Presskit Lyon 2020.Pdf
CONTENTS 04 05 06 - - - KEY FIGURES INTRODUCTION GASTRONOMY The tourism In the Lyon, industry in Director's words Capital Lyon Metropole of gastronomy 10 14 16 - - - HERITAGE EVENTS GOING OUT IN LYON An urban stroll One year Day through 2,000 years in Lyon and night of history 18 19 20 - - - CINEMA SILK DESIGN AND SHOPPING Lyon, From Canuts The pulse of fashion the birthplace to young is in Lyon of cinema designers 21 22 24 - - - GREEN CITY MAJOR PROJECTS GETTING AROUND Nature A city Map of Lyon in Lyon focused on the future 26 28 30 - - - AROUND LYON ONLY IN LYON ONLYLYON Capital of the 2nd Lyon is in a league TOURISM AND CONVENTIONS most popular tourist of its own... At the service region in France of visitors 27 - PRACTICAL INFO Edited by ONLYLYON Tourism and Conventions — Editorial staff Blandine (p.12, p.13), Quentin Lafont (p.13), Coop Himmelb(l)au (p.13), Jakob&MacFar- Thenet, Stéphanie Engelvin, Claire Morel, Aïmée Reategui — Press Service lane architectes (p.13), Marcel Hartmann (p.18), Maxime Brochier (p.19), Auré- Blandine Thenet, Stéphanie Engelvin — Art direction Studio Definition — lien Aumon (p.20), Muriel Chaulet (p.21), Laurence Danière (p.21), Jean-Bap- Published in December 2017 — Printing AB Numeric — Copyrights Stéphane tiste Laissard (p.23), Gilles Lansard (p.23), Joël Damase (p.23), Agence LIN de Bourgies (p.7), Ghislain Mirat (p.9, p.20), Frédéric Lacabrere (p. 10), Marie architectes Finn Geipel + Giuli Andi (p.23) — Non-binding document, all rights Perrin (p.11, p.18), Quentin Le Bourgeois (p.11), Aïmée Reatégui (p.12), B-rob reserved.
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