Eugene Vitalievich KILIMNIK Lyudmila Petrovna KHOLODOVA

The medieval feudal castle can be seen as a unique work of European culture, a kind of “mirror of the times,” embodying all manifestations of medieval reality and uniting the medieval regions of Europe and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which otherwise differed in their environmental, historico-cultural, economic, technical, military and sociocultural level of development. The defensive feudal castle as a historical, architectural and artistic phenomenon of medieval culture was important for more than ten centuries (from the 8th century to the 1740s) as a symbol of the political, legal, economic and cultural power of secular and clerical feudal lords in the various regions of Europe.1 This archetypical spiritual role of the castle within European culture unites castle complexes of different architecture, endowing each with properties that reflect the whole. While peculiarities of dimensional shape and decoration mainly depended on local historico- cultural and defensive traditions, the semantic basis for any castle lay in the ideas of supreme power, common feudal law, defence and submission, i.e. the values of the political and legal culture, reflecting the world of medieval Europe.2 Studying a variety of sources (including history, literature, law, poetry and fine arts) allows us not only to comprehend the historico-cultural background of the epoch of feudal , but to imagine the complex system of sociocultural relations in the Middle Ages (political, legal, economic and religious) which were made manifest in the defensive castle. Based on analysis of the relevant environmental, historico-cultural,

 Ural Institute of Business, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: [email protected].  Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: [email protected]. 1 Kilimnik 2011a, p. 322. 2 Ibid., p. 123.

Terra Sebus: Acta Musei Sabesiensis, Special Issue, 2014, p. 459-474 E. V. Kilimnik, L. P. Kholodova

military and sociocultural frameworks, this study aims to define the typical dimensional shapes that were born with the genesis of the feudal castle and describe further transformations in shape between the 8th and 17th centuries across the European regions. From this, it is possible to build an architectural and historical typology which relates the medieval castles of western and south-western Russia to the architectural structures of European castles,3 codifying the historical variety of regional dimensional shapes between the 10th and 17th centuries, and classifying feudal castle complexes based on the study of their “genetic code” and dimensional properties. This architectural and historical typology will demonstrate visually and dimensionally the spatial and temporal dynamics, as well as cultural and historical ties from the origins of castle building to its final days and from the dominant typical European styles to minute local modifications. The author’s architectural and historical typology takes as its basis the triple deduction principle (type>genus>species),4 in which historical and architectural types, genera and species of defensive feudal castles are characterised according to their temporal development and spatial distribution. During the period under study, in the territories of European medieval principalities and states, all the main architectural and historical types of castles and their derivatives, genera and species were identified and the regions of their greatest concentration defined. According to analysis of cultural, historical, dimensional and planning-related factors, as well as historico-comparative analysis, the most widespread (geographically and chronologically) type of castle in each region of medieval Europe and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was identified. This revealed the typical local historical architectural and artistic characteristics manifested in the construction of feudal castles.

France Castles tend to be characterised by hipped roofing, protruding considerably over the parapet; castrum-type castles with round corner towers (fig. 1-2) are common. According to German researcher H. J. Mruseka, the castrum form of feudal castle was developed in France in the 13th century and its origins can be traced to the design of Roman military camps.5

3 Kilimnik 2010b, p. 850. 4 Ibid., p. 851. 5 Mrusek, Roch-Lemmer 1975, p. 156. 460 The Medieval Castle as a Symbol of Military-Political, Economic and Legal Power

Italy Northern Italian castles are characterised by square positioning of corner towers (fig. 3). Nebbia Ugo, an Italian researcher of medieval castles, believes it is also possible to characterize these as castrum. A special form of castrum castles is characterised by towers set in a rectangular layout, following Roman traditions.6

Iberian Peninsula countries Castles here are characterised by stepped and keel-shaped battlements, corner towers and towers with oriels (bay windows) (fig. 4). Spanish castle architecture is distinguished by the form of the top of the donjon (keep): traditionally mounted turrets were installed in the corners of the tower parapets, which marked out the fortified residence of feudal lords.7

Lands of the Holy Roman Empire; also Czech, Austrian, Hungarian, Silesian and Polish cultural and historical areas Palatial/German-type feudal castles with round or rectangular towers dominated the North German Saxon and South German Trans-Danube architectural style (fig. 5-6). The structure of the palatial/German-type courtyard castle generally involved a basic defensive perimeter around a closed main building of two-or three stories, typically irregular in shape, reflecting the ruggedness of the surrounding landscape, as well as a courtyard. A number of architecturally and historically derivative castle complex styles were created based on these, for example: - having two, one or no towers; - with a curtain wall (a between two towers); - with a (long, fortified gateway, often built onto a cape or isthmus and forming the way into the castle); - concentric castles (series of terraced based on the landscape, with the lower castle at the foot, a middle castle further up and an upper castle on the summit); - with built features projecting from the walls in a horizontal position; - with exterior D-shaped towers (a tower protected in the most at-risk area by additional strengthening); - with the main tower in a dynamic position (located near the entrance of the castle, serving as its primary defense) or a static position (located far from the castle entrance and serving a lesser defensive function);

6 Nebbia 1955, p. 236. 7 Washburn 1957, p. 320. 461 E. V. Kilimnik, L. P. Kholodova

- with a regular or irregular-shaped bailey (an annex with an enclosed, fortified courtyard, adjoining the main castle); - semi-rock castles (human-made defensive-residential constructions which incorporate natural rocky outcrops, with buildings on top of or next to the natural formation); - rock-hewn castles (castles which are actually cut into the rock itself).

Poland Polish castles tend to be regular-shaped constructions with round corner towers; less often, irregular-shaped castles making use of characteristics of the natural relief can be seen. In northern and central parts of Poland, convents derived from the generic dimensional shape of this type of castle are found. The original generic convent castle sprang from the lands of the Teutonic and Livonian Orders (end of the 13th century-beginning of the 14th century) and combines the structure of a military castle and a cloister in its design (fig. 7).

Medieval western and south-western Russia (Belorussia, Ukraine) Here we see generic castles based on the northern Italian tradition, with polygonal towers which acquired a distinctive five-sided (keel) shape (fig. 8).

Fig. 1. Château d’Anjony, 15th century, France (source:

462 The Medieval Castle as a Symbol of Military-Political, Economic and Legal Power

Fig. 2. Lassay Castle, 15th century, France (source:

Fig. 3. Castello di Soncino, 15th century, Italy (source: strada-al-pittore-enea-ferrari)

463 E. V. Kilimnik, L. P. Kholodova

Fig. 4. Castle Coca, 15th century, Spain (source:

Fig. 5. Maus Castle, 14th century, Germany-Saxon direction (source:

464 The Medieval Castle as a Symbol of Military-Political, Economic and Legal Power

Fig. 6. Castle Prunn, 11th century, Germany-Danubian direction (source:

Fig. 7. Castle-Convent Lidzbark-Warmiński, 14th century, Poland (source:

465 E. V. Kilimnik, L. P. Kholodova

Fig. 8. Gold Flow Castle, 17th century, Ukraine (source:

Fig. 9. Malbork castle, 14th century, Poland (source:

466 The Medieval Castle as a Symbol of Military-Political, Economic and Legal Power

Fig. 10. Transitional-type castle, Hunaudaye, 13th century, France (photo: Olivier Durand)

When considering the evolution of shapes in tower/donjon-type castles, a gradual decline in the construction and promotion of this type of castle can be observed from the west to the east of Europe.8 At the same time, there was a wide area (France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, southern Italy and Tirol [in present-day Austria]) in which tower castles dominated the construction of fortified dwellings. In Central Europe (Czech, Poland, Hungary), tower-type castles became less widespread compared to other types of castle (fig. 9). To the north and west of Europe, tower castles ceased to be built by the end of the 16th century. The combined/transitional type of castle, combining the structures of tower/donjons and castrum castles, emerged in the second part of the 12th century and continued to be built until the end of the 14th century. Transitional castles represent an intermediate historic form between the historic tower/donjon castle and the castrum, retaining certain archaic features typical to the former, but incorporating new ideas from the latter.9 This type of castle developed in France, England, Scotland, Spain, Portugal and Italy, but in the lands of the Holy Roman Empire (not including Switzerland and western Belorussia) and further east, it was less common, and in a number of regions of central and eastern Europe (Austria, Czechia, Poland and Hungary) examples occur only in isolation (fig. 10).

8 Coulson 1979, p. 73-90. 9 Finó 1967, p. 290.

467 E. V. Kilimnik, L. P. Kholodova

Castrum castles - square or rectangular in layout with four corner towers and a big courtyard - have historical roots dating back to Roman fortified camps. They first appeared in France in the late 12th-early 13th centuries, influenced by cultural and historical traditions introduced by militant pilgrims to the Middle East. Buildings of similarly great strength and size were created in the Latin kingdoms in the first third of the 12th century. These new castrum-style feudal castles included a spacious courtyard surrounded by residential wings directly adjacent to the wall. Between the second half of the 13th century and the 17th century, this architectural type became widespread across Hungary, Greater Poland, Lithuania, western and south-western Russia (Belorussia, Ukraine) and the Moldavian Principality, developing under the influence of the French and Northern Italian traditions of castle building. The Generic Castel Castle-Convent type dominated in the culture of the Teutonic and Livonian orders, influencing the architectural and artistic characteristics of Polish castles (especially in central and northern parts of Poland). The Generic Irregular Castel Castle became an established feature of the Halicz, Volyn, Podole and Lithuanian principalities and the medieval districts of Belorussia. It was only in the lands of the Holy Roman Empire (excluding those in the North) that this derivative castle genre did not spread, due to the dominance of the palace/German type of feudal castle. The structure of the palatial/German-type castle, as described above, involved a basic defensive perimeter surrounding a building two or three stories high, with a courtyard inside the inner curtain. These structures tend to be irregular in shape, based upon the surrounding landscape. In contrast to donjons, where the main architectural element is the fortified keep, in palatial/German castles, the main architectural kernel is an irregular-shaped palace and courtyard. In the late Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Empire spread from the North Sea to upper Italy. The historical variety of dimensional shapes in castles of this type was caused by the growing disunity of the region (which included the Netherlands, Switzerland, Burgundy, Elsa, Lorrain, German and Austrian lands, Czechia, Moravia and Silesia) and the variety of landscapes. All these factors influenced the architectural and artistic design of castle complexes and town fortifications. In each cultural and historical zone of the German Empire, local styles of castle architecture gradually formed, varying according to specific defensive elements, but generally keeping close to the German school of castle- building. The palatial/German castle - the most significant type in Central Europe - was widespread in the majority of principalities of the Holy

468 The Medieval Castle as a Symbol of Military-Political, Economic and Legal Power

Roman Empire (excepting the northern territories) from as early as the beginning of the 12th century. It greatly influenced the art of castle building in Czechia and Moravia (early 13th to late 15th centuries), southern Poland and Silesia (mid-13th to 14th centuries), the lands of Hungarian Crown (mid- 13th to 14th centuries), and, to a lesser extent, the territories of the Teutonic and Livonian Orders (1320s to the end of the 14th century), and Halicz and Podole (Russia, second half of the 14th to 16th centuries) where local cultural and historical traditions dominated.10 Due to changes in siege techniques and the development of new weapons, strategies and tactics in military science, earlier dimensional characteristics of castles were transformed in order to increase their defensive power, or were forced out by the emergence and dominance of a new type of castle better-suited to defending the region. In other words, previously dominant architectural and historical castle types were succeeded by new designs with better military and defensive properties. Based on field, cultural and historical studies, it is fair to state that each of the historical and cultural zones of medieval Europe had clearly- defined local artistic traditions which left their mark on the architectural styles of feudal castles (be they donjon/tower, combined/transitional, castrum or palatial/German-type castles), and on other types of castle derived from these.11 Such architectural and typological expressions of regional identity in feudal castles can be seen as a manifestation of the cultural distinctiveness of the various European regions. The huge range of dimensions and shapes of castles - dictated by local environmental, historical and socio-cultural features (including local artistic styles) - offers quite a varied picture of Europe’s Roman and Gothic periods.12 Despite these regional tendencies, it is possible to distinguish certain aspects of castle architecture in medieval Europe which reflect more generally the synthesis of the arts that was taking place in religious architecture. When exploring the synthesis of artistic, functional and constructive aspects in the architecture of castles, it should be noted that during the development of the art of defensive castle building, these principles varied, altering in their significance and distinctiveness. At the dawn of the castle era, master-builders were only concerned with the usefulness and strength of the construction: its beauty did not matter. By virtue of the utilitarian and functional purpose of the defensive castle, the masters’ task was to make

10 Kilimnik 2011a, p. 296. 11 Kilimnik 2010a, p. 219. 12 Ulmer 1999, p. 303. 469 E. V. Kilimnik, L. P. Kholodova

best use of the terrain and the latest developments in architecture to endow the construction with a “multi-level security system,” making it as safe and inaccessible as possible, equipping it to defend the surrounding lands and population and, most importantly, demonstrating the power of the ruler over the region.13 Medieval builders undertook this daunting task at huge financial, energetic and material expense; nevertheless, the scale of the task reflected the intrinsic value of the idea on which it was based. The result of these efforts - the castle - impressed contemporary observers: its stern look commanded their respect, aroused fear and inspired awe before the grandeur of power. At the same time, for the dependent population, it symbolised the hope of salvation from the enemy and was, on the whole, the centre of their lives and world order. Today, we still experience this energetic impact, though in a different way. Even the earliest, undecorated castles evoke a sense of aesthetic perfection, thanks to the elegance of their design. It can be stated that the beauty of the castle, originally inherent in the design but not realised by medieval man, gradually became manifest with the change of axiological system and is today firmly established in people’s minds as one of the greatest achievements of human skill. As society developed and castles became subject to new tasks set by the rulers of the time, castle architecture evolved. During this transitional stage, the noblest and wealthiest castle owners borrowed certain elements of Gothic church architecture, blending them with Roman-style interior decoration. These gothic elements did not actually perform any structural function, but produced an illusion of authenticity. See, for example the vaulted ceiling of the Knight’s Hall of Malbork Castle (fig. 9). This process of borrowing was more intensive in relation to the reconstruction of castle chapels - especially those that were inside the castle court, defended by fortress walls - which were re-configured using new stylistic principles of construction, making them look Gothic. It is from here that the tendency to synthesise artistic, functional and constructive principles in castle architecture originates. Born as an attempt to achieve a balanced combination of heterogeneous details while retaining traditional defensive features, this process eventually culminated in the emergence of multifunctional palace complexes that eventually lost any purposes completely between the 16th and 18th centuries.14 During this period, the development of religious and secular architecture

13 Kilimnik 2013, p. 237. 14 Ibid. 470 The Medieval Castle as a Symbol of Military-Political, Economic and Legal Power

was accentuated, increasing the value of the aesthetic synthesis of both constituent elements and related elements of other arts. This process was greatly encouraged by feudal lords allocating funds which in the past would have been used to support the optimal fortification and armament of castles. As Europe stabilised and the relevance of defensive functions waned, the owners instead funded artistic reconstruction of former feudal strongholds. Thus, having arisen as an aspect of early medieval Roman culture, defensive architecture was long characterised by a severe appearance which almost completely avoided Gothic influence. With the beginning of the Renaissance, the centralisation of states led to the loss of castles’ former utilitarian and functional purposes, at which point Gothic and Renaissance properties began to creep into the architecture of feudal fortifications, synchronising the development of the art of defensive construction with the aesthetic creative tendencies of the epoch. As a result, by the Baroque period, the functional and artistic representation of castle construction completely corresponded to the spirit of the age.15 Castles were an important factor in stabilising territorial borders and stimulated the development of power relations. Their creation contributed to the development of science and technology, since they posed a number of specific requirements for builders to solve. The stabilisation of territorial relations led to greater attention being paid to the comforts of everyday life. The art of castle building contributed to the maintenance of cultural values (through frescos, tapestries, etc.). The construction, transformation and decoration of castles and palaces contributed to artistic development in adjacent fields such as fine arts and crafts. Developments in the art of castle building generated new compositional techniques and geometric shapes, often borrowed from other types of civil and religious building design (bows, battlements, avant-corps (porch or pavilion jutting out from the main wall) and solutions for widening the visual range of wall apertures). This was most prominent in the Roman and Gothic period-architecture and in replicas built in subsequent epochs (for example, in the eclectic period). In no other area of construction was the problem of the relationship between artificial constructions and the natural landscape solved at such a high level. The specific character of castle-building - the use of available environmental features, cultural and historical traditions and socio-cultural conditions - is directly reflected in advantages and disadvantages of regional

15 Ibid.

471 E. V. Kilimnik, L. P. Kholodova

castle shapes, from the point of view of solving defensive tasks. These conditions, according to field research, played a decisive role in choosing the shape of each individual castle complex. Based on this, it is possible to see two ways in which compositional decisions were dictated by nature itself. In the first case, natural elevations were often used when building castles, such that the construction became a kind of continuation of the relief, a natural development of it, such that it is often quite difficult to differentiate between natural and artificial forms. As a result, these castles give a sense of blending with nature, where the constituent elements are inseparable. In the second case, where construction took place on flat land, horizontal lines have a dominant role in the landscape, while the castle offers vertical divisions in opposition. In this case, the flat landscape accentuates the shape of the castle, emphasising its power, whilst such castles themselves enrich the plains through a contrast as pleasing to the eye as the blending of castles on promontories.16 It is in the art of castle building that the specific features of these compositional techniques were used to the breaking point of their expressive possibilities.17 At the same time, the need to create a perfect defensive feudal residence eventually brought castle design to the highest aesthetic level, proving the highly organised character of the evolving system, analogous to the processes of evolution and growth in nature. The castle, born in depths of medieval history, was the centre from which European and western Russian civilization formed. The feudal castle symbolised military, political, economic and legal power. It was the centre of knightly culture and feudal traditions, it presented a fortified base for further conquest of new lands, defended the inner state and trade routes, protected against attack from neighbouring territories and served as a factor of political stability, while at the same time contributing to an increase in feudal disunity.18 The defensive castle, as a phenomenon of medieval culture, unites the various regions of Europe and the lands of west and south-western Russia - lands which were otherwise divided by differing levels of political, economic, military, social and cultural development.

16 Kilimnik 2011a, p. 326. 17 Ulmer 1999, p. 303. 18 Kilimnik 2011b, p. 98. 472 The Medieval Castle as a Symbol of Military-Political, Economic and Legal Power

The Medieval Castle as a Symbol of Military-Political, Economic and Legal Power in the European Regions of the 10th-17th Centuries


This article is based on a cultural-historical approach to the analysis of the medieval feudal castle as a phenomenon of European culture. The synthesis of artistic, functional and constructive elements in castle architecture is analysed, illustrating the historical essence of feudal castles. The feudal castle symbolised military, political, economic and legal power. It was the centre of knightly culture and feudal traditions, it presented a fortified base for further conquest of new lands, defended the inner state and trade routes, protected against attack from neighbouring territories and served as a factor of political stability, while at the same time contributing to an increase in feudal disunity. Through field research, architectural and historical analysis, and the study of the geographical location of European castles, the author offers a new classification of European castle complexes based on the typical, generic and specific features, from a genetic core with historical roots in antiquity to subsequent defensive constructions with characteristic regional differences in shape and design. The feudal castle, with its unique cultural values, represents cultural and historical integrity. Every individual castle can be seen as an example of historical regional architecture, in conjunction with other common European architectural and artistic traditions of medieval civic culture. This article summarises the diversity found within the architectural and artistic characteristics of medieval Europe’s feudal castles, showing that they represented an integral space, synthesising the natural environment, social order and psychology of the Middle Ages. The study of the historical and cultural heritage of the Middle Ages - in particular of monuments of chivalric culture - bears a special significance today in reminding people of these striking manifestations of the unique culture of medieval Europe.

Bibliographical Abbreviations

Coulson 1979 - Charles L. H. Coulson, Structural Symbolism in Medieval Castle Architecture, in JBAA, 132, 1979, p. 73-90. Finó 1967 - José Federico Finó, Forteresses de la France médiévale. Construction, attaque, défense, Paris, 1967. Kilimnik 2010a - Eugene V. Kilimnik, Genezis form feodal’nykh zamkov v Tsentral’noy Yevrope v period Zrelogo Srednevekov’ya, in MNKO, 5 (24), 2010, p. 215-219. Kilimnik 2010b - Eugene V. Kilimnik, Kul’turno-istoricheskiye osobennosti feodal’nykh zamkov yevropeyskogo Srednevekov’ya (na primere pamyatnikov rytsarskoy kul’tury Tsentral’noy i Vostochnoy Yevropy), in IzvSamarsk, 12, 2010, 5 (3), p. 845-851. Kilimnik 2011a - Eugene V. Kilimnik, Kul’turno-istoricheskiye osobennosti feodal’nykh zamkov Tsentrall’noy Yevropy, Zapadnoy Ukrainy i Belorussii XI-XVII vv.: monografiya, Ekaterinburg, 2011. Kilimnik 2011b - Eugene V. Kilimnik, Eugene V. Kilimnik, Feodal’nyy zamok v

473 E. V. Kilimnik, L. P. Kholodova

kontekste politicheskoy kul’tury Srednevekov’ya, in VTP, 8, 2011, 14, p. 93-98. Kilimnik 2013 - Eugene V. Kilimnik, Iskusstvovedcheskoye issledovaniye srednevekovogo zamka X-XVII vv, in Pridneprovs’yu soshchal’no- gumashtarsh chitannya: Materiali Dnepropetrovs’koj cecii II Vseukrashs’koj naukovo-praktichnoj konferentsi z mizhnarodnoyu uchastyu, in Gyanovashchya, Part 6, 2013, p. 231-237. Mrusek, Roch-Lemmer 1975 - Hans-Joachim Mrusek, Irene Roch-Lemmer, Burgen in Europa, Leipzig, 1975. Nebbia 1955 - Ugo Nebbia, Castelli d’Italia, Novara, 1955. Ulmer 1999 - Christoph Ulmer, Christoph Ulmer, Castles of Friuli: History and Civilization, Köln, 1999. Washburn 1957 - Oliver D. Washbum, Castles in Spain, Mexico, 1957.

Keywords: castle, phenomenon, culture, synthesis, functions, feudalism, Middle Ages.



AA - Acta Archaeologica. Copenhagen. AAL - Asien Africa Lateinamerica. Zeitschrift des Zentralen Rates für Asien-, Afrika- und Lateinamerikawissenschaften in der DDR. Berlin. AAMT - Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory. Orlando. AAnt - American Antiquity. Society for American Archaeology. Washington. ABM - Alaska Business Monthly. Anchorage. Acta Asiatica - Acta Asiatica. Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture. Tokyo. AO - Arkheologicheskiye otkrytiya (1965-2013). Moscow. AOASH - Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Institute of Oriental Studies. Budapest. AP - Arkheologiya Podmoskov’ya. Materialy nauchnogo seminara. Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. ArchOttoman - Archivum Ottomanicum. Wiesbaden Ottoman Archivesa. Wiesbaden. Ars Judaica - Ars Judaica. Bar-Ilan University. Ramat Gan. Art-menedzher - Art-menedzher. Business magazine considering culture and art as a resource for the social and economic development of society and offering various technologies and methodologies of management of this process. Moscow. Bibliosphera - Bibliosphera. The Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Novosibirsk. BKF - Baltiiskii filologicheskii kurer. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Kaliningrad. BM - Byulleten’ Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley prirody. Otdel biologichesky. Moscow Society of Naturalists. Moscow. BMMS - Byulleten Muzeya Marka Shagala. Marc Chagall Museum. Vitebsk. Byilyie godyi - Byilyie godyi. Sochi State University. Sochi. CAn - Current Anthropology. Chicago. CHR - The Canadian Historical Review. University of Toronto Press. Toronto.


CIS - Culturulogicheskie issledovania Sibiri. Omsk State University. Omsk. Comparativ - Comparativ. Leipziger Beiträge zur Universalgeschichte und vergleichenden Gesellschaftsforschung. Universität Leipzig, Global and European Studies Institute. Leipzig. CRJ - Classical Receptions Journal. The Open University (UK). Oxford. Den’gi - Den’gi. Publishing House “Kommersant.” Moscow. EDV - Ekonomicheskaya zhizn Dalnego Vostoka. Geographic Society. Khabarovsk, Amur. EHQ - European History Quarterly. University of London. London. EJNH - European Journal of Natural History. The Russian Academy of Natural History. Moscow. Ethnos - Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology. London. Études/Inuit/Studies - Études/Inuit/Studies. Association Inuksiutiit Katimajiit Inc. Québec. EZ - Evoluciajizni na Zemle. Tomsk State University. Tomsk. Femida - Femida. Media Corporation “ZAN.” Almaty. Florilegium - Florilegium. The journal of the Canadian Society of Medievalists. Ottawa. Forsait - Forsait. Higher School of Economy. Moscow. Francia - Francia. Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte, hg. vom Deutschen Historischen Institut Paris (Institut Historique Allemand). Paris. Fundamental Research - Fundamental Research. Russian Academy of Natural History. Moscow. Genetics - Genetics. Genetics Society of America. Bethesda (USA). Genetika - Genetika. Russian Journal of Genetics. Moscow State University. Moscow. Geologiya i geofizika - Geologiya i geofizika. Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Department of the Science Academy in the USSR, Novosibirsk. Published by the Siberian department of the Science Academy in the USSR. Novosibirsk. Gyanovashchya - Gyanovashchya. Dnepropetrovsk State University. Dnepropetrovsk. HN - Hraniteli naslediya. Altay State Pedagogical Academy. Barnaul. HZ - Historische Zeitschrift. Johann Wolfgang Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main. Karavan - Karavan (newspaper). Almaty. KAS - Der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - Auslandsinformationen. Berlin.


KPZ - Kazanskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. Kazan. IAIAND - Istoriko-arkheologicheskie issledovaniya v g. Azove i na Nizhnem Donu v 2006 g., Don. Istoriografiya - Istoriografiya i istochnikovedenie istorii stran Azii i Afriki. Leningrad State University. Leningrad. Istoriya i sovremennost’ - Istoriya i sovremennost’. Moscow. Izvestia Ugo - Izvestija Ugo-Zapadnogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Kursk. IzvSamarsk - Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN. Samara. JBAA - Journal of the British Archaeological Association, British Archaeological Association. London. Kulturnoe nasledie - Kulturnoe nasledie. Altai State University, Altai Territory, Barnaul. Lesnoi Zhurnal - Lesnoi Zhurnal. Izvestiia Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Bulletin of Higher Educational Institution. Arkhangelsk. LKK - Literatura i kultura v Kitae. Moscow. LSJ - Life Science Journal. Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas. Zhengzhou University. New York. JAMT - Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. New York. JAR - Journal of Archaeological Research. Journal of Archaeological Research. New York. JIISV - Jekonomicheskie i istoricheskie issledovanija na Severo- Vostoke SSSR. Economic and historical research in the North-East of the USSR. Magadan. KT - Kazakhskaya tsivilizatsiya. University Kaimar Almaty. Almaty. Marketing - Marketing. Centre for Marketing Research and Management. Moscow. MBD - Molodyye v bibliotechnom dele. Youth in Library Science. Moscow. MEJSR - Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research. International scientific journal published by the international digital organization for scientific information (IDOSI). Memoirs SAA - Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology. Society for American Archaeology. Washington DC. MENP - Materialy po evoliycii nazemnykh pozvochnykh. Moscow. MIA - Materialy po istorii i archeologii SSSR. Moscow, Saint Petersburg. MIFFK - Materialy po istorii fauny i flory Kazahstana. Kazakhstan.


Mir bibliografii - Mir bibliografii. Moscow. Mir obrazovaniya - Mir obrazovaniya - obrazovanie v mire. Scientific- Methodological Journal. Moscow Psychology and Sociology Institute. Moscow. MNKO - Mir Nauki, Kul’tury, Obrazovaniya. Gorno-Altaisk. Molodezh’ Tatarstana - Molodezh’ Tatarstana. Newspaper. Kazan. MUSEUM - MUSEUM. UNESCO. Narodnaya shkola - Narodnaya shkola. Saint Petersburg. Nauchnoye obozreniye - Nauchnoye obozreniye, series 2, Gumanitarniye nauki. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow. Nauch.-tekhn. Inform - Nauchnaya i tekhnicheskaya informatsiya. Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. Naukovedeniye - Naukovedeniye. Institute of History of Natural Sciences and Technics named after S. I. Vavilov of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. Neues Leben - Neues Leben [newspaper]. Berlin. NIV - Novyy istoricheskiy vestnik. Obshhestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost’ju “Izdatel’stvo Ippolitova.” Moscow. NKOGK - Obshchestvo i gosudarstvo v Kitae: XXXIX nauchnaia konferentsiia. Moscow. NNZ - Novgorod i Novgorodskaya zemlya. Istoriya i arkheologiya. Veliki Novgorod. Novosti - Russian News Agency “Novosti.” Moscow. NT - Nauchnyi Tatarstan. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. Kazan. NTB - Nauchnyye i tekhnicheskiye biblioteki. The State Public Scientific and Technical Library Russia. Moscow. Odyssey - Odyssey. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Universal History. Moscow. ONS - Obshchestvennuye nauki i sovremennost. Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. OT - Otechestvennyye zapiski. Saint Petersburg. Panorama iskusstv - Panorama iskusstv. Sovetskii khudozhnik. Moscow. Pervye amerikancy - Pervye amerikancy. First Americans (Almanac). Russian Society of Indianists. Saint Petersburg. PGI - Problemi Gumanitarnih Issledovaniy. Russian State Institute for Regional Issues in Northern Caucasus. Pyatigorsk. Polar Record - Polar Record. A Journal of Arctic and Antarctic Research. Scott Polar Research Institute. Cambridge (UK). Politische Wissenschaft - Politische Wissenschaft. Deutsche Hochschule für Politik Berlin.


Polzunovskiy vestnik - Polzunovskiy vestnik. Altay State Technical University. Barnaul. Pozdneplejstocenovye - Pozdneplejstocenovye i rannegolocenovye kul’turnye svjazi Azii i Ameriki. Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy. Novosibirsk. Prizrenie - Prizrenie i blagotvoritel’nost’ v Rossii. Izdanie Vserossijskogo sojuza uchrezhdenij, obshhestv i dejatelej po obshhestvennomu i chastnomu prizreniju. Saint Petersburg. Problemi filosofii - Problemi filosofii. Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. Proceedings Volgograd - Proceedings of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University. Volgograd. PsZ - Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal. Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. PT - Perspectives on Terrorism. The Terrorism Research Initiative (TRI) headquartered in Vienna, and the Center for Terrorism and Security Studies (CTSS) headquartered at the University of Massachusetts’ Lowell campus. Massachusetts. RA - Rossiiskaia Arkheologiia. Moscow. Reka vremen - Reka vremen. Moscow. Rivista di Bizantinistica - Rivista di Bizantinistica. Bologna. RossEconom - Rossiski ekonomicheski jurnal. International Academy of Business and Management. Moscow. Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Russian government daily newspaper. Moscow. SA - Sovetskaja Arkheologija. Institute of Archaeology, Russia, Moscow. Moscow. SC - Sviyazhskie chteniya. Sviyazhsk. Scientometrics - Scientometrics. Akadémiai Kiadó. Budapest. Serdalo - Obschenacionalnaya gaseta Respubliki Ingushetiya “Serdalo.” Nazran. SGV - Saratovskie gubernskie vedomosti. Saratov. Shagalovskii sbornik - Shagalovskii sbornik. Marc Chagall Museum. Minsk. SI - Sociologicheskiye issledovaniya. Science Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. Soziale Geschichte - Soziale Geschichte. Zeitschrift für historische Analyse des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Bremen. Spectrum - Spectrum. The Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies. Astana. SS - Sibirskaya stolitsa. Tobolsk State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. Tobolsk.


SSM - Social Sciences and Modernity. The Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Science.” Moscow. SV - Sovremennaya filologiya. Ufa. SZ - Sociologicheskiy zhurnal. Moscow. Tarih Dergisi - Istanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Dergisi. Istanbul. TKA - Tulski kraevedchesky almanah. Tula. Traditzionnaya kultura - Traditzionnaya kultura. An academic almanac representing the perspective direction in complex study of ethnoculture: national outlook, pedagogics, life, mythology, customs, ceremonies, poetry and music. Moscow. Trudovaya pomoshch’ - Trudovaya pomoshch’. Izdanie Popechitel’stva o trudovoj pomoshhi. Saint Petersburg. Vestnik AAJ - Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i jetnografii. Institute of Problems of Development of the North, Russia. Tyumen. Vestnik Chelyabinsk - Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Istoriya. Publishing house of Chelyabinsk State University. Chelyabinsk. Vestnik Chuvashskogo - Vestnik Chuvashskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im I. Ya. Yakovleva. I. Y. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. Cheboksary. VestKrasno - Vestnike Krasnoyarskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta imeni V. P. Astaf’eva. Krasnojarskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet im. V. P. Astaf’eva. Krasnojarsk. Vestnik Kazak - Vestnik Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. Academy of Science of the Kazakh SSR. Kazakhstan. Vestnik RAN - Vestnik Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. Vestnik Samara - Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Samara State University. Samara. Vestn Tomsk Gos Univ. - Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Kul’turologiya i iskusstvovedeniye. Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Tomsk. Vestnik Semej - Vestnik gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Shakarima goroda Semej. Shakarim State University of Semey. Vestnik Ufa - Vestnik Vostochnoy ekonomiko-yuridicheskoy gumanitarnoy akademii. East Economic-Legal Humanitarian Academy. Ufa. Vestnik VyatGGU - Vestnik Vyatskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta: Vyatka State University of Humanities. Kirov.


Vizantiysky vremennik - Vizantiysky vremennik. Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. Voprosy Istorii - Voprosy Istorii. Russian academic journal for historical studies. The Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. Voprosi Literatury - Voprosi Literatury. Writer’s Union of the USSR. Moscow. Voprosy filosofii - Voprosy filosofii. Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. VTP - Istoricheskiye, filosofskiye, politicheskiye i yuridicheskiye nauki, kul’turologiya i iskusstvovedeniye. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. Tambov. WASJ - World Applied Sciences Journal. International Digital Organization Scientific for Information “IDOSI Publications” UAE. Dubai. Zapiski - Zapiski Vostochnogo otdeleniya Russkogo arkheologicheskogo obshchestva. Archaeological Society. Saint Petersburg. ZDMG - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Berlin Magazine of the German East Society. Berlin.