1. C-176-2021 Correspondence received June 1, 2021 from the GO Implementation Office, Niagara Region respecting NRT OnDemand Metrics

2. C-177-2021 Correspondence dated June 2, 2021 from the Township of Lake of Bays to the Municipality of Leamington respecting Correspondence – Request to Review Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

3. C-178-2021 Correspondence dated June 2, 2021 from the Township of Lake of Bays to the Town of Fort Erie respecting Correspondence – Township of The Arhicpelago – Road Management Action on Invasive Phragmites

4. C-179-2021 Correspondence dated June 1, 2021 from the Town of Fort Erie respecting a letter to the Honourable and the Honourable Doug Ford respecting Generation Squeezing with Respect to Affordable Housing.

5. C-180-2021 Correspondence dated June 1, 2021 from the Town of Halton Hills respecting a letter to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario regarding Elimination of LPAT.

6. C-181-2021 Correspondence dated May 31, 2021 from the City of Port Colborne to the Town of Pelham, Township of Wainfleet and City of Welland respecting a resolution passed regarding Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport (NCDRA) Commission.

7. C-182-2021 Correspondence dated May 31, 2021 from the municipality of Lanark Highlands to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing respecting a motion to support the City of Kitchener’s resolution regarding Planning Act Timelines. Received June 1, 2021 C-176-2021 Data as of: Overall NRT OnDemand Service Metrics Monday, May 31, 2021 Inter vs. Intra-Municipal Rides Intra-Municipal Rides Number of Rides Number of Trips WAV Trips

5% Grimsby 14% 19,830 18,041 154 Inter Lincoln Intra 47% 53% 21% 60% Pelham Rides by Origin Municipality Niagara-on-the-Lake

Grimsby 9.2K Lincoln 4.5K Ridership Ride Time of Day Pelham 2.2K 150 West Lincoln 2.0K 2K St. Catharines 0.9K 100 Niagara-on-the-Lake 0.5K Welland 0.4K 1K Wainfleet 0.1K 50 Port Colborne 0.0K

0K 5K 10K 0 0K Sep 2020 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Rides by Destination Municipality Monthly Ridership 1,500 Grimsby 9.3K

Lincoln 4.3K Municipality Pelham 2.1K Grimsby 1,000 West Lincoln 1.8K Lincoln St. Catharines 1.0K Niagara-on-the-Lake Niagara-on-the-Lake 0.5K 500 Pelham Welland 0.5K Wainfleet Wainfleet 0.2K Port Colborne 0.0K West Lincoln 0 0K 5K 10K Sep 2020 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 / Data as of: Overall NRT OnDemand Service Metrics Monday, May 31, 2021

Average Wait Time (min) Average Wait Time vs. Time of Day Payment Type

2.6% Credit Card 6.38% 30 Transfer/Ride Pass 16.57 7.35% Local Pass 8.2% Average Trip Length (min) 20 Regional Pass Untaxed Credit 72.01% Brock U-Pass 10 13.89 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 PM Waived Average Wait Time Average Trip Distance (km) 30 Trip Rating 4K 3985 8.60 20 2K 10 231 111 75 30 0K 0 5 4 1 3 2 Sep 2020 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 Ridership vs. Covid Reopening Stages




0 Sep 2020 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 / Grimsby Monday, May 31, 2021 NRT OnDemand Service Metrics Origin and/or Destination Municipality Data as of Trip Rating Number of Rides Number of Trips WAV Trips Average Wait Time (min)

2K 2270 171 61 57 17 12,168 10,959 91 16.77 0K 5 4 1 3 2 Rides by Origin Municipality Ride Time of Day

Grimsby 9.2K Payment Type 10K West Lincoln 1.3K 8625 1,000 Lincoln 1.3K

St. Catharines 0.2K 5K Welland 0.1K 500 Pelham 0.0K

Wainfleet 0.0K 631 538 486 388 156 15 0K 0K 5K 10K 0 Credit Local Transf… Regio… Untax… Brock Waived 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Rides by Destination Municipality Card Pass Pass Pass Credit U-Pass Inter vs. Intra-Municipal Rides Monthly Ridership Grimsby 9.3K 2,000 West Lincoln 1.2K 1,941 Lincoln 1,500 1.1K 1,580 1,530 1,510 St. Catharines 0.4K 1,432 1,274 Welland 0.2K Inter Intra 1,000 1,045 1,049 48% 52% Wainfleet 0.0K 704 Pelham 0.0K 500 Port Colborne 0.0K 0 0K 5K 10K Sep 2020 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021

/ Lincoln Monday, May 31, 2021 NRT OnDemand Service Metrics Origin and/or Destination Municipality Data as of Trip Rating Number of Rides Number of Trips WAV Trips Average Wait Time (min)

1K 1211

75 24 24 11 6,538 5,927 78 17.33 0K 5 4 1 3 2 Rides by Origin Municipality Ride Time of Day Payment Type Lincoln 4.5K 600 4157 Grimsby 1.1K 4K St. Catharines 0.4K

West Lincoln 0.3K 400

Pelham 0.2K 2K Welland 0.0K 200 635 Wainfleet 0.0K 350 292 274 137 11 Port Colborne 0.0K 0K Credit Transf… Brock Regio… Local Untax… Waived 0K 2K 4K 0 Card Pass U-Pass Pass Pass Credit 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Rides by Destination Municipality Inter vs. Intra-Municipal Rides Monthly Ridership Lincoln 4.3K 1,500 Grimsby 1.3K St. Catharines 0.5K

West Lincoln 0.3K 1,000 1,089 Intra 1,053 Pelham 0.2K 34% 924 Welland 0.0K Inter 678 712 Wainfleet 0.0K 66% 500 519 555 545 Port Colborne 0.0K 383 0.0K 0 0K 2K 4K Sep 2020 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 / Pelham Monday, May 31, 2021 NRT OnDemand Service Metrics Origin and/or Destination Municipality Data as of Trip Rating Average Wait Time (min) Number of Rides Number of Trips WAV Trips 1,000 886 500 14.60 16 5 4 33 2,929 2,780 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 Rides by Origin Municipality Ride Time of Day 400 Payment Type Pelham 2.2K 2,000

Welland 0.2K 300 1439 1,500 West Lincoln 0.2K

Lincoln 1,000 0.2K 200 St. Catharines 0.1K 506 500 351 335 Grimsby 0.0K 100 65 33 8 Wainfleet 0.0K 0 Credit Transf… Regio… Local Untax… Brock Waived 0K 1K 2K 0 Card Pass Pass Pass Credit U-Pass 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Rides by Destination Municipality Inter vs. Intra-Municipal Rides Monthly Ridership

Pelham 2.1K

Welland 0.3K 400 Lincoln 0.2K 397 350 335 326 West Lincoln 0.2K 322 310 Intra Inter 289 St. Catharines 49% 200 248 0.1K 51% 223 Wainfleet 0.0K 129 Grimsby 0.0K 0 0K 1K 2K Sep 2020 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 / Wainfleet Monday, May 31, 2021 NRT OnDemand Service Metrics Origin and/or Destination Municipality Data as of

Number of Rides Number of Trips WAV Trips Average Wait Time (min) Trip Rating 40

34 320 290 1 21.24 20 8 Rides by Origin Municipality Ride Time of Day 1 1 0 5 4 1 2 Wainfleet 111 Payment Type West Lincoln 63 40 Grimsby 48 230 Pelham 36 200 Lincoln 26 20 St. Catharines 18 100 Welland 14 Port Colborne 4 22 16 13 2 1 0 50 100 0 0 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Credit Untaxed Brock Transfe… Regional Waived Rides by Destination Municipality Card Credit U-Pass Pass Pass Monthly Ridership Wainfleet 209 100 West Lincoln 32 Lincoln 24 Pelham 19 69 Grimsby 12 50 56 Welland 10 St. Catharines 8 28 31 28 30 31 23 Port Colborne 6 17 0 0 100 200 Sep 2020 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 / West Lincoln Monday, May 31, 2021 NRT OnDemand Service Metrics Origin and/or Destination Municipality Data as of Trip Rating Number of Rides Number of Trips WAV Trips Average Wait Time (min) 3,761 3,468 32 19.13 500 685 34 18 17 8 0 Rides by Origin Municipality Ride Time of Day 5 4 1 3 2 400 Payment Type West Lincoln 1,996 Grimsby 1,176 2460 Lincoln 267 300 2K Pelham 171 St. Catharines 89 200 1K Wainfleet 32 710 Port Colborne 19 123 87 Welland 11 100 18 6 4 0K 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Credit Regio… Untax… Transf… Local Waived Brock 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Card Pass Credit Pass Pass U-Pass Rides by Destination Municipality Monthly Ridership West Lincoln 1,770

Grimsby 1,325 593 504 Lincoln 282 492 400 447 443 Pelham 179 395

St. Catharines 119 324 303 Wainfleet 63 200 211 Welland 18 Port Colborne 5 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Sep 2020 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 / T 705-635-2272 TOWNSHIP OF LAKE OF BAYS OFLAKE TF 1-877-566-0005 1012 Dwight Beach Rd BAYS F 705-635-2132 Dwight, ON POA lHO • • MUSKOKA • Received June 2, 2021 C-177-2021 June 2, 2021

Via email: [email protected]

Municipality of Leamington Attention: Brenda Percy, Clerk 111 Erie Street North Leamington, ON N8H 229

Dear Ms. Percy:

RE: Correspondence - Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)

On behalf of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lake of Bays, please be advised that the above-noted correspondence was presented at the last regularly scheduled meeting on June 1, 2021, and the following was passed.

"Resolution #7(bl/06/01/21

WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lake of Bays hereby receives the correspondence from Brenda Percy, Clerk for the Municipality of Leamington requesting support for the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services to review the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), dated May 5, 2021;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lake of Bays hereby supports the Municipality of Leamington resolution requesting that the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services to review the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and to consider the recommendations outlined in the Municipality of Leamington's resolution;

... 2

I 100 LAKES TO EXPLORE T 705-635-2272 TOWNSHIP OF LAKEOF BAYS LAKE TF 1-877-566-0005 1012 Dwight Beach Rd • QfBAYS F 705-635-2132 Dwight, ON P0A lH0 • • MUSKOKA •


AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Municipality of Leamington, the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, and all Ontario municipalities.

Carried." Sincerely, fu

Ca�, o;p/. M.A., GMO, AOMC, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk. CS/cw Encl. Copy to: Hon. Lisa Thompson, Minister of Government and Consumer Services All Ontario Municipalities

. -i:'1'}'!11 ..._ 100 LAKES TO EXPLORE �-� : f _..� •-;1.-,� Municipality of Legislative Services 111 Erie Street North Leamington, ON N8H 2Z9 Leamington 519-326-5761 Iive I play I work [email protected]


May 5, 2021

Re: Advocacy for Reform Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)

Please be advised that the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Leamington, at its meeting held Tuesday, April 27, 2021 enacted the following resolution:

No. C-119-21

Re: Advocacy for Reform - MFIPPA Legislation

BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipality of Leamington has received Clerk's Department Report LLS-15-21 regarding Advocacy for Reform of Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("MFIPPA"); and

That that the following motion be passed in support of a request to review and reform of MFIPPA:

WHEREAS MFIPPA dates back 30 years;

AND WHEREAS municipalities, including the Municipality of Leamington, practice and continue to promote open and transparent government operations, actively disseminate information and routinely disclose public documents upon request outside of the MFIPPA process;

AND WHEREAS government operations, public expectations, technologies, and legislation surrounding accountability and transparency have dramatically changed and MFIPPA has not advanced in line with these changes;

AND WHEREAS the creation, storage and utilization of records has changed significantly, and the municipal clerk of the Municipality is responsible for records and information management programs as prescribed by the Municipal Act, 2001;

AND WHEREAS regulation 823 under MFIPPA continues to reference antiquated technology and does not adequately provide for cost recovery, and these financial shortfalls are borne by the municipal taxpayer;

AND WHEREAS the threshold to establish frivolous and/or vexatious requests is unreasonably high and allows for harassment of staff and members of municipal councils, and unreasonably affects the operations of the municipality;

AND WHEREAS MFIPPA fails to recognize how multiple requests from an individual, shortage of staff resources or the expense of producing a record due to its size, number or physical location does not allow for time extensions to deliver requests and unreasonably affects the operations of the municipality;

AND WHEREAS the name of the requestor is not permitted to be disclosed to anyone other than the person processing the access request, and this anonymity is used by requesters to abuse the MFIPPA process and does not align with the spirit of openness and transparency embraced by municipalities;

AND WHEREAS legal professionals use MFIPPA to gain access to information launch litigation against institutions, where other remedies exist;

AND WHEREAS there are limited resources to assist administrators or requestors to navigate the legislative process;

AND WHEREAS reform is needed to address societal and technological changes in addition to global privacy concerns and consistency across provincial legislation;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services be requested to review MFIPPA, and consider recommendations as follows:

1. That MFIPPA assign the municipal clerk, or designate to be the Head under the Act;

2. That MFIPPA be updated to address current and emerging technologies;

3. That MFIPPA regulate the need for consistent routine disclosure practices across institutions;

4. That the threshold for frivolous and/or vexatious actions be reviewed, and take into consideration the community and available resources in which it is applied;

5. That the threshold for frivolous and/or vexatious also consider the anonymity of requesters, their abusive nature and language in requests to ensure protection from harassment as provided for in Occupational Health and Safety Act;

6. That the application and scalability of fees be designed to ensure taxpayers are protected from persons abusing the access to information process; 7. That administrative practices implied or required under MFIPPA, including those of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, be reviewed and modernized;

8. That the integrity of MFIPPA be maintained to protect personal privacy and transparent governments.


Sincerely, Brenda M. Percy, Clerk cc: Rick Nicholls, MPP Chatham Kent - Leamington Dave Epp, MP Chatham Kent - Leamington Minister of Consumer Services Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario Association of Municipalities of Ontario Association of Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario Ontario Clerks LAKE T 705-635 -2272 TOWNSHIP OF LAKE OF BAYS TF 1-877 -566-0005 1012 Dwight Beach Rd OF BAYS F 705-635 -2132 Dwight. ON POA lHO

Received June 2, 2021 C-178-2021 June 2, 2021

Via email: [email protected]

Town of Fort Erie Attention: Carol Schofield, Manager, Legislative Services/Clerk 1 Municipal Centre Drive Fort Erie, ON L2A 2S6

Dear Ms. Schofield:

RE: Correspondence - Township of The Arhicpelago - Road Management Action on Invasive Phragmites

On behalf of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lake of Bays, please be advised that the above-noted correspondence was presented at the last regularly scheduled meeting on June 1, 2021, and the following was passed.

"Resolution #7(a)/06/01/21

WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lake of Bays hereby receives the correspondence from Carol Schofield, Manager, Legislative Services/Clerk for the Town of Fort Erie requesting support for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to Communicate the Strategy on Mapping and Controlling Invasive Phragmites on Provincial Highways, dated April 27, 2021;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lake of Bays hereby supports the resolution from the Township of The Archipelago requesting the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to communicate the strategy on mapping (detecting site) and controlling invasive Phragmites on provincial highways, the specific highway management plans and results by each MTO region, and each highway in the region and work in collaboration with the Township of The Archipelago and requests all levels of government to consider funding support to aid the Township of The Archipelago in managing invasive Phragmites.

. .. 2

100 LAKES TO EXPLORE LAKE T 705-635-2272 TOWNSHIP OF LAKE OF BAYS OF BAYS TF 1-877 -566-0005 1012 Dwight Beach Rd • F 705-635 -2132 Dwight, ON P0A lH0 • • MU SKOKA •


AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Town of Fort Erie, Township of The Archipelago, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Minister of Environment and Climate Change , MPP Norm Miller, and all Ontario Municipalities.


Sine ely, fu

Carrie s kes, Dip/. M.A. , GMO, AOMC, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk. CS/cw

Encl. Copy to: Township of The Archipelago Hon. Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation Hon. Jeff Yurek, Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks Hon. , Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada Hon. Norm Miller, MPP, Parry Sound-Muskoka All Ontario Municipalities

100 LAKES TO EXPLORE Community Services Our Focus: Your Future Legislative Services

April 27, 2021 File #120203 Sent via email: [email protected]

The Honourable Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation 5th Floor, 777 Bay Street Toronto, ON M7A 1Z8 Honourable and Dear Madam:

Re: Township of The Archipelago - Road Management Action on Invasive Phragmites

Please be advised the Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie at its meeting of April 26, 2021 received and supported correspondence from the Township of The Archipelago dated April 9, 2021 requesting the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to communicate the strategy on mapping (detecting sites) and controlling invasive Phragmites on provincial highways, the specific highway management plans and results by each MTO region and each highway in the region and work in coordination with the Township of The Archipelago and requests all levels of government to consider funding support to aid the Township of The Archipelago in managing invasive phragmites. Attached please find a copy of the Township of The Archipelago's correspondence dated April 9, 2021. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours very truly, ~s~

Carol Schofield, Dipl.M.A. Manager, Legislative Services/Clerk [email protected] CS:dlk Attach c.c. The Honourable Jeff Yurek, Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks [email protected] The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada [email protected] Christopher Balasa, Manager, Maintenance Management Office [email protected] Wayne Gates, MPP, Niagara Falls [email protected] MPP Norman Miller. [email protected] Maryann Weaver, Municipal Clerk, Township of The Archipelago [email protected] Ontario Municipalities

Mailing Address: The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie 1 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie ON L2A 2S6 Office Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (905) 871-1600 FAX: (905) 871-4022 Web-site: "'I.,. Township of The Archipelago 9 James Street, Parry Sound ON P2A 1T 4 Tel: 705-746-4243/Fax: 705-746-7301 -~- CHll'i ,,_:t, 0 1i'PoRAT~0 " April 9, 2021

21-073 Moved by Councillor Barton Seconded by Councillor Manner

RE: Road Management Action On Invasive Phragmites

WHEREAS Phragmites australis (Phragmites) is an invasive perennial grass that continues to cause severe damage to wetlands and beaches in areas around the Great Lakes including Georgian Bay; and

WHEREAS Phragmites australis grows and spreads rapidly, allowing the plant to invade new areas and grow into large monoculture stands in a short amount of time, and is an allelopathic plant that secretes toxins from its roots into the soil which impede the growth of neighboring plant species; and

WHEREAS Phragmites australis results in loss of biodiversity and species richness, loss of habitat, changes in hydrology due to its high metabolic rate, changes in nutrient cycling as it is slow to decompose, an increased fire hazard due to the combustibility of its dead stalks, and can have an adverse impact on agriculture, particularly in drainage ditches; and

WHEREAS invasive Phragmites has been identified as Canada's worst invasive plant species by Agriculture and Agrifood Canada; and

WHEREAS the Ontario government has made it illegal to import, deposit, release, breed/grow, buy, sell, lease or trade invasive Phragmites under the Invasive Species Act; and

WHEREAS Phragmites occupy over 4,800 hectares of land around Lake St. Clair alone, while 212 hectares of Phragmites occupy land along the St. Lawrence River. The Georgian Bay Area is particularly affected by Phragmites australis, with more than 700 stands along the shorelines and multiple visible stands on the highways and roads that threaten valuable infrastructure and wetland areas; and

WHEREAS volunteers, non-governmental organizations, and various municipalities have invested tens of thousands of dollars in investments and labour annually for more than eight years in executing managements plans to control invasive Phragmites on roads, coasts, shorelines and in wetlands; and

WHEREAS roads and highways where Phragmites that are left untreated become spread vectors that continually risk new and treated wetlands and coastal shoreline areas; and WHEREAS according to "Smart Practices for the Control of Invasive Phragmites along Ontario's Roads" by the Ontario Phragmites Working Group, best road management practices for Phragmites australis include early detection, herbicide application, and cutting; and

WHEREAS these best management practices are most effective when used in a multi-pronged approach as opposed to when used as stand-alone control measures; and

WHEREAS mother nature does not recognize political boundaries. Therefore, it is imperative that Municipalities, Districts, the Province, and the Federal government work together in collaboration to eradicate Canada's worst invasive plant species Phragmites australis;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council for the Corporation of the Township of The Archipelago directs its staff to implement best management practices to promote early detection of invasive Phragmites, and to implement best management practices for invasive Phragmites, and to join the Ontario Phragmites Working Group to collaborate on the eradication of Phragmites in Ontario.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council for the Corporation of the Township of The Archipelago directs staff to insert clean equipment protocols into tenders and that there is oversight that the protocols are followed; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council for the Corporation of the Township of The Archipelago requests the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to map and treat invasive Phragmites annually on all its highways; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) communicates the strategy on mapping (detecting sites) and controlling invasive Phragmites on provincial highways, the specific highway management plans and results by each MTO region and each highway in the region and work in coordination with the Township of The Archipelago; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council for the Corporation of the Township of The Archipelago directs its staff to send this resolution to all municipalities that are part of the Georgian Bay watershed, to all municipalities in the Great Lakes watershed, to the Minister of Transportation, Christopher Balasa the Manager, Maintenance Management Office, and MPP Norman Miller.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that Council for the Corporation of the Township of The Archipelago requests all levels of government to consider funding support to aid the Township of The Archipelago in managing invasive phragmites; and directs staff to send a copy of this resolution to the Ontario Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada.


2 Received June 2, 2021 C-179-2021

Community Services

Legislative Services

June 1, 2021 File #120203

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau The Honourable Doug Ford Prime Minister Premier of Ontario House of Commons Legislative Building, Queen's Park Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 Toronto, ON M7A 1A1 [email protected] [email protected]

Honourable and Dear Sirs:

Re: Generation Squeezing with Respect to Affordable Housing

The Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie at its meeting of May 31, 2021 passed the following resolution:

Whereas there has been a housing affordability crisis in the making for over 25 years, and

Whereas the growing disparity for affordable housing has further been heightened within the past 18 months where the housing prices in larger cities have risen by 30% and most recently in smaller communities by two to three times it’s market value, and

Whereas the current generation of Canadians under the age of 45 are being squeezed out of the housing marketplace with less opportunity of purchasing a home as their primary residence and are referred to as “gen-squeeze” or “Generation Squeeze”, and

Whereas Stats Canada numbers indicate that the housing crisis is more severe in small, suburban areas and cities, and

Whereas Canada’s National Housing Strategy, CMHC, Scotiabank and RBC Economists have highlighted that housing needs drastically surpass availability, and

Whereas many houses are currently being purchased as non-primary homes for the use of short-term rental, equity investment, foreign investment and turn key business operations, and


Mailing Address: The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie 1 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie ON L2A 2S6 Office Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (905) 871-1600 FAX: (905) 871-4022 Web-site:

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister Page two The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario

Whereas 1 in 5 Canadian renters are spending more than half their income on rent creating further disparities towards a Canadian dream and right to home ownership; and

Whereas affordable housing has been pushed to a Municipal issue, and

Whereas affordable housing is a Country-Wide issue that needs to be fully addressed on both a Federal and Provincial level;

Now therefore be it resolved,

That: The Federal Government raise the Capital Gains tax rule that applies to non- primary residences, and further

That: The Province of Ontario change the provincial Land Transfer Tax Act to levy a greater charge for the purchases of residences not intended for primary residence use, and further

That: The Province of Ontario request that MPAC assess short-term rental properties for “commercial” use, as opposed to continue to assess them for residential use, and further

That: The Province of Ontario prohibit closed bidding on residential sales, and further

That: The Province prohibit sales beyond the list price, and further

That: Both the Federal and Provincial Governments look at funding to enable municipalities to incentivize affordable new housing construction, revitalization of neighbourhoods, and limiting turn-key real estate operations, and further

That: Both the Federal and Provincial Governments consider the creation of affordable housing trusts, and further

That: The Municipality of the Town of Fort Erie requests staff to: 1. consider broadening the residential zones that permit more than one family; 2. review if a certain number of affordable housing units in every subdivision or apartment/condo building approved, should be applied to the affordable housing strategy; 3. review if the construction of a certain amount of smaller houses/units in new subdivisions or infill situation or new apartment/condo buildings should be considered as part of the affordable housing strategy; 4. bring a report to Council to identify the process to limit short-term rentals to specific areas of the Town and limit the overall number of licences, and further


The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister Page three The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario

That: The Municipality of the Town of Fort Erie request The Regional Municipality of Niagara and Local Area Municipalities to support this resolution, and further

That: A copy of this resolution be circulated to The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, All Members of Parliament, All Members of Provincial Parliament, and all Municipalities, for their support.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours very truly,

Carol Schofield, Dipl.M.A. Manager, Legislative Services/Clerk [email protected] CS:dlk c.c. The Regional Municipality of Niagara Local Area Municipalities All Members of Parliament All Members of Provincial Parliament

Received June 3, 2021 C-180-2021

Received May 31, 2021 C-181-2021 Municipal Offices: 66 Charlotte Street Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 3C8 ·

T 905.835.2900 ext 106 F 905.834.5746 Corporate Services Department E [email protected] Clerk’s Division

May 31, 2021

Town of Pelham Sent via E-mail: [email protected] Township of Wainfleet Sent via E-mail: [email protected] City of Welland Sent via E-mail: [email protected]

Re: Resolution – Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport (NCDRA) Commission

Please be advised that, at its meeting of May 25, 2021, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne resolved as follows:

Whereas Port Colborne Council approved a motion on May 14, 2018, supporting the common position resolution regarding the uptake of governance and the transfer of operating authority of the Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport (NCDRA) and Niagara District Airport (NDA); and

Whereas the NCDRA Commission can be self sustaining under the new strategic direction and plan;

Therefore it be resolved that the City of Port Colborne rescinds the approved motion of council regarding the uptake of governance for the transfer and operating authority of the NCDRA and NDA to the Niagara Region; and

That Port Colborne Council approves retaining the governance and ownership NCDRA; and

That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Town of Pelham, Town of Wainfleet, and City of Welland for consideration and support, and further

That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Niagara Region and Niagara Region Municipalities for support.


Amber LaPointe City Clerk

ec: Niagara Region Local Area Municipalities Leo Van Vliet, Chair of the Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport Commission

Page 1 of 1 Received May 31, 2021 C-182-2021

May 31st, 2021

Hon. Steve Clark Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Re: Council Resolution of Support – MPP Hillier

Dear Honourable Steve Clark,

Further to the meeting of Council on May 11th, 2021 the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lanark Highlands passed the following motion to support the City of Kitchener’s resolution regarding Planning Act timelines;

“THAT, Council support the resolution by the City of Kitchener regarding Planning Act timelines;

WHEREAS the Province of Ontario's Planning Act provides a legislative framework for processing development applications including established timeframes which permit applicants to appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal if a Council fails to make a decision within a prescribed timeline; and,

WHEREAS the passing of Bill 108 in 2019 reduced the timelines for processing development applications before they can be appealed to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) for a non-decision from those outlined in Bill 139, the Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 as follows:

• from seven months (210 days) to four months (120 days) for Official Plan amendments; • from five months (150 days) to three months (90 days) for Zoning By-law amendments; and • from six months (180 days) to four months (120 days) for Plans of Subdivision; and

WHEREAS the shortened timeframes create unreasonable pressures on municipalities, even outside the context of navigating city business in a global pandemic, and result in reduced opportunities for meaningful public engagement and limited time for the public to provide written submissions on a development application;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Lanark Highlands Township Council urge the Province of Ontario to review and reconsider the current timelines established for review of Planning Act applications before an appeal is permitted to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal and to return to the timelines that were in effect under Bill 139, the Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017;

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to the local MP’s and MPP’s, to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, to the Association of Municipalities Ontario, and all other municipalities in Ontario.”

A copy of that motion and correspondence is attached.

______PO Box 340, 75 George Street, Lanark, ON, K0G 1K0 T: 613-259-2398 TF: 800-239-4695 F: 613-259-2291 W:

Thank you,

Ryan C. Morton MPM,CIPM CAO/Clerk Township of Lanark Highlands


Randy Hillier – MPP, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston [email protected]

Scott Reid – MP, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston [email protected]

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) [email protected]

Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) [email protected]

All Ontario Municipalities

2 CHRISTINE TARLING Director of Legislated Services & City Clerk Corporate Services Department Kitchener City Hall, 2nd Floor 200 King Street West, P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener, ON N2G 4G7 Phone: 519.741.2200 x 7809 Fax: 519.741.2705 [email protected] TTY: 519-741-2385

March 31, 2021

Honourable Steve Clark Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 17th Floor, 777 Bay Street Toronto ON M5G 2E5

Dear Mr. Clark:

This is to advise that City Council, at a meeting held on March 22, 2021, passed the following resolution regarding Planning Act Timelines:

“WHEREAS the City of Kitchener, like many Ontario municipalities, is experiencing significant growth; and,

WHEREAS the City of Kitchener has conducted extensive work through its Development Services Review to remove red tape and improve public engagement; and,

WHEREAS the Province of Ontario's Planning Act provides a legislative framework for processing development applications including established timeframes which permit applicants to appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal if a Council fails to make a decision within a prescribed timeline; and,

WHEREAS the passing of Bill 108 in 2019 reduced the timelines for processing development applications before they can be appealed to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) for a non-decision from those outlined in Bill 139, the Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 as follows:

• from seven months (210 days) to four months (120 days) for Official Plan amendments; • from five months (150 days) to three months (90 days) for Zoning By- law amendments; and • from six months (180 days) to four months (120 days) for Plans of Subdivision; and

WHEREAS the shortened timeframes create unreasonable pressures on municipalities, even outside the context of navigating city business in a global pandemic, and result in reduced opportunities for meaningful public engagement and limited time for the public to provide written submissions on a development application;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Kitchener City Council urge the Province of Ontario to review and reconsider the current timelines established for review of Planning Act applications before an appeal is permitted to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal and to return to the timelines that were in effect under Bill 139, the Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017;

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to the local MP’s and MPP’s, to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, to the Association of Municipalities Ontario, and all other municipalities in Ontario.”

Yours truly,

C. Tarling Director of Legislated Services & City Clerk

c: Honourable Tim Louis, M.P. Honourable , M.P. Honourable , M. P. Honourable , M.P. Honourable , M.P. Honourable Amy Fee, M.P.P. Honourable Catherine Fife, M.P.P. Honourable Belinda Karahalios, M.P.P. Honourable Mike Harris, M.P.P. Honourable Laura Mae Lindo, M.P.P. Bill Karsten, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities Monika Turner, Association of Municipalities of Ontario Rosa Bustamante, Director, Planning, City of Kitchener Ontario Municipalities