Opportunity for All: Promoting Growth And
IMF DEPARTMENTAL PAPER OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL PROMOTING GROWTH AND INCLUSIVENESS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Catriona Purfield, Harald Finger, Karen Ongley, Bénédicte Baduel, Carolina Castellanos, Gaëlle Pierre, Vahram Stepanyan, and Erik Roos INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Copyright ©2018 International Monetary Fund Cataloging-in-Publication Data Joint Bank-Fund Library Names: Purfield, Catriona. | Finger, Harald. | Ongley, Karen. | Baduel, Bénédicte. | Castellanos, Carolina. | Pierre, Gaëlle. | Stepanyan, Vahram. | Roos, Erik. | International Monetary Fund. Title: Opportunity for all : promoting growth and inclusiveness in the Middle East and North Africa / an IMF team led by Catriona Purfield with Harald Finger, Karen Ongley, éB nédicte Baduel, Carolina Castellanos, Gaëlle Pierre, Vahram Stepanyan, and Erik Roos. Other titles: Promoting growth and inclusiveness in the Middle East and North Africa Description: Washington, DC : International Monetary Fund, [2018] | | Includes bibliographical references. Identifiers: ISBN 9781484361177 (paper) Subjects: LCSH: Economic development—Middle East. | Economic development—Africa, North. | Middle East—Economic conditions. | Africa, North—Economic conditions. Classification: LCC HC415.15.O663 2018 The Departmental Paper Series presents research by IMF staff on issues of broad regional or cross-country interest. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management. Publication orders may be placed
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