CAEO 2012 Chiapas 1 the Data Obtained Allowed Us to Conclude the Following: Table 1

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CAEO 2012 Chiapas 1 the Data Obtained Allowed Us to Conclude the Following: Table 1 Monitoring the General Agreement of Interagency Collaboration for Emergency Obstetric Care in Chiapas system for evaluating the performance of CAEO. Two Availability of the necessary equipment for AEO: most In May 2009, Mexico started an emergency Background: additional packages were included: an assessment of of the monitored facilities had a good performance, except obstetric care (AEO) project with the signing of a General medical knowledge and an assessment of cultural relevan- for the HR in San Felipe Ecatepec (IMSS-O), which had Agreement of Interagency Collaboration for Emergency ce. The information was obtained through interviews with intermediate performance (0.688), and the Hospital of Obstetric Care (CAEO), whose aim is to contribute to the following key informants: medical directors (or deputy Cultures, which deserves urgent attention because it had a reduce maternal mortality. CAEO seeks to ensure that any medical directors), or chiefs of on duty medical staff. The value of 0.554.The respondents in these facilities said they woman who requests AEO receives free and immediate information with complemented with interviews with the lack most supplies and the specialty of obstetrics and care, regardless of her affiliation. staff responsible for each area (e.g. nurses, laboratory gynecology, although they assist women with stabilized personnel, etc.). EO, or with consequences of it, in the unit of secondary In 2011, the Observatory of Maternal Mortality in Mexico intensive care. There is also a midwives' house attached to (OMM) conducted a monitoring study of the functioning For the evaluation of the different intervention packages, the hospital, separated only by a door. This means that the and operation of CAEO in four states of Mexico (Oaxaca, we used indices that assigned a relative value to each item women attended in the midwives' house will not have Chiapas, Tabasco and Mexico City). The results showed evaluated according to the services provided by each health access to specialized care if a complication occurs during that: 1. Interagency cooperation between IMSS, ISSSTE unit; the values were between 0 and 1.The values of the childbirth. Table 2 shows the availability of other key and SSA is limited or non-existent; 2. Most of the women indices were rated according to the performance scale supplies for AEO such as red cars, obstetric boxes and who received care through CAEO had gone spontaneously 1 developed by the National Council for Evaluation of Social medicines. to the nearest hospital after the occurrence of an obstetric Development Policy: values higher than 0.85 were conside- emergency without previous knowledge of the existence of red as good results; values between 0.84 and 0.70 were The availability of laboratory studies was good in most CAEO. Some hospitals identified as tertiary hospitals did considered adequate; values between 0.69 and 0.50 were facilities, except for the HBC in Larráinzar, which had a not meet the established guidelines. This study focused on considered intermediate; values lower than 0.50 were value of 0.62 (intermediate); all facilities had X-ray and the emergency obstetric care provided by tertiary hospitals considered low or requiring urgent care. ultrasound, except the HBC in Oxchuc (SESA). belonging to each of the participating institutions. We interviewed key actors such as health service providers in Of the health service network of SESA in Los Altos, Regarding the availability of immunizations such as AEO and women benefited by CAEO. The investigation Chiapas, we monitored the following facilities: The Anti-D and Tetanus Toxoid, the HR in San Felipe revolved around the operation of CAEO. Women's Hospital, the Hospital of Cultures and basic Ecatepec HR (IMSS-O) had a value of 0.833 (adequate); community hospitals (HBC) of Larráinzar, Oxchuc, the rest of the facilities had low values, meriting urgent In 2012, the OMM issued two main recommendations: Chalchihuitán, Chamula and Teopisca. The Clinic-Hospital attention. the creation of an interagency AEO network that included (CH) of San Cristobal de Las Casas belonged to ISSSTE tertiary care, and the creation of a single register of and the regional hospitals (HR) of San Felipe Ecatepec and With respect to access to the necessary medical techno- beneficiaries of the Public Health Sector. Altamirano belonged to IMSS-Oportunidades (IMSS-O). logy for AEO, the highest rating corresponded to the Women's Hospital (SESA) with 0.87 (good), followed by Following agreements with the State Health Services The following are the results of the evaluation of the the HBC Oxchuc (intermediate); other facilities ranked as (SESA) of Oaxaca, Chiapas, Mexico City and Tabasco, operation and functioning of CAEO (Table 1): low, meriting urgent attention. which participated in the first monitoring, it was further agreed to conduct a joint evaluation of the functioning of Management of referrals to EO: most of the facilities Regarding medical knowledge in AEO: the members of CAEO in service networks selected by SESA. Chihuahua located in San Cristobal de Las Casas or close to this the medical staff in charge of AEO were given a question- was added to these four states because the information municipality had a good performance in terms of naire with ten tracers questions about the minimum available at the General Directorate of Health Planning and complying with the requirements for the referral of patients; essential knowledge for the provision of obstetric care. Development of the SSA showed that it was the state with the HBC in Oxchuc and Larráinzar (SESA) had an adequate None of those interviewed showed good performance. The greater use of CAEO. The OMM decided that the second performance, while the HBC in Chalchihuitán had interme- respondents from IMSS-O and the HBC Larráinzar, monitoring of CAEO should focus on describing and diate performance. Chamula and Chalchihuitán (SESA) had adequate ratings; analyzing the compliance with its own guidelines in those in the Women's Hospital, the HBC Oxchuc (SESA) Chiapas, Chihuahua, Mexico City, Oaxaca and Tabasco. Provision of medical services for AEO: the performance of and the two doctors from ISSSTE had intermediate ratings. all facilities was considered good, with the exception of the The staff in the Hospital of Cultures and the HBC Teopisca The study was carried out from December 2012 to HBC in Chalchihuitán, which had adequate performance. (SESA) had low ratings. February 2013. Five public service networks were studied in selected entities: Chiapas (Los Altos; ten facilities), Access to SREO: the only facility that required the Cultural relevance: since the studied networks provide Chihuahua (Chihuahua, Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, San Juanito; registration of EO cases in the SREO was the Women 's health services to indigenous populations, the interviewed nine facilities), Mexico City (Southern zone; 12 facilities), Hospital, where the respondents were completely unaware were asked about whether the staff and the functioning of Oaxaca (Miahuatlan; eight facilities) and Tabasco (La of the existence of the registration platform the health facilities under study were sensible to cultural Chontalpa; seven facilities); totaling 46 facilities. differences. Most of the facilities had good performance, except for the HBC Oxchuc, with a rating of 0.7 This summary includes the description and analysis of: Regarding the availability of human resources 24 hours (intermediate), and the Hospital of Cultures and the CH San 1) The compliance with the guidelines established by a day, 365 days a year, the indices yielded the following Cristobal de Las Casas (ISSSTE), which had low ratings. CAEO; 2) Responses to tracer questions to assess basic values: SESA 0.675 (intermediate), ISSSTE 0.971 (good) medical knowledge; 3) Evaluation of the cultural relevance and IMSS-O 0.713 (adequate); together, the three of the service. Seven intervention packages were defined, institutions had an average value of 0.775 (adequate). comprising the indispensable minimal interventions required to provide the service in accordance with the Gratuitousness of AEO: in general, the performance of all provisions established by CAEO:1) Guidelines for the facilities ranked as good, with values of 1 in most cases, management of referrals to EO; 2) Guidelines for the except for the Hospital of Cultures and the HBC of provision of medical services for AEO; 3) Guidelines for Teopisca and Oxchuc (SESA), with values of 0.8; these not accessing the registry system of AEO (SREO); 4) Guideli- always had an adequate supply of medicines or the possibi- nes for the functionality of SREO; 5) Guidelines for human lity to conduct laboratory and/or clinical studies, which resources; 6) Guidelines for ensuring the gratuitousness of forced the users to pay for them themselves. AEO; 7) Guidelines for the supplies and equipment required by AEO. Together, these packages make up a 1.- IMSS: Mexican Social Security Institute, ISSSTE: Institution of Social Security Services of the State Workers, SSA: Secretariat of Health. CAEO 2012 Chiapas 1 The data obtained allowed us to conclude the following: Table 1. Operating guidelines of CAEO; results of the indices by state, institution and overall. 1. The lack of knowledge about CAEO persists among users Provision Tracers Supplies Access Functionality Human Gratuitousness Cultural and health service providers. Obstetric of medical questions and references to SREO of SREO resources of AEO relevance 2. Most of the AEO still correspond to women who go services about AEO equipment spontaneously to emergency medical services. 3. Patients are still required to pay for gasoline when referrals SESA 0.82 0.84 0 0 0.68 0.91 0.59 0.79 0.716 involve the use of municipal ambulances. 4. There is still very limited interagency collaboration. Most referrals involve facilities belonging to the same institution, ISSSTE 0.88 0.86 0 0 0.97 1 0.60 0.30 0.818 which causes delays in many cases.
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    PRESUPUESTO DEVENGADO ENERO - DICIEMBRE 2012 TOTAL 556.3 ( Millones de Pesos ) Ene - Sept 375.3 Oct - Dic 67.5% 181.0 32.5% Fuente: Organismos Públicos del Gobierno del Estado En la función Protección Ambiental en el 2012, se invirtieron 556.3 millones de pesos, devengándose en el cuarto trimestre 181.0 millones de pesos. Se llevaron a cabo 20,290, monitoreos bacteriológicos de cloro para evitar enfermedades de origen hídrico; asimismo, se obtuvieron 9,561 crías de tortugas golfina incubadas en campamentos tortugueros; y se construyó un relleno sanitario en el municipio de Chenalhó. SUBFUNCIÓN: ORDENACIÓN DE DESECHOS ORGANISMO PÚBLICO: DESARROLLO SOCIAL Y PRODUCTIVO EN REGIONES DE POBREZA PRINCIPALES ACCIONES Y RESULTADOS En el rubro de ordenación de desechos, se concluyó la construcción de un relleno sanitario tipo “D” en el municipio de Bella Vista, beneficiándose a 1,672 personas. PROYECTOS REALIZADOS SUBFUNCIÓN / TIPO DE PROYECTO / FUENTE DE FINANCIAMIENTO METAS BENEFICIARIOS PRESUPUESTO UNIDAD DE ALCANZ. ALCANZ. PROGRAM./ % DEVENGADO PROYECTOS / METAS (CONCEPTOS) MEDIDA AL EN EL MUNICIPIO LOCALIDAD PERSONA MODIF.ANUAL CUMPLIM. ( PESOS ) 3er.TRIM. 4to.TRIM. ORDENACIÓN DE DESECHOS DESARROLLO SOCIAL Y PRODUCTIVO EN REGIONES DE POBREZA 575 860.00 PROYECTOS DE INVERSIÓN: Fondo de Aportaciones al Fortalecimiento de las Entidades Federativas CONSTRUCCIÓN DE RELLENO SANITARIO 575 860.00 Bella Vista Bella Vista 1 672 Construcción de relleno sanitario tipo D Obra 1.00 0.50 0.50 100.00 SUBFUNCIÓN: ADMINISTRACIÓN DEL AGUA ORGANISMO PÚBLICO: SECRETARIA DE INFRAESTRUCTURA PRINCIPALES ACCIONES Y RESULTADOS Durante el cuarto trimestre del 2012, se fomento la cultura de protección civil, prevenir y proteger a la población más vulnerable, se destaco la siguiente acción: Construcción de muro de contención de 250 metros de largo en cauce del río Xamaipak, ubicado en el Barrio Santa Martha del municipio de Frontera Comalapa; beneficiando a 67,012 personas.
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