KCSF l(l:l..81:Y CAEIE.K tlCl..A.A J'"A.RM ~

Image Refere nce: BayWa r.e. Solar Projects GmbH; Sola r Farm Project Example, SOMW ..!:...... """"' .. """' ...... ~ ~ Click here to read the full article (http://www.whitsundaycoastguardian comau/news/prossie-powers-up-solar-farm-is-a-win-win-project/3027583/)

Latest News Kelsey Creek Solar Farm in the local newspaper Whitsunday Guardian:


Kelsey Creek Solar Farm is a project initiated by local land owners and busin esses fr om wit hin the l oca l comm unity .

The project Consortium (KCSFC) envisages to bring a large-scale generator io the Whitsunday region . Kelsey Creek Solar Farm - up io dare the largest solar farm in Queensland and the third largest in Australia. Community support and local sourcing are the cornerstones for Kelsey Creek Solar Farm. Benefn s created for the Whitsunday region will be employment opportunities, local investment, and nationwide promotion as a sustainable region supplied by renewable energy

Major project development tasks are undertaken by specialist companies from within the Whitsunday region. The plant design and Engineering know-how is provided by an Australian engineering consultancy specialising in solar photovoltaic systems. Global best-practice in Construction & Operat ion will come from international project partners who have a wealth of experience in the deployment of large-scale solar PV around the world.

Copyri ght © Kelsey Creek Solar Farm 2016 I All Rights Reserveo Website designed by Lightbox Interactive Oevelonment (htto:1Lwww.hghtboxinteract1vedevelopment com.au)

Tabled Incorporated, l{cm;,inder incorporated, h~ · ll'ave by I ·e <· k rk al lhc Tahl-: : ,

2114/2017 PrOJect Details - Ross River Solar Farm ESCO Pacific


Horne > ProJed De1a11s

Project Capacity 135MW

Project Cost $225 million

Project Area 202 hectares

Technology Horizontal Tracking

Local Government Area Townsville City Counci l

Grid Connection Ross River Substation

Ross River Solar Farm

The Ross River Solar Farm is a 135 megawatt (MW) utility scale renewable energy project that will generate clean and renewable electricity from the power of the sun.

The $225m project will be located at the Upper Ross on a disused mango plantation. Townsville was chosen because of the high solar irradiance in the region, and its average 320 days of sunshine annually. The site offers proximity to the grid connection point at the Ross Bulk Supply Substation as well as su itable flat land free from environmental constraints.

The solar farm will comprise approximately 450,000 crystalline solar photovoltaic modules, know more commonly as 'PV modules or ·solar panels'. The solar panels are identical 1n type but larger 1n size to those used in residential solar installations located on homes throughout Australia.

The solar panels will be installed on ground-mounted frames that will slowly track the daily horizontal movement of the sun. The solar panels will generate direct current ("DC') electricity that will be inverted to alternating current ('AC') via containerised power conversion units. The power conversion units located within the site that will feed AC electricity into an ons1te power reticulation system before the power 1s centrally collected and dispatched to the local electricity distribution network via the Ross River Bulk Supply Substation.

ESCO Pacific received Development Approval from Townsv1lle City Council 1n June 2016. Work to secure a grid connection with Powerlink is currently underway. The project will take approximately 12 months to build and subject to approvals it is expected that work will commence 1n the first quarter of 2017.

Ross River Solar Farm Town Planning Report

M116 0007 Ross River Solar Farm Decision Notice

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http://rossr ivorsolarfarm .com.au'proiecV 212 2/14f<017 The Kidston Solar Project (Phase One SOMW) - Genex Pow0' Limited

Home (II Corporate F'ro1cc t s lnves 101s New s & M e dia Con1 ac1 (/contac1 h 1mll

The {Phase One SOMW)

Project Overview

The Kidston Solar Project \Phase One SOMW) is located in Northern Quccnsla()(] on the site ot the historical Kidston Gold Mine. The sit e is

situated some 270Km north west of Townsville. near the township of Georgetown. The sjtewas selected foe a number of reasons

Solar Ex oosure:

One of the highest solar radiation areas in Australia

The only solar project located in the ~ red 10r\tt ("'24MJ/m2 per d..iy) which i~ also connected to t he NEM

Consistent ~mans s.ol,.r exposure througnout t he year

Ellisting Infrastructure

Good road access from Townsville and Cairns

Onsite accommodation camp suitable for construction needs

Good condition access road throughout the site

Existing substation arid t ran<> mission line located adjacent to plant

No adverse impact on local community

No environmental degradation (solar farm w ill reduce existing leaching issues of the TSF)

• The projec.t is co~l ocatedwith The K idston Pumped Storage Hydro Project (2SOMW) and the Kfdston Solar Project (Phase Two 270MW).

The Kidston site is located In the highest sol;;11r resource zone in the countrv and is t he only site in the •red lone· which has an eKisting uansmission line connecting 10 the N EM.

Phase One of the Kidston Solar Project (SOMW) is predicted to generate 145GWh (145.000MW h) of renewable e1ectr icity per vear,

increas1ng the total renewable energy generation in Queensland by 5.5'%alonc. Thi'> i'> equivalent to

Pow ering -26,484 Australian hOme<;

Offsetting -120,000 tones of COi per year

Removing -33.000cars off Australian ro;ids

(ht tdtrn'~~~\tM:8.$6QjM ~~ldntz~-XIJt)(ffjVertical%3Acompany%2Cclic kedEntilyld%3A10858225% 2Cid l(%3A 2-2·3%2Cta rld%3A1468199335806%2Ctas%3Agenel( %20power)

Proudly powered by Wccbly (httos://www.wccbly.com/?utm_source*inlernal&utm_medium .. footcr&utm_campa1gn•2)

nttp:llwww.genexpo..ver.com .au/lhe-kidston-solar-prqect- phase-one-50mw .html 1/1 2J14/201i Sun Metals achieves financial close on $182m solar farm at Tc:mnsville I TO'Nnsv1l!e Bulletin I :tfnM&rl

.\n ael'ial in1a:i,t' of C)11n ~kl.tls .i 11c l't'flllt'ry i11dicali11g two 1u1w~ on t:it l1t. r -. ich· of thr• pl.1n:'s ,•nl rarn:e roaJ whl'l'l' lh<· :m lar r:m11 is to he b11i l1. • • Sun Metals achieves financial close on $t82lll solar farnt at Townsville

TONY RAGGA'lT. Tuwnsville Bulletin February 9, 2017 i 2:04pm Subscriber only

TOWNSVILLE zinc refinery Sun Metals has achieved financial closure and executed an Engineering and Procurement Contract for a ns megawatt solar farm at its Stuart property, signalling the start of a $182 million project expected to create hundreds of jobs.

The contract has been signed with resources, energy and infrastructure group RCR Ltd which will build the solar plant to supply electricity to the refine1y.

More than one million panels will be installed over about i3oha of refinery land.

Once constructed, the solar farm will be the largest single consumer solar farm in Australia, supplying 29 per cent of the refinery's current base load power needs of just over 900,000 MWh per annum.

Sun Metals Corporation chief financial officer Kathy Danaher said the solar farm would have a highly innovative design, allowing the refine1y to draw power from the national electricity grid as well as from the solar farm to dynamically manage energy needs.

"The project will be funded totally out of Sun Metals' cash and the project has not been subsidised by any state or federal fonded renewable scheme," Ms Danaher said.

"The project has progressed from expression of interest to a full y executed EPC in under three months which is an exceptionally short time frame for such a substantial project.

"Sun Metals is helping to showcase that large scale solar is becoming more cost-effective for large commercial and industrial loads."

Ms Danal1 er said studies indicated the project had the lowest construction costs per watt of solar farms in Australia.

The $182 million project will stimulate employment in the Townsville region.

http./lwww.tO'Nnsvillebulletin.com.ai.ibus1ness/su11-metals-achieves-financial-close-on-162m-solar-farm-at-tcmnsv1lleJneNs-story/8f886e3fe331 353abl657dc25ec6a278 112 2/1412017 Sun Metafs achieves financial close on $182m solar farm al Townsville I Townsville But letin Ms Danaher said the project was expected to create 250 construction jobs at peak construction the project.

Construction is due to commence in April with completion in the second quarter of 2018. "There are a number of large scale solar projects earmarked for North Queensland, and with Sun Metals' being the first it will spearhead and help develop the creation of a solar construction workforce, wh ich may be used for other projects, as they come on line," Ms Danaher said.

RCR spokesman Adam Kilgour said the project would require a range of skills which they believed were available in Townsville.

"We will try and procure as much of those skills locally as possible," Mr Kilgour said.

http://INww . towns vi ll ebul letin. eom . au/'busi nessls un-metals ~ achieves- financial - cl ose.on- 182m-sol ar-farm-a t -tO'Nnsvillelnew s - s tOl' y/Bf886e3fe331353ab1657dc25ec6a278 212 2114/2017 Pra,ect Del.alls -SusM River Solar Fcvm ESCO Pacific


H orne ;, Pro1ect Details

Project Capacity 100 MW

Project Cost $175 million

Project Area 176 hectares

Technology Fixed or Horizontal Tracking

Local Government Area Fraser Coast Regional Council

G rid Connection Existing 66kV Transmission Line

The 0u::.dn ~t v~ r ,_,,Jar Farm is a utility scale renewable energy project, with an output measuring up to 100 megawatt (MW), that will generate clean and renewable electricity from the power of the sun.

The $175-million-dollar project is located approximately 17km from Hervey Bay and 11 km from Maryborough townships. The site is currently used for agricultural purposes, mainly grazing activities.

The proiect site was chosen as 1t has proximity to the network, access from the Maryborough Hervey Bay Road, relatively flat land and lack of surrounding sensitive community receptors.

The solar farm will cover an area of 176 hectares (approximately 435 acres) and comprise approximately 350,000 solar photovoltaic modules, known more commonly as 'PV Modules' or ·solar panels'. The solar panels are identical in type but larger in size to those used in residential solar installations located on homes throughout Australia.

The solar panels will be installed on ground-mounted frames. The solar panels will generate direct current ('DC') electricity that will be inverted to alternating current ('AC') via containerized power conversion units. The power conversion units located within the site will feed AC electricity into an onsite power reticulation system before the power is centrally collected and dispatched to the local electricity distribution network via the Ergon Energy transmission network.

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h(tpJJsusrn1versclatfarm com.&iprqcct/ 112 2114/2017 Project Details-Susai River Sdar Farm

.. I l di

http://susannversoarfarm.com.aulproicctl 212 211412017 PrOJecl Detaols -Rollingstone Solar Farm ESCO Pacific


Home > Pro1ect Details

Project Capacity 110MW

Project Cost $210 million

Project Area 190 hectares

Technology Horizontal Tracking

Local Government Area Townsville City Council

Grid Connection Existing 132kV Transmission Line

Tl • 11m;ton" S r w 1 110 megawatt (MW) utility scale renewable energy project that will generate clean and rtm:wable electricity from the power of the sun.

The $210-million-dollar project is located in the locality of Rollingstone on a disused sugarcane plantation. The site 1s located approximately 60km north-west of Townsville CBD and 3km from Balgal Beach.

The wider Townsville region is particularly suitable for solar developments because of the areas high solar irradiance with an average 320 days of sunshine annually. The site also offers proximity to the grid network th rough the Powerlink transmission line crossing the site as well as suitable flat land free from environmental constraints.

The solar farm will cover an area of 190 hectares (approximately 470 acres) and comprise approximately 400,000 solar photovoltaic modules, known more commonly as 'PV Modules' or ·solar panels'. The solar panels are identical in type but larger in size to those used in residential solar installations located on homes throughout Australia.

The solar panels will be installed on ground-mounted frames that will slowly track the daily horizontal movement of the sun. The solar panels will generate direct current ('DC') electricity that will be inverted to alternating current ('AC') via containerized power conversion units. The power conversion units located within the site will reed AC electricity into an onsite power reticulation system before the power is centrally collected and dispatched to the local electricity distribution network via the Powerlink transmission network.

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http : //rol li ngstonesolarfarm . com.aulpr~ectJ 212 2/14/2017 S75M Greeo Pwler Slallon fey Tableland Mill near Mareeba. QlD I Msf Sugar

4' Search ... Home About Us ~F Suga r o History o Directors o Executives • Corporate Governance o Our People o Safety • Health and Safety Policy Statement o Environment • Environmental Policy • Environmental Reports o Privacy Policy o Information Systems • ModernFarm Our Mills o Mulgrave Mill o South Johnstone Mill • Tableland Mill o Maryborough Mill Industry o Producing Sugar o Industry Links • Manufacturing Sugar o Milling Process • Becoming a Grower Sugar Marketing o Daily Prices o Pool Terms o Pool Update • Cane Pricing Guide News Careers o Current Vacancies .· o Apprenticeships Contact • Login

S75M Green Power Station for Tableland Mill near Mareeba, QLD

31/08/2016 I No Comments


30 August 2016

MSF Sugar, far north Queensland's largest sugar miller, today announced that a S75M green power stallon will be bl.lilt at its Ta bleland Sugar Mill

The power station will use a 100 per cent renewable sugar cane fibre. known as bagasse, to produce 24 megawatts of electricity- enough to power every house in the Tableland region.

MSF Sugar CEO, Mike Barry described the project as a significan t confidence booster for both the region and the local sugar industry.

Mr Barry said "This is the first of hopefully four green power stations to be built by MSF Sugar, with the others 1n the early stages of planning for construction at its sugar mills at Mulgrave near Cairns, South Johnstone near lnrnsfail and at Maryborough. The go-ahead for the remaining three green power stations will depend on the success of the Tableland project as well as stability in the relevant legislation. If all four green power stations are completed it will equate to approximately 100 megawatts of renewable power generation capacity and a capital spend of around $500 million".

"Building this renewable power station is the nexl step in our long term vision to transition our industry towards producing a range of higher value products, moving away from mills that produce solely raw sugar."

The project will create around BO jobs during the construction phase, plus opportunities for local firms and contractors. Some $40M - more than half the project cost - is expected to be spent on locally sourced labour and materials. Construction is expected to commence in May 2017 with completion planned for June 2018.


For further information please conlact:

Mike Barry - CEO

Mob : 0401 896 999

Or •

Hywel Cook - General Manager Business Development

Mob: 0459 108 193

rttp /twww.msrs.._cooi .8'>'201~5m -g:een-power - stauon-lor - tableland-m1ll - noar - mareeoa-qrJI 112 2114/2017 S75M Green Po.Ye< Slation for Tabfejand Mill near Mareeba, OLD I Msf Sugar Or

Mike Ward - Business Development Manager

Mob: 0409 643 612

Categories: Industry News

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- Sweet spraying for sugar team Tableland Farms - Equipment Tender 2016 ~

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11.lf>Jlwww.msfsugar.com aul2016/0IY75m-greeo-oower-stauon-for -tablelar-0-m olf-near - m areeba-~d' Lakeland solar and storage project

This project involves the construction of a large-scale solar pl ant with battery storage in the Lakeland region of ARENA funding North Queensland. The integration of big solar and battery storage has the potential to revolutionise power supply provided I committed : $17,419,000 for fringe-of-grid locations. Total project value: $42, 782,990

Lead organisation: Lakeland Solar & Storage Ply Limited a subsidiary of Conergy

Project partners: Kawa Australia Ply ltd, Kawa Australia Developments Pty ltd

Location: Lakeland. OLD

Technology Hybrid and enabling technolomes

ARENA program: Regional Australia's Renewables - Industry Program

Start date. August 2016


There are challenges associated with supplying power to fringe-of-grid areas from central generation sources. These challenges include network constraints, lack of supporting 111frastructure and loss of power due to transmitting over long distances.

Currently there is little knowledge sharing about how large scale solar PV and battery storage can service fringe-of-grid regions.

Innovation This world first project will combine large-scale solar and battery storage into a single fringe-of- grid location.

The project will test a number of battery operation modes, including an 'island' mode. where the local distribution network is disconnected from the main transmission line. A battery testing plan will also be implemented over the first two years of operation to measure battery performance.

ARENA has worked with Conergy to form a knowledge sharing work111g group, which includes BHP, Ergon Energy and to analyse and share the lessons learned from the battery testing plan.


The proiect will supply renewable energy on a local scale for the Lakeland region. By sourcing and storing energy on a local scale, reliance on the main grid for power supply 1s reduced, alleviating many of the challenges of supplying power to fringe-of-grid locations.

Partnering battery storage with solar generation allows the energy generated throughout the day to be captured and stored for use when it's needed. The project will be a global first in big solar and battery storage and can act as a building block for future proiects of similar nature.

Testing solar and battery storage in the grid could also strengthen Ergon Energy's confidence in offering network support payments for "non-network solutions", which can su persede costly network upgrades.

More broadly, AECOM predicts that combining solar with storage in fringe of grid locations could generate an additional? $4-5 million revenue in a number of identified locations experiencing network constraints.

More information Media release - 23 August 2016: World first to combine big solar and storage

Contact information

David McCallum, Managing Director, Kawa Australia

Phone: +61 (0)7 3036 1361

Email: [email protected]

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Kennedy Enc1·gy Park is an innovative wind and solar energy facility to be located in the Flinders Shire in centrnl north Queensland. '111 is region is blessed with an abundan

renewable encrR}' resou r~s. includinH wind,

solar, geothermal aml biomass. In parlic..ull1r1 the wind and solar resources arc world clas.-;:

and art! t'Om plemtnt:11)' to sudt ~111 e::xtent that when combined they C'• n supply energy to the grid with reli ability never before seen in the Australian renewable industry.

Crnnmencing with Ll1e .. proof-<•f-rwcpt" Kennedy Energy Park project of 40 MW solar plus 40 MW wind, lhc ultimale plan is to oonslrnct up 10 1,:100 MW of renew:1ble ene1·izy generation in the region, which would deliver significant benefi ts to North

Quc.-ensland and Au~tralia in reduced 'lltc Kennedy Energy Park will be located on sparsely timbered farm land approximately 17 km southea.'1 of rmis.C\ions aml sustairn1hle energy generatitm. the township of llughenden and 290 km southwest ofTownsville. '11iu improvc•m ent1' in rl!l iahility and n•d 11l'NI dependent)' on power from south east of the ·11w lucatiun for Kennedy Ener~' Park was selected by Wind lab as the rcAion has th<' une of the highest levels stntc will :il'o greatly assist 10 promote of solur irradiancc that cnn he connC'ctcd into electricity network and possc:,gcs a world dass complementary industry and business de,·elopmcnl in the wind resource. What makes ii so complementary is lhal on a typical day the solar resource ramps up in the region. morning as the wind slows down, anrl in the C\'enrng as the sun is setting thP wind pi ~ks up ancl c•onhnues to general!· ·'tcmly power throughout lhe night. ·me result of this c:omplementary relationship is highly Coll ectively th 1~ renewable energy ge neration 1·eliablc rrnt:wable electridty generation that overcomes th e intermitten1..y so often associated with wind would provide electricity for an equivalent of energy or solar energy nlone. 400,000 homes.

'l11c Kcn1wdy Energy Park will connect into the Cape River to Hughenden 66 kV transmission line. which runs adjnct•nt to the project site and the elertril1ty generated will me-et the demand uf the local region .;tn•tchi 11 1; from J ulia Creek through to Charters Towers. Key Facts

·n1c tatility will be a significant boost for the local economr. helping create loc·a l jobs and generating more Up t" 40 MW of wind busi1wss in the Hughenden region, particularly dming the construction pcriocl. 'Ille Kennedy Ener!'.)· l'ark is 40 MW of solar panels !!\pCt1rd tu (.lntcr constrm1.ion. in 2:0 17 and be opcrallCM'lal the fo1 1mvin~ year. • Up 10 200,000 tonnesofC02 savings per annum


,,, 2114/2017 Mt Emerald


@ People © contact Us

Search Welcome to Mt Eme rald Wmd Farm ...

D The Port Bajool and Ratch Australia partnership propose to build the Mt Emerald Wind Farm on p flvate land on the plateau adjacent to the Mt Emerald/ Springmount area. Map Approx >S way bet ween Mareeba and Atherton. Skm west or Walkamm

Lat esc News It is proposed to build 63 wind turbines generating up to 189MW of power from this site.

Oct 2016 - Community Towers w ill be approx 80-90 m high With approximately SOm blades, unlising 3 MW Consultation Committee machines.

RAICH Australia Corporanon has Mt Emerald Wind Farm partners, Ratch Australia and Port Bajool, have created this set up a Community Consultation site to an swer many of the questions that are raised by the communities in which Comminee for Mt Emerald Wind wind farms arc proposed and operated. Farm t o promote local feedback and ensure the pro;ect's lon g term Under each of the headings are a series of questions answered w ith the latest local, success. national and international information available, 1nclu d1ng sum manes of result s of EIS studies that have been conducted specific to the site. RAfCH formed the 10-member committee in September after Actual reports of the EIS and other more technical informc:inon rclanve to the receiving 20 applications. It project i~ availabl@ at: www ra tchau">tr:1lia com / comprises local Independent Chair, Professor Steve Turton and Pro1ect This site will be updated regularly as the new mformallon becomes available. If you Secretariat and eight community have anv questions or requests for additional information, please use our contact representatives. Cairns based form here. RATCH Community Relations Manager Kim Forde will be joined by locals Sam Musumeci, Dave Reynolds, Bronwyn Dwyer, John Parmenter, Jo hn Hardy, Ross lrac1, Alb1 Homann, Jim Carey, and Steve Lavis on the Comm1nee.

For more mfo see Community Consy!tation Committee.

21st July 2016 -

Preferred contractors announced for Mount Emera ld Wind Farm.

Construction of the $360 million near Marccba remains on track for a Decem ber start after Mount Emerald Wind Farm oeveloper Ratch Australia Corporanon announced today that it had selected its preferred contractors for the project

Subject to completion of the necessary cont racting agreements and project financing arrangements, construction of the project would be undertaken by preferred contractors Vestas and Downer Group. Vestas is the global leader in wind energy technology and service solut10ns, and Downer 1s a leading Australian engineering and construction company with su bstannal experience in wind form project delivery. long term operations and maintenance services for the pro1ect would be carried out by Vestas.

f or more info see Princi pal ~-

11t h July 2016 -

RATCH·Australia 1s calling for nommations for the Mt Emerald

hnp llmtomeralctw1ndf arm .com .auJ 1/2 2/14/2017 Ml Eme

Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee (CCC).

For more info see ~ ~-

Brought t o you by: i~

infoll>mtemeraldwmdform.com.au www.mtemeraldw1ndfarm.com.au

Web Design bv ~ {c) Mt Emc,ald Wind Farm Auslralia. 2012 ~

hl!p:llmtemeraldwindfarm.corn.au/ 212 211412017 Project

rorowan IUN•W.ULr • v lolllll S 0 LA R FARM


• FRV is the owner and developer of the Clare Solar Farm project.

• FRV has engaged URS as its consultants to assist during the planning application stage.

• The final design of the project prior to construction will determine the plant configuration, layout and specific equipment to be used, as well as the solar farm's electricity generating capacity. At this stage, a capacity of up to lSOMW is envisaged.

• The project is located around 35 km south-west of Ayr, in north Queensland. It is proposed that the solar farm will be connected to the electricity network via the existing Clare South substation, owned and operated by Powerlink.

• While a final investment decision has not yet been made, it is envisaged that construction could commence sometime in 2016 to 2017 and would take between 12 to 18 months. The plant will have an operating life of around 30 years.

• The technology to be used is solar PV-Polycrystalline modules with a horizontal, single-axis tracking syst em also envisaged. The panels will be up to approximately 3m high above ground level including the mounting structures.

• The project will deliver significant benefits to Clare and the wider community:

• It creates job opportunities during construction and operation. It is estimated that up to around 200 workers w ill be required to construct the project . During operation up to around S jobs will be created.

• It brings investment to the area and delivers additional indirect economic opportunities to local businesses including local grocery stores, restaurants, cafes, accommodation providers and petrol stations.

• It delivers clean, zero emissions electricity to meet the region's energy needs and helps further the development of the Australian clean energy indust ry.

• For more information, click here to download the project factsheet.

Copy11ght © 2015 Fotowatio Ren ewable Ventures. All Rights Reserved.

nttp.llwww.claresolarfarm .com .aulindex .phpr'prqect 1/1