Chapter 2 Signs
Chapter 2 Signs 2-1 General Effective signing is the primary method to provide regulatory, warning, and guidance information to transportation system users (motorized vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists). Signing that is clear, concise, and accurate supports safe behaviors and safe operation, legal, and orderly travel on public roadways and transportation facilities. Sign use must be limited and conservative since signs can lose their effectiveness when used to excess. Signs are not typically used to confirm Rules of the Road. This chapter contains information about signing on the state highway system and is intended for persons involved in traffic operations or traffic design. Specific policies and guidelines are included that clarify the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) information. Situations not addressed in this chapter or the MUTCD may need to be determined on a case-by-case basis using engineering judgment. Where a change to the current sign installation is indicated by information in this chapter, replace as the current sign’s service life is reached. For MUTCD Target Compliance Dates, see page I-4, Table I-2 for required sign replacements. State law requires the department to adopt uniform standards for traffic control devices, including signs, along public roadways. WAC 468-95 adopts the MUTCD and Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD as these standards. The MUTCD and WSDOT modifications provide guidance on the intended use and placement of regulatory, warning, guide, and motorist information signs, as well as specific information on sizes and installation. This chapter supplements the MUTCD and WSDOT modifications with specific interpretations and unique applications for signs on the state highway system.
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