News Information Conferences Reflections Introducing Projects03/10
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News Information Conferences Reflections Introducing Projects 03/10 Focus Report Introducing Good Practice Call for Proposals Policy News Information TOPICS: The 2009 IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study /// Perm it! – The 8th International MitOst-Festival /// NECE Workshop “European Co-operation Projects: Experiences - Strategies - Networking and Follows Up” /// NECE Workshop “Active Citizens for Europe: The Role of Culture and Citizenship Education in European Migration Societies” /// The House for Democracy and the Rule of Law /// Good Practice: Participatory Budgeting – The Dutch “Budget Maker” /// NETWORKING EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION - - Newsletter 03/10 EDITORIAL Dear readers, In this summer the initial findings of the International Civic and Ci- tizenship Education Study (ICCS) were published. The evaluation Content: process regarding the detailed study results, especially on inter- national, regional (particularly European) and national level is still Focus going on. David Kerr, Associate Research Director for the ICCS The 2009 IEA International Civic and Study, answered our questions on the study and its main results Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) by now. Since this summer not only the yearly NECE conference in an interview with David Kerr, Associate Research Director Trieste (Italy) took place but two other NECE workshops were con- for the ICCS Study, United Kingdom p. 2 ducted, one in Trent (Italy) and one in Berlin. You may find a short summary of both in the section “reports”. The online documentati- Reports ons of all these NECE events will be available at Perm it! – The 8th International MitOst-Festival “Perm” is the name of Russia’s so-called secret capital at the Urals by Lisa E. Wagner, MitOst Association, Germany p. 4 and “Perm-it!” was the title of the 8th International MitOst-Festival NECE Workshop “European Co-operation Projects: in October 2010. A member of the MitOst Association provides an Experiences - Strategies - Networking and Follows Up”, overview of this year’s festival topics in the section “reports” as Trent, Italy well. Also this October the House for Democracy and the Right of by Anita Baschant, lab concepts GmbH, Germany p. 5 Law was founded in The Hague, the Netherlands. Our NECE cor- NECE Workshop “Active Citizens for Europe: respondent Tatjana Meijvogel-Volk from the House for Democracy, The Role of Culture and Citizenship Education in European gives an insight in the creation of the House and its future aims. Migration Societies”, Berlin, Germany As in every edition you can find here also interesting good practice by Marianna Assenova, Freelance Journalist projects, upcoming events, links and publications. and Edu&Cult Manager, Bulgaria p. 6 We hope that you will enjoy reading and are looking forward to Introducing your suggestions! The House for Democracy and the Rule of Law by Tatjana Meijvogel-Volk, IPP is part of the House for Also, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Democracy and the Rule of Law, the Netherlands p. 7 We would be pleased to welcome you to our NECE events next Good Practice year, especially the NECE conference that is going to take place Participatory Budgeting – The Dutch “Budget Maker” presumably 17-19 November 2011, in Warsaw, Poland. For further by Jan Dirk Gerritsen, IPP is part of the House for information please visit the NECE website regularly. Democracy and the Rule of Law, the Netherlands p. 10 Best regards, Project Funding / Call for Proposals p. 9 Imprint p. 9 NECE Correspondents p. 11 Policy News p. 11 Information p. 12 Petra Grüne & Christoph Müller-Hofstede Federal Agency for Civic Education (Germany) p.1 NETWORKING EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION - - Newsletter 03/10 FOCUS This section highlights current issues on the political agenda of ICCS builds from CIVED but provides a richer set of findings about the EU or in the field of citizenship education in Europe. civic knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. This is because: there are greater numbers of countries participating in ICCS, compared to CI- VED; the ICCS instruments probe in-depth across a wider range of civic aspects and domains; and, ICCS has the new, innovative dimen- The 2009 IEA International Civic sion of regional data on civic and citizenship issues that are particular to Europe, Asia and Latin America. and Citizenship Education Study NECE: (ICCS) In how far is the research design for ICCS different from the IEA CIVED study of 1999? an interview with David Kerr, Associate Research Director for the ICCS Study, with particular responsibility for the ICCS European Report. David Kerr: ICCS took account of the considerable change in interest in civic and citizenship education that had taken place in the 10 years since CIVED. The study deliberately adopted the term ‘civic and citizenship education’ in recognition of the broadening of the concept, processes NECE: and practices that have occurred in this area since CIVED. The re- Please name shortly the most significant results of the current ICCS search design was built on an acceptance of this broadening and the Study as well as the most significant differences compared to the stu- need to focus on students’ civic and citizenship knowledge, dispositi- dy of 1999. ons to engage and attitudes relating to civic and citizenship education in modern, 21st century, democratic societies. The ICCS assessment David Kerr: framework was based around three dimensions (content, affective- The new ICCS Study assessed the civic knowledge, attitudes and behavioural and cognitive) and four content domains (civic society behaviours of more than 140,000 Grade 8 students (age around 14 and systems, civic principles, civic participation and civic identities). years old) in 38 countries, including 24 European countries. The main These dimensions and content domains addressed the broadening findings were that: concept, processes and practices of civic and citizenship education and provided a conceptual underpinning for all the study instruments • students’ civic knowledge scores varied widely worldwide. at both international and regional level. Students in European ICCS countries scored higher, on average, in civic knowledge than the international average. They also NECE: scored highly in knowledge of basic facts about the European The analyses of the ICCS data has shown that immigrant or socio- Union (EU), but there was greater variation in their in-depth know- economic background had little influence on students’ interest in po- ledge about EU laws and policies. litical and social issues, whereas reported parental interest in politics • an overwhelming majority of students endorsed fundamental and social issues were “somewhat” influential. How can this fact be democratic values, gender equality and equal rights for ethnic or utilised and re-connected to school in order to strengthen civic parti- racial groups and immigrants, as well as freedom of movement of cipation of young people? citizens in Europe. However, there were also substantial minorities of students, in all countries, who had rather negative attitudes David Kerr: towards equal opportunities and freedom of movement. ICCS shows that a range of influences, both in and beyond schools, • large majorities of students in European ICCS countries had a impact on students’ civic knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. It is strong sense of European identity. Most students in EU countries important that school leaders and teachers are aware of this and build expressed pride that their country was an EU member, though it into how they structure and approach civic and citizenship educati- they did not feel an attachment to the EU themselves. on in and beyond the curriculum. The finding about the influences on • the vast majority of students (about 80%) expect to vote in elec- students’ interest in political and social issues suggests that it is vital tions as adults, but few expect to actively engage in other political that schools teach young people how to discuss and debate about activities such as joining a political party or running for office. topical political and social issues. Students in European countries say they are more likely to vote in national elections than in European elections. They give them the necessary civic knowledge and discussion skills. • civic and citizenship education is a policy priority in European They can then use this civic knowledge and skills to discuss these is- countries. School leaders and teachers view the main aim of civic sues with parents, peers and others beyond school. At the same time, and citizenship education as developing civic knowledge, under- it may be helpful for schools to make parents aware of the content and standing and skills among young people rather than the promoti- process of civic and citizenship education programmes in schools and on of active citizenship and participation. to encourage them to discuss issues with their children at home. p.2 NETWORKING EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION - - Newsletter 03/10 FOCUS NECE: NECE: Have you noticed any differences between the study result in Euro- Regarding the results of the study, which challenges and needs for pean countries and Asian or South American countries? If so, what action do you think to be necessary concerning civic and citizenship are the most remarkable ones and what are, in your opinion, the main education? What are your personal recommendations for the future? causes? David Kerr: David Kerr: I could spend a long time answering this question given the range and Similarities and differences between Europe and the other regions will depth of the ICCS findings and evidence base at international, Euro- become clearer with the publication of the Latin American and Asian pean and national levels. However, to start the ball rolling for others to regional reports in early 2011. At the moment we only have the Euro- follow, I will limit my remarks to challenges and actions in relation to pean regional report and overarching international comparisons.