Enabling Rural Migrant Settlement: A Case Study of the Limestone Coast Dr Helen Feist Dr George Tan Dr Kelly McDougall Professor Graeme Hugo This project was a partnership of The Migrant Resource Centre, South Australia The Australian Population and Migration Research Centre, University of Adelaide The City of Mount Gambier The Rural City of Grant The Naracoorte-Lucindale District Council The Tatiara District Council This project would not have been possible without funding from the Local Government Association of South Australia’s Research and Development Scheme. The researchers at the Australian Population and Migration Research Centre, University of Adelaide would also like to thank all the new migrants, interpreters, and community stakeholders who gave up their time and provided us with their knowledge and understanding about these communities. Australian Population and Migration Research Centre (APMRC) Incorporating GISCA (The National Centre for Social Applications of GIS) School of Social Sciences Ground Floor, Napier Building University of Adelaide North Terrace, SA 5005 Ph: 61 8 8313 3900 Fax: 61 8 8313 3498 Email:
[email protected] www.adelaide.edu.au/apmrc Cover photo: Burmese children participating in the Mt Gambier Christmas Parade Sourced from the MRCSA photo archives. i Executive Summary The aim of this project, funded by the Local Government Association of SA, was to achieve a better understanding of the role local government can play in the successful settlement of new migrants in rural and regional South Australia. Of particular interest to this study were the settlement experiences of immigrants in non-metropolitan areas; which are likely to be different to those of migrants settling in large urban environments.