Phrase Book Thetaakaba

Phrase Book Thetaakaba

'la4Vr P "wBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBir"' BBanBBaBaaBBBaBnBBBBaBanaBBaBBBnnnanBBaBnanBBBBBBBBBaanBBBBaBaBBa COaSEKCIAL. ISLAND LOCALS Q k GctTTczxot lusxUca terra teerxnrilj is Oar IU1 Latter. et3y t kept apf few weeks lhiltklphU wDt . STCRETAKT rOLOETt, SEAS. tzrmT jaarei ara ynirn oa tinviuNS. - a xifcctcvwa ciry. Hettion Sales. AWtkfl StvU jc AHOCT TOarsr. Gstrrrr-H- ao for Parisstha Sketch. At Araer-teaa- n- 5V rturoLrxr. srrrrxsr s. is Earns chAas. KirstTLLT, Sep. 9. --The Lewis the Career eras. Esiinent aa Mr. W. M. GilArd,tbe SecrctATT the Hcao-IeI- c citireas ot maata Im Ike Mac lasiBJoa a aaflieA Toe lUar ca?3e receive bat Mtseearr ci last wprk, the weather baa chAaeed into a fairly Ooaatj havabtcnm CTeAtlyiocrnsed at the By LYONS Jt HVVKT. ltcei B ai Bx T. a. rtJt-Hrr laaaaasis TAcht aad forararded ABAMt, last nr remlret Is AlteeAieo Rut CllK froca.SAa wet, Ha.- rauL the daily fall hariac; rise h orer Toe fdlowiae notice has been posted (X. k FrABcisro prr --tftaaaaia A &ear sn. cured At Gcrrra T,i September TiMtaArnrlttltsiiittnW-esiBKrwraiirarreleBM- stoASr as tart, arerace. Tne rcoTerbtAllj nasty, the place whtra the Murraoa elders were recest. boat baflt by GnSa aad istraded to be the CJib roads lynnrdered. liSArun. The only peraons pre-ar- tijrt:iteh!in! Mod, reprweatauTe the Norrctbrr The Kvit hare sb 'w thrtr to the title ot Tflc. Mre-Hir- - w rein of oaSce ta TAcr. rtckt "Mormoas Leave! Members ot the Latter Dsy were t, his deceased Dr aUn. uiknlTrtKri k. eMerrr- retainr tela kb baaa. is hoped wife's sister. Regular Gash Si isba(j aadiiithacrTTof "derks" stash. dacribe theaa Howererthe Slints are notified to leave And thirty ca--e n m:r. faHr. this cooatrr. dyini-raa- tke CeariMBaat - rrresse ka aaaie record. Knapp and ot Ms law associates. The EXTENSIVE nrswKMmkFM fau a cwal con lo the uayi Ara girea too all to gn. An tndignAat and awafta ?- - Te ttuurr as nrswal traarier tl.rvoxh the district, rejoice twice te txckesre te 4ns JiaTjtj cBtraged people have sworn tt, and yt-- a aha!!. If trppd ot thrice and alt was owr ikrOieirral.Dam.wkk VrTnc C? n"?at fc Sj ateise tfce arek. Mr. L. B. Kerr, the vrS-kncv- n aad salsiaatial, art! bailt bridotA that sow span li pS co5tsaer ay of yoQAreftvndinthisroantrr after thirty cVcreUrjFolgtt'stwodAarrseriare in the Vdir On TCt.M4i t kter BKTchaat tanor. arrived hack this city co the entry streaea. days, wfll po. like the ( peaceably CREDIT Thursday, tail! flfr K 1V M mVr Fmcrao A km arv ta too ethers. it oadacks the elder ia very teebl health. SALE Sept. 2 "It e"!"5M'?rJ tf Sr itb 33d Bt per JAaaaeAr, aad brisct ariih brm a amased by MaAtme Cora per- JOB will, bat go yoo mast," Charle-- !.. HtTBfT-GS- l a a'aaWMii. aBTsaatpiesef HilBsbeea I J. Folger. bora la April. IM. al Nan ... or as, a at anaarer cJethcs fwcWkin: vhieh pcrrormira? The first instalment of thirty btasts for the Nile Mass, j. ., CSTaeAIAe be darscc his abroad. H ardt epea formances. HarpleasABt taaaaer cf taclet. was the deseradAn! of a Kae f dit r, aararAW Sjj5 -Id wlm tris expeditiixi has beea started. Oa hundred and tlnguisb-- d Englishmen. 12 vat . Tkafa.tanu javm acinl Is aavrtainw at has old peace of basjarss tGuxrrx baiMfaac) her Athaanas, qajae oapttTate the woaderinr. kaaa. When he wa yera f BDLQ r5 thirty more will follow io a few days. age hia parents rrroxrved to Genera, X. Y.. aad to & DRYGQODS !, oa JSWEUY aeaereas " OaRt mots o the jwu the 1st pnuisav ka. A fall hoase was hers an the ereaicc cf the mm AHDCLOTH! talerjM&e graduated TJre arrival, inumwW ak irr Jt 1Mb. la Philadelnhia tbe lWrinh. and tSS he frora HobAtt College, the fint JoVaj electrie cora panics were, oa notified la his clasa. Cbomlng the law aa his c-- TW caatnn art H. K. M. CWaaaaav The laat- is tsaasa; letters adrixatisa: the Ok the eeeaiac ot the 15th, the HUo t adiea care 9th. tWaK Coatana aad Ua-t- w H.wUi an wgwntvt vnmtK mnrrd tfMt -- penes he was duly Admitted to practice In Sv "r, San rar-n- - rags m i au taast oe rrrasrru cetore me 1st ot ISI. aad r . ,( - u, laaweirfiBwAtaBa ib l c ot Tifiaon: eg boari aa sjitaia. X dnbt a to tke rewa. The aa frttiral for the teneflt of the Puso JAsaary. yrus later, when his age was but SS, wa tn.lrftli- ( fMhr front m rtMcfcro- - Sagj. "stta-- AsjocsatMiB. TheaSairwaa weU attended, a be rfi;.. i jiiw.wrv--, t!twntWk. sanae r.C. J. cetsalarKe share of the " mthe bat by Gorcrnor Ttoatke Jatlge ot .tt n Fine Shirts, HandkereWef, Pal vw ike MnMWERilc e fcxoVts cream, Mabt property hare the Oatano thrt iMiwn fr Mr.a.Jvtr, isacxk: lax nKkc4efciffr shape for its eearcoyees. The " sojaU" scarcity of the it raanirtr. short before the bosses and cuosidaraUe Court of Common an ofSce which saoas hancty crowd was receipts beea destroyed by aa iaartditkwi at tiaanajay. Plea, be a, Iroan Tor M Freaei-e- B wu. a Bartaal tec ran All. D. C sjsaeaa the pcesest edtter : taorrorer be has attiatcd. raade the alter one year's servica to becoaie a Master WEDNESDAY. SEPT. Ble Aksataw ti no JWfj.. r tried it before, bat the Ooecaies H does not sveaeaaal less than they otherwie woold hare the centre ot the lartago tobaccu district ia Ccb. 21th narheatr is Aad Examiaer in ChAscery Coott that en s SAlW AsS. - ' -f V-- 'l ta However, pleasAaUy Clere-lAB- M 4 IV AtaJM-- far S8 SBCBSC tltS. I ta ' 'it rriaiTnl 1 m.'ani. in arct sa vaat aad they ciH it by arxthr aaaie. beea. the ereBias ptssed of BrscmixTox X. Y.V. Sept. tl abolUbed. In be was elected Ornate '' rrrnrlt m, . ?.rawjewajewiTaa;tklakii treaa - BotaithstaadiBt; the dearth ot cream. A ptettsias stopped here moratng while oa way aarr-X- - Ttwj- anbeaxaSfaaktitbad thl bis Jndge of Ontario coaaty,ll and "erred for a teem Qarte a Baaaber of Hoaotsla reopt pud the 'arleetioBoa the raaao. readered with exqatsits to Albany andheU apablic rrception. He was yectra. was NEW GROCERSEil we Teeaewt Xaa-e- t. aaTUaasBe. Willi fl A TUT ataalc. of four Ia ha etectaal by la K. ON A ! Himla eSoeot'theS.F. JeVraoai a Tiit Ulkr, a prirale BMeh by oae of the voaac ladies, enhascol the rtceiTed brail the city otneera. Tbe hotel was pablioua to the Statel.l Senate ot Xew York and LIBERAL CREDIT as lale-- namtratl drnw. r lluwii paeasare two-fol- were ijc AUk. tetaw ov al? letter from Mr. & K. BsckUsd sUtia: that the The receipts tomctaicc iamraed asd the streets crowded. was in 1S3, and thtrs ftlOTW. ts4 V Msri orer sitty dollars. lj3 semae V LIlruK . IIP nr wb eWifW ba. yer Xareafa. Tt$etar"s toak atreadT coctasis the naeaes of lxertxot. Sept, 10. The Fvcbow corresra'adeat for right successive years and acting the ,1vt,NKXT tt U4knkt f'v.A.aaiTtrTalRTaitkj- a AaewtaiadtBqrer the telephoae office, ratas-cer- 's Rrestr MTiAX ew 1 ort aavsccr n tI. Hpkv K. HalMead. w. O.SattJ. Hetisf. W. tdegrapha as follows : Admiral part ot lb time as PresUeat hm. ot tk HtTi naipiowt, nm as sl- - AV. apartmeats room the wtha 7ir ' "wf 'C aratrsraraA. W T M. Get aid. Foster. T. Foster, A. G. lMis J. and oeaeral storAre for Ctae-b- Is coaling He was Abu rr Cowtltn-tkwiA- fci i a at Matron. Tbe sappliea came a meraber of the l i Ban HHo , i aslia. rtnir. Hfe the BtAay Kafcu. NeaaaaaB aad cabers. As alaAa Ttlnibuui Oa, ts in roras of erection. Ue frata Hoagkcaig. ConTrntioa of 1S7 and Chairrean Gold & Plated Jewelry 3F,iorioJ.-tiai-e- n i lnMTlf iwrt Ik ear Laoay t rnaaekni lal she baaac iast below 1). H. Hitchcock. office near the of its etei iirtii V aaaits the rkKMlakutes there is Sin Frascisctt. Xrw 1ft. - Judiciary Committer, Whilo In the lo-aror-e wMK r ranrmt Balur iKk. tke nrac at St, AaaVn's Uatamtral oa the Cathonc Charch. Yoaa. Sept. The r. Augusta (T.MPIIIatMH II J. aaa s- - xna be was the nocompmmislng foo ot all nag and K. ,IVt luff wtumwi tiWSUSaBtt. Bis Majesty H all the arcessxrr prrpu. Tans stoaly is Vitio rrtvaiac, sreciab say : 1'etarns troav the tvick districu in r. ADkMB.AaK hi r Barret, as. it mil ? BBrwmHBA aarias the State corrtinae show nioaopolies. The Tweed tax levie for Xew York Wawaes, SHaaa. skawl naa. ii 1 ev- - &cv s UOo. Sept I Jim. ISM. Anotxv to most extrarrdiaAry Srataarta. TArrr tan ze Beware - Mr TktSajjcrri Ckartr btaavta VfaRtlae aboa atade to transport his butts crra-- to KAahi ItepablicaB gaias. dty. which were before the LegislaUre at that larerf riaa. laiHna. Ckaraaa. Van hMaf k.fcaitmli s. ranfkt fVP ni ISaineV friends, who attn- - Ckatna. harbor There they let -- avr,rf.ln,'-- tiaie, were rcaotatrly oppoaed by SeererarT IVeeer. See ixtro Awtt5onmts; rrnn UxrT ftDrr urf rttWj Tk rrtrr Oreaeg 'k taat BwMag amat tthirad o a oct" their richest batfl the rearill tAbt ,n.!ilai- an. l' t'aaia, riar kataaaa. Cn Piaa. fetal waats of aaet be there aaray from the' taSa lieetcniag from the Sertate p oial-rdb- y :'-- lu-CksET- eaaaaaainre for irrtooE. sred i'tAat.Th riarality for llobie will be more thaa is 1A. Enrttt c eaces ahich sarroaad the boaihoas. Aaether LATEST FOREIGN NEWS President Grant aa Assiatant Uaited f jw I'XTt.

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