Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 Understanding the needs of the laboratory From the publishers of SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING WORLD Transform Digital Lab Consulting® provides independent strategic consulting to enable organisations of all sizes to transform their business through better use of informatics. We provide clear, actionable advice to help companies find the most effective solution for their environment. We have over 20 years of experience across the entire value chain, from early research to manufacturing. We are based in the UK and work globally with our clients and partners. Discover more at +44 (0)1543 547607
[email protected] LABWARE LIMS and ELN in a single platform Automation software for all laboratories Offices worldwide supporting customers in more than 125 countries CDD BH EU 297x210mmV4.pdf 1 30/09/2020 11:54 CDD BH EU 297x210mmV4.pdf 1 30/09/2020 11:54 C M C Y M CM Y MY CM CY MY CMY CY K CMY K CDD BH EU 297x210mmV4.pdf 1 30/09/2020 11:54 Contents t is clear that Covid-19 has had a significant impact on laboratory operations. Even for laboratories that are not working directly on Covid-19 Itesting, drug and vaccine development, restrictions on laboratory space and access to equipment are putting a significant burden on scientists. Thankfully, laboratory informatics software tools can shoulder some of that burden by providing a platform for remote Software tools help combat Digitial transformation access, automation of laboratory operations 4 Covid-19 22 or by providing access to data and tools for collaboration to keep scientists working Robert Roe looks at how Covid-19 is driving Sophia Ktori looks at the role software plays in productively.