Role of Substitution in Mitigating the Supply Pressure of Rare Earths in Electric Road 2 Transport Applications

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Role of Substitution in Mitigating the Supply Pressure of Rare Earths in Electric Road 2 Transport Applications SUSMAT-00036; No of Pages 11 Sustainable Materials and Technologies xxx (2017) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Sustainable Materials and Technologies journal homepage: 1 Role of substitution in mitigating the supply pressure of rare earths in electric road 2 transport applications 3Q1 Claudiu C. Pavel a,⁎, Christian Thiel b, Stefanie Degreif c,DarinaBlagoevaa,MatthiasBuchertc, 4 Doris Schüler c, Evangelos Tzimas a 5 a Energy, Transport and Climate Directorate, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Westerduinweg 3, 1755 LE Petten, The Netherlands 6 b Energy, Transport and Climate Directorate, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Enrico Fermi 2749, I - 21027 Ispra, (VA), Italy 7 c Oeko-Institut e.V., Rheinstrasse 95, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany 8 9 article info abstract 10 Article history: The development of new high-efficiency magnets and/or electric traction motors using a limited amount of 20 11 Received 7 September 2016 critical rare earths or none at all is crucial for the large-scale deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) and related 21 12 Received in revised form 6 December 2016 applications, such as hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and e-bikes. For these applications, we estimated the 22 13 Accepted 19 January 2017 23 14 short-term demand for high-performing NdFeB magnets and their constituent rare earths: neodymium, praseo- Available online xxxx 24 1516171819 dymium and dysprosium. In 2020, EV, HEV and e-bike applications combined could require double the amount used in 2015. To meet the global deployment target of 7.2 million EVs sales in 2020 proposed by the International 25 36 Keywords: – 26 37 Critical materials Energy Agency, the demand for NdFeB in the EV sector might increase by up to 14 times in only 5 years (2015 38 Rare earths 2020). Due to concerns about the security of supply of rare earths some manufacturers have decided to develop 27 39 Electric vehicles and adopt alternative solutions. By assessing up-to-date available component substitutes, we show that the 28 40 Substitution permanent magnet synchronous-traction motor (PSM) remains the technology of choice, especially for hybrid 29 41 Permanent magnet vehicles (HEV and PHEV). Better material efficiency and a larger adoption of motors free of rare earths have 30 the potential to reduce the pressure on rare earths supply for use in electric road transport applications. However 31 even if such substitution measures are successfully implemented, the demand growth for rare earths in the EV 32 sector is expected to increase significantly by 2020 and beyond. 33 © 2017 Joint Research Centre, European Commission. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under 34 35 the CC BY license ( 424345 44 4647 Contents 48 1. Introduction............................................................... 0 49 2. Sourcesandapproach.......................................................... 0 50 3. Estimationofpermanentmagnetsdemandintractionmotorsusedinelectricroadtransportapplications.................... 0 51 3.1. Applicationsofpermanentmagnetsinelectrictractionmotors..................................... 0 52 3.2. EstimationofNdFeBmagnetdemandinelectricvehicletypesBEVandPHEV.............................. 0 53 3.3. MarketmomentumofhybridvehiclesandestimationofNdFeBmagnetdemandinHEVapplications................... 0 54 3.4. EstimationofNdFeBmagnetdemandine-bikes........................................... 0 55 3.5. Supplyissuesforrareearthsandtheirdemandforelectricroadtransportapplications(H&EVsande-bikes)................ 0 56 4. Substitutionopportunitiesofrareearthsinelectrictractionmotors...................................... 0 57 4.1. Rare earths substitution in NdFeB magnets and improved material efficiency.............................. 0 58 4.2. ReducingtheamountofNdFeBmagnetinelectrictractionmotor:dematerialisation........................... 0 59 4.3. ComponentsubstitutionforPSMtractionmotorsinEVsandHEVs...................................UNCORRECTED PROOF 0 60 5. Impact of substitution on short-term demand for critical rare earths – Nd, Pr and Dy – inH&EVande-bikeapplications.............. 0 61 6. Conclusions............................................................... 0 62 Acknowledgements.............................................................. 0 63 References.................................................................. 0 64 ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (C.C. Pavel). 2214-9937/© 2017 Joint Research Centre, European Commission. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( 4.0/). Please cite this article as: C.C. Pavel, et al., Role of substitution in mitigating the supply pressure of rare earths in electric road transport applications, (2017), 2 C.C. Pavel et al. / Sustainable Materials and Technologies xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 65 1. Introduction from 2010 to 2011 that drove up prices by between 4 and 9 times in less 130 than a year [21–24]. As a result, the costs of products containing rare 131 66 Countries gathered at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21) earths increased. Although prices for rare earths have declined since 132 67 agreed to increase their efforts to limit climate change. Transport is a 2013, concerns regarding the supply of rare earths continue among 133 68 growing sector that contributes almost one-quarter of current global industry and governments as another supply crisis remains a distinct 134 69 energy-related GHG emissions. More than half of this is related to possibility [16,18]. These supply concerns are also due to the current 135 70 road passenger transport [1,2]. For example, in Europe, transport reorganisation of rare earth market as well as introduction by the 136 71 accounts for more than 30% of final energy consumption and the Chinese government of various measures to limit REE production, 137 72 European Commission is already taking actions to decarbonise the driven by environmental, social and resources preservation aspects. 138 73 transport sector [3]. Limiting global temperature increases to below Based on specific risk assessments, rare earths are in general evalu- 139 74 2 °C requires sustainable transportation solutions. Electromobility for ated as ‘critical materials’ [25–30]. Different mitigation strategies such 140 75 various transport modes coupled with a low-carbon power system is as the development of new mines and recycling are being considered, 141 76 seen as a promising sustainable solution. Electrified road transport is but both are seen as unrealistic to be implemented in the short-term. 142 77 not a new concept, but it is only recently that electric vehicles (EVs) Fromonesidemanybarrierspreventafastandsustainableprimary 143 78 have gained relevant mass-market sales through third-generation production and on the other side large volumes of secondary rare earth- 144 79 technology. Several factors push up the electromobility trend, such as based products are not expected to enter soon into the recycling circuit 145 80 the increasing volatility of oil prices, air quality concerns, climate change [24,31,32]. In the midst of this is the substitution. A complete and direct 146 81 agreements, more stringent emission standards and market momen- (one-by-one) replacement of all critical materials by other more readily 147 82 tum for EVs. At the end of 2015, the global EV stock accounted for available or less critical without decreasing product performance, raise 148 83 over 1.26 million units and global EV sales in 2015 amounted to over the price or both, is very limited [33]. However, the substitution of 149 84 550,000 cars [4]. Although the number of electric vehicles on the road rare earths and other critical materials appears to be a feasible solution, 150 85 is still very low when compared to the total number of passenger cars especially in cases where the substitution takes place at the product, 151 86 worldwide (0.1%), the shift towards electrified powertrains is becoming component or technology level rather than the element level [34–36]. 152 87 more apparent. For instance, in 2015 the share of passenger EVs According to Smith and Eggert [36], material substitution has ‘multifac- 153 88 exceeded 1% of new market sales in Norway, the Netherlands, eted’ dimensions and the authors identify five types of substitution in 154 89 Sweden, Denmark, France, China and the UK [4]. the case of NdFeB magnet: element-for element, technology-for- 155 90 Several countries have set up ambitious sales and/or stock targets element, grade-for-grade, magnet-for magnet and system-for-system 156 91 regarding vehicle electrification as guidance for creating national substitution. The literature seems to agree on the fact that substitution 157 92 roadmaps and for gathering support from policymakers. Among various represents an essential component of the strategy towards a sustainable 158 93 uptake scenarios, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Electric use of scarce resources or environmentally problematic materials 159 94 Vehicles Initiative (EVI), a multi-government policy forum composed [37–40]. 160 95 today of 16 members, presented an aggregated global deployment Comprehensive information about the substitution of rare earths in 161 96 target of 7.2 million in annual sales of EVs and 24 million in EVs stock
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