2/21, 5pm, 27seconds: The FDA announced it will allow several drugs to serve as substitutes for drugs in short supply. The medication include Methotrexate which helps children fighting leukemia and Doxil used to treat ovarian cancer. The hews was welcomed by patients and doctors.

2/22, Sam, 41 seconds: The first sexting case in to result in criminal. charges happened just last year. Cody Onizuka, a teachers aide from Niu Valley Middle School reportedly called and texted a student at the school repeatedly. Prosecutors say he eventually convinced the girl to take cell phone photos of herself naked and send them to him.

2/22, 6am, 32seconds: Fire safety officials will return to the Ala Moana Ho~ellater today, following an overnight fire at the Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant inside th$ hotel. Hotel personnel managed to put out what was believed to be a grease fire just before 2 am. But, 20 minutes later, the fire reignited, and firefighters dlscovere~ a gas leak.

2/22, 5pm, 31seconds: A major study offers clear evidence thatcolonoscopies may help save lives. That's according to the New England Journal of Medk;ine. Research suggests that removing precancerous growths found during a screening exam can cut the risk of death from colon cancer in half.

2/23, 5am, 35seconds: It found that, over the next ten ye~rs those who drank a diet soda every day were 44% more likely to suffer a heart attack or a stroke. Howeveri the authors note that daily diet soda drinkers tend to be heavierand more prone to such risk factors as high blood pressure, diabetes and problem cholesteroL So the association between diet soda and disease doesn't prove that the drinks alone are at fault

2/23, 6am, 33seconds: A weight loss pill the FDA had previoUsly r~jected because ofsafety concerns may soon be on the market. It's called Q-nexa and it's proven succ~ssful for those using it in drug trials. On Wednesday, a panel of advisers for the Food and Drug Administration overwhelmingly backed approval of the anti~obesity plll.

2/23, 5pm, 24seconds: Seven states haveJiled suit against the federal government over a new contraceptive mandate. The federal rule requires religious employers offerhealth insurance coverage that includes contraceptives and other birth control services.

2124, 6am,37seconds: Of the five other Japanese visitors inside the van, four were treated for serious injuries, one refused treatment and a six month old child died .. West Hawaii Today reports the van did not appear to belong to a tour company. Police have opened a .negligent homlcide case following the crash

2/24, 1Opm, 13seconds: Heart disease is the number one killer in this country. But 80% of it could be prevented by adopting a.better lifestyle.

2/25, 10pm, 34seconds: About 50 Kaneohe residences have beenwithoutpower for over 8 hours now, and Hawaiian Electric say they will have to wait a bit longer. Power was knocked out to Windward Mall and nearly two tho4sand nearby residents this afternoon after a tree trimmer dropped a branch onto a power line.

2/26, 6am, 40seconds: A capsized 22-foot s<;Jilboat was stuck in the Ala Wai channel after it ran aground Friday night. A spokesperson for the fire department says the sailboat hit the reef as the captain and two passengers attempted to head back to the harbor after a sailboat race.

3! 2/26, ?am, 1:04: More surveillance video of an elderly couple getting robbed in front of their Makiki condo last week. Take a look at this surveillance video captwed from the condominium's security cameras. The men ran up to Poncho and Ella Alcon at about 2 am last Sunday. The couple was visiting from Molokai, volunteering at the Hawaii Unite Music Festival when they were assaultect

2/26, Spm, 48seconds: A two car crash in Mo'ili'ili forced police to shut down Isenberg Street and part of South King this morning. Witnesses say a black van ran a red light while heading Maka'i on Isenberg, around 94S this morning. The driver ofa white rentalcar hit the van as he tried to stop. Calvin Arakawa was walking to Longs Drugs store when he saw the crash.

2/26, Spm, 33seconds: Both drivers were taken to Medical Center in critical condition. Police believe speed, drugs, and alcohol were factors in the crash, their exact role will be determined after the investigation is concluded.

2/26, 1Opm, 18seconds: HECO says the fire broke out just before SOOpm in a transformer on FarringtonHighway, near the Makaha Surfside condominium. About 900 Makaha residents lost power for several hours before crews .could replace the transformer.

2126, 10pm, 29seconds: Two Lahaina women are in critical condition after a head~on collision on Honoapiilani Highway in WestMaui just before 1:OOam this morning. Maul police say a 28 year old womanwas driving north when she crossed the center line and struck an oncoming vehicle driven by a 20 year old woman.

2/27, 10pm, 23seconds, The HPVvaccine was first suggested for girls only. But now the American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending both girls and boys between 11·· and 12 years old have routine Human Papilloma Virus vaccinations; The HPV Vaccine h(31ps flght against cervical cancer and can even prevent mouth and throat cancer.

2/28, Sam, 1:39: Tsunami debris poses significant potential health and safety issues for Hawaii; and Urban debris washed to sea by tsunami waves may be contaminated with toxins that are characteristic for industrial centers and large cities. If the tsunami debris does not sink or biodegrade, it can remain in the North Pacific for many decades, potentially polluting Hawaii's beaches for years to come.

2/28, Sam, 1:40: Public Safety, Government Operations, and Military Affairswill be briefed on a plan to return HaWaii inmates incarcerated on the mainland to the State.

2/28, 6am, 36seconds: A warning out this morning at the UnivE:;rsity of Hawaii Manoa campus after a student reported she may have.been given a drink containing a "ctate~rape drljg" according .to university officials. The student Wq$ approached by 2 m~n shE: didn't know, la$t Friday and said after consuming a drink she had no memory of the rest of 1he night, waking up in an off~campus apartment with a person she didn't know.

2/28, Spm, 24seconds: A health alert for the nearly 32 million peopl~ using cholesterol drug known as statins. Statins will now come with a warning that they can cause memory loss and confusion. The new labels will also warn doctors and patients that,statins can cause an increase in blood sugar levels and increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes.. ·

2128, 1Opm, 32seconds: The Department of Public Safety is looking to build or expand 3 facilities to bring more prisoners back home. It plans to increase Its Wahiawa prison by 200 spaces, possibly re~ convert its Kulani facility to house 300 more prisoners, and build a facility in Puunene on central Maui to house 400 extra inmates.

32 2/28, 10pm, 35seconds: A new government report says the radiation levels from those full-body scanners in airports aren't dangerous for passengers. The report is.from the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General and it looked at Independent radiation studies on the new backscatter X-ray machines.

3/1, 6am, 33seconds: Twenty-five firefighters from five different cpmpanies on battled a brush fire Wednesday in Kailua near Kalaheo High SchooL Firefighters say the brush fire charred about three acres but didn't threaten nearby homes.

3/1, 5pm, 33seconds: A new study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that coffee drinkers in good health, are at no greater risk of developing a chronic disease than a person who does not drink java. Researchers studied 42,000 German adults with no chronic conditions over nine years.

3/1, 6pm, 28seconds: Police and FBI special qgents arrested a Kapa'a woman on embezzlement charges. According to a Federal Grand Jury indictment, 31 year old Kerry Higashi allegedly embezzled nearly 25 thousand dollars from two customer accounts white she worked at the Teachers Federal Credit Union.

3/1, 6pm, 25seconds: A Kauai physic;ian will spend the next twelve years and $even months in federal prison for illegally prescribing controlled substances. Federal prosecutors said Dr. Harold Spear was running a phone-in prescription practice called DIAL-A-DOC and essentially issuing prescriptions for drugs like Hydrocodone and OxyContin without seeing patients. Spear will begin serving his sentence immediately.

3/1, 6pm, 35seconds: A health alert about a probable outbreak of the Norovirus. Department of Health officials say the stomach bug has flared up in the last month with about twice as many cases on Maul this year, than last year. Symptoms of the virus. including nausea and diarrhea have been seen in about 30% of the population at certain small elderly care homes, emergency rooms, and several preschools.

3/1, 10pm, 20seconds: Once again a bad smell forced the Kalihi Pa!ama Satellite City Hall to close today. Officials say the building was closed for the safety of employees and customers. A nearby construction site is being blamed for the foul smell. ·

3/1, 1Opm, 24seconds: Students at Mililani High School held a lunchtime rally and waved signs to bring awareness to the devastating drug Cyrstal Meth. !twas all sponsored by the Hawaii Meth Project. ·

3/2, 5pm, 29seconds: More good news in the fight against cancer, getting one simple test can increase a woman's chance of surviving cervical cancer. Doctors say 92% of women who get a regular pap smear will survive being diagnosed wlth cervical cancer compared to 62% for women who don't. ·

3/2, 5pm, 37seconds: Now, skin cancer is actually the most common form of cancer in the . with more than 2 million new cases diagnosed· every year. A new study says taking Vitamin A supplements could reduce your risk of developing melanoma of the skin by 60%.

33 3/3, 5pm, 20seconds: The Centers for Disease Control says adults are skipping out on life~saving immunizations. A new report shows fewer than 20% of people at high risk for developing pneumonia got vaccinated in 2010. And just over 10% of adults between the ages of19 and 49 years old got a hepatitis A shot. Still, the CDC says it did see slight increases in the number of people who got the HPV and shingles immunizations.

3/4, 10pm, 18seconds: A Sunday outing turned dangerous on Oahu today. A 12 year old boy, fishing with friends in the back ofKalihi Valley had to be air~lifted to safety. Police say flood waters rose, separating the boy from his friends·and trappihg him on the oppo.site.bank.

3/5, 6am, 52serconds: University of Hawaii medical specialists are warning the public against eating uncooked meat. The warning comes because of the first documented case of salmonella poisoning from venison. Dr. Kalani Brady says a 65 year old m~:tn became seriously ill after contracting salmonella from raw deer meat believed to be from Lana' L

3/6, 6am, 1:14:. March 8th marks the tenth anniversary of World Kidney Day. One out of seven people in Hawaii are touched by kidney disease every year, v~rsus the national average of one in nine. And right now, about 420 people in Hawaii are waiting for a second lease on life, 95% ofthern need a kidney.

3/6, 5pm, 30seconds: A mix-up at a CVS pharmacy led to children receiving the wrong medication. Instead of getting a flouride pill for their teeth, they were given the powerful breast cancer drug Tomoxifeh, The mix-up went unnoticed for more than two months and in that time, dozen? of children were given the wrong pills. Even pharmacists didn't notice the probl~m pecause both pHis were white and small.

3/6, 1Opm, 1:14: Men will be donning high heels and walking a mile arot,md the University of Hawaii's Manoa campus today in an effort to end rape, sexual assault and gender violence. It's all part of the "walk a mile in her shoes" campaign.

3/6, 10pm, 29seconds: Crews were dispatched about 11:30 this morning to Magic Island, where two 30-foot sailboats appeared to be anchored offshore. Afire department spokesman said one of the boats had broken loose and was headed toward the rocks.

3/7, 6am, 20seconds: Statistics shoW one in eightwomen are diagnosed with preast cancer in their lifetime About 70 to 80% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history, which is why the fight to find a cure continues.

3/7, 6pm, 32seonds: As he was driving away pollee say he crashed into another c:ar at Kamehameha Highway and Haleiwa Drive injuring the 32 year old woman driving that car, Police arrested the suspect as he tried to run away, He faces charges ofauto theft, driving without a license and fleeing the scene. Police say the man was also drunk and was carrying drugs.

3/7, .1 Opm, 24seconds: It dislodge:d from the hillside ~nd cam~ to rest in the driveway of the Palolo Chinese Home justas a car was leaving but the car was not hit Since the boulder sits on private property, the property ownerwill have to take care of it.

3/8, 6pm, 18seconds: The state health department Is warning the public and fishermen to stay out of Wahiawa Reservoir. A power failure forced .about 7,000 gallons of partially ~nd untreated sewage to spill into the Reservoir. The department of health is also remil'lding us that:the entire island of Oahu is still under a brown water adviGory.

34 3/8, 5pm, 32seconds: The pedestrian crosswalk at AugustAhrens, the state's largest elementary school has had three accidents this year alone. And that's why they held a rally in front of the school to urge people to slow down in front of their schooL More than 75 students, Police officers, teachers, and Farmers Insurance employees waved signs with one message: slow down for students. The event was sponsored by Farmers Insurance.

3/8, 5pm, 29seconds: Caring for the millions of Americans living with Alzheimer's disease will cost about 200 billion dollars this year. That's according to an annual report py the Al.zheimer's Association. That figure is expected to jump to more than a trillion dollars by the year 2050.

3/8, 6pm, 20seconds: On Kauai, all the heavy rain has forced .aLJthorities to rele6\Se sewage onto the ground near the Kapa'a Sewer Lift Station. Hawaii Public Housing Authority officials say wastewater would have backed up into public housing units if the controlled spill was not performed. Authorities have barricaded the area and chlorinated the wastewater to protect the public.

3/9, 5arn, 32seconds: The FDA has been seeking public comment which ends today, about possibly waiving the prescription requirements for drugs used for diabetes, asthma and migraines. The goal is to help glve more people access to the drugs.

3/9, 5:30pm. 17seconds: When the tornado touched back down in Enchanted lake, it tore solar panels off at least two homes. Residents on Akumu Street saw the ceiling shake as the tornado moved overhead. At leasttwo homes suffered extensive damage, requiring repairs. But the tornado is jw>t part of the weird weather Hawaii residents f:D:

3/9, 6pm, 28seconds: City officials say untreated wastewaterqverflowed from manholes at the Kaneohe Wastewater Pre-Treatment Facility for about 2 and a,half hours before itwas stopped. Over 6,100 gallons of storm water and sewage flowed into Kawa Stream, which leads to Kaneohe Bay.

3/10, 6am, 37seconds: The new study conducted by the Brigham and Women's Hospital found that women who drink a glass of wine •. a beer,· or a mixed drink daily were less likely to have a stroke than women who don't drink at alL Scientists say the regular dose of alcohol reducesJhe risk of blood clots.

3/10, 7am, 29seconds: Sis boats have broken away from their moorings within the past week because of the severe weather. One boat even sank after being struck by lightning on Monday. The Coast Guard is strongly encouraging boaters to take the necessary steps to en~urevessels·and facilities are prepared for more heavy winds and rough sea~.

3/1 o, ?am, 37seconds: The new study cond.ucted by the Brigham and Women's Hospital found that women who drink a glass ofwine, a beer, or a mixed drink daily were less likely to have a stroke than women who don't drink atall. Scientists say the regular dose of alcohol reduces the risk of blood clots.

3/11, 5pm, 18seconds: Hawaiian Electric says 700 customers lost power around 730 this morning after the wind blew down a utility pole on Hoolaulea Street. Crews restored power to all but 130 customers by noon. HECO says it may take a few more hours to finish replacing the pole and restore power completely.

35 3/11, 1Opm, 29seconds: The truck ran into .a fence, knocked over a light pole and then hit a tree. The crash sent debris into the roadway and knocked out power to at least three street lights. EMS officials say the 23 year old male driver was taken to the hospital in serious, but stable condition> Hawaii.an Electric crews are still assessing the qamage to the light pole.

3/11, 1Opm, 26seconds: The strong wind also broughtdovm a large tree in Makiki, forcing police to shut down Round Top Drive and Tantalus Drive. Police say the tree is blocking both lanes of Tantalus Drive two miles up from Maklki Heights near mile marker two. The tree is about 60 feet long and 4 feet in diameter. The tree also took down some telephone and utility lines. Hawaiian Electric crews restored power to all 115 affected customers by 8 PM.

3/13, 5pm, 27seconds: Yoga has become a popular option for people looking for a good workout. But some wonder if the stretches and contortions can be dangerous? Doctors say Yoga can be great for relieving stress and adding flexibility but if you try poses on your own without any instruction you could hurt yourself,

3/13, 5pm, 28seconds: A truck crash forced Big .ls~and pollee to completely shutdown a road in Ka'u while some 700 nearby residents are left without power. The truck crashed into. a utility pole on Kamaoa Road between the highway and Wakea Avenue around 3:15 this afternoon. Hawaiian Electric light company says the downed lines have caused outages in the area.

3/13, 6am, 26seconds: There is heightened security atthe University of Hawaii at Manoa after a student reported she was sexually assaulted Friday in the Hale Aloha !'lima dorms.

3/13, 5pm, 27seconds: There's some news for senior citizens pointing to anew risk in getting surgery. A study in the Internal Medicine archives says being prescribed painkillers after surgery could lead to long term use and addiction ..

3/13, 6am, 23seconds: New estimates are coming out today on the. co$t of the nation's health care reform law. Specifically, the price of a mandate requiring all Americans to have health insurance starting in 2014 or pay a penalty .

.3/13, 6am, 53seconds: The Hawaii State Department of Healthreleased a study that shows sugary drinks increase the risk of heart disease in men. The study published in the American Heart Association Journal found that men who drink a 12 ounce sugary beverage each day were 20 percent more likely to develop heart disease.

3/14, 6am. 22seconds: A farmer Pearl CitY family says they were driving through a Hawaiian Acres subdivision at 1:30 Tuesday afternoon when shots were fired at their family van. Police later arrested two men 3/14, 6am, 1:05: Honolulu Firefighters are still trying to figure out what started a house fire Waipahu yesterday. Seven people V;~ere home atthe time and all gqt out, but two ofthem ha~ to go to the hospital. In the initial investigation; it appears the fire started on a mattress on the ftrst floor.

3/16, 1Opm, 1:28: Forty~nine year old John Stem underwent surgery today at Straub hospital after a necrotizing fasclitishad spread from his abdomen into his chest and under his arm. He was flown to Honolulu from Wilcox hospital last night after he had undergone multiple surgeries there as doctors cut away dead tissue.

36 3/17, 7am, 33seconds: With approximately five thousand new skin cancer cases diagnosed every year, HawaWs youth are arnong those at greatest risk. The University of Hawaii Cancer Center and Xcel have joined forces in the fight against skin cancer by creating a t-shirt design contest.

3/17, ?am, 29seconds: A 68 year old man from Hilo faces a number of criminal charges including firearms and drug possession, after police say he fired a gunata minivan carrying a Big Island family. The incident happened on Tuesday in the Hawaiian Acres subdivision.

3/18, 1Opm, 20seconds: A Hawaiian Airlines jet heading to Honolulu from Oakland experienced engine problems 20 minutes into its flight. Pilots turned the plane around and landed at International ·

3/19, 6am, 1:03: An Experienced hiker fell 150 feet to his death while on an extreme narrow trail in Waimanalo. The slippery trail is called B~ar Claw between Waimancdo District Park and the Kuliouou Forest Reserve and often referred to as Pu'u 0 Kona.

3/19, 5:30pm, 31 seconds: State Health officials puttwo college campuses on alert after a student tested positive for tuberculosis. Health officials say the student attended Kap'Jolani community college last semester and then transferred to Hawaii Pacific University this year. Officials began notifying KCC students and staff Friday about free screenings that are being made available at the Diamond Head Campus this week.

3/19, 5:30pm, 30seconds: For the seconci day now the .us department of Agriculture has held conference calls with Food Service officials across the state about the meat filler "pink slime. Students are back at school this week and parents are still wondering if the food is safe or not.

3/19, 10pm, 14seconds: Pink slime. has been deemed safe by the US Department ofAgriculture. But more members of the community are seeking answers to find .out exactly how much of the by-product is making its way into our food.

3120, 1Opm, 23seconds: A California woman hiking the Kalalau Trail with her family had to be rescued this morning, when she injured her shoulder. The woman,.and her husband camped out overnight while her son and daughter~in-law hik.ed .. out of the valley f<;Jr help. A. rescue helicopter reached the woman around 8:15 U1is morning, and took her and her husband to safety.

3/20, 10pm, 23seconds: A fire department spokesman said the 30 year old man and his dog, camped out on the mountain, two days longer than he'd planned. Then, the bad weather forced the man to text message a friend last night asking for help. The rescue crew spotted him in a clearing and brought the two to safety unhurt ..

3/21, 5pm, 21 seconds: The health insurance company that provides coverage to milltaiy personnel in Hawaii -was notified Jastweek its contract with the Department of Defense will not be renewed. If the decision holds up, 50 workers E;mployed in Hawaii by "Tri;.West Health care Alliance" may lose their jobs. One hundred forty-five thousand military members, their families; and retirees are eligible for Tri~West coverage in Hawaii.

3/21, 6am, 26seconds: Proposed changes to the Medicaid Quest program's ellgil;>ility criteria could leave up to five thousand Hawaii residents Without health insurance in June. State l.awmakers have been looking at ways to help community health centers, which will likely see a bump in uninsured and under insured patients.

37 3/21, 6am, 28seconds: Taking a low dose of aspirin every day could help you tight offcancer. That's the ,finding of three studies published in "The Lancet'', Researchers found that patients who took low doses of aspirin daily for at least three years had a 23% lower risk of developing cancer.

3/21, 6pm, 18seconds: A disease carrying mosquito lastSeen qn O'ahu during World War two was recently discovered at the Honolulu International Airport and CO!Jld be cause for concern.

3/21, 10pm, 21seconds: A man with over 50 criminal convictions is back behind bars at OCCC tonight, after a Oahu judge tackled him in district court. Fifty-five year old Steven Michael Hauge is belng held on fifteen hundred dollars bail, after running rampant through the 1oth floor of the court house on Monday.

3/21, 1Opm, 48seconds, The surge of smart phones and mobile devices have become a new frontier for people looking to steal yoUI' personal informatlon ... Accordlngto HaWaiian Telcom Information security officer Beau Monday, smart phone sales surged 65% higher last year.

3/21, 1Opm, 40seconds: Hundreds of drivers on the Leeward coast were cited with violations. Honolulu police say solo bike officers issued 514 citations during a routine traffic enforcement operation, that's 100 tickets, an hauL Elghtywone drivers got citations for speeding, sixty for insurance violations (:lnd fortywsix for driving without a license .

.3/24, ?am, 29seconds: A new study by the Centers for Disease Control says for the firsttime in 40 years, the number of toddlers With serious dental decay is rising. Some of the culprits are the endless snacking and sweet drinks a~ bedtime.

3/24, 7am, 51 seconds: The Department of Public Safety conducting.a work line surveillance, observed the inmates and the crew were no being supervised at Magic Island. A search of the city vehicles turned up a glass pipe and a crystal substance believed to be crystal meth plus nearly two pounds of tobacco.

3/25, ?am, 1:16: Is a Honolulu public housing c:omplexJurning into a protected project or more like a prison?Residents are weighing in on new security measures at MayorWr!ght Housing. After two recent fatal stabbings, there Is now a new security company guarding the public housing complex

3/26, 5am, 20secohds: The hotel was evacuated just after 73Qpm, because of smoke in the Hula Tower Elevator. When firefighters investigated, they say there was no fire, just a motorin the elevator was producing smoke. An elevator technician came oufto fix the problem.

3/26, 6am, 23seconds: According to research(:}rs ~t the University of Scranton the crunchy hull is rich in antioxidants that prevent damage to cells. It may also have disease~fighting properties and don't forget popcorn is 100 percent whale grain.

3/26, 6am, 1:27seconds: A horrific two car collision in upcountry Maui has left fie dead and four injured. Those killed were aU in one car.

3/26, 1Opt11, 25seconds: Fire and Hawaiian electric crews got to Ala Moana Boulevard and Hobron Lane just after noon today after hearing reports of an explosion coming from under a manhole cover. Fire officials say there was no evidence of an explosion. ·

38 3127, 5pm, 15seconds: New information tonight on a Maui man who was driving a car that crashed, killing five people. Friends identify the driver as 21 year old l,.lbert K. Qalivere. He is hospitalized tonight in at Maul medical center. .. Qalivere, was the only survivor in a crash Sunday on Kula Highway. Among those killed were 19~year~old Annastachia Cruz~Kalua, 20-year-old Karl Barrack, and 20-year-old Jason Momoa Junior. Court documents from Qalivere's 2011 arrest for DUI.show his blood alcohol was .169, more than twice the legal limit. ·

3/27, 1Opm, 1:11: The Honolulu fire department says three city trash workers were taken to the hospital after being overcome by a strong. chemical odor during a routine bulky~item pick liP·

3/28, 10pm, 50seconds: The men face various drug charges after a glass pipe and substance believed to be crystal meth were found in the city v~m they were traveling lri. Public safety officials are reviewing the procedures and policies of the work. program to determine what other safeguards should be in place.

3/29, 5am, 30seconds: Hawaii Medical Service Association is proposing a 3;8% increase for its preferred providers starting July 1st. HMSAalso wants to raise premiums for its Health Plan Hawaii by 4% and 3~8% for Comp Med, a program with higher deductibles and lower benefits. HMSA says the increases· are to help the non.,profit organization break ever'!.

3/29, 6am, 16seconds: A three year old boy is dead and four family members seriously injured after a car slammed into them at a bus stop on Farrington Highway then sped away.

3/29, 5pm, 34seconds: According to an article published in. Science Translational Medicine half of all cancer is preventable. Lifestyle choices such as tobacco use, diet and.exercise play significant roles in causing cancer.

3/29, 5pm, 38seconds: According to the Centers for Diseas.e Control and Prevention, boys with autism continue to outnumber girls with the disorder, five-:-to-one.


Fisheries Conservation- 2/25~3/31/12 Message from the Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources encouraghlg responsible ihhing. Aired :30 PSA fbr a total of 37 times during. the above period.

Date/subject ofJ([TV4 News storieson t/reEuviromne11t:

1/3, 10pm, 33seconds: Today marks an anniversary for the world's most-active volcano, one that has given us a spectacular showfor 29 years. Kilauea Volcano began erupting on this day in 1983 and she has continued on steadily ever sinc.e. ·

1/3; 10pm, 21seconds: A Hawaiian monk seal is gaining attention in WaikikL A viewer sent us this photo showing the seal catching some sun on the beach in Waikiki. Signs are up warning the public to avoid disturbing the endangered seal.

39 1/4, Sam, 39seconds: Hawaiian Electric Company is hoping to offer customers the "Simply Solar" system, a water heating system powered by the sun. The Publio Utilities Commission still needs to approve the program, which HECO says will cut electricity bills by 25 to 35 percent.

1/4, 6am, 24seconds: On the south shore today, a blessing will be held for a multi-.million dollar state project to replenish eroding sand in WaikikiThe project will PUmP qffshore sand to a stretch of beach from the Royai.Hawaiian ... Hotel to the Duke Kahanamoku statue.

1/4, 6am, 25seconds: High pressure building north of the islanqs will bring a return of the trade winds today, which will clear the vog from·most island.areas. Moderate trade winds Will diminish slightly this weekend, delivering just a few briefshowers to windward and Mau'ka areas~

1/4, 6pm, 1:03: A new effort is underway to bring deteotion dogs back to the department of agriculture to protect Hawaii from dangerous invasive species, but were let go because ofbudget cuts. The dogs are useful for sniffing out snakes, especially the brown tree snak~ which l]as deCimated bird and animal populations in Guam and can sometimes.slither into Hawaii enplanes or ships.

1/4, 1Opm, 13seconds: Anyone with information about the deaths or who is a witness to abuse or harassment ofHawaiian monk seals is asked to call NOAA at 1-800-8534964 or DLNR at 873~3990.

1/5, 5pm, 18seconds: Honolulu Harbor is on whale watch tonight with the unexpected arrival of two humpback wMies. Activity In the harbor has been curtailed slightlywhile the whales are in port.

1/7, 6pm, 51 seconds: Marine scie11tists are sounding the alarm about an outbreak of disease that is killing huge colonies of rice coral in Kaneohe Bay. The problem was discovered by graduate students just two weeks ago. Scientists are mounting an emergency response to figure out what is triggering the spread of the disease. A similar outbreak in 2010 killed off a!:lout 50 coral colonies, but this die-off is far more widespread

1/8, ?am, 24seconds: Starting today, Hawaii Island residents may notice an increase in noise as pilots fly missions to help support infantry ground training at Pohakuloa ... The aircraft being flown are F/A~18 Hornets.

1/11, 6am, 33seconds; .The owner of a South Korean oil tartkerhas .been ordered to pay more th~:m one million dollars for knowingly dumping. oily waste in waters off Hawaii..; The owners ofthe Keoje Tiger and two of its engineers reportedly pleadedguHty to violations of the Clean Water Act.

1112, 10pm, 13seconds: ·Recent trips, scanning the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands are providing hope for a healthy environmental future.

1/1 ~· 1Opm, 55seconds: Department of Agriculture. officials brought a display of critters to the state capitol today, live specimens of invasive species recovered in Hawaii. Among them, a 5 foot Boa Constrictor, a Bearded Dragon, a giant Madagascar Day Gecko, and a CoquiFrog. They even brought the skull of a 6 foot alligator found in Maunawili.

1/13, 5am, 39seconds: As a temporary measure, staff at the University of Hawaii's Institute of Marine Biology built a floating dock that allows scientists and researcher~ to still get access to their laboratories. UH officials plan to ask lawmakers for 9 million dollars to stabilize the area and make other needed repairs. · ·

40 1/13, 6am, 10seconds: Senator Daniel Inouye is one of those taking interest in the pier. Today, he'll get a first-hand look at the marin~ projects and the problems that forced the pier to shutdown.

1/14, 7am, 27seconds: The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory has new pictures from Kilauea. A burst of gas from a small vent at Pu'u O'o sends up some lava about 50 feet into the air. Over the past week, occasional spattering and short lava flows have been observed within the crater.

1/16, 5am, 17seconds: A windward Oahu community is racing to tackle an invasive species that threatens Kaelepulu Stream: The Kailua Canoe Club and Enchanted Lake Association are working together to protect their environment.

1/16, 10pm, 22seconds: Firefighters on the Big Island are investigating what caused a brushfire that burned a thousand square feet near the Keauhol! transfer station yesterday afternoon. Investigators say embers spread the fire:to thre.e separate locations, where .. green waste fueled the flames.

1/17, 6am, 23seconds: Improving traffic, trash pick up, noise in your neighborhood. This Friday and Saturday, a mix of programmers and entrepreneurs along with city officials will come together to develop computer apps designed to improve theday-to~day Uves·ofHonolulu.residents.

1/17, 6am, 23seconds: Volunteers•are needed to help count just how many whales they see in the ocean. The Hawaiian Islands "Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary" is looking for volunteers for "counting's 11 on January 28th, Fepruary 25th and March 31st.

2/18, 7 am, 1:00; A Kaneohe woman Is getting national attention after she sued a Kaneohe pet grooming company ~~ for allegedly cutting off a portion of her dog's ear... and trying to glue lt back .... Giadys Kapuwai says the ordealbegan lastJuly ... when she took her dog Dodo ... to PETCO Kaneohe for grooming ... Kapuwai's hu.sband discovere<:f part of Dodo's ear had been cut off and was covered up by a red bow.

1/18, 10pm, 18seconds: ·A broken valve along the Ahuimanu Force Main just before 6 this morning caused.another sewage spill in Kaneohe. The city says about five thousand gallons of raw wastewater spilled onto ground along a.stretch of Kah~kili Highway near Hui lwa Street.

1/18, 1Opm, 23seconds: City crews are warning the public tonight about two sewage spills. A grease blockage caused a manhole on North Schoof Stre~t to overflow late last night, spilling about 110 gallons of sewage into a storm drain and about 75 gallons entered Kalihi Stream.

1/18, 10pm, 35seconds: The weather may be to blameJordowning a 138 thousand volt transmission line at the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill today. The city closed the landfill, turning away dozens of commercial and city trash trucks. as well as private .citizens.

1/19, 5am, 30seconds: Under the proposed law, retail stores would not .be allowed to offer plastic bags to their customers at the checkout counter. Shoppers would have to use paper bags or their own reusable·bags. Garbage bags and the bagsinthe.producesectlonofgrocery stores are exempt. Kauai and Maui counties enacted similar laws last year.

1/19, 6pm, 20seconds: All city transfer stations and convenience centers were back .to business today. The city placed temporary restrictions on the sites yesterday aftera downed p0wer line. forced the closure of the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill. ·

41 1/20, 6pm, 29seconds: Two million dollars has been granted by the US Forest Service to a project that is restoring Koa and Ohia trees on a Big Island ranch. The funds are part .of 50 million dollars given to 20 conservation projects are the country. The Kuka'iau Koa Forest project is restoring forests that are home to many native birds several that are threatened or endangered,

1/22, 7 am, 1:03: On Molokai, the return ofa 36 p;;lssenger tour boat was met by about a hundred protestors. There was no blockade on the water as agreed to by some community leaders in exchange for more dialogue about tourism growth for the island.

1/23, 5:30pm, 29seconds: The governor's major focus of his plan dealt with clean energy and independence from oil. The plan would involve Hawaiian Homelands, the office of Hawaiian affairs, the University of Hawaii and Department of Agriculture.

1/24, 6pm, 30seconds: The i'iwi, a forest bird found only in Hawaii could soon be listed on the endangered species list. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has just initiated a year~long review of a petition to list the i'iwi as threatened. The Center for Biological Diversity and. Life Net submitted the petition, They say habitat degradation, climate change, and the invasion of non-native species are some factors causing the birds' population to decline in the islands.

1/25, 10pm, 22seconds: The suspicious death offour Hawaiian monk seals has triggered numerous calls into a tip line hoping to lead investigators to Who may be responsible. It's a federal offense to !

1/26, 5am, 17seconds: The StateDepartment of Agriculture als.e says aferretwas captured on Sunday. It was caught in the parking lot of Coqui's Hideaway Restaurant and Sports Bar in Hilo. Ferrets are illegal as pets in Hawaii. ·

1/26, 6am, 31 seconds: Today two bills will be heard by state lawmakers that call for a tax on single use plastic bags. One bill calls fora tax of 10 cents per bag and the other 20 cents on each plastic bag you receive at checkout.

1/26, 6pm, 21 seconds: The State DepartrnE~nt of Agriculture says it was a. male bull snake. The crew accidentally killed it near the airport while landscaping along Nimitz Highway. Ag officials say bull snakes are nonwvenomous and they are found in North America and can grow to about six feet.

1/28, 7am, 35seconds: For the next 4 weekends, large yellowbins are set.,up at convenient drop-off locations around the island. The Hawaiian Telcom Yellow Pages partnered with its publisher, Berry, for their annual phonebook recycling campaign. ·

1/30, 6pm, 1:.22: Things are looking up for the ground nesting albatross, whose numbers were decimated by predators like wild dogs. The protective fence fining the $anctuary is allowing reproduction efforts to flourish. Artist and environmental activist Wyland and marine biologist Jason Misaki shared with us a glimpse ofwhat they saw during arecenttrip to Oahu's western tip.

2/1, 5am, 58seconds: Hawaii has the highest electricity rates in the county (3nd a bill being voted on in the House today could help curb costs and make residents accou'ntable; Right now, many older condominium high rises are facing a real dilemma bepat,~se they are on a single electric meter and apartment owners aren't held accountable for what they use;

42 2/1, 5pm, 24seconds: Scientists believe Hawaii's shorelines could possibly have radioactive debris from the Japanese Tsunami. Scientists believe the debris could start showing up sometime this year, then again perhaps in 2015. This week, environmental specialh.>ts are checking Oahu's shores for signs ofthe March 11th disaster.

2/1, 6pm, 13seconds: Next month will mark a year since an earthquake and tsunami devastated the northeastern coast of Japan. Several state and federal agencies are tracking marine debris moving across the Pacific that scientist predict will hit H;;~waii's shores twice.

214, 7am, 26seconds: Governor Abercrombie signed an agreement with the South Korean government yesterday to develop a smart grid in the islands. Back in November, the state teamed up with a Japanese company to begin a smart grid test project. A "smart grid'' is clean energy technology.

215, 6am, 55seconds: .Jeff Corwin has been able to tag along as Hawaiian monk seals are monitored and injured seals are given aid. He will tell their story of struggle and survival on his show Ocean Mysteries.

215, 6am, 25seconds: Hawaiian Electric Company announced a program to award credit to business customers who turn off some of their air conditioners, pool heaters and other non-essential equipment during periods of high power demand.

211 o, 5am, 29seconds: Girl Scouts and students lined the capitol lawn Thursday with plastic bags attached to stakes to illustrate the alarming number ofsingle use bags the average person uses each year. Other counties have banned plastic bags.

2/10, 6am, 30seconds; The United State,s is one step closer to g~tting its first new nuclear power plant in over 30 years. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission granted a license for two new reactors at a site in eastern Georgia. Atranta based Southern Company aims to begin operating the 14 billion dollar reactors at its existing VogUe nuclear power plant as soon as 2016.

2/11, 7am, 34seconds: Honolulu police have charged a Kaneohe Marine with second degree attempted murder ... in connection with· a BEATING that·left another man in critical condition ... Police say Brandon Calhoun was arguing with a 48-year-old man in a parking Jot near Lau-ula Street in Waikiki at about 1:15 Wednesday morning.

2/13, Sam, 30seconds: When you look out to shore, you may not see anything different but, scientists say the sea level is shifting. NASA oceanographers say a drop of two;.tenths of an inch is the result of more rain faUing on land, as compared to over the ocean.

2/14, 6am, 31seconds: City Council member Tulsl Gabbard, who's also running for Congress this year has introduced a new bill that would ban plastic bags in the city and county put allow for paper bags.

2/14, 10pm, 17seconds: Consumers weigh-in on a proposalto charge a recycling fee for e~waste. Something to think about as more and more electronic waste heads into the waste stream, taking up valuable space in our landfill.

2/15 5am, 1:07: The state wants to build on the success of its bottle recycling program and expand it to include electronic waste. A bill to.charge an upfront recycling fee for all e~waste was heard for the first time this legislative session.

43 2/17, 10pm, 20seconds: Each year approximately 400 million plastic bags are used on Oahu. Some say the bags are burn~d into useful energy, others say it ends up in our oceans and landfi.lls. Tonight, we took a tour of the H-power facility in Kapolei to find out how much of the ~arbage the c1ty processes comes from those plastic bags.

2/18, 7am, 1:07: A check of the H-power fMility in Kapolei shows just how much of the garbage the city processes from plastic bags. According to City Environmental Services .Director Tim Steinberger the 3 decade old H-power facility chums out 46 megawatts of energy each day~ That's enough to power up 28,000 houses on Oahu but there is concern of all that plastic going up in smoke.

2/18, 1Opm, 20seconds: City workers cutdown a shower tree on South King Street near Straub Clinic and Hospital this morning. Officials found that they couldn't prune the root of the tree without de­ stabilizing it. The tree was 40 to 50 years old.

2120, 5arn, 30seconds: The State Department of Health is warning tile public to stay out of waters near Sand Island· after wastewater spilled over the weekend. It happened at the drawbridge section of Sand Island Access Road around 1130am Sunday morning.

2/21, 1 Opm, 13seconds: For the last two years a team ofstate and federal agencies raced to save an endangered native Hawaiian species.

2/24, 5:30pm, 27seconds: A company called First Wind broke ground on its fourth project in Hawaii today. The new Kawailoa Wind farm will produce 69 megawatt$; enough electricity to power more than 14,500 homes. The company says Kawailoa Windwill proquce enough local renewable energy to supply up to.10 percent of Oahu's total electric load.

2/25, 6am, 33seconds: An opportunity to help researchers protect Humpback Whales in Hawaiian waters. It was just last month, two whales followed a boat into Honolulu Harbor. For the next couple months, whale watchers can help by documenting where, and .at what time they spot whales around Hawaii.

2/26, tOpm, 58seconds: Heavy rain and thunderstorms caused roads to flood in Kekaha, Waimea, Koloa and Poipu and shut down Hanalei Bri(jge and Keapana Bridge in Kappa a. All roads have since reopened. Downpours caused a sm~/1 sewage spill in.Ele~ele.

2127, 6pm, 26seconds: In addition to the browhwateradvisory, health officials are also warning. the public to stay out of the Kikiaola small bo.at harbor. Officials opened the Kikiaola irrigation ditch yesterday to prevent flooding In Waimea. That caused about 1. 73 MILLION gallons of treated wastewater to mix with harbor waters.

2/28, Sam, 1:39: University of Hawaii scientists estimate that the tsunami debris field is currently spread across an area roughly 2,000 miles long and 1,000 mi.les wide located between Japan and Midway Atoll, where debris may wash up in earl.y2012 .. Computer models Indicate that between 5 to 20 million tons oftsunami debris cotdd arrive on Haw~ii's shores by early 2013.

2/28, 6am, 30seconds: Tsunami waves generated by the massive earthquake in Japan dragged up to 4 million tons of debris into the ocean. SCientists beHev~ ocean currents are carrying some of the fumb~r, refrigerators, fishing boats and other objects across the Pacific toward.the US. A University of Hawa1i senior researcher and ocean current expert says 1 to 5 percent of 2 million tons of debris may reach Hawaii, Alaska, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia by next year. The UH researcher plans to discuss the latest location of the debris sometime today.

44 2/28, 5pm, 51 seconds: The flora and fauna of Hawaii is being featured at this year's Philadelphia International Flower show, the largest flower show in the nation and it's now in it's 183rd year. The entire city gets involved in the show ..

2/28, 10pm, 26seconds: What's being called the state's largest electric car charging network went online. A charging station at the Moanalua Shopping Center is just one of the 130 sites that's been set up statewide by the company 11A SETTER PLACEu,

2/29, 5am, 29seconds: Amphibious assault vehicles Wil!.be used to tear their way through the marshes of the Nu'upia Ponds. By tearing up non~native and invasive weed species in the marshes, it opens up nesting opportunities for native birds. One ofthe species known to nest in the marshes on base includes the endangered Hawajian Stilt.

3/1, 6am, 1:40: Hawaii is often known as paradise with its. beautiful beaches, warm tropical weather and aloha spirit Now, the island can claim another title, Honolulu has been named one of the best communities in our nation.

3/1, 6am, 28seconds: It's important to get all pets spayed and neutered. The Hawaiian Humane 1 Society is hosting its next Feline Fix on Sunday, March 11 h. This one day, 10 dollar cat sterilization is for feral cats only.

3/1, 1Opm, 25seconds: Earl.ier today, crew members aboard the. Coast Guard Cutter Kukui conducted an exercise in Honolulu Harbor to test their Spilled Oil Recovery System. It's an annual exercise that is meant to test both the equipment and the crew members response in the event of an oil spill. It's just one of the ways the Coast Guard protects the marine ecosy~tems of our islands. Marine environmental protection is one of the Coast Guard's key missions.

3/4, 5pm, 1:25: An Amazing display of Mother Nature poured outofthe Opaekaa Falls on Kauai, a spectacular show following a weekend of heavy rains. But. this family visiting from Pennsylvania didn't expect to need umbrellas or ponchos on their Hawailan vacation.

3/7, 6am, 1:20, People are waking up this morning cleaning up the mess that mother nature left behind after heavy rains and severe flooding hit East Oahu residents. Classes at Kapiolani Community College's Koa Building are canceled until crews can fix a collapsed roof.

3/7, 6pm, 16seconds: The department of health is also warning the public to stay out of Palolo Stream and Wailupe Stream. Heavy rain caused two manholes to overflow with raw sewage and storm water yesterday.

3/8, 5am, 26seconds: The recent rain storm has ~tate contractors return to clean out the debris trap near the Ala Moana bridge.

3/8, 6am, 39seconds: After 18 months in dry dock and thousands of hours spent towards rebuilding her, the Ho'olana Hokule1a is ready to set sail again.

3/8, 6pm, 37seconds: It's been nearly a year since the March 11th Disaster and it's been a massive effort to not only clean up but find out what happened to the massive amount of debris that piled into the ocean. The tsunami generated up to 25 million tons of debris, boats, houses, bridges, trash and large waves of that washed out to sea. It has taken an unprecedented effort by scientists, researchers and observers to track and monitor the debris.

45 3/9, 6pm, 28seconds: City officials say untreated wastewater overflowed from manholes at the Kaneohe Wastewater Pre TreatmentFacility for about 2 and a half hours before it was stopped. Over 6,1 00 gallons of storm water and sewage flowed into. Kawa Stream, which leaos to Kaneohe Bay.

3/12, 1Opm, 09seconds: The funds from the proposed plastic bag fee will also allow DLNR to hire people to re~plant native forest in areas left barren by cattle, sheep or other hoofed animals.

3/16, 1Opm, 35seconds: The big reveal by the Landfill Site Seleytion Committee was delayed today after members included more possible sites. Six sites that hEld previol.lsly been removed because of concerns over storm runoff were added back on.

3/17, 7am, 31seconds: The "Lesser Grass Blue" butterfly was first found in Waikiki. Scientists were initially concerned about the. effect it might have on Hawaii agriculture, since other new species like the "Cabbage White Butterfly" are damaging to vegetable crops like bok choy and broccoli.

3/19, 5pm, 1:17: Parts of Kailua beach is closed off. It's the start of a five day project that will allow city crews to scoop sand built up around Kaelepulu .stream to replenish the shoreline.

3/19, 1Opm, 23seconds: Tuesday, the state. house is expected to nail down the det~ils of a bill requiring every new outdoor light fixture in the state, be shieldf&d. The goal, is to make the night sky, and stars easier to see for residents.

3/20, 6am, 37seconds: With gas prices soaring here in the islallds, afevv.lo¢al businesses are cashing in. Eleotric vehicle makers and carcharging station operators are trying to get people to check out cars like the Nissan .Leaf, Chevrolet Volt and other cars that use little or no gas.

3/22, 6am, 46seconds: As debris from last year's Tsunami in Japan gets closer to Hawaii, there is a new call to action to make sure Hawaii is ready for when debris begins to hit our shores. City council member passed a resolution on Wednesday that urges the city to come up with a contingency plan on how to handle tsunami debris. Researchers predict the first of wave of several thousand tons of trash could begin washing ashore at Midway Atoll within weeks. A second, larger section of debris is expected to arrive in the main Hawaiian Islands sometime next year.

3/23, 1Opm, 20seconds; Scientists say in order to protect Hawaiian Monk Seal pups, they must get rid of more than a dozen predatory sharks in the French Frigate Shoals. The state land board today gave the nod to this extreme measure.

3/24, 7am, 31secqnds: A fishing boat. swept out to sea by the devastating tsuhami in Japan has been found more than a year later. The vessel was spotted about 120 miles off of the Queen Charlotte Islands near British Columbia.

3/26, 6am, 36seconds: The National Geographic Society said Cameron had collected samples for research in marine biology, microbiology, astrobiology, marine geology and geophysics. He completed his Journey aboard a 12 ton, lime .. green sub called Deep•Sea Challenger.

3/27, 6am, 43seconds: We've got new footage now of the solo deep~sea that filmmaker James Cameron took on. This footage is being seen by human eyes for the very first time, as it's the first journey ever to the deepest point of the ocean. Cameron traveted to a pointtwice as deep as the Titanic's final resting place With hopes of finding life.

46 3127, 6am, 41 seconds: The survey added that many of the sites located near river and stream beds where storm runoff can vastly lncrease the bacteria count. HoWever, theynoted that certain areas, such as the mouth of the Hanalei River displayed a chronic pollution problem.

3/28, Bam, 29seconds: With the recent spike in gas prices, the intere.st in Cllternative energy solutions is growing rapidly. With options like. solar, wind, and electric power $Jaining popularity, anevent in Waimanalo this weekend offers a chance for the public to learn more about some of these alternative options.

3/28, 6am, 52seconds: Now the University of Hawaii is making a data base of images available on line which was previously available only to researchers, The Jmageswere taken from countless hours of video tape taken from submersibles in water from 150 feet down to more than a mile deep.

3/28, 5pm, 28seconds: A hazmat team is working to identify a substance that caused several city trash workers to be hospitalized Tuesday> Three workers were Ol!ercome by a strong chemical odor, while collecting trash on Poka Place, on the Kahala sid.e of Diamond Head. A spokesman with the Honolulu's Refuse Division says the entire load is going to the landfill tomorrow and is being treated as "special waste" that wlll be buried.


Ser'ies: Pamela Young's Mixed Plate Nevvs 4 Anchor Pamela Young highlights loculpeople in Hawaii and around the \Vorld and Hawaiian influence they have carried to the far corners of the earth;

Community Tht!atrc- 3/30-3/31/12 Promoting Manoa Valley Theatre presentation of ''Spring Aw~tkening'' Aired :3Q PSA for a total of 14 times during the above period.

Community Theatre -1116-2/18/12 Promoting Hmvaii Theatre tbr Youth presentation of"Lion Dance" Aired :30 PSA tor a total of28 time during the above period.

Japnncse Cultural Center of Hawaii- 12/30/ll-1/7/12 Message encouraging participation in the annual 11 0hana Festival". Aired :30 PSA tor a total of28 times during the. above period.

Community Thcafl·e -1/6~1/29/12 Promotin~ Manoa Valley 'I'heatrepresentationof"God ofCarnagc1' Aired :30 PSA for a total of 33 times during the above period.

Ballet Han'nii- 2/1-2118/12 Mess~gc promoting suppm1 for the Arts by highlighting local productions by this non-profit orgamzatwn. Aired :30 PSA for a total of 8 times during the above period.

Dale/Subject ofl(JTV4 News Stories mz Hawaii(m Culture alUI Culture o/l!awaii's People:

47 1/1 6am, 17seconds: Some local high school students are having an unforgettable New Year's cel~bration. Today, members of the Punahou Marching Band participated in the London New Year's Parade and FestivaL 1/1, 10pm, 2:07, NU'UANU (December 31, 2011): Hundreds ofrevelers (and lots of their pets) will spend New Year's Eve observing a well-loved Japanese tradition. A Nu'uanu Shinto holds one of the largest celebrations of its kind on the island.

1/2, 6am. 14seconds: All city government offices and satellite city halls will be closed today, for the official New Year's holiday. No trash will be collected and, on-street parking will be free, except for meters on Kalakaua along Kap'iolani Park.

1/2, 6am, 1:OO: The catch of the day is sashimi which some feel brings prosperity when eaten in the new year. But even before 2012 began, the frantic sale of fish provided a big boost to seafood sellers. This weekend was the busiest ofthe year at Tamashirds Market in KalihL

1/2, Spm, 21seconds: President Obama landed in the islands for his annual Hawaiian vacation. During his visit, He stopped by Island Snow in Kailua for some shaved ice, visited the grave of his grandfather, Stanley Dunham at Punchbowl Qemetery. And toured the East West Center, which is hosting (;l.n exhibit on the anthropological work ofthe his late mother, Stanley Ann Dunham

1/2, 10pm, 28seconds: Hawaii's first saint, Father Damian will soon be honored and memorialized in a 7-ton boulder on· the Big Island. A Big Island sculptor· is now carving a llfe~sized statue of Saint Damian DeVeuster for the Sacred Heart Church in Pahoa.

1/2, 1Opm, 1:40: It was a day to celebrate Queen Emma and the feather Kahlli which is the symbol of Hawaiian royalty. This white Kahili was welcomed to its new home at Hana'iakama'lama, Queen Emma's summer palace in Nuuanu.

1/13, 10pm, 28seconds: The 2012 New Shanghai Circus is in town and they've got some moves. This year's show brings audiences the best of China's. circus tradition, complete with acrobatics, juggling, and a whole lot of flexibility. The show was in Lihue, Kr.1uai yesterday before arriving in Honolulu to perform at the Hawaii Theatre.

1/6, 10pm, 53seconds: Mabel Kekina passed away Wednesday afternoon. We talked with friends from the Hawaiian Trail a11d Mountain Club, they say she was a long-time member who founded the trail maintenance crew and coordinated search and rescue efforts for the club.

1/7, ?am, 43seconds: Thousands are expected to ring in the New Year at this year's New Year's Ohana Festival at the Japanese Cultural Center. The festivG~I brings together old and new traditions from Japan for people of all ages to experience and enjoy. There will also be special musical performances including some with a touch of Hawaiian culture.

1/9, Sam, 22seconds: The Girl Scouts are celebrating one hundred. years with a new cookie; They're called "Savannah Smiles". The flavor is described as 11 cool and orlsp" with just the right amount of lemon chips!

1/9, Bam, 21seconds: Senator Daniel Akaka may be leaving the senate, but his decade's long battle to give special recognition may not end with his tenure.

48 1/9, 6pm, 35seconds: The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is pushing forward with a new plan.to obt~in federal recognition for Native Hawaiians. While OHAstill continues its 10 year congressional f1ght to pass the Akaka Bill, the state agency is also looking to follow in the footsteps of Native American tribes.

1/13, 6am, 20seconds: Expect the soun~ of gongs to ring through the streets of Chinatown today. Lion Dances are being held to celebrate the Chinese New Year. However, the official start of the new year isn't until January 23r<~. According to the Lunar Calendar, this year is the year of the Dragon. 1/13, 6pm, 30seconds: Hawaii's Tadd Fujikawa, now 21 years old, putting his "Sponsor's Exemption" to work, lighting up Waialae in second round of the PGA's Sony Open today. He capped l1ls 4 under round of 66 with an eagle on 9111 hole.

1/14,.5pm, 29seconds: Celebrations are underway to welcome the Year of the Dragon. The celebrations started yesterday in Chinatown and its still going. There'll be an all day festival on Maunakea and Smith Streets, featuring food, arts and crafts and entertainment Lion Dance groups and the Narcissus Pageant Court Took part in a Chinese New Year Parade in the afternoon ... The festival started at 10this morning and ends at 10 tonight.

1/15, 10pm, 34seconds: George Clooney's Hawaiian family story, ''The Descendants" won the Golden Globe for Best Movie Drama. Clooney played a father struggling to raise his daughters after a boating accident puts his wife in a coma. ''The Descendantsn went up (:lgainst "The Help," and 'War Horse." ·

1/16, f)am, 35seconds: In celebration of today'sOr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, a parade will make its way through WalkikL It starts at 9 this morning atthe Diamond Head entrance of Ala Moan a Beach Park and ends at the Waikiki Shell parking lot. It was on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, almost 48 years ago that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his l have a Dream speech, leaving a lasting impression on a nation. Thatspirit thrives in Hawai'i, and today, it was on display along Kalakaua avenue.

1/17, 5am, 1:35: He's hit the top of the charts here in the United States with hit songs like "Just the way you are", "Grenade" and "The lazy song'' but Bruno Mars qidn't stop there. His hit album "Doo Wops" & "Hooligans" has reached the, number one spot again across the pond. Move over Adele because our Hawaiian mega star musician has taken over!

1/17, 6am, 18seconds: Not your usual dragon dance, this Chinese New Year Celebration was performed entirely undeiWater. This is the firsttime this group has tried this event underwater and plans to make it a tradition.

1/18, 5am, 35seconds: Hula Halaus from across Hawaii and Japan came togetherto celebrate the art of hula. It's the Moanike.ala Hula Festival and it's going on this weekend at the Polyne$ian Culture Center. It all starts at 1OAM, Saturday at the Polynesian Cultural Center, general. admission is 1o dollars. ·

1/19, 6pm, 53seconds: This is the first time a Hawaiian image will grace a US postcard stamp. Each year, more than 30,000 proposals are received a11d only about 2 dozen are chosen for new stamps. What makes theseuniqueisthey'll be the only postcard stamps nationwide until rates go higher.

1/19, 1Opm, 50seconds: Vintage Hawaii in the mail. The post office. shows off two ofthe classic Aloha shirts that appear on a new set of stamps.

49 1/20, 10pm, 37secnds: Many are preparing for this weekend's Chinese NewYear. Shops and markets are full of people buying food and flowers to celebrate the coming Yearof the Dragon. Others are making time to visit temples and say prayers for good luck. Chinese New Year's Eve falls on sunday, January 22nct, and it's traditionally a time when.familiesgather together to mark the occasion.

1/22, 7am, 13seconds: It's officially the start ofthe Cherry .Blossom Festival. The 60th annual opening ceremony kicks oftthis morning at the Pagoda Hotel and Restaurant and will begin with the unveiling of the Queen Contestants.

1/23, 6am, 18seconds:. The year of the qragon was welcomed with lots of delicious food and entertainment at Kap'iolani Park. The Vietnamese Buddhists Association of Hawaii sponsored Sunday's massive festivaL

1/24, 6am, 33seconds: The adapted screenplay follows a descendant of the Hawaiian monarchy, who's modern day family falls apart when it's revealed his wife has been having an affair. The. film was shot entirely in Hawaii, on Oahu, Kauai and the Big·lsland,

1/26, 6am, 19seconds: Acampaignto fight hunger in the islands kicks off today, it's the Hawaii Fogbank~s 110ne million mealsu challenge. This marks the 23rd year for the annual food drive. A kick­ off breakfast is being held this morning at the Hilton Hawaiian Village,

1/26, 6pm,1:03: Theywere members ofthefamed442nd Regimental CombatTeam, made up of Japanese Americans who answered the call to fight Ninety~one year old Yoshiwo Shimabukuro was born on the Big Island and fought in Italy, France and Germany. Eighty-~even)ear old George Chrnen was raised in Kalihi and servedthree campaigns in Italy and France, They were presented with Congressional Gold Medals at Maluhia care facility.

1/29, 10pm, 28seconds: .An Oahu landmark is.getting a new name to reflect its importance to Hawaii.an history. Starting next month, the Hawaiian Mission children's society library and Mission Houses Museum will become the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives.

1/29, 10pm, 52seconds: The Cultural bridge between Hawaii alld China is stronger than ever, 42 children from Beijing are part of the reason, They're in the islands to sing a series of concerts heralding the Year of the Dragon. Members of the China Children's choir of Beijing showed off their versatility with a multi~lingual performance at Kawaiaha'o church this evening. · ·

1/31, 5am, 28seconds: The 18th Annual Honolulu Festival calls for volunteers. The festival consists of two days of engaging and enriching cultural performances at the Hawaii Convention Center, Ala Moan a Shopping Center, Waikiki Beach Walk, Waikiki Shopping Plaza and DFS Galleria.

2/1, 5am, 30seconds.: CeleQrations will be held.today.for.thehotel known as the Pink Palace of the Pacific. The Royal Hawaiian Hotel celebrates its 85th Birthday today.

2/5, 7am, 17seconds: Hawaii's artisans are paying theirrespects toPoakalani $erraoshe was instrumental in reviving Hawaiian quilting, She taught quilting and the importance of the spiritual background behind the quUts. She died on Thursday after a long fi9ht with cancer.

so 2/6, 5am, 38seconds; Kau'i Kauhi's transformed his home into a scaled back Super Bowl Stadium for the big game. Kauhi invited over family and friends to watch on three plasma televisions set-up in his front yard. But what makes this Super Bowl party unlike any other Is his will air in Japan ... A Japanese television crew filmed the party for a show called Bazooka. The producers say they wanted to share an island style gathering with their Japanese audience.

218, 5am, 08seconds: WCCDuke Kahanamoku Challenge 2012{formerly known as Wee Ala Wai Challenge) is scheduled Sunday, February 12, 2012 at the Hilton HaWailanVillage Duke's Beach and Lagoon from 9am-4pm.

2/10, 6am, 33seconds: The measure would require people who own ten or more dogs to ensure the proper treatment and care of their dogs and puppies. It would also create a 30 dog limit for animal owners. The bill is backed by the Hawaiian Humane Society after 150 dogs were seized form an operation in Waimanalo in March of last year.

2/11, 6pm, 34seconds: These Kelki dancers showed off their style at the 4th annual makahiki today. Attendees got to test their throwing arms with ulu-maika and after working up a sweat, some poi pounders ground some taro to help build up those muscles. Other Hawaiian crafts and food were also on hand to celebrate the Hawaiian culture.

2114, 5pm, 20seconds: Lawmakers are. considering a bill to place control over the island of Kahoolawe ·in the hands of the state department. The lawmaker who. drafted the bill says the issue is accountability. The opponents say it's about what1s fair for the island and the future pf the Hawaiian nation.

2/14, 1Opm, 36seconds: The annual Senior Citizen's Valentine Dance gave seniors a chance to cut the rug. Members from over 50 different clubs wore their Sunday best as they danced to cha cha and rumba beats of the Royal Hawaiian band ... The dance is an event many look forward to, strengthening bonds and reconnecting.

2/18, 6pm, 18seconds: Today 40 artists from as far as Cambodi~ put the finishing touches on their murals as part of POW WOW Hawaii, a week long event to revive the arts in the Kaka'ako district.

2/18, 1Opm, 53seconds: The musical outreach programs inNative Hawaiian charter schools got a much-needed shot in the arm this evening at the Hawaii-Unite Music Festival at Kaka'ako Waterfront Park. Mana Maoli is a Hui of local musicians who support the charter school programs with live concerts and the sale of CDs.

2/19, 7am, 30seconds: Keikis at Kap'iolani Medical Center got a double dose of beauty royalty yesterday. Miss America Laura Kaeppeler and Miss Hawaii Lauren Cheape made their rounds to show support for the Children's Miracle Network.

2/19, 7am, 30seconds: Miss America also got a hula lesson. As.the Children's Miracle Network ambassador, Kaeppeler has committed her reign to raising funds and awareness fot Kap'iolani and other hospitals in the Children's Miracle Network.

2/19, 7am, 1:00: Mother will be canonized in October adding another Saint to Hawaii's list. Pope Benedict the 16th announced the date for Blessed Mother Marianne who came to Hawaii with 6 other St. Francis sisters at the invitation of King David Kalakaua. The sisters cared for patients at the Kalihi Leprosy Hospital.

51 2/19, 1Opm, 22seconds: The Waikiki Aquarium display showcased hundreds of top~quality Koi., educational seminars and Keiki activities. The word Koi comes from the Japanese word for "carp", which sounds like the word for love, so the Koi is a symbol of love and friendship in Asia.

2/20, 5am, 22seconds: New York Knick$ star Jeremy Lin issued a request in a post-game interview after starring in his team's dramatic win over defending NBA champions the Dallas Mavericks. Lin said he wished for the media in Taiwan to give his family their space because they can't go to work without being bombarded or followed.

2/20, 6am, 1:12, Now at 24: is. a newlywed. She married her fiance Matthew Gilmour, here on Oahu's North Shore. The couple wed atthe Laie Hawaii Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints in front of a small group of family members, then celebrated at a private reception and luau.

2/22, 5am, 24seconds: A month dedicated to Olelo Hawaii, the . That's a bill State lawmakers take up today. The measure would declare February as 11 Hawali<.:~n Language Month, 28-29 days of celebrating and encouraging the use of the Language.

2/22, 6am, 437seconds: The latest feature film that's bringing the islands to .the national stage is an Oscar front runner. THE DESCENDENTS showed mainlanders and Hollywood, that Hawaii is not just Waikiki and luaus. 2/24, 6amr 29seconds: On the Valley Isle; Mayor Alan Arakawa delivers his second state of the county address today. The Maui Mayor begins his speech at 10 o'clock this morning in the County Building. Some topics likely to be included are the M~yor's recent trip to South Korean, to encourage tourism, and of course, the continuing negotiationswith the state overthe hotel room tax.

2/24, 10pm, 24seconds: Also getting' started today, the firstmen's eV,ent on the pro tour, the "Quicksilver Pro", also off the Gold.Coast ofAustralia, Hawaii's Freddie Pattachia, a "replacement surfer' for fellow Hawaiian Dusty Payne, he beatTaj Burrow and Brett Simpson in his flrst~heat.

2/25, 6am, 27seconds: The is holding their 8th annual Grow Hawaiian event this weekend. The highlight oftoday's event is the dedication ofthe new visitor center at9am. Visitors can also enjoy presentations on poi making, taro cultivation, and lpu gourd decorating.

2/25, 7am, 20seconds: This weekend is the 2nd ever Chocolate FestivaLatDole Cannery And in addition to good food, and entertainment, there's a goal to raise awareness of Hawaii's growing cacao industry.

2/26, 10pm, 21seconds: The Academy Awards in Hollywood is a gala event that effects the movie industries around the world. Here in Hawaii the glamour of the Oscar telecast has given a boost to our own Hawaii International Film Festival.

2/28, 5pm, 51 seconds: The Hawaii Tourism Authority has be~n working clc)sely on the event for over a year now. A large contingency from the islands is heading to Ph lily tomorrow for this two week event. The emphasis is on making sure Hawaii .Is represented accurately and respectfully.

3/1, 6am, 44seoonds: Linsanity is sweeping the nation and now even L &LHawaiian Barbeque is joining in on the Jeremy Lin movement. The restauranfjust unveiled a new dish called "Lin~Katsu Chicken" in honor of the basketball star; les 9ot a new sweet and spicy Asian sauce.

3/1, 6pm, 1:03: Taro has always been a staple of the Hawaiian diet, but it's making a transition into haught cuisine. That was the goal at this year's Mixed Plate Scholarship competition. Four students

52 of KCC*s Culinary Institute of the Pacific had the challenge of creating an entree and a dessert using kalo.

3/1; 6pmj 22seconds: State lawmakers and city and.county mayors took the time out today to greet a delegation. of mayors from the Philippines .. The league of cltie$ represents 40 million people in 121 cities in the Philippine islands. The group is in Honolulu to sign a formal agreementto exchange best practices in areas like trade, transit and tourism.

3/2, 6am, 24seconds: It's not the usual Honolulu Marathon, but callec;i the Hapalua, meaning half in Hawaiian. The 13.1 mile race starts at the Duke Kahanamoku statue in Waiklki, goes through the downtown area, comes back through Waikiki and ends at Kap'iolani Park.

312, 6am, 43seconds: The ninth Hawaiian Island is getting a really big new attraction. It's being called the Skyvue and it'll be the third largest observation wheel on tf1e planet. The top of the observation deck sits at 550 feet into the sky and the wheel will notably change the look of the Las Vegas Strip.

3/2, 1Opm, 20seconds~ Dressed in their full regalia, members of the Hawaiian Societies and Hawaii Free Masons were chanted In as they entered lolani palace tonight They were invited to a preview of the Friends of lolani Palaces newestexhiblt: royal pageantry. An exhibit in the basement jewel galleries that in part highlight the Hawaiian Ali'i and their involvement in the Freemasons.

3/2, 1Opm, 59seconds: Honolulu has been without a symphony orchestra since the 110 year old Honolulu Symphony stopped performing in late 2009. But a Symphony ExploratoryCommittee reached an agreement with the musicians' union last year, to start a new symphony. About 55 musicians· or two-thirds of the orchestra come from the defvnct Honolulu Symphony.

3/3, 6<;~m, 28seconds: The Hawaiian Kennel Club presents its 171st and 172nd AKC All-Breed Dog Shows today and tomorrow at the Nell Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. More than 320 dogs are expected to compete each day. The entry field includes 65 breeds with Shetland Sheepdogs fielding the largest entries.

3/3, 6am, 22seconds: lolani Palace is installing a little exhJL?iUn the palace galleries on Royal Pageantry and one component of the exh.lbit showcases King Kalakaua. and his preciecessors connection and/or membership with the secret society known as Freemasons. King Kalakaua was very active in the Masons, in .fact he was at one time the grand master of his lodge. The exhibit features items that belonged to the king, like his mason knights Templar sword. The masons were more than just a brotherhood for the King.

3/3, 6pm, 28seconds: The Sheraton Waikiki transformed into a shopping heaven for women looking to pick~up a new designer purse, clutch or Wallet. Forth~ 8th year, the Junior Leagwe of Honolulu held a silent auction and fashion show to raise e~wareness and money for its mission of "Women Helping Women."

3/4; 7am, 22seconds: Thousands will be experiencing a potpo.urri ofdifferent cultures this weekend. It's the 18th annual Honolulu Festival and it continues today at the Hawaii Convention Center, Ala Moana Shopping Center and throughout Waiklki. 80,000 people are P.artlcipating ih year's festival, which celebrates the bond between Hawaii and Asla .. paciflc nations. Thousands lined up along the Honolulu Festival grand parade down on Kalakaua Avenue this evening. About half of the participants in the Festival are from Japan. Festival qrganizers say the groups from Japan made an

53 effort to come to Honolulu this year, to say thank you to all who contributed to the Hawaii~Japan relief effort,

3/4, 1Opm, 44seconds: The 6.2 mile Hawaii Pacific Health's annual race started at 7:00 am. The run, now in its 35th year, Is open only to women. It started at the park, continued over Diamond Head and returned to the park. Entry fees Will benefit the Kap'iolani Medical Center for Women and Children.

3/8, Sam, 20seconds: Meet Pualani, she was turned into the Hawaiian Humane ~ociety last week after she was found wandering·in a hotel lobby hear the airport. No word on how the piglet got there. 3/8, 6pm, 1:24; Under a full moon, a pre(.fawn blessing to mark a new beginning. Thirty seven years to the day the Hokulea was fir;:;t launched, a faster, safer and more stable canoe would get it's first taste of the water today. But to get here, a thousand volunteers put in more than 26 thousand hours to rebuild the Hokulea.

3/12, Sam, 40seconds: Re.sidents marked the anniversary of the tsunami with a ceremony of their own. The event had a mixture of Japanese and Hawaiian traditions with taiko performances and canoe paddling. But most of all, many were grateful for the successful recovery the Big Island has made after a smaller tsunami generated from the. same earthquake st(uck the islands.

3/16, Sam, 47seconds: Hawaiian activist, K!Jmu Hula,and Kahu, Charles KauluwehiMaxwell Senior died Thursday. Maxwell known by many as "Uncle Charlie, was considered a warrior in the Hawaiian movement.

3/17, ?am, 15seconds, The 25th Annual Murphy's Bar & Grill st, Patrick's Day celebration will take place on the corner of MerchanfStreet and Nuuanu Ave.

3/17, 10pm, 44seconds; Community members gathered atCieveland Court in downtown Honolulu today to honor the birth of President Grover Cleveland. Many native Hawaiians regarded the President as a man of inte~rity who befriended Queen Liliuokalanl and fought to keep the kingdom of Hawaii independent

3/18, 6am, 45seconds: The tails were wagging at thiS year's. gala fundraiser for the Hawaiian Humane Society atthe Royal Hawaiian. KITV4's Pamela Young and husband Gary Sprinkle emceed last night's annual 'Tuxes and Tails" banquet More than 400 supporters of the Humane Society's programs came out to bid on all sorts of auction items donated by the business community.

3/18, 1Opm, 45seconds: Today at the Japanese Cultural Center, there was an appreciation luncheon for the organizations thatdonated:fime, money and effort to relief programsfor the Japan earthquake and tsunami disaster. Alongside Governor Abf?rcrombie and Mayor Carlisle, Japan Consul Generi':ll Yoshihiko Kamo expressed his gratitude.

3/20, 6am, 25seconds: A new expanded schedule for Hawaiian Airlines means that Maui is now one of the airline's hubs ... The airlines has added to its number of flights from Oakland and San Jose to Kahului Airport.

3/22, 6am, 26seconds: Professional dance company, Tau Dance Theater is celebrating 16 years of performing. The non~profit organization is famous for transporting audiences into a world where ancient Hawai'i intertwines with modern dance.

3/22, 10pm, 25seconds: The Japanese Cultural Center of Hayvali hopes to use the money to restore the Honouliuli site and educate high school students about Japane~e detainment during World war

54 Two. The site was one of 17 to be awarded grants. More than one hundred twenty thousand Japanese~Americans were put into camps following the .

3/24, 10pm, 45se.conds: Students and parents from all over Oahu kicked off Spring Break by bringing their lawn chairs andcoolersto Waikiki to watc.hthePrinceKuhioParade. Monday is the 141st birthday of the prince who was heir to the throne of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

3/24, 1Opm, 1:00: Voices raised in joyoqs sound could be heard through Kaimuki this evening as more than a hundred choral singers gathered to share classical and cultural music. The 1Oth Annual community Chorus Festival had five Honolulu ensembles sharing their choral works ... The groups hope to inspire young people in the community to join singing organizations in their neighborhoods.

3/25, 6am, 32seconds: Hundreds of beachgoers showed up for this years 1 'Fioatopia ... The event was organized on Face book and originally planned for Magic Island but when participants found out armed officers were also attending they switched the location to KaimanaBeach Park in Waikiki.

3/26j Sam, 38seconds: The show was part of the 10th International Chocolate Festival, with Disney as this year's theme. The catwalk show featured dresses by fourteen designers, competing for the top prize of a trip to Disneyland, Paris. Helping them realize their creations were25 chocolate chefs, or ohocolatiers, who were part of the appreciative audience at the show.

3/26, .topm, 12seconds: On this. state holiday, a group gathered in Waikiki to remember Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, the mE!n who championed the Hawaiian cal)se here and in Washington ..

3/28, 6am, 15seconds: Esther Kiaaina is set to launch her campaign for the 2nd congressional district seat this morning. The. opening of her headquarters Will be on Maui in Wailuku.,. Kiaaina is a chief advocate for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

3/30, Sam, 28seconds: Art comes to life through music and d:;mce this weekend at the Honolulu Museun1 of Art. It's the Hawaiian Mt~sic Festival, featuring three different acts performing on three different stages. The festival celebrates the museum's 85th anniversary.


KITV4 has a web site on the Intemet at http://www.kitv.com. We are an interactive serv.icc that represents the entire station and that provides two-way viewer contact> a cornmunity forum and connections to services in Hawaii and around the world. An average of2.28 million page views per month. As a public service the KITV4 \Veb site provides access to KITV4 News Reports and the following KITV4 features:

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The KITV4 website also provided inforn1tltion to the pitblic 011 behalf of the following Hayvaii Non­ Profit organizations:

University of Hawaii City and County of liOJwlulu State of Hawaii Susan G. }(omen Race for the Cure Ha·waii Honolulu Academy of Arts Helping Hands Hnwaii

.56 COMMUNITY OUTREACH-lstQuartcr2012

Date Name I Organization Event/Meeting Issue I 112/12 Bill Gaeth j Sunrise Rotary Club of l1ono1ulu \Veekly Meeling/International Community Service/Education I Orphanage Support, College Scholarship, Non-profit Organization renovation, mentorshipprogram 1/4/12 Andrew Jackson j Manoa Valley Theater IMarketing Meeting Arts & Culture

1/4/12 Pamela Ymmg 1 National Academy ofTV Arts 1 Executive Board Meeting Arts & Culture/Broadcasting & Sciences I 1/5/12 Pamela Young Chinatown Arts Committee Fundraiser Arts & Culture

1/9/12 Bill Gaeth Sunrise Rotary Club of Honolulu Weekly· Meeting/International Community Service/Education Orphanage Support, College Scholarship, Non'":profit Organization renovations, mentorship progran1 1/10/12 Bill Gaeth Hawaii Associaton Of Broadcasters Monthly Meeting!PSA Community Service/Education schedules, scholarships I/14/12 Pamela Y ourtg 1 National AcademyofTV Arts Governors Meeting Arts & Culture/Broadcasting And Sciences 1116/12 Bill Gaeth Sunrise Rotary Club of Honolulu Weekly Meeting!lnternational Community Service/Education Orphanage Support, College Scholarships, Non-profit organization renovations, mentorship program. 1117/12 Bill Gaeth j Sales & Marketing Executives Monthly Meeting/College Education/Community Service ; International Scholarship, Mentoring college students, salesperson I l -recognition 1118/12 Pamela Young l Hale Mohaiu Patient Visitation Community Service 1/18/12 j Andrew Jackson j H

~-n' "~

57 1118112 Andrew Jackson Honolulu Academy of Arts l Society of Academy Fellows A11s & Culture - Reception , 1/23/12 Bill Gaeth Sunrise Rotary Club ofHonoTUlU-'"l Weekly Meeting/International Community Service/Education ! Orphanage Support, College I Scholarships, Non-profit 1 organiza~on renovations, 1 1 mentorsh!}:>_l)rogram. ' 1/26/12 Andrew Jackson Hospitality Sales & Marketing 1 Reception Community Service Association Inemational I 1/28/12 Pamela Young Korean Consulate j. Consul General Meeting Community Service International Relations l/30/12 Bill Gaeth Sunrise Rotary Club of Honolulu Weekly Meetingllnternational Community Service/Education Orphanage Support, College Scholarshipss Non-profit organization renovations, n1entorsluppro~ 2/6/12 Andrew Jackson Children's Miracle Network Meeting with CEO Jason Community Service/Health Lauck 2/6/12 Bill Gaeth Sunrise Rotary Club of Honolulu Weekly Meeting/International Community Service/Education Orphanage Support, College Scholarships,.Non-profit organization renovations, rt1entorshipprogram 2/7/12 Pamela Young National Academy of TV Arts I Executive Board Meeting Arts & Culture/Broadcasting & Sciences 2/7/12 Bill Gaeth Hawaii Associaton of Broadcasters l Monthly Meeting/PSA Community Service/Education 1 schedules,scholarships 2/8/12 Andrew Jackson Honolulu Academy of Arts ' Society ofAcademy Fellows Arts & Culture Presentation of"Hl Art Now" 2/10fl2 Pamela Young HaleMohalu Patient Visitation Community Service 2/11/12 Pamela Young National Academy of TV Arts Governors Meeting Arts &·Culture/Broadcasting And Sciences 2/12/12 Sid Milburn Manoa Valley Theatre Produce PSA Arts & Culture/Cmmnunity Service 2/13/12 Bill Gaeth Sunrise Rotary Club ofHonolulu ' Weeklv Meeting/fnternational Conununity Service/Education ~ ~ Orphanage Suppol1, College

Scholarships, Non-profit j 58 I organization renovations, mentorship program l I I 2/13112 j Andrew Jackson j Royal Hawaiian Band Meeting with Jim Myers and Arts & Culture I 1 Clark Bright ' 2114112 Justin Fujioka I State of Havvaii/Department of Judge at Honolulu Science Community Service/Education I Education and Engineering Fair 2115/12 Andrew Jackson MDA Telethon \ Meeting about 2012 telethon Community Service/Health i 2/16/12 Pamela Young Czech Republic Consulate I Consul Induction/ Community Service I International Relationship 2/19112 Jill Kuramoto SL Clements Preschool l Fundraiser Community Service/Education l 2120112 Bill Gaeth 1 Sunrise Rotary Club ofHonolulu I Weekly Meeting/International Community Senrice/Education IOrphanage Support, College Scholarships, Non-profit j organization renovations, l I I mentorship prOgram 2/21/12 BiB Gaeth Sales.& Marketing Executives ., Monthly Meeting/College Education!Comrt1UUity Service International I Scholarship, Mentoring ! college students, salesperson I recognition . 2/22/12 Andrew Jackson Hmvaii State Deca 1 Judge role play competition Education/Community Sen'ice 2/26/12 Pamela Young Hawaii \Vomen's League Honors Tea Community Service 2120112 Jill Kuramoto Domestic Violence Action Center Fundraiser Community Service/Health 2/27112 Bill Gaeth Sunrise RotaryClubofHonolulu Weekly Meeting/International Community SerVice/Education Orphanage Support, College Scholarships,Non.;profit organization renovations,. mentorship program 2/28/12 Pamela Young James Beard Competition Preview Chai dinriet, Education/Tourism

l exchang:e cuisine 2/28/12 Pamela Young Our Lady of Peace Prep forCanonization of Community Service Mother Marianne 311112 Pan1ela Young j Kapiolani Community College lJudge S~l:?tarship Education/Community Service Competttlon 3/2/12 Pamela Young Kapiolani Community College Ho'okipa Education/Community Service

59 3/2112 Juslin Fujioka I Heeia Elementary School j Dr. Seuss Read Aloud Fiar Education/Community Service 1 I 3/5/I2 Bill Gaeth Sunrise Rotat)' Club of Honolulu \Veekly Meeting/International Community Service/Education Orphanage Support~ College Scholarships, Non-profit ) organization renovations; mentorship program 317112 j Pamela Young l National Academy ofTV Arts Executive Board Meeting Arts & Culture/Broadcasting l & Sciences 3/8112 Bill Gaeth I Hawaii Associaton ofBroadcasters Monthly Meeting/PSA Community Service/Education schedules, scholarships 319112 Pamela Young I Susan B Komen Emcee Pink Tie Ball Community Service/Health ! 3/9112 Andrew Jackson j Susan B Komen I Attend Pink Tie Ball Community Service/Health I Fundraiser 319112 Jill Kuramoto j St. Clements Preschool KITV station tour Broadcastiing/Community Service 3/10/12 Mahealani Richardson I King Kamehameha Day Parade IQueen Pa'u Unit Fundraiser Arts & Culture Committee 3110/12 Pmnela Young j National Academy of TV Arts Governors Meeting Arts & Culture/Broadcasting And Sciences 3/11/12 Pan1ela Young Alice Inoue J Speech seminar Health/Education ' 3/12/12 Sidney Milburn Hawaii Student TV Prepared PSA Community Service/Education 3112/12 Bill Gaeth Sunrise Rotary Club of Honolulu Weekly Meeting/International Community·Service/Education Orphanage Support, College Scholarships, Non-profit ' 1 organization renovations, I j mentorship program 3/12112 Pamela Young I Malia 0 Hamalu I Prepfor Canonization of Community Service I Mother Marianne 3/l4/12 Andrew Jackson IManoa Valley Theatre Board Meeting Arts & Culture 3/17/12 Pamela Young Hawaiian Humane Society Emcee Tuxs & Tails Community Service Fundraiser 3119!12 Bill Gaeth ISunrise Rotary Club of Honolulu Weekly Meeting/International Community Service/Education Orphanage Support, College Scholarships, Non-profit I organi7...ation renoVations 60 3/20/12 Pamela Young l Korean Consulate Consul General Lunch Community Service j l International Relationship 3/20/12 Bill Gaeth ! Sales & Marketing Executives Monthly Meeting!College Education/Communit)' Service

! I International Scholarship, Mentoring I college students, salesperson I recognition ' 3126112 Bill Gaeth 1 Sunrise Rota1yCiub of Honolulu \Veekly Meeting/International Conununity Service/Education

l I OrphanageSupport~ College Scholarships, Non-profit

l organization~· renovations,. I mentorship program 3131112 Pamela Young j Moroccan Consulate Meeting \vith Ambassador j Community Service International Relationship 3/31/12 Andrew Jackson Hawaii Food Bank Fundraiser "'Great Chefs Fight Community Service I Hunger~'



·-· I I I l I ! -


I, Gladys T. Yu-Principe, do hereby declare and state under penalty of perjury as follows:

1. I am the Senior Research Manager for Time Warner Cable Media, a subsidiary of Time

Warner Cable Inc. ("Time Warner Cable"), ultimate parent company of the operator of

the cable system involved in the foregoing Petition for Special Relief requesting that the

Nielsen Designated Market Area ("DMA") for KLEI-TV, Kailua-Kana, Hawaii be

modified to exclude for mandatory cable carriage purposes communities served by Time

Warner Cable in counties of Honolulu, Kauai, Kalawao, and Maui.

2. In my position, I regularly consult ratings for programming services carried on Time

Warner Cable cable systems, and as such, am familiar with reports produced by ratings

agencies such as Nielsen Media Research;

3. In order to determine the level of viewership of KLEI-TV in Honolulu, Maui, Kauai and

Kalawao counties, I have reviewed the Nielsen County Coverage Report for 2011, the

most current such report, which lists viewer ratings for commercial and non-commercial

stations operating in the Honolulu DMA;

4. The Nielsen Report contains no measurable ratings data for KLEI-TV in either Honolulu,

Maui, or Kauai Counties during any daypart. It is Nielsen's policy not to include any

station that fails to achieve at least a 0.5 audience share in one or more dayparts;

5. Nielsen has confirmed that ratings data for Kalawao County and any viewership from

that County would be included with Maui County; and

6. Based upon my review of available Nielsen data, KLEI either has no viewership share in

any of the affected counties, or at most its audience share falls below 0.5 in all dayparts.

America 17034245.2 EXHIBIT 0 Residence County to Workplace County Flows for Hawaii Sorted by Workplace State and County

Residence State- County Name Name 9999 Honolulu Co. HI Hawaii Co. HI 9999 Kauai Co. HI Hawaii Co. HI 9999 Maui Co. HI Hawaii Co. HI

Res State FIPS State Code of Residence Res County FIPS County Code of Residence Res (C)MSA FIPS Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) Code of Residence This field contains the 4-digit code for the MSAs and CMSAs designated June 30, 1999. 9999 Appears for nonmetropolitan areas *Appears for counties in the six New England states for which more than one code is applicable. Res PMSA FIPS Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) Code of Residence This field contains the 4-digit code for the PMSAs designated June 30, 1999. 9999 Not in a PMSA *Appears for counties in the six New England states for which more than one code is applicable. Residence Residence County name and State abbreviation State- County Work State Modified FIPS State Code or Foreign Country/Area Code of Workplace FIPS State codes have been extended to three characters by adding a leading zero. Work County FIPS County Code of Workplace 000 Appears in conjunction with codes for workplaces in Puerto Rico or a Foreign Country/Area. Work MSA FIPS Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) Code of Residence This field contains the 4-digit code for the MSAs and CMSAs designated June 30, 1999. 9999 Appears for nonmetropolitan areas *Appears for counties in the six New England states in which more than one code is applicable. bbbb This field is blank for workplaces outside the U.S. such as Puerto Rico or a foreign country. Work PMSA FIPS Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) Code of Residence This field contains the 4-digit code for the PMSAs designated June 30, 1999. 9999 Not in a PMSA *Appears for counties in the six New England states for which more than one code is applicable. bbbb This field is blank for workplaces outside the U.S. such as Puerto Rico or a foreign country. Workplace Workplace area name and State abbreviation State-County Count Number of Workers 16 years old and over in the commuter flow Source: U.S. Census Bureau Internet Release date: March 6, 2003