The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations

The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations

June 2016

This report was prepared within the framework of the Erasmus+ Sport cooperation partnerships project No: 567139-EPP-1-2015-2-LV-SPO-SCP Contract 2015-2988 “Development and implementation practices of strategies for health-enhancing physical activities in local communities across Europe.” This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information led therein.

1 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations

Content 1. Terms 3 2. Justification of preparation of the Evaluation Report...... 6 3. Legal acts and policy planning documents and initiatives that affect HEPA and sports...... 6 3.1. The European Union level...... 6 3.1.1. White paper on sport...... 6 3.1.2. The European Sports Charter...... 6 3.1.3. EU Physical Activity Guidelines...... 7 3.1.4. Recommendations of the Council of the EU for health-enhancing physical activities in various sectors 7 3.1.5. Resolution on a European Union Work Plan for Sport (2014-2017)...... 7 3.2. National level...... 8 3.3. Local government level...... 9 4. Institutional and financial framework of Ķekava county (local level) HEPA and sports on cross-sectoral basis...... 9 4.1. Sports...... 9 4.1.1. Information about the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency...... 10 4.1.2. Information about the Ķekava County Sports School...... 12 4.1.3. Information about the Ķekava County sports clubs and associations...... 13 4.1.4. Quantitative assessment – number of inhabitants involved...... 14 4.1.5. Quantitative assessment – number of events...... 17 4.2. Transport, environment and spatial planning...... 18 4.3. Seniors, work environment of HEPA...... 21 4.4. Heath care/ social services...... 22 4.5. Education...... 26 5. Sports and active leisure infrastructure in schools...... 29 5.1. Indoors sports infrastructure:...... 29 5.2. Outdoors sports fields...... 31 5.3. Evaluation of sports and active leisure infrastructure...... 33 6. Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT), possible development areas and solutions 34 7. Main conclusions from the residents` questionnaire...... 39 8. Information sources ...... 44

2 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations

1. Terms

Interest-related education – realisation of the individual educational needs and desires of a person regardless of age and previously acquired education. Children and youth sports – sports activities and competitions organized for children and youth until the age of 25. Both children and youth sports are based on the principle of comprehensive physical fitness. Depending on their wishes, interests and talents children and youth choose sports of their liking for enjoyment, preserving health and achievement of high competition results. Multifunctional sports complex – a building or a complex of buildings that are being used for organizing of the sports competitions in various disciplines and also for organizing of non-sports related events. Professional orientation education – the acquisition of systematised knowledge and skills, as well as the formation of values orientation in art, culture or sports concurrently with the basic or secondary education level, which provides a possibility to prepare for the acquisition of a professional education in the selected direction. Sports in schools – sports activities in schools after lessons, interschool activities included. Sports facility – a structure or a part thereof as well as the environment built or adapted exclusively for sport (fields, tracks for sports activities, health tracks, etc.).

Sports employee – an individual who performs his or her activities in the field of sports by carrying out educational, judging, methodological, organizational or other types of work.

Sports education programme – a professionally oriented sports education programme or extracurricular education programme including a specified content of sports education.

Sports movement – voluntary participation of people from all social groups in physical and sports activities that are organized by public sports organizations.

Sports organization – an organisation which is founded with the aim of organising healthy recreation by enhancement of physical and moral capabilities, as well as achievement of high competition results.

Sports competition – an event organized for the determination of the best athletes or teams, which takes place in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments, procedural regulations of competitions approved by sports federations and the rules approved by the organizer of a 3 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations competition.

Sports specialist – a sports employee who has acquired a diploma in sports education and/or a relevant certificate of professional qualification.

Sports training (activities) – a process to acquire, maintain and improve skills, competence and abilities in sports.

Athlete – an individual who engages in sports and takes part in sports competitions.

Sports – all types of individual or organized activities in order to maintain and improve physical and mental health, as well as to achieve success in sports competitions.

Sports for the disabled – physical activities that are adapted to the needs of disabled persons. Sports for the disabled fosters their self-assurance and serves as one of the social rehabilitation tools.

Sports-for-all – various physical activities for strengthening of the mental and physical health, ensuring of the social communication and integration, as well as various physical activities for the purpose of recreation by involvement of people from all social groups and by ensuring the best possible conditions and access to sports activities.

Health sports – physical activities (active leisure) for improvement and strengthening of mental and physical health.

Veteran sports – sports activities and competitions for adults that have reached the age of veterans (seniors) in the particular sports discipline.

4 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Abbreviations:

EU – the European Union

FC – Football club

FC – Floorball club

FS – Football school

MES – the Ministry of Education and Science

ESC – Equestrian sports club

LOC – Association “Latvian Olympic Committee”

LVL – Lat, former national currency in

LR – The Republic of Latvia

LSVA – the Latvian Sports Veterans (seniors) Association

MA – Methodological association

CM – the Cabinet of Ministers

PS – Pre-school

SC – Sports club

SO – Sports organization

KC – Ķekava county

KCC – the Ķekava County Council

KCSS – the Ķekava County Sports School

RC – Rugby club

PTSC – Public Technical Sports Centre

SWOT – Analysis of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats

CPF – Comprehensive physical fitness HEPA – Health-enhancing physical activities

5 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations

2. Justification of preparation of the Evaluation Report

This Evaluation Report was prepared within the framework of the Erasmus + Sport cooperation partnerships project No: 567139-EPP-1-2015-2-LV-SPO-SCP Contract 2015-2988 “Development and implementation practices of strategies for health-enhancing physical activities in local communities across Europe”. The goal of the report – to establish the present situation regarding health enhancement activities in Ķekava county, to evaluate the existing cross-sectoral cooperation in this area, to detect the main problems, drawbacks and tasks to be solved within the framework of a medium-term (3 years) strategy, as well as to evaluate the present activities in this area. This Evaluation Report contains a compilation of education, sports, health, senior, work environment, transport and environment experts views that were expressed during meetings, of opinions of interested residents, as well as of the results of online survey about the improvements needed for sports, physical activities and health-enhancement and sports development in Ķekava county.

3. Legal acts and policy planning documents and initiatives that affect HEPA and sports

Health-enhancing physical activities and sports are regulated by three-pronged legal acts and planning documents: The European Union, Latvian (National) and Ķekava county (local government) level.

3.1. The European Union level

3.1.1. White paper on sport

“White paper on sport”1 is the first EU level sports policy planning document that was issued and adopted on 11 July 2007. Its overall objective is to give strategic orientation on the role of sport in Europe, to encourage debate on specific problems, to enhance the visibility of sport in EU policy- making, to emphasize the social and economic dimension of sport and to raise public awareness of the needs and specificities of the sector.

3.1.2. The European Sports Charter2

1 “White paper on sport” COM(2007) 391 final uri=CELEX:52007DC0391&from=EN (in English) 2 “The European Sports Charter” 6 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations In order to promote sports as an essential part of the human development, the National Governments are to implement conditions listed in the Charter, notably, that each individual should be granted the opportunity of taking part in sports and in particular the youth should be granted the opportunity of acquiring physical education and basic sporting skills.

3.1.3. EU Physical Activity Guidelines3

The aim of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines is to give recommendations to the member states regarding health-enhancing physical activity policy actions. Benefits of physical activity are clearly stated in the recommendations, notably health benefits and ensuring of quality of life are listed. Also the cross-sectoral approach regarding health-enhancing physical activities is being emphasized. The following policy areas are defined that are closely connected to promotion of the health-enhancing physical activities: sports, health, education, transport, environment and urban planning, work environment and seniors.

3.1.4. Recommendations of the Council of the EU for health-enhancing physical activities in various sectors4

It is concluded in these recommendations that as a precondition for healthy lifestyle and healthy labour force physical activities foster reaching of the basic goals of the Europe2020 strategy, in particular in regards to growth, productivity and health. It is also noted in this document that to date implementation of multiple National Government policies has not had a crucial effect on the prevention of lack of physical activities in the European Union on the whole. These recommendations invite member states to work actively on development and implementation of national policy documents – strategies and cross-sectoral policies aimed at promotion of HEPA, as well as they suggest indicators for evaluation of HEPA levels and the overall European Union policies.

3.1.5. Resolution on a European Union Work Plan for Sport (2014-2017)5

Resolution on a European Union Work Plan for Sport for 2014-2017 establishes the following themes and key topics that should be given priority by Member States and the Commission for the period covered by the present Work Plan: 3 “EU Physical Activity Guidelines” Approved by the EU Working Group "Sport & Health" at its meeting on 25 September 2008, activity-guidelines-2008_en.pdf 4 Recommendations of the Council of the EU for health-enhancing physical activities in various sectors, 2013/C354/01 5 Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States (21 May 2014) on a European Union Work Plan for Sport for 2014-2017, 2014/C 183/03 uri=CELEX:42014Y0614(03) 7 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations 1) Integrity of sport, in particular anti-doping, the fight against match-fixing, protection of minors, good governance and gender equality; 2) The economic dimension of sport, in particular sustainable financing of sport, the legacy of major sport events, economic benefits of sport and innovation; 3) sports and society, in particular health-enhancing physical activities, volunteering, employment in sports as well as education and sports training. Likewise the Resolution establishes working structures and methods and further steps and indicators for reaching of the priority themes and key topics. Requested outputs and corresponding working structures are assigned to all key topics of the Resolution therefore this document is a very specific EU action plan for sports and health enhancement.

3.2. National level

In Latvia sports and health-enhancement areas are regulated by the Guideline of the Sports Policy 2014-2020, the Guideline of the Public Health 2014-2020, as well as other key relevant laws and the Cabinet of Ministers regulations: • LR “Public Agencies Law”, • LR “Sports Law”, • LR “Education Law”, • LR “Law on Safety of Public Entertainment and Festivity Events”, • LR Law “On Local Governments” etc.

The Ministry of Health (MH) in cooperation with the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC), the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, the World Health Organization representative office in Latvia and the Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare of Rīga Stradiņš University have developed the National Network of Healthy Local Governments in order to foster goals of the Guideline of the Public Health 2014-2020 regarding health-enhancement and involvement of local governments in promotion of local residents health-enhancement and methodological support to the local governments for fulfilment of their autonomous functions (Law "On Local Governments" Section 15 Part 6) - promotion of a healthy lifestyle of residents and sports. The aim of the National Network of Healthy Local Governments is to foster exchange of best practices, experiences and ideas among the local governments and to provide methodological support regarding public health and health- enhancement issues on the local level and to increase the knowledge capacity of the local government employees regarding public health and health-enhancement issues by thus supporting the development

8 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations of health, welfare and equal opportunities on the regional level. Ķekava municipality joined the National Network of Healthy Local Governments in 2015.

3.3. Local government level

Ķekava municipality is a member of the National Network of Healthy Local Governments since 2015. Sports and health-enhancement are regulated by the following legal acts on local government level: • “The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Operational Strategy 2014-2016” (adopted in the Ķekava County Council sitting on 5 December 2013); • “The Ķekava County Sustainable Development Strategy 2030” (adopted in the Ķekava County Council sitting on 13 December 2012); “The Ķekava County Development Programme 2014-2020” (adopted in the Ķekava County Council sitting on 13 December 2012); • “The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Operational Strategy 2010” (adopted in the Ķekava County Council sitting on 25 February 2010); • The Regulation “About funding distribution to Ķekava county athletes” (adopted in the Ķekava County Council sitting on 23 May 2013); • The Binding rules “About the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency schedule of charges for public services” (adopted in the Ķekava County Council sitting on 11 June 2013). There are no local level documents developed in Ķekava county focusing on cross-sectoral cooperation in the context of HEPA promotion. Up to date health-enhancement activities have been fragmented and have been lacking long-term vision and planning.

4. Institutional and financial framework of Ķekava county (local level) HEPA and sports on cross-sectoral basis

4.1. Sports

Pursuant to the Section 15 Part 6 of the Law “On Local Governments” which foresees that one of the functions of the local government is to “ensure access to health care, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle of residents and sports”6, sports is administered by the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency in Ķekava county – a local government institution acting in accordance with the Public Agencies Law, other laws, Cabinet of Ministers regulations, the Regulation of the Agency as well as with the decisions of the Ķekava County Council. Apart from the Agency other crucial sports

6  Law “On Local Governments”, 9 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations institutions in Ķekava county are the Ķekava County Sports School, sports clubs and associations as well as the local residents that take part in the sports events.

4.1.1. Information about the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency

With the aim of managing sports infrastructure and delivering sports services for sports activities, by maintaining of certain autonomy in regards to the use of the budget resources and material goods and keeping accounting records in compliance with the provisions of the Law “On Accounting”, the Agency was established in 2009. The task of the Agency is to carry out sports related functions within the competence of the local government by providing public services to both – natural and legal persons. According to its task the Agency has the following functions: • Develops processes that enhance healthy lifestyle in Ķekava county; • Ensures public access of sports infrastructure to the county residents; • Ensures implementation of sports events organized by the municipality; • Organizes sports events; • Manages property that has been given to it in possession; • Fosters sports development in Ķekava county by allocating funding to natural and legal persons within the framework of the municipality budget dotation. In order to fulfil the envisaged functions the Agency has the following rights: • To request and receive free of charge information needed for its functions from municipality and national institutions, natural and legal persons; • To collect fees for the Agency services in accordance with the adopted public service fees and price list, to use the collected means for the development of the Agency structures, stocking, employee professional knowledge improvement; • In accordance with the Civil Law to handle the property that has been given to the Agency in possession; • To conclude civil agreements for ensuring of the Agency operations; • To promote sports events; • In accordance with its competence to cooperate with national and municipality institutions, non-governmental organizations, natural and legal persons, as well as institutions abroad; • To organize and lead meetings, seminars and other events for addressing sports related issues; • To receive national funding for organizing of major sports projects and programmes. 10 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations

The Agency is directed by Director who acts in accordance with the Public Agencies Law, the Regulation of the Agency and other laws. The Baloži town Sports Initiative Centre operates in accordance with the Regulation of the Agency.



Deputy director

Baloži city sport initiative Sport event organizer center manager Technical director

IT specialist Project manager

Administrators (3)

Technical employees (2)

Cleaners (3)

The main development tasks of the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency are: • To foster recognition of the Ķekava county by organizing of traditional local and national sports events, as well as to promote health-enhancing physical activities and a healthy lifestyle among its residents. • To ensure diverse sports life and Ķekava county residents excellence in sports. • To develop the necessary sports infrastructure. • To evaluate the present situation and possible improvements regarding sports events qualitative and quantitative indicators.

For implementation if its functions the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency has a budget that is comprised of both, municipality funding and their own income. The planned Agency budget for the year 2016 is 667 901 EUR. Budget dynamics of the past four years can be seen in the graph below.

11 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations

Latvian English ĶNPSA budžeta dinamika Budget dynamics of the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Tūkstoši Thousands

4.1.2. Information about the Ķekava County Sports School

The Ķekava County Sports School is a Ķekava county educational institution that implements professional orientation sports education programmes for children and youth. Sports school was founded by the Ķekava County Council. Legal basis for the Ķekava County Sports School operation is the sports school Regulation. School was founded in 2010 following the LR regional reform. Until 31 December 2009 young local athletes were attending City and Riga District Children and Youth Sports Schools. After Riga district reorganization, starting from 3 January 2010 professional orientation sports education programme educatees (rhythmic gymnasts included) were transferred to the Ādaži county Pierīga Children and Youth Sports School. In accordance with the concluded agreements for training of the Ķekava County Sports School educatees infrastructure of educational institution and sports organizations of Ķekava parish, Daugmale parish and Baloži town is being used. Amount of the sports school educatees is growing annually. For example, in the academic year 2011-2012 number of educatees starting five professional orientation sports education programmes was 170, then in the academic year 2015-2016 number of educatees entering the sports school grew to 312 with six professional orientation sports education programmes in place: wrestling, rhythmic gymnastics, rugby, cycling, athletics and swimming. Educatees from Ķekava, Baloži and Daugmale parishes and other neighbouring municipalities are training in the Ķekava County Sports School. In 2013 the Ķekava County Sports School professional orientation sports education programmes received accreditation for six years. 12 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations For implementation of its professional orientation sports education programmes the Ķekava County Sports School has a budget that is comprised of both, municipality funding and their own income. The planned sports school budget for the year 2016 is 266 105 EUR. Budget dynamics of the sports school for the past four years can be seen in the graph below.

Latvian English Sporta skolas budžeta dinamika Budget dynamics of the sports school Tūkstoši Thousands

4.1.3. Information about the Ķekava County sports clubs and associations

There are 22 active associations and sports clubs in Ķekava county. Sports clubs and associations are self-initiative organizations. These organizations unite representatives of a particular sports discipline, organize training activities for their members as well as organize and participate in various competitions. In accordance with the regulation “About funding distribution to Ķekava county athletes” that is implemented by the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency, both, legal and natural persons have the right to receive municipal funding in Ķekava county. Public funding that is granted to athletes comes from the large-scale sports fund based on the scale criterion. Large-scale sports fund is a particular funding that is granted based on the amount of children, youth (until the age of 25) and adults involved in the particular sports discipline and based on the winnings in particular competitions, with the prize and medal pool taken into account. In 2015 the following sports clubs and associations were granted the public funding: • Watersports Club Kambīze – € 2695.66 • Association Zelta Rati – € 1044.08 13 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations • Football School Metta – € 4937.01 • Sports Club Ķekavas šautra – € 1560.18 • Football Club Auda – € 7864.44 • Football Club Ķekava – € 971.85 • Association Kusties! – € 971.86 • Floorball Club Ķekava Bulldogs – € 26771.66 • Rugby Club Miesnieki – € 5066.63 • Sports Club Daugmale – € 3955.68 • Association Lāčplēša Cīņu Leģions – € 3550.43 • Association Labie nodomi – € 1095.30 • Ķekava Kettlebell Lifting Club – € 3098.41 • Ķekava Gymnastics Club FEJA – € 1709.78 • Sports Club GKSPORT – € 460.62 • Floorball Team Ķekava – € 1380 • Judo Club BOSKO – € 1261.02 • Ķekava county novuss teams – € 872.00 • Association Titurgas iespēju parks – € 1622.40 • Ķekava county women, youth and veteran basketball teams – € 6386.76. • Association Aktīvai Ķekavai – € 400.85 • Ķekava county football team – € 700.00 • Association MOO Racing Team – € 373.38 • Technical Innovation Club – € 1498.95 • Allocated to the Basketball club Ķekava – € 3129.64 (men’s teams), € 544.90 (men’s and women’s veteran teams), € 645.25 (youth teams) • Association – € 290.73 • Individual athletes – € 35140.53.

4.1.4. Quantitative assessment – number of inhabitants involved

According to the data from the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia there were 22 942 residents in Ķekava county in the beginning of the year 2016 (Baloži town – 6387, Daugmale parish – 1 110, Ķekava parish – 15 445). For comparison of the physical activity level in Ķekava county,

14 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Eurobarometer survey data “Sports and physical activity”7 from 2014 can be used where data about frequency of residents doing sports and other physical activities is compiled. According to the Eurobarometer data 69% of survey participants in Latvia acknowledge that they do sports rarely or never, and 41% of respondents rarely or never do other physical activities (for example, cycle for commuting, do gardening, go to dance lessons, etc.). It is not possible to estimate the exact number of Ķekava county residents doing sports and physical activities, therefore in this Report data from sports clubs and associations and the Ķekava County Sports School can be used for an assumptions-based comparison with the Eurobarometer data about the situation in Latvia on the whole. Of course, this assumption does not reflect an exact and objective picture regarding Ķekava county residents doing physical activities individually, however it at least gives an idea about the possible proportion of the physically active residents to the total Ķekava county population. Number of children, youth and adults doing sports in 2014, 2015 and 2016 according to the information submitted by the county sports clubs and associations and the Ķekava County Sports School. Table No.1 Ķekava county children and youth breakdown by sports disciplines in years 2014, 2015 and 2016

Amount Name of the sports Group 30 June discipline Year 2014 Year 2015 2016 Football Boys 200 209 228 Girls 5 4 8 Basketball Boys 109 100 121 Girls 55 45 49 Floorball Boys 396 428 456 Girls 42 43 65 Rhythmic gymnastics Girls 50 50 53 Boys 4 - - Rugby Boys 24 27 29 Girls 25 - - Cycling, BMX Boys 10 9 10 Girls 2 3 5 Wrestling Boys 30 36 34 Girls 11 8 8 Boxing, Kickboxing Boys 15 25 30 Cycling safety Girls 13 5 - Boys 16 6 - Track racing, motorcycle 11 12 12 racing, car racing Boys Girls 3 3 3

7 Special Eurobarometer 412 “SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY” March 2014, 15 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Equestrian Girls 3 3 2 Boys 2 1 Judo Boys 4 5 8 Athletics Girls 4 3 3 Boys - - - Kettlebell lifting Boys 12 32 42 Girls 2 2 3 Archery Boys 3 3 3 Girls 1 1 1 Downhill skiing Girls 3 3 4 Boys 5 5 5 Karate Boys 2 2 2 Girls 1 2 2 Triathlon Girls - - - Boys 1 - - Swimming Boys 3 2 3 Girls 2 2 2 Windsurfing Girls 3 11 16 Boys 3 9 10 Ice Hockey Boys 4 4 4 Roller Skating, 3 4 4 Skateboarding Boys Orienteering Girls 1 5 5 Boys 2 2 Canoeing, Kayaking Boys 1 1 1 Volleyball Boys 9 6 6 Scale Aircraft Modelling Girls 15 5 29 Boys 30 28 1 Taekwondo Girls 1 1 1 Total: 1139 1154 1271

Table No. 2 Ķekava county children and youth breakdown by sports disciplines in 2014, 2015 and 2016

Number of adult athletes Type of sports Group Year 2014 Year 2015 30 Nov, 2016

Football Men 27 30 25 Basketball Women 15 13 13 Men 33 36 34 Floorball Men 26 30 33 Women 12 13 19 Rugby Men 17 17 17 Kickboxing, Boxing Men 11 12 14 Novuss Women 5 5 3 16 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Men 17 17 15 Car and Motorcycle racing Men 15 12 11 Car Racing Women 2 1 1 Men 4 4 4 Kettlebell lifting Men 11 14 13 Women 3 2 4 Equestrian Women 3 3 3 Men 1 1 1 Athletics Women 2 3 3 Men 1 2 3 Downhill skiing, Cross- country skiing, 3 2 3 Snowboarding Women Men 2 3 3 Archery Men 3 2 2 Women 2 1 2 Swimming Women 1 1 3 Men 2 3 7 Windsurfing, Canoeing Men 6 7 11 Women 1 3 3 Volleyball Men 11 14 17 Roller Skating Women 1 1 1 Cycling, BMX Men 2 2 2 Women 3 3 3 Orienteering Men 3 3 3 Total: 245 261 276

Using the above-mentioned data from Eurobarometer and the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia after modelling the proportion of the active residents to the total Ķekava county population we get the following results: ~59% or 13 536 Ķekava county residents often or with some regularity do physical activities (for example, cycle for commuting, do gardening, go to dance lessons etc.), while ~31% or 7112 Ķekava county residents often or with some regularity do sports.

4.1.5. Quantitative assessment – number of events

All of the Ķekava County Sports Agency events are organized with the aim of involving as many residents as possible therefore events are free of charge and do not exclude participants based on their age, gender or any other characteristic; all events are organized with consideration of the needs of the target audience. These events are mainly targeted at promoting sports-for-all concept, physical activities and active lifestyle. The following events and competitions have become a tradition for the locals: - Veselības apļi (series of one-hour long walking, nordic-walking or running trainings); 17 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations - Ķekava County Sports Games; - Senior Sports Games; - The European Week of Sport; - Baloži bizons (running competition series); - Andris Eglītis Basketball Cup; - Daugmale Sports Day; - Gathering of the Sporting Families; - et al.

In 2015 the Agency by itself or in cooperation with other organizations organized 196 various level events. A part of winter sports events could not take place due to the lack of the necessary weather conditions. Breakdown of the events is summarized in the table below.

Planned Not held Organized Local 106 24 82 Cross-county 37 10 27 National 90 5 85 International 2 2 Total: 235 39 196 Table No.1. Number of Agency events organized in 2015.

4.2. Transport, environment and spatial planning8

An international motorway connecting Riga to Tallin is going through the parish. An international motorway connecting Riga to Tallin, Vilnius, Warsaw and Berlin (A7, Via Baltica) and Riga bypass (A5) goes through the county. There is a considerably well developed network of local roads and streets in the county. The total length of the national roads in the parish – 227 km. The total length of the local government roads is 102,46 km, streets – 85,75 km. Distance from Ķekava to Riga is 18 km. There is one national road bridge over the Ķekava River in the county. Bridges in Riga and Riga HPP bridge ensure connection with the right riverbank territories of the River. Unfortunately there is no bridge connecting Ķekava with its historical part – the Dole Island (except the bypass through Riga HPP). There are several county bridges – two over the Misa River and six over the Ķekava River (existing constructions are rather footbridges). Major motorways are considerably well maintained, local roads and streets are being regularly maintained by wear renovation, daily maintenance, and reconstruction, and building of new roads and

8 Source of information – “The Ķekava County Development Programme 2014-2020” Volume 1 Current situation description, 18 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations streets. Since the budget of the Motorway Fund has been decreasing, there are less resources available for the road maintenance and as a result the road quality deteriorates. Due to spontaneous, unplanned realization of detailed plans network of streets has been developing chaotically the result of which is the problem of physical compatibility of the streets, as well as red line restrictions, naming and numeration of the houses, etc. There are no signposts leading to houses and tourist attractions, house numbers are rarely lit and difficult to be seen. It is recommended to put up signposts of a united design. The LR Ministry of Transport is planning the construction of Via Baltica road in the territory of Ķekava county (Ķekava village bypass) to be financed by the EU funds. A gradual development of cycle paths is planned in Ķekava county. In 2008 the first cycle path was built in Valdlauči from Bauska street to motorway A7 Via Baltica. It was planned that during the A7 Via Baltica reconstruction from the turn to Baloži town to bypass –Jūrmala a cycle path will be built along the A7 Via Baltica, however when the construction took place, the cycle path was not built. In 2011 a footpath was constructed by the SEB Bank building in Valdlauči. In 2011 in Baloži a two-kilometer long joint path for cyclists and pedestrians was built. Technical designs for a footpath and a cycle path along the Pliederu street and a footpath along the Pļavniekkalna street in Katlakalns are being developed. As the county centre Ķekava has good public transport connections provided to its residents by local and intercity buses. Relatively good public transport connections are provided in Baloži and Daugmale. Based on the Monitoring Report 2015 of “The Ķekava County Development Programme 2014- 2020”9 the percentage of asphalt/good quality roads in 2015 has increased by 6 % in comparison with the year 2012, and the length of the cycle paths has increased from 4 km in 2012 to 6,74 km in 2015. Forest resources. There are mostly privately owned forests in Ķekava county – 1898,82 ha; owned by the municipality 440,29 ha; owned by the State and its institutions – 1221,80 ha. Maintenance of the private forests lacks planning, there is no Forest Owner`s Association and a great deal of forest areas do not have forest management plans, cross-rides are overgrown. It is important to preserve the forests since Riga proximity causes air pollution and forests help to keep the air clean. In areas where the productivity of the agricultural lands is lower than 39 points as well as in areas overgrown with bushes and natural seeding trees, land-use change is recommended from agricultural to forest use.

9 The Monitoring Report 2015 of “The Ķekava County Development Programme 2014-2020” 19 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations There are mostly high conservation value and protected forests in the county. Bogs are also included within the forest areas. The considerable amount of forest areas has a positive effect on flora and fauna, which brings hunting trophies to the local hunting clubs. Water resources. County has a water border in the East – the left bank of the Sausā Daugava (part of the Daugava River) and Riga HPP reservoir – the largest freshwater resource in Ķekava county. Several smaller rivers run through the county – Ķekava, Misa, Olekte, Titurga, Tāmurga, Bērzene, Dobupīte, Sūnupīte, Ostvalds Channel, Ēturga, Varžupīte, Raģupīte, Meitupe, Silupīte, Medaine, Baloži Channel, Mellupe, Skujupīte, Butleru Brook, the longest of which are Rivers Ķekava and Misa. Riga HPP reservoir – the lowest reservoir in a cascade sequence on the Daugava River. Its surface area is 42,2 km2, water capacity – 339 mio. m3. Maximum depth of the reservoir is 18 m, average depth – 8 m. Water level fluctuations within a 24-hour period amount up to 2 m. Warming up of the water in summer time and satisfactory oxygen regime have a favourable effect on biological processes that a great variety of fish species benefit from. The Daugava–Misa Channel that was artificially constructed during the Soviet times to connect both rivers at the moment does not fulfil its function and serves as a ditch collecting amelioration waters. The Channel is the property of the municipality and since 2010 water supply from Riga HPP reservoir has been renewed to ensure at least a partial water flow. There is a picnic area Dambītis and territory is being regularly maintained – cutting of the bushes on the slopes, demolition of beaver dams. Lakes – Lake Titurga in Baloži town (also known as Lake Mulkalna, its surface area 12,0 ha, average depth 0,4 m, maximum depth – 8,0 m, lake was cleaned in the end of the 1980ies, mud and sapropel were pumped out, it is a through-flow lake – the Titurga River outflows from it into the Sausā Daugava (part of the Daugava River), there is a picnic area by the lake), Lake Lejas in Daugmale parish (located in a depression between the dunes, its surface area 4,9 ha, closed lake, average depth 2,5 m, maximum depth – 4,0 m, lake is the property of the JSC “Latvia’s State Forests”, there is a picnic area by the lake). Based on the information about Ķekava municipality infrastructure, potential of its environment and spatial planning it can be concluded that there are ample possibilities for development of environment fit for physical activities, for adjusting of infrastructure for active leisure (great water and forest resources, wide network of roads and streets for cycle paths etc.), as well as when planning and implementing reconstruction and construction projects the necessity of promoting physical activities among the residents is taken into consideration. However, it should be noted that there is a lack of target oriented action regarding particular projects relevant to the society that are directly aimed at promotion of health-enhancing physical activities. Construction of the cycle path Ķekava - Riga serves as an

20 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations example. Both, in the Ķekava County Inhabitants` Forum of 28 March 201510 and in the local residents` group discussions about Ķekava county physical activity and healthy lifestyle strategy that were organized as a part of this project in March and April of 2016 it was established that this cycle path is very needed from all various aspects, not only when HEPA is taken into consideration. Furthermore, construction of this cycle path is also mentioned in “The Ķekava County Development Programme 2014-2020” (IAP 6 Infrastructure, real estate and development of residential areas Building of the cycle path in order to connect Baloži cycle path with Rāmava; cycle path from Ķekava (Odukalns) to Riga; from Valdlauči to Katlakalna cemetery; from Ķekava to the New cemetery; from Ķekava centre to the Poultry Farm.). However the discussion revealed that in fact nothing has been done so far by the Ķekava municipality, there is no targeted action plan in order for construction of the needed cycle path, therefore it is only an idea so far.

4.3. Seniors, work environment of HEPA

According to the LR Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, data retrieved on 01.07.2016.11 There are 3671 residents above working age (equal or older than 62 years) living in Ķekava county, which is approximately 16% of the residents in total. There are several active senior organizations in the county that organize various social activities thus ensuring integration of part of the seniors into the local community. For example, the Ķekava County Retired People`s Association “Polārblāzma”, that has been working since 2011. Motto of the Association: association – the best companion for preserving one’s wellbeing. The Association has ~150 members and its primary objectives are: - To protect social, economic and legal interests of Ķekava county retired people; - To get involved in the social, culture and economic life; - To promote participation of the retired people in social processes; - To promote mutual communication for enhancement, improvement and promotion of healthy lifestyle; - To promote appreciation of retired peoples` work and life, its use for common good, involvement in charity work; - To promote cooperation with Ķekava county municipality, its institutions and agencies, and non-governmental organizations in Latvia and abroad, to get involved in life-long learning and other EU funded programmes.

10  The Ķekava County Inhabitants` Forum, 28 March 2015 foruma-rezultati/ 11 Data from the LR Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, retrieved on 01.07.2016., 21 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations The Association is active in organizing activities for county seniors, excursions, various thematic events, takes active part in county`s social life. Ķekava county seniors are undoubtedly active, they participate in county`s social and sports activities in great numbers. There are ~2500 various enterprises registered in Ķekava county. Major enterprises – Ķekava Poultry Farm, Ltd. Pindstrup, Ltd. Melnā kafija, Ltd. Ķekavas avots, Ltd. Dominante A great deal of employees in Ķekava county are working in municipal institutions.

4.4. Heath care/ social services12

Social assistance and social services are provided by the municipal agency “Ķekava Social Care Centre” and municipal institution Social Service. The municipal agency “Ķekava Social Care Centre” is in charge of the following institutions: Long-term Social Care Centre, Day-care Centre for People at the Age of Retirement, Alternative Social Care Day-care Centre “Gaismas iela” and Day-care Centre “Adatiņas” in Daugmale, Mellupu Social Housing “Lilijas” and “Lilijas1”. The municipal agency “Ķekava Social Care Centre” also provides HIV/AIDS prevention programme, services of a social canteen and home care. Ķekava County Family Court is a custody and guardianship institution founded by the Ķekava County Council. According to the Social Services and Social Assistance Law Article 10 there should be at least one social work specialist per thousand inhabitants. In Ķekava county municipality there is one social work specialist per 1700 inhabitants. In Ķekava county municipality this legal norm is not being enforced, and as a result there is still a lack of qualified social work specialists. There are various areas of work for the Agency and they are all aimed at providing social care services: • Social care by providing accommodation; • Social canteen for the low-income county residents; • Supply and rental of technical aids to persons with disabilities and persons confined to bed; • Supply and distribution of second-hand clothes and household items; • Provision of bathing, showering and laundry services to low-income county residents; • Organizing of the social life, establishing of social contacts; • Support group – workshop for children with special needs; • Organizing of social life and cultural events for the retired.

12 Source of information – “The Ķekava County Development Programme 2014-2020” Volume 1 Current situation description, 22 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations • Cooperation with congregations, Devotional programme; • Carative (spiritual) counseling, support group for women. The Ministry of Welfare has issued social service providers registration certificates to the Long- term Social Care and Social Rehabilitation Centre, Day-care Centre “Gaismas iela” and Home Care Office. This confirms compliance with the provisions of the Cabinet of Ministers. The objective of the Day-care Centre is to provide alternatives for daily activities to the retired people: workshops, cultural events. By participating in the Day-care Centre activities people maintain the environment that they are used to and maintain or restore their social support network. Activities of the Day-care Centre are focused on respecting the clients, their social functioning and psychological wellbeing thus ensuring an opportunity of social presence. Social services that are provided: 1. Counseling: • An opportunity of meeting a social work specialist to discuss and solve acute problems together; • Free time opportunities. 2. Work with the client – individual work with the client and daily group activities; • Table games (checkers, domino, puzzles, lotto); • Cross-word puzzle solving; • Newspaper and magazine review, discussions; • Individual discussions. 3. Hobby groups: • Physical activity trainings (corresponding to the age and state of health) twice a week; • Crafts club once a week; • An opportunity to meet peers, read newspapers, magazines and books, play table games: chess, checkers; • Day-care Centre clients have access to computer and internet; • It is possible to read newspapers, magazines and books in the Day-care Centre or take them home; • Educational events and discussions about healthy lifestyle are being organized, also various handouts are prepared. Alternative Social Care Day-care Centre “Gaismas iela” was opened on 1 February 2010. Its work is split between two branches: a branch for persons with functional disorders (dementia) and a branch for persons with physical functional disorders (dementia). Founding of the Day-care Centre was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The objective of the Day-care Centre is to

23 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations provide social and psychosocial support to people with functional disorder disabilities and people with dementia by ensuring rehabilitation and integration of these Ķekava county residents into the social environment. By co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund the Day-care Centre “Adatiņas” was established on 28 March 2011. This Centre provides alternative social care services, development of social skills, as well as free-time activities to school-age children, children from the social risk families, people at the age of retirement and people with functional disorders. Daily activities. The Day- care Centre is open on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00. On the first half of the day seniors are welcome to spend their free-time and to acquire new knowledge. Twice a week computer classes for seniors are organized. 68 classes were organized in 2011, 8 participants took classes regularly, 30 people had individual consultations about particular topics they wanted to explore, for example, about internet banking, creating an e-mail account, job search online, etc. School-age children are welcome to visit the Day-care Centre in the afternoons. School-age children have the opportunity of spending their free-time there by participating in workshops and playing brain games, as well as by simply doing their homework. 10 school-age children visited the Day-care Centre on average in 2011. The classes that were the most popular among the children were the cooking classes – on average 15 children participated. Also popular among children were film and cartoon afternoons (12 children on average), creativity workshops (10 children on average). On average, 212 children visited the Centre monthly and 42 children weekly in 2011. “The Social Service Policy and Development Strategy 2012-2020” of the Ķekava county municipality Social Service has been developed in order to ensure provision of social services and social assistance in the county. The objective of the Social Service is to ensure social assistance and access to social services according to the social needs of the residents. According to the LR legislation the Social Service has the following tasks: • To perform social work to assist individuals, families and other groups; • To provide social services or to organize social service delivery to families with children where circumstances are unfavourable to the development of the child, to foster families, custodians, people who take care of their family member, a disabled person, a person at the age of retirement, to persons with mental disabilities and other groups that require assistance; • To evaluate the needs, material and personal resources of their clients; • To determine client participation obligations; • To provide social help;

24 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations • To administer local government budget that is allocated to ensure the quality of the social services and social assistance; • To develop concepts for social service development, targeted programmes and proposals about new service introduction; • To evaluate quality of the social services and social assistance administered by the Social Service and financed by the municipality; • To inform residents about the social services and social assistance.

Health Care Outpatient health care in Ķekava county is ensured by general practitioners and their assistants, nurses, dentists and their assistants and dental hygienists. According to the Medical Treatment Law the above mentioned medical practitioners are independent legal persons that have a lease concluded to operate. Seven general practitioners and their assistants and nurses provide primary health care to 15041 Ķekava county residents. In order to ensure primary health care services when general practitioners are off work, doctors` assistants stay on duty. In Ķekava primary health care is also provided by three dentists and a dental hygienist. All doctors have signed an agreement with the National Health Service, that is to say that they provide the primary health care services entrusted by the State. Six general practitioners and dentists are leasing their offices in the Ķekava ambulance. Since the number of residents has been growing an additional general practitioner was needed. The new general practitioner started her practice on 1 October 2010. This general practitioner leases office space privately since there was no office space left neither in the ambulance, nor in other municipal buildings. In the Agency affiliate in Valdlauči a general practitioner and their assistant with an agreement with the National Health Service and a general practitioner with a private practice are working. Secondary outpatient services are centralized in Ķekava. Services of a gynecologist and an oculist entrusted by the State are available. Paid services of an otolaryngologist, a traumatologist, a urologist and a cardiologist are also available in Ķekava. Occasionally campaigns are organized for using the services of a dermatologist, pulmonologist and endocrinologist. Historically Daugmale municipality was cooperating with the Ķekava Ambulance since both, Ķekava and Daugmale were part of the hospital operational area until its reorganization in the 1990-ies. At the moment in Daugmale with its 1133 residents there is another general practitioner`s practice, where the doctor is seeing patients twice a week. For the rest of the time health care is provided by the doctor`s assistant. Daugmale residents use laboratory services provided by the Agency. Daugmale general practitioners, too, lease municipal office space.

25 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations In Baloži town health care was organized independently from the previously mentioned municipalities. Thus in Baloži town a different health care model has been established. There are two general practitioners providing medical services to 5948 residents of Baloži. On 1 December 2014 Baloži town health care station was given in possession to the Municipal Agency “Ķekava Ambulance” and a new general practitioner with a lease there begun their practice. Medical care is an issue for the residents of Plakanciems and Mellupi. The number of residents in these areas has not been estimated exactly, but the distance to Ķekava is a big one.

4.5. Education13

Being a part of Riga region territorial unit Ķekava county provides pre-school, elementary school, basic and general secondary education. Interest-related and professional orientation education institutions are available in the county. There are four pre-school institutions in Ķekava – Ieviņa, Zvaigznīte, Avotiņš and Bitīte; general education schools – Pļavniekkalns Elementary School, Daugmale Basic School, Ķekava and Baloži Secondary schools, professional orientation education institutions – Ķekava art, sports and music schools. Education institutions have been mostly founded by the municipality. There is also a private school in the county – “Gaismas tilts 97”.

13 Source of information – “The Ķekava County Development Programme 2014-2020” Volume 1 Current situation description, 26 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Pre-school education institutions 1232 children attend four pre-schools in Ķekava, Valdlauči, Baloži and Katlakalns in the academic year 2016/2017. A pre-school that was founded most recently in the summer of 2010 has been built within the framework of the public-private partnership. Pre-schools groups are also organized in Baloži Secondary School, Daugmale Basic School and Private School “Gaismas tilts 97”. There is a methodological centre in Ķekava county ready to assist pre-school education institutions, consultants are also available. There is a shortage of places in pre-schools therefore it is not possible to provide education to all children in all of Ķekava county from the age of 1,5 years as stipulated in the Education Law. Birth rate increase in Ķekava county and its proximity to Riga are the main reasons for the increase in demand for pre-schooling services. In order to ensure equal access to pre-school education, county municipality is working to establish a nanny service. In all pre-school education institutions pre-school education programmes in Latvian are being implemented; for children development speech therapist services are also available. General basic and secondary education institutions There are five general education schools in Ķekava county – Ķekava Secondary School, Baloži Secondary School, Daugmale Basic School, Pļavniekkalns Elementary School, Private School “Gaismas tilts 97”. 2247 pupils attend five general education institutions in the academic year 2016/2017, they also participate in interest education programmes. Ķekava Secondary School is one of the largest general education schools in the county. 1032 pupils attend Ķekava Secondary School. The School implements pre-school, basic education and general secondary education programmes. Taking into consideration wishes of pupils and parents, the School also provides interest education programmes. According to centralized exam results of its graduates Ķekava Secondary School could apply for the status of a gymnasium. Baloži Secondary School implements general basic education and general secondary education programmes in Baloži town. 666 pupils attend Baloži Secondary School. After-school activities and sports trainings are available to its pupils after lessons in the new sports hall. Baloži Secondary School is about to implement dual education system in order to ensure to its pupils an opportunity of acquiring a profession in addition to general secondary education. Ķekava Private School “Gaismas tilts 97” was established in 1993 and is the most recently founded education institution in Ķekava county. 107 pupils attend the private school. Pupils have interest education activities ensured.

27 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Daugmale School history dates back to 1926 when it was built by the locals. At the moment Daugmale Basic School implements pre-school and basic education programmes. 238 pupils attend Daugmale Basic School. Daugmale Basic School has become involved in a green and nature friendly activity – eco schools programme. School has an active 4-H club. Opening of the Daugmale Multifunctional Centre as part of the school premises in 2011 has made its offer more attractive to potential students as well as it can be used for healthy lifestyle activities by local residents. Pļavniekkalns Elementary School was renewed in 1993. Pļavniekkalns Elementary School implements elementary and interest education programmes. 204 pupils attend Pļavniekkalns Elementary School in the academic year 2016/2017.

Pupil dynamic in Ķekava county municipality (academic years 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017)

Name of the institution Number of pupils in Number of pupils in Number of pupils in 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Ķekava Secondary School 885 961 1032 Baloži Secondary School 550 604 666 Pļavniekkalns Elementary School 175 195 204

Daugmale Basic School 205 224 238 Private School "Gaismas tilts 97" 100 108 107 Total: 1915 2092 2247

As stipulated in the General Education Law of Latvia sports lessons are provided by Ķekava general education institutions twice a week. Apart from the two weekly sports lessons demanded by the Law Ķekava county education institutions are also involved in organizing their own health-enhancing physical activity events and events promoting healthy lifestyle. The following interest education activities are provided in schools – basketball, floorball, cycling safety, fitness, also competitions among classes are organized – sports day, aerobics competitions etc. In 2015/2016 Ķekava Secondary School class 3b participated in the project “Everyone does sports in our class” organized by the Latvian Olympic Committee and came third in Latvia. All county education institutions participate in the events for children and youth of the European Week of Sport, Olympic Day and events organized by the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency. In 2015/2016 Baloži Secondary School together with a Lithuanian secondary school took part in a Nordplus Junior project “A sound mind in a sound body” where the main objective was to promote healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and physical activities among pupils.

28 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Ķekava county Education Department organize and lead Methodological associations (MA) for general education school sports teachers in order to provide methodological, analytical and educational support. Tasks of the Methodological Associations for Sports Teachers: • To encourage creativity and professional improvement of teachers; • Effective implementation of the new education standard in basic and secondary schools; • Promotion of experience exchange among county and other sports teachers; • To organize and manage local and cross-school competitions; • To foster physically active and healthy environments in schools.

5. Sports and active leisure infrastructure in schools

Ķekava county residents have access to both indoors and outdoors sports premises.

5.1. Indoors sports infrastructure:

Ķekava Secondary School Sports hall Sports hall was opened in 1975, it is suitable for playing basketball and volleyball. Sports hall is mainly used by its pupils during lessons and trainings. The following school basketball championships are being organized: „Oranžā bumba”, „Vidusskolas kauss” and „Jauno basketbolistu kauss” and others. Sports hall is occupied both on weekdays and on weekends. In future it is recommended to enlarge the existing premises or build a new sports hall.

29 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Ķekava Sports Club Open in 1989, Ķekava Sports Club has three halls: o two sports halls are suitable for floorball, basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, rhythmic gymnastics and other trainings and physical activities. One of the halls has special floorball flooring. Capacity of each of the halls is 50 permanent seats for the public. One of the halls has transportable stands with additional seating for 120 spectators. Both halls have the technical equipment required for organizing of sports competitions; o Gym facilities have been renovated; o Children’s playground has been installed; o Sauna, showers and locker rooms have been renovated; o Boxing, kick-boxing, aerobics, novuss and rhythmic gymnastics trainings are being organized in the balcony premises;

Even though Ķekava Secondary School sports hall and Ķekava Sports Club premises and equipment are in good condition, they do not meet the standards required for organizing of national sports competitions. Pļavniekkalna Elementary School Sports hall Sports classes and various sports events are organized in Pļavniekkalna Elementary School sports hall that was built in 2009.

30 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Baloži town sports complex In 2012 a new sports complex was built in Baloži where basketball, football, volleyball, floorball, rhythmic gymnastics and other trainings are organized.

Daugmale Basic School Sports Hall Sports classes, as well as wrestling and kettlebell lifting, football and other trainings are organized in Daugmale Basic School.

Daugmale Multifunctional Centre There is a Multifunctional Centre in Daugmale. The only swimming pool in the county is in the multifunctional centre.

5.2. Outdoors sports fields

“Fortius” There are two volleyball fields, a football field, stationary gymnastics elements, a hammer throw and shot put sector for summer and cross-country skiing track in winter in the parcel “Fortius” that is owned by the municipality.

31 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations “FC Auda” football field Football field belongs to the Association “FC Auda”.

Ķekava Secondary School Elementary School sports field Ķekava Secondary School Elementary School sports field with basketball, beach volleyball and football courts, a long jump pit, as well as a 250 m long runway. The field was reconstructed in 2011.

Field by the Ķekava Secondary School There is a basketball court and a skatepark on the field by the Ķekava Secondary School. Skatepark was built in 2016.

Valdlauči sports field Valdlauči sports field was reconstructed in 2013. It is possible to play football, beach volleyball and football on the field.

Tracks in Baloži forest There are running, cycling and skiing tracks in Baloži forest.

32 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Active leisure fields There are several active leisure fields in Ķekava county – beach volleyball courts in Baloži and Daugmale, basketball court in Daugmale, streetball courts in Ķekava, Baloži and Daugmale. In 2013 street gymnastics field was opened in Baloži.

5.3. Evaluation of sports and active leisure infrastructure

There are the following problems detected in Ķekava county after the evaluation of the sports and public active leisure equipment: • There is no stadium for organizing of school sports lessons, trainings and competitions and events; • Sports halls (Ķekava Secondary School Sports hall and Daugmale Basic School Sports hall) are in a bad technical condition; • Sports halls do not meet the standards required for organizing of LR competitions, additional infrastructure is needed – hotel, parking, public catering premises, etc.; • Insufficient number of locker rooms for athletes both indoors and outdoors; • Sports premises are inaccessible to local residents due to the high occupation rate; • Sports halls are inaccessible to persons with disabilities; • Additional locker rooms for athletes, storage space, rooms for trainers and administration are needed; • Sports halls have a low occupation rate in summers; • There is no central source of information about Ķekava county sports history; • Not all residential areas have well equipped and freely accessible sports fields; • There are no cycling paths in Daugmale and Ķekava parishes, there is no joint cycling path for the whole county; • There is no track with lighting for running, skiing, nordic walking etc. in the dark; • Not all education institutions have well equipped outdoors sports fields.

Actions required: • To solve the issue regarding building of a new stadium; • To build sports fields by Ķekava education institutions;

33 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations • To build sports and active leisure fields in the parks, green areas and residential yards;

6. Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT), possible development areas and solutions

Issues regarding health, healthy lifestyle and physical activities cover various areas and sectors and concern all of us. In order to find out the opinion of local residents regarding ways of improving their quality of life and to perform analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in the context of HEPA, with the support of the EU programme Erasmus + Sport with the framework of the project “Development and implementation practices of strategies for health-enhancing physical activities in local communities across Europe” the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency organized local residents` group discussions from 24 March 2016 to 28 April 2016. In total five discussions were organized, each having been devoted to a particular topic/area: Education; Transport, environment, spatial planning; Sports; Health care, social services; Seniors, work environment. Any resident was welcome to take part in the discussions, experts working in the particular area, non-governmental organization representatives and institution heads were specially invited. Discussions were organized after work. Discussions were organized in the following manner: in order to give an overview of the situation in the particular area in the beginning of the discussion an area expert gave a presentation; after the presentation people were split into groups to discuss the current problems, solutions, as well as to define strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the county. 140 people participated in the group discussions in total. A great deal of the heads of the organizations and institutions did not participate in the discussions having given various reasons for their inability to attend the events. In the discussion about elaboration of the strategy for physical activities and healthy lifestyle in Ķekava county that was devoted to Education, a Ķekava county municipality Education Department representative gave a presentation about education in Ķekava county; also a Ķekava Secondary School sports teacher introduced everyone with her experience regarding participation in the project “Everyone does sports in our class” organized by the Latvian Olympic Committee. In the discussion about elaboration of the strategy for physical activities and healthy lifestyle in Ķekava county that was devoted to Sports, the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency director gave a presentation about sports in Ķekava county and the head of the Association “Ūdenssporta klubs Kambīze” introduced everyone with the development of their sports club. In the discussion about elaboration of the strategy for physical activities and healthy lifestyle in Ķekava county that was devoted to Health care, social services, the Municipal Agency “Ķekava

34 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations Ambulance” director gave a presentation about health care in Ķekava county and a Ķekava municipality Social Service social worker introduced everyone to how healthy lifestyle is being promoted in Social Service institutions. In the discussion about elaboration of the strategy for physical activities and healthy lifestyle in Ķekava county that was devoted to Transport, environment, spatial planning, the head of the Ķekava county municipality Spatial planning department Iveta Zālīte and deputy of the Ķekava county municipality Development department Māris Ozoliņš gave presentations. In the final discussion devoted to Seniors, work environment presentations were given by a representative from the Ķekava County Retired People`s Association “Polārblāzma” and the director of the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health of Rīga Stradiņš University, who introduced everyone to health enhancement at work. SWOT analysis results are summarized below, also main reasons regarding the low physical activity and possible solutions for improvement of HEPA in Ķekava county according to discussion participants are listed.

SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses - Available Social Services - Weak medical service accessibility in - Professionals Baloži (Titurga) - Accessibility of medical services, Health - No day-care centre in Baloži Centre 4 and county laboratories - Lack of information - Accessibility of social workers - Insufficient enthusiasm among the - Active NGOs in the county residents - Diversity of sports - There is no cycling path Daugmale – Riga - Traditions in organizing of events - Lack of communication among various - Support of the municipal sports agency, sports discipline bodies (clubs, financial support to active residents organizations) - Nature environment accessibility - Lack of outdoors fields - Active teachers - Addictions and habits - Large population, large number of children - Lack of sports infrastructure - Good sports teams, sports school, good - Lack of residents activity results Opportunities Threats - Cycling path development - Inactive society - Active leisure development - Lack of financing - Boating activity development - Proximity of Riga - Health days - Trainers are busy - Visits to schools - Indecision and fear, inconsequence and - Use of water resources – to develop areas lack of political decisions where water resources are accessible - Dog owners - Development of sports classes in schools - Ensuring of safety - Experience exchange 35 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations - New traditions - Bonus system – introduction of a residents card - Information stands (about physical exercises)

Reasons for low physical activity in Ķekava county: - Children and youth lack a positive example from their parents, teachers, doctors and other stakeholders

- Lack of information materials (therapeutic gymnastics videos)

- Lack of information about physical activity possibilities in the county

- Sports halls are busy

- Commuting to trainings

- Parents’ [sedentary] lifestyle

- Lack of sports infrastructure (stadiums, fields, cycling paths are not connected with residential areas)

- Lack of well equipped forest parks, active leisure places (swimming areas, skating rinks)

- Dependency on modern technologies

- Insufficient sports employee activities and persistence

- Number of residents grows faster than the infrastructure capacity

- Children`s health, doctors notes to avoid sports classes, obesity, back, knee and posture problems

- Lack of safe commuting infrastructure on foot and by bicycles – no roller-skating track, cycling path in Ķekava

- Lack of competition spirit

- Family attitude towards active lifestyle – lack of encouragement, if parents are not active, children tend to stay inactive

- Lack of interest and motivation

- In Ķekava there are no places for active leisure

Possible solutions:

36 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations - Creation of a rehabilitation centre where therapeutical gymnastics, physiotherapist, massages, water procedures would be ensured

- To unite the local community (organize joint events to various society groups etc.)

- Create thematic clubs, recreational areas

- To ensure support of the municipality for walks of the disabled children and their outdoor activities

- To improve infrastructure

- To build cycling paths along all the highways

- Benches for resting

- To organize more competitions between schools

- To organize sports games between institutions (work places) – more often, for everyone, where skills are not an issue

- Organizing of quality health and sickness prevention days

- Creation of outdoor recreation areas: outdoors gym equipment, table games, hiking trail

- Involvement of NGOs and education institutions in health-enhancing activities

- Ensuring of X-ray services in Ķekava

- Building of cycling paths bit by bit and depending on the budget available, even if it would mean only new 100 m a year

- To mark the existing cycling path with signs

- To initiate high level discussions with Riga municipality about a possible cycle path connection

- Construction of a cycling stand by the public transport stop

- To develop public access areas by the Daugava, to build new quays

- Tax reductions to owners who permit access to public waters through their property

- Creation of a cycle path along the electricity producer`s Latvenergo high voltage line – to initiate discussions with the company

- Ķekava bypass – when coordinating the project to plan a sufficient number and suitable location of crossings for the residents (tunnels, overpasses, bridges), to ensure access to public transport

- Tax reduction to residents with cycle paths on their private lands

37 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations - To build lighting for the skiing track

- Apart from the skiing track to maintain other forest trails, too, in winters

- To mark existing and potential sports agency infrastructure areas in the detailed plan

- Visits to schools (presentations of sports disciplines), to pupils in particular lessons

- Activities for beginners

- Cycling path – route

- To attract local residents to activities by introduction of a bonus system (residents` card)

- Therapeutical gymnastics in all of the county

- To promote morning gymnastics

- To introduce more sports disciplines into the programme of the Sports Festival

- School stadiums in Daugmale, Baloži, Pļavniekkalns

- Big stadium in Ķekava

- Swimming pool in Baloži

- To promote sports club development (for achievement of higher results in Latvia and Europe, thus promoting residents` involvement)

- Informing of the biggest enterprises, their variety

- To ensure outdoor activities to children daily (dances, walking dogs, sports, roller-blading, cycling etc.)

- To educate parents with the help of their children (Veselības apļi, (series of one-hour long walking, nordic-walking or running trainings); to involve parents of children of 2-3 years of age through the education institutions)

- To demonstrate that doing sports is in fashion (pupils get doctors` notes for the whole year to avoid sports classes and attend fitness trainings, gyms instead)

- Balance among lessons and physical activities in schools

- A third physical education lesson in schools

- To organize lessons outdoors

- Physiotherapy at schools

- Activities together with famous athletes and sports celebrities

- Joint sports activities in classes

38 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations - To get parents involved in joint activities

- To introduce physical activity minutes during other lessons

- To educate teachers about introduction of physical activity pauses during lessons

- To introduce joint morning exercising in schools, with music played in the background

- Drawing of orienteering maps by each school, organizing of orienteering days in each school

- An information stand in Lapenieki

- Street gymnastics equipment in Titurga

7. Main conclusions from the residents` questionnaire

Along with the group discussions the Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency organized a survey from 1 March 2016 to 21 April 2016 to evaluate accessibility of health-enhancing physical activities and sports infrastructure in Ķekava county, as well as to determine the main areas for action for sports and healthy lifestyle enhancement by the year 2020. Survey questions were split into several parts: Evaluation of Ķekava county sports and health- enhancement; Evaluation of accessibility of Ķekava county sports and health-enhancing public infrastructure; Sports and health-enhancement development areas; Evaluation of Ķekava county residents` physical activity. 64 questionnaires were filled in total.

Evaluation of Ķekava county sports and health-enhancement: When asked whether Ķekava county is ensuring many opportunities for its residents to stay physically active, 8 3 % of respondents agreed or rather agreed to the statement. Thus it can be concluded that majority of the residents acknowledge that there are plenty of opportunities to stay physically active. When asked why residents do not visit sports events organized in Ķekava county, the main reason given was that there is a lack of events suited for respondent`s age group; when asked why residents do visit sports events organized in Ķekava county the answer that dominated was: “I am interested in particular sports events”. According to the survey data events that were the most popular among the respondents were the Ķekava County Sports Festival, Veselības apļi (series of one-hour long walking, nordic-walking or running trainings) and Baloži bizons (running competition series). When asked to evaluate their satisfaction with the range of the events, 56% of the respondents said they were rather satisfied and 53% acknowledged that events for all generations are organized in equal shares. 46% of respondents thought that there should be more sports and health-enhancing events organized for the middle-aged. 39 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations When asked about the sufficiency of information about sports and health-enhancing events, majority of the respondents acknowledged that there is enough information, listing internet among the most popular media (county website, Sports Agency website), followed by posters and banners, as well as the local newspaper were mentioned.

Evaluation of accessibility of Ķekava county sports and health-enhancing public infrastructure: When asked whether there is enough infrastructure for physical activities in Ķekava county, 45% of respondents rather agreed, 12% agreed to the statement. When asked about the condition of sports infrastructure in various residential areas, respondents replied the following: - 45% of respondents acknowledged that sports infrastructure in Baloži is of average level; - 50% of respondents acknowledged that sports infrastructure in Ķekava is of average level; - 41% of respondents acknowledged that sports infrastructure in Daugmale is of average level. When asked to prioritize which public infrastructure objects, fields or buildings (listed in the questionnaire) in Ķekava county should be developed first, the following answers were given: 1) Cycling path connecting local residential areas – 64% 2) Active leisure nature trails – 57% 3) Stadium in Ķekava – 41% 4) New stadium by Baloži Secondary School – 32% 5) Adventure park “Mežakaķis” – 30% 6) Skatepark – 27% 7) Other – 9%

Sports and health-enhancement development areas: Below is the opinion of the respondents regarding which areas and services should be developed within the next three years, listed in order of priority. 1) Access of sports, health-enhancing events; 2) Sports infrastructure in education institutions of the county; 3) Sports infrastructure; 4) Sharing of information about sports events in Ķekava county; 5) Quality of sports, health-enhancing events; 6) To improve cooperation with other municipalities, organizations regarding health area.

40 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations In the survey it was also established which would be the most essential development area for Ķekava county sports development. Respondents listed the given choices in the following order of priority: 1) Children and youth sports; 2) Infrastructure for healthy lifestyle; 3) Support for promotion of healthy lifestyle; 4) Sports-for-all; 5) Availability of sports specialists – education, courses, further professional training; 6) Infrastructure for high level sports; 7) Sports science and research. Evaluation of Ķekava county residents` physical activity: To conclude the survey respondents were asked to estimate their physical activity by answering a question of how often they did sports or physical activities (meaning any physical activity in connection to sports, for example, swimming, going to the gym, doing fitness, running in the park, etc.). Most of the respondents or 36% do sports or physical activities three to four times a week, while 34% – one to two times a week. When asked about where the respondents did sports or physical activities, among the most commonly mentioned answers were – in a park, outdoors, etc. and sports clubs; among the main motivators for doing sports or physical activities the following three reasons were listed: to improve health; to improve physical fitness; to get fun out of it. Lack of time and motivation and interest were mentioned as the main reasons for preventing people from doing sports or physical activities more often.

41 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations 8. Information sources

1. “White paper on sport” COM(2007) 391 final content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52007DC0391&from=EN (in English) 2. “The European Sports Charter” 3. “EU Physical Activity Guidelines” Approved by the EU Working Group "Sport & Health" a t i t s m e e t i n g o n 2 5 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 8 , 2008_en.pdf 4. Recommendations of the Council of the EU for health-enhancing physical activities in various sectors, 2013/C354/01 uri=CELEX:32013H1204(01)&from=GA 5. Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States (21 May 2014) on a European Union Work Plan for Sport for 2014–2017, 2014/C 183/03 6. Law “On Local Governments”, 7. Special Eurobarometer 412 “SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY” March 2014, 8. “The Ķekava County Development Programme 2014-2020” Volume 1, Current situation description, la_red_public.pdf 9. The Monitoring Report 2015 of “The Ķekava County Development Programme 2014- 2020” 10. The Ķekava County Inhabitants` Forum, 28 March 2015 kekavas-novada-iedzivotaju-foruma-rezultati/ 11. Data from the LR Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, retrieved on 01.07.2016., 12. GUIDELINES FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FOR HEALTH-ENHANCEMENT Approved by 29.12.2011. Order No.243 of the Ministry of Health;

42 The Ķekava Municipality Sports Agency Evaluation Report of the current situation in Ķekava county in the context of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines/ HEPA recommendations 52e8e639356c225792e00364f3b/vadlinijas_pasvaldibam_aprilis_2012.pdf. 13. VMPamn_260914_SVP; the Guideline of the Public Health 2014-2020 (TA-2150); Database of Policy planning documents