THE STYLISTICS ANALYSIS IN THE SELECTED EMINEM’S SONGS A Thesis Submitted to the Adab and Humanities Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic Universityof Makassar in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora MUHAMMAD NISYARKAWI NIM. 40300112009 ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2017 PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI Dengan penuh kesadaran, penulis yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini benar hasil karya penulis sendiri. Jika di kemudian hari terbukti merupakan duplikat, tiruan, plagiat atau disusun oleh orang lain secara keseluruhan atau seba gian, maka skripsi dan gelar yang diperoleh karenanya, batal demi hukum dan siap di pertanggung jawabkan. Romangpolong, 26 Januari 2017 Penulis, MUHAMMAD NISYARKAWI NIM. 403001121009 ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING Pembimbing penulisan skripsi saudara Muhammad Nisyarkawi NIM: 40300112109, Mahasisw a Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin Makassar, setelah dengan seksama meneliti dan mengoreksi skripsi yang bersangkutan berjudul “The Stylistics Analaysis in The Selected Eminem’s Songs” memandang bahwa skripsi tersebut memenuhi syarat- syarat ilmiah dan dapat disetujui untuk dapat diajukan pada Sidang M unaqasyah . Romangpolong, 24 Januari 2017 Pembimbing I Pembimbing II Dr. Abd. Muin. M.Hum . Masykur Rauf, S.Hum., M.Pd . NIP. 19660102 199203 1 002 NIP. 19870704 201502 1 7 001 iii PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI Skripsi yang berjudul The Stylistics Analysis in The Selected Eminem’s Songs yang disusun oleh Muhammad Nisyarkawi, NIM: 40300112009 , Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin Makassar, telah diuji dan dipertahankan dalam Sidang Munaqasyah yang diselenggarakan pada hari Jum’at, 3 Februari 2017 M, bertepatan dengan 6 Jumadil-Awal 1438 H, dan dinyatakan telah dapat diterima sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Humaniora (S.Hum.) dalam ilmu Adab dan Humaniora, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (dengan beberapa perbaikan). Romangpolong, 3 Februari 2017 M. 3 Jumadil-Awal 1438 H. DEWAN PENGUJI: Ketua : Dr. Abd. Rahman R, M.Ag. ( ) Sekretaris : Helmi Syukur, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. ( ) Munaqisy I : Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd. ( ) Munaqisy II : Nasrum, S.Pd., M.A ( ) Konsultan I : Dr. Abd Muin, M.Hum ( ) Konsultan II : Masykur Rauf, S.Hum., M.Pd ( ) Pelaksana : Ali Akbar ( ) Diketahui oleh: Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin Makassar, Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag. NIP.19691012 199603 1 003 iv APPROVAL SHEET Name : Muhammad Nisyarkawi Reg. Number : 40300112009 Program : English and Literature Department Faculty : Adab and Humanities Title :The Stylistics Analysis in The Selected Eminem’s Songs Romangpolong, January, 18 th 2017 The Researcher, Muhammad Nisyarkawi Reg. No. 40300112009 Supervised By : Supervisor I Supervisor II Dr. Abd. Muin, M.Hum Masykur Rauf, S.Hum., M.Pd NIP. 19660102 199203 1 002 NIP. 19870704 201502 1 7001 Approved by The Head of English and Literature Department H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd, M.Ed, Ph.D. NIP. 19811106 200312 1 003 Acknowledged by: Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag. NIP. 19691012 199603 1 003 v ACKNOWLEDGMENT Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin , the researcher praises to the Almighty Allah Swt for His Blessing and Merciful so the researcher can complete this thesis. Peace and salutation are addressed to The Beloved and Chosen Messenger of The Great Prophet Muhammad Saw. The researcher realizes that this thesis could not be completed without getting assistance, guidance, understanding and encouragement from many people. Therefore, the researcher would like to express his deepest gratitude to the following people: 1. My beloved parents, Muh. Syarif, SP and Hj. Kartini, S.Pd for their love, patience, and sincere prayers for my safety and successfulness. 2. The Rector of UIN Alauddin Makassar, Prof. DR. H. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si. who has given me a chance to study in the English and Literature Department so that I could finish my study. 3. Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. H. Barsihannor, M. Ag. and his staff, H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd, M.Ed, Ph.D as the Head of English and Literature Department and the Secretary of English and Literature Department Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd for their support, help and encouragement. vi vii 4. Dr. Abd. Muin, M.Hum. and Masykur Rauf, S.Hum,. M.Pd. as my supervisors who have given me fruitful comments, guidance, suggestions, corrections, and over all support since the preliminary part of this thesis until the end. 5. My thanks are also addressed to Syahruni Junaid, SS., M.Pd and Nasrum, S.Pd., M.A. as my examiners for all their advices, criticism, and suggestion in proposal seminar to make this thesis better. 6. All lecturers of Adab and Humanities Faculty Alauddin States Islamic University who have contributed and transferred their knowledge to me that I hope to be very helpful and useful for me. 7. My thanks are also add1ressed to my beloved friends in English and Literature Department 2012, especially AG.1 and AG.2 with whom that I can share my experience and knowledge during my study and writing this thesis. 8. My thanks are addressed to my best friends Agyl Sapril Rizaldy, Taqim Prakoso, Ass Putra Larekang, Wardhana Putri Firdaus, Ita Muthia Syarifuddin, BJ Rindi Antika, Nickte Annizha Khalik and Andi Nuriani Novianti that Always give me support and help me during my study. 9. My greatest thanks for my beloved pioneer and senior in my beloved family ECUINSA (English Community of UIN Sultan Alauddin) Delukman, S.Hum,. M.Hum., Fyan Sofyan Arfandy. S.Hum. Bustamil Rasyid, S.Hum, Nur Halidasiah, S.Hum, Andi Indraningsih S.Hum and all the family members of viii ECUINSA that I can not mention one by one for the motivation and knowledge that cannot be measured. 10. Lastly, thanks to my beloved “Biestar” Friends for all of the craziness and happiness while I was struggling with my study. In the deepest heart, the researcher realizes that her thesis is imperfect and still need suggestions and criticism. Despite of its imperfection, he hopes that this thesis will be useful for the students, the lecturers and the readers in general who need it. May Allah swt always bless us in every single thing we do. The last but not least, for everybody who always helps the writer, that cannot mention one by one since the limitation of the space. Thank you very much. May Allah Swt gives the Almighty Blessing to us now and forever. Makassar, January 24 th , 2017 Muhammad Nisyarkawi TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER ………………………………………………………………………………..i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI .................................................................... ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ............................................................................ iii PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI ......................................................................................... iv APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................................. v ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... ix ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1 A. Background of Research ................................................................................... 1 B. Problem Statement ............................................................................................ 4 C. Objective of The Research ................................................................................ 4 D. Significance of The Research ............................................................................ 5 E. The Scope of The Research ............................................................................... 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ....................................... 6 A. Previous Findings ............................................................................................. 6 B. Pertinent Ideas .................................................................................................. 8 1. Definition of Stylistics .................................................................................. 9 2. Expressive Means and Stylistics Devices ................................................... 10 3. Definition of Song and Lyrics ..................................................................... 18 4. Eminem’s Biography and Career ................................................................ 19 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................. 21 A. Method of Research ........................................................................................ 21 B. Source of The Data ......................................................................................... 21 ix x C. Instrument of The Research ............................................................................ 22 D. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................................ 23 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS .................................................. 24 A. Findings .........................................................................................................
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