BBanBBaBaaBBBaBnBBBBaBanaBBaBBBnnnanBBaBnanBBBBBBBBBaanBBBBaBaBBa COaSEKCIAL. ISLAND LOCALS Q k GctTTczxot lusxUca terra teerxnrilj is Oar IU1 Latter. et3y t kept apf few weeks lhiltklphU wDt . STCRETAKT rOLOETt, SEAS. tzrmT jaarei ara ynirn oa tinviuNS. - a xifcctcvwa ciry. Hettion Sales. AWtkfl StvU jc AHOCT TOarsr. Gstrrrr-H- ao for Parisstha Sketch. At Araer-teaa- n- 5V rturoLrxr. srrrrxsr s. is Earns chAas. KirstTLLT, Sep. 9. --The Lewis the Career eras. Esiinent aa Mr. W. M. GilArd,tbe SecrctATT the Hcao-IeI- c citireas ot maata Im Ike Mac lasiBJoa a aaflieA Toe lUar ca?3e receive bat Mtseearr ci last wprk, the weather baa chAaeed into a fairly Ooaatj havabtcnm CTeAtlyiocrnsed at the By LYONS Jt HVVKT. ltcei B ai Bx T. a. rtJt-Hrr laaaaasis TAcht aad forararded ABAMt, last nr remlret Is AlteeAieo Rut CllK froca.SAa wet, Ha.- rauL the daily fall hariac; rise h orer Toe fdlowiae notice has been posted (X. k FrABcisro prr --tftaaaaia A &ear sn. cured At Gcrrra T,i September TiMtaArnrlttltsiiittnW-esiBKrwraiirarreleBM- stoASr as tart, arerace. Tne rcoTerbtAllj nasty, the place whtra the Murraoa elders were recest. boat baflt by GnSa aad istraded to be the CJib roads lynnrdered. liSArun. The only peraons pre-ar- tijrt:iteh!in! Mod, reprweatauTe the Norrctbrr The Kvit hare sb 'w thrtr to the title ot Tflc. Mre-Hir- - w rein of oaSce ta TAcr. rtckt "Mormoas Leave! Members ot the Latter Dsy were t, his deceased Dr aUn. uiknlTrtKri k. eMerrr- retainr tela kb baaa. is hoped wife's sister. Regular Gash Si isba(j aadiiithacrTTof "derks" stash. dacribe theaa Howererthe Slints are notified to leave And thirty ca--e n m:r. faHr. this cooatrr. dyini-raa- tke CeariMBaat - rrresse ka aaaie record. Knapp and ot Ms law associates. The EXTENSIVE nrswKMmkFM fau a cwal con lo the uayi Ara girea too all to gn. An tndignAat and awafta ?- - Te ttuurr as nrswal traarier tl.rvoxh the district, rejoice twice te txckesre te 4ns JiaTjtj cBtraged people have sworn tt, and yt-- a aha!!. If trppd ot thrice and alt was owr ikrOieirral.Dam.wkk VrTnc C? n"?at fc Sj ateise tfce arek. Mr. L. B. Kerr, the vrS-kncv- n aad salsiaatial, art! bailt bridotA that sow span li iiiaau.al pS co5tsaer ay of yoQAreftvndinthisroantrr after thirty cVcreUrjFolgtt'stwodAarrseriare in the Vdir On TCt.M4i t kter BKTchaat tanor. arrived hack this city co the entry streaea. days, wfll po. like the ( peaceably CREDIT Thursday, tail! flfr K 1V M mVr Fmcrao A km arv ta too ethers. it oadacks the elder ia very teebl health. SALE Sept. 2 "It e"!"5M'?rJ tf Sr itb 33d Bt per JAaaaeAr, aad brisct ariih brm a amased by MaAtme Cora per- JOB will, bat go yoo mast," Charle-- !.. HtTBfT-GS- l a a'aaWMii. aBTsaatpiesef HilBsbeea I J. Folger. bora la April. IM. al Nan ... or as, a at anaarer cJethcs fwcWkin: vhieh pcrrormira? The first instalment of thirty btasts for the Nile Mass, j. ., CSTaeAIAe be darscc his abroad. H ardt epea formances. HarpleasABt taaaaer cf taclet. was the deseradAn! of a Kae f dit r, aararAW Sjj5 -Id wlm tris expeditiixi has beea started. Oa hundred and tlnguisb-- d Englishmen. 12 vat . Tkafa.tanu javm acinl Is aavrtainw at has old peace of basjarss tGuxrrx baiMfaac) her Athaanas, qajae oapttTate the woaderinr. kaaa. When he wa yera f BDLQ r5 thirty more will follow io a few days. age hia parents rrroxrved to Genera, X. Y.. aad to & DRYGQODS !, oa JSWEUY aeaereas " OaRt mots o the jwu the 1st pnuisav ka. A fall hoase was hers an the ereaicc cf the mm AHDCLOTH! talerjM&e graduated TJre arrival, inumwW ak irr Jt 1Mb. la Philadelnhia tbe lWrinh. and tSS he frora HobAtt College, the fint JoVaj electrie cora panics were, oa notified la his clasa. Cbomlng the law aa his c-- TW caatnn art H. K. M. CWaaaaav The laat- is tsaasa; letters adrixatisa: the Ok the eeeaiac ot the 15th, the HUo t adiea care 9th. tWaK Coatana aad Ua-t- w H.wUi an wgwntvt vnmtK mnrrd tfMt -- penes he was duly Admitted to practice In Sv "r, San rar-n- - rags m i au taast oe rrrasrru cetore me 1st ot ISI. aad r . ,( - u, laaweirfiBwAtaBa ib l c ot Tifiaon: eg boari aa sjitaia. X dnbt a to tke rewa. The aa frttiral for the teneflt of the Puso JAsaary. yrus later, when his age was but SS, wa tn.lrftli- ( fMhr front m rtMcfcro- - Sagj. "stta-- AsjocsatMiB. TheaSairwaa weU attended, a be rfi;.. i jiiw.wrv--, t!twntWk. sanae r.C. J. cetsalarKe share of the " mthe bat by Gorcrnor Ttoatke Jatlge ot .tt n Fine Shirts, HandkereWef, Pal vw ike MnMWERilc e fcxoVts cream, Mabt property hare the Oatano thrt iMiwn fr Mr.a.Jvtr, isacxk: lax nKkc4efciffr shape for its eearcoyees. The " sojaU" scarcity of the it raanirtr. short before the bosses and cuosidaraUe Court of Common an ofSce which saoas hancty crowd was receipts beea destroyed by aa iaartditkwi at tiaanajay. Plea, be a, Iroan Tor M Freaei-e- B wu. a Bartaal tec ran All. D. C sjsaeaa the pcesest edtter : taorrorer be has attiatcd. raade the alter one year's servica to becoaie a Master WEDNESDAY. SEPT. Ble Aksataw ti no JWfj.. r tried it before, bat the Ooecaies H does not sveaeaaal less than they otherwie woold hare the centre ot the lartago tobaccu district ia Ccb. 21th narheatr is Aad Examiaer in ChAscery Coott that en s SAlW AsS. - ' -f V-- 'l ta However, pleasAaUy Clere-lAB- M 4 IV AtaJM-- far S8 SBCBSC tltS. I ta ' 'it rriaiTnl 1 m.'ani. in arct sa vaat aad they ciH it by arxthr aaaie. beea. the ereBias ptssed of BrscmixTox X. Y.V. Sept. tl abolUbed. In be was elected Ornate '' rrrnrlt m, . ?.rawjewajewiTaa;tklakii treaa - BotaithstaadiBt; the dearth ot cream. A ptettsias stopped here moratng while oa way aarr-X- - Ttwj- anbeaxaSfaaktitbad thl bis Jndge of Ontario coaaty,ll and "erred for a teem Qarte a Baaaber of Hoaotsla reopt pud the 'arleetioBoa the raaao. readered with exqatsits to Albany andheU apablic rrception. He was yectra. was NEW GROCERSEil we Teeaewt Xaa-e- t. aaTUaasBe. Willi fl A TUT ataalc. of four Ia ha etectaal by la K. ON A ! Himla eSoeot'theS.F. JeVraoai a Tiit Ulkr, a prirale BMeh by oae of the voaac ladies, enhascol the rtceiTed brail the city otneera. Tbe hotel was pablioua to the Statel.l Senate ot Xew York and LIBERAL CREDIT as lale-- namtratl drnw. r lluwii paeasare two-fol- were ijc AUk. tetaw ov al? letter from Mr. & K. BsckUsd sUtia: that the The receipts tomctaicc iamraed asd the streets crowded. was in 1S3, and thtrs ftlOTW. ts4 V Msri orer sitty dollars. lj3 semae V LIlruK . IIP nr wb eWifW ba. yer Xareafa. Tt$etar"s toak atreadT coctasis the naeaes of lxertxot. Sept, 10. The Fvcbow corresra'adeat for right successive years and acting the ,1vt,NKXT tt U4knkt f'v.A.aaiTtrTalRTaitkj- a AaewtaiadtBqrer the telephoae office, ratas-cer- 's Rrestr MTiAX ew 1 ort aavsccr n tI. Hpkv K. HalMead. w. O.SattJ. Hetisf. W. tdegrapha as follows : Admiral part ot lb time as PresUeat hm. ot tk HtTi naipiowt, nm as sl- - AV. apartmeats room the wtha 7ir ' "wf 'C aratrsraraA. W T M. Get aid. Foster. T. Foster, A. G. lMis J. and oeaeral storAre for Ctae-b- Is coaling He was Abu rr Cowtltn-tkwiA- fci i a at Matron. Tbe sappliea came a meraber of the l i Ban HHo , i aslia. rtnir. Hfe the BtAay Kafcu. NeaaaaaB aad cabers. As alaAa Ttlnibuui Oa, ts in roras of erection. Ue frata Hoagkcaig. ConTrntioa of 1S7 and Chairrean Gold & Plated Jewelry 3F,iorioJ.-tiai-e- n i lnMTlf iwrt Ik ear Laoay t rnaaekni lal she baaac iast below 1). H. Hitchcock. office near the of its etei iirtii V H.il. aaaits the rkKMlakutes there is Sin Frascisctt. Xrw 1ft. - Judiciary Committer, Whilo In the lo-aror-e wMK r ranrmt Balur iKk. tke nrac at St, AaaVn's Uatamtral oa the Cathonc Charch. Yoaa. Sept. The r. Augusta (T.MPIIIatMH II J. aaa s- - xna be was the nocompmmislng foo ot all nag and K. ,IVt luff wtumwi tiWSUSaBtt. Bis Majesty H all the arcessxrr prrpu. Tans stoaly is Vitio rrtvaiac, sreciab say : 1'etarns troav the tvick districu in r. ADkMB.AaK hi r Barret, as. it mil ? BBrwmHBA aarias the State corrtinae show nioaopolies. The Tweed tax levie for Xew York Wawaes, SHaaa. skawl naa. ii 1 ev- - &cv s UOo. Sept I Jim. ISM. Anotxv to most extrarrdiaAry Srataarta. TArrr tan ze Beware - Mr TktSajjcrri Ckartr btaavta VfaRtlae aboa atade to transport his butts crra-- to KAahi ItepablicaB gaias. dty. which were before the LegislaUre at that larerf riaa. laiHna. Ckaraaa. Van hMaf k.fcaitmli s. ranfkt fVP ni ISaineV friends, who attn- - Ckatna. harbor There they let -- avr,rf.ln,'-- tiaie, were rcaotatrly oppoaed by SeererarT IVeeer. See ixtro Awtt5onmts; rrnn UxrT ftDrr urf rttWj Tk rrtrr Oreaeg 'k taat BwMag amat tthirad o a oct" their richest batfl the rearill tAbt ,n.!ilai- an. l' t'aaia, riar kataaaa. Cn Piaa. fetal waats of aaet be there aaray from the' taSa lieetcniag from the Sertate p oial-rdb- y :'-- lu-CksET- eaaaaaainre for irrtooE. sred i'tAat.Th riarality for llobie will be more thaa is 1A. Enrttt c eaces ahich sarroaad the boaihoas. Aaether LATEST FOREIGN NEWS President Grant aa Assiatant Uaited f jw I'XTt. Hi lotAl vote will exceed 79,CiX. which U Statm "k li"' OaaaBaa ap- - eabaed I.CO) TreasareT Xew him- ?r CkrtH P. krs Was aWj auaal by the chance is the abSity to krep tt for York. rsUbhshieg for Ear I.slr Psx tk N S. AlAXAOA. greater than ever before by (he party Rings, Sleeve Buttons nnr. (MMI.1WI""iiMMtr; (mslVll. pta4rfbTtKicSs rrirr OtMtKil. the "Haae'Baade.a secret frwsisisliTe rttrties. in this Stain. self daring the year that beheld the oAee a re HENRY MAY &G( New - Sept--S. CuloDetl'.W. l'llommedien as a finander that will be la wral-i- e Yx- Xir-XX- Sent. 1(1 t miMnnra.! lulw to ta Ktt U ill tkt OI V kmi IM Taeee arork for the Tttttiaary oa kH ot Brooklyn asd ten other Teteraas of the war ot ScrIallv tKt by many of the oldest tMit.ara af Ik ius. tv. rtr. am ! Mi i H li sssroa boars the twenty-fou- r t i ftim. It if i with the Emperor ot ending last night saw metropolis. When tbe Aprs-- was re- Mr Jn-i- m PMr-i- ll nt IVt till of .laWrtWrr aru taitAw arrrral here, qaiae a Bsasber of barscs diSerrst setntiBC casea Court of tl sr Term. LiVrat kleb will aaanV katosea iw MVtth tbr Uftvd ia Frxttco-Chin- JS fresh of cholera ia the city of Naples and organized at krr iriii stables beaac sJKeted with a disease China to ester his serrice ta the present SS) in 170, he was one of two Kepob time i,r sal, n.tri aicatt at tfc 3Xk mss. Vcea resectbass Lirctrn-A- at deaths. Since the beginning of the cholera TV tW a lam war, ib rositiosA ranging from liraas elected aa Associate Jndge, and Mav. KKC-- xtutrl H n act MK lBli bU farcy, a hit is alia to cttsders. destrsctiTe to outbreak ia Naples there have been 1.HM inter- in I.Ytl.Ns.t I.KVr.T. lan.na.... C Ike tk bkizaar EX ba ntiie Kwaj. to CoiooeL expected that the Teterass ISM, he was appointed bv Guvrtnor Cornell k lxterr Ut urtnl Xmiii: aiwiaal aad daBpeross to hcxeaa hf e. No atteeapt It is ments ia toe cholera section of the cemetery. lo all iwtittMit r Aa iihi ktec Hint iknr. ha yet beea raadt by the IVurd of Health will receire their comntissions early seat week the racancT occasioned bv the death of faM. hntrtrt rK-- vMrk itI rU llWli Tk aymitriiil.At Water VTarbt ka Bow acests aad leare ft--r China ria Sta Francrto. 'Among Advice from Taraalav. Madagascar, Augnsl Justice Charch. He was Ik Wrkrr tktr w to rerretaat aad uutate sespeeted cases. asd it is at a later dAH just i Ukte IMnj tMH tgwlllnli. saaaVtaaetiT rrcefrrad iraen kv aKTtvttitaac to the Tohrateers is John McNoraan. wbocaiard "txh, suta that the French had bombardrd and oy ta popular vote tor ta ieceivei rf.mr B. repasaed that the disease is stewly aad ssrerrraie-aaceroBB- fall term ot foarteen 4ftKrtknarrR Lli)lli.i ilUtli jwommit f fe kttudiats asain t ku aum. great notonetj daring the Fenian raids iato Can- temrorarily occupied Alahtnoro, a town oa the years. Regular Cash Sale cUrlSc caL. rain coast, , afsl ada as the man who captarrd the colors of the some distance soath of Tamalav. in i.cior-er- tsI, ha was appointed by Kail-na- - Vrtmkj the Maaf Iwmhti ns oc d A kae portrait, by Mr. Faraeacx, of Miss Aaaie Vaeena Oaa' reKimest at the skirmish ot Black PntlADSXrvtl. SeeL tl. In IK rninil m.. Arthur SecriUry of the I'nltcd States y, f- t Kock. Tele-cra- RlBJ:Y- -. l - H ilk Oil SAMXT fee tfca of cfemsia asal a Jr stark! CVckora is os Tse at the show of Messrs. cation cf men Uwlay, for catting the Baxter and the appointment was promptly cssm. fcfasxtAife T tma MoxTSAM- firmed by the Senate. The choice ot On Friday, rtfaacs. fee Koto. Kasai. J a. WiWiiiaiAOx surse-ah- t- Sept, 5. There was aacxciUag scene and Telephone wires, the Judge held the tbe President Sept. 26th, City of & WAT5 51 chtmn tr Sft-S-: The style of culorisc is rery Paris Clan Grai to S. srt 3. iiailn tothatof the rurtrut of Qseea at the Batharst Cireait Court After Phil-la-s occupints of the house bad right to cat the aires waaalao generally approved by the people. Xr. Katot Haistwi cl tke WaMeariaatataM shchtly Banttaed to LaitaigB. the mcrdeTr ot hi coosia, had beea u nrricara wiinoat peTmission of the cocBpant. Hardly was he instAllcd iw SecretAry of the ten tKl I ssit tie sabct. Mr. adjadced when Folcer recurml to his oriental kn TTlliTnwt kj tfec Jaaawaia altar a triptoabr FaraeaEi has prored hiasserf arrr sacccssf al ia bis tastne and ordered to an asrlasi. be Wasbtsotok. Sept. 11. 11 is rumored that the ihm Ca-oxa- a. irsc st of briag Governor Xew York, Van,aoaAiac al alter kt; artTacatMBS. treataaeat. aad ts prtxlsciac tasttai; cseoerials of seued a ln water pitcher standing near aad has decided to appoint General George of and all tbe oM XaOKTISaOrsr. Harasas a&ich -- anneti wits torce at .MtoraeyAieaerxi H. ShArp SecretArT inends ot Arthur In tha ctty f New PORT OF HOSOLCLC. type, & be of tscreAsiss Tilee it treat of the Treaary. Sharrewas Toik. who DRY G00BS. CLOTHING, 34srs W. A. Kmsrr aad Anker T. IVtewjra. as the years roll by. Blair asd at the same time exdaiminc in French! recently appointed a member of the commisaion had discovered Foloer t be "If lam coiag to be hanged, yon aill die first, to visit Soath America. slow in giving to them lb kx-- rntronae, Inatilv Cs. baTeiacaeila to G-rocorlo- s, Orange ArriTtA. is The Bear steajser J r G. isVtr, the latest The catcher strack temple staaaiag hiru, joined in the cry that no oae would d f r r flarmalad vm Cjmi&m. sjaknavrs tbtir- - lUira The rrtMninent llabbis or Near Yn-- t- an.l .,, Bihlj. in iailUsMvcmd latcr-Islaa- d few bat Folger. Presidenl looked ask- kHrV - ta the Sect, vas to Btxke her bat be recorered ia a moments. The insocer Arthur WI crrrcl- TnkxW. Xtiul. tt tVlr of the most prominent Iy Hebrew?, met Wednes- ance his enndidacy con- 7 trial trrp aboat the 1st of October, was handcaa'ed and remored, erring bitterly. uran befere the State Cnkttte A - Aa C5rJik tlM Fsab aad sail day aCcraoon to make preliminary arrangements vention, would seem BtAcknr"'- tf lna, Senfal wtkanav. raembers of a Koeaao Catk-- Clrao, Sept, A asa failure to be a defeat ot & i. skirmish has tsken r4areaear w MKutMtuii u,v ut otr jiotrs uonie-fior- e, the Administration, while Crockery Glassware tic oraW. i Ckpt. J. M. Sass. When this Attest SiakAt. between the AxsArArs. tuibciuij success would mvrave amred kr tlae Jlawja.aad wiH SI Uaadtrdowas aad whose liwh birthdAT occars October "5th. the doubtful experiment of ejecting him Sailed l liliiai a s Toatfc Luaus arrrre. the Ister-Isias- d Cbraraar caa Tbe latter were defeated and many ot their men oa the Jana. iatrocK-- of at M. Sept.' Republican lU-- , Am w J boast of a aae See: of steaBMrs killed. I3tA.Tn iMe.1. 1I.- -A special to the ticket ia a State torn with feeds and .i ami ; Cir BarrrN Frr-- h a Cases rlr i Irrt. Tmo. Mktm OalWfr. ere asd it ts sat Iwrnt-ra- blraiveerrj Jam. xjl v isfacMry;tobear there aiB be pleatToi to rntt from Angasta. says: The total rote ot the distractions. Bat Folger was determined, aad Anrl l rlmi-n- i ! 3HBX? amrk September The rebelsAttacked Kas-sal- a. !. Ossratl'lom I'ttiMior;, Tfce r.X.S.S.XraaaM aaetWaotrifiiroaa keep thee all besoy rasaced. Scaux. state will reach llilAX majority over all sstoward circumstances and OMnbiBatioBS bat were repclsedi with great loss. Bedrnan is 31,61$. Thia were aiding his purpose and eommiUng is Pert. Sam faart to Fzaacasao m dars C komrv aswi is the largest majority to his for Mtnee Jleat, Tiwli raai Sept. S. Adrices Xew ZealAad ever given a candidate Governor lanes the Administration. Ha nAmm-.- ! (e 5S ; the .taMataia TateV? the trii 7 AnbosrhBi sear Sssdaylaw was passed, yet Iamks. from for of this State h 3iiiaCii,vrviiisit: fuse RaiatM. HIX il. n oars state that the laree emfcmat ship ljutiiXmm. in a PresideaUal year. ander exasperating conditions, which retired and Saltan TriW. Aritt IWk. there seees a be a rdaxatioa of the reUlixe LTl.t A I.RVBT. .t Iat from London fur WelliBgtoa, X, 7, was wrecked Warsaw, Sept. 1L intensified the old hostility of the people of New Case New Carrantll A to etahhshnaeals beta: kept opea late Satarday Thousands of copies of a The O. &. Jbaaaa, arrired is ruri ken at ts Cook Strait, ob which Wellington is sitaated. N ihilist proclamation have Uea circulated, signed tutLtoa premaiare uivisoo oi UAinekl s nuiaest JUtHtMbrtUln i akhs. The Oacxm Theatre kept opea doors All on board except 11 of tbe crew were in the State, and he was bnrual nn,le a mmmi-- . 1 ut, aai the ia i)aa 1$ baer trea Sas last Ssaday aaorara: aaffl 1 o'clock, aad a esar drowned. by the Central Committee. The rtfoclamstion HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE DnHrCHM A tl--. oforerlMlttJ. Since then his health bad been lracioo. Sbii a sail aad sears dates to ftore.nsiacrsataadcaa'resaSocci, BAScpealOBir Rksi. Seaember conference will opea kivs: "la the straccle to antLain m,rj falling Cs. h:.kt Agaiasl and the news ot his death was unei-recte- Bottled Pie Fruits AUamW. 3tTK theUekiast. after that hoar. Oa Scaday scleral rictsaains here os Monday nextito draft an intamationxl the rale of the Czar, we oaght to have re- not are htw for the proteetwa of the works ot asthors asd. course to the same weapons he nsea. Our fight The PrtTT CosbciI at on tk hoaes opes, by rifht, catil 7 rra. bst ose or is Secretary Folger was a man grrat AT AUCTION, oaenced swat auk Aas-tr- now. of exrasriesee MEHORASDA. tana eeauaty sader police proicctioa, ieep oreo artists, the poraramests of Fraaoa, Italy, ia as ever was, .1 rcAufreacr. We hare done jus-ti- with and as aptitude for the aJmintstratkioal Cases Jlixeal Ifekles, ikt aad theaatareaf tie termer ' trawaetoi aatil audnigbt- - Aad Geraiany will send delegates, bat no del. to tie journalist Skiriptsjki, whose dAth -- of sauonal affairs. A persuasive vaAafraebaaatAs that they dM sot dassarre egaios witl be present from Esglaad or America. atvusti aiinoatea io me violence ot thieves. orator, au apt On Saturday, Sept. 27th Casesi Onwclnafta OH. ml t m. Of 2 express that pAssed the pibre In absence He was by spy. debater, a "acid and convincing reasuser. be was M ("net. ?. f sstflXriAa. naos the of CArieteGorernaiest represent exreated as as a Xo traitor not unworthy Cbtea Walnat. U atioB. expected conference will escape," The police hAre of comparison with his illoitrioos M l elora, a a.. Iiefa Sit. Tteresoaotaaasoi the Chaatter oC Coaaaaeree ttdtioB as the cresiac of the SOth iast, lantern it is that the be a failed to discover the tarrdecesmrs &Uftttrr FwrT amaaber taiaare-- aoarce of the pablicAtion of the prodAmaticn. in office, Alexander Hamiltoa and Ches Spanish IMitm. have tf ose ooly, vas distiaratshable as a tvilmon P. Chase, as well twee kaadiaaseaT eatrreoed ca retreat, aad Losboqc The police, however, seized a Xihilist at rail- - as tho moro recent, Cases C Apera,! distance of tea feet. The Minister of Interior September 7. The Foo Chow the if less celebrated SecreLwes At the Residence of MISS CORNEY. r"reoch rtk tk asaatans attached, hare beea FreMeted oaer his sBraatsre states, rale 2 of s Chinese j imuuo, uuKuiseu as aa omccr oi trie gaa.ru. otthe Treasary of IMPORTS. toCotvaMlABeta. ia carriacs dispatch vij the ociils there hare bees the tatted States, Walker, Sherman, Boatwell ibises PTeeseh AlBaarveraa, naaauaBs. that the BEatxrs sSufl be distisalr BotitWd of the declaration of wat against France. BcxxsroEtlll.). Sept. 11. At the wedding ot and Windom. - jt Safa.-alaa- ' ptaced nf;-- Caaen Preatt 1'aaa, Tnai SsB rBC.- r rrf sr rt!" The rVw rR tfc JJwrrti--tr apfvars oa the taatps of expresses. The Marbal Shanghai has lees declared a neatral port. The S. D. Stoner and Mrs. M. J. Scoit. lai hi CAT KfRi&&ti. -- c of the Khtrdos ts charged with the CArryta: oat entrances Woo Song will excepting canned frail poisoned seventeecjpersons Oneos Krenea aMT! r'..P to bare Ialien isto the baad af tfc to be blocked.' including THE ENTIRE TrnUles, 5 - S- asMMc of this law, aayatiacAB,bTacUace. ascertaia that on chancel will be kept open the bride Aad minister. JTttu HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Krl Frmtnrf "r - Xf So tfcjssht A 3aatT of ciuBA for neatral Three of the. victims, tirtrtistiiitiits. Cases Pate Jo ret ustt ks thr tad how the datr is falalled. Powers. John Wilson. Jennie Estenbaasca Mrs. Gnt, last ark'a and AM .ICTj;tIK' ase. ureeaen, wui ate. IN PART niLLOW Coses FiBoa Hatldocfc. ViiUraae Foster. Esq. Clerk of the Sapreaae Pnrate adikes frost Berlin say that ia coart NOTICE! DEPORTS. h, of "Miim. Kasai. ho k circles it is not believed that Emperor William XtwYoxx, Sept.ll. Al 3 a.m. thetber. Cases Kippered Herns gl been traTeliac ts Bsrort; ka caaaoicj k Coart of the Uawariaa Kiardom. retaraed to tbts anil lire the yhr oat. mometer marked TtT, at 6 a.m. 73', at 9 am. 77 OX THK I..VXI1S S ctty or . , Rosewood Fir X taaaalT. retaraed by the J . afur aa absence from a Tacatno abroad on the ad iast, per will And At soon SS1. The slight fall from yesterday's lllXl'lt-l- win be Brtweeea! Parlor Set, Fra. r6lin steaaaer J.' oJa. Dsring his sojocra across the Tolr Danish Polar expedition start for temperature to Uw; aal all dogs ,H , of BcarlT three Tear?. afforded but little i M - T the froaea Northaest the sanuaer, proceeding relief, aad thoagh b KitlMl. . pirtrc-- water Mr. Foter has saade kUaseU acqaaieted in breeze tj, cTmta anil foUt. by the way of Fnsx-Jose- f laad. alight srraagnp the people still suffered CS. SCOTCH HERRINGS PASSE5GERS. The aecessarr to deteraare the aaatait arih reset of the detail work coaaectrd with the severely from the eaects of the heut. At th mr. W. A. KlasaT. A. P. rarsaeox. rtiao rutlt-- . Kltant Blivlt W!m SW sttt is generally expected priscfpAl . -. -- pMfonakBce of anailar datie; to those of his It that the topic oner's office, between the hours otS and 12 HttlTr, fhair. TM- Mm). t l- . X McLmv. adbaraaasfSkicpertT Hoawtala cccapy this l"a-- St, Citse VarsHHiUt IMoalers, Ft KhiI. Tiiou. rM -t Htia.T' larau and he retarss. sot alone whh resewed to the attention ot the three Emperors muiarog, mere were reporteu KINNEY PETERSON. MaU, Matltnc. i nckfj ant. ilatvWf, ram ef the aaVvfw eeaee, vas eoan IS sudden deaths, PI haatWher- - L- health, bat also with a faad of nsefal kcowledce. in tbe approaching conference will be the qaestion oaay of ahich were directly or a i jv.Tr Bracket. claret, i Frram Cases Oxford Sassagr, 1 C X seaced as the 3 hut. AS iadircctly caasvd ATTomr-aA--, lr, sfce. air, Fives Ktwsi ft Ftaawr. The seBial cestleojaa retaras to his daties at once. to what Bteasares sboald be takea agxtast the by the heat. The effect urm-B- IA x.aiv XUt ?f asarchists. on business is deprcssiag. So. KAAIIUXASC STRKST. !, Csees StrKa, f ami Mr. A-- Marqaet. the arU-lao- a aw anil li-Jo- 1. P Fr. L E H ViiHut A H itk. Xr critic New Yoax. Sent. ha L. Salliraa arrived " HonolBHi. II. t. V Fr.-. act Hawaii. Sr. Jobx's t X. F.), Sept. S. The latest One Rubber Cases White IViae ineRsap CuSt, X KMm- WUbt ckiltm. K aadkader. aad prraaeat of the UaaMtats Sjaa-taS- Labrador yesterday from Boston. He says that Garden Hose. j XrT MadaaaeCora news is aprMllinr. Thecodfish catch is ahort if Mitchell NOTICE Cases bas nasraed to that Irota eatertaiaed the oiticens of the an. And Barke hATe their fight he expects to box LTON.a Jt Batt Imliit ( hatner. dab aats crtj CCO osiBUls sortheASt New- - with LKVBT. AMIIaaaaeta. Fe m Wi o Irvic. j I 3tr J a extetMVd trij abroad. little riHace of Huo ob Tatsday erecisR. at the Asdoathe coast of Mitchell. He will also box Billy FarnAn, the Cases l.sakig's Rxtmet Meat, Bt.itV-- Frct. foBsdland famine rmmmest. Aboat WOO fami- ATTIIKMKrJTIXOOFTllESTOCK Coart Hoase. Seat. Kth. The tats ease dowais Australian champion, aad Alfred Greenfield. .s.,.us... .v aeai Cases MoAaweoei rtrt lies are reported to be starTisg aad are eastainiag rirttuit tauvitt. Calcen, Fns Ka M UkeHM. foe Vbttn The atteatMa of u called to the torreBts part, of the ereae. aad as a consetiBecce Sa.1 FBAsascu, Sept. 12. Frank E. Hatchings, Ik Wallata.the tnh. were elected: Km Aiwrtistiiituts. XlHXBnHO.Ck Br- -, M Okr. she had a saraa attesdance. hie at present on spirits. The whole coast ot who strangled IS If ts- - .. Coes Soyer's HeKem, :.Em: ehaageof thaeof the aBeettar of the Xewfoasdland Aad Labrador is stadded with ice- to death Pbtrbe Jeannette Sim? i board Sat-- the Secoad Jodacaal Circsit. eaaaneams bergs. some months ago, was hang ia the Coaaty JfA'ter Cases Yortshire Kelial;. The awaa t'aaaaVn west to Hitchcock's laad-ha- c Allar&e Secretary X Treasurer ! Fram 1 Maal, Maaotai aad Liaai. Kw.prr Inlttl. &cf - . H X Paars, Sept. Tbe lawyers Mrns-Pat- -i t A. lVotice Caes Ceierr Salt, at Papaikos. oe Mosday morning to of li and Xirxxs Sept. 12. As Kiaa Hambeit sarcrelarj Dco.Xn A MmxWt.wV Marqcis Caax have arranged for Marqnis mssim. S.xiiitnKuriii'i.iisK'riiKi'.titrxKiMiiip M Xi MtMLlbMaMti(Sk. The Ber.S. C. Daaaes aad by freisfat and take is sacar. bat owin; to the the to a prison yesterday, the inmates raisedna loud cry Cases Ceierr Xu HklK X!lfs aif retaraed the join with Patti in aa application to the divorce NOTICE ! eJ. S . Do- - JaaaMwt. storat was oblaced to retsra to Hilo on Tarsia "praying to be set at liberty." lrnt.8iMtu.Ktt So S4TI Ther vera aceueaoaaaed br Ur. aad haTKB t tnbaaaL which it is sow expected will give its as- D Xtaer. K Damnai Barht. accomplished sothicj:. jtauttg muse uangcroasiy sici. with tba cholera fJOTICK IS 1IKUK1IY GEORGE PJRACHT Sc CO., lri.dredriMTt. J Jfe Fraat Alt the wrtr awe aaraalj sent to their legal separation. is a protege King that (UV1' TiacgaiLct bv of Kalakaaa of the Siadwich 1" nritbrr tbe Areata Bar the CaMala of Ike VV . their BkaaertMt ftieaik hen. of -- Ka KKALIUH-- KM . HAWAII. Dr. Ridge's . J-- X A F The ladies Hilo had aa Ice Creaus FestiTal os Cutzlaxd, Sept, S. The scene of List night's Islands. l.etmia Bart C.R. BlsUOl'" will maaiuMt Infants Food Fw FrctK. t tT l,B any debts rtratrieted by the crew r Bark, ijl - Sttarday Sept. ISth, at the Coart coBSagration presents a desolate appearance to- Kin? Humbert annnnnca thai et.,11 MA rr sala dor Th ttitdrii:'Mt IRr-- ' fn mIi the f The ateaaaen Kimt aad fif..- left proaipiiT treoioc. Hoes. leave Naples la; bet iuy lo thl. rstt. II. IIACKFBLD Jt CO.. ltprrT a-- Jr- for the benefit of Piano Fend. day, fhe fire covered an area cxtendiag frora aatil the epidemic wanes. eaor-nio- u.l rirn.. ronUt.n-- ..r Frao triaaWart rru. wt Lrko. Srw ( o'caoek port&. the The teaTy The Cases scotch Uatsuenl, lib. 1 N X- at yesterday far viadvard Both Scraatos avenae asd Bee RAilroad perceatage of "-- i.ns Avrrim.C .MiiW. c a EMnapr - y ram of that day. asd bad state of the roads in the Line track deaths among the railway em. II. tTOLTKRS. Xattrr - ravrK.2. w 7arMr. naaiiia aeiaSlriiFidTlioii.andaeAallproc-abl- coaseqaence week, os the east and west and from the river to ployes forced tbe compaaies lo reduce 100 of Young- Cows Cases Pearl Jfcirfej, ,1b. nMrtft.0 hear of to Maalaea. of the raia of the kept bmst Girard the number Head ties Fran m AlnMCta. MM thctr aaiisspcwJ rsas from was weU filled street north aad soath. Aboat ten acres lam-b- er of trains. One hundred and fifty cases al- FrMiK.rr tiXn t aneodinr.. the hosse and of have Executrix's Notice. or IXrORTKD BKRKtrsl- Case Taama, 41b. tiss , M'WIUfUI.'tHT.XBLt KfOj Hrt f coQfiderabte naumeT' tAkea. asd frame baiMiags were asame at one time ready occurred among railway hands at the bar- Y Xi Krttr. E Xrr X A mStrarf Nov that Otfaarn Triep aad CoL Laekea are aad sage of smoke, racks. An is rym: uxdkiisigxeo Oases 41b . dosds thickly stadded with omaibas ased to carry away the been daly iiavixo.,r 3 Bulls, SO Calves, baao, lies Xj Fvptcrvr Fmt Du Fr4rc Km - raiaaiiit vitk eood oSeaal rt sot bcraiag cinders, were blown by changing wind MAne bodies lie two X Execatni af Ue Eaiale Uazt.Trimrt ar4 wife. X PresentaUon to Colonel W-- F. Allen. a Sr" aabaried dAys. tbe late Josepti Mowell (Sararr. herrky Bonlea all I Caves bnh in jars. l fvhMn ii if. Xt rather hardhearted ob the part of the Goaera- - for miles, causing much exatemest, lest the sparks Dnnng the tweaty-foa- r honra ending S 2 Mules, Horse, VI Knina MX Ht. Xi- - I R X4 at this rfr,!f ."? their claleu Haly aalkeaticatad to Cases Greewl Cinnamoo, to leare (at ox cue rts oat in sfee coat;.' Oa the oceaxoa of Hon. W. F. Alien, the late wocld kindle fires m every direction and perhaps evening, there have beea SIS fresh eases and "W" Xr. DavM .Patliavloa wliiilfc a u moatba from date or tkv 50 Donkeys, - lay waste deaths by will be forevrr TvraL Xr- Iwkct RU. W X XcCkrMrr.lOMti CoHeetor of CBstoau. bidding adiea to the a large part of the city. The fire boraed cholera. The total aamber of deaths barred, and parties owing the " Cases Oroaed Allspice, Ijrmv, II Clart. Xr T LaaWrt. At on the oae itself oat in a sootherlj direction and then stop- to date touts ap 3X1). xr. ,IT?''-- t make ImmesHste paratent to the l Hp. Bcihr? nudcasht l$ts hut. of the breach of the Custom Hosse. the eTent happesias said llavld Cases OrotiBtl ir 4.t t. c J ped. The rams are smoking and smoldering vet 12. Tjinl tlaytou at hit office. 2.000 Tame Goats CIotcs, Lrt. B iUi. GUi. aater pares oa Kiac erne aeax Fort ftiwt. Catao. SerL General vitl . JANE r X X A m'.ua. Xr. Cm:. Jii.i - oe the of the DJth was engines are E. CruXKY. Cs. Gcnotne Xan. barswd aoa- a--s SBorstn; last, he presested and the throwing water on them. The ceed to Wady Haifa as sooa as troopsU Mustard, m. T(baR!.;iHat.l E XrJ LcrSr 4 and the allowed to coatiaae lasses aad Emitrtl E jute Jixepasj. tit rtrv. a;Awitoamv. Mtttaapt saoppare tfc. with a said beaded ease saifably and and insaraoce are as follows; as nearly as have passed the second lloaolala. Sept r.; Buildings. Pens. Tools. Etc. Cs. Cayenne JCa.f-fl.- aathoat Ilth. Furniture. rkilt.J C Xk XF at aatil of the : cataract. From lies Pepper, X Fa-f- ct aia can be learned Woods. Perry A Co. loss TSS.aix, thAt potat the expedition will li. MHu. JA..rtHrak. BTirr.l I I Kot wrih the foUoaiaz written proceed to DjogoU ment- - ran be immAr crmrrtwknt aiter-aoa- iassrasce J3A1.K0: O. X. Slag Jt Co. loss j&LOGQ, amnf t aa I ckMm. ue c The baad coaeert at Eaaaaa Saare oe the c by water, aad at Dongol i it will be decided what thf Lra. LitMl-- ADOBCsS: -- : i't iassrasce 0A"0 Totter, Birtlsall Jt Co. loss - HEMP, RAPE, AND Tar UVrhlr. sry C Ajklrj FF of the aXfa rait, ara? attended. The m root to rorsae ia the farther advance to Khar- tag" ftmttvT jp'ii. io ihr atHler- CANARY SEB, Xicn lse-l- . $5iJXQ; A FRENCH H Few. A WrtioaK pmaiaud (.Ltamntd coeapoatioas Hosolcu:. September aXh. ISOJ, insorasce lions Davidson loss toum, rhe Goverameat officials atb ia hopes CLARET, tnrti .EKlat.xrMll1. of To Hos. W. F. fSUXU Cotambns, Cincinnati, thAt G--. Eaiit. J Aaber. Lsatrar, Kapfarr. SaViTaB. Btaet M eas- Mirx. issarance f liat. the native tribes will become friendly bv the "71T. O . aTOInBJS, Cat aad tfar? offi- Uereaasd and IndiaaapolisllulwAy loss J231.U, Sorvinu-jkartn- tt " " ier. Jkmr Os the ocoasioa of sereriapyoar time the expedition reaches Dongola,so it will not IX HALF CASKS. of ittr Arm of lirt. I'racht at Vo m4 Pry's Cfsocolate, iasBraBce PrtM-k-t BORX. cial reKrJoas after so locc a period of fattaf nl Baknows. Other known kesea were be necessary for the expedition to procied beyond lUctnUkr of Katt ..f r.xk. Jn tiatj. PrjVQbeeatato Sfefcg fcr Gaptaic, Doacty aad otSsers of H. B. M. S. aad ardaoBS serrice ia the rositios of Collector' dijtribcted among halt a diss, and vUlamoast that potat. kahufca lUnch. Kan. Anc ift. .. mf Im dessert, Ib ki ciTy.l r K th of FJaBirl General of CastoaBS far ,the Hawaiian lalands. toSs additicaal J ltXCO). Hprt's Ceooa, 3ti ia, wlr "aaaa arare esteriaised bj Hi Majesty at 12. Parliament is convoked for HrrTigarian Tokay, Lra?. a vWazt'tr IoaaaiFaJaKerathctreaiasof The We. the ssderstsaed. ato haxe for raryinj; BarEts. Srpt. S. Bismarck hascommaaicated the 23td of October, for the boarreisAe Ceqealioa, liethiast. pears bees eeaployed serrice ander yoa, Kiag rSelgiam'theaallowing transadinn nf rtn. r.SVVO jIOORE. baad mas ta aueadaaoe aad dbcoamd cxceUeat ia to the of saggestioos eramntrimes3andthe'diseBssion of the fran- IX CASES. HubHt, JrlARRIXD. wosld htreby exprtss esr dep-- f e!t acprecUiioa in reference to the Congo: First The Powers of chise in .MD.fai! sritimr. Palmer's Milk ItucniU, cucruey kindness bill. Too Ministerialists intend to onrtail niitu.i:i.ii. of the saiforia aad that hAre Earopf are to follow the example of the United me ana expect OLD IsIOItT IIOUHH HTOTUU Hrmtlr it Paleser's AI i. ueoates, lo end the session KUXIX- T- AKTES-- Fort Tna-a- W. T, The Haaaaao Amy ii betai; aojsstlj earuiled. eaer chmracK-na- yocr reiaiionsasd iatercoorse Stales and recognize the new second a in four CHOICEST HBUCTIOX a B-- t. weeks. The Parnellrtes will move An inquiry into Of AxwnS3tk. Vaara kari. Ht-- - ky It It fe said that a toteaSeer has Ixaa with bs: asd we desire to asszrre yoa of the conference to be convened for the "O. R. Xr. KrM. Ocatlr, XwrtXT. K . tc Kait LatxjlS. corpf aat kih demarkation of the MaamtrAsna confessions and also demand tbe Ex Bisliop," FANCY CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS: to esroal orer 63 reeard attach ae eaurtaia for yocr Ability and the frontier : third the form of Government Spenrer. avcMr of X. f . tkh ttr. am for fear that the re;, for recall of Earl Tanl.r.inln,nSnr Tnl.K.i Maccaroons tiCracknells cnr. tf in -- - r4it ime-i- ' aroJd orertop the aaarbers of the tr fatthf alaess condecti&c the ardaoas daties the new States shall not be that of A repablic, And ear FOR SALE AT an I'mimr Optra t aranicl- 31arj fiHtm, SktrnrA bat Trevelyan, Chief ticcreUry of Ireland. . tH.dtJa 1 a. Asia .!- a. ., force. apos )osr positios. it shall be after the model of India and .m. lairn tIlf, VIlVtSWB afrilT Ifr, BBkaaalaBaB to oe.-- riea-ei- haixacazou, t Mich, i, Sept. 13. The day STOCK W(D BOND EXCHANGE. X'ttmlU it a of "aloha," be l to be the saxeraiatT Belgista A Belgian tamed I Mockesaie's Albert Oaseailn, Bsder of or oat one ant Btilliant 1 oaTrmalfon Ln?n-rr-- . M.nt . His Majesty, atteeded by Hoc A. S. Caeghora, receiTe the aecoapasyiac cift and the assaraace prince: fonrUi a standing commission analogous a bad for the attempt of to LotttTT-- lower F. A. opia-lT- - Hiar.BMlc, nfATOiatC a, a II ItrTast tl Mae's Wax Snxiea. Sept- - 1SS4. Cotoael Boyd and Major H. M. Xif obt best wishes for toot fatcre welfare. Danabe Commission, bis record, and resulted in temrorarr iajary Schaefer & Co.'s 4 Matthes. "Wdrdr. lUu PsrrW. reited to 9M is to sit in Earope, to the horse, necessitating rti os Meeday. fioyal saletes vare fired With aba&as frieadhip, we remain sincerely asa the local Governor-Genera- l of the Cangi is to the cancelling of his Fancy and Plain Mixed Candlos, Itrjnat A Mar'a Safety Matches, sacceeding engagements. He noar-- Al-- - Stocks: both by the Cowrarr aad the Japeaeae Baaaf- - years. be the chief eteeotive; fjth --there shall be afaso-tst- e made the first ir NIT- .H. Almond.. Braaila 31, 1 Sxx var. TJFaiarAa. Gso. . BoABDStAX, Arlm; Depaty Collector-Gecera- freedom from taxation of merchandise of in the half in 1H8. the three quarter in 1:11 PostDQnnrl Kilhrrl. Kt i. .tn. dam. Mum. and the mile in 2i.H'. J. I. Case is here in rerson to Son. OOib sthrtii e luitit. pif, IlriM. Day & Martin's Liquid Blacking. Ha&aakr. evtiy kind. And Kaka.1. Mxar C The rteaaijap BeB tCtrt, awll kaora at thu W. CKvart:ip.. Ut Sutistkal Clerk. orders the sabseqaent engagements off as a' Mortgaijeet B"otice of Foreclosme & of Sale- - Tho above Candles lIJl Ckkaoo, Sept. S. Caited States Senator John matter of horse t a ,,.. . Retailed at 5Ua per lb. 7k Flial C. mtU after a Wsctay tay is the harbor ox Sac GBO.MABASAX, Sad " prudence, the being ill. Pballas -' rri- tta, I - w Frta1i F. Miller of California arrived with his family last made heats 2:19', And .tv.utli.l.lLr. .V i.t. it mi rifrx sn taa e VunttMniU Fraacasco. fiaaBy Kft that port oa Jeiy ?&&, Cbas. K. 1st Entry " tio ia 2J9S'. X erof sale ecmtalBcl la a certainminort-rac- I . , . . . ; Smivur. evening from an extended trip East. Senator Mil- ftl.made b, II C. m aad after a roya&e thirty day?, the Kkbaxd N. Mossxax, Sad Estry Fatrs, Sent, 13. "attaplaU to Chat. lUshcm. dated "rt s.u XxVtr C of arrirri in immediately clo-- e A Cabinet council was held to- It tba athdar of ' VakiauaUo. L Q. TrwasBCXT. ler left here after tbe of tbe day iiu,, ., naeeaa. C D. FHEETK. w. YatBumala Mvar 4. . ... iwj .... harbor of Storekeeper. ia accordance with previous aaaouacments for Is '. i,i,vwu bolter Jos. K. MoasrxA, convention. Speaking of the present tbe discussion hereby given that aW raonraree iBIcatll lo FAMILY GROCERIES. truaa. r I'W .... Port SarreTor. political oMlooi the Senator said : have talked of the Chiness question. Prime said mortrarr. for eondltloc BaM - The AfiBericaa bark Tmrmer, arriTed at AATurw Aiaster. "I Minister Ferry distinctly broken, aad upon Ixl rkart a Jw aclxjs. tiaitwr with a great many gentlemen interested in the confirmed the report that eald foreelosnro will sell at paMIc aaetioa al the alV TVrJ"Kk acarCau. fMf K, heace Jaae Sxk. Joan Maxasax,! China had not declared war. Admiral Pejron, rooms of E. P. Adima In : fc:Ks& AEsi Ihere comisg eteetioB, that is, men who are hot- llrmolala. oa MOSDAY tin (katalaMcar ca w ...... tseaii... - sot Minister of Marine, read despatches lh dayof SErTEMllEB.IWI. ) as fa v.i tanc uu i. V! weir iss m- - headed the sabject of politics or ringleaders from Admiral at Mm. of aaid a.,, Waitaa afar Ca. . uiu .i ob in tbe premise, desciibed In aaM motlra-- e Freeth & ra XiB atas bark (Varfaar aad Aaterieaa bark J f0"10- any political faction. Ia regard to New York Coarbet,whics statedthat be would resame opera- i betotr ui Peacock Fce 3" HoaoietE- JosxCaowsrA, the tions as soon a be received Ktlavm afar Ca ' '!.;..;'";; both sp for - BepablicAns feel assored of the soccess of their reinforcements and a A Horary at Law, S fresh supply of provisions. RUra rrarCa CoL Allec was atrreeablj sorpricd at this ticket. Ia IndrAsa I jadgs that there will be a irw aack Ca o smt Fort St. Oksrei: irell atteaded both at more-ia- c Foochow, ...-.- Xlyare No. 23 Nuuanu Street, ' o a ws and tancibl tokea o! the will asd hard right- - Macs hinges on Obw ia October.'' Sept. Ii The French fleet has left -- s. i "' itrtiiMwia tsaiaete. aimI 1T !i sod const.! of atnclnfSr-ltUacr- of Lit - ititl ; ferrjces oc Pastor will Matson, where it has beea lying for some days IneKatomad. contain- I'BMBlXiHO " sd eremc the Hit isst. esteem "How aboat the Paase sloper "We carry past. -- M of the Gestoses o&cials And after a tittle - rsr, S luitu in Bst CiiiofiUTiiri CrasAB'? thesae is the zaoraccZ 7as CharactU-- California bv majority at least. Xerada and The lieutenant of the British man-o- f " itojat idlest lo HONOLULU, delay fosnd words to express bis fee!in$, as fol. W.O war Zrigr kalaaao. H. I. of a Great lore" aad is the eresias "Tte Oregon will sorely co llrpoulicin." Senator Mil- who was wonnded when the Chinese fired oa that mi lafclLlwidMnnl ur Xia Ca A""l."i.'"." warahip of tie Goadec Calf."' lows: TEXXA7I.T. ler starts far bom y. Tessel a few days ago, is ia a dying M Xaaa FUataoaa Ca. str condition. Postponed to Sept. 29th. Vaaaaaa frarar Ca GtmiUmta. I thank job Ty msefa for yocr Paats, Sept. 9. It is officially stated that war The Kinpai fort fired oa a telegraoh Mortgagees HdTice of Poreclosuie & of Sale. FOR THE COMPLEXION I t& FaaAAaacarCa S S The coilecttoc takes op at KiaraaWpili chart rery baadsome preseat, aad for the Tery kind and wiUsfaortly bedcclaredagaisstChinA. Thescheme laaach. - Wine Spiirit T- Hm laaiw Hj ::::f ACCOItUAKCE l'OW-- O. ajfu Ca... IhM Scaday ia aad of the btrikfe; fzad,EetSd the aarteable expressless coataiaed is the letter sicned of occupying Formosa has teen abandoned, and a Prime Minister Ferry, yesterday after A confer- WITH A LaaBiaBwfcui1 - by er of sale conUIned in a certain made b rPHIS EfaKClANT PKKl Vn.VTIOX Marar Ca... n?! ?sea of (CtS.B3. Work is ratra- proreffasc ob the yoa all. fresh expedition of a more important nature than ence with the Secretaries tele- n..Kionlat-.llex.J.Cartarrirb- mottieee .L XiB vn" of War and Marine, Tra.Iee Holt Mi. Hlbo Jliwr I'KKtK' T BKM TIKIEIt KNOWN. Huaalaa la. b.B of the edice, aad ere the baSdisc 1 assert tog. I raost fattr accrectAte sach a ones has already been prepared. graphed to Admiral It jti.l l' I.- ii- - WaffAapc KararCa Unit tec the pravioas The ContbeL to resame oneratioas fate, dated the 31b tlay of April. IMS, recorded ia llkrr i. rrr Izlttrnl id ppllrall.m i orteratioas tHI be at as esd. letter, eomuu; front my corps, who haTe Cfaiaese wish to bar the ectrance to the Waagpoo at once. Courbet, TA, and w indt rful hi 1. whil- 1..- io- - I anaatU oSoa on receipt of Ferry's "dispatch, parelW. Notice la hereby given thai aaid rutin. SbbbS HtawacrrOa mort l I HaoaaaOaxar knows roe so ialicaateiy, aad no doabt at times Hirer at Shanghai. The Consals oi tbe difierent left Matsoa with his whole Beet and suited aorta. raree Intends to foreclose laid awrtxaee. far eondllloa Ian In ilrfrt ii. !. ff Gonoral C. - broken, and npon 11 IMlUNtN Ihrmi-- t rataWialiWaaCa The latest ressatios that has "iaa- thoacfat meseTere. powers earnestly protesr against this action. ScAXTif. Sept. 13. A fight occurred said forer.kxare will sell atnahlic 1e AHow-- to yoa all, assare near here aaetioa at tbe of E. V. Adams in Bar tuK MALE Ut Oakland, cesaeV is that of Mr. J. S. Sraitkieg, who or ne acaia thask aad to Frftn declares if China issaes letters ot marque between of Osman Digma's rebel Honolulu. t.l C0IY1IYSISS10N roc that this Terr baadsome cift shall alwass be will all who may be force and V .0,N,,Ai . tbe h day of etemorr. 1H, at IS m. MERCHANTS RaJiroai Stocks: soaae years past has filled the pontioB of clerk is the French ban; captared as 11XD friendly Arabs under I'M r HOLLISTER 4 Co. cherished, and caarded amoaz ray Talatd treas- - Mabaud. Tho latter prrml'M drlUed In ratal naartzaaw aa it Haaaiaaa E Ca JL the Laad office: the act of deeajatatioB sill be pirAtes. lost his son and fourteen followers. It is feared bete S y FartherMid KakaM KatlraaaCa. J ooasiTBimaira csi tsc xsa. Losses. Sept- - 9. Advices from WArsaw stale that the friendly tribes will be driven to cast their nartltaUrs eanbehadaf IV. H. Cartlr. XOTIIK. Offer for Sale at the 3J sbht w With expressions of my fall Aatisf action of the of Xihilists is of daily occurrence. fortune with the Tery which yoa that the arret rebals unless the Government ALEX. Telepkome Stock : Report, oc flood authority, says that Mtss Faas carefal and attestiTe raaaaer ia Six persons were arrested Saaday morning. Tbe quickly comes to their assistance. i. CAlmVHIBIlT, Traatea. Koloa Sugar Company, all haTe filled yocr rarioas positioas, aad ray best lrrmlMS In be Mild areallaated In 'Valai.1. Oaba Incorporated. Wisner Miss F. na Ha 4- is shortly to be expected cere. wishes yocr Loxdom, Sspt, IX An American 'frigate, name ipueoasl-to- t Lotl-O- aadttMed hair Ib ICtvltal "Kick up BViiTcaahCa... .. - - ::::.::: Watte? probabtjr cccepr piace Fort for health asd f ntsre prosperity, asd persons from approaching withia 3 paces of the abont acres iateteat Paid Lowest Market Rates Mariaaeaw, aill a is Street with the asssrasce that it pres tse raach pleasare anknown, went asboreUst evening on the I. of Und In Kalaaoioae. vartol wblak la (Juai... - School, abeie kex sisters Mrs. Htodrr aad Miss Czir. The soldiers aad gendarmes were ordered Kalo and part Kala Und. of lioyal S3M THE Kaaai Taaaoaaavr Ca m a r. Hocks daring a fog. Afterward she was I'att Paleat ANXt'AI. MKirn'(J OF ci":::- to be able to hily recoraraead too all to my fire At any one who crossed tbe AT Mtoak aoW'ri ef Ike KOLOA SCIIiAK CO. A laVrg" aIhI well e'trctral f 'h ti Hiaa A Hi.aaT Jt T Cav Waster are already as teachers. posi- - to Cur's roate as Coaled asd prccealsd without assistance, WalLiki. beias lae Htck ") actir as tally eorapeteat for yoar diSerrat Kalo land. Royal Patent IfBi. 17 acres in beU at Honolala. sVnt atb. It)l. tbe followlai aaaaed I he entered Warsaw. Katema. t aad moat Pavo-H- - Urarnl- - f iaoos. Sept. 13. In bona. Hawaii. Ioyal Patent Has to 4 oakers were eletled for one tear and antll their .as kUacellaaeoaLt Keaac the aerdertr. txrx is Oahs Jail aad Sept- A Iksuxatous, In the Kabikina. Stock Cino, - 9 great crowd of Europeans and In Kona, Hawaii. 1 ceeanrs shall ae elected- I remaiB. years with mech pleasare. District Court a motion to rale the plaia-ti- ff 'acres panel of Itotal Paleat to arbose lease of life had shorScoed sen-te- e welcomed Geaeral Wotselev. The Kaalklna. Haaraaala IraaWiA Co... a j bece br a W. F. Ames. natives General to Answer interrogatories ia the lllaine-se(i- IQrslt W B Aatoo Cropp ...... PieaWaat declares yet perfected no plan opera-- - I Krraar A Ca aacatile.. of "tobebass os the Hit of October." be has as of libel suit came ap before Judge Woods. The Adolf Uaeekere- Vler Pr.laWat Ales. taar4faaar( ' has bee the ooaaasted UOSS, uays M Cook, ".Co....: VI repneTed aad aeateace Oahn College and Pnnahon Preparatory atataui ixaiouc a ut B looa Judge stated in advance of the argument in- Postponed to Sept. 29th...... anile tali Xaad Ca consider sitaation before that - HWsvkmhH corA rack. W kr the je ib Prity Cucacil to usprisocaaest for SchooL aboat aad the deSailely terrogatories had long bees prohibited in the Mortgagee's .Notice or Foretlosnre A- of Sale. tOlUlltN,. cUaate. Ml. deddiagapon his coarse of action. United BrAaaan Aaallor Beers. WitaVsaeawhiaCo... W practice of the States Circuit Coart, aad ACCOIJIJAXt'E 1VITJI A I'O'V-- - Tbe increased BBmber of stadeats at Oaha Col- Daring thander-stor- m while AllofakeaiaceeBtrdaaVce. CHAs. H. COOKB, Wiaiaala IceWarU B4.i ".ZZZ Taro padjcic oaacers made a raid ob the eaasiai: Bcttxlo, Sept. Id a Umble that personally be should like to see the rale Sr?'iU,ie?'n.Vl?.ed In certain mortrar. Secretary lege evening, a K.W)-barre- aualekr of Iba Kolaa Saane Co. tTndlaaaalaarrAM'Ai.o kW of the iast. Mtaa'" aad Pasahos Preparatory School has necessi- at Oleaa this l tank changed, be would not take the liberty to set it !' ;i!wl lX. seoit. dated the II day of Octo- Iloaoiolo. Hats lib, was. tSs, h Porters, Jvaaniaa aaack va.. .. tJ Irth epjBa cure tapraeresi of oil, belonging to the National Transit Company, aside at this time. However, with prelimi- ber, lS8t retordnl in liber 71 Baie tst. Notice la ' in a baaaata; at the corser of Masaakea asd King tated some ehasces aad additioas ia the corps of if this by kerr was stracK cry iigauang ami is oarntng aerceiy. nary statement the attorneys desired argue riven that said raortgire Inlenda to forecloae aaid HA-WAIIA- streets, aad ahsoccji tkey teachers and the arranin:-es- : classes. So to the mortgage, for BoatU. icceedd tscartsrio; of the The other tanks are sot endangered. question, be would listen to them. Senator Harris condition broken, and noon aai Wines, the paraBfaersalia of the bo arrests orach work deToired t,"oHc anclion al the Hlesrooau cs. vtn. etas epos President Merrill i 10. stated that tbe interrogatories woald be Answered, w".' ef hUvalu? GcraasarjET' Toixao, lOblo, Sept. ExioTeraor Hen- h. P..I dams la lloololn.oa MONDAY, taa sik ilav ot sader the old arraaSveat, that in order to do dricks addressed a large coccoorse at tbe but when Mr. Tcrpie asked when, he declined to len.iwi.atMni.or-aktl.,- . tk. d: Spirits, Baaxb , Tbn of the ahseet Altorsey Geaeral is Me- answer. The argument then proceeded, eenbed la aaid aa below tawcrat retars jastice to alt the'departaesis bis saper-rtsio- StAte Fair groands on "Agriealtare aad the aad at its nvrta .Becitert - - - sader conclusion Judge Woods Iqrlberparllcula:. can be of IV. Book dowB partiralar chanic Arts." erenisg be addressed a declined to rule on the aat It Cart la. Phrase aat set for asy date, esrecially as the TrasUes thoaaht it best to reliere him la tie M. Adrices meeting where there were three thon-- motion-- The action of the Judge leaves it optional M. SCOTT. Mortaaae. Iaiquencrs. - - tree fat Gor.Tax arirate from Sab Fraseasco stAte that the of some bardess. aad hare asked Mrs. Merritt to Deraocratie I'remiiea to he so! ara altaaiad In tValkikl. aad Gee-er- coarse ot tus speech, Hen- with Blaine's counsel to answer the interrogato- " Uaaaara SaaaV.. face of Hob. 1'aal yeaBsaaa, late Attorsey take charre of foar classes daring the present Tear. stsd present, in the of an acta of very Ana Kalo laad well THE I'MKIIMi.weii lltiE Jlsr IHStl'SU THE 7 - - of the Hawaiian Isla&ds, was tsraed towards Miss Spooae: takes dasees dricks said: "Democrats declared ia their plat- ries. watered and callirited. belag tbe same Hi.iArrICa e the ia Eshsa Litera. ia MPTH liBM-L- U TUB Etc., Sic. ti Mexico. tare aad Latia. her special department in her form at Chisago that revenue mast be reduced to VicroEiA I B. C.). Sept. 13. The sculling match goyil Paint Ita to Knmabea. lien tl Kllirinv if former positioB is Moaat Holyoke Semiaary. Mr. the requirements of t&e Government, economically between Paine aad CoUford, for 200 a Yesterday Miss escape fellow-citize- H. HCXESfCaSEISEil. Sclj. Trccioaa had a narrow SanfardcoBtisses, as before, his work in mathe- administered. What do yoa say to that, my side, was won by Paine io a) miauies. 23 seconds. BTHTTOF cfa OO., ALL GOODS GUARANTEED from series iajcry, her carriace hATis come ia matics, eia&sics. aadvLisorr. Last week there ? Are yoa Democrat ? Are yoa Granger or Tbe length of the coarse, with "a 20 yards start, Hawaiian Phrase Book TheTaakaba. eoBtact with aa express, oa Beretania street. Miss were M will Independent J Whatever may be yoar party rela- was three miles. . BANKERS. e-- Order aa in aUesdasce, asd this aamber sooa "HO.tOI.lLL-- II.VtVAlIAS 1 5 I.A.N Filleil PreaatlT was some GO. proposition US Treaieaa thrown oet, sastaBtiac serere be increased probably to At the Pcaahoa Pre- tion, what do yoa sly to that of tbe Xrw Tom, Sept. 13. Bichard M. Hoe Whieb II ey now nflVr far sale at tb H. 1. Japanese Majesty's TVadwaa Capaam the was by Chicago CosTention be redoced of the DHAWliltXCnA5GE OX broses. carriage fBchUr deaorahied paratory Miss HaU, as Principal, has special that revenae shall Hoe Printing Press Manufacturing firm, died At ecoaomically ad- rBLHFHOXK I l- n Aridji arrrredoC the port here aboat thecolbsaos. charseof tbe apper crades, with opportaaity also to the needs of the Gorcmrceat, his residence ia Tarrjtown aged 73 years. IHESH'OFCIUFOMII. : : : : JI1 f MUCISCO. IS. H'X lee. SS other dassreoras, so ministered? If yoa do sot like that, don't rote TBXIS Gazette Slock, 25 Merchant St tnlaa os the 1W: isst, days Iroca Coiairaba Chju. Ks) toTiotthe aad make the Xew Yoax, Sept. 13. The Com aD autATS IS ia, a nalire wobks, aad afeoted with leprosy whole infraction of the school and with the Deraocracr. for. when the Democracr Chamber of -- aad dropped anchor the aaorB-in-c l ranttrial merce Icav York, ia harbor the next is allowed the freedom aoarters this city ayatematic.all wortdag in htrraoay coses into power I endertake to say that the ma- - yestemay received a cablegram from the The is a wooden steam of of is towards the Loadon Chamber of Commerce asking aso Boalop, lostim J. M. OAT, & Co. Til resei where do coBsrecrAte. The ideal of a thoroBctiy craded aad procreasire chinerr will be tarnea lor a wane nacxwarti. uki it to its Jr. WC tons barthen aad has encineaof XU horse : inflaence with the Uaited Slates Goverameat to 1'arls. each rarrxl I say ? No, forward ia favor of reform, reducing M .rower. easbt aathotkiea are aware of this fact, bat so attempt of accordia: to the raost prevent the Chinese from blocking Shanghai MESSRS. a.BaiHj:H:LOIIuSS.::LI)00' Herarmaaxotcoasisusf broaassae Btade wemea methods. pcpHs were taxation to the wants of the Gavernniest, rconom-icaU- T and WHITE iKrerp) can, and Z howitzers, aad crew has bees la restrict the cafertaaete Ill coasted last other rivers. Secretary Wilson FI.V5KrOKTOX-THE-MAI- ewriea a week, aad 133 will probaMr be in attendance At administered. What are yoa going to collect of the Xew Yort uf33soals,ailtoid. This is the third appearaace taherTccation. Chamber of Commerce said the meetim rvmM n Tbe Commercial EaaklagCo. the dose of this aeek. ilisi 3lArr Wilder hAS any more for? A voice ' Stealing."j Yrby should af Sydney. IsiaaW. aXIaailVsC . TIME! of the Tnt--la ia Hoaoiets harbor hare pre- - be immediately called, s beasc Oae of the pecaliarilKS ooesected with some of heec engaged as aa additiosal assistAat teacher. we hate the extraordinary taxatioo of twenty Tears most of the officers being The Commercial Basting Co. al isrdaay. gvamey. , roit Ktj ut acm9 uu ajaia aa coe Wttt reaaaBt ago we have passed away from tbe condition awaj, The Bank ef Xew Aboal a rccelh import hereta. pexceed the seaabers oa tamps of express wasons is that Miss Carter coctinaes in charce of the room aext after Xirxss, 1L midnight Zealand. Asxklaaat, and Ita aad thes to aaa to the Principal's, and Miss Lewis of war Sent. From Fridar till Branches OFFICE TIME Jaros. FeAcnriscisAlistof oSeersof the haTe been foasd is sercral inrfaaiw to has char of V Sunday been la Chrbtthareh. Dssedta aast tValllagrtoa. TSUI rheTesset: Primary Department. The school A afternoon there have 1,23 cholera aaree with the aamber oa the carriage. This is the twattain CnecnrsiTl. Sept. 10. street parade on a grand n The Bank of British Cojambia. iSartaand. IT CarAais A. Aridjn. cuts and (27 deaths at Naples. Since the bet-i- Orraoa. sarely somebody bssiness, to rectify, may be the its drserred popclarity with both pAreats aad scale hAS arranged for the night ot September lslaad-1- . 4r TO A. been ning of tbe outbreak there have been The Aaore and Madeira QUANTITIES SUIT or TUB Coransaader Aral. Minister lateriig? papils. and sader Miss HalTa skilled soperrision BothBtaiae Logan will 3JJ7 deaths. of lith. and be here that snows twenty-fou-r Stcckbolm, Sweden. Ordaaace Iarci S. Ariaaa. and persosal a garality, as well as tact teaching, will parade. to be loniays raiietta iqtne last is sight and witness the There is boars at Bargamas 2a fresh cases 13 IUofc First lieat K. Drecara. Tao thirds of MerchABt street frora Bethei to wfll doabtiets faHy meet the highest expectations a conference here at that time. aad deaths, The Chartered of London, Aaitratta aad China, laecteoarts S. Ida. T. Matssaiara, S-- Makaw. at Cazerta S cases Aad 3 deaths, at Canes 13 tsues Y'okohama. Nssasa strecU is tAkea ap by an aaaccessary of all interested in secariag the adrantages of 10. Hon.kon:. Japan. "v vc Pasts, September Direct and 3 deaths, Genoa 13 cases 32 rAaced (risuaaedncatiania its tallest scope aad most at and deaths, Aadtraniaclal'eaeralBaaklngBBa.aaaf. aat LEWERS COOXE. Inter-Islan- eestractioa there by the Gsrersmeat; fat maintained between Paris aad Toaqaia. JpeziA 23 eases 1G vari- ly J s6 d Xaricatinr; Lieat H. Takasai. wi&some essor Bab-co- is at aad deaths. At Steamers, 1 v- - : . teas space taan teat lAAen is sacessary lor ine form for the children. Prof re- rLi',uM 0 l.rfMUUK.MVMC Ajaca.)1 l--i i o.c .as,ai, Vj.aapa-.i - takes' Mrs. Hartford's place temporarily The official jwraals are silent this morning ous other parts of the country frora 1 to 3 death! XOTICE. work ra baad. Bet whose besisess is rt? Ofor garding the reported intesticn of the Government haTe occurred. as accadeat to a Minister! is raaaical iasractioa. Professor Fomeanx has against Admiral Pehria, K BUBBEK I. IN IM. TIIKIB TIVIA or VEHIYtL Scrceoo K.Ocisawa. betraa his class ia drAwiag, and Professor Marqaes to declare war China. Pasts, Sept. II. Tse rumors that France has OTl'AIIJ llirr.S Asst-Scrc- Minuter of Marine Affairs, And several powerful ALU of J. W.K0BEHT80X Jt CO. katw Ibia C Aoki - now Coxst offered tbe Island of Corea to Japan as com be-- n The ttm1r'j has not shipped as bust l'orto- has retaraed from the to resame his orgaas, ngorocs campaign. Fifty thou- day placed br the Axlgaett lata Ik haatta of J. Chief Ensmeer T. Tosiada. classes French and Genaaa. insist on a for htr assistance sboald war be opealy de- WTILIMSCJ roreolkKllon. who Wo want under- At all Forts of the Islands caeaeaA was expected, traio; to some d&Scatty ia sand troops are ready for tbe East. kaa alas fall power to tho Public to Payiaaiter T. Kawakana. clared, are Assamiag such a shape that many of take LEOAL I'KOCEEMM.S for Iks-- KECOVEtiT of CORRECTED UOKTHZ.T. Asst. Payraastcr S. Kitaola. wnh the Port Captain At Madeira. An excharge Henry M. Stanley wul certainly not rttarn to the French journals SAKE. C. BOLTE. . stand that tho l states that Mesara. Hodaen; Co. chartered The Padsc; TkLare Alande In CaUforala. assert that they here some Aaat. PaTBAStex E. Takeaoachi. A hare the Coago-llive- r ooaatry this tear, Anil will not go focndAtion in train ; bat this is extremely improb- WILLIAM It. AUSTIX. T. Iwosaki, raes.s. to proceed to rtoaeiaia ri We are iadehted to iis H. J. Agaew now, ia next year, saless some complicatioo in the affairs able, as it is known that Bassia has already noti- m7a Aiairnoes. Union Feed Company, Price: $2.50 per Annum. H. Sakamoto, Y. Takaboshi. reck ap the immurraata left behiBd. Association fied Oahlomia, for the foUowtag accocat of the of the International African renders the French Government that site objects to EXCHANGE ON CHINA ! Ii Kadj and WIIIluj to all the Asat. Enaineere T. Yanumeto. S. Aikawc his presence necessary. any interference with existing alliances is Chinese QOVi Midsbipcoea IL Yisairo.E.Kisfej.T.NaVacana, Satariay the 33th iast. was the Jewish boHday acheiTeiaeats which his celebrated mare Maade re- OOPXCS! The Czaroviich has gone to Grasitza to meet the waters, sad thAt as attempt to parcel oat territory THE UX1JEIWIOXKII AKE 1'J.I-- X HAY, OATS, BARLEY, BRAN, S. Hiradi, K. or "Xew Year," beta: the first cently made that State, placrag her the as a will tol- PAUED TO DKAW OX THE ta.. ta Ikasika. ia la front Emperor of Aastria. Priace Wittgenstein will reward for armed assistance sot be -- cay ot tse .siiMO. year ct tne Jewisa era. ua tne pacers. who Empbrorof Germany on erated. IT HAY .BED J.M.0AT.JB.&C0. BTerlraB Trade. 3Xh iast. the Tom Kifpor'' or "Day raakof Oarreadsrs take aaiaterest meet the the frostier. Chartered Basic of India, AnatralLa and wcecar The conference between their Majesties and the Xanax, Sept. 11. A great throng of people d a. on oate Dasines in fast horses, will be gUd to hear of MAads's ChlBB, jrtonckona; Statlonera at Kewrx Dewlai-- TbefoHowia; rarad growth of oi Atoeement," waiea latter ue Czar will take place on Monday. the departure of King Humbert from the AT THE LOWEST RATES. table ahowslbe places of all rarmbers of the faith will be dosed. sacceason the Coast. city. The scene was very pathetic, King ISHOP CO. - The Aa we want la make room for a Large trade between Caitrd States and Mexico dar- expected of Al- s, the SxcsAXrarro, Sept. It is sot that the Infant Daka personally rtceiTed of petitions. o DSTia-Varialliaaaj- Ciu. lah, Isel. hundreds The .NOTICE J Stock tke w. ta; the past ten years: A rery aacalled for slar cpoa the clerks of this EDrros Gizrrzx---Thiakia- g yoa might like to bany will surrtvelbe winter. captain of An Italian bark, wh;ch arrived at the ftaTAII wrdr-- Ooo-- raaaa- some Qaebec es pr 'mpily aUoiide4t. J dIlTer Tear - laararta beat fiarartata city was passed by tie Pm. As a mat hare sews ia the borso line frora aa asiiiial IsstAXAFous, Sept, 9. Ia the ItbiDe-JStW- quarantine grounds yesterday from rPIIIrj Jri TO UEIITH'YTIIAT .VJI. Jm StUrif yoa a XMrtHlWASbastkla, lay retired " e I". . ter of fact the clerks here are a raaalylotof mea. wellknowa to all. Iwoaldsay that my bay fibe sail the defeecs to day fearved cotineon pUto-tiS- with a clean Lillof health, Sly that the from the Arm of tw 2r Telephone No !75."yFm tAMVXI hATe Ex- " who yoar city iimrt-j- t. Hcteuwan Jt Co . Sagar rlanlrra at Visiting San Francises !S:::::::::..: Socae prored their cocrare ia the field. raare Maade." oft on the attorneys that they woold begin to depo-aiio- cholera at MarseiUss is mad) worts than is made llaria. Kootssuako. i.;:.:1! AjrUM take Oaha. and la ns longer liable for Ike debt! liaWlt-tle- a perience coca to show tkAl July ISta. was eatered ia all the paring in.-.- deposi-tkins- public, asd xtx they Are coarteoas aad races ia Keatccky as tbe tii L The of tba same. RAMSAY &. LANE, CAX ID THK to ladies. 'The TVtva was decidedly throsshoat the circsit, and scored a victory faUowiag-aame- ta- PoxTAAS0,Sept.ll. The contest this afternoon polite "oS its at the d witnesses will be Will (Signed) McUOWAS Jt CO 1CTix . Oaklaad, Sept. tth, for a parse of $300, winning in ken at HilUrstrurc: John Miller. Daniel A. Smith between the muiury ccarpAnies, for the champion . three straight heals, And ship of tbe State and Captain Schneider's cold GonorolAJIOGrooors Hawaiian Papers on "SUt IK. i.rKja Soae old are so rarraloas tint they and tiaei2TK.2S?fJl, aad wife, JosepA W. Miller. It. A. Miller, Va. M. NOTICE ! rjajoj Tosea yesterday at this place: for a parse of AliOO scored Miller, Mrs. Sue SanduAy and Johnson. At medal, resulted ta tbe saceeas of the light Bat- ISJ La i E.T. th iimci or thz comfort cuaieiaiag with theciselTes when no another to her credit, winning fniitf, , Paris the following will be takea : Samuel F. tery, with A score of Sot, the Emmet Gaard scoring IIEIXniCJI REXJES at tksi. Some afflicted 323, 307. high- MIt. to sign ear name by proearallott.lb Provision Dealers, l.3L9 oaeelaeis aifh. editors are so The horsemen ia this country all agree that Jaraes aad Dr. Wra. Kiaaey; at Georzetowu, Mrs. and the East Portland Gaard The am s a tn. ttrrjs withranvfaessrricVWi that they write letters to she is the wonder of the Paciae Coast, and when est possible score was 00. T. A. SCIIAEVEU Jt CO. Xo.eTIIOTr.L.vT, I llo.10LVI.ri. Mary E. Braiae, John T. Smarr, Webb Boss and Honolala, September Itt, lam. 1CJ Fe ; yoa LoBx-ow- , S. On Saaday last, Maraaal Parke attained thesuetfea wbea there is a paacity of other take into consideratioa that she has raised a O. W. West at Eoiinecce, H. Todd Bailerion. Sept. 1L The unpopular Grand Dale Goods Delivered to Customer's Resi- Merchant bis The JaVrrr imr his of late fallen iato the colt this year, and has had only a few weeks train-ifi- GSrd birthday is yet bale of Hesse hATing beea iaviied over to spend Six aad and heartr and bads latter habit. the is indeed a woader. Knowing that many PHTMBrTrgn. Sept. a The Ptilulelptiins are wueka revival Kngliih KNOWLE8' liences, Free Of fisir?e. avraper. Pens: Ink. Directories and laforataHam oa fair for qtile a rramber of years to come. at Balmoral, there u a of Mr of jocr readers woaU like to hear from a mystified bj the working cf the sew Sunday law. disgust with royal scandals. Madame Kalnrniae's STEAM AND ViCUDM PDMP8 "oat ttecelred ex llt: artlTal.. a fre--h line of UvL Parka baa been Maraaal of theee islands for aboat Mr. E. C Ftscboarat, ato has lately ensagsd abroad, iadacea me togiTeyoa theabore. The 77w sara: Only two or tbrtJi Sandayr ago, C. B. BTJraaAJIlx, and that time fa t detenoinatioa lo fight berctss ia the courts is Seeds & doner nrred ia bastcMa in the ofase formerly occapied by Oa tbe iTth, she paces At Stockton, and on Oct, 2, with oae saloon opaa. 53 peraons were arrested final. She has refused all bribes and has retaraed Garden Fresh Groceries. IMltorotProwrlartaar ratier foar roaaArchA, a record which few sun T. by San Jose-- Her " Boswell IE UXBEllSIGrai jrAE JUST in Major C. Galick, has been appoiaiad the at colt. Jr.," is at present for draakesaeas. Oae week ago, with twelve tbe first installment of bar allowance. She has re- TIreceired per Amy Tomer, from Boston, a fall 1ST AUOnDtXS FIUEO WITH PBOBPTnUJ. --33 in anr coaatry caa boast of. Minister to take of the debark-alic- a ia of Mr. Opfugelt. aad uli were cf Ialenor csarre rharrr Ptil if the colt ia f blast, 33 arrests made, showing tained the best lawyer in Baden, and the case will lbeaeelebialed Pampf. which Are ffBaran-tee- d vn- - isLAWp oBDzan tr Four-Roome- and distribatiog of the expected Portaaaese was here woald coatmaad a big figare. I refased a decline at a wonderf aHy rapid San-da- y, b.-g- Eng- to be cheap-ra- notn itsd d These old people whose bknd baa becocse rate Last be October 10th. KeveIaliojs showing tatter than any other style ot Cottage Wawtof, thin ia:miTintt. Mr. Fisboarse xaay possess the abil- for Maade. oa Sept-it-s, the cam of (2f00, after with tea saloons At work, 105 persons foasd lish royal interference are expeeled. They prom- pant? Imported. We call the attention of Blasters air. EDWARD FRESTOJa, cad stepr feeble are praisixcT Hop BUtera for y TTjUait the ity bu be certainly lacks the experience, aad at hexTictory atlmlaad, Aai she It worth themselves seat lo the lockup. It this ratio ct ise to be especially unpalatable to the English ecnltilrtotheYacanmPinp, walch Is less comnll Attorney Cotmaelltrr CfriTniNTEX MIKinrxir s Cooa tbej hare doae them. Seeadrertiscrsect. tated and taorairrrlcaWe oaerpanp.. and at Law, fiTrarTriew .! he is sot an Hawasas (abject, bis aryofntrrt-T- t to nearly doable liat aasoast, opening sxlcoas sad decreAsiag dmnkeanesj caa people. thaa am toil to C. BttEI!IU CQ, ly 1 KaaiaaasaBir.ei. B"a4ila, VR i' TW kirns cm; r P 1 .

U 4.4dauV(ABV'