can you play ps4 while downloads install PS4 games will be playable while patches download. PlayStation 4 users will be able to play games while the system checks for title updates and downloads them to the unit, according to Sony's massive FAQ for the console. On PlayStation 3, the console would only check for patches upon attempting to boot up a game, and if one was available, users would have to exit to the system's XMB and wait for it to download and install before they could play. This was also the way it worked on 360. On PS4, users can keep playing while a patch downloads in the background, although they'll still need to exit out to the PS4 dashboard in order to install the update. Microsoft has confirmed that publishers can choose to allow users to download patches while playing games. Sony also noted that "depending on the game, you not be able to access online features until all the update data is installed." : Black Ops 4 Requires You To Download Full Game Despite Retail Copy. If you have bought a physical copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, we have some bad news for you. It won’t be possible to just install the game and enjoy playing it from the disc. and Studios announced today that to play Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, you will have to download a mammoth 50 GB update. This update is necessary to boot the game especially if you have a retail copy since it will replace the exciting files overwriting a lot of the old data that has been pressed on the disc. On the official Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 FAQ, it has been clarified that while the game requires 55 GB of hard disk space after installing the day one update, you will need around 115 GB of hard disk free in order to actually download and install the game. If you have bought a retail copy, there is a roughly 50 GB day one update that has to be downloaded first before playing the game. This patch is already available for the digital version so only retail copies will be affected by this change. Before playing for the first time, players will need to download and install a day one update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. This update must be installed completely in order to access Multiplayer, Zombies, and Specialist Headquarters. Blackout is fully playable once installation is about 30% complete (approximately 16-20 GB). For an optimized download experience, players should have 112 GB of free hard drive space – note that this is not the size of the download, it is the amount of space required to complete the installation process. The final installation footprint will be approximately 55 GB. In order to play Blackout before the full installation is complete, select “Update to Latest Version” when the prompt appears. The day one update package is roughly 50 GB. Download speeds may vary based on region, platform, connection type, and the speed of your internet connection. This was further confirmed by other press outlets and some retailers are even letting the customers get the copy one day early on October 11 so they can download this update and play the game on launch. As for how this mistake happened, it is too early to tell but it is possible that the version that was sent as the master copy was likely an outdated and the new update completely overwrites any old data files with new one. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will launch on October 12 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Reignited Trilogy Play While Downloading – Is it Possible? The question of whether you can play while downloading is all over the game’s subreddit. The remastered versions of the iconic PlayStation titles are finally out in the wild, but some players still don’t know if it’s possible to download later parts of the game while they’re still playing the first title in the trilogy. Can I Play Spyro Reignited Trilogy While Downloading? Spyro Reignited Trilogy ‘s physical copy only comes with the first game in the series. The game’s box art revealed this a while back, and an explanation on the official website stated that players would need to download the other two games, Ripto’s Rage and Year of the Dragon, once they had their physical copy. At the time it led to a fair bit of flak on Activision’s and ’s part as fans vented their frustration at having to download the two titles on release day. In the weeks since, however, other players have queried if they’ll have to wait to play the first title in the trilogy even if they have to wait for the other two to download. A few Spyro fans have taken to the game’s subreddit in recent days to ask if you can play the first game while the other two are installed in the background. Threads such as this one and this one show that it’s unclear whether this can be accomplished or not. Thankfully, the responses on both threads suggest that you can. Xbox One and PS4 both allow you to start games, ones that are actively being installed to the system, as soon as you hit the halfway install point. For Spyro Reignited Trilogy , you only need to install the first game onto your platform before you can begin playing it. You can even boot it up and start playing while Ripto’s Rage and Year of the Dragon continue to be downloaded and installed onto your console at the same time, so you’re okay on that front.