Lyric 24/7 Hearing: Could It Help Those with Tinnitus?
Lyric 24/7 hearing: could it help those with tinnitus? Jacob Johnson, Medical Director, Lyric, Phonak Silicone Valley; Associate Clinical About Lyric Hearing The tinnitus dilemma Professor, Department Since its launch in 2008, Lyric represents Subjective tinnitus, the phantom percep- of Otolaryngology, the first and only device of its kind estab- tion of sound with no identifiable sound Head & Neck Surgery, University of California – lishing a new category of hearing solution: source, significantly reduces an individual’s San Francisco; 24/7 extended wear. Lyric is placed several quality of life [1]. The tinnitus patient lives President, San Francisco millimetres within the ear canal, near the with a complex constellation of symptoms Audiology; Physician Partner tympanic membrane, so it is 100% invisible, including challenges to sleep, concentra- (Otolaryngologist), and worn 24 hours a day for months at a tion, and cognition that, over time, can San Francisco Otolaryngology Medical time. Lyric is worn during all daily activities include anxiety, anger, depression, and loss Group. including showering, sleeping and exer- of control [2]. Additionally, these patients cising. This frees the wearer from typical have well-characterised alterations in neur- Correspondence hassles presented by traditional hearing onal activity in auditory and non-auditory E: Jacob.Johnson@ aids, including multiple daily device inser- pathways [3]. tions or removals, battery changes, and For the practitioner, evaluation and Declaration of cleaning. Moreover, the placement of care of tinnitus is complicated by the competing interests JJ is a Consultant with the device near the tympanic membrane diversity of clinical presentations, the lack Phonak. enables the anatomy of the ear to naturally of a single underlying cause (Table 1), transform sound before it enters the Lyric patient co-morbidities, wide promotion Article was first published in microphone for amplification (Figure 1).
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