MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 THULQADA 9, 1436 AH Shuaiba oil Thousands Obama sheds Kolarov, refinery of Syrian summer curse, Nasri send resumes migrants just in time for City top operation5 head for7 EU daunting9 fall 20 Lebanese protesters ask Min 30º Max 48º govt to quit over trash High Tide 05:20 & 19:00 Salam hints he may step down after violent clashes Low Tide 12:50 40 PAGES NO: 16619 150 FILS BEIRUT: Thousands of protesters poured into central UAE army frees Beirut yesterday demanding that the country’s top politicians resign, hours after Prime Minister Tammam British hostage Salam hinted he might step down following violent protests triggered by a month-long trash crisis. The demonstrations, the largest in years, railed held in Yemen against the corruption and dysfunction that has DUBAI: The United Arab Emirates said yesterday that its brought about Lebanon’s current political crisis. The military freed a British hostage who was kidnapped 18 country does not have a functioning Cabinet or parlia- months ago by Al-Qaeda in Yemen, which has expand- ment, and hasn’t had a president for more than a year. ed its reach amid fighting between Shiite rebels and Salam said in a news conference at the government’s their opponents. A statement carried by the UAE’s offi- headquarters that if this Thursday’s Cabinet meeting is cial WAM news agency identified the British hostage as not productive, “then there is no need for the council of Robert Douglas Semple, after initially referring to him as ministers.” Douglas Robert Semple. It said Semple, 64, had been Lebanon has a sectarian power-sharing system that working as a petroleum engineer in the Yemeni ensures equal representation between the country’s province of Hadramawt when he was kidnapped in main religious sects. The arrangement often leads to February 2014. The statement did not say where complete paralysis. It was not clear why Salam would Semple had been held in Yemen or provide any details hint about resignation. It was unlikely that he would on the rescue. step down, as the move could create a total political Yemeni security officials contacted by The Associated vacuum and plunge Lebanon into chaos. Press said they were not aware of any Yemeni forces By yesterday afternoon, thousands of protesters assisting in the operation and did not have details chanting “revolution” massed near the government about how Semple was released, suggesting his han- building, demanding that Salam resign immediately. dover may have been negotiated among local tribes- “The people want to topple the regime!” protesters men before the involvement of Emirati forces. cried out, a slogan used during the Arab Spring Al-Qaida’s Yemen branch, known as Al-Qaeda in the protests that swept through the region. Waving Arabian Peninsula, has been consolidating its control in Lebanese flags and chanting, they stood in front of a Hadramawt, the country’s largest province, where ring of barbed wire that separated them from govern- Continued on Page 13 BEIRUT: Lebanese activists (right) clash with policemen as they try to cross to the government house during ment headquarters and riot police. a protest against the ongoing trash crisis, in downtown Beirut yesterday. — AP Continued on Page 13 ‘Let it Spoil’ sends fish prices crashing

By Meshaal Al-Enezi activity due to violations. It is unclear though if the rise in prices was due to Train gunman KUWAIT: Media and news services limited supply as plenty of fish were seen broadcast photos of the fish market that available at the market this weekend. seemed empty of customers yesterday Fishmongers dropped prices on Saturday known to 3 and for the second consecutive day the to encourage shopping but the trade market continued to be without cus- remained slow amid the campaign. countries tomers, though there was an abundance Acting Fishermen’s Union Chairman of fish, indicating the “Let it Spoil” cam- Jalal Al-Shammari warned over the week- PARIS: The man who boarded a high-speed train in paign may be having an impact. end about a continued rise in local fish Europe with an assault rifle before being subdued by On Saturday a group of citizens prices. “The fishermen’s union expected three Americans was known to intelligence services launched a protest against rising fish- the high prices of fish to continue in three countries and had ties to radical Islam, market prices, arguing that they were because more than 95 fishing boats were authorities said yesterday. But the man’s lawyer said unfair and due to gouging as opposed to discontinued as they violated the rules. he told her that he was homeless and only wanted to a true reflection of demand. Some local The only solution is to put those boats rob passengers to be able to eat. would-be shoppers noted that a dispute back to work in order to provide the local French authorities contend that Ayoub El- between fishing boat owners and the market with more fish supply and drive Khazzani, a 26-year-old Moroccan, was an Islamic Public Authority of Agricultural Affairs prices down to normal limits,” he said. and Fish Resources may also be behind Fish prices during the second day of KUWAIT: Stock traders monitor the shares prices at Kuwait Stock Exchange.— extremist. Authorities in Spain said he had lived in the rise in prices. Several boats have boycott: KUNA file photo the country until last year and had a police record for drug-dealing. been banned from commercial fishing Continued on Page 13 Despite being on the radar in France, Spain and Belgium, he boarded an Amsterdam-to-Paris train on Kuwait stocks plunge Friday as it stopped in Brussels, carrying a small arse- nal of weapons, including a Kalashnikov, an automat- as oil prices plummet ic Luger pistol and a box cutter. Three American friends, two of them US service- KUWAIT: Stock prices in Kuwait and the Price Index shed 143.14 points to men, tackled him, and with the help of a British busi- Gulf states nosedived yesterday in a mas- 5,909.49 points and the KSX 15 dropped nessman tied him up. They are being feted as heroes sive market sell-off sparked by descend- 22.99 points reaching 943.99 points. With in France and the US. The three Americans spoke ing oil prices with the Saudi and Dubai yesterday’s decline, the KSE has reached with the media later yesterday. bourses leading the slide. The Kuwait a threshold of worrying limits for El-Khazzani’s lawyer said he told her that he Stock Exchange shed 2.36 percent yes- investors, especially small ones, who wasn’t a terrorist. “He is dumbfounded that his action terday to 5,909 points on the first session have lost a lot of money, Al-Tarrah added. is being characterized as terrorism,” said Sophie of the week. Saudi Arabia’s relentless sell- Adnan Al-Dulaimi, general manager of David, a lawyer in Arras, where the train was rerouted ing was sparked by a decision by Fitch the Mina Company, said yesterday’s to arrest El-Khazzani - now being questioned outside Ratings to cut its outlook for the king- decline at the KSE was expected after the Paris by anti-terrorism police. dom’s debt. severe losses on the world markets last He described himself as homeless and David said Chairman of the Dealers Association week. “The market continued its down- she had “no doubt” this was true, saying he was “very, Mohammad Al-Tarrah said ‘exaggerated turn trend that persisted over the previ- very thin” as if suffering from malnutrition and “with a fears’ over further drop in oil prices and ous sessions dipping below the 6,000 very wild look in his eyes.” the sagging Chinese economy have trig- points level, Al-Dulaimi noted. “He thought of a hold-up to be able to feed him- gered panic selling in the Kuwait market Dubai suffered its biggest one-day fall self, to have money,” she said on BFM-TV, then “shoot along with the global markets. since last December, with its main index out a window and jump out to escape.” She said her KUWAIT: A lone woman customer is seen at the fish market at Sharq as ‘Let it The KSE ended yesterday’s session in tumbling 7.0 percent to 3,451 points, its client told her he had found the valise full of Spoil’ campaign started off Saturday to boycott fish in protest against the spi- the red zone as the Weighted Index lost lowest close since March 30. Continued on Page 13 raling prices entered the second day yesterday with prices of fish dropping fur- 8.84 points closing at 393.96 points, the Continued on Page 13 ther. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat Britain and Iran reopen embassies TEHRAN: Britain’s foreign secretary reopened months. foreign minister and lead negotiator in the his country’s embassy in Tehran yesterday in Hammond, the first British foreign secre- nearly two years of talks that have ended a long-awaited step signalling better rela- tary to visit Iran since Jack Straw in 2003, Tehran’s isolation from the West. European tions four years after a mob stormed the described the violence that shuttered the officials have been quick to visit Iran since compound, forcing its closure. Philip Tehran mission as “a low point” but said a July 14, when the nuclear agreement with Hammond’s two-day trip comes five weeks new journey was beginning. “Over the com- Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and after Britain and five other world powers ing months, we will work to ensure that the the United States was announced in Vienna. struck a deal with Iran to end a 13-year dis- nuclear agreement is a success, including by The deal will see the lifting of economic pute over the Islamic republic’s nuclear pro- making sure that it is fully implemented by all sanctions-imposed as punishment over Iran’s gram. sides,” Hammond said at the reopening. nuclear program-in exchange for curbs on its He led a ceremony shortly after noon in “Through this embassy’s efforts we will atomic activities and a new inspections the embassy garden with Ajay Sharma, the support British trade and investment, once regime. new charge d’affaires who will be Britain’s top sanctions are lifted. That will bring benefits Iran’s leaders have always denied interna- TEHRAN: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (right) and British diplomat in Tehran. Iran’s embassy in London for Britain and the Iranian people.” tional allegations that they sought to develop a Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, shake hands for media prior to their meet- also reopened yesterday. The two nations are Hammond was to later hold a press con- nuclear weapon, insisting the program is for ing in Tehran yesterday. — AP expected to appoint ambassadors within ference with Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s peaceful energy and medical purposes. — AFP LOCAL MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015

Arab League probes customs tariffs issues CAIRO: Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League for Economic Affairs Dr Mohammed Bin Ibrahim Al-Tuwaijri said yesterday a committee on customs procedures and informa- tion would continue dis- cussing the issue con- cerning customs tariffs. Tuwaijri said in a press statement that the 13th Dr Mohammed KUWAIT: His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad His Highness the Crown Prince meets Amiri Diwan Advisor and Envoy of His meeting of the commit- Al-Tuwaijri Al-Jaber Al-Sabah meets His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Highness the Amir Dr Yousef Hamad Al-Ibrahim. tee on customs proce- Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. — KUNA dures and information of the Arab League, which kicked off today, was headed by head of the customs policies of the UAE Federal Customs Authority Shatha Abdul Rahman and with the participation of Arab cus- toms bodies. He explained that the meeting will discuss issues of incoming parcel clearance meas- ures, express carriers companies and customs tar- iffs among the Arab countries.

Civil communities In other news, the Arab League said that civil communities play crucial role under current politi- cal, social, economic changes in the Arab regain. This remark was made by Assistant Secretary General and Head of Media and Communication sector at League of Arab state Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, in meeting regarding the contribution of the civil communities in achieving sustainable develop- ment. The meeting was held at the Arab Leagueís headquarters in collaboration with the region office of the World Health Organization (WHO), in an anticipation of Arab Economic Social Development Summit (AESD) that will be held in His Highness the Crown Prince meets Information and Youth Affairs Minister Sheikh His Highness the Crown Prince meets Acting National Assembly Speaker January in Tunisia. Abu Ghazaleh pointed to the Salman Al-Humoud Al-Sabah and Cabinet Affairs Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al- Ahmad Lari. necessity of raising the social awareness regarding Abdullah Al-Sabah. the sustainable development, health agenda at top of it, and empowering the civil communities role. She stressed the needs for civil community to Crown Prince receives top state officials work side by side with governments to lift bur- dens and problems in the region. She drew atten- KUWAIT: His Highness the Deputy Amir a visit to Egypt to offer condolences to received His Highness the Prime Minister Information and Minister of State for tion to some of the initiatives taken by the Arab and Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al- President Abdelfatah Al-Sisi over death of Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Salem League to enhance the role of civil communities Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received, at Seif his mother. The Crown Prince had praised Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Al-Humoud Al-Sabah and Minister of by creating a commissioner general for civil socie- Palace yesterday, Amiri Diwan Advisor the strong Kuwaiti-Egyptian relations and Minister of Defense Sheikh Khaled Al- State for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh ty in 2002 and establishing the first civil communi- and Envoy of His Highness the Amir Dr the ever-developing cooperation in all Jarrah Al-Sabah, Acting National Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al- ties database among 19 Arab countries. —KUNA Yousef Hamad Al-Ibrahim, who concluded fields. Meanwhile, HH Sheikh Nawaf also Assembly Speaker Ahmad Lari, Minister of Sabah. — KUNA

Kuwaiti youth Ali Al-Saqabi performs acrobatic movements with a ball outside Kuwait’s pavilion. Over 900,000 visit Kuwaiti pavilion Ball acrobat attracts hundreds at Expo Milano

MILAN: The number of visitors of the Kuwaiti pavilion at Such high turn-out is due to good planning, master- “We are nearing the one million figure,” he said, indi- the Expo Milan 2015 has exceeded 900,000, lured with minded by the Minister of Information Sheikh Salman cating that a special celebration would be held on the the corner’s unique features that constitute narrative of Al-Humoud Al-Sabah, added Enezi, alluding to the pub- forecast event that may happen in the coming days, Kuwait’s history and development. Up to 11, 152 people lications and miniature structures that tell the story of adding that awards will be distributed to participants, showed up at the Kuwaiti section on Saturday; the first the Kuwaitis who have succeeded in transforming their such as a travel ticket to Kuwait. The Ministry of such record in a single day, said Fares Al-Enezi, the pavil- homeland into a modern state despite diverse chal- Information has put much of its resources at disposal of ion’s director. lenges namely the desert harsh weather. establishing the national pavilion at the ground of the international promotional event.

Unique culture Meanwhile, talented Kuwaiti youth Ali Yousef Al- Saqabi has entertained hundreds of Expo Milano 2015 visitors, performing acrobatic movements with a ball and educating fans about Kuwait’s unique history and culture. The 23-year old medicine student, who per- forms with the ball as a hobby, told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that he is pleased for being invited by Head of Kuwait’s delegation to the Expo Faisal Al- Mutalaqim to perform in the Kuwaiti section. The acro- bat said he started his hobby to raise money in charity fairs, adding that he was surprised at the number of visi- tors his show had attracted in the Expo. Saqabi, who is performing on daily basis for two weeks at the Kuwaiti section, meets with fans after his shows to provide them with information about his country’s achievements, history and culture. The Kuwaiti youth said he started this hobby in 2006 where he performed for his friends in the beginning, moving on to participate in international events afterwards, including the international tournament held in Abu Dhabi in 2011 and London in 2012, adding that he will also take part in a tournament in the Czech Republic, end of August. Saqabi, who trains four hours daily and has created his own moves in the art, is currently teaching others his skillful movements, under the exclusive names ‘Al- MILAN: Director of the Kuwaiti pavilion at Expo Milan 2015 Fares Al-Enezi with visitor number 900,000. — KUNA Saqabi move,’ ‘A.Y.S.’ and ‘Al-Saqabi trick.’ —KUNA MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 LOCAL 23rd Gulf Cup to be held Dec 22: KFA

By A Saleh to sign the contracts, which will take place when the consortiums KUWAIT: Kuwait Football finish all procedures and bank guar- Association (KFA) Chairman Sheikh antees. Talal Al-Fahad Al-Sabah wrote to Central Tenders Committee football association in the Gulf approved the awarding of first, sec- Cooperation Council (GCC) coun- ond, third and fifth bundles of the tries, as well as Iraq and Yemen, project at a value of KD 3.48 billion, inviting them to a meeting to con- while the fourth bundle was award- firm that the 23rd Gulf Cup of ed to Essar Projects Limited and Nations will be held between Saipem consortium for KD 475 mil- Bottles containing homebrewed liquor found during a crackdown A traffic policeman checks a taxi driver’s papers. December 22, 2015 and January 4, lion. carried out by Ahmadi police. 2016, the KFA said in a statement. This step comes after the Cabinet Mosque repair and Public Authority for Youth and The Ministry of Public Works Sports (PAYS) confirmed that fields postponed announcing the name of Firemen capable to deal and sports facilities will be ready to the company which won the tender host the tournament, the KFA said. to repair the Imam Al-Sadeq A crisis had risen earlier when the Mosque, which was the scene of a with oil fires: KFSD KFA took a unilateral decision that terrorist attack on June 26, 2015. 23rd Gulf Cup will be postponed for one year, angering sports officials Diesel and kerosene subsidies because there was no coordination review Teen hospitalized with broomstick pierced under his arm with PAYS; which had confirmed The subsidies review committee that Kuwait fields will be ready and will meet today to discuss proposals By Hanan Al-Saadoun They were all sent to concerned authorities. Drunk Kuwait can host the event without from Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Two female citizens and a Kuwaiti man were the need for postponement. on the prices of diesel and KUWAIT: Kuwait Fire Services Directorate (KFSD) Broomstick arrested at dawn yesterday while they were kerosene. The review committee will Public Information Acting Director Major Salman A 17-year-old citizen was admitted to the extremely drunk. They were taken to the proper Al-Juaidi commented on claims that KFSD fire- intensive care unit of the Adan hospital, when a authorities to face charges. Zour refinery also discuss the paper on exporting men are not trained on dealing with refinery fire broomstick pierced from under his left arm into Kuwait Petroleum Corporation products made of subsidized and that the Directorate takes away their rights his body when he fell on it. Doctors had to call Stuck (KPC) will sign contracts of Al-Zour kerosene and the work of the com- and does not care enough about their safety. firemen who used a ‘holmatro mini cutter’ to cut Two persons were stuck in an abandoned slip- refinery projects with the winning pany that was contracted to prepare “KFSD men are highly capable to face oil fires the stick so they can take X-rays. way, so Shuaiba Sea Center responded and consortiums. KPC is now working on a study on various types of subsi- and chemical leaks, and the Directorate exerts found two persons stuck as the slipway was completing the required procedures dies in Kuwait. major efforts in qualifying firemen and raising Gambler caught closed and could not return. The two were res- their professional standards to face all types of Nuwaiseeb customs officers succeeded in fail- cued and no injuries were reported. fires, including oil ones,” Major Juaidi said. He ing an attempt by a citizen to smuggle roulette noted that there is continued cooperation with with its equipment. The citizen was sent to con- Drug possession the oil sector through periodical meetings during cerned authorities. Two persons were sent to Drugs Control Workers on strike: which emergency plans to increase cooperation General Department (DGCA) for drug possession. and guarantee readiness of both sides are dis- Bootleggers arrested The incident happened when a driver attempted cussed. He added there are nearly 10 annual Ahmadi police launched a campaign which to escape from a checkpoint, but police stopped 3 months without pay courses to train firemen and are held at oil sector resulted in the arrest of 10 persons with posses- the vehicle. The driver and another person who training centers, lasting for three months. He said sion of 38 liquor bottles, 12 persons without IDs, was sitting on the passenger’s seat were found to By Meshaal Al-Enezi in his room, according to preliminary that nearly 400 firemen have been trained over 10, wanted on absconding cases and another in be inebriated. Police discovered that they were investigations. The man was wanted four years, and 100 firemen will join the next debt and the issuance of 205 traffic citations. under the influence of meth, and when they KUWAIT: Several expatriate office by authorities for absconding and training course. Meanwhile, Major Juaidi said were searched, a green substance was found on workers at the Fatwa and Legislation drunkenness, and a travel ban was Mubarak Al-Kabeer hazardous materials center is Drowning them in addition to 21 narcotic pills. Department went on strike yesterday, also issued against him. The man’s highly competent in fighting hazardous materi- One man was found dead after drowning near saying that because they did not body was recovered by the coroner. als’ fires, including gaseous and chemical leaks. Boubyan Island, while two others were taken by Medvac. Meanwhile, a Kuwaiti citizen was still receive their salaries for the past three Further investigations are ongoing. Unlicensed weapons missing when this report was written. months. The workers said that this is Weapons detectives arrested four citizens the first time they experience such Peak hours with unlicensed arms and ammunition. One of Two police injured in crash treatment since they came to Kuwait. Kuwait Ports Authority (KPA) asked the citizens was arrested in Salwa, where an AK- Two policemen were rushed to Adan hospital citizens and expatriates to avoid peak 47 and a shotgun were found. The second citizen when a Range Rover crashed into their car. A Suicide hours when they import goods. had four pistols in his Sabah Al-Salem house; the blood sample was taken from the driver to deter- An Asian worker at Jaber Al-Ahmad People are advised to collect their third had a large quantity of ammunition in his mine whether he was drunk or not. Separately, a The weapons found with the four citizens residential city project hanged himself items between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm. Um Al-Haiman house, while the fourth was Saudi national was killed when his car flipped arrested yesterday. arrested in his house with an unlicensed weapon. over on King Fahad road. MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 LOCAL

In Brief Interior Minister arrives in US 1.5 million pilgrims Volunteers’ efforts to anticipated this year make tourney ‘successful’ WASHINGTON: Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah JEDDAH: The Saudi Ministry of Hajj predicted that the num- KUWAIT: Director of voluntary work at the Ministry of State arrived in the US capital late on Friday on an official visit due ber of pilgrims this year would stand at 1.535 million from for Youth Affairs Fuad Bushihri lauded efforts made by young to last for several days. The minister’s delegation includes the outside Saudi Arabia and 185,000 from within the Kingdom. volunteers to make the 23rd Gulf Cup of Nations ‘a success.’ Interior Ministry’s Assistant Undersecretary for Criminal The Saudi Press Agency quoted the ministry as saying that Directing youth energy and time toward helping in organiz- Security Affairs Major General Abdulhamid Al-Awadhi, the total number of pilgrims who have actually arrived in ing the tournament is the Ministry’s way of supporting Assistant Undersecretary for State Security Major General the Kingdom now stands at 99,000. It stated that 48,000 pil- Kuwait Football Association in holding a sporting event of Issam Salem Al-Nahham, Director General of the General grims arrived in the Kingdom by King Abdul Aziz Airport in such magnitude. He added that the anticipated 23rd Gulf Cup Directorate of General Investigation Major General Fahad Jeddah and 51,000 by Prince Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz of Nations will be closely watched by people from all of the Ibrahim Al-Dosari and other officials. —KUNA Airport in Medina. —KUNA Gulf nations. —KUNA Photo of the day

KUWAIT: A canon is seen next to the Nayef Palace in Kuwait City. —Photo by Joseph Shagra

Minister stresses need to raise Kuwait to establish cultural Kuwait’s banner in int’l forums training center: minister KUWAIT: Chairman and members of the Humoud added. The center also aims to board of directors of the National Council build relationships with global organiza- for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) tions and institutes to exchange experience approved a proposal to establish Abdullah and provide technical support to the vari- Al-Jaber Cultural Center for Training to ous cultural establishments in Kuwait, he prepare local youth to serve in cultural said. institutions. Abdullah Al-Jaber Cultural Center for The new cultural center is part of a strat- Training, the first of its kind to be launched egy developed by the NCCAL, the imple- in Kuwait, is named after the late Sheikh mentation of which began earlier this year, Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah as a deserved Minister of Information and Minister of honor for a pioneer figure of culture and State for Youth Affairs and NCCAL Chairman education in Kuwait, designated by Sheikh Salman Al-Humoud Al-Sabah said in UNESCO for 2014-2015. a statement after the meeting. Authorities, namely Minister Sheikh Abdullah Al-Jaber Center will support Salman, have affirmed keenness on the cultural work of the government of devoting particular attention to culture, Kuwait by training specialized cadres in var- as a means to promote public education, ious branches of cultural work and aims to bolster attachment and faithfulness to train them to work professionally in various the homeland and preserve the national cultural institutions, Sheikh Salman Al- heritage. —KUNA

KUWAIT: Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah receives a memento from Kuwait Sports Club for the Deaf member Hussein Al-Kandari. —KUNA

KUWAIT: Minister of Information and Minister of Shaybah and its members. an important addition to the state’s develop- State for Youth Affairs, Sheikh Salman Sabah Al- The Ministry of Information said in a state- ment, economic and health plans. Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah yesterday stressed ment that Sheikh Salman also met with the Fawzan presented a trophy to Sheikh Salman the importance of making every effort to raise Director of the Kuwait Society for Preventing in recognition of his efforts and guidance in the banner of Kuwait in regional and internation- Smoking and Cancer and Managing Editor of highlighting the society’s message in the com- al forums, which would contribute to the consoli- Hayatuna magazine Shatha Al-Fawzan, express- munity. The statement said that Sheikh Salman dation of its humanitarian mission. ing his appreciation for the humane message of also discussed with head of the Kuwaiti Society This came during his meeting with member of the society in maintaining the health of citizens for the Protection of Environment Wejdan Al- the Kuwait Sports Club for the Deaf Hussein of the dangers of smoking and cancer. Eqab the media’s role in supporting environmen- Jaber Al-Kandari for winning membership of the Sheikh Salman called for the intensification of tal protection campaigns and establishing sound International Federation of the Deaf for the Arab awareness campaigns among young people environmental principles in the minds of children region in the presence of the Honorary President because they are the target groups for the global and young people to positively affect on the civi- NBK offers training program of the Kuwaiti Club for the Deaf Fahd Abu tobacco companies, adding that this represents lization image of the State of Kuwait. —KUNA to PIN2 Challenge winners For the third consecutive year

KUWAIT: The National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) and modern banking, in addition to helping offered a Training Program to the winners in them to have greater exposure to daily the PIN2 Challenge for secondary school stu- banking work procedures. dents. For the third consecutive year, NBK The Training program was concluded sponsors the ‘PIN2 Challenge.’ This Initiative recently. NBK organized a special ceremony is a business plan competition for secondary for the graduation of the students. school students in Kuwait. NBK offered the The PIN2 Challenge goes along with winners in this challenge training sessions NBK’s initiatives to invest in youth and sup- to support talented and qualified young- port their aspirations. NBK views its spon- sters and empower them to realize their sorship to such initiatives as an extension to potentials. its educative initiatives and as part of its NBK organized four-week training ses- corporate social responsibility. The winners sions for the winners in this challenge. The in this challenge have the chance to experi- daily sessions featured a mixture of theoreti- ence how the actual professional banking cal and practical training dedicated to pro- issues and transactions are handled and Sheikh Salman Al-Humoud Al-Sabah receives a trophy from Sheikh Salman Al-Humoud Al-Sabah meets head of the Kuwaiti vide the students with valuable knowledge processed in different banking areas at NBK Director of the Kuwait Society for Preventing Smoking and Cancer Society for the Protection of Environment Wejdan Al-Eqab. on a variety of subjects such as: teamwork, through their enrolment in specialized and Managing Editor of Hayatuna magazine Shatha Al-Fawzan. creative thinking, means of self-expression training sessions. LOCAL MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015

KUWAIT: Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) CEO Nizar Al-Adsani and a delegation from the KPC and Kuwait Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) CEO Nizar Al-Adsani and the delegation members are seen during the visit to National Petroleum Company (KNPC) take a group photo during the visit. — KUNA Shuaiba Refinery yesterday. Shuaiba oil refinery resumes operation: KNPC

KUWAIT: The Shuaiba oil refinery in Kuwait those affected,” Mohammad Al-Mutairi, the KPC on a field visit to the refinery yes- he added. An external committee is deter- Ghazi Al-Mutairi and senior officials at the resumed operation on Saturday, the head chief executive of KNPC, said in a tweet. terday. Asousi, who is also KNPC Deputy mining causes and circumstances of what company. of state refiner Kuwait National Petroleum The refinery produced 140,000 barrels yes- CEO for Support Services, said that the del- happened at the unit last Monday, while an The fire at the heavy oil cracking unit at Company (KNPC) said on his Twitter terday, KNPC spokesperson Khalid Al- egation was briefed in detail on the reper- internal one is assessing damages. The dele- Kuwait’s 200,000 barrel-per-day Shuaiba account, after a fire at a heavy oil unit Asousi later told state news agency cussions of the accident that took place at gation lauded the efforts by the staff for refinery broke out last Monday. There were forced a total shutdown last week. (KUNA). heavy oil unit in Shuaiba recently. evacuation of the Refinery and containing no casualties reported. OPEC member “The Shuaiba refinery has been restart- Asousi made his statement as the Kuwait The visit comes ahead of the reports and the fire that was caused by a gas leakage. Kuwait has three refineries, including ed at a capacity of 120,000 barrels per day Petroleum Corporation (KPC) CEO Nizar Al- recommendations to be offered by special- Adsani was accompanied in his tour at Shuaiba, with a combined capacity of and all the units are operating except Adsani led a delegation from the KNPC and ized committees investigating the accident, Shuaiba by the CEO of KNPC Mohammad 930,000 bpd. — Agencies

In my view Arab Contractors wins A demerging old world order? Nuwaiseeb road contract

KUWAIT: Arab Contractors Company By Bader Al-Dehani won a KD 169 million contract to exe- cute and improve Al-Nuwaiseeb road project, Assistant Undersecretary of roads department at the Ministry of Public Works announced yesterday. Engineer Ahmad Al-Hassan told the [email protected] press that the project includes nine mul- ti-level intersections and a detour he system in which the international uses to operate, based on a global balance- bridge on this six-lane road. He added of-power and diplomacy, is arguably in decline. Some would argue that an emer- that working on this 37-kilometer road Tgence of a newly designed system of order is not only needed but has also been witnessed. The unpopular yet ideologically forceful rise of sovereign, intrastate organi- will start by the end of this year and will zations and the foreseeable downfall of modern-day states add to the discussion. be completed after three years. He The history of the Westphalian system dates back to 1648 in Westphalia in modern- pointed out that the ministry is working day Germany. The Treaty of Westphalia not only ended the Thirty Years’ War, during the on improving the country’s main roads gradual fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire, that started in 1618 but also, per- and building newer ones to connect haps even more importantly to our world today, built an entirely unprecedented sys- new residential areas. — KUNA tem that was exclusively used in Europe until relatively recently. The system is based on the notion of domestic and territorial sovereignty; it aims to promote balance-of-pow- er through diplomacy and international institutions. The Ottoman and Chinese civiliza- tions rejected the Eurocentric idea and hence did not implement the global system Workers urged to update data that the Treaty of Westphalia sought. The Chinese Empire, which dates back thousands of years and has lived through numerous dynasties, has for centuries seen itself as the cultural centre of the world - or the “Middle Kingdom” as it has historically liked to KUWAIT: Some 11,000 citizens employed by the Abdullah Al-Mutawteh, the acting general direc- with regard of updating the national labor data, name itself. The world of “barbarian” people, all civilizations that stood outside of the private sector must update their data at the tor, said in a statement. covering up to 57,000 Kuwaitis registered by the inflexible borders of the great Chinese civilization, circle around the “Middle Kingdom.” Manpower Public Authority or risk losing their For the sake of sparing citizens being queued authority, only 10,998 have done so. As witnessed similarly throughout the Orient, in particular the Ottoman Empire, there government subsidies, the authority announced for long time, the authority will receive them Established according to Decree 109/2013, clearly was a wide resistance of the then-emerging Eurocentric concept of sovereignty. yesterday. Employees in this sector who have during the morning at its offices at the the Manpower Public Authority is supervised by This is not some scholarly debate; the arguable emergence of an entirely different not updated their data must do so as soon as Liberation Tower, Jaber Al-Ali, Al-Jahraa and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. It is world order - or perhaps regional order -is practically discussed. In fact, America’s possible, otherwise they may risk suspension of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh as of today. Following the tasked with affairs of employees and workers in General Raymond T Odierno, who served in Iraq a number of years ago, has recently their subsidies according to relevant laws, issuance of the Cabinet Resolution, 6134/2005, the private and oil sectors. —KUNA touched on this very idea. The partition or division of the current post-2003 Republic of Iraq, General Odierno said, “might be the only solution.” That is, as General Odierno would perhaps agree with, some changes in the system the region has for decades used to function are now urgently needed. The Middle East, the “most volatile region of the world” as former Secretary of State Ahmadi Governor emphasizes and one of the key architects behind the idea of the New Middle East, Condoleezza Rice, has recently said, is no exception and is indifferent from other regions that oper- ate within and through the current global system. The rise of a regional order in the environmental protection Middle East, based on certain Oriental characteristics, is arguably gradually evolving in the Arabian Peninsula. The birth of organizations like the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and KUWAIT: Ahmadi Governor Sheikh Fawaz Al- Iraq reinforces the former argument that a new regional order is socially yet perhaps Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah emphasized that not entirely apolitically being shaped and designed. There is no doubt that a unique environmental protection is a fundamental ele- order, which would determine stability, challenge the existence of disorder and which ment of the ‘My Governorate is the Most would unblock cooperation with different regions of the world, is certainly in need. Beautiful’ project which Ahmadi Province The idea behind the arguable downfall of the current world order and the emer- launched earlier this year. gence of a new dynamic world order in the near future does require further diagnosis. Al-Khaled and head of the Kuwaiti Society for Until then, one important question should be put: Will the ‘Rise of the East’ accelerate the protection of the environment Wejdan Al- the decline of the Westphalian system or will the occurrence of civilizational clashes Eqab stressed during their meeting yesterday between incompatible visions take place? Kuwait’s growing interest in environmental issues and cooperating with the concerned authorities locally and globally to protect has started four decades ago. The governor added that the issuance of a special law for environment in 2014 and the establishment of the Environment Police Department in 2015, raising awareness of envi- ronmental issue among citizens and residents and hosting of a regional organization for the protection of the environment are few of Kuwait’s initiatives to protect the environment. Meanwhile, Eqab prioritized the importance of raising environmental awareness among indi- viduals and communities. She hoped to estab- KUWAIT: Ahmadi Governor Sheikh Fawaz Al-Khaled Al-Sabah meets head of the Kuwaiti lish awareness campaign for desert-goers about Society for the protection of the environment Wejdan Al-Eqab. — KUNA environmental violations. —KUNA

KUWAIT: Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Khaled Suleiman Al-Jarrallah met yesterday with Iranian Embassy’s Charge d’Affaires Hassan Zarinkar where they discussed bilateral ties. The two officials also tackled the latest regional and international developments.Acting office director of First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ambassador Saleh Salem Al-Lougani attended the meeting — KUNA MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 From the Arabic press

Crime Al-Qabas Report Not all Kuwaitis One child dead, three in are the same hospital for food poisoning KUWAIT: One child died and her three siblings were hospi- By Iqbal Al-Ahmad talized in a critical condition after they fell victim to food poisoning. The children’s parents had fed them dinner and went to sleep, but the children stayed up, felt hungry later, young employee helped her, an old and ate food that their mother had prepared to throw in woman, as he noticed her running here the trash, a security source said. The father saw his children Aand there in the hot weather, while one were in pain so he rushed them to Farwaniya hospital employee sent her to another, while the other told where his daughter later died, while the other three were Housing welfare law her to come back tomorrow. admitted inside the intensive care unit. A case was filed. With her papers in hand, she tries to process a transaction at one of the ministries, because time Nine tons of steel stolen means a lot to her and then she almost fell down. An employee approached her and asked her why Jahra detectives are looking for the thieves who stole she was running around the building for hours nine tons of steel from Salmy desert and were report- since early morning under the heat and humidity. ed by the company official. A security source said that She complained to him that she is trying to a company official went to Salmi police station and told them about the stolen wires of the towers lines on process a transaction that requires a few signa- Salmi road. The stolen material included nuts and steel tures by employees in the same place. One pieces weighing nine tons. employee sent her to another and so on and she does not know what to do. Al-Jarida There were people - employees of both gen- Deported for bootlegging ders at their desks, eating drinking and breathing. Five men were arrested for selling moonshine and The office that does not need more than one imported liquor in Farwaniya. The suspects are three employee is crowded with four or five. Another Nepalese with 300 moonshine bottles, an Indian with Al-Anbaa has six desks and all those sitting there do not 10 bottles and a bedoon (stateless) with several import- work. ed bottles. Security Director Major General Fahad Al- As for the phrases, “Come Tomorrow,” or “Bring Shuwaie ordered the expatriate suspects to be sent for This is Kuwait ...” or “Bring the signature of ...” is something easy deportation. for the employee to say, however it is very difficult By Salah Al-Sayer for the patron. The young employee took the papers from her Car robbery uwait was not in the past and in earlier southern bank of the bay from those coming and within half an hour, the transaction was ages located in Australia or Canada. from the sea. processed. The well-mannered man said one sen- Capital police caught two bedoon (stateless) men in tence: “Do not think that all Kuwaitis are not Geography was not flipped over or has lll Jahra while driving a car stolen by one of them from K good.” changed all of a sudden to find ourselves born Kuwait’s land does not have solid stones, so all Ahmadi. A security source said a Capital police True, this is correct. But how many employees and living in north-west of the Arabian Gulf, fences built by Kuwaitis in the past around their patrol suspected a car and when the driver was who deal with patrons, especially non-Kuwaitis, asked to stop, he sped off towards Jahra. The two because Kuwait’s current location is the same for old city are fortifications with little efficacy, natu- are good? And how many are not? Who among were sent to concerned authorities. centuries. Rather historical stories indicate that rally. And the matter became more challenging them perform his job honestly and who, with neg- this distinguished geographical location was a as the city’s men who many of them (with their ligence? I say it, with great regret that the compe- KD 30,000 debt choice for the early Kuwaitis, as they are the ones various origins) had to leave their homeland for tent employees who are committed to the job and who chose it when they decided to disembark long months to work in diving and commercial the good ones among them are on the decline in A citizen wanted on a KD 30,000 debt case was sent to our country, under conditions of lawlessness and civil cases implementation by Mubarak Al-Kabeer from their ships and stick their spears in beaches’ voyages, and with those geographic facts, history police. The citizen was arrested during a campaign near sands and said: “In the name of Allah... This is was able to write its facts that testify that Kuwait carelessness that is widespread among ministries’ Sabah Al-Salem. Kuwait.” continued and flourished, and risks did not keep employees. its people from righting the glorious glory. This well-mannered employee shouldered the lll duty of correcting the negative image of the Kuwaiti employee that is repeatedly observed in Busted Geography has its own rules and logic, as the lll most ministries’ offices, particularly those offices strategic location was one of the factors for the During these days of rampant rumors and Jahra police arrested a Gulf national who was steal- Kuwaitis and non-Kuwaitis frequent. ing from Aqua Park visitors. A security source said a prosperity of old Kuwait port, which is consid- facts, I am concerned in pointing to that history This simple sentence and the initiative of this patrol suspected a man who when asked to stop, ered the last sea point ships can reach in the which confirms that Kuwait is one impervious Kuwaiti employee to help that non-Kuwaiti ran away, but was caught with three mobile north-east of the Arab peninsula. But the location country that has the ability to face the security woman, absorbed all her pains, exhaustion and phones. While in police custody, one of the phones is both “good and bad,” because it is also prone to challenges because of the solidarity of its people anger for the disrespect she faced, so she told him: rang and police found out it was one of the phone land and sea dangers, despite the old city being and its residents as well as the wisdom of its lead- “True, not all Kuwaitis are the same... there are owners. The man told police the phone was stolen hidden behind the Mirqab hill for those coming ership. some who are like you.” from him two hours earlier. —Al-Anbaa from the desert and despite being covered in the —Translated by Kuwait Times —Translated by Kuwait Times KD 250 - 300 car registration, KD 500 license fee proposed

KUWAIT: The Interior Ministry prepared al studies to help cut down on the An expatriate in Kuwait is required to a draft law that increases car registration number of vehicles owned by foreign- have a job with a minimum KD 600 and license fees between 2,900 and ers in a bid to curb traffic jams in monthly salary and a college degree 24,900 percent. The law, which would Kuwait, as well as efforts to increase the before becoming eligible to obtain a affect expatriates, stateless residents Traffic General Department’s revenues. driver’s license. —Al-Qabas and companies, stipulates increasing the fee for car registration or ownership transfer to KD 250 or KD 300 for vehicles that are 10 years old or older, with an extra KD 50 added for each additional car that the owner owns. Meanwhile, the fee for issuing a driver’s license would jump to KD 500, while renewal would increase to KD 50 per year, excluding family drivers with visa 20. In the meantime, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry warned that the law would leave more negative effects than positive ones, such as reducing the activity of companies that depend on representatives or distribu- tors such as restaurants, increasing prices of basic services, while the used car sale business would also be severely affected. The proposal comes as part of sever-

Al-Mutla’a City’s location on Kuwait’s map.

Citizens boycott housing project

KUWAIT: A number of Kuwaitis covered by housing wel- for citizens’ accommodation.’ They announced boycotting fare and who have been offered units in Mutla’a City proj- the Mutla’a - sector N9 scheme, saying that they deserve ect launched a campaign on social media against what better after waiting for over 18 years and accepting reduc- they described as the ‘ill-planning’ and bad housing units tion of areas allocated for them from 600 to 400 square allocated for them in sector N9 of the city. The citizens say meters. Furthermore, they demanded that the Public that houses allocated at Mutla’a City’s sector N9 are too Authority for Housing Welfare suspends distribution at the close to each other, while the entire scheme is ‘not suitable project and review the scheme. —Al-Qabas MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015

Rival Koreas Obama sheds summer curse, just in time for daunting fall restart talks, war temporarily averted Page 9 Page 10

PRESEVO: Thousands of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan wait to be transported to the inside of Serbia in a temporary center for refugees on the border between Serbia and Macedonia near the village of Miratovac. — AFP Immigration crisis: challenge for soul of Europe Thousands of Syrian migrants head for EU

PRESEVO, Serbia: Thousands of migrants, most- reporter said. Rostom Mohamed arrived in ly Syrian refugees, travelled through Macedonia Greece after travelling from Iraq with his wife and Serbia yesterday towards Western Europe, as and three children. He said they had paid 4,000 Italy’s foreign minister said the escalating crisis Euros ($4,550) to smugglers for a boat transport threatened the bloc’s “soul”. The mass migration from Turkey to Greece, adding that “three people of more than 6,000 people, according to Red died on the way”. Cross figures, came after Macedonian police “I want to go to Germany for work. I want to finally re-opened the border with Greece on be safe and live like a human being. That’s why I Saturday, allowing thousands to travel north choose to come to Europe,” he said, as his family towards Serbia in the next stage of their bid to was waiting to enter Macedonia and continue enter the European Union. northwards to the EU. Police had previously said Macedonia had on Thursday declared a state they would only admit “a limited number” of of emergency and sealed off its southern border people but they were not making any attempt to to halt the influx, leaving thousands stranded in stop those crossing, the correspondents said. no-man’s land. After a tense standoff on the bor- Once the migrants reach Serbia, many try to der, hundreds of stranded refugees, many carry- make their way to Hungary, which is a major ing small children, forced their way through crossing point into the EU, although the country barbed wire fences in dramatic scenes on is building a four-meter barbed wire fence along Saturday as police hurled stun grenades. By its 175-kilometre border to stop the influx. Saturday evening, border guards stood aside to allow 1,500 migrants through unhindered. Germany’s ‘biggest challenge’ By yesterday, more than 6,000 refugees and Europe is struggling with a huge influx of migrants had crossed into Serbia where eight migrants in what the EU has described as its worst huge UN refugee agency tents were set up in the refugee crisis since World War II. Official figures border village of Miratovac. Amet Alimi, president show a record 107,500 migrants crossed into the of Presevo’s Red Cross branch, told AFP: “We have EU last month and the figure looks set to increase. worked all night to admit them. There is a flow of In Rome, Italian officials said the coastguard had people who keep coming.” People were visibly rescued 4,400 migrants from 22 boats in the exhausted and many asked for medical aid. There Mediterranean on Saturday in what was under- were many children and pregnant women stood to be the highest daily figure in years. among them, an AFP photographer said. They The number raises to more than 108,000 the were being bussed to the nearby town of Presevo number that have arrived in Italy alone this year, where police handed out documents and helped prompting Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni to them take buses to the border with Hungary, warn that the deepening immigration crisis which unlike Serbia is an EU member state. could pose a major threat to the “soul” of Europe. In Gevgelija, on Macedonia’s southern border “On immigration, Europe is in danger of display- with Greece, refugees and migrants kept com- ing the worst of itself: selfishness, haphazard ing, hundreds at a time. They waited for trains to decision-making and rows between member take them on to Serbia while some haggled with states,” Gentiloni told Il Messaggero. And in taxi drivers to make the 180-kilometre (110-mile) Germany, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said a journey, often for exorbitant sums. “It’s been four-fold increase in asylum requests was the madness throughout the night with people “biggest challenge since reunification” in 1990. everywhere, buses coming and going and taxis He and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier arriving from other towns,” a taxi driver who issued a joint call yesterday for Europe to “fairly” identified himself as Milan said. share out the refugees and urged the creation of More than 400 were in no-man’s land, a “European asylum code” that would guarantee patiently waiting to be allowed in, an AFP bloc-wide asylum status. — AFP

PRESEVO: Migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan wait to enter a temporary center for migrants. — AFP INTERNATIONAL MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 ‘Brothel’ cabarets thrive in breakaway Cyprus statelet

NICOSIA: A white stretch limousine pulls up out- side a northern Nicosia hospital to drop off cabaret girls for their monthly HIV test, in a breakaway statelet where officially prostitution is illegal. Clubs with names such as Sexy Lady, Harem and Lipstick leave little to the imagina- tion, with 50 of them in the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), where tens of thousands of troops from Turkey are stationed in camps on the divided island. Hundreds of young foreign women work and live on the premises, on the basis of “konsoma- tris” (“hostess” in Turkish) visas. Although the women are legally obliged to have monthly HIV tests, Turkish Cypriot authorities do not acknowl- edge they are prostitutes or victims of sex traf- ficking. Official figures show 1,168 such visas were issued between April 2014 and January MINSK: A former opposition presidential candidate Nikolai Statkevich meets with 2015, half to Moldovans and the rest to supporters at a bus station as he was released from a prison. — AP Moroccans, Ukrainians and women from central Asian countries. As the women await their blood Belarus leader frees jailed tests, the hospital ward is filled with Arabic and Slavic conversation, but their minders discourage BEIRUT: A picture taken on August 14, 2015, show cabaret neon lights on the outskirts of talk with outsiders. According to local newspa- opposition to pacify west Nicosia in the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. — AFP pers, a foreign woman in June tried to escape MINSK: Belarus strongman Alexander EU and Belarus,” it said. Germany also wel- from a fourth floor hospital window and broke a ing human trafficking for sex. The offence can ulations on hostesses has been prevented,” he Lukashenko has released six opposition comed the move with a foreign ministry leg. She had reportedly expected to be working carry a seven-year jail sentence. A telephone told AFP by email. The Greek Cypriot-run south leaders, including a former presidential statement describing it as a “positive step” as a waitress and panicked when she realized her helpline, 157, has been launched, but Mine Atli, a of the island, an EU member since 2004, abol- rival, less than two months before presiden- and saying that EU states would have to job was to sell sex. “I’ve been here a month,” a lawyer and member of an “Association of Women ished “artistes’” visas four years later under a bar- tial elections in a move hailed yesterday by “consider how a greater rapprochement can Moroccan in heavy makeup said in a hushed to Support Life”, said victims were “afraid to call rage of US and European accusations of women the European Union. A pardon for the six take place” with Belarus. tone as she waited for a check at a police station, because the helpline is linked to the authorities”. trafficking. The republic of Cyprus remains on a was revealed in a brief statement on the next stop after the hospital. “The police have Past experience has served as a deterrent for US trafficking watch list. The State Department Saturday evening. Among the freed oppo- Europe’s ‘dictator’ bankrupt? got my passport,” she added before a ginger- women to complain. “A number of women charges the TRNC “continues to be a zone of nents was Mikola Statkevich, a former presi- Once dubbed by Washington as haired man in his 50s with a pockmarked face escaped and went to the police. The police impunity for human trafficking”, with a growing dential candidate imprisoned since 2010, “Europe’s last dictator” for his authoritarian charged both the woman (with prostitution) and number of foreign women forced into prostitu- much of which he spent in solitary confine- rule, Lukashenko now finds himself nursing told her to keep quiet. the pimp,” Atli said. She said such cases “end up in tion without any official intervention. The flip ment. chilled relations with former master The release was welcomed by European Moscow over the Ukraine conflict while ‘Sex slaves’ an agreement in court: the woman pulls back her side of the TRNC’s lack of international recogni- officials, who said it was a long-overdue grappling with a shrinking economy that is Police say they keep the passports “for their complaint in exchange for the prosecution to tion is that it has not signed any international step towards normalizing ties after years of dependent on Russia. He recently made a security”, but the lucrative cabaret business in drop the charges against her... The status quo conventions, nor does it have to abide by them. sanctions over Lukashenko’s political crack- return to the international scene, hosting northern Cyprus, under international embargo remains.” Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when down. Observers said political expediency Ukraine peace talks in Minsk between pro- since a Turkish invasion, has its critics. “These Turkish troops occupied its northern third in propelled the move as well as the need for Moscow rebels and the leaders of Ukraine, nightclubs are brothels. Women are used as sex Powerful lobby response to an Athens-inspired coup seeking risk management as main ally Russia is sink- France, Germany and Russia. slaves. Everybody knows it and nobody does Cabaret owners are a powerful lobby in a union with Greece. ing into recession. On his release, a smiling The 60-year-old president was re-elected anything,” said Dogus Derya, a member of the statelet dependent on alternative sources of rev- Only Ankara recognises the TRNC, self-declared Statkevich was given a hero’s welcome with to a fourth term in December 2010 in a poll TRNC parliament. enues such as nightclubs and casinos, a magnet in November 1983. Emine Colak, its foreign minis- flowers and balloons by around 200 people marred by a violent crackdown on the “Often the girls do not get a salary. They get a for tourists from Turkey where casinos are ter, was candid in a conversation in her law office. in Minsk. He and the five others were con- opposition which saw most opposition portion of what they made, but sometimes only banned. The TRNC’s interior minister, Aziz “The situation would improve if there was a solu- sidered by international rights groups as leaders jailed and resulted in EU sanctions. half of what was promised to make sure they Gurpinar, said the cabarets pay around 7.5 mil- tion as international treaties could be used to the last political prisoners in the country. Statkevich, now aged 58, was a rival candi- come back for the rest,” she said. “They pay for lion Turkish liras in annual taxes ($2.5 million) leverage pressure on authorities,” she told AFP. “I will continue to do what I have always date in that disputed election, and received their own shoes, underwear, medicine. And they and insisted that measures were being taken to “With international recognition comes interna- done: work for a free Belarus,” Statkevich a six year sentence in a sweeping probe into are asked up to $150 a week for their accommo- prevent exploitation of the women. tional pressures,” said Colak, who also runs a told the jubilant crowd as he embraced his alleged mass riots following the polls. dation at the nightclub,” said the feminist MP. “It’s “A brochure was prepared which contains human rights foundation. After decades of failed wife and was even lifted into the air by sup- The opposition has been all but wiped easy to do human trafficking here.” information on the legal rights of the hostesses international initiatives, a new round of UN-bro- porters, some of whom shouted: “Mikola is out as many key figures have left Belarus. Under pressure from the European Court of upon entry to the country and emergency kered reunification talks between the Greek our president!” “I will not leave Belarus “Lukashenko clearly sees economic crisis phone numbers they can call if needed,” he said. Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders was launched under any circumstances. I will fight for cre- and political madness in Russia now, so he Human Rights, the local parliament in January “The risk of exploitation due to the laws and reg- in May. — AFP ating a normal country,” he said. “Together wants to improve relations with the West 2014 approved a series of amendments outlaw- we will make this country normal and free.” and understands that dialogue is impossi- The surprise move to pardon and release ble without freeing political prisoners,” the six detainees in a decree that based the Alexei Yanukevich, leader of BNF opposition Underground railroad decision on “humane principles” comes as party, told AFP. He said that one could even- Lukashenko, in power since 1994, seeks tually expect at least a partial lifting of EU reelection for a fifth term in an October 11 sanctions from Minsk. election. In an interview to opposition website assists Iraqi refugees Their release took place a day after regis- Charter 97, Statkevich said he was freed tration closed for potential candidates. “This because “Lukashenko has run out of mon- SAN DIEGO: A Southern California nonprofit is ‘humanism’ is tightly connected with the ey” and will now seek loans from both running an “underground railroad” to assist desire to improve relations with the West Russia and the International Monetary Chaldean Catholics fleeing the turmoil in Iraq, after the polls,” Minsk-based political analyst Fund. Statkevich had been recognized as a its founder says. Mark Arabo, a first-generation Alexander Klaskovsky said. The move was political prisoner by Amnesty International, Iraqi-American, founded the Minority hailed in Europe with EU foreign policy and Western officials regularly pushed for Humanitarian Foundation out of impatience chief Federica Mogherini calling it a “long- his release. Another freed prisoner, Mikola sought step forward” in a joint statement Rubsev, was arrested during the 2010 with Washington’s inability to deal with the cri- with EU enlargement commissioner protests while wearing a T-shirt calling for sis created by Islamic State militants, The San Johannes Hahn. The releases “represent Lukashenko to go. The remaining four were Diego Union-Tribune reported Saturday. important progress in the efforts towards accused of belonging to an anarchist group About 60,000 Chaldeans live in the San the improvement of relations between the that clashed with security officers. — AFP Diego suburb of El Cajon - after Detroit, the second largest concentration in the United States. While refugees have found a safe haven Turkey oppn accuses Erdogan there, the friends and relatives they left behind in Iraq face what Arabo called “a Christian of ‘civilian coup’ on elections genocide.” President Barack “Obama is failing on this issue completely,” he said. “Our ISTANBUL: The leader of Turkey’s main November 1 polls will be whether the AKP Congress is turning a blind eye.” opposition party yesterday accused can increase its vote count and regain its Arabo, 32, told the newspaper the group President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of seeking overall majority, an outcome commenta- runs an “underground railroad” that transports to stage a “civilian coup” over plans for snap tors believe is far from inevitable. elections after coalition talks failed. Iraqi refugees into San Diego. He says the Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party Army clashes with PKK group also seeks to help other persecuted reli- (AKP) lost its overall majority in June 7 leg- In other news, Kurdistan Workers Party gious minorities. The newspaper said 27 islative polls but was unable to form a coali- (PKK) militants yesterday killed a Turkish Chaldeans are in the custody of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement in San SAN DIEGO: This photo taken Aug 20, 2015, shows Fadi Hirmiz near the San Ysidro border tion by the deadline that runs out yesterday. soldier in an attack in eastern Turkey as it crossing. — AP The opposition Republican People’s held a dozen customs officials hostage, the Diego. To date, 15 have been ordered deport- Party (CHP), which held weeks of coalition army said. Eleven customs officials and ed, and five face criminal charges for entering ern Iraq, demolishing communities, he grew lack those documents. “This has to do with the talks with the AKP, says Erdogan deliberate- their driver have been missing for two days the US under false pretenses. Several had been frantic. “ISIS was getting closer and closer to flexibility of Mexican officials,” he said, “and the ly stymied the negotiations in the hope of after vanishing in the Van region of eastern granted asylum in other countries. Others were our village,” Hirmiz said through an interpreter. inflexibility of the American officials.” After a triggering new polls and a better result for Turkey on the border with Iran. using aliases, a red flag when terrorists have “I was afraid for my family, for our kids.” “My night on the border, Hirmiz and his family his party. “There is no law in Turkey at the There had been uncertainty over their vowed to attack America. wife’s cousin is a friend of Mark Arabo,” Hirmiz entered the United States at San Ysidro on Sept moment,” said CHP leader Kemal fate but the army confirmed yesterday they said. “That’s how we got help.” 1. Their request for asylum is still under review. Kilicdaroglu. had been abducted at the Kapikoy border ‘ISIS was getting closer’ While Arabo would not reveal details of his Arabo said his makeshift operation is neces- “Democracy is currently suspended and crossing with Iran by the “Separatist Terror “It’s just a very huge national security con- operation, Hirmiz said his family’s escape was sary: “The underground railroad wasn’t our first the constitution is is not working,” he told a Organisation”, its usual phrase for the PKK, cern for the agency,” said Lauren Mack, a engineered by the El Cajon resident. Their jour- choice. It was our last choice.” Critics within the televised meeting of CHP MPs in Ankara. to which it never refers by name. spokeswoman for the federal immigration ney began on Aug. 15, 2014, when they board- local Chaldean community note that these “We are faced with a civilian coup,” he said, Abductions by the PKK are relatively com- agency. “We are doing our due diligence to ed a truck in their northern Iraqi village, expensive journeys -the estimated cost for a in nod to history which has seen Turkey liv- mon and usually end peacefully. But there ensure that anyone who gets admitted to the Batnaya, and rode to the Turkish frontier. family of four: $25,000 - rely on a shadowy net- ing through three military coups-in 1960, were no further details over the situation of country on any kind of visa, that we have their There, a contact supplied them with a pack- work of anonymous guides. “I would not leave 1971 and 1980. the customs officials. true identity.” Fadi Hirmiz, a 38-year-old et of plane tickets from Turkey through Europe people in the hands of smugglers,” said Besma He said the CHP, which came second in In a separate incident, one soldier was to Mexico. Hirmiz and his fellow travelers fly Coda, chief operating officer of Chaldean & the polls, was willing to be the minority part- killed and three others wounded in clashes Chaldean Catholic, told the newspaper he was able to get out in time. Last summer, as Islamic into Mexico, Arabo said, because the US Middle-Eastern Social Services, a nonprofit ner in a coalition led by Prime Minister with PKK militants in the southeastern demands visas of foreign travelers. His refugees based in El Cajon. — AP Ahmet Davutoglu, that would have been Diyarbakir region, the army said. The clash- State fighters swept toward his home in north- “respected inside and outside” of Turkey. But es erupted just after dawn when PKK mili- his party wanted to see change on three tants attacked a detachment of soldiers major issues-foreign policy, which needed a guarding a hydro-electric dam with rockets Death toll of strikes “180 degree transformation”, the “big prob- and long-range gunfire in the Kulp district lem” of the economy and an education sys- of Diyarbakir. tem “that leaves no parent satisfied”. “In the resulting clashes... one brave sol- near Damascus at 34 On Friday Erdogan said he would meet dier was killed and three wounded,” it said, the speaker of the Turkish parliament on adding a ground and air operation was Monday to exercise his right to call snap now in progress to “neutralize” the terrorists BEIRUT: The toll from heavy government bom- found more victims underneath the rubble, and killed more than 117 people-mostly civilians-in elections, slated for November 1. The CHP is behind the attack. bardment of a rebel stronghold outside the others who were wounded died,” Abdel Rahman Douma, sparking international condemnation of incensed that Erdogan did not offer the The PKK has been staging daily attacks Syrian capital rose yesterday to 34 civilians said yesterday. He said some strikes killed entire the Assad regime. Eastern Ghouta has been party a chance to form a coalition govern- against the Turkish armed forces as the mil- including 12 children, a monitoring group said. families inside their homes. under a government siege for nearly two years ment after the failure of talks with the AKP, itary keeps up air raids and military opera- Separate rocket attacks killed 11 people in a Local volunteers and civil defence teams and comes under regular air attack. accusing him of violating the constitution. tions against its strongholds in southeast regime-held neighborhood northeast of worked yesterday morning to locate seven peo- Meanwhile, northeast of Damascus at least 11 But Erdogan snapped back, saying he could Turkey as well as northern Iraq. Damascus and one person in the capital itself ple who were still unaccounted for, the Britain- people were killed and 56 wounded by rocket not meet Kilicdaroglu because the CHP According to figures published Saturday yesterday, state television said. based Observatory said. The Douma fire outside Adra prison yesterday, state televi- leader refused to set foot in his presidential by the state-run Anatolia news agency “There are now 34 civilians that were killed in Coordination Committee, a local activist group, sion said. It said the rockets were fired by “terror- palace. before the latest incidents, 812 PKK mili- Saturday’s attacks on Douma, among them 12 published the names and photos of document- ist groups” and that women and children were Speaking to reporters in Ankara yester- tants have been killed in the campaign children and eight women,” said Rami Abdel ed casualties on Facebook. One picture showed among the wounded. Citing the interior min- day, Davutoglu insisted that the AKP had while 56 members of the Turkish security Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for a toddler the group said had been rescued from istry, the broadcaster also said one person was acted in line with the Turkish constitution. forces have lost their lives. It is not possible Human Rights. Forces loyal to President Bashar beneath the rubble but who succumbed to his killed and seven wounded in Damascus when “Right until now, since June 7 - and the to independently verify the death toll for al-Assad targeted the rebel-held town of Douma wounds shortly afterwards. “terrorists fired rockets at different parts of the nation is our witness - we have not deviat- PKK militants. Turkish officials have vehe- with shelling and air raids on Saturday. At least 11 air strikes targeted the Eastern capital”. Syria’s war, which began in March 2011 ed one inch from the constitution and the mently denied claims that civilians have By late evening, the Observatory said 20 civil- Ghouta area, of which Douma is a part, yester- with anti-regime protests, has spiraled into a law,” he said. The key question in the also been targeted. — Agencies ians had been killed, but also that rescuers were day. Some hit the town of Arbin, killing four civil- multi-front conflict that has killed more than still searching for more victims. “Overnight, they ians. On August 16, a series of regime strikes 240,000 people. — AFP INTERNATIONAL MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 Obama sheds summer curse, just in time for daunting fall 2015 summer huge success for Obama

EDGARTOWN: President Barack Obama may have finally shed his summer curse - just in time for a daunt- ing fall. After a string of sunny seasons gripped by con- troversy, crises and plummeting popularity, the sum- mer of 2015 has been among the most productive stretches of Obama’s presidency. Late June victories in the Supreme Court on health care and gay marriage, along with a win for his trade agenda on Capitol Hill, were followed by the landmark Iran nuclear deal in July and the raising of the US flag over a new embassy in Cuba in August. Instead of being overshadowed by the 2016 presi- IOWA: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks at the dential campaign, Obama’s agenda has often been Iowa Democratic Wing Ding at the Surf Ballroom. — AP driving the debate among the candidates running to replace him. And yet to the president, one of his sum- Bernie Sanders takes aim at mer’s biggest successes may simply be making it through his annual vacation on the tony Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard largely uninterrupted. While ‘corrupted’ Koch brothers his summer troubles have often trailed him on previous vacations, he’s poised to close out this year’s trip NORTH CHARLESTON: Democratic presiden- Clinton or any Republican candidates by Sunday without any statements to the press or public tial hopeful Bernie Sanders is making the bil- name, but relishes telling his audiences that appearances, beyond a few glimpses of him on the golf lionaire brothers Charles and David Koch the he stands out for refusing any support from course and biking with his family. face of a “corrupted” political and economic Super PACs, the political committees that “The president has absolutely appreciated the MASSACHUSETTS: President Barack Obama rides a bike in West Tisbury, on Martha’s Vineyard, system that the Vermont senator wants to can accept the unlimited sums as long as opportunity to take these two weeks outside of the Saturday, Aug 22, 2015. Obama and his family vacation every August on Martha’s Vineyard. — AP upend. they don’t coordinate directly with candi- hustle and bustle of Washington and spend some time with family and friends,” White House spokesman Eric for the United Nations General Assembly. For Obama, the group’s gruesome beheading of Americans, as well Sanders delighted a South Carolina rally of dates’ principal campaign committees. He Schultz said. “Once we return to Washington, our agen- now deep in his second term, a busy, high-stakes agen- as tensions in Ferguson, Missouri, after a white police more than 3,000 people Saturday with his says he has more than 400,000 individual da is packed, so the president is grateful for some rest da sure beats the alternative. His presidency appeared officer fatally shot an 18-year-old black man. assertions that the Kochs and other “greedy” contributors who have chipped in an aver- and relaxation in advance of what will be a very busy to be quickly slipping into lame-duck territory last year, Free this year from an all-consuming crisis, the presi- billionaires are destroying American democ- age of $31.20. fall.” Indeed, the president returns to Washington with a but began to rebound after Democrats’ defeats in the dent spent most of the two-week summer vacation on racy by infusing huge sums of cash into cam- “This is a people’s campaign,” he said in full schedule and confrontations with Congress that will midterm election and picked up momentum this sum- the golf course, at the beach and dining out with his paigns and election. The Vermont senator, North Charleston. The rally Saturday night help determine whether his summer momentum is mer. Summer has previously been Obama’s cruelest family. He also attended a party on the island thrown who is pushing former Secretary of State concluded a two-day swing in South sustained or sputters. Atop the president’s priorities is season: the hostile health care town halls in 2009, the by Democratic power broker Vernon Jordan, who also Hillary Rodham Clinton from the left, called Carolina, which hosts the South’s first pri- preventing Congress from blocking the Iran deal, which debt ceiling crisis in 2011, the president’s waffling on hosted an even last year where Obama was spotted on for publicly financed elections that would mary, weeks after Iowa and New Hampshire curbs Tehran’s nuclear program in exchange for billions Syria’s chemical weapons use in 2013. Last summer the dance floor. But there were no images of Obama allow “anyone” to seek public office without start the nominating contest. of dollars in sanctions relief. Obama will likely have to was consumed by the swift rise of the Islamic State and dancing this year. —AP “begging from billionaires.” South Carolina is the first of the early vot- veto a resolution of disapproval by lawmakers, blemish- And he pledged that his nominees to the ing states to feature a large number of ing his signature foreign policy initiative, but he Supreme Court would have to promise them- African-American voters. Sanders and his appears on track to garner enough from support from German police clash with selves that they would try to overturn the aides have acknowledged that he must Democrats to hold off Republican override efforts. Citizens United decision that allows corpora- increase his support among African- activists at refugee centre tions, unions and wealthy individuals to Americans, here and nationally, if he hopes Government shutdown Obama is also hoping to avoid the second govern- BERLIN: New clashes erupted in east Germany erupted later in the day when a group of spend unlimited sums in campaigns. “We live to turn his surprising momentum into a seri- ment shutdown of his presidency. Some conservative Saturday between police and far-right activists around 150 far-right activists-facing a similar in a nation in which a handful of very, very ous challenge against Clinton. In each of his Republicans have threatened to hold up funding bills protesting the opening of a new centre for number of people holding a counter-demon- wealthy people have extraordinary power South Carolina stops, Sanders attempted to to keep the government open after Oct. 1 unless feder- refugees, German news agency DPA said, a day stration-began hurling firecrackers and bottles. over our economy and our political life and link his progressive agenda to concerns and al money for Planned Parenthood is cut. Senate after similar standoffs left dozens wounded. At that point, police, who were using shields the media,” Sanders told the boisterous crowd challenges prevalent in the black communi- Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has dismissed Around 1,000 people had turned up in to protect themselves, began dispersing the at a convention center near Charleston. ty. He called for restoring sections of the the prospect of a shutdown, saying “We’ve been down Heidenau, near Dresden, to demonstrate demonstrators, according to DPA. More than “They are very, very powerful and many of Voting Rights Act that the Supreme Court this path before.” Still, the issue has spilled into the 2016 against the expected arrival of hundreds of 300 refugees have already begun using the them are extremely greedy,” he continued. overturned and pledged to fight “institution- presidential campaign, which will likely intensify the refugees in a protest called by the far-right refugee centre, constructed out of a former DIY “For the life of me, I will never understand al racism,” with a particular focus on the debate over linking government funding to the National Democratic Party. superstore which has been refitted after lying how families like the Koch brothers, worth criminal justice system. women’s health organization. Police intervened with tear gas after some empty for years. The German authorities have $85 billion; apparently think that’s not He called special attention to the June Seeking to bolster his legacy abroad, Obama will 30 protesters blocked the road while hundreds been alarmed over a rise in violent attacks tar- enough money.” Sanders’ remarks came on massacre during which a white gunman also be pushing for a global climate treaty and finaliza- gathered outside the building due to house geting places earmarked for refugee accom- the same day that Americans for Prosperity, a killed nine members of a historic black tion of a free trade agreement with Asia-Pacific nations. the refugees. “Stones, bottles and firecrackers modation. Germany is bracing for a record conservative activists organization backed church in Charleston, and he mentioned the His string of summer successes began with Congress were hurled at police,” a police statement said, influx of up to 800,000 asylum seekers this heavily by the Kochs, heard from several killing of Walter Scott, a 50-year-old black agreeing to a fast-track approval process for the trade pact when negotiations are complete. adding that 31 officers had been hurt, one of year. “We shall not tolerate people being Republican White House hopefuls. man who was shot and killed this spring by a September also holds a White House meeting with them seriously. There were no details on the threatened or attacked in our country,” Justice white police officer in North Charleston. Pope Francis, a state visit for Chinese President Xi number of demonstrators hurt. Though calm Minister Heiko Maas said on Saturday. “We ‘This is a people’s campaign’ That officer has since been fired and charged Jinping, where Beijing’s high-profile hacking will be on was restored by Saturday morning, clashes must act against this.” — AFP Sanders typically does not mention with murder. — AP the agenda, and the president’s annual trip to New York INTERNATIONAL MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015

Typhoon ravages Philippines, Now heads towards Japan

MANILA: A weakened Typhoon Goni time evacuation when the event was an average of 20 that hit the Philippines limeters of rainfall in the last two days as it coastal areas due to towering waves. was headed towards Japan yesterday, already starting to happen,” said each year. Goni approached. Some have been Yesterday afternoon, however, some after leaving at least 10 dead in the Alexander Pama, the country’s civil unable to return home since Soudelor evacuees were returning home as the northern Philippines and causing thou- defense chief. The 17 people missing Moving northwards due to blocked roads. “We all would love storm moved away from Taiwan and sands of people to be evacuated in were from a small mining community Goni weakened as it moved north- to go home as early as possible,” one there were no reports of serious dam- Taiwan. By yesterday afternoon the that was buried by landslides, police in wards off Taiwan’s east coast, but the evacuee from a tiny village in Wulai, who age. “The radius of the storm slightly storm was 240 kilometers east of the area said. authorities warned of heavy rainfall with gave her name as Yukyu, said yesterday. contracted... and the trend is expected Taiwan’s capital Taipei and was moving Although the Philippine weather sta- particular concern for areas left dam- She is one of 80 Wulai residents who to go on,” the Central Weather Bureau north at 19 miles an hour, the island’s tion said most of the danger had now aged and waterlogged by Typhoon have been living in a temporary shelter said in a statement. Goni was expected Central Weather Bureau said. The passed, 40 evacuation centres are still Soudelor earlier this month. Thousands in Taipei for more than two weeks, bed- to move near a remote Japanese island Philippines was hit hardest by the storm, operational with over 4,000 people were evacuated from outlying islands ding down on the floor in sleeping bags. chain called the Sakishima Islands by which triggered landslides and floods- housed inside, said Tess Briones, disaster and mountainous areas as a precaution, “But any further rains could trigger land- yesterday evening, according to the killing at least 10 and leaving 17 missing response chief at the social welfare including 1,500 from the hot spring slides,” she said. Ahead of the typhoon, Japan Meterological Agency. The agency in the north of the main island of Luzon. department. In the northern province of region of Wulai just outside Taipei, which 1,700 tourists were also evacuated from has issued high wave and strong wind “Pre-emptive evacuations have been Ilocos Norte, an island town in the mid- was devastated by Soudelor. outlying tourist destinations, bringing warnings for the islands which are part conducted in most of the area but sad to dle of a river had its bridge destroyed, Wulai residents had piled large sand- the total number of evacuees to almost of Okinawa prefecture. The storm is note, some of the areas did not do a pre- leaving about 730 families stranded, offi- bags along the river to prevent flooding, 4,000. expected to move toward Japan’s main emptive (evacuation) and some did real- cials said. The storm is the ninth out of with the area already receiving 130 mil- Authorities warned people not to vis- islands in the coming days. - AFP

India, Pakistan blame each other as talks breakdown

NEW DELHI: India and Pakistan blamed Kashmir. Pakistan’s high commissioner to each other for the cancellation of talks New Delhi had invited Kashmiri leaders to between their national security advisers meet with Aziz. “It has been pointed out that were scheduled for this week, with the repeatedly that it has been a long-standing rivals squabbling over the agenda. The practice that whenever Pakistani leaders meeting scheduled for today in New Delhi visited India during the past 20 years, they would have resumed dialogue between the have been meeting (separatist) leaders,” nuclear-armed neighbors a year after India Pakistan’s statement said. “It would be inap- canceled talks because Pakistan had con- propriate for India to now impose the con- sulted with Kashmiri separatists. dition of changing this long-standing prac- “The cancellation of talks at the level of tice.” the national security advisers is unfortu- India accuses Pakistan of arming and nate. It’s Pakistan which has canceled the training insurgents fighting for Kashmir’s talks and not India,” Indian Home Minister independence from India or its merger Rajnath Singh told reporters yesterday, with Pakistan, a charge Islamabad denies. adding that the possibility of any future More than 68,000 people have been killed dialogue would depend on Pakistan. in the violence. India and Pakistan have Pakistan’s foreign ministry issued a fought two wars over their competing statement late Saturday rejecting India’s claims to Kashmir, and each administers suggestion to restrict the meeting to issues part of it. India’s external affairs minister, related to terrorism. Pakistan was keen on Sushma Swaraj, said Saturday that Aziz discussing the dispute over Kashmir and would be welcome if he agreed to limit his meet with Kashmiri separatist leaders. discussions to ending terrorism and vio- Pakistan’s national security adviser, Sartaj lence. “India would discuss the Kashmir Aziz, did not travel to New Delhi yesterday dispute with Pakistan after the issue of ter- as planned. He was scheduled to meet rorism is resolved,” she told reporters. today with his Indian counterpart, Ajit Hours later, Pakistan’s foreign ministry Doval. issued its statement, saying it had come to Uncertainty about Aziz’s trip began the conclusion that the proposed talks Friday when India said it would not be would not serve any purpose if conducted “appropriate” for him to meet with sepa- on the basis of the conditions laid down ratist leaders from Indian-controlled by Swaraj. -—AP SEOUL: South Korean marines patrol along on Yeonpyeong Island. — AP Rival Koreas restart talks, war temporarily averted Second round of talks hopes to succeed

PYONGYANG: For the moment, North and sense. The Defense Ministry official said the South Korea have pulled back from the brink South continued the anti-Pyongyang broad- and yesterday resumed a second round of casts even after the start of the talks on News talks that temporarily pushed aside vows of Saturday and also after the start of the sec- In brief imminent war on the peninsula. The first ond session yesterday. He said Seoul would round of marathon talks on Saturday came decide after the talks whether to halt the Explosion at chemical plant to nothing, and South Korea’s military broadcasts. While the meeting offered a way in eastern China kills one reported yesterday that it detected unusual for the rivals to avoid an immediate collision, BEIJING: An explosion at a chemical plant in eastern troop and submarine movements in North analysts in Seoul wondered whether the China killed one person and injured nine others, a state Korea that indicated Pyongyang was countries were standing too far apart to news agency reported yesterday, less than two weeks SRINAGAR: An elderly injured supporter lies on the street as supporters of the hard- expect a quick agreement. strengthening its capability for a possible after a similar disaster at a chemical warehouse killed 123 line faction of the All Parties Hurriyat Confrence (APHC) clash with Indian police dur- strike. South Korea probably can’t afford to walk people. The explosion occurred just before 9 p.m. ing a protest following the house arrest of APHC leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani. —AP Still, even the decision for senior officials away with a weak agreement after it had Saturday in Zibo, a city southeast of Beijing in Shandong from countries that have spent recent days openly vowed to stem a “vicious cycle” of vowing to destroy each other to simply sit North Korean provocations amid public province, the Xinhua News Agency said. It said firefight- Police fear bomb blast down at a table in Panmunjom, the border anger over the land mines, said Koh Yu- ers put out the resulting fire just before 2 am yesterday. enclave where the 1953 armistice ending hwan, a North Korea expert at Seoul’s The report gave no details of the identity of the person fighting in the Korean War was agreed to, is Dongguk University. It was highly unlikely killed. It said the cause of the blast was under investiga- suspect may have fled something of a victory. The length of the that the North would accept the South’s tion. Environmental authorities detected no contamina- first round of talks - nearly 10 hours - and expected demand for Pyongyang to take tion from the blast, according to Xinhua. The facility, BANGKOK: Despite new surveillance video “I suspect that he may have left, but we the lack of immediate progress are not responsibility for the land mine explosions owned by Shandong Runxing Chemical Technology Co, that may offer a possible clue to the bomb- will keep searching, in case we can find unusual. While the Koreas often have diffi- and apologize, he added. However, Koh said produced adiponitrile, which can give off toxic fumes ing in central Bangkok that killed 20 peo- others who may be in the country or find culty agreeing to talks, once they do, over- the meeting might open the door to more when burned, according to Xinhua. Adiponitrile is used ple, Thai police said yesterday that the per- clues, evidence and witnesses who may long sessions are often the rule. After talks between the rivals to discuss a variety in making nylon and other products. The blast follows petrators may have already fled the coun- have seen him,” he told Channel 3 TV net- decades of animosity and bloodshed, how- of issues. At the meeting, South Korea’s pres- the Aug. 12 explosion at a warehouse holding chemicals try, and that they will “need some luck” to work. Police have offered a reward that on ever, finding common ground is much hard- idential national security director, Kim Kwan- in Tianjin, a port city east of Beijing. Yesterday, the Tianjin catch them. Friday was raised to 3 million baht er. South Korean presidential spokesman jin, and Unification Minister Hong Yong-pyo city government announced on its microblog account Surveillance video leaked to Thai media ($85,000). On a police arrest warrant, the Min Kyung-wook did not disclose details sat down with Hwang Pyong So, the top that the death toll in that disaster had been raised to 123. shows a man in a blue shirt placing a bag suspect is described as a “foreign man,” about the first round of talks, which political officer for the Korean People’s Army, It said 50 people were still missing. The cause of the on a riverside walkway, then kicking it into although a military spokesman said a con- adjourned just before dawn yesterday. The and Kim Yang Gon, a senior North Korean Tianjin disaster is under investigation. State media say the water on Monday night shortly after nection to international terrorism seemed talks began shortly after a deadline set by official responsible for South Korean affairs. that the warehouse, which stored sodium cyanide and the explosion several kilometers away at unlikely. Thailand’s police chief Somyot North Korea for the South to dismantle Hwang is considered by outside analysts to other dangerous chemicals, was too close to homes and the downtown Erawan shrine. About 18 Poompanmoung said investigators would loudspeakers broadcasting anti-Pyongyang be North Korea’s second most important that its operators may have obtained falsified safety hours later, at 1 pm Tuesday, an explosion need some luck to catch those behind the propaganda at their border. North Korea official after supreme leader Kim Jong Un. approvals. The disaster raised concerns about the effec- took place at the same spot near a busy attack. “I have to say we need some luck. If had declared that its front-line troops were tiveness of China’s regulatory bodies and their ability to pier, causing no casualties. the police have good fortune, we might be in full war readiness and prepared to go to Propaganda speakers oversee industries in which they or officials might have Col Winthai Suvaree, a spokesman for able to make an arrest, but ... if the perpe- battle if Seoul did not back down. South Korea had been using 11 loud- an interest. Thailand’s ruling junta, also said that closed trator has good fortune maybe they can An official from Seoul’s Defense Ministry speaker systems along the border for the circuit television showing the main bomb- get away,” he told reporters yesterday after said about 70 percent of the North’s more broadcasts, which included the latest news ing suspect was used to trace the route he a ceremonial show of security strength than 70 submarines and undersea vehicles around the Korean Peninsula and the world, South Korean popular music and programs Malaysia finds more refugee took to and from the site of Monday meant in part to reassure the public over had left their bases and were undetectable graves near Thailand border praising the South’s democracy and eco- evening’s rush-hour attack. He said that a safety. by the South Korean military as of Saturday. The official, who didn’t want to be named nomic affluence over the North’s oppressive KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian police said yesterday police sketch of the suspect had been dis- because of office rules, also said the North government, said a senior military official, they had found 24 human skeletons - all believed to tributed to border posts. Police spokesman False information had doubled the strength of its front-line speaking on condition of anonymity. be victims of trafficking - in newly discovered graves Prawut Thawornsiri said he believes the Meanwhile, authorities have arrested artillery forces since the start of the talks ear- Each loudspeaker system has broadcast along the Thai border in the northern Malaysian perpetrator would have timed an escape two people for allegedly spreading “false ly Saturday evening. “It seems that the North for more than 10 hours a day, the official state of Perlis. The latest gruesome discovery comes carefully and “wouldn’t have much time to information,” apparently in connection with is pursuing dialogue on one side and said. If North Korea attacks the loudspeak- after police found 139 graves and 28 abandoned stay around.” the shrine bombing. —AP preparing for battle on another side,” he ers, the South is ready to strike back at the “detention” camps capable of housing hundreds of said. The standoff is the result of a series of North Korean units responsible, he said. people in May, laying bare the grim extent of the events that started with the explosions of North Korea, which has also restarted its region’s migrant crisis. The new graves were found land mines on the southern side of the own propaganda broadcasts, is extremely on Saturday near the peak of a hill surrounded by Demilitarized Zone between the Koreas that sensitive to any criticism of its government. jungle terrain and along the Thai border, not too far Seoul says were planted by North Korea. The Analysts in Seoul also believe the North from the graves unearthed in May, Perlis police chief explosions maimed two South Korean sol- fears that the South’s broadcasts could Shafie Ismail was quoted as saying by Bernama, the diers on a routine patrol. In response, the demoralize its front-line troops and inspire country’s official news agency. “It is believed that South resumed anti-Pyongyang propagan- them to defect. heavy rain had eroded the graves,” he said. After da broadcasts for the first time in 11 years, In Pyongyang, North Korean state media May’s unearthing, the remains of 106 people were infuriating the North, which is extremely reported that more than 1 million young exhumed, mostly believed to be Muslim Rohingya sensitive to any criticism of its authoritarian people have volunteered to join or rejoin fleeing persecution in Myanmar, as well as system. the military to defend their country should a Bangladeshis seeking better opportunities abroad. conflict break out. Despite such highly Mass graves were also discovered on the Thai side of Shock and worry charged rhetoric, which is not particularly the border. The Rohingya, a Muslim minority from There was shock and worry Thursday, unusual, activity in the capital remained Myanmar, have for years sought to escape what they when South Korea’s military fired dozens of calm yesterday, with people going about say is worsening persecution by the country’s artillery rounds across the border in their daily routines. Truckloads of soldiers Buddhist majority. Fleeing abroad by the thousands response to what Seoul said were North singing martial songs could occasionally be each year, they typically put their lives in the hands Korean artillery strikes meant to back up an seen driving around the city, and a single earlier threat to attack the loudspeakers. The minivan with camouflage netting was of often brutal smugglers and traffickers who North denies it was behind the land mines parked near the main train station as the arrange a perilous passage by sea and land, usually BANGKOK: People leave messages for bombing victims at a plaza across from the destined for Muslim-majority Malaysia. Erawan Shrine at Rajprasong intersection, the scene of Monday’s bombing. — AP and the shelling, claims that Seoul calls non- talks with the South went on.—AP

NEWS MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 Abbas to resign from PLO post

JERUSALEM: The official Palestinian news agency is quot- tee will be elected at a rare meeting of the Palestinians’ ing President Mahmoud Abbas as saying he is resigning parliament-in-exile next month. The upcoming shakeup is from the Palestine Liberation Organization’s top leader- seen as one of Abbas’ recent efforts to sideline critics and ship body - a move seen as an attempt to tighten his grip potential rivals. on power. Abbas is not resigning as Palestinian president. The PLO has atrophied since the 1990s, as power shift- The WAFA agency says Abbas told journalists yesterday ed to the Palestinian self-rule government headed by he and up to 10 others are submitting resignations from Abbas. Yet changes in the PLO leadership could help the PLO Executive Committee. Abbas says a new commit- determine Abbas’ eventual successor. — AP

Kuwait stocks plunge as oil prices plummet Continued from Page 1 ure for many years at least. But one-year US dollar/Saudi riyal forwards have The index finished just off the intra-day low and close to jumped to their highest levels since 2003 in the last few major technical support on the March low of 3,233 points. days as banks have hedged against the risk of the peg Saudi Arabia’s benchmark lost 6.9 percent to 7,463 breaking - further alarming the equity market. The United points, nearing support on its December low of 7,226 Arab Emirates has a more diversified economy than Saudi points. That brought its losses so far this month to 18 per- Arabia and is fiscally stronger. But it, like other markets cent - a drop which has erased some $75 billion of market around the region, is vulnerable to a pull-out of Saudi value. money if Riyadh slumps. “There was no discrimination in the selling - it was PARIS: (From L) US ambassador to France Jane Hartley, off-duty US servicemen Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler across markets, across sectors, across names,” said SUPPORT and Alek Skarlatos attend a press conference at the US embassy in Paris yesterday, two days after 25-year-old Sebastien Henin, portfolio manager at The National Henin said it was difficult to identify support for the Gulf Moroccan Ayoub El-Khazzani opened fire on a Thalys train travelling from Amsterdam to Paris, injuring two Investor in Abu Dhabi. He noted that even stocks in tradi- markets in their current mood and it might require a stabi- people before being tackled by several passengers including off-duty American servicemen. — AFP tional defensive industries such as telecommunications lization of oil prices and big foreign equity markets, and and food were hit hard in the Gulf. “That was a bit worry- therefore an easing of worries about China’s economy, for ing.” The major Gulf oil exporting states have huge fiscal selling in the Gulf to dry up. Train gunman known to 3 countries reserves which will allow them to prevent cheap oil from When that happens, there may be substantial buying damaging their economies for years. Nevertheless, the fact back of stocks in markets such as the UAE, where valua- Continued from Page 1 this information to Spain, which advised on May 21 that that a clear base for oil prices has still not emerged is tions have reached attractive levels, he said. The UAE is he no longer lived there but in Belgium. The French then spooking investors. Their jitters were magnified by Fitch trading near 11 times this year’s projected corporate earn- weapons, including the box cutter and rounds of advised Belgium, according to the official close to the lowering its outlook for Saudi Arabia’s foreign and local ings - reasonable in historical terms and compared to other ammunition, in a Brussels public park near the train sta- investigation, but it wasn’t clear what, if any, action was currency issuer default ratings to “negative” from “stable”. emerging markets. More than 10 Dubai stocks plunged by tion. taken after that. Standard & Poor’s cut the kingdom’s outlook to negative in their daily 10 percent limits yesterday, including builder Officials didn’t disclose a possible motive for the attack, El-Khazzani had the Kalashnikov strapped across his February; the third major rating agency, Moody’s, has not Arabtec. Top real estate developer Emaar Properties sank but Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Spanish shoulder when a French citizen trying to use the toilet yet taken such action. 8.3 percent. In Saudi Arabia, petrochemical producer Saudi authorities had notified French intelligence about the sus- encountered him and tried to subdue him, Cazeneuve Most bankers and economists in the region think Basic Industries Corp lost 9.1 percent, miner Ma’aden was pect because he belongs to a “radical Islamist movement.” said. Gunfire sounded and the two American servicemen, Riyadh is very unlikely to favour the risky step of breaking down 9.8 percent and Alinma Bank sinking 5.9 percent. the riyal’s peg to the US dollar, and believe the scale of it Abu Dhabi’s index fell 5.0 percent and Qatar was down 5.3 with help from their friend and a Briton, tackled and dis- foreign reserves mean it won’t be forced into such a meas- percent. — Agencies No orders armed him. David said he told her that he received orders from no The Briton, businessman Chris Norman, the fourth to one. Three people were injured, including US Air Force jump into the fray, said he was working on his computer Lebanese protesters ask govt to quit over... serviceman Spencer Stone, who was the first to tackle El- when he heard a shot and glass breaking and saw a train Khazzani. Stone was hospitalized on Saturday for a hand worker running. Continued from Page 1 to resign immediately, saying, “Our patience has run out.” wound from the box cutter. Besides Stone, 23, of “I knew we had to do something or he was just going The group called for a demonstration at 6 p.m. (1500 gmt) Carmichael, California, National Guardsman Alek to kill people,” Skarlatos told Oregon television station Two trucks with water cannons stood ready. The mood in front of the government headquarters. Skarlatos, 22, from Roseburg, Oregon, and their friend, KEZI. “I mean he wasn’t shooting at the time so I figured it in central Beirut was tense, one day after dozens were In what appears to be an attempt to calm down pro- Anthony Sadler, 23, a senior at Sacramento State was a good time to do it.” wounded after security forces fired rubber bullets, tear gas testers, Environment Minister Mohammad Machnouk said University in California, moved to subdue the man. Sadler told The Associated Press that they saw a train and water cannons on protesters. Saturday’s demonstra- the name of the consortium that will be in charge of waste The lawyer said El-Khazzani “told me that for him, noth- employee sprint down the aisle followed by a man with tions were by far the largest since garbage began piling management in Beirut and Mount Lebanon will be ing happened ... He said he didn’t even hear any shot an automatic rifle. “As he was cocking it to shoot it, Alek up on the streets after the capital’s main landfill was announced today, a day ahead of schedule. Machnouk’s fired. The Kalashnikov didn’t work.” One shot did ring out, just yells, ‘Spencer, go!’ And Spencer runs down the aisle,” closed a month ago. Bickering politicians have been statement was carried by state-run National News Agency. injuring a French-American teacher in the chest. He was Sadler said. “Spencer makes first contact, he tackles the unable to agree on an alternative system for waste man- Lebanon has been without a president since May 2014. being treated in a Lille hospital. However, the Americans guy, Alek wrestles the gun away from him, and the gun- agement. Parliament has been paralyzed and unable to meet to did say the Kalashnikov jammed. man pulls out a box cutter and slices Spencer a few times. Residents in this proud Mediterranean city have resort- elect a president because of lack of quorum. Meanwhile, El-Khazzani, identified via fingerprints, can be held for And the three of us beat him until he was unconscious.” ed to burning trash on the streets and dumping garbage in southern Lebanon, sporadic clashes continued in the 96 hours and then must be charged or set free. Video showed a blood-spattered scene on the train, into valleys, rivers and near the sea, leading to warnings of Palestinian refugee camp of Ein el-Hilweh near the south- El-Khazzani had been living in the southern Spanish with the gunman prostrate and shirtless, his hands tied a health catastrophe. ern port city of Sidon between Islamists and the main- city of Algeciras with his parents, and arrested there three behind his back. Authorities said that in addition to the An online group calling itself “You Stink!” and other civil stream Fatah movement. society groups organized the rallies, urging others to join The fighting which began Saturday in Lebanon’s largest times for drug-dealing, according to Spain’s Interior guns, he had nine loaded magazines for the Kalashnikov. them in a revolt against a corrupt system. “You Stink!” refugee camp killed three people and wounded 20, Ministry. Spanish newspapers El Pais and El Mundo both Skarlatos, who served in Afghanistan, said that when he issued a statement yesterday afternoon calling on Salam according to Lebanese security officials. — AP reported that he had lived in the relatively poor neighbor- examined the assault rifle, he found that the gunman had hood of El Saladillo, which has around 6,000 inhabitants tried to fire it but that it didn’t go off because it had a bad and an unemployment rate close to 40 percent. primer. UAE army frees British hostage held... It was unclear how long he was in Spain. However, Sadler said the gunman remained silent throughout Spain notified French intelligence in February 2014, and the brief incident. But with the weapons he carried, “he Continued from Page 1 UAE military aircraft to Abu Dhabi. He was greeted at the air- he was placed on a watch list of potentially dangerous was there to do business,” Skarlatos said in an interview port by the British ambassador and taken for medical checks at individuals, Cazeneuve has said. shown on French television. Semple was kidnapped. The group captured a large a hospital, the statement said. There were discrepancies between French and Spanish French actor Jean-Hugues Anglade, who cut his finger weapons depot, an airport, an oil terminal and the area’s main British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond confirmed the accounts of the gunman’s travels. An official linked to to the bone while activating the train’s emergency alarm, military base in April, and it controls the provincial capital, release of a British hostage by UAE forces in a military intelli- Spain’s anti-terrorism unit said the suspect lived in Spain heaped praise on the Americans, recounting the high Mukalla. On Saturday, Yemeni security officials told The gence operation. “The British national is safe and well, and is until 2014, then moved to France, traveled to Syria, and emotion of the episode to Paris Match. “I thought it was Associated Press that Al-Qaeda militants also seized control of receiving support from British government officials,” he said in returned to France. That official spoke on condition the end, that we would die,” he said. “Yes, we saw our- areas in and around the southern port city of Aden, where the a statement, adding that the government is “very grateful for anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to be identified selves dying because we were prisoners in this train and it rebels had recently been driven out by an array of fighters the assistance of the UAE.” The WAM statement said Abu Dhabi by name. A French official close to the investigation said was impossible to escape the nightmare.” backed by Saudi-led airstrikes. Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan tele- the watch list signal “sounded” on May 10 in Berlin, where The Americans arrived Saturday night under heavy The fighting pits Shiite rebels known as Houthis and troops phoned British Prime Minister David Cameron Saturday El-Khazzani was flying to Turkey. The French transmitted escort at the residence of the US ambassador. — AP loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh against a mix of evening to inform him of the operation. local militias, Sunni tribesmen and other backers of the current Washington considers Al-Qaeda’s Yemen branch to be the president, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who was forced into most dangerous offshoot of the global terror network and has exile in Saudi Arabia. The Houthis and their allies control much repeatedly targeted it with drone strikes. In June, the White of northern Yemen, including the capital, Sanaa. Al-Qaeda, a House said a drone strike killed the head of Al-Qaeda’s Yemeni ‘Let it Spoil’ sends fish prices crashing Sunni extremist group, has allied with some of the forces bat- branch, Nasir Al-Wahishi, who was considered the second most senior leader in the global network. Yemen’s Al-Qaeda Continued from Page 1 Anqad before boycott: KD 4, after boycott: KD 2 tling the Houthis. The UAE has military forces in Aden and is part of a Saudi- branch has attempted several direct attacks on the United Shuoum before boycott: KD 4, after boycott: KD 4 led coalition of mostly Arab countries that has been bombing States, including a botched 2009 plot to bomb an American Kuwaiti Zubaidi: KD 8-9 per kilo Kanaad before boycott: KD 6.5, after boycott: KD 4 the Houthis and their allies since late March. The conflict has passenger jet. The group has a history of kidnapping foreign- Iranian Zubaidi: KD 6-7 per kilo Imported Hamour before boycott: KD 8, after boycott: killed more than 1,950 civilians, wounded more than 23,000 ers in exchange for multi-million-dollar ransoms. In December, Kuwaiti Hamour: KD 10 KD 5 people and pushed the already impoverished nation to the American citizen Luke Somers and South African teacher Pierre Fish prices per kilo: Maid before boycott: KD 11, after boycott: KD 5 brink of famine, according to the UN. Korkie were killed in a failed US rescue attempt. Somers had Zubaidi before boycott: KD 12, after boycott: KD 8-9 The UAE said Semple was freed during a military intelli- been kidnapped by Al-Qaeda in Sanaa in September 2013 and Shiri before boycott: KD 4, after boycott: KD 2-3 gence operation and taken to Aden before being flown by Korkie in the city of Taiz in May 2013. — AP MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 ANALYSIS


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Issues Hunger strike puts Israel under fire

By Mike Smith

Palestinian prisoner’s hunger strike has sparked new calls for Israel to curb its use of a form of deten- Ation without trial, with activists charging routine abuse of a measure aimed at preventing attacks. Mohammed Allan, 31, ended his hunger strike on Thursday after Israel’s top court suspended his administrative deten- tion. He had twice been in a coma. The lawyer said to be a member of the militant group Islamic Jihad had been held since November and has reportedly vowed to resume fasting if the courts reinstate administrative detention against him. The measure allows Petals on water bid farewell to bomb victim internment without trial for six-month intervals that can be renewed indefinitely, with Israeli officials saying it is an By Ju Apilaporn eigner” operating as part of network of He was walking to the Skytrain when national jihadists, members of essential tool in preventing attacks and protecting sensi- several others, in a well-planned opera- the bomb killed him. Thailand’s southern Malay-Muslim tive intelligence because it allows authorities to keep evi- dence secret. eaching low over the river, tion potentially needing the assistance He leaves behind two children aged insurgency, militants on both sides of It has been strongly criticized by rights activists, who Kritsuda Narongplaian gently of Thais. “I want them (the bombers) to 10 and 13 from his first marriage. Six Thailand’s deep political divide and have called on Israeli authorities to prosecute or release Ropened her palm and let the die-that’s what they deserve,” said the Thais died in the attack. But he majority even someone motivated by a personal such detainees. Rights groups say international law allows breeze carry away a fistful of orange victim’s older brother, Pakkapol Singro, of the dead were ethnic Chinese Asians grudge. for such detention under extreme circumstances, but that marigold petals-her final farewell to a 44, adding his sibling was gruesomely visiting a popular But with no breakthrough in the Israel uses it as a punitive measure that circumvents the boyfriend cut down by the Bangkok disfigured by the blast. Hindu shrine with a reputation-until case, those who have lost a loved ones justice system or as a crutch to avoid trial. shrine bomb. Yutthanarong Singro was “I want police to arrest the perpetra- last week-for bringing good fortune. are left only with memories. Activists have called on Israeli authorities to charge or delivering a document near the monu- tors as soon as possible. My brother More than 50 people remain in hospi- Kamon Wongprasarn remembered a release those held under administrative detention. “Our ment in the Thai capital last Monday was a cheerful person, he was a good tal, some still critically ill. With no-one friend who loved sports and had a research into the way Israel uses administrative detention when the bomb went off, killing him man, his friends loved him.” claiming responsibility for the bomb- good heart and a ready smile. “Now I vis-a-vis Palestinians concludes that Israel violates this very narrow allowance and uses it in a very wide, extensive way,” and 19 other people. He was 38. Yutthanarong normally couriered doc- ing, rumours and speculation have feel that a good person has gone from said Sarit Michaeli, spokeswoman for Israeli rights group On Sunday around 40 of his friends uments for an advertising company by swirled. my life,” he said. “I was happy when I B’Tselem. This is “unacceptable legally and morally”, she and family gathered on a ferry in motorbike but chose public transport Possible perpetrators named by was with him. We talked all the time... I said. Samut Prakan province east of that day, he said. police and experts alike include inter- feel lost. I feel so very sad.” —AFP According to B’Tselem, some 370 Palestinians are cur- Bangkok, to scatter his ashes at sea rently held in administrative detention compared to three where the Chao Phraya river meets the alleged Jewish extremists. The Jewish suspects were held Gulf of Thailand. amid an outcry following the July 31 firebombing of a After a short Buddhist ceremony led Palestinian home that killed an 18-month-old child and his by a monk, the white cloth containing father. Rights groups have also criticized those moves, the victim’s ashes, tied by a garland of pressing authorities to follow due process. Israeli officials did not respond to request for comment orange flowers, was lowered into the yesterday, but Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon last week dark waters. defended the practice. “Administrative detention of an As the boat moved, leaving a trail of Arab or a Jew is a Draconian step, but when there is no flower petals and puffs of smoke from choice, you need to protect yourself,” he said. “One needs to still burning joss sticks on the water, be very, very careful, but I have no doubt that we have put Kritsuda turned to the sea and gave a the right people into administrative detention.” ‘wai’ gesture to bless the spirit of her loved one. Only for ticking bombs? They had been together for five Administrative detention dates back to British-man- years. The bomber is still at large and dated Palestine, though Israeli military law is used for cas- es involving Palestinians in the West Bank. The degree of no motive has emerged for an attack its use has varied, with the number of detainees skyrock- that targeted civilians at rush hour in eting during the first and second Palestinian intifadas, or Bangkok’s commercial centre. uprising. But despite a week of heartbreak, Detainees have been held for between six months and 30-year-old Kritsuda harbours no several years. Many Palestinians have gone on hunger thoughts of revenge. strike in protest, though few have continued as long as “I don’t want anything,” she told AFP, Allan’s. her face drained by grief. “After I send In July, Khader Adnan was released after a 56-day him to heaven (by releasing his hunger strike to protest his administrative detention. ashes)then I don’t want anything any- Detainees are allowed to appeal to the courts, but activists say the chances of having their detainment over- more,” she added. turned are extremely slim. A recent example cited by rights But others on the small ferry were groups is the case of Khalida Jarrar, a Palestinian legislator less sanguine, reflecting the anger and first held under administrative detention before later being pain of many Bangkokians shocked by charged in military court. the attack on a religious site in a While the 12 charges against her have been criticized devout nation. The prime suspect is a by her supporters as well, rights groups say they raise the young man in a yellow T-shirt seen question of why administrative detention was necessary. In leaving a backpack at the scene the case of Allan, it is not possible to know details of the moment before the blast. accusations against him. Last week, Israeli security forces Police say he is likely to be a “for- BANGKOK: A Thai woman lays roses for victims killed in a bomb blast at a religious shrine in Bangkok yesterday. —AFP issued a statement saying he was arrested in November due to alleged contacts with an Islamic Jihad “terrorist” with the aim of carrying out large-scale attacks. He had also served prison time between 2006-2009 for allegedly seeking to recruit suicide bombers and providing Train attack puts rail security in spotlight assistance to wanted Palestinians, according to the state- ment. By Julie Chabanas “There’s a choice-you either have comprehensive between police and railway security. His lawyer said he was never informed of the recent security or low (transport) efficiency.” Railway hubs The notable exception in Europe for security allegations against him, and his friends describe him as reli- ince 9/11, airports around the world have were built in the 19th and 20th centuries when screening is the cross-Channel Eurostar service which gious, but not radical. Allan’s hunger strike sparked debate implemented tougher security checks for trav- today’s type of terror threats were inconceivable. connects Britain to France and Belgium. It requires among Israelis as well, with some arguing that he should ellers, but the foiled attack on a packed high- As a result, main stations are designed to have a passengers to arrive at a purpose-build terminal have been force-fed under a law passed last month allow- S ing for the practice. speed train in Europe raises questions whether rail- maximum free flow of people on and off trains, with around a half-hour before their train departs and Far-right Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel was among those way stations should also follow suit. The suspected sometimes dozens of departures or arrivals at peak subjects them to pre-departure baggage and ID who argued for force-feeding but he, too, said administra- gunman, named as 25-year-old Moroccan national times. They are served by a network of smaller sta- checks. tive detention was being overused. Uriel said the measure Ayob El Khazzani, boarded the Amsterdam-Paris tions — 3,000 of them in France alone. “Airplanes But this is largely due to Britain not being part of should only be employed in cases of “ticking bombs”. —AFP express in Brussels on Friday with a Kalashnikov leave from a specific place-you can build a security the joint Schengen passport-free zone, as well as assault rifle, a Luger automatic pistol, nine cartridge apparatus around it,” said Raffaello Pantucci, of the security measures required for travel through the clips and a box-cutter, investigators say. Royal United Services Institute in London. “It’s just Channel Tunnel. Courageous intervention by a trio of young not possible to do that with trains. You would have to The baggage screening, too, is less demanding All articles appearing on these Americans who overwhelmed the attacker prevent- do that at every station.” than at airports. Items are X-rayed but liquids are not pages are the personal opinion of ed a possible massacre. In the wake of the episode, confiscated. “The key need is to secure the Thalys and the writers. Kuwait Times takes no Belgium said it would increase baggage checks and Cost a certain number of high-speed trains,” said Ivaldi, patrols on high-speed trains. And France said its Retrofitting the railway network-nationally and referring to the service on which Friday’s attack responsibility for views expressed state-run rail firm, the SNCF, would introduce an internationally-so that it meets airport-style criteria occurred. therein. Kuwait Times invites read- emergency hotline to report “abnormal situations”. would be astronomically costly, said Marc Ivaldi at In Italy, passengers departing from some major ers to voice their opinions. Please Experts say these are valuable tools in the fight the IDEI research institute in Toulouse, southwestern stations have since May 1 been subject to security send submissions via email to: opin- against terrorism. But at the same time, these fast- France. “The task is strictly impossible in the immedi- checks before boarding. Railway security has been [email protected] or via snail track measures also highlight an underlying prob- ate future,” he said. tightened too, in Spain. Coordinated bomb attacks lem: applying airport-style security to railway sta- In the absence of regular station screening, on on Madrid’s commuter rail network on March 11 mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. tions is almost impossible. “The idea of extending the watchdogs have to rely on high-visibility patrols, 2004 left 191 dead and 1,800 injured, in the deadliest The editor reserves the right to edit airport system to railway stations today isn’t some- spot checks, enrolling the public in campaigns terror attack in Spain’s recent history. Today, passen- any submission as necessary. thing that I can call realistic,” SNCF head Guillaume for greater vigilance, installing video surveil- gers boarding long-distance trains have their lug- Pepy, said. lance cameras and beefing up coordination gage checked. —AFP MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 SPORTS

Malouda joins Delhi Dynamos Trinh-Duc dropped Ko loses Vancouver lead VANCOUVER: World number two Lydia Ko squandered the outright lead NEW DELHI: Former Chelsea winger Florent Malouda will join Brazilian Roberto from squad with a bogey on her last hole at the Canadian Pacific Women’s Open on Carlos at the Delhi Dynamos for the second season of the Indian Super League, Saturday and faces a final round shoot-off for the title with playing partner the club announced yesterday. PARIS: France coach Philippe Saint-Andre left out flyhalf Francois Candie Kung. The 35-year-old former France international last played for Metz. “I am Trinh-Duc from his 31-man World Cup squad announced yesterday, in The New Zealand teenager, who entered the round extremely excited for my new innings and to join forces with Roberto Carlos,” the favor of Frederic Michalak. two shots adrift of overnight leader Kung, took former Lyon player said in a club statement. Saint-Andre has dropped four other players from his preliminary the lead after a solid front nine at Vancouver “India has great football talent and a league like ISL will bring certain amount squad, axing SÈbastien Vahaamahina, Xavier Chiocci, Loann Goujon Golf Club but the final-hole blip left her 12- of interest and will help develop Indian football. “I look forward to give my best to and Remi Lamerat. Lamerat of Castres was dropped in favour of under with the Taiwan-born American. the league and make the Delhi fans proud.” The second season of the Toulouse centre GaÎl Fickou and, while the front trio of Vahaamahina, “That was my first bogey in two days. I’ll take eight-team league begins on Oct. 3. Chiocci and Goujon were not expected to make the cut, Trinh-Duc’s that,” Ko told reporters after her three-under 69. “I “Malouda is a classic player and brings with him years of world absence comes as a surprise. “[It was a] difficult moment to see the five played really solid. You never know what’s going to class experience,” Carlos, Delhi’s marquee player-manager said. “I am players leave the group,” Saint-Andre said in a statement. Trinh-Duc is a happen, I just have to play my own game.” American sure both the Indian and international players will learn a lot from casualty of the resurgence of Michalak, who became France’s all-time Alison Lee shot a 66 to be two shots shy of the leaders him. His presence will not only strengthen the team but will also record points scorer during the 25-20 victory over England in Paris on with Frenchwoman Karine Icher a further stroke back. create high excitement levels among the ISL fans,” added the Saturday. Kung shot a 71 and will bid for her first win since 2008 after former Real Madrid defender. Another rival for the flyhalf role was RÈmi TalËs, whose importance hanging tough with Ko on Saturday. Eighteen-year-old sen- The ISL got off to a rousing start last year with to the squad as an off-field leader is also a reason why Trinh-Duc has sation Ko will fancy her chances at Vancouver Golf Club on Brazilian Zico headlining the managers’ list and its mar- missed out. Sunday, however, having won the tournament there as quee players including Italian duo Alessandro Del France welcome Scotland to the Stade de France on Sept.5 in anoth- an amateur in 2012 and defended the title the fol- Piero and Marco Materazzi, and Frenchman Nicholas er pre-tournament warm-up match, before they begin their World Cup lowing year in Edmonton. —Reuters Anelka.—Reuters campaign against Italy at Twickenham on Sept.19.—Reuters Astros see off Dodgers

HOUSTON: Scott Kazmir pitched six solid He sent his 34th homer deep into the innings, and Jose Altuve and Luis Valbuena bullpens beyond left field in the third inning homered as the Houston Astros defeated before delivering a two-run single in the Zack Greinke and the fourth and an RBI double in the fifth. 3-1 Saturday night. A night after teammate Mike Fiers PIRATES 3, GIANTS 2 pitched a no-hitter against the Dodgers, Starling Marte hit a solo off Kazmir (7-8) didn’t permit a runner until George Kontos with two outs in the ninth Jimmy Rollins singled to start the fourth inning, lifting Pittsburgh over San Francisco. inning. Kang Jung-ho hit a pair of solo homers The Astros won a matchup of division for the Pirates in the matchup of playoff leaders and ended an eight-game winning contenders. Marte sent the first pitch he streak by Greinke (13-3). Kazmir rebounded saw from Kontos (2-2) into the sun- from his worst start with the Astros, giving drenched seats in left field for his second up one run and six hits while striking out career walkoff hit. Mark Melancon (3-1) eight. Relievers Will Harris and Pat Neshek needed six pitches to get through the top of each pitched a perfect inning and Luke the ninth. Gregerson worked the ninth for his 24th save. YANKEES 6, INDIANS 2 Luis Severino earned his first major METS 14, ROCKIES 9 league win, getting all the support he need- he roughed up the ed in the first inning on a pair of home runs Colorado Rockies by the exact same score from Brett Gardner and Brian McCann as the for the second straight day, with Juan Uribe beat Cleveland. homering to start an eight-run burst in the Making his fourth career start, the 21- third inning. year-old Severino (1-2) gave up a one-out The NL East leaders got a season high- homer in the first to fellow rookie Francisco tying 21 hits, including 10 for extra bases. Lindor, but yielded only two singles and Every New York starter had at least one hit, four walks in the remainder of his gritty with pitcher Jonathon Niese (8-9) delivering innings. Danny Salazar (11-7) took the loss. a two-run single in the big third. Coming off The Yankees retired the No. 20 of former his first career shutout, Chris Rusin (4-6) catcher Jorge Posada before the game. went two-plus innings and allowed 11 runs and 12 hits, eight of them doubles. ROYALS 6, RED SOX 3 Salvador Perez hit a three-run homer, BLUE JAYS 15, ANGELS 3 Yordano Ventura pitched six effective Josh Donaldson went 4 for 5 with a innings as AL Central-leading Kansas City three-run homer, driving in six runs and ended Boston’s four-game winning streak. propelling Toronto to its 18th victory in 22 Ventura (8-7) gave up one run and six DENVER: New York Mets’ Juan Lagares follows the flight of his RBI-single off Colorado Rockies starting pitcher Chris Rusin in the third games. hits, striking out six. He improved to 4-0 in inning of a baseball game. —AP Jose Bautista had a two-run triple during his last six starts. Greg Holland got Travis a seven-run fourth inning by the streaking Shaw to pop out with the bases loaded for seventh inning as Minnesota beat Arizona handed Cincinnati its eighth RAYS 5, ATHLETICS 4 Blue Jays. They followed up their 9-2 win at final out, earning his 28th save. Mookie Baltimore. straight loss. Asdrubal Cabrera homered and then hit the Big A on Friday with the highest-scoring Betts hit a solo homer and David Ortiz had After overcoming a two-run deficit in the Goldschmidt, who hadn’t homered since a two-run double in the ninth inning as performance in three years by the majors’ two singles and three walks for the Red Sox. eighth on Friday night, Minnesota handed July 27, had the seventh multihomer game Tampa Bay rallied past Oakland. The Rays most productive offense. Leading 2-0 in the sixth, the Royals chased Chris Tillman (9-8) his first loss since May 31. of his career and finished with four hits and got just five hits off A’s starter Sonny Gray Amid “M-V-P!” chants from the visitors’ Matt Barnes (3-4) when Perez homered. The Twins have won seven straight over three runs. before coming back for their first win this fans in Mike Trout’s home stadium, Baltimore dating to last season. They are 6-0 All-Star center fielder A.J. Pollock fol- season when trailing going into the ninth. Donaldson drove in six runs in a three- TWINS 3, ORIOLES 2 against the Orioles this season. Casey Fien lowed his back-to-back four-hit games by Daniel Nava, a replacement after James inning span, giving him 100 RBIs for the first Byron Buxton picked up his first major (4-5) pitched 1 1-3 innings to earn his sec- going 3 for 5 and scoring two runs for Loney was ejected, drew a one out walk time in his career. league RBI with a tiebreaking single in the ond win in two nights. He entered in the Arizona. Zack Godley (4-0) allowed one run against switch-pitcher Pat Venditte (0-2). sixth and struck out Manny Machado with in 3 2-3 innings. Daniel Hudson got two Logan Forsythe doubled and Cabrera, who the bases loaded and two outs. Kevin outs for his second save. Anthony hit a solo shot in the seventh, doubled on Jepsen got three straight outs for his eighth DeSclafani (7-9) took the loss. the first pitch from Drew Pomeranz. Alex save. Colome (6-4) recorded six outs for the win. PHILLIES 4, MARLINS 2 RANGERS 5, TIGERS 3 Aaron Altherr and Darin Ruf hit back-to- WHITE SOX 6, MARINERS 3 Yovani Gallardo took a shutout into the back solo home runs in the ninth inning, Chicago scored two runs in the ninth seventh inning as Texas spoiled Randy sending Philadelphia past Miami. Altherr inning to tie the game and then took Wolf’s return to the majors by defeating broke the tie with a homer off A.J. Ramos (1- advantage of the Seattle bullpen’s wildness Detroit. 4). Ruf followed with a homer on the next for a three-run 10th to beat the Mariners. Gallardo (10-9) allowed eight hits in six- pitch to give the Phillies consecutive After tying the game against Carson plus innings. The Tigers didn’t score until Ian homers for the first time this season. Smith on Alexei Ramirez’s RBI single and Kinsler’s three-run homer with two outs in Elvis Araujo (2-1) got the final out of the pinch-hitter Adam LaRoche’s groundout, the ninth. Wolf (0-1) gave up three earned eighth inning to earn the win. Ken Giles Tyler Saladino walked to open the 10th runs and nine hits in seven innings in his pitched a perfect ninth for his ninth save in against Danny Farquhar (0-4), who failed to first major league start since June 2014. 12 chances. retire any of the four batters he faced. Wolf, who turned 39 on Saturday, was Jose Abreu followed with a double off acquired by Detroit in a trade with Toronto PADRES 8, CARDINALS 0 the wall in right-center. Melky Cabrera was on Thursday. Ian Kennedy combined with five relievers walked intentionally to load the bases and on an eight-hitter, and Matt Kemp and Garcia walked to force in a run that made it CUBS 9, BRAVES 7 Justin Upton keyed a seven-run seventh 4-3. Edgar Olmos relieved and after an out, Miguel Montero and Jorge Soler hit back- inning, leading San Diego over St. Louis. Cabrera scored on a passed ball by Mike to-back home runs and the eighth inning as The Padres, who have won nine of 11, Zunino to make it 5-3. Ramirez reached on a the Chicago Cubs beat Atlanta for their third tied their season high with their fifth fielding error by second baseman Robinson straight win. straight win. Kennedy (8-11) allowed the Cano to reload the bases and Garcia then Nick Swisher homered from both sides of first two runners to reach base in the sev- scored on Carlos Sanchez’s fielder’s choice. the plate in the Braves’ sixth loss in a row. enth before three relievers each struck out a Nate Jones (1-0) pitched the ninth and Montero and Soler connected off Edwin batter. Carlos Martinez (12-6) lost his second David Robertson worked the 10th for his Jackson (2-2), released by the Cubs last straight start. 25th save.—AP month. Addison Russell and Anthony Rizzo homered earlier for Chicago. Swisher con- nected left-handed and right-handed in the same game for the 14th time, tying Mark MLB results/standings Teixeira for most ever. Pedro Strop (2-6) got the win. Hector Rondon pitched the ninth NY Yankees 6, Cleveland 2; Chicago Cubs 9, Atlanta 7; Pittsburgh 3, San Francisco 2; Minnesota 3, Baltimore 2; for his 23rd save in 27 chances. Washington 6, Milwaukee 1; Texas 5, Detroit 3; Philadelphia 4, Miami 2; Arizona 11, Cincinnati 7; Houston 3, LA Dodgers 1; Kansas City 6, Boston 3; NY Mets 14, Colorado 9; San Diego 8, St. Louis 0; Toronto 15, LA Angels 3; NATIONALS 6, BREWERS 1 Tampa Bay 5, Oakland 4; Chicago White Sox 6, Seattle 3 (10 innings). Anthony Rendon homered and doubled American League National League to drive in two runs, and rookie Joe Ross Eastern Division Eastern Division W L PCT GB NY Mets 66 56 .541 - allowed one run in seven innings as NY Yankees 68 54 .557 - Washington 61 61 .500 5 Washington beat Milwaukee. Michael Taylor Toronto 68 55 .553 0.5 Atlanta 53 70 .431 13.5 hit a home run for the third straight night, Baltimore 62 60 .508 6 Miami 50 73 .407 16.5 connecting on a two-run shot for Tampa Bay 62 61 .504 6.5 Philadelphia 49 74 .398 17.5 Washington, which had lost eight of 10. Boston 56 67 .455 12.5 Central Division Central Division Ross (4-5), 0-2 with a 9.35 ERA in his two St. Louis 77 45 .631 - Kansas City 74 48 .607 - Pittsburgh 73 48 .603 3.5 previous starts, gave up six hits, struck out Minnesota 62 61 .504 12.5 four and didn’t walk a batter. Taylor Detroit 59 63 .484 15 Chicago Cubs 70 51 .579 6.5 Jungmann (7-5) endured his worst outing of Chicago White Sox 58 63 .479 15.5 Milwaukee 53 71 .427 25 the season. He went four innings, allowing Cleveland 57 65 .467 17 Cincinnati 51 70 .421 25.5 five runs and seven hits. Western Division Western Division Houston 68 56 .548 - LA Dodgers 67 55 .549 - Texas 63 59 .516 4 San Francisco 66 57 .537 1.5 DIAMONDBACKS 11, REDS 7 HOUSTON: Los Angeles Dodgers’ Adrian Gonzalez (23) is forced out at second base as LA Angels 63 60 .512 4.5 Arizona 61 61 .500 6 Paul Goldschmidt hit a pair of two-run Seattle 56 67 .455 11.5 Houston Astros shortstop Carlos Correa throws to first base but on a ball hit by Chase San Diego 61 62 .496 6.5 homers and Ender Inciarte homered as Oakland 53 71 .427 15 Colorado 49 72 .405 17.5 Utley, who was safe during the ninth inning of a baseball game. —AP MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 SPORTS


LONDON: Scoreboard on the fourth day of the fifth Ashes Test between England and Australia at The Oval yesterday:

Australia 1st Innings 481 (S Smith 143, D Warner 85, A Voges 76, M Starc 58; S Finn 3-90, M Ali 3-102, B Stokes 3-133) England 1st Innings 149 (M Johnson 3-21, M Marsh 3-30) England 2nd Innings (following-on, overnight 203- 6) A. Lyth c Clarke b Siddle 10 A. Cook c Voges b Smith 85 I. Bell c Clarke b Marsh 13 J. Root c Starc b Johnson 11 J. Bairstow c Voges b Lyon 26 B. Stokes c Clarke b Lyon 0 J. Buttler c Starc b Marsh 42 M. Wood lbw b Siddle 6 M. Ali c Nevill b Siddle 35 S. Broad b Siddle 11 S. Finn 9 Extras (b12, lb18, w7, nb1) 38 Total (all out, 101.4 overs, 446 mins) 286 Fall of : 1-19 (Lyth), 2-62 (Bell), 3-99 (Root), 4- 140 (Bairstow, 5-140 (Stokes), 6-199 (Cook), 7-221 (Wood), 8-223 (Buttler), 9-263 (Broad), 10-286 (Ali) Bowling: Johnson 16-2-65-1 (2w); Starc 16-4-40-0 (1nb); Lyon 28-7-53-2; Siddle 24.4-12-35-4; Marsh 16- 4-56-2 (5w); Smith 1-0-7-1 Australia: David Warner, Chris Rogers, Steven Smith, Michael Clarke (capt), Adam Voges, Mitchell Marsh, Peter Nevill (wkt), Mitchell Johnson, Peter Siddle, Mitchell Starc, Nathan Lyon LONDON: England’s Alastair Cook (center) celebrates with his teammates following a presentation ceremony on the fourth day of the fifth Ashes Test between Result: Australia won by an innings and 46 runs. England and Australia at the Oval cricket ground. —AP Aussies win final Ashes Test

LONDON: Australia sent Michael Tests all the more surprising. Australia’s victo- England since Matthew Elliott in 1997. were switched on. The question was could ensure Australia opener Chris Rogers, also Clarke into international retirement with an ry yesterday meant none of the Tests in this It was a far more resolute first-innings bat- England hold on long enough for the forecast retiring after this match, ended his Test career innings and 46-run victory in the fifth and final Ashes had gone to a fifth day-a testament to ting display than in the fourth Test at Trent bad weather to help them in their quest for a on a winning note as well. Rogers was named Ashes Test at The Oval yesterday. the general lack of batting resilience in both Bridge where Australia collapsed to 60 all out, draw. England started Sunday on 203 for six, Australia’s man-of-the-series after scoring 480 Even so England, who had already regained sides. with Stuart Broad taking eight for 15, to set up still 129 runs behind, having suffered the blow runs at an average of 60. “I’m a proud the Ashes, won the series 3-2 with Clarke the “This game sums up the series,” Clarke told England’s Ashes-clinching innings and 78-run of losing Cook late on Saturday for 85 when Australian but England’s been particularly first Australian in more than a century to be on BBC Radio’s Test Match Special. “Both teams victory. But England captain Alastair Cook said the left-handed opener fell to part-time leg- good to me and I owe England a great deal, so the losing side in four successive Ashes series have had a rollercoaster ride. “The boys did as I the Oval result needed to be put into context. spinner Smith. Jos Buttler was 33 not out and it’s a fitting end for me to finish here,” said the in Britain. asked, it was a test of our character and we “The last four days haven’t quite gone to plan nightwatchman Mark Wood nought not out. 37-year-old Rogers, a veteran of stints with When impressive paceman Peter Siddle came through it.” and we’re disappointed, but going into the Australia took the new ball and soon had a several English counties. had Moeen Ali (35) caught behind, England, The series equalled in length the shortest series no-one gave us a chance, so we can’t let breakthrough when Siddle had Wood lbw for England batsman Joe Root (460 runs at following-on, had been dismissed for 286 in five-Test series of modern times of 18 days that take the gloss off a special summer,” said six. England’s 221 for seven became 223 for 57.50 including two hundreds) won the their second innings on the fourth day. that took place when England played the West Cook. eight after -keeper Buttler, on 42, tame- Compton-Miller medal as the overall player of Siddle, only playing after Josh Hazlewood Indies in 2000.Australia, after losing the toss, Broad added: “As soon as a team has taken ly and carelessly chipped all-rounder Mitchell the series. was injured, bowled with both pace and con- had piled up 481 in their first innings. This the initiative in a series, the other team hasn’t Marsh low to Mitchell Starc at mid-off. Rain “Credit has to go to Australia - they’ve out- trol on his way to innings figures of four for 35 included captain-elect Steven Smith’s 143 — been able to grab it back, and I think that’s halted play for more than two hours but mere- played us in this game in all departments,” said in 24.4 overs-including 12 maidens. an innings which saw the eventual man-of- probably because the teams are quite similar.” ly delayed Australia’s victory. Root. “We just had a poor couple of hours His return made the experienced 30-year- the-match become the first Australian to score Play resumed yesterday beneath grey skies Five minutes after the re-start, Siddle which really hurt us. We’ve got to make sure old seamer’s omission from the previous four more than 500 runs in an Ashes series in and it was not long before the floodlights bowled Broad (11) and then dismissed Ali to we learn from that.” —AFP

SCOREBOARD India eye victory after

POTCHEFSTROOM, South Africa: Scores in the second one-day international between South Africa and New Zealand at Senwes Park yesterday. Sangakkara falls for 18 South Africa Bracewell 10-0-31-3, Sodhi 10-0-59-1, Elliott 7-0-25- H. Amla c Elliott b Milne 8 1, Worker 1-0-5-0, Munro 2-0-3-0 M. van Wyk b Milne 2 COLOMBO: Kumar Sangakkara, the fifth-highest R. Rossouw c Williamson b Bracewell 39 New Zealand run-scorer in Test history, was dismissed for 18 in A. de Villiers c Guptill b Elliott 31 M. Guptill not out 103 his last international innings yesterday to leave D. Miller c Munro b Bracewell 5 T. Latham c Rossouw b Imran Tahir 64 Sri Lanka in trouble in the second Test against F. Behardien c Williamson b Bracewell 70 K. Williamson b Phangiso 7 India. The hosts, set a tough victory target of 413, D. Wiese lbw b Sodhi 8 G. Worker not out 20 V. Philander not out 30 slumped to 33-2 after Sangakkara’s dismissal Extras (lb3, w10) 13 A. Phangiso run out (Guptill) 1 before closing the fourth day’s play at 72-2 at Total (2 wkts, 44.3 overs) 207 D. Steyn run out (Latham) 2 Colombo’s P. Sara Oval. Did not bat: G. Elliott, L. Ronchi, C. Munro, D. Imran Tahir run out (Guptill) 4 Opener Dimuth Karunaratne was on 25 and Bracewell, A. Milne, B. Wheeler, I. Sodhi skipper Angelo Mathews was on 23. Sri Lanka Extras (lb3, w1) 4 begin the final day’s play on Monday needing Total (49.3 overs) 204 Fall of wickets: 1-126 (Latham), 2-140 (Williamson) Bowling: Philander 6-0-21-0, Phangiso 10-1-37-1 341 more to win with eight wickets in hand. Fall of wickets: 1-9 (Amla), 2-20 (Van Wyk), 3-68 India, looking to level the three-match series (2w), Steyn 8-1-38-0 (4w), Wiese 4-0-23-0 (1w), (Rossouw), 4-76 (Miller), 5-107 (De Villiers), 6-134 after losing the first Test in Galle, declared their (Wiese), 7-188 (Behardien), 8-192 (Phangiso), 9-195 Imran Tahir 10-1-42-1 (1w), Behardien 2-0-18-0 (1w), second innings at 325-8 in the post-tea session (Steyn), 10-Tahir (204) Rossouw 2.3-0-14-0 (1w), De Villiers 2-0-11-0 after Ajinkya Rahane top-scored with 126. Bowling: Wheeler 9.3-1-39-0 (1w), Milne 10-0-39-2, Result: New Zealand won by eight wickets. It left the hosts facing a little less that four sessions to achieve the huge target or bat out for a draw on a slow, wearing pitch that should favour India’s spinners. Guptill ton steers NZ The highest successful fourth-innings run chase at the venue is 352-9 by the hosts against COLOMBO: Sri Lanka national team player Kumar Sangakkara (right) runs past India’s player to eight-wicket win South Africa in 2006. Sangakkara did not have to Ishant Sharma during the fourth day’s play of the second match. —AP wait long to bat after Sri Lanka lost opener Kaushal Silva in the third over, tapping a full toss getting slower. There will be some partnerships Lankan greats like Muttiah Muralitharan, Mahela POTCHEFSTROOM: Martin Guptill hit an making his first 40 runs, went on to see from Ravichandran Ashwin to the short mid- but one good session for us can win us the Test.” Jayawardene and Sangakkara. his team to victory in a 134-ball innings. unbeaten century as New Zealand wicket fielder. Dhammika Prasad, who took four wickets in “These are the three best cricketers from Sri cruised to an eight-wicket win in the sec- He hit nine fours and three sixes. A full house of some 7,000 home fans India’s second innings, said Sri Lanka had not Lanka,” he said. “I gave them a lot of respect. ond one-day international against South New Zealand captain Kane Williamson applauded warmly as Sangakkara was wel- given up hope of giving Sangakkara a winning Hopefully I will be able to do that again tomor- Africa at Senwes Park yesterday. said his bowlers had to adapt their plans comed to the crease by two guards of honor- farewell. row for Sanga, if the need arises.” Guptill made 103 not out, reaching his after realising how slow the pitch was. one formed by young children with raised bats “If we can win this game, that is the best gift Indian wicket-keeper Wriddhiman Saha, ninth one-day international with the “We knew we had to play above our- near the boundary and another by Indian field- we can give him,” said Prasad. “To go out with a whose suffered a hamstring strain while batting, winning boundary as New Zealand won selves to get back in the series. The way ers. He hit three boundaries but fell to Ashwin win is the best farewell anyone can get.” Prasad did not take the field in Sri Lanka’s second with 5.5 overs to spare after bowling out the guys executed was fantastic-a great for the fourth time in as many innings in the said he was fortunate to have played with Sri innings. Rahul kept wicket in his absence.—AFP South Africa for 204. effort with the ball, then the way the series when he edged a catch to Murali Vijay off The win squared the three-match openers batted.” the 18th ball he faced. series, with the decider to be played in New Zealand fast bowler Adam Milne Sangakkara finished with 12,400 runs from SCOREBOARD Durban on Wednesday. Doug Bracewell struck twice in his first two overs, dis- 134 Tests at an average of 57.40. He scored 38 led a disciplined bowling performance as missing Hashim Amla and Morne van centuries including a best of 319 against COLOMBO: Scoreboard at stumps on the fourth day of the second Test between India and Sri Lanka at the P. Sara the South African batsmen failed to Wyk to put South Africa on the back foot. Bangladesh in Chittagong last year. Oval in Colombo yesterday: come to terms with a slow pitch. The hosts never recovered fully The Sri Lankan great follows Sachin Tendulkar Bracewell, playing in his first one-day despite a career-best 70 by Farhaan of India, Ricky Ponting of Australia, Jacques Kallis India 1st innings: 393 (L. Rahul 108, V. Kohli 78, R. Fall of wickets: 1-3 (Rahul), 2-143 (Vijay), 3-171 (Kohli), 4- international in more than two years, Behardien.Bracewell took the next two of South Africa and Rahul Dravid of India in the Sharma 79, W. Saha 56, D. Prasad 2-84, A. Mathews 2-24, 256 (R. Sharma), 5-262 (Rahane), 6-283 (Binny), 7-311 all-time list of leading Test scorers. D. Chameera 2-72, R. Herath 4-81) (Ashwin), 8-318 (Mishra). took a career-best three for 31 with his wickets in a spell of two for 18 in six Sri Lanka 1st innings 306 (K. Silva 51, L. Thirimanne 62, Bowling: Prasad 15-0-43-4 (nb1), Herath 29-4-96-0, accurate medium-pacers. overs, with Rilee Rossouw (39) and David Rahane anchored the Indian innings before being dismissed shortly before tea for 126, his A. Mathews 102, A. Mishra 4-43) Chameera 14-0-63-0 (w3), Mathews 2-1-1-0, Kaushal 31- Guptill and made the vic- Miller (5) both falling to catches when 1-118-4. fourth Test century that was studded with 10 tory target look easy with an opening they mistimed drives on a slow pitch. India 2nd innings (overnight 70-1): boundaries. M. Vijay lbw b Kaushal 82 Sri Lanka 2nd innings: partnership of 126, a record one-day first South Africa slumped to 107 for five in Rahane put on 140 for the second wicket wicket stand for New Zealand against the 24th over when captain AB de Villiers L. Rahul b Prasad 2 K. Silva c Binny b Ashwin 1 with Vijay (82) and 85 for the fourth with his A. Rahane c Chandimal b Kaushal 126 D. Karunaratne not out 25 South Africa. The previous record of 114 also fell to a mistimed shot, chipping Mumbai team-mate Rohit Sharma (34). V. Kohli lbw b Kaushal 10 K. Sangakkara c Vijay b Ashwin 18 had been set by and Elliott to short midwicket after making Rahane said India must be patient on the R. Sharma c Mubarak b Kaushal 34 A. Mathews not out 23 Tom’s father-in 31. Behardien and Vernon Philander put final day to claim the remaining eight wickets. “I S. Binny c Thirimanne b Prasad 17 Extras: (lb4, nb1) 5 during the 1992 World Cup. on 54 for the seventh wicket before the think the match is poised pretty well,” he said. W. Saha not out 13 Total (for two wickets, 21 overs) 72 Latham made an impressive 64 off 81 innings subsided, with the last three “Through the four days we have played some R. Ashwin c Chandimal b Prasad 19 Fall of wickets: 1-8 (Silva), 2-33 (Sangakkara). balls before he was caught at deep batsmen run out. “We didn’t score A. Mishra c Mubarak b Prasad 10 Bowling: Ashwin 10-5-27-2, Yadav 2-0-10-0, I. Sharma 4- good cricket but we need to stay in the present. U. Yadav not out 4 0-18-0 (nb1), Mishra 5-1-13-0 square leg off leg-spinner Imran Tahir. enough runs,” said De Villiers. “There’s a “Tomorrow we will take it one wicket at a Extras (lb4, w3, nb1) 8 Sri Lanka need 341 runs more with eight wickets in Guptill, who was dropped three times in lot to play for in Durban.”—AFP time. The key will be to stay patient. The pitch is Total (for 8 wkts declared, 91 overs) 325 hand. MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 SPORTS Chaves grabs early Vuelta lead

MADRID: Esteban Chaves snatched the “We talked among ourselves and how to early lead at the Tour of Spain when the deal with everyone around us and the main Colombian Orica-GreenEdge rider surged thing to do was to attack these guys so clear at the death to win the mountainous that’s what we did,” Chaves told reporters. second stage into Caminito del Rey yester- “I felt like I was in a good position and in day. Chaves pipped Dutchman Tom the end I did it and I got this (red) jersey. “At Dumoulin of Giant-Alpecin to the line in this point I’ve just got to keep going and be the 158.7-kilometre trek by one second, happy about this day and think about with Team Sky’s Nicolas Roche a further tomorrow.” Italian Vincenzo Nibali, the 2014 eight seconds back in third and Irish com- Tour de France champion, suffered an early patriot Daniel Martin of Cannondale- setback to his hopes of overall victory Garmin another five seconds behind in when he lost time after a pileup. Although fourth. the Astana rider fought hard to haul in the Roche’s Sky team mate Chris Froome, leaders, he finished almost one and a half the 2015 Tour de France winner who is bid- minutes behind Chaves. ding for a rare Tour-Vuelta double, was sev- Froome, who also won the Tour de enth, 30 seconds behind Chaves, who will France in 2013, was runner-up in last year’s wear the leader’s red jersey for today’s third Vuelta behind Spaniard Alberto Contador. stage into Malaga. Contador is not contesting his home race The opening stage of the 70th edition of after winning the 2015 Giro d’Italia but the Vuelta on Saturday, a team time trial struggling on the Tour. won by BMC Racing, did not count towards Frenchmen Jacques Anquetil (1963) and the general classification due to safety con- Bernard Hinault (1978) are the only riders cerns about several narrow, sand-covered to have won the Tour and the Vuelta in the stretches in Marbella. same year. —Reuters Ogier wins German rally

BERLIN: Championship leader Sebastien threatened as Volkswagen completed its Ogier won the German rally in dominant set of WRC rally wins since joining in 2013 fashion yesterday to edge closer to his third after becoming the first German car manu- consecutive driver’s title following his sixth facturer to win this round of the champi- win of the season. onship. Driving a Volkswagen Polo R, Ogier beat He also led in all but two of the stages of team-mate Jari-Matti Latvala by 23 seconds the rally extending his lead by 20 seconds in the vineyard-covered hills hugging the over Latvala from Saturday. “It’s a big relief,” Mosel river in western Germany after also Ogier told reporters. “The pressure for a win dominating the Panzerplatte military area was on all weekend and we made it with a BELGIUM: Mercedes driver Lew’s Hamilton of Britain hold the trophy on the podium after winning the Belgium Formula One Grand Prix. —AP on Saturday, taking his total wins in the 1-2-3 and now I am so close to a third title.” WRC to 30, level in second place on the all- Norwegian Andreas Mikkelsen finished time list along with Marcus Gronholm. third, a further one minute 33 seconds He can now secure his third title in behind Finland’s Latvala, to secure all podi- Hamilton cruises to Australia next month if he finishes ahead of um spots for the German manufacturer at Latvala. The Frenchman, who won the dri- its home round. Next stop is Australia on ver’s title in 2013 and 2014, was never Sept 10-13.—Reuters dream win in Belgium

SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS: Formula One world changed starting procedures that leave more to Bull after a late charge through the field with champion Lewis Hamilton won the Belgian the driver and prevent engineers from helping Mexican Sergio Perez, who had stormed into Grand Prix from pole position yesterday to remotely. second place at the start, finishing fifth for Force stretch his lead over Mercedes team mate Nico “Lewis did a great job, he deserved to win.” India. Rosberg to 28 points with eight races remain- France’s Romain Grosjean took an emotional Brazilian Felipe Massa was sixth for Williams, ing. third place for Lotus after Ferrari’s Sebastian with Ferrari’s Kimi Raikkonen seventh after start- Rosberg finished 2.0 seconds behind the Vettel, in his 150th race and the team’s 900th, ing in 16th place, and 17-year-old Belgian-born Briton, in a dry race despite teams anxiously suffered a right rear tyre blowout on the penul- Dutchman Max Verstappen eighth for Toro studying weather maps for approaching rain in timate lap. Rosso. the final stages, to complete Mercedes’ seventh “It was probably one of my best races ever,” Finland’s Valtteri Bottas was ninth for one-two in 11 races. “Today was a dream and said the Frenchman, back on the podium for the Williams, after an embarrassing team error that the car was fantastic all weekend,” declared first time since 2013 in a boost for a financially- saw him leave the pits with three soft tyres and Hamilton, who controlled the race from the troubled team who arrived in Spa with the one medium fitted, and Sweden’s Marcus opening lap-after an aborted first start-and nev- threat of having their cars impounded hanging Ericsson took the final point for Sauber. er looked threatened by his German rival. “I was over them. Germany’s Nico Hulkenberg caused the never in a position where I felt nervous, I had “Being here today is special for us, it has the aborted start, and reduction of the race to 43 great pace in the car. There was no real need to price of a race win.” Hamilton has now won six laps instead of 44, when he reported a loss of push more than I had to,” he added. races this season, and 39 in his Formula One power and raised his hands. The German The two collided at Spa last year, with career. The double champion has 227 points to returned to the Force India garage and retired. Hamilton having to retire, but the risk of that Rosberg’s 199 and Sunday was also his 80th The McLaren pair of Fernando Alonso and happening again receded when Rosberg made podium appearance, equalling the achievement Jenson Button, who started last after picking up a slow getaway off the front row. of boyhood hero and late triple world champion a meaningless combined grid drop of 105 “I just completely messed up the start,” said Ayrton Senna. places-despite there being only 20 in total- fin- the German, who had hoped to capitalise on Russian Daniil Kvyat finished fourth for Red ished 13th and 14th.—Reuters France hang on to sink England in warm-up

PARIS: France produced a dominant for- France struck after three minutes when had made too many errors to compete. ward performance and withstood a late fullback Scott Spedding converted a penal- “In the first half we were shocking with England fightback to secure a 25-20 victory ty given away carelessly by England centre our discipline,” Robshaw told Sky Sports. in a World Cup warm-up match on Luther Burrell. “We gave too many penalties away, but Saturday. The home side extended their lead with give us credit in the second half we came The French pack overpowered their four more penalties from flyhalf Frederic out and played well but couldn’t quite get opponents, who beat them 19-14 at Michalak who became France’s all-time over the line in the end,” the flanker added. Twickenham last week, in the first half and leading points-scorer. “We can’t give teams like France and other the hosts led 15-6 at halftime. The England pack could not get a quality sides head starts like we did. Winger Yoann Huget scored a brilliant foothold in the game, a succession of errors “We’ll look long and hard at ourselves. individual try early in the second half to ensuring their team did not enjoy any pos- We let ourselves down in the first half. We give France breathing space but England session in the France half. played well in phases but you can’t wait for GERMANY: Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia of France drive their Volkswagen regrouped to score late tries through England flyhalf George Ford kicked two 40 minutes to do that.” England play their Polo R WRC during a run of the Rally Germany. —AP Danny Cipriani and Jonathan Joseph and penalties to keep his team in touch and opening World Cup match against Fiji at make the scoreline more respectable. captain Chris Robshaw admitted his side Twickenham on Sept. 18.—Reuters Woods two back after third round

GREENSBORO: Tiger Woods, chasing his The three-putt bogey, which capped a first victory in two years, made his lone two-under-par 68, dropped Woods into a bogey of the day at the final hole to finish tie with fellow American Scott Brown (66) two strokes behind third round leader and Swede Jonas Blixt (62). Jason Gore at the Wyndham Championship American Gore, who has known Woods on Saturday. most of his life, mixed nine birdies with one A stiff and sore Woods, the overnight co- bogey for a 62 to vault into the lead at 15- leader, arrived at Sedgefield Country Club under 195. about three hours before his round to Woods acknowledged he would have to receive treatment on an undisclosed ail- shoot a better score on Sunday to secure ment. his 80th PGA Tour victory, which would Once he got onto the course he had leave him only two short of the record held superb control of his driver on the few by Sam Snead. occasions he used it, and even better mas- “It’s not a course you can sit and make a tery of his putter, holing a series of clutch bunch of pars and expect to win. You’ve par-saving putts throughout the day, but got to go for it.” Woods, 39, whose world only three birdies. ranking has plunged to 286th as he has “It was a grind today,” Woods, who is in a worked his way back after back surgery three-way tie for second, told reporters. and swing revamp, has not won since the “Like yesterday, I kept leaving myself in WGC-Bridgestone Invitational in 2013. tough spots above the hole and had to He needs to win here to be sure of quali- putt too defensively because of it. fying for the FedExCup playoffs, which start Consequently I didn’t make a bunch of next Thursday, though a solo second might birdies.” get the job done. With a chance to join boyhood friend Gore, whose lone tour victory came in Gore in late yesterday’s final grouping, 2005, showed a resurgence at the age of Woods’s downhill, six-foot par putt lipped 41. “Contrary to popular belief, I’m still a out at the par-four 18th, much to the disap- good golfer,” joked Gore, who was playing pointment of the huge gallery that fol- so badly a couple of years ago he was ready lowed him every step of the way. to quit and take a coaching job. —Reuters PARIS: France’s Yoann Huget scores a try during the France vs England rugby friendly match at Stade de France in Saint Denis. —ñAP MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 SPORTS

BEIJING: Jamaica’s Asafa Powell, United States’ silver medal winner Justin Gatlin, United States’ Tyson Gay, Jamaica’s gold medal winner Usain Bolt, United States’ Mike Rodgers and United States’ bronze medal winner Trayvon Bromell (from left) compete in the men’s 100m final during the World Athletics Championships at the Bird’s Nest stadium. —AP Bolt retains 100m world title

BEIJING: Usain Bolt once again produced place in a time of 9.92. race at the Deagu world championships in regret dipping for the line quite so far out, a “Everybody wants to come out and his best when it mattered most to retain his They will both be awarded bronze 2011, however, and flirted with a similar move which disrupted his rhythm and win but I got nabbed by the great Usain. 100 metres world title and reassert his sta- medals after running identical times down mishap when he stumbled out of the reduced his speed. I’ll have a day off and come back and be tus as the number one sprinter on the plan- to a 1000th of a second. “I am speechless, blocks in the semi-finals earlier yesterday. “I feel good, on the last five metres I kind prepared for the first round of the 200.” et at a rocking Bird’s Nest Stadium yester- all I can say is wow!” said de Grasse, whose There were no mistakes when it came to of stumbled and it cost me my momentum,” Bolt will go for successive world cham- day. time was a personal best. final, though, and, he powered down lane said Gatlin, a world and Olympic champion pionship sprint sweeps in Beijing with The Jamaican had struggled for form American Mike Rodgers was fifth in 9.94 five to edge Gatlin at the line. before his second doping ban and the rise the 200 metres final scheduled for and fitness all season, stumbled his way while Tyson Gay, Asafa Powell and Jimmy The 33-year-old American will perhaps of Bolt. Thursday. —Reuters through the semi-finals and got nowhere Vicaut were sixth, seventh and eighth in 10 close to the times that his rival Justin Gatlin seconds dead. Su Bingtian, who received had been posting. the loudest cheers at the start of the race as Back at the arena where he first explod- the first Chinese to reach the final of the ed onto the world stage at the 2008 Beijing blue riband sprint at a global champi- Kovacs wins shot put gold Olympics, however, Bolt surged past the in- onships, finished last in 10.06. form American over the last 30 metres and The victory for Bolt will be an undoubt- BEIJING: American Joe Kovacs won the on, had a best throw of 21.74, while the more than a decade. crossed the line in 9.79 seconds, his fastest ed boost for a sport which has spent three men’s shot put gold medal at the world ath- bronze medal went to Jamaica’s O’Dayne The US national champion quickly run of the year. weeks locked in a public relations crisis letics championships in Beijing’s Bird’s Nest Richards, who equalled his national record imposed his authority on the final with a “I came out here, relaxed, no stress and over allegations of widespread doping Stadium yesterday, denying defending of 21.69. first effort 21.23 but the German lay down brought it home. My aim is to be number among athletes. champion David Storl of Germany a hat- It was a high quality final, with New his challenge by taking the competition one until I retire and therefore I am pushing With Gatlin, who has twice served bans trick of titles. The 26-year-old from Zealand’s Tomas Walsh setting an Oceania lead with 21.46 in round two. myself and pushing myself,” said the 29- for the use of banned substances, being Pennsylvania left it late and threw 21.93 regional record 21.58 in fourth place, and In the third round, Richards unleashed year-old after striking his trademark one of four convicted dopers in the final, a metres in the fifth round to become the first fifth placed Reese Hoffa, the 2007 world his best throw, the Pan-American champion “Lighting Bolt” pose. victory for Bolt proved to be more signifi- American since 2009 to win the shot world champion, throwing 21.00. giving himself the advantage of throwing “It is all about running the race and get- cant than who was the best sprinter. “I title. The third American to qualify for the last in the final three rounds. ting it done. You can call that race rusty. I understand why (people thought it was “It’s the first team I made and being in final, Christian Cantwell, a 2009 world It was Walsh who made the big move in could have run faster. This title means a lot important for me to win),” Bolt added. “But U.S. shot put, you kind of expect to be at champion, was forced to withdraw on med- the fourth round, hurling himself into the the top,” Kovacs told reporters. “It’s my first ical grounds, unable to compete after suf- silver medal position. But it was in the fifth to me. It has been a long season with me as I said, I wanted to do it for myself. It was world championships. Just coming here fering a muscle spasm in his back following round that the medal positions were deter- a big deal.” coming back from injury.” was just finding a few things. I dealt with it the morning’s qualifying competition. mined, as Kovacs grabbed the lead with his Gatlin finished second in 9.80 to take sil- Bolt, the reigning Olympic champion in different ways. I was excited to come Kovacs came to Beijing at the top of the best effort, punching the air in delight.Storl, ver as he did at the world championships in and world record holder, has now not been away with the win.” 2015 world rankings, having thrown 22.56m next in the circle, responded with his 21.74 Moscow two years ago, while young guns beaten in the 100m or 200m in six major Storl, the 2011 and 2013 world champi- in Monaco last month, the best effort in to take back second place. —Reuters Andre de Grasse of Canada and American global championships going back to 2007. Trayvon Bromell finished together in third He was disqualified from the shorter Serena to meet Halep in Cincinnati final

CINCINNATI: Serena Williams brushed Jelena Jankovic 6-1 6-2 in the late semi- off some serving troubles before cruising final. to a 6-4 6-3 win over Elina Svitolina on Williams was broken early in the Saturday and will meet Simona Halep in opening set, but her opponent could not the Western & Southern Open final. keep the momentum or capitalize on the Williams’s serve was off for a second American’s eight double-faults for the consecutive match in Cincinnati and she match. Williams laced two straight back- committed 34 unforced errors but the hand winners to break Svitolina’s serve to world number one was never under seri- move to 3-1 in the second set. ous threat from the 14th-seeded The 20-year-old Ukrainian broke back Ukrainian. The American will bid to com- but Williams responded in kind to take plete a calendar grand slam at her home control before sealing the match with an U.S. Open from Aug. 31, a pursuit that ace. Halep’s semi-final win secured her kept her early struggles in perspective on the second seeding behind Williams at Saturday. the US Open. The aggressive base-liner “I wanted to not worry about this converted seven of 10 break-points and match, but worry about the next few was thrilled with her performance. “I matches and next few weeks and start played great tennis tonight. I was confi- playing better for that,” Williams said in dent and I think that’s why I played my an on-court interview. best tennis,” she said. “I have my chance “I got off to a super slow start today tomorrow (against Williams) but I expect but I started going for it and I think that a tough match. With her you never know; helped me out.” She will defend her title you can win, maybe, or you can lose against Romanian Halep who routed fast.”—Reuters

OHIO: Novak Djokovic, of Serbia serves to Ukrainian qualifier Alexandr Dolgopolov during a semifinal match at the Western & Southern Open tennis tournament. —AP Djokovic, Federer advance

CINCINNATI: Top seed Novak Djokovic and defeat at 4-5 but dug deep and found a way to time record versus the Ukrainian to 5-0. defending champion Roger Federer advanced escape the jam, ultimately taking the set with a Completing the set of ATP Masters titles will to the Western & Southern Open final in con- cross-court forehand winner. be no easy feat for Djokovic with six-times trasting fashion on Saturday to set up a rematch “(Djokovic) just plays more carefully on the Cincinnati champion Federer standing in his of their title-deciding Wimbledon clash. big points. You have to beat him and go for the way. Serb Djokovic, who beat Federer in the risk,” said Dolgopolov. “I really believed I could The Swiss got off to a fast start against Wimbledon final for a second consecutive year win and my game was enough to beat him. It Murray, earning a break in the third game of the last month, rallied to beat Ukrainian qualifier was just the situation. You know, those few match en route to capturing the first set in 38 Alexandr Dolgopolov 4-6 7-6(5) 6-2 while the points decided everything.” minutes with a forehand winner down the line. Swiss second seed beat third seed Andy Murray Djokovic had squandered a chance to level The players rode their serves to a tiebreak in 6-4 7-6(6). the match in the ninth game of the second set the second set, where Federer went on to con- Djokovic, who needs a win on Sunday to when he was broken to love before the players vert on his second match point. The victory sets become the first player to claim all nine ATP each held serve over the next three games to up the latest instalment of the Federer-Djokovic Masters titles, lost the first set but escaped a force the tiebreak which the Serb won to ensure rivalry, knotted at 20 wins apiece. nervy second-set tiebreak in Cincinnati that a third set. The match will be their fifth meeting in 2015, took the wind out of his 66th-ranked oppo- Djokovic then broke a disheartened with Federer winning on the hard courts of OHIO: Serena Williams, of the United States reacts during a semifinal against Elina nent’s sails. Dolgopolov twice en route to ending the match Dubai and Djokovic emerging victorious at Svitolina of Ukraine, at the Western & Southern Open tennis tournament. —AP In the tiebreak, Djokovic was two points from in two hours, 20 minutes and improving his all- Indian Wells, Rome and Wimbledon.—Reuters MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 SPORTS Pirates, Zamalek qualify, Ahly almost there

JOHANNESBURG: A 2-0 victory for Substitute Lehlohonolo Majoro cut in Orlando Pirates over AC Leopards of Congo from the left and his cross was pushed into Brazzaville took the South African club and the net by captain Oupa Manyisa at the far Zamalek of Egypt into the CAF post. Confederation Cup semi-finals this week- A fourth win in five matches lifted end. Pirates to 12 points, Zamalek have nine, Title-holders Al Ahly of Egypt took a sig- Leopards four and record three-time nificant step toward joining them in the Confederation Cup title-holders CS Sfaxien penultimate phase of the second-tier of Tunisia just one. African Football Confederation (CAF) club Sfaxien host Zamalek late Sunday at competition by winning 1-0 at Esperance of Stade Taieb Mhiri in Mediterranean indus- Tunisia. Former African champions Pirates trial city Sfax. Ghana-born new signing and Zamalek were guaranteed last-four John Antwi scored after five minutes to slots unless shock 2012 Confederation Cup give Ahly-winners of a record 19 CAF titles- winners Leopards triumphed at a rain- success over bottom-of-the-table soaked Orlando Stadium in Soweto. Esperance at Stade El Menzah in Tunis. The Congolese troubled the South The match marked the end of the short Africans in the early stages of the matchday reign of former Olympique Marseille sport- 5 Group B duel only to fall behind after 33 ing director Jose Anigo as Esperance coach. minutes to a goal from Mpho Makola, scor- Anigo quit the ‘Blood and Gold;’ after five er of a domestic brace four days before. losses in seven matches, including four Kermit Erasmus got behind the Leopards Confederation Cup defeats. defence and his cut-back was swept into Ahly will seal a semi-finals slot later the net by unmarked Makola, who got his Sunday if Stade Malien fail to defeat sec- first national team call-up this week. ond-place Etoile Sahel of Tunisia in Needing at least two goals to survive, Bamako. The Cairo club have 10 points in Leopards took second-half risks and were Group A, 2006 Confederation Cup winners eventually punished when the Buccaneers Etoile nine, Malien four and Esperance counter-attacked three minutes from time. three. —AFP

EPL results/standings SPAIN: Barcelona’s Andres Iniesta (center) duels for the ball with Athletic Bilbao’s Oscar de Marcos during their Spanish La Liga soccer Everton 0 Manchester City 2 (Kolarov 60, Nasri 88); Watford 0 Southampton 0; West Brom 2 (Morrison 35, match. —AP 59) Chelsea 3 (Pedro 20, Costa 30, Azpilicueta 42).

Playing today Arsenal v Liverpool Barca gain revenge on Bilbao English Premier League table after yesterday’s matches (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): MADRID: Barcelona exacted revenge for their Super Cup matches after also playing in the Roberto was deputising in an unusual posi- Spanish Super Cup defeat to Athletic Bilbao to Europa League on Thursday. After a quiet start tion at right-back after replacing the injured Man City 3300 8 0 9 Watford 3 0 3 0 2 2 3 get off to a winning start in La Liga thanks to the game burst into life when referee Carlos del Dani Alves midway through the first-half, but his Luis Suarez’s solitary second-half strike. Cerro Grande controversially pointed to the spot impressive showing continued as he smashed a Leicester 3 2 1 0 7 4 7 Bournemouth 3 1 0 2 4 5 3 Lionel Messi’s troubles from the penalty spot when Suarez went down under a challenge from shot off the bar from a narrow angle as Barca Man Utd 3 2 1 0 2 0 7 Arsenal 2 1 0 1 2 3 3 continued as he saw a first-half spot-kick saved Gorka Elustondo. threatened to double their advantage. Crystal Palace 3 2 0 1 6 4 6 Aston Villa 3 1 0 2 2 3 3 by Gorka Iraizoz. However, his strike partner However, Messi failed to open the scoring However, the visitors suffered another injury ensured that miss didn’t prove costly as Suarez from the resulting spot-kick as Iraizoz flew to his blow when Sergio Busquets was stretchered off Liverpool 2 2 0 0 2 0 6 Stoke 3021 3 4 2 volleyed home early in the second-half to hand right to make a brilliant save. The Argentine has with an ankle problem and were left hanging on Swansea 3 1 2 0 5 3 5 Tottenham 3 0 2 1 3 4 2 the champions all three points. now missed five penalties for club and country with a makeshift back four. Everton 3 1 1 1 5 4 4 Newcastle 3 0 2 1 2 4 2 Luis Enrique’s men were returning to the in the past year and failed to find the net in 14 of Ibai Gomez had the Basques’ best chance to ground where they were thrashed 4-0 in the first the 63 penalties he has taken for Barca. equalise 10 minutes from time, but he blasted Norwich 3 1 1 1 5 5 4 Southampton 3 0 2 1 2 5 2 leg of the Super Cup just nine days ago and Iraizoz produced an even better stop over when the ball fell invitingly inside the Barca Chelsea 3 1 1 1 5 7 4 Sunderland 3 0 1 2 4 8 1 were without the suspended Gerard Pique, moments later to prevent Suarez sweeping box. West Ham 3 1 0 2 6 6 3 West Brom 3 0 1 2 2 6 1 whilst Neymar wasn’t fit to take part after just home Sergi Roberto’s cross to ensure Athletic And Messi nearly sealed the three points with returning to training following a bout of the went in level at the break. a stunning individual run past a host of tired mumps. The Uruguayan wasn’t to be denied just eight Athletic defenders, reminiscent of his opening Athletic were also missing a number of first- minutes into the second-half, though, as he con- goal in the Copa del Rey final between the sides Liverpool take on Arsenal team regulars, though, and struggled to match nected sweetly on his left-foot with Jordi Alba’s in May, but his finish lacked the accuracy needed their high-energy performances in the two cross. to beat Iraizoz.—AFP LONDON: Emboldened by back-to-back only averaged around four shots on target victories, Liverpool visit longstanding rivals and with 43 percent possession. “So it tells Arsenal today looking to score points in the you that you can go there and you don’t early-season battle for position in the need to dominate the ball, but you can Thereau stuns Juve with late winner Premier League. dominate the space and that’s obviously Liverpool lost 4-1 on their last trip to the something that is important, especially in MILAN: New Udinese signing Cyril the hands of Orestis Karnezis. threaded a perfect ball through for hands of Karnezis after Pogba’s lay- Emirates Stadium in April as their challenge the big games away.” While Arsenal Thereau pounced late in the second Juve went closer on 19 minutes Pogba, but after first rounding off on the edge of the area. for a Champions League place faded, with claimed their first points of the season by half to secure a 1-0 win away to when Stephan Lichsteiner ran on to a Thomas Heurtaux the defender did But the hosts were stunned 12 Brendan Rodgers’s side taking just eight winning 2-1 at Crystal Palace last weekend, Juventus and hand the champions header to fire a deflected shot just well to slide in and deny the minutes form time when Thereau points from a possible 27 in the run-in. But the opening loss to West Ham called their their first ever opening-day defeat in wide of the far post. Frenchman. Juve were throwing was left alone at the back post to having beaten Stoke City and credentials as title contenders into ques- Turin. In 40 previous matches on the Roberto Pereyra then ran on to a everything at Udinese, Patrice Evra slide a cross-field ball from Panagiotis Bournemouth, and with Arsenal having lost tion. opening day of the Serie A season, loose ball following a challenge on even firing a first-timer into the Kone past Buffon.—AFP 2-0 at home to West Ham United on the A second home defeat in succession Juventus had lost only once, a 1-0 Coman only to produce a weak shot opening weekend, Liverpool return to would see yet more scorn poured on reverse away to Bari in 2010. that gave Karnezis no problems. north London with confidence at least par- Arsenal’s title chances and Wenger knows it Yet after dominating for long peri- Lichsteiner, switched to the wing- tially restored. is of paramount importance that his players ods, Juve ultimately failed to convert back position in Allegri’s 3-5-2, was “No matter when these games come in put the West Ham result behind them. “If their many chances and were finding plenty of space down the the season, they’re always good for the you want to have a successful season, you stunned in the 78th minute when right and unleashed an angled drive psychological effect,” Liverpool manager want to be strong at home,” said the Thereau-signed in the off-season that forced Karnezis to block. Rodgers told his pre-match press confer- Frenchman. “Normally we are strong at from Chievo-escaped his marker to The Swiss international then ence. “Of course, we’ve got tough games home. This is an opportunity to show that. slide the ball past Gianluigi Buffon at turned provider for Mandzukic, but (to come) away from home, but we’ll arrive “We missed our first game and we had the keeper’s far post. the Croatian sent a looping header into the game with confidence. “We know to look at ourselves, and we responded Udinese, Italy’s northern-most over the bar while under pressure in they’re an outstanding group of players very well. Now we need to come back to club based in the Friuli region, last the box. It was a one-sided but ulti- with some quality individual players, but our usual strength that we have at home. beat Juventus in 2011. A new-look mately frustrating first half for the there’s a real focus in this group for this sea- “This is a very important game where Juve lined up for their first game of champions, but Allegri stuck with his son, a real toughness mentally. the result will of course be vital. It’s not a the season after the summer depar- gameplan for the start of the second “And we know we’ve got that ability to result that will decide (anything), but in our tures of Arturo Vidal (Bayern Munich), half. Minutes after Paul Pogba sent a scrap and to fight to get a result, as well as heads we know it’s very important.” Andrea Pirlo (New York City FC) and speculative first-time volley inches play good football. Arsenal have no new injury concerns, Carlos Tevez (Boca Juniors). wide, Mandzukic rose to connect in “So if we can go there and perform like with Jack Wilshere (fractured Coach Massimiliano Allegri the box but his angled header met we think we can and have that game-plan, fibula), forward Danny Welbeck and mid- deployed a 3-5-2 and for most of the traffic. we’re confident that we can get a result.” fielder Tomas Rosicky (both knee) still side- game Juve’s expectant fans were Udinese’s forays forward were few, Liverpool have won only once in their last lined. Unlike against West Ham, Arsenal are thrilled with the decision. Juve domi- and proving risky. A Juve counter was 18 games at the Emirates and their 5-1 expected to have Alexis Sanchez in the nated throughout and Udinese strug- launched by Coman but a Udinese demolition of Arsenal at Anfield in February starting XI after he returned to the team at gled to get out of their half but on boot came to the rescue after 2014 was the only success in their last eight Palace. the flip side the hosts struggled to Mandzukic headed the Frenchman’s meetings with Arsene Wenger’s side. Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson break down the visitors’ stubborn cross into Pereyra’s path yards from Both teams tend to approach games faces a late fitness test after a foot injury defence. goal. Karnezis was forced down looking to dominate the ball, but Rodgers forced him off early in the second half Allegri left Pauolo Dybala on the moments later to block Simone says that as far as possession is concerned, against Bournemouth, when Christian bench as Kingsley Coman partnered Padoin’s low drive as Juve pinged the he is more interested in quality than quan- Benteke scored his first goal for the club. Mario Mandzukic up front and it ball around the area unchallenged. tity. Should he not be passed fit, Emre Can, looked a wise decision as the pair Dybala replaced Coman just after “If you look at Arsenal’s last 10 games sent off in last season’s 4-1 defeat, is in line mustered a handful of chances. the hour, with former Napoli striker that they’ve lost at home, the teams that to deputise. Midfielder Joe Allen is a doubt Early on Coman pounced on a Duvan Zapata replacing Antonio Di have won there, it’s been about dangerous with a hamstring problem, while striker loose ball after Mandzukic tumbled Natale for Udinese minutes later, and possession,” he said. Daniel Sturridge (hip) and full-back Jon under a challenge but the had an almost immediate impact. ITALY: Udinese’s Cyril Thereau (right) challenges for the ball with “The teams that have been there have Flanagan (knee) are both out.—AFP Frenchman’s weak shot trickled into The diminutive Argentinian Juventus Mauricio Isla during a Serie A soccer match. —AP Dortmund floor Ingolstadt

BERLIN: Borussia Dortmund’s dream start to the Aubameyang claimed his sixth goal in six games when Eugen Polanski blasted his penalty season continued yesterday as their 4-0 win at in stoppage time. attempt off the post after Boateng was sent off new-boys Ingolstadt saw them leapfrog Bayern Later Borussia Moenchengladbach, who will for a handball on 72 minutes. Munich to top the table on goal dif- discover their Champions League group stage Bayern claimed the dramatic winner when ference. opponents on Thursday, dropped to bottom of Brazil winger Costa fired in a superb cross and Dortmund claimed their sixth win in all com- the table on goal difference after losing 2-1 to Lewandowski drilled home his shot. Bayer petitions under new coach Thomas Tuchel as Mainz. Leaky defence let them down again hav- Leverkusen are third after a 1-0 win at Hanover defender Matthias Ginter, Marco Reus, Shinji ing lost 4-0 to Dortmund last Saturday. Gladbach saw them join Bayern and Dortmund as the Kagawa and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang scored cancelled out Jairo Samperio’s first-half goal league’s only teams with two wins. second-half goals. when Germany winger Patrick Herrmann Dead-ball specialist Hakan Calhanoglu’s 18th- “I knew we’d go top of the table after we equalised just after the break only for right- minute free-kick sealed the win to give went 3-0 up, but what especially pleased me was winger Christian Clemens to score Mainz’s 79th- Leverkusen a boost before Wednesday’s the performance,” said Tuchel. “I’m proud that minute winner to leave Gladbach without a Champions League play-off qualifier, second-leg, the team kept the performance up for 90 min- point. On Saturday, Bayern needed a 90th- at home to Lazio, who they trail 1-0 after the first utes and never waned. “I’d hoped in the half- minute Robert Lewandowski goal to earn a dra- leg. time break that they would be rewarded for matic 2-1 win at Hoffenheim after conceding the Belgian attacking midfielder Kevin de Bruyne playing well.” joint fastest goal in German league history and started what could be his last match for last sea- Dogged Ingolstadt defending meant had Jerome Boateng sent off. son’s runners-up VfL Wolfsburg in a 1-1 draw Dortmund only went ahead when right-back The Poland striker sealed the champions’ with Cologne. Ginter fired home Henrikh Mkhitaryan’s final comeback after Hoffenheim’s Germany Under-21 The 24-year-old, despite having said earlier in pass on 55 minutes. striker Kevin Volland had opened the scoring the week he would be staying with Wolfsburg Germany winger Reus doubled the lead by with just nine seconds gone at the Rhein- for this season, is reported to have agreed terms converting a penalty on the hour after left-back Neckar-Arena. Bayern equalised when Thomas with Manchester City and will earn £200,000 Marcel Schmelzer was fouled. Kagawa added the Mueller jabbed home a rebound shot on 40 min- (275,632 euros, $313,890) a week in the Premier GERMANY: Dortmund’s Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (right) celebrates with team- third with a superb shot off his left foot after utes as Hoffenheim wasted the chance for an League, if his present club accept City’s mate Jonas Hofmann after scoring his side’s fourth goal during the German beating two defenders on 84 minutes before historic first win over Bayern at the 15th attempt improved offer of £55 million.—AFP Bundesliga soccer match against Ingolstadt. —AP Aussies win Bolt retains final 16Ashes Test 100m18 world title MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015

Thereau stuns Juve with late winner Page 19

LIVERPOOL: Manchester City’s Spanish midfielder David Silva (right) shoots past Everton’s English midfielder Gareth Barry (left) and Everton’s Irish defender Seamus Coleman during the English Premier League football match. — AFP Kolarov, Nasri send City top

maker Kevin De Bruyne. Manuel Pellegrini’s side have made hour. Silva outfoxed the Everton defence, but Raheem move to Merseyside, almost rued that miss within two min- the perfect start to their quest after recording nine succes- Sterling was not quick enough to react to a low cross when utes of the restart as again City were quickly into their Everton 0 sive league wins for the first time since 1912 and ending a goal might have silenced the Everton supporters who stride. This time Sterling provided the opportunity with a Everton’s unbeaten start in the process. booed every early touch from the former Liverpool winger. clever pass for Silva, who crashed a left-foot shot against a City were unable to include new £32 million ($50.2 mil- Having survived that test, Everton-knowing that a win post. It seemed only a matter of time before a goal, lion, 44.5 million euros) signing Nicolas Otamendi in their would take them to the top of the early league standings- though, and with an hour gone it finally arrived as City squad, with the former Valencia defender still to receive a grew into the game. pounced on the counter-attack. Man City 2 work permit for his move to the Premier League. Even then, Romelu Lukaku correctly had an effort disallowed for Silva’s pass to Sterling released the England internation- the Argentina international faces a fight to dislodge captain offside and Ross Barkley, with two outstanding goals al, beginning to look the part as a City player following his Vincent Kompany or Eliaquim Mangala from a central already this season, warmed the palms of City goalkeeper £49 million switch from Anfield, and when he slipped the defensive berth, with the pair again starting in a team that Joe Hart from range. ball wide, the over-lapping Kolarov steered a shot past LIVERPOOL: Aleksandar Kolarov and Samir Nasri earned Pellegrini unsurprisingly left unchanged following last Defender Phil Jagielka, briefly freed from his responsibil- Howard at his near post. Manchester City a rare 2-0 success at Everton yesterday that week’s 3-0 win over Chelsea. ities in partnership with Chelsea transfer target John If the Everton goalkeeper was at fault there, he made equalled a club record and sent them top of the Premier City began in similar style to the way in which they had Stones at the other end, then headed onto the roof of the partial amends moments later as he denied Jesus Navas League. City had previously won on only one of their last six dismantled the league champions and twice in the open- net from a Tom Cleverley corner. The home side also from close range as City looked to kill the game off. trips to Goodison Park-a crucial victory on their way to their ing 10 minutes Tim Howard stopped Everton from going squandered two excellent free-kick opportunities, Lukaku The visitors were grateful to a goal-line block from 2014 title success. behind by saving with his legs from Sergio Aguero. David clipping the bar from 20 yards from the second in first-half Kompany, who kept out a header from former City mid- Regaining that crown is their goal this season on the Silva was involved in both openings and the Spaniard stoppage time. fielder Gareth Barry, before finally sealing the win when back of another close season of heavy spending that could worked his magic again as City almost made their positive Everton, with River Plate defender Ramiro Funes Mori Nasri played a lovely one-two with Yaya Toure and lifted yet be increased if they can persuade Wolfsburg to sell play- start pay at the end of a dominant opening quarter of an watching in the crowd ahead of his anticipated £6 million the ball over Howard with two minutes to go. — AFP Pedro lifts Chelsea Mane concussed as

minute when Nemanja Matic was adjudged to have tripped Callum McManaman, although the Southampton draw West Brom 2 visitors were upset with referee Mark Clattenburg’s decision. league since February, but they did at least Courtois came to his side’s rescue, however, record a first clean sheet in nine league as he saved with his trailing leg as he dived to Watford 0 outings. stop Morrison’s drilled, low effort from the spot. The first half was low on incident, with Chelsea 3 Albion should have led on 18 minutes, too, Watford winger Ikechi Anya the player who when Craig Dawson rose highest to meet a looked most likely to provide a break- Morrison free-kick, but sent his header over the Southampton 0 through. bar. Twice he put dangerous crosses into the WEST BROMWICH: Pedro Rodriguez scored on And they were punished on 20 minutes when Southampton box, but no-one got on the his debut as Chelsea survived captain John Pedro began to repay his transfer fee, believed end of the first chance and Odion Ighalo Terry’s dismissal to beat West Bromwich Albion to be in the region of £21.2 million ($33.2 mil- failed to apply a decisive touch to the sec- 3-2 yesterday and claim their first win of the sea- lion, 30 million euros). WATFORD: Rumored Manchester United ond. Southampton’s efforts to find a break- son. Home side West Brom, who left out star The Spain international, formerly of target Sadio Mane was forced off with sus- through were compromised when Mane striker Saido Berahino following a failed bid from Barcelona, exchanged passes on the edge of the pected concussion as Southampton went a was forced to leave the fray. But his Tottenham Hotspur, scored twice through James penalty area with Eden Hazard and netted the third game without victory in a 0-0 draw at replacement, Shane Long, almost unlocked Morrison, who also had a penalty saved by opening goal with the aid of a deflection off promoted Watford yesterday. the home defence with a cross that Thibaut Courtois. But Jose Mourinho’s visitors Gareth McAuley. Southampton manager Ronald Koeman Graziano Pelle headed wide. held on for victory after Pedro had opened the It was 2-0 10 minutes later when Pedro has declared that Mane is not for sale amid Alessandro Diamanti came on for scoring and had a hand in Chelsea’s second, turned provider as his side broke from a West reports linking him with United, but the Watford at half-time to make his debut fol- scored by Diego Costa to make it 2-0. Brom corner. He collected a pass from Willian Senegalese flier lasted only 25 minutes at lowing his arrival on loan from Guangzhou Cesar Azpilicueta scored a rare goal to give and tried a cross-shot, which was turned in from LONDON: West Brom’s James McClean out Vicarage Road before the after-effects of a Evergrande, but strike partner Troy Deeney Chelsea a 3-1 half-time lead after Morrison had close range by Costa. jumps Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic during the collision with Watford goalkeeper Heurelho spurned a chance to tee him up, instead reduced the arrears. And Terry, who was substi- Albion were back in the game within five English Premier League soccer match. — AP Gomes brought an abrupt end to his after- seeing a shot blocked by Steven Caulker. At tuted at half-time against Manchester City last minutes when Morrison made up for his earlier noon. the other end, a rising effort from Pelle was of full-back Azpilicueta. He finished well after weekend, lasted just 54 minutes before he was miss with a fine, low finish. He scored from 15 The best chance of a poor game fell to tipped over by Gomes. Watford should Costa had held off a robust challenge from dismissed for a professional foul on Salomon yards after record signing Salomon Rondon, Watford midfielder Etienne Capoue, but he have gone in front in the 67th minute McAuley to control a pass from Cesc Fabregas Rondon. making his full debut, did well to help a cross by headed over the bar from close range in when Deeney’s flick-on at a corner found and tee up his Spain team-mate. Morrison then headed in his second goal to James McClean into Morrison’s path. the second half to leave both teams still Capoue two yards out, but the former Terry was given his marching orders nine set up a tense finish, but Chelsea held on. Costa Willian should have made it 3-1 on 39 min- seeking a first win of the Premier League Tottenham Hotspur midfielder somehow fired the game’s first real chance wide for utes, but he was guilty of a glaring miss as he minutes into the second half when he was judged to have pulled Rondon back as the campaign. Held 1-1 by Danish side FC contrived to head over at the back post. In Chelsea in the opening minutes. fired wide from a pull-back by Pedro. Midtjylland in the first leg of their Europa reply, Victor Wanyama worked Gomes from But the home side made an energetic start However, Chelsea’s third goal arrived three Venezuelan raced onto a fine through-ball by Morrison. — AFP League play-off on Thursday, Southampton 25 yards, while Cedric Soares fired narrowly and were rewarded with a penalty in the 13th minutes before half-time from the unlikely figure have not won away from home in the over. — AFP Dollar drops as global growth concerns fuel risk aversion Page 25

Boubyan Bank launches Tap & Pay Credit Cards Business with MasterCard & VISA MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 Page 26

Aramco considers new industrial city project As China slows, so does Otis Elevator Page 22 Page 23

SUNRISE: In this June 10, 2015, photo, job seekers get information at a job fair in Sunrise, Fla. The Labor Department releases weekly jobless claims on Thursday. — AP Mideast markets drop, Dubai falls 7% Fitch cut to Saudi outlook, losses total 18% this month

DUBAI: Major Middle Eastern stock markets plunged in economies for years. Nevertheless, the fact that a clear Support Although Egypt’s economy should benefit from low oil relentless selling yesterday because of sliding oil prices, a base for oil prices has still not emerged is spooking Henin said it was difficult to identify support for the prices, it receives aid and investment from the Gulf. decision by Fitch Ratings to cut its outlook for Saudi Arabia’s investors. Gulf markets in their current mood and it might require debt, and Friday’s sharp losses on Wall Street. Their jitters were magnified by Fitch lowering its out- a stabilisation of oil prices and big foreign equity mar- YESTERDAY’S HIGHLIGHTS Dubai suffered its biggest one-day fall since last look for Saudi Arabia’s foreign and local currency issuer kets, and therefore an easing of worries about China’s December, with its main index tumbling 7.0 percent to 3,451 default ratings to “negative” from “stable”. Standard & economy, for selling in the Gulf to dry up. SAUDI ARABIA points, its lowest close since March 30. The index finished Poor’s cut the kingdom’s outlook to negative in February; When that happens, there may be substantial buying The index tumbled 6.9 percent to 7,463 points. just off the intra-day low and close to major technical sup- the third major rating agency, Moody’s, has not yet taken back of stocks in markets such as the UAE, where valua- DUBAI port on the March low of 3,233 points. such action. tions have reached attractive levels, he said. The UAE is The index plunged 7.0 percent to 3,451 points. Saudi Arabia’s benchmark lost 6.9 percent to 7,463 points, Most bankers and economists in the region think Riyadh trading near 11 times this year’s projected corporate ABU DHABI nearing support on its December low of 7,226 points. That is very unlikely to favour the risky step of breaking the earnings - reasonable in historical terms and compared The index sank 5.0 percent to 4,286 points. brought its losses so far this month to 18 percent - a drop riyal’s peg to the US dollar, and believe the scale of it for- to other emerging markets. QATAR which has erased some $75 billion of market value. eign reserves mean it won’t be forced into such a measure More than 10 Dubai stocks plunged by their daily 10 The index lost 5.3 percent to 10,750 points. “There was no discrimination in the selling - it was across for many years at least. But one-year US dollar/Saudi riyal percent limits on Sunday, including builder Arabtec. EGYPT markets, across sectors, across names,” said Sebastien Henin, forwards have jumped to their highest levels since 2003 in Top real estate developer Emaar Properties sank 8.3 The index slid 5.4 percent to 6,784 points. portfolio manager at The National Investor in Abu Dhabi. the last few days as banks have hedged against the risk of percent. KUWAIT He noted that even stocks in traditional defensive the peg breaking - further alarming the equity market. In Saudi Arabia, petrochemical producer Saudi Basic The index fell 2.4 percent to 5,909 points. industries such as telecommunications and food were hit The United Arab Emirates has a more diversified econo- Industries Corp lost 9.1 percent, miner Ma’aden was OMAN hard in the Gulf. “That was a bit worrying.” The major Gulf my than Saudi Arabia and is fiscally stronger. But it, like down 9.8 percent and Alinma Bank sinking 5.9 percent. The index dropped 2.9 percent to 5,911 points. oil exporting states have huge fiscal reserves which will other markets around the region, is vulnerable to a pull- Abu Dhabi’s index fell 5.0 percent and Qatar was down BAHRAIN allow them to prevent cheap oil from damaging their out of Saudi money if Riyadh slumps. 5.3 percent. Egypt’s stock index dropped 5.4 percent. The index fell 0.4 percent to 1,315 points. — Reuters Chinese province’s debt crisis exposes economic fault line

BEIJING: A mini debt crisis in northern China is expos- anteed loans to more than 1,000 borrowers, including Tip Of An Iceberg? ing cracks in a financial pillar of the country’s econom- manufacturers that are bearing the brunt of the slow- “We see a lot of these companies in China, and we ic revival plan: the $430 billion loan-guarantee indus- down. worry about the underlying fundamentals,” said Sally try. China has a heavy corporate debt burden and its Many of these borrowers are in danger of default, Yim, senior credit officer with Moody’s Investors economy is slowing, putting borrowers under strain, presenting Hebei Financial with the prospect of hav- Service in Hong Kong. “You are bound to see more of but many lenders take comfort from the fact that their ing to pay out 32 billion yuan ($5 billion) in loan guar- these defaults, or troubles from these type of small loans are insured against default through the nation’s antees, which would wipe out its registered capital of guarantee companies,” she added. Yim doubted this almost 8,000 guarantee companies. 4.2 billion yuan. Given the company is unable to meet would pose a major risk to the financial system. China A third of these are state-backed companies that all its guarantees, lenders face large losses unless they has $3.65 trillion in foreign reserves and could deal stand behind more than 60 percent of China’s guaran- can persuade the Hebei government to intervene and comfortably with several crises on the scale of Hebei. teed loans. They exist to facilitate finance for smaller bail them out. Eleven of them recently petitioned the However, a loss of investor confidence in the over- businesses - China’s job-creators - but a crisis unfold- provincial government to stand behind Hebei all guarantee industry could be harder to contain. If ing in northern Hebei province shows that their ability Financing’s guarantees, and the government has lenders suspect local governments will not bail out to meet those guarantees is in doubt. formed a special committee to try and resolve the cri- guarantee companies in times of trouble, the broader In Hebei, a gritty region of steel mills and factories sis. “If there weren’t guarantees provided by Hebei economy becomes the loser as businesses are starved close to the capital Beijing, one such company is tech- Financing Investment Guarantee Group, investors of finance. “This is unbelievable,” said an executive of a nically insolvent, a fate likely shared by other guaran- would not have agreed to lend to those companies,” trust company that was one of the signatories to the tee firms as the world’s second-largest economy rapid- the petitioners wrote in a letter to the province’s petition. She declined to be identified because of the ly loses momentum. Hebei Financing Investment Communist Party secretary and the governor. sensitivity of the matter. Guarantee Group has sold too many guarantees, too The letter, reviewed by Reuters, was written by 10 “Who would dare to believe in the guarantee cheaply, on loans that have now gone sour. trust firms and one fund manager, which raised funds industry in the future? What’s the point of having this “The domestic financing guarantee model is a very from the public before on-lending them. If the guaran- industry?” she added. Beijing is moving to strengthen bad one,” said Hebei Financing general manager Ma tees are not honoured, they may default in turn on the system and unveiled plans last month to set up a Guobin. Companies such as Hebei Financing are returns pledged to their own investors. national financial guarantee fund to back provincial obliged to sell guarantees to borrowers at low rates of To ratchet up the pressure on the Hebei govern- guarantee firms such as Hebei Financing. But it risks interest to underpin finance for smaller businesses, ment, the letter urged it to act in order to “prevent the reinforcing the assumption among lenders that gov- which can struggle to obtain funds at viable interest crisis from triggering a public panic”. Attempts to con- ernments will bail them out and encouraging reckless MOSCOW: People walk past an exchange office sign showing the currency exchange rates rates without a guarantee. tact the Hebei government were unsuccessful. The lending. Hebei Financing’s Ma said his firm carried out in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Aug. 21, 2015. The Russian ruble currency is falling under the “The industry is also immature and has many prob- Hebei State-Owned Assets Supervisions and due diligence and required borrowers to provide col- pressure of cheaper oil, reviving concerns over the country’s economic outlook. — AP lems and shortcomings. On many things we don’t Administration Commission, which oversees Hebei lateral, but it was not allowed to price its guarantees have a choice,” Ma added. Hebei Financing has guar- Financing, declined to comment. according to the level of risk.—Reuters BUSINESS MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015

Burgan Bank announces names of winners of Yawmi account

KUWAIT: Burgan Bank announced yesterday the 4. Fatemah Joudah Mubarak Al Fadhli amount of KD 500 in their account for 2 months pri- customers deposit, the higher the chances they names of the lucky winners of its Yawmi account 5. Najeeba Shannar Saud Al Mutairi or to draw date. Additionally, every KD 10 in the receive of winning. For more information on open- draw, each taking home a prize of KD 5,000. To further add to the anticipation of Yawmi account, will entitle customers to one chance of win- ing a Yawmi account or about the new quarterly The lucky winners for the daily draws took home account customers, Burgan Bank now offers a ning. If the account balance is KD 500 and above, draw, customers are urged to visit their nearest a cash-prize of KD 5,000 each, and they are: Quarterly Draw with more chances to win higher the account holder will be qualified for both the Burgan Bank branch and receive all the details, or rewards, entitling one lucky customer to win KD quarterly and daily draws. simply call the bank’s Call Center at 1804080 where 1. Ali Hasan Abdullah Al Sabaghah 125,000 every three months. The Yawmi Account Burgan Bank encourages everyone to open a customer service representatives will be delighted 2. Hussein Abdulla Mohd Al Jazzaf now offers Daily and quarterly Draws, the Quarterly Yawmi account and/or increase their deposit to max- to assist with any questions on the Yawmi account or 3. Sakena Habib Abbas Abdullah Draw requires customers to maintain a minimum imize their chances to becoming a winner. The more any of the bank’s products and services. Saudi’s NCB selling 2bn riyal sukuk

DUBAI: National Commercial Bank redeem the Islamic bond after a certain (NCB), Saudi Arabia’s largest lender, is date, the two sources said, adding that selling a 2 billion riyal ($533.3 million) NCB Capital was acting as sole arranger. sukuk as part of its plans to raise capital, The transaction will be privately two banking sources with knowledge of placed with one or more government- the matter said yesterday. owned investment funds, the second The offer, which enhances the bank’s source added. NCB didn’t immediately Tier 1 - or core - capital and is compliant respond to a request for comment. with Basel III banking regulations, is the The bank’s Tier 1 capital ratio had third such transaction by NCB since June, slipped to 14.2 percent at the end of and is part of a plan to raise as much as 7 June, down from 15.5 percent at the billion riyals of capital before the end of same point of 2014, according to its lat- 2015, one of the sources said. est financial statement. This figure would In the same way as the previous two include the uplift from the 1 billion riyal issues, the latest sukuk is structured with sukuk sold in June, but not the 2 billion a perpetual tenor but with a clause in the riyal trade which the bank announced on documentation which allows the bank to July 15 it had completed. — Reuters Egypt seeks LNG cargoes via Jordan

LONDON/MILAN: Egypt is seeking liq- ship broker said. “Much of the demand uefied natural gas (LNG) via Jordan, for Jordan is expected to flow to Egypt.” three traders told Reuters on Friday, as Egypt has a second FSRU on order from the two neighbours bolster LNG Singapore-based Norwegian gas ship- imports following their recent installa- ping company BW Gas which is due in NEW YORK: Singer Jordin Sparks, left, talks with trader Peter Tuchman during her visit to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Friday, tion of floating storage and regasifica- October and plans to obtain a third in before ringing the closing bell to celebrate the release of her third album, ‘Right Here, Right Now.’ — AP tion units (FSRUs). 2016. Jordan is also looking to LNG to State-owned gas company EGAS is diversify its energy sourcing with an seeking four LNG cargoes for FSRU moored at the port of Aqaba to Jordan’s Aqaba gas terminal which which received its first gas in May. Egyptian pound steady will then be piped to Egypt, the traders Egypt and Jordan are linked by the said. EGAS has approached existing Arab Gas Pipeline built originally for suppliers for two cargoes to be deliv- exports flows from Egypt. Since the ered in September and two in October, country’s 2011 revolution, however, at official auction the traders said. “Only existing suppliers numerous attacks on the pipeline have been invited to the tender: Noble have disrupted operations and a lack Group, Trafigura, Vitol, BP and maybe of investment in Egypt’s own energy Ezz Steel output hit by forex shortages Gazprom,” said one of the traders. industry have transformed the coun- EGAS was not available for immediate try into a net importer of energy. CAIRO: Egypt’s central bank kept the pound pounds above or below the official rate, with The central bank cracked down on the coun- comment. A former gas exporter, Egypt in April agreed to import steady at 7.73 per dollar at a foreign exchange currency exchange bureaus allowed to trade at try’s foreign exchangebnlack market earlier this Egypt now suffers shortages which around $3.55 billion worth of LNG in auction yesterday, and the currency was weaker 0.15 pounds above or below the official rate. year in the hope of persuading foreign investors have prompted it to begin LNG imports the 2015-2016 financial year, includ- at exchange bureaus. The central bank said it Egypt has sought to tame a once-thriving cur- that the economy has returned to normal after via an FSRU from Hoegh LNG moored ing cargoes from commodity traders had offered $40 million and sold $38.4 million at rency black market with measures such as a cap four years of turmoil. But Egyptian importers and at the Red Sea port of Ain Sukhna Trafigura, Vitol and Noble Group, oil a cut-off price of 7.7301 pounds per dollar , on dollar-denominated bank deposits. exporters say official measures to cap dollar which arrived in April. major BP, along with Russia’s Gazprom unchanged from the rate at the last auction on Egypt’s largest steel maker Ezz Steel’s first- deposits at Egyptian banks have reduced foreign “The Egyptians need gas now and and Algeria’s state-owned energy Thursday. quarter net loss increased to 136 million exchange liquidity and stifled business activity Ain Sukhna is not able to handle it all,” a company Sonatrach. — Reuters The central bank kept the pound at 7.5301 for Egyptian pounds ($17 million) from 19 million while failing to achieve long-term stability in the five months until last month, when it allowed it pounds in the same period last year, hit by for- currency market. to weaken to 7.6301. On July 5, the bank let it eign currency shortages, the company said. Ezz Steel operates four plants in Egypt and slide a further 0.10 pounds. Letting the pound Net sales fell to 4.8 billion pounds from 5.3 controls more than half the country’s steel mar- weaken in a controlled way could boost exports billion in the same period last year. “Ezz Steel ket. Like other heavy industries in Egypt, its prof- and attract further investment, but also raises was not able to source sufficient foreign curren- itability had suffered in recent years from weak Egypt’s already large bill for imported fuel and cy, due to a major change in the regulations of exports and a shortage of gas as the govern- food staples. the banking sector,” said Paul Chekaiban, chair- ment diverted gas supplies towards electricity Two traders at exchange bureaus said the man and managing director. “As a consequence production to ease regular blackouts. pound was changing hands at 7.94/95 pounds we had to limit imports of raw materials and to However, in October Egypt imposed tempo- per dollar, weaker than the 7.93 quoted on reduce the volume of our production and sales rary tariffs to protect domestic steel rebar manu- Thursday. The central bank gave banks permis- which has negatively impacted margins and the facturers from cheap foreignimports during the sion in January to trade dollars up to 0.10 bottom line,” he said. energy crunch. — Reuters Aramco considers new industrial city project

KHOBAR: State oil giant Saudi Aramco is consider- for power generation and transmission. Renewable private investment - is part of the government’s ing whether to build a new industrial city in the energy such as solar may be included, he said. efforts to jump-start development. Among indus- south of the al-Ahsa district in Saudi Arabia’s If the project goes ahead, it will suggest that trial city projects already underway are King Eastern Province, as authorities seek to expand the despite the plunge of oil prices since last year, Abdullah Economic City, a zone on the Red Sea kingdom’s industrial base, industry sources said. which has slashed the revenues of Aramco and the coast near Jeddah. Its population of about 3,000 International engineering companies have Saudi government, authorities remain determined people is expected to roughly double this year and already bid for engineering work, the sources to invest heavily in long-term efforts to create jobs hit 50,000 by end-2020, rising to 2 million around SYDNEY: Two people watch from a beach as a Qantas plane taxies on the runway at added, declining to give details for commercial rea- and diversify the economy beyond oil. 2035. Other industrial cities are at Jubail and Sydney Airport in Sydney. Qantas Airways Ltd. posted a 557 million Australian dollar sons. Saudi Aramco declined to comment. One The creation of “industrial cities” - huge projects Yanbu. In 2013, oil minister Ali al-Naimi said ($409 million) full-year profit on Thursday in a dramatic turnaround since it recorded source said the new city would be built around in which state institutions play key roles in plan- Aramco was looking at such a project on the road a $2.6 billion loss in the previous year. — AP energy-related industries, such as support services ning and raising finance, but which seek to attract from Dammam to Ahsa. — Reuters EXCHANGE RATES

GOLD Saudi Riyals 81.445 Asia Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. 20 gram 226.690 Jordanian Dinar 426.530 Bangladesh Taka 0.003543 0.004143 10 gram 116.040 Egyptian Pound 38.546 ASIAN COUNTRIES 5 gram 58.700 Chinese Yuan 0.046397 0.049897 Japanese Yen 2.479 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.257 Hong Kong Dollar 0.036923 0.039673 Indian Rupees 4.689 Indian Rupees 4.601 UAE Exchange Centre WLL Indian upee 0.004619 0.005009 Pakistani Rupees 2.966 Pakistani Rupees 2.964 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000018 0.000024 Srilankan Rupees 2.256 Bangladesh Taka 3.882 Japanese Yen 0.002397 0.002577 Nepali Rupees 2.904 CURRENCIES TELEX TRANSFER PER 1000 Philippines Pesso 6.521 Kenyan Shilling 0.003143 0.003143 Singapore Dollar 216.340 Australian Dollar 206.78 Cyprus pound 576.545 Korean Won 0.000244 0.000259 Canadian Dollar 233.33 Japanese Yen 3.475 Hongkong Dollar 39.019 Malaysian Ringgit 0.070506 0.076506 Swiss Franc 324.31 Syrian Pound 2.600 Bangladesh Taka 3.887 Nepalese Rupee 0.003033 0.003203 Euro 347.73 Nepalese Rupees 3.865 Philippine Peso 6.521 Pakistan Rupee 0.002803 0.003083 Thai Baht 8.501 US Dollar 302.65 Malaysian Ringgit 73.180 Sterling Pound 477.60 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 47.715 Philippine Peso 0.006499 0.006779 Sierra Leone 0.000062 0.000068 GCC COUNTRIES Japanese Yen 2.52 Thai Bhat 9.455 Saudi Riyal 80.686 Bangladesh Taka 3.885 Turkish Lira 103.825 Singapore Dollar 0.211692 0.217692 Qatari Riyal 83.125 Indian Rupee 4.596 South African Rand 0.017423 0.025923 Omani Riyal 785.990 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.257 Bahrain Exchange Company Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001973 0.002553 Bahraini Dinar 803.640 Nepali Rupee 2.873 Taiwan 0.009665 0.009845 CURRENCY BUY SELL UAE Dirham 82.389 Pakistani Rupee 2.965 Thai Baht 0.008260 0.008810 Europe UAE Dirhams 0.08235 Belgian Franc 0.007890 0.008890 ARAB COUNTRIES Bahraini Dinar 0.8043 Arab Egyptian Pound - Cash 40.575 British Pound 0.467687 0.476687 Egyptian Pound 0.03854 Czech Korune 0.004738 0.016738 Bahraini Dinar 0.794203 0.802203 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 38.582 Jordanian Dinar 0.4304 Egyptian Pound 0.038688 0.041518 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.412 Danish Krone 0.042049 0.047049 Omani Riyal 0.7859 Euro 0.338904 0.346904 Iranian Riyal 0.000084 0.000085 Tunisian Dinar 156.090 Qatari Riyal 0.08345 Iraqi Dinar 0.000197 0.000257 Jordanian Dinar 426.980 Norwegian Krone 0.032818 0.038018 Saudi Riyal 0.08072 Jordanian Dinar 0.422580 0.430080 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.157 Romanian Leu 0.086760 0.086760 Slovakia 0.009009 0.019009 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Syrian Lira 2.157 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Morocco Dirham 31.380 Swedish Krona 0.032143 0.037143 Lebanese Pound 0.000150 0.000250 Swiss Franc 0.313211 0.323411 Moroccan Dirhams 0.019763 0.043763 Turkish Lira 0.104125 0.11125 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Nigerian Naira 0.001247 0.001882 US Dollar Transfer 302.450 US Dollar 302.400 Omani Riyal 0.779063 0.784743 Euro 347.820 Australasia Qatar Riyal 0.082364 0.083577 Canadian Dollar 231.545 Australian Dollar 0.213002 0.224502 Sterling Pound 477.870 Saudi Riyal 0.080017 0.080717 Sterling Pound 475.610 New Zealand Dollar 0.196474 0.205974 Canadian dollar 231.230 Euro 345.790 Syrian Pound 0.001282 0.001502 Turkish lira 103.230 Swiss Frank 287.450 Tunisian Dinar 0.152984 0.160984 Swiss Franc 322.960 America Bahrain Dinar 803.395 Canadian Dollar 0.223876 0.232376 Turkish Lira 0.104125 0.111125 Australian dollar 224.420 UAE Dirhams 82.710 UAE Dirhams 0.081365 0.082514 US Dollar Buying 301.250 US Dollars 0.298350 0.302850 Qatari Riyals 90.685 US Dollars Mint 0.298850 0.302850 Yemeni Riyal 0.001367 0.001447 BUSINESS MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015

Libyan state oil firm to discuss contracts with oil majors at Dubai conference CAIRO: A state oil firm loyal to Libya’s offi- capital Tripoli a year ago to a rival adminis- Maghrabi, who was appointed chairman of sign any deal with the eastern entity due production before an uprising toppled cial government based in the east of the tration, has set up a new oil entity, which it NOC east by the eastern government a to legal concerns as geological data to Gaddafi. Most foreign oil companies have country has invited foreign oil firms to dis- calls NOC east, based in the city of week ago. The conference will take place prove ownership of oil reserves are stored moved expatriate staff out of Libya or cuss existing oil purchase contracts at a Benghazi, but oil buyers still only deal with three months after NOC Tripoli held a simi- at NOC Tripoli. Maghrabi said in the invita- closed major fields due to insecurity or conference in Dubai next month, it said in the established state firm NOC based in lar event in London to show it was in tion that his team was honouring oil con- protests. But the eastern NOC said Libya a statement. Tripoli, which has processed oil sales for charge of Libya’s oil reserves and to reas- tracts but pointed out that the headquar- “has been regarded in recent years as one The move is a fresh attempt by Libya’s decades. The new NOC east wants to “dis- sure customers that the political conflict ters of NOC was based in Benghazi, not of the hottest opportunities available to internationally recognised government to cuss legally signed agreements and con- would not affect the state oil firm. Tripoli. both independent and large international control state oil firm NOC, which is at the tracts” with foreign oil buyers and service The eastern government said in March The eastern city is a war zone where oil companies.” centre of a conflict between two rival firms at a conference in Dubai on Sept. 2, it it wanted oil buyers to pay through a new forces loyal to the eastern government The United Nations has urged the war- administrations four years after the oust- said in the statement, which it released bank account in Dubai to replace a have been fighting Islamist groups. Libya’s ring parties not to touch the state oil firm ing of Muammar Gaddafi. jointly with the official government. decades-old payment systems via NOC conflict has reduced output to less than or the central bank, which processes oil The eastern government, which lost the The invitation was issued by Naji al- Tripoli. But oil customers have refused to 400,000 barrels a day, a quarter of Libya’s revenues, Libya’s lifeline. — Reuters As China slows, so does Otis Elevator

HARTFORD: As China’s economy has grown 31 percent said they had no plans to increase and skyscrapers sprouted in cities extending investment in China this year, the most since the ever westward from the Pacific coast, Otis recession year 2009. Elevator Co. went along for the ride. But with “Growth is clearly slowing in China,” said China now in a slump and the value of its cur- John Frisbie, president of the US-China Business rency the most recent casualty, Otis and other Council. “Companies are seeing a slowdown in manufacturing companies staking much on their revenue growth.” Asia’s biggest economy now face a moment of For Otis, rising competition, particularly for reckoning. After saying for years that increased the lucrative repair and maintenance business, urbanization would propel growth in China, par- also is undermining its Chinese market. Just this ent company United Technologies Corp., based May, Hayes told investor analysts that Otis main- in Hartford, cut its expected revenue and profit tains and repairs 1.9 million elevators world- for the year, due partly to the slowdown across wide, creating a “phenomenal” stream of income the Pacific. and making Otis “the jewel of the UTC portfolio.” “It’s tough to get this bad news out,” Greg But European elevator manufacturers are Hayes, chief executive of United Technologies, coming on strong in China, followed by said in a call with investor analysts July 21 when Japanese and Korean competitors, said Lee Gray, second-quarter profit and revenue results were who studies elevators and escalators as an archi- released. “The slowdown in China is worse than tectural historian at the University of North what we had expected.” Executives at Otis, Carolina at Charlotte. based in Farmington, Connecticut, declined to comment for this article. Profit margin Construction in China in recent years was Rivals have learned from Otis, which became dramatic, with “cranes everywhere,” driven by a household name by aggressively marketing national pride demanding ever-taller skyscrap- itself and absorbing competitors in the 19th ers, said Siva Yam, president of the United States century. of America-China Chamber of Commerce. The “Where in the early 20th century Otis was result, he said, was price speculation for land making significant inroads in Europe, in this cen- that could not be sustained, particularly as tury it’s the reverse,” Gray said. The competition growth slowed. and other factors are taking a toll. Hayes told For Otis, the fall has been steep and embar- analysts last month that in the past 10 or 15 BEIJING: In this Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015 photo, workers walk out from a construction site at the Central Business District of Beijing, China. — AP rassing. Otis was founded in 1853, installed its years, “we’ve seen a continued erosion of Otis’ first elevator in Shanghai in 1900, has six facto- market share” in the pursuit of wider profit mar- ries that make elevators and escalators for mar- gins. The decline in Otis’ market share in China, China fears and global growth kets in China and elsewhere, and operates engi- to about 15 percent from 25 percent a decade neering research and development centers in ago is “shocking,” particularly because until two Chinese cities. Sales have slowed this year recently China represented as much as 75 per- over 2014, falling 7.5 percent in the first six cent to 80 percent of all new global elevator doubts grip world markets months of the year compared with the same sales, Heymann said in a July 21 note to clients. period in 2014. In contrast, revenue had jumped “Often this type of extended gradual erosion 4 percent, to about $13 billion, last year over of a company’s business franchises takes more Markets look for further stimulus measures 2013. Other manufacturers relying on construc- than cost reduction to fix,” he said. tion also report a tougher reception in China. The competition was brought into focus in Caterpillar cut its revenue forecast for the year. late July in the central city of Jingzhou when a MADRID: Markets will be watching for China’s Fed chair Janet Yellen is not expected to attend, ters should be gleaned from data releases this Lower construction-related sales in China and platform at the top of a shopping mall escalator next move as signs of a slowdown in the world’s raising the prospect that other Fed officials may be week, including second-quarter gross domestic Brazil are among the problems. Elevator and not made by Otis collapsed, killing a woman and second-largest economy stack up, raising expecta- more tight-lipped about the likelihood of the first product figures for the United States, due on escalator manufacturer Schindler said Aug. 14 it raising questions about China’s rapid growth at tions it will act to stoke growth. rate increase in almost a decade, some analysts Thursday. Quarter-on-quarter GDP growth in the expects limited strength in the global market the expense of product safety and quality. A looming snap election in Greece and a closely said. The prospect of an increase as soon as period is expected to be revised upwards to 3.2 this year, with China “at most expected to It’s not only competition that’s chipping watched conference hosted by the Federal Reserve September receded this week as the Fed released percent from 2.3 percent, according to a Reuters achieve minimal growth” in 2015. away. Otis’ high-tech elevator system known as in the United States are also likely to keep investors minutes of July meeting. They gave no clear signals poll. In the euro zone, investors will also be looking “Most companies doubled down on China, Gen2, which is promoted for taking up less on their toes next week, in particular as they look as to the timing of such a move - which would at an German economic sentiment survey due on thinking it was going to be a huge market for space than other elevators, has been rejected by them, and now they’re stuck,” said Lawrence T. residential customers because of its high price, for hints on when the US will raise interest rates. affect markets across the world and could cause Tuesday for a better idea of the scope of the bloc’s De Maria, an analyst at William Blair & Co. finan- said Cowen and Co. analyst Cai von Rumohr. Fears that Chinese growth is weakening, drag- more pain for emerging market assets, already recovery. cial services who follows Caterpillar. “They were pushing Gen2 and in a residen- ging down the global economy with it, are already being hit by China’s woes. Preliminary August consumer price readings for tial market, the market wanted just the cheapest hammering commodities and world stock markets. Fed policymakers are still concerned about the Germany and Spain on Friday will provide further Growth slowing down available,” he said. Still, no one is counting Otis Both tumbled on Friday after a survey showed weakness of the global economy, the minutes insight into how effective the European Central More than 60 percent of companies that out. Heymann called it the “premier franchise Chinese manufacturing slowed the most since the showed, but they were also more confident about Bank’s bond-buying efforts have been at warding belong to the American Chamber of Commerce within the industry and in UTC,” but said its trou- global financial crisis in 2009 - adding to other wor- US growth prospects. Further clues on both mat- off deflation. —Reuters in China reported increased revenue in China bles will require long-term attention. Above all, rying clues about the country’s health, including its last year, but down from 71 percent in 2013 and it has the name. “Otis is very good at marking falling exports. 2012; 42 percent reported increased profit mar- their elevators,” Gray said. “The doors open and China devalued the yuan earlier in August, by gins in 2014, down from 48 percent in 2013. And you see ‘Otis.” — AP pushing its official guidance rate down 2 percent. The central bank has said there was no reason for the currency to fall further, but investors are also bracing for further interest rate cuts. “It will be all eyes on the Chinese authorities for any further policy support steps, alongside the People’s Bank of China yuan fixings and trading swings,” analysts at Investec Economics said in a note to clients. China is also widely expected to relax reserve requirements ratios for its banks again in the com- ing months, a measure intended to spur lending by reducing the cash they need to hold. It is trying to keep its economy on course to grow 7 percent in 2015 - its slowest pace in a quarter of a century. “We continue to expect a total of 100 basis points of reserve requirement ratio cuts by end- 2015, with the first cut likely to take place within the next two weeks,” economists at Standard Chartered said. The cash reserves ratio has already been cut three times this year.

Eyes on Fed, Greece NOUMEA: A photo taken on August 19, 2015 in Noumea shows trucks with a banner reading ‘Gomez By the end of next week attention may shift - Germain vendus, degagez - dehors’ (in reference to President of the Caledonian Governement BEIJING: In this Oct 21, 2010 file photo, workers, right, prepare to install a piece of away to the Rocky Mountains, where policymakers Philippe Germain and member of the National Assembly of France in the 2nd constituency of New glass wall covering an elevator tunnel while a woman, left, looks down from a are due to gather from Aug. 27-29 for the Fed’s Caledonia Philippe Gomes) blocking the road, as truck drivers blocked the different roundabouts descending elevator in Beijing, China. Otis elevator, which has staked much on conference of central bankers, finance ministers, leading to the city with 30-tonne trucks on the 15th day of protests against the government con- increasing urbanization and soaring skyscrapers in cities across China, is struggling academics and financial market participants in cerning the opening of a nickel ore export canal to China. Negotiations between miners, nickel with declining revenue in 2015 as China’s economy sours. — AP Jackson Hole. truckers and the Caledonian government were blocked yesterday. — AFP Junior miners jump into food service amid slump

TORONTO/VANCOUVER/SYDNEY: Many of ical marijuana pending. ness that can capitalize on our network in In March, TSX Venture-listed Sabre ing limited value to its shareholders. the world’s junior miners are laying down Canada made it legal to buy marijuana China.” The shift to egg distribution will help Graphite bought DraftTeam, a website offer- “Also, the level of support we could expect their picks and shovels to start new ventures from licensed producers with a doctor’s pre- create a cash flow generating business until ing fantasy sports games. It has since from the capital markets was very, very mini- ranging from egg exporting to medical mari- scription in 2014. Regulator Health Canada iron ore prices recover, Chim said. While changed its name to DraftTeam Daily Fantasy mal, if not all together non-existent,” Tasker juana farming, as they as try to survive a crash estimates that the Canadian medical marijua- Century isn’t turning its back on mining, it’s Sports Corp. Australia’s Erin Resources, said. “Once that reality dawned, it was incum- in metals prices by shifting away from explo- na industry will reach C$1.3 billion (US$987 considering buying food production assets, which was previously exploring for gold in bent on us to look for alternatives.” ration. Prices for copper, gold, iron ore, coal million) in a decade. such as fisheries, while it waits for the sector Senegal, has ventured into the medical mari- The hundreds of largely TSX Venture-listed and almost every other metal have collapsed, Canada’s Century Iron Mines, whose min- to rebound. This business shift by miners is juana business. exploration companies have been among the stalling exploration work and hitting early ing projects are backed by two major Chinese most visible in Canada, home to the majority Supreme Pharmaceuticals Inc, formerly a hardest hit in the current downturn, as stage miners particularly hard. These firms companies, Minmetals and Wuhan Iron and of the world’s publicly-listed miners, but is copper and gold explorer with projects in investors have fled the sector due to pro- typically find the deposits that larger miners Steel Corp (WISCO), owns development stage also seen in other mining centers like western Canada, is also seeking a license to longed decline in metal prices. often then go on to acquire and develop into iron ore assets in eastern Canada. In July, Australia and Brazil. grow medical marijuana in Canada and has Those tough conditions also mean that, mines. But there’s scant demand for new Century started a new independent venture bought a greenhouse facility in Ontario. cash-strapped larger rivals aren’t willing to sources of metal now. to distribute Australian eggs in Hong Kong, Abandoning ship “With the downturn that the mining indus- invest in new projects. Some institutional and Pivoting into other businesses has hap- Macau, and potentially mainland China. Century may be able to ride out the cycle, try has suffered, I think the smart and innova- retail investors, while dismayed by the col- pened during mining funks in the past, Century aims to piggyback on Australia’s but some of its smaller peers both in Canada tive entrepreneurs in the sector are looking lapse in exploration company values, are san- including a spate of defections into the tech move from a reliance on mineral exports to and overseas have begun to abandon the for other asset types that can rebuild busi- guine about the shift away from mining. sector during the dotcom boom in the late shipping food and agricultural products to a mining sector altogether, as it becomes nesses and restore lost value for shareholders,” “I didn’t buy this stock thinking I was 1990s. But now the concern is that when growing Asian middle class. increasingly difficult to raise financing. said John Fowler, Supreme’s Chief Executive. investing in the egg distribution, but I’ve no prices eventually do rebound, there will be “Due to the downturn in commodity In January, Brazil’s All Ore Minera SA decid- Australian-listed International Goldfields, problem with them doing other things,” said fewer junior miners, and a reduced pool of prices, Australia’s moving its focus from min- ed to end its commodities operations and which is investing in medical marijuana assets Ian Morrison, a retail investor who owns more new mine prospects. ing to dining,” said Century CEO Sandy Chim. enter the cosmetics and hair-care markets by overseas, has seen more trading activity in its than 500,000 shares in Century, the iron ore “No one has any interest in a grassroots “We’re just an exploration company, but we buying Sweet Distribuidora, also known as stock since it moved away from mining, miner turned egg distributor. exploration project right now,” said Yari have a solid balance sheet, and we feel we can SweetHair, in an all-share, no-cash deal. The according to director David Tasker. The shares “I look forward to seeing what their next Nieken, chief executive of Chlormet also do the same. new company, renamed Sweet CosmÈticos, trade for less than a cent each. move will be because I do not think they are Technologies, which has bought an e-ciga- “We see a good opportunity to start a hopes to sell beauty products developed The company said its gold investment in putting everything they have got into Aussie rette company and has a license to grow med- small, but meaningful food distribution busi- using biotechnology and nanotechnology. Brazil and joint venture in the U.S. were offer- eggs.” — Reuters BUSINESS MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 China to allow pension fund to invest in stocks

BEIJING: China will allow its huge state pen- stock market rout forced the government to ing almost a third in a matter of weeks in June sion fund to invest in domestic stocks in the take emergency support measures. and early July, after having risen over 150 per- Norway gives green light to wake of a massive market sell-off, it was Xinhua depicted the decision as an cent in the preceding year. announced yesterday.The fund will be able to attempt to boost returns as China struggles to After the June collapse, Beijing inter- giant North Sea oil project invest up to 30 percent of its net assets in care for its increasing elderly population. But vened with a rescue package that included equities, according to final guidelines from it acknowledged the recent decline in the funding the state-backed China Securities OSLO: Norway on Friday gave its green begin production at the end of 2019. the State Council (cabinet) quoted by the offi- nation’s stock markets. Finance Corp. to buy stocks on behalf of the light to the development of the mam- Investment in the first phase is 117 bil- cial Xinhua news agency. Shanghai shares closed down 4.27 percent government. moth Johan Sverdrup gas field in the lion kroner (12.7 billion euros, $14.3 The fund, to which workers must con- Friday, bringing losses for the week to more Previously, the pension fund could only North Sea, the first phase of which is billion), though partners in the project tribute, had 3.5 trillion yuan ($548 billion) in than 11 percent on worries over the flagging invest in treasury bonds and bank deposits. worth 12.7 billion euros alone. hope to bring down the bill by benefit- net assets at the end of 2014. economy and fears of weaker government The new rules also allow the fund to invest in The project, headed by Norwegian ing from falling costs in the oil busi- The move could allow the fund to invest support for equities. Chinese shares have convertible bonds, futures and infrastructure oil group Statoil, is a huge boost to the ness. billions of yuan into domestic equities after a been highly volatile in recent months, plung- projects. — AFP country’s flagging oil sector, which has The project is expected to create suffered from plunging investments 51,000 direct and indirect jobs. “We are due to lower oil prices. on schedule,” senior Statoil official “The development will be of enor- Oivind Reinertsen said. “The project mous significance for employment and activities will now be stepped up, and activities on the continental shelf in more contracts will be awarded in the the future, as well as for many onshore autumn,” he said in a statement. suppliers,” Oil and Energy Minister Tord Contracts worth 40 billion kroner Lien said in a statement. have already been awarded, the group Norway, where oil and gas account said. Production at the oil field is for about 20 percent of the economy, expected to be between 315,000 and has suffered from the falling oil prices, 380,000 barrels per day during the first which have more than halved in the phase, before reaching 550,000 to past year. 650,000 once the field is completely Oil companies have as a result limit- developed. ed their investments, and more than Norway’s entire production current- 20,000 jobs have been cut in the sector ly ticks in at around 1.5 million barrels since the start of 2014, pushing unem- per day. Statoil holds 40.03 percent of ployment up to 4.3 percent in May-a the project, Swedish group Lundin figure which is low compared to many 22.60 percent, Norwegian state-owned other European countries, but is the group Petoro 17.36 percent, private highest Norway has seen in over a Norwegian group 11.57 percent and decade. Johan Sverdrup is expected to Denmark’s Maersk 8.44 percent. — AFP MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 BUSINESS

Germany’s only deep water port ready for giant container ships

WILHELMSHAVEN: The first years Container Terminal will catapult it into the Wilhelmshaven’s 18-metre deep port shipping companies also hurt the port, says. The port has managed to convince proved a difficult start for Germany’s only world’s premier league. allows the huge new ships to dock fully which had to wait for Danish giant Maersk chemicals giant BASF and coffee and con- deep water port, Wilhelmshaven’s Jade- With the nearby ports of Hamburg and loaded, independent of the tide at any Line, the world’s biggest container ship sumer goods retailer Tchibo to transit Weser-Port container hub, inaugurated in Bremerhaven unable to handle the new time of night or day. group, and the Italian-Swiss company their goods via Wilhelmshaven. 2012, but its operators are now seeking to supersize ships, Wilhelmshaven is seeking MSC to tie the knot in 2014 before cus- Andersen did not provide any con- make it a top terminal for supersize ships. to give Rotterdam and Antwerp a run for Unexpected obstacles tomers started to arrive. crete numbers, but said there would be The head of the Eurogate container their money, and become the main stop- Until recently, however, the one-bil- With no work to do, 300 of the termi- “no comparison” between this year’s busi- terminal on Germany’s North Sea coast, ping point in Europe for giant container lion-euro ($1.14 billion) port, funded by nal’s 350 employees were compelled to ness and the slim takings of 2013 and Mikkel Andersen, smiles as he watches vessels arriving from Asia. public money from the regional states of go on part-time hours, as well as forego 2014, when around 70,000 TEU were the busy comings and goings down on “The boats are getting ever larger, Bremen and Lower Saxony, was deserted. part of their salary for a year in exchange turned around. the quay from up high in his office. longer and higher” as shipping compa- “We’ve had a very difficult period,” for a job guarantee. But now, “there’s a lot According to ISL’s estimates, the port Among the vessels docked below is a nies seek economies of scale, says Soenke Andersen admits. “Before it was opened, of work” and overtime hours are building handled around 200,000 TEU of goods in ship with a carrying capacity of 6,000 TEU Maatsch from the Institute of Shipping the project was more than 10 years in the up, says Andersen. the first six months of this year. Even if no or “Twenty-foot equivalent unit”-the unit Economics and Logistics (ISL) in Bremen. planning”, during the time of the 2008 one is willing to predict when the port of measure in the sector. Few ports around the world are able to financial crisis and the subsequent slump Growing interest will start making a profit, ISL thinks the That is still a featherweight compared handle the new giant container ships, in international trade, he explained. Since February, three long-distance container port will be running at full to the supersize ships of 15,000 TEU or sometimes measuring up to 400 metres “As a result of the crisis, business vol- services leave from Wilhelmshaven every capacity — 2.7 million TEU per year-in 10 more that the port was built for. Yet (1,300 feet) in length, or have the neces- umes were reduced and additional capac- week for ports in China, Japan, the Middle or 15 years’ time. despite already ranking as Germany’s sary sea depth for them to dock. ity was unused. That was one of the rea- East or India. Down on the docks, activity stays busy largest naval base and the largest import In Hamburg, the wind and tide can sons why the port was in difficulty,” says Smaller ships from Scandinavia also until the evening. Like every week now, terminal for crude oil, Wilhelmshaven-sit- make it difficult for the giant ships to Maatsch of ISL. frequently dock there. “We’re noticing one of the biggest container ships in the uated around 100 kilometres (60 miles) anchor, leading to delays that can be very The failure of a planned tie-up very large interest on the part of cus- world, with 18,000 TEU, is scheduled to from Bremen-hopes the Jade-Weser-Port expensive for shipping companies. between three of the world’s biggest tomers these past few months,” Andersen arrive from China. —AFP Dollar drops as global growth concerns fuel risk aversion

NBK’S WEEKLY MONEY MARKET REPORT KUWAIT: The US Dollar dropped Oil has plunged more than 30% rate gauge of labor trends because it Policy makers have said it will remain against most of its major counterparts from this year’s closing peak in June reduces volatility in the week-to-week low in the short term because of the as minutes of the Federal Reserve Open amid a global supply glut that might data. strength of the pound and a renewed Market Committee showed that sub- hold down inflation in the coming decline in oil prices. Over the longer dued inflation outlook and weakness in months. When combined with a US Manufacturing Improves term, Governor Mark Carney says price the global economy could still pose risks stronger dollar and slower growth over- Manufacturing activity in the growth will accelerate and the time to to the US economic outlook. The min- seas, the energy slump will make the Philadelphia-region expanded at a begin raising rates is approaching. utes combined with disappointing Fed’s price goal even more out of reach. faster pace than expected in August, unemployment claims and low inflation boosting optimism over the US eco- Retail Sales Lower than Expected figures dampened expectations of a FOMC Minutes Failed To Give nomic outlook. In a report released last Retail sales in the UK rose less than September rate hike pushing the green- Clear Rate Hike Signals week, the Federal Reserve Bank of expected in July, dampening optimism back lower. Additionally, worries of a The FOMC minutes showed that Fed Philadelphia said that its manufacturing over the country’s economic outlook deepening China economic slowdown officials believe that the economy is index improved to a reading of 8.3 this and dimming prospects for higher BEIJING: Chinese men chat on the street near a billboard promoting deposit intensified after a private survey showed nearing the point where interest rates month from July’s reading of 5.7. interest rates. In a report, the UK Office rates for the US dollar in Beijing, Saturday. In emerging markets worldwide, that the factory sector shrank at its should move higher, but noted that the Analysts had expected the index to rise for National Statistics said retail sales fastest rate in almost 6-1/2-years in subdued inflation outlook and weak- to 7.0 in August. On the index, a reading increased by a seasonally adjusted currencies are plunging over fears that developing economies are on the August, pushing global stocks and com- ness in the global economy could still above 0.0 indicates improving condi- 0.1% last month, disappointing fore- verge of a crippling fall. —AP modity prices dramatically lower. The pose risks to the US economic outlook. tions, below indicates worsening condi- casts for a gain of 0.4%.Retail sales in gloomy figure sent investors fleeing for The minutes showed that most tions. June fell by 0.1%, whose figure was cover in gold and bonds, fearing China’s members “judged that the conditions revised from a previously reported Emerging economies let currencies sagging economy would translate into for policy firming had not yet been Europe & UK decline of 0.2%. slide in quest to remain competitive slower global growth and dampen the achieved, but they noted that condi- Germany Leading the Recovery Year-on-year, retail sales increased at outlook for the timing of the first US tions were approaching that point.” That with Manufacturing Exceeding an annualized rate of 4.2% in July, below LONDON: The world’s emerging economies falling oil prices and the effects of Western interest rate hike. The US Dollar index, sentiment, combined with a broader Expectations expectations for a 4.4% gain, after rising are allowing their currencies to slide in a sanctions over the Ukraine conflict, the which measures the performance of the recognition among “many members” Stronger-than-expected growth at a rate of 4.2% in June. Core retail sales, quest to remain competitive, following ruble resumed its decline against the dollar greenback against a basket of major that full employment was close, led the among manufacturers helped which exclude automobile sales, inched China’s devaluation of the yuan and the dol- this week. currencies opened the week at 96.52 Fed to say in its post-meeting statement Germany’s private sector expand at a up by a seasonally adjusted 0.4% last lar’s strength in anticipation of US rate hikes. The ruble’s slump as Russia’s economy and closed the week at the low of 94.80. that it only needed to see “some” more faster rate in August, suggesting month, in line with forecasts and follow- The currencies of emerging nations in sank into recession has had serious conse- The Euro strengthened against the improvement in labor markets before Europe’s largest economy is on track for ing a drop of 0.3% in June. Asia have especially suffered in recent weeks quences for the country’s neighbours-figur- greenback last week as the recent hiking rates. That sentiment, combined a solid third quarter. from market speculation that the US Federal ing as a major factor in Kazakhstan’s devalu- FOMC minutes offered no clear indica- with a broader recognition among The German manufacturing index Asia Reserve will lift interest rates this year-possi- ation. tions of a looming rate hike. The single “many members” that full employment rose to 53.2 from 51.8 in August, mark- Japanese Economy Contracts Less bly as soon as September. currency found additional support amid According to Societe Generale analyst Kit Political factors at play better than expected Manufacturing Juckes, those countries “fear a resumption of Such weakening of currencies has been figures from Germany. The pair opened significant capital outflows if the Fed does rife across the world’s emerging economies, the week at 1.1109 and reached a high raise rates next month, as well as fear of fur- with Lawler pointing to this week’s plunge of 1.1389 on Friday. Finally, the Euro ther (yuan) weakness and concern about the of the South African rand and Indonesian closed the week at 1.1386. sluggish pace of global growth”-all of which rupee to historic lows against the dollar as Last week Sterling traded in a volatile are strengthening the dollar, euro and yen. examples. manner against the US Dollar. The cur- Other factors, including slumping prices But if Indonesia’s currency dip is due rency initially gained amid better than of oil and natural gas-exports that many largely to depressed prices for commodities expected inflation figures. However, emerging economies rely on heavily-are also it exports, Juckes says the slide of the retail Sales disappointed the market and pulling currencies lower or prompting gov- Brazilian real and Turkish lira extend beyond pushed investors to sell the currency ernments to let their value drop. pure economics. pushing it to a low of 1.5563. Cable On Thursday, Kazakhstan decided to Brazil, he notes, is facing an enormous regained some of its losses amid the cease intervention to support the Central corruption scandal as well as flatlining FOMC minutes and reached a high of Asian nation’s tenge currency, and allowed it growth, while the drop of Turkey’s lira was 1.5723 only to lose some of that to float freely to cope with the plunging caused by growing security concerns and momentum and close the week at price of oil-its primary export. increasing political instability. 1.5694. The result was an historic 23 percent “It is the weakness of sentiment in The Japanese Yen gained against the drop in value to 257 tenge to the dollar. The (emerging market forex) which is striking-oil US Dollar last week as the FED minutes objective of that move, says CMC Markets and China’s slowdown are the main factors, gave no indication of a hike in analyst Jasper Lawler, was to allow Kazakh but the Thai baht is weaker after a deadly September and as Chinese figures con- goods to become more competitive with bomb blast, the Brazilian real’s woes are as tinue to raise concerns over global less expensive foreign imports. much political as economic,” says Juckes. growth fuelling risk aversion. The USD- “The government and central bank Adding to that febrility is the resurgent JPY opened the week at 124.31 and decided to let (the tenge) free float in order dollar being lifted by expectations of loom- dropped dramatically to 122.47 at the to compete with the declining currencies of ing US interest rate hikes. When it comes, end of the week. The JPY closed the its two biggest trading partners; Russia and that move will make returns on greenback week at 122.04 after reaching a high of China,” explains Lawler. investments more lucrative than foreign 121.82. This month’s surprise devaluations of the alternatives-an eventuality already motivat- On the commodities side, US oil Chinese yuan-also known as the renminbi- ing speculators to take such positions while prices recorded their eighth consecutive by the country’s central bank was similarly they are still affordable. week of falls last Friday, the longest los- viewed by many observers as an effort to But even if worries over China’s growth ing streak since 1986, after US crude was close, led the Fed to say in its post- ing the highest level in 16 months and than Expected reverse the recent slump in exports amid and halting economic activity elsewhere inventories rose and as a sharp drop in meeting statement that it only needed higher than the expected 51.7. Despite Japan’s economy contracted last accumulating signs of an economic slow- convince US policy makers to postpone a Chinese manufacturing increased wor- to see “some” more improvement in concerns over a cooling global econo- quarter as consumers and businesses down. rate hike beyond the anticipated September ries over the health of the world’s labor markets before hiking rates. But my, new export orders for goods pro- cut spending, putting pressure on the In response to China’s currency cut, period, the Fed will almost certainly be the biggest energy consumer. Oil prices that feeling was offset by apparently ducers rose to their highest level in 1- prime minister to return his focus to Vietnam widened the spread its central world’s first major central bank to begin traded around $40.21 in the US and widespread concern about weak infla- 1/2 years. Abenomics. Gross domestic product bank allows the dong to trade, provoking a tightening its monetary policy. $46.02 globally. tion, tepid wages, and a slowdown in Meanwhile, French manufacturing for the quarter fell 1.6% on-year, com- fall to its lowest ever level of 22.41 against And that, Juckes notes, should motivate global growth. shrank for a second month. French PMI pared with expectations for a 1.9% the dollar. investors to exit emerging economies they Strong Housing Data “Almost all members would need to dropped to 48.6 in July from 49.6 previ- contraction. Compared with the previ- In doing so, say forex experts, Vietnam poured excess liquidity into during the Purchases of previously owned US see more evidence that economic ously. The figure missed expectations ous quarter, GDP contracted 0.4%, effectively devalued the dong for the third Fed’s policy of keeping credit cheap in homes unexpectedly rose in July to the growth was sufficiently strong and labor of a slight rise to 49.8. A reading below slightly better than expectations for a time this year. order to stimulate the world’s biggest highest level since February 2007, con- market conditions had firmed enough 50 depicts contraction. 0.5% contraction. In Russia, under pressure since 2014 from economy. —AFP sistent with further strength in the hous- for them to feel reasonably confident ing market. Existing home sales that inflation would return to the com- Greek PM Calls for Elections China Manufacturing increased by 2% to a 5.59 million annu- mittee’s longer-run objective over the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras Contracts Further alized rate from the prior month’s medium term,” the minutes said. The US resigned last week, hoping to strength- Worries of a deepening China eco- revised 5.48 million pace versus expec- Dollar dropped as the minutes damp- en his hold on power in snap elections nomic slowdown intensified after a pri- tations for a drop to 5.43 million. ened expectations for a rate hike in after seven months in office in which vate survey showed the factory sector Similarly, Housing starts rose by 0.2% September. he fought Greece’s creditors for a better shrank at its fastest rate in almost 6-1/2- to a 1.21 million annualized rate, the bailout deal but had to cave in. Tsipras years in August, hammering global most since October 2007, from a 1.2 mil- Jobless Claims Rise is seeking early elections in a move to stocks and commodity prices. The lion pace in the prior month that was The number of people who filed for quell a rebellion in his leftist Syriza par- gloomy figure sent investors fleeing for higher than previously estimated. unemployment assistance in the US ty and seal public support to imple- cover in gold and bonds, fearing Meanwhile, economists expected a rose to a five-week high last week, but ment the recently imposed bailout pro- China’s sagging economy would trans- drop to 1.18 million. Rising employment remained close to levels indicating that gram, Greece’s third since 2010, which late into slower global growth and and historically low mortgage rates are the labor market is strengthening. he negotiated. Government officials dampen the outlook for the timing of enticing buyers, while increasing prices In a report, the US Department of said the aim was to hold the election the first US interest rate hike in nearly a induced by a lack of homes on the mar- Labor said that the number of individu- on Sept. 20. decade. The preliminary Caixin/Markit ket is an incentive to start new develop- als filing for initial jobless benefits in the China Manufacturing Purchasing ments. The data is consistent with the week ending August 15 rose by 4,000 to UK Inflation Rises Managers’ Index stood at 47.1 in Federal Reserve’s view that housing is a seasonally adjusted 277,000 from the The UK’s inflation rate unexpectedly August, well below the expected figure improving. previous week’s total of 273,000. rose in July and a core measure of price of 47.7 and down from July’s final 47.8. Analysts had expected initial jobless growth jumped to the highest in five It was the worst reading since Inflation claims to fall by 1,000 to 272,000 last months. The increase in the headline March 2009, in the depths of the global The cost of living in the US rose in week. reading to 0.1% from zero was due to financial crisis, and the sixth straight July at the slowest pace in three months, First-time jobless claims have held clothing prices. The core measure, one below the 50-point level, which casting doubt on how quickly inflation below the 300,000-level for 24 consecu- which excludes volatile food and ener- separates growth in activity from con- will return toward the Federal Reserve’s tive weeks, which is usually associated gy costs, increased to 1.2% from 0.8%, traction on a monthly basis. KOLKATA: Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley addresses the launch cere- goal. The consumer price index climbed with a firming labor market. higher than the 0.9% reading predicted mony for Bandhan Bank in Kolkata yesterday. Bandhan Bank, which started 0.1% after a 0.3% gain the month The four-week moving average was by economists. While the figures pub- Kuwait before. While, economists projected a 271,500, an increase of 5,500 from the lished Tuesday were stronger than Kuwaiti Dinar at 0.30160. The operations as a micro finance institution, launched its national operation 0.2% increase. Excluding food and fuel, previous week’s total of 266,000. The anticipated, inflation is still well below USD/KWD opened at 0.303160 yester- with 501 branches across the country. —AFP costs also rose less than projected. monthly average is seen as a more accu- the Bank of England’s 2 percent target. day morning. BUSINESS MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015

Installment payments at cash price from Warba Bank In partnership with Ford Motor Al Wazzan Company

KUWAIT: As part of the bank’s continuous efforts to cars from Hamad M. Al Wazzan and Partners show- the local market. form for domestic and international commodities provide its customers with the best banking experi- rooms in Kuwait without customers bearing any addi- The Bank will continue the “Transfer your Salary” allowing finance in accordance with the rules of Islamic ence, Warba Bank in partnership with Ford Motor Al tional costs through comfortable installment payments campaign which allows new customers to get cash Sharia for Warba and other bank customers to purchase Wazzan Company launched pay in installments at the for three years at the price of cash. This will enhance the amount up to KD 150 when opening an account and goods and products available both locally and interna- price of cash campaign. bank’s goal by enabling its customers to cope with transferring their salaries. Warba Bank provides a com- tionally without any loss margin with speedy comple- Warba Bank’s exclusive offer provides all those who today’s lifestyle in an easy way compatible with Islamic prehensive banking service package which allows the tion of transactions. want to purchase from the selective group of cars a law. customer to avail of superior banking experience For more information about this exclusive offer of chance to pay for the car in installments for up to three Warba Bank continues in providing comprehensive through the debit cards and credit cards with the high- paying in installments at cash price, customers can con- years in its original price along with free service for and innovative banking solutions and services through est international safety standards in addition to the tact our Customer Service Center on 1825555, or visit three years or 60,000 kilometers and full gold insurance all bank sectors, particularly the banking group, corpo- electronic service package including the internet and any of the Bank branches or follow Warba Bank on for a year. rate finance group, and investment and treasury group. smart phone apps. social media platform Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Warba Bank is distinguished in providing this added This aims to uplift the level of services and reach out to It is worth mentioning the “BCT” service or to find out the latest offers and services offered by the value exclusive offer which allows acquiring the best customers targeting the widest segments of citizens in “Mosawama” service which represents a trading plat- bank and to provide any suggestions. Boubyan Bank launches Tap & Pay Credit Cards with MasterCard & VISA

KUWAIT: In a qualitative leap which reinforces its leadership in the market of retail banking services, Boubyan Bank has announced the launch of (Visa & MasterCard) credit cards with the Tap & Pay feature embedded therein for the first time in Kuwait. Such cards are characterized by the ease of use in payments to any stores or places that accept credit cards with built-in NFC technology. This announcement was made in a press con- ference where Mr. Abdulla Al-Najran Al-Tuwaijri, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, spoke in an event which is considered unique at the regional level since it is rare to bring together the MENA general managers of the biggest credit cards issuers all over the world, namely, Visa and MasterCard, where the new cards were London Eye announced. Such cards are considered the major development in the world of credit cards due to the several features included therein. Al-Tuwaijri stated: “The new cards employ a special technology which makes its use very smooth as it would be sufficient to bring the credit card close to the POS machine in order credit cards, Visa or MasterCard, would apply to our partnership, Boubyan Bank assumed the for the machine to read the data and informa- the new cards without any difference. third place in terms of the volume of payment tion of the credit card in a safe and encrypted On the other hand, Dr. Waleed Al-Hasawi stat- using Visa credit cards in Kuwait, and we are manner, then debit the amount. The current ed: “Boubyan Bank is keen on keeping up with confident today, as we launch the PayWave cards are swiped in a machine in order to rec- the significant developments in the world of technology in Kuwait, that Boubyan Bank will ognize their information via the magnetic strip credit cards as Boubyan Bank was the first bank reinforce its status and continue in the path of and the cards are inserted into the machine in to launch the Virtual Credit Cards product progress.” order to recognize the information via the EMV recently. Such are actual credit cards which are Ayoub further added: “Visa PayWave works chip.” displayed via the online banking service and using the NFC technology which stands as an “It is simply easier to use and it is fast to Boubyan Bank mobile application. They can be outstanding innovation in the e-payment indus- access information therein in addition to making used without issuing a physical card for the pur- try. It allows cardholders to effect their payment debit transactions while enjoying the highest pose of online shopping. They are prepaid cards at contactless-ready POS simply by waving their security specifications. We can imagine the swift- that customers can reload with the required cards. Contactless payment is guaranteed by ness and flexibility this payment method will amount at any given time.” Visa and it allows shoppers to benefit from the add to our daily live and the several uses which London Millenium Bridge and St Paul’s Cathedral. Al-Hasawi went on to add: “Customers can swiftness and convenience of a faster method of can benefit from this significant development.” apply to such cards at any of Boubyan Bank payment as this technology is becoming widely Al-Tuwaijri added. branches. These cards are a great addition to the available in a rapid manner among consumers in world of credit cards or online shopping as they a number of countries around the globe. Canada Additional Benefits provide more security and ease of use in addi- and Singapore represent more than 20% of the Dr Waleed Al-Hasawi, General Manager - tion to coping with the developments of this volume of such transactions while the percent- Information Technology Group, stated: “The new age.” age is rising above 60%.” cards also include the magnetic strip along with the EMV chip, so, it can be accepted in all POS MasterCard and Visa Importance of Technology machines around the globe. This means that the On the other hand, Raghav Prasad, General During the press conference, Al-Hasawi Tap and Pay feature is an additional advantage Manager - Gulf countries at MasterCard, stated: stressed that by launching such electronic prod- to the existing cards as it provides smoothness “MasterCard, the world leader in contactless ucts and services, the bank was emphasizing its and more security.” payment, is committed to providing innovative, leadership in this type of services in the Kuwaiti It is worth mentioning that while Visa names smart and easy payment methods to cardhold- market. such cards “Visa PayWave”, MasterCard names ers. We are pleased with the launch of the first He added: “In light of the developments wit- theirs “MasterCard PayPass”. contactless payment solution in Kuwait in col- nessed by today’s world, which became a “digital laboration with our partners at Boubyan Bank. world”, the challenges grow for banks whose Use Inside and Outside Kuwait The contactless payment technology provided only choice is to keep up with such develop- Speaking about the use of the new credit by MasterCard provides a perfect solution in ments. Boubyan Bank is one of the best banks in cards inside Kuwait, Al-Tuwaijri added: “This will places which are highly dependent on cash pay- the region in terms of offering e-products and happen soon after we complete the special facil- ments while requiring swift completion of trans- services that benefit customers on various plat- ities needed by providing the POS machines actions, too. forms, be they smartphones, tablets, laptops and Eden Project which are compatible with such cards to be The contactless payment solution opened most recently Apple Watch.” installed in stores.” new horizons via smartphones and portable Al-Tuwaijri continued: “This is the fruit of a He went on to add: “Offering such cards to devices. Our contactless payment technology strategy which focused on investing in techno- British Airways shares Boubyan Bank customers emanates from the depends on the state-of the-art multi-layer secu- logical banking services and keeping up with Bank’s keenness to provide them with the state- rity methods same as other solutions. This gives the most recent developments in order to make a list of top British of-the-art products and services in order to customers who use contactless credit cards or our customers more comfortable, especially that make use of the same whether inside or outside POS the same level of protection against fraud customer service is one of the main pillars of our the state of Kuwait. These credit cards are widely they enjoy while using the traditional strategy.” landmarks with travellers available in various countries around the world, MasterCard credit cards.” He added: “One of the most significant values especially the destinations of our customers and Ihab Ayoub, Visa General Manager for Middle of Boubyan Bank is Innovation. Therefore, the KUWAIT: British Airways’ High Life Glastonbury’s Pyramid Stage through to Kuwaitis in general such as Dubai, Doha, Beirut, East and North Africa stated: “I congratulate the bank is keen on reinforcing this value and to Magazine has identified the top landmarks Stonehenge and the Shard. The final 21 Europe, the US and the developed countries in executives of Boubyan Bank on their vision and reflect the same in innovative products and serv- that define Britain in the 21st century in a landmarks celebrate British heritage along Asia.” innovation which contributed to realizing the ices, most of which are offered for the first time three month-long campaign where readers with the creative energy of the present.” Al-Tuwaijri further stated that a huge part of achievement we are celebrating today. Through in the Kuwaiti market.” were invited to name the buildings - both The list of nominated landmarks was the use of credit cards took place abroad during historic and new - they felt exemplify the then narrowed down by a distinguished the season of travelling and vacations andthat United Kingdom. panel of experts from across Britain includ- motivated the Bank to Speed up the launch of With daily flights from Kuwait to London ing president of the Royal Institute of these cards so that Boubyan Bank customers Heathrow, residents in Kuwait can now British Architects (RIBA) Stephen Hodder; would be pioneers in keeping up with the inter- Al Tijari announces winners choose from a list of top 21st century land- director of London’s Whitechapel Gallery, national developments. marks when planning their UK Holiday in IwonaBlazwick; architect and RIBA “It is great that Boubyan Bank customers feel of Al Najma account 2015. Worldwide and Civic Trust award winner, they receive better services and products than Awarded the top landmark that defines Will Alsop; BBC and ITV broadcaster Julia their counterparts in domestic banks or may be KUWAIT: Commercial Bank of Kuwait held country and another 4 mega prizes during the British skyline, was Cornwall’s visitor Bradbury and editor for High Life, Kerry the regional ones, and to realize that the level of the Al Najma Account draw yesterday. the year worth KD 100,000 each on different attraction, The Eden Project that trans- Smith. service and products they enjoy matches that The draw was held under the supervision occasions: The National Day, Eid Al Fitr, Eid Al formed a disused China clay pit into a 21st- Sir Tim Smit, co-founder of the Eden enjoyed at the largest international banks.”, he of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry rep- Adha and on the 19th of June which is the century global garden. project said on the accolade ‘“To say Eden is added. He further stated: “This feeling of cus- resented by Abdulaziz Ashkanani. date of the bank’s establishment. Only narrowly missing the top landmark the landmark that most defines 21st-centu- tomers is not out of vacuum, rather, it is derived With a minimum balance of KD 500, cus- spot was the Angel of the North - the cam- ry Britain is fantastically humbling. There is from actual experiences which cover a group of The winners of the Al Najma Daily Draw tomers will be eligible for the daily draw pro- paign in itself received over 2,000 entries. A a rich palette to choose from and Britain as services, products and banking solutions which are :- vided that the money is in the account one total of 150 landmarks were nominated by probably the creative capital of the world keep up with the developments at the interna- Sanaa Abdulrasoul Bouhamad KD 7000/- week prior to the daily draw or 2 months pri- the public spanning the whole of the UK, has set a high bar. British architecture has tional arena.” Khozema Taher Ali KD 7000/- or to the mega draw. In addition, for each KD including the Millennium Bridge, Grizedale enjoyed a flowering both at home and Abdullah Saiful Haque Ukaye KD 7000/- 25 a customer can get one chance for win- Forest Sculpture Park and Edinburg Castle. abroad that is unparalleled and our archi- Same Fees Harinder Pal Singh KD 7000/- ning instead of KD 50. The full list of the top 21 landmarks can be tects Grimshaw and their team superbly Al-Tuwaijri also stated that all the new cus- Salman Akil Arai KD 7000/- Commercial Bank of Kuwait takes this found on brought our dream into reality.” tomers of Boubyan Bank or customers who were opportunity to congratulate all lucky winners Editor of High Life Kerry Smith said, “The A full timetable of British Airways’ flights not previously issued credit cards could obtain The Commercial Bank of Kuwait and also extends appreciation to the Ministry British skyline is moving on at an unprece- to London and beyond is available online the new Tap & Pay credit cards while existing announces the biggest daily draw in Kuwait of Commerce and Industry for their effective dented pace - and in the quest to find the at, where customers can find the credit cardholders could replace their cards from with the launch of the new Najma account. supervision of the draws which were con- landmarks that define Britain in the 21st lowest fares and book, pay and check-in any of Boubyan Bank branches. Customers of the bank can now enjoy a KD ducted in an orderly and organized manner. century, nominations ranged from online for their flights. He also added that the same annual fees of 7,000 daily prize which is the highest in the What a stock market ‘correction’ means to you

NEW YORK: The stock market’s steep decline this week has points Friday and closed at 16,459, which is 10.1 percent close to being in a correction, down 9.8 percent from its most- ARE CORRECTIONS A NORMAL THING FOR THE MAR- pushed the Dow Jones industrial average into what is known below its record close of 18,312 set on May 19. A correction is recent high, but that is not by definition a correction. KET? as “correction” territory. not the same as a bear market, which is defined as when a Stock market corrections have historically happened Here are some common questions asked about corrections stock index or individual stock falls 20 percent from its most- WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME WE HAD A CORRECTION? every 18 months. The fact that the US market went nearly and what they mean to average investors: recent peak. The US stock market entered into its last correction in four years without one is historically unusual - it is the October 2011, but the market’s downturn started in late July third-longest such streak in the last 50 years, according to WHAT IS A STOCK MARKET CORRECTION? IS THE ENTIRE STOCK MARKET IN A CORRECTION? 2011. That correction was caused by a combination of factors, JPMorgan Asset Management. Even the most bullish of A “correction” is a Wall Street term for when an index like No. In fact, the Standard & Poor’s 500 index, considered a one being the US government near breach of its debt ceiling market strategists will say a correction is ultimately healthy the Dow industrials or the Nasdaq - or an individual stock - far broader gauge of the US stock market’s health, is down 7.5 and subsequent credit downgrade from Standard & Poor’s, as for a market because it removes some of the froth and falls 10 percent from its most-recent high. The Dow lost 530.94 percent from its most-recent high. The Nasdaq is precariously well as fears about Greece’s financial condition. speculation. — AP technology MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 Drew draws focus on technology in Kuwait Avaya senior territory manager in Kuwait and Bahrain

What is your experience with the as staff with the necessary skills are not when a customer wants to be contacted, tive to reduce customer attrition. We l Financial: Most people talk about technology sector in Kuwait? available. This presents a big issue for so that they can be proactively reached. need to be reaching out in a different making the solutions more afford- I’ve been in the industry for more businesses, which is why we created our Telcos are often seen as technology way, bidirectional, on demand, and so able, which we do in several ways: than 20 years, starting out in infrastruc- own proposition that allows a partner to companies themselves - how do you on. financially, through support con- ture, project management, implementa- offer tier two support. work with telcos in Kuwait? Social service in Kuwait is a game tracts, lifetime warranties, and gener- tion, presales design, and business con- When I meet with CIOs in Kuwait, All of the telecom sector’s contact changer for the market, taking the abili- al cost of products that are competi- sultancy. Now I’m the Senior Territory they have a lot in the way of pain points centers in Kuwait use Avaya solutions. ty to drive customer interaction in a still tive. Manager for Kuwait and Bahrain. My within technologies. There are multiple This makes the landscape very competi- protected environment. Customer social l Time to service: How quickly a busi- career in the Middle East began in things to address in Kuwait, in terms of tive for service providers; if one offers a interacting in a broadcast environment ness can adapt and adopt new servic- Kuwait in 2011, when I was focused on technology; building the infrastructure, es on a new network, proven record Kuwait and Bahrain as a system engi- driving an eGovernment initiative, and on delivering implementation time neer. deploying smart buildings, for example. and quicker time to service, quicker When I took over the region to years We are working with contractors to help time to effect the IT user base. ago for Avaya, my objective was to drive them understand that our infrastructure l Time/cost of outage: Most IT depart- incremental growth from a strong base is an enabler of smart cities. ments in Kuwait say there is no out- to the next level. This has happened in What technology trends are you see- age. There are two reasons for this. two phases, the first of which was devel- ing in the banking sector in Kuwait? First, the internal infrastructure is a oping existing partnerships by concen- This is a sector experiencing transfor- legacy one, and complexity has not trating on service excellence, driving mation in communication. It used to be been provided by the latest applica- quality, and spreading across multiple that customers would contact the call tions. Second is that they don’t want products. Phase two was to encourage center if they had a problem, then they to say, which says there is a bigger our partners to start incorporating inno- could speak to an agent. Over the last 2 problem. vation into their processes, such as years there have been more smart solu- It also includes the Engagement cloud and service-based opex models. tions adopted, and customers can get in Platform, which is a new way to ensure The next step, phase three, will be all contact through social media, or they that business survive adversity through about innovation, and emphasizing how can access services through apps. agility. Providing better and faster com- the available options are boundless to Banking apps in Kuwait are at about 40 munication both internally and external- make companies become more creative per cent right now, and they are becom- ly is a challenge; there are different com- and agile. ing the dominant channel. The sector is munication systems, types, reminders, How would you describe the market? consolidating all communication chan- and having the ability to process them We believe that all organizations in nels to deliver a consistent customer internally and synchronizing overlying Kuwait should adopt the following experience. For example, one of Kuwait’s communications will give businesses steps, when it comes to dealing with leading Islamic banks previously had the agility they need for a competitive customers’ needs: serve them what they several channels, such as voice, email, advantage. want and how they want it, personalize self-service, and a web portal, and they What is Avaya’s roadmap for Kuwait their service when they interact and needed to start building a platform as a new service, then the others are forced has different rules and engagement and what success have you had? reach out to them when they don’t single communication center. We to follow suit. We’ve been working with strategies. Leveraging that into the con- Avaya aims to drive innovation in know how, and fix their problems before worked on this with them to create a them to deliver the ability to extend out- tact center is a challenge for all organiza- communication and maintaining they happen. hygienic, consistent approach, which side the standard channels - for exam- tions - social care is kept in the market- resilience, reducing down time, and driv- Our customers in Kuwait are con- including answering calls in an agreed ple, in Kuwait, automated services are ing teams, but these teams cannot han- ing an agile environment. We have cerned with quality, particularly quality time. To drive better communications not supported by the consumer, and we dle it properly, which leads to it being transformed to be more than a voice pain points. They want to reduce the across multiple channels, we adopted have been focusing on driving cus- leveraging into the contact center, provider, and encourage our partners to time it takes to restore following services the most simple ones: email, and tomers to adopt automated self-service where a team can handle that and still also transition to become the best sys- outages, for example, and they want to webchat, based in the contact center solutions. This has been successful in all protect the brand in a positive way. This tem integrators in Kuwait. make sure their partners are fully accred- and with pre-scripted responses to keep three leading mobile providers, and has is where we come in, and we have a Our Phase 1 project has generated an ited. answers consistent. The integrated sys- led to a reduction in agent calls by proven track record to delivering socially increase in revenue of 250 per cent over Take the banking industry, for exam- tem we developed is hygienic, consis- approximately 25 per cent on day one of enabled customer service to our global two years, from service providers, the ple. Financial institutes have to have the tent and personalized, so that when cus- installation. This is the first transition customers. financial sector, and through contractor latest networks, and they have multiple tomers call the contact center knows stage, driving more consistency and When you talk about transformation and government projects. We are part- configurations throughout the year. who they are. This is proactive engage- positively affecting the ARPU. of the enterprise, what does this nered with three of the top five system Every time a change happens, they have ment towards a defined outcome, and We’ve created hygienic and consis- cover? integrators in the country. an outage, and they have to fly in the the next step is to use the analytical part tent customer service. Now the next This includes security and total cost right people to support during this time of the solution to understand how and phase is to personalize, and to be proac- of ownership, which has three elements:

Ashley Madison investor stays faithful to embattled company

TORONTO: A major investor in infidelity website’s parent com- pany said the data breach of its systems was a concern for customers but would not affect his backing of the company. The crisis engulfing Ashley Madison and parent Avid Life Media deepened on Thursday as lawyers filed a class-action lawsuit claiming $750 million in damages from the release by hackers of customers’ emails stolen from the company. On Friday, the hackers, who call them- selves the Impact Team, told a technology website they have a massive trove of data including users’ photos, internal documents and emails they intend to release online. Previous releases this week have contained millions of email addresses, including U.S. government officials, UK civil servants and high-level executives at European and North America corporations, and emails by the company’s founder Noel Biderman. “Our business is continuing normally,” said Phillip DeZwirek, who holds a 4.7 per- cent stake in the private company, accord- ing to a list of major shareholders included in tomorrow’s data dump. His son, Jason DeZwirek, owns 15 per- cent, and the family’s investment company, Icarus Investment Corp, holds another 10.8 percent, giving the DeZwireks and their related companies a 30.5 percent stake in CALIFORNIA: This March 20, 2012 file photo shows Netflix headquarters in Los Gatos. Netflix announced it is letting new parents on its payroll to take up to Avid Life Media. a year’s paid leave in a move that could pressure other technology employers to improve their baby benefits as they vie for talent. —AP Jason DeZwirek did not return a phone call seeking comment and efforts to reach Icarus by phone were unsuccessful. Netflix facing protests over Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Avid Media, Noel Biderman, has 9.1 percent. DeZwirek said he was not concerned about a potential material cost associated with DVD-less baby benefit policy either settling or fighting the class-action lawsuit. “Class-action lawsuits are a part of SAN FRANCISCO: Netflix is getting jeered for excluding widely, ranging from $15 per hour for customer-service date for president. the American way of life, and they have the employees in its DVD-by-mail service from a recently representatives to more than $200,000 annually for soft- Democracy for America sent emails Thursday urging its seeped slowly into Canada, it’s all just one introduced benefit that gives up to a year of paid leave to ware engineers, according to information shared by com- members to challenge Netflix for discriminating against its general cesspool of greedy lawyers,” most of its workers after the birth or adoption of a baby. pany workers on employer review website DVD workers. DeZwirek said. At least three online petitions posted by activist groups “Netflix is leaving workers who could benefit the most “A worker’s ability to care for their family should not be “I happen to be a lawyer but not a greedy are urging Netflix to extend the baby benefit beyond the from a generous paid leave policy behind and that is offen- dependent on what department they work in,” wrote Mia roughly 2,000 workers in the Internet video service that sive,” said Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet, a Moore, Democracy for America’s chief of staff. one. But that’s part of doing business in generates most of its revenue. women’s rights group. When it announced its new baby benefit earlier this America, and apparently Canada. “As an Netflix has about 450 temporary, part- and full-time Netflix says its DVD employees get bigger paychecks month to widespread acclaim, Netflix initially said the poli- investor, I’d be more concerned with find- employees in its steadily shrinking but still profitable DVD and better benefits than people in comparable jobs. “We cy would apply to all its full-time workers. It wasn’t until a ing out who did this and having them pun- division. are regularly reviewing policies across our business to few days later that Netflix revealed that DVD workers ished by the criminal system,” he said. The protesting groups contend Netflix is unfairly favor- ensure they are competitive and help us attract and keep would not be eligible, after all. ing the mostly high-paid computer programmers and oth- the best employees,” the Los Gatos, California, company Although it once was the Netflix’s focal point, the DVD Avid Life Media has employed a security er technology specialists working in its Internet video serv- said in a statement. rental service has become a company afterthought as guard to screen visitors to its midtown ice over the lower-paid employees who sort through discs Besides UltraViolet, the two other groups pressuring more households have embraced the concept of streaming Toronto office, and employees leaving the and stuff envelopes in the distribution centers that receive Netflix about the limits on its parental leave policy are: video over high-speed Internet connections. Netflix now office declined to comment when and send DVDs., which fights for workers’ rights; and has more than 65 million worldwide subscribers to its Many of the DVD workers are paid by the hour and Democracy for America, a political organization found- Internet video service compared to 5.3 million DVD cus- approached by Reuters on Friday. —Reuters make a fraction of the six-figure salaries doled out to many ed by Howard Dean, former chairman of the tomers - less than half the number that it had three-and- of the Internet video service employees. Netflix pay varies Democratic National Committee and a one-time candi- half-years ago. —AP MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE Correct glove use may save hairdressers’ skin NEY YORK: Hairdressers who reuse gloves while being exposed to these chemicals, the study team dressers followed the study team’s glove recommen- glove use affected symptoms of hand eczema. dyeing hair risk exposure to chemicals that cause says. Aerts and lead author Tom Geens, both of dations, using gloves during the entire dyeing But, the researchers conclude, the results show irritation and allergic reactions, according to a study Provikmo Occupational Health Services in Bruges, process and only using disposable gloves once. The that correct glove use does reduce exposure to a from Belgium. Occupational eczema, a severe itchy told Reuters Health in a joint comment that this is hairdressers also used gloves with a longer cuff that very common cause of eczema among hair- skin rash, is often caused by such chemical expo- likely to be because hairdressers commonly misuse were made of nitrile, which tends to be more chemi- dressers. sures and frequently drives hairdressers and trainees gloves, with some industry guidelines even instruct- cal-resistant than traditional latex. The researchers Dr Pil Kyun Jung of the Department of out of the profession, researchers report in the jour- ing hairdressers to turn gloves inside out and reuse monitored subjects’ exposure to the dyeing agents Occupational and Environmental Medicine in Korea nal Occupational and Environmental Medicine. them. Hand eczema “is a major problem in the sec- by collecting urine samples before and after their notes that glove size is also important to consider. In a small study, hairdressers who used longer, tor, and it has been shown previously to be an shifts on three consecutive work days. They collect- “Especially in the case of using loose gloves, con- more protective disposable gloves - and used them important reason to leave the profession, or even ed another sample after at least two days without centrations and absorption of such substances can only once - had much lower exposure to a common earlier, the training,” the authors said by email. exposure to see if the substances built up in the hair- be amplified,” Jung said in an email. skin-irritating chemical in hair dye, compared to dressers’ bodies. The results showed that the hair- Geens and Aerts strongly advised against when they reused gloves. Evelyne Aerts, an author of Traditional latex dressers’ overall exposure to PTD was much lower in reusing disposable gloves and recommended the study, told Reuters Health she decided to investi- The researchers recruited 11 hairdressers from the second week, while only using gloves once. using them throughout the entire dyeing process. gate the subject after a pregnant hairdresser asked two hair salons in Belgium and observed them over Urine concentrations of the chemical were about “Protective gloves should be worn while mixing her whether it was safe to continue working with a two-week period. During the first week, the hair- one sixth of what they were during the week when color, application of color and during rinsing and chemicals. Of particular interest were PPD and PTD dressers followed their normal glove use routine, gloves were reused. The researchers did not find a washing after dyeing,” they said. Beyond changing (paraphenylenediamine and paratoluenediamine), which involved washing disposable gloves, then difference in the hairdressers’ exposure to PPD and gloves as often as possible and washing hands if chemicals frequently found in permanent hair dye turning them inside out and reusing them. The par- the chemical did not appear to build up in the body. there is an unexpected exposure to hair dye, “After and known to cause allergic skin reactions. Past ticipants also tended to be less careful with glove washing hands, proper moisturizing using hand research has shown that under real work conditions, use while using lighter colored hair dye. Proper moisturizing lotions or creams” will help prevent irritation, Jung using gloves has not protected hairdressers from During the second week of the study, the hair- The study did not directly examine how proper advised. — Reuters It’s panda-monium! National Zoo says Mei Xiang has twins

WASHINGTON: It’s double trouble for the hadn’t fully developed. Still, Neiffer, the National Zoo after its adult female panda zoo’s chief veterinarian, said the first cub gave birth to twins. The cubs arrived about had shown “all signs of being healthy and five hours apart Saturday. Panda mom Mei happy.” Keepers have heard it squeal and Xiang (may-SHONG) gave birth to the first grunt. The zoo said on Twitter that the sec- cub at 5:35 pm and a second at 10:07 pm, ond cub also appeared healthy. Even if the the zoo said. If the cubs survive, they would new cubs are physically fit, panda fans be the 17-year-old panda’s third and fourth shouldn’t expect to see them in person for surviving offspring. Mei Xiang’s first cub, Tai a while. After Bao Bao was born in 2013, it Shan, was born in 2005 and returned to was about 5 months before she made her China in 2010. Her second cub, Bao Bao, public debut. Fans who want to see the turns 2-years-old Sunday and still lives at newest pandas will have to try to catch a the zoo. glimpse of them on the zoo’s online panda The new additions mean that for the cameras. first time the zoo has five pandas in resi- dence. In addition to Bao Bao, Mei Xiang Genetic matches and the new cubs, the zoo is also home to Though the zoo’s camera-viewing site an adult male panda named Tian Tian. In can host about 850 viewers at a time, the past, the zoo has never had more than spokeswoman Pamela Baker-Masson says three pandas at one time. Zoo director the site has been overloaded with people Dennis Kelly said at an evening news con- trying to watch. Fans can also download a ference following the first cub’s birth that zoo app to view the cameras. The public he was “so happy, so pleased, so excited.” also won’t learn immediately whether the

LIBERIA: In this Tuesday, Sept 30, 2014 file photo, a medical worker sprays disinfectant around people being discharged from the Island Clinic Ebola treatment center in Monrovia. With many Ebola survivors ailing, doctors evaluate situation

‘It’s too early to know what the direct effect or link is to Ebola, if at all’

DAKAR: Lingering health problems afflicting many of the roughly 13,000 Ebola survivors have galvanized global and local health officials to find out how wide- spread the ailments are, and how to remedy them. The World Health Organization calls it an emergency within an emergency. Many of the survivors have vision and hearing issues. Some others experience physical and emotional pains, fatigue and other prob- lems. The medical community is negotiating unchart- WASHINGTON: This image released August 22, 2015 courtesy of the Smithsonian’s ed waters as it tries to measure the scale of this prob- National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute shows giant panda Mei Xiang in lem that comes on the tail end of the biggest Ebola labor. — AP photos outbreak in history. “If we can find out this kind of information, hope- The zoo’s chief veterinarian Don Neiffer was cubs are male or female or whether the fully we can help other Ebola survivors in the future,” also asked about the possibility of a second zoo’s male panda, Tian Tian, is the cub’s Dr Zan Yeong, an eye specialist involved in a study of cub. In 2013, when Mei Xiang gave birth to father. Mei Xiang was artificially inseminat- health problems in survivors in Liberia, told The Bao Bao, she also gave birth to a stillborn ed with sperm from Tian Tian and a panda Associated Press. About 7,500 people will enroll - cub. Asked about the possibility of a sec- named Hui Hui from Wolong, China, who 1,500 Ebola survivors and 6,000 of their close contacts ond cub this time around, Neiffer said that was determined to be one of the best - and will be monitored over a five-year period in the LIBERIA: Dr Zan Yeong, left, an eye specialist for a joint Liberian-American Ebola initiative during an ultrasound earlier this week he genetic matches. The zoo will use saliva study launched by Partnership for Research on Ebola known as the Partnership for Research on Ebola Vaccine in Liberia (PREVAIL), examines the did see “two areas that made me excited.” from the cubs’ mouths to determine gen- Vaccines in Liberia, or PREVAIL. eyes of Ebola survivor Abraham Moses. der and paternity, said Laurie Thompson, a Only about 40 percent of those infected have sur- 2007. But with such small numbers, past outbreaks who became infected while working in Sierra Leone Physically fit giant panda biologist at the zoo. vived Ebola, according to WHO estimates. But while haven’t provided sufficient opportunities for extensive for WHO, developed an inflammation and very high The zoo says after the second cub was The National Zoo is one of only four the survivors beat the odds, preliminary research study, Bausch said. Now, with thousands of survivors, blood pressure in one eye months after being born, keepers removed one of the cubs and zoos in the US to have pandas, which are shows that many are still suffering. Around half those doctors want to learn why people are experiencing released from treatment. His iris temporarily changed moved it to an incubator. The zoo says it on loan from China, and its cubs are the who received post-recovery check-ups have joint pain, these ailments, how they affect the body, what per- color from blue to green; doctors found his eye con- will alternately swap the cubs, allowing one only ones born in the United States this said Dr Daniel Bausch, an Ebola expert and consultant centage of survivors has issues and how to treat them. tained the Ebola virus. He is still recovering, but his time to nurse and spend time with Mei year. Pandas also have a history at the for WHO. “We don’t have the capacity yet - we wish we Experts also want to learn whether the physical vision has improved, according to Emory University Xiang while the other is bottle fed. The zoo Washington zoo that makes them closely did - to follow every survivor,” he said. Consequently, problems are directly caused by the virus, whether Hospital which has been treating him. the percentage of survivors who have complications said it could not confirm whether the cub watched. The zoo’s first pair of pandas, they existed before, are side-effects or perhaps Nancy Writebol, who last year became the second isn’t known, he said. He described the joint pain as that was removed was the first or second Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing, were a gift from autoimmune reactions, Bausch said. “It’s too early ... to American infected with Ebola, said she suffers joint “very debilitating and a very serious problem that can know what the direct effect or link is to Ebola, if at all,” pain, mostly in her knees. She said she had problems born. It says pandas give birth to twins China following President Richard Nixon’s prevent people from going back to work and provid- about 50 percent of the time, but this is historic 1972 visit to the country. The pair Bausch said. In early August, WHO gathered experts in with her vision, but they seem to have gone away. She ing for their family.” Sierra Leone who concluded that more needs to be assists a weekly survivor clinic in Liberia at ELWA hos- only the third time a giant panda living in had five cubs while living at the zoo but Some degree of changes in vision has been report- the United States has given birth to twins. none survived. The zoo’s current pandas, done to provide better care plans for survivors, and pital run by Serving In Mission, a North Carolina-based ed by roughly 25 percent of the survivors who have more research and specialist help is needed. Christian organization. Keepers will be watching the newest cubs Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, the parents of been seen by medics, he said, including severe inflam- closely. Pink, hairless and blind, newborn both Bao Bao and Tai Shan, arrived in 2000. She noted that Liberia’s health-care system is bro- mation of the eye that if untreated can result in blind- Still recovering ken and many survivors lack running water and elec- cubs weigh three to five ounces (85 to 142 The pandas belong to China as do any cubs ness, he said. The Ebola virus has been found, in at Post-recovery problems haven’t been confined to tricity in their homes, making their recovery more grams) and are about the size of a stick of they have. The cubs’ birth isn’t the only least a few cases, to linger in the eyes, though experts West African survivors, whose health might not have arduous than that of survivors in the West. “There are a butter. Kelly, the zoo director, called it a event being celebrated at the zoo this say it is not transmitted through tears. Morris Kallon, been strong to begin with considering the poor state lot that are having troubles with vision,” she said. “One “very fragile time.” weekend. For Bao Bao’s second birthday 34, a health worker who survived Ebola in a village in of health care in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea - the of the greatest complaints that we see is joint pain. “We’re very excited, but we’re very cau- Sunday she will get a cake made out of ice Liberia’s Grand Cape Mount County, said he had three impoverished countries most affected by Ebola - And you can tell just by the way people are moving tious,” he said before the second cub’s birth, with the number “2” on top. She will stay at fevers, headaches, lower abdominal pain and red eyes even before the epidemic. Dr Ian Crozier, an American that they are suffering.” —AP noting that in 2012, Mei Xiang gave birth to the zoo until she is four years old when she after he returned home. a cub that died after just six days. Its lungs will return to China. —AP Testing blood samples “I have been experiencing whole lot of problems within my body system,” he said. “I still feel pains in my back. It is very difficult for me to swing my arms. ... My vision is always blurred, like dew on my face.” Lab technician Mohamed SK Sesay was working at a hos- pital in Kenema, a town in eastern Sierra Leone, test- ing blood samples for Ebola when he fell sick with the virus. About eight members of his team got infected and he was among the few survivors, WHO said. After he recovered, he was discharged from an Ebola treat- ment unit in September. He was still weak, and says he was shunned by his community. Then his health deteriorated. “Sleepless nights. Joint pain. Muscle pain,” he said. “I started experienc- ing loss of weight. ... Loss of sight was the worst one that set me off. I used to cry. I couldn’t see my comput- er.” He was attended to by one of Sierra Leone’s few eye doctors and his health improved overall, but he still has bad days. “My biggest challenge is now my health,” he said. He loses vision from time to time. Sometimes if people call out to him on the street he can’t hear them. Eye problems were noted in some survivors of WASHINGTON: In this photo one of the giant panda cubs is examined by veterinari- Ebola outbreaks in Congo in 1995, in Uganda’s Gulu LIBERIA: Patients being discharged from the Island Clinic Ebola treatment center in Monrovia, ans after being born at Smithsonian’s National Zoo. district in 2000 and in Uganda’s Bundibugyo district in wait to be sprayed with disinfectant. MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE

MINNESOTA: Republican presidential candidate, Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker, speaks in Brooklyn MINNESOTA: Republican presidential candidate, Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker, center, holds a part in his Center, where he presented his plan to replacing President Barack Obama’s health care law. — AP hand as he tours Cass Screw Machine Products with company president Steve Wise, right, before pre- senting his health care plan. Walker’s health plan hinges on a tricky subsidy rollback

MADISON, WISCONSIN: Republican Scott Walker’s at Washington and Lee University in Virginia and an law’s insurance exchanges because of an amendment as it did before the health care law went into effect. are either independently wealthy, have coverage plan for repealing and replacing President Barack expert on the health law, said of Walker’s plan. “It’s just by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, back when the law Republicans have attacked the rule as a special through their spouses or are old enough to quality for Obama’s health care law hinges on what many see as a a political talking point.” In announcing his plan, was being debated. Grassley reasoned that what’s exemption under the law. Republican Sen Ron Medicare, Jost said. That would leave their staff mem- nearly insurmountable obstacle - getting 60 votes in Walker vowed: “On Day One, I will sign an executive good enough for the public should be good enough Johnson of Wisconsin filed a federal lawsuit challeng- bers stuck with higher insurance costs, Jost said. the Senate. Walker’s solution for winning over enough order removing President Obama’s special deal for for lawmakers. If regular folks had to use the health ing it, but it was dismissed. Gail Wilensky, an economist and adviser to lawmakers? In a nutshell, he would first strip away the Congress. Having to live with the same premium insurance exchanges set up by the law, so should law- Republicans, said Walker’s going after Congress on federal health insurance subsidies that they and their increases that other Americans have suffered under makers and staff. As a result, some 15,000 congres- Legal challenge that issue is a “red herring.” “To cause Congress and staff get as government employees. That, he says, Obamacare should light a fire under Congress to act sional staffers, lawmakers and dependents buy their Walker said undoing the rule, and essentially rais- their staff to lose all subsidies would be unfair,” would expose them to the same premium increases quickly.” health insurance through the Washington small busi- ing insurance costs for members of Congress and their Wilensky said. A lawsuit would be inevitable, said Mike that many Americans have to pay and prompt ness exchange. But the amendment did not specifical- staffs, would serve as the motivation for lawmakers to Stern, an attorney and former senior counsel to the Congress to act on his plan. Skepticism abounds, and Insurance exchanges ly address whether they would keep getting the regu- repeal the health law and replace it with his plan. It House of Representatives from 1996-2004. Still, not just among defenders of the health law. But it’s not that simple. Walker’s campaign says his lar government contribution for employee premiums. takes 60 votes to break through delaying tactics in the Walker’s gambit “might very well survive a legal chal- Would members of Congress really rally around his executive order actually would direct Cabinet officials And many Hill staffers make too much to qualify for Senate and repeal the law; Republicans hold 54 seats. lenge,” he said. Legal challenge or not, there are better initiative after seeing their health subsidies disappear? to “undertake rulemaking” - typically a drawn-out income-based subsidies under the law. But absent a national emergency, Walker wouldn’t ways to rework the law, said economist Douglas Holtz- And can he really end those subsidies without con- process that involves research, debate by affected par- To avoid disrupting health insurance for lawmakers have the legal authority to amend the rule to remove Eakin, president of the American Action Forum, a cen- gressional action, as he vows he would do with an ties, public notice and public comment - toward the and staff, the federal Office of Personnel Management the subsidy, said Jost, a supporter of the health care ter-right think tank. “In the end, if you’re going to do a executive order on his first day as president? “It goal of removing the subsidies. Congress was shifted published rules in 2013 stating the government would law. And even if the rule were changed, it wouldn’t big reform you’re going to need something that’s shouldn’t be taken seriously,” Tim Jost, a law professor from the federal employee plan to the health care still subsidize about 70 percent of their premiums, just hurt members of Congress because most lawmakers bipartisan,” he said, “or it won’t be doable.” — AP Bowel cancer: The importance Autistic traits linked to creative problem-solving of early diagnosis LONDON: People with autism may be more To explore the link between autism and likely to think outside the box than people creativity, Best and colleagues examined sur- LONDONL: Dr Lee Dvorkin, Consultant General the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, without the disorder, a British study suggests. vey responses for 75 participants who report- and Colorectal Surgeon at The Wellington Hospital, which is offered to everyone aged 60 till 69 years Researchers surveyed 312 people online, ask- ed an autism diagnosis and 237 people with London, discusses the testing and treatments avail- old (75 years in some areas). Every two years, ing if they had autism and assessing whether no autism diagnosis. Some of those undiag- able for bowel cancer. Bowel cancer develops from patients are asked to send a stool sample to the they might have some traits of the disorder nosed people did, however, display autistic a malignant tumour situated anywhere in the large laboratory and if blood is detected, a colonoscopy even if they hadn’t been formally diagnosed traits during the study. And autistic traits, with bowel (colon) or back passage (rectum). Bowel can- is offered to see if there are early signs of cancer. with it. They tested participants’ creativity by or without a formal diagnosis, were linked to cer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, Bowel cancer screening reduces the risk of dying seeking interpretations of images designed to an ability to see more than one image in with over 41,000 new cases diagnosed each year. from bowel cancer by 16 per cent, emphasising the be seen more than one way - such as a picture ambiguous figures, based on results of survey Bowel cancer is most common in the over 60s and importance of participating. that might be viewed as either a rabbit or a questions on pictures designed to look like is rare in people younger than 40 years old. duck. Then they gave participants one minute two things at once. to name as many uses as possible for ordinary The authors acknowledge in the Journal of Survival is improved if the cancer is discovered Question: How do you treat bowel cancer? objects like a brick or a paper clip. Autism and Developmental Disorders that early, with a 93 percent survival rate with early Dvorkin: The best treatment for bowel cancer is an Compared to people without any indica- because they lumped together people with detection. However, if the cancer has spread to operation to remove the cancer and its surround- tion of autism, the individuals who said they diagnosed autism and people without a diag- other parts of the body, very few people survive ing lymph glands. These operations are performed were diagnosed with autism and the partici- nosis who displayed many traits of the disor- five years from diagnosis. The majority of cases by keyhole surgery, with around less than a week’s pants without a diagnosis who exhibited many der, they can’t say for sure whether the people develop from pre-cancerouspolyps (tiny growths in stay in hospital. For cancer in the rectum, radio- traits of the disorder generally offered fewer with a clinical diagnosis might have dispropor- the bowel) which, if left untreated, can develop therapy is sometimes used to shrink down the responses to these queries, but they also tend- tionately influenced the results for this group. into cancer. Below are some question and answer tumour, before surgery.Often, surgery is all the ed to have more unusual answers, the study “There is no black and white dividing line that gives a wider idea on the subject. treatment that is needed, but if the cancer involves found. “We think that perhaps the people with between mild autistic traits and having a label LONDON: Dr Lee Dvorkin, Consultant the lymph glands, chemotherapy is recommended, autistic traits use more effortful methods to of autism, and geeks and nerds in Silicon General and Colorectal Surgeon at The Question: What are the common symptoms of which can last for six months. Surgery can also be produce answers to divergent thinking tasks Valley,” Temple Grandin, an autism activist and Wellington Hospital. bowel cancer? used to remove certain cancers that have spread to (not based on obvious word associations or livestock researcher at Colorado State Lee Dvorkin: The symptoms of bowel cancer vary cer, especially if they are particularly young. the liver or lungs, although this is not always possi- common uses for similar items) and therefore University in Fort Collins, said by email. “Mild come up with fewer but better responses,” said autism can provide some intellectual advan- and can include: Diarrhoea or loose stools for over Other factors thought to increase risk include ble. smoking, obesity and eating excessive red meat, lead author Dr Catherine Best of the University tages and severe autism is a great handicap,” three weeks, Blood in a stool, Weight loss, Tiredness of Stirling in the UK, in email to Reuters Health. said Grandin, who wasn’t involved in the study. and breathlessness (this canoccurs in those cancers animal fat and sugar. A reduced risk has been Meet the specialist “If all the autism traits were removed, we which bleed, causing anaemia). If you are suffering found in those who exercise and eat more fibre and Dr Lee Dvorkin MD, FRCS (Gen Surg) is a More creative would lose many creative minds in music, art, from any of these symptoms, it is very important pulses. There are also some medical conditions that Colorectal Surgeon dealing with benign and malig- Around one percent of people may have math and science.” you see a bowel specialist for further investigation. increase the risk of bowel cancer and these include: nant bowel diseases. He is an expert in keyhole sur- autism spectrum disorder, a developmental It’s possible that some people with autism ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and diabetes. gery and spends a lot of time teaching and training disability that can cause significant social, com- may focus intensely on their own thoughts, to Question: Who is most at risk of bowel cancer? other surgeons.His other areas of practice include munication and behavioral challenges, accord- the exclusion of listening to others speaking to Dvorkin: The biggest single risk factor is age. More Question: How is bowel cancer detected? gallstone surgery and hernias. ing to the US Centers for Disease Control and them, and this might lead autistic people to than eight out of ten bowel cancers are diagnosed Dvorkin: The two most common investigations to If you would like to make an appointment with Prevention. Some people with autism may be generate less conventional thoughts and inpeople aged 60 or over. The chance of getting diagnose bowel cancer are acolonoscopy (a cam- Dr Lee Dvorkin, please call The Wellington exceptionally gifted in certain ways, but people expressions, said Nira Mashal, head of the brain bowel cancer also goes up if there is a strong family era examination of the large bowel) and a CT scan. Hospital’s enquiry helpline on: with the disorder can also be severely chal- and language lab at Bar-Ilan University in history, i.e.having several relatives with bowel can- In the UK, some patients are diagnosed through +44 (0)20 7483 5148 lenged in some aspects of life. Ramat-Gan, Israel. —Reuters FOOD MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 Cooking on a deadline: Chipotle Barbecue Turkey Burgers

voiding a dry, tasteless turkey burger - the meat to help keep them juicy, plus lend a cooked in a lightly oiled skillet or under the 1/4 cup finely chopped scallions skillet over medium, heat the olive oil. Add or any type of burger, for that matter - is boost of flavor. Play around with all kinds of broiler for roughly the same amount of time. 1/4 cup barbecue sauce the scallions and saute for about 4 minutes, Aeasy. Start by not overcooking them. ingredients, from ketchup and mayonnaise to There is a sauce that goes along with these 2 tablespoons panko breadcrumbs or until the scallions are softened. Transfer to Kind of obvious, but true. Get the burgers off shredded apple and sautÈed onions. A touch burgers, but you are welcome to use plain old 2 teaspoons pureed chipotles in adobo a large bowl, then add the barbecue sauce, the grill as soon as they hit 165 F. And during of olive oil doesn’t hurt either, both as a juici- mustard or ketchup if you prefer. I wish for 1 pound 93 per cent lean ground turkey breadcrumbs and pureed chipotles. Stir well, cooking, never press down on the patties with ness enhancer and a flavor booster. In my world peace, and for more people to like Salt and ground black pepper then add the turkey and a generous pinch the spatula. That squeezes out all the delicious recipe, the oil is used along with barbecue turkey burgers. Today I’ll start with turkey To serve: each of salt and pepper. Using your hands or juices no matter what meat you are using. sauce and the mild heat of chipotles in adobo burgers. 4 hamburger buns a spoon, mix well, but try to handle the meat With turkey burgers, it also helps to use a sauce to add both flavor and moisture. Sliced red onions gently. Form the mixture into 4 patties, mix of dark and light ground turkey, which Chipotles packed in adobo sauce usually Ingredients Sliced tomatoes pressing slightly to create indentations at adds a bit more fat and flavor. Ground turkey come in small cans. I used them pureed in this Servings: 4 Romaine lettuce leaves the centre of each. Grill the burgers for about labeled “93 per cent lean” will have enough recipe. Just dump the entire can in a food For the sauce 5 minutes on each side, or until they are dark meat mixed in to keep it moist and deli- processor or blender, then puree until 3 tablespoons mayonnaise Preparation cooked through and have reached an inter- cious. I try to avoid 99 per cent lean ground smooth. Leftovers can be frozen in small 1 teaspoon pureed chipotles in adobo Heat the grill to medium-high. To prepare nal temperature of 165 F. Place the cooked turkey, which can produce those tasteless amounts (ice cube trays are handy for this) Salt and ground black pepper the sauce, in a small bowl mix together the burgers on the bottom halves of the buns, burgers we all fear. and kept on hand for future recipes. If you For the burgers: mayonnaise, chipotles and a hefty pinch then top with the sauce and layer on onion, You also can add an ingredient or two to don’t wish to grill them, the burgers can be 1 tablespoon olive oil each of salt and pepper. Set aside. In a small tomato and lettuce. Grilled fruits for healthy treats

lantains can be used in both savory and sweet half lengthwise, keeping the peel intact. In a small bowl, dishes and can range from potato-like when unripe mix together the coconut oil and vanilla. Brush the cut P(green skin) to downright sugary if very ripe (black side of each plantain half with the coconut oil-vanilla skin). For most sweet recipes, look for skin that is a mix of mixture, then sprinkle the halves evenly with coconut yellow and black. Plantains are a good source of vitamins sugar and salt. Use an oil-soaked paper towel held with C and A, and like bananas they are an excellent source of tongs to oil the grill grates, then place the plantains, cut potassium. While they are relatively high in calories side down, on the grill. Grill for six minutes, then flip and (about 200 per plantain, with 28 grams of sugar), half a sprinkle the shredded coconut and macadamia nuts over plantain makes for a very satisfying dessert. Feel free to the top of the cut sides. Grill for an additional three min- top the plantain with chocolate chips and marshmallows utes. Serve immediately with a wedge of lime for squeez- for a slumber party. Or make my (healthier) grilled tropi- ing over the tops. cal plantains, which get their richness from coconut oil, unsweetened coconut and macadamia nuts. Since this Transform flavorless peaches with recipe takes just minutes to make, these are perfect for a few minutes on the grill entertaining. The key to grilling peaches is to cut them in half and remove the pits. You must brush the fruit all over with Ingredients untoasted nut oil or olive oil to keep the juices inside and Servings: 4 prevent the fruit from drying out. For added flavor, you 2 large, yellow-brown plantains can replace the pit with a bit of flavored butter or sprinkle 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted the cut side with a simple “dessert rub” of cinnamon, sug- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ar and a pinch of salt. 1 tablespoon coconut sugar Other than that, there is little to know. Make sure the 1/2 teaspoon salt cooking grates are brushed clean and use a medium-low 2 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut direct heat. Sugar - natural or added - burns quickly and 2 tablespoons chopped macadamia nuts any food with a high sugar content requires a gentle, low 1 lime, quartered heat. Peach melba inspired the raspberry butter that I place Preparation inside each peach half to melt and sauce the peach. The Heat the grill to medium-high. Slice the plantains in Grilled peaches with raspberry butter and cookie crumbs. addition of amaretto deepens the flavor and adds a sophisticated side to the dish. The crumbled amaretti cookies echo the amaretto flavor and add a welcome crunch to the dessert that is made perfect by a small scoop of vanilla ice cream or homemade whipped cream.

Ingredients Servings: 4 4 ripe peaches, halved and pitted Un-toasted walnut or hazelnut oil (or olive oil) 1 tablespoon light brown sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened 1 tablespoon amaretto liqueur 1 tablespoon seedless raspberry jam Vanilla ice cream or whipped cream, to serve 8 amaretti cookies, crumbled

Preparation Heat the grill to medium-low. Brush the cut side of Grilled tropical plantains each peach half with the oil. Set aside. In a small bowl, mix together the brown sugar, salt, butter, amaretto and jam until smooth. Spoon a bit (about 1/2 tablespoon) of the mixture into the center of each peach half. Place the peaches, cut side up, on the grill. Cover the grill and cook until the skins begin to pull away from the flesh, about 5 minutes. About halfway through the grilling time, brush the melted butter mixture at the center of each half all over the cut side. Remove the peach halves from the grill, being careful not to spill the butter mixture from the cen- ters. Set aside to cool slightly, then serve warm or at room temperature topped with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream and a sprinkle of amaretti cookie crum- bles. —AP FEATURES MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 Back to school tips

The following health and safety tips are from the shoulder belt lies across the middle of the chest and cent fruit juice. Learn about your child’s school wellness behavior. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). shoulder, not the neck or throat; the lap belt is low and policy and get involved in school groups to put it into l Be a positive role mode. Show children they can get snug across the thighs, not the stomach. effect. what they want without teasing, threatening or hurting Making the first day easier l All children younger than 13 years of age should ride in l Each 12-ounce soft drink contains approximately 10 someone. l Remind your child that there are probably a lot of stu- the rear seat of vehicles. If you must drive more children teaspoons of sugar and 150 calories. Drinking just one l Use effective, non-physical discipline, such as loss of dents who are uneasy about the first day of school. This than can fit in the rear seat (when carpooling, for exam- can of soda a day increases a child’s risk of obesity by 60 privileges. may be at any age. Teachers know that students are ple), move the front-seat passenger’s seat as far back as percent. Choose healthier options to send in your child’s l Develop practical solutions with the school principal, nervous and will make an extra effort to make sure possible and have the child ride in a booster seat if the lunch. teachers, counselors, and parents of the children your everyone feels as comfortable as possible. seat belts do not fit properly without it. child has bullied. l Point out the positive aspects of starting school. She’ll l Remember that many crashes occur while novice teen Bullying see old friends and meet new ones. Refresh her positive drivers are going to and from school. You should require Bullying or cyber bullying is when one child picks on Before and after school child care memories about previous years, when she may have seat belt use, limit the number of teen passengers, and another child repeatedly. Bullying can be physical, verbal, l During early and middle childhood, youngsters need returned home after the first day with high spirits do not allow eating, drinking, cell phone conversations, or social. It can happen at school, on the playground, on supervision. A responsible adult should be available to because she had a good time. texting or other mobile device use to prevent driver dis- the school bus, in the neighborhood, over the Internet, or get them ready and off to school in the morning and l Find another child in the neighborhood with whom traction. Limit nighttime driving and driving in through mobile devices like cell phones. supervise them after school until you return home from your student can walk to school or ride on the bus. inclement weather. Familiarize yourself with your state’s work. l If it is a new school for your child, attend any available graduated driver’s license law and consider the use of a When Your Child Is Bullied l If a family member will care for your child, com- orientations and take an opportunity to tour the school parent-teen driver agreement to facilitate the early driv- l Help your child learn how to municate the need to follow consistent rules set by before the first day. ing learning process. respond by teaching your child the parent regarding discipline and homework. l If you feel it is needed, drive your child (or walk with l Children approaching adolescence (11- her) to school and pick her up on the first day. Bike and 12-year-olds) should not come home to an l Always wear a bicycle hel- empty house in the afternoon unless they Backpack safety met, no matter how short show unusual maturity for their age. l Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps or long the ride. l If alternate adult supervision is not and a padded back. l Ride on the right, in the available, parents should make special efforts l Pack light. Organize the backpack to use all of its com- same direction as auto to supervise their children from a distance. partments. Pack heavier items closest to the center of traffic. Children should have a set time when they are the back. The backpack should never weigh more than l Use appropriate hand expected to arrive at home and should check 10 to 20 percent of your child’s body weight. signals. in with a neighbor or with a parent by tele- l Always use both shoulder straps. Slinging a backpack l Respect traffic lights phone. over one shoulder can strain muscles. and stop signs. l If you choose a commercial after-school l If your school allows, consider a rolling backpack. This l Wear bright-colored program, inquire about the training of the type of backpack may be a good choice for students clothing to increase staff. There should be a high staff-to-child who must tote a heavy load. Remember that rolling visibility. White or ratio, and the rooms and the playground backpacks still must be carried up stairs, they may be light-colored cloth- should be safe. difficult to roll in snow, and they may not fit in some ing and reflective lockers. gear is especially Developing good homework important after and study habits Traveling to and from school dark. l Create an environment that is Review the basic rules with your student l Know the “rules of the conducive to doing homework. road.” Children need a consistent work School Bus space in their bedroom or another l Children should always board and exit the bus at loca- Walking to School part of the home that is quiet, tions that provide safe access to the bus or to the school l Make sure your child’s walk to school is without distractions, and promotes building. a safe route with well-trained adult cross- study. l Remind your child to wait for the bus to stop before ing guards at every intersection. l Schedule ample time for approaching it from the curb. l Identify other children in the neighborhood with homework. l Make sure your child walks where she can see the bus whom your child can walk to school. In neighbor- l Establish a household rule that the TV driver (which means the driver will be able to see her, hoods with higher levels of traffic, consider organizing a and other electronic distractions stay off during home- too). “walking school bus,” in which an adult accompanies a how to: work time. l Remind your student to look both ways to see that no group of neighborhood children walking to school. 1. Look the bully in the eye. l Supervise computer and Internet use. other traffic is coming before crossing the street, just in l Be realistic about your child’s pedestrian skills. Because 2. Stand tall and stay calm in a difficult situation. l Be available to answer questions and offer assistance, case traffic does not stop as required. small children are impulsive and less cautious around 3. Walk away. but never do a child’s homework for her. l Your child should not move around on the bus. traffic, carefully consider whether or not your child is l Teach your child how to say in a firm voice. l Take steps to help alleviate eye fatigue, neck fatigue and l If your child’s school bus has lap/shoulder seat belts, ready to walk to school without adult supervision. 1. “I don’t like what you are doing.” brain fatigue while studying. It may be helpful to close make sure your child uses one at all times when in the l If your children are young or are walking to a new 2. “Please do NOT talk to me like that.” the books for a few minutes, stretch, and take a break bus. school, walk with them the first week or until you are 3. “Why would you say that?” periodically when it will not be too disruptive. sure they know the route and can do it safely. l Teach your child when and how to ask a trusted adult l If your child is struggling with a particular subject, and Car l Bright-colored clothing will make your child more visi- for help. you aren’t able to help her yourself, a tutor can be a l All passengers should wear a seat belt or use an age- ble to drivers. l Encourage your child to make friends with other chil- good solution. Talk it over with your child’s teacher first. and size-appropriate car safety seat or booster seat. dren. l Some children need help organizing their homework. l Your child should ride in a car safety seat with a harness Eating during the school day l Support activities that interest your child. Checklists, timers, and parental supervision can help as long as possible and then ride in a belt-positioning l Studies show that children who eat a nutritious break- l Alert school officials to the problems and work with overcome homework problems. booster seat. Your child is ready for a booster seat when fast function better. They do better in school, and have them on solutions. l If your child is having difficulty focusing on or complet- she has reached the top weight or height allowed for better concentration and more energy. l Make sure an adult who knows about the bullying can ing homework, discuss this with your child’s teacher, her seat, her shoulders are above the top harness slots, l Most schools regularly send schedules of cafeteria watch out for your child’s safety and well-being when school counselor, or health care provider. or her ears have reached the top of the seat. menus home and/or have them posted on the school’s you cannot be there. l Establish a good sleep routine. Insufficient sleep is asso- l Your child should ride in a belt-positioning booster seat website. With this advance information, you can plan on l Monitor your child’s social media or texting interactions ciated with lower academic achievement in middle until the vehicle’s seat belt fits properly (usually when packing lunch on the days when the main course is one so you can identify problems before they get out of school, high school and college, as well as higher rates the child reaches about 4’ 9” in height and is between 8 your child prefers not to eat. hand. of absenteeism and tardiness. The optimal amount of to 12 years of age). This means that the child is tall l Look into what is offered in school vending machines. l Your Child Is the Bully sleep for most adolescents is in the range of 8.5 to 9.5 enough to sit against the vehicle seat back with her legs Vending machines should stock healthy choices such as l Be sure your child knows that bullying is never OK. hours per night. bent at the knees and feet hanging down and the fresh fruit, low-fat dairy products, water and 100 per- l Set firm and consistent limits on your child’s aggressive —American Academy of Pediatrics Puzzles for kids MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 TV PROGRAMS

Teenage Witch 15:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 01:40 Wolfblood 16:00 Chopped 02:05 Wolfblood 17:00 The Kitchen 02:30 Violetta 18:00 Easy Chinese: San 03:15 The Hive Francisco 00:00 Grimm 00:45 Tanked 03:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 18:30 Easy Chinese: San 01:00 Supernatural 01:40 The Lion Queen Teenage Witch Francisco 03:00 Salem 02:35 River Monsters 03:45 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 19:00 Chopped 04:00 Switched At Birth 03:25 Gator Boys Teenage Witch 20:00 Iron Chef America 05:00 C.S.I. 04:15 I Was Bitten 04:10 Wolfblood 09:00 C.S.I. 05:02 Into The Dragon’s Lair 04:35 Wolfblood 12:00 Emmerdale 05:49 Treehouse Masters 05:00 Violetta 12:30 Coronation Street 06:36 Meet The Orangutans 05:45 The Hive 16:00 Emmerdale 07:00 Meet The Orangutans 05:50 Mouk 00:25 Breathless 16:30 Coronation Street 07:25 Groomer Has It 06:00 Lolirock 19:00 Odyssey 08:15 The Lion Queen 06:25 Hank Zipzer 01:15 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 02:00 Emmerdale 20:00 Switched At Birth 09:10 Treehouse Masters 06:50 Girl Meets World 21:00 Marvel’s Agent Carter 10:05 Tanked 07:15 H2O: Just Add Water 02:25 Emmerdale 02:55 Coronation Street 22:00 Strike Back 11:00 Groomer Has It 07:40 Jessie 23:00 Salem 11:55 Treehouse Masters 08:05 Wizards Of Waverly Place 03:25 Blue Go Mad In Ibiza 12:50 I’m Alive 08:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 04:20 Come Date With Me 13:45 River Monsters 08:55 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Australia 14:40 Gator Boys Teenage Witch 05:15 Murdoch Mysteries 15:35 Tanked 09:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 06:10 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 16:30 I’m Alive Teenage Witch 07:05 Coronation Street 17:25 The Lion Queen 09:45 Austin & Ally 07:30 Blue Go Mad In Ibiza 18:20 Biggest And Baddest 10:10 Austin & Ally 08:25 Come Date With Me 02:00 Good Morning America 19:15 Gator Boys 10:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place Australia 03:00 The Leftovers 20:10 Tanked 11:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 09:20 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 04:00 Outlander 21:05 Voodoo Shark 11:25 Jessie 10:15 Come Dine With Me Ireland 06:00 Good Morning America 22:00 Biggest And Baddest 11:50 Jessie 10:40 Sunday Night At The 07:00 Emmerdale 22:55 Wild Things With Dominic 12:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Palladium 07:30 Coronation Street Monaghan Teenage Witch 11:35 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 09:00 Chicago Fire 23:50 Gator Boys 12:40 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 12:30 Murdoch Mysteries 10:00 Emmerdale Teenage Witch 13:25 Emmerdale 10:30 Coronation Street 13:05 Good Luck Charlie 13:50 Come Dine With Me Ireland 12:00 24 13:30 Good Luck Charlie 14:15 Coronation Street 13:00 The Blacklist 13:55 Dog With A Blog 14:40 Coronation Street 14:00 Live Good Morning America 14:25 H2O: Just Add Water 15:10 Come Date With Me 16:00 Chicago Fire 14:55 Lolirock Australia 17:00 24 15:25 Austin & Ally 15:35 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 18:00 The Blacklist 00:10 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 16:00 Jessie 16:30 More Tales From 19:00 Chicago Fire 00:55 Bargain Hunt 16:30 Jessie Northumberland With Robson Green 20:00 24 01:50 Bargain Hunt 17:00 The Little Mermaid 3: Ariel’s 16:55 More Tales From 21:00 The Blacklist 02:35 Come Dine With Me New Beginning Northumberland With Robson Green 22:00 The Strain 03:00 Come Dine With Me 18:15 Mako Mermaids 17:25 Sunday Night At The 23:00 Outlander 03:25 Come Dine With Me 18:40 Liv And Maddie Palladium 03:50 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 19:05 Austin & Ally 18:20 Murdoch Mysteries 04:35 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 19:30 Lolirock 19:10 Coronation Street 05:20 Bargain Hunt 19:55 Hank Zipzer 19:35 Coronation Street 06:15 Bargain Hunt 20:20 Binny And The Ghost 20:00 Come Date With Me 07:00 Bargain Hunt 20:45 H2O: Just Add Water Australia 00:00 Emergo-PG15 07:45 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For 21:10 Good Luck Charlie 20:30 More Tales From 02:00 The Aggression Scale-PG15 Free 21:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place Northumberland With Robson Green 04:00 The Numbers Station-PG15 08:30 Michela’s Classic Italian 22:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 20:55 More Tales From 06:00 The Sanctuary-PG15 09:00 Bargain Hunt 22:25 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Northumberland With Robson Green 08:00 I, Frankenstein-PG15 09:45 Come Dine With Me Teenage Witch 21:25 Sunday Night At The 10:00 Kill Em All-PG15 10:10 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 22:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Palladium 12:00 The Numbers Station-PG15 10:55 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 22:20 Coronation Street 14:00 The Sanctuary-PG15 11:40 MasterChef 22:50 Coronation Street 16:00 Terminal Velocity-PG15 12:35 Homes Under The Hammer 23:15 Emmerdale 18:00 Kill Em All-PG15 13:25 Chefs: Put Your Menu Where 23:45 Murdoch Mysteries 20:00 The Day The Earth Stood Your Mouth Is Still-PG15 14:10 Bargain Hunt 22:00 Maximum Conviction-PG15 14:55 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For 00:00 The Soup Free 00:30 Sex With Brody 15:45 Michela’s Classic Italian 00:55 Fashion Bloggers 16:15 Bargain Hunt 01:25 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 00:10 Wicked Tuna 17:00 Come Dine With Me 02:20 E! News 01:00 Taiwan: Island Of Fish 17:25 MasterChef 03:15 The Drama Queen 02:00 Ultimate Survival Alaska 18:20 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 04:10 E!ES 02:55 Dead End Express 00:00 The Best Man Holiday 19:10 Michela’s Classic Italian 05:05 E!ES 03:50 Alaska Fish Wars 02:00 Drinking Buddies 19:25 Hairy Dieters 06:00 Keeping Up With The 04:45 Doomsday Preppers 04:00 For Better Or For Worse 21:05 Antiques Roadshow Kardashians 05:40 Expedition Wild 06:00 Until She Came Along 21:15 Marbella Mansions 06:55 Keeping Up With The 06:35 Top 10 Biggest Beasts Ever 08:00 Planes, Trains And 22:05 Antiques Roadshow Kardashians 08:25 Finding The Next Earth Automobiles 22:55 Come Dine With Me 07:50 Style Star 09:20 Clash Of The Continents 10:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse 23:20 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 08:20 E! News 10:15 Doomsday Preppers Of The Were-Rabbit 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 11:10 Building Wild 12:00 Until She Came Along 10:15 Giuliana & Bill 12:05 Cabin Fever 14:00 Raising Helen 11:10 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 13:00 Disaster Earth 16:00 Planes, Trains And 11:35 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 14:00 Evacuate Earth Automobiles 12:05 E! News 15:00 The Beach: A Photographer’s 18:00 The Last Shot 13:05 New Money Journey 20:00 The Internship 13:35 New Money 16:00 Zeb’s River Journey Thailand 22:00 The Details 00:45 Impossible Engineering 14:05 Extreme Close-Up 17:00 Building Wild THE BEST MAN HOLIDAY ON OSN MOVIES HD COMEDY 01:35 Impossible Engineering 18:00 Cabin Fever 14:30 Style Star 17:00 Non-Stop-PG15 18:00 The Expendables 3-PG15 05:00 Presenting Lily Mars-FAM 05:35 Henry Hugglemonster 02:25 Impossible Engineering 15:00 Kourtney And Khloe Take 19:00 Megastructures 03:15 Impossible Engineering 20:00 Zeb’s River Journey Thailand 19:00 If I Stay-PG15 20:15 The Book Thief-PG15 07:00 East Of Eden-PG 05:50 Calimero The Hamptons 21:00 The Selfish Giant-PG15 22:30 Lost In The Cloud-18 08:55 Murder At The Gallop-FAM 06:00 Zou 04:05 Impossible Engineering 16:00 Kourtney And Khloe Take 20:50 Building Wild 05:00 Mythbusters 21:40 Cabin Fever 23:00 Bad Words-18 10:15 Double Trouble-FAM 06:15 Loopdidoo The Hamptons 01:00 To The Wonder-PG15 06:00 Gold Rush 22:30 Megastructures 11:45 Elvis On Tour-PG 06:25 Limon And Oli 17:00 Stewarts And Hamiltons 03:00 Ashes-PG15 06:50 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling 23:20 Expedition Wild 13:15 The King’s Thief-FAM 06:35 Art Attack 18:00 E! News 05:00 Almost Christmas-PG15 Thunder 07:00 Golfing World 14:35 Edge Of The City-PG 07:00 Calimero 19:00 Keeping Up With The 07:00 Stand Off-PG15 07:40 Fast N’ Loud 08:00 NRL Premiership 16:00 Bad Day At Black Rock-PG 07:10 Zou Kardashians 09:00 Pawn-PG15 08:30 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 10:00 Golfing World 17:25 Jailhouse Rock-PG 07:25 Minnie’s Bow-Toons 20:00 House Of DVF 11:00 To The Wonder-PG15 Edition 01:15 Los Campeones De LA 12:00 Live NRL Premiership 19:00 Viva Las Vegas-FAM 07:30 Jake And The Never Land 21:00 Hollywood Cycle 13:00 Chalet Girl-PG15 08:55 Junkyard Empire Lucha Libre 19:00 PGA Tour Highlights 20:25 Speedway-FAM Pirates 22:00 Wags 15:00 The Citizen-PG15 09:45 What Happened Next? 02:45 Postman Pat: The Movie 20:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 22:00 The Trouble With Girls-FAM 07:55 Sofia The First 23:00 E!ES 17:00 Pawn-PG15 10:10 How Do They Do It? 00:00 Two And A Half Men 04:30 Ernest & Celestine 08:20 Doc McStuffins 19:00 At Any Price-PG15 10:35 Fast N’ Loud 01:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 06:00 JLA Adventures: Trapped In 08:45 Loopdidoo 21:00 Zulu-PG15 11:25 Treehouse Masters Wilmore Time 09:00 Limon And Oli 23:00 End Of Watch-18 12:15 Flip Men 01:30 Comedians 08:00 Jelly T 09:10 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 07:00 PGA Tour 12:40 Property Wars 02:00 Man Seeking Woman 10:00 Goat Story 2 09:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 12:30 Champions Tour 13:05 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 02:30 It’s Always Sunny In 11:30 Asterix: The Mansions Of 10:00 Sofia The First Philadelphia The Gods 14:30 Golfing World 03:20 Total Drama: All Stars 10:25 Nina Needs To Go Edition 03:42 Total Drama: All Stars 00:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 13:00 Postman Pat: The Movie 15:30 Indycar Highlights 10:30 Jake And The Never Land 13:30 Junkyard Empire 04:05 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 00:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Jimmy Fallon 14:30 Hammer Boy 19:00 WWE Experience Pirates 14:20 Gold Rush 04:28 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 01:00 Kitchen Inferno 05:30 Til Death 16:00 The Dragon Pearl 20:00 WWE Afterburn 10:55 Miles From Tomorrow 15:10 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling 01:00 Metallica: Through The 04:50 Teen Titans Go! 02:00 Australian Food Adventures 06:30 Cristela 18:00 Goat Story 2 21:00 WWE This Week 11:20 Doc McStuffins Thunder Never 05:00 Teen Titans Go! With Matt Moran 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 20:00 A Turtle’s Tale 2: Sammy’s 21:30 AFL Premiership Highlights 11:45 Henry Hugglemonster 16:00 Fast N’ Loud 03:00 Phantom 05:10 Grojband 03:00 The Freshman Class 08:30 Til Death Escape From Paradise 22:30 Indycar Highlights 12:15 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 16:50 What Happened Next? 05:00 The Secret Life Of Bees 05:35 Grojband 03:30 The Freshman Class 10:30 Cristela 22:00 Hammer Boy 12:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 17:15 How Do They Do It? 07:00 One Chance 06:00 Regular Show 04:00 Mystery Diners 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 23:30 The Dragon Pearl 13:00 Sofia The First 17:40 Deadliest Catch 09:00 Five Thirteen 06:40 Uncle Grandpa 04:30 Mystery Diners Jimmy Fallon 13:25 Loopdidoo 18:30 Ice Cold Gold 11:00 Phantom 06:50 Uncle Grandpa 05:00 Chopped 13:00 Til Death 13:40 Limon And Oli 19:20 Ice Cold Gold 12:45 Salinger 07:00 Adventure Time 06:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 13:30 Cristela 13:50 Cars Toons 20:10 Auction Hunters 15:00 Grand Piano 07:25 Steven Universe 06:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 16:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 12:00 Live The Ashes: ENG v AUS, 13:55 Jake And The Neverland Pirates 20:35 Savage Family Diggers 17:00 Five Thirteen 07:35 Steven Universe 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin Wilmore 5th Test, Day 5 14:20 Miles From Tomorrow 21:00 Ice Cold Gold 19:00 Prisoners 07:45 The Amazing World Of Gumball 07:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 00:00 About Last Night-18 12:30 Ashes H/Ls: 5th Test, Day 4 14:45 Messages From Miles 21:50 Ice Cold Gold 21:45 Hateship Loveship 08:10 Ben 10 08:00 Chopped 18:00 Mulaney 01:45 The Amazing Spider-Man 2- 21:00 ICC Cricket 360, Episode 33 14:50 Doc McStuffins 22:40 Island Of The Mega Shark 23:30 Metro Manila 08:55 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 09:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 18:30 Fresh Off The Boat PG15 23:30 Ashes H/Ls: 5th Test, Day 5 15:15 Sofia The First 23:30 Hellriders 09:15 Regular Show 10:00 The Kitchen 19:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 04:15 Heaven Is For Real-PG 15:40 Art Attack 09:27 Regular Show 11:00 Easy Chinese: San 19:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 06:15 Avengers Confidential: Black 16:05 Nina Needs To Go 09:40 The Amazing World Of Gumball Francisco 20:00 Weird Loners Widow & Punisher-PG15 16:10 Lilo & Stitch 10:00 Uncle Grandpa 11:30 Easy Chinese: San 20:30 Bad Judge 08:00 When The Game Stands 16:35 Adventures Of The Gummi 01:00 Not Safe For Work-PG15 10:12 Uncle Grandpa Francisco 21:30 Last Week Tonight With John Tall-PG15 Bears 03:00 The 7:39-PG15 10:25 Steven Universe 12:00 Chopped Oliver 10:00 Epic-PG 01:15 The Four 17:00 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 05:00 High Moon-PG15 10:36 Steven Universe 13:00 Guy’s Big Bite 22:05 The Brink 11:45 The Amazing Spider-Man 2- 03:15 A Good Night To Die 17:25 Ducktales 00:00 Violetta 07:00 Streetdance: All Stars-PG15 10:45 Total Drama: Revenge Of The 13:30 Guy’s Big Bite 22:30 Ballers PG15 05:00 Fifty Pills 17:50 Jake And The Never Land 00:45 The Hive 09:00 Non-Stop-PG15 Island 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 23:00 It’s Always Sunny In 14:15 Cloverfield-PG15 06:30 Frankenweenie Pirates 00:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 11:00 Safe Haven-PG15 11:10 Adventure Time 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Philadelphia 16:00 When The Game Stands 08:00 That’s What I Am 18:00 Miles From Tomorrow Teenage Witch 13:00 Planes: Fire And Rescue-PG 11:20 Adventure Time 01:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 15:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 23:30 Weird Loners 15:00 Return To Nim’s Island-PG Tall-PG15 09:45 Love Potion No.9 18:25 Messages From Miles 11:30 Ultraviolet 11:30 Johnny Test 18:30 Sofia The First 13:00 Freelancers 12:15 Teen Titans Go! New 18:55 Nina Needs To Go 14:45 Face Off 12:25 Teen Titans Go! 19:00 Jake And The Never Land 17:00 Dedication 12:40 Regular Show Pirates 18:30 The Station Agent 13:25 Adventure Time 19:30 Loopdidoo 20:00 Amphibious 3D 13:35 Adventure Time 19:45 Doc McStuffins 21:30 3D 13:45 Uncle Grandpa 20:00 Adventures Of The Gummi 22:45 Scream 4 14:10 Steven Universe Bears 14:21 Steven Universe 20:30 Sofia The First 14:30 Total Drama: Pahkitew Island 20:55 Cars Toons 14:55 Ben 10: Omniverse 21:00 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 15:15 Ben 10: Omniverse 21:25 Ducktales 15:40 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 16:00 Matt Hatter Chronicles 00:00 The Bridge 16:25 Teen Titans Go! New 01:00 MasterChef Australia 16:35 Teen Titans Go! 02:00 End Game 16:45 Teen Titans Go! 03:00 The Walking Dead 17:10 Uncle Grandpa 04:00 The Walking Dead 17:21 Uncle Grandpa 06:00 The 7D 05:00 Melissa & Joey 17:30 Regular Show 05:30 Melissa & Joey 06:10 Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade 18:15 Adventure Time Ninja 06:00 Happy Endings 18:40 The Amazing World Of Gumball 06:30 Happy Endings 06:35 Mini Ninjas 18:51 The Amazing World Of Gumball 07:00 Phineas And Ferb 07:00 Desperate Housewives 19:00 Johnny Test 08:00 Switched At Birth 07:25 Mighty Med 19:11 Johnny Test 07:50 Lab Rats 09:00 Switched At Birth 19:25 Clarence 10:00 End Game 08:15 Supa Strikas 19:45 Uncle Grandpa 08:40 Kirby Buckets 11:00 The Walking Dead 19:57 Uncle Grandpa 12:00 The Walking Dead 09:05 Kickin’ It 20:10 Teen Titans Go! New 09:30 Ultimate Spider-Man 13:00 Melissa & Joey 20:20 Teen Titans Go! 13:30 Happy Endings 10:00 Boyster 20:30 Teen Titans Go! 10:25 Mini Ninjas 14:00 Desperate Housewives 20:41 Teen Titans Go! 15:00 Castle 10:50 The 7D 20:55 Ben 10: Omniverse 11:15 Mighty Med 16:00 American Idol 21:17 Ben 10: Omniverse 17:00 MasterChef Australia 11:45 Lab Rats 18:00 Army Wives 12:10 Phineas And Ferb 19:00 Army Wives 12:35 Phineas And Ferb 20:00 Da Vinci’s Demons 13:00 Boyster 21:00 How I Met Your Mother 13:25 Kickin’ It 21:30 How I Met Your Mother 13:50 Zeke & Luther 22:00 The Simpsons 14:20 Camp Lakebottom 22:30 The Simpsons 03:10 Henry Hugglemonster 14:55 Ultimate Spider-Man 03:20 Calimero 15:20 Lab Rats 03:35 Zou 15:45 Mini Ninjas 03:45 Loopdidoo 16:10 Pair Of Kings 04:00 Art Attack 16:35 Kirby Buckets 04:25 Henry Hugglemonster 17:00 Mighty Med 01:30 Elvis: That’s The Way It Is- 04:35 Calimero 17:25 Supa Strikas FAM 04:50 Zou 17:55 Kickin’ It 03:15 It Happened At The World’s 05:00 Loopdidoo 18:20 Lab Rats MAXIMUM CONVICTION ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION Fair-FAM 05:15 Art Attack 18:45 Phineas And Ferb Classifieds



SHARQIA-1 THE RUNNER 1:00 PM FANAR-3 ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 3:00 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 12:00 PM ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 5:00 PM ALL IS WELL - Hindi 3:00 PM ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 7:00 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 6:00 PM ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 9:00 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 9:00 PM THE RUNNER 11:00 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 12:05 AM THE RUNNER 1:00 AM FANAR-4 SHARQIA-2 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 12:15 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 12:15 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 2:45 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 2:45 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 5:15 PM FANTASTIC FOUR 5:15 PM OPERATOR 7:45 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 7:30 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 10:15 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 10:00 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 12:45 AM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 12:30 AM FANAR-5 SHARQIA-3 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 1:15 PM MINIONS 12:30 PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 3:45 PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 2:30 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 6:30 PM BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 5:30 PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 9:00 PM SHAD AGZAA 8:30 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 11:45 PM OPERATOR 10:45 PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 12:45 AM MARINA-1 ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 12:30 PM MUHALAB-1 RETURN TO SENDER 2:30 PM ACCOMMODATION BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN -Hindi 1:00 PM ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 4:30 PM ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 4:00 PM ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 6:30 PM ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 6:00 PM ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 8:30 PM Sharing accommodation ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 8:00 PM THE RUNNER 10:30 PM immediately available for THE RUNNER 10:00 PM RETURN TO SENDER 12:30 AM vegetarian Indian small THE RUNNER 12:05 AM family or working women MARINA-2 near Al-Rashid hospital, MUHALAB-2 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 11:45 AM Salmiya, from 23rd August INSIDE OUT 11:45 AM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 2:15 PM INSIDE OUT 2:15 PM FANTASTIC FOUR 4:45 PM onwards. Contact: MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 4:30 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 7:15 PM 99838117 / 99315825. OPERATOR 7:15 PM OPERATOR 9:45 PM (C 5026) SHAD AGZAA 9:15 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 12:05 AM SHAD AGZAA 11:30 PM For Filipino ONLY near MARINA-3 Gulfmart Block 1 Farwaniya. MUHALAB-3 MINIONS 12:00 PM Available on September 25, Zaid Mohammed Hassan, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 12:45 PM SHAD AGZAA 2:00 PM Contact 94418396 or roll no.: 8106166, year: THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 3:15 PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 4:15 PM 94033908 2012-2013. Contact: FANTASTIC FOUR 5:45 PM SHAD AGZAA 7:00 PM 24-8-2015 66644112/50079393. THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 8:15 PM SHAD AGZAA 9:15 PM Address: P.O. Box: 394, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 10:45 PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 11:30 PM 13004, Safat, Kuwait. THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E 1:00 AM MATRIMONIAL (C 5025) AVENUES-1 22-8-2015 FANAR-1 ANT-MAN 12:30 PM Inviting marriage propos- ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING 1:00 PM FANTASTIC FOUR 3:15 PM als for CSI Christian girl 24 FANTASTIC FOUR 3:15 PM HAYATI MOUBAHDILAH 5:30 PM years/155cm/BDS from cen- ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING 5:45 PM FANTASTIC FOUR 7:45 PM tral Travancore, staying with SHAD AGZAA 9:38 PM FANTASTIC FOUR 10:00 PM parents in Kuwait. If inter- SHAD AGZAA 10:00 PM FANTASTIC FOUR 12:15 AM FOR SALE SHAD AGZAA 12:15 AM ested please contact with full details AVENUES-2 Toyota Land Cruiser 2011 Prayer timings FANAR-2 THE RUNNER 12:45 PM [email protected] ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 11:30 AM THE RUNNER 3:00 PM 24-8-2015 white, mileage 71,000 kms, immaculate condition, Fajr: 03:56 ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 1:30 PM INSIDE OUT 5:00 PM Shorook 05:21 THE RUNNER 3:30 PM THE RUNNER 7:15 PM owner driven, Al Sayer ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 5:30 PM THE RUNNER 9:15 PM LOST garage maintained, KD Duhr: 11:51 ANTBOY: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY 7:30 PM THE RUNNER 11:15 PM 12,000. Contact: 99713442. Asr: 15:26 Have lost my 10th grade THE RUNNER 9:30 PM ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING 1:15 AM (C 5024) Maghrib: 18:20 CBSE marksheet, AISSE with THE RUNNER 11:30 PM 22-8-2015 following details. Name: Isha: 19:50

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (

Arrival Flights on Monday 24/8/2015 KAC 620 Doha 13:10 Departure Flights on Monday 24/8/2015 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 Airlines Flt Route Time THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 Airlines Flt Route Time AGY 685 Sohag 12:40 THY 772 Istanbul 00:15 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 AIC 982 Ahmedabad/Chennai 00:05 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 FDB 076 Dubai 13:10 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 KNE 460 Riyadh 14:10 JZR 562 Sohag 00:20 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 UAL 981 IAD 00:25 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 FDB 057 Dubai 14:20 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:25 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 GBB 4763 Sarajevo 01:00 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JZR 539 Cairo 01:30 KNE 472 Jeddah 14:55 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 JAI 574 Mumbai 01:30 KAC 538 Sohag 14:55 PIA 206 Lahore 00:40 FDB 058 Dubai 15:05 ETH 3403 Addis Ababa/Riyadh 01:35 RJD 135 Abu Dhabi 15:00 JZR 502 Luxor 01:10 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:40 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 KNE 481 Taif 15:10 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 OMA 645 Muscat 15:05 THY 773 Istanbul 02:05 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 MEA 408 Beirut 01:50 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 KAC 673 Dubai 15:20 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 KAC 1802 Cairo 15:35 MEA 409 Beirut 02:50 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 OMA 643 Muscat 02:05 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 JAI 525 Abu Dhabi/Chennai 02:55 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 NIA 251 Alexandria 15:50 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:55 KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:15 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 ETH 3403 Addis Ababa 03:05 KNE 473 Jeddah 16:00 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:00 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:10 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:00 MSC 403 Asyut 02:30 MSR 1610 Cairo 16:00 MSC 404 Sohag 03:30 OMA 646 Muscat 16:05 THY 768 Istanbul 02:50 JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 OMA 644 Muscat 03:35 RJD 136 Abu Dhabi 16:10 QTR 1076 Doha 02:55 FDB 051 Dubai 16:10 THY 769 Istanbul 03:40 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 QTR 1072 Doha 16:20 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:45 RJA 644 Amman 03:10 KAC 118 New York 16:30 RJA 645 Amman 03:55 MSR 1611 Cairo 16:45 CEB 7694 Manila 03:10 JZR 257 Beirut 16:30 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 NIA 252 Alexandria 16:50 FDB 067 Dubai 03:15 KAC 792 Madinah 16:50 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 KAC 562 Amman 17:00 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 KAC 1544 Cairo 03:35 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 CEB 7695 Manila 04:40 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 THY 1464 Istanbul 03:55 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 PGT 861 Istanbul 04:45 QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 THY 765 Istanbul 04:55 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 PGT 860 Istanbul 04:05 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:15 JZR 483 Istanbul 18:20 JZR 560 Sohag 05:00 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 THY 770 Istanbul 04:40 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:35 QTR 1077 Doha 05:05 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 THY 5586 AYT 05:05 KAC 502 Beirut 18:35 THY 1465 Istanbul 05:55 JZR 538 Cairo 18:40 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 KAC 542 Cairo 18:55 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 JZR 124 Bahrain 19:20 BAW 157 London 06:35 KAC 618 Doha 18:55 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 JZR 1541 Cairo 06:40 KAC 104 London 19:00 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 JZR 563 Sohag 06:45 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 JZR 503 Luxor 07:20 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:30 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:10 KAC 537 Sohag 08:20 KAC 361 Colombo 20:00 IRC 6521 Lamerd 07:40 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 BAW 156 London 08:30 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 OMA 641 Muscat 07:50 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:40 IRC 6522 Lamerd 08:35 FDB 062 Dubai 20:35 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 FDB 061 Dubai 19:50 OMA 642 Muscat 08:50 KAC 283 Dhaka 20:40 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 AGY 684 Sohag 19:50 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 KAC 333 Trivandrum 20:45 KAC 154 Istanbul 08:10 OMA 647 Muscat 20:00 KAC 1801 Cairo 09:00 AGY 681 Alexandria 20:50 KAC 344 Chennai 08:15 KAC 674 Dubai 20:00 JZR 256 Beirut 09:05 KAC 1543 Cairo 20:55 KAC 352 Kochi 08:15 KNE 480 Taif 20:10 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 OMA 648 Muscat 21:00 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 KAC 351 Kochi 21:05 KAC 362 Colombo 08:30 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:20 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:30 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:10 KAC 284 Dhaka 09:00 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 KAC 619 Doha 09:30 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 IRA 667 Esfahan 09:05 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:40 JZR 482 Istanbul 09:40 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 MSR 619 Alexandria 21:40 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:10 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:15 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:05 KAC 350 Kochi 09:40 FDB 073 Dubai 21:30 IRA 666 Esfahan 10:05 FDB 074 Dubai 22:10 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 QTR 1071 Doha 10:40 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 SYR 343 Damascus 09:50 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 FDB 056 Dubai 10:40 KAC 381 Delhi 22:20 ABY 129 Sharjah 10:00 THY 764 Istanbul 22:10 ABY 120 Sharjah 10:40 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 SYR 344 Damascus 10:50 KAC 349 Kochi 22:30 UAE 873 Dubai 10:40 JZR 125 Bahrain 22:15 KAC 501 Beirut 11:00 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:30 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 AIC 975 Chennai 22:25 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:25 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 AXB 889 Mangalore/Bahrain 11:15 RBG 551 Alexandria 22:30 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 FDB 059 Dubai 22:50 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 JZR 561 Sohag 11:25 JZR 185 Dubai 23:00 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 THY 5579 TZX 23:00 AGY 680 Alexandria 11:40 JAI 526 Chennai/Abu Dhabi 23:00 KAC 791 Madinah 12:00 KAC 153 Istanbul 23:00 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 RBG 555 Alexandria 23:25 KAC 541 Cairo 12:05 KAC 205 Islamabad 23:05 FDB 075 Dubai 12:25 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 UAE 874 Dubai 12:10 RBG 552 Alexandria 23:10 JZR 241 Amman 12:40 FDB 071 Dubai 23:35 KAC 103 London 12:10 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:25 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 KLM 411 Amsterdam/Dammam 23:40 AXB 890 Mangalore 12:15 FDB 060 Dubai 23:50 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 PIA 205 Lahore 23:40 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 JZR 1540 Cairo 23:50 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

All the big ideas in the world aren’t a viable substitute for one that actually Taking a break from mundane responsibilities enables you to maximize the Sun’s works. However, the difference between a strategy that succeeds and one that visit to your 12th House of Spiritual Mystery. Instead of initiating new projects, fails might be in the execution rather than in the plan, itself. Following through you’re wise to tie up loose ends and schedule time for soul-searching rather than on your promises is top priority while the conscientious Virgo Sun makes its running off to find the next big adventure. The good news is that your current month-long trek through your 6th House of Duty. Integrity counts; put your lofty endeavors are blessed by hidden helpers, whether they are well-intentioned dreams on a shelf for a while and attend to the things that matter most. friends or invisible angels. The universe is offering you assistance, but you must remain open to receiving it. Start with a grateful heart and the rest is magic.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Your creativity is on the launch pad yet, oddly enough, your self-expression isn’t just You are loyal to your closest friends and you tend to demand a lot from them about you. You don’t want to waste energy on touting your talents alone when while the Sun is shining in your 11th House of Social Networking. Thankfully, everyone has a stake in the results. Instead, taking a more egalitarian approach others tend to come through for you now as long as you don’t carry unrealistic includes other people in your process, especially if their artistic, political or philo- expectations. However, you may be thinking in generalities and must clarify your sophical beliefs support yours. Whether you’re gardening, making music or pro- needs before anyone else can jump in to help. Be as specific as possible when gramming the next killer app, your success depends on narrowing your focus and explaining what you want. Paradoxically, the narrower your focus, the greater setting the right goals. In order to reach your destination, you must first know the rewards. which direction you’re heading and who wants to come along for the ride.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You may have your heart set on doing something fun with your Your thoughts are shifting to your career objectives as you reevaluate friends today, only to change your plans at the very last minute. The Sun’s your overall life path. The Sun’s month-long presence in your 10th House of Status shift into your 4th House of Emotional Security is a reminder that you can attracts the attention you crave, gracing you with long overdue recognition. ACROSS DOWN find plenty of ways to amuse yourself while staying at home. However, set- However, don’t let your newly found popularity go to your head or you’ll end up los- 1. Cleaning implement consisting of 1. A Nilotic language. ting aside a chunk of time for some serious contemplation might be part of ing the respect you just earned. Although they’re quite easy to confuse, fame and absorbent material fastened to a handle. 2. A port city of south central Ukraine on an a deeper change of heart. Reconsidering your personal priorities and tak- success are two very different beasts. Redefine your goals carefully because this 4. A genus of herbs and shrubs belonging to arm of the Black Sea. ing care of your own needs is good medicine for your soul. time around you might just get what you want. the family Euphorbiaceae. 3. Female peafowl. 12. A guided missile fired from shipboard 4. Small buffalo of the Celebes having small against an airborne target. straight horns. 15. A sweetened beverage of diluted fruit 5. Any plant of the genus Canna having Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) juice. large sheathing leaves and clusters of 16. Unconsciousness induced by narcotics or large showy flowers. You might believe that you can fit a lot more into your day if you carefully make anesthesia. 6. A colorless and odorless inert gas. Playing the role of the visionary suits you now because your view of the future is a detailed schedule. Unfortunately, too much planning could backfire on you 17. A constellation in the southern hemi- 7. A digital display that uses liquid crystal ultimately a practical one. Nevertheless, you still can get carried away with the now if one little change early in the day causes the entire house of cards to tum- sphere near Telescopium and Norma. cells that change reflectivity in an most pragmatic ideas today, blowing them out of proportion until they have no ble down. Nevertheless, you still could make the most of your day if you’re will- 18. A period of the year marked by special applied electric field. value at all. The best way to put sensible constraints on your agenda is to set ing to let some activities fall to the wayside. Your current happiness is not events or activities in some field. 8. The time that has elapsed. aside specific times for free-floating meditation. Letting your mind wander dependent on external events; it’s more about how you respond to those things 20. A series of mental images and emotions 9. A person who makes deceitful pretenses. allows you to entertain your desires and still return to solid ground with a clear beyond your control. Flexibility is your friend. occurring during sleep. 10. An interruption in the intensity or head and a positive attitude. 21. Adult female chicken. amount of something. 22. A bin that holds rubbish until it is collect- 11. The capital of Eritrea. ed. 12. Formerly a term of respect for important Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 23. Chipmunks of western America and Asia. white Europeans in colonial India. 25. The United Nations agency concerned 13. Of or relating to or involving an area. Your confidence is on the upswing these days with a flurry of social with atomic energy. 14. A large and imposing house. Although you can’t escape your regular duties today, you can still find plenty of activities penciled in on your calendar. However, you are uncharacteristically drawn 26. Gone by. 19. Someone who works (or provides work- time to play. You might try to chase a dimming light, afraid you won’t be able to to examine your feelings today, leading you to choose an intimate discussion with a 27. Existing for a long time. ers) during a strike. reach it before it goes out. But the fun and games aren’t over just because the radi- confidant over the chance to engage in a philosophical debate with friends. Luckily, 28. The compass point that is one point east 24. (British) A waterproof raincoat made of ant Sun has left your expressive sign for the more restrained realms of Virgo. Don’t your psychological deep diving will be rewarded as the Sun and bountiful Jupiter (clockwise) of due north. rubberized fabric. complain; you can’t control the ebb and flow of the cosmic tides any more than you dance in your 8th House of Intimacy and Transformation. But there’s no going it can control the vagaries of your heart. Remember, you’re in it for the long haul; pac- 31. An enclosed space. 29. A cgs unit of work or energy. halfway with your commitment now; you’re either all the way in or completely out ing yourself now enables you to sustain your energy for the challenges ahead. 32. A white trivalent metallic element. 30. Large and brightly colored handkerchief. when it comes to matters of the heart. 34. Load anew with ammunition, "She 33. Fatty pinkish flesh of small salmon reloaded the gun carefully". caught in the Pacific and Great Lakes. 41. Respectful deference. 35. An international organization of Pisces (February 19-March 20) 44. Make uniform. European countries formed after World Virgo (August 23-September 22) 46. The rate at which red blood cells settle War II to reduce trade barriers and out in a tube of blood under standard- increase cooperation among its mem- These are the days you’ve been eagerly waiting for as the iridescent Sun embraces gen- Your world view is expanded through your relationships while the Sun warms ized conditions. bers. erous Jupiter in your sign, illuminating your 1st House of Self. Although you may be gid- your 7th House of Companions. It’s hard to make a bad judgment call since hap- 47. According to the Old Testament he was a 36. A Turkish unit of weight equal to about dy with anticipation, it’s tough to wrap your brain around the potential changes ahead. py-go-lucky Jupiter is busy blessing all types of partnerships now. Happily, com- pagan king of Israel and husband of 2.75 pounds. Nevertheless, you have a rare opportunity to expand your outlook on life through travel, pelling people show up at your doorstep with interesting opportunities in tow. Jezebel (9th century BC). 37. No longer having or seeming to have or education or even a relationship. Just be sure to assimilate the lessons in bite-sized However, the danger in saying yes to every good idea you hear is spreading 48. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. expecting to have life. amounts. Too much growth all at once will give you indigestion of the soul. You have yourself so thin you fall short in all your endeavors. If you want a different out- 50. The West AFrican language of the Wolof 38. A United States youth subculture of the more time than you think so soak in the knowledge and learn as much as you can. come, make a different choice. Listen to your heart and you can’t go wrong. people in Senegal. 1950s. 51. An arm of the Mediterranean between 39. (computer science) American Standard Slovenia and Croatia and Montenegro Code for Information Interchange. Word Search and Albania on the east and Italy on the 40. Any of several tall tropical palms native Yesterday Solution west. to southeastern Asia having egg-shaped 53. Israeli statesman (born in Russia) (1898- nuts. 1978). 42. Evil or harmful in nature or influence. 56. Deciduous round-headed Asiatic tree 43. Away from the mouth or oral region. widely grown in mild climates as an 45. Roman Emperor who was the adoptive ornamental for its heart-shaped leaves son of Trajan. and fragrant yellow-green flowers fol- 49. An unnaturally frenzied or distraught lowed by hanging clusters of fleshy woman. orange-red berries. 52. A state in the Rocky Mountains. 57. Offering fun and gaiety. 54. An industrial city in central Japan on 59. A Tibetan or Mongolian priest of southern Honshu. Lamaism. 55. First in time. 60. Covered or wrapped with a bandage. 58. A rapid escape (as by criminals). 63. (comparative of `near') Being the one of 61. In bed. two that is less distant in space. 62. A feeling of strong eagerness (usually in 68. The blood group whose red cells carry favor of a person or cause). both the A and B antigens. 64. (used of count nouns) Every one consid- 69. God of the Ammonites and Phoenicians ered individually. to whom parents sacrificed their chil- 65. (the feminine of raja) A Hindu princess or dren. the wife of a raja. 72. A city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan 66. A town in north central Oklahoma. River. 67. Avatar of Vishnu. 73. A beckoning gesture. 70. The 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet. 76. The face veil worn by Muslim women. 71. Group insurance that entitles members 78. Game in which matchsticks are arranged to services of participating hospitals and in rows and players alternately remove clinics and physicians. one or more of them. 74. A white metallic element that burns with 79. (Old Testament) In Judeo-Christian a brilliant light. mythology. 75. A metric unit of length equal to 1000 80. A town in southern Turkey. meters (or 0.621371 miles). 81. An agency of the United Nations affiliat- 77. A radioactive element of the actinide ed with the World Bank. series.

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Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 information

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Afghanistan 0093 Luxembourg 00352 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Albania 00355 Macau 00853 Algeria 00213 Macedonia 00389 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Andorra 00376 Madagascar 00261 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Angola 00244 Majorca 0034 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Anguilla 001264 Malawi 00265 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Antiga 001268 Malaysia 0060 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Argentina 0054 Maldives 00960 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Armenia 00374 Mali 00223 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967 Australia 0061 Malta 00356 Austria 0043 Marshall Islands 00692 Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Bahamas 001242 Martinique 00596 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Bahrain 00973 Mauritania 00222 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Bangladesh 00880 Mauritius 00230 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Barbados 001246 Mayotte 00269 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Belarus 00375 Mexico 0052 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Belgium 0032 Micronesia 00691 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Belize 00501 Moldova 00373 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Benin 00229 Monaco 00377 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Bermuda 001441 Mongolia 00976 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Bhutan 00975 Montserrat 001664 Rawda 22517733 Bolivia 00591 Morocco 00212 Bosnia 00387 Mozambique 00258 Adaliya 22517144 Botswana 00267 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Khaldiya 24848075 Brazil 0055 Namibia 00264 Brunei 00673 Nepal 00977 Kaifan 24849807 Bulgaria 00359 Netherlands 0031 Shamiya 24848913 Burkina 00226 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Burundi 00257 New Caledonia 00687 Shuwaikh 24814507 Cambodia 00855 New Zealand 0064 Abdullah Salem 22549134 Cameroon 00237 Nicaragua 00505 Canada 001 Nigar 00227 Nuzha 22526804 Cape Verde 00238 Nigeria 00234 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Cayman Islands 001345 Niue 00683 Central African 00236 Norfolk Island 00672 Qadsiya 22515088 Chad 00235 N. Ireland (UK) 0044 Dasmah 22532265 Chile 0056 North Korea 00850 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 China 0086 Norway 0047 Colombia 0057 Oman 00968 Shaab 22518752 Comoros 00269 Pakistan 0092 Qibla 22459381 Congo 00242 Palau 00680 Cook Islands 00682 Panama 00507 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Costa Rica 00506 Papua New Guinea 00675 Mirqab 22456536 Croatia 00385 Paraguay 00595 Cuba 0053 Peru 0051 Sharq 22465401 Cyprus 00357 Philippines 0063 Salmiya 25746401 Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Poland 0048 Czech Republic 00420 Portugal 00351 Jabriya 25316254 Denmark 0045 Puerto Rico 001787 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Diego Garcia 00246 Qatar 00974 Djibouti 00253 Romania 0040 Bayan 25388462 Dominica 001767 Russian Federation 007 Mishref 25381200 Dominican Republic 001809 Rwanda 00250 W Hawally 22630786 Ecuador 00593 Saint Helena 00290 Egypt 0020 Saint Kitts 001869 Sabah 24810221 El Salvador 00503 Saint Lucia 001758 Jahra 24770319 England (UK) 0044 Saint Pierre 00508 Equatorial Guinea 00240 Saint Vincent 001784 New Jahra 24575755 Eritrea 00291 Samoa US 00684 West Jahra 24772608 Estonia 00372 Samoa West 00685 Ethiopia 00251 San Marino 00378 South Jahra 24775066 Falkland Islands 00500 Sao Tone 00239 North Jahra 24775992 Faroe Islands 00298 Saudi Arabia 00966 Fiji 00679 Scotland (UK) 0044 North Jleeb 24311795 Finland 00358 Senegal 00221 Ardhiya 24884079 France 0033 Seychelles 00284 Firdous 24892674 French Guiana 00594 Sierra Leone 00232 French Polynesia 00689 Singapore 0065 Omariya 24719048 Gabon 00241 Slovakia 00421 N Khaitan 24710044 Gambia 00220 Slovenia 00386 Georgia 00995 Solomon Islands 00677 Fintas 23900322 Germany 0049 Somalia 00252 Ghana 00233 South Africa 0027 Gibraltar 00350 South Korea 0082 Greece 0030 Spain 0034 Greenland 00299 Sri Lanka 0094 PRIVATE CLINICS Grenada 001473 Sudan 00249 Guadeloupe 00590 Suriname 00597 Guam 001671 Swaziland 00268 Guatemala 00502 Sweden 0046 Ophthalmologists Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Endocrinologist Guinea 00224 Switzerland 0041 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Guyana 00592 Syria 00963 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Haiti 00509 Serbia 00381 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Taiwan 00886 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Honduras 00504 Tanzania 00255 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Hong Kong 00852 Thailand 0066 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Hungary 0036 Toga 00228 Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Tonga 00676 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Iceland 00354 Tokelau 00690 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Dermatology Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 India 0091 Trinidad 001868 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Mohammed Salam Rheumatologists: Indian Ocean 00873 Tunisia 00216 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 Bern University 23845955 Indonesia 0062 Turkey 0090 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dentists Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Iran 0098 Tuvalu 00688 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Iraq 00964 Uganda 00256 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ireland 00353 Ukraine 00380 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Italy 0039 United Arab Emirates 00976 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Ivory Coast 00225 United Kingdom 0044 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Jamaica 001876 Uruguay 00598 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Japan 0081 USA 001 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Jordan 00962 Uzbekistan 00998 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Kazakhstan 007 Vanuatu 00678 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Kenya 00254 Venezuela 00582 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Consultant Cardiologist Kiribati 00686 Vietnam 0084 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Kuwait 00965 Virgin Islands UK 001284 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Virgin Islands US 001340 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Laos 00856 Wales (UK) 0044 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Latvia 00371 Yemen 00967 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Lebanon 00961 Yugoslavia 00381 Soor Center Liberia 00231 Zambia 00260 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center Noor Clinic William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Libya 00218 Zimbabwe 00263 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 23845955 Lithuania 00370 lifestyle MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015


Kasabian’s tribute to Cilla Black

asabian paid tribute to Cilla Black as they headlined Meighan was clearly pleased with the reaction the band V Festival. The ‘Days Are Forgotten’ hitmakers dedi- got, telling the revelers: “Thank you Chelmsford, my lovely Kcated their track ‘Goodbye Kiss’ to the late showbiz darlings.” And as a final ‘thank you’ to the supporters, the legend as they performed at the Virgin Media-sponsored band jumped off the stage and interacted with the lucky festival in Chelmsford. However, the tribute was met with fans who had made it to the front row. One fan who mixed reactions from their fans. One wrote on Twitter: watched the set wrote: “#kasabian- you were amazing last “Kasabian dedicating Goodbye Kiss to the late Cilla Black night! #VFestival #VHylands #HylandsParkOnFire (sic)” was a highlight (sic)” Whilst another added: “Still unsure Whilst another shared: “@KasabianHQ rocking my world how I feel about Kasabian dedicating a song to Cilla Black @vfestival #VFestival2015 #Kasabian (sic)” last night (sic)” During their energetic set, the rock band urged the crowd to “make some noise” as they opened with ‘Bumblebee’ before reeling off popular tracks includ- ing ‘Shoot The Runner’, ‘Underdog’ and ‘eez-eh’. Tom

edfoo impresses women with his twerking skills. The former LMFAO star has revealed his Rtop tip to getting a woman’s attention is to shake his derriere because it “keeps things light” and shows his playful side. He exclusively told BANG Showbiz: “If I want to get silly, sometimes I may play Haenow around. There’s a move that I do in the club all the buys time. The girls, they start twerking and stuff and then I start twerking on them and it always gets a laugh and keeps things light. It’s a go-to move for me.” The 39-year-old musician has been using the move a lot mum a house since splitting up with his tennis player girlfriend Victoria Azarenka last year and although the break- up was difficult, he and his pals are enjoying his sin- en Haenow has bought his mum a Rihanna, Jason Derulo, Sean Kingston, gle status. e enjoying his single status.He explained: “I house. The 2014 ‘The X Factor’ win- Destiny’s Child and Nicki Minaj. am single at the moment.”Right now I’m just having Bner has followed through on his fun. I just experienced a relationship and now I’m vow to buy his mother a home following back to my old me, which is what I like to say. Every his victory on the show in December, by time I’m out of a relationship, all of my friends are paying off the mortgage on the house in like, ‘He’s back! He’s back!’ They get all excited. So I’ve which she lives with his brother. Asked been hanging out with the fellas a lot.” what a win would mean to him prior to twerking the show’s final last year, he explained: “It would help get us, my family, in a better place. We live in a council estate and me, my mum and brother live together. So I’d like to sort my family out with somewhere Charli XCX else to live. “I just want to make my mum’s life a bit easier. I’d like it if she didn’t have to worry as she gets older and for her not to have to work quite so hard.” The news the 30-year-old singer has paid off his axes tour family’s mortgage comes as his single ‘Something I Need’ has gone platinum in harli XCX has axed her US tour because she’s

loves the UK, with the hunk hoping to build on “unhappy”. The ‘Boom Clap’ hitmaker recently com- the track’s success with his debut album, Cpleted the first leg of her US tour with indie pop which he is currently recording. Although band Bleachers, but has decided to cancel the remaining no release date has been revealed for the 13 tour dates because she has a “need to be creative” and LP, he has been co-writing songs for the has felt unfulfilled while performing. In a statement, she record with Irish folk band Kodaline as said: “I have some bad news. Regrettably I will not be con- well as songwriter JR Rotem who has pre- tinuing my spot on the “Charli and Jack Do America Tour” viously written chart-topping tracks for this coming autumn. For personal reasons I will not be able to continue this tour. These personal reasons include the fact that I need to be creative. Artists tour for a really really long time and I have been on the road for a while now, probably not as long as some, but for me it feels like an eternity. I am struggling to create whilst I’m on the road and that is making me unhappy.” The 23-year-old star - who released her second major label album ‘Sucker’ earlier this year - continued to say she feels “isolated” when she is unable to write music because of her hectic touring schedule. She explained: “As an artist I need to

Redfoo move quickly and write a lot to not feel restless. Sometimes touring really puts me in this isolated world where I feel down and sad but primarily I struggle to mul- titask and write songs at the same time which is what I need to do to feel OK. I never want to do a show where I just feel like I’m going through the motions. I want to per- Jon Fratelli: ‘Chelsea form and feel alive and like I want to be there and if I force myself to do this, I will not perform a great show for you.” Charli - who has recently been working on new music Dagger’ isn’t special with electronic music producer Sophie - added she felt “terrible” to have had to make the difficult decision. on Fratelli doesn’t think ‘Chelsea Dagger’ is The Fratellis’ best Concluding her statement, she said: “I feel terrible letting song. The track reached the top five in the UK singles chart back you down like this and I really I hope I haven’t messed up Jin 2006 and made the band a household name, but the 36-year- your plans too much. I’ve been honest and even though old rocker and his bandmates Barry Fratelli and Mince Fratelli some of you will be understandably angry, I hope you can doesn’t think the single is “special” Asked about the track, Jon exclu- respect my telling the truth in this matter.” sively told BANG Showbiz: “I never thought it was particularly spe- cial or not special. It had a life of its own then it did very well. Nothing very much really changes for me. I just continue to write songs as songs arrive. I never particularly feel that one’s any more special than the other.” The quirky Glaswegian frontman has just released the band’s fourth studio album ‘Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied’ and revealed the LP is based on fictional characters he has invented rather than his personal life, including ‘Too Much Wine’ which he made because songs about alcohol and rock ‘n’ roll have “always gone hand-in-hand”. Speaking about the track, he explained: “It’s all Spice Girls giggle together fiction. Everything to some degree is fiction, it may get closer to the truth, but that doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily true. Drinking he Spice Girls “giggle like children” when they get together. The five songs and rock ‘n’ roll have always gone hand-in-hand. Drug songs members of the group - Geri Halliwell, Emma Bunton, Mel C, Mel B, and rock and roll have always gone hand-in-hand. “They don’t even Tand Victoria Beckham - all have children now so their meet-ups are Perry and Diplo very different to when they were at the peak of their success, but they still need to necessarily come from personal experience. But too much wine and rock bands seem to fit together quite well. We needed have a “lovely” time together. Emma said: “We just giggle like children but that kind of song, sometimes you just need a bit of light relief.” then we chat like mums, it’s quite weird.”It’s still there with all of us. “Now make Swift diss track we’ve all got children, when we see each other, we hang out and all the kids get on so well, it’s lovely.” Though she adored being a part of the group, 39- year-old Emma - who is rumored to be reuniting with her band mates for aty Perry and Diplo have teamed now is a good time to give her side of their 20th anniversary next year - admitted they didn’t always look great. up for a Taylor Swift diss track. The the story. The source continued: “So far Asked her biggest fashion error during her Spice Girls days, she said: Kformer lovers have reportedly got she’s been very restrained with what “Matching eye shadow with whatever you were wearing. Why did we do together in the studio and bonded once she’s said about Taylor in public but is that? “But it was the 90s. I love having fun with fashion and I always have again over their mutual hatred of the now finally ready to put her side across done. “Once I went to a party in a bright yellow dress with butterflies all ‘Shake It Off’ singer by penning a track via the song - which is all about being over it and matching awful yellow Minnie Mouse shoes. It was horrendous!” titled ‘Crocodile Tears’. A source revealed: fake.” And although it remains unclear “Katy knew Diplo would be just the man whether the track will feature on the fol- to produce ‘Crocodile Tears’ for her and low-up to the 30-year-old singer’s 2013 has now registered it.” The song is album ‘Prism’, she has vowed to release it expected to be retaliation against at some point. The source told The Sun Taylor’s scathing hit ‘Bad Blood’ which newspaper: “It isn’t yet known whether it took aim at Katy, who Taylor once would be released as a one-off or as part described as her “straight-up enemy”. of Katy’s fourth album, but she is keen Diplo has previously spoken about his for fans to hear it.” dislike of the star, which led him to back a campaign to get the singer “a booty”. Up until now, both Taylor and Katy have not specifically mentioned each other’s names in their mysterious feud but while the ‘California Gurls’ singer has remained largely quiet on the subject, she feels lifestyle MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015


Rihanna ‘desperate’ for ‘edgy’ album

ihanna is “desperate for an edgy sound” on package. “Her people have put in calls with the best 2012, and having released albums for three consec- her new LP. The Bajan beauty is frantically try- songwriters on their books and requested they drop utive years beforehand, she knows she needs to Ring to finish her eighth album - which is being everything to help.” The 27-year-old star has already wow her fans with her next album having kept executive produced by Kanye West - but feels anx- released tracks ‘FourFiveSeconds’, ‘BBHMM’ and them waiting for so long. The source told the Daily ious about the quality so is drafting in new song- ‘American Oxygen’ from the record, but is anxious Mirror newspaper: “Rihanna wants another vintage writers at the last minute to ensure the record her album will be a flop if she doesn’t have at least album liked ‘Rated R’ and won’t put anything out proves to be a smash. A source revealed: “Rihanna is one track which tops the charts. They continued: until she’s happy.” desperate for an edgy sound that will appeal to a “Usually writing camps are set up where hundreds European market as well as America.”She’s keen to of songwriters are invited to spend a few days com- emulate the same smash-hit success she had with ing up with tracks for her. This time they’ve gone Calvin Harris’ ‘We Found Love’ in 2011. So far she direct to guaranteed hit-makers as there’s no time to doesn’t feel the songs she has are delivering the full waste.” Rihanna’s last album was ‘Unapologetic’ in

Madden Schumer isn’t too unsure of movie future attractive my Schumer “doesn’t know” if she wants to make more movies. The 34-year-old comic has earned rave ichard Madden is grateful he isn’t “too good Areviews for her debut film ‘Trainwreck’ but thinks looking”. The ‘Game of Thrones’ actor doesn’t she’d rather stick with her comedy series as she hates the Rthink he is particularly attractive, but thinks audition process. She said: “I don’t know if I want to be in that lands him more work as he has seen a number movies.”It’s like this. You read a script and it says, ‘She’s pret- of his “really handsome” friends get turned down for ty, but not gorgeous, the funniest person in the room.’ roles because of their appearance. He said: “I don’t “Then you go in and the casting director says, ‘Wow that think I’m handsome. I have friends who are really was good.’ Then your agent says, ‘They loved you’ then you handsome and they don’t get certain parts because call a week later and say, ‘Have we heard anything?’ and they are too good looking. I’ve never had that prob- they say, ‘No but you’re still in the mix.’ “Then you forget lem. “I look different in every role, which I suppose is about it and that summer you see the role is being played quite handy.” But the 28-year-old star takes care of by Jessica Biel.”Everyone seems like acting in movies is the his appearance, especially when he knows he’ll have brass ring. But after doing one I feel like, ‘OK, I get that a shirtless scene. He said: “My job is like being an that’s appealing but it’s not like, ‘Well now I’ve done a athlete, as lots of roles require you to take your top movie I can’t possibly go back to my stupid TV show.’” Grande to appear off. “It’s not just actresses who get scrutinised for However, the ‘Inside Amy Schumer’ star is also harboring their looks. “I’m no good at balance - I’ll either be other career ambitions. She told Empire magazine: “You Bocelli’s eating healthily and exercising or stuffing too many know, I’m thinking of going to dental school.” on pizzas and beers down.” Despite his success, the ‘Cinderella’ actor is always convinced he’ll never find new album work again once filming wraps on a project. He told Woman magazine: “I still can’t believe acting is a job. riana Grande is to feature on Andrea Bocelli’s new I started as a kid and I’ve been lucky to keep work- album. The 22-year-old pop star and the 56-year-old ing. “But every time I finish a part, I think it’ll be my AItalian have teamed up for the emotion-filled duet last. I don’t feel like I’m conquering Hollywood, I ‘Once Upon a Time in America/Malena’, with the song set to think I got lucky on a few things. “You panic and Meryl Steep for feature on Bocelli’s new album ‘Cinema’, Entertainment start thinking, ‘Oh God, I have no other skills and I’m Tonight reports. The eagerly-awaited new record is inspired by nearly 30.’ the greatest movie songs and has been recorded in five differ- ent languages - Italian, French, Spanish, English and Sicilian. Bocelli has revealed ‘Cinema’ is a dream he’s “harbored for Britannia Award decades”. He explained: “If films are a ‘dream factory,’ the music that supports them embraces these dreams and heightens all of the magic and emotional vitality. “My invitation, my token eryl Streep, Sam Mendes and James Corden presented to Mike Leigh while other recipients have is for these immortal ‘classics’ to merge with the experiences, will be honored at the Britannia Awards. The included Danny Boyle, Christopher Nolan and David with the most precious memories, with the emotions of every Mstars are the first to be named by the British Yates. Adding to the list of winners, ‘The Late Late listener, to become the inimitable soundtrack to their life.” Academy of Film and Television Arts Los Angeles for Show with James Corden’ host will be celebrated Another artist who is keen to collaborate with Ariana is the ceremony, which will take place at the Beverly with the Britannia for British Artist of the Year pre- American singer Nick Jonas, who recently revealed they wrote Hilton Hotel on October 30. The 66-year-old sented by Burberry, celebrating emerging or several tracks together “a couple of years ago” and could actress will be presented with the Stanley established British talent. The win follows his release a duet at some point in the future. The 22-year-old star Kubrick Britannia Award for Excellence in starring role in Disney musical ‘Into the said: “We wrote a bunch of songs a couple years ago when she Film at the prestigious event, following in Woods’ which saw him appear alongside first started making her record.”We wrote together then and the footsteps of a flurry of world- Meryl, Anna Kendrick, Emily Blunt, Chris had a great time writing. “Maybe there’s a collaboration some- renowned actors including George Pine and Johnny Depp. Three further where down the road.” Clooney, Tom Cruise and Robert awards - the Britannia Humanitarian Downey Jr. as well as directors Clint Award, the Charlie Chaplin Britannia Award Eastwood and Steven Spielberg. for Excellence in Comedy, and the Albert Meanwhile, 50-year-old ‘Spectre’ R. Broccoli Britannia Award for Worldwide director Sam will receive the Contribution to Entertainment - will also be John Schlesinger Award for presented to three other stars at Excellence in Directing pre- the ceremony later this year. sented by The GREAT Britain Campaign, honor- ing his huge contribu- tion to cinema having previously also direct- ed ‘American Beauty’ and ‘Skyfall’. Last year, the accolade was

Zoe Kravitz: Female Cavill debated films are a ‘fad’ Army over acting oe Kravitz thinks female-led films will movie industry by insisting filmmakers are enry Cavill considered quitting acting for the Army. The become “a gimmick”. The 26-year-old too safe with their scripts which means the ‘Man From U.N.C.L.E.’ actor - who was pipped to the Zactress believes comedies starring majority of flicks are “really boring” com- Hrole of James Bond by Daniel Craig - admits he worried women in leading roles such as pared to those which were being released he’d never make it in Hollywood and only decided to continue ‘Bridesmaids’ will become a Hollywood 20 years ago. She told The Guardian news- in his profession when speculation about the 007 role brought “fad”, even though she admitted the indus- paper: “I think a lot of films now are really, his name into prominence. He admitted: “There were plenty of try is becoming more equal. She explained: really boring because no one’s willing to times I thought it wouldn’t happen. At one stage I was like, ‘If “There’s a shift happening, but I don’t think offend anymore. “Everything’s become so this next movie doesn’t do well then I’m out, I’m going to join we should get too excited yet. “We have to PC. If you watch any movie that was made the Armed Forces’. “Then I got the screen test for Bond and make sure it doesn’t become a fad: before the mid-90s, there are things that thought, my name is out there now, so maybe I should stick “Bridesmaids’! Oh! That’s funny! It’s funny to are being said and done that no one would around. And I did.” The 32-year-old hunk became an actor as a get a bunch of girls doing crude things.’ “I dare do now.” way of avoiding being bullied at school and found it a way of don’t want it to become: ‘This is the female gaining acceptance from his peers. He told Britain’s OK! maga- version, because that sells now.’ That’s how zine: “I was just decent at acting in school and it was my this industry works: they find what sells and escape. “I was being bullied but no one could make fun of me they turn it into a gimmick. They take all of for playing a character because that’s what I was told to do. the soul out of it.” The ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ “Afterwards, the bullies were like, ‘You were quite good in that’, star - who is the daughter of Lisa Bonet and so I thought it was probably something I should pursue.” Lenny Kravitz - continued to blast the — Bang Showbiz lifestyle MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015

Bon Jovi re-book cancelled Vancouver show

hen Jon Bon Jovi titled his latest single Bridges,” which he said marks the band’s final “We Don’t Run,” he couldn’t have recording with Mercury Records after a 30-year Wknown it would take on new meaning relationship. The singer spoke fondly of his in Vancouver. The superstar had to scramble to memories in Vancouver, especially recording his re-book a show at a new venue after complica- band’s smash hit “Slippery When Wet” in 1986. tions with a promoter forced the cancellation of Bon Jovi went on to record two more albums in a performance in Stanley Park. Speaking to Vancouver. “From ‘86 to ‘92, this was absolutely reporters before the concert at Rogers Arena Saturday evening, Bon Jovi said he’s never expe- rienced anything like the mess with promoter Paper Rain Performances, but that he was deter- mined to go ahead with the show. “Integrity matters. If you give your word to somebody I think you should do the very best you can to follow through on that word,” he said when asked why he felt it was important that he perform. “What started out as just an invitation to go and perform in a park that I liked, and a summertime kind of block party feel, unfortu- nately turned into something rather messy for a lot of folks.” Although he said he wasn’t involved in the circumstances that led to the show’s can- cellation, he apologized to fans for the “turmoil” the situation caused. The public spat between home for the band,” he said. “Our roots are very Bon Jovi’s management and Paper Rain began deep here, at a time when Vancouver was a when the promoter announced earlier this week much more innocent, small town that was far that the show had been axed due to low ticket away.” sales. He recalled the original art for the album Bon Jovi’s team responded that Paper Rain that would become “Slippery When Wet,” origi- hadn’t paid vendors or acquired staging equip- nally titled “Wanted: Dead or Alive,” featured the Revelers dance during a concert of Jewish American singer Matisyahu at the Rototom Sunsplash Reggae festival in Benicassim. — AFP photos ment, and the City of Vancouver said the pro- band posing with bushy beards outside a moter hadn’t acquired the right permits. The closed mine in British Columbia’s mountains. promoter announced it was filing for bankrupt- The record company balked at the art. cy a few days later. It could not immediately be Eventually, Bon Jovi grabbed a garbage bag, reached for comment on Saturday. Bon Jovi squirted water on it and wrote “Slippery When called the snafu “a little embarrassing,” but Wet” - and that simple image became the iconic Jewish musician faces down thanked those who came together to make sure album’s cover. He said it was fitting that the the show went on, including Tourism Vancouver band recorded the album during Vancouver’s and Rogers Arena. “It took our efforts to make Expo ‘86.”It seemed to me like it was Vancouver’s this happen. And there was no way I wasn’t coming out party in 1986. Then, it turned out to going to make it happen,” he said. be in essence Bon Jovi’s coming out controversy with reggae set in Spain Fans who purchased tickets to the cancelled party.”Follow (at)ellekane on Twitter. — AP show were to bring their tickets to Rogers Arena. n American Jewish musician who was “Whoever you are and wherever you come No extra tickets were sold. The show came a day controversially barred from a reggae from raise a flag and wave it in the air,” after Bon Jovi released a new album, “Burning Afestival in Spain before being invited Matisyahu called to the crowd before his clos- back to play performed to catcalls from some ing song. “Let music be your flag,” he added, pro-Palestinian protesters yesterday, though after dancing his way through his 45-minute the concert passed off peacefully after a tense set. Matisyahu, whose real name is Matthew build-up. Matisyahu, who fuses reggae, hip- Miller, earlier this week condemned the hop and rock with Jewish influences in his attempt to “coerce (him) into political state- songs, was uninvited from the Rototom ments” and said politics played no part in his Sunsplash festival last week when he failed to music. reply to a demand to clarify his position on The campaign to eject Matisyahu was led Palestinian statehood. by the Valencia branch of the BDS group, Organizers were forced into a U-turn after which opposes Israel’s occupation of an outcry, with the Spanish government and Palestinian territories and campaigns against Jewish organizations condemning the deci- groups and individuals over their links to sion, and invited the artist to play on the last Israel. It had urged a boycott of the night of the week-long festival. Amid a American Jewish musician after objecting to packed audience at the event in Benicassim, comments he had previously made, includ- near Valencia in eastern Spain, dozens of peo- ing in an interview where they said he had ple whistled in disapproval as Matisyahu took questioned the existence of a country called to the stage in the early hours yesterday, with Palestine. — Reuters some waving Palestinian flags and chanting “out, out”. But many others in the audience of Jewish American singer Matisyahu performs during a Musician Jon Bon Jovi, left, laughs during media interviews in Vancouver, British concert. hundreds applauded the musician as the con- cert got under way. Columbia. — AP photos

Man who housed actress Film Review O’Donnell’s missing daughter arrested, charged ‘Some Kind of Beautiful’ here comes a point in “Some Kind of he man who was housing actress Rosie tor Joseph Coronato said in a statement. His Beautiful” when a boy, his father and his O’Donnell’s missing 17-year-old daugh- bail was set at $40,000 cash. Tgrandfather stand together on a pier, unzip Tter when she was found last week has O’Donnell’s daughter was not named in the their flies and proudly urinate into the Pacific been arrested, the Ocean County prosecutor’s statement, but a spokeswoman for O’Donnell Ocean-a scene of intergenerational bonding that office in New Jersey said on Saturday. Steven confirmed that the arrest was connected to Salma Hayek watches from afar with an affection- Sheerer, 25, of Barnegat, New Jersey, was the investigation into Chelsea’s week-long dis- ate “Aww, isn’t that sweet” expression on her face. charged with third-degree distribution of appearance. “He was involved with a minor, From first frame to last, “Some Kind of Beautiful” obscenity to a minor and third degree endan- and Rosie’s concern has been and always will is some kind of hideous, a perfect storm of gering the welfare of a child, county prosecu- be the health, safety and well-being of her romantic-comedy awfulness that seems to set daughter,” Rosie O’Donnell’s publicist Cindi the ailing genre back decades with the sheer Berger said in a statement. “Rosie is profoundly force of its ineptitude. Commercially and artisti- appreciative for the work the Ocean County cally, this Lionsgate atrocity is pretty much piss- Prosecutor’s Office has done and the diligence ing in the wind. of the local police.” Brosnan plays Richard Haig, a Cambridge liter- Barnegat police said last week that ature professor who specializes in the Romantic Chelsea, who went missing Aug 11 and was poets, and who has an insatiable appetite for reported found a week later, was located in booze and beautiful women. He’s currently Sheerer’s house. The two met through the sleeping with one of his students, Kate (Jessica online dating application Tinder, USA Today Alba), though he tries to do right by her when reported, citing Barnegat police Lieutenant she announces she’s pregnant. The two move to Keith Germain. O’Donnell later turned her Southern California-specifically, to a magnificent daughter’s phone over to police, who investi- Spanish-style villa in Malibu that no one gated it. The phone “revealed evidence of onscreen should be able to legitimately afford- inappropriate communications over the last but their marriage is short-lived, as Kate inexpli- several weeks between Sheerer and the cably falls for some guy named Brian (Ben Kate as a one-dimensional slut; the generic-to- minor,” the prosecutor’s statement said. If con- McKenzie). Richard stays on in the pool house so the-point-of-meaningless title, changed from the victed of the charges, each carries a penalty of he can continue to be involved in his son’s life, rather livelier “How to Make Love Like an five years in prison. — Reuters but he’s clearly a bloke in need of redemption: Englishman”; the subplot involving a greasy With lousy job prospects and his green card Mexican attorney and a south-of-the-border about to expire, he’s facing possible deportation immigration scheme that might have been offen- This photo provided by Ocean County back to the UK. Along comes Kate’s beautiful old- sive if it weren’t so damn uninspired. Prosecutor’s Office shows Steven Sheerer. er sister, Olivia (Hayek), who has never been a fan The two lead actors are as appealing and of her hard-drinking, heavy-flirting brother-in- attractive a duo as you could want to anchor a law, but who’s startled to find herself developing romantic comedy, but they’re grievously ill feelings for him. Watching grown men pee in served here. Even Brosnan’s signature charm public will apparently do that to you. feels a bit gun-shy under the circumstances, while Hayek can’t quite get a handle on Olivia, of Sentimental boost whom we learn little except that she has a fiery Directed by Tom Vaughan (who didn’t exactly temper and garbage taste in men, and longs to cover himself in glory with his 2008 romantic be a writer herself some day. Perhaps the most comedy “What Happens in Vegas”), Matthew foolish aspect of “Some Kind of Beautiful” is its Newman’s screenplay patches together so many witless literary posturing-the way it attempts to banal conventions and moronic stereotypes that teach us something about nonconformist living, it practically begs to be taught in classes as an while positioning the reckless, womanizing example of how not to write a comedy for the Richard as some sort of latter-day Byronic hero. It screen. There is, for starters, the foul-mouthed was Byron, of course, who wrote, “Now hatred is old grandpa (Malcolm McDowell, dreadful) who’s by far the longest pleasure; men love in haste, used as a source of curmudgeonly comedy and but they detest at leisure.” “Some Kind of forced pathos; the cloying use of a cute kid to Beautiful” runs 99 minutes, but your hatred for it give the movie a sentimental boost whenever will last a lifetime. — Reuters the soundtrack isn’t deemed sugary enough; the strained attempt to milk comedy from nonexist- ent Anglo-American tensions, all mimicked accents and mangled Britishisms; the leering sex- Rosie O’Donnell, left, poses with her daughter Chelsea at the opening night performance ism that paints Richard as a lovable Lothario but of the Broadway musical ‘American Idiot’ in New York. lifestyle MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015


Image shows a piece by Thomas Hill, Sugar Loaf Peak, El Dorado County, 1865. Image shows ‘Emerald Bay,’ 1999, oil on canvas by Gregory Kondos. Image shows William Danforth Bliss, ‘Tahoe Tavern,’ Tahoe City, California, 1902, hand-colored photographic postcard by unknown photographer. Nevada Museum of Art opens unique Lake Tahoe exhibit in Reno he first major historical art survey of Lake Tahoe and the Sierra’s infamous Donner Pass Ttakes an ambitious trip through two cen- turies, highlighting the roles of Native Americans and railroad barons and the tourists and scientists trying to halt the loss of clarity in the azure waters. “Tahoe: A Visual History” opened Saturday at the Nevada Museum of Art, featuring more than 400 objects by 175 painters, photographers, architects, basket weavers and sculptors. Arranged chrono- logically for the most part, it combines culturally and historically significant creations with contem- porary works. This Image provided by Nevada Museum of Art shows a piece by Lordy Rodriguez, ‘Lake “It’s a visual encyclopedia of the lake,” said Tahoe,’ 2014, ink on paper that is part of a new exhibit ‘Tahoe: A Visual History’ at the William Fox, director of the Reno museum’s Center Nevada Museum of Art, in Reno, Nev. — AP photos for Art + Environment. The project’s been in the works for five years, said Ann M Wolfe, the muse- um’s senior curator/deputy director. “America’s most iconic landscapes, places like Yosemite, Niagara Falls, and Yellowstone, have been studied by art historians and scholars extensively, but as far as art history goes, this Tahoe-Donner region has been unrecognized,” Wolfe said. “So much art has been made about this great historical narrative of the Sierra being this bound- ary to American progress in the 19th century - the trials of the Donner Party followed by the success of the Transcontinental Railroad as a symbol of progress,” she said. “But it’s never really been brought together.” For the first time, all 15,000-square feet of the and Lorenzo Latimer, much of it commissioned by cloudy water based on the clarity measured that museum’s gallery space will be devoted to a single rail barons. The section also touches on Chinese year. theme. “To do it justice, it had to be the whole laborers, many who died while laying the rails. The region’s art has been neglected, Fox said, museum,” said Amanda Horn, communications because Tahoe was developed largely as a “private director. Through Jan 10, the exhibit will showcase ‘Private playground’ playground” with estates built on the riches of min- the works of Ansel Adams, Albert Bierstadt and The most treacherous stretch was just north of ing and timber. “The lake was caught up in this very Frank Lloyd Wright. But it begins with the largest Tahoe at Donner Pass, which gets its name from a powerful resource extraction,” Fox said. “It was pri- collection of Washoe Indian baskets ever displayed disastrous journey that left settlers stranded, result- vatized very early on. It never had a chance to in one place, many by Louisa Keyser, known as ed in dozens of death and prompted some to become a national park, which normally is what “Datsolalee.” resort to cannibalism in the winter of 1846-47. It’s you do with a scenic climax, like the Grand Canyon Next, visitors follow maps and journals of west- about 40 miles from Reno. The exhibit references or Mount Rainier. You memorialize it.” With all the ern explorers, including John C. Fremont and John ideas that never materialized at Tahoe, including a beautiful imagery, Wolfe concedes some might cri- Muir. The path tracks the arrival of the plan to build a bridge in the 1960s across Emerald tique the show as being “boosterish.” “But there’s Transcontinental Railroad in the 1860s and the Bay and a resort designed by Wright in 1923. A 4x4 also some critical chapters in our history we are ensuing logging and mining boom, the shift from model of Wright’s “Summer Colony” is displayed. addressing,” she said, including the “history of timber to tourism and the rise of the resorts in the The exhibit closes with works by sculptor Maya Lin, Chinese railroad labor that has all but been forgot- early 20th century before environmentalism including pins arranged on the wall in an outline of ten.” — AP emerged and scientists began to study Tahoe’s the lake and its tributaries and glass bubbles on ecosystem. A centerpiece is the 19th century paint- the floor. The size of each varies based on precipita- ings of Bierstadt, Edwin Deakin, Maynard Dixon tion received that year. Each contains clear or

This Image shows a sketch of a cabin designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, ‘Lodge Type Cabin, Image shows some of the intricate baskets on display as a part of the Image shows a 1994 large-scale installation by Hung Liu entitled ‘Jiu Jin Lake Tahoe Summer Colony, California: Perspective and Plan, 1923. exhibit ‘Tahoe: A Visual History’. Shan (Old Gold Mountain)’.

Native Americans’ totem pole journeys to oppose coal exports Native American tribe is taking a 22-foot totem pole team to create it, said the tribe’s master carver Jewell Pacific International Terminals, the company that has pro- from Canada through the Pacific Northwest to James. Traditionally, totem poles use powerful symbols to posed building the terminal at Cherry Point just south of AMontana in opposition of proposed coal export ter- depict visions, pass on tribal mythology or mark important the Canadian border, did not immediately return calls for minals. A team from the Lummi Nation, from Washington’s tribal or family events, Jewell said. They’re used at cere- comment regarding the environmental impacts of the ter- Puget Sound, started the journey on Friday. The pole will monies, to honor the deceased, or to record stories. But minal. travel more than 1,300 miles by truck, from Vancouver, over the past years, the tribe has put them to a novel use; Supporters say the projects would create jobs and gen- British Columbia, to Missoula, with multiple stops in tribal members have taken the totem poles off the reserva- erate revenue for local governments. They also say export- Washington and Oregon. Its journey includes blessing cer- tion to areas struck by disaster or facing a crisis, as symbols ing large amounts of coal to Asia would have a negligible emonies at each of the proposed coal ports and in tribal of strength and wisdom, Jewell said. The Lummi have effect on global greenhouse gas emissions. At each stop on communities and houses of worship along the oil train delivered totem poles to New York, Pennsylvania and the totem pole route, the tribe will present the pole to the route. Washington, DC, after the 911 terrorist attacks. Last year, community at a meeting with environmental activists, faith The totem pole is destined for Montana’s Otter Creek the tribe took a totem pole to Sioux territory in Northern leaders and local residents. The tribe will offer the totem Valley, the location of a proposed coal mining expansion Alberta to oppose tar sand mining, and the previous year pole to the Northern Cheyenne Nation at Otter Creek in that would serve the Pacific Northwest terminals. The to Vancouver to protest a proposed oil pipeline. Montana. That tribe will then take the pole on another Lummi Nation and other tribes are against building coal- three-week journey to oppose the coal expansion. export terminals at Cherry Point near Bellingham, in Flying eagle Afterward, it will be placed upright at a totem pole raising Longview, and at the Port of Morrow on the Columbia The symbols carved into the current totem are to ceremony on the Cheyenne Nation reservation. — AP River. Cherry Point encompasses the Lummi Nation’s ances- encourage wise decisions that protect the environment, tral sites and traditional fishing grounds. The projects Jewell said. They include a medicine wheel, which symbol- would export millions of tons of coal annually to Asia. The izes the transfer of traditional knowledge to tribal mem- tribes say the terminals would disrupt treaty-protected bers; a flying eagle, which stands for spiritual knowledge; In this photo provided by Paul K fishing rights, contaminate air and water, and harm sacred and a turtle representing the earth. “We’re all united as Anderson, a truck carrying a totem sites. tribes in not wanting coal coming to our territory,” Jewell pole carved by the Lummi Nation The totem pole was created by the House of Tears said. “The coal will contaminate the air and leak into the stops outside Vancouver, British Carvers at the Lummi Nation. It took four months for a water supply. And it will drop as acid rain when it’s burned.” Columbia. —AP Nevada Museum of Art opensunique Lake Tahoe exhibit in Reno

MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 39

New Orleans awash in music 10 years after Katrina The facade of Kermit’s Treme Mother-in-Law Lounge is viewed in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 16, 2015. The vibrant sounds of brass bands and buskers echo through the streets of New Orleans ten years after the birthplace of jazz was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. But while tourists may find hemselvest overwhelmed by choice, locals fear some of the Big Easy’s spirit of creativity and improvisa- tion may have been lost to the floodwaters. —AFP Farewell Crimea: Ukraine holidaymakers flock to Odessa

rina Chapravska has just snapped up the last room of rented out at daily rates approaching a third of the country’s east bordering Russia has paralyzed indus- And much of Ukraine’s own tourism industry is trying a luxury hotel that costs 300 euros ($335) a night and Ukrainians’ average monthly incomes. But Konstantin-an try and is likely to see the economy shrink by nearly 10 to turn the change of luck into a permanent habit for Ioffers a panoramic view of Ukraine’s serene Black Sea investment banker who prefers to keep his last name pri- percent this year. The hryvnia currency has lost about 65 families looking at their summer options. Odessa’s Nemo coastline. But this is not Crimea, whose pebble beaches vate and like many Ukrainians faces obstacles obtaining percent of its value against the dollar since the war start- Dolphinarium-a glass-plated round building that now have long been a favored summer destination for mil- quick travel visas to EU states-seemed to care less about ed-a drop that has put even the relatively inexpensive also offers fitness classes and even birthday package lions across the former Soviet Union-until, that is, Russia the price than he did about heading to Ukraine’s latest resorts of Turkey, just across the Black Sea, out of reach. deals-has never been more packed with awed kids and controversially seized the peninsula from Ukraine last hotspot. “We are young. We want to eat out and go club- Mirabo travel agency owner Svitlana Matviychuk said the their delighted parents. “We have more and more tourists year. The senior company manager and swarms of bing,” he said while splashing around in the hotel pool number of tourists going to foreign destinations “is down from all over Ukraine because of the (economic) situa- tourists around her are lounging instead in the historic with his son. “Odessa has everything you need.” at least 50 percent” since the war’s start. “We have seen a tion,” said Nemo spokeswoman Olga Polyakova. The port of Odessa, 150 kilometers (93 miles) to the west. clear toughening of the EU visa regime,” she added. “This hotels in cities like Lviv and Odessa are also doing their “There is no more Crimea. So here I am in Odessa ‘Tourism boom’ has also had its effect.” best to attract better spending families and not just the instead,” Chapravska said from behind a huge pair of sun- Not all analysts agree. The cost of rooms have tripled relatively thrifty young. Many now offer special course glasses by a shimmering rooftop pool. in some places from last year. Yet the roads remain just as Crimean struggles instructors and cheerful tour group leaders as well as She and her nine-year-old son first caught the rays in potholed and service can at times recall the surliest days But Odessa’s gain is a loss for vast numbers of nannies that can free up parents to enjoy time on their Cyprus and Italy’s island of Sardinia before heading to of communism-an era when smiles were at a premium Crimeans who built their lives around selling ice cream own. “The air is fresh, the food is good, and there are Ukraine’s biggest port, a culturally diverse and thriving and group discipline took precedence over personal and renting rooms to vacationers from Ukraine’s main- massages and a pool,” cooed southern Kherson region mecca. Most of New York’s ex-Soviet Jewish diaspora preference. “You can probably describe what is happen- land and various parts of Russia. The region is now only native Maria Ostapenko. “The parents are happy,” the came from this city, which latterly has drawn younger ing as a tourism boom,” said Association of Ukrainian accessible to Russians by air and a ferry service woefully Nemo’s spokeswoman Polyakova agreed. — AFP generations seeking out its rather wild nightlife. But nei- Tour Operators President Igor Golubakha. But he quickly ill-prepared to handle the hundreds of thousands who ther Odessa nor other noteworthy destinations farther added that the domestic industry was growing because might have travelled by train-a service cut by Ukraine at west-from the ancient cultural capital Lviv to Ukraine’s those who no longer viewed Crimea as an option were the end of last year. Crimea’s deputy premier Ruslan patch of the Carpathian Mountains-have ever witnessed trying to save money and avoid going abroad. Balbek said the resort was preparing to welcome three an influx of revelers similar to the one testing their “Unfortunately, the Ukrainian economy is not sending million guests this summer. But independent analysts creaky infrastructure today. out the right signals and people are worried about the put the figure closer to two million-less than half that Soviet-era boarding houses and basic flats are being changes ahead.” Ukraine’s 16-month separatist crisis in seen when the region was still part of Ukraine.

People sunbath on one of the beaches in southern Ukrainian city of Odessa.

A view of one of the newest hotels built in southern Ukrainian city of Odessa. — AFP photos A view of one of the newest hotels built.