ARTICLE I: NAME AND MISSION Section 1. The name of the organization is Los Angeles Rebellion Club (hereinafter referred to as the “Rebellion”). The mission of the Rebellion is to promote equality and inclusivity through the of rugby.

ARTICLE II: PURPOSE Section 1. The Rebellion is to be operated exclusively for non-profit and charitable purposes.

Section 2. The purposes of the Rebellion shall be: 1. To field a Division III or IV men’s rugby team (or teams) to compete in: a. the Southern California Rugby Football Union (SCRFU), and b. the International Gay Rugby (IGR) 2. To create an inclusive athletic training environment for all those interested in training with the club, regardless of sexual identity, age, ethnicity, body type, ability level or past experience; 3. To promote the positive physical, emotional and social health of our members; 4. To promote physical education, good sportsmanship and the rules and traditions of rugby to a broader community, along with the importance of equality and inclusivity.

ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Membership in the Rebellion is open to any person, regardless of sexual identity, age, ethnicity, financial status, body type, gender, past experience or ability level.

Section 2. There are four types of members: Players, Supporters, Alumni, and Coaches. ​ ​ 1. Players are members in good standing who have paid Player club dues, are registered with USA Rugby, and have health insurance. a. Players are eligible: i. to play in Rebellion matches; ii. for Board membership; and iii. to vote in Board elections. b. Players are expected to: i. attend practice to the satisfaction of the Coaches; ii. participate in the fundraising and philanthropic activities of the team; and iii. provide the Coaches and Board current contact information. c. Age restrictions. All members must be a minimum of 18 years of age. Players under the age of 21 will not be permitted to participate in bar-sponsored events. d. Gender inclusivity. The Rebellion welcomes all genders to participate as Players in practices and unofficial matches, provided all other eligibility has been met. However, per USA Rugby regulations, only those players who identify as gender male may participate in sanctioned matches and tournaments. 2. Supporters are members who are not Players and have paid Supporter club dues. Supporters are eligible for Board membership and to vote in Board elections. a. Alumni are former players who have transitioned to supporter status. On a case-by-case basis, alumni may be allowed to play with the team in sanctioned matches, provided they have paid USA Rugby fees. Those alumni who pay supporter or full club member dues are eligible to vote for, and/or serve on, the Board. 3. Coaches are individuals contracted on a pro-bono or for-hire basis by the club to implement all athletic training and competitive activities. This may include a Head Coach, Assistant Coach and volunteer coaching assistants (selected by coaching staff .) a. Coaching staff may resign at any time by written notice to the President. b. Any member of the coaching staff may be removed by a sixty percent (60%) super majority vote of the Board, whenever deemed in the best interest of the organization. c. Coaches do not serve on the Board, however they are expected to attend board meetings as requested. d. Head and Assistant Coach contracts are reviewed and/or renewed at the conclusion of each season.

Section 3. Player Attendance and Participation. 1. Players are expected/required to attend scheduled practices and training sessions to be eligible to play in matches. Absences must be notified by any form of communication to the Coach and Player Representative. 2. The Coach holds final say on which eligible players will be included in a match roster, as well as how long they play in any particular match. Eligibility is based on Section 2.1, in addition to being in good standing with USA Rugby (ie. current USAR registration) and club dues (See Article IV.) 3. Players may be asked to provide logistical support setting up practice or match fields, collecting equipment and running meetups after home matches. 4. Players participating in matches are expected to attend traditional post-match meetups with the opposing team. The club requests that players attend, at a minimum, through the announcement of awards. This includes both home and away games. 5. Players intending to participate in regional, national or international IGR tournaments are expected to attend and provide logistical support at a minimum of 60% of monthly fundraising/volunteerism activities (On average, the club holds twelve such activities each season) and play in the regular season that year. a. It is understood that these events are critical to supporting the organization’s athletic activities and building awareness of the Rebellion. b. Those players unable to meet this requirement due to work, school or family functions will be asked to volunteer logistical support in other capacities to support the Club’s operations. 6. Players will be encouraged to attend regularly scheduled social events, including Beach Rugby, group outings, Rugby 7s tournaments and other gatherings.

ARTICLE IV: DUES Section 1. Assessing dues to the club membership. The Board shall have the power to levy dues for Players and Supporters in an amount determined by the Board. This power will include the power to accept reduced dues for certain members or groups of members for reasons such as financial hardship and injury, for example.

Section 2. Policies regarding Players. The policies set regarding payment of dues and USA Rugby registration fees only impact a player’s participation in sanctioned matches and tournaments, and their access to membership benefits. 1. General. All players are welcome to participate in practices, trainings and social events regardless of any balance owed to the organization. 2. Payment Deadlines. a. Players are expected to have paid a minimum of 50% of their dues prior to the first match of the season, as well as required USA Rugby registration fees, otherwise they will be ineligible to play in a match until such time as those stipulations are met. b. Any remaining balance of dues must be paid by March 15 of the current season, otherwise they will be ineligible to play in further matches until that balance has been paid in full, or a payment arrangement has been secured (see Section 3.) c. The Board has the option of waiving remaining dues for any injured player who is unable to play for the remainder of a particular season. 3. Installment Plans and Financial Hardship. a. Players have the option of paying installments to meet deadlines stated in Section 2. b. Players experiencing financial hardship may request extension of Section 2 deadlines or a reduction in dues. Requests must be made in writing (print or email) to the Player Representative, and include justification for the request. i. The Player Representative will present all requests to the Board, which agrees to each request full consideration. c. Players approved for payment extension or reduction in dues will be expected to sign an agreed upon payment schedule. d. Players who do not meet the terms of their payment schedule will be ineligible to play in matches until balance is brought current, unless otherwise approved by the Board. 4. Ineligibility due to non-payment. a. Players who have not paid dues in full for the previous season are ineligible to play in matches during the following season until such a time that balance is paid in full OR an agreement is reached with the Board. b. If a player is deemed ineligible, the Player Representative and the Coach will notify said player by written and verbal communication.

Section 3. Policies regarding Supporters (aka RugBAEs). 1. General. The club depends on its supporters to achieve their mission and goals. The purpose of the RugBAE membership level is to provide a Booster Club to support club operations, fundraising and supporter engagement. 2. While optional, Supporter Membership Dues are a tax-deductible donation and provides full membership benefits allowed to Supporters including free admittance, food and beverage at post-game meet ups, monthly Ruggerbusts, and Welcome Week and End of Season festivities. 3. Donors of any level above $50 are automatically provided Supporter status and the membership benefits within. 4. Activities restricted to Paid Supporters only. Supporters must have paid current season dues to be eligible for inclusion in the Bingham Cup registration as a Supporter, as well as participate in, or nominate themselves for, upcoming Board Elections. a. Any Supporter serving on the Board must pay the required dues for the season in which they serve. 5. Payment Policies. a. Supporters are expected to pay dues in one installment. b. Supporters who have financial hardship may elect to provide volunteer service in place of dues. c. Supporters actively engaged in support of Board activities, but not Board members, are eligible to receive credit for their dues.

Section 4. Refunds will not be offered to Players or Supporters under any circumstances.

ARTICLE V: CONDUCT. Section 1. General conduct. The Rebellion asks all Members (Players and Supporters), Staff and the Board of Directors to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful and supportive of all individuals affiliated with our Club, as well as opposing teams. 1. All players are expected to display good sportsmanship qualities on the field in accordance with SCRFU and IGR rules and regulations. 2. Insubordination towards the Coach, coaching staff/assistants or the Board will not be condoned, and may result in the loss of playing time during a future match. 3. The following will not be condoned on or off the field at club-hosted activities or events: derogatory language, bullying or cyber harassment, physical harassment or violence. 4. Any player with concerns about their individual treatment are encouraged to speak with the Player Representative and Coach. If neither are available, all players and supporters are welcome to speak with any Board Member who will relay your concerns.

Section 2. Positive contribution at events/activities. All Players and Supporters are asked to positively contribute to the implementation of all athletic, social and fundraising activities, and foster a safe, inclusive environment welcoming of all individuals.

Section 3. Violation of SCRFU or IGR regulations. Any violations that impact the status of the Player or the club in general, will result in immediate dismissal from the club. The club adheres to all SCRFU and IGR regulations regarding players banned from league participation.

Section 4. Violation of Local, State or Federal Law. The Rebellion and its Board of Directors adhere to laws that may impact participation in activities. This includes, but is not limited to: 1. As practices and matches are held in public (ie. city or county owned) locations such as parks, community athletic fields and schools, any member who is restricted from being around children and/or locations where children may be present is ineligible to participate in, or be present for, club activities at those locations. 2. Individuals with active restraining orders or temporary order of protection (in place to support a current Member) will be ineligible to participate in, or be present for, club activities. 3. Individuals charged with, or convicted of, a crime related to the physical, emotional, sexual or digital violence of another Member will be ineligible to participate in, or be present for, club activities. a. The Board and Club adheres to the presumption of innocence as afforded by law, however they retain the right to restrict any Member from participating in club activities while under investigation of criminal activity.

Any action that is deemed a violation of Article V will be brought to the Board for review.

ARTICLE VI: OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS Section 1. The Officers of the Rebellion are collectively referred to as the “Board.” The Officers of the Rebellion consist of a President, Vice President/Secretary, Treasurer, Brand/Legacy Chair, Fundraising/Events Chair, Player Representative, IGR Representative/Tournament Chair, Activation Chair, Outreach Chair. Additional non-voting support roles may be added to address board vacancies, or duties can be absorbed into existing positions.

Officer positions are volunteer and non-compensated. The general expectations of Officers are as follows: 1. Represent the Rebellion in a positive manner amongst players, supporters, leagues and our broader community; 2. Perform the duties pursuant to the position, as detailed in Article VI. 3. Serve as the guiding force behind club operations, to ensure effective, efficient operations that both meet the mission and budget of the organization. 4. Foster the sustainability of the club through support of fundraising and community outreach efforts; a. Officers are expected to attend and directly participate in a minimum of 2/3 of all athletic and fundraising/social events, unless they have prior employment, travel or family commitments. b. Officers are expected to serve as community liaisons to support recruitment.

Section 2. The term of office shall be one year unless terminated pursuant to Section 4 herein. There are no term limits.

Section 3. Officers are elected in the following manner: 1. At the end of the SCRFU Season, current Officers will notify the Board as to their intention to serve on the Board during the following season. 2. Based on this initial assessment, the Board will identify and recruit potential new members. The Board will also announce an open call for self-nominations at least one month prior to elections, along with a clear description of each Officer’s role and duties. a. Current members and supporters who meet eligibility will be provided a two-week period to submit their name for candidacy, along with which positions they would be willing to fill. b. The Board will review the final list of names (including current Board members) and determine which positions are running unopposed. i. For those Officer positions with multiple candidates, current Officers who are remaining on the Board can elect to participate in a run-off or transition to a different position. ii. No individual can run for more than three positions. 3. The Board will present a slate of Officers (including any runoff elections) two weeks prior to the proposed election, usually in June. a. Unopposed candidates are still seeking a positive election. b. All individuals participating in runoff elections will be eligible to serve in the At-Large Representative role. c. Players/Supporters listed as At-Large candidates, 4. The Board will use the following method for voting: a. In person: Voting is conducted by the Executive Committee through an anonymous written vote during the Annual General Meeting described below in Article VII, Section 1. i. The Secretary may reveal the names of Players and Supporters who voted in an election by submission, but must not reveal their voting choices. b. Electronic: If the Board determines feasibility, the election can be held electronically, provided that anonymity and integrity of every vote is maintained. 5. Election results are determined by a simple majority of those voting. a. If only one person has been nominated for a specific Officer position, the voter will select Yes or No. b. If a vote results in a plurality or tie, a second runoff will be held between the top two candidates based on initial vote. c. At-Large Representative - Voters will be asked to vote for their top three choices. The individual with the most votes, who is not elected to another position within the Board will be named the At-Large Representative. 6. New Officers shall take office on the first day of the month following voting. a. The outgoing President and incoming President may determine a different timeline for new officers to take their positions.

Section 4. Any Officer may resign or be removed. 1. An Officer may resign by written notice to the President. The President may resign by written notice to the Vice President. 2. An Officer may be removed by a sixty percent (60%) super-majority of the current Board Members, for the following cause(s) and/or when it is deemed in the best interest of the organization: a. Absence from more than three (3) board meetings (does not include those who dial-in remotely) without prior approval; b. Inability or unwillingness to perform the tasks related to their position; c. Inability or unwillingness to meet the expectations of the Board as dictated in Section 1. d. If a board member becomes ineligible to be a club member, as a result of conduct or any reasons mentioned in previous sections in regards to suspension/revocation of membership, they may be removed from the board. 3. If the President resigns or is removed, the Treasurer or Vice President, he/she who is deemed more qualified to maintain operations of the organization will assume their duties. An election for a new President among current Board Members should be carried out as soon as practically possible.

ARTICLE VII: DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. Officer Positions. See Appendix A for a full list of Officer and Support Role positions. Upon the start of the new term, the Executive Committee will address any adjustments in officer duties, including any board vacancies to be filled by non-board members. A final amended list of positions and duties will be posted publicly on the website.

Section 2. Match Secretary Responsibilities. The Coach will be assigned the duties associated with Match Secretary: maintaining SCRFU system related to pre/post game data entry including scores, penalties and rosters, and associated match compliance reports. Match communications ​ ​ are the responsibility of the Vice President (or the Board Member assigned to manage communications.) Remaining match day responsibilities fall under the President and Player Representative.

Section 3. The Board can elect, at any time, to revise these positions and associated duties to better reflect the time availability of each board member. The positions will be reviewed on an annual basis prior to announcing the next election.

ARTICLE VIII: COMMITTEES Section 1. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Vice President and Treasurer, and is responsible for monitoring club operations, board activities and fiscal management. The Brand/Legacy Chair will participate in committee activities as related to brand identity, design and sponsorships. In select cases, the Executive Committee will hold final decision making authority, taking individual feedback from Board Officers into consideration. The Executive Committee is responsible for all annual state and federal tax filings and reports.

Section 2. Tournament Committee. Chaired by the IGR/Tournament Representative, this committee will be in charge of managing Bingham Cup and Rucktacular efforts, including registration, distribution of information to players, coaching staff and supporters, final registration of players, travel and housing coordination, activity calendar, etc. Designed to ensure that the burden of attendance at Bingham Cup (and hosting Rucktacular every 3 years) is not on the shoulders of one Officer, and to encourage broader activation of players in preparation for competition and to represent the Los Angeles LGBTQ and allied community. Actual members will rotate, and should also include the President, team Captain and Coach.

ARTICLE IX: MEETINGS Section 1. The Rebellion Annual General Meeting (“End of Season”) will be held on or around the middle of each June. The time and place of this meeting will be determined by the Board, which will notify Players and Supporters at least fifteen (15) calendar days in advance.

Section 2. The Board will meet approximately every month as determined by the Board. Board meetings are open to all interested Players and Supporters. 1. Quorum is required to vote on any agenda item or motion during a meeting. A quorum exists when at least half of the board is present. a. For the purpose of establishing quorum, an Officer is present if attending virtually, such as by telephone or videoconferencing, provided that the manner of virtual attendance allows for real-time conveyance of Board communications between Officers physically present and those virtually so. b. Board members can elect to assign voting proxy to another Board member if they are absent from a meeting. 2. If a Board meeting lacks quorum, Officers in attendance may propose a vote by email. a. The Vice President/Secretary will conduct email votes and promptly report the results to the Executive Committee, who will report to the Board. b. If the Vice President/Secretary is aware that any Officer may not have timely access to email during the pendency of a vote by email, they will call or text message that Officer to attempt to determine his vote. c. Any Officer who does not vote in an email vote will be designated in abstention. d. If a vote by email still doesn’t not produce quorum or majority approval, the Executive Committee may intervene to decide on the matter. 3. The result of a vote is always determined by a simple majority of those voting. a. An Officer may only abstain from voting upon stating that they have a financial conflict of interest that prevents the Officer from voting. i. An Officer asserting a financial conflict will be allowed to abstain from the vote, but he will be counted in attendance for determining quorum. ii. Absent an assertion of financial conflict as described above, a vote in abstention will be determined to be a vote against the item or motion.

Section 3. Other meetings will be held as necessary.

ARTICLE X: PROPERTY Section 1. All team property, tangible and virtual, will be property of the Rebellion and not any individual. This includes, but is not limited to: paperwork, email addresses/lists, physical mailboxes, websites, bank accounts, phone lists, and competition equipment. If property is held by an individual member, it must be returned to the Board upon request.

Section 2. The club owns all rights to intellectual property, including but not limited to brand identity, logos, team photos or videos, event concepts, graphic design assets and official merchandise. No member, alumni or outside individual may use the club’s likeness or other intellectual property (for profit or otherwise) without express written permission by the Board. 1. No member, alumni or outside individual may create merchandise for personal sale or profit using the club’s likeness or other intellectual property, without contractual agreement to donate a percentage of proceeds (or otherwise agreed upon amount) to the club.

ARTICLE XI: AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS Section 1. The By-Laws can be reviewed by the Board of Directors at any time. Amendments to the by-laws can be proposed by any Board member, however the amendment process will not begin without a super-majority (60%) of the Board voting to approve changes.

Section 2. If amendments are approved, the process will be as follows: 1. The Executive Committee will prepare changes to a copy of the By-Laws within thirty (30) days. The Board will be provided one week to review and approve these changes (via online review and vote.) 2. An amended copy of the By-Laws (with highlighted amendments) will be made accessible to all team members and paid supporters, via private member area on the club’s website. An announcement will be made via social media and email. Members have seven (7) days to provide any feedback to the Player Representative. 3. All feedback will be reviewed by the board at the meeting immediately following this comment period. Individuals who provided comments will be invited to attend this meeting to provide additional perspective. Final edits will be made at this meeting, with the Board holding final approval over each individual amendment. 4. All team members and supporters who are current on dues payments will be invited to vote to approve the By-Laws. Voting must be announced by email and social media two weeks prior to any vote. Voting will be conducted electronically, and the poll should be open for a minimum of seven (7) days. 5. Within 24 hours of the conclusion of voting, the President must tally votes, double-checked by the remaining members of the Executive Committee. Final vote count should be announced to the Board first and then to the general membership. If a majority of the club votes to approve the amendments, the Board will ratify accordingly. 6. By-Laws will be officially ratified at the Board meeting held after voting concludes. A copy of amended by-laws must be submitted to the California Secretary of State within 30 days of voting. A revised copy of the By-Laws should be posted to the website.

Appendix A: Board Positions

Time Commitment Board Members are expected to attend monthly meetings from August 2018 - July 2019. Options to allow individual and group remote call-in will be established for the coming season. If a Board member has more than three absences during a season, they may be asked to step down from their position. Outside of Board Meetings, most positions require 6-8 hours/month of administrative time to complete tasks, in addition to participation in all fundraising/social activities.

Financial Commitment ● For active players: Pay USA Rugby CIPP fees by 9/1/18; Pay Club Dues ($200) by 11/1/18 ● For supporters: Pay Club member dues ($50) by 11/1/18 ● Secure items for a minimum of ONE gift basket (either thru donation or personal purchase) for silent auction or raffle (valued at $50+).


President ● Board Management: Ensure all board operations are run smoothly and effectively, absorbing ​ and delegating responsibilities across all members, and providing support/guidance as needed; Facilitate board and Executive Committee meetings; Finalize monthly minutes and Annual Report; File all necessary paperwork with state and federal entities; (2018-19 season) Coordinate strategic planning process and lead ratification of new by-laws (required by state.) ● Club Operations: Senior oversight of all club activities; Primary liaison with Coach and Board; ​ Secure initial field reservations and insurance for season year; Manage hiring process for all coaching staff; Collaborate in planning and implementation of recruiting activities; Liaison with partner groups such as SCRFU, SCRRS and assigned referee for the match, and competing teams; Triage all issues that arise during the season; Ensure all matches are played, providing logistical support as needed. Help Secretary establish Google for Nonprofits platform, managing Google Shared Folder and archives. ● Communications: Supervises and/or manages online presence (social media, web, MailChimp) ​ to ensure information is disseminated and distributed to all players, supporters and general public; Identify annual changes to website and implement or assign out for completion. Compose and distribute press releases; Coordinate communications with media outlets; Available to speak with press, media outlets and key influencers; Collaborate with Brand Chair and Design consultants to coordinate all graphic design. ● Fundraising: Develop and maintain annual fundraising plan, ensuring organization meets budget ​ and fundraising benchmarks; Bolster support for organization at all levels of funding from individual donations to large corporate sponsorships; Primary liaison with all sponsors; Provide support as needed for fundraising events; Ensure all event processes are documented prior to start of new season; Write and/or design fundraising proposals including Letters of Introduction, Grant proposals and Sponsorship packets. ● Tournaments: Collaborate with Tournament Chair to plan and implement Rucktacular and ​ participation in 2019 Western Regional Championship in Portland.

Secretary (aka. Vice President) ● Board management: Responsible for meeting schedules and reminders; Recording minutes; ​ Collaborating with President to complete minutes; Distribution and sign off of minutes; Support managing ongoing action item task list; Leads Board meetings when the President is absent. Create/maintain new Google Group for internal Board communications. ● Club operations: Member of Executive Committee, supporting broad decision-making as ​ warranted; Serve as a public representative for the organization; Triage issues that arise throughout the season; Create/maintain Google group for active members/supporters, while also managing email communications to our larger existing Google forum. Manages website Calendar and AdWords grant. (3 hour/month commitment to update Google AdWords account.) ● Match Secretary: Confirms field reservations and referee requests for all matches; Sends match ​ protocols to designated individuals and team; Enters match info into USA Rugby site. Provides write up of match for online posting. ● Fundraising: Manages content for online merchandise site, tracking income received. Assists ​ with additional merchandise shipping/fulfillment as needed.

Treasurer ● Club Operations: Oversight of fiscal accounting and accounts payable/receivable, in accordance ​ with State and Federal nonprofit compliance regulations; Manage/coordinate bank deposits; Track income earned (including draw-downs from online platforms); Collaborate with Player Representative to track incoming Club Dues; Collect and open all mail, reporting on any important ​ ​ documents to the Executive Committee; ● Board management: Provide monthly financial reports to the Executive Committee and Board; ​ Support broad decision making by the Executive Committee. ● Fundraising: Support Event Chair by tracking all income received at events; Track merchandise ​ sales with Brand Chair; Create annual charitable donation letters for donors as needed.

Brand & Legacy Chair ● Board/Club Operations: Supports Executive Committee in top-level oversight of team activities; ​ Supports other Board activities as needed. ● Marketing and Communications: Responsible for insuring the club adheres to brand, design ​ and messaging standards in its communications, graphic design, online presence and sponsorship relations; Develops and/or updates brand style guide for organization; Manages merchandise design and production; Supports efforts to increase awareness of organization with media outlets, government officials, key stakeholders and high level donors/sponsors.


Events Chair (Fundraising) ● Assist in creation and monitoring of Organization Development Plan (season events plan, task chart and projected income goals.) ● Manage all direct and third-party fundraising events including but not limited to: ○ Ruggerbusts (8 in total) ○ Jox on the Lot (August) ○ Summer Gear Night (TBD) ○ Off Sunset (April) ○ Drag Bingo (Fall 2018) ○ Out of the Woods event (Spring) ● Support preparations for all drink ups and fundraisers, such as securing donated or purchased food and beverage. ● Coordinate small business solicitation (for Member Card, Giveaways, events and Sponsors) ● Overall Duties include: Scheduling and confirming dates, coordinating volunteer/rookie assistance implementing events, securing prize/raffle items and creating gift baskets, storing inventory of supplies/merch for events, tracking and reporting income and expenses to the Executive Committee, collaborate with communications team to promote events.

Tournament Chair/IGR Representative ● Board Management: Inform Board of all IGR activities and manage feedback/Board voting ​ related to IGR requests. ● Tournaments: ○ With Executive Committee, lead planning and implementation of 2018 Rucktacular, including the following duties: Host hotel procurement; Event scheduling/location procurement; Communications with participating teams; Online content development and promotion. (Additional logistical support provided by Outreach and Activation chairs.) ○ Serve as co-host of Rucktacular (with President). ○ With Executive Committee, coordinates team participation in 2019 IGR Western Regional Championship in Portland. ● Club Operations: Attend and provide support at matches and events as needed. Serve as ​ meeting facilitator as needed.

Player Representative (Player Management) ● Player Management: Primary liaison between players/members and Coach/Board; Tracks all ​ ​ ​ player info, including emergency contact information, USA Rugby registration fee payments and ID number, and club dues payments; Ensures all members are paying or have paid club dues; Provide the Coach with a list of eligible players prior to each match based on current payment of dues and USA Rugby registration fees, and in accordance with USA Rugby and SCRFU regulations; Address a variety of player concerns including, but not limited to injuries, financial ​ hardship and attendance at practices/matches; Ensure players attend and volunteer at fundraising and social events. ● Player-Led Fundraising: Plan and coordinate annual high end raffle. Encourage players to ​ support grassroots fundraising. ● Club Operations: Supports planning and implementation of recruiting and athletic activities; ​ Assists with set up at practices and matches.

Activation Chair ● Communications. Implements team communications plan (with the exception of Match ​ Secretary duties), in collaboration with President, Secretary and Outreach Chair. This may include social media management (posting, listing & promotion of events); weekly team emails; distributing monthly MailChimp blasts; directing new website sign ups to the appropriate board members; assisting with website updates; support with all media requests; support with the promotion of Rucktacular activities; and distribution of promotional materials. May require finding additional tech and design assistance from players or supporters. ● Social Events: Encourage and foster interaction between players and the general public at ​ events; Plans and coordinates the following activities. ○ Social activities for recruiting month, followed by bi-monthly social outings each season. Examples are for 2018 season: Social/Recruiting Night at Gym Bar, Out on the Mountain at Magic Mountain, Dave and Busters, Drink ups at Frogtown, Arts District or Johnnys. ○ Friendly team scrimmage and Welcome BBQ/Bust @ Eagle (late September) ○ Assist in management of social activities during Rucktacular. ○ Coordinate several Beach Rugby days throughout the year. ● Club Operations: Support development of season calendar; Assist Events Chair in securing ​ necessary volunteer player support for events and club operations; Coordinates rookie support at events and post-match drink ups. ● Arranges photography/videography for matches, events and photo shoots; collecting and archiving these assets in the club’s shared drive.

Outreach Chair ● Recruiting and Retention. Manages recruiting process in collaboration with the Activation Chair ​ and team support. This includes answering all inquiries (email, Facebook Messenger, website and event sign ups), maintaining communication with new prospects by phone and email; coordinating logistics and promotion of Rugby 101 clinics; engaging those with past experience to join practice; and identifying/developing additional recruitment strategies. Fosters a supportive, inclusive atmosphere that encourages player retention. ● Community Outreach. Supports outreach and network development with local LGBTQ ​ organizations, civic leaders and other stakeholders to increase awareness and position of club in the community and rugby world at-large. This is a collaborative effort with the President, Brand Chair, and potentially leveraging the network of other board members, players or supporters. ● Social Impact: Develop/Design opportunities for the club to improve its community footprint ​ through our “Play It Forward” banner. Focused on the well being of our surrounding community, this can include: ○ Team Charitable giving (Holiday Toy Drive benefiting Miller Children’s Hospital of Long Beach; Socks and Underwear drive benefiting the LA LGBT Center’s Homeless and Runaway Youth Program) ○ Team volunteerism (park/community center beautification, free rugby clinics for youth, information tabling at pride festivals, etc.)

RugBAE Chair (Supporter Engagement) ● This position should be held by an active RugBAE supporter. ● Coordinate the engagement of RugBAE supporters and the general public to participate and/or volunteer at team activities including social/fundraising events. ● Increase the number of paid RugBAE members through in-person and online outreach. ● With the Activation Chair, coordinate a RugBAE-themed social/recruiting night at Gym Bar. ● Drive supporter attendance at matches. ● Coordinate five home match “Third Half” drink ups. ● With the President and Events Chair, develop and implement two RugBAE-driven fundraising events, such as a RugBAE-led Ruggerbust and Bake Sale; or RugBAE-themed nights at local restaurants. ● Provide additional support at matches and fundraising events as needed.