
Computer Science : Web Development

bin Uzayr, S., Cloud, N., Ambler, T. JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Development The Essential Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools to Learn Right Now

Focuses on front end frameworks, such as React, VueJS, and also addresses niche-focused and performance driven frameworks such as Kraken, Mongoose, etc Provides not only comprehensive coverage of the features and uses of each framework covered, but also advises the reader on which framework to use for different situations, alleviating the problem of ‘too much choice’ when it comes to the multitude of JavaScript frameworks available Apress Practical advice and guidance that will help not only new developers, but those with experience looking for a single resource that covers the most 2nd ed., XXVI, 550 p. 97 2nd illus. relevant technologies in today’s JavaScript landscape edition Enrich your software design skills and take a guided tour of the wild, vast, and untamed frontier that is JavaScript development. Especially useful for frontend developers, this revision includes specific chapters on React and VueJS, as well as an updated one on . To help Printed book you get the most of your new skills, each chapter also has a "further reading" section. This Softcover book will serve as an introduction to both new and well established libraries and frameworks, Printed book such as Angular, VueJS, React, Grunt, Yeoman, RequireJS, Browserify, , Kraken, Async.js, Underscore, and Lodash. It also covers utilities that have gained popular traction and support Softcover from seasoned developers and tools applicable to the entire development stack, both client- ISBN 978-1-4842-4994-9 and server-side. While no single book can possibly cover every JavaScript library of value, $ 44,99 JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Development focuses on incredibly useful libraries and Available frameworks that production software uses. Discount group APress Trade (14) Order online at springer.com/booksellers Product category Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC Professional book 233 Spring Street Other renditions New York, NY 10013 USA Softcover T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE ISBN 978-1-4842-4996-3 (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 [email protected]

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