HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, September 8, 1995

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, September 8, 1995 September 8, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 24129 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, September 8, 1995 The House met at 9 a.m. and was and by direction of the Committee on of $19.3 billion over the next 20 years to called to order by the Speaker pro tem­ National Security, I call up the joint result from the 1995 base closure rec­ pore [Mr. KOLBE]. resolution (H.J. Res. 102) disapproving ommendations. the recommendations of the Defense Personally, I am concerned about on­ Base Closure and Realignment Com­ going force structure reductions as DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO mission, and ask unanimous consent well as the closing of a number of in­ TEMPORE for its immediate consideration in the stallations already in the works under The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be­ House. BRAC. At least some of these bases are fore the House the following commu­ The Clerk read the title of the joint unique national assets that we will nication from the Speaker: resolution. never reconstitute even if needed in the WASHINGTON, DC, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there future. September 8, 1995. objection to the request of the gen­ A number of Members, including my­ I hereby designate the Honorable JIM tleman from South Carolina? self, have been skeptical when it comes KOLBE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this There was no objection. to the rosy projections that have been day. The text of House Joint Resolution made in previous base closure rounds NEWT GINGRICH, 102 is as follows: concerning the savings that will accrue Speaker of the House of Representatives. H.J. RES. 102 to the military services. To date, sav­ Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep­ ings have fallen well short of expecta­ PRAYER · resentatives of the United States of America in tions while the up-front costs of clo­ Congress assembled, That Congress dis­ sures have soared beyond initial esti­ The Chaplain, Rev. James David approves the recommendations of the De­ mates and remain underfunded. Reluc­ Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ fense Base Closure and Realignment Com­ tantly, however, I realize that with the er: mission as submitted by the President on growing pressures on defense resources 0 gracious God, from whom we have July 13, 1995. we simply cannot afford to keep all the received our very lives and in whom is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu­ installations and facilities open that I our hope and confidence, we express ant to section 2908 of the Defense Base believe our military may one day need our thanksgiving for this new day and Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, again. the opportunities that are before us. the gentleman from South Carolina Speaking from experience, I under­ We place before You our needs, those [Mr. SPENCE] and the gentleman from stand the pain and dislocation that a attitudes and feelings and hopes that Texas [Mr. TEJEDA] will each be recog­ base closure or major realignment can are dear to us, asking that You would nized for 1 hour. inflict on a community, even a region. bless us so we choose the better way, The Chair recognizes the gentleman In the past, even if I was not support­ confirm us in all truth, and forgive us from South Carolina [Mr. SPENCE]. ive of the closing of bases, I was at in the depths of our hearts. May what Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield least satisfied that the Commission we say and do and think this day be to myself such time as I may consume. and the closure process had essentially Your glory and honor. In Your name, Mr. Speaker, today, the House will worked as intended-that politics had we pray. Amen. consider whether to disapprove the rec­ not been the determining factor in the ommendations of the independent De­ development of the administration's or fense Base Closure and Realignment the Commission's numerous rec­ THE JOURNAL Commission to close 28 major military ommendations. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The installations and realign the mission at In this sense, I was especially con­ Chair has examined the Journal of the another 77 bases. I rise in opposition to cerned about the administration's han­ last day's proceedings and announces House Joint Resolution 102, which dling of the Commission's rec­ to the House his approval thereof. would disapprove the Commission's ommendations. There is no question Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ recommendations, and I urge my col­ that Presidential politics were para­ nal stands approved. leagues to oppose it as well. mount in the White House's very public We are currently in the fourth round and tortured consideration of the Com­ of base closures since 1989, and the mission's recommendations. The ve­ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE third and final round under the Com­ neer of a national security justification The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the mission's present charter. We all recog­ for rejection of the list was dropped as gentleman from California [Mr. nize that base closures are a reality in politics quickly took center stage. For­ CUNNINGHAM] come forward and lead the post-cold-war world, particularly in tunately, common sense prevailed over the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. view of the reductions in force struc­ politics and the administration ulti­ Mr. CUNNINGHAM led the Pledge of ture that have taken place over the mately backed down and allowed the Allegiance as follows: past 6 years. process to proceed. For the sake of the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The Department of Defense is count­ process, I am nonetheless relieved that United States of America, and to the Repub­ ing on the savings resulting from base the President finally opted to allow lic for which it stands, one nation under God, closure and realignment to fund cur­ substance and process to prevail over indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. rently underfunded modernization and politics in his decision to submit the infrastructure improvements late this Commission's recommendations to the decade and into the next century. Ac­ Congress. DISAPPROVING THE REC- cording to the Commission, implemen­ However, I remain concerned about OMMENDATIONS OF THE DE­ tation of their recommendations would recent comments made by senior ad­ FENSE BASE CLOSURE AND RE­ result in one-time costs of approxi­ ministration officials implying that ALIGNMENT COMMISSION mately $3.6 billion. However, the Com­ the White House will find a way to as­ Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker,. pursuant mission expects $1.6 billion in annual sist a select few installations in politi­ to section 2908 of Public Law 101-510 savings and net present value savings cally sensitive States by "privatizing D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 24130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE September 8, 1995 in place." Some have gone so far as to tisan issue. Base closures and economic primal scream. I understand that I am guarantee employment to workers at' losses cut across party lines. I stand probably engaging in a fruitless pro­ installations scheduled to be closed-a here before the House because my con­ test, and I have seen others whose guarantee that everyone knows will be stituents and my district, in fact this bases have closed do so in prior discus­ nearly impossible to honor. Nation, does not deserve the closure of sions of resolutions to, in effect, re­ While I am sympathetic to the desire Kelly Air Force Base. I do not believe verse the decisions of the BRAC proc­ to preserve defense skills and jobs, it is that closure of Kelly Air Force Base is ess of the Commission. But I think I clear that the Commission was seri­ in the best interest of our national se­ have justification in using this last op­ ously concerned about the cost of curity. If there is a way to keep Kelly portunity to express my measure of maintaining excess capacity at several open, we will fight that fight, and this protest, because in fact nowhere in the types of installations, particularly Air is what this resolution of disapproval is United States has the BRAC had such a Force depots. Privatization of work­ all about. devastating impact as it has had in the loads at these particular installations I expect nothing less from my col­ Sacramento area. was only one of several options rec­ leagues across the Nation who also lose In all four rounds of the BRAC, the ommended by the Commission. Con­ bases and jobs in this process. And we Sacramento area has shouldered well trary to the assertions of some, Con­ will hear from them. In contrast, I ex­ over a quarter of all the jobs lost in gress ultimately will retain the author­ pect those whose districts stand to California due to BRAC. In fact, the ity to determine how and if privatiza­ gain from these recommendations to Sacramento area standing alone has tion in place makes sense. voice their strong support for the Base absorbed more base closure losses in Mr. Speaker, the National Security Closure Commission's recommenda­ terms of direct and indirect jobs than Committee considered the rec­ tions. any other State in the Nation. In fact, ommendations of the Commission very I have no illusions about the final the same could be said of the Sac­ carefully. While some Members ex­ outcome of this matter.
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