Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! workers.org Vol. 58, No. 51 Dec. 29, 2016 $1 Campus rape culture & sports 5 U.S. Out of Syria No fake ‘humanitarian’ interventions!

By Deirdre Griswold way have been people of color. White supremacy has always played The city of Aleppo in Syria has a big part in “justifying” colonial been liberated from reactionary and imperial expansion. fighters — those supported by the When the U.S. CIA, as early as U.S., Qatar, and oth- 1979, first supplied and trained ers — who had taken over the city what would become the Taliban to by deadly violence some four years fight a secular revolutionary gov- ago. ernment in Afghanistan, the excuse Most of the forces the Syri- was anti-communism. The excuses an Army was up against, like the for the costly and destructive wars al-Nusra Front, had been character- the U.S. has waged since then in ized as “terrorist” by the U.S. itself Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria have just a couple of years ago. Yet some- varied from needing to eliminate how, the powerful Western media “weapons of mass destruction” to have now managed to convince a lot their leaders being “brutal dicta- of people that the liberation of Alep- tors” whose overthrow would be a po from these forces of extreme re- “humanitarian” intervention. Those action was a terrible thing and that excuses have all been lies. the government of Syria should be The suffering now in Aleppo has hated for it. its roots in U.S. imperialist machi- This issue of Workers World has nation and destabilization. It’s time several articles rebutting that false to end the phony “humanitarian” conception. Our view is based, first interventions conceived by Wall and foremost, on the recognition Street and executed by the mili- that the is an imperi- tary-industrial complex. Peace for alist country that has used violence Syria means U.S. hands off! for more than a century to grab and Turn to pages 6-7 for some his- exploit huge areas of the world. torical reality and accuracy on the Most of those oppressed in this present situation in Syria.

Workers’ unity for #J20 3

U.S. injustice system 5

A century of lies 6 Subscribe to Workers World 4 weeks trial $4 1 year subscription $30 Aleppo and phony news 6-7 Sign me up for the WWP Supporter Program: workers.org/articles/donate/supporters_/ Live like Fidel, tweet like René 8 Name ______European Union in crisis 9 Email______Phone ______

Street______City / State / Zip______President impeached in south Korea 10 Workers World 212.627.2994 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl, NY, NY 10011 workers.org China-U.S. conflicts 11 Page 2 Dec. 29, 2016 workers.org

War hero dies Stopped My Lai massacre

By John Catalinotto  In the U.S. On Dec. 13, Larry Colburn died. He was the last survi- War hero dies: Stopped My Lai massacre ...... 2 vor of a U.S. helicopter crew who were among the best of the heroes of the Vietnam War — on the U.S. side. This is #J20: The working class must unite ...... 3 their story. Michigan: Teachers’ unions push back right-wing attack . 3 It was 16, 1968. A U.S. helicopter gunship was Iowa: Workers unionize at military-industrial PAE . . . . .3 ready to do battle with Vietnamese guerrillas. It hovered Freedom fighters converge in Mississippi ...... 4 over My Lai that morning. Its task was to draw enemy fire ‘Days of Action’ all December for Standing Rock . . . . . 4 and expose their positions. Rape culture, sports and profits ...... 5 What the three members of that helicopter crew ob- served — and it took a while for them to realize what was Dylann Roof and the U.S. injustice system ...... 5 going on — was one of the worst massacres of a U.S. war A century of lies about Russia ...... 6 of aggression and occupation filled with atrocities and A young worker’s take on Syria ...... 6 massacres. The officer in charge of the company attack- Speaking tour exposes U.S. lies about Syria ...... 7 ing a Vietnamese village, Lt. William Calley, had ordered Larry Colburn at 1970 trial of Lt. William PA rallies on International Day for Migrants ...... 9 his troops to set fire to the homes and to kill everyone in Calley for the My Lai massacre in Vietnam. Letter: Aid Indigenous struggle in New Jersey ...... 11 the village. In the course of the day, more than 500 Vietnamese man beings. But to act on that was enough to require real  Around the world civilians were killed, almost all elders, women and chil- bravery. In the best tradition of soldier-resisters, they U.S. out of Syria ...... 1 dren, with few or no guerrillas. This carnage became turned their guns around on the real enemy. Fidel’s ‘battle of ideas’ comes to Twitter ...... 8 known as the My Lai massacre. Calley was convicted of premeditated murder and sen- When the helicopter crew — Colburn, Chief Warrant tenced to life, but President Richard Nixon moved him To live like Fidel, to fight like Fidel ...... 8 Officer Hugh Thompson and copter crew chief Glenn to house arrest, and he only served 3.5 years of his sen- Ultra-right parties take anti-EU stance ...... 9 Andreotta — realized what was going on, they did their tence. He lives in Miami now. So. Korea: What’s behind the president’s impeachment .10 The bravery of the helicopter crew that stopped Cal- best to stop it. Thompson seized the initiative, landed the U.S. threats in South China Sea ...... 11 copter, jumped out and confronted Calley and the platoon ley’s mass murder was mirrored and multiplied by thou- he commanded. Thompson threatened that his gunner sands of U.S. soldiers, sailors, Air Force members and  Editorial would fire on them if they continued to kill Vietnamese Marines who began to resist the war from 1968 until the Domestic ‘hacking’ distorted election ...... 10 civilians. last U.S. troops were withdrawn in 1973. They avoided Colburn was handling the machine gun pointed at Cal- combat with the Vietnamese troops, refused orders to  Noticias en Español ley and his troops. He never had to fire. Calley backed fight and, even in extreme cases, killed their own racist El capitalismo en crisis: El gabinete de Trump ...... 12 down. or too-aggressive officers and sergeants. Editorial: Rusia no lo hizo ...... 12 This action rescued the surviving Vietnamese villag- Catalinotto is the author of “Turn the Guns Around: ers. Up to that point the helicopter crew were not war re- Mutinies, Soldier Revolts and Revolutions,” available in sisters or committed radicals. They were just decent hu- January.

We’re taking a break! Workers World publishes 51 issues a year and takes one week off. Next week’s the week! We’ll see you again with our issue of Jan. 5. We’ll also be changing the way we date the paper. For now-outmoded reasons, the paper has Workers World 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. been dated one week ahead for the last 58 years. Beginning next issue, it will be dated the day it comes from the printer. While we’re on our short vacation, we’ll also be watching the news. So if something big breaks, check out New York, N.Y. 10011 our website, workers.org. Phone: 212.627.2994 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.workers.org Vol. 58, No. 51 • Dec. 29, 2016 Closing date: Dec. 20, 2016 Editor: Deirdre Griswold Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell, Who we are & what we’re fighting for Kris Hamel, Monica Moorehead, Minnie Bruce Pratt; Web Editor Gary Wilson Hate capitalism? Workers World Party fights for a ­degrading people because of their nationality, sexual or Production & Design Editors: Coordinator Lal Roohk; ­socialist society — where the wealth is socially owned gender identity or disabilities — all are tools the ruling Andy Katz, Cheryl LaBash and production is planned to satisfy human need. This class uses to keep us apart. They ruthlessly super-ex- Copyediting and Proofreading: Sue Davis, ploit some in order to better exploit us all. WWP builds outmoded capitalist system is dragging down workers’ Bob McCubbin living standards while throwing millions out of their unity among all workers while supporting the right jobs. If you’re young, you know they’re stealing your of self-determination. Fighting oppression is a work- Contributing Editors: Abayomi Azikiwe, future. And capitalism is threatening the entire planet ing-class issue, which is confirmed by the many labor Greg Butterfield, G. Dunkel, K. Durkin, Fred Goldstein, Martha Grevatt, Teresa Gutierrez, with its unplanned, profit-driven stranglehold over the struggles led today by people of color, immigrants and Berta Joubert-Ceci, Terri Kay, Cheryl LaBash, women. means of production. Milt Neidenberg, John Parker, Bryan G. Pfeifer, Workers built it all — it belongs to society, not to a WWP has a long history of militant opposition to im- Betsey Piette, Gloria Rubac handful of billionaires! But we need a revolution to perialist wars. The billionaire rulers are bent on turning make that change. That’s why for 57 years WWP has back the clock to the bad old days before socialist revolu- Mundo Obero: Redactora Berta Joubert-Ceci; Ramiro Fúnez, Teresa Gutierrez, Donna Lazarus, been building a revolutionary party of the working tions and national liberation struggles liberated territory Carlos Vargas class inside the belly of the beast. from their grip. We’ve been in the streets to oppose every We fight every kind of oppression. Racism, sexism, one of imperialism’s wars and aggressions. Supporter Program: Coordinator Sue Davis Copyright © 2016 Workers World. Verbatim copying Contact a Workers World Party branch near you: workers.org/wwp and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is preserved. National Office Boston Denver Lexington, KY Rochester, N.Y. Workers World (ISSN-1070-4205) is published weekly 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl. 284 Amory St. [email protected] [email protected] 585.436.6458 except the first week of January by WW Publishers, New York, NY 10011 Boston, MA 02130 Detroit [email protected] 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl., New York, NY 10011. Phone: 212.627.2994 617.286.6574 Los Angeles 5920 Second Ave. [email protected] [email protected] 5278 W Pico Blvd. Rockford, IL 212.627.2994. Subscriptions: One year: $30; institu- Detroit, MI 48202 Los Angeles, CA 90019 [email protected] Atlanta tions: $35. 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#J20: The working class must unite

All out for J20 Counter-Inaugural! workers and oppressed infrastructure of our oners, vulnerable undocumented work- people are hurt, threat- cities, not for the pris- ers often subjected to wage theft, and The working class must unite! ened, and divided by big- on-industrial com- superexploited precarious workers (often otry and scapegoating. plex, the military bud- mislabeled self-employed). DON’T GIVE RACIST, FASCIST, Now, ­unfortunately, get or wars against Workers and oppressed people UNION-HATING TRUMP “A CHANCE” leaders of the AFL- oppressed people are powerful! Our movement was The presidential election is over. CIO as well as the Auto around the world. growing even before the election. The Trump captured the Electoral College Workers, Steelworkers We need reparations number of strikes was up after years of even though a majority of people in this and Building Trades for our communities decline. Verizon workers, Minnesota country voted — if they voted at all — unions have adopted the — from Detroit and nurses and the Harvard dining hall work- against Trump. The big business media posture of “give Trump a Flint to Puerto Rico — ers were victorious. Prisoners struck on immediately ran headlines blaming the chance.” This is a betray- suffering from racist the anniversary of the Attica Rebellion. struggling, so-called “white working al of our class interests. austerity. Rebellions have broken out in Ferguson, class” for Trump’s victory. It is sadly true What does the Forcibly stop hate Baltimore, Milwaukee and Charlotte. The that millions of working-class whites em- working class need? crimes against peo- Black Lives Matter movement is showing braced or accepted Trump’s hateful rhet- Workers need jobs — a ple of color, Muslims, the world what a fightback looks like. The oric attacking Black people, all people full employment agenda that includes women, the LGBTQ community and im- DREAMers, Fight for $15 and Standing of color, immigrants, Muslims, women, a massive public works program and a migrants — crimes that have been on the Rock are other inspiring examples. Mass people with disabilities, Jewish people shorter workweek with no cut in pay. A rise since the Trump election — along with youth-led protests erupted as soon as the and the LGBTQ community. Many work- national health program that leaves no the hateful rhetoric that encourages them. presidential election results were known. ers and small businesspeople, includ- one choosing between paying costly pre- Plug the school-to-prison pipeline. Stop All of the working class must ing those who lost everything after the miums and going without insurance. A short-term projects like DAPL that poison unite. Organized labor, the first line of 2007-2008 recession, fell for his empty moratorium on evictions, foreclosures the waterways, create no permanent jobs defense for the workers and oppressed, promises to fix the economy. But the polls and utility shutoffs. Quality public edu- and ultimately only help Big Oil and the must see itself as part of the broader work- acknowledge that the strongest base of cation and free college tuition. banks. ing-class movement. Low-wage and pre- support for Trump’s fascist campaign was Restore and expand the social safety The epidemic of police murders of carious workers are a part of this move- white people making over $70,000 a year. net, which has seen heartless cuts in food Black, Brown and Indigenous people ment. Unemployed and underemployed There is only one multination- stamps, welfare, unemployment benefits must come to an end! Jail killer cops! workers are a part. Prisoners are a part. al, global working class. Media “ex- and more. End so-called trade agree- Black lives matter! Workers around the globe — superex- perts” don’t acknowledge that Black, ments like NAFTA and the TPP that hurt The appointment of fast food CEO ploited, often by the same bosses we work Brown or Indigenous voters are also part workers worldwide — not just here. Stop Andrew Puzder is a declaration of war for — are a part. Migrant workers, risking of the working class. Workers who can’t union-busting by the bosses. Reverse the against Fight for $15. We need a $15 their lives to escape war or austerity, are a vote, including prisoners, undocument- dozens of anti-union bills passed by state minimum wage and a union — not part. All of us, together, are unstoppable! ed workers and those under 18 years of legislatures across the country, including as a ceiling but a foundation to build We must show Trump, all the politi- age are part of the working class. In fact, Jim Crow “right-to-work” (for less!) laws. upon. All workers deserve at least $15 cians and the one-percenters they serve: these are the most exploited and op- Labor laws should not be written by peo- and the right to organize and collec- We refuse to be divided! pressed sectors of the working class. ple like the Koch brothers and the DeVos tively bargain. This includes workers in Build a united front and make There is nothing in Trump’s program family. the U.S. South, farm laborers, domestic January 20 a sea of working-class for any of us. Truly, not just some, but all Workers need money to rebuild the workers, workers with disabilities, pris- unity! J20Resist.org #J20Resist Teachers’ unions push back right-wing attack By Martha Grevatt rently are paid out of the General Fund. Detroit None of the heinous bills made it onto the State House floor. Mem- bers of the AFT sent over 22,000 emails, made over 4,000 phone Right-wing Michigan lawmakers in- calls and forcefully lobbied legislators at the State House and in their troduced several bills attacking teacher home districts. Retired members played a big role in the campaign. unions during the final weeks of the 2016 Since Gov. Rick Snyder took office in 2011 there has been a rash of state legislature. The bills died, however, anti-labor bills. Many, including the bill making Michigan a “right- after the Senate declined to take them up to-work” (for less!) state, come out of think tanks led by Amway for a vote. The statewide chapter of the President Doug DeVos. American Federation of Teachers cred- The DeVos family is Michigan’s version of the reactionary billion- its the victory to a mass member mobi- aire Koch brothers. Betsy DeVos, spouse of previous Amway presi- lization, carried out in concert with the dent Dick DeVos, is a major promoter of charter schools and Trump’s Michigan Education Association and the nominee for secretary of Education. state AFL-CIO. The defeat of these latest bills was a great victory for teachers and One of the bills would have forced Michigan students. A new, right-wing legislature, emboldened by the Trump teachers hired after July 1, 2017, off the election and the DeVos appointment, takes over in January. Unions, traditional pension plan — the Mich- PHOTO: KATE WELLS/MICHIGAN RADIO teachers, students and communities need to stay mobilized — not Detroit community members support their teachers at a igan Public School Employees Retire- ­February rally in Michigan. only for phone and email blitzing but also for street action. ment System — and into a 401k savings plan. Another would have cut funding for MPSERS by not contributing for the hours teacher union representatives Iowa spend conducting union business. Senate Bill 280 would have prevented unions and school administrators from Workers unionize at military-industrial PAE negotiating to pay teachers for time in la- bor-management conferences. The AFT By Mike Kuhlenbeck nizers Emily Schott and Madeline Cano. positions, which would mean “abysmal pointed out that this would hurt children, Urbandale, Iowa Schott told WW: “The most moving health insurance and ridiculous hours” as many of these meetings focus on im- thing to me when the workers first came for the workers, according to Schott. proving educational quality. Workers at Pacific Architects and En- to us was how long they had been work- PAE is a major recipient of U.S. gov- State Rep. Gary Glenn — who also gineers Inc. will begin contract negotia- ing there and how horribly the manage- ernment money as a subcontractor for leads the state chapter of the anti-LGBTQ tions on Jan. 21 after winning a “landslide ment was treating them after so many the Pentagon. According to military- American Family Association — had the victory” in their fight to join the American loyal years to the company.” industrialcomplex.com, PAE has been bill amended to prohibit community col- Postal Workers Union Local 44. Despite working for PAE for over 10 awarded more than $562 million in mili- leges from deducting union dues from A four-month organizing drive at PAE years, and some for as long as 17 years, tary contracts since 2007, making its top employee paychecks. As the AFT points conducted by Iowa Citizens for Commu- workers were harassed and subjected to investors very wealthy even as it tries to out, “The cost to employers for deduction nity Improvement (Iowa CCI) and the unreasonable production quotas. Near- nickel and dime its workers. of union dues is negligible. This legisla- Des Moines, Iowa, APWU Local 44 re- ly all the workers had injuries from the APWU Local 44 President Mike Bates tion is merely an attempt to limit the abil- sulted in a vote of 18-8 on Oct. 21 in fa- repetitive nature of the work, and the has been a union steward for 14 years and ity of local unions to function.” vor of a union at the Urbandale location, company was doing nothing to make the president for the past four years. He be- The AFT also warned that legislators which is a subcontractor of the U.S. Post- work safer. Along with company plans came involved with the union drive after were talking about amending the tax code al Service. The organizing drive started for cutting benefits and freezing wages, Iowa CCI organizer Matthew Covington to let the state raid the School Aid Fund to in July when a group of 18 PAE workers, management circulated memos pres- reached out to him for help in organizing finance income tax refunds — which cur- mostly Latinas, met with Iowa CCI orga- suring workers to switch to temporary Continued on page 7 Page 4 Dec. 29, 2016 workers.org Freedom fighters converge in Mississippi

By Dante Strobino ‘In 2016, SHROC continues to be Jackson, Miss. uncompromising in its values and its The Southern Human Rights Orga- commitment in uplifting a radical, nizing Conference celebrated 20 years of multi-generational human rights convergences Dec. 9-11 in Jackson, Miss. Organized by Jaribu Hill from the Missis- agenda that is rooted in anti-capital­ sippi Workers Center for Human Rights, ism, anti-colonialism, anti-imperial- and held at Tougaloo College, a historical- ism and anti-white supremacy.’ ly Black college rooted in the , this SHROC was dedicated to – Yolande Tomlinson, below. “Local Human Rights and Social Justice Activists and Martyrs” such as Mayor A main feature of the conference Chokwe Lumumba, , was support for 5,200 autoworkers , Annie Devine, Nubia Lu- at Nisson in Canton, Miss. mumba, Victoria Gray Adams, Dr. L.C. Dorsey and other freedom fighters from the South, and those from beyond such as Fidel Castro. The conference theme, “Forward Ever, Backward Never: 20 Years of Advancing a Global South Agenda for Human Rights,” focused on many struggles across the

Southern region including panels on WW PHOTOS: DANTE STROBINO. “Smashing Patriarchy: From Black Pow- er to Black Lives Matter and Beyond” and be great if the French workers in Nissan “Strike Back Against Empire: Building could hold a solidarity picket for Nis- International Solidarity.” ‘‘This is not just a Nissan problem. san workers in Mississippi fighting for “In 2016, SHROC continues to be un- These problems are happening a union? That is concrete solidarity that compromising in its values and its com- would scare the bosses.” mitment in uplifting a radical, multi-gen- all over the state of Mississippi.’ Members of Cooperation Jackson and erational human rights agenda that is – Ernest Whitfield the Grassroots Movement rooted in anti-capitalism, anti-colonial- shared throughout the conference the ism, anti-imperialism and anti-white lessons they are learning in building supremacy,” stated Atlanta-based con- The conference raised the issues of turn is the largest shareholder of Nissan. self-determined cooperative economic ference organizing committee member, supporting the freedom of political pris- In June, Christian Hutin, a member of the systems, such as the recently established Yolande Tomlinson. oners and going to the to French National Assembly, visited Mis- Freedom Farms. She continued, “The need is not just to demand reparations for descendants of sissippi on a fact-finding mission, but Re- Sunday panels focused on “Building a lift up needs of women, but to explicitly slaves. Standing Rock and other import- nault-Nissan declined to meet with him. Safe Black Society for a Black Future” and name patriarchy, the system of the male ant struggles were given attention. The conference held a solidarity rally “Pathways to Liberation: Revolution, Re- supremacy and domination that sits at Dec. 10 in front of the plant where Nissan form and Movement Building.” Featured the root of gender domination.” Solidarity with Nissan workers workers Morris Mock and Ernest Whit- on the latter panel were U.S. vice presi- Over the last 20 years, SHROC has One of the main features of the confer- field reported that Nissan has received dential candidates Lamont Lilly from helped Southern organizers to under- ence was support for 5,200 autoworkers $1.3 billion in tax incentives to operate Workers World Party and stand their work within an international at a plant in Canton, Miss., who manu- the plant in Mississippi — money that from the Green Party. human rights framework. Participants facture Nissan cars. A large majority of could have gone to schools, hospitals, le- The conference also hosted many inter- were reminded of the role that the Black the workers are Black. There has been vees, roads and other needs, not corpo- national guests such as Ambassador Jesús freedom struggle has played to elevate all a 13-year effort to organize a union at rate profits. “Chucho” García of Venezuela (U.S. Con- struggles for social and economic justice this plant. Over 40 percent of the work- Whitfield stated earlier in the day: “We sulate) who spoke on the historical links within the United States. ers there are part-time workers, making need auction block redemption. This is between Black Liberation, South America The conference has always been a place it very difficult to organize. The workers not just a Nissan problem. These prob- and the Caribbean, especially Haiti. where Southern labor organizers come have reported two deaths in recent years. lems are happening all over the state of Also present was “Maria,” from the together to share their strategies and sup- They are still fighting for justice. Mississippi with employers.” Donbass region in Ukraine, who talked port each other’s campaigns. The South- The campaign is picking up steam af- Monica Moorehead spoke on behalf of about the U.S. role in violating human ern Workers Assembly hosted a meeting ter support from 35 French and European Workers World Party at the rally, stating: rights there, contrary to media lies. Cha- to continue to build a Southernwide so- policymakers, who signed a letter asking “ Nissan made over $4 billion in profits ro Mina-Rojas, from the Black Commu- cial movement to organize labor in the Nissan to adopt a position of neutrality to- last year off of the low wages of workers nities’ Process in Colombia, was also South, along with supporting a proposal ward union organizing efforts in Canton. in Mississippi. Workers’ struggles should present via Skype, speaking about the to build a National Assembly for Black The French government owns 20 per- have no borders because the exploitation struggles in her country. Liberation. cent of shares of Renault-Nissan, which in by capital knows no borders. Wouldn’t it Free the land! Organize the South! ‘Days of Action’ all December for Standing Rock

By Kris Hamel porate goons who have this writing, defunddapl.org reports that First jury trials attacked peaceful water nearly $27 million had already been di- of water protectors Dec. 19 — Indigenous protectors many times in vested from banks and financial institu- The first jury trials of water protectors peoples and supporters unsuccessful attempts to tions financing the pipeline project. The who have been arrested are scheduled continue their encamp- get them to leave so drill- four biggest (“primary leaders of the key to begin today. According to the Mor- ment in brutally cold and ing can proceed. DAPL loan”) are Citibank (Citigroup), ton County Sheriff’s office, 571 protest- harsh winter conditions at Cannonball, The Oceti Sakowin camp is now called TD Securities, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi ers have been arrested in the last four N.D., to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline the All Nations camp. “We wanted to let UFJ and Mizuho Bank. Others funding months. (bismarcktribune.com, Dec. 15) from being built under the Missouri Riv- the world know our status and to address the DAPL include Wells Fargo, Comerica, On Dec. 14 a court petition was filed er. The Oceti Sakowin (Seven Council the many rumors that have been causing PNC, Barclays, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of by 10 North Dakota and Minnesota law- Fires of the Great Sioux Nation) right- confusion and fear on the internet,” Chase America and Goldman Sachs. yers and organizations requesting that fully fear the pipeline could rupture, as Iron Eyes stated live in a Facebook video Organizers emphasize the importance out-of-state attorneys be allowed to help others have recently across the U.S., and Dec. 10. “Our numbers are around 1,000 of the divestment campaign: “The finan- handle the cases in order to guaran- poison the river for at least the 17 million in the newly named All Nations camp, cial footing of the Dakota Access Pipeline tee defendants’ constitutional rights to people who rely on it for their drinking with 300 in the Rosebud Sicangu Camp is in jeopardy if they do not complete counsel of their choice. water or livelihood. and well over 1,000 in the Sacred Stone the project by Jan. 1. If this deadline is The petition states that 79 North Da- The camps at Standing Rock remain Camp.” (nativenewsonline.net, Dec. 11) missed, a majority of the stakeholders kota attorneys are assigned as public de- despite the Dec. 4 announcement by the Iron Eyes is an activist attorney, a mem- with contracts to ship oil through the fenders for 265 cases, while another 264 U.S. Army Corp of Engineers that it had ber of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and pipeline will be able to renegotiate or can- people have no attorneys. The state has denied the easement permit for Energy co-founder of the Native-American news cel their ­contracts.” only 1,800 lawyers, while the criminal Transfer Partners, co-owner of the pipe- website Last Real Indians. (See defunddapl.org for a complete defense bar has just 70. The petition also line, to start drilling underneath Lake list of banks and lenders as well as in- seeks to cover the cost of additional pub- Oahe on the Missouri River. The camp Movement hits banks funding DAPL formation and ideas on what to do to lic defenders and contract attorneys. members are staying vigilant against Meanwhile, every day in December show solidarity with the Standing Rock governmental, law enforcement and cor- is a #DefundDAPL day of action. As of ­encampment.) Mni Wiconi! Water is life! #noDAPL workers.org Dec. 29, 2016 Page 5 Rape culture, sports and profits

By Monica Moorehead WW COMMENTARY

Bulletin: On Dec. 19, Judge Aaron ministration permanently suspend Mix- Persky, who had sentenced rapist Brock on? Could it be they were more concerned Turner to only six months in jail after about protecting a sports program ranked Turner was found guilty on three counts eighth in a list of the most profitable col- of sexual assault, was cleared of “mis- lege football teams during the 2014-15 conduct” by the California Commission season? (kickoutthecoverage.com) Baylor University was forced to fire its on Judicial Performance. Turner is a football coach, Art Briles, for covering up white Stanford U. swimmer and Persky a 2014 sexual assault by one of his foot- a Stanford alumnus. Turner is out on ball players. Baylor defensive end Sam three years probation after only three Ukwuachu, eventually found guilty of months in jail. two counts of sexual assault, was allowed to stay with the team right after the in- The oppression of women impacts ev- cident. Ukwuachu had a history of abuse ery institution under capitalism. This against women when he was at Boise has been true since the evolution of class State in 2013. divisions — the haves and have nots — According to Sports Illustrated, thousands of years ago. It was class so- Five college football conferences — the (TitleX.info) “­ESPN’s Outside the Lines reports several ciety that gave birth to patriarchal ideas ACC, Big 12, PAC-12, Big Ten and SEC — If the survivor of this heinous crime instances in which Baylor ‘either failed to and attitudes, including the objectifica- raise a combined hundreds of millions decides to bring charges against the Min- investigate, or adequately investigate, alle- tion and dehumanization of women from of dollars during year-end bowl games, nesota players, she will have to face not gations of sexual violence.’ School officials birth to death. including the Rose Bowl, Sugar Bowl, only her accused assailants but their in- at times ‘did not provide support to those This oppression manifests itself in Orange Bowl and championship playoff fluential supporters — not to mention the who reported assaults.’ In one instance, many ways, transcending nationality, games. Protecting these sports events biased, anti-woman nature of the cap- Baylor took more than three years to com- sexual identity, age and class. Even pri- comes down to defending profits — not italist courts. For many survivors, the ply with a federal directive to hire a full- or to the campaign of the openly misog- women as full human beings. choice is either to suffer in silence or to time Title IX coordinator, receiving the ynist, racist, xenophobic president-elect, be shamed and humiliated in public. directive in April 2011 and not hiring a co- sexual assaults, including rape, were on Assailants don’t act in isolation And then there is Joe Mixon, a star ordinator until fall 2014.” (si.com, May 26) the rise in disturbing numbers, especially When women are assaulted by ath- running back with the powerful Okla- The violence against women is not just on college campuses. letes, they have to confront not only the homa Sooners, suspended for one year physical, but also psychological and emo- It is no accident that there is a direct assailant if they choose to, but also pow- for punching a fellow woman student so tional. Princeton University suspended its correlation between sports and rape on erful forces backing these assailants. hard she suffered four facial fractures. swimming and diving team Dec. 15 after campuses. The sexual assault of women Take the Minnesota Gophers football The incident took place in 2014, but the officials found sexist and racist online by male athletes is part of a sickening team that had threatened to boycott the videotape was released Dec. 16, 2016 — comments. Washington University at St. culture shielded by college administra- Holiday Bowl game on Dec. 27 to protest two years later. Louis suspended its soccer team for sim- tions, including presidents and booster the suspension of 10 teammates accused The Sooners’ coach, Bob Stoops, along ilar reasons. Harvard University’s cross clubs, in order to maintain the “integ- of gang-raping an inebriated woman on with the athletic director and university country team was put on probation and its rity” of sports. What is actually being Sept. 2. president, saw the videotape in 2014 but soccer team was suspended for degrading maintained are the obscene millions of The Gophers’ coach supported the decided behind closed doors that a one- comments about women on their group dollars that college sports garner annu- players’ actions without mentioning one year suspension was enough for Mixon, email lists. Columbia University suspend- ally from ticket sales and TV revenue. word about the victim’s accusations. A in his first year of eligibility as a player. ed its male wrestling team. All of these ex- For example, during the two-week Title IX investigation is now underway. Mixon, who is Black, accused Amelia amples are just the tip of the iceberg. “March Madness” tournament, which Title IX is an extension of the Education Molitor, who is white, of hurling racist Protests against rape culture are crowns the winner of men’s basketball in Amendments Act of 1972, a federal law epithets at him and initiating the assault. spread­ing on campuses. It will be a major the Division I National Collegiate Athlet- stating: “No person in the United States Whether true or not, the responsibility focus of the upcoming women’s march, ic Association, at least $1 billion annu- shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded was on Mixon to immediately walk away J21, against Trump on Jan. 21 in Wash- ally will be shared among participating from participation in, be denied the ben- — period, end of story — not to viciously ington, D.C., and an important national schools. The lion’s share goes to those efits of, or be subjected to discrimination punch a woman who, by physical com- step forward for women of all national- that reach the Final Four. Not one penny under any education program or activity parison, was diminutive to him. ities to unite and resist misogyny in all of this revenue goes to the unpaid players. receiving Federal financial assistance.” Why didn’t the Oklahoma coach and ad- its forms. Dylann Roof and the U.S. injustice system

By Gene Clancy capitalist state includes the entire repres- at street demonstrations against Roof’s sive apparatus serving the class interests crime noted that at the same time “[even On Dec. 15, a federal jury convicted of the ruling class. the] protesters arrested in Baltimore had white supremacist Dylann Roof of the On a daily basis, perhaps most import- to endure horrid conditions hours on heinous massacre of nine Black parish- ant for poor and working people are the end.” (Huffington Post as quoted in the ioners of the Emanuel African Methodist cops. For people of color and of oppressed charlotteobserver.com, June 24, 2015) Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. nationalities, the police are often judge, Cops who kill in oppressed commu- Roof had chillingly commented on jury and executioner. nities have virtual immunity from legal his crime in a blatantly racist manifesto On Dec. 12, three days before Roof’s penalties. Even on the rare occasion a that he published online. He had scouted conviction, cops in Bakersfield, Calif., cop is indicted and charged with murder, the church half a dozen times, and also found 73-year-old Francisco Serna, a the final outcome is far from certain. One researched a festival and other Black grandfather suffering from sleeplessness week before the shooting of Francisco churches in South Carolina before set- and signs of dementia, wandering in his Serna, a former South Carolina police of- tling on Charleston because, he wrote, neighborhood just after midnight. Ser- Francisco Serna, killed by Bakersfield, ficer, Michael Slager, was being tried for it is the “most historic city in my state.” na did not make any hostile movements, Calif., police on Dec. 12. killing Walter Scott, an unarmed African (New York Times, Dec. 15) but a police officer fatally shot him seven American. The incident, caught on cell- Four African-American pastors, in- times anyway. phone video, showed that Slager opened cluding Democratic state Sen. Clementa The next day, the Bakersfield Police De- for about 14 hours. ... Family who asked fire as Scott turned his back, ran away Pinckney, were among the six women and partment admitted that Serna was hold- to see their mother was told by BPD that and was shot five times from behind. The three men shot dead at the church known ing not a gun, but a brown wooden cru- if they crossed the police line they would video also showed Slager planting a Taser as “Mother Emanuel.” The historic cifix. In 2015, Kern County, where Serna be arrested.” It is unknown if the cop who near Scott’s lifeless body in an attempt to church, burned to the ground in the late was killed, was identified as having the fired the fatal shots will face any charges. cover up his crime. 1820s after a rebellion of enslaved people highest per capita police shooting rate in (latinousa.org, Dec. 14) But this cop’s trial ended in a mistri- led by one of the congregation’s founders, the U.S. (theguardian.com, Dec. 8, 2015) What police did to Serna and his fami- al. A jury of eleven white people and one Denmark Vesey, was rebuilt and has been Vigils and protests followed this po- ly sharply contrasts with the police arrest Black person could not reach a unani- in use ever since. lice killing. “Our dad was murdered by of Dylann Roof 18 months ago. Armed mous decision on the murder and man- Dylann Roof most certainly deserved BPD,” read part of a statement by Serna’s and on the run, Roof was allowed by cops slaughter charges based on eyewitness to be convicted of both murder and ter- family. “Our dad was treated like a crim- to surrender with absolutely no harm to video evidence. The cop walked free. rorism. But there is more to the U.S injus- inal. ... Our family was questioned and him. The cops even bought him a Burger This is “justice” in a racist, capitalist tice system than judges and juries. The restricted from comforting our mother King meal, causing outrage. Observers injustice system. Page 6 Dec. 29, 2016 workers.org A century of lies about Russia

By Stephen Millies Nearly 27 million Soviet people What’s the real story? As Rev. Jesse died defeating Adolf Hitler. It was Jackson Sr. wrote recently: “Left out of “Documents prove Lenine and Soviet soldiers, belonging to what this brouhaha is the systematic and pur- Trotzky hired by Germans” was the used to be known as the “Red Army,” poseful voter suppression that certainly New York Times’ front-page head- who liberated Auschwitz. Black Lib- cost Clinton the election. The Russians line, on Sept. 15, 1918. eration fighters in the U.S. such as didn’t do it. It was done by right-wing The sensational article — first of Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, partisan state officials eager to suppress a series — claimed Bolshevik lead- W.E.B. Du Bois, Paul Robeson and the vote of people of color, the young, and ers V.I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky Claudia Jones were inspired by the the working poor.” (Chicago Sun-Times, were “German agents” and “the Russian Revolution. Dec. 12) Bolshevist revolution was ar- Wall Street continued Hitler’s cru- A majority on the U.S. Supreme Court ranged for by the German Great sade to destroy the socialist system. gutted the Voting Rights Act — not Russia. General Staff.” The Pentagon spent at least $5.5 tril- Russia did not set up the Electoral Col- According to the Times, the so- lion on nuclear weapons aimed at the lege that’s sending Donald Trump to the cialist revolution, and its millions Soviet state, according to the Nuclear White House, even though of people from many nationalities Threat Initiative. received over 2.8 million more popular who rose up, was just a conspira- After 73 years of attacks from world votes. James Madison, in the 1787 consti- cy hatched by the German Kaiser. capitalism, Soviet leaders capitulated tutional convention, devised the Elector- That was “fake news” 98 years ago. in 1991. Socialist economic planning al College to protect slavery. (PBS News Today’s version — just as phony— Hour, Nov. 6) ers from smashing crates of rifles going was overturned and capitalism was re- claims the current capitalist Russian gov- It was not Russia but the capitalist to former Czarist Admiral Kolchak, who stored. The Soviet Union was broken up ernment threw the U.S. presidential elec- media that gave Trump nearly $3 billion threw suspected Bolsheviks into boilers into 15 countries. tion to super-bigot Donald Trump. of free publicity. It was NBC that made in steam locomotives. And less than two The 1918 big lie was based on 70 doc- Fake news today Trump a nationally known figure by giv- months after the “Sisson Documents” uments provided by U.S. government ing this racist clown his own TV show. were published, German workers and Today Russia is a capitalist state with official Edgar Sisson. The “Sisson Docu- (Market Watch, May 6) sailors — inspired by the Russian Revolu- dozens of billionaires. But Russia con- ments,” supposedly originating from dif- The CIA claims that Russian govern- tion — overthrew the Kaiser. tinues to be independent politically, un- ferent locations, were almost all typed on like several former Soviet republics that ment operatives hacked the files of the the same typewriter. In the 1950s, retired Years of Soviet struggle are neocolonies of U.S. imperialism. The Democratic National Committee and of U.S. Ambassador George Kennan — him- The Russian Revolution gave birth to Pentagon looks at Russia as 6 million John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign self a Cold War architect — pronounced the Soviet Union which included more square miles to be occupied like Afghan- manager, and gave embarrassing infor- them forgeries. than 100 nationalities. The country’s so- istan and Iraq. mation to WikiLeaks. But even the Wash- Decades before the documents were cialist five-year plans industrialized the Now, in the aftermath of Trump’s vic- ington Post and New York Times admit exposed as a fraud, the “fake news” about country and pioneered spaceflight. Be- tory, and a century after the Sisson Doc- only circumstantial evidence is pointing them was used by President Woodrow fore the revolution, the majority of peo- uments fiasco, the New York Times and the finger at Russia. Actually, it’s the CIA Wilson to justify sending troops to occu- ple were illiterate. After, millions of stu- Washington Post are claiming that Rus- saying, “Believe us.” py revolutionary Russia. dents attended tuition-free universities sian computer hackers intervened in the Don’t forget that former CIA Director But that didn’t stop Seattle dockwork- with courses in dozens of languages. U.S. elections. George Tenet said it was a “slam dunk”

COMMENTARY A young worker’s take on Syria

Editor’s note: The following edited commentary was posted on Facebook by WW under U.S. domination, just look to Libya a reactionary interpretation of Islam. But contributor Mattie Starrdust on Dec. 14 after the liberation of East Aleppo. Starr- before and after the U.S. got involved.) their actual existence is due to their use- dust, a young white trans worker in the U.S., explains why activists should not be In order to attack the Assad govern- fulness to U.S. imperialism. fooled by the U.S. propaganda machine. ment, the U.S. seized upon a relative- So the Salafists, under the banner of ly small group of protesters in Syria in “moderate(!) rebellion,” were armed with By Mattie Stardust their country invaded and taken over by 2010-11. These protesters, some of them, sophisticated weaponry and allowed to foreign forces. They’re willing to fight Syria is a democratic republic, meaning probably did have legitimate grievances wreak havoc in Syria, to destroy its infra- against foreign invaders to defend the they elect their political representatives against their government. They may have structure and weaken its ability to fight to sovereignty of their country, even though by a popular vote. The last presidential been workers exploited by capitalists, or keep its own independence. These groups they still have grievances with capitalism election was in June 2014. Bashar al-As- they may have been petty bourgeois, pro- were found to have blocked off civilian and their ruling class. We refer to this sad won 88.7 percent of the votes; his next testing aspects of capitalism they find access to safe zones created by the Syr- willingness as a component of nation- closest contender won 4.3 percent. Some unfavorable. And the Assad government ian and Russian governments in order alism, which, as Marxists, we believe is 73.42 percent of eligible voters cast bal- likely did respond with overt force to sup- to inflate the body count so that the U.S. progressive among oppressed national- lots, including hundreds of thousands of press them. This was unfortunate. could more effectively sell intervention to ities. Palestinian nationalism and Black Syrians displaced by the U.S.-sponsored But the U.S. used this movement to the U.S. people and the United Nations: Liberation are considered by many to be insurgency who voted in Syrian embas- peddle its own agenda. All activists in “Look at how bad it is over there! We have examples of progressive nationalisms. sies. Election observers from more than the U.S. know that when the government to get this guy Assad out of power!” The 30 countries, including the United States, Imperialism must expand or die expresses an interest in your movement, corporate-run media know that most Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, South Africa The U.S., the chief purveyor of white it is never a good thing. It’s no different U.S. residents don’t need much convinc- and India called the elections “free, fair supremacy worldwide, does not like to when the U.S. government took an inter- ing when the target is a person of color or and transparent.” see Arab peoples stand up for themselves. est in a movement of some Syrian people. oppressed people’s nationalism. Assad is a capitalist, meaning he ex- They’re very concerned by growing part- The enormous war propaganda ma- The Syrian government, still with broad ploits Syrian workers. He’s also a nation- nerships among Syria, , Russia, Chi- chine was redeployed in the service of support from its people, called on its ally alist, meaning he opposes Western inter- na, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and war against Arab nationalism in Syr- Russia to help get rid of the terrorists vention and invasion and supports Arab others because these countries have been ia. Stories about Assad dropping barrel wreaking havoc on Syria. They had a right control of Arab lands. The Assad admin- able to carve out a piece of the global bombs on his own people were churned to do this, under both international law istration supports Palestine and Hezbol- economy away from U.S. control. These out by the dozens. and common moral standards. And if the lah, is allied with Iran, and is secular and are all peoples and countries that U.S. The quality of the stories didn’t matter. U.S. actually wanted to “rid the world of opposed to the far-right monarchies or imperialism is either unable to exploit or They could even openly say their reports terrorism,” they’d have been delighted to theocracies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. is very limited in its ability to exploit. were unconfirmed. It didn’t matter, be- see Russian involvement. But they raised For these policies, the Assad administra- The U.S. doesn’t only hate this; it’s cause for many people steeped in white such an outcry because (a) it signaled tion enjoys broad popular support, far threatened to its core by it. It’ll suffocate supremacy the slightest white chauvin- increased cooperation within the non- more popular support than any U.S. pres- if it can’t constantly expand. U.S. imperi- ist spark is enough to trigger a wildfire. aligned movement and (b) the Russians ident is able to drum up in the U.S. alism isn’t only willing to commit atroc- Hence the image of Assad as the evil, were killing the U.S.-sponsored terrorists. There are communist parties in Syria. ities to break up the nonaligned move- mindlessly brutal dictator who bombs Cause for celebration They want to overthrow the capitalists ment; it’s obliged to. It can’t avoid it, and “his own” people just for the hell of it. and build socialism. But the majority of no presidents can stop it regardless of We fast forward to now, when the Syr- U.S. funds and trains ‘rebels’ Syrian workers and masses do not identi- what campaign promises they make. ian Arab Army, still with the broad sup- fy with the communists. They have griev- So in the case of Syria, the U.S. has to In reality, the U.S. was funneling mil- port of the Syrian people, has retaken ances with their leaders and with life un- take out the Assad government and weak- lions of dollars in training and weapon- East Aleppo from the U.S.-backed ultra- der capitalism, but in general they don’t en the Syrian people’s Arab nationalism ry, not to mention air support, to what it conservative terrorists. In response to the believe that overthrowing the govern- in order to pry it away from the non- called “moderate rebels,” but who are in defeat, the U.S. has kicked its propaganda ment will fix their grievances. The same aligned countries and into U.S. domina- fact composed of groups like the Islam- machine into full gear, churning out sto- is true of most workers in the U.S. tion. (And if there’s any question about ic State group, Al-Nusra and al-Qaida. ries designed to make people in the U.S. The Syrian masses don’t want to see whether life for Syrians might be better Their stated ideology is Salafism, which is agree to even more drastic military action workers.org Dec. 29, 2016 Page 7

WW PHOTO: TOM MICHALAK A century of lies about Russia Detroit

case that Iraq had weapons of mass de- struction — a claim eventually debunked as another U.S. lie. (Bob Woodward, “Plan of Attack”) Julian Assange, editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, denies Russia was the source of the leaks. Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan now working with WikiLeaks, says the mate- Speaking tour exposes rial came from a “disgusted” Democratic Speaking tour exposes Party whistleblower. (London Daily Mail, Dec. 14) The leak revealed the truth about U.S. lies about Syria how the DNC sabotaged ’ campaign and about Hillary Clinton’s secret speeches to Goldman Sachs bank- By Jim Carey they spend training in Turkey — which Besides Bartlett, the main speakers were ers. That’s whistleblowing, just like the was funded by the U.S. and the European , journalist and member of truth-telling carried out by courageous Independent Canadian journalist Eva Union. the Syria Solidarity Movement, and John- Chelsea Manning who was sent to prison Bartlett has continued her U.S. speaking Joe Mchahwar, a local Syrian-American ny Achi, from Arab Americans for Syria. for it. tour representing the Hands Off Syria activist, also spoke on conditions in Syria Bartlett gave very well-documented The “fake news” targeting Russia is Coalition. and the U.S. scorched-earth policy there. facts, including video, exposing U.S.-man- a diversion from the struggle against Before a packed house in Detroit on He addressed the hypocrisy of the West’s ufactured lies about the Syrian army and Donald Trump’s bigotry. It’s an attack on Dec. 12, Bartlett spoke of her experiences portrayal of Russia’s actions in Syria, giv- government. She exposed the corporate the billionaire Klansman from the right, in Syria and the time she spent embedded en that Russia was invited to aid its Syrian media’s lies and also those of Amy Good- with the claim he’s “soft on Russia.” This, with government officials and members of ally by President Bashar al-Assad. man of “Democracy Now.” Bartlett said despite Trump nominating “Mad Dog” the Syrian Arab Army. This allowed her to Mchahwar also talked about the “reb- Goodman continues to interview discred- Gen. James Mattis, who sees Russia as a see first hand the destruction caused by els,” armed and funded by the U.S., Tur- ited voices and spread U.S. lies, with no “world threat,” to head up the Pentagon. Western-backed proxies in Aleppo. key and the Gulf States. And he described investigation of her own, while actively The onslaught of anti-Russia “news” Countering a renewed corporate media U.S. leaders’ willingness to allow the Is- refusing to interview voices countering comes from a capitalist class that wants blitz, Bartlett dispelled many of the “hu- lamic State group to make key advances the lies. to deflect the hatred people have for a manitarian concerns” peddled to people as long as they harmed Syria’s legitimate system whose racist cops kill children, in the U.S. to encourage support for more government. Separating fact from fiction people of color, people with disabilities imperialist intervention and destruction Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of Pan-Afri- Larudee exposed the White Helmets, and, most recently in Bakersfield, Calif., in Syria. can News Wire, spoke on the important their creator and the funding that went an elderly Latino man carrying a crucifix. Bartlett also dispelled many of the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and across into making the Netflix movie, which Don’t fall for the fake news! Our ene- Western lies about rebel groups such as the Horn of Africa. He showed the con- he said may be nominated for an Acad- mies are in the Pentagon and in corporate the allegedly “neutral” Syrian Civil De- nections between these conflicts and the emy Award as a documentary. He said it boardrooms — not in Moscow! fense, known as the White Helmets. She wars in Syria and Iraq and how they relate should instead have been nominated in also exposed the so-called “moderate reb- to the interests of U.S. imperialism. the “fiction” category. els,” who have been used as a media prop Achi thanked the IAC “for being the to showcase the alleged brutality of the Next truth stop: California only organization that responded to our against Syrian nationalism. Syrian government in Aleppo. Bartlett’s California speaking tour in- initial calls for solidarity in Los Angeles.” The displacement and loss of life as Her discussion on the situation in Syria cluded three meetings in the Bay Area — He spoke about the solidarity between part of this conflict have taken place on emphasized the disdain that civilians in in Santa Cruz, Oakland and San Francis- Christians and Muslims who see each an unimaginable scale. Good people who cities like Aleppo have for the rebel groups, co, Dec. 14-16. Each meeting was packed other as sisters and brothers. Achi said are interested in peace and justice, liber- such as Jahbat Al-Nusra, an Al-Qaida af- with people eager to hear an eyewitness the attempts by the U.S. for regime change ation and socialism have been stirred to filiate which had essentially been holding view of the situation in Syria, untarnished would destroy that unity and punish the speak out against the carnage. But many of them hostage for several years now. by U.S. imperialism’s official line spoon majority of Syrians, over 70 percent of these people have been fooled by the U.S. Bartlett said many of the civilians in fed to the mainstream media. whom support President Assad. He sub- propaganda machine — the largest, most Aleppo felt hate for the rebels who had Bartlett strongly reiterated, “What you stantiated that by citing polls from the well-funded and farthest-reaching ever to subjected them to this war they never hear in the corporate media is the op- Guardian and other news sources. exist — into believing that another people asked for. The people told her the rebels posite of reality.” She explained that the The meeting was chaired by Rebecka who are fighting to be free from U.S. domi- have been hoarding aid, which the West “majority of people in Syria support their Jackson, of the IAC and Workers World nation are the enemy and the source of the said the population desperately needed, government and army, while outside ji- Party. Before the question-and-answer bloodshed. and selling it at vastly inflated prices. hadist forces, in alliance with domestic period, she explained that a “progressive The Syrian people and the government fundamentalists and a coalition of foreign stack” would ensure all voices are heard, they elected are not our enemies. They’re Exposing more U.S. lies governments led by the U.S., have im- especially those of women and oppressed not monsters who are either killers or vic- Bartlett said many of the civilians in posed an inhumane reign of terror on the peoples. Then she introduced IAC mem- tims by their nature. They’re not slaugh- the areas of Aleppo liberated by the Syr- country.” ber Ramiro Fúnez who emceed the infor- tering their own people for no reason. ian government hadn’t even heard of the In Los Angeles, more than 100 people mative and lively Q&A. They’re human beings who’ve mounted an White Helmets. In the West, however, the attended a Dec. 17 forum co-sponsored Terri Kay and John Parker contribut- incredible struggle against the biggest Go- White Helmets have gained fame, despite by Arab Americans for Syria and the In- ed to this article. liath ever. They’ve acted in defense of their their close ties to Al-Qaida and the time ternational Action Center. WW PHOTO: SCOTT SCHEFFER country and their sovereignty throughout WW PHOTO: TERRI KAY this entire conflict. And they’ve just liber- ated East Aleppo. This IS cause for celebration. But our celebration absolutely cannot give any- body a reason to believe we’re rejoicing in death and suffering. We’re rejoicing in a small but meaningful win by the op- pressed, who’ve been brutalized, deprived and slandered to no end by a power expo- nentially bigger than they are. Los Angeles

resenting the Mail Contractors of Ameri- excluding managers, supervisors, guards “The union feels this is coercion on the Workers unionize at ca in Des Moines and Kansas City. and members of the temporary workforce. part of the company to get employees out “We also talked about their expecta- Schott said of the vote: “While the [pres- of the bargaining unit,” Bates said. Refus- military-industrial PAE tions when it came to being represented idential] election results across the coun- ing to back down, the union will file a la- by a union,” Bates said. “Their number try and particularly in Iowa might mean bor charge with the NLRB if the workers Continued from page 3 one response was dignity and respect in a big blow to workers’ rights, this recent are not reinstated. the Urbandale PAE workers. the workplace, followed by job security, victory proves that people are ready and Bates wants WW readers to know that “The union wanted them to know the pay and benefits and a strong voice within willing to stand up for themselves when if they are unhappy with the level of re- importance to stay together and in soli- the company.” their dignity is under attack.” spect, pay and benefits on the job, they darity because companies do not want to Bates met with the PAE workers on The union vote in October was a major should reach out to the proper union and be unionized,” Bates said. Aug. 8 and every Monday thereafter, as step on the road ahead, but there are still organize their workforce. “If you work in APWU Local 44 is described by Bates well as petitioning the National Labor Re- obstacles in the future. After being blind- the mailing industry in America, contact as “progressive” in its efforts to organize lations Board in September. The final vote sided by the vote, the company retaliated the American Postal Workers Union and the private sector, with 784 members rep- in October was conducted by the workers, by firing three workers. let us help you!” Page 8 Dec. 29, 2016 workers.org

WW PHOTO To live like Fidel, to fight like Fidel

Excerpted from a speech at the ‘Revolution means to have a sense of history; it is changing everything that must be changed; Dec. 1 Workers World Party meeting it is full equality and freedom; it is being treated and treating others like human beings; in New York City. it is achieving emancipation by ourselves and through our own efforts; it is challenging By Teresa Gutierrez powerful dominant forces from within and without the social and national milieu. ‘ – Fidel Castro There are as many positive adjec- One of those is unity. African Cubans, who had been the brutal oned the Five in 2001 for a decade and tives to describe Fidel as there are First and foremost, victims of colonial and imperialist rac- a half. But free them the Revolution did. patterns of snowflakes: Revolution- the Cuban people are ism, for the first time in history came to And home they went. ary. Marxist/Leninist. Internation- declaring that they the forefront as actors in history. Under Fidel’s leadership, Cuba’s role in alist. Communist. Environmentalist. will remain united The people were with Fidel’s revolu- support for Haiti, in liberation struggles Father. Spouse. Leader. Statesper- to continue Fidel’s tion, and, for the first time in Cuba, the in Africa, more recently in fighting Ebola, son. Strategist. Anti-imperialist. obra (his work). And workers were the agents of change, not are only a few stellar examples of Cuba’s ­Scientist. Unifier. Comandante. President Nicolás the bourgeoisie. In fact, the revolution internationalism. As Cuba’s president, Fi- To all those adjectives you could Maduro of Venezue- got rid of the bourgeoisie altogether! del’s call for cancellation of capitalist debts add “brilliant” and it would be no ex- la and President Evo This is why the imperialists hate Fidel, owed by oppressed nations, and his con- aggeration whatsoever. Teresa Gutierrez at a Morales of Bolivia this is what earned him forever the ire of stant attention to climate change, are more But one word stands out as we wit- ­memorial rally in affirm that they will imperialism. For ousting the ruling class examples of his exemplary leadership. nessed the Cuban masses in the mil- New York on Dec 4. continue to unite Lat- from Cuba, the imperialists would never We must study Fidel so that we can live lions come out to say their final fare- in America to defend Cuba’s sovereignty. forgive Fidel. like Fidel. These words from his May Day well to Fidel: Beloved. Fidel was beloved This does not come as a surprise as, 2000 speech, words Fidel lived every mo- by the Cuban people. And not just by the indeed, one of the important pillars of Fi- Fidel’s exemplary leadership ment of his life, tell us why: Cubans, but by all of us around the world del’s work was unity. Fidel is loved not only for his dedica- “Revolution means to have a sense of who yearn and struggle for our liberation. To achieve victory against the brutal tion to unity, but also for his exemplary history; it is changing everything that But let me clarify: Fidel was not loved Batista dictatorship, the task for Fidel leadership that brought Cuba through must be changed; it is full equality and because “Love trumps hate.” was to unite as many social forces as pos- many perilous times. freedom; it is being treated and treating Fidel was loved because he built a rev- sible. Before the triumph of the Revolu- His leadership guided Cuba through others like human beings; it is achieving olution. Fidel was loved because his skills tion, the Latin American movement had the special period of the 1990s, after the emancipation by ourselves and through and talent not only brought socialism to argued that the U.S. would never tolerate defeat of the Soviet Union, a mainstay our own efforts; it is challenging powerful an island 90 miles from imperialism, but a socialist revolution in the region, and of Cuba’s trade and international sup- dominant forces from within and without also because he was able to build the foun- that it was impossible to defeat Batista’s port. The resulting shortages made life the social and national milieu; it is defend- dation that would make the revolution last regular army, even with guerrilla tactics. extremely hard for the Cuban people, ing the values in which we believe at the long after he no longer walked the earth. Fidel proved them wrong. But to Fidel, who were hungry, tired, exhausted. Any cost of any sacrifice; it is modesty, selfless- Fidel was loved because, above all, his there was more than guns. He built a po- other developing nation would have seen ness, altruism, solidarity and heroism; it priorities and sacrifices were for the good litical coalition instead of solely focusing rebellions, chaos and uprisings, would is fighting with courage, intelligence and of humanity, never for himself. on the armed struggle. No one fought for have seen repression. But not Cuba. Be- realism; it is never lying or violating eth- Born August 13, 1926, in Birán in the unity like Fidel. He sometimes had to re- cause of Fidel and revolutionary socialist ical principles; it is a profound conviction southeast part of Cuba, Fidel came of age treat. But he never ceded on his funda- leadership, because the Revolution has that there is no power in the world that can during the brutal rule of Fulgencio Batis- mental principles. the support of the masses, because the crush the power of truth and ideas. Revo- ta. Becoming president of Cuba in 1940, This is how Fidel was able to begin a Revolution and the people are one, Cuba lution means unity; it is independence, it is Batista governed until 1944 and returned political process that transformed the is- survived this dire period. fighting for our dreams of justice for Cuba to power in 1952 through a coup. He land of Cuba from one terrorized by tor- Fidel’s leadership was central to Cu- and for the world, which is the foundation ruled Cuba with an iron fist in one of the ture and killings, dispossession, extreme ba’s struggle for the return of the child of our patriotism, our socialism and our most bloody and repressive dictatorships poverty and exploitation, to one where Elián González. In 1999, Elián’s mother internationalism.” in Latin America. the workers rule, where wealth is redis- misguidedly took her child with her on We have been so fortunate to be alive Batista, of course, had the complete tributed not to the banks or corporations, the seas in an attempt to get to Florida. at the same time as Fidel. To have lived in support of the U.S. government. As with but back to the people. She sadly died in that voyage. But Elián the same time as Fidel is the same as the the rest of Latin America and the Carib- And this is why the Cuban people love survived and was kidnapped by hostile honor to have lived in the time of Lenin. bean, the U.S. considered Cuba a place Fidel. counterrevolutionary forces and taken Let us take the responsibility right now, to rob by extracting its resources for the Fidel is loved for Cuba’s agrarian re- to Miami. All of Cuba mobilized to make from now on, and commit ourselves to be profits of the multinational corporations. form, for establishing one of the world’s the U.S. return Elián home to his father like Fidel, live like Fidel, fight like Fidel! But on January 1, 1959, all that came to most ambitious literacy campaigns and — and to the Revolution. And Cuba won! Long Live The Cuban Revolution! an end, when Fidel and the Revolution- educational systems, for developing a The Cuban people and their leadership Viva Fidel! Viva Raúl! ary Army entered Havana, in victory. free world-class health care system that focused on freeing the Cuban Five, an- We Are All Fidel! Fidel’s pillar of unity even bourgeois organizations commend. ti-terrorists who sacrificed much to mon- Socialism Or Death! Several important meanings are emerg- Fidel is loved because the peasants, itor hostile military actions conducted in ¡Fidel Presente! ¡Fidel Presente! ing from the death of our beloved comrade. who had been starved and beaten, the Florida against Cuba. The U.S. impris- ¡Hasta la victoria siempre Fidel! Fidel’s ‘battle of ideas’ comes to Twitter By Cheryl LaBash tinues to expand commercial and political What’s more, they shall not be solved U.S. injustice in the courts and prisons relations with Cuba, the U.S. continues to through isolated revolutions that, within and the people they met behind the walls. It is now two years since the last three exercise its global economic dominance the order installed by neo-liberal global- When Ambassador Power initiated a of the Cuban 5 heroes, unjustly held in by imposing a unilateral economic, com- ization, can be crushed within a matter of Twitter remembrance of alleged politi- U.S. prisons for 16 years, touched down mercial and financial blockade. Last year days, weeks at the most. ... cal prisoners held outside the U.S., René in Havana on Dec. 17, 2014. Gerardo that cost the small Cuban economy more “The Revolution was able to hold out González issued a call to remember the Hernández, who had originally been sen- than $4 billion, depriving it of funds for because it sowed ideas. political prisoners held by the U.S. on tenced to two life terms plus 15 years, re- Cuba’s human development programs. “The world is rapidly being globalized; that day. turned with Ramón Labañino and Anto- This year, the U.N. General Assem- an unsustainable and intolerable world Other tweets followed, calling for free- nio Guerrero to join their two comrades, bly voted for the 25th time that the U.S. economic order is rapidly being estab- dom for Puerto Rican independence ad- Fernando González and René González, should end its blockade of Cuba. The vote lished. Ideas are the raw material from vocate Oscar López Rivera, Indigenous who were released earlier after serving was 191 to 0. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. which consciousness is forged; they are leader Leonard Peltier, Colombian Simon their full sentences. Samantha Power announced that, for the the raw material of ideology par excel- Trinidad, noted African-American jour- On the same day, U.S. President Barack first time, the United States would ab- lence. I prefer to call them the raw materi- nalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, truth-telling Obama formally agreed to establish di- stain rather than cast its lone “no” vote. al of consciousness to emphasize that it is whistleblower Chelsea Manning, Ana rect, country-to-country negotiations with not a question of strict and rigid ideology, Belén Montes, Julian Assange and Mutu- Cuba and diplomatic recognition of the The Revolution sowed ideas but rather of an advanced consciousness, lu Shakur. sovereignty of its socialist island neighbor. On Dec. 5, 2004, Fidel Castro, the late that is to say, a conviction that hundreds Some tweets reminded Power about Cuba is a symbol of Latin American historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, of millions and billions of people on this the men still held in the notorious U.S. and Caribbean self-determination after described the future struggle between planet will inevitably arrive at, and that it torture prison at Guantánamo — Cuban centuries of European colonialism and these two irreconcilable social systems as will constitute, without a doubt, the best national territory illegally occupied by slavery, followed by U.S. expansion and a battle of ideas: instrument to secure the victory of those the U.S. (More information can be found intervention with the Monroe Doctrine “I say ideas because the struggle we ideas throughout the world.” on telesurtv.net.) of 1823 and the 1898 war with Spain. are speaking about will not, in essence, This Dec. 10 the battle of ideas was This year, to celebrate the second anni- U.S. airlines can now offer direct com- be a war, but rather a battle of ideas. engaged in a small way through Twitter versary of Dec. 17, the New York Cuba Sol- mercial flights to Cuba, but U.S. citizens The world’s problems shall not be solved on the occasion of International Human idarity Project’s twitter storm informed are still forbidden to “vacation” there by through the use of nuclear weapons — Rights Day. Although now free, the Cuban the president-elect that we “support lift- U.S. law. While the rest of the world con- this is impossible — nor through wars. 5 have not forgotten their experience with ing the blockade against Cuba.” workers.org Dec. 29, 2016 Page 9

Ultra-right parties take anti-EU stance

By G. Dunkel bourgeoisies involved in this project. The bers between 2015 and 2016 is that in FN held protests in towns and small vil- EU bureaucracy also strengthens the role 2015, hundreds of thousands of people lages where the French authorities had The European Union faces challenges of German and French-based banks. used the shorter, less expensive, much resettled refugees who had gathered to its existence. Since the early 1990s, workers have safer route between Turkey and the earlier in an area called “The Jungle” At least three major countries in the moved freely in the EU countries. Cur- Greek islands, such as Lesbos. In March near Calais in northern France near the EU — France, the Netherlands and Ger- rently, 14 million people in the EU work 2016, the EU and Turkey agreed to a deal tunnel to England. These protests were many — have national elections sched- in countries other than their own, and that made crossing between Turkey and obviously part of the FN’s presidential uled for 2017. there has been a substantial movement much less attractive. campaign. In France, the National Front (FN) is of workers from low-wage countries, for U.S. imperialism’s support for the Nearly all these FN protests were con- a far-right party that may well reach the example, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania, overthrow of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, fronted by counter demonstrations ex- second round of next year’s elections. to countries like Britain, France and Ger- its interventions in Libya, Iraq and Af- pressing the solidarity of French workers While the FN’s openly fascist appeals have many. Some EU citizens live in one coun- ghanistan, and the ensuing violence are with these refugees seeking asylum in been muted, it still actively takes on the try and work in another. all driving refugees to Europe. So too France. issue of rejecting refugees and other far have been the famines that have followed One of these confrontations well cov- right initiatives. It has made it clear that if UKIP also anti-EU drought in the Sahel, the area of Africa ered in the French media involved Mar- its candidate — most likely Marine Le Pen The racist, xenophobic, UK Indepen- immediately to the south of the Sahara, ion Maréchal Le Pen, an FN delegate in — becomes president, she will call a ref- dence Party exploited xenophobic hos- a crisis exacerbated by climate warming. the National Assembly. This delegate is erendum on France remaining in the EU. tility to this movement of workers to The desperation to reach Europe can the niece of the FN’s leader Marine Le The Alternative for Germany (AfD), a promote the “yes” vote on the Brexit ref- be seen in an incident Dec. 9 in Ceuta, on Pen and a leader in the right wing of the burgeoning new right-wing party in Ger- erendum. This happened even though the Moroccan-Spanish border. Ceuta is FN. She called for a demonstration in her many, is also calling for departure from the expanded workforce aids the English an enclave that is legally Spanish — and election district at the Tour d’Aigues to the EU. AfD is not as strong in Germa- bourgeoisie to keep their tourist and con- thus EU territory — located on the Mo- oppose the resettlement of refugees from ny as the FN is in France. Netherlands struction industries going with millions roccan coast on the African continent. Calais. Islamophobic Party of Freedom leader of hires from Eastern Europe. Migrants who reach Ceuta (or nearby This racist protest drew 150 people, ac- Geert Wilders says he wants to leave the UKIP and the other European right- Melilla) can appeal for asylum in Spain. cording to a local paper, Vaucluse Matin EU. Polls say his party will come in first wing parties that oppose the EU also fo- About 800 people suddenly began (Oct. 25), but a local progressive coalition in the March election. cus on attacking refugees. Over a million climbing the 12-foot-high barbed and blad- was able to draw 300 to 400 anti-racists. In forming today’s EU, the rulers of 28 people came to Europe in 2015, claiming ed wire fence surrounding Ceuta. Some The gendarmerie, France’s national po- distinct states with 24 official languages refugee status. From January to Sep- 438 succeeded, climbing over the bodies of lice force, was called out to keep the two agreed to follow EU rules, which might tember 2016, 303,000 people came to those who lay across the top of the fence. groups separated. limit local sovereignty, to allow the free Europe, according to the U.N.’s High Some 49 were treated in a Ceuta hospital France’s presidential election will pit exchange of goods, services and capi- Commissioner on Refugees. Of them, 60 for injuries. None died this time. workers who support solidarity with tal. In doing so, they created the world’s percent were men, while 17 percent were refugees against racist, xenophobic, second largest internal market and add- women and 24 percent children. Solidarity from workers in France right-wing demagogues attacking refu- ed significant profits for all the national The reason for the big drop in num- Meanwhile, throughout France the gees. PA rallies on International Day for Migrants

December 18 is recognized by the Unit- ment entities to enter into a partnership ed Nations as International Migrants Day with ICE under a joint memorandum of to spotlight the need for safe, orderly and agreement. (www.ice.gov/287g) protected movement of refugees and mi- One of the speakers at today’s rally grants in an era of global war and eco- gave an example of how ICE and Norris- nomic crisis. town cops work together. She reported Despite rain, over 30 people rallied an incident in which, just eight minutes and marched on Dec. 18 in Norristown, after being picked up by local police, a Pa., a city of 34,000 people, of whom 26 migrant worker who had not committed percent are Latinx. (city-data.com) Ac- any crime was being threatened with de- cording to Carmen Guerrero of the Coali- portation by ICE agents. Norristown is ción Fortaleza Latina Pennsylvania, the an example of why the movement to de- “Celebración el Día Internacional del Mi- clare universities, towns and other loca- grante” was taking place in Norristown tions as sanctuaries for immigrants is so because this Philadelphia suburb had the important. “second highest number of deportations With many wearing raincoats and in the U.S. in 2015.” carrying umbrellas as well as signs, Norristown is a 287(g) city, the oppo- the crowd of immigrants and their sup- site of a sanctuary city. Instead of refus- porters included eight children. They ing to use municipal funds or resources marched from the Norristown Munici- to enforce unjust national immigration pal Building to the Montgomery County laws, Norristown police and officials Courthouse, chanting “¡Sí, se puede!” A work as if they themselves were official final rally there ended the event, but not Immigration and Customs Enforcement before everyone gathered together for a agents. The 287(g) program instituted by group photograph. ICE allows state and local law enforce- — Photo and article by Joe Piette

Revolted by Trump? Ready to fight back? Workers World exposed Trump’s gles ahead! For the past 39 years — during spring about timely issues and five free trial racist, bigoted agenda throughout his Workers World is ready for that and fall special fund drives and reg- subscriptions to give to friends — all 18-month campaign — and was part challenge. We believe Marxism is ular donations to the Workers World for a donation of $75 a year. For $100 of militant protests against both him now more needed than ever to pin- Supporter Program — we’ve wel- you also get any book from World and Clinton all across the country. point where capitalist reaction comes comed your contributions that help View Forum. For $300 a year (only Now he’s won and is putting together from. And Leninism shows that fight- put WW’s revolutionary socialist out- $25 a month) you get your pick of five an ­anti-working class administration: ing oppression of all kinds is abso- look into action. books or PVN videos. a die-hard white supremacist for attor- lutely necessary to unify the working We asking you to contribute now And you can always contribute ney general, a Wall Street billionaire class and abolish this decaying profit to help counter Trump with a peo- more. We won’t complain. for the Treasury, an adversary of Medi- system. ple’s agenda. Write one-time checks We invite you — sign up today! care and the Affordable Care Act for to Workers World, or join the Work- Write checks to Workers World and Health and Human Services, a gung- We need your financial help! ers World Supporter Program with mail them, with your name and ad- ho ex-general for Defense Secretary. You know our politics. We rely on either a yearly lump sum or monthly dress, to 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Floor, U.S. workers and oppressed people the financial support of our mem- donations. Members receive a year’s New York, NY 10011. Or donate on- need a fighting voice for the big strug- bers, friends, allies and subscribers. subscription to WW, a monthly letter line at workers.org/donate/. Page 10 Dec. 29, 2016 workers.org

Political crisis in South Korea What’s behind the president’s impeachment Domestic ‘hacking’ By Deirdre Griswold utives convicted of crimes, for example, Chung Mong-koo, chair of Hyundai Mo- distorted election A major political crisis is shaking tor Group, sentenced to three years for south Korea, but you would barely know embezzlement, pardoned without serving it if you depend on the corporate media any time. One of the foundations alleged- Clamor against the Russian Federation understandable that many workers and for your news. ly controlled by Choi was funded by 15 has reached a crescendo, with the corpo- poor people desperately hope that by The president, Park Geun-hye, was of South Korea’s largest conglomerates. rate media blaming Russia for “interfer- blaming Russia for the election results, impeached by an overwhelming majority The chairmen of Samsung, SK, Hanwha, ing with the U.S. election.” Commenta- Trump will be stopped from inflicting of the south Korean legislature on Dec. Hyundai Motor and CJ groups have all tors, pundits of every stripe and Hillary great suffering on their lives. 9. The vote came after two months of been pardoned in the past decade.” Clinton have called for investigations, But it was not the publication of DNC demonstrations calling for her resigna- more sanctions and even “cyber warfare” or Podesta emails that weakened Clin- tion, with an estimated 2.1 million peo- Attacks on working class attacks against Russia, blaming that ton’s campaign. It was their content. ple turning out the Saturday before the This scandal comes on top of huge at- country for the election of racist dema- They confirmed what many people, vote. Since the impeachment of Park, the tacks on the working class and other pol- gogue Donald Trump. including Bernie Sanders’ supporters, demonstrations have continued, with a icies extremely offensive to the Korean The New York Times and Washing- suspected — that the DNC “tipped the reported 300,000 rallying in Seoul alone people. ton Post have led the charge, citing CIA scales” of the primaries in favor of Clin- on Dec. 17. During a more liberal period starting sources that say Russia released hacked ton, assisted by some members of the The president and her right-wing back- in the 1990s, workers in south Korea had emails from the Democratic National establishment media. ers are contesting the impeachment. The the world’s highest rate of unionization. Committee and its head, John Podesta, These emails also exposed Clinton’s forces behind her — including some of Today, after years of anti-labor measures to WikiLeaks, to support Trump’s can- cozy relations and warm words to Wall the biggest corporations in south Korea and physical attacks on the union move- didacy. But no evidence of this has been Street financiers during her highly — are dragging out the process with ap- ment, along with the implementation of presented. WikiLeaks denies the leaked paid, secret speeches to them, as well as peals that could take a year and a half. part-time and precarious labor, only one- emails came from Russian hackers. friendly interchanges with the top bosses The U.S. government has not public- tenth of the workforce is organized. The Rev. pointed to the of Goldman Sachs investment bankers. ly acknowledged the impeachment. The In 2014, thousands of workers struck true cause of this electoral catastrophe: She and Bill Clinton raked in $120 mil- U.S. media, taking their cue from the bil- for three weeks in the longest strike in “The Russians didn’t do it. It was done by lion since 2001 by giving these talks. lionaire ruling class here, are saying very the history of Korail, the national rail- right-wing partisan state officials eager Goldman Sachs financiers were iden- little about it, but the strategists for im- road operator. The strike was provoked to suppress the vote of people of color, tified with the bubble that burst to initi- perialism are deeply concerned. by a government restructuring plan that the young and the working poor. These ate the Great Recession that cost 6 mil- threatened privatization of the railroads, efforts were open, systematic and wide- lion families their homes and 9 million U.S. military occupation of south Korea with loss of jobs, benefits and services. It spread. And this domestic hacking at our workers their jobs. Trump is rewarding The U.S. military has occupied south quickly developed into one of the sharp- elections was far more destructive than Goldman Sachs by appointing four of its Korea since the end of World War II. est recent worker-government conflicts the hacking Russia is said to have done.” current and former bankers to top posi- Since the Korean Revolution, which be- and was supported by the Korean Con- (rainbowpush.org, Dec. 12) tions in his administration. Meanwhile, gan during Japanese colonial rule and federation of Trade Unions. Every gain for the workers and op- Trump arrogantly scoffs at the idea of di- liberated the north in 1945, followed by Korail fired more than 4,000 workers pressed won since the New Deal and the vesting his holdings. the victory of the Chinese Revolution in on Dec. 9, 2014, and announced a plan to Civil Rights struggle is on Trump’s chop- Backing stepped-up police terror, more 1949, the imperialists have focused on hire 660 strikebreakers. President Park ping block. His speeches and tweets have anti-immigrant raids and deportations, militarizing south Korea. They installed ordered an attack by hundreds of police targeted unions, the minimum wage, So- vast increases in warships and weapons, a string of dictators, including Gen. Park on the rail union’s headquarters and ar- cial Security, Medicare, Medicaid, voting and anti-Islam registries: These are on Chung-hee, father of the now-impeached rested 10 union leaders on Dec. 16. rights, anti-discrimination regulations Trump’s agenda. president, who led a military coup in 1961 On July 4 of this year, Han Sang-gyun, for housing and education, environmen- Ranting and raving against the Rus- and ruled with an iron hand until 1979. president of the KCTU, was sentenced tal protections and a lot more. His bil- sian government will not stop Trump. Gen. Park showed his allegiance to the to five years in jail for leading protests lionaire and racist militarist appointees Only a united struggle by masses of Pentagon by sending 300,000 Korean against Park’s repressive labor policies. make the same threats. people in the streets can push back his soldiers to fight in Vietnam in the 1960s. With the righteous outrage over Trump reactionary program. The Jan. 20 Count- He became so hated that he was assassi- Park banned opposition party winning the presidency, despite losing er-Inaugural is the first step. nated by the Korean Central Intelligence At the same time as the 2014 railroad to Clinton by nearly 3 million votes, it is Shut it down! Agency, to be replaced by another gener- strike, the Park regime banned the only al, Chun Doo-hwan. real opposition party, the United Pro- With such a deep military investment gressive Party, arresting some of its lead- in south Korea, one can be sure that the ing members and ejecting its five elected current turmoil there is of great concern deputies from the national legislature. MARXISM, REPARATIONS to the Pentagon and Wall Street. Indeed, The party was reported to have around one of the few newspapers to devote any 100,000 members and supported the re- & the Black Freedom Struggle space to the impeachment is the Wall unification of the divided Korean nation. An anthology of writings from Workers World newspaper. Street Journal, whose headline on a Dec. Like her father, Park used the Nation- Edited by Monica Moorehead. 9 article read: “South Korea Impeach- al Security Law to suppress freedom of ment of President Park Is Latest Hit to speech and send to jail those demonstrat- Racism, National Oppression & Self-Determination Larry Holmes • Global Political Order; Likely successors ing for reunification and against U.S. occu- Black Labor from Chattel Slavery to Wage Slavery Sam Marcy • Black to President Park take different views on pation and repressive government policies. Youth: Repression & Resistance LeiLani Dowell • The Struggle for ties with Washington, free trade and big This July, the Park regime announced business.” it would let the Pentagon deploy a Termi- ­Socialism Is Key Monica Moorehead • The article says that the impeachment nal High Altitude Area Defense battery Domestic Workers United Demand “brings the prospect of a new govern- in the country’s southeast, aimed at both Passage of a Bill of Rights Imani Henry • ment for one of the U.S.’s closest allies China and the Democratic People’s Re- Black & Brown Unity: A Pillar of Struggle that could have a skeptical stance toward public of Korea in the north. Farmers at Washington, a softer line on Pyongyang the proposed THAAD site have contin- for Human Rights & Global Justice! Saladin and a friendlier approach to China.” ued protests every night since then. Muhammad • Harriet Tubman, Woman So the leading newspaper for the U.S. Also unpopular is the Park govern- Warrior Mumia Abu-Jamal • Racism & ruling class is warning its well-heeled ment’s push to sign a military intelligence Poverty in the Delta Larry Hales • Haiti readers that their domination over south pact with Japan, the country’s former co- Korea is being challenged by this im- lonial ruler, again at the instigation of the Needs Reparations, Not Sanctions Pat mensely popular political movement. U.S., which has invited Japan into its mil- Chin • Alabama’s Black Belt: Legacy of The immediate reasons for the im- itary “exercises,” aimed in recent years at Slavery, Sharecropping & Segregation peachment center on corruption on a the DPRK. Consuela Lee • Are Conditions Ripe Again grand scale. Park and a friend, Choi Soon- The U.S. government is acting low-key sil, control foundations that received big about the current turmoil in south Ko- Today? Anniversary of the 1965 Watts donations from corporate heads who rea, but there can be no question that it

Rebellion John Parker COVER GRAPHIC: SAHU BARRON were pardoned by the president while is working feverishly behind the scenes facing jail for economic crimes. trying to shore up both the military and Available at all major online booksellers. According to the Dec. 5 Wall Street the ruling class there against the popular Journal, “Park has pardoned top exec- masses. workers.org Dec. 29, 2016 Page 11 U.S. threats in South China Sea

By Sara Flounders President Barack Obama announced this provocative U.S. military offensive, Does the People’s Republic of China called the “pivot to Asia,” in 2011. It in- have the right to defend its sovereignty in cludes a plan to move two-thirds of the the waters surrounding China? U.S. Navy to Asia and the Pacific. The What are U.S. aircraft carriers, de- weapons are aimed at China. stroyers, nuclear submarines, bomb- Conveniently, the latest confrontations ers and underwater drones doing in the in the South China Sea come at a time South China Sea? China has no such when the U.S. Navy needs to justify its force in the Gulf of Mexico; yet China is biggest expansion in 35 years. depicted here as the aggressor. It presently has 273 war ships. Obama’s For more than 100 years, the imperi- Asia Pivot would increase it to 308. alists invoked the “freedom of naviga- Trump pledged to increase it to 350. The tion” to dominate Chinese trade. U.S. U.S. Navy immediately put forward a plan and British gunboats controlled China’s for 355 ships. Yangtze, Yellow and Pearl rivers and Building this fabulously expensive new coastal waters, where they patrolled up to fleet means guaranteed long-term profits 1,300 miles inland. Finally, in 1949 with and decades of cost overruns for the larg- the successful Chinese Revolution, the est U.S. corporations, including General People’s Liberation Army kicked out all Dynamics, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, foreign forces and their hated battleships BAE Systems, Boeing, Northrop Grum- from its rivers. man and L3; power suppliers General “Freedom of navigation” is a despised Electric and Babcock and Wilcox; and term in China, reeking of past colonial shipbuilders such as Huntington Ingalls domination. Industries. This costly new fleet to threaten the A Chinese ‘slingshot’ world will rob from every U.S. so- Almost daily we hear that China is cial program not already gutted by “militarizing” the South China Sea by past military expenditures. building air bases on seven small islands. President-elect Donald Trump has South China Sea, a chokehold tweeted that “China is building a mas- China has claimed the majority sive fortress in the middle of the South of the South China Sea for centu- China Sea.” These expanded mini-is- ries. Now the People’s Republic of lands are described in the U.S. media as China, with 1.3 billion people, is a great threat to world peace and region- determined not to relinquish its U.S. Navy drone. al ­stability. sovereign right to protect and de- China’s Defense Ministry announced fend this Chinese territory. on Dec. 16 that it would arm the islands Its claim is based on a 1947 map made U.S. pawn has sent shockwaves through Canal. A blockade by the U.S. Navy could with defensive anti-ship missiles: “They by the prerevolutionary Kuomintang Pentagon planners. strangle China’s economy and devastate are primarily for defense and self-pro- government and recognized by the U.S. The area holds the richest fisheries in all the countries in the region. tection and this is proper and legitimate. at the time, defining what is called the the world and possibly rich deposits of oil The region surrounding the South For instance, if someone was at the door “nine-dash line.” It encompasses about and natural gas. China Sea accounts for over 60 per- of your home, cocky and swaggering, 90 percent of the South China Sea, in- The location of the South China Sea, cent of U.S. exports. It was the focus of how could it be that you wouldn’t prepare cluding areas claimed by Malaysia, the which links the Indian and Pacific the recently failed U.S. effort to create a a slingshot?” Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. oceans, makes it strategically important. Trans-Pacific Partnership — a regional Washington has demanded that China U.S. imperialism has attempted to About half the world’s merchant ships trade alliance of 11 Pacific-rim countries stop this island construction. It carried strike deals and exert enormous pres- pass through it. Keeping the South China that would have excluded China. out several highly threatening “freedom sure on these countries to force alliances Sea open for commercial navigation is a The setbacks for U.S. imperialism’s ar- of navigation operations” close to these against China by claiming to be a protec- top priority for China. rogant plans for the TPP, as well as a re- mini-islands last May. tor of small nations and their rights. Eighty percent of China’s oil imports alignment of the Philippines, may bring The Chinese military responded by The decision of President Rodrigo pass through the narrow Malacca Straits, more reckless threats. scrambling J-11 fighter jets. Chinese pilots Duterte of the Philippines to open rela- where ship traffic is three times great- China is determined to keep the South reportedly issued warnings to an Amer- tions with China during a state visit in er than through the Suez Canal and five China Sea open to all commercial ships. ican destroyer, the USS William P. Law- late October and step back from being a times more than through the Panama But not to uninvited military ships. rence, to leave Chinese territorial waters or face engagement. The Chinese Navy dispatched three warships and again offi- cially opposed the repeated intrusions by Letter to WW air and ships in Chinese waters. Then, on Dec. 17, China snatched an underwater drone operated from the Aid Indigenous struggle in New Jersey USNS Bowditch, which was carrying out reconnaissance to detect Chinese sub- There is an Indigenous struggle on- With a fascist Trump administration nations to self-determination. We cannot marine routes and construction on the going at Split Rock in Mahwah, Bergen promising to privatize remaining Indig- talk about a revolution in the U.S. without seven islands. After objecting to U.S. in- County, N.J. The Ramapough Lenape Na- enous lands for big oil and gas corpora- the inclusion of and leadership of revolu- trusion in its waters, China returned the tion is facing threats of eviction from local tions, we are about to be in the throes of tionary elements within the Indigenous drone. officials and police, who are attempting to renewed assaults on Indigenous sover- movement, whether that be at Standing seize the land for private ­development. eignty as well as the safety and well-be- Rock or at Split Rock. ‘Pivot to Asia’ These threats intensified after ing of the entire U.S. working class. Now is our chance to let the ruling A new documentary by filmmaker the Nation expressed solidarity Since first contact between class know that continued brutalization, John Pilger, “The Coming War on Chi- with the struggle at Standing the foot soldiers of euro cap- mistreatment and displacement of In- na,” describes the U.S. military presence Rock. The Nation is asking italism and the Indigenous digenous people will not happen with- in Asia in the film’s opening moments: for support to sustain their Peoples of Turtle Island, out formidable opposition, and that this “Today, more than 400 American mili- presence — whether that be there has been violent dis- opposition will be channeled toward the tary bases encircle China with missiles, in the form of supplies or placement and genocide goal of overthrowing the rule of the cap- bombers, warships and, above all, nu- bodies to act as a deterrent to perpetrated by the former. italist-imperialist bourgeoisie that has clear weapons. From Australia north possible eviction and the bru- With the subsequent expro- perpetrated crimes against Indigenous through the Pacific to Japan, Korea and talization associated with it. priation of Indigenous lands people the world over. across Eurasia to Afghanistan and India, We’ve witnessed solidarity and and the forced cultivation of those The Ramapough Lenape need sup- the bases form, as one U.S. strategist puts class consciousness solidify in the past lands by enslaved African peoples, U.S. plies: food, winterization materials and it, ‘the perfect noose.’ few months at Standing Rock, N.D., as capitalism was able to enter and compete all of the fixings necessary to create a “The greatest build-up of NATO mili- the agents of U.S. capital continue their in the world capitalist market, making sustained presence at Split Rock. tary forces since the Second World War is long-standing “tradition” of violating the U.S. the current imperial behemoth For more on the struggle of the Rama­ under way on the western borders of Rus- treaties and brutalizing Indigenous peo- that it is today. pough Lenape Nation, contact them at sia. On the other side of the world, the rise ple for the profit of corporations. This As communists, we recognize the im- ramapoughlenapenation.org/ and Face- of China as the world’s second economic time, it’s for Energy Transfer Partners, a portance of the national liberation of book.com/RamapoughLunaapeNation/ power is viewed in Washington as anoth- multibillion-dollar fossil fuel extraction oppressed peoples from the yoke of colo- Joel Northam er ‘threat’ to American dominance.” corporation. nialism and imperialism and the right of Mahwah, N.J. Correspondencia sobre artículos en Workers World/Mundo Obrero pueden ser enviadas a: [email protected] wibailoutpeople.org

¡Proletarios y oprimidos de todos los paises unios! workers.org Vol. 58 Núm. 51 29 de deciembre 2016 $1

El capitalismo en crisis ¿Qué hay detrás de las opciones del gabinete de Trump Editorial

Por Sara Flounders acusó a Goldman Sachs explotar a la clase trabajadora. No obstante, eligió al presidente de Goldman Sachs, Rusia no lo hizo Desde la elección, los medios corporativos se han cen- Gary Cohn, para dirigir el poderoso Consejo Económico trado en el gabinete del presidente electo y en los nom- Nacional de la Casa Blanca. Nombró a Steven Mnuchin, La acusación de la CIA de que Rusia intervino en las bramientos del personal de la Casa Blanca, a menudo que trabajó en Goldman Sachs durante 17 años, como elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos para ayu- anunciados por tweets y filtraciones. La disputa entre secretario del Tesoro. Wilbur Ross, CEO de la empresa dar a Donald Trump es “una falsa noticia” siendo vendi- las facciones de la clase gobernante por la coordinación de banca de inversión Rothschild Inc. y con un valor de da por el Washington Post y el New York Times. ¿Sabían de vastos ministerios gubernamentales sigue siendo una $2,5 mil millones, fue nominado para dirigir el Depar- los rusos sabotear las máquinas de votación en el Medio lucha viciosa, con subterfugios, filtraciones, escándalos tamento de Comercio. Oeste? Ese es el tipo de cosas que las agencias de espi- repentinos y exposiciones personales de hechos sucios Un titular del New York Times del 10 de diciembre onaje estadounidenses se vanagloriaban de descubrir. del pasado. aplaudió estas opciones de gabinete como “obstinadas”. Pero no. Rusia es acusada de piratear la computadora Enormes balances cuelgan en el equilibrio. Los indi- Tales decisiones “difíciles” incluyen a la multimillonaria del director de campaña de Hillary Clinton, John Podes- viduos nominados son abrumadoramente reaccionarios Betty DeVos como secretaria del Departamento de Ed- ta, y de dar información embarazosa a WikiLeaks. Pero y multimillonarios. Sus nombramientos confirman una ucación. Su objetivo es socavar la educación pública y Julian Assange, editor en jefe de WikiLeaks, negó que nueva etapa de guerra total contra la gente pobre y tra- dar vales escolares para financiar escuelas privadas y Rusia fuera la fuente. (Politico, 3 de noviembre) bajadora. Esta superación puede provocar desde abajo religiosas. El Senador Lindsey Graham de Carolina del Sur, sin una nueva fase de lucha de clases militante. Tom Price como secretario de Salud y Servicios Hu- embargo, declaró: “Voy por Rusia en todos los sentidos Los departamentos que supervisan la educación manos quiere desentrañar la Ley del Cuidado de Salud que se pueda. (Washington Post, 10 de diciembre) pública, la atención de la salud, la vivienda y la protec- a Bajo Precio. Es co-patrocinador de un proyecto de ley No fue Rusia la que creó el Colegio Electoral que está ción del medio ambiente están en manos de los adminis- para otorgar a los fetos igual protección bajo la Enmien- enviando a Trump a la Casa Blanca, aunque obtuvo 2,8 tradores que buscan el desmantelamiento y destrucción da 14 y es para prohibir la cobertura de salud y todos los millones de votos menos que Clinton. Como ha señalado de estos logros. Los nombramientos confirman que nin- fondos federales para el aborto. el profesor de derecho de Yale Akhil Reed Amar, el Co- guna sección de la clase obrera pertenece a la base real Jeff Sessions, nombrado como fiscal general, es un legio Electoral se estableció para proteger la esclavitud. de Donald Trump. Sus compinches son abrumadora- senador republicano de Alabama cuyo enfoque está en (Vox, 12 de noviembre) mente millonarios corporativos y operadores de fondos las políticas de inmigración despiadadas. Es un defen- Y no fue Rusia la que suprimió los votos afroamerica- de cobertura, todas las personas de su estrato estrecho sor racista del encarcelamiento masivo, con la excusa de nos y latinoamericanos. y privilegiado. combatir las drogas adictivas. Las demandas de la CIA contra Rusia son viejas noti- Su gabinete será el más rico en la historia de los Esta- Andrew Puzder como Secretario del Trabajo quien cias. “No hemos trazado ningún vínculo probatorio con dos Unidos. Preservación de sus posiciones y beneficios es un Presidente Ejecutivo (P.E.) en la industria de la entre el servicio de inteligencia ruso y WikiLeaks”, dijo personales a pesar de sus muchos ataques durante la comida rápida que se opone a un aumento en el salario un funcionario estadounidense, “Eso es lo que informó campaña contra Goldman Sachs y sobre las conexiones mínimo federal. el Washington Post el 27 de julio. Entonces, ¿por qué el de Hillary Clinton a Wall Street, los nombramientos de El congresista republicano Mike Pompeo, quien instó clamor ahora? Trump incluyen tres banqueros actuales o antiguos de al Congreso a restablecer la recolección a granel de regis- Probablemente tiene algo que ver con la mayor parte Goldman Sachs y otros inversionistas multimillonari- tros de llamadas domésticas, fue nombrado director de la de Alepo que está siendo liberado por el gobierno electo os, además de directores generales de grandes corpora- CIA. Las elecciones militares de Trump deberían ser una de Siria, que es ayudado por Rusia e Irán. Es una gran ciones. alarma para aquellos que tenían la ilusión de que Trump derrota para la CIA. Atacar a Rusia por supuestamente Cada uno de los nombramientos de Trump se ocupará tendría un enfoque menos amenazante que Clinton, qui- ayudar a Trump es también una manera de atacar a este de los servicios gubernamentales que dispensan miles en habló de una “zona de no vuelos” en Siria, la expansión súper-fanático desde la derecha. de millones de dólares en ingresos de impuestos para las de la OTAN y el circunvalación de Rusia y China. Millones de personas pueden venir a Washington, empresas privadas. Él nombró al General de la Marina, James “Mad Dog” D.C., el 20 de enero para protestar la inauguración de Mattis como Secretario de Defensa, al General, John Trump. El gabinete de Trump y el capitalismo Kelly, jubilado de la Marina como Secretario de Home- Culpar a Rusia es un intento de desviar la lucha. Es Qué dicen las designaciones de Trump sobre el propio land Security y el general jubilado, Michael Flynn como más fácil golpear al CEO de Exxon Mobil, Rex Tillerson, sistema capitalista? Durante tres generaciones, la clase su consejero de seguridad nacional. Todos estos genera- el aparente secretario de estado de Trump, por sus trat- dominante estadounidense ha comprado la paz social les son considerados militaristas extremistas, aún por ados con Rusia que atacar al gigante petrolero por ex- en su país para hacer las guerras en el extranjero. Pero los estándares del Pentágono. plotar a Yemen. Demócratas como el senador de Nueva la decadencia del capitalismo, la desindustrialización, La incredulidad en el cambio climático y una fuerte York Charles Schumer están gritando más fuerte contra una economía globalizada y la fuga de capitales que per- alianza con las industrias del petróleo y del carbón son Rusia, mientras capitulan ante la candidatura de Trump siguen los salarios más bajos posibles ha socavado las las calificaciones de Cathy McMorris Rodgers, para di- de una junta virtual de generales en su gabinete. ganancias pasadas de la clase obrera de los Estados Uni- rigir el Departamento del Interior. Ella apoya la per- Durante la campaña electoral, la clase dominante dos. foración en tierras del tratado del nativo americano y la y su estado capitalista se dividieron. Los bancos más Incluso antes de la elección de Trump, los Estados apertura de tierras federales intactas. grandes y la CIA apoyaron a Clinton. La mayor parte Unidos habían quedado rezagados con respecto a todos Scott Pruitt como administrador de la Agencia de de los bancos pequeños, los frackers del petroleo como los demás países industrializados sobre los estándares Protección Ambiental pide “libertad para las empresas Harold Hamm - el tipo de fuerzas que apoyaron Barry mensurables de expectativa de vida, mortalidad infan- estadounidenses” y el fin de las regulaciones. Goldwater en 1964 - eran para Trump. til y niveles educativos. El impulso para maximizar los Para cualquier persona preocupada por el medio am- El FBI también respaldó a Trump, y el director de la beneficios es cada vez más despiadado. Cada ganancia biente, el cambio climático y la guerra, la nominación FBI, James Comey, pudo haber ayudado a inclinar las social ganada a través de décadas de lucha de clases en prevista de Rex Tillerson, el CEO de ExxonMobil - “gran elecciones al elevar los correos electrónicos de Clinton a los Estados Unidos está siendo atacada. petróleo” - como secretario de Estado es especialmente finales de la campaña. La división entre estas dos agen- Durante la campaña electoral, Trump repetidamente ominoso. ExxonMobil es la fuerza más poderosa en la cias tipo Gestapo -la CIA y el FBI- ha continuado, con negación del cambio climático y tiene inversiones multi- el FBI descontando las reclamaciones de la CIA sobre millonarias en Oriente Medio, Rusia, China, Venezuela Rusia. (CNN, 11 de diciembre) y más allá. Lo irónico de las “falsas noticias” de la CIA es que El capitalismo los consultores electorales estadounidenses se jactaron en un callejón El camino a seguir de cómo ayudaron a reelegir al presidente ruso Boris sin salida La feroz lucha en la clase dominante que está sur- Yeltsin en 1996.(Los Angeles Times, 9 de julio 1996. giendo entre los intereses corporativos contendientes Wall Street usó a Yeltsin para ayudar a derrocar a la Fred Goldstein utiliza las leyes desestabilizará aún más el proceso político y reducirá la Unión Soviética, una trágica derrota para los pobres y de la acumulación capitalista confianza en el orden capitalista. El Partido Demócrata los trabajadores de todo el mundo. Rusia tiene hoy un de Marx, y la tasa decreciente de ganancia, para demostrar hará todo lo posible para guiarlo hacia canales elector- gobierno capitalista, pero no es un estado siervo como por qué el capitalismo global ales seguros y controlados. La escala del asalto a la clase Arabia Saudita. Para generales estadounidenses como ha llegado finalmente a un obrera proyectada por estas nominaciones despertará “Mad Dog” James Mattis – a quien Trump ha elegi- punto de inflexión. una resistencia sin precedentes de los más oprimidos. do para Secretario de Defensa - Rusia es un blanco de El papel del liderazgo revolucionario es ayudar a des- 15539886.6 de kilómetros cuadrados para atacar y ocu- pertar una resistencia de la clase obrera que lucha por par. Nuestros enemigos están en las salas corporativas y www.LowWageCapitalism.com www.LowWageCapitalism.com sus propios intereses. en el Pentágono, no en Moscú.