

A Thesis

Submitted to the Adab and Humanities Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic Universityof Makassar in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora



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Romangpolong, 26 Januari 2017





Pembimbing penulisan skripsi saudara Muhammad Nisyarkawi NIM:

40300112109, Mahasisw a Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris pada Fakultas Adab dan

Humaniora UIN Alauddin Makassar, setelah dengan seksama meneliti dan mengoreksi skripsi yang bersangkutan berjudul “The Stylistics Analaysis in The

Selected Eminem’s Songs” memandang bahwa skripsi tersebut memenuhi syarat- syarat ilmiah dan dapat disetujui untuk dapat diajukan pada Sidang M unaqasyah .

Romangpolong, 24 Januari 2017

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Dr. Abd. Muin. M.Hum . Masykur Rauf, S.Hum., M.Pd . NIP. 19660102 199203 1 002 NIP. 19870704 201502 1 7 001



Skripsi yang berjudul The Stylistics Analysis in The Selected Eminem’s Songs yang disusun oleh Muhammad Nisyarkawi, NIM: 40300112009 , Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin Makassar, telah diuji dan dipertahankan dalam Sidang Munaqasyah yang diselenggarakan pada hari Jum’at, 3 Februari 2017 M, bertepatan dengan 6 Jumadil-Awal 1438 H, dan dinyatakan telah dapat diterima sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Humaniora (S.Hum.) dalam ilmu Adab dan Humaniora, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (dengan beberapa perbaikan).

Romangpolong, 3 Februari 2017 M. 3 Jumadil-Awal 1438 H.


Ketua : Dr. Abd. Rahman R, M.Ag. ( )

Sekretaris : Helmi Syukur, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. ( )

Munaqisy I : Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd. ( )

Munaqisy II : Nasrum, S.Pd., M.A ( )

Konsultan I : Dr. Abd Muin, M.Hum ( )

Konsultan II : Masykur Rauf, S.Hum., M.Pd ( )

Pelaksana : Ali Akbar ( )

Diketahui oleh: Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin Makassar,

Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag. NIP.19691012 199603 1 003



Name : Muhammad Nisyarkawi Reg. Number : 40300112009 Program : English and Literature Department Faculty : Adab and Humanities Title :The Stylistics Analysis in The Selected Eminem’s Songs Romangpolong, January, 18 th 2017

The Researcher,

Muhammad Nisyarkawi Reg. No. 40300112009

Supervised By : Supervisor I Supervisor II

Dr. Abd. Muin, M.Hum Masykur Rauf, S.Hum., M.Pd NIP. 19660102 199203 1 002 NIP. 19870704 201502 1 7001

Approved by The Head of English and Literature Department

H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd, M.Ed, Ph.D. NIP. 19811106 200312 1 003

Acknowledged by: Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty

Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag. NIP. 19691012 199603 1 003



Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin , the researcher praises to the Almighty Allah

Swt for His Blessing and Merciful so the researcher can complete this thesis. Peace and salutation are addressed to The Beloved and Chosen Messenger of The Great

Prophet Muhammad Saw.

The researcher realizes that this thesis could not be completed without getting assistance, guidance, understanding and encouragement from many people.

Therefore, the researcher would like to express his deepest gratitude to the following people:

1. My beloved parents, Muh. Syarif, SP and Hj. Kartini, S.Pd for their love,

patience, and sincere prayers for my safety and successfulness.

2. The Rector of UIN Alauddin Makassar, Prof. DR. H. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si.

who has given me a chance to study in the English and Literature Department so

that I could finish my study.

3. Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. H. Barsihannor, M. Ag. and his staff,

H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd, M.Ed, Ph.D as the Head of English and

Literature Department and the Secretary of English and Literature Department

Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd for their support, help and encouragement.



4. Dr. Abd. Muin, M.Hum. and Masykur Rauf, S.Hum,. M.Pd. as my supervisors

who have given me fruitful comments, guidance, suggestions, corrections, and

over all support since the preliminary part of this thesis until the end.

5. My thanks are also addressed to Syahruni Junaid, SS., M.Pd and Nasrum, S.Pd.,

M.A. as my examiners for all their advices, criticism, and suggestion in proposal

seminar to make this thesis better.

6. All lecturers of Adab and Humanities Faculty Alauddin States Islamic University

who have contributed and transferred their knowledge to me that I hope to be

very helpful and useful for me.

7. My thanks are also add1ressed to my beloved friends in English and Literature

Department 2012, especially AG.1 and AG.2 with whom that I can share my

experience and knowledge during my study and writing this thesis.

8. My thanks are addressed to my best friends Agyl Sapril Rizaldy, Taqim Prakoso,

Ass Putra Larekang, Wardhana Putri Firdaus, Ita Muthia Syarifuddin, BJ Rindi

Antika, Nickte Annizha Khalik and Andi Nuriani Novianti that Always give me

support and help me during my study.

9. My greatest thanks for my beloved pioneer and senior in my beloved family

ECUINSA (English Community of UIN Sultan Alauddin) Delukman, S.Hum,.

M.Hum., Fyan Sofyan Arfandy. S.Hum. Bustamil Rasyid, S.Hum, Nur

Halidasiah, S.Hum, Andi Indraningsih S.Hum and all the family members of


ECUINSA that I can not mention one by one for the motivation and knowledge

that cannot be measured.

10. Lastly, thanks to my beloved “Biestar” Friends for all of the craziness and

happiness while I was struggling with my study.

In the deepest heart, the researcher realizes that her thesis is imperfect and still need suggestions and criticism. Despite of its imperfection, he hopes that this thesis will be useful for the students, the lecturers and the readers in general who need it.

May Allah swt always bless us in every single thing we do.

The last but not least, for everybody who always helps the writer, that cannot mention one by one since the limitation of the space. Thank you very much. May

Allah Swt gives the Almighty Blessing to us now and forever.

Makassar, January 24 th , 2017

Muhammad Nisyarkawi


COVER ………………………………………………………………………………..i







ABSTRACT ...... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of Research ...... 1 B. Problem Statement ...... 4 C. Objective of The Research ...... 4 D. Significance of The Research ...... 5 E. The Scope of The Research ...... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Previous Findings ...... 6 B. Pertinent Ideas ...... 8 1. Definition of Stylistics ...... 9 2. Expressive Means and Stylistics Devices ...... 10 3. Definition of Song and Lyrics ...... 18 4. Eminem’s Biography and Career ...... 19

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...... 21 A. Method of Research ...... 21 B. Source of The Data ...... 21



C. Instrument of The Research ...... 22 D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 23

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ...... 24 A. Findings ...... 24 1. ...... 25 2. Without Me ...... 28 B. Discussion ...... 30 1. Literary Layer ...... 30 2. Colloquial Layer ...... 40

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ...... 59 A. Conclusion ...... 59 B. Suggestions ...... 59


BIOGRAPHY ...... 64

APPENDIXES ...... 65


Name : Muhammad Nisyarkawi Reg. Number : 40300112009 Title : The Stylistics Analysis in The Selected Eminem’s Songs Supervisor I : Abd. Muin Supervisor II : Masykur Rauf

This research discussed about the stylistics classification of English vocabulary in the selected Eminem’s songs which aimed to know the style and t he characteristics of the vocabularies u sed in the selected Eminem’s songs “Rap God” and “Without Me”. This research focused on Galperin’s theory about the descriptions all aspects of stylistics classification of English vocabulary from the lyrics of the songs. Then, the data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive method. The researcher used note taking as the instrument of the research to find out the valid data. The findings showed that there were eight aspects of stylistics classification of English vocabulary in the selected Eminem’s songs there were terms, poetic word, foreign word, slang, jargon, professionalism, dialectal word and vulgarism. The vocabularies which were used in the selected Eminem’s songs were mostly colloquial layer that consisted of jargon, slang and vulgarism while the literary layer still appeared to create some atmosphere on both songs. The researcher concluded that Eminem preferred using colloquial layer because Rap genre itself as a n art of culture that develop in th e suburban society which was usually consist of social critiques and story of life that means that Eminem himself used daily expressions rather that poetic or romances expressions.

Keywords: stylistics, style, vocabulary, song




A. Background of Research

Language is the ability of humans to communicate with other humans using sign, for example, words and actions. The existence of language is very important in human life, because almost every part of human life needs language. Human being interacts through feelings, minds, desire, and opinions on their head where they use language to express them.

Language has become a system of arbitrary vocal symbol used for human communication (Wardhaugh, 1972:2). As the result, Language can be used as tool or media to convey the author’s ideas and thoughts which will be set forth in a work of art and sometimes expressed in many ways and one of the ways is through a song.

The song becomes one of the most influential media in society; because song or music is intimately bounded with important event in all people lives. The power of song is diverse and people respond it in different ways, it can make us feel happy or sad, nostalgic or energetic and some song are capable of overtaking the mind until it is oblivious to all else (Matthews and Thompson, 2005:4).

Song conveys message and meanings. The composer needs time to think, to choose the words, to read what she or he writes, to revise and to arrange the song.

Then she or he considers its effect on the listener. Songs have special characteristics in their lyrics. Each lyric is created to have nuance.



Nowadays, the lyrics just become the additional part in a song while the music becomes the main attraction. People play the song to listen to the music and ignoring the lyrics. For example in the song “Dessert by Dawin” and “Feel So Close by Calvin

Harris” where the author ignoring and just make the lyrics as simple as possible, lot of repeated words that make the lyrics rather flat and focus at arranging the music to be good to listen for the consumer. In contrast with, a genre of song that focused on arranging strong lyrics are existed named “Rap”.

Rap is known as part of Hip-Hop. It appeared in Southern Bronx, New York

City about half of 1970s. Artist, some old literacy and the prisoners affected the development of this music where sometimes it was consist of critiques to the government at that time. Rap is a genre of song, which has strong lyrics in the making. The variety use of vocabulary is very rich, but the use of colloquial language as informal conversation language is majority in here.

The people who are not care about the lyrics in a song cannot see the use of vocabulary which is contained in a song. Here is the part of lyrics of Eminem’s songs as an example.

Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half Only realized it was ironic I was signed to Aftermath after the fact How could I not blow? All I do is drop "F" bombs Feel my wrath of attack Rappers are having a rough time period (Eminem-Rap God)

The word faggots is one of a taboo word that is forbidden to say in society while the words aftermath and wrath are grouped in literary word which are rarely


used in daily conversation. People may not pay attention on what words appeared in the song that they hear, but songs can contain variety of vocabularies which are very interested to be learned and one way to learn about it, is through stylistics.

Stylistics or style is characteristic ways which used by person to express their personal style (Soediro, 2012:35).Why is style said to be the way to express personal characteristics, it is because everybody has his/her own style. All the use of language in any context is based on the relationship with style itself which is the part of stylistics analysis. Galperin (1981:20) suggests that the stylistics analysis is the study of style which contains Stylistics Classification of English Vocabulary, Phonetic expressive means and stylistics devices, Lexical Expressive Means and Stylistic

Devices, Syntactical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices, and the last is

Functional Styles of The English Language

Music or especially song there are lyrics that have similarities with literature characteristics. Literature contains words, sentences, and meaning, so does the lyrics and both of them are meant to express things which are related to the reality. Music especially song and lyrics have been noticed by some researcher to be a source of study for a long time ago. It is because song and lyrics can produce parts like the use of vocabulary which are still new to be studied or analyzed.

The song lyrics that discussed by the researcher for this chance are “Rap God and Without Me” that have been sung by Eminem who is the white rapper from

America. Eminem has a unique style when writing a song that consists of many styles in just one song. “Rap God” and “Without Me” are two of the most famous songs of


Eminem. Each the song has its own styles that still fresh to be analyzde and both of them are describing the specialty of Eminem as a rapper.

In this research, the researcher conducted the observation about the stylistics aspects used in the Eminem’s Songs “Rap God” and “Without Me” from the perspective of “Expressive Means and Stylistics Devices” theory from Galperin

(1981:20). The researcher thinks that this research is important because there is lot of stylistics aspects that can be found in a song especially Rap song. The variety of vocabulary will be occurred through this research. Therefore, based on the statement above, the researcher is interested in conducting a research with title “The Stylistics

Analysis in Selected Eminem’s Songs.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the study which is preceding the introduction, the following research question is formulated below

How are the stylistic classification of English vocabulary aspects used in

the songs “Rap God” and “Without Me”?

C. Objective of The Research

Based on the research question which is described above, the objective of this research is:

To describe the stylistic classification of English vocabulary aspects used

in the songs “Rap God” and “Without Me”


D. Significance of The Research

The significance of this research is aimed to help those who are interested in linguistics and literature, especially the students of Faculty of Adab and Humanities to comprehend any aspects of stylistics.

Based on the research, the researcher expects that it can give contribution to be better understanding and comprehension on stylistics analysis and the researcher also expects that this research will be one of the great resources to other researchers who are interested in observing on the same field.

E. The Scope of The Research

In this study, the researcher used expressive means and stylistic devices aspects suggested by Galperin. The researcher focused on one aspect on discussing about the stylistics in selected Eminem’s songs, it is “Stylistics Classification of

English Vocabulary” to analyze two Selected Eminem’s songs “Rap God and

Without Me”. The researcher just chooses two songs because with these two songs can answer all the research aspects which want to be analyzed.



A. Previous Findings

In the section, the researcher explains about the previous findings that relevant with the research.

Gozaly (2009) in his thesis, ”Stylistics Analysis Hamzah Puadi Ilyas Short

Story Mother’s Hair”. He found that the use of figure of speech in short story gives the contribution on the theme building in the short story. In this study, the researcher focused at achieving comprehensive understanding regarding the use of figure of speech in building the theme of short story Mother’s Hair by Hamzah Puadi Ilyas on

Jakarta Post using the stylistics figurative language of Leech who explains the stylistics of indirect meaning as figurative language. The research issued content analysis method which concerns in the verbal data collected from the story which is analyzed qualitatively based on the figure of speech and any theory or approaches.

Marini (2010) in her dissertation, “Analisis Stilistika Dalam Novel Laskar

Pelangi Karya Andrea Hirata” . She Found that the unique choice and use of word was foreign language lexicon, Javanese lexicon, science lexicon, greeting word, connotative word in the title. The researcher focused the study in the stylistic analysis using Morphology, Syntaxes and Figurative Language. This descriptive-qualitative research aimed at describing the unique word choice and the use of word, the special aspect of morphology, and syntax, the use of figurative sense, connotative, metaphor,



metonymy, simile, personification, and hyperbole in Laskar Pelangi Novel on the theory of Subroto (1997) who explains the stylistics aspects of language function in the literary text. The special morphology aspect in Laskar Pelangi novel was the use of affixation in Javanese and English lexicon, reduplication in Javanese lexicon. Then syntax aspect in was the use of repetition, complex sentence, inversion sentence.

Putri (2011) in her thesis, “An Analysis of Stylistics in Dear John Novel by

Nicolas Sparks” . She found that the most common figures of speech may be grouped in three categories: figures of comparison, figures of contrast, and figures of association dealing with describing the stylistics analysis focusing on eight categories of figure of speech theory of Vivian and Jackson (1961) in Dear John Novel. In this research, the researcher used qualitative method of discourse analysis, explains some theories that related to figurative language, and then collected the data from the novel.

After comparing those theses that have been found, there is a similarity that the reader can see between those theses with this research. Three of them used stylistics analysis to show the style in the object of the research. It can be seen that the stylistic analysis is very wide in linguistics, even though the aspect is deferent the stylistics analysis theory is still being the basic theory to analyze the object.

Besides, there are some differences such as in Marini (2010) focused on the 3 aspect (Morphology, Syntaxes and Figurative Language) to analyze a novel while the others just use figurative language to analyze a short story. Those researches above have similar object novel and short story which are based on text to read so that the researcher limited by text analyzing. In this research, the researcher has a different


object. The objects in this research are songs which are Rap God and Without Me that is made by Eminem. The theory of this research is same with the research above, but the aspect in this research is different. In this research, the researcher used the stylistics classification of English vocabulary to show the style of vocabulary which is used by Eminem and used the theory of Galperin (1981:20) about the expressive means and stylistics devices.

Expressive means and Stylistics devices consist of the aspects that directly point out the stylistics use in the literary text. It is started from the vocabulary classification, then the phonetic style, lexical style and the syntactical style.

B. Pertinent Ideas

The scientific study of a language is called Linguistics while the people who specializes their research on language are called Linguist . Finegan (2011:23) defines linguistics as the systematic investigation into the human language or into its structures and uses and the relationship between them, as well as into the development and acquisition of language.

Linguistics is divided into two parts known as macro and micro linguistics.

Macro Linguistics deals with the relation of the language with all the aspects beyond of the language itself. For example: social factors, psychology, anthropology, and neurology. Meanwhile Micro Linguistics deals with the internal structure of language like the structure of phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon.


Stylistics itself is included in macro linguistics because it describes the characteristics of the user of language. Short and Candlin in Iqbal (2014:53) said that stylistics is a linguistic approach to the study of the literary texts. Moreover, Galperin

(1981:5) suggests that stylistics is a branch of general linguistics, which deals with the following two interdependent tasks, the first is it studies the totality of special linguistic means (stylistic devices and expressive means) which secure the desirable effect of the spoken or written langauge, and the second is it studies certain types of text “discourse” which due to the choice and arrangement of the language which are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of communication (functional styles). Stylistics is also divided based on the school of thought, they are linguo stylistics and literary stylistics

Carter and Simpson (1989:4) define that Linguo - stylistics is the study of texts but from a linguistic orientation. The linguistics is concerned with the language codes themselves and particular messages of interest and to give example how the codes are constructed. Leech and Short (1981:13) state that in general, literary stylistics, implicitly or explicitly, has the goal of explaining the relation between language and artistic function.

1. Definition of Stylistics

Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies the principles and the effect of choice of different language elements in showing thought and emotion under different conditions of communication (Galperin, 1981:2).


Moreover, Turner (1973:7) states that “Stylistics is the part of linguistics which concentrates on variation to the most conscious and complex uses of language in literature”.

Other definition about stylistics explained by Leech and Short (1969:13) who define stylistics as the linguistic study of style which is rarely undertaken for its own sake, simply it is as an exercise in describing shape of language.

According to Simpson (2004: 3), “to do stylistics is to explore language, and, more specifically, to explore creativity in language use. Doing stylistics thereby enriches our ways of thinking about language and, as observed, exploring language offers a substantial purchase on our understanding of (literary) texts “. Mills (1995: 4) also argues that “Stylistics has been defined as the analysis of the language of literary texts, usually taking its theoretical models from linguistics, in order to undertake this analysis”.

2. Expressive Means and Stylistics Devices

For our purposes it is necessary to make a distinction between expressive means and stylistic devices. All stylistic means of a language can be divided into expressive means, which are used in some specific way and it is called stylistic devices.

Koksharova (2011:42) defines the expressive means of a language consist of phonetic means, morphological forms, means of word-building, and lexical,


phraseological and syntactical forms, all of which function in the language for emotional or logical intensification of the utterance.

Kukharenko (1974:12) suggests Stylistics Device as a conscious and intentional literary use of some use of the language (including expressive means) in order to give further intensification of the emotional or logical emphasis which is contained in the corresponding expressive means.

Galperin (1981:22) also explains that the interrelations between expressive means and stylistics devices can be expressed in terms of the theory of information.

Expressive means have greater degree of predictability than stylistics devices, but the stylistics devices carry a greater amount of information and require a certain effort to decode their meaning and purport. Stylistics devices must be regarded as a special code, which has to be well known to the reader to be deciphered easily. The expressive means and stylistics devices are categorized into five; Stylistics

Classification of The English Vocabulary, Phonetic Expressive Means and Stylistic

Devices, Lexical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices, Syntactical Expressive

Means and Stylistic Devices and The Functional Styles of The English Language.

For our purpose which is for linguistic stylistics, a special type of classification, stylistic classification, is the most important. The stylistics classification of English vocabulary is the basic part that has to be analyzed and it concerns to get a more or less clear idea of the word-stock used in any language.


a. Stylistic Classification of English Vocabulary

From stylistic point of view, it is important to classify the English vocabulary, as this stylistic device is based on the interplay of different stylistic aspects of words.

The common literary, neutral and common colloquial words are grouped in the term standard English vocabulary which means the words that usually used in daily activity. Other groups in the literary layer are regarded as special literary vocabulary and those in the colloquial layer are regarded as special colloquial (non-literary) vocabulary.

Colloquial Neutral Literary Kid Child Infant Daddy Father Parent Chap Fellow Associate Get out Go away Retire Go on Continue Proceed Teenager Boy (girl) Youth (maiden) Flapper Young girl Maiden Go ahead Begin Get going Start Commence Table 2.1 : Common literary, neutral and common colloquial

According to Galperin (1981:62), the vocabulary of the English language can be divided into three main layers:

1) The Literary Layer

The literary layer of words consists of groups accepted as acceptable members of the English vocabulary. They have no local or dialect character. The literary vocabulary consists of the following groups of words:

(a) Terms


A term, unlike other words, term directs the mind to the essential quality of the things, phenomenon or action as seen by the scientist in their own conceptualization (Yazyki, 2008:7).

A term has a stylistic function when it is used to create an atmosphere or to characterize a person. For Example, the use of words “loan”, “rate of interest” and “to secure for money” are to create the environment of business atmosphere even though they do not have any special meaning but they have stylistics function to create atmosphere to reader.

(b) Poetic and highly literary words

Poetic and highly literary words used exclusively in poetry and the like. Poetic and highly literary words are used to create romantic atmosphere, the general colouring of high level writing (Koksharova, 2011:32). Many of these words are archaic or obsolete: e.g. foe (enemy), realm (kingdom), billow (wave, surge), spouse

(husband or wife), woe (sorrow), childe (a nobleman's son); whilom (sometimes), aught (anything), naught (nothing), tie (no, not), haply (may be), for ay (for ever), I wee (I suppose), he kens (he knows).

(c) Archaic words

Archaic words are used in historical novels, in official and diplomatic documents, in business letters, legal language, etc. The main stylistic function of archaisms is to recreate the atmosphere of antiquity. Not seldom archaisms are intentionally used by the researcher to cause humorous effect (Kocheva, 2005:8).


Some example of Archaic word which are rarely used or have gone from the dictionary : “anon” = “at once”, “haply” = “perhaps”, “ befall" = “happen”. “woe”

= sorrow, “hapless” = unlucky, “staunch” = firm, “harken” = “hear”).

(d) Barbarisms and foreign words

According to Missikova (2003:103) Barbarisms and foreign words are the words of foreign language which have not entirely been assimilated into the English language. Barbarisms and foreign words are considered to be on the outskirts of literary language. Most of Barbarisms and foreign words have corresponding English synonyms, for instance, chic (stylish), bon mot (a clever witty saying), en passant (in passing), etc.

2) The Neutral Layer

The aspect of the neutral layer is its universal character. That means it is unrestricted in its use. It can be employed in all styles and in all spheres of human activity. It is this that makes the layer the most stable of all.. According to Yazyki

(2008:3) Neutral words are the main source of synonymy and polysemy which has made a lot of contribution in the production of new meanings. The neutral layer penetrates both the literary and colloquial vocabulary and it don’t have any stylistics coloring.

3) The Colloquial Layer

The colloquial layer of words as qualified in most English or American dictionaries is often limited to a clearly known language community or exists to a


special locality where it usually used. The colloquial vocabulary falls into the following groups:

a) Slang

Slang is an informal language used by young people or in a particular social group for internal communication so the other groups will not understand. Slang is typically used by people outside established higher-status groups. Yule in Maraousek

(2015:19) speculates that slang can be called “colloquial speech‘, describing words or phrases that are used instead of everyday terms among speakers with special interest.

Slang normally relates to a group of people who define themselves as part of a certain social group with particular values and beliefs. Here are some more examples of words that are considered slang: “to take stock in” means “to be interested in”,

“attach importance” or “give credence to”, “bread-basket” means “the stomach”, “ to do a flit”-“'to quit one's flat” or “lodgings at night without paying the rent or board”,

“rot” means “nonsense”, “the cat's pajamas” means “the correct thing”.

b) Jargon

Jargon is specialized vocabulary used inside social group. In additional

Finegan, (2008:322) defines Jargon as a recognized term for a group of words that exists in almost every language and whose aim is to preserve secrecy within one or another social group Jargon is associated with professions such as finance, medicine and with activities such as sports, music, and computing. Here are some examples of jargon. “grease” means 'money'; “loaf” means 'head'; “a tiger hunter” is 'a gambler';

“a lexer” is 'a student preparing for a law course'.


c) Professionalisms

Professionalisms are the words used in a definite trade, profession or calling by people connected by common interests both at work or at home. Moreover,

Kocheva (2005:8) states that professionalisms circulate within communities joined by professional interests and have emotive synonyms to terms. Social ones can be found within groups characterized by social integrity, they are emotive synonyms to neutral words and conceal or disguise the meaning of the expressed concept. Here are some professionalisms used in different trades: “tin-fish” (=submarine); “block-buster” (a bomb especially designed to destroy blocks of big buildings); “piper” (=a specialist who decorates pastry with the use of a cream-pipe); “a midder case” (=a midwifery case); “outer” (=a knockout blow).

d) Dialectal words

Dialectal words are those which in the process of integration of the English national language remained beyond its literary boundaries, and their use is generally confined to the region locallity .

There is sometimes a difficulty in distinguishing dialectal words from colloquial words. Some dialectal words have become so familiar in good colloquial or standard colloquial English that they are universally accepted as recognized units of the standard colloquial English. To these words belong “lass” , meaning 'a girl or a beloved girl' and the corresponding “lad” , 'a boy or a young man', daft from the

Scottish and the northern dialect, meaning 'of unsound mind, silly'; “fash” , also

Scottish, with the meaning of 'trouble, cares'. Still they have not lost their dialectal


associations and therefore are used in literary English with the above-mentioned stylistic function of characterization. (Yazyki, 2008:7).

e) Vulgar words

The term vulgarism is rather misleading. Vulgarism is a phrase or expression, or one used only in colloquial, or in unrefined or low, speech”. In other words, vulgarity demonstrates the raw expression of street language. Jay (in Anggita, 2015:

17) defines that Vulgarity is used to humiliate or bring down the thing or individual.

The words that belong to this type are such as ass, tit, chick , dick, and bitch .

Figure 2.1 Stylistic Classification of English Vocabulary by Galperin (1981:62)


Stylistics Analysis

Expressive Means and Stylistics

Stylistics Phonetic Lexical Syntactical The Functional Expressive Means Expressive Expressive Means Style of The Classification and Stylistics Means and and Stylistics English Language of English Devices Stylistics Devices Devices Vocabulary

Literar Neutral Colloquia Layer y layer l Layer Not Used

Term Slang Poetic Jargon

Archai Proffesionalism Foreig Dialectal Vulgar

Figure 2.2 Stylistics Analysis Theory Based on Galperin

3. Definition of Song and Lyrics

Song is strictly speaking any poem set to music for a single, with or without

an accompanimenta song may either be set to a repetition of the same tune, or be set

continuously, the music developing throughout in a manner calculated to illustrated

the progress of the words. (Yaroh, 2007:33).

Lyrics is a short poem, usually divides into stanza or strophes and directly

expressing the poets own thought and sentiments (Lewis in Illah .2008:32). Since


lyrics becomes part of songs or poems, it cannot be denied that lyric can influence the beauty of the song or poem, depending on the beauty of the lyrics itself.

Abram (1998:146) states that a lyric is any fairly short poem, consisting of the utterance by a single speaker who expresses a state of mind on a process of perception, thought, and feeling. Furthermore, he states that in the original Greek, lyrics signified a song rendered to the accompaniment of lyric. Abram also added that in some current usages, lyrics still retains the sense of a poem written to be set to music, for instance, he exemplifies, and the hymn is a lyric of a religious subject that is intended to be sung.

Logically, every poem can be performed as song. It also depends on the composer to arrange the musical expression.

4. Eminem’s Biography and Career

Eminem Background Information

Birth Name : Marshall Bruce Mathers III Also known as Eminem, : Slim Shady Born : October 17, 1972 Origin : Detroit, Michigan, USA Genre(s) : Hip hop Occupation(s) : Rapper, producer, actor Years active : 1996 – present Label(s) : Shady/Aftermath/Interscope Associated acts : Dr. Dre, D12, Obie Trice Website : http://www.Eminem.com

Marshall Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972), better known by his stage names Eminem and Slim Shady, is an Oscar and multiple Grammy Award


winning rapper, , and actor from Detroit, Michigan. Having sold over seventy million albums worldwide, Eminem is one of the highest-selling musicians of the early 2000s thus, making him one of the highest-selling rap artists of all time.

Eminem was discovered by rapper and producer Dr. Dre. Dr. Dre later signed

Eminem to his , .

"Rap God", the song premiered via YouTube, on October 14 th , 2013, and was released in the US on October 15 th , as the third single from Eminem's eighth studio album, The Marshall Mathers LP 2 (2013). Indeed it is consist of 1560 words in just

6.04 minutes and it has set the Guinness Book of World Records as the most words in a hit single. The song received very positive reviews, with critics praising Eminem's lyrical ability and rapping speed.

"Without Me" is from Eminem fourth studio album (2002).

"Without Me” was released as the lead single from the album, and re-released on his greatest hits compilation album Curtain Call: The Hits (2005). “Without Me” is one of Eminem's most successful singles, reaching number two in the U.S. Billboard Hot

100, and number one in fifteen countries. It is one of Eminem most well-known and most recognizable songs. The song is included in the soundtrack for the 2016 film

Suicide Squad .



A. Method of Research

This research used a qualitative research. Bogdan and Tailor in Moelong

(2004:4) state that qualitative method is a research procedure which results is descriptive data including written and oral words from the object of the study whether it is from society or book. However, this study describes the stylistics devices which is included vocabulary style. It is to analyze the use stylistics words of the lyrics in

Eminem’s songs. Bodgan (1998:77) states that the qualitative inquirer deals with data that are in the form of words, rather that numbers and statistic. Moreover, Silverman

(1993:10) states that in qualitative research, small number of text and documents may be analyzed for a very different purpose. This descriptive qualitative research is showing the descriptive data as written words, or spoken about the characteristic of individual, phenomenon, event from particular group which is researched.

B. Source of The Data

The researcher took the primary data from the internet and download the MP3 files of the songs “Rap God” and ”Without Me” which is popularized by Eminem who is an Oscar and multiple Grammy Award winning rapper, record producer, and actor from Detroit, Michigan. The researcher also used the biography of Eminem and the article of Eminem which was used as the secondary data to support the primary data.



The researcher took the primary data on the lyrics of the song and the song itself. The lyrics are the source of the vocabulary aspects data. “Rap God” is a song from the Eminem’s eight Studio album, The Marshall Mathers LP (2013) and consists of 1560 words while the “Without Me” is from Eminem fourth studio album

The Eminem Show (2002) and consists of 775 words. The secondary data was taken from article and biography of Eminem that can be correlated to the primary data.

The fact that the songs received very positive reviews and have won many awards and yet, many people still listen to it even though the year of the songs are rather old. The variety of vocabulary and that is shown in the song have made the researcher chose this song to be the data source.

C. Instrument of The Research

This research, the researcher used Note Taking as the instrument of the research. As Boch and Piolat (2005: 102) suggest that note taking allows students to gather information from lectures, books, or any other situation that they will later have to memorize or use in order to successfully complete their academic program.

This technique was used when the researcher is listening to the song while reading lyrics of the song. Next, after the researcher pays attention and listens to the song while reading the lyrics, the researcher took notes on the aspects of Stylistics

Classification of English Vocabulary and continued to classify the data according the aspect.

A. Procedure of Data Collection


There are four steps in collecting the data as follows;

1. The researcher listened to the songs while read the lyrics to the whole part of

the songs “Rap God and “Without Me” by Eminem.

2. The researcher identified the stylistics classification of English vocabulary

aspects in the songs.

3. The researcher took notes from the lyrics that shows the stylistics classification

of English vocabulary aspects.

4. The researcher classified which one is including in “the stylistic classification

of English vocabulary aspects.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher used Galperin’s theory about expressive means and stylistics devices which classify the aspects “stylistics classification of

English vocabulary”. The aspect is used to analyze the data in order to enquire the vocabulary style used in the songs “Rap God” and “Without Me” by Eminem.




In this chapter, the writer discussed the findings that were found during the observation using note taking as the research instrument. This chapter consists of the stylistics classification of English vocabulary which classifies the vocabulary used by

Eminem in his songs “Rap God” and “Without Me”.

A. Findings

This section describes the stylistics classification of English vocabulary aspects used in the song. In the stylistics classification of English vocabulary, the aspects are divided in to 2 main layers as the main concern in this research which are the literary layer and the colloquial layer.

The literary vocabulary aspect consists of the following groups of words:

Terms, poetic words, archaic words and barbarisms and foreign word. The colloquial vocabulary aspect falls into the following groups: Slang, Jargon, professional words, dialectal words, vulgar words.

This section looks further into the data taken from the lyrics of the selected

Eminem’s songs “Rap God” and “Without Me” which have a lot of vocabulary to be classified and analyzed using stylistics analysis. The researcher categorizes and tabulates the collected data through the following description

For the literary layer aspects T stands for “Terms” , PW stands for “Poetic Words.

AW stands “Archaic Words” and FW stand for “Foreign Words” For Colloquial


Layer S stands for “Slang” , J stands for “Jargon” , Pf = “Professionalism” . DW

stands for “Dialectal Words” , V stands for “Vulgarism In the utterance the

researcher put the datum number as D.1 for datum one D.2 for datum two etc.

1. Rap God

"Rap God" is a song by American rapper Eminem. The song premiered via

YouTube, on October 14, 2013, and was released in the US on October 15, as the

third single from Eminem's eighth studio album, The Marshall Mathers LP 2 (2013).

It contains references to previous conflicts in Eminem's career, as well as to other

rappers' conduct. The song received very positive reviews, with critics praising

Eminem's lyrical ability and rapping speed.

Stanza / The Stylistics Classification of English Utterance (Datum Line in Vocabulary Aspects No Number) the Literary Layer Colloquial Layer lyrics T PW AW FW S J Pf DW V “And if he is as bananas as you say I'm S.1 / 1 not taking any L.10 P chances” (D.1) “Now who thinks their arms are long enough S.2 / 2 to slap box, slap box ?” L.15 P (D.2) “They said I rap like a S.2 / 3 robot, so call me rap- L.16 P bot” (D.3) “My pen'll go off when S.3 / 4 I half-cock it” (D.4) L.19 P “Got a fat knot from S.3 / 5 that rap profit” (D.5) L.20 P “With Monica S.4 / 6 Lewinski feeling on his L.23 P


Stanza / The Stylistics Classification of English Utterance (Datum Line in Vocabulary Aspects No Number) the Literary Layer Colloquial Layer lyrics T PW AW FW S J Pf DW V nutsack ” (D.6) “I'm an MC still as S.4 / 7 honest” (D.7) L.24 P “Syllables, skill -a- S.4 / 8 holic (Kill 'em all L.26 P with)” (D.8) “backpack rap , crap, S.5 / 9 yap-yap, yackety-yack” L.31 P (D.9-10) “I was signed to S.7 / 10 Aftermath after the L.37 P fact” (D.11) “Feel my wrath of S.7 / 11 attack” (D.12) L.39 P “For the wack while I'm masterfully S.8 / 12 constructing this L.43 P masterpiece yeah” (D.13) “'Cause I use it as a S.11 / 13 vehicle to 'bus the L.56 P rhyme'” (D.14) “Only Hall of Fame I'll be S.13 / 14 inducted in is the alcohol P of fame” (D.15) L.67 “You fags think it's all S.14 / 15 a game” (D.16) L.69 P “Oy vey, that boy's S.16 / 16 gay, that’s all they say L.77 P lookin’ boy”(D.17) “Kneel before General Zod this planet's S.18-19 Krypton , no Asgard , 17 / L.92- Asgard P 93 So you'll be Thor and I'll be Odin” (D.18-22)


Stanza / The Stylistics Classification of English Utterance (Datum Line in Vocabulary Aspects No Number) the Literary Layer Colloquial Layer lyrics T PW AW FW S J Pf DW V “But I'm just a talking S.20 / 18 head , a zombie L.99 P floating” (D.23) “I'm out my Ramen S.21 / 19 Noodle ” (D.24) L.101 P

“Somewhere in this S.22 / 20 chicken scratch I scribble P and doodle” (D.25) L.110

“Was king of the S.24 / 21 underground” (D.26) L.117 P “Put them all in the S.25 / line, Add an AK-47 , a 22 L.126- revolver and a nine” P 127 (D.27-29) “Morphin' into an immortal coming t S.26 / 23 hrough the portal” L.130 P (D.30) “And I just bought a S.27 / 24 new ray gun from the L.136 P future” (D.31) “I make elevating S.30 / music 25 L.156- You make elevator P 157 music” (D.32-33) “Cause I found a hella S.31 / 26 way to fuse it” (D.34) L.162 P “With rock, shock rap S.31 / 27 with Doc” (D.35) L.163 P “It's curtains , I'm S.33 / 28 inadvertently hurtin' L.169 P you” (D.36) “your songs you could S.34 / 29 sacrifice virgins to P Unghh, school flunky , pill L.173


Stanza / The Stylistics Classification of English Utterance (Datum Line in Vocabulary Aspects No Number) the Literary Layer Colloquial Layer lyrics T PW AW FW S J Pf DW V junky” (D.37-38) “But look at the S.34 / 30 accolades these skills P brung me” (D.39) L.174 “Ill when I speak in S.35 / 31 tongues” (D.40) L.178 P

Table 4.1 : Stylistics Classification of English Vocabulary in “Rap God”

2. Without Me

"Without Me" was released as the lead single from the album The Eminem

Show (2002), and re-released on his greatest hits compilation album Curtain Call: The

Hits (2005). "Without Me" is one of Eminem's most successful singles, reaching

number two in the U.S. , and number one in fifteen countries. It is

one of his most well-known and most recognizable songs.

Stanza The Stylistics Classification of English Utterance (Datum / Line Vocabulary Aspects No Number) in the Literary Layer Colloquial Layer lyrics T PW AW FW S J Pf DW V “See Marshall no more, S.3 / 1 they want Shady, I'm L.7 P chopped liver” (D.41) “a little bit of weed S.3 / mixed with some hard L.8-9 liquor 2 some vodka that'll P jumpstart my heart quicker than a” (D.42- 44)


Stanza The Stylistics Classification of English Utterance (Datum / Line Vocabulary Aspects No Number) in the Literary Layer Colloquial Layer lyrics T PW AW FW S J Pf DW V 3 “I'm on the rag and S.5 /

ovulating” (D.45) L.14 P “So come on dip, bum S.7 / 4 on your lips fuck that,” L.18 P (D.46) “Cum on your lips and S.7 / 5 some on your tits, Fuck L.19-21

YOU DEBBIE!” (D.47- P 48) “Little hellions kids S.9 / 6 feeling rebellious” L.28 P (D.49) “'til someone comes S.9 / 7 along on a mission and L.31 P yells "bitch” (D.50) “in the fact that I got 8 S.10 / everyone kissing my ass ” L.35 P (D.51) 9 “here's my 10 cents my S.13 /

2 cents is free” (D.52) L.44 P “A tisk-it a task-it, I'll S.15 / 10 go tit for tat with” L.52 P (D.53) “Chris Kirkpatrick you S.15 / 11 can get your ass L.55 P kicked” (D.54) “worse than them little 12 S.15 / Limp Bizkit bastards , L.55 P (D.55)” “you 36 year old bald S.16 / 13 headed fag blow me” L.56 P (D.56)

Table 4.2 : Stylistics Classification of English Vocabulary in “Without Me”


B. Discussion

The data were analyzed through qualitative method of content analysis. The researcher rewrites words containing the stylistics classification of English vocabulary aspects collected from the lyrics of two selected Eminem’s songs “Rap

God” and “Without Me”. Then, the researcher categorized the compiled data into several categories of stylistics classification of English vocabulary. Lastly, the writer analyzed the sentences based on the theory of Galperin (1981:62) about stylistics classification of English vocabulary.

1. Literary Layer

a. Term

Term is a group of word which describes directly the main part of a thing, phenomenon or action as seen by the scientist or person in their own conceptualization. We can register a stylistic effect caused either by a specific use of terms in their proper meanings or by a simultaneous realization of two meanings.

Term also can create atmosphere to the reader if they are bounded together in sentences and by it, In the song lyrics of Eminem, the researcher found 18 data from

Rap God They are D2, D8, D11, D15, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22, D24, D 25, D27,

D28, D29, D31, D32, D33 and D40. Moreover, in the song Without Me, the researcher found 4 data that included in this category. They are D42, D43, D44 and



a) Rap God

“slap box”

The word Slapbox in datum 2 is a term for form of boxing with open hands to avoid injury. Eminem points out this line to use it as a response to future competition like “who thinks they are strong enough to go against me?” – questioning other rappers who really think that they are good enough to battle him. This word is a part of the lines which is being the chorus part of the song. Eminem shows his arrogance by saying his self as the God of Rap and all of his fans are agree with that and it is why they “nod”. Datum 2 included into term because it has a specific function like he suggests that term can register a stylistic effect caused either by a specific use of terms in their proper meanings or by a simultaneous realization of two meanings.

Here datum 2 is a term that has a specific function to challenge another rapper into a competition.


The word Skill-a-holic in datum 8 is a term derived from alcoholic, but instead of being addicted to alcohol, the skill-a-holic is addicted to technique or skill and Eminem is addicted to the skill that he has. Eminem has always packed a ton of syllables into each verse, and these lines are another example of that. Datum 8 included into term because it has a specific function like he suggests that term can register a stylistic effect caused either by a specific use of terms in their proper meanings or by a simultaneous realization of two meanings. Here datum 8 is a term


that has a specific function, it is to describe that Eminem has a lot of skill that make him addicted to it.


The word Aftermath in datum 11 is a term that describes a period of time after something such as a war, storm or accident when people are still dealing with the result. Here, Eminem describe the “aftermath” which is caused by rap contents that were paned by critics: those album are not good. Eminem states that his albums were blow because they are full with “F” Bombs (bad content) instead of good content. It was ironic because Eminem has a label titled ”aftermath” and after the time when he signed into the label were like the aftermath of war with his “F” bombs in his songs. In this line Eminem describes how he is bombarding the music world with his lyrical content. Datum 11 included into term because it has a special meaning despite his original meaning like he suggests that term can register a stylistic effect caused either by a specific use of terms in their proper meanings or by a simultaneous realization of two meanings. Here, datum 11 is a term that has a specific meaning as the label that Eminem signed in and it is correlated with the proper meaning.

“alcohol of fame”

Eminem’s told his experience when inducting Run D.M.C, one of his favorite group, into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Furthermore Eminem is not shy admitting that he is a sinner. Eminem feels that if he even entered a church that he would and burst in a ball of flames which is symbolizing God’s wrath for his sins and a trip to the hell. Moreover, if he has inducted Run D.M.C into the Rock N Roll Hall


of Fame which is a place to archive the history of the best-known and most influential artist etc, Eminem just claims that all he ever got inducted into is the alcohol of fame as a datum 15 which is a term for the nasty drug addictions and other inconveniences going along with being one of the biggest stars on the planet. Public know that

Eminem is issued with drugs and alcohol over the course of his career. Datum 15 included into term because it has a special function like he suggests that term can register a stylistic effect caused either by a specific use of terms in their proper meanings or by a simultaneous realization of two meanings. Here, datum 15 is a term that has a specific function where Eminem humiliated himself as a drug abuser rather than a musician.

“Ramen noodle”

A Ramen is a kind of food in Japan which is very popular, cheap and easy to make and it is made from noodle . Eminem use the term “Ramen Noodle” as the datum 24 to describe the “Rhyming” words in his “brain”. Eminem use

Ramen/Rhyming homophone and the “Noodle” is another way of saying “Brain” due to the way the brain looks. So what Eminem probably say is that his rhyming words stops occurred continuously in his brain. Datum 24 included into term because it has a special meaning despite his original meaning like he suggests that term can register a stylistic effect caused either by a specific use of terms in their proper meanings or by a simultaneous realization of two meanings. Here, datum 24 is a term that has a specific meaning. Ramen noodle is a rhyming words in Eminem’s brain despite a noodle food that is famous in Japan.


“chicken scratch”

The words Chicken scratch from datum 25 is a term for an incredibly messy handwriting that is only the person who wrote it can read. It is not the scratch that chicken make when they are looking for foods. So it included as a term with special meaning like he suggests that term can register a stylistic effect caused either by a specific use of terms in their proper meanings or by a simultaneous realization of two meanings. Eminem once also hopes that somewhere, his lyrics can do a good thing for people who has through a tough time.

“Ray Gun”

The word “Ray Gun” from datum 31 is ubiquitous term in the science fictions; it is a type of fictional device that fires a beam of (usually) destructive energy used in science fiction. Eminem is trying to say that he is coming for his fans that are stuck in the past version of his music. They need to move on before he ends them with his weapon–his current music. Here, Eminem also use ray gun conduct the “Ray J Gun” which referred to “Ray J” who is an American singer, , record producer and actor. Next lines of the lyrics are talking about Ray J.

Datum 31 included into term because it has a specific meaning like he suggests that term can register a stylistic effect caused either by a specific use of terms in their proper meanings or by a simultaneous realization of two meanings. Here, datum 31 is a term that has a specific function. It is to represent “Ray J” which will be talked in the next line.


“I make elevating music You make elevator music”

The word “Elevating music” from datum 32 is a term to describe a music

which can give motivational sense for the listener. Eminem is on his way to make

his lyrical contents help some people like he want. In contrast to Eminem’s uplifting

music; others make boring, stale music. The word “Elevator music” as the datum

33 is the term of the unchallenging background music you hear at the store elevator

or some shopping market. Eminem used these words to describe the comparison

between his music and the other rap music. Datum 32 and 33 are included into term

because they have a specific use like he suggests that term can register a stylistic

effect caused either by a specific use of terms in their proper meanings or by a

simultaneous realization of two meanings. Here, datum 31 is a term that has a

specific use. It is to compare Eminem music with other rapper music.

“speak in tongues”

Eminem forces himself to complete anything he sets his mind on, much like a bully forces others to do things. The idea of not giving up on goals, relating to the previous two lines about already accomplishing a lot but still being “hungry” for more. The words Speak in tongues in datum 40 is a term which is describes a phenomenon which today is better known as "automatic" or "unconscious" talking.

The person who "speaks in tongues" is unaware of what he says; he could talk in a foreign or made-up language, or fall back into speech patterns of his childhood.


“Kneel before General Zod this planet's Krypton , no Asgard , Asgard So you'll be Thor and I'll be Odin”

Here in these 2 lines, Eminem is showing his anxiety with comic stuff. The use of terms which is related to comic is used widely in these 2 lines to create a comic atmosphere. Like those who oppose General Zod in datum 18, other rappers should kneel in front of Eminem because their skills are inferior. General Zod in datum 18 is a fictional super villain who appears in comic books published by DC Comics and is the secondary archenemy of Superman. Next, Krypton in datum 19 is a planet in the DC Universe and the native world of Superman. While Eminem mentions

Krypton, Eminem corrects himself and refers to Asgard as datum 20, the Marvel equivalent and place where Odin reigns supreme. In Asgard , Odin in datum 22 is the

Allfather- the closest thing to a chief god. Thor in datum 22 is Odin’s son. The other rapper can be a god, but Eminem is the greatest god of them all and they will always suffer in comparison. They describe how Eminem loves comic and he uses the terms from comic in the song Rap God, and the terms itself have strong correlation with

“God” which Eminem fell itself like a God of the Rap Music.

“Add an AK-47 , a revolver and a nine”

Eminem is going back to his previous album “The Marshall Mathers LP 1” and in the song “I’m Back” when Eminem writes the same lines. “I'll take seven kids from Columbine Put 'em all in a line Add an AK-47 , a revolver and a nine ” These lines were so controversial in the wake of the school massacre that the words ‘kids’ and ‘Columbine' were censored even on the explicit version of the album. Eminem


wonders if he can write the same lines now without being censored. AK-47 in the datum 27 is an assault rifle designed in 1947 by Mikhail Kalashnikov. Next a revolver in the datum 28 is a repeating handgun that has a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers and at least one barrel for firing. A nine in the datum

29 is derived from TEC-9 which is a semi-automatic pistol designed by Intratec. The

3 terms is used to create an atmosphere of massacre and terrorism.

b) Without Me

“tit for tat”

With using the term “tit for tat” from datum 54, Eminem is trying to retaliate for anyone who always gives him critic for his controversial lyrics. In this verse,

Eminem describes all the critiques that have been thrown to him but all the critiques make his name bigger than it was. Tit for tat is a term for giving back as much as you got, especially in retaliation for something harmful. It is include as a term that has a specific use and correlated with Galperin’s theory.

“a little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor some vodka that'll jumpstart my heart quicker than a”

Eminem reveals that his alter ego is really just his personality when he is drunk and high. Since he has struggled with drug problems throughout his life, we have usually seen more of the “Shady” side of Marshall’s personality in his music.

Eminem uses the same terms to create a drunker personality atmosphere. Weed in datum 42 is a term for cigarettes or tobacco and in the extreme means, it also can be lead as marijuana. Hard liquor in the datum 43 is a sweet very strong alcoholic


drink, it is usually drunk in a small quantities after a meal. Vodka in datum 44 is a strong alcoholic drink from Russia. Eminem points out these terms to show that he needs them to call Shady.

b. Poetic and Highly Literary Words

It can be seen that Poetic and highly literary words used primarily in poetry and the like. Poetic and highly literary words are used to create romantic atmosphere, poetic word clam to be of higher rank of writing (high level writing). Song itself can be said as poem set to music for a single. Poetic words form a rather insignificant layer of the special literary vocabulary. They are mostly archaic or very rarely used highly literary words which aim at producing an elevated effect. But here, Rap songs are mostly colloquial, so it is rare to get a poetic or romantics words in this genre of songs. But here Eminem use one word in Rap God song that can be classified as poetic words.

a) Rap God


Like what was explained before about how Eminem is bombarding the music world by dropping F Bombs which is full of explicit content. In the last line, Eminem is using the word “wrath” in datum 12 to show his anger as a Rap of God to people.

The word “Wrath” is a term for great anger that expresses itself in a desire to punish someone and usually bound with God which has dominance to punish anything or anyone. Many colossal Movies use the word wrath as movie title like “wrath of the


titans”. Eminem rather use “Wrath” instead of anger or fury. The use of wrath is to match the rhyming words in the line and also to emphasize his position in the song as

Rap God, it is because only God that can give wrath to the people. The use of wrath included as a high level writing where wrath has a specific function. It is to give a

God atmosphere. it is related to the Galperin which suggests that Poetic word has a general coloring of high level writing.

b) Without Me

The researcher did not find poetics word that included in the second song

“Without Me”. Poetic words is mostly use in a poem and it is rarely used in song specially rap song.

c. Archaic Words

Archaic words are primarily and predominantly used in the creation of a realistic background to historical novels, it has main stylistic function as the creator of antiquity atmosphere which is usually used in the historical novels, in official and diplomatic documents, in business letters, legal language, etc. The researcher did not find any data that correlates to this aspect. Selected two Eminem’s songs “Rap God” and “Without Me” are mostly talking about critics given to Eminem it also talking about Eminem himself as a Rapper and not talking about an antique situation like historical novels do.


d. Barbarism and Foreign Language

Barbarism and Foreign Language words are words that have the appearance of a borrowing and are felt as something alien to the native tongue. The role foreign is borrowings played in the development of the English literary language is well known, and the great majority of these borrowed words now form part of the rank and file of the English vocabulary. They are words that have not entirely been assimilated into the English language. Only 1 datum from Rap God that was found in this category .

“Oy vey”

The interjections “Oy Vey” in datum 17 comes from a Yiddish phrase expressing dismay or exasperation. Also spelled oy vay, oy veh, or oi vey, and often abbreviated to oy, the expression may be translated as, "oh, woe!" or "woe is me!"

This lines is also comes from the 2010 comedy movie titled “Oy Vey! My Son Is a

Gay!!” before and after this lines, Eminem is talking about a little gay looking boy where he offense the other rappers. “oy vey” is an interjection that comes from

Yiddish or Germanic origin. It is a cognate of the German expression to show dismay or exasperation and has not been assimilated to the official English


2. Colloquial Layer

a. Slang

It is a common knowledge that Rap is mostly colloquial and one of the special colloquial words called slang. Slang normally relates to a group of people who define


themselves as part of a certain social group with particular values and beliefs. Like what has been explained, slang is mostly metaphors and has a different meaning and it is used to describe thing or phenomenon with a different term than the usual one. slang is sometimes used for the pure joy of making sounds, or even for a need to attract attention by making noise. The sheer newness and informality of certain slang words produce pleasure. Moreover slang is either all kinds of nonce-formations so frequently appearing in lively everyday speech and just as quickly disappearing from the language, or jocular words and word combinations that are formed by using the various means of word building existing in the language and also by distorting "the form or sense of existing words.

In the song Rap God, the researcher found 9 data which are considered to be categorized in slang. They are D1, D5, D13, D23, D30, D34, D36, D37 and D38.

Moreover, in the song “Without Me” the researcher found 7 data which is considered to be categorized into slang. They are D41, D45, D46, D49, D51, D52, and D54.

Slang can be called “colloquial speech‘, describing words or phrases that are used instead of everyday terms among speakers with special interest.

a) Rap God


Eminem feels like there is something wrong with his self in this six minutes rap song and it is going to be a problem for Eminem because his minds will be taken over by Slim Shady who is the alter ego of Eminem created when he is on a highly drunk. The line “ And if he is as bananas as you say” refers to Slim Shady and


Eminem describes him as bananas in datum 1 which is a slang words to describes unbelievable, ridiculous and crazy things. Eminem would go crazy with Slim Shady in this Rap God song. Datum 1 is considered as slang because it has another meaning of an existing word. The words bananas have a true meaning as long curved tropical fruits that have yellow skin. While in the song, Eminem never talk about fruit, he talks about “craziness” which refers to his alter ego “Slim Shady”. It is correlated with Galperin’s theory that explains that slang are formed by using the various means of word building existing in the language and also by distorting "the form or sense of existing words.

“fat knot”

Eminem describes how being a rapper always bring money to him. Eminem has an estimated net worth of 210 million dollars, so it’s fair to say he made a profit from rapping. Then Eminem uses the slang “a fat knot” to describe money that he gets from rapping. A fat knot in datum 5 is slang for a thick roll of dollar bills.

Datum 5 is considered as slang because it is correlated with Galperin who explains that slang has a different meaning and it is used to describe thing or phenomenon with a different term than the usual one. Datum 5 “Fat Knot” is used to replace



Rap was having a hard time for a while. There was a long time period where the future of hip-hop looked bleak. But Eminem is also saying that these same weaker rappers are girly and have actual periods, which is why they would need a maxi pad.


The word Wack from datum 13 is slang to describe something that just plain, or it is not cool all or you can say it lame. Eminem uses the word “wack” to point out the other rappers who still having a rough time to make anything good while he is on his way making a masterpiece.

“talking head”

Eminem is a monster on the mic, it would be better if rappers don’t try to disturb his sleep and leave him alone. Furthermore, Just like a zombie, Eminem’s music will not die. Eminem is immortal (being a “Rap God”), and has a legacy in hip- hop. It is also can be comparing to a zombie’s trait of rising from the dead – a metaphor for his comeback following a three year break, fully rehabilitated. The word

“A talking head” from datum 23 is slang for someone whose words are empty or pretentious or some who talks to the camera on TV to give opinions. A talking head is also occurred in the beginning of the for Rap god. Datum 23 is considered as slang because it has another meaning of an existing word.


Eminem is walking into an immortal. He is immortal referring to Eminem’s long, thriving career and his godlike ability. In real meaning “ Morphin” in datum 30 means a potent opiate analgesic and psychoactive drug but as slang, it has a different meaning. Eminem uses datum 30 “Morphin” in the line which is slang means “to walk slinky”. 2004 was the year of Encore album released, an album which received mass criticism with claims that his music wasn’t up to par with his previous work.

Datum 30 is considered as slang because it has another meaning of an existing word.



Many of Eminem’s critics argue that he has become a sellout, and that his works have become commercial products, which no longer honor the spirit of the craft. Eminem used the word “hella” from datum 34 words which is slang for very, totally, lots of things. Eminem points out that even though his music is not formulaic but Eminem has a hella (lot of) way of fusing different genres into something new.

Datum 34 is considered as a slang because it describe things or phenomenon with a different term.


Eminem makes verses that are on a whole different level than other rappers can make. And the verses will against the other rappers and hurting them. Curtains means a piece of hanging cloth that can be pulled across to cover a window, divided a room and etc. It’s “curtains” form datum 36. Here, Eminem uses the slang curtain which means “the end”. So it is the end for other rappers who tries to stand against

Eminem. Datum 36 is considered as a slang because it describe things or phenomenon with a different term.

“school flunky, pill junky”

After failing the 9th Grade three consecutive times, Eminem eventually dropped out of high school at the age of 17. Eminem also attended rehab multiple times for pill addiction before he finally got clean. Eminem points out his situation by saying “school flunky and pill junky” . Flunky is derived from the slang “Flunk”


which means to fail something or to drop out. “School Flunky” means someone who fails or drop out from the school. Next “junky “ is a person hopelessly addicted to a controlled substances. So that that Eminem points out that he was a person who always got involved with drug abuse.

b) Without Me

“chopped liver”

Using the famous “I’ve created a monster” line taken from Frankenstein,

Emimen explains how on his first major label album Eminem created the evil alter- ego “Slim Shady”, which Eminem now feels that his fans prefer over Slim Shady rather that his actual personality, which Eminem did not intend (his real name is

Marshall). This makes Eminem feels as though people value him solely as an entertainer, rather than as a human being. Eminem uses the slang “Chopped Liver” from datum 41 which mean someone who perceived as being of little value or worth, as evidenced by being ignored when others are getting attention. The use of the slang is to points out that Eminem as Marshall (the real name) is useless and the Slim

Shady has to take over the controller to be a rapper.

“on the rag”

There was a 2 year wait between Eminem’s last album, “The Marshall

Mathers LP” and “Eminem Show”. The last was very success, but some critics doubted that Eminem would ever be able to pull anything off close to that caliber again. They figured the 2 year wait meant Eminem was out of ideas. But now that he’s back all over the music world and running the rap game again, it’s time to stop


debating if Eminem fell off from rap. Eminem is back and rapping again. Rag is slang for a newspaper, so Eminem is saying that he is back in the press, but also the word “on the rag” from datum 45 have a slang mean for menstruation which is related to ovulating for woman and when women are in their period (menstruating) they are always complaining due to the unbalanced hormone . So Eminem points out that he is back, but this time Eminem just want to complain like a woman on her period about the critics that always attack him.

“fuck that”

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) regulates interstate and

international communications, including radio. The FCC did not let Eminem play

his songs; they edit and censor Eminem’s songs. They also want to censor his music

in the MTV (a music television channel). “Fuck That” “Fuck the FCC things”

Eminem is of the FCC rule about the censorship and say nasty things in

his lyrics. Fuck That from datum 46 is slang used when someone suggests an idea

and you completely dismiss it because you don’t feel like doing it. FCC suggested

Eminem to censor his lyrics but Eminem disobeyed that.


The word “ hellions” from datum 4 is slang for children who are disobedient and evil in character. The media also describes the Eminem fans on that slang. In the music video, the main plot is Eminem and Dre dressing up as Batman and Robin and trying to stop a “rebellious” little kid from buying The Eminem Show , parodying how critics view preventing kids from hearing his music as a “heroic” act.


“kissing my ass”

Eminem knows that his critics view his music as dangerous, so much so that they think putting it on the radio is “polluting” the minds of its listeners. “Kissing one’s ass” is a slang for praising someone and be friendly to them in an insincere way, because you want them to like you or giving you something. Lot of people are praising Eminem but do not want to admit it. Eminem is saying that everyone gives him attention by being offended by him and complains.

“2 cents”

The word “2 cents” from datum 52 is slang to describe an opinion. The “two cents” refers to Eminem’s freedom of speech, so he expresses his opinions freely and frequently. Two Cents is a common saying referring to adding in a small un- requested opinion on something. Eminem is giving his “ten cents” meaning he is giving a lot of his opinion when no one asked for it, and his “two cents” is free because he always gives his opinion.

“get your ass kicked”

The word “Get your ass kicked” from datum 54 is slang which means to be attacked and severely injured or to be defeated easily or completely. In the lines

Eminem is disrespecting Kirkpatrick from ‘N Sync because he was the only member of the band to retaliate when Eminem made fun of them in his earlier years. Eminem says that you, Crish Kirkpatrick, can easily got beaten by Eminem if you retaliate.


b. Jargon

Jargon is a recognized term for a group of words that exists in almost every language and whose aim is to preserve secrecy within one or another social group.

Jargonisms are generally old words with entirely new meanings imposed on them.

The traditional meaning of the words is immaterial, only the new, improvised meaning is of importance. Most of the Jargonisms of any language, and of the

English language too, are absolutely incomprehensible to those outside the social group which has invented them. They may be defined as a code within a code, that is special meanings of words that are imposed on the recognized code—the dictionary meaning of the words. Jargon is associated with professions such as finance, medicine and with activities such as sports, music, and computing.

In the song Rap God, the researcher found 6 the researcher found 6 data that can be classified as jargon. They are D4, D9, D10, D14, D26 and the D35, but in the song “without Me” the researcher did not find any data which is related to jargon.

a) Rap God


Eminem tells that his ability to rap with technical perfection similar to a robot and it comes from his genes. And he got a laptop in her back pocket of her jeans to show describes his robotic rap genes. Furthermore Eminem shows how he makes money from being a rapper and use pen as his main weapon to achieve it. As it says in lyrics “ My pen'll go off when I half-cock it” . The word Half-cock from datum 4 is a jargon of a form in safety used on revolver and leveractions rifle. When you half-


cock a weapon, it will not allow the percussion cap, so it will not fall if the trigger is pulled. It is one of the most effective forms of safety on guns. Half-cock is considered as a jargon because only people who have lot of experiences with weapon to know the true meaning of this word.

“backpack rap , crap, yap-yap, yackety-yack”

Eminem has spoken of making non-rhyming words sound like they rhyme.

This tricky pronunciation is referred to here as “lyrical acrobat stunts”. “Backpack

Rap” is a jargon used to describe lyrical rap artists who go against the mainstream and are not commercially successful. Yackity-yak is defined as noisy, trivial talk as it shown in the lines. They are included in to the jargon of rapper.

“bus the rhyme”

Eminem is going to teach these young MC’s (Rappers) on what it means to rhyme in Rap song. Moreover Eminem is using his music as a “vehicle” which can be both an automotive (i.e. school bus) or a means of expression to bring the new rapper to the school of rap. Eminem uses his music as a vehicle to transport the student to the Rap School thus why Eminem use “Bus the rhyme” from datum 14 as jargon for it. More over the word “bus-the-rhyme” can also related to the name of

Rapper . Just like Busta, Eminem is a student turned teacher and now teaching the new generation how to rap. This phrase is also included to the rapper jargon because it is related to the rap and has secrecy within it.



Here, Eminem mention a rapper who he admired. Pharoahe Monch is known in the indie Hip-Hop scene for his incredible technical ability and intricate rhyme scheme just like Eminem. Even though Eminem has been a financially successful and popular artist for over a decade now, Eminem believes that he still rhymes with the type of scene from a respected underground rapper like Pharoahe Monch. The word

“Underground” from datum 26 is a jargon of movement or a group of people related to music, who do it not for the money, the notoriety or the fame, but for the love.

They don’t promote, because they don’t crave popularity. They also don’t need to tell everyone about how underground they are because they aren’t really interested in labelling their own movement.

“shock rap”

The word “ shock rap” form datum 35 is a jargon to describe a form of rap designed to get a point across by using shocking language. Here, Eminem is trying to fuse some genre of music to create something new. It included in the jargon of rapper.

b) Without Me

The researcher did not find any data about jargon in this song. Eminem in Rap

God are talking his specialty as a God of Rapper so that the song is filled with some

Rap jargon to intensify his position as someone who is very professional in Rap music. While in Without Me, Eminem focused on the social critiques aimed to him,

Eminem not talking about specific profession or group.


c. Professionalism

Professionalisms are words used in a definite trade or profession. They are used by people connected by the same interests both at work and at home.

Professionalisms generally remain in circulation within a definite community, as they are linked to a common occupation and common social interests.

In the Rap God song, the researcher just found 2 data which can be considered as professionalism they are D3 and D7, but again the researcher did not find any data related to professionalism in the song “Without Me”.

a) Rap God


The last line in the first chorus “ They said I rap like a robot, so call me rap-bot ” it can be seen that in the song, Eminem is dismissing a fairly common criticism of his recent lyrical sound, which has been described as “flowing so rigidly that he tramples the beat” and as “disembodied” “click track” rapping by using this song to rap in an inhuman-like manner, almost like a robot thus a rapper like this called “Rap-Bot”


Here, Eminem shows little bit of his character. Eminem is rude and offensive to many, but he is also one of the few rappers with brave to say what he thinks without any hesitation or cover it. The word MC from datum 7 is an acronym of

Microphone Controller which means a rapper who is either the host of an event; someone with enough flow and skill to be considered a master of the art of rap.


d. Dialectal

Dialectal words are those which in the process of integration of the English national language remained beyond its literary boundaries, and their use is generally confined to the region locallity . In the song Rap God, the researcher just find 1 data that is considered as dialectal words and the researcher did not find any data on

Without Me.


Like what Eminem writes preceding this line, he is a school flunky or other way he a loser in academic ways, so Eminem uses a word like “brung” from datum

39 which is a non-standard English dialect variant from Texas and it is derived from the expression “dance with the one who brung you” . It is to describe that he does not smart at all. “Brought” is correct and considered the standard.

e. Vulgarism

Vulgarism word is a coarse special colloquial words with a strong emotive meaning, mostly derogatory, normally avoided in polite conversation. Vulgarism is used to humiliate or bring down the thing or individual. It is also can be an obscene words. Vulgarisms are often used in conversation out of habit, without any thought of what they mean, or in'imitation of those who use them in order not to seem old fashioned or prudish.


In the song Rap God, the researcher found 2 data which is considered as vulgarism, they are D6 and D16 while in the song without me, the researcher found 5 data, they are D47, D48, D50, D55 and D56.

a) Rap God


Eminem is trying to point out a scandal named Lewinsky Scandal which occurred around 1995-97, but was not uncovered until 1998. This scandal was a political sex scandal between the current president of the united stated at that time,

Bill Clinton, and a White House intern Monica Lewinsky. It could be seen that

Eminem mentions the time when Bill Clinton was still being the president of United

Stated by saying “was still in office” and described the scandal with using word

“nutsack” from datum 6vwhich is related to the important piece of male genitals that holds and protects the inner testes, it is an obscene words.


Eminem is disrespecting people who always critics him for his bad lyrical content and saying that Eminem just playing game with music then Eminem calls them “Fags” from datum 16 which related to the homosexual person. Eminem used it to give offense to the people who dislike his music. It is also followed by the next lines which is points out that the critics will be disappear if Eminem is also gather

(flock) with the other gay (Flames) which is tied with the fags who think it is just a game or jokes. Then the people want Eminem flow with the lame rap by saying “off a


plank” which is a method used by pirates to bring someone to death. The fags want

Eminem “off the pank” and thrown to the ocean of mainstream music.

b) Without Me

“cum on your lips and some on your tits and get ready 'cause this shit's about to get heavy I just settled all my lawsuits Fuck YOU DEBBIE!”

Following the preceding lines where Eminem is talking about FCC and how they always censoring what Eminem tried to say. Now, Eminem does not care about it and he is about to say a nasty things. The word “cum” in datum 47 is a vulgar slang word for the liquid that comes out of the penis during ejaculation. Sometimes spelled

“come”, this is very inappropriate word. Tits is an informal way of saying woman’s breast. Moreover, Eminem is insulting directly at Debbie Matters, Eminem was sued by her for the amount of $10,000,000 because of defamation, which was settled before he recorded without me. “Fuck you” in datum 48 is used to show that you are very angry at something or someone, or that you do not care about them at all. These two words is used to humiliate someone and they are included into the obscene words.


Kids feel like they are being trapped by their parents and their old school customs, so something new and vulgar like Eminem gives them motivation to rebel.

“Bitch” from datum 50 is a vulgar word for a person commonly a woman who is belligerent, unreasonable, malicious, a control freak, rudely intrusive or aggressive.


Kids are waiting someone to yell “bitch” on their parents for rebelling. Datum 50 is considered as a vulgarism because it is used to humiliate someone.


“Bastard” from datum 55 is a very offensive word for someone, especially a man who you think is unpleasant. The relationship between Eminem and Limp

Bizkit, an American rock band, was very good until one of the crew of Limp Bizkit disrespecting Eminem. So their relationship is broken after that. Datum 55 is considered as a vulgarism because it is used to humiliate someone.


In these lines Eminem is talking about Moby, an American DJ, singer, songwriter, musician and animal right activist. It was started when Moby, after the

2011 Grammys, said that “Eminem is a misogynist, racist, and anti-semite.” So

Eminem retaliated him in his song by saying “you 36-year-old baldheaded fag , blow me! Fag from datum 56 is vulgar slang word for a homosexual or also used in wrong terms when the person is disliked. Eminem points out that he does not expect old people to understand or feel his music. And the last line is disrespecting Moby by saying his career is over cause no body listen to techno.

Overall, the researcher could see the stylistics classification of English vocabulary which is used in the 2 selected Eminem’s song. Variety of vocabularies may occur in both of the songs, but the use of colloquial layer is still dominated the song trough the use of slang, jargon, professionalism and vulgarism. In contrast, the use of literary layer is lesser than the colloquial even though the use of term words


aspects is frequently occurred, but the other aspects of literary layer like poetic words, archaic words and foreign words is still lack.

The use of colloquial words in the both songs is an important part in the lyrics making because the use of colloquial words cannot be disconnected from every day conversation while rap song itself was born in the society along with the Hip Hop culture.

Hip Hop culture is an underground culture movement born around 1970s and developed by the afro-American and latin American society. Hip Hop is a dynamic combination between elements that consist of Rapping, DJing, Breakdance, and graffiti. Rapping as the part of Hip Hop at the beginning MC Melle Mel who is the first MC or Rapper in the world confused with what kind of lyrics that he would have to say in his first performance, so he made a rap lyrics that consisted of the critiques with the rules issued by the government at that time, finally Melle Mel released all of his anger to the government and his point of view of live through rap lyrics. This is become the background of rap lyrics which is usually consist of social critiques or story of life.

Vocabularies which are used in the Rap God and Without Me also related to the Eminem himself whether as “Marshall Bruce Matters III”, his stage name

“Eminem” or his alter ego “Slim Shady”. This alter ego, Slim Shady, influences the style of the lyrical content in the Eminem’s songs. When the Slim Shady is on the lyrical content tend to be vulgar and mostly talking about humor or crazy things.

Eminem said that "Slim Shady is just the evil thoughts that come into my head. Things


I shouldn't be thinking about. Not to be gimmicky, but people should be able to determine when I'm serious and when I'm fuckin around. That's why a lot of my songs are funny. I got a warped sense of humor I guess" (Eminem.com). Slim Shady is angry and goofy and ready to take anybody else down. His style is choppy, nasal, high pitched. He talks constantly against women and gays. “Without Me” is one of

Slim Shady’s songs, the lyrics is very vulgar which is tend to talk about sexual things or bring down someone by call them a gay, in this song the researcher found 5 data about vulgarism whether they are obscene words or profanity words. In contrast with, the song “Rap God” which is made up both by Eminem and got little bit of Slim

Shady just found 2 vulgarism word and both of them is for humiliating someone. In contrast with Slim Shady, Eminem is very serious, intense, and angry—very angry.

He uses full sentences and complex metaphors. He’s labeled as “a cultural icon.”

” is the epitome of an Eminem song. It’s about the struggle, the intensity, the come up. There isn’t any joking around in Eminem songs. Most of “Rap

God” song made by Eminem which is consist of emotional elements such us anger and mercy for him and for social critiques pointed to Eminem, thus why the “Rap

God” song consist of many aspects of stylistics classification of English vocabulary both from literary layer and colloquial layer.

The researcher also compared this research with the previous findings. In this research the similarity between Gozaly (2009) in his thesis “Stylistics Analysis

Hamzah Puady Ilyas Short Story Mother’s Hair” , Marini (2010) in her dissertation

“Analisis Stilistika Dalam Novel Laskar Pelangi” and Putri (2011) in her thesis “An


Analysis of Stylistics in Dear John Novel By Nicolas Spark”. The entire theses are using stylistics analysis theory which is focused to find the characteristics of style which is used in the object of the research. The result of these theses show the dominant style used by the author. While the differences contains in the aspect of the stylistics which is used in the research, first, Gozaly and Putri used figures of speech aspect to determine the style of figurative language used in their object of research while Marini in her dissertation used the aspect of Morphology, syntaxes and figurative language to describe the stylistics characteristics in the novel Laskar

Pelangi, in contrast with previous findings which used novel or short story as the object of the research, this thesis uses song as the object of the research and apply the classification of English Vocabulary as the main aspect to be analyzed.



A. Conclusion

Based on the aspects of stylistics classification of English vocabulary which are used in the song Rap God and Without me. Overall, the researcher found 56 data which consist of 22 term words, 1 poetic word, 0 archaic word and 1 foreign word for the literary layer and 16 slang words, 6 jargon words, 2 professionalism, 1 dialectal word and 7 data for vulgarism for colloquial layer. So totally there are 24 words which included in literary layer and 32 words for colloquial layer. . Mostly, the colloquial layer like slang and jargon used by Eminem in these two songs, but the literary layer also supports the ingredients of the words in the lyrics by using terms words to create some atmospheres.

The stylistics aspects of words in the songs Rap God and Without Me is rather balance between two layer of words, but, colloquial layer is still dominated the lyrics.

The use of colloquial words is holding an important part in the lyrics making. It is because both song are talking about Eminem as a rapper and social critics which thrown to Eminem because of his lyrical content.

B. Suggestions

Based on the analysis and the conclusion above, the researcher would like to propose the following suggestions:



1. the students who have interest in analyzing stylistics to look for more another

literary works beside song lyrics such as novel, film, and poetry , to acquire

deeper analysis.

2. By knowing more about stylistics, specially stylistics classification of English

vocabulary. The researcher suggests to the reader and also for everyone to be

more aware and understand that the use of words in the literary works is very

important to show the author characteristics or style. It is because through a

good style or characteristics in the work of literary, the reader can be more

interested in the work of art.

3. Lastly. This stylistics analysis of selected Eminem’s songs is still open for

further research, there are 4 main aspects left that can be used to analyze the

songs like the phonetic expressive means and stylistics devices, lexical

expressive means and stylistics devices, syntactical expressive means and

stylistics devices and the functional style of language.


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Muhammad Nisyarkawi was born in Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi, on November 23 rd , 1994. he is the first child of Muh. Syarif,SP and Hj. Kartini,S.Pd. Playing video games, watching movie, photography and music are his hobbies. He began his study in formal education at SD Inpres Takalar Kota No. 234 in the year of 2000-2006. Then, SMP Negeri 2 Takalar was his junior high school from 2006- 2009. And, for senior high school, SMAN 3 Takalar became an option in learning to a higher level from 2009-2012. In 2012, he passed and became a student of English and Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty at Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar. He likes an organization life, because it can improve his knowledge and ability to get through the obstacles in his life. Before studying In Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar, he followed some organizations, such as became member of Student Association in SMAN 3 Takalar (2009-2011), member of Boys Scout in SMAN 3 Takalar (2009-2011). While in the level of university, he got some important position in some organization like being a head of The Student Association (HMJ) English and Literature Department of UINAM (2015 – 2016 period), Secretary of ECUINSA (English Community of UIN Sultan Alauddin) (2014-2015 period), Organization Advisory Board (OAB) of ECUINSA (English Community of UIN Sultan Alauddin) (2014-2015 period). One of his favorite things to do is listening to music. That case constituted the researcher to do a research about music.


"Rap God" [Intro:] Look, I was gonna go easy on you not to hurt your feelings But I'm only going to get this one chance (Six minutes, six minutes) Something's wrong, I can feel it (Six minutes, six minutes, Slim Shady, you're on) Something's wrong, I can feel it Like something's about to happen But I don't know what If that means, what I think it means, w e're in trouble Big trouble. And if he is as bananas as you say I'm no t taking any chances You were just what the doctor ordered

[Chorus:] I'm beginning to feel like a Rap God, Rap God All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod Now who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box ? They said I rap like a robot, so call me rap-bot

[Verse 1:] But for me to rap like a computer must be in my genes I got a laptop in my back pocket My pen'll go off when I half-cock it Got a fat knot from that rap profit



Made a living and a killing off it Ever since Bill Clinton was still in office With Monica Lewinski feeling on his nutsack I'm an MC still as honest But as rude and as indecent as all hell Syllables, skill-a-holic (Kill 'em all with)

This flippity, dippity-hippity hip-hop You don't really wanna get into a pissing match With this rappity-rap Packing a mack in the back of the Ac backpack rap, crap, yap-yap, yackety-yack and at the exact same time I attempt these lyrical acrobat stunts while I'm practicing that I'll still be able to break a motherfuckin' table Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half

Only realized it was ironic I was signed to Aftermath after the fact How could I not blow? All I do is drop "F" bombs Feel my wrath of attack

Rappers are having a rough time period Here's a Maxi-Pad It's actually disastrously bad For the wack while I'm masterfully constructing this masterpiece yeah



'Cause I'm beginning to feel like a Rap God, Rap God All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod Now who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box? Let me show you maintaining this shit ain't that hard, that hard

[Verse 2:] Everybody want the key and the secret to rap Immortality like I have got Well, to be truthful the blueprint's Simply rage and youthful exuberance Everybody loves to root for a nuisance Hit the earth like an asteroid and did nothing but shoot for the moon since (PPEEYOOM)

MC's get taken to school with this music 'Cause I use it as a vehicle to 'bus the rhyme' Now I lead a New School full of students

Me? Me, I'm a product of Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac, N-W-A., Cube, hey, Doc, Ren Yella, Eazy, thank you, they got Slim Inspired enough to one day grow up Blow up and being in a position To meet Run-D.M.C. and induct them Into the motherfuckin' Rock n'

Roll Hall of Fame even though I walk in the church And burst in a ball of flames Only Hall of Fame I'll be inducted in is the alcohol of fame


On the wall of shame

You fags think it's all a game 'Til I walk a flock of flames Off a plank and Tell me what in the fuck are you thinking?

Little gay looking boy So gay I can barely say it with a 'straight' face looking boy You're witnessing a mass-occur like you're watching a church gathering And take place looking boy

Oy vey , that boy's gay That's all they say looking boy You get a thumbs up, pat on the back And a "way to go" from your label every day looking boy

Hey, looking boy, what d'you say looking boy? I get a "hell yeah" from Dre looking boy I'mma work for everything I have Never asked nobody for shit Git out my face looking boy Basically boy you're never gonna be capable of keeping up with the same pace looking boy, 'cause

[Chorus:] I'm beginning to feel like a Rap God, Rap God All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod The way I'm racing around the track, call me Nascar, Nascar


Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park, the White Trash God Kneel before General Zod this planet's Krypton, no Asgard, Asgard

[Verse 3:] So you'll be Thor and I'll be Odin You rodent, I'm omnipotent Let off then I'm reloading Immediately with these bombs I'm totin'

And I should not be woken I'm the walking dead But I'm just a talking head , a zombie floating But I got your mom deep throating

I'm out my Ramen Noodle We have nothing in common, poodle I'm a Doberman, pinch yourself In the arm and pay homage, pupil

It's me My honesty's brutal But it's honestly futile if I don't utilize What I do though for good At least once in a while so I wanna make sure Somewhere in this chicken scratch I scribble and doodle

Enough rhymes to Maybe try to help get some people through tough times But I gotta keep a few punchlines


Just in case 'cause even you unsigned

Rappers are hungry looking at me like it's lunchtime I know there was a time where once I Was king of the underground But I still rap like I'm on my Pharoahe Monch grind So I crunch rhymes But sometimes when you combine

Appeal with the skin color of mine You get too big and here they come trying to Censor you like that one line I said On "I'm Back" from the Mathers LP One when I tried to say I'll take seven kids from Columbine Put 'em all in a line Add an AK-47, a revolver and a nine

See if I get away with it now That I ain't as big as I was, but I'm Morphin' into an immortal coming through the portal You're stuck in a time warp from two thousand four though And I don't know what the fuck that you rhyme for You're pointless as Rapunzel With fucking cornrows You write normal, fuck being normal

And I just bought a new ray gun from the future Just to come and shoot ya Like when Fabulous made Ray J mad


'Cause Fab said he looked like a fag At Mayweather's pad singin' to a man While he play piano

Man, oh man, that was the 24/7 special On the cable channel So Ray J went straight to radio station the very next day "Hey, Fab, I'mma kill you" Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed, (JJ Fad)

Uh, summa lumma dooma lumma you assuming I'm a human What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman Innovative and I'm made of rubber, so that anything you say is Ricochet in off a me and it'll glue to you And I'm devastating more than ever demonstrating How to give a motherfuckin' audience a feeling like it's levitating Never fading, and I know that haters are forever waiting For the day that they can say I fell off, they'll be celebrating 'Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated I make elevating music You make elevator music

"Oh, he's too mainstream." Well, that's what they do When they get jealous, they confuse it "It's not hip hop, it's pop." 'Cause I found a hella way to fuse it With rock, shock rap with Doc


Throw on "Lose Yourself" and make 'em lose it

I don't know how to make songs like that I don't know what words to use Let me know when it occurs to you While I'm ripping any one of these verses that versus you

It's curtains , I'm inadvertently hurtin' you How many verses I gotta murder to Prove that if you were half as nice, your songs you could sacrifice virgins to

Unghh, school flunky, pill junky But look at the accolades these skills brung me Full of myself, but still hungry I bully myself 'cause I make me do what I put my mind to

When I'm a million leagues above you Ill when I speak in tongues

But it's still tongue-and-cheek , fuck you I'm drunk so Satan take the fucking wheel I'm asleep in the front seat

Bumping Heavy D and the Boys "Still chunky, but funky" But in my head there's something

I can feel tugging and struggling


Angels fight with devils and Here's what they want from me

They're asking me to eliminate some of the women hate But if you take into consideration the bitter hatred I had Then you may be a little patient and more sympathetic to the situation And understand the discrimination

But fuck it Life's handing you lemons Make lemonade then But if I can't batter the women

How the fuck am I supposed to bake them a cake then? Don't mistake him for Satan It's a fatal mistake if you think I need to be overseas And take a vacation to trip abroad

And make her fall on her face and Don't be a retard, be a king? Think not Why be a king when you can be a God?

“Without Me” Intro (Obie Trice)] "Obie Trice/Real Name No Gimmicks" two trailer park girls go 'round the outside, 'round the outside, 'round the outside two trailer park girls go 'round the outside, 'round the outside, 'round the outside


Guess who's back, back again Shady's back, tell a friend Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back guess who's back Guess who's back...

[Verse 1] I've created a monster, 'cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more they want Shady I'm chopped liver well if you want Shady, this is what I'll give ya a little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor some vodka that'll jumpstart my heart quicker than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital by the doctor when I'm not cooperating when I'm rocking the table while he's operating (hey!) you waited this long now stop debating 'cause I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating I know that you got a job Ms. Cheney but your husband's heart problem's complicating

So the FCC won't let me be or let me be me so let me see they tried to shut me down on MTV but it feels so empty without me

So come on dip, bum on your lips fuck that ,


cum on your lips and some on your tits and get ready 'cause this shit's about to get heavy I just settled all my lawsuits Fuck YOU DEBBIE!

[Chorus 2x:] Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy, 'Cause it feels so empty without me Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy, 'Cause it feels so empty without me

[Verse 2] Little hellions kids feeling rebellious embarrassed, their parents still listen to Elvis they start feeling like prisoners, helpless, 'til someone comes along on a mission and yells "bitch"

A visionary, vision is scary, could start a revolution, polluting the air waves a rebel so just let me revel and bask, in the fact that I got everyone kissing my ass and it's a disaster such a catastrophe for you to see so damn much of my ass you ask for me? Well I'm back [batman sound] fix your bent antennae tune it in and then I'm gonna


enter in and up under your skin like a splinter The center of attention back for the winter I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling Infesting in your kids ears and nesting

Testing "Attention Please" feel the tension soon as someone mentions me here's my 10 cents my 2 cents is free A nuisance, who sent, you sent for me?

[Chorus 2x] Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy, 'Cause it feels so empty without me Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy, 'Cause it feels so empty without me

[Verse 3] A tisk-it a task-it, I'll go tit for tat with anybody who's talking this shit, that shit. Chris Kirkpatrick you can get your ass kicked worse than them little Limp Bizkit bastards , and Moby you can get stomped by Obie, you 36 year old bald headed fag blow me You don't know me, you're too old let go it's over, nobody listens to techno Now let's go, just give me the signal I'll be there with a whole list full of new insults I've been dope, suspenseful with a pencil ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol


But sometimes the shit just seems, everybody only wants to discuss me So this must mean I'm disgusting, but it's just me I'm just obscene Though I'm not the first king of controversy I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley, to do Black Music so selfishly and use it to get myself wealthy (Hey) there's a concept that works 20 million other white rappers emerge but no matter how many fish in the sea it'd be so empty without me

[Chorus 2x] Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy, 'Cause it feels so empty without me Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy, 'Cause it feels so empty without me,

(Hum dei dei la la Hum dei dei la la... la la la) [2x] "Kids"