Plant Pruning/Maintenance Most Plants Will Respond Best to Pruning AFTER the Flowering Season and Before Significant New Foliage Growth Begins

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Plant Pruning/Maintenance Most Plants Will Respond Best to Pruning AFTER the Flowering Season and Before Significant New Foliage Growth Begins Plant Pruning/Maintenance Most plants will respond best to pruning AFTER the flowering season and before significant new foliage growth begins Botanical Name Common Name Pruning Season Pruning Notes CA Native (Yes/No) Plant Type Plant Size Achillea millefolium, Yarrow summer Cut spent flower stalks to the ground. Reseeding on A. millefolium can A.Millefolium: Yes, others: No P 1-4' h x 1.5-3' w, species dependent filipendulina, tomentosa fall be managed by trimming stalks before seed sets. Seeds are attractive birds. Seed can easily be collected and resown in winter. Aeonium spp. Canary Island rose any time Prune to shape or remove dead or top heavy growth. Cut stems can No Su 2-3'h x 1-2' w be re-planted and watered to propagate new plants. Agapanthus Lily of the Nile fall Trim off dried flower stalks to the base. Old plants can be cut to the No P 1.5-4'h x 1-2.5'w ground. Agave spp. Agave fall Remove spent flower stalks after bloom. Remove brown leaves. Some: Yes Su varies widely with species Aloe spp. Aloe fall Remove spent flower stalks after bloom. Remove brown leaves. No Su varies with species Alyogyne huegelii Blue Hibiscus summer/fall Can be pinch pruned/tipped back to 1/3 or 1/2 size after flowering. No S 6-10'hx 6-8'w Responds well to most pruning after roots are established. Anigozanthos flavidus Kangaroo Paw summer/fall Cut off spent flower stalks and brown foliage at the base of the plant. No P 3-6'h x 2-4'w (Do not trim any leaves or stems halfway) Water after pruning to encourage new blooms Arctostaphylos spp. Manzanita late spring or Generally don't need much pruning/no deadheading needed Yes S 2-10'h and w, varying with species summer in If trimming out lower growth, do so gradually over several years (Shrubs) Always use disinfected tools. Do not prune during cool/wet months dry weather due to dieback and fungal risks. Arctostaphylos spp. Manzanita late spring or Generally don't need much pruning/no deadheading needed Yes GC varies with species, usu. <1'h (groundcovers) summer If edging is needed, gradual annual pinching is preferred to shearing Always use disinfected tools. Do not prune during cool/wet months dry weather due to dieback and fungal risks. Artemisia californica California Sagebrush late fall Prune back by half to keep compact. Avoid cutting into old wood. Yes S 3-4'h x-3-4'w Needs good drainage or a slope. Doesn't like soggy/wet soil. Artemisia pycnocephala Sandhill Sage fall Deadhead/prune back after flowering to keep compact. Yes S 1-2'h x 2-3'w Do not prune into old wood. Short lived perennial. Asclepias sp. Milkweed late fall Native species are winter dormant. Cut dried stems to the ground. Some: Yes P 2-4'h x 2-3'w Baccharis pilularis cvs. Coyote Bush winter No deadheading needed. Can be tip pruned or cut back hard or Yes S Varies with species and groundcovers coppiced once roots are established (3" years). Groundcovers generally need hard pruning after five or more years. Berberis spp. Barberry late spring/ On established plants, cut out old undesired woody stems down to S Varies with species summer the base after bloom. New shoots will sprout from the base. Some: Yes Buddleia alternifolia Fountain fall Cut back about 1/3 after blooming, cutting above a leaf node. No 8-15'h x 10-18' w Butterfly Bush It flowers on last season's growth so do not prune in late winter Buddleia davidii Butterfly Bush late winter and Cut back to about 12" high in late winter. It flowers on current year No S 6-12'h x 4-15' w again in fall growth. Trim off flowers in fall once flowers are finished blooming. Calamagrostis spp. feather reed late winter Trim plant down to about 6" Some: Yes G Varies with species Callistemon citrinus bottle brush fall/winter Prune out dead or undesirable branches and prune to shape. No S 3-5'h x 2-3' w Prune branch tips if a more compact shape is desired. Carex pansa Dune sedge late summer/fall Cut down with shears, stringline trimmer or mower once a year, no Yes G 16" h x spreading lower than 3". Rake regularly during growing season to remove thatch. Carex tumulicola/divulsa Foothill Sedge late summer/fall Trim down with hedging shears once per year to about 6" C.tumulicola: Yes, C.divulsa: No G 1-2'h x 2-3' w Carpenteria californica Bush Anemone summer Trim off spent flowers down to below first leaves. To improve Yes S 5-12'h x 4-5' w appearance, gently remove yellow/brown leaves. Established plants (3+ years old) may be cut back hard in winter. Ceanothus spp. California Lilac summer Prefer minimal pruning on a dry day. Remove dead wood. Yes S Varies with species (Shrubs) dry weather Can be pinch pruned at tip after flowering if desired to keep dense. Small amounts of annual pruning preferred to large pruning cuts. Ceanothus spp. California Lilac summer Can be tip pruned to control height or spread after flowering. Yes GC Varies with species (groundcovers) dry weather Trim gradually at edges of walks. For best results, do not shear. Small amounts of annual pruning preferred to large pruning cuts. Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud summer Can be pruned for shape after flowering, but heavier pruning should Yes S 12-20'h x 10-15' w be done during winter dormancy. Summer: thin out undesired branches. Winter: Remove stubborn seed pods, crossing branches, dead wood. winter Susceptible to verticilum wilt. Cut back affected branches to the ground Chamaemelum nobile Chamomile summer/fall Deadhead flowers or trim back entire plant after flowering by 1/3 No GC 0.5'h x 0.5-1' w Cistus spp. Rockrose summer/fall Avoid heavy pruning. Trim only to correct shape. Remove older branches No S Varies with species by cutting them away from the base after flowering is finished. Convolvulus sabatius Ground Morning winter Prune back entire plant to encourage new growth and prevent the No P 1' h x 2-3' w Glory plant from becoming too woody Correa spp. Australian Fuchsia Tip prune regularly to maintain shape and improve flowering. No S varies with species No deadheading of flowers needed. Cotinus coggygria Smoke Tree late winter or Prune to remove dead wood or crossing/undesirable branches No S 4-12'h x 6-12'w depending on cultivar early spring Dietes bicolor Fortnight Lily summer/fall Dead head spent flowers by trimming them off at the base of plant No P 2-3'h x 2-4'w and iridioides Remove dead leaves at the base of the plant. This plant likes to spread so it needs pruning at soil level for spreading rhizomes. Old clumps can be divided in late fall or winter. Dymondia margaretae Dymondia warm season Generally needs no pruning other than edging. No deadheading needed No GC <1'h x spreading Echeveria spp. Hens and Chicks Old leaves can be removed as needed No Su 0.5-2'h x 0.5-2'w depending on species Epilobium spp.(Zauchneria) California Fuchsia winter Once plant is established (2-3 seasons), short varieties can be cut to Yes P Varies with species from under 1' h to 5' h the ground after flowering to rejuvenate new growth for next season. Taller varieties can be pinch pruned in spring and then again in winter to encourage compact growth. Seeds attractive to birds. Erigeron glaucus Seaside Daisy fall Dead head spent flowers for longer blooming cycle. Tall/leggy plants Yes P 1'h x 1-3'w can be trimmed back to keep compact. Frost tender species. Erigeron karvinskianus Fleabane fall/winter Flowers can be sheared back periodically to prolong bloom. Entire plant No P 1-2'h x 3-5'w can be cut back in winter. Invasive species. Eriogonum spp. Buckwheat late fall Seeds are attractive to birds. Dead head spent seeds at the end of the Most: Yes S Varies greatly with species from tiny to 8' h growing season. When pruning off flower heads, ok to prune down into lower branches above a leaf node to keep plant more compact. Erysimum 'Bowles Mauve' Wallflower late summer/fall Trim back after flowering to below the first leaf to keep compact. No P 1.5-3'h x 1.5-3'w Eschscholzia californica California poppy late spring and After bloom, cut entire plant back to 1". It will regrow and rebloom Yes P 1-1.5'h x 1-1.5' w summer with extra water. Control re-seeding by removing spent seed pods before they burst. Allow maximum reseeding by letting pods burst. Euonymus japonicus Evergreen Euonymus spring or summer Use hand pruners to tip prune if a natural shape is desired. Can also No S 8-10'h x 6-8' w be hedged or pruned back hard to rejuvenate. Euphorbia characias Euphorbia summer/fall Cut back spent 'flower' bracts down to the base. Wear gloves to avoid No P 4' h x 4' w skin contact with milky sap. Euryops pectinatus Euryops, Shrub Daisy fall Can be pinch pruned after flowering to keep a compact shape. Tolerates No S pruning well and can be cut back hard once established. Festuca californica California Fescue fall Remove spent flowers all the way to the base. Comb out grass with Yes G 1.5'-3'h x1-1.5'w gloved hands to remove thatch.
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