T Ri-Nation Chairman Repohs Laos Tense
f-lL’r- ,-«•.■ j^twiw»SPrY»rt»r-n«^ J<- rr I’ •„ar- w Y* ■ ■ ) m . .-ri-r TUBBDAV, APRIli a» IM t AvEngi Dolly N«t Pk»m Rtm ^ Thi Wwtoei^ ,i^iM »fibiTBBN Fw Um WmIc Bated liattriri^B&r lEtt^ning l^i^ralb A p ia A U M «w atel obiter Nwiglit low lo St.; M n . GclU McQulen and daugh Yoimg Democrats t,98S Eii. ForUy ooMiy aad ooo> Hospital Notes ter, East Hartford; Mn. Oeleta r « (« w Andtt od ooM Ttaradiv. lOgh di Aboiit Town Ventrella and daughter, Stem. rut nirniilitliio i - ■ r, DISCHAROEJD. TODAY: |lrt. Hear Cutnniings AMERICAN LEGION Umnehumr-^A City of VUIag0 Charm Bata Sigma FM CStapter, Fhl ADMITTED TESTERDAY: Mary Prestl 68 Creotwogd ' Dr.; Bata, will maat toni^vt at 8 at the Steven Fandozzi. South Windsor; Peter Downorowllx, J84 Irving Democratio Town Chairman Ted tone of Kn. Alfred Roiithier, 14 Anthony Dollnsky, 221 Adam St., St.; Miss Margartt LeBrec, 13 Cummings will be guest speaker VOL. U MO. i«t (VwmTT-ncnrr PAai8-.aN t w o b ic t k »«) MANCHBBTBRj OONN.. WEDNESDAY, APlUL 10, 1968 «■ Fag* M ) Pearl St. Meynbars unable to at Mrs. Jessie Swartz, 117 Cedar St.; Canterbury St.;. lOchard CSiauvin, at a meeting of the Manchester t, PRICE SEVEN CENTS tend are ramlnfled to call the hoat- Mrs. Norma Johnston, Coventry; W aitin g ; Mrs. Anne Weibi), 411 N. Young Democrats Tliunday at 8:16 Mrs. Ellen Brace, 14 West Rd., Main St,; Sharon Keenan; 202 Hol p.m. in the Mthticlpal Building , f^.1 lister Si.; Mrs.
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