Forms of in enclosed tympanum chronic mastoiditis Simona Şerban1 2, M. Rădulescu 1 2, Andreea Rusescu2, Carmen Cristina Drăghici2

1-„Carol Davila”University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

2-”Prof.Dr.Dorin Hociota” Institute of Phonoaudiology and Functional ENT Surgery - Bucharest,Romania


The aim of this paper is to underline two types of CT scan: Example of abnormal pneumatization vertigo which can be the clinical manifestations of of in a patient with Meniere-like enclosed tympanum chronic mastoiditis: vertigo; axial (A) and coronal (B) sections prolonged vertigo, accompanied sometimes by hearing symptoms such as aural fullness or Study design: and recurrent acute vertigo, lasting from several hours to a day, always accompanied by The retrospective study was performed on a auditory manifestations (aural pressure, acute number of 13 patients who were admitted at the or tinnitus). Emergency Room with acute vertigo Materials and Method: Results: Remission of the vestibular complaints was 8 patients out of 13 experienced prolonged obtained in all cases. Hearing remains within vertigo lasting more than 24 hours, accompanied normal range in 8 cases. Subnormal hearing by otalgia, tinnitus, hearing within normal persisted for 5 of the admitted patients. All limits; 5 of them had various degrees of tubal patients manifested abnormal gain of vestibulo- dysfunction, ranging from mild to severe and 3 ocular reflex for horizontal canal on the affected of them had normal pressure. 5 side. patients out of 13 had Meniere-like vertigo, Conclusion: lasting less than 24 hours, accompanied by tinnitus and hearing loss. All the patients had Vertigo in chronic mastoiditis can sometimes Eustachian tube dysfunction in the affected ear. simulate other clinical vertigo such as vestibular CT scans showed reduced transparency of the neuronitis or Meniere disease. mastoid cells in the symptomatic ear. Partial CT scan can indicate abnormalities of mastoid mastoidectomy was performed, removing the pneumatization. In these cases, the surgical osteoneogenesis, fibrosis and granulation tissue treatment is the curative solution of vertigo within Trautmann’s triangle and the region near remission. the sac. References:

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