1. Prolegomena to Translation and Localization in Video Games
MICHAŁ LISECKI Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej From T9N to L10N (or I18N, or C13N) 1. Prolegomena to translation and localization in video games Key words: video games, translation, localization, transcreation, multimodality, multidimen- sionality, proper names, onomastics, audio-visual translation Słowa klucze: gry komputerowe, tłumaczenie, lokalizacja, transkreacja, multimodalność, wielowymiarowość, nazwy własne, onomastyka, tłumaczenie audiowizualne Introduction In the contemporary world, communicative practices are predominantly mediated by a wide range of digital technologies supporting speech, image, video, and textual communica- tion equally. Digital environments, and in this paper specifically video games, do not only serve a purpose of new kind of interaction domains, but are, in fact, a new paradigm mediat- ing and augmenting their users’ social activities. (Lisecki, 2014:21-22) The current global status of the gaming market available to international communities of gamers from around the world equally has largely been possible because of all the translation (T9N) and localization (L10N) efforts, sometimes recently also preceded by more careful internationalization (I18N) practices, allowing for users across different cultural or language backgrounds interact and communicate with in those environments. Video games, although at first ignored and denigrated by scholars of various disciplines, who saw them rather as trivial and a medium for children (Newman, 2004:5), only recently 1 Across various texts on translation and localization those acronyms are widely used and therefore also briefly introduced here at the beginning in this paper. However, as a piece of scholarly writing, we shall refrain from using the abbreviated forms further in this paper. Their application in the texts results simply from a need to economize on the time taken to type these across various texts and includes the initial and final letters with a digit which stands for the number of the replaced letters.
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