The history of and of its acetifcation systems

Autor(en): Bourgeois, Jacques F. / Barja, François

Objekttyp: Article

Zeitschrift: Archives des sciences [2004-ff.]

Band (Jahr): 62 (2009)

Heft 2

PDF erstellt am: 11.10.2021

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Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, I 777e d/sfo/y of w'negar and of /ts acef/f/caf/'on systems I 147 I The history of vinegar and of its acetification systems

Jacques F. BOURGEOIS', François BARJA^ Ms reçu /e 24 févr/'er 2009, accepté /e 27 noi/emdre 2009

Abstract The history of vinegar and of its acetification systems. - >4 rap/d d/sfor/ca/ survey from tde XW^ to tde XX'^ cenfur/'es serves to order and s/'fuafe tde pr/nc/pa/ /andmar/rs wd/cd dave confr/'dufed to tde present /eve/ of sc/'enf/'f/'c Pnow/edpe, and of tde fecdno/op/'ca/ advances /'n v/'nepar producf/'on. Fde f/'rsf propos/'f/'on of an e/adorat/on of a cdem/'ca/ epoat/on, tde descr/pf/'on of tde motder of v/'nepar, tde /'denf/'f/'caf/'on of tde /'mporfance of wood sdav/nps and of a/'r /ed to tde deve/opmenf of a rap/'d and more stad/e metdod. As soon as sc/enf/fic Pnow/edpe esfad/tsded ru/es, tde resu/fanf profit confr/'dufed to tde rap/d deve/opmenf of correspond/'np tecdno- /op/es. Fd/'s propress prepared tde way for tde va/uad/e confr/di/t/on of Pasteur: tde descr/'pf/'on of "Mycoderma aceti ", tde ro/e of oxypen /'n tde atmospdere for tde ox/daf/'on of efdano/ to acef/'c ac/d, tde poss/d/7/fy of conf/'nuous product/on, and even- fua//y tde acef/ficaf/on of d/'pd sfrenptd v/'nepar 7de sudmerped fermentat/on system and compufer/'zaf/'on dave dofd confr/'dufed to fdese /ast aspects of tecdno/op/ca/ advance. From tde end of tde 79^ century and fdroupdouf tde 20^ century tde deve/opmenf of /'ndusfr/a/ equ/pmenf and process s/pn/f/cant/y /'ncreased tde product/on and tde pua//fy of v/'nepar. Frodad/y tde most s/'pn/'f/'cant step forward was tde deve- /opmenf of tde sudmerped system /'n 7949. Fd/s commun/'caf/'on attempts a rap/'d d/sfor/ca/ rev/'ew, w/'fd correspond/'np references, of tde fundamenta/ advancements wd/'cd dave contr/'di/fed to tde present understand/'np and Fnow/edpe of tde e/adoraf/'on of v/'nepar. Keywords: l/l/ood sdav/'nps, penerafor, sudmerped acef/f/caf/'on system, rofaf/'on acet/'f/'er.

1 Résumé L'histoire du vinaigre et de ses systèmes d'acétification. - Cet arf/'c/e est un résumé d/'sfor/'que rap/'de du XI//* au XX* s/'èc/e, avec /es références correspondantes, des proprés fondamentaux pu/' ont confr/'dué à /a conna/'ssance et à /a com- prédens/'on de /'é/adoraf/'on du v/'na/'pre. fa descr/pf/'on de /a mère de v/'na/'pre, /'équaf/'on cd/'m/'que de /a fermenfaf/'on acéf/'que et /'/mporfance des copeaux de do/s et de /'a/'r ont condu/'f à un mode de fadr/'cat/'on du v/'na/'pre p/us rap/'de. Ces proprès ont ouvert /a vo/'e à /7'mporfanfe confr/'duf/'on de Pasteur: /a présence de «Mycoderma aceti», /e rô/e de /'oxypène afmospdér/'que pour /'oxydaf/'on de /'a/- coo/ en ac/'de acéf/'que, /a poss/d/f/fé du système d'acét/f/cat/on en conf/'nu, et ce/u/' à dauf depré. /.e système /'mmerpé et /'/nformat/'que ont confr/'dué fous deux à ces dern/'ers aspects du proprès fecdno/op/'que. /.'événement /e p/us s/'pn/'f/'cat/'f pour /e déve/oppemenf de /'équ/pemenf /'ndusfr/'e/ et du procédé d'acét/'f/'cat/'on a cerfa/'ne- ment été /e système /'mmerpé en 7949. Depu/s /a f/'n du X/X* s/'èc/e et durant fout /e XX*, /e déve/oppemenf des équ/pemenfs /'ndusfr/'e/s et des procédés ont aup- menfé /a producf/'on et /a qua//'fé du v/'na/'pre. /.'avancement prodad/ement /e p/us s/'pn/'f/'cat/'f a été /e déve/oppemenf du système /'mmerpé. Mots-clés: Copeaux de do/'s, systèmes d'acét/'f/'cat/'on tournant et /'mmerpé.

* Consa/fanf H. Fr/'nps, D-5onn, 79 route de Cdevr/er, C/-/-7244 Cdou/ex, Sw/'fzer/and. E-mail: [email protected] * L/n/vers/fy of Geneva, dn/'fy of M/crod/o/opy, 70 cdem/'n des Fmdroucd/s, CA7- 7254 7ussy-/.u///er, Sw/fzer/and. Fe/: +4 7 22 579 57 50, E-mail: [email protected]

Iarchives des SCIENCES I Arch.Sci. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 148 I Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA 777e /7/sto/y of w'negar and of /ts acef/'f/caf/on systems I

Introduction way down the steep slope with winding tracks and adapting the gradient, so that not only the pack ani- A good grasp of background history is always benefi- mais but even the elephants could be led down». Pliny cial for the deeper understanding of a subject, and wrote in his book «Natural History», chapter IX, that serves as a basis for significant contribution to its ad- Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, made a bet with the vance. Vinegar is no exception to this. This publication Roman general Mark Anthony that she could host the attempts a rapid historical review, with corresponding most expensive banquet costing ten million sesterces. references, of the fundamental advancements which He laughed at her, but during the meal, for the desert, have contributed to the present understanding and she had a bowl of strong vinegar brought in and dis- knowledge of the elaboration of vinegar. At the end of solved a pearl of inestimable value in it, and then drank the XVP* century knowledge about vinegar making the resulting potion. Vinegar is mentioned and used as had not progressed further than a range of different a drink and medicine in the Old and the New techniques, all empirical, with uncertain production Testament of the Bible (Mazza and Murooka 2009). results, and no scientific knowledge to speak of. It is said that Louis XIII (1601-1643), King of France, paid up to 1.3 million francs for every battle fought, to Surprising uses revealed by vinegar history buy vinegar for use in cleaning the canons of his army. Vinegar was well known by the European alchemists of The word vinegar comes etymologically from the the Middle Ages. After pouring vinegar on lead, they French word "vinaigre" which means "sour wine". The produced "lead sugar", used to sweeten cider until the origin of vinegar is certainly connected to the dis- 19^ century. Unfortunately, lead being a covery of wine. If wine is left open to air, it rapidly be- poison resulted in the death of several cider drinkers. comes acid and it turns into "sour wine". Recognizable The cabalistic symbol (Fig. 1 A) of a cross in the middle both by its smell and its pungent taste, this liquid has a of four circles (Bourgeois 1999) was used by al- long tradition. The history of vinegar helps us realize chemists as the symbol of vinegar. that it is one of the beautiful and great gifts given to mankind by nature. Basilius Valentinus (1565-1624) wrote at the begin- ning of the 15th century that it was hardly possible to The first recorded mention of vinegar was in around do anything useful in alchemy without the help ofvine- 3000 B.C., when the Babylonians used the fruit and sap gar. of the date palm as raw material to produce alcoholic beverages. They were transformed naturally into Between 1347 and 1771 several European towns were vinegar in contact with air. The Babylonians used it as hit by the plague at various times. It is estimated that a food and as a preserving or pickling agent. Residues there were 50 million victims of this disease, which was of vinegar were found in Egypt in urns dating back to vectored to man by flea ridden rats. In 1721, the plague 3000 B.C. Texts about vinegar dating from 1200 B.C. hit the towns of France so violently that it became im- have also been found in China. In ancient Greece, in possible to bury the dead suitably. To remedy the situ- about 400 B.C., Hippocrates, the father of modern ation, prisoners were forced to bury the very conta- medicine, recommended cider vinegar mixed with gious corpses of the victims. According to the legend, honey to treat coughs and colds. All through the ages, whereas most prisoners died, there were four pris- diluted vinegar has been used as a vitalizing and ener- oners who managed to survive by drinking daily large gizing tonic. Roman soldiers called this refreshing bev- quantities of vinegar macerated with garlic. Today it is erage "posca". Vinegar was also used to clean and dis- still possible to buy this vinegar called "the four thieves infect wounds. One of the spin-offs of the study of his- vinegar", named thus, because they proverbially tory through the ages is that it brings to light, quite in- robbed the corpses they were burying. cidentally, some surprising uses of vinegar. For in- stance, the Carthaginian general Hannibal used The aristocrats of the 17^ and 18^ centuries held vinegar to cross the Alps to invade Italy in 218 B.C. sponges dipped in vinegar to their noses, to neutralize Titus Livius better known as Livy, wrote in his book the foul smell of sewage and waste prevalent at that «the History of Rome» Chapter XXI (in the Punic time. Little silver tins, called "" were used Wars): «Hannibal's soldiers were told to cut through to carry these soaked sponges, which were kept in the the rock that barred their way over the Alps. They built knobs of their walking sticks. Vinegar was also used for up against it an enormous pile of tall trees which they bodily hygiene. At the court of Versailles the ladies had felled and lopped, and when the wind was strong used it both for their ablutions and medicinal use enough to blow the fire into a blaze they set light to the (Mazza and Murooka 2009). pile. When the rock was red hot they threw vinegar on it (the sour wine the soldiers drank) to make it friable, The fabrication of vinegar was left to the care of nature and opened a way through it with their tools, making a for a long time and it was not until the Middle Ages that

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sei. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 777e b/sto/y of w'negar and of /'is acef/f/caf/on systems Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJAI 1 49 I

F7g. 7. Otd time pictures. AJ Vmegar sgmboi/or tTie a£cbem£sis (source: Bourgeois J.B private cottectzouj. BJ Coat o/arms ofvmepar brewers (75S0J (source: Le/ebvre C. .2000, uut/z /cmd permisszouJ. CJ Coopers "ad^es" (source: private cottection J.B BourgeoisJ. DJ Vmegar street veudor witb. w/ieet barrow, barret,/uuuet audpots (source: Bourgeois J.B 700PJ.

it was produced industrially. In 1394 the vinegar cor- coat of arms represents a barrel, a funnel and two poration was upgraded into a guild-mastership, and adzes (Fig. IB). These are still in use in the present part of the initiation ceremony was making a solemn (Fig. 1C). Each one weighs 3 kg, a heavy weight for the oath never to reveal the secrets of vinegar fabrication. cooper to use! The cutting edge is as sharp as a knife. That same year, in order to respond to the demand for a profitable market for vinegar, a group of wine mer- The Figure ID is allegorical, but it puts together the chants developed a continuous fabrication system, the utensils necessary for the vinegar-brewer-cum-street- Orléans method. Oak barrels were used for the fer- vendor, such as barrel, funnel, pots, and wheelbarrow. mentation, and the vinegar was siphoned off through a As seen in the coat of arms (Fig. IB), the funnel served tap at the bottom of the barrel. The to pour the mustard into the first container brought by was left in the barrels in about 15% of the residual the housewife. The vinegar then rinsed out the mus- vinegar. Then a fresh addition of wine or cider was tard stuck in the funnel, and this vinegar was poured added to the barrels, and the fabrication of vinegar into a second container. No waste! It was cloudy with rapidly started up again. the mustard, and sold by this barrow boy, or street vendor. (Note the "accent aigu" on the word During the Renaissance, the vinegar industry in "vinaigrié", because it is written in old French). France was very prosperous. Various flavoured vine- gars were produced with different spices, herbs, fruits and even flowers. At the beginning of the 18^ century, IThe first scientists to study vinegar there were more than a hundred varieties of macer- ated . /ferma/?/? £oer/?aave (7665- 77J6) He invented a continuous process (the precursor for King Henry III (1551-1589) founded in 1580 in Orléans automation of acetification) which was very modern in the corporation of mustard and vinegar brewers. Their those days, as was the understanding for the necessity

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sci. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 1 50 I Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA 77)e /7/sto/y of vinegar and of its acef/f/caf/'on systems I

Abb. 5. llcfmnnu Boorluavo 1668—17S8. 3. S. Schüzenbadi

Fig. Faraoi^s vmepr researc/^rs. 4J F. Foer/z-aave (7665-7 735J (source: F. 7950J. FJ C.F Persoon (776i-i556J (source: fiWp.v/es.wi/cipedia.or^/^i/c?/C/imtiaa?2_//e?2dn/c_Persoo?zJ. CJ J.5. Fcdüeenbac/i (i7P3-7S6PJ (source: lVüs£en/e£dF. fPdOJ.

of air. Boerhaave (Fig. 2A), a Dutch doctor, showed art of vinegar production on a large scale, it can be as- the importance of the "vegetal substance" or "flower" sumed that everything contained in this little book is (mother of vinegar). Boerhaave introduced wood true and tested... I have tried not to speak of , shavings to increase the oxidation surface. carbon, hydrogen and of other things which are totally foreign to vinegar brewers". It took Döbereiner 8 years, after mentioning these 3 chemical elements, to as- C/jr/sf/an Wenc/r/Zr Persoon (7767-7&J6) semble their symbols properly together to write the Persoon (Fig. 2B) a botanist was born in South Africa equation of the acetous fermentation mentioned at the Cape of Good Hope. As a mycologist he added to above. Linnaeus' mushroom . Inspired by the ideas of Fabroni and Chaptal (see Pasteur 1868), he at- One explanation for Döbereiner's poor appreciation tributed the vinegar production to the film on the sur- of chemical knowledge of vinegar brewers could be as face of wine left open to the air. Assuming it to be a follows. In 1826, at that same period, Weinlig wrote: fungus, he gave it in 1822 the name of M^/cocterraa. "In France, when someone wants to dissimulate something there is a saying: "c'est le secret du vinaigrier?" (in French in the German text: is it the yoftan/7 l/Ko/fgang 0ö6ere/ner (7750-/549) vinegar brewer's secret?) (Bourgeois 1999). Some Döbereiner, a German chemist (Fig. 3A), was taught modern vinegar brewers are still secretive. But we by his mother how to produce 16 different types of can reassure Döbereiner that oxygen, carbon and hy- vinegar (Döbereiner 1819). Culinary art and chemistry drogen are no longer "totally foreign" to them. led him to write in 1822 the now well known equation: Döbereiner described the mother of vinegar as a "fun- C2H5OH + Og CHgCOOH + HgO (alcohol + oxygen are goid growth". transformed in and ). According to Pasteur (1868), Döbereiner published in 1823 this chemical equation, in Annales de chimie et de Z.ou/5 Pasteur f7 £22- 7595) physique (Pasteur Vallery-Radot 1924) and in Journal Pasteur (Fig. 4A) was born in the same auspicious year de Schweigger. (1822) as that of the discovery of the chemical equa- tion by Döbereiner, and of the afore naming of The Figure 3B shows the first page of another publica- M^cocterraa by Persoon. Pasteur quotes Aft/coderraa tion by Döbereiner in 1819: "Anleitung zur kunstmäs- in "Etudes sur le vinaigre (1868). It is interesting that sigen Bereitung verschiedener Arten Essige" Pasteur would have been informed about the discov- ("Introduction in the art of the production of various eries of these two leading scientists, Döbereiner (Fig. sorts of vinegars"). Döbereiner wrote in 1814, in the 3A) and Persoon (Fig. 2B). foreword of the first edition of this book: "As a chemist, and as I know exactly the different manufacturing pro- J.L. Shimwell (1961) wrote to commemorate the cen- cesses of vinegar brewers, and as I have practiced the tenary of the first communication by Pasteur on ace-

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sei. (2009) 62:147-160 I I ÏÏie /7/sfo/y of whegar and of /ts acet/f/caf/'on systems Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA 11511


8 « t funflmdfHgeit ^Bereitung t>erftf;tct>cncr $vferi @ f f i 9 e>

3 »" Stuftrage öcr Ç6cï>fîcn Sanfccé *

ïïîeue Stuflage/ mit t>erbefiernfccn Buf&çeti,

3 c " « / in ï>er Çr6fcrfc$en 95» cfjljan Dîu tt# B T 8 I 9.

Fzgr. «5. Famoas c/iem7st. AJ J. W Döberemer f27SO-7S4P7 fsource: Wästen/eZd //. 2P30J. ßj zur /cuustmässzgreu ßere2£a??$ rerscMedeuer i4rten ßssw;e, Jena 757 P.

tous fermentation: "It was not until 1861 that Louis Ma/?/m/s LV/V/em ße/yer/bc/r 7 55 7 - 7 9J 7) Pasteur made the momentous announcement that Beijerinck was one of the founders of modern microbi- vinegar was not made by a purely chemical oxidation ology. However he was overshadowed by both Pasteur of , but by the agency of a minute living "plant" and Koch, because he did not deal with the bacteri- belonging to the group Aft/coderraa. But it seems that ology of human beings, as did his two famous contem- it was not until the next year (1862) that he défini- poraries. Beijerinck was the first to call the acetic acid tively named it Afr/cocterraa acefL Shimwell was right ylcefobacter in 1898 (111 years ago). not to be too affirmative about the date (1862), be- In 1897, Beijerinck warned against the "pulverization cause Pasteur had already mentioned Mz/codßTTTza of species, from which bacteriology suffers so much acefz in 1861 in his patent "For the fabrication of acetic nowadays". He mentioned 4 species of acetic acid bac- acid" (see later). teria, and was prophetic when he foresaw that it would be ten times more in the future, or an even bigger Finally the real mechanism of vinegar elaboration was number: to date there are 59 species. Shimwell in 1961 only understood when Pasteur published in 1864 (see reduced this number to two distinct species taking into Pasteur Vallery-Radot 1924) his famous memoir on account mutations. acetous fermentation. Louis Pasteur identified seien- tifically the five criteria indispensable for the produc- tion of vinegar: 1) alcohol: in wine, cider or other alco- £m/7e C/aurfo/7 holic beverages, 2) oxygen: that of air, 3) the ferment: Only seven years after the publication of Pasteur's M^coderroa acefz, a micro-organism of a thousandth book, Claudon (1875) wrote a book in honour of the of millimeter, 4) the nutrients: such as sugar and pro- work of Pasteur. He described a vinegar production in- teins naturally present in wine, enhancing the growth stallation inspired by Pasteur (Fig. 5E). It consisted of of the bacteria, 5) the temperature: between 20 and 5 columns of 5 flat superimposed vats. The vat with a 35°C. capacity of 6000 L received the daily production of 5000 L, which was pasteurized in the heating system, In 2011, we will celebrate the third Jubilee of the dis- and was then ready for sale. Claudon is mentioned in covery of the mechanism of acetous fermentation by the well documented chapter about vinegar in the clas- Louis Pasteur. sical 20^ century Larousse.

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sei. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 1 52 I Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA The h/'story of w'negar and of /Ys acef/'f/caf/on systems I







PAR M. L. PASTEUR, membre de i/iMTrnrr.


GAUTHIER-VILLARS, VICTOR MASSON ET FILS, IMPaiMBDn- LIDEAIMi LIBRAIRES, Quai des Grands -Augustin», 55. Place de l'École de Médecine.


(L'Auteur et le* Éditeur* de cet Outrage se réeerreat le droit de traduction.)

Fig. Faraoas microbiologist ^4J Louis Pasteur (source: Le/ebrre C. -2ÖÖ0, u>itb /ciud permissionJ. FJ FZa£ rat o/Pasteur: iberraoraeter (FbJ; /unnet (B); rent botes (LJ; tiguid teret (FJ; corer (A). Cj Ftudes sur te rinaigre fidbdj fsource: Bourgeois J.F TPPPJ.

D. ffoy'af (Yamada and Yukphan 2008; Cleenwerck et al. 2008; Rojat was inspired by Boerhaave, 200 years after the Kommanee et al. 2010; Yukphan et al. 2010a,b). developement of his automatic acetification system. Rojat (1895) acknowledged this in the title of his book: "Vinegar fabrication, derived from a combination of Acetification systems the German and Luxemburger methods". The mash was pumped from one sandstone vat to the next one /Wof/ier of w'negar sysfem a/so ca//ec/ Or/éans or Frenc/j (Fig. 5A). Orléans was a big port on the longest French river, the Loire. A lot of wines arrived there coming from all the regions of France. Often the wines suffered during 7os/>/no/w Asa/' 7 902- 7 975/ their transportation turning sour en route. They were In 1935 Asai (see 1968), a Japanese microbiologist, sold to the vinegar brewers of Orléans, instead of being described a new G^conobacter. Numerous sent to Paris, their destination. names of species were attributed to it later. In fact, the taxonomy of has undergone In the times of Pasteur there were about 70 vinegar many changes during the last 30 years: first ar- breweries in Orléans whereas today only one is left. ranged according to their morphology and their bio- Dessaux (Fig. 7B) right up to the 20^ century was chemical characteristics acetic acid bacteria (AAB) the biggest vinegar factory in France, Algeria, are now classified in a consensual way, according to Morocco and Tunisia. Different Orléans acetifiers are the results of various analyses, combining pheno- shown in Figure 7, using vinegar mothers. Pasteur typical, chimiotaxonomical, biochemical and molec- summarizes the mechanism of such acetifiers in his ular criteria. In the present acetic acid bacteria (Fig. request for a patent dated December 9^ and 12^ 6) belong to the phylum Proteobacterm; class of 1861, entitled: "For the fabrication of acetic acid". A£p/rapro£eobacterm; in the order of P/iodosp^r^- Pasteur describes the necessary installation, still and the family of Acefobacteracea, which used in households, and even industrially in certain comprises, along with 12 genera, 59 species countries: "The process consists of growing these

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sei. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 77?e b/sfo/y of wbegar and of /is acef/f/caf/on systems Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA I 1 53 I

Abb. 61. Kontinuierliches Boerhaaveverfahren mit automatischem Aufguß. Von D. Kojat, Nimes.

Exhaust t gas

Rotating spr ikler

mash down

I Charging ' Une

Cooling water in Cooling coil

Discharging Une Air blower

Pft. 5: AJ Generators mt/i wood sbarmps. Couimuous acet^catzon system, accordmp to Pocr/z,aai>e, wft/z automate sprm/cPup. fsee P^ästerz/etd P. fPdOJ. PJ öeec/iwood s/z,armps (source: Le/e£wre C. £000, wz£b- /cmd per7?2issfon ofL. Marec/iawr J. Gj smatt scate modet: £bermome£er foj; rotatir^ sprm/c/er (pj; aeration rents ftj (source: 5e/irend PV Prirate cottection o/Pourpeow J.PJ. Pp Prmps generator (source: wit/i /cind permission of Prinps/PonnJ. PJ Pmite Ctandon acetifier & pasteurizer: 5 cotnmns fnj and superposed rats (a/ rat/or dait?/ production (oJ;/eedmp rats/or wine (TiJ; rat/or pasteurization ft);/titers (£,f,f J /*>.

plants (M/cocterraa acpiij on a big surface, fed with the liquid, and the vat is either covered with an iden- organic liquids, containing principally phosphates tical vat, or an ordinary cover. The plant multiplies and nitrogenous substances, and to put them into with extreme speed, and completely acetifies the contact with the alcoholic mash to be acetified, in mash". No wonder Pasteur wanted to patent his the presence of atmospheric oxygen the alco- system, but he did not do so. He wrote: "I have de- holic mash is placed in big vats, not very deep, 10 cm cided from today to drop this patent into the public more or less. The plants are seeded on the surface of domain", which is a mark of his generosity.

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sci. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 1 54 I Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA 77?e b/sto/y of w'negar and of /Ys acef/f/'caf/on systems I

Fzg. 6: Eiectron micrographs of acetic acid bacteria. Scarmirzg electron micrograph cjumcgar moiher shoiomg cohihose/ibers (J) a?id acetic acid bacteria (7L4ßJ. ßj Scarmmg etecircm micrograph o/ acetic acid bacteria/rom saÖ7?ierged rirtegar prodactiori. Cj Aiegatire staining of acetic acid bacteria shoeing potarfZagetta (JaJ fbar: i p.mj.

Pasteur also showed that the oxidation of ethanol to rotating sprinkler. The wood shavings served as a acetic acid by Mt/coder7m ace£i involved an uptake support for the bacteria. The acetic acid bacteria of atmospheric oxygen. Pasteur's flat vat (Fig. 4B) grew on the whole surface of the spiral, or scroll, with a surface of 1 square metre, 20 cm high, with a which increased the oxidation surface. Figure 5D capacity of 150-180 L produced 10-12 liters of shows a cooling coil which kept the fermentation vinegar at 5-6% acidity per day. Pasteur foresaw the temperature constant, as it differed at various levels, continuous fermentation process and also the high which explains the presence of 3 thermometers. The strength system, both made possible nowadays with air blower blew a countercurrent from below. The the submerged system and computerization. production capacity at 10% acidity was 70000 - 1000 000 L/year, depending on the size of the aceti- fier, also called generator. It was Shimwell who later German rap/d acef/Y/caf/on system called the generator with wood shavings the "trickly", In contrast to the Orléans system, also called the because of the sprinkling system. In the demonstra- French system (Contassot 1942), the acetification tion model there are natural air drafts (Fig. 5C). The system industrialized by Schüzenbach (1793-1869, maximum life span of shavings is half a century. Fig. 2C) was named German. More than two centuries after Schüzenbach, wood It was also called "Rundpump" (round pump), be- shavings are still in use. Alternative materials like cause the wood shavings (Fig. 5B) were continuously bines, maize cobs, or rushes are cheaper than beech- sprinkled with the mash by a circulation pump, and a wood, but not as efficient.

Iarchives des SCIENCES I Arch.Sei. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 77?e b/sfo/y of wbegar and of /ts acef/'f/caf/on systems Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA 11551

Fzg. 7: Dz#bran£ Orleans acetz/zers based on ?;z?^gar mothers and pzc£ares of Orleans fmegar breweries/rom £be past. ^4J Vmegar drovers and t^ezr toots, Orteans, f 5P7. BJ Dessaizr Fits vinegar brewerg in iP50 fsonrce: Lé/ebvre C. z^it/z tcind perznissionj. CJ Generat viezo o/ "-uaisseana; orteanais": Orteans barrets, 230 L (O); entrance door to store room/or icine (A); store (X); rats/or/ininp o/rrine and vinegar (ß, ß'J. DJ barret detaits: rent peg (F); masti (X); tignid terei (7VJ; rent tiote fOJ; monture barret (M) fsource: Bourgeois J. F iPPPJ

Pasteur, in his book "Etudes sur le vinaigre et sur le The Figure 8B shows the "Electro-Aceto". It is an in- vin" (cited by Pasteur Vallery-Radot 1924), wrote teresting word combination. The relatively new in- about the two methods: "The German system is very vention of the electric motor made the automation of popular nowadays. It is a process with wood shavings, the rotation acetifier possible, in the 19^ century, together with the Orléans system, which is very old with its "fully automatic functioning" rotation aceti- and already used in the past century in Orléans, and fier "Electro-Aceto" by Ménégault. even in Paris" (Fig. 5A-D).

5i/wss acef/Y/ers /?ofaf/oA? acef/Y/er systems A congress about acetic acid bacteria was held in We now come to rotation acetifiers which do not exist Japan in 2008. The Japanese honour their ancestors. any more, probably because the mechanism was too So it was easy for one writer of these lines, the last of delicate and subject to corrosion. But the history of 3 generations of Bourgeois vinegar brewers, to speak their existence during the 20^ century is interesting of his grandfather Isaac, and father Charles, in con- to consider. nection with their acetification systems.

In the previous generator systems the vats were Isaac Bourgeois (1871-1926) (Fig. 9A) was the in- fixed, and the mash mobile. On the contrary, with the ventor of "Simplex", and founder of the Bourgeois rotation systems the vats were mobile. The barrels vinegar and mustard factory, about 100 years ago had a capacity of 600 L, filled with wood shavings, as (Fig. 9C) in Ballaigues (Fig. 9D). I. Bourgeois called well as 2 wickerwork air ducts (see Fig. 8A,C). his own rotation system "Simplex" (Fig. 8D) because, Cogwheels assured that each barrel rotated a com- according to him it was easy to produce vinegar by plete turn (which took a minute). This rotation was "just analyzing the acidity and the alcohol content". I. repeated on average 6 times/day. During the opera- Bourgeois received gold and silver medals for tion the holes had to be blocked. G. Haeseler noted in "Simplex" at Italian exhibitions. "Ullmann's Encyclopedia" (1955) that this rotation system was used mainly in France and Switzerland In the historical review "Die deutsche Essigindustrie", (see later Simplex system). Wüstenfeld and Föhr (1913) wrote an article about

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sei. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 1 56 I Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA 7/?e h/sto/y of wnegar and of /'ts acef/'f/caf/'on systems I

FatrôtioB do Vinaigre de Vin


T^g. <5: dotation acetz/zer systems. AJ TîarreZs 0/ 600 L, /ïiied wood sfzavmgs: mc/corwor/c airducts (w); cogwftee£s/or rotation (c); O^erraoraeter fdij; ?;o?z£ /iotes ffj fsowrce: Franc/ie 7P74, titttfi /cmd permission 0/J.F FonrpeoisJ; Tfj Ménepantt rotation system fsource: Fritsc/i 7&23, Pnrate cottection ofTtoargoois J.FJ, w7£ft etectncat motor; CJ W7c/cerwor/c airdncts fioittz /cind permission o/rirzepar/actors/ Jo% near Parisj; 77J 5imptea; aceti/ier; 6nitt 62/ 7. TfcmrgooTs: rotating öarret 7.5 m a: 7.^ m, n;it/i s/iamrzgs inside and air rent.

Simplex called "Versuche mit einem Drehessig- daily production of 5000 L of vinegar at 10% acidity. bildner", ("Tests with a rotation acetifier"). They C. Bourgeois first mentioned his submerged acetifi- wrote: "Advantages of the system: excellent efficiency, cation system "Acetomatic", in the French review low evaporation loss". "Bulletin Technique de la Vinaigrerie", in 1950: "It is obvious that the ideal acetification system will, opti- I. Bourgeois was the first to produce whey vinegar in- mally, use the totality of the input of oxygen, pro- dustrially 100 years ago. It was manufactured under li- ducing a minimum of COg. According to our research cense in France and Austria under the trade mark we can say that we approach these 2 ideal conditions "Lactavinegar". with the submerged system" (Bourgeois 1950). At the same period, Hromatka and Ebner (1949, 1950, Charles Bourgeois (Fig. 9B) (1901-1958), the in- 1951), Hromatka et al. (1951, 1953), Hromatka and ventor of the "Acetomatic" which was installed in Exner (1962 Hromatka and Polesofsky (1962a,b) Bingen/Rhine, Germany, among the other places wrote the classical publications about the submerged (Fig. 10A). Thanks to the 2 vats, each one discharged acetification system. Shimwell called this method the every other day, all the alcohol was transformed into "bubbly", to distinguish it from afore mentioned acetic acid, giving better efficiency. Twenty "trickly", the name given to the generator system "Acetomatics" were installed up to 1980 with the with the wood shavings.

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch. Sei. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 777e h/sto/y of w'negar and of /'fs acef/'f/caf/on systems Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA I 1 57 I

Fzg. P: ßo^rgreois FamzZg saga. A) Isaac Bourgeois (7S77-7P26J. BJ C/zartes Bourgeois (7P07-iP5<3J. CJ Pmcgar and mustard/actorg/ounded bg /. Bourgeois, bcgzuumg o/£0"* cerzZurg. D) Badazgues, Zozvcr rzg/zZ, frzrZ/z pZacc o/Z/zree generations o/rinegar örezeers (private cottection Bourgeois J. FJ.

TfteTlcerafor tsu (Fig. IIB). The Chinese produce vinegar from All the previous traditional acetifiers were superseded maize, millet, corn, sorgho, rice and sweet potatoes. by advances in technology, thanks to the submerged Apart from traditional acetification methods, the fermentation process, used firstly for the production of Chinese also use the submerged system. antibiotics, and then subsequently thanks to comput- erization. The Acetator is a good example of this ad- The Figure IIA shows a picture of a Japanese vinegar vance in technology. Figure 10B shows 2 Acetators in brewery, 18^ century. Pails and flat wooden vats were the pilot plant of Frings in Bonn. Annual production is used. half a million litres of vinegar at 10% acidity. Ttod/f/ofia/ Ba/sam/c w'negrar method /is/an acef/7/ers Now we come to the production of , We now leave Europe for Asia, where the production rooted in a family tradition originally evolved in a of vinegar is an old tradition, first considering the small region in the North East of Italy. It is the slowest Chinese methods of acetification, and then the acetification system, as it requires a minimum of 12 Japanese. The word for vinegar written in Chinese is years before use. The acetification and alcoholic pro-

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sci. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 1 58 I Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA f/?e /7/sto/y of w'negar and of /£s acef/f/caf/'on systems I

Fig. 70: Submerged aceti/ication systems. ^4J ^4ceto??2atic aceti/ier buitt bg CTi. Bourgeois, instatted m ßingen/R/iine: i? wooden vats of 6000 L. BJ Vat m t/ie.foreground, pitot ptant ylcetator; capacity: 7,200 L (witb, fcmd perT^isszort o/FnT^s/BonrtJ.

Fig. 7 7 : ^4sian vinegar ptants. AJ Japanese brewerg 7 S"* centurg wit/i paiis andJZat wooden vats fwitb. /cind permission o/Vinegar A/useura A/iz/can, TVagoga JapanJ. BJ Otd C/ti72ese system, /n t/ie red circte, word vinegar in C/iinese: tsu.

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sci. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 777e /7/sto/y of wnegar and of /ts acef/f/caf/on systems Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA 11591 cess begins with 70 L of grape juice, which are re- On the market there is a much cheaper sort of bal- duced to a concentrate of 30 litres by cooking samic vinegar different from the traditional one. It (Bellocchi 1991; Lambert 2010). This concentrate is consists mainly of wine vinegar, grape juice concen- then poured into a demijohn, and left to decant over träte and caramel. the winter. In spring the fermentation begins, and grape-juice concentrate is poured into the first wooden barrel, where yeasts start the alcoholic fer- l/3/7'ous sorts of w'negars mentation. In the summer the acetic acid bacteria It was mentioned previously that Döbereiner quoted (mother of vinegar) start the vinegar fermentation. 16 "substances" which can be transformed into At this point 20 L are decanted from this large barrel vinegar either: 1) directly from fruits such as grapes, into the first of a diminishing series of 5 barrels, each apples, pears, cherries, prunes, gooseberries, cur- of a different wood type. Over the next 12 years, the rants, raspberries, lilac, elder flower, chestnuts, ba- liquid will evaporate at an average 10%/year. The nanas or from vegetables: sugar beets, mangel level of each barrel will be maintained at two-thirds of wurzels, carrots, potatoes (Solieri and Giudici 2009); their capacity by a process of topping up from the 2) after hydrolysis of starch into glucose and maltose preceding barrel (Fig. 12). In the 13^ year of this (Grierson 2009). aging process, 3 L of mature vinegar is siphoned off (a Lefebvre (2000) mentioned 110 different vinegars. maximum of 20% of the liquid contained in the last Bibliographical sources quote therapeutic, hygienic, small barrel). The following year, cyclically, another 3 prophylactic, medicinal, cosmetic and detergent L will be ready to be siphoned off. vinegars. Now there are even vinegars which have a designated origin: 1) in France: vinegar of Banyuls, Châteauneuf du Pape, 2) in Italy: Aceto balsamico tradizionale from Reggio Emilia and Modena (de- scribed previously) (Lambert 2010), and 3) in Spain: (Tesfaye et al. 2009).


Acetic acid bacteria are the quiet "slaves" of vinegar brewers. They deserve our special attention; they need a continuous supply of oxygen, constant tern- perature, nutrients in the form of glucose, vitamins and amino acids, etc. It is interesting to notice the enormous increase of different varieties of vinegar in the last 200 years. Döbereiner mentioned 16, and Lefebvre 110. According to Ebner and Follmann (1983): "There is no doubt that the production of vinegar is among the highest for a product of primary microbial metabolism".

I Acknowledgements

We gratefully acknowledge Ariane Fehr for secre- tarial assistance, Madeline Bourgeois-Hunter, Dr Heinrich Follmann for reading the manuscript and Nicolas Bourgeois for the figures.

Fw?. 7,2: Faraoîxs baZsaraic umega?: A) 7?ZafroraZion process o/ ZracZiZiorazZ fraZsaraic mepa?; Modérai repion (source: FeZZoccTii 7PP7, Fip. p. FJ "^4ceZaia", rinepar production in adic (sonrce: Fedocc/ii 7PP7, iciZ/i /cind permission of C

I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sei. (2009) 62:147-160 I I 1 60 I Jacques F. BOURGEOIS, François BARJA 7/?e ö/story of t/vnegar and of /'fs acef/'f/caf/'on systems I


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I ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES I Arch.Sei. (2009) 62:147-160 I