Play Your Part 1
Participation f ee (whole seminar series) Organizers : • 30 EUR for participants from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Antikomplex (CZ), Association MitOst (DE), Barevny deti Macedonia and Romania (CZ), European Youth Education and Meeting Centre Wei- 2 • 50 EUR for participants from EU-10 (Estonia, Latvia, mar (DE), Genius Loci (PL), International Elias Canetti Soci- Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Repub- ety (BG), Südwind Niederösterreich Süd (AT), Zavod O (SI) lic, Hungary and Cyprus) 201 • 70 EUR for participants from EU-15 (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Swe- den and Spain) The fee implies the participation in the whole seminar series and has to be paid after receiving the confirmation of partici- pation. If you participate in the first module and miss the second for whatever reason there is no reimbursement of any part of the fee possible. Travel expenses (for each seminar) Reimbursement of the participants’ travel expenses is possi- ble only upon presentation of original receipts and tickets. Cost will be covered up to following maximum amounts: * 110 EUR: EU to 2004/EU 15 P A seminar series to strengthen * 150 EUR: EU since 2004/EU 10 civil participation in Europe * 200 EUR: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia and Ro- mania Participants should be aware of choosing the most economi- The seminar series is part of the project “Werkstätten zur cal travel possibilities. Stärkung des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements in Europa”. Play Your Part – Active Participation in Room and board Board and lodging during both seminars are provided by the organizers. Participants are accommodated in rooms with Civil Society two or three beds.
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