
He smiles. You don’t have to go through the trouble. ANITA Aww baby it’s no trouble. I’ll be by in a minute. If you’re not home I’ll leave with Jess and the kids. He pauses. ANITA (CONT’D) I’ll bring two. DEXTER Thank you Miss Anita. A warm smile crosses her face. ANITA You’re welcome baby.

EXT. CARRIZAL ST - NIGHT Dexter sits out in front his house under the street lights sippin’ a beer and munchin’ on some of Miss Anita’s sweet potato pie. He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out some old photos of him and his brother from another mother. DEXTER Thick as thieves. From kickball at Guadalupe to chasing the freaks at Balboa and beyond. (beat) I miss you brotha. Dexter wipes a tear from his eye then... CAMERON (O.S.) I miss you too bro. Dexter looks over, gasps, and falls from his chair! CAMERON COOK stands there smiling with an angelic glow around him. Dexter blinks rapidly and fiercely wipes his eyes. He looks at his slice of pie. 58.

DEXTER What the hell did she put in that pie?! CAMERON It’s not the pie. Dexter starts to freak out. He throws whatever he can grab. A paper towel. CAMERON (CONT’D) Dude. His beer bottle which Cameron catches. CAMERON (CONT’D) Ok. Dexter grabs the pie with his bare hands, then throws the paper plate. CAMERON (CONT’D) Bro now you’re littering. Now the pie. CAMERON (CONT’D) Dude! You threw Miss Anita’s sweet potato pie. You can go to hell for that! Dexter gasps and his eye bulge. CAMERON (CONT’D) Just kiddin’. But seriously stop throwing shit at me. Dexter’s paralyzed. The only body part moving is his chest from all his deep breaths. CAMERON (CONT’D) I really need you to calm down for a minute. DEXTER But you died. I eulogized you. Cameron steps over and kneels down. CAMERON Yes I did. And thank you for the eulogy. It was very moving. There wasn’t a dry eye up there. 59.

DEXTER It was that good? CAMERON Yeah man. Even the Big Man was touched. DEXTER (smirking) No shit? (beat) Hold up! That means your a freakin’ ghost, a spector or some shit. CAMERON I’m not a ghost or a spector and you need to stop watching Ghost Adventures. DEXTER Then why are you glowing? Cameron looks at himself. CAMERON Ah shit, my bad. He taps his chest the glow goes away. CAMERON (CONT’D) (smiles) Still gettin’ used to this. DEXTER This ain’t funny Cam. CAMERON It is a little bit. C’mon get up. Cameron reaches out his hand. Dexter hesitates for a second the takes Cameron’s hand. They both stand, then still gripping each other’s hand they come in for a bro hug. CAMERON (CONT’D) I’s good to see you man. DEXTER You too. You have a lot of explaining to do. CAMERON I know. Let’s take a walk. 60.

INT. GENEVA LIQUORS - NIGHT The pair strolls into a corner liquor store and move straight to the fridges. CAMERON So here’s the deal. I did die and I went to Heaven. DEXTER Congrats. CAMERON Thanks. Dexter reaches in and grabs two beers. The store CLERK looks up, but only sees Dexter. CAMERON (CONT’D) But I was sent back. The two walk down the aisle to the counter still conversing. DEXTER You got kicked out of Heaven? You’ve only been there two weeks. CAMERON I didn’t get kicked out. I was sent back to earth to handle some unfinished business. Now at the counter. Dexter places the two drinks on the counter DEXTER By who? CAMERON Who do you think? The store clerk just stares at Dexter. DEXTER So you’re tellin’ me God himself sent you back to earth to handle some (air quotes) Unfinished business? Dexter notices the look on the clerk’s face. 61.

DEXTER (CONT’D) (to the clerk) What’s up? CLERK Are you sure you need both of these? DEXTER Yeah one for me and my b... Dexter turns to Cameron. DEXTER (CONT’D) (to Cameron) No one can see you but me huh? CAMERON (cheesy grin) Yeah. DEXTER So this dude thinks I’m talking to myself? CAMERON (still cheesing) Yup. DEXTER Even in the afterlife you’re an asshole. CAMERON That’s no way to speak of the dead. Dexter turns back to the clerk. DEXTER You’re right. I just need one. Dexter drops a few singles on the counter.

EXT. COW PALACE - NIGHT The pair trek along an empty access road adjacent to the decades old event center. CAMERON So let’s talk about what happened.