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T t o u ^ r r v l i Ъ ~J 0 f 1-1 M EKEEL'S STAM P COLLECTORS' AND DEALERS' Aed d r e s s B qdk CONTAINING OVER 5000 NAMES AND ADDRESSES FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, AND ADVERTISEMENTS ,DF ALL THE LEADING DEALERS IN THE TRADE, AND HUNDREDS OF COLLECTORS’ EXCHANGE NOTICES. SECOND EDITION, 5CD0D COPIES, 1B91. PRICE, - ONE DOLLAR. ftìT SPECIAL NOTICE. — Persons desiring their names in future editions of this work should notify the Publisher, and they will be inserted free, provided they agree to buy a copy of the Directory containing their names, paying One Dollar for same after its publication. С. H. M ekeel Stamp & P ublishing Co. 1007, 1009 aid io n Locust Street, S t . L ouis, Mo. ' VDDIÆS2 BOC ‘ A 31VIAlb СОГГЕСХОВЗ, 1Л1ЕКЕЕГ.2 PREFACE. N presenting this the second edition of my Address Book to the stamp collectors and dealers of the world it is with mojre assurance, as my firstI edition although very imperfect was a pronounced success. It is impossible for a work of this kind to be perfect, but this is a great improvement on my first edition. The names have been carefully revised and I wish to express my thanks to those who have very kindly revised and corrected my lists in their various localities. The United States list will be found much better than the former edition, and we hope that the third edition will be even better. Those who send $1.00 in advance for a copy of the third edition will be en titled to a 5-line advertisement in the book free.
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