CZC–Six Months in Baishizhou

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CZC–Six Months in Baishizhou !"#$%!"&' >76 %KZ.H2D1IP.KD.MCKPIKQI2E "(()*#+,#-./.算术 )012345.67.8.#294:345.;<=.67;> %*?'@!'@)./.超级英雄 $404:345.;A=.67;>.8.BCDEC5F.;<=.67;G *@M"#.N'+,%!O.MCKPIKQI2E/.物恋白石洲 BCDEC5F.G8R=.67;G.SJ45T25:CD04U ?V"W-@)*#$/.儿童游乐园 N435EC5F.;X.CDY.6>=.67;G.SJ45T25:CD04U ?"?'@.(@"#'.+'"./.纸鹤茶会 HC50I.<.8."J5KL.;>=.67;G. ([(.%J40KCL.N2504P !"!⢯ᐛ䱕 (WqJȅQJJGXu) organized in 2012 in order Three questions have inspired us. to discuss, plan and support creative engagement with Shenzhen’s urbanized villages. 1. What can be learned and gained from return- ing to Shenzhen’s urbanized villages? #$%&'()*+)%)+%,-. 0W_ KIV PIVL[PISM MNÅKQMVKa IXIZ\UMV\[ คѣᶇ FKpQJ]KǀQJFnjQ refers to historic villages LMV[MTaKZW_LML[\ZMM\[IVLJ][\TQVO[UITTXTIbI[JM \PI\]ZJIVQbMLL]ZQVO;PMVbPMV¼[JWWU<WLIa\PM repurposed as cultural spaces? FKpQJ]KǀQJFnjQ. are low income neighborhoods that [PMT\MZ W^MZ PITN \PM KQ\a¼[ UQOZIV\ XWX]TI\QWV Q\[ 3. How can creative interventions motivate working poor and recent college graduates. Shenzhen residents to cross cultural and economic difference and discuss our common urban condition? ⢯ᐛ䱕 λ WqJǀQJJGXu. is sometimes translated as ¹\I[SNWZKMºJ]\TQ\MZITTaUMIV[¹[XMKQIT_WZS\MIUº ?MM`XTWZM\PM[MY]M[\QWV[\PZW]OP\_WKWUU]VQ\a or “team of spies”. art programs, !CDYPIC\4. >76 and !CDYPIC\4. >76. VK94].7]ZÅZ[\[\WX"MCKPIKQI2E. %iLVKt]KȅX 1V*IQ[PQbPW]_I[WVMWN \PMTIZOM[\WN \PM]Z- WZQOQVIT ^QTTIOMZ[ <PM XWX]TI\QWV LMV[Q\a WN banized villages in Shenzhen. In fact, the neighbor- *IQ[PQbPW] PI[ JZMIKPML ! XMWXTM XMZ [Y]IZM PWWLQ[KWUXW[MLWN Å^MPQ[\WZQKITTaQVLMXMVLMV\^QT- kilometer, more twice that of municipal average of TIOM[*IQ[PQbPW];PIVOJIQ[PQ@QIJIQ[PQ<IVO\W] XMWXTMXMZSU2, a statistic which in 2012 made IVL@QV\IVO<PM*IQ[PQbPW]NWW\XZQV\M`\MVL[JW\P ;PMVbPMV\PMÅN\PUW[\LMV[MTaXWX]TI\MLKQ\aWV\PM north and south of Shennan Middle Road, making it XTIVM\<PMZMIZMIXXZW`QUI\MTaTW_IVLUQL WVMWN \PMUW[\KMV\ZITTaTWKI\ML\ZIV[Q\KMV\MZ[QV\PM ZQ[MJ]QTLQVO[QV*IQ[PQbPW]_Q\PIVM[\QUI\ML inner districts. ]VQ\[ 5WV\PTa ZMV\[ ZIVOM NZWU \W ZUJ IVLIZM[QOVQÅKIV\TaKPMIXMZ\PIVZMV\[QVVMQOPJWZ- *IQ[PQbPW]PI[I\W\ITIZMIWN SUIVLIVM[\QUI\- ing Overseas Chinese Town (OCT), where a “cheap” MLXWX]TI\QWVWN ZM[QLMV\[WN _PWUZW]OPTa apartment rents for 8,000 rmb. PMTL;PMVbPMVP]SW]IVL[TQOP\TaUWZM\PIV +CD^12E.52_.I2EP4P.CDY.ICDYPIC\4.3EKLYKD^P` !CDYPIC\4.>76 CZC Special Forces operate a small art space in TWZLXZW^QLM[WVMÆWZM[KMV\TQOP\IVLIKIJTMNWZQV\MZ- ;PIVOJIQ[PQ *IQ[PQbPW] <PM IZ\ [XIKM PI[ \_W net access. In the Fall of 2013, CZC rented the space IQU[ .QZ[\ \W JZQVO TWKITTa ZMTM^IV\ IZ\ XZWRMK\[ \W NWZ a]IVIUWV\PWVI[Q`UWV\PTMI[MXT][_I\MZ *IQ[PQbPW];MKWVL\WOQ^MaW]VO;PMVbPMVIZ\Q[\[ IVLMTMK\ZQKQ\a_PQKPI^MZIOM[a]IVIUWV\P<PM a venue for new works. W\PMZVQVMIXXIZ\UMV\[WV\PMÆWWZIZMITTZW]OPTa \PM[IUM[QbMIVLWKK]XXQMLJaI\TMI[\\_WXMWXTM 4WKI\MLIJW^MIÆQXÆWX[\WZM/%+0($%1-)234 is a 12 2 m MNNMKQMVKaIXXIZ\UMV\_PQKP_I[UILMJa[]JLQ- ᨗᢁᾲ λ ZzVKԁXOyX or “handshake” buildings viding a larger one-room appartment into two small [\IVL[WKTW[MTa\WOM\PMZ\PIVQ\Q[XW[[QJTM\W[PISM- effeciencies. /%+0($%1-) 234) has one window that hands with people in neighboring buildings. faces the wall of the neighboring building. The land- !CDYPIC\4.>76.VK94] CZC Special Forces also collaborates with commu- 7]ZXZQUIZa^MV]MQ[\PM*IQ[PQbPW]+]T\]ZIT8TIbI VQ\aOZW]X[\WJZQVOU][QKIVL\PMI\MZ\W*IQ[PQbPW] _PQKP_PMVÅTTML¹[MI\[ºW^MZXMWXTM "002ED1KD^./.算术 5%6&*7*8%&*+9):6&*(&()NCD^.NCD^=.-E2.@CD=.V4K.%I4D^=.VKE.!4=.HC5F."DD.)a$2DD4LL=.bE.$CD=.[ICD^. &CKcKD=.CDY.[IE.MKD`.;<$*=*&*>+.)012345.67.1I52E^I.#294:345.;<=.67;> AccountingQ[\PMÅZ[\QV[\ITTI\QWVI\!CDYPIC\4.>76. In 8IOMKITK]TI\M[XW[[QJTM[I^QVO["UWV\PTa[ITIZaWN English, the word “accounting” has both a practical a]IV UQV][ Ua [PIZM WN I \PZMM_Ia ZMV\ QV and a spiritual meaning. The practical meaning refers an urban village minus food minus net access minus to economic booking keeping, which can range from transportation minus telephone minus miscellaneous a personal bank account to the holdings of a multi- M`XMV[M[TMI^M[IVM\[I^QVO[WN a]IV VI\QWVITKWUXIVa<PM[XQZQ\]ITUMIVQVOPW_M^MZQ[ more complex. Spiritual accounting connotes the pro- 8IOMLQ[XTIa[LM[QZMLQ\MU[IVL\PMQZKW[\QV\MZU[WN KM[[WN [MTNZMÆMK\QWV\PI\ZM[]T\[QVTQNMKPWQKM[ \PM\QUMVMKM[[IZa\W[I^MMVW]OPUWVMa\WX]ZKPI[M \PI\Q\MU)LI\M_Q\PNZQMVL[\WXTIaJILUQV\WVNWZ The decision to migrate to Shenzhen (FKXӽQJ M`IUXTMKW[\[WVMLIa¼[[I^QVO[_PQTMQ\_W]TL\ISM 6KƝQ]KqQ), for example, takes into account one’s gen- \_WIVLIPITN UWV\P[\WXIaNWZIaMIZ¼[UMUJMZ[PQX LMZ NIUQTa WJTQOI\QWV[ IVL PWUM\W_V XW[[QJQTQ\QM[ I\IaWOI[\]LQW#_MMIZVUWVMaJ]\[XMVLTQNM\QUM The so-called “Shenzhen Dream (6KƝQ]KqQ PqQJ)” IK\]ITTa ZMNMZ[ \W UQTTQWV[ WN QVLQ^QL]IT LZMIU[ \W 7V8IOMQ[\PMPW][MTW\\MZa#IUQOZIV\U][\KPIVOM QUXZW^M WVM¼[ TQNM IVL \PM TQ^M[ WN WVM¼[ NIUQTa IVL savings rates in order to purchase even one square me- friends. Some dream of settling their parents more ter of housing. For example, in Longgang District the KWUNWZ\IJTa[WUMLZMIUWN JMKWUQVOIVIZ\Q[\_PQTM I^MZIOM KW[\ WN I PW][M _I[ a]IV XMZ W\PMZ[LZMIUWN M[\IJTQ[PQVOIPIXXaNIUQTa square meter, while in Nanshan District (the location WN *IQ[PQbPW]\PMI^MZIOMKW[\_I[a]IVXMZ )VL aM\ :MITQbQVO IV QVLQ^QL]IT ;PMVbPMV ,ZMIU meter2. Housing costs in neighboring Dongguan and entails balancing one’s economic accounts against 0]QbPW]_MZM IVLa]IVZM[XMK\Q^MTa KWUXM\QVO LM[QZM[ · PW][M 83 ^QWTQV' 7Z LW LIQTa pleasures (cigarettes + movie tickets + afternoon cof- 8IOMQ[IUIXWN ;PMVbPMV\PI\[PW_[\PMLQ[\ZQJ]- NMM83\PMLW_VXIaUMV\WVPW][M' tion of urban villages through out Shenzhen. Visitors LZI_IVL_ZQ\M\PMU[MT^M[QV\W]ZJIV^QTTIOMPQ[\WZa ?MQV\MZ^QM_MLW^MZaW]VOUQOZIV\[IJW]\\PMQZ LIa\WLIaKW[\WN TQ^QVOM`XMV[M[IVL\PMQ\MU[\PMa 8IOMIVM`KPIVOMKWZVMZQ[PQLLMVI_IaJMPQVL\PM desire to purchase in order to realize their Shenzhen UIQV[\WZa1V\PM\QOP\KZIUXML[XIKM^Q[Q\WZ[KIVM`- LZMIU?M[MTMK\MLWVMaW]VOUIV\WZMXZM[MV\\PQ[ change items, one for one, taking one item and leaving vast population. another. The exchange corner reminds visitors that much urban village economizing goes on out of sight, In Accounting W]Z XZW\W\aXQKIT UQOZIV\ Q[ aW]VO Q[ QVXTIKM[_PMZM\PM¹VWZUITºMKWVWUaWN [ITIZaIVL a designer, and lives in an urban village apartment the market breakdown and it is even harder to envi- with two other friends. In order to realize his Shen- [QWVJ]aQVOQV\W\PM;PMVbPMV,ZMIU bPMVLZMIUPMUISM[\PMNWTTW_QVOKITK]TI\QWV["5a UWV\PTa[ITIZaQ[a]IV)N\MZXIaQVOZMV\MTMK- trical and water bills, miscellaneous costs as well as X]ZKPI[QVONWWL1PI^Ma]IV<PQ[a]IV can be saved or it can be spent on social activities and LM[QZMLWJRMK\[<PQ[Q[_PMZM\PMIKKW]V\QVO·QVITT senses of the word – begins. Accounting Q[ KWUXW[ML WN Å^M QV\MZZMTI\ML [MK\QWV[ \PI\ZMILI[XIOM[NZWU\PMTQNMWN \PI\aW]VOUQOZIV\ IVLPQ[]X_IZLTaUWJQTMNZQMVL[ ?*(*&>6)!>,,-+&( “This has to be a man’s budget. No woman can get On October 20, 2013, CZC hosted one-man band, Ja_Q\PW]\\WQTM\ZQM[WZ[VIKS[º[WUM\PQVO 8M\MZ5W[MZ_PWJZW]OP\more music\W*IQ[PQbPW] entrepreneur who grew up in Shenzhen. The event included a music workshop and evening XMZNWZUIVKM<PMM^MV\IT[WUIZSML\PMWNÅKQIT ¹XMZUWV\PQ[IOZMI\[\IZ\QVO[ITIZaºZMKMV\ opening of Handshake 302 and Accounting. college graduate who works in graphic design. ¹1N aW]WVTaUISMIUWV\PQ\¼[QUXW[[QJTM\W [I^MIVLPI^MITQNM1\KW[\[\WJ]aIJW` WN JILKQOIZM\\M[#\W\ISMaW]ZOQZTNZQMVL\W\PM UW^QM[IVLPI^MIKWNNMMIN\MZ_IZLIVL#I\TMI[\ to attend a friend’s wedding,” -- 20-something man- ager who works in tourism. ¹8MWXTMTQSM][_QTTVM^MZJMIJTM\WJ]aIPW][M QV;PMVbPMV .WWTQ[PLIaLZMIUº[WUM\PQVO workers who helped install the exhibition. %EJ45I452./.超级英雄 5%6&*7*8%&*+9):6&*(&()V4K.%I4DQI4D^=.VKE.b4K=.V9.VKDZECD=.HC5F."DD.)a$2DD4LL=.WCD^.dKCD=.[ICD^. &CKcKD=.[ICD^.WCD=.CDY.[I2E.+KCDLE`.;<$*=*&*>+)$404:345.;A=.67;>.1I52E^I.BCDEC5F.;<=.67;G` Superheroes navigate the debris of urban despair, \IV\Ta[]XMZPMZWM[ZMXZM[MV\\PMNIV\I[aWN TI\MV\ PI]V\QVO\PMZ]JJQ[PMLITTMa_Ia[IVLKZ]UJTQVO potential and unlimited transformation in these staircases that lead to cramped spaces at the end of \MKPVWUWLMZVQbML\QUM[#UQTLUIVVMZMLVMZLa ]VTQ\PITT_Ia[<PMaIXXMIZI[M`IOOMZI\ML[QTPW]- IVLJ]ZMI]KZI\QKITTaQVKTQVML+TIZS3MV\[\MX[QV\W M\\M[WZJ]Z[\[WN VMWVTQOP\<PMaTMIXW^MZ\ITT I\MTMXPWVMJWW\PIVL[\ZQLM[W]\IUIVTaUIV_PW buildings in a single bound and rescue the victims of ZQOP\[[a[\MUQK_ZWVO[\PZW]OPXPa[QKITXZW_M[[ unfettered greed and malignant desire. Most impor- 0WWZIa of an unpaid grandmother, for example, is to create ^IT]MJaXZW^QLQVO]VXIQLKPQTLKIZM[W\PI\JW\PNI- In the installation Baishizhou Superhero4Q]?MQ¼[XTIa- \PMZ[IVLUW\PMZ[KIVRWQV\PMOMVLMZMLTIJWZNWZKM ful cartoon characters transform Handshake 302 I[LMTQ^MZaUMVWZ_IQ\ZM[[M[ into a magic telephone booth. Visitors step into the space and through the power of a photo stand in <PM¹[]XMZXW_MZºWN ITT*IQ[PQbPW]UQOZIV\[Q[ become one of seven possible urban village superhe- in fact, the power to sell their labor on an unregu- ZWM[·5M\PIVM5IV?WVLMZ/ZIVVa;\QZ.Za.Ta lated market for as long as their bodies hold out. A \PM)UIbQVO*MMZ*IJM>QTTIOM/]IZLQIV;]XMZ popular expression maintains that migrant workers Dog, or Cat-a-go-go. Friends can then take pictures ¹[MTT\PMQZaW]\Pº)[QVLQ^QL]IT[\PMZMIZMTQUQ\[\W WN MIKPW\PMZI[\PMaUWLMT\PMUW[\KWUUWV[WKQIT \PM[KITMWN \ZIV[NWZUI\QWV?PMVILMTQ^MZaUIV¼[ ZWTM[QVIVaWN ;PMVbPMV¼[]ZJIV^QTTIOM[ TMO[KIVVWTWVOMZX]UXIJQKaKTMWZ_PMVI_IQ\- ZM[[¼JZMI[\[[]KK]UJ\WOZI^Q\a\PM[M_WZSMZ[IZM )\ÅZ[\OTIVKM\PMQV[\ITTI\QWV[MMU[I\IKSaXIZ\a ZMXTIKMLJaaW]VOMZUWZMMVMZOM\QKUQOZIV\[)VL game until we remember that these social roles \PMZM¼[\PMNIV\I[\QKITT]ZMWN \PM[]XMZPMZWUa\P ·LMTQ^MZaUIVKPQTLKIZMXZW^QLMZNWWLPI_SMZ ·]VTQUQ\ML[\ZMVO\P\WMVL]ZMIVL\ZIV[KMVLXPa[Q- JMMZ_IQ\ZM[[IVL^QTTIOMÅZMUIV·IZM\PM^MPQKTM[ KITTaM`PI][\QVOIVLMUW\QWVITTaITQMVI\QVORWJ[ through which migrant workers transform their lives.
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