DH Tiger Moth Woburn 18 August 2007 YORKSHIRES PREMIER AVIATION SOCIETY Jim Stanfield Tiger Moth GANRM/DF112 Duxford 15 September 2007 Alan Sinfield TL96 STAR OKDUU44 AIR SPECIAL A.S. LETECKA SKOLA ULL These three photographs are the only competition entries MARIANSKE LAZNE SKLARE received for this month's magazine. MARTIN ZAPLETAL Please don't put your camera and achives away for the winter we need a greater selection of entries each month to maintain a viable competition. www.airyorkshire.org.uk C £1 CIETY CONTA CHAIR Cliff JAYNE tel: 0113 249 7114 SECRETARY Jim STANFIELD tel:0113 258 9968 TREASURER David VALENTINE 8 St Margaret's Avenue and MEMBERSHIP Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5RY tel: 0113 228 8143 Assistant Treasurer Pauline VALENTINE Secretary Jim Stanfield MAGAZINE EDITOR Cliff JAYNE 27 Luxor Road, Leeds LS8 5BJ tel: 0113 249 7114 email: airvorkshiretS!hotmail.com Six Gloster Javelins heading north west at 1611hrs; the first entry in Assistant Editor Sheila JAYNE my log book. It was a long time ago 21 August 1957 to be precise MOVEMENTS EDITOR Trevor Smith email:
[email protected] and that means I have been spotting and logging aircraft for over fifty MEETINGS COORDINATOR Alan SINFIELD tel: 01274 619679 years. A sobering thought. email:
[email protected] VISITS ORGANISER Paul WINDSOR tel: 0113 250 4424 I lived in Newcastle in those days: a Geordie born and bred. The HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENT Mike WILLINGALE same year, 1957,1 joined Air Britain and a short while later I became a COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Lawrie COLDBECK. John DALE, Clifford HADWIN, memtjer of the Tyneskle Group of Aviation Enthusiasts (TGAE) based 20062007 Denis STENNING, Geoff WARD at Newcastle (Woolsington) Airport, When I moved to Leeds in 1961, with my parents, there was no spotters group and we used to meet Please note that all membership enquiries should be made to the Treasurer.