MIFI, 2015. p. 150. 29. Abramov M.V., Tulupyev A.L., Azarov A.A., Filchenkov A.A. Models of distribution of information messages in social networks // Nauchnaja sessija MIFI - 2015. Annotacii dokladov. V 3 tomah. Vol.3. M.: MIFI, 2015. p. 137. 30. Azarov A.A. Information systems’ users’ protection analysis from the social-engineering attacks based on complex “information system – criti- cal documents – staff – malefactor” // Nauchnaja sessija MIFI - 2015. Annotacii dokladov. V 3 tomah. Vol.3. M.: MIFI, 2015. p. 161. Other Publications 31. Suvorova A.V. Generacija testovyh dannyh dlja verojatnostnoj grafich- eskoj modeli riskovannogo povedenija individov // Integrirovannye modeli i mjagkie vychislenija v iskusstvennom intellekte. Sbornik nauch- nyh trudov VIII-j Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii. M.: Fizmatlit. Vol.2. pp. 799–805. 32. Zotov M.A., Tulupyev A.L. Sintez vtorichnoj struktury algebraicheskih bajesovskih setej: sravnitel'nyj analiz statisticheskih ocenok slozhnosti dvuh algoritmov // Integrirovannye modeli i mjagkie vychislenija v is- kusstvennom intellekte. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov VIII-j Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii. M.: Fizmatlit. Vol.2. pp. 790–798. 33. Tulupyev A.L. Algebraicheskie bajesovskie seti: sintez logiko- verojatnostnogo podhoda i teorii grafov // Integrirovannye modeli i mjagkie vychislenija v iskusstvennom intellekte. Sbornik nauchnyh tru- dov VIII-oj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii. v 2-h tomah. Vol.1. M.: Fizmatlit. 2015. pp. 123–132.

34. Azarov A.A., Abramov M.V., Tulupyeva T.V. Primenenie algoritma ob- hoda v shirinu grafa mezhlichnostnyh svjazej dlja analiza zashhishhen- nosti pol'zovatelej informacionnyh sistem // Integrirovannye modeli i mjagkie vychislenija v iskusstvennom intellekte. Sbornik nauchnyh tru- dov VIII-oj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii. v 2-h tomah. Vol.2. M.: Fizmatlit. 2015. pp. 774–779. 35. Toropova A.V., Suvorova A.V. Diagnostika soglasovannosti vhodnyh dannyh v modeli ocenivanija intensivnosti social'no-aktivnogo povedeni- ja // Integrirovannye modeli i mjagkie vychislenija v iskusstvennom intel- lekte. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov VIII-j Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno- tehnicheskoj konferencii. M.: Fizmatlit. Vol.2. pp. 806–815. 36. Toropova A.V., Suvorova A.V. Vyjavlenie nesoglasovannyh dannyh pri ocenivanii intensivnosti social'no-znachimogo povedenija // Intel- lektual'nye sistemy i tehnologii: sovremennoe sostojanie i perspektivy. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov III-ej Mezhdunarodnoj letnej shkoly-seminara po iskusstvennomu intellektu dlja studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh. Tver': Izd-vo TvGTU, 2015. pp. 119–126. 37. Uraeva G.E., Skochilov R.V., Krasnoselskikh T.V., Burina E.A., Vokh- myanina T.A., Shaboltas A.V. Perspektivy razvitija distantnyh programm vtorichnoj profilaktiki VICh-infekcii // Materialy nauchnoj konferencii «Anan'evskie chtenija – 2015: Fundamental'nye problemy psihologii». SPb.: SPbGU. Skifija-print, 2015. pp. 222–223. 38. Shaboltas A.V., Skochilov R.V., Uraeva G.E., Krasnoselskikh T.V., Bal- ashova T.N. Jekspress-testirovanie na VICh kak metod profilaktiki: dve strategii prodvizhenija // Materialy nauchnoj konferencii «Anan'evskie chtenija – 2015: Fundamental'nye problemy psihologii». SPb.: SPbGU. Skifija-print, 2015. pp. 224–225. 39. Nazarenko E.V., Monakhov K.N., Lavrova O.V., Krasnoselskikh T.V. Osobennosti techenija atopicheskogo dermatita na fone beremennosti // Materialy IX Rossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Sankt- Peterburgskie dermatologicheskie chtenija». SPb., 2015. pp. 125–126. 40. Suvorova A.V. Testirovanie instrumentarija dlja ocenivanija intensivnosti ugrozoobrazujushhego povedenija respondentov // Informacionnaja be- zopasnost' regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt-Peterburgskaja mezhregional'naja konferencija: Materialy konferencii / SPOISU. SPb., 2015. p. 332. 41. Tulupyeva T.V., Suvorova A.V. Sistema klassifikacii postov kak jetap diagnostiki ujazvimostej pol'zovatelej social'nyh setej // Informacionnaja bezopasnost' regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt-Peterburgskaja mezhregional'naja konferencija: Materialy konferencii. SPOISU. SPb., 2015. p. 332. 42. Tulupyeva T.V., Tafintseva A.S. Social'nye seti kak istochnik svedenij dlja postroenija psihologicheskogo portreta // Informacionnaja bezopas- nost' regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt-Peterburgskaja mezhre- gional'naja konferencija: Materialy konferencii. SPOISU. SPb., 2015. p. 333.

43. Toropova A.V. Sozdanie programmnogo kompleksa dlja diagnostiki soglasovannosti dannyh v modeli ocenki intensivnosti social'no- znachimogo povedenija // Informacionnaja bezopasnost' regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt-Peterburgskaja mezhregional'naja konferencija: Materialy konferencii. SPOISU. SPb., 2015. p. 332. 44. Abramov M.V., Azarov A.A., Tulupyeva T.V., Tulupyev A.L. Kompleks «kriticheskie dokumenty - informacionnaja sistema - personal - zloumyshlennik» // Informacionnaja bezopasnost' regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt-Peterburgskaja mezhregional'naja konferencija: Materialy konferencii. SPb.: SPOISU, 2015. pp. 326–327. 45. Tulupyev A.L. Verojatnostnye graficheskie modeli v zadachah so- cial'nogo komp'jutinga, svjazannyh s informacionnoj bezopasnost'ju // In- formacionnaja bezopasnost' regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt- Peterburgskaja mezhregional'naja konferencija: Materialy konferencii. SPb.: SPOISU, 2015. p. 326. 46. Azarov A.A. Algoritmy rascheta verojatnostnyh ocenok zashhishhennosti pol'zovatelej informacionnyh sistem ot socioinzhenernyh atakujushhih vozdejstvij zloumyshlennika na osnove Markovskih setej // Informacion- naja bezopasnost' regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt- Peterburgskaja mezhregional'naja konferencija: Materialy konferencii. SPb.: SPOISU, 2015. p. 327. 47. Abramov M.V., Venerina O.G. Vyjavlenie liderov obshhestvennogo mnenija v social'nyh setjah. // Trudy V sociologicheskoj Grushinskoj kon- ferencii «Bol'shaja sociologija: rasshirenie prostranstva dannyh». Mos- kva. 2015. pp. 49–52. 48. Stepanov D.V., Bukiya G.T. Optimal'noe manevrirovanie nabljudatelja dlja razlichenija al'ternativnyh gipotez dvizhenija obyekta // Trudy V nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii «Korabel'nye sistemy upravlenija i obrabotki informacii. Proektirovanie i izgotovlenie». SPb.: OAO «Koncern «NPO «Avrora», 2015. 49. Stepanov D.V., Bukiya G.T. Ocenka parametrov dvizhenija ob#ekta s uchetom apriornoj informacii // Trudy V nauchno-tehnicheskoj konfer- encii «Korabel'nye sistemy upravlenija i obrabotki informacii. Proektiro- vanie i izgotovlenie». SPb.: OAO «Koncern «NPO «Avrora», 2015. 50. Abramov M.V. Kompleks programm dlja analiza dostizhimosti kritich- eskih dokumentov i zashhishhjonnosti pol'zovatelej informacionnyh sis- tem // Informacionnaja bezopasnost' regionov Rossii (IBRR-2015). IX Sankt-Peterburgskaja mezhregional'naja konferencija: Materialy konfer- encii. SPb.: SPOISU, 2015. p. 326.

Laboratory of Applied Informatics and Problems of Society Informatiza- tion

Head of the Laboratory: Corresponding Member of RAS, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, winner of the RF Government Prize, Honorary Academician of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Emeritus Professor of Mili- tary Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaysky, Honorary Doctor of Pet- rozavodsk State University and of St.-Petersburg University of Management and Economics, Head of basic departments at SPb Electrotechnical Universi- ty "LETI", Professor of SPbSU, SPIIRAS Director, Professor Dr. Techn. Sci. Yusupov Rafael Midhatovich – Scientific fundamentals of computer science, Informatization problems of society and regions, Information and National Security, Models’ qualimetry. [email protected] Laboratory Staff –16 members. Research Activities Scientific foundations of Computer Science, problems of development of in- formation society in the world, countries and regions, Information and Nation- al security, immunocomputing, syntax-directed data processing, mathemati- cal modeling and simulation of complex systems and processes, methods for the synthesis of optimal control, integrated simulation of the radiation fields of natural environments in the problems Earth remote sensing, space geoinfor- matics. Research Fellows Chief Research Associate, Winner of the RF Government Prize, Prof. – Zabolotsky, Vadim Petrovich – Problems of society and regions’ informatiza- tion, problems of development of information society in the world, countries and regions, Information and National security, [email protected]. Chief Research Associate Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Winner of the RF Government Prize, Dr. Nat. Sci., PhD Prof. – Smokty Oleg Ivanovich – Remote sensing of the environment from space, informational providing and technology connected with the modeling for radiations fields of system “object – environment”, radiative transfer theory, space geoinformat- ics, [email protected]. Leading Research Associate PhD – Sorokin Leonid Nickolayevich – Problems of the impact of environmental factors on information systems, en- suring reliability of spacecraft electronic equipment under the influence of space ionizing radiation, designing of the estimation methods, modeling and research of the radio receiver resistance to high-intensity electromagnetic interference and protection in emergency situations, [email protected] Leading Researcher, PhD in Computer Science, SciD in Physics & Mathematics – Tarakanov Alexander Olegovich – Basic research and math- ematical modeling of the principles of information processing by proteins, immunocomputing. Sea surface temperature global modeling and forecast in

the co-authorship with Msr. A.V. Borisova, [email protected] URL: /profile/Alexander_Tarakanov/. Senior Researcher, PhD, Assistant Professor – Blum Vladislav Stani- slavovich – Mathematical modeling and analysis of primary medical infor- mation flows, as well as problems of security for Public Health, [email protected]. Senior Researcher, PhD, Assistant Professor – Fedorchenko Ludmila Nickolayevna – Syntax-directed data processing; methods and algorithms of grammar regularization; parsing; tools Syntax Graph Transformations, [email protected]. Senior Researcher, PhD Assistant Professor – Ivanov Vladimir Petrovich – Mathematical modeling of complex processes and optimal control of sys- tems, applications of the special method to applied problems of aircraft con- trol, game control problems, [email protected]. Senior Researcher, PhD, Assistant Professor – Kharinov Mikhail Vyacheslavovich – Representation of information, information quantity estima- tion, invariant image representation in intensity space, reversible pixel cluster- ing and image segmentation, optimal image simulating by piecewise constant appoximations, hierarchical data structures, unified algorithms for audio and video signal processing for their storage, processing and transmission, color transformations of images., problem of optimal image simulating by means of piecewise constant approximations, net-wise software tool based on Sleator- Tarjan dynamic trees and associative loops, [email protected], Senior Researcher, PhD – Perevarukha Andrey Yurievich – Nonlinear dynamics of the models for biological processes, [email protected]. Senior Researcher, PhD – Tsygankova Irina Alexandrovna – Detection of the latent laws in multidimensional polytypic arrays of the information (technology Data Mining), statistical imitating modelling of complex dynamic systems, problems of information society and regions, [email protected]; itsy- [email protected]. Senior Researcher, twice Winner of the RF Government Prize, PhD – Vus, Mikhail Alexandrovich – Information society challenges, Information and National security, Norms of the Law in Informatics, legal aspects of the inter- national relations and security, [email protected]. Grants and Projects Grant RFBR 13–07–00279-а. "Research and development of intelligent information technology of proactive monitoring and management of complex objects using ground and space-based means of their condition control" 2013-2015. – Yusupov R.M. Grant RFBR № 16-07-00779 "Development of methodology and model- algorithmic support for a proactive management of the structural dynamics of a socio-cyber-physical systems" – Yusupov R.M.

Grant RFBR № 16-57-00172 "Development and research of intelligent information technologies for monitoring, forecasting and multivariate guaran- teed proactive safety management of critical infrastructure in crisis situations using ground and aerospace systems of the Russian Federation and the Re- public of Belarus". 2015. – Yusupov R.M. Grant Dept NanoTech (ONIT) RAS. Program "Fundamentals of Infor- mation Technologies and Systems", "Intelligent Information technologies, system analysis and automation" (Project №2.11) «Complex modeling, mul- ticriteria assessment and risk analysis in the formulation of administrative decisions in disaster-information system." – Yusupov R.M. Grant Dept NanoTech (ONIT) RAS. Program "Bioinformatics, modern in- formation technologies and mathematical methods in medicine" (“Develop- ment of methods and new information technologies of complex processing of biometric data for the diagnosis and monitoring of human functional state”) – Yusupov R.M. The Contract number D 07/11/2015 since 01.07.2015 with the Federal State Enterprise "Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of the Radio" (RNIIRS) on the theme «The development of software for calculation of absorbed dose and research of the fluence of charged particles of space in the devices de- veloped by FSUE "RNIIRS" taking into account the actual location in the spacecraft». – Yusupov R.M., Sorokin L.N., Usichenko A.S. Grant RFBR №14–07-00066 Development of methods for the computa- tional modeling of formation of stocks of living aquatic resources with adapta- tion the technology of artificial reproduction. –(Perevarukha A.Yu). Grant RFBR №14–01-31020 Develompent of a model for outbreaks of the introduced phytophagous insects on the basis of equations with deviating argument – Perevarukha A.Yu. Project of The Secretariat of the IPA CIS: The Commentary to the Model Law "On State Secrets" – Vus M.A. responsible executor. University Courses The Head of base chairs: “Information technology and computer securi- ty” (Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University 'LETI'), "Distributed Intelli- gent systems of automation" (St.Petersburg Polytechnic University- SPbPU), Professor of Computer Science Chair (Math-Mech, SPbSU). General lectures and seminars in 'LETI' and in SPbSUAI. The Chairman of the Dissertation Council in SPIIRAS. The Head of the scientific school of "Informatization and forming the Information Society" – Yusupov R.M. SPSUAI: Department no.82. Lectures of Assistant Professor: "Infor- mation Technology in Business", “Mathematical Models in Control”, "Infor- mation Search System", "Linguistic Support of Information Systems", "Intelli- gent information systems" – Blum V.S. SPSUAI: base Department of robotics: Lectures of Assistant Professor “Base Studies in Robotics”, “Control robots and robotic systems”, “Aero and

Space Robots”, “Software telemedicine networks”,"Management in medical and biological systems". ITMO University: Lectures of Assistant Professor "Discrete Mathematics" – Ivanov V.P. SpbSU: Math.-Mech. faculty. Department of Computer Science. Lec- tures of Assistant Professor: ”Theory of Formal languages and Translations”. – Fedorchenko L.N. SpbPU: The Institute of military-technical education and security. De- partment "Management and protection in emergency situations". Lectures of Professor: "Protection in emergency situations", "Protection of NPP person- nel and the public from ionizing radiation", "Managing security of natural- technical systems", "Research work of students" – Sorokin LN. Conferences IХ St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of Rus- sian Regions” (ISRR-2015) October 28–30 2015, Saint-Petersburg. – Yusupov R. M., Zabolotsky V. P., Blum V.S., Fedorchenko L. N., Ivanov V.P., Kharinov M.V., Perevarukha A.Yu, Vus M. A. 10-th All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Advanced Sys- tems and Control Problems", April 6-10, 2015 Dombay – Yusupov R. M. 5-th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Law and Infor- mation: Theory and Practice." Presidential Library, April 04. 2015, St. Peters- burg – Yusupov R.M. 7-th All-Russian scientific-practical conference "IMMOD-2015", October 21-23, 2015, Moscow, the RAS Institute of Control – Yusupov R.M. Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Perspective trends of development of the domestic information technology", September 23-25, 2015, Sevastopol – Yusupov R.M. XVI All-Russian Conference and School of Young Researchers "Modern problems of mathematical modeling", Rostov-on-Don, 2015 – Pere- varukha A.Yu. 17–th All-Russian conference “Mathematical Methods of Pattern Recog- nition (MMPR–17)”, September 19–25 2015, Svetlogorsk – Kharinov M.V. III Annual International Conference "Modern medical centers. Invest- ments. Equipment. Staff» Web site: – Blum V.S. The conference "IT in healthcare: technological trends." November 26, 2015. Moscow. The publication CNews (RosBusinessConsulting). – Blum V.S. Third St.Petersburg Days of LOGIC and COMPUTABILITY August 24- 26, 2015 Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg This third meeting is devot- ed to the memory of Grigory Mints (1939-2014). – Fedorchenko LN. International Scientific and Practical conference "The Navy in World War II. On the 70-th anniversary of Victory. "April 22, 2015 St. Peters-

burg.:"Aircraft fleet Naval Air Force of the USSR in 1941–1943." – Ivanov V.P. The conference "Soviet Science and Machinary during the years of the Great Patriotic War" 21-24 April 2015. St. Petersburg. Plenary presentation: "The aircraft U-2 during the Great Patriotic War." – Ivanov V.P. European-Asian Law Congress "Law and national interests in modern geopolitics" Ekaterinburg June 18-19, 2015, Report "Methods of assessing the level of security in social and economic systems." – Ivanov V.P. III All-Russian Scientific Conference "Academic Zhukovskiye readings." Air Force Academy named prof.N.E. Zhukovsky and Yuri Gagarin. 7-11 April 2015 – Ivanov V.P., Ohtilev MY, Sokolov BV, Yusupov R.M. The second annual scientific conference "Development of the EAEC in modern conditions." June 30, 2015 Moscow – Ivanov VP. IV All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Actual problems of rocket and space technology (IV Kozlovsky reading)." 14-18 September 2015. Samara – Ivanov VP. VII All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Security Emergency" on the April 23–24, 2015, St. Petersburg – Sorokin L.N. X All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Problems of explosion safety applications and counter-terrorism" on the April 21-23, 2015, St. Pe- tersburg – Sorokin L.N. XVIII International Joint Scientific Conference «Internet & modern socie- ty» (IMS-2015) St Petersburg, Russia, June, 23-25, 2015 – Tsygankova I.A. Extended Сouncil Meetings the Non-Commercial Partnership for Infor- mation Society Development in North-West Russia, May, 28, 2015 – Tsy- gankova I.A. Ongoing sity seminar “Informatics and Computer Technologies” – Fedorchenko L.N. International Cooperation Vus M.A. – Institute of National Security of the Republic of Belarus and the Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus –joint work and publica- tions carried out according to the plans of the IPA CIS and CSTO PA. Research Management IX St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of Rus- sian Regions (ISRR-2015)». St. Petersburg, October, 28–30, 2015. More than 400 scientists participated from 20 regions of Russia, more than 200 presentations had been held. (Yusupov R. M., Zabolotsky V. P., Fedorchenko L. N., Vus M. A. – Organizing Committee members). Web site: conf/ISRR-2015. Scientific and Technical seminar: "Problems of creation of the automat- ed systems of diagnostics of engines and machines providing the propulsion of information support at all stages of their life cycle." 8–11 June 2015 St. Petersburg, SPIIRAS. – Ivanov V.P.

34-th International Youth Conference "School Informatics and problems of persistent development" (dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War). - St. Petersburg: the CSTO Parliamentary Centre, on the April 23-25, 2015. Organized and conducted by Yusupov R.M., Vus M.A. Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Yusupov R.M. – Member of the RAS Bureau of Department on Nano and Information Technologies; Member of Scientific Council of RAS “Scien- tific Telecommunications and Informational Infrastructure”; Member of RAS Scientific Council on Theory of Control Process and Automatization; Member of Russian National Committee on Industrial and Applied Mathematics; Member of Scientific Council attached to the Russian Security Council of Russia Federation; Member of the Advisory Council for the preparation of the teaching staff at the State Duma Committee on Education, Member of North- West Section coordination council of RAS on fundamental and applied re- search; Member of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of RAS; the Chairman of Integrated Scientific Council of this Center on Com- puter Science, Telecommunication, and Control; Vice-chairman of Scientific Council on Informatization at St. Petersburg Government; Honorary Doctor of Petrozavodsk State University; Honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics; President of the National Society of simulation; Member of the editorial committee of the international journal "Current problems of aviation and aerospace systems"; Member of Editorial Boards of Magazines: “Warfare, Politics, Conversion”, “Computer Science and its Applications”, “Telecommunications”, "Information and Control Sys- tems", “Mephatronics, Automation, and Control”, International Magazine “The Problems of Control and Computer Science”, Journal of Intelligent Control Neurocomputing and Fuzzy Logic" (USA), “Cybernetics and information technologies Bulgarian Academy of Sciences”, "Control systems and ma- chines"(Kiev, Ukraine), "Information and Space", The Journal of the Universi- ty of Water Communications, etc. Fedorchenko L.N. – Scientific Secretary of the SPIIRAS sity seminar "Informatics and Computer Technologies." Web site: Member of program committee of the St.-Petersburg interregional conference «Information Secu- rity of Russian Regions- 2015». Ivanov V.P. – Corresponding Member of Aviation Academy, Member of the Russian National Community of Science History Society (St. Petersburg department), Member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation, Re- sponsible Editor at publishing house “Politechnika”. Kharinov M.V. – Official representative of SPIIRAS in National Associa- tion of Innovations and Information Technologies (NAIIIT). Оfficial revewer of the journal Computer Science and Engineering (p-ISSN: 2163-1484,e-ISSN: 2163-1492).

Smokty O.I. – Participation in meetings of the International Astronautical Federation (MAF) and the International Academy of Astronautics (IIA), Paris, France. Tsygankova I.A. – Cooperation with the Norwegian scientifically- economic institute NOFIMA on processing of the genomic data (Norway, Os- lo). Responsible Secretary of Coordination Council of Partnership for devel- opment of information society in Northwest of Russia, Representative SPIIRAS in the Russian-European Noncommercial partnership on develop- ment of innovations in sphere of informational and communication technolo- gies, Representative SPIIRAS in the Scientific-Educational Center "Energy- efficient life support systems", Member ITHEA International Scientific Society (Bulgaria), Member of program committee of the St.-Petersburg international conference «Regional informatics». Vus M.A. – Member of the Academy of Informatization of Education and a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Pedagogical Assembly and a member of the Editorial Board (scientific editor of some is- sues) of the journal "Informatization and Communication. The magazine is included in the base “Russian Science Citation Index and in the WAK list (Higher Certification Commission). Zabolotsky V.P. – Scientific Secretary of St. Petersburg series confer- ences “Information Security of Russian Regions” and “Regional Informatics”. Intellectual Property Registered in the Reporting Year Patents for Inventions and Utility Models, Applications for Them The patent for the invention №2566417 dated 27 October 2015 from the application 2014117215/28 04/28/2014. The Patent "Method for calibration of pressure sensors air shock waves" The priority of 04.28.2014. (Grishchenko S.A., Nesterov A.G., Motchalov V.V., Sorokin L.N.). Programs and Data Bases Certificate of state registration for computer program number 2015662971 of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks. It is registered in Computer Program Register on 08.12.2015, by Korotin A.A., Pavlov D.A. Sorokin L.N., Sokolov B.V. «The Program for calcu- lating the frequency of catastrophic failure and the probability of failure-free operation of semiconductor electronic products under the impact of charged particles of space». – (Sorokin L.N.). Participation in the Promotion of Scientific Knowledge and Achievements Public lectures: "On the problems and development trends of science and education in the Russian Federation" and "State and prospects of Infor- matics development and Information Technologies" for SPIIRAS and ETU postgraduate students, and for students and teachers of the Sevastopol State University September (23-25, 2015) – P .M. Yusupov.

Recent Results 1. The model for analysis of the situation of rapid depletion of fishery bio- logical resources after a slight excess of the allowable exemptions and aperi- odic fluctuations in population through the application of the boundary interval crisis attractor in continuous-discrete dynamical system with the emergence of two types of bifurcations has been improved [9]. 2. A model for the prediction of spontaneous increase in the amplitude of the population in the development of two generations of the moth population Octrinia nubilalis dangerous pest is proposed. The method of controlled origin tangent bifurcations. Qualitative changes in the behavior of the population is determined by regulatory factors in the survival of the second overwintering generation [25–32]. 3. A hierarchical model of quasi-optimal hierarchical image approximating by reversibly merging of pixel clusters, particularly image segments, is pro- posed. In the model for an image of N pixels: a) 2N -1 "objects" are detected as nested images; b) a sequence of N hierarchical approximations described by convex sequence of total squared error values are generated; c) high- speed calculations in the limited amount of RAM are provided in terms of "Sleator-Tarjan Dynamic Networks " [10, 11, 35, 53]. 4. Two image segmentation techniques are developed and experimentally verified, namely: a) the method of optimization of any image segmentation by the total square error along with visual , while maintaining the number of segments; b) the method of the sustainable allocating of objects in stereo images obtained for the same scene in different angles that extends the capabilities of stereo vision for robots [33, 34, 54]. 5. The vector-event model of an integrated electronic medical record has been worked out. It describes the process of forming the complete and relia- ble data flow of personal electronic health records which is accessible for processing automatically to meet the challenges of statistical analysis of the primary medical information and early detection of defects care. 6. It has been shown in the co-authorship with Ms Borisova A.V. that a sin- gle point in the Baltic Sea off of the coast of Gothenburg (Sweden) could be sufficient to track and forecast global anomalies of sea surface temperature. We propose to name it the Baltic indicator. We also demonstrate that two crisis falls of oil price in 2008 and 2014 followed just after the local maxi- mums of Baltic indicator. However, this Baltic indicator does not show any evident trend in settling the global warming from the beginning of this century. These results have been published in the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems [12–15]. 7. A comparative analysis has been performed for the model and national laws for members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of protection of state secrets. As a consequence the Commentary on the model law (recommendation) for IPA CIS "On State Secrets" has been worked out.

It was adopted by the IPA CIS as a recommendation of Interstate Act (De- cree № 43-19 of November 26, 2015). These recommendations for improving the model and national legislation in the sphere of protection of state secrets are reflected in the programs for further development and improving the legal framework for collective security in the CIS IPA and CSTO PA. [2, 9–13]. 8. The technique for text data processing is itemized to harmonize text documents at the semantic level. The approach is based on an implementa- tion of attributes in a CFR-grammar. Attributes are entered in the form of predicates and semantics in the text of grammar or in the syntax graph- scheme directly and then they are translated into predicate functions and semantic procedures without parameters to create the add-computing envi- ronment [16, 36, 55]. 9. A method for evaluation of the energy characteristic of radiator of the electromagnetic ultrashort pulses (EUP) is developed. It allows to create the optimal energy binding to the frequency band of the receiver as the duration and shape of the EUP, and the bandpass characteristics of the antenna radi- ator. 10. Modeling and researches of the the energy characteristics of the radiators for ultrashort electromagnetic pulses are performed. The conditions for using energy-efficient emitters of electromagnetic pulses excited unipolar generator EUP are defined. It is shown that using the largest share of energy unipolar ultrashort electric pulse duration, and, to a lesser extent, the shape of the pulse should be a certain way connected with center frequencies and bandwidths antennas both receiver and transmitter. It was found that when using ultra- wideband signals radiated broadband antennas exciting ultrashort unipolar pulses, in some cases, it should be taken into account the influence of factors of space, which does not play a significant role in the use of narrow-band sig- nals. It was found that the wider the bandwidth, the greater the distortion that introduced into the mold space factor of the emission spectrum. 11. The thermal model of heating fuel elements (TWEL) in case of loss-of- coolant accidents is developed. The numerical modeling of thermal heating processes (for example, individual TWEL) core Water-Water Energetic Reac- tor (WWER) after an emergency stop has been done. We obtain the time dependence of the temperature change of TWELs in the process of loss of coolant accident at nuclear power plants with WWER -1000 type reactors. It is shown that zirconium-steam energy contribution of the chemical reaction is comparable to the residual heat of radioactive fission products that, in turn, greatly affect the rate of heating of TWELs. It is substantiated some practical recommendations to ensure the explosion safety of nuclear VVER type reac- tors afterheat to prevent the destruction of buildings of their units. 12. The software for the calculation of the absorbed dose and fluence of charged particles in space instruments is developed.Itis taking into account the real location in the spacecraft (the program "The Dose-Fluence"),

adapted as a part of CAD SolidWorks used in instrument-making enterprises of the space industry in designing board spacecraft equipment. Awards Yusupov R.M. – Certificate of Honour President of the Russian Federa- tion (decree signed by President of the Russian Federation of 10.26.2015, No.335-rp. Ivanov V.P. – Certificate of Honor for his report on the IV All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Actual problems of rocket and space technology (IV Kozlovsky reading)". References Monographies 1. Vus M.A., Makarov O.S. the Commentary on the Model law "On state se- crets" / Foreword by R. M. Yusupov // SPb: SPIIRAS. Publ. of Anatolia, "Printing technology", 2015. 136 p. ISBN 978-5-7452-0035-9. (In Russ). 2. Yusupov R.M., Aleksandrov V.V. Formation and development of infor- mation infrastructure of innovation development of St. Petersburg // Chapter in the book "Perspective directions of development of science in St. Petersburg." St Petersburg scientific center RAS, St. Petersburg, 2015. S. 202-251. (In Russ). Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 3. Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V., Ivanov D.A. Conceptual description of in- tegrated risk modelling problems for managerial decisions in complex organisational and technical systems // International Journal of Risk As- sessment and Management. 2015. Vol. 18, No.3/4. pp. 288–306. 4. Soldatenko S., Yusupov R. Shadowing property of coupled nonlinear dynamical system // Applied Mathematical Sciences. 2015. Vol.9. No.50. pp. 2459–2466. 5. Soldatenko S., Yusupov R. An optimal control problem formulation for the atmospheric large-scale wave dynamics // Applied Mathematical Sciences. 2015. vol. 9, No. 18. pp. 875–884. 6. Soldatenko S., Yusupov R. Sensitivity analysis of coupled chaotic dy- namical systems with the pseudo-orbit tracing property // Applied Math- ematical Sciences. 2015. vol. 9, No. 18. pp. 885–893. 7. Soldatenko S., Yusupov R. On the possible use of geophysical cyber- netics in climate manipulation (geoengineering) and weather modifica- tion // WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 2015. Vol.11. pp. 116–125. 8. Soldatenko S., Yusupov R. Sensitivity analysis in optimal control of the Earth’s climate system // In: Recent Advances in Environmental and Earth Sciences and Economics, A. Bulucea (ed.), Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Energy, Environment, Development and Economics (EEDE 2015). 2015. pp. 40–46. 9. Perevaryukha A.Yu. A model of development of a spontaneous outbreak of an insect with aperiodic dynamics // Entomological Review. 2015. T.95. № 3. С.397–405.

10. Kharinov M.V. Pixel Clustering for Color Image Segmentation // Pro- gramming and Computer Software. 2015. Vol. 41, No. 5. pp. 258–266. 11. Kharinov M.V. Model of the quasi-optimal hierarchical segmentation of a color image // Journal of Optical Technology, 2015 Vol. 82, Issue 7, pp. 425–429. 12. Borroto–Escuela D.O., Agnati L.F., Bechter K., Jansson A., Tara- kanov A.O., Fuxe K. The role of transmitter diffusion and flow versus ex- tracellular vesicles in volume transmission in the brain neural–glial net- works // Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B (Impact Fac- tor: 6.31). 2015, vol. 370. pp. 1–14. 13. Tarakanov A.O., Fuxe K. The triplet puzzle theory indicates extensive formation of heteromers between opioid and chemokine receptor sub- types // Journal of Neural Transmission (Impact Factor: 2.87). 2015. Vol. 122. pp. 1509–1514. 14. Tarakanov A.O., Borisova A.V. Sea surface temperature simulation and forecast // International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems. 2015. 15. Borroto-Escuela D.O., Tarakanov A.O., Fuxe K. Brain FGFR1-5-HT1A heteroreceptor complexes: Implications for major depression and its treatment // Trends in Neuroscience (Impact Factor: 13.56) 12/2015. 16. Fedorchenko L., Baranov S. Equivalent Transformations and Regulari- zation in Context–Free Grammars // Bulgarian Academy of Sciences/ Cybernetics and Information Technologies (CIT). 2015. Vol. 14, No 4, pp. 29–44 17. Smokty O. I. the Theory of weak spectral lines in the atmosphere bounded below horizontal homogeneous underlying surface // Izvestiya ran. Physics of atmosphere and ocean. 2015. Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 550– 561. (In Russ.). 18. Smokty O.I. Theory of weak spectral lines formation in an atmosphere bounded from below by a horizontally homogeneous underlying surface // Springer Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 19. Yusupov R. M., Sokolov B. V. et al. Integrated modeling of complex ob- jects: main features and examples of practical implementation // Pro- ceedings of the 7th all-Russian scientific-practical conference "IMMOD– 2015". 2015. (In Russ.). 20. Yusupov R. M., Sokolov B. V., Okhtilev M. Y. Theoretical and technolog- ical foundations of the concept of proactive monitoring and management of complex objects // Izvestiya of southern Federal University. Technical Sciences. 2015. No. 1(162), pp. 162–174. (In Russ.). 21. Yusupov R. M., Ronzhin A. L. Multimodal interfaces for Autonomous mobile robotic systems // news of southern Federal University. Technical Sciences. 2015. No. 1(162). pp. 195–206. (In Russ.). 22. Yusupov R. M., Alabyan, A. M., Zelentsov V. A. et al. Operational flood forecasting through an integrated proactive modeling and integration of

heterogeneous data // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol.4 (41). pp. 5– 33. (In Russ.). 23. Yusupov R. M., A. S. Geida, I. V. Lysenko Basic concepts and principles of research of operating properties of use of information technologies // SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2015, vol. 5(42). pp. 5–37. (In Russ.). 24. Blum V. S. Innovation system of public health statistics. // Actual prob- lems of Economics and management. 2015. pp. 80–88. (In Russ.). 25. Perevarukha A. Y. a Hybrid model of development locally explosive pro- cess of population of the insect // Proceedings of Institute of system analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015. vol. 65. No. 2. pp. 94– 104. (In Russ.). 26. Perevarukha A. Y. Computer simulation of sturgeon populations of the Caspian sea with two kinds of occurrence of aperiodic oscillations // ra- dio Electronics, computer science, management. 2015. No. 1. pp. 26– 32. (In Russ.). 27. Perevarukha A. J. Study models of exploited populations with complex aperiodic transition dynamics // Vestnik of the Belarusian state Universi- ty. Series 1. Physics. Math. Informatics. 2015. No. 3. pp. 96–103. (In Russ.). 28. Perevarukha A. Yu. Boundary crisis of the attractor to model the causes of the degradation of fisheries bioresources // System analysis and ap- plied Informatics. 2015. No. 3. pp. 4–8. (In Russ.). 29. Perevarukha A. Yu. Structural-dynamic model of interaction between the components of ecosystems under anthropogenic impact // Proceedings of Institute of mathematics and Informatics of the Udmurt state Universi- ty. 2015. Vol. 2 (46). pp. 132–139. (In Russ.). 30. Perevarukha A. Yu. Modern problems and application examples alterna- tive to the chaotic modes in the description of ecological processes // Nonlinear world. 2015. No. 7. pp. 48-56. (In Russ.). 31. Perevarukha A. Yu. Graph model of the interaction of anthropogenic and biotic factors in the productivity of the Caspian Sea // Vestnik of Samara state University. Natural science series. 2015. No. 10(132). pp. 179– 196. (In Russ.). 32. Perevarukha A. Yu. To the question of perception of forms of nonlineari- ty according to observations in the construction of population models // Ecosystem. 2015. Vol. 1 (31). pp. 4–25. (In Russ.). 33. Kharinov M.V., Hanykov I.G. Improvement of Combined method of im- age segmentation // Bulletin of the Buryat state University. Mathematics and computer science / No. 9, Ulan–Ude: Publishing house of the Buryat state University, 2015. pp. 118–124. (In Russ.). 34. Kharinov M.V., Hanykov I.G. Optimization of the piecewise constant ap- proximation of the segmented image // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol. 3(40). pp. 183–202. (In Russ.). 35. Ivanov V. P. special Method of synthesis of optimal control for Autono- mous dynamic systems // Bulletin of the Buryat state University. Mathe- matics, computer science. 2015, no.2, pp. 62–70. (In Russ.).

36. Kharinov M.V. improving the quality of the approximation of a digital im- age-based hierarchical segmentation // Bulletin of the Buryat state Uni- versity. Mathematics and computer science / Ulan-Ude: Publishing house of the Buryat state University, 2014. No. 9(3) pp. 54–57. (In Russ.). 37. Fedorchenko L.N. The approach to the implementation of attributes in the system SynGT // Eurasian scientific journal. 2015. No. 12. pp. 530– 537 ISSN: 2410-7255. (In Russ.). 38. Tsygankova I.A. Biomedical Data Analysis for Forecasting of Treatment Outcomes // V mire nauchnyh otkrytij. 2015. Vol.10(58). С. 212–223. ISSN 2072–0831. (In Russ.). 39. Usychenko V. G., Usychenko A. S., Sorokin L. N. Power characteristics of radiators of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses // Izvestiya vuzov. Radi- ophysics. 2015. Vol. 58. No. 2. pp. 114–122. (In Russ.). Other Publications 40. Yusupov R. M., Mas, M. A. et al. Report. Experience of international sci- entific cooperation in the development of model legislation on the basis of the CIS IPA // V international scientific and practical conference "Law and information: theory and practice". The presidential library. 2015. (In Russ.). 41. Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V. et al. Theoretical and Technological Foun- dations of Complex Objects Proactive Monitoring Management and Con- trol // Symposium Automated Systems and Technologies. St.- Petersburg, Russia. 2015. (In Russ.). 42. Bachilo I. L., VUS M. A., Makarov O. S., Yusupov R. M. Cooperation of Russian and Belarusian scientists in the development of model legisla- tion in the field of information security CIS IPA // Regional Informatics and information security. The collection of works. 2015. Issue 1. pp. 70– 74. (In Russ.). 43. Yusupov R.M., Bachilo I.L., Bondarevsky V.V., Mas M.A. Lepekhin A.N., Makarov O.S., Perevalov V.D. The Contribution of the staff of Russian and Belarusian scientists in the development of informational legislation for the CIS and CSTO // Questions of law. 2015, no. 3. pp. 151–168. ISSN 2073-5002. (In Russ.). 44. Vus M. A. To the question of improvement of model legislation on state secrets in the framework of the IPA CIS // Moscow: the Power. 2015, no. 7. pp. 193–196. (In Russ.). 45. Yusupov R. M., Bachilo I. L., Vus M. A., Makarov O. S. Development of model legislation for the sphere of information security // M.: Power. 2015, no.11. pp. 5–9. (In Russ.). 46. Vus M. A., Makarov O. S. Legislation CIS: state secrets and state se- crets // The Young scientist. Actual problems of law. Materials of IV in- ternational scientific conference. M.: Buki–Vedi, 2015. pp. 70-74. (In Russ.). 47. Bachilo I. L., Vus M. A., Makarov O. S., Yusupov R. M. the Cooperation between Russian and Belarusian scientists in the development of model

legislation in the field of information security CIS IPA // Regional Infor- matics and information security. The collection of works. 2015. Issue 1. pp. 5–8. (In Russ.). 48. Bachilo I. L., Bondarevsky V. V., VUS M. A., Makarov O. Yusupov R. M. the Role and place of legal policy in the development of model legisla- tion of the CIS in the sphere of information security // Interuniversity sci- entific and practical conference Spbguap: "Legal policy. The rule of law. Legal life: theory and practice, history and modernity", 2015. pp. 99–102. (In Russ.). 49. Vus M. A. State secret in the aspect of research activities / Young scien- tist // III international scientific and practical conference "Law: History. Theory. The practice". 2015. pp. 20-22. (In Russ.). 50. Vus M.A., Kucheryavaya M.M., Makarov S.O., Perekopskaya G.I. Im- proving the system of information security in the CSTO // Theoretical and applied aspects of information security: materials of the international scientifically-practical. Conf. 2015. pp. 26–29. (In Russ.). 51. Ivanov V. P. Article on a special topic. MO // The Russian Federation, 2015. (In Russ.). 52. Ivanov V. P. Evaluation of the degree of adaptation of special control for Autonomous dynamic systems // Eurasian scientific journal. 2015. vol. 12. No. 2077. (In Russ.). 53. Kharinov M.V. Model Verification quasioptimal segmentation on the ex- ample of a composite image // Mathematical methods of pattern recogni- tion (mmro–17) // Abstracts of. 17th all-Russian conference with interna- tional participation, Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region, Moscow: TORUS PRESS. 2015. pp. 138-139. (In Russ.). 54. Kharinov M. V., Zabolotsky V. P. Model of quasi-optimal segmentation of digital images // Information security of Russian regions (isrr — 2015). The IX St. Petersburg interregional conference. 2015 pp. 89–90. (In Russ.). 55. Fedorchenko L.N. SynGT: application attributes // Regional Informatics and information security. The collection of works. 2015. Issue 1. pp. 68– 73. (In Russ.). 56. Panarina V. A., Basenko, V. G., Sorokin, L. N. The influence of tempera- ture dependences of heat capacities of the materials of the cladding and nuclear fuel in the thermal regime of the WWER-type reactor with loss of coolant // Proceedings of VII all-Russian scientific-practical conference "Safety in emergencies". 2015. (In Russ.). 57. Panarina V.A., Basenko, V.G., Sorokin L.N. The energy contribution of the zirconium-steam reaction in the heat balance of the fuel element of the PWR reactor during the accident with loss of coolant // X all-Russian scientific-practical conference "problems of maintenance of explosion safety and counteraction to terrorism". 2015. (In Russ.).

Scientific-Research Department of Information Security Problems

Head of the Department: Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Prof., Alexander A. Moldovyan, deputy director for information security – investigation and development of the algorithms and means for information protection. [email protected] Department Staff – 15 collaborators and 7 Ph.D. students. SRD ISP includes 2 scientific-research laboratories: cryptology laboratory and information systems security laboratory. Head of the Cryptology Laboratory: Dr. Sci.(Tech.), Prof., Honored inven- tor of Russian Federation Nikolay A. Moldovyan – synthesis and analysis of the cryptographic primitives for designing block ciphers, schemes and proto- cols for authentication of the electronic documents and messages, for public encryption, and for public key distribution. [email protected] Head of the Information Systems Security Laboratory: Ph. D., Roman Sh. Fakhrutdinov – investigation and design of the algorithms and means for in- formation protection, certificate testing, computer-technical expertise. Research Fellows Senior Researcher, Ph. D. – Andrey A. Kostin – investigation and design of the algorithms and means for information protection, certificate testing, computer- technical expertise. Senior Researcher, Ph. D. – Anatoliy Yu. Mirin – investigation and de- sign of the algorithms and means for information protection, certificate test- ing, computer- technical expertise. Researcher, Ph. D. – Alexandr A. Goryachev – investigation and design of the algorithms and means for information protection. Researcher, Ph. D. – Dmitriy M. Latyshev – investigation and design of the algorithms and means for information protection. Researcher, Ph. D. – Dmitriy N. Moldovyan – investigation and design of the algorithms, protocols, and means for information protection. Senior Researcher – Andrey P. Zabolotnyi – investigation and develop- ment of the algorithms and means for information protection, networking problems of information systems, certificate testing, computer- technical ex- pertise. Researcher – Anna A. Popova – research and development of the au- thentication protocols with zero leakage of secret: application and new proto- cols, information support. Researcher – Alexey I. Galanov – investigation and design of the algo- rithms and means for information protection, networking problems of infor- mation systems, certificate testing, computer- technical expertise.

Researcher – Anna A. Kostina – investigation and design of the algo- rithms and means for information protection, certificate testing, computer- technical expertise. Researcher – Uliana A. Moldovyan – investigation and design of the al- gorithms and means for information protection, certificate testing, computer- technical expertise. Junior researcher – Andrey N. Berezin – investigation and design of the cryptographic algorithms and protocols, infractructure of the work stations. Post-graduate Students Nikolay Babadzhanyan – functionality extention of the digital signature standad GOST R 34.10–2012 (science supervisor Moldovyan N.A.) Alexey R. Birichevskiy – secure information storing on portable disks (science supervisor Moldovyan N.A.) Anton V. Muraviov –security investigation of the encryption algorithms with sort-size keys (science supervisor Moldovyan A.A.) Zhan A. Solnyshkin – error correction properties of block ciphers. (sci- ence supervisor Moldovyan N.A.) Grants and Projects RFFR grant № 14-07-00061-a «New methods, algprithms and applica- tions of the deniable encryption for information security in information- telecommunication systems » (2014-2016, leader Moldovyan N.A.). University Courses SPSEEU: Cryptographic protocols (Moldovyan N.A.) Protection of the operational systems and data bases. (Moldovyan A.A.) Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping: Cryp- tographic methods for information protection. Foundations of Cryptography. (Moldovyan N.A.) Complex information security of the management systems (Moldovyan A.A.) Military Space Academy: Mathematic basis of Cryptography (Moldovyan N.A.) Conferences XVIII International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM). St.Petersburg, 19-21 May 2015. (Berezin A.N., Moldovyan N.A.) Workshop on Foundations of Informatics, August 24-29, 2015, Chisinau (Moldovyan D.N.) International Cooperation Le Qui Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sci- ences of Moldova: finite algebraic structures as primitives of the cryptograph- ic algorithms and protocols.

Intellectual Property Registered in the Reporting Year Berezin A.N., Moldovyan D.N., Moldovyan A.A., Ryzhkov A.V. A method of encrypting a message represented as a bit string // Patent for the invention № 2558621. Posted: 08.10.2015. Bull. Number 22. Recent Results 1. It has been designed a new fast deniable-encryption method satisfying criterion of the computational indistinguishibility from the probabilistic encryp- tion. The method is very promising for application as mechanism for providing information security against the two-side coercive attacks [4, 8]. 2. Protocols for threshold authentication [9]. 3. Protocols for secure encryption with short keys [5, 7]. 4. It has been developed a method for public encryption in the form of gen- erating a cubic congruence. Using the method it was designed a deniable encryption protocol that is secure against the two-side coercive attack. It has been developed a method for solving cubic congruences, which has been used as main part of the decryption procedure [2, 6]. 5. It has been developed a general method for solving the cubic equations in the ground finite field the order of which has large size [6]. 6. It has been justified using the Mersenne primes in zero-knowledge pro- tocols [3]. References Papers Published in Editions Indexed by WoS, Scopus 1. Al-Majmar N. A., Moldovyan D. N., Moldovyan N. A. Zero-Knowledge Protocols Based on the Public Encryption // International Journal of In- novation and Applied Studies. Apr. 2015. Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 90–95. 2. Moldovyan N.A., Moldovyan A.A., Shcherbacov V.A. Provably sender- deniable encryption scheme // Computer Science Journal of Moldova/ 2015, Vol.23. No. 1(67). pp. 62–71. 3. Moldovyan N.A., Moldovyan A.A., Berezin A.N. On Using Mersenne Primes in Designing Cryptoschemes // Int. Journal of Network Security. 2016. Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 369–373. 4. Moldovyan A.A., Moldovyan N.A., Moldovyan D.N., Shcherbacov V.A. Stream Deiable-Encryption Algorithm Satisfying Criterion of the Compu- tational Indistinguishability from Probabilistic Ciphering // Computer Sci- ence Journal of Moldova. 2015, V.23. N. 3. 5. Berezin, A.N.; Moldovyan, A.A.; Moldovyan, N.A. Stream deniable- encryption computationally indistinguishable from probabilistic ciphering // XVIII International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM), St.Petersburg, 2015. pp. 9–11.

Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 6. Moldovyan N.A., Goryachev A.A., Muraviev A.V. Protocol of strong en- cryption by key small // Questions of information protection. 2015. № 1. pp. 3-8. 7. Moldovyan N.A., Moldovyan D.N., Vaychikauskas M.A. Generation Ku- bichnyh equations as a way to open the encryption // Questions of infor- mation security. 2015. № 2. pp 3-7. 8. Moldovyan N.A., Muraviev A.V., Kostin A.A. Protocols of the cipher- shared keys with small size and OD-norazovyh public key // Questions of information security. 2015. № 2. pp 8-12. 9. Moldovyan N.A., Bashirov Z.S., Solnyshkin J.A. Protocols of thread- deniable encryption with shared key // Questions of information security. 2015. № 3. pp. 27-31. 10. Moldovyan N.A., Shapovalov P.I. Protocols threshold autentifi-cation // Questions of information security. 2015. № 3. pp. 32-36. Other Publications 11. Ho N.D., Moldovyan N.A., Nguen H M., Pham M.T., and Tran T.N. Con- trolled Elements F2/4 as Primitive for Block Ciphers // 2015 Internation- al. Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering CSIE 2015. June 28–29, 2015. Bangkok, Thailand. Proceedings. pp. 188–195. 12. Moldovyan A.A., Moldovyan D.N., Shcherbacov V.A. Stream Deniable- Encryption Algorithm Satisfying Criterion of the Computational Indistin- guishability from Probabilistic Ciphering // Workshop on Foundations of Informatics. 2015. pp. 318–330. 13. Moldovyan N.A., Shcherbacov A.V., Shcherbacov V.A. On some appli- cations of quasigroups in cryptology // Workshop on Foundations of In- formatics. 2015. pp. 331–341.

Department of Graduate School Information and Educational Technologies and Services

Head of Department: Senior Researcher, Ph.D., associate professor Vladi- mir Salukhov – information technology in education, life-cycle management infotelecommunication systems analysis and development of support sys- tems and decision-making on the basis of modern information technologies; [email protected]. Department Staff – 11 members. Research Activities Information technologies in education and the development of unified training center space data processing remote sensing (RS), as well as computer sci- ence and educational center SPIIRAS. Analysis of free software and its use in research and educational centers. Research and development of methodology of the integration information resources of space systems monitoring and fore- casting of natural and technological objects Application of multi-criteria statisti- cal analysis for enterprise expert systems, including health care. Research Fellows Senior researcher, Ph.D., Associate Professor – Kasatkin Victor – infor- mation technology in education; information systems and technologies, [email protected]. Researcher, Ph.D., Associate Professor – Matthias Valery A. – Devel- opment of methods and models of representation and processing of large amounts of data for monitoring the state of complex objects, [email protected]. Researcher – Motienko Anna I. – methods and models of construction of corporate health information systems, modeling of receipt and logistics movement of patients in medical-scientific institutions, an- [email protected]. Junior researcher – Sergey Rogachev – methods and algorithms of the development of integrated ground-space monitoring of floods, roga- [email protected]. Junior Researcher – Pimanov Ilya Y. – Information technology of intelli- gent decision support; engineering and automated information system of monitoring biological resources, and technical systems of the biosphere, [email protected]. Post-graduate Students Motienko Anna Igorevna – Analysis and management of patient flow in a health care setting. Supervisor – PhD. Basov OO Sergey Rogachev – Research and development of intelligent systems of integrated ground-space monitoring and flood forecasting. Supervisor – PhD. Matthias VA

Pimanov Ilya Y. – Methods and algorithms of studing the quality re- quirements of remote sensing data when monitoring and managing the de- velopment of the territory. Supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Zelencov VA University Courses STU: cognitive multi-agent systems (Saluhov V.I.) State Medical University: Informatics (Motienko A.I.) SPbSUAI: Structure and data processing algorithms (Matthias V.A. Rogachev S.A.) Conferences Third International Scientific Conference "MTMTS PCM-2015", St. Pe- tersburg, July 2015 – Saluhov V.I. August 2nd All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Geographically distributed protection system" Kaliningrad, 7-8 April 2015 – Saluhov V.I. Scientific-Technical Conference "Perspective directions of development of the domestic information technology", Sevastopol, 23-25 September 2015. Information Security of Russian Regions (IBRD 2015). IX St.Petersburg Interregional Conference. St. Petersburg, 28-30 October 2015 – Kasatkin V.V. XXI International scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, April 22, 2015 – Saluhov V.I. II All-Russia Scientific Conference "Ecology and Space" Academician KY Kondratiev, SPb.: GCA Him. Mozhaisk, 2015 – Saluhov V.I. Third International Scientific Conference "Simulation and modeling of complex marine engineering and marine transportation systems" - "PCM MTMTS 2015" – Saluhov V.I. August 7th All-Russian scientific-practical conference on simulation and its application in science and industry "Simulation. Theory and Practice "(IM- MOD 2015). 21-23 October 2015 – Motienko A.I. September 2nd International Youth Scientific Conference "Advanced technologies and processes." 24-25 September Kursk. 2015 – Motienko A.I. Membership in Domestic and International societies, editorial boards, etc. Saluhov Vladimir Ivanovich, a member of the Editorial Board WORLD TELECOM Recent Results 1. The method and the technology of increasing the accuracy of positioning objects with heterogeneous information was developed [3]. 2. A structural-functional model of modernization of telecommunication systems and decision-making model for choosing the best option of a given criterion improvements for each of the system [1].

3. Methodology of integrated data processing of ground and space moni- toring of nature and natural-technological facilities was developed and exper- imentally tested [5]. 4. The first introduction of the complex information and analytical support processes of territorial management based on an integrated use of geospatial data and mobile Web- technology "region" was developed and pro- duced [10,12]. 5. Development of the model of choice for the transportation position of the victim based on Bayesian belief networks (BAN) [2]. References Papers Published in Russian Editions Indexed by RSCI 1. Saluhov V.I., Soldatenko V. Structural and functional model and method of solving the problem justify upgrading telecommunications systems // SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2015. vol. 6(43). pp. 210–227. (In Russ.). 2. Saluhov V.I. et al. Structural and functional analysis of the intensity of the use of components and sub-systems of production lines shipyards // Third International Scientific Conference "MTMTS PCM-2015", St. Pe- tersburg, 2015. (In Russ.). 3. Ohtilev M.Y., Saluhov V.I., Sokolov B.V. The multi-model approach to a situation of solving problems and reducing the number of errors in posi- tioning objects // 8-th All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Geo- graphically distributed protection system", Kaliningrad, 2015. (In Russ.). 4. Saluhov V.I. Methods for estimating the dynamics of demand for ser- vices infotelecommunication // Scientific and Technical Conference "Perspective directions of development of the domestic information technology", Sevastopol, 2015. (In Russ.). 5. Grigorieva O.V., Matthias V.A., Motchalov V.F., Rogachev S.A. Envi- ronmental monitoring of protected areas on the basis of survey of do- mestic spacecraft // Proceedings of II Russian Scientific Conference "Ecology and Space" Academician KY Kondratiev, SPb.: GCA Him. Mozhaisk, 2015. pp 104–109. (In Russ.). 6. Lelis J., Trufanovs A., Burakov V.V., Matiash V.A., Rogachev S.A. Inte- grated Conceptual Framework for Monitoring and Control of Risk Situa- tions in the Sea Area // Proceedings of the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Simulation and modeling of complex marine engineering and marine transportation systems" - "PCM MTMTS 2015". 2015. pp. 11–14. (In Russ.). 7. Motienko A.I., Ronzhin A.L., Pavlyuk N.A. Modern development of res- cue robots: opportunities and principles of their application // Scientific Bulletin of the NSTU. 2015. Vol 60. No.3. pp 147–165. (In Russ.).

8. Motienko A.I., Makeyev S.M., Basov O.O. Analysis and modeling of the process of selecting of the position for the transportation of the victim on the basis of Bayesian belief networks // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2015. Vol. 6(43). pp. 135–155. (In Russ.). 9. Pimanov I.YI. et al. Fundamentals of data processing system remote sensing based on service-oriented architecture // Math. Universities. In- strument. 2015. vol. 58, no. 3. pp. 241–243. (In Russ.). 10. Zelencov V.A., Kovalev A.P., Pimanov A.N. Information-analytical sys- tem development management areas based on the use of remote sens- ing and geographic information of mobile technology // Ecology. Econo- my. Computer science. - Collection of articles: 3 m. - Rostov - on - Don Univ. SFU, 2015. V.3: Geographic information technologies and space monitoring. pp. 48–59. (In Russ.). Other Publications 11. Motienko A.I., Basov O.O. Probabilistic model of the transport position of the victim // Proceedings of the 7th All-Russian scientific-practical con- ference on simulation and its application in science and industry "Simu- lation. Theory and Practice "(IMMOD 2015). 2015. pp. 230–235. (In Russ.). 12. Motienko A.I., Basov O.O. The use of automated robotic means of transport for the provision of first aid // Collected articles 2nd Interna- tional Youth Scientific Conference "Advanced technologies and pro- cesses." Kursk. 2015. pp 216–220. (In Russ.). 13. Rogachev S.A. General classification of models of representation of spatial data // Proceedings of the XXIV International scientific confer- ence "Modern technologies in control, automation and information pro- cessing". 2015. pp. 272–273. (In Russ.). 14. Rogachev SA, EA Shinkarenko Development of an automated system of remote testing and analysis of laboratory work on programming // Pro- ceedings of the XXIV International scientific conference "Modern tech- nologies in control, automation and information processing". 2015. pp. 132–133. (In Russ.). 15. Council B.J., Kasatkin V. The Training in the field of security of infor- mation systems within the federal state educational standards of the fourth generation. // Information Security of Russian Regions (IBRD 2015). IX St.Petersburg Interregional Conference. 2015. pp. 352–353. (In Russ.). 16. The Council BJ, Kasatkin V. Mainstreaming GEF prepare developers of information systems and technologies within the profile "security of infor- mation systems" // Information Security of Russian Regions (IBRD 2015). IX St.Petersburg Interregional Conference. 2015. p. 353. (In Russ.).

17. Bachurin IV, Kasatkin Vladimir Lysenko VA, Alexander Kuznetsov, Yu Chendrova, Salnikov PY, Sychugov DS Secure WEB-applications to manage the property of the university complex. // Information Security of Russian Regions (IBRD 2015). IX St.Petersburg Interregional Confer- ence. 2015. pp. 58–59. (In Russ.). 18. Kasatkin V., Kolbanev M.O., Tatarnikova T.M. Specialization of infor- mation interaction // Regional informatics and information security. Pro- ceedings. 2015. pp. 260–264. (In Russ.). 19. Moldovyan A.A., Moldovyan N.A., Kasatkin V. Questions and modern cryptography solutions for computer systems // Regional informatics and information security. 2015. pp. 281–285. (In Russ.). 20. Kasatkin V., Yakovlev S.A. Updating of the content of the federal state educational standards of higher education in the field of study "Infor- mation systems and technology" // Modern education: content, technol- ogy and quality. XXI Intern. scientific-met. Conf.: 2 volumes. 2015. pp. 40–41. (In Russ.). 21. Pimanov I.YI. et al. Integration of subsystems and services, access to the results of space monitoring and forecasting emergencies // Regional Informatics (RI 2014). XIV St. Petersburg International Conference "Re- gional Informatics (RI 2014)". 2015. (In Russ.). 22. Pimanov I. YI et al. Implementation of interdisciplinary projects on the basis of open GIS platform // Geodesy, cartography, geoinfomatics and inventories. From idea to implementation. Collected materials of the in- ternational scientific-practical conference. 2015. pp. 162–166. (In Russ.).


BSTU Baltic State Technical University Departament of Nano Technologies and Information DNTIT RAS Technologies FAR Foundation Advanced Research FASO Russia Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations FRP Fundamental Research Program FTP Federal Target Program MAPE Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education NMRU National Mineral Resources University PFSPSMU Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University PSTU Petersburg State Transport University RSPU Russian State Pedagogical University SPIIRAS St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation SPSAEE St.Petersburg State Academy of Engineering and Economy SPSEEU St.Petersburg State Electrical Engineering University SPSMTU St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University SPSPTU St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University St.Petersburg Scientific Research Center of the Russian SPSRCRAS Academy of Science SPSU St.Petersburg State University St.Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil SPSUACE Engineering SPSUAI St.Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation St.Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, SPSUITMO Mechanics and Optics SPSWU St.Petersburg Water Communications University

The report materials are printed as submitted by the heads of research units. General information and text editing Ronzhin An.L., Silla E.P. Computer composition Ronzhin Al.L., Belova R.I.

Contents GENERAL INFORMATION ...... 3 Conferences, Exhibitions ...... 8 International Cooperation ...... 9 Links with the Higher School and Branch Science ...... 10 Major Publications ...... 11 2015 Honours and Awards ...... 13 RESEARCH LEADS AND MAIN RESEARCH RESULTS OF SPIIRAS LABORATORIES ...... 15 Laboratory of Research Automation ...... 15 Laboratory of Intelligent Systems ...... 19 Laboratory of Speech and Multimodal Interfaces ...... 23 Laboratory of Computer Security Problems ...... 31 Laboratory for Information-Analytic Technologies for Economics ...... 48 Laboratory of Computing and Information Systems and Software Engineering ...... 53 Laboratory of Object-Oriented Geo-Information Systems ...... 63 Laboratory of Autonomous Robotic Systems ...... 67 Laboratory of Biomedical Informatics ...... 75 Laboratory of Computer Aided Integrated Systems ...... 80 Laboratory of Information Technologies in System Analysis and Modeling ...... 89 Laboratory of Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Problems of Informatics ...... 109 Laboratory of Applied Informatics and Problems of Society Informatization ...... 119 Scientific-Research Department of Information Security Problems ...... 133 Department of Graduate School Information and Educational Technologies and Services ...... 137 ABBREVIATIONS ...... 142