
box 99, 3rd floor union house the university of melbourne, parkville 3010

Welcome back minna-san! Volume 8 Issue 1 What’s this? A greeting in the second-half of first May 2003 semester? Well, in the world of the wwwa newsletter this is our first communicae in a while, and there are inside: still many activities to get “back” into! meet the committee!! 2 I’d love it if people could accept this space as a world where our views can flow back and forth. librarian’s report 3 Hopefully there will be four or so editions this year upcoming events! 4 and by the end we will have a great chain of conver- MANIEST... mara- sations! Please keep this avenue in mind as you thon.. KARAOKE journey through your collected anime worlds! anime review– AZU 5 What is a community? What is the sharing of exis- tence? Maybe some of these themes will be explored FAN ART 6 as we delve through old and new series and find announcing—Voices 7 parts of ourselves drafted into the universes of in the Black, a new anime artists. The chance to look around is first underground com- thing we are offered, and it is not unnatural to won- munity zine der what are the stories behind the other people who are too stuck in this world probing our imagination. the hidden truth in- 8 Upon investigating these avenues I was taken back side eva at the number of people who accepted the themes masaka... a local 10 of anime as they accepted themselves. Now I feel animation indus- there is always the time to share and experiment, be try? it with cruel and unusual methods :P culture ! 13 Lastly, please please please give feedback to the writers and artists of this newsletter! People cannot the library cata- 14 help but be touched in so many ways. - clem logue—videos, cds,

‘letter publications officer 2003 Gorgeous Sephiroth fanart by Pamela Ramali — and more lucious fanart inside!

Thanks to our club sponsors: why is yuki here? well why is Manifest is coming!!! he on the mani website??

Check out the lastest news on Melbourne‘s annual anime festival inside, and remember you‘ve only got a cou- ple months to make that costume play dream of yours reach it‘s fruition ^_^ Can someone do Nami? Pleeeeease? 908 Whitehorse Rd, Boxhill

Supported by the Just a random picture spam Melbourne University Student Union Incorporated tim kong (batasan) and daniel chia (archangel) general officers Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 3

Hey everyone! This is ment. Of course if you larger we can probably do Yuye here (your librarian, have an idea or a sugges- away with this current as you might have tion, feel free to contact borrowing policy, but for guessed). Clem was nice me or any other commit- the time being please bear enough to lend me some tee member you can find. with it.^^ space in his kickass news- letter for me to write like Lots of additions at the Speaking of additions, we something, so here I am. start of semester to the have received packs of Yay! ^^ spindle list as well, some donations for the spindle 60 cds worth of the new- list (and some for tapes dammit the library This so far has been a est anime like too). Thanks mainly to was what first at- tracted me to this great year for WWWA, Deeper Kyo, .hack//SIGN Riva122, Linxz and Mod- club... i was kinda with a whole committee and . Unfortu- gal for these, along with boggled at the size voted in to replace the old, nately this increased the anyone else that donated of it until i met the smelly, rotting one. items for WWWA. For types of people who donated to it. we Lots of familiar faces the time being we will have a pretty nice around, along with not add them for bor- neighbourhood some new ones too rowing as it is pretty (well, not really). hassly, but expect a this picture by amy Thanks to all the peo- large addition at the (azusa-chan) who loves to scibble stuff ple that voted for me start of semester 2 during her long (you guys rock!), and with many new series commute to uni... Tim and Daniel for from 2002 and 2003. helping me with the borrowing and all. One last thing, for ne ne... you did Drop by and say hi members placing re- know that you sometime, if you serves by email, can borrow haven’t already. please include in the at the Unless we’re busy, title the format of the rowden white then wait a bit. ^^ media you are reserv- library (union ing (ie. Tape, cd or house 3rd flor) Anyway. The screen- spindle). This helps right, these are ings for this semester us a lot as it saves us donated by are progressing time in going through wwwa! nicely, with Witch Hunter amount of reserves on all the emails for the thing Robin on Tuesdays and some series’ to ridiculous that you actually want^^. Jungle wa Itsumo Hare lengths (.hack//SIGN had Apparently a new online Nochi Guu on Thursdays. 7 reserves on it 0_0 ), reserve system is being At the current rate we which was the reason why set up as I write, but the why did hack sign should finish in time be- the 4 cd borrow- email system will be in have any reserves at fore the end of semester, ing/reserve limit was in- place until that system all... so hope for . Next troduced. This probably comes into full use. semester’s screenings wasn’t to everyone’s Want to suggest haven’t been decided yet tastes but was necessary Looks like I’ve taken up what we screen unfortunately, although so people had more ac- enough space….. Catch next... the commitee RahXephon seems to be a cess to the popular new you guys at the screen- members are always big contender at the mo- series’. When we add ings!! contactable!! see more stuff to spindle and the e-mail list in this the list is substantially Yuye Zhang ‘letter or go to the homepage...

ok ok so it’s not that kind of library but it’s yomiko...hey wouldn’t it be cool if we printed and shared scanned actually i think we should manga spend money and lend out soundtracks as well but you know you gotta write in if that’s what you might like Page 4 wwwa newsletter

Manimanimanifest ...--- August 9-10 ooo the last time i was here i remembered the glow i could see on top of all those who cosplayed and those i knew were there to take time out to express the things which seemingly will only ever be part of a future mainstream society. but if you forget about these things time to time then please show up, there is so much to remember. manifest is character from a krap series but ap- melbourne’s anime festival encompassing panels by artists and ex- parently good perts, multiple screening rooms (this year’s theme is “infinite possibili- manga, fanart (and ties”...woah (quote from neo)), art, cosplay and trivia competitions, a header for this page!) comical debate, auction and big vendor’s room, and live karaoke sup- by al (lcz) ported by melbourne’s own re:set0.

and for all us 3wa members it’s $13 for the whole

two days! yep you can register now just ask some- did anyone read the one at the screeny.... comment from the gravitoncity photo !!!!!! board for san? ...omgosh...true tho

Who’s up for karaoke???

it’s a chance to per- form tracks which you’re never given the option of doing in commercial karaoke bars!! and that means singing Anime Marathon cool anime songs of course ^_^ i hope everyone enjoyed the the last marathon dur- bring your own vcds or cds with karaoke mp3s or even midi files ing mid-semester break! think of a way the event @_@ might be improved? let us know before the next anyway i’m not even sure if they marathon coming before the end of term... are going to run this but i thought you might per- i think there should be some gratuitous intermis- suade things a little sion relief eh? :P thanks for listening... Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 5

eh? what can i write in here...

Azumanga Daioh 2002 was one nice year. abenobashi ma- hou shotengai gave Azumanga is about a group of female us a bit of that high school friends who journey through flavour, and fans of a soft landscape concerning their imme- eva or proba- diate hopes and dreams and individual bly won’t forget the place in the world. It is quite pleasant, parody scenes. talk but not so mu፧ch in the uniform rhythm about a - trademark universal of most dramas for Azumanga is very ‘ending’ much scene based, it relies on moments to connect the viewer between day to i think kanon did a day events. These kinds of moments decent job portraying might range from surreal holding-hands a journey of events escaping into the sunset to the loss of through a high school recognition of a imbecilic friend gaining student’s mind. it’s our attention through inventive repur- pretty easy to stand posing of normal objects and situations. back and disassoci- ate yourself from an We have an incredibly innocent Chiyo- obnoxious main char- chan who is thrown into the deep-end of acter but it’s just as high school and the curiousity of her easy to think about class, the vacant Osaka already popular how your own life among anime fans who has no problems would have changed spending time by staring at floaty things if you didn’t know in her eyes, the easily-embarrased Sa- what you know kaki-san who has kept her childhood heart through adolescence but still as for this year... gun- parade march looks waits patiently for the right opportunity parade march tons better than full to let it peep, the expert negotiator metal panic, and i’m Tomo-chan who aggressively makes pretty sure wolf’s rain known her curiousity for social experi- will get my marks for mentation, and well those are my fa- best anime ‘03. the vourite characters. But chances are you ‘deep’ background will discover your favourite characters character designs in quite easily too, for as much as Azu that series are quite preys on our suspension of belief it is cool, and their pres- also incredibly sensitive when it ence lurks over the rest of the ‘vehicle’ chooses. This series has a fantastic cul- characters, plus mu- tural festival scene, overly cute stuff sic is awesome and imaginary beings completely chewed up by a subversive attitude no what i should write pointing to an uncertainty in all of us as is please send in your to why we are given so much time to submissions! observe messages after they are passed [email protected] on. It is my favourite anime of 2002 due to its sensitive look at things that might entertain us. -clem Page 6 wwwa newsletter

raphael, by jess lim

fairy, by pamela ramala

canti, angel of death and..

“the better half”, mamimi-kun by oliver lardner

he is [email protected] the front cover header also belongs to him, and his karekano ^-^ ፧  ᭼ᮧ ᯓ ᯓ ᭤ᮧ᭢ ᮐ ᯓ ᭤ᮅ ᮧ


EVANGELION silent com- 2 municators from beneath

Cross cultural explora- 2 tions— setting

Things between animation 3 and film

masaka... a local anima- 4 tion industry?

new survey... gender in 4 image and community

studio brethren...pop your head out for a moment

Volume 1 Issue 1, May 2003

[email protected] in speech

articles, fanart/fic welcome

This first issue dedicated to the hard efforts of Kamon Nantaba Good stuff mate Now I can only wonder And who cross-reads? A small village of gathering spots Where is the rain shifting us towards? And where are people anyway? Are we stepping out of the front doorway, only to find that all of the lights in the house are off? silent communicators from beneath Voices Page 2

I think, after all of the hard work put behind dedicated eva deduction, it should become appar- ent that the evas are giant silent communicators from a chasm left behind by the last human known to look inside. When Asuka shares a special moment in front of her Unit 2’s deep eyes it is clear that that the eva’s ears are pricked. It is not so much the attentiveness of a dog but the unmistakable pull of the robot’s history of field action, knowing that it has so many choices open to it but now must focus on what this girl is trying to say. Who that has looked inside cannot say they have felt the same decision before, say when they allow their eyes to sweep across a giant eva crawl out of the geofront. We allow this, it is a walking empathetic being, and we are not going to let all of the considerations brewed during our education about machines stop this ro- bot from looking around and investigating and changing directions and circling its gearbox. New life is on the prowl. Actually, watch this thing, every new move is a instinct refound, how else to explain the prediction of leg servos absorbing the massive impact of jumping around, the con- centrated effort of throwing a punch drawing energy until it can be unleased at the last moment. The latency of a being’s movements tells all the stories. There is a sadness in the inevitability of it’s next move just as it is inevitable that the be forced to be by itself during that delay to the instant before lashing out with its limbs. To be ‘in the rhythm’, in the channel of repetitive moments, to be by one’s self again, and again, and again, watching the land before you tear apart. This is the story the evas communicate to us, it is a generalised silence that refused to be stopped by the generalised capacity of us viewers to grope the implications of a machine’s place on the field. It is true eva for it pauses. And the admission of sinewy drooping limbs only ‘stretches’ out this confession by the monster, eva. Eva is melodrama at its height, the evas are on to something good (although Asuka seemed to be stopped in the movie) and you can even see them act like a questioning child when they have to bear the weight of some fat alien drop- ping from the sky. They ran so fast to get there, and yet they managed to make it, why? Who is watching me, they must think. It’s not just for our benefit, evas!! You must live on, destroy the masters who perpertrate your image of controlled robot. Keep that sullen look in your eye, for you will surely meet the match when your head fills up with the data. -ls

What might Western Audiences bring to an natively Japanese industry?

When unfamiliar with it is easy to be curious at the eccentricity of English usage in anime. What appear to be “English” words however are often native lingo of Western origin – in other words, Western words which have since been accepted as official “katakana” (the character set made of mostly sharp lines representing many foreign words) vocabulary. The Japanese grow up with those words just as we grow up with ours – and although one can piece together a common history who is to dictate what sounds “strange” and what sounds “proper”.

Is it not insightful to discover how the audio and visual impact of English manifests across dif- ferent cultures? Language is in many senses “self-organising”, the greater the complexity of its evolution the greater the texture one can achieve through it. If we think of language as always being “insufficent” to translate “what is inside of us”, there should be no attachment to canon. It’s not simply a matter of putting words back into perspective but observing a language use that is would have been impossible for the original countries to achieve in the absence of different cultural background and adoption in a different time period.

For any observations to be made then it’s obvious both parties must communicate through whatever way their perception of which way words are going. I don’t know if many Japanese are scared to display the liberal assimilation of English to Westerners but they should be interested to hear our thoughts on why certains words appear to be reborn in modern day culture. There are issues of substance to distinguished, for example are some usages of words novel to Japanese merely because it is free of the everday, boring connatations of their corresponding local words, or is the usage speaking through its symbolism encapsulating the insane history of Western so- ciety?

This same argument clearly applies to other Western “inventions” and products and the ways they are reappropriated for use in contemporary . Is it possible that simple everyday appli- ances are looked upon with “fresh” eyes again after observing cultural acts and experiments in anime? Both cultures are “experts” in their different fields, and it only makes sense to broaden the field by having two perceptions interact. This is not the same as having a good patronising laugh at so-called “misuse” of English and pinning up for all to see and walk away from. Would we then be too scared to “liberate” some Japanese words ripe for the peeling? -ls Voices Page 3 Film and Animation What is unfamiliar fights to be free of representation. Of course, how this is received by the viewer, they might not bother to watch. Nonetheless, it has reoccured to me lately that there is a divide between live- action films and hand drawn animation, and that is in anime particularly images have less necessary associations than in film, and this leads to a lot of viewer experimentation with the image.

Films carry with them the unmistakable characteristics of the world they are produced within. There is little for the viewer to say about themselves when then recognise the shape of a face, or a city scape. The bulk of the information conveyed is in fact through the social connotations of that face. A famous face who has sold household products? The signs of aging? The signs of make-up doing its best? Popular fashion? All of these things possess histories behind them through the affairs of multiple individuals. Used as a strength, we gain a keen sense of objective about how society is headed today through film, and also see our own lives paralled through the natural mannerisms of actors in a location.

This sort of empathy is not so straight forward in anime (and animation in general). To give an image’s identity as human or living there is an automatic invoking of the viewer’s perceptual de- vices. In my mind, clean images break down the connations of what is being portrayed into the elements that the viewer themself must assemble and breathe life into. This can carry with it the same connotations learnt from society, however there is room to look elsewhere here. We are allowed to exist only as the image before us and our feeling. Nothing in our mind forces us to re- member what we have seen before. We are allowed to be and stay puzzled at what we recognise, because there is not necessarily anything here that exists in solid form, that is to say, no single form – the moment we recognise our perception is contained to ourself alone we acknowledge the instantaneous multitude of other individuals’ experiences which will be equivalently com- plete. What were the odds of us recognising the same emotions from simply drawn images? How is it that we can extract a wealth of information from a scene involving four frames? All of these questions point to an dynamic involvement of the mind not only piecing together the origins of its individual development but the co-existence of others who send messages that their history is built with the same code. With each ‘new’ re-simplified image don’t we have a chance of going further ‘back’ in that code’s upbringing?

To be free of the propaganda and advertising in the constructions of the modern city it is refresh- ing to be able to engage in mind think when it comes to the free representations in anime today. Many things go on at once when you are translating images to objects, evaluating their beauty, wondering how it is you recognise these images, and then their role in the storyline. Film chal- lenges us to admit what is in the world today and allows us to celebrate our part in its flesh. How- ever, film often must distract the viewer’s consciousness whenever it wants them to construct something; this is typified by the inability to incorporate still shots within motion without scream- ing ‘special effects’ or ‘forced acting’ to our perception. Anime can get away with stills being part of its natural construction and acceptable as a character’s movement. And why on earth would we want to see characters gagged and bound into unnatural positions in a scene? Perhaps, to ask is there a difference between being able to feel something and being able do it, and does it matter? -ls Voices Page 4 masaka.... a local animation industry?

I’m not even so sure if local is the right word, for what I want to talk about anyway. If there are so many Australian anime viewers who appreciate stories from miles across the Pacific... then does that indicate an existence of communication able to de-emphasise distance and cultural upbringing? I am talking about the possibility of animation produc- tion in a country like , dealing with themes not excluding traditional Austalian ones but open to style and patience that we may regard as elements of the highest form of animation today, anime.

I have the least doubts about talent, and maybe share the doubts of many of you out there about funding. But, if everyone says that it is pointless to try without funding first I think spirit must be missing then and maybe the current state of affairs is no surprise. To a certain degree there should be some belief in your work... because content alone can make up for other “rough” aspects of the production quality, at least enough to get peo- ple’s attention to the possibilities at stake. And, I would agree that it is pointless to look at this from a market perspective – there actually isn’t a sufficient one here and barely across the English speaking globe (due to disproportionate distribution costs of physical media). Again this should be an iniative of affirmative nature – what it is in the future that we want. Initially the people you are interested in screening to are those who are already open to the themes, if not the possibilities. Short, distributable work would seem to be ideal for communicating this desire.

It takes time, but if every aspiring animator owed it to themself to get involved once then they would have a lot of answers at the end of it in spite of the outcome. It’s better spent resources than collecting and sorting all of the prize stuff from Japan, and it’s not the ca- reer-destroying project, it’s simply time. Write a script, write a (fan manga), write a silent 30 second ink animation. See a hole and fill it. -ls

Gender issues survey 1. Do you feel that female characters are portrayed well in anime?

5 A survey was taken at wwwa June on a variety of gender issues. In addition we asked to sum up the reasons why anime was watched: 4

some boys’ responses- kawaii, cool, story, new portrayals, interest, 3 escapism; some girls’ responses– fun, alternate representations, 2 e l

cool, interest, animation, escapism. Questioned on what people a e thought about wwwa’s female representation in the club commit- 1 l m a e tee, responses included: they are not loud but just as proactive, m 0 not many girls ran, coincidental, the numbers used to be even, dis- strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree satisfaction at this year’s proportion, and that it was ‘cause the committee members were all gamers. Send in your opinions and we discuss the results of the survey next issue.

2. Do you feel that most female “action heroines” are aimed at a 3. Do you feel that female costumes in anime contribute to new female audience or a male audience? clothing female audience or a male audience?

5 5

4 4 y y r s a a

3 3 r n o a p f 2 2 m +

e i t f

1 1 - Voices is paper and web zine interested in is- i n c o s 0 0 c sues and the anime audience in melbourne get- strongly male male neutral female strongly female strongly male male neutral female strongly female 4. Do you feel that more females should be encouraged to write 5. Do you feel that there are enough female anime viewers in ting together. it‘s easy to pretend we are part anime? your community? of this. 7 7 6 6 keep the co nv e r s a t i o n g o i n g 5 5

4 4 e-mail your shite: [email protected]

3 3 2 2 letters, articles, art welcome

1 1

0 0 strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 2003 Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 11

“on night’s plutonian shore, by frankie wong [email protected]

o o o sub m it stuff sub m it stuff!!! islisis@ jib jub .c o m

samus and suit, by albert lim [email protected] Thanks to all our contributors! Al did all of the inside header art ^-^

yuna, by the one and only pamela ramali. Yep... she did the 3wa postcard and... wowow... the club logo ^-^ Page 12 wwwa newsletter

what is this —-> stuff? it’s sakura blossom time! actually, it was, in april. so i’m a bit late just lemme sit under the tree "THE" storm. map. 460yen to ??!!! I had walked about by oliver lardner, currently in 1 quarter of the way there. photo by clement ng 5:20am: having come so far, and drunk so many what kind of things vending machine items, I pressed on into the sun- would you like to It was a cold lonesome night after a long rain, rise. I got to shinjuku which was waking up to the learn? got cool sto- after eating instant noodles and onigiri (in the sunday with thousands of people arriving, I went ries that talk about bath) All the talk about sakura at the moment I with the flow and escaped through the south exit. the culture that is thought it might be wise to get a on the NOW I HAVE ARRIVED!! lets check out sa- pervasive through the crowds and show up early. Thus the plan was put kura! I wandered around trying to look like I mannerism of on- in motion. knew where I was going, and after noticing fa- screen icons? miliar land marks I managed to get to yoyogi contact the 12:00pm: I set off for what I thought would be park via a zig zag trail of sporadic sakura. Yoyogi newsletter, or why the last train to shinjuku only to find I had missed park already had lots of, soon to be blotto, people not discuss them with the last train by a few minutes! Now I am not one reserving space under the biggest trees with blue your friends in the to be discouraged that easily! So I set off in what tarps, a hideous contrast to the soft pink sakura club? I thought was the right which had started to direction for the, dry with the morning ahem, LONG walk sun and were starting from Hachiouji to Shi- to fall. buya with, the bear 7:00am: I hear a fa- neccesitys, charcoal miliar sound; psy- filters and a bottle of trance! I cross a large pocari in hand. I had and find shanti gotten about 100 me- staff setting up for a ters when the pocari free rave! talk about yeah!!! discuss this!!! had run out, this was BONUS! danced to some stupid rhythm going to be a long the sound check for a imitating pest which night. After walking "straight" for about 2 hours, while with a girl with huge black pants and was oliver bought in aki- I came across a game center, well its time for a out styled by about 500%. Thought I should walk habara...stick to the rest, I thought to my self. Unfortunatly they had a around a bit more as the Sunday crowds were game centres man.. DDREX machine. 1000 yen and another bottle of beginning to crowd. I met a group of 5 girls who pocari later, I headed off again on my epic quest I thought were my age. WRONG, "nansaisuka?".. MOV01084.MPG when I started to notice some familiar things, 19, 17, 16, 15, 14... Like wow. I estimated a good then I pased my bank, and a sign saying 4 hours before the rave starts so I shared their MISAKI-CHO. I had done a HUUUUUGE loop cardboard picknick mat and participated in a and was back home! popular hanami past time "spot the ganguro gals". 2:30am: Now I am not one to be discouraged that At about 12 they headed off for what they had ~ok i lie i am going to easily! I asked a local who was still awake come for dragging my embarressed hand through buy one too~ "which way to shinjuku" after a while of dissbe- the crowd. WOW, 2 boys who couldn't have been lief, he pointed to a road sign I had failed to no- older than 16 playing bad guitar.. I left the girls to tice, it read in large freeway sign text their idols and went to the rave. "SHINJUKU: ROUTE 20" ok! we are in busi- Talk about GOING CRAZY! 3 stages of tech, ness! Following "SHINJUKU: ROUTE 20" until trance and psy! danced to the psy untill about 2! about 4:30am, I started to come across clubs and got seriously sun burned.. skyscrapers. "I must be nearly there!" I thought to Well I will spare you the details of the trip home, myself. At 4:45am "SHINJUKU: ROUTE 20" lets just say I slepted the whole train ride back, had long since dissapeared into my careless trail and woke up on some girls shoulder!! OOPS, of wrong turns, I came across a LARGE train "gomen! gomen!" I survived the storm and I have station. First train at 5? Ok, so I catch the train a labeled it a success! couple of stops and save my legs. I found the

NEXT ISSUE: hopefully lots of people will contribute articles!! expect more reviews, culture sides, fanart and guides e-mail your stuff!! [email protected] any questions about the club or other anime issues, just e-mail a committee member ja, mata ne!!! Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 13


Tape Title Shinshi 107 Vision of Escaflowne - TV (21- 1 - OVA (1-6) 46 - TV (1-7) 26) 2 Oh! My Goddess! - OAV (1-5) 47 Maze - TV (8-14) 108 Yawara! - TV (1-7) 3 - OAV (1-6) 48 Maze - TV (15-21) 109 Yawara! - TV (8-12) 4 Assorted Music Clips, American 49 Maze - TV (22-25) 110 DNA^2 - TV (1-7) Bad 50 Irresponsible Captain Tyler - TV 111 El Hazard: The Magnificent 5 (1-6) (1-7) Land - OVA (1) 6 Neon Genesis Evangelion (7-14) 51 Irresponsible Captain Tyler - TV 112 El Hazard: The Magnificent 7 Neon Genesis Evangelion (15- (8-14) Land - OVA (1-3) 20) 53 Irresponsible Captain Tyler - TV 113 Yuu Yuu Hakusho - TV (1-7) 8 Neon Genesis Evangelion (21- (21-26) 114 - OVA (1- 26) 54 Irresponsible Captain Tyler - 2) 9 Phantom Quest Corp. OVA (1-4) OVA (1-2), Tenshi Ni Narumon (1-4) 115 Nuku-Nuku Dash - OVA (1-4), 10 Street Fighter 2 - Movie 55 Dragon Half - OVA (1-2) Ninja Cadets - OVA (1-2) 11 Bubblegum Crash TV (1-8) 56 KO Century Beast Warriors - 116 Neo Ranga - OVA (1-4), 12 Ruin Explorers OVA (1-4), Dirty OVA (1-4) Gorgeous - Movie, Blue Submarine - OVA Pair TV (1), Wing - TV (1) 57 Fatal Fury - OVA (1-2) (1) 13 Tatoo Master - TV (1-2), Pon 58 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - OVA 117 Saber Marionette J - TV (1-4) Poko - Movie (1-5) 118 Saber Marionette J - TV (5-8) 14 Super Cat Girl Nuku Nuku - OVA 60 Tenchi Muyo in Love - Movie 119 Sorceror Hunters - TV (7-10) (1-6) 61 Tenchi Muyo: Daughter of Dark- 120 Street Fighter V - TV (1-4), 15 Mahou Tsukai Tai! - OVA (1-5) ness - Movie : Hurricane Live (2032 16 Final - OVA (1-4) 62 Tenchi Muyo - OVA (1-6) + 2033) - Music Clips 17 Metal Fighter Miku - TV (1-7) 63 Vision of Escaflowne - TV (13- 121 Weiß Kreuz - TV (1-4) 18 Metal Fighter Miku - TV (8-13) 14) + Tenchi Muyo - OVA (7-8) + Sailor 122 Photon - OVA (1-4), Wild Cardz - 19 Crusher Police - OVA Moon R movie OVA (1-2) (1-6) 64 Tenchi Muyo - OVA (9-13) 123 - OVA (1- 20 Grave of the Fireflies - Movie, 66 Tenchi Muyo - TV (8-13) 7) - TV (26) 67 Tenchi Muyo - TV (14-20) 124 Record of Lodoss War - OVA (8- 21 Iria: Zeiram the Animation - TV 68 Tenchi Muyo - TV (21-26) 13) (1-4) 69 Tenchi Muyo in Tokyo (TV)+B90 125 Mobile Battleship Nadesico - TV 22 Natsuki Crisis - OVA (1-2) 70 Blackjack - OVA (1-3) (1-6) 23 Card Captor Sakura Movie, New 71 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (1-4) 126 Mobile Battleship Nadesico - TV Cutey Honey Movie 73 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (9-16) (7-14) 24 Macross Plus - OVA (2) 75 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (25-28) 127 Mobile Battleship Nadesico - TV 25 Macross Plus - OVA (3) 76 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (29-32) (15-22) 26 Macross Plus - OVA (4) 78 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (37-40) 128 Mobile Battleship Nadesico - TV 27 Compiler - TV (2), Burn Up - OVA 79 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (41-45) + (23-26) 28 Ranma 1/2 Rurouni Kenshin Special - TV 129 Bubblegum Crisis 2040 - OVA 29 - OVA (1) 80 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (46-51) (1-6) 30 Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro - 83 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (62-65) 130 Rurouni Kenshin - OVA (4), Slay- Movie 85 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (71-76) ers Excellent - OVA (1-3) 33 Lupin III: Secret of Mamo - 86 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (77-82) 131 El-Hazard: The Wanders - TV (1- Movie 87 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (83-89) 6) 34 Lupin III: Legend of the Gold of 89 Rurouni Kenshin - TV (95), Rur- 132 El-Hazard: The Wanders - TV (7- Babylon - Movie ouni Kenshin - OVA (1-3) 14) 35 Lupin III: Goodbye Lady Liberty - 90 Rurouni Kenshin - Movie 133 El-Hazard: The Wanders - TV Movie 91 Slayers - TV (1-7) (15-22) 36 Ghost in the Shell (jap) - Movie 92 Slayers - TV (8-14) 134 El-Hazard: The Wanders - TV 37 Ghost in the Shell - Movie 93 Slayers - TV (15 - 20) (23-26) 38 Nadia: Secret of Blue Water - TV 95 Fushigi Yuugi - TV (1-4) 135 Flame of - TV (1-7) (1-4) 96 Fushigi Yuugi - TV (5-8) 136 - TV (8-14) 39 Combustible Campus Guard- 97 Fushigi Yuugi - TV (9-16) 137 Flame of Recca - TV (15-21) ress - OVA (1-4) 98 Fushigi Yuugi - TV (17-23) 138 Flame of Recca - TV (21-28) 40 Blazing Exchange Student, 99 Fushigi Yuugi - TV (24-30) 139 Flame of Recca - TV (29-35) Fairy Princess Rain, On Your Mark 100 Fushigi Yuugi - TV (31-37) 140 Flame of Recca - TV (36-42) 41 Kiki's Delivery Service - Movie, 101 Fushigi Yuugi - TV (38-44) 141 - TV (1-8) - Movie 102 Fushigi Yuugi - TV (45-51) 142 Cowboy Bebop - TV (7-14) 42 Whispers of the Heart, Everyday 103 Fushigi Yuugi - TV (52), Fushigi 143 Cowboy Bebop - TV (13-18) is Sunday (1-2) Yuugi - OVA (1-3) 144 Those Who Hunt (1-6) 43 Giant Robo - OVA (1-3) 104 Vision of Escaflowne - TV (1-7) 145 Those Who Hunt Elves (7-12) 44 Giant Robo - OVA (4-6) 105 Vision of Escaflowne - TV (5-12) 146 Weiß Kreuz - TV (5-10) 45 Giant Robo - OVA (7), El- 106 Vision of Escaflowne - TV (15- 147 Weiß Kreuz - TV (11-16) emntalors - OVA, Ginrei OVA (3), Mugen 20) 148 Weiß Kreuz - TV (17-22) Page 14 wwwa newsletter

S`odKhrs 'bnms‘( 149 Weiß Kreuz - TV (23-24), Dark- 207 (1-6) 262 Ayashi No Ceres (8-14) side Blues 208 (1-7) 263 Ayashi No Ceres (14-21) 150 Ehrgeiz (1-6) 209 Lost Universe (1-8) 264 Ayashi No Ceres (22-24) 151 Ehrgeiz (7-12) 210 Dual! Parallel Trouble Adven- 265 Marmalade boy movie + Gun- 152 Slayers Perfect - Movie, Boku ture (1-7) dam Wing OVA + Ex-driver 1 no Marie - OVA (1-4) 211 Cowboy Bebop (19-22) 266 Detective Conan movie - Sky- 153 Nadesico: Prince of Darkness, 213 Princess Mononoke (English) scraper on a timer : The Legacy (1-2) 214 Hana Yori Dango (1-4), 267 Ah! My goddess Movie 154 Card Captor Sakura 8-14 (Detective Conan?) 268 Vision of Escaflowne movie 155 Card Captor Sakura 15-21 215 Princess Mononoke (Japanese 269 Lodoss War TV (1-5) 156 1-7 with sub) 270 El Hazard OVA (1-7) 157 Outlaw Star 8-14 216 His and Her Circumstances 271 Lost Universe (1-9) 158 Outlaw Star 15-21 (13-19) 272 Valley of the wind 159 Adventure of the Mini 217 His and Her Circumstances 273 Street Fighter Alpha Godesses 1-24 (20-26) 274 Akuzukin Chacha (1-8) 160 Sorcerer Stabber Orphen 1-8 218 TV (1-6) 275 Akuzukin Chacha (9-16) 161 Slayers Next 1-6 219 Vampire Princess Miyu TV (7- 276 movie 162 Slayers Next 7-14 12) 277 Shamanic Princess (1-6) 163 Slayers Next 15-22 220 Serial Experiment Lain (1-8) 278 Silent Mobius TV (1-7) 164 Slayers Next 23-26 221 Spriggan - Movie 279 Silent Mobius TV (8-14) 165 Slayers Try 1-9 222 KO Century Beast (1-3) 280 Silent Mobius TV (15-21) 166 Slayers Try 10-18 223 -1999 - Movie 281 Silent Mobius TV (22-26) + 167 Slayers Try 19-26, You're Under 224 Initial D (1-7) Sailor Moon S movie Arrest Special 225 Initial D (8-14) 282 Fruit Basket (1-7) 168 Eatman '98 1-6 226 Initial D (15-21) 286 Wing Op7 169 Eatman '98 7-12 227 Initial D (22-26) + extra stage 287 Op8 170 Nazca 1-6 228 Initial D 2nd stage(1-7) 288 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Op9 171 Nazca 7-12 229 Initial D 2nd stage (8-13) 289 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing 172 Excel Saga (7-14) 230 (23-26) Op10 173 Excel Saga (15-21) 231 Slayers TV (21-26) + Blood - the 290 Blue Sub 6 (1-4) 174 Excel Saga (22-26) last vampire 291 (10-17) 180 Photon - OVA (5-6) 232 Hyper Police (1-6) 292 Hyper Police (18-25) 181 Nadesico OVA, Fushigi Yuugi 233 Hyper Police (7-12) 293 The Grave of the Fireflies OVA II (4-6) 234 Laputa: Castle in the Sky 294 Eva - Death and Rebirth 182 Geobreeders OVA (1-3) 235 Porco Rosso 295 Eva - End of Evangelion 183 Mahou Tsukai Tai - TV (1-4) 236 I can hear the ocean + On your 296 Vampire Princess Miyu (13-20) 184 Mahou Tsukai Tai - TV (5-7) mark 297 Vampire Princess Miyu (21-26) 185 Mahou Tsukai Tai - TV (8-13) + 237 Card Captor Sakura movie 2 - 298 Akachan to Baku (1-2) FLCL 1 The sealed card 299 Yami No Matsuei (1-13) 186 His and Her Circumstances (1- 238 Heisei Tanuki Wars Ponpoko (Almitra approved) 4) 239 Noir (1-7) 300 (1-7) 188 His and Her Circumstances (9- 240 Noir (8-14) 301 Crest of the Stars (8-13) 12) 241 Noir (15-21) 302 Ruin Explorers 190 Nadesico movie - Princess of 242 Noir (22-26) + special 303 Macross Plus (OVA 1-2) darkness + Adventures of mini Goddess 243 Only Yesterday 304 Macross Plus (OVA 3-4) (18-24) [RESTRICTED] 244 Inu Yasha (1-3) 305 Chobits (?-?) 192 Trigun (1-4) 245 Kenshin OVA (1-4) 306 Chobits (?-?) 193 Trigun (5-7) 246 Record of Lodoss war TV 307 Chobits (?-?) 194 Evangelion Movie: Death & [Chibis] 308 Chobits (?-?) Rebirth 247 My neighbour Totoro 309 Scryed (?-?) 195 Evangelion Movie 2: End of 248 X OVA - Chapter O + X2 music 310 Scryed (?-?) Evangelion videos + Rayearth OVA 1 311 Scryed (?-?) 196 Laputa: Castle in the Sky 249 Gatekeepers (1-3) 312 Scryed (?-?) 197 Sabre Marionette J TV (9-16) 250 Dual! Parallel Trouble Adven- 313 Haibane Renmei (?-?) 198 Sabre Marionette J TV (17-20) ture (1-4) 314 Haibane Renmei (?-?) 199 Sabre Marionette J TV (21-25 251 Berserk (1-7) end) 252 Berserk (8-14) 200 Magic Knight Rayearth TV (1-8) 253 Berserk (15-21) 201 Magic Knight Rayearth TV (9- 254 Berserk (22-25) 16) 255 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Op 1 202 Magic Knight Rayearth TV (17- 256 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Op 2 20) 257 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Op 3 203 (1-6) 258 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Op 4 204 Dirty Pair TV (1-8) 259 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Op 5 205 Cowboy Bebop (23-26 end) 260 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Op 6 206 TV (1-6) 261 Ayashi No Ceres (1-7) Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 15

C D L IS T these are cds which have individual cases

CD Title 13) 70 Fushigi Yuugi 35-38 30 Golden Boy (1-6) (Clement 71 Fushigi Yuugi 39-44

1 Assorted Music Vids approved) 72 Fushigi Yuugi 45-49 2 Assorted Music Vids + trail- 31 Love Hina (1-13) 73 Fushigi Yuugi 50-52 ers + openings 32 Love Hina (14-24) 74 Outlaw Star 1-5 3 DNA^2 (1-5) + End of Eva + 33 (1-8) 75 Outlaw Star 7-13 Eva (TV)(1-5) + Iria Zeiram (1-3) + 34 Vandread (9-13) 76 Ranma (1-5) + Record of Lodoss 35 Cowboy Bebop Movie - 77 Wars (1) Knockin' on Heaven's Door 78 Iria 1-4 4 Kenshin OVA (1-2) 36 Grave of the Fireflies 79 Tenshi In Love 2, Music Vids, 5 Kenshin OVA (3-4) + Kenshin 37 Nadescico (1-5) Tenshi Forever Movie 38 Nadescico (6-9) 80 Starship Girl Yamamoto 6 Kenshin (TV) (1-14) 39 Nadescico (10-12) OVA2 (1-2) 7 Ghost In The Shell (sub) 40 Nadescico (13-17) 81 Star Ocean EX 1-3 8 Escaflowne movie + 41 Nadescico (18-22) 82 Slayers Try 1-3 9 Kenshin (TV) (15-26) 42 Nadescico (23-26) 83 Slayers 1-15 10 Kenshin (TV) (27-37, 39) 51 Bubblegum Chrisis 2040 84 Slayers 16-26, Flame of 11 Kenshin (TV) (38, 40-49) eps 3-4 Recca 37-39 12 Kenshin (TV) (50-61) 52 Bubblegum Chrisis 2040 85 13 Macross Saga (1- eps 1-2 86 18) 53 BH OVA 2-3, Dark Stalkers 87 Lupin III - Castle of 14 Robotech Macross Saga Revenge OVA 1-4 Cagliostro (19-30) + Tenchi Muyo in Tokyo (1- 54 Bakuretsu Hunters OVA 1, 88 10) TV 3-10 89 Trigun 1-3 15 Kenshin (TV) (62-68) + Ar- 55 Video Girl Ai 1-6, Bakuretsu 90 Trigun 4-6 mitage III + Assorted Music Vids Hunters OVA 2-3 91 Trigun 9-12 16 (1-5) + Assorted 56 El Hazard Alternative World 92 Trigun 12-16 Music Vids (OVA series) 1-12 93 Trigun 17-20 17 Kenshin (TV) (69-80) 57 Escaflowne 1-6, Golden Boy 94 Trigun 21-w25 18 Kenshin (TV) (81-93) 1-6 95 Bastard 1-6, Laputa - Castle 19 Kenshin (TV) (94,95) + Ninja 58 Escaflowne 7-15, Key The in the sky Scroll Metal Idol 11,13,14 96 KOR OVA 1-4 20 Vision of Escaflowne (TV) (1- 59 Escaflowne 16-26 97 KOR OVA 5-8 13) 60 Evangelion Death and Re- 98 Iketeru Futari 1-16 21 Vision of Escaflowne (TV) birth, Card Captor Sakura Movie 99 1-4 (14-26) 61 Fushigi Yuugi 1-8 100 Seinkai no Senki 1-4 22 Flame of Recca (1-10) 62 Dual 1-7 101 Scryed 5-8 23 Flame of Recca (11-20) 63 Dual 8-10, Kenshin OVA 1-2 102 Scryed 5-8 + Special 24 Flame of Recca (21-30) (dubbed) 103 Record of Lodoss War 1-12 25 Flame of Recca (31-42) 64 Fushigi Yuugi 9-13 104 Record of Lodoss War TV 5-8 26 Serial Experiment Lain (1-4) 65 Fushigi Yuugi 14-17 105 Record of Lodoss War TV 9- 27 Serial Experiment Lain (5-7) 66 Fushigi Yuugi 18-21 11 28 Serial Experiment Lain (8- 67 Fushigi Yuugi 22-26 106 Fushigi Yuugi OVA 1-3 10) 68 Fushigi Yuugi 27-30 107 Fushigi Yuugi OVA 1-3 29 Serial Experiment Lain (10- 69 Fushigi Yuugi 31-34 108 Fushigi Yuugi OVA 4-5 S P IN D L E L IS T these are cds without cases — please bring jewel (hard) cases to transport them!

1 Trigun 1-6 10 Noir 13-16 19 Candidate for Goddess 6-11 2 Trigun 7-11 11 Noir 17-20 20 DNA^2 1-8 3 Trigun 12-15 12 Noir 21-23 21 DNA^2 9-15 4 Trigun 16-19 13 Noir 24-26+special 22 Record of Lodoss War TV 1-8 5 Trigun 20-23 14 1-7 23 Record of Lodoss War TV 9- 6 Trigun 24-26 15 To Heart 8-13 16 7 Noir 1-4 16 1-6 24 Record of Lodoss War TV 17- 8 Noir 5-8 17 Comic Party 7-13 25 9 Noir 9-12 18 Candidate for Goddess 0-5 25 Record of Lodoss War TV 26- Page 16 wwwa newsletter

S P IN D L E L IS T (cont’)

26 Record of Lodoss War OVA 75 Kanon 1-3 125 Chobits 17-19 1-13 76 Kanon 4-7 126 Chobits 20-23 27 Nadesico 1-13 77 Kanon 8-10 127 Chobits 24-26 28 Nadesico 14-26 78 Kanon 11-13 128 1-4 29 Nadesico OVA + movie 79 1-5 129 Azumanga Daioh 5-8 30 Love Hina 1-9 80 Fruits Basket 6-9 130 Azumanga Daioh 9-12 31 Love Hina 10-22 81 Fruits Basket 10-13 131 Azumanga Daioh 13-16 32 Love Hina 23-25 Xmas + 82 Fruits Basket 14-16 132 Azumanga Daioh 17-20 Spring Specials + OVA 1 83 Fruits Basket 17-20 133 Azumanga Daioh 21-24 33 Love Hina OVA 2-3 84 Fruits Basket 21-24 134 Azumanga Daioh 25-26 34 Angelic Layer 1-4 85 Fruits Basket 25-26 135 Saishuu Heiki Kanojo 1-4 35 Angelic Layer 5-9 86 1-4 136 Saishuu Heiki Kanojo 5-8 36 Angelic Layer 10-13 87 Hellsing 5-7 137 Saishuu Heiki Kanojo 9-10 37 Angelic Layer 14-17 88 Hellsing 8-11 138 Saishuu Heiki Kanojo 11-13 38 Angelic Layer 18-21 89 Hellsing 12-13 139 1-4 39 Angelic Layer 22-24 90 1-3 140 Samurai Deeper Kyo 5-8 40 Angelic Layer 25-26 91 Hikaru no Go 4-7 141 Samurai Deeper Kyo 9-12 41 -OVA 1-4, Gun- 92 Hikaru no Go 8-10 142 Samurai Deeper Kyo 13-16 smith Cats 1-3, Burn up w 1-4 93 Hikaru no Go 11-14 143 Samurai Deeper Kyo 17-20 42 Cowboy Bebop movie 94 Hikaru no Go 15-18 144 Samurai Deeper Kyo 21-24 43 You're Under Arrest OVA 1-4 95 Hikaru no Go 19-22 145 Samurai Deeper Kyo 25-26 + movie 96 Hikaru no Go 23-26 146 Hack Sign 1-4 44 Vandread 2nd stage 1-3 97 I My Me Strawberry Eggs 1- 147 Hack Sign 5-8 45 Vandread 2nd stage 4-6 5 148 Hack Sign 9-12 46 Vandread 2nd stage 7-10 98 I My Me Strawberry Eggs 6- 149 Hack Sign 13-15 47 Vandread 2nd stage 11-13 10 150 Hack Sign 16-19 48 Argento Soma 1-6 99 I My Me Strawberry Eggs 151 Hack Sign 20-23 49 Argento Soma 7-11 11-13 152 Hack Sign 24-26 50 Argento Soma 12-16 100 Full Metal Panic 1-3 153 Jungle wa Itsumo Hare no- 51 Argento Soma 17-21 101 Full Metal Panic 4-6 chi Guu 1-5 52 Argento Soma 22-25 102 Full Metal Panic 7-10 154 Jungle wa Itsumo Hare no- 53 Digi Charat 1-16 + summer 103 Full Metal Panic 11-13 chi Guu 6-9 specials 104 Full Metal Panic 14-17 155 Jungle wa Itsumo Hare no- 54 Digi Charat - christmas, ha- 105 Full Metal Panic 18-20 chi Guu 10-13 nami, summer break specials 106 Full Metal Panic 21-24 156 Jungle wa Itsumo Hare no- 55 Read or Die 1-3 107 Puni Puni Poemi 1-2 chi Guu 14-17 56 Vandread 1st stage 1-7 108 Gate Keepers 21 1-4 157 Jungle wa Itsumo Hare no- 57 Vandread 1st stage 8-13 109 Gate Keepers 21 5-6 chi Guu 18-20 58 Flcl 1-3 110 Abenobashi Mahou Shouten- 158 Jungle wa Itsumo Hare no- 59 Flcl 4-6 gai 1-4 chi Guu 21-23 60 Evangelion 1-12 111 Abenobashi Mahou Shouten- 159 Jungle wa Itsumo Hare no- 61 Evangelion 13-23 gai 5-8 chi Guu 24-26 62 Evangelion 24-26 + Death/ 112 Abenobashi Mahou Shouten- 160 1-5 Rebirth and End of Eva gai 9-12 161 Witch Hunter Robin 6-11 63 Gate Keepers 1-5 113 Abenobashi Mahou Shouten- 162 Witch Hunter Robin 12-17 64 Gate Keepers 6-13 gai 13 163 Witch Hunter Robin 18-23 65 Gate Keepers 14-20 114 1-4 164 Witch Hunter Robin 24-26 66 Gate Keepers 21-24 115 Ai Yori Aoshi 5-8 67 Hand Maid May 1-7 116 Ai Yori Aoshi 9-11 68 Hand Maid May 8-11 117 Ai Yori Aoshi 12-14 69 Hanaukyou Maids 1-8 118 Ai Yori Aoshi 15-17 70 Hanaukyou Maids 9-15 119 Ai Yori Aoshi 18-22 71 Onegai Teacher 1-3 120 Ai Yori Aoshi 23-24 72 Onegai Teacher 4-7 121 Chobits 1-4 73 Onegai Teacher 8-11 122 Chobits 5-8 74 Onegai Teacher 12, 2 extra 123 Chobits 9-12 eps 124 Chobits 13-16