


Robert Carl Johnson

Robert Carl Johnson 7510 E. Gem Shores Rd. Hayden Lake, ID 83835 (208) 772-9838 Cell (208) 818-6727 [email protected]

FADE IN: INT. HEART MONITOR - DAY SUPER: "JANUARY 2ND. PRESENT DAY." A heartbeat's electrical line moves up and down across the screen - line movement goes erratic - goes flatline - steady SHRILL alarm sends an alert. FEMALE (V.O.) Code blue. Room 626. Code blue. Room 626.

EXT. PARK - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) SUPER: "SEPTEMBER 11TH - 113 DAYS PRIOR." A speck of light flickers, grows brighter, reflects a child's tear-streaked cheeks. She and a group (all ages) share grief and pride and hold candles and small American Flags at a memorial. Multitudes of flowers and stuffed animals lay at a sign - "GOD BLESS AMERICA, OUR TROOPS AND TERRORISTS' VICTIMS."

EXT. ANCIENT MIDDLE EAST CITY - DAY The sunrise reflects timeless beauty off spiral and domed ROOFS. A PRAYER CHANT's EERINESS seeps into AN ALLEY, shadowed and cobbled. Rats, ragged children, mangey cats and dogs scavenge trash-food. The CHANT NARROW STREET joins angry MURMURS as people scurry into a HUGE SQUARE, swallowed into a gathering horde as ANGRY SHOUTS and AUTOMATIC gun SHOTS rise to a frenzy and inflict the CHANT's merciless death. A woman of stature is unaffected by chaos. Her berka's fabric is of finest quality (no veil). Diamond dust glitters on manicured fingernails. 2. Her olive complexion is as smooth as melted Hagen Daz ice cream; radiant dark eyes as elusive as a frightened chameleon. But most striking are her lips; a slow twist stitches tight wetness of halves that men have died for since and Eve. Beauty is destroyed. What remains: TARA RASHAB. A psychopath. At her side, her brother, ABDUL RASHAB, a swarthy, proud man of means, swings a sturdy stick. At the noose's end, a tattered American Flag shrouds a limp effigy; a dagger's twisted blade stuck in the chest secures a hand written sign - "U.S. PRESIDENT PHILLIPS." IMA, GHAR, AFTAR and MENUE (25-35) brandish automatic rifles and surround Tara and Abdul. TARA (educated diction) Thousands more infidels would have died if others had not failed their missions. ABDUL (Mid-East accent) Take pleasure in each death and the destruction inflicted, my sister. Allah has blessed us. Our ancestral blood will flow pure another thousand years. Tara lights the effigy. Flames consume it. TARA And our jihad will make Jaws look like a baby Flipper. Abdul and Tara laugh. Aftar, Ima, Menue and Ghar SHOOT weapons skyward. AFTAR - IMA - MENUE - GHAR (simultaneously) Death to all infidels! Death to all infidels!

SEQUENCE SHOTS - DAY -- MUTED PISTOL SHOTS. Plain-clothed and uniformed officers move with purpose and pride at the LAPD's ACADEMY STONE ENTRANCE. - An American Flag flutters on a tall pole capped with a bronze bald eagle. 3. DAVE TOWER, mid-age fitness buff, jogs easily at a moderate pace on the ATHLETIC FIELD track and salutes the Flag. Dave's "squad" follow in pairs: MIKE, CAL, BOB (African American), TONY, SANTANA (Latin), ED, VIC, TOM, SAM (Asian) and BRAD. They proudly wear their colors: blue shorts, , sweaty tee-shirts - "LAPD SWAT" printed on front and back. -- A sheathed combat knife's strapped on Dave's right calf. He and BRIAN (7, wears LEG BRACES THROUGHOUT SCRIPT) fish a LAKE from an 18 foot bass boat. Dave smiles, watches his grandson excitedly reel in a fish and plop it on deck. As he unhooks the fish, a glance at Brian's leg braces rips away his smile. -- A flight attendant pushes Brian, in a wheelchair, to an AIRPORT DEPARTURE door. Brian and Dave exchange waves. -- Abdul, Tara, Aftar, Ima, Ghar and Menue' fire shoulder rocket launchers skyward. Their desert camouflage uniforms blend into a ROCK MOUNTAIN. Six rockets streak toward a - DESERT U.S. AIR BASE. Destruction, death, heroic acts of self-sacrifice abound. -- A sergeant II, sheathed knife on right calf, and ten men repel from both sides of a LAPD JET HELICOPTER, - onto a BUSINESS DISTRICT STREET. The sergeant and eight men carry MP-5 machine guns. Two men carry scope sniper rifles. They wear full combat gear: dark blue jump-suits, goggles, helmets, lip mikes and holstered .45 automatics. Printed on front and back of Kevlar vests - "LAPD SWAT." "TOWER" is hand printed on front of Dave's vest. The sergeant gives hand signals. The "squad" spreads out, cautiously advance and surround a BUILDING. A spit-shined combat BOOT smashes a door open. The sergeant rolls a flash-bang grenade - into the BUILDING. EXPLOSION. Two grenades smash through glass windows. EXPLOSIONS. The sergeant and four men rush inside. Six men smash through windows. All cautiously spread out. 4. The sergeant removes his helmet and goggles. Dave grimly looks around a MOVIE SET. END SEQUENCE

INT. DAVE'S KITCHEN - NIGHT Dave stares numbly at a half-eaten piece of pizza - grips an embroidered apron - "NO GRUBBY HANDS." LIVING ROOM A CD plays light symphonic MUSIC. Dave enters and sadly stares at two photos on the fireplace mantel. Photo one - MIRA (45). Photo two - son CARL, daughter-in- law KATE (25), and Brian (4), seated in a wheelchair. Dave sits, left hand tenderly holds Mira's photo, smiles sadly, kisses the photo, clutches it against his heart. Twisted into his right ear - a .45 semi-automatic. DAVE Mira. Mira.

EXT. NEW YORK SKYLINE - DAY Unique buildings radiate beauty. Muted TRAFFIC NOISE. SUPER: "OCTOBER 25TH - 44 DAYS LATER."

EXT. BRONX STREET / APARTMENT - DAY Tara clutches a grocery sack and strolls, a fashion model among the throngs as they rush anywhere but here. She slithers up an apartment house stoop - sneaks a glance at vehicle and pedestrian chaos.

INT. APARTMENT - DAY Abdul, Aftar, Menue, Ima and Ghar smoke hand-rolled cigarettes and laugh at a vintage cartoon on TV. The sound of a key RATTLES in the front door lock. The door knob turns. 5. The terrorists dive for cover. Tara, grocery sack in hand, stares down holes of five Uzi barrels. ABDUL You forgot the signal knock! TARA Then kill me. Glory be to Allah. Everyone laughs. Tara sets the grocery sack on the kitchen table next to plastic C-4 bombs with timers. HALLWAY - LATER Abdul closes a BEDROOM door, shares self-satisfied grins with Tara, and enter the KITCHEN Terrorists drink coffee and smoke. IMA What's so funny, Tara? Abdul smirks as Tara flashes him a pleased look. TARA Just a little something we keep in the family.

EXT. STATUE OF LIBERTY - ANOTHER DAY Adults supervise groups of children. Several nuns escort children, wearing school uniforms. Nuns wear habits. Menue, Ima, Aftar and Ghar blend in with tourists.

EXT. STATUE OF LIBERTY BASE BUILDING - DAY A nun and priest (faces not shown) approach a uniformed guard. A door sign - "NO ADMITTANCE." GUARD May I help you, sister? The nun glance's over her shoulder at tourists. TARA (smiles at guard) Yes. I was wondering if -- 6. Concealed in a habit sleeve, a non-metal knife appears - plunges and twists upward into the guard's belly. A hand covers his silent scream. Pain-filled eyes slowly close. He slumps forward. Abdul holds the guard against the wall. Tara removes a key ring from his belt. She opens the door - spreads the habit to block anyone seeing Abdul pull the guard into a ROOM that gives access to various doors. Aftar, Ima, Menue and Ghar quickly enter. Tara removes bombs with timers from bags hidden inside the habit.

INT. BASE BUILDING'S VARIOUS LOCATIONS - DAY - LATER Abdul, Menue, Aftar, Ima and Ghar place bombs and set timers.

INT. STATUE OF LIBERTY CROWN - DAY Tourists and school children fill the viewpoint. Tara sits on a small bench, removes a lunch sack from inside the habit - glances at her wristwatch. INT. SACK A finger pushes a bomb timer switch. numbers - 30:00 - 29:59 - 29:58 - 29:57. TARA puts the sack under the bench. A YOUNG GIRL holds a lunch sack. YOUNG GIRL Can I sit here, please? TARA Yes, my child. Stay as long as you want. The Young Girl eats a sandwich. Her shoes swing slowly and brush the sack. 7. EXT. TOUR BOAT - DAY Menue, Ghar, Ima and Aftar mingle with tourists. Abdul's camera SNAPS pictures. Tara glances at her watch.

INT. STATUE OF LIBERTY CROWN - DAY A nun and two children eat sandwiches. Tara's sack is behind their feet. INT. SACK Timer - :9 - :8 - :7 - :6. TARA (V.O.) Death to all infidels...

EXT. TOUR BOAT - DAY Abdul SNAPS pictures of the Statue Of Liberty. Tara grins - glances at her watch. TARA ...Glory be to Allah.

EXT. LIBERTY ISLAND - DAY The Statue Of Liberty EXPLODES: crowned head - hand and torch - arm and book - tangled copper and metal structure scatter. CLICKING sound. A CAMERA shutter's STOP / GO PHOTOS: base building EXPLODES - Statue's body IMPLODES - collapses - debris plunge among panicked tourists - into the water's murky depths. The stubbed arm, twisted hand and torch, protrudes from debris- filled water; a giant corpse slowly sinks to a watery grave.

EXT. TIME SQUARE BUILDING - NEXT DAY ELECTRONIC READER BOARD - "STATUE OF LIBERTY BOMBED - SCORES INJURED - 468 PEOPLE KILLED." 8. EXT. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI SKYLINE - DAY SUPER: "NOVEMBER 7TH - 13 DAYS LATER." The GATEWAY ARCH (steel-arched monument) overlooks the Mississippi River - sounds of two high performance MOTORCYCLES and a HELICOPTER. A "KCAD TV NEWS" helicopter moves slowly over a highway. HELICOPTER PILOT (O.S.) This evening is glorious. Traffic at the Arch is moving nicely with no problems reported on all major highways entering or leaving the city.

EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY A LARGE and a SMALL BIKER ride high-end black motorcycles. They wear black helmets with dark face shields and all black leather clothes, boots, and floating on the wind, knee-length coats.

MONTAGE - DAVE AND BRIAN AT A CARNIVAL - SAME DAY -- They ride a FERRIS WHEEL. -- Brian sits in a wheelchair. They eat cotton candy and watch a JUGGLER perform. -- Brian shoots a .22 rifle and misses moving animal targets at a SHOOTING GALLERY. Dave demonstrates how to hold the rifle, sight on a target, and slowly pull the trigger. Brian fires, knocks over all targets and receives a large trophy - child shoots a rifle. -- A FOOD BOOTH vendor gives Brian two hot dogs and gives Dave two Pepsi cans. Brian laughs as Dave attempts to juggle the cans and trophy. Cans smack the ground and spray covers Dave. He slips, falls onto his back and holds the trophy overhead. END MONTAGE 9. EXT. BUDGET MOTEL - SAME DAY The two high-end black motorcycles are parked at the registration entrance. The large and small bikers, helmets with face shields in place, approach the entrance door and step aside as a WOMAN pushes a stroller. An adorable female TODDLER smiles at the small biker. A gloved hand pets the toddler's head. A finger tickles under her chin. She giggles and grins. SMALL BIKER (to the woman) The cute little ones make you want to eat them. The woman smiles, nods - pushes the stroller away - a fearful glance back at the bikers. SMALL BIKER (CONT'D) (to large biker) And when they grow up, you wish you had.

INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY The bikers enter and remove their helmets (faces not shown). BATHROOM A silver skull ring secures the small biker's ponytail. Hair falls to shoulders. On the right thumb, the skull ring. BEDROOM Sultry movements flow like sin to the bed. The small biker's back settles onto a cheap bedspread; black leather boots flat on the floor, legs held tightly together. Arms slide up and out from the sides of black riding pants. Boot soles the mattress top edge; knees held tightly together. The small biker quivers on the cross. A slow middle-finger wave pulls the large biker to the bed; a tower of lust. The small biker's legs fling wide. The large biker lunges. Legs snap around his waist in a death grip. They MOAN and thrust eagerly. The small biker's fist clutches the mustache and goatee - rips off false hair - flings them onto threadbare carpet. 10. A right hand thumb and skull ring plunge into Abdul's mouth. A tongue's tip slides sensuously between lovely lips. Tara climaxes.

EXT. U.S. ARMY RESERVE COMPOUND - NIGHT A chain-link fence sign - "U.S. ARMY RESERVE ARMORY." Five shadowed black-clothed figures hide near a concrete block building's lit door. A sixth person wears army fatigues. A man strides to the door, grips a key ring, and wears fatigues. A hand covers his mouth. A key ring falls to the ground. Light flashes on a combat knife.

INT. ARMORY BUILDING - NIGHT Abdul glances around, gives a hand signal, and wears fatigues. Menue and Ghar drag the dead man inside. Tara, Aftra and Ima carry Uzis and follow. A sign - "WEAPON STORAGE," points the way. They blend into shadows and HALLWAY follow Abdul to a door sign - "WEAPON STORAGE." Abdul tries several keys, opens the door into a ROOM. A corporal at a desk looks confusedly at Abdul. Abdul grins, strides to and slits the man's throat with a combat knife. Tara, Ima, Aftar, Menue and Ghar rush inside. Abdul tosses the key ring to Tara. She opens a chain-link fence storage area door. On racks: shoulder rocket launchers, rockets, automatic rifles, crates marked - "AMMUNITION" and "EXPLOSIVES." 11. INT. COMMERCIAL JET - FIRST CLASS - DAY SUPER: "DECEMBER 7TH - 30 DAYS LATER." A nun reads a newspaper (face not shown) and wears a habit. INSERT - THE HEADLINE. "TWO TERRORIST CELLS ATTACKED ON THE HOME FRONT." BACK TO SCENE AMY smiles and holds a coloring book and crayon box. AMY I'm Amy. What's your name? TARA Sister Theresa. Nice to meet you, Amy. Are you flying alone?

EXT. LAPD ACADEMY STONE ENTRANCE - SAME DAY Uniformed and plain-clothed men and women move with an air of pride and mission. AMY (V.O.) Over there are Mom and Dad.

INT. ACADEMY CLASSROOM - DAY Dave's at a lectern - spit and polish uniform: sergeant badge, sergeant II stripes on upper sleeves, four small stripes (hash marks) on right lower sleeve, nameplate - "TOWER." Rows of alert cadet officers sit at study tables and wear light blue uniforms and nameplates. DAVE This concludes your basic swat orientation. There are several important facts I need to mention. As police officers you have to serve mankind...

INT. COMMERCIAL JET - FIRST CLASS - DAY Tara and Amy share smiles. 12. DAVE (V.O. CONT'D) ...Throughout your career you will confront many unexpected situations. AMY Do you like being a nun? TARA Yes, my child. DAVE (V.O.) On and off duty you must be totally aware of what occurs around you. AMY Why? TARA There are many reasons. Tara smiles tenderly - touches Amy's hand. DAVE (V.O.) You will face challenges that require reaction. AMY What do you do? TARA I live only to do God's work and carry out his orders. Tara watches Amy draw in a coloring book. DAVE (V.O.) The only factor that requires immediate action is saving a life. AMY You're real nice. Maybe I can be a nun and help people. DAVE (V.O.) Failure to properly react will probably result in serious injury or death of the innocent,...

INT. ACADEMY CLASSROOM - DAY Dave's at the lectern. 13. DAVE (CONT'D) ...the guilty, or yourself. To fulfill your oath you must succeed beyond your preconceived capabilities. He shoots a glance down each row at cadet officers. DAVE (CONT'D) I have one last thought that might help you and others survive, or die at peace...

INT. COMMERCIAL JET - FIRST CLASS - DAY Tara smiles as Amy happily shows the drawing - nun and an angel bandage people. DAVE (V.O.) ...Always remember, the worst way to live is to fear life. Tara turns to the window - reflected smile turns sinister. DAVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) And the worst way to die is to fear death.

EXT. STREET / UPSCALE APARTMENT BUILDING - ANOTHER DAY A LAFD ambulance - red lights flash - SIREN - approaches a car wreck. LAFD fire fighters and LAPD officers save the injured.

INT. APARTMENT LIVING ROOM - DAY Abdul smokes and reads a magazine. Two quick KNOCKS - one KNOCK. A key RATTLES. The entrance doorknob turns. Tara enters, carries a sack full of Christmas lights, and a Christmas tree. ABDUL Why do you have a tree? 14. TARA To blend into American society. Stupid infidels force their children to believe in Santa, and presents under a tree with colored lights will make their lives better. They laugh. She put the sack on the kitchen table, drops the tree and kicks it into a corner. She jumps into his lap and plants a long kiss. ABDUL After dinner, a huge gift awaits you. TARA I refuse to wait and need it now.

EXT. DAVE'S HOUSE - MIDDLE CLASS NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHT Houses and front yards are decorated for Christmas. Distant voices SING a Christmas song accompanied by a PIANO. Dave's SUV's in a driveway. Carl's van has Washington State license plates.

INT. DAVE'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Christmas presents are under a decorated tree. The fireplace is ablaze. On the mantel, photo one - Mira, and photo two - Carl, Kate and Brian. Christmas socks - "GRANDPA, CARL, KATE, BRIAN" - hang on the mantel. Brian sits in a wheelchair, flanked by Dave and Carl. All SING the Christmas song. Kate plays the last PIANO notes. CARL Not bad, Dad. BRIAN Mom and I are good, too. Right, Grandpa? DAVE You're all great. 15. FAMILY ROOM - LATER Dave, Carl, Kate and Brian watch a home video on a 60" flat screen TV. TV VIDEO MONTAGE - DAY -- Flowers nearly fill a hospital room. Colorful balloons - "IT'S A BOY," tied to a bed. At opposite sides, Mira and Carl smile at Kate - cradles a baby. BRIAN (O.S.) That's me! LAUGHTER. -- Dave free climbs a cliff. CARL (O.S.) Why climb when you hate heights above twenty feet? DAVE (O.S.) Everyone has fears: darkness, claustrophobia, internal demons. -- Dave and Mira play in the surf - race to a blanket where Kate sits with Brian (4). BRIAN (O.S.) No way! You're always brave, and the greatest swat sergeant in the whole world! -- Dave's bass boat's moored at a lake dock. Dave, Carl and Brian (6) hold a string of trout. DAVE (O.S.) Wish I was. Just trying my best, like most people. -- Mira hikes a trail and waves from a cliff above a violent ocean. Video ends. BACK TO SCENE FAMILY ROOM CARL (to Dave) And the tunnels? 16. Dave's troubled look at Carl moves to a computer and printer on a desk. Kate and Carl share a quick uneasy glance. KATE (to everyone) How about dessert? CARL I'm ready. KATE Brian. Help me prepare pie and ice cream. Dave sadly smiles and watches Kate push Brian, in a wheelchair, into the kitchen. CARL Glad we could spend time with you. L-A's sunshine sure beats Kirkland's rain. DAVE Weather was special ordered from a great friend. CARL It's our first Christmas without -- Ah... How are you really?

EXT. LAPD ACADEMY COMBAT FIRING RANGE - DAY The "squad," Bob, Cal, Tony, Santana, Mike, Vic, Tom, Ed, Sam and Brad circle Dave, sheathed knife strapped on right calf. All wear full combat gear and grip MP-5 machine guns. Tony and Santana grip scope sniper rifles. DAVE Everyone knows the drill. New situation targets are in place. Be alert and live. Any questions? SANTANA (slight East LA barrio accent) Are some targets Vanillas?... Everyone looks at Santana like he's nuts. 17. SANTANA (CONT'D) Crackers. This ain't the Alamo. I don't dump fellow chimichangas even if they're targets. DAVE A food fight isn't healthy. Everyone but Dave laugh and slap a "high five." Dave cautiously leads the "squad" past false-fronted buildings. SERIES OF SHOTS - DAY -- masked men snap into a bank doorway, point a shotgun, rifle and pistol and hold money bags. Bullets destroy the robbers. -- A man grasps a beer bottle and looks out a bar window. Zeroed in on the target, weapons hold fire. -- A woman appears at a market doorway - clutches a grocery sack. A man jumps out and points a pistol at her head. A bullet punches between his eyes. -- Two boys leap from an alley entrance. One holds a toy space gun; the other an ice cream cone. The "squad" holds fire. -- On a second story balcony, a man behind a blond-headed woman holds a pistol against her temple. Two quick rifle SHOTS. A bullet punches between their eyes. -- An old woman flips around a building corner and points a closed umbrella at the "squad." Grandma lives. -- Two masked men jump up behind a car and point machine guns. Bullets shred the targets. END SERIES OF SHOTS

INT. LAPD ACADEMY BAR - NIGHT Half-full beer pitchers are on a table. The "squad" chug brews. Dave sips a brew. The "squad" stare at Dave and force back snickers. Dave's tongue swipes away the foam moustache. They wear street clothes. DAVE (to Santana) Why punch the blond's lights out? 18. Santana shrugs. Dave glances at each officer - stares at Santana. DAVE (CONT'D) A twenty mile night run through Elysian Park will stimulate blood flow to brain's memory cells. The "squad" groan and glare at Santana. He glares back - drains the mug. SANTANA Sorry, Sarge. Thought for a moment she was my ex-wife and I had a surge of impotence. DAVE Impotence? SANTANA It was extremely impotent I relieve my anxieties. Everyone laughs but Dave, clank mugs and chug brew.

SEQUENCE SHOTS - DAY -- On PASADENA's COLORADO BLVD, Abdul drives an older white delivery van without rear side windows; Tara, passenger. They grin and watch workers assemble bleachers. - "USC" and "MICHIGAN" fans prowl the SIDEWALKS. Tee-shirts, sweat shirts, baseball hats and pendants proclaim their team. - Store window signs - "GO USC" - "WIN MICHIGAN" - COLLEGIATE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP." TARA (V.O.) What does U-S-C represent? ABDUL (V.O.) Ultimate spoiled children. -- Workers decorate floats inside a WAREHOUSE. -- A LUNCHEON honors the Rose Parade queen and princesses. -- Abdul drives the van around the ROSE BOWL STADIUM and shares smiles with Tara as her fingertips caress his thigh. -- Abdul's van slowly passes a HILLSIDE HOUSE - overlooks the Rose Bowl. An ELDERlY MAN and ELDERLY WOMAN garden in the front yard. 19. Abdul and Tara share satisfied grins. END SEQUENCE SHOTS

INT. DAVE'S FAMILY ROOM - NIGHT Dave obliviously watches TV. ON TV New Year festivities in full swing at New York's Time Square. TV ANNOUNCER (V.O.) When the ball completes its descent and welcomes a New Year, please give love and thanks in memory of present and fallen heroes and victims in our fight against terrorism. The lit ball falls. CROWD (V.O.) (shouts) Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. The crowd goes wild. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Happy New Year! May God bless all of you, and America! DAVE remotes the TV off - closes his eyes.

EXT. TERRORISTS' THREE-STORY SHABBY APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY Three drunks sit on the entrance steps, celebrate - drink from whiskey bottles.

INT. TERRORISTS' APARTMENT KITCHEN - DAY Tara, Aftar, Ima, Menue and Ghar clean shoulder rocket launchers, drink coffee at a table, talk quietly - laugh. A coffee pot perks on the counter. 20. ADJOINING LIVING ROOM Six Uzis lean against two metal trunks filled with rockets. A third trunk contains Uzi ammunition. One rocket launcher is in a forth trunk. Abdul enters from the HALLWAY. ABDUL How is work progressing? KITCHEN GHAR All launchers are nearly clean. America makes great weapons and unreliable cars that no amount of bailout money can fix. Everyone laughs. IMA They buy our oil; we steal or buy armament to kill them. Everyone gets a big bang out of that statement. LIVING ROOM Abdul goes to a third-story window, watches the three drunks celebrate on the steps - spits at them. KITCHEN Tara serves sweet rolls - refills coffee cups. Abdul joins them. ABDUL Infidels drink until they can't stand up, and celebrate as America crumbles around them. TARA It is so, my brother. Allah will be proud of us in a few hours. We will light them up like their Fourth of July, then celebrate. Everyone laughs and nearly fall from their chairs.

EXT. PASADENA - COLORADO BLVD. - DAY Parade madness. Lead banner - "TOURNAMENT OF ROSES" - followed by a marching uniformed band belting a SONG. 21. INT. GRANDSTAND TV BOOTH - DAY MALE and FEMALE TV ANNOUNCERS. MALE TV ANNOUNCER Welcome to Pasadena and America's oldest annual parade. FEMALE TV ANNOUNCER The one hundred and twenty-third Tournament of Roses.

EXT. TERRORISTS' APARTMENT BUILDING ALLEY - DAY Tara holds a plate of homemade Christmas cookies covered with Clear Plastic Wrap. She and Abdul glance around at filth and litter. Tara watches TURK drink from a wine bottle, butt on pavement, slumped against a Dumpster. After 45 years of a hard life, Turk refuses to surrender what he's most proud of: old desert camouflage sergeant's Marine jacket, name tag - "TURK," old combat boots, sheathed combat knife strapped on right calf. Menue and Ghar talk quietly and load four metal trunks into van's cargo area. Aftra and Ima carefully stack the trunks. The terrorists enter the van. Blurry-eyed, Turk shares Tara's glare as the van passes. He slugs down wine and passes out.

INT. ABDUL'S VAN - DAY Abdul pulls onto the STREET. Tara turns up the radio volume. Menue, Ghar, Aftar and Ima are in the cargo area. Everyone looks grimly determined. FEMALE RADIO ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Exciting and beautiful as ever is this grandest of all parades. Now we see the beautiful queen and her lovely court.

INT. DAVE'S FAMILY ROOM - DAY Dave drinks coffee and reads a newspaper. 22. ON TV From a float, the "Rose" queen and princesses hold rose bouquets, smile, and wave as the crowd cheers. Uniformed men and women veterans, amputees, others with cast limbs, and some in wheelchairs, wave and smile from a patriotic float.

EXT. DOWNTOWN LA FREEWAY CLOVERLEAF INTERCHANGE - DAY Abdul's van enters the Pasadena Freeway. FEMALE RADIO ANNOUNCER (V.O.) And this wraps up another fantastic Rose Parade. From K-A-Z-U and affiliate stations, we wish everyone a happy New Year.

INT. DAVE'S FAMILY ROOM - DAY Dave and the "squad" eat, drink Coors beer, shoot pool and bullshit. BOB A good game calls for great stout ale. He drains an unlabeled bottle - grabs another from an ice chest at his feet. CAL The two greatest undefeated teams in college football history will slug it out and you predict a good game? BOB I'm no pre-dicker! My game's to set ah record of how much Pig Piss I can down. A rewarding brew fresh from my bathtub. Dave sets bowls of chips and dip on a table next to food platters and pizza. DAVE Long way to go, Bob. Too much Pig blows chips and dip and makes pizza not to my liking. Kickoff's in one hour. Let's watch the pregame show. 23. BOB Righteous, Bro.

EXT. CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL - SAME DAY Alert Secret Service agents wear ear receivers. Several agents speak into a wrist mike.

INT. HOTEL PRESIDENTIAL SUITE FOYER / LIVING ROOM - DAY Two foyer agents are on guard. A YOUNG AGENT and an OLDER AGENT watch PRESIDENT PHILLIPS read a newspaper and chew gum. WINFORD GATES glances at his ROLEX, nods at the Older Agent, who whispers into a wrist mike. GATES It's time, Mr. President. PHILLIPS So it is, Winford. And a national championship is a great place to kick-off wooing potential voters. It's never too early. GATES Well, sir. You're the only man that can do it. The other party's two minute offense sucks. They chuckle. PHILLIPS That brings back many fond memories. My pregame jitters disappeared and everything in my life ceased to exist when I looked between the goal posts at Heaven. Phillips puts the gum into a napkin - set it in an ashtray. As Phillips and Gates inter the foyer, the Older Agent pockets the napkin. YOUNG AGENT (grins) Why snitch the Black Jack? OLDER AGENT Love the flavor. 24. YOUNG AGENT Yeah, right. OLDER AGENT Can you keep a secret? Young Agent nods. OLDER AGENT (CONT'D) Retirement, college, or my living trust. Young Agent looks questingly at his partner. OLDER AGENT (CONT'D) Gum's for me, my son, or grandson. Presidents don't live forever. YOUNG AGENT Next one's mine. OLDER AGENT I got the gum market cornered. Detail rookies get his used toilet paper, body tissue and their own bloody clothes. YOUNG AGENT Who get his Preparation H? OLDER AGENT The Vice President. Pocket a market. Move up the food chain. You may need quick money. Unemployment pays shit if he's assassinated.

EXT./ INT. ABDUL'S VAN - DAY Abdul's van drives up a narrow road in scrub brush hills. The Rose Bowl stadium's at the canyon's base. Abdul drives, Tara, passenger, Aftar, Ima, Menue and Ghar, cargo area. All look grimly determined.

INT. DAVE'S FAMILY ROOM - DAY Dave and the "squad," hungry and thirsty hounds, watch TV. 25. STADIUM TV ANNOUNCER (ON TV) Twenty-three years ago, an All- American U-S-C place kicker, President Phillips was known as "The Toe." BRAD Ever since he won the Rose Bowl game in the last two seconds, he can't keep his foot out of his mouth. They laugh.

EXT. ELDERLY MAN AND WOMAN'S HOUSE - DAY Abdul's van is parked in the driveway. Tara holds plate of homemade Christmas cookies, knocks on the front door - smiles. Elderly Man opens the door - moment's talk. She enters.

INT. ELDERLY MAN AND WOMAN'S HOUSE - DAY Elderly Man, throat slit, lies in ENTRY WAY among broken and scattered Christmas cookies and plate. STADIUM ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Their offense and defense statistics are dead even and shattered nearly all national records. Tara, combat knife in hand, advances toward the adjoining LIVING ROOM where the hysterical Elderly Woman cowers. STADIUM ANNOUNCER (V.O.) (CONT'D) And after a great gridiron battle, one team will stand proud, the other will stride off as national champion, as will all America.

INT. DAVE'S FAMILY ROOM - DAY Dave and "squad" drink Coors beer and chomp munchies. MUTED STADIUM ANNOUNCER'S V.O. on TV. Bob grips a Pig Piss, thumbs off the cap and it plops into a guacamole dish. DAVE (to Bob) Three minus points. You got my vote for President. 26. EXT. ROSE BOWL FOOTBALL FIELD / STANDS - DAY White stripes mark the immaculate grass field. Referees huddle over red roses painted on the fifty yard line. Opposite end zones display "USC" and "MICHIGAN" university names and colors. Convertibles circle the track as the Rose queen and princesses wave at the excited crowd. TOMMY TROJAN (Roman soldier) rides a white horse, adorned in regal tack, around the track and waves a sword as fans cheer.

EXT. ELDERLY MAN AND WOMAN'S REAR YARD - DAY Extra rockets are inside a trunk and five Uzis inside another trunk. Abdul turns up a RADIO's volume. MALE RADIO ANNOUNCER (V.O.) The presidential helicopter is landing. Menue, Aftar, Ima and Ghar load rocket launchers. Tara looks through binoculars.

EXT. ROSE BOWL PARKING LOT - DAY High security. Uniformed police and Secret Service scrutinize pregame madness: fans, cars, tour buses, tailgate parties, vendors hawk their wares, fire trucks, fire fighters. A large, black helicopter silently circles above the President's landed helicopter. Secret Service swat secures area. The Older Agent and Younger Agent exit the helicopter. Phillips follows and waves. Gates and the two foyer agents follow. The crowd cheers. A distant "KAZU TV" helicopter circles the hillside.

EXT. ROSE BOWL FOOTBALL FIELD / STANDS - DAY Fans go wild as the Michigan football team and coaches run to benches at one side of the field. The USC team and coaches run to the opposite sideline. 27. EXT. ELDERLY COUPLE'S REAR YARD - DAY Tara, Abdul, Aftar, Ima, Menue and Ghar point rocket launchers at the distant Rose Bowl. MALE RADIO ANNOUNCER (V.O.) I don't know about you, but I can't wait for the kickoff.

EXT. ROSE BOWL FOOTBALL FIELD / STANDS - DAY The Michigan and USC bands PLAY the National Anthem. A FEMALE SINGER and all in attendance proudly SING. Phillips waves to the crowd from mid-field - shakes hands with teams' captains and referees. The Head Referee gives Phillips a large commemorative coin. Phillips flips the coin high into the air. MICHIGAN CAPTAIN (O.S.) Tails! At the arc, six rockets appear to descend with the coin. Phillips, stunned, stares at coin and rockets seemingly to fall between the goal post uprights. The coin smacks at his feet. A rocket DESTROYS the goal post. A Rocket EXPLODES among the Michigan and USC bands. Tommy Trojan rides a bucking Traveler and flips into the terrified fans.

EXT. ROSE BOWL PARKING LOT - DAY Four rockets fall short - EXPLODE the Presidential helicopter, empty cars, buses and panicked people. Smoke and flames rise, and at the stadium's rim, the American Flag flies unscathed. 28. EXT. SECRET SERVICE AND TV HELICOPTERS - DAY The "KAZU TV" and large, black helicopter race toward hillside homes as two rockets launch into the smoky blue and EXPLODE them.

EXT. FBI HEADQUARTERS - NEXT DAY The street's barricaded. FBI swat guard the area and wear full combat gear. Five black panel trucks race into an underground garage. Emergency lights flash and SIRENS stop.

INT. VAN - DAY Eight grim FBI swat agents grip MP-5 machine guns, two agents grip scope sniper rifles and wear full combat gear.

EXT. LAPD PARKER CENTER HEADQUARTERS - SAME DAY The street's barricaded. LAPD swat guard the area and wear full combat gear.

INT. PARKER CENTER AUDITORIUM - DAY Dave, sheathed knife on right calf, his "squad," and forty other swat officers talk in groups of ten. All wear full combat gear. BOB What ah coin toss! SAM Thought for a sec' we were seein' an old Schwarzenegger flick. A uniformed OFFICER glances around - strides to Dave. OFFICER Sarge. A drunk called. Said it was urgent you meet him at the usual spot. I told him to crawl into his bottle. He said, "stick it up my ass." 29. DAVE How far? OFFICER (questioning look - nods) Oh. He didn't say. DAVE What's his name? OFFICER Slur sounded like Turd. DAVE It's Turk. He must really like you. Officer shakes head - leaves. DAVE (CONT'D) This dog and pony show could last for days, weeks, 'till retirement. Beep me if we get an assignment.

INT. / EXT. DAVE'S DETECTIVE CAR / CITY STREET - DAY - LATER Dave, red / blue emergency light on the dashboard, drives a plain four-door, approaches and parks at a street tunnel's boarded entrance with a house size door. He wears swat clothes, no helmet or MP-5.

INT. TUNNEL - DAY Outside light silhouettes Dave. The door CLANKS shut. A powerful flashlight beam blasts on, slashes through oppressive darkness and illuminates aggressive rats. Dave follows the light. Distant SLURRED SINGING gets louder. TURK (O.S.) FROM THE HALLS OF MONTEZUMA TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI... He hesitates - stares at a plywood wall and tattered rug door. TURK (O.S.) (CONT'D) WE WILL FIGHT OUR COUNTRY'S BATTLES... 30. SHABBY ROOM The rug door slowly opens inward. An old table lamp's dim light reflects Dave's sad look. Drunk, Turk SINGS, slouched at a table, wears the sergeant jacket. TURK (CONT'D) ...ON LAND OR ON THE SEA. He grins, struggles to stand at attention - gives Dave a shaky salute. TURK (CONT'D) Lookin' fit as ever, Lieutenant. DAVE (crisp salute) Wish I could say the same, Sergeant. Turk drops into a chair, grins, points a shaky hand at the Goodwill decor: TV, radio, dilapidated couch, mattress on floor, wine bottles. TURK Since your last visit, my interior decorator found new stuff browsin' Beverly Hills Dumpsters. Dave gently touches a Silver Star Medal draped on a highly polished old frame with a photo - filthy to the bone, Sergeant Turk grins. Lieutenant Tower's grim (both age 33). They wear a sheathed combat knife strapped on right calf and two .45 automatics in shoulder holsters. Five dead Iraqi soldiers are lined at dusty combat boots. TURK (O.S.) (CONT'D) Still hidin' your Gulf War Medal in a drawer, Lieutenant? Dave stares at Turk. TURK (CONT'D) Want coffee, or a swig of last month's crush? (sips wine from a jelly jar) It's not ah bad vintage. Dave slowly shakes he head. 31. TURK (CONT'D) Miss the tunnels as much as me, Lieutenant?...

FLASHBACK - IRAQI BATTLEFIELD - DAY Filthy, sergeant Turk and lieutenant Tower crawl out of a hole: desert camouflage fatigues, name tags, sheathed combat knife on right calf, two .45 automatics in shoulder holsters. TURK (V.O.) ...We tunnel rats had advantages. A marine jumps into the hole, passes up five dead Iraqi soldiers to Turk and Dave, who gently lay them in a line. TURK (V.O.) (CONT'D) Saw fright in their eyes before killin' 'em. Turk puts an arm over Dave's shoulder. A grubby marine takes a photo of death at their combat boots. TURK (V.O.) (CONT'D) Or they killed us. Remember, Lieutenant?... END FLASHBACK

INT. TURK'S LIVING ROOM - DAY Dave nods solemnly. TURK (CONT'D) ...We'll never forget. Now -- Well -- wars ain't the same, nor killin'. Nation's lucky this time. They tried to kill our Commander-In-Chief. He drains the jelly jar, removes an empty wine bottle from a sack and tosses the bottle onto the mattress. TURK (CONT'D) Think I saw'um. Five talked like sand's in their mouth, 'cept ah Latina. Ah fine lookin' housewife. He draws a crude map on the sack. 32. TURK (CONT'D) I was sittin' in an alley by ah Dumpster as they (trembling finger touches map) came out this apartment buildin' back door. Loaded trunks into ah old white van and drove past me. DAVE Easy, friend. It'll be okay. TURK No way! We're at war! You gotta kill'em, Lieutenant! Dave grimly stares at Turk's defeated look, touches Turk's shoulder - picks up the map. DAVE Semper fi, Sergeant. TURK Always faithful, Lieutenant. Remember the tunnels when you take'um out.

EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY - LATER The "squad" and Dave, sheathed combat knife on right calf, look at the crude map spread on Dave's detective car hood. They wear full combat gear and carry MP-5 machine guns. Cal holds a six-foot wooden pole with an 18"x12" explosive charge on one end. Santana and Tony are not present. Dave motions over a sergeant and a ten-man swat "squad." DAVE Red Spotter reports a female cleaning an Uzi and five men in a third floor apartment overlooking the street. No other weapons or explosives seen. We're a little short on P-C for prosecution, but it's all we got. (nods at sergeant and "Blue Squad")

EXT. SHABBY BUSINESS AREA / APARTMENTS / HOTELS - DAY Barricades and uniformed officers divert traffic and people out of view from the terrorists' windows. 33. DAVE (V.O. CONT'D) ...Blue squad will secure the perimeter and evacuate all occupants. We use plan three and hope Bevis and his Butt Heads don't notice lack of street activity.

INT. FBI LARGE BRIEFING ROOM - SAME DAY Several swat agents drink coffee and talk. FBI agents BIVINS and MILLER talk privately. BIVINS Sir. L-A-P-D tactical frequency two has unusual code activity possibly related to terrorists. MILLER Damn! They once again want it for themselves! Are their transmissions located?

EXT. SHABBY BUSINESS AREA / APARTMENTS - DAY "Blue squad" and Dave's "squad" cautiously approach the terrorists' apartment building. BIVINS (V.O.) Fifty gun barrels will shove L-A-P- D's hemorrhoids through their colon in five minutes.

INT. APARTMENT - DAY Santana looks through a sniper rifle scope pointed between curtains. Tony looks through a spotter scope from another window. A scope sniper rifle's by his side. They wear full combat gear.

INT. RIFLE SCOPE CROSS-HAIRS - DAY Looking into a window, Aftra, Ima, Menue and Gahr drink coffee, smoke and talk at a KITCHEN table; an Uzi a centerpiece. Cross-hairs move to a second window, into the adjoining LIVING ROOM. Tara and Abdul quick kiss. 34. He pats her tight butt. She scampers away - blows him a kiss. She wears a baggy sweatshirt - "PEACE and LOVE" printed on the front. SANTANA (O.S.) Chica's a clone of my ex-squeeze at East L-A College. TONY and SANTANA TONY Did she fondle an Uzi like this hump? SANTANA Nah. She had a switchblade up a leather jacket sleeve and razor blades in her hair. TONY That how you got those nasty palm scars, hangin' on her punk-cut while batteries bounced your low-rider? DAVE (V.O.) Red Assault's in roof position. Report, Red Spotter. TONY (into lip mike) Red Spotter. Still one bra, five jocks, one repeat. No boomers seen.

EXT. TERRORISTS' APARTMENT BUILDING ALLEY - DAY The "Blue squad" evacuate occupants.

INT. TERRORISTS' APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY Mike, Vic, Tom, Ed, Sam and Brad sneak up a STAIRCASE. Cal carries six-foot wooden pole with explosive charge. DAVE (V.O.) Red Assault's repelling.

INT. RIFLE SCOPE CROSS-HAIRS - DAY Cross-hairs point at men at the kitchen table. They clean rocket launchers, smoke and drink coffee. 35. TONY (O.S.) Target's are cleaning four R-L's. Tara and Abdul enter. He appears to speak to the men. ABDUL (V.O.) The strikes must be simultaneous. Two landing planes and two taking off as Tara launches at the LAX control tower and I strike the American Airline's boarding area. TARA (V.O.) Stupid infidels would never anticipate another attack so soon. Everyone laughs. Abdul approaches a window. TONY (O.S.) Red Assault, yank ropes. One jock's nearing the window.

EXT. TERRORISTS' APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY Distant SIRENS. Dave and Bob, at separate window sides, hang ten feet above and yank up their rope. DAVE Well, R-L's cinch P-C on this takedown. Abdul leans out a window - gazes in both directions at the deserted street. CAL (V.O.) Red Entry's in position. Red Spotter. Start the countdown. TONY (V.O.) Red Spotter, roger. Thirty. Twenty- nine.

INT. TERRORISTS' LIVING ROOM / KITCHEN - DAY Abdul jerks closed the window and shade. Tara watches Ima, Menue, Aftar and Ghar clean rocket launcher at the kitchen table. 36. ABDUL I hear sirens! And the street is deserted! TONY (V.O.) Twenty eight. Twenty seven. Twenty- six... All terrorists grab an Uzi and scatter.

EXT. TERRORISTS' APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY Dave and Bob repel next to separate windows. TONY (V.O. CONT'D) ...Twenty-five. Twenty-four. Twenty- three...

SEQUENCE SHOTS - TERRORISTS' APARTMENT - DAY All terrorists are armed with an Uzi. -- Aftra's behind the living room couch. Menue lays behind an overstuffed chair lying on its side. -- Ima's behind the kitchen counter. TONY (V.O. CONT'D) ...Twenty-two. Twenty-one. -- Ghar's behind a mattress barricade inside bedroom one. TONY (V.O.) (CONT'D) Twenty. Nineteen. -- Tara's on her back in the bathroom claw-foot tub. Two hand grenades are hooked onto her belt. TONY (V.O.) (CONT'D) Eighteen. Seventeen. -- Abdul crouches behind a mattress barricade inside bedroom two. One hand grenade's hooked onto his belt. A closed door's behind him. TONY (V.O.) (CONT'D) Sixteen. Fifteen... END SEQUENCE SHOTS 37. EXT. SHABBY BUSINESS AREA / APARTMENTS - DAY Five FBI swat panel trucks - emergency lights - SIRENS - race to LAPD barricades and SKID a stop. TONY (V.O. CONT'D) ...Fourteen. Thirteen. Twelve. Fifty swat agents leap from the trucks and sprint toward the terrorists' apartment building. Dave and Bob hang from ropes next to separate window. TONY (V.O.) (CONT'D) Eleven. Ten. Nine. Eight...

INT. APARTMENT - DAY Santana and Tony point scope sniper rifles between window curtains. TONY (into lip mike) ...Seven. Six.

EXT. TERRORISTS' APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY Dave and Bob share tight grins, hang on ropes next to separate windows, and watch fifty FBI swat agents move swiftly toward them. DAVE Again, feds are about fifty common sense short of a half dollar. BOB Righteous, Bro. TONY (V.O.) Three...

INT. TERRORISTS' APARTMENT HALLWAY ENTRANCE - DAY Mike grips a flash bang grenade. Vic, Tom and Ed crouch behind him. Cal pushes the wooden pole with explosive against a door numbered 311. Sam and Brad cover the entry teams' backs from both directions. 38. TONY (V.O. CONT'D) ...Two...

SEQUENCE SHOTS - THE RAID - DAY TONY (V.O. CONT'D) ...One. -- The living room door BLASTS open. A flash bang grenade rolls on the carpet. Two flash bang grenades smash through windows. EXPLOSIONS. Dave and Bob smash through separate windows and shades. Dave rolls across the floor and returns fire at Aftar behind the couch. Bob rolls in the opposite direction and returns fire at Ima behind an adjoining kitchen counter. -- Sam and Brad cover the hotel hallway from the apartment's entrance. Vic and Tom make -- entry into the living room, take cover, return fire at Menue, flattened behind an overstuffed chair. Cal and Mike fire from the entrance doorway. -- Rifle scope cross-hairs pinpoint an Uzi barrel behind a living room chair. Menue peeks out near the floor. A bullet smacks between his eyes. -- Dave fires into the living room couch and kills Aftar. Ima points an Uzi around the kitchen counter. Bob fires and kills him. The "squad" glance at the dead terrorists. Dave points down a hallway at three closed doors. Sam and Brad cover the "squads'" backs. - Cal, Vic and Tom creep to and point MP-5's at last two hallway doors. Ed and Sam point MP-5's at first door. Dave nods. Mike kicks the door open. Dave rolls a flash bang grenade - into bedroom one. EXPLOSION. Dave covers the hallway at entrance. At the doorway, Mike covers Ed and Sam as they roll inside in opposite directions. Ghar fires through the mattress barricade. Ed and Sam return fire and kill him. 39. - Cal and Tom point MP-5's at the second hallway door. Dave nods. Vic kicks the door open. Dave rolls a flash bang grenade into bedroom two. EXPLOSION. Abdul carries a grenade and an Uzi and crawls behind a mattress barricade to an open door. Cal and Tom roll inside in opposite directions and fire into the mattress. - Abdul crawls from bedroom two's doorway, into the building's -- hallway and runs a few feet. Cal points a MP-5 at Abdul from the bedroom hall doorway. CAL Give it up! Abdul turns, grins, and rolls a grenade at Cal's feet. -- Cal leaps inside bedroom two, dives over mattress - lands on Tom. EXPLOSION. -- Abdul runs to the apartment entrance and spots Dave, inside the living room, headed toward him. -- Dave spots Abdul at living room entrance doorway, an Uzi pointed at him. They fire. Abdul's dead. Dave's on his back. Bullet holes shred the Kevlar vest. He struggles to stand - - staggers to Mike, Ed and Sam in the apartment hallway. All point weapons at the last door. Dave nods. Mike kicks the door open. Dave rolls a grenade - into the bathroom. EXPLOSION. Tara lies in the tub and fires into the hallway. Out of ammunition, she throws the Uzi onto the floor. TARA Don't shoot! DAVE (O.S.) Come out slow! Unarmed! Show both hands! She steps from tub, arms and elbows tight against her sides, hands held next to shoulders. One grenade's on her belt. A grenade pin and a hair ball intertwine on the bathtub drain screen. 40. - Dave points a MP-5 at Tara from doorway and shares cold stares. DAVE (CONT'D) One false move, you die. She glares at the Kevlar's bullet holes, then his name tag. TARA You think I'm afraid, Sergeant Tower? They appraise each other and share tight smiles. DAVE Everyone has doubts, however slight. TARA I have my faith. DAVE So do I. Now, back to business. We will slowly back up into the living room. Tara moves slowly - into the hallway and follows as Dave and Mike point weapons at her and creep backwards - into the living room. The squad point weapons at Tara. DAVE (CONT'D) Lace your fingers behind your head and face away from me. Tara, arms and elbows tight against sides, laces fingers behind neck and turns away from Dave. TARA Do you have the fortitude to shoot a pregnant woman in the back, Sergeant Tower? Dave appears shaken. Tara glances at the dead terrorists and spots Abdul, sprawled at the apartment entrance. Her hard facial facade shatters for a moment's grief, then stiffens. TARA (CONT'D) Have you killed children and the helpless? Would you fly a plane into a building and kill thousands? 41. DAVE Don't even think about going there. TARA I hear your pathetic pain. I have no qualms killing anyone. All infidels are fools. (sneers at squad) DAVE I may be a fool, but don't sell infidels short. Others in history made that mistake. He moves behind her and reaches for the grenade on her waist. TARA And you just made the biggest mistake of your life. Glory be to Allah. She lifts her left arm. A grenade drops from the baggy sweatshirt armpit. The "squad" dive for cover. Bob tackles Tara - and tumble into the hallway. - As Dave sprawls onto the floor, his right foot kicks the grenade - into the kitchen. EXPLOSION. Dave's combat knife is imbedded up to battered handle into the shattered and bloody plaster ceiling. END SEQUENCE SHOTS AND PG. 1 FLASHBACK

INT. CRITICAL CARE HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY SUPER: "JANUARY 2ND - PRESENT DAY." A heart monitor shows a flatline. Sound of a SHRILL ALARM. FEMALE (V.O.) Code blue. Room 626. Code blue. Room 626. A DOCTOR rushes in. Two nurses follow and push a crash cart. 42. DEATH'S DREAM SEQUENCE - DAY -- Dave drives the SUV on a two lane MOUNTAIN ROAD - passes a sign - "CARMEL 20." Mira grins and smells a red rose bouquet wrapped in festive paper tied with a ribbon. CD light symphonic MUSIC. MIRA Returning to Carmel on our anniversary's a wonderful idea. DAVE Yeah. Doesn't take a smart guy to know a great catch. We were young. I suckered you into marriage. MIRA That's what I let you believe. They laugh. DAVE Every day's been great. The months, years -- well, you're wonderful. They approach a turnout. MIRA Please stop up ahead. I need to stretch my legs. He glances at her shapely legs and grins. She wears shorts and Nikie shoes. -- Under a slight OVERHANG, dirt and small rocks plunge into the violent sea. -- Hand-in-hand, they gaze at the ocean to where sun and water collide. MIRA (CONT'D) The sunset and ocean are incredibly beautiful. DAVE Nothing's as beautiful as you. MIRA (laughs - kisses him) Such a romantic for a tough cop. But I know better. DAVE Yes you do, but don't tell my squad. 43. MIRA Darn. I left the camera in the car. DAVE I'll get it. He leaves. Mira admires the view and steps forward. The ground crumbles under her shoes. She fights for balance - slides over the edge. Fingers claw dirt. Shoes scrape for a toe hold. Dirt and rocks tumble into huge waves and assault jagged rocks. -- At the SUV, Dave holds a camera and looks for Mira. DAVE (CONT'D) Mira! Mira! -- Mira hangs onto a bush. Shoe toes scrape earth. Rocks and dirt cascade into violent waves. MIRA Help! Dave! Help! Dave races to the cliff - sees Mira - lies down - can't reach her outstretched right hand; bloody fingers spread apart - two feet from rescue. He dangles the camera's thin strap - just out of reach. He inches forward. The strap's three inches from her hand. The bush loosens. Dirt scrapes her face. He inches forward. Both hands clutch the strap. Her fingertips desperately brush away the swaying strap. Another desperate try. Fingers barely grasp leather. MIRA (CONT'D) I love you. He inches her up - slides further over the cliff. A Nikie toe catches onto a rock. He stops sliding. The strap hasp bends. His hand reaches for her - their fingers a foot apart. He pulls on the strap. She inches upward. The hasp bends. He reaches again - their fingers six inches apart. MIRA (CONT'D) Tell the family I love them. You are the best of the best. DAVE No! Don't give up! 44. He pulls on the strap. She inches upward. The hasp bends. His toe grip slips off the rock. He slides further over cliff - and stops. MIRA Save yourself! Let me go! DAVE Never! The strap slowly pulls free from the hasp. A desperate hand swipe. He grasps her hand - slides further over the cliff. MIRA Live for the children, Dave! Do it for me! I'll be with you for all eternity, my love! DAVE Noooo! She releases his hand - gone. DAVE (CONT'D) Noooo! END DEATH'S DREAM SEQUENCE

INT. CRITICAL HOSPITAL ROOM - PRESENT DAY Heart monitor's screen shows flatline - steady SHRILL sound. A DOCTOR and two nurses feverishly resuscitate Dave - bandaged face and both arms. Kate and Carl watch in horror. Heart monitor's flatline starts to move erratically - steady SHRILL STOPS. DAVE (O.S.) Noooo! Heartbeat line moves at a steady pace. Relief floods Carl and Kate's faces. They rush to Dave. CARL Thank God. You're safe, Dad. Dave's eyelids slowly open - confused gaze touches upon flowers, "GET WELL" cards, balloons - settles on Carl and Kate, - on the nurses and doctor. 45. DOCTOR Welcome back, Sergeant Tower. DAVE What? Where am I? DOCTOR You were in a terrible -- ah -- accident. DAVE Accident? My right foot's killing me. He stares at the flat sheet below the right knee.

MONTAGE - DAY -- Hospital therapy room. A therapist massages Dave's right leg stump. A long-jagged scar creases his left cheek. - Dave's leg stump's in a whirlpool. - Dave's fitted with a prosthesis. - Dave relearns to walk. -- Beach. Dave sits on a blanket - stares numbly at the prosthesis jammed into a Nikie. CHIEF OF POLICE (V.O.) The Medal of Valor is awarded to officers who have faced the most difficult and dangerous situations and gave of themselves beyond the call of duty... END MONTAGE

EXT. LAPD ACADEMY STONE ENTRANCE - ANOTHER DAY Uniformed and plain-clothed officers come and go. CHIEF OF POLICE (V.O. CONT'D) ...These fine officers before you are willing to sacrifice their lives to save others and uphold the law... 46. INT. LAPD ACADEMY GYM - DAY Capacity attendance. Front row seats: Turk, shabby suit, Kate, Carl and Brian, next to a wheelchair. CHIEF OF POLICE (O.S. CONT'D) ...They are the bravest of the brave. CHIEF OF POLICE is at a podium. Dave, his "squad," and four men and three women stand at attention on stage and wear uniforms. CHIEF OF POLICE (CONT'D) These outstanding officers are dedicated to police service and fulfilled all requirements for this honor. LATER All officers wear a Medal of Valor on a blue and white ribbon around their neck. The Chief places a Medal around Dave's neck. CHIEF OF POLICE Congratulations, Sergeant Tower. DAVE Thank you, sir. They shake hands - salute. Everyone stands and claps. Kate, Carl and Turk look proud, as does Brian - sits and claps. BRIAN Way to go, Grandpa!

EXT. TURK'S TUNNEL - ANOTHER DAY Dave's SUV's parked. TURK (V.O.) I'm really tryin' this time. Damn twelve steps are ah bitch to climb.

INT. TURK'S SHABBY ROOM - DAY Dave's bullet riddled Kevlar vest hangs on a hook next to the tunnel rat picture. Dave and Turk drink coffee at a table. 47. DAVE A-A's better than dying in an alley, or in this tunnel. You survived worse than the bottle. TURK Worse drove me into the bottle. I'm like one of those little ships that can't get out. DAVE You weren't alone in the desert. Others made it. Now our nation's making it. TURK Point's well taken. I'm workin' at Goodwill since I'm an expert in their merchandise. Found ah luxury skid row apartment. Movin' in next week. DAVE That's great. You need to live in the light. I'm also moving. North of Seattle, near the kids. Visit any time. TURK Maybe durin' my paid month vacation. They laugh.

EXT. MOUNTAIN LAKE / BOAT - DAY SUPER: "SIX MONTHS LATER." Dense fog. A man and boy's LAUGHTER and light symphonic MUSIC. Dave's bass boat drifts into clearness. Brian and Dave laugh and fish. A sheathed knife, battered handle, is strapped on Dave's right calf. A CD player and tackle box lie on a seat. BRIAN This is great! DAVE Yeah. Hard to beat. And you're great to be with. He pours Thermos coffee into a mug, removes donuts from a sack, and gives Brian one. Brian sips a mug of hot chocolate. 48. BRIAN Thanks. DAVE You're welcome. All smart cops eat lots of this brain food. (bites donut) BRIAN Mom said fish is brain food. DAVE Your mom's right. Did she tell you fish also eat donuts? They laugh. He pours hot chocolate from a Thermos into Brian's mug - throws a piece of donut. Water ripples. A fish snags the donut. DAVE (CONT'D) Here's to a great dinner of donut eating trout. Semper fidelis, Brian. BRIAN What's those funny words mean? DAVE "Always faithful." That's a most important way to live a good life. BRIAN That's us. Always faithful. They laugh and toast mugs. Food utensils' MUTED CLANKS and women's MURMURS increase as the boat fades into a fog bank.

EXT. TEHACHAPI PRISON - SAME DAY Utensils CLANK and women's MURMURS drift in cadence to eerie fog drifting through a tall chain-link fence topped with razor-wire coils. Armed guards are in towers. A sign - "TEHACHAPI WOMEN'S PRISON."

INT. PRISON MESS HALL - DAY Hard-core, tense inmates eat and chat, scrutinized by alert guards. A woman's insane LAUGHTER jerks everyone's attention to a door. 49. INT. PRISON HOSPITAL - DAY Tara laughs insanely - given birth to a baby girl. A fearful nurse cleans and wraps the baby in a pink blanket - cautiously lays her in Tara's arms. Tara tickles under the baby's chin. The dark hair and eyed baby whimpers softly; a tender moment. TARA Your ancestral blood will flow pure another thousand years.

INT. / EXT. DAVE'S SUV - ANOTHER DAY Dave drives on a two-lane desert road and listens to CD light symphonic MUSIC.

INT. DEATH ROW CELL BLOCK - DAY - LATER PETE and ZAK, tough guards, grin nastily as inmates spit tangled INSULTS at them. Pete pushes a food cart as Zak slips food trays through door slots.

INT. RECEPTION AREA / WARDEN'S OFFICE - DAY - SAME A guard opens a door with a sign - "WARDEN," enters and hands the warden a manilla file. He studies the file - stares at Dave seated on opposite side of the desk.

INT. TARA'S CELL - DAY Tara glances at a food tray in the door slot - shares deadly looks with Zak through the door window. A toilet, sink, bed, rolled-up Arabic rug and prayer book furnish the small cell. CELL BLOCK Zak glares into the cell door window. ZAK How's our most famous "Stick A Needle In Her Ass" inmate? (cruel laugh) 50. PETE Her glare's pure hate. Just like your ex's. ZAK She had ah good reason when I said, "I didn't have sexual intercourse with that woman." PETE No one in the world believes that line. (nods at cell door) And this one would devour your Johnson without a glass of Chianti or fava beans, then smoke a cigar. They laugh.

EXT. MOUNTAIN LAKE / BASS BOAT - ANOTHER DAY A happy Dave watches a delighted Brian reel in a trout. DAVE That's a nice one. BRIAN Can we eat it for dinner? DAVE You bet. Catch one for me.

EXT. TEHACHAPI PRISON EXERCISE YARD - DAY Alert guards watch inmates chatter in groups, prowl, play basketball and baseball. BRIAN (V.O.) I'll use a jelly donut for bait and catch a fat fish, or a smart one. Dave and Brian's LAUGHTER blends into GRUNTS and SMACKS. Two inmates play handball against a concrete wall. The ball sails over a wall, ONTO A CHAIN-LINK ROOF, and falls through a hole. 51. CONCRETE WALLED CAGE The ball bounces on dirt. Tara foot nearly crushes the ball. She looks up, glares at a large hawk, kicks the ball, and continues to pace.

EXT. DAVE'S HOUSE FRONT YARD / REAR YARD - ANOTHER DAY The lake-front house is surround by mountains. Two vans, occupied by unknown persons, enter and park in the driveway. REAR YARD Dave gazes at the moored bass boat, removes a sheathed combat knife (battered handle) from right calf, and cleans trout on a log round. A barbecue smolders. Two picnic tables are pushed together. Placed on plastic tablecloths: thirteen plates, utensils, and CD playing light symphonic MUSIC. Brian examines lures inside a tackle box. A wheelchair is next to him. Dave's "squad" and Turk stride from around the house's side with fishing poles, tackle boxes and two huge ice chests gripped in fists. TURK Sorry we're late. SANTANA Are the chimichangas ready? DAVE Just food for thought.

INT. TARA'S CELL - DAY - LATER Tara kneels; head on prayer rug. BRIAN (V.O.) Dear God, please bless this food,...

EXT. DAVE'S REAR YARD - DAY Dave, Brian, Turk, and the "squads'" heads are bowed at picnic tables. 52. BRIAN (CONT'D) ...the swat guys, Uncle Turk, (peeks at Dave) and Grandpa. The "squad," Turk and Dave grin. Glasses of milk clink. Brian and Dave make a toast. BRIAN (CONT'D) Simper. (winks at Dave) DAVE Fi. TURK I'll drink to that. (holds up milk glass) The "squad" toast beer bottles labeled "PIG PISS," and take a long pull. On plates: fish, beans, salad and bread. Large barbecued salmon and trout fill several platters. SANTANA (smells trout on plate) This date's expired. Pass the salsa.

EXT. DAVE'S HOUSE - NIGHT Several lit windows. BRIAN (V.O.) Amen. Good night. I love you.

INT. DAVE'S GUEST BEDROOM - NIGHT Dave and Brian kneel at a bed. Dave's right leg prosthesis touches Brian's left leg brace. DAVE And I love you. Brian struggles into bed. Dave tucks him in and kisses Brian's forehead. DAVE (CONT'D) Have good dreams. 53. INT. DAVE'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT - LATER Dave types on a computer. DAVE (V.O.) Always faithful.

INT. TEHACHAPI PRISON RECREATION ROOM - NIGHT SUPER: "ONE YEAR LATER." Pete and Zak glare at Tara, hands and feet shackled to a chair. PETE A change from the cage might improve your attitude. ZAK You wanna see your favorite T-V program? It's almost time for -- She glares at him. ZAK (CONT'D) Keep up the look and it's no T-V or Jay Leno for a month! Don't play grab ass with me! She grins sickly. PETE Perhaps you'd like a bowl of popcorn to choke on, or a bunk hump with the murderous bulldog in the next cell. Make me happy. Hang yourself with your rug! Zak turns on a TV. NEWSCASTER (ON TV) -- and Tara Rashab, sole survivor of a renegade terrorist cell, (Tara's photo on screen - NEWSCASTER V.O.) awaits execution and will be transported to -- Tara laughs insanely. 54. INT. DAVE'S LIVING ROOM - SAME NIGHT Dave soaks the leg stump in a bucket and smiles at a framed pencil drawing of Brian, sitting on the fireplace mantel.

FLASHBACK - DAVE'S L.A. LIVING ROOM DAY -- Dave grins from the kitchen doorway and watches Mira pencil- sketch Brian, asleep on a colorful window seat pad in a sunlit alcove. MIRA (to Dave) Your smile is pure love. END FLASHBACK

INT. PRISON RECREATION ROOM - SAME NIGHT Pete and Zak smoke and talk. Tara, shackled to a chair, laughs and watches TV. JAY LENO (ON TV) (on stage) Did you hear about Tonya Harding's latest attempted terrorist attack on her new boyfriend? cameras filmed the madness at a Palm Beach private Country club's eighth green sand trap. Broken and twisted clubs were everywhere. Wow! Grasping his balls, little did O-J realize how fast his arthritic legs could run until he escaped from a Nevada prison last week. Audience laugh and clap. LENO (ON TV CONT'D) Talk about dating crazy women. During an intimate farewell picnic in the exercise yard, condemned terrorist, Tara Rashab, was seen humping and thumping a female guard. LAUGHING - CLAPPING. 55. LENO (ON TV) (CONT'D) Let's put this into perspective, shall we? She will soon face two trials. Kansas City for killing two army reservists, and New York for the deadly bombing and destruction of the Statue Of Liberty. What a waste of taxpayers' money. Pete and Zak smoke and talk quietly. LENO (ON TV) (CONT'D) Doesn't it make more sense to let California execute her and let it go at that? How many times can she die? Duh! Dead's dead! Tara laughs insanely. LENO (CONT'D) After the commercial David Tower, author of "Forgiveness," the number one best seller, will join us. He led the heroic L-A-P-D swat team that captured the infamous Tara Rashab. Tara crazed attention bolts to the TV screen.

INT. DAVE'S SUV - DAY Light symphonic CD MUSIC. Dave drives on a two-lane mountain road - enters a SEASIDE VILLAGE; Brian, passenger. In the rear area: ice chest, suitcase, wheelchair. DAVE You want ice cream? BRIAN As much as you want to catch a huge fish. They laugh.

EXT. COMMERCIAL 40 FOOT FISHING BOAT - SAME DAY The boat's moored at a dock. MATT climbs down a wheel-house ladder. Dave and Brian shake Matt's hand. 56. DAVE Heard you were coming in with a full load. MATT Nothing gets by you. (to Brian) Having a nice visit? BRIAN Yeah! We caught lots of lake fish. Ate them at breakfast, lunch and dinner! MATT You must be very smart. Brian and Dave share smiles. MATT (CONT'D) (to Brian) Would you like to see the fish we caught? BRIAN Sure! Deck-hands unload salmon. Dave lovingly watches Brian's excitement. BRIAN (CONT'D) Wow! Another load of big fish! I sure want to catch one. DAVE I'd rather eat ice cream. They laugh.

EXT. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI SKYLINE - DAY - LATER A large black helicopter silently drops between buildings and lands on a ROOF tarmac. TY BRIGGS and FOLEY SLAG, bureaucrat, carries a briefcase, stride from the helicopter. Ty always wears Western attire: Stetson, Western-cut suit, huge silver belt buckle, string tie with turquoise stone and snake cowboy boots. 57. INT. BUILDING HALLWAY - DAY Slag and Ty push past a door. Sign - "DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL." LOBBY They stride to a RECEPTIONIST at a desk. RECEPTIONIST (flirtatiously) Hello, Marshal Briggs. (smile fades at Slag) Sir. The Attorney General called twice and -- SLAG Get him in one minute, then buzz me. They burst past a door. SLAG'S OFFICE Slag drops into a desk chair and opens the briefcase. Ty removes his coat and Stetson - sits and stretches his legs. A six-inch barreled pearl-handled .357 revolver's in a shoulder holster. Slag flips pages in a thick file. The intercom BUZZES. A finger stabs a button. RECEPTIONIST (V.O.) Sir. The Attorney General is on line one. Slag grabs a phone. SLAG (into phone) Good afternoon, sir. How is the District's weather?

EXT. WASHINGTON D.C. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BUILDING - DAY ATTORNEY GENERAL (V.O.) Shit flies no matter what the weather in this bureaucratic septic tank!... 58. INT. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE - DAY ATTORNEY GENERAL sits at a huge desk. ATTORNEY GENERAL (CONT'D) (into phone) ...What the hell's going on regarding the Marshal's transportation arrangements? A secretary at a side table pours coffee from a silver service, into a mug with the Presidential seal. SLAG (V.O.) Moving smoothly forward, sir. Just flew in from inspecting security arrangements with Ty Briggs. ATTORNEY GENERAL (into phone) He's the best, but his last movement ran like diarrhea. He's a maverick. Anything could happen. The secretary sets mug on the desk, next to a photo - Attorney General and President Phillips shake hands in the Oval Office. ATTORNEY GENERAL (CONT'D) "The Toe's" kick shit everywhere and demands extreme precautions be undertaken at all times. SLAG (V.O.) I understand, sir. He opens a desk drawer, dumps a generous amount of Crown Royal into the mug - takes a long taste. ATTORNEY GENERAL He also demands re-election on his merits and can't lose votes driven by that crazy bitch, Tara Rasbab, and other terrorists' actions...

EXT. CARL'S MIDDLE CLASS HOUSE DRIVEWAY - DAY Dave's SUV's parked by Kate's van. ATTORNEY GENERAL (V.O. CONT'D) ...I've had it with the Homefront Security Director!... 59. EXT. CARL'S BACKYARD - DAY Dave holds MIRA (1, dark hair and eyes). Carl, Kate, Dave and Brian eat at a picnic table. ATTORNEY GENERAL (V.O. CONT'D) ...He's leaked innuendoes to every reporter gripping their crouch, trying to squeeze out B-S stories on us! DAVE (to Mira) And how's my favorite granddaughter? KATE Mira missed both of you. So did I. BRIAN We caught lots of donut eating trout! KATE Donuts? DAVE We had a wonderful time, and some great meals. Brought some trout, bass, a few nice perch and king salmon. CARL Thanks. But there's no salmon in Loon Lake. DAVE Really? They laugh. BRIAN Grandpa always bought the ice cream. KATE Grandpa never catches the biggest fish. They laugh. CARL (to Dave) book review's fantastic. DAVE Don't get too excited. The novel's a ripple in the publishing ocean. 60. KATE "Forgiveness" will be a best seller. DAVE Tomorrow morning I'm going to Carmel. Kate and Carl share an uneasy glance.

INT. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE - NEXT DAY The Attorney General, at the desk, drinks coffee with Ty. ATTORNEY GENERAL Have the plans been finalized? TY (Texas' drawl) Yes, sir. The helicopter lands at the prison, flies Tara to Edwards Air Force Base, then Con Air flies her to Kansas City.

INT. TAHACHAPI PRISON EXERCISE YARD CAGE - DAY Pete and Zak unshackle Tara's feet and hands. ATTORNEY GENERAL (V.O.) The President can't afford complications. Neither can I. Nor you as the hot-shot transportation expert. He's pissed after your last headline fuck-up. Tara rips tape from her mouth, rubs ankles and wrists, glares at the chain-link roof - prowls fence-line's dirt path. TY (V.O.) She'll be hog-tied. Escape's impossible. If she does, I'll give "The Toe" ah bang-up party he'll never forget.

INT. DIRECTOR'S OFFICE - DAY Attorney General watches Ty polish the pearl-handled revolver with a red bandanna. 61. ATTORNEY GENERAL Yeah, right! You can't discount an attack by crazies to free her! TY Well -- If they wanna die, we'll be ready. Like shootin' caged jack rabbits. ATTORNEY GENERAL Bullshit! Realistically, an all out attack can't be stopped before everyone's dead! (lights large cigar- angrily blows smoke) If she gets free -- well -- she's a deadly chameleon and blends into any environment!

SERIES OF SHOTS - SAME DAY -- CALIFORNIA PACIFIC COAST (pg. 42). Dave, numb expression drives the SUV - passes a sign - "CARMEL 20." CD symphonic MUSIC. Next to him, a red rose bouquet wrapped in festive paper and tied with a ribbon. -- Dave methodically slides a rose from the bouquet, throws it over a TWO HUNDRED FOOT CLIFF, and it tumble onto jagged rocks assaulted by an angry sea. Polished shoes point at a - stone angel statue holds a cross with etched name - "MIRA." He goes to his knees, empty festive paper and ribbon clutched in a fist, forehead rests on the cross. DAVE I'd never made it this far if you hadn't always been with me.

EXT. / INT. DAVE'S SUV - NEXT DAY He listens to CD light symphonic MUSIC and drives a DESERT two-lane road that stretches ahead for miles. 62. INT. DEATH ROW CELL BLOCK - DAY - LATER Zak and Pete swing chain shackles and grin as inmates glare from cell door windows and shout gibberish OBSCENITIES at them. Pete shares a middle finger wave with a tough inmate. PETE Bet you'd rather sit on this than get laid on an execution table! She returns the gesture: "shove arm and fist up ass." They continue to a cell door. It automatically slides open. TARA'S CELL Tara grins at Pete and Zak. ZAK Did a week of lost privileges make you appreciate your one hour stroll in your private park, or watching Leno? They shackle her hands and feet. Pete tapes her mouth. PETE I don't like to be spit on. Tape will keep you out of the hole. You got ah visitor.

INT. PRISON INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY - LATER Shackled hands and feet, Tara questingly gazes across a table at Dave as Zak rips tape from her mouth. DAVE How are you, Tara? A deadly glare stabs his reflective kindness. TARA So nice to see you again. (glare softens - lovely smile) Enjoying a wonderful lifestyle makes a year pass quickly. 63. DAVE That may be true. To live in peace, a person needs to forgive others, to forgive, love and respect one's self. TARA The warden visited me in the hole and was so pleased after I told him those exact words after hearing it spoken on the Jay Leno show. DAVE I've prayed you would learn this truth. Like it or not we're bound together forever. That's another truth. TARA That is your truth. Not mine. The only real truth that matters is I really need to (thrashes, chants insanely) kill you! Kill you! Kill you!

EXT. TAHACHAPI PRISON EXERCISE YARD - ANOTHER DAY The area's deserted of prisoners. Armed guards are in towers, on wall walkways, and around the yard perimeter. A large, black helicopter silently lands. Ty surveys the area from the open door. A cell block door opens. Forty armed guards file out and make a human corridor, twenty on each side, to the helicopter. Pete and Zak carry rifles and swagger past the open door. Tara follows, shuffles, shackled hand and foot - wears an orange prison jump-suit. Armed guards follow. As the procession moves between the human shield, Tara smiles sweetly at the grim security force - turns her charm on Ty, at the helicopter.

EXT. DIRT ROAD – DAY - LATER A farmland valley road snakes among vast acres of dry farmland and arid plant life nestled between rugged mountain ranges. An old pickup truck, with walk-in camper, trails dust. 64. INT. OLD TRUCK - DAY MANUEL SINGS in Spanish to Mexican ranchero radio MUSIC and watches a low flying black helicopter silently travel in the same direction.

INT. HELICOPTER - DAY Tara, shackled hand and foot, sits between two swat marshals. Ty sits opposite. All wear seat belts. Air currents constantly toss the helicopter. TY Enjoyin' the ride, darlin'? Tara and Ty share pleasant smiles. Her dark eyes betray loathing. TY (CONT'D) Your eyes look like iced crawfish. (looks out window) Land reminds me of Hale County. (to Tara) Due North of Lubbock. Plainview, to be exact. U-S Twenty-seven. West Texas, darlin'. He removes a pearl-handled revolver from a shoulder holster, a red bandanna from a coat pocket - polishes the revolver - furtively watches Tara's tongue sensuously slide between lovely lips. The ENGINE MISFIRES. The PILOT flips toggle switches and scans the instrument panel gauges. Everyone but Tara and pilot appear unsettled. TARA Are you afraid to die, Marshal Briggs? TY I don't dwell on it. The ENGINE MISFIRES. Tara's pleasant smile drifts to the nervous swat marshals, Ty and the calm pilot. PILOT (into headset lip mike) U-S Marshall zero-four-eight to Edwards Air Base A-T-C. Reporting engine malfunction. Do you have us on radar? 65. CONTROLLER (V.O.) Negative, zero-four-eight. Your altitude's too low, apparently below Tehachapi Summit. Elevation four thousand sixty-four. Request your position. Surreptitiously, Tara watches Ty polish the gun with the red bandanna and stealthily releases the seat belt buckle as the helicopter bounces. A hard bump jolts the helicopter. She leaps on Ty - grabs the revolver - SHOOTS him in the head - SHOOTS the swat marshals - jams the barrel against the pilot's head. TARA Do as I say. We will be free as hawks and you will fly again. The helicopter bounces hard. A wild SHOT punches a hole into the roof. The ENGINE STOPS.

EXT. SKY - DAY The helicopter spins in auto rotation. TARA (V.O.) Don't abandon me now, Allah!

EXT. FARMING FIELD - DAY The helicopter PLOWS into vast acreage and smolders.

INT. HELICOPTER - DAY Smoke snakes around bodies. Tara moans, eyelids flutter open, glances around - crawls to Ty. She finds keys in his coat, opens the shackles, removes extra ammo pouches from his belt. The revolver's pearl-handle protrudes from wreckage. Fingers wrap it in a death grip. 66. EXT. FARMING FIELD - DAY Tara lies in wilted crops and surveys the area. No one's in sight around a farmhouse. Clothes, Levi jacket and jeans flutter on a sagging clothes line. Smoke from the distant helicopter wreckage trails in a slight wind.

INT. MANUEL’S PICKUP TRUCK - DAY - LATER Manuel SINGS in Spanish to Mexican ranchero radio MUSIC. A person is up ahead.

EXT. DIRT ROAD - DAY The truck GRINDS to a stop. Suspiciously, Tara pulls the Levi jacket over the revolver jammed in her waistband. She smiles. Manuel swaggers to her. He grins and appraises her beauty and trim figure. MANUEL Hola. Que tal? She shakes head. MANUEL (CONT'D) No hablo espanol? She pretends to write in her left palm. He nods and removes a pencil and envelope from a shirt pocket - gives them to her. She prints on the envelope - shows it to him. MANUEL (CONT'D) Geeze! That's too bad. Can't talk, but can hear. Got good music in the truck. Want ah ride?

INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - SAME DAY Ty lies in bed; bandage head. Slag and TOM burst in. Tom's wind-breaker jacket proclaims - "U.S. MARSHAL." 67. TY (to Slag) How's my favorite Assistant U-S Attorney General? SLAG How's the biggest loser in the U-S Marshals feel? TY Great! I’m out of here tomorrow. SLAG Make it now, Ty. The Home Security Director kicked my balls flat. The Attorney General's foot's up what's left of my ass after the Marshal Director chewed it out. TY He's acquired the taste of pig manure. SLAG The crap's hit the fan. It's over our heads. And you've been served a full trough. TY I hope it comes with a great home brew. Bon appetit. (to Tom) What about the pilot, swat guys, and latest status report? TOM They will enjoy retirement. Tara slipped the crash site area. A hundred mile perimeter's set.

INT. CAFE - DAY Dave finishes eating a hamburger, French fries and a last sip of black coffee. Truckers, red-necks and country western MUSIC abound. TY (V.O.) That leaves lots of unmanned side roads. He leaves a ten dollar tip secured under the coffee cup - pays the bill at a register. 68. SLAG (V.O.) We can't let her escape. He spots a big bad REDNECK snitch the tip. TOM (V.O.) No way. She's surrounded by farmland and barren mountains.

EXT. CAFE DIRT PARKING LOT - DAY Desert area. Dave's between his SUV and a dirty pickup truck. The Redneck shoulders past him. DAVE Do you need assisted living? The Redneck scowls. Dave nods at the cafe's window. The Redneck glares at the window sign - "X-CON CAFE BEST PRISON FOOD IN THE STATE EXPERT TATTOOS and ASTROLOGY READINGS HAVE YOU MET YOUR LIFETIME CELL MATE?" He glares at Dave. DAVE (CONT'D) If you like, I'll help assist you in obtaining free accommodations and food. The Redneck makes a fist, hesitates, removes the ten dollar bill from a shirt pocket - turns scruff cowboy boots back inside the cafe.

INT. MANUEL'S PICKUP TRUCK - SAME DAY Manuel drives on a two-lane paved road. Tara gazes at the parched landscape. They pass a sign - "SH 14." MANUEL (lustful glance) Travelin' with no bag. (feels her hand) No calluses. 69. TOM (V.O.) Search dogs tracked her to a farm. Her prison jump-suit was buried behind the barn. With paper and pen from the glove compartment, she prints - shows him the note. MANUEL Runnin' from ah boyfriend! Ha! I don't work in gloves. The truck crests a rise. Up ahead, two California Highway Patrol cars block the road. TOM (V.O.) Her trail led to a dirt road in front of the farm, then went north for a mile toward highway fifty-eight and vanished. Tara touches the pearl-handled revolver under the jacket. TY (V.O.) Anything missin' from the farm?

EXT. / INT. MANUEL'S PICKUP TRUCK - DAY CHP OFFICER ONE approaches Manuel; hand rests on the revolver's grip. TOM (V.O.) No one home, no forced entry, and no rooms appeared searched. OFFICER TWO appraises Tara from slightly behind the passenger door. TY (V.O.) She ain't naked, and snitched clothes. Officer One appraises Manuel. OFFICER ONE Good afternoon. May I see your driver's license and registration? Manuel grins nervously, gives the license and registration to Officer One. He examines them. Tara shifts slightly and avoids full-look back at Officer Two. 70. TY (V.O.) Nothin's impossible. Tara's smart and deadly. TOM (V.O.) A roadblock will get her if she's hitched a ride. Officer One smiles at Tara. She gives him a shy, sensuous appraisal. TY (V.O.) We can only count on ourselves. OFFICER ONE What’s your name? She shakes her head. OFFICER ONE (CONT'D) No? MANUEL She hears, but can't talk. She’s my woman. We’re goin' North to pick Washington fruit. Yakima. Wenatchee. OFFICER ONE (to Manuel) I have to look inside the camper. Officer One glances at Officer Two, who nods. MANUEL Okay. It's unlocked. Officer One cautiously opens the camper door, looks inside, enters, quickly looks around. He goes to a patrol car and looks at the truck's Washington license plate. TY (V.O.) She hitched a ride. What's the closest highway and town up north? Officer Two watches Manuel and Tara, glances at the patrol car where Officer One talks into a mike. TOM (V.O.) Fifty-eight heads northwest toward Tehachapi, Bakersfield and Interstate Five. North on Five it's Oregon, Washington and into Canada. 71. Officer One gives Manuel the driver license and registration. OFFICER ONE You and the truck checked out. Be careful. Don't pick up any female strangers. TY (V.O.) What town's southeast on Fifty-eight? TOM (V.O.) Mojave, past the Edwards Air Force Base is Barstow, and after a zig and a zag, Mexico. Officer One waves them on, spots the revolver's pearl-handle under Tara's jacket - reaches for his revolver. OFFICER ONE Gun! Tara shoots past Manuel's head and kills Officer One. She flings open the passenger door, rolls onto ground - shoots Officer Two. Tara points revolver at a fearful Manuel - jumps into the truck. TARA Drive or die! Officer one lies on the road. Officer Two's at side of the road. Manuel's truck goes around roadblock in a dust cloud. MANUEL (O.S.) Holy Mary Mother of God -- TARA (O.S.) Silence or die!

INT. / EXT. DAVE'S SUV - DAY Dave drives on a two-lane road and crests a rise. Up ahead, two California Highway Patrol cars block the road and Manuel's truck spurts exhaust smoke on pavement.

INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - SAME DAY Tom and Slag watch Ty slip on snake skin cowboy boots. 72. TY (to Tom and Slag) Well? Is Tara headed to Mexico or Canada? They exchange uncertain glances.

EXT. TWO-LANE MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY - LATER The CHP cars block the road. Sheets cover the officer's bodies. Tom and Slag watch crime scene technicians at work. Ty confront Dave. TY With all due respect, Mister Tower, it's unwise to step onto my ranch and track dung around the country. DAVE Great act Marshal Briggs. I know how Tara thinks. Take your show on the right road. She's headed north. TY Road you're travelin' leads to obstruction, federal prosecution and jail. DAVE Lucky me. I've heard fed food tastes like pickled pig's feet, including "The Toe."

INT. MANUEL'S PICKUP TRUCK - NIGHT Manuel and Tara travel in downtown Reno. MANUEL I'm tired and -- TARA You can sleep the rest of your life out of town.

INT. / EXT. DAVE'S SUV - NIGHT A block behind behind Manuel's truck, Dave turns the SUV into a McDonalds parking lot. 73. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD TURNOUT - NIGHT - LATER A full moon and star-filled sky illuminate Manuel's truck. Tara forces Manuel at gunpoint into the forest's darkness. An owl's HOOTs. A PISTOL SHOT. From out of darkness, Tara enters into the moonbeam behind the truck and removes money from a wallet. Distant car headlights approach. She hides behind a tree. RALPH (V.O.) Damn.

INT. / EXT. RALPH'S CAR - NIGHT RALPH parks behind the truck, grabs napkins, cleans spilled coffee and doesn't notice a figure approach the driver's side. Knuckles rap on the window. He jerks a panicked look at Tara. She smiles - motions to roll down the window. He hesitates - activates the window button. TARA I am very sorry if I startled you. RALPH Uh -- Didn't see you approach. Everything okay? TARA My right front tire is flat. RALPH No problem. I'll change it. Traveling alone? TARA Yes. I am visiting family in Yakima. RALPH It's dangerous traveling alone at night. TARA That is true. It is impossible to tell who is blessed or evil. You will never realize how I feel having you here. He struts like a peacock toward pickup truck. 74. RALPH I'm headed to Portland. Amway convention. Amway means the American way. TARA We are both dedicated to our country. RALPH You know about Amway's marketing plan? They go behind the passenger side, into darkness. TARA (O.S.) No. RALPH (O.S.) Well -- A GUN SHOT.

INT. RALPH'S CAR - NIGHT Tara removes money from another wallet, flips the leather out the window and turns on the RADIO. RADIO DJ (V.O.) ...and interrupt the music for a national warning regarding escaped convicted terrorist, Tara Rashab...

INT. TURK'S APARTMENT LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Turk drinks coffee and listens to the same DJ. Combat boots' worn heels relax on a beat-up coffee table. RADIO DJ (V.O. CONT'D) ...She is believed headed to the Mexican border. If observed do not approach, nor attempt to detain her. He grabs a cell phone and taps the pad. RADIO DJ (V.O. CONT'D) (CONT'D) Report all possible sightings to local authorities or a U-S Marshal's office... 75. INT. RALPH'S CAR - NIGHT Tara increases the RADIO's volume. RADIO DJ (V.O. CONT'D) ...On the national front, both parties presidential campaign trails are headed for major fund-raisers. Attending President Phillips' Seattle re-election gala will be Hollywood stars and celebrity author David Tower. Now lets enjoy another oldie but goody favorite. She turn off the RADIO. Her sinister grin reflects from the windshield and is shattered by a left fist. She gazes at torn flesh slowly pull free from jagged glass. ABDUL (V.O.) Our ancestral blood will flow pure another thousand years. Through the shattered windshield, the moonbeam illuminates a tongue's tip sensuously caress the gash. Lovely lips embrace blood. She glares at herself in the rear view mirror - beauty morphs into a grotesque insane mask.

EXT. RALPH'S CAR - NIGHT Rear tires spray gravel. Tara's INSANE LAUGHTER fades as blackness swallows taillights' sinister red slits. Distant headlights approach from the opposite direction.

INT. / EXT. DAVE'S SUV - NIGHT Dave's SUV's headlights illuminate the rear of Manuel's ghostly truck. Dave stuffs hamburger and French fry wrappers into a McDonald bag - SLURPS dry a giant size plastic cup.

EXT. TURNOUT - NIGHT The full-moon casts a silver streak between tree branches as a McDonald bag falls next to Manuel. He kneels and hugs the trash can. Blood seeps from a hole in the back of his head. A few feet away, the sliver streak stabs a twisted body, pant pockets pulled out, jacket flayed open. Shot in the head, Ralph's dull eyes fixed on the truck's open passenger door. 76. INT. TURK'S APARTMENT - SAME NIGHT Turk turns off a radio, makes phone call, listens a few moments. TURK (into phone) Hi, Dave. Couldn't get you on your cell. Hate recorders.

INT. BOX CAR - NEXT DAY Three bums ride through a forested mountain and glance uneasy at Turk. Turk stabs a finger on a cell phone pad, listens, and jams the phone into the sergeant jacket pocket, faded name tag - "TURK." A combat knife is strapped on his right calf.

INT. RALPH'S CAR - SAME DAY Tara drives past the Seattle's Space Needle. Her left hand's bandaged (bandage is in all scenes).

EXT. / INT. RALPH'S CAR / SEA-TAC AIRPORT - DAY Tara takes a ticket from a long-term parking machine, parks and watches vehicles at the ticket machine. She discreetly follows a green van until it parks. The driver carries a suitcase toward the terminal.

INT. DAVE'S SUV - DAY - LATER Unshaven, disheveled, Dave takes a ticket from the same long- term parking machine. DAVE (into cell phone) Carl. When you get home stay with the family. Don't leave. I'll try to see you tonight, or in the morning. Love. 77. EXT. DESERT - DAY - LATER The sunset's beautiful. Low-flying silent black helicopters scout a wide area. Black SUVs trail dust in various directions on and off dirt roads. DAVE (V.O.) I'm a half-step behind Tara. The truck was wiped clean and --

EXT. SMALL TOWN - RUNDOWN BUILDING - DAY Fronting the dirt street: several small business and a bar sign: "TEQUILA GRANDE - NO SHIT ALLOWED INSIDE." Old cars and pickup trucks share angle parking space with horses tethered to hitching posts. TY (O.S.) I've been briefed. The truck's registered in Yakama. Across the street, Ty and Dave stroll to an old building's splintered wooden steps. Men and women enter and exit and wear U.S. Marshall's jackets. Several black SUV are parked in front. TY (CONT'D) Yak and Tri-Cities distributes hard narcotics to Eastern Washington, Montana and Canada. Just another bad deal went down. Ty settles exhaustingly on a step, glares at the arid desert - stabs the look at Dave's dishevelment. A wrap bandage's lower edge shows under Ty's Stetson. DAVE Wrong again. I'm sure ballistics will match bullets from the officers and two Nevada murders. TY The F-B-I lab will prove you wrong in about twelve hours. DAVE My gut feeling say's the bullets match your .357 revolver. TY Got ah swig of Bromo left? 78. DAVE Any more wondrous ideas? Ty arcs a hopeless wave at the desert landscape. TY My diarrhea says I got hundreds of great tips to many from Canada to Mexico. My mind says your ass don't know shit. DAVE After Desert Storm, the Feds offered me any enforcement job I wanted. I chose the world's best cop-shop; L-A- P-D. Uninterested, Ty removes the Stetsen and wipes sweat from his lower brow with a red bandanna. DAVE (CONT'D) Head of Nasa said security wasn't rocket science. Just common logic. Two plus two equals four. Ty shakes his head, very uninterested. DAVE (CONT'D) I bet third grade math made you run to the outhouse, and a Sear's catalogue was your best friend. Ty's snake skin cowboy boots shuffle across the sagging wooden porch toward the building's torn screen door. From the street, Dave throws a last call for help across dirt and scattered horse shit. DAVE (CONT'D) My return flight leaves in one hundred and six minutes -- (glances at wristwatch) and twelve seconds. The Nation needs your help. So do I. Ty smiles at Dave and flips him a stiff middle finger.

EXT. CARL'S FRONT LAWN - NEXT DAY Dave casually looks around the neighborhood and holds Mira. He's haggard, clean shaven, freshly clothed. Carl waters flowers. 79. DAVE The Feds think Tara's in Mexico, or gone to ground and won't show her face in public. CARL I hope they're right. DAVE Their logic doesn't fit her M-O, nor her insanity. I know how she thinks. I'll stick around 'till morning.

INT. SEEDY MOTEL ROOM - SAME DAY On a bed: shopping bags, dress, high-heeled shoes, large purse, red wig, and a trench coat. FEMALE NEWSCASTER (ON TV) Traffic will be diverted tomorrow due to the Norad Building's implosion, a block south from where the King Dome was imploded. Tara grins murderously, remotes the TV off and wears a blond wig. A book's last page - photo of Dave, Carl, Kate and Brian - is on an end table, and a newspaper's front page. INSERT - THE HEADLINE "PRESIDENT PHILLIPS VISITS SEATTLE." BACK TO SCENE

EXT. OLD BUSINESS BUILDING / SIDEWALK - DAY - LATER Sunset. A work site is behind a sign - "NORAD." A HARD-HAT WORKER locks a shed door. Sign - "DANGER - EXPLOSIVES." ACROSS THE STREET Tara sips a Starbuck go-cup, leans against a building, and watches the Hard-Hat Worker meet two workers on the sidewalk. She wears hooker clothes, blond wig and bandaged left hand. Hookers give her nasty looks as she follows the workers to a bar. 80. INT. SEEDY MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Wrapped in a cheap towel, a nude Tara removes a cell phone and keys from the Hard-hat Worker's jacket. A large bloody butcher knife is by the book's last page photo of Dave and his family. CARL (V.O.) I wish you could stay longer. BATHROOM Soap bubbles and water is frothy pink. The Hard-hat Worker sprawls nude in an old tub. Blood gurgles from a slit throat. BRIAN (V.O.) Me, too.

INT. CARL AND KATE'S KITCHEN - SAME NIGHT Carl, Kate and Brian eat ice cream. Dave shares ice cream with Mira, in a highchair. DAVE Wish I could, but I have things to do.

EXT. DAVE'S HOUSE / YARD - NIGHT - LATER A figure creeps among trees and bushes to a darkened window, peeks inside, slowly opens a rear door,

INT. DAVE'S KITCHEN - NIGHT slithers through darkness, into the LIVING ROOM and glances around. MASTER BEDROOM Figure creeps inside and gazes about. LIVING ROOM A finger flips a wall switch. The light comes on. A phone is on a small table. 81. Tara fingers pages in a personal phone book, stares at a page - grins. Turk awakens on a couch - rubs his eyes. TURK Greetin's, Dave. He wears the sergeant's jacket and sheathed combat knife strapped on right calf. Tara's startled. Right hand grips the butcher knife. TARA Who are you? Turk stumbles to stand. TURK Tara? What you doin' here? TARA So you recognize me. I am going to kill David Tower and his grandson, whom he adores. TURK What? TARA Who are you? TURK Dave's best friend. Tara shows Turk the pearl-handled revolver under the Levi jacket. TARA I would love to shoot Dave's best friend, but that is too easy. I have driven many hours and require exercise. Turk sneers and sees her bandaged left hand. TARA (CONT'D) You are a simple and stupid infidel whose hands shake! For a drunk, you try to look confident. 82. TURK Simple, yes. Stupid, no. Had no booze goin' on two years. You and your kind's the worst cowards, killin' innocent with planes, rockets and bombs! TARA I also enjoy killing up close and watch a slow and painful death. This is your fate. TURK Ain't gonna happen. TARA Really? As you bleed out, think of Dave and Brian, and wonder how they will die. And think of me. Turk grabs the knife from the leg sheath. They circle one another with expert knife and body movements. Tara's in control: jabs - knives flash - misses - slices on Marine and Levi jackets. They circle for right time to strike. Turk's right arm's bloody. TARA (CONT'D) Not bad, but your movements are slow. I toy with you. I see your name is Turk. TURK Sergeant Turk. United States Marines. I may have slowed ah bit but -- TARA Well, Sergeant Turk. Where did you learn to knife fight? TURK Special Forces. Desert Storm. I also like to fight and kill up close in tunnels. TARA You were a famous tunnel rat? TURK Yeah. Me and Dave got the Silver Star. 83. TARA I've killed many -- A knife flashes - slices Turk's right arm - sudden jabs into his stomach. TARA (CONT'D) -- war heroes. More jabs pierce into his stomach. A bloody arm clutches his stomach. Wild-eyed, shocked, he drops the knife. A sudden kick smashes his jaw - snaps his head back. Tara spins away. Turk's on his back; a bloody mess. She kicks his limp head. TARA (CONT'D) You were an easy kill. I hope sergeant David Tower is a better U-S Special Forces Marine. I salute you and your Silver Star Medal. She spits on him - smashes another head kick.

INT. SEATTLE FEDERAL BUILDING OFFICE - NEXT DAY HELMS sits at a desk, name plaque - "J.A. HELMS - U.S. MARSHAL - AGENT IN CHARGE." Dave paces in front of bay windows. DAVE The morning paper had a story on a local demolition worker found murdered in a motel room. C-four was stolen from his work site. HELMS This agency only investigates federal crimes. DAVE Tara's description matches the woman who rented the room. HELMS (V.O.) Ty Briggs runs that case. He's somewhere in Arizona, Mexican border. No one steps uninvited on his national ranch. 84. DAVE I wiped his horse shit into the dirt two days ago. HELMS Lucky you. DAVE This is a Marshal's case! Not a Ty Briggs' case! Tara's M-O, like in Pasadena and New York, will be for the greater glory of her Allah. Her target will kill many people. I have an idea. HELMS Send Ty a case of silver bullets and write your assumption in a Sears Catalog get well card. Dave gazes out a window: busy city - Space Needle - bay - ferry boats.

INT. / EXT. DAVE'S SUV - DAY - LATER Dave drives on a rural two-lane road and glances at Tara. She drives a green van in the opposite direction and wears a blond wig.

INT. TARA'S VAN - DAY - LATER Parked. Tara watches Kate back a van out of her driveway - Brian and Mira properly secured in back seat. Tara follows Kate's van.

INT. TARA'S VAN - DAY Tara watches Kate carry Mira and push Brian in wheelchair, into a school building.

INT. DAVE'S LIVING ROOM - DAY Dave examines a bloody and dazed Turk. Stab and slash marks shred the sergeant's jacket, Marine shirt and Dave's bullet riddled Kevlar vest. 85. TURK Tara. Said, kill Brian.

INT. KIRKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL OFFICE - DAY A female CLERK gazes out a window. CLERK (into desk phone) You're Brian's grandfather? DAVE (V.O.) Yes. Please keep Brian in the office until the police arrive. CLERK His mother just put him into a green van.

EXT. SCHOOL / PARKING LOT / PLAYGROUND - DAY Tara jumps into the van; Brian, front seat. The wheelchair's overturned by the passenger side. DAVE (V.O.) Stop her! The Clerk leans out window and points. CLERK Stop the woman in the green van! Stop her! A group of children have fun on a playground. TWO WOMEN stare at the Clerk. CLERK (CONT'D) Stop the woman in the green van! In the parking lot! Tara's van backs up. The Two Women run toward the van. TWO WOMEN Stop! Stop!

INT. TARA'S VAN - DAY Brian's frightened. Tara backs up - spots the Two Women run toward her shouting, "Stop! Stop! Children trail behind. 86. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY The panicked Two Women turn and flee toward the children. The van races backwards over the Two Women. Children cry and gaze at the Two Women's bodies and overturned wheelchair. The van races away, BRIAN (O.S.) Let me out! TARA (O.S.) Silence, you crippled brat! SKIDS onto the STREET and BRIAN (O.S.) Grandpa will get you for this! SCREECHES around a corner. TARA (V.O.) My prayers will be answered. (cruel laugh)

INT. CARL'S LIVING ROOM - NEXT DAY Carl holds Mira and comforts Kate. Helms wears earphones, monitors a tape recorder and watches Dave. Ty listens on a cell phone. DAVE (into phone) I need to talk to Brian.

EXT. WHARF - DAY Deserted area. Light shards sparkle off the distant Space Needle. Brain's in the van's front seat. Tara, blond wig, paces as a freighter passes. TARA (into cell phone) Why? If he is dead or alive, you will show up either way. Just do as instructed. 87. DAVE (V.O.) Don't even think about it or -- TARA (into cell phone) You are in no position to give orders, or threaten me, Sergeant Tower.

INT. CARL'S LIVING ROOM - DAY Dave, Carl and Kate stare at Ty. TY Not enough time to trace the location. DAVE Tara demands no police involvement. I meet her unarmed and alone, then she calls Carl and gives Brian's release location. CARL Can she be trusted? DAVE She only wants me. TY I thought -- Ty notices Dave's frown and slight nod at the front door, and glances at Carl and Kate's anguish. Kate holds Mira.

EXT. CARL'S DRIVEWAY - DAY - LATER Ty and Dave square off. DAVE You almost blew it. Never mention around my family that Tara wants to kill Brian. TY Sorry. DAVE Sorry doesn't cut it! Ty nods. 88. DAVE (CONT'D) I need more than a damn nod. TY You got ah Texan's promise. DAVE I remember Tehachapi. Did you promise to deliver Tara to St. Louis? TY Yeah but -- DAVE Brian can die on a but! I know President Phillips is a target, and Tara wants to kill all three of us at the same time, perhaps with your gun. TY I lost my Betty and damn won't lose the battle in Seattle! DAVE We do it my way! Brian's my turf, and is the only one that must live! They go nose-to-nose and share hard looks.

EXT. SPACE NEEDLE REAR LOADING DOCK - SAME DAY A redheaded LATINA and male unload boxes from two catering trucks, onto flatbed dollies. They wear overalls with "ELITE CATERING," and photo I.D. badges. On the truck's sides - "ELITE CATERING." A Secret Service agent cuts open taped box lids and glances at the contents.

INT. TARA'S VAN - DAY Tara watches the Latina and man push loaded dollies into the Space Needle. Brian's in front seat. 89. INT. / EXT. TARA'S VAN - DAY - LATER Tara follows the Latina's truck on various streets; Brian, front seat. BRIAN My mom and dad will be really mad you took me! TARA I phoned and informed them you are with me. BRIAN Who are you? TARA You don't recognize me? Tara Rashab? I am famous. Like your Grandfather. BRIAN You're not his friend. You're bad. TARA (cruel laugh) Bad? We shard a profound life experience. I removed your Grandfather's leg. Now I'm going expand that pleasure and kill him and President Phillips. BRIAN You want to kill Grandpa? Take me home! Now! I want to go home! He grabs door handle. She jerks him back. BRIAN (CONT'D) Grandpa will take you down like Superman! TARA I never heard of him. Is he famous? BRIAN Yeah! And tough like Grandpa! TARA I have seen your grandpa in action. He does not stand a chance. 90. EXT. WAREHOUSE DISTRICT - STREET / ALLEY - DAY The catering truck turns into an alley and parks at a building's rear door. Sign - "ELITE CATERING." Tara's van parks a distance away.

EXT. WAREHOUSE DISTRICT STREET - DAY - LATER Deserted area. Latina's catering truck follows Tara's van. The van skids to a stop and they collide. Tara and the Latina jump out of their vehicles. LATINA What the hell you doin'? TARA I'm very sorry. The brakes seized. Perhaps we should inspect the damage. The Latina kneels and looks at truck's minor damage. A plastic bag jams over her head. A thin rope strangles her. She struggles. Muffled SCREAMS fades. She goes limp. Terrified, Brian watches Tara drag the Latina's body into the van's back.

INT. VIDEO GAME STORE PHOTO BOOTH - DAY - LATER A photo strip slides from a slot - four separate head-shots - Tara grins - wears a red wig.

INT. CATERING TRUCK - DAY Parked in a video store parking lot. Tara, driver side, inserts her photo over the Latina's photo I.D. and Super Glues the plastic edges together. She grins at Brian, sprawled by large boxes in the cargo area. Duct Tape binds his mouth, hands and ankles. She wears the Latina's overalls and a red wig.

EXT. SPACE NEEDLE REAR LOADING DOCK - DAY - LATER The Secret Service agent glances at the photo I.D., and Tara's bandaged left hand. 91. As she unloads three large boxes from the catering truck, onto a flatbed dolly, he admires her figure in "ELITE CATERING" overalls. He cuts open box tops and sees: oranges, lettuce and strawberries. Tara flirtingly slips a large strawberry into his grinning mouth, licks her fingers and touches his lips.

INT. SPACE NEEDLE STORAGE ROOM - DAY Tara pushes the loaded dolly out an elevator, glances around, and goes behind a wall. A wall ladder leads to the ceiling and a hatch door. She opens a box and removes the top carton layer of strawberries. Frightened, Brian stares at her, bound and gagged with Duct Tape. She opens several boxes and removes the top layer of produce revealing: backpack, trench coat, prayer rug, cell phone, Duct Tape, pearl-handled revolver, and C-4 explosives with a timer.

EXT. SPACE NEEDLE ROOF - DAY From the wall ladder's top rung and through the hatch door, Tara pulls a frightened Brian onto the roof. The backpack's secure on her back.

INT. DAVE'S SUV - DAY Dave drives in downtown Seattle. He wears a tuxedo and ear- receiver. DAVE My next stop's the museum, one block ahead. BRIGGS (V.O.) Roger.

EXT. MUSEUM PARKING LOT - DAY Dave parks the SUV. 92. DAVE I'm headed to the phone. BRIGGS (V.O.) Roger.

INTERCUT TELEPHONE CONVERSATION - TARA AND DAVE - DAY Dave's at the museum's outside wall phone. Tara speaks into a cell phone atop the Space Needle's roof. The trench coat is over her shoulders. She wears the red wig. Brian sits on a prayer rug. TARA Go next to the -- DAVE Let me speak to Brian. TARA Since I like children so much -- BRIAN Grandpa, help me! TARA Heard enough? DAVE You hurt Brian and -- TARA You will do what? Kill me? Brian dies if you disregard my instructions. BRIAN Help! Save me, Grandpa! TARA Silence, Brian! She kicks his leg braces. He screams. TARA (CONT'D) Sergeant Tower. Go to --

INT. \ EXT. DAVE'S SUV - DAY A grim Dave drives on a downtown street. 93. TY (V.O.) This has to be the last stop. DAVE It better be. I bet Brian's life on it. TY (V.O.) Loud and clear ten-four on that. He drives several blocks and parks in the SPACE NEEDLE'S PARKING LOT. His detailed observations surveys the surrounding area. Arriving limousines and expensive cars discharge tuxedo dressed men and elegantly dressed women, checked by a SECRET SERVICE AGENT at the building's entrance. DAVE I'm going into the Needle. TY (V.O.) Roger. He hides ear receiver inside the right sock.

EXT. SPACE NEEDLE ENTRANCE - DAY The Agent inspects Dave's LAPD I.D. card, guest invitation and a guest list. SECRET SERVICE AGENT How's retirement and fame, Sergeant Tower? Got a gun? DAVE No gun! And fame and retirement suck! The Agent waves a metal detector over Dave's body. A BUZZER sounds at the lower right leg. Dave lifts the pant-leg and reveals the prosthesis. DAVE (CONT'D) I get a big kick showing off the hardware. The Agent looks at Dave like he's crazy. 94. INT. SPACE NEEDLE ROOF RESTAURANT HALLWAY - DAY The elevator door opens. Two elegantly dressed couples and Dave exit. Dave wears the ear receiver and watches a Secret Service agent examine the couple's I.D., invitation and guest list at the restaurant's entrance. Dave goes to a wall phone and watches a SECRET SERVICE AGENT guard a door. Sign - "ROOF STAIRCASE." DAVE I'm at a wall phone near the restaurant. TY (V.O.) Roger. Dave glances at his watch, holds down the disconnect button and puts the phone to ear. He watches the Secret Service Agent watch him, and releases the disconnect button at the moment of the first RING. DAVE (into phone) Let me speak to Brian. TARA (V.O.) Say farewell on the roof. He hangs up phone. DAVE Tara's on the roof. TY (V.O.) Roger. He puts the ear receiver into a pocket, goes to the Secret Service Agent at staircase door and shows the LAPD I.D. card. DAVE I'm sick and called my doctor. He said to get lots of fresh air. (gags) How about the roof. I don't want to barf on your shiny shoes. SECRET SERVICE AGENT The roof's been cleared. Don't make a mess where we'll step in it. 95. INT. / EXT. STAIRCASE LANDING / ROOF - DAY Dave peeks around the doorframe. At the ROOF's edge, Tara gazes about as the sunset melts into the bay's darkening water. Brian sits on a prayer rug, spots Dave and starts to holler. Dave's finger's over his lips. Brian nods. Dave closes the door, takes deep breath, and puts the receiver into his ear. DAVE Tara and Brian are on the roof. TY (V.O.) Roger. Turn up the transmitter. He turns up a transmitter tapped to prosthesis's top. DAVE I'm going in deaf. TY (V.O.) Good luck in the tunnel. He puts the ear-receiver into the prosthesis's sock.

EXT. SPACE NEEDLE ENTRANCE - DAY The Secret Service Agent relaxes and looks around the area. TY (V.O.) Teams One and Two. It's a go! Don't take crap from anyone! From out of hidden locations, twenty swat marshals swarm the front door and into the building. One marshal holds the startled Agent at gunpoint.

EXT. SPACE NEEDLE ROOF - DAY Tara kneels on the prayer rug - grins nastily at Brian - puts her head on the rug by his braces. BRIAN You're in big trouble when Grandpa gets here! 96. TARA Silence! I'm praying! BRIAN Pray hard for forgiveness because you're really going to need it! Dave opens the roof door. DAVE Let Brian go. TARA Welcome, Sergeant Tower. A happy Brian crawls toward Dave. Tara grabs a leg brace. BRIAN Let go! He struggles. She drags him onto the prayer rug. DAVE Relax, Brian. I'll take care of everything. Brian grins at Dave; glares at Tara. BRIAN I warned you about Grandpa! You're dead meat! TARA You are correct, you little infidel! And you, Sergeant Tower, are dressed to kill or be killed! Dave takes off the coat, vest, bow tie and shirt and reveals a LAPD swat tee-shirt. He holds up his hands and turns around. DAVE No one has to die. I'm unarmed as instructed and surrender. Now please release Brian. Tara grins at Dave and a determined Brian. TARA Allah has willed that you, Brian and President Phillips must die by my hand. She yanks off the red wig - removes the cell phone from a trench coat pocket - offers it to Dave. 97. TARA (CONT'D) Perhaps you desire to phone the stupid Secret Service? I have a wonderful surprise for both of you. A once in a lifetime experience. The trench coat slides off her shoulders. The pearl-handle revolver's in the waistband. Her body is covered from knees to shoulders with C-4 explosives and a timer secured with Duct Tape. A finger touches the timer switch. Digital red numbers: 00:00. Dave moves closer to Brian and stops. Tara grins. DAVE You promised to release Brian if I surrendered. He's not a part of this, nor is President Phillips. TARA All infidels are a part of this! You are a fool to believe your fellow man or woman, and especially me! Brian edges closer toward Dave. TARA (CONT'D) I saw your Jay Leno interview. You should be extremely careful about divulging the area you and your family live, and your stupid beliefs. I quote, "Don't be deceived by appearances and actions. Dave edges toward Brian. TARA (CONT'D) If one searches deep into the soul's cracks and crevices they can discover many hidden aspects and a wonderful inner peace." DAVE That's my belief which grows stronger every day since our lives will remain join whether you approve or not. TARA I will never approve our life together. After reading your book, "Forgiveness," you have proven a bigger fool than I believed. 98. DAVE Perhaps you have a point. TARA My point is since we are joined as one, I will approve dying together with the multitudes below us and the swine, President Phillips. She grins as Dave edges toward Brian and stops. TARA (CONT'D) If you had not saved me, I would have sacrificed my fetus because Allah has willed me the duty to eliminate infidels: man, woman and (crazy grin at Brian) child. DAVE Your Allah and my God are the same...

INT. SPACE NEEDLE ELEVATOR - DAY Ten grim swat marshals. DAVE (V.O. CONT'D) ...Our God would never will His followers to do terrible deeds...

EXT. SPACE NEEDLE ROOF - DAY Dave edges toward Brian and stops. DAVE (CONT'D) ...If you believe I should die by your hand, kill me however you want. Don't kill innocent people. Please deactivate the bomb. Tara laughs insanely, flips timer switch - 3:00 - 2:59 - 2:58. TARA Deactivation is impossible... 99. INT. SPACE NEEDLE ROOF RESTAURANT - DAY Festivities are in full swing. President Phillips and guests chatter, eat, drink Dom Perignon, laugh, dance to band MUSIC and admire the sunset. TARA (V.O. CONT'D) ...No one in the building can escape their blessed death!

EXT. SPACE NEEDLE ROOF - DAY Dave edges closer to Brian. BRIAN Grandpa, help me! I don't want to die! Tara grins as Dave puts an arm around Brian's shoulder. TARA This is a touching (finger caresses the timer: 1:59 - 1:58) moment we should all enjoy. DAVE (to Brian) It's all right. When the time comes, we'll be taken into the sky. (points at sunset) TARA You are a stupid infidel to believe your words!

INT. SPACE NEEDLE RESTAURANT HALLWAY - DAY Two elevator doors open. Ten swat marshals run from one elevator toward the wall phone staircase door and the startled Secret Service Agent. Nine swat marshals run from second elevator toward the restaurant entrance and startled Secret Service agents.

INT. SPACE NEEDLE ROOF RESTAURANT - DAY Everyone enjoys a great time. Nine swat marshals rush inside, spread out and point weapons. Everyone panics. 100. Three marshals race toward President Phillips as Secret Service agents draw weapons. MARSHALS (simultaneously) U-S Marshals! Drop all weapons! We're here to save you!

EXT. TIMER - DAY Numbers descend - 2:36 - 2:35 - 2:34. DAVE - BRIAN - TARA Dave holds Brian. Tara grins. DAVE If we are to die, you will die by my hand. TARA Allah and I will deny you that pleasure. Tara follows Dave, carrying Brian to the roof edge, onto a small, narrow ladder, and down a roof slant to a narrow flat area. The ladder continues over building's side. DAVE (to Tara - shouts) Now (grins) for my surprise. A large, black helicopter silently rises, hovers and generates powerful wind. Rotor blades slash at the roof tower. Ty dangles two slings attached to one powered cable. He wears Western attire.

INT. SPACE NEEDLE STAIRCASE - DAY Ten swat marshals race up the stairs.

EXT. SPACE NEEDLE ROOF / HELICOPTER - DAY Ty lowers the slings as Dave, Brian and Tara struggle to stand against fierce wind. 101. Dave releases Brian, slumped down on the narrow ledge. Dave grabs at the elusive sling - nearly falls off roof - regains balance. His right leg kicks Tara onto her back. The timer shows - 1:36 - 1:37. Dave makes a last ditch lunge for a sling, puts it over his head - secures it under both arms. Dave reaches for Brian. A gust blows Brian off the roof. Brian grabs a ladder step with both hands - feet kick space. His foot finds a step. He reaches toward Dave's out-stretched hand - fingers a foot apart. BRIAN Help! Save me, Grandpa! Tara pries at Brian's fingers - glares at Dave. DAVE Noooo! Swat marshals race to the sloped roof, point weapons, but don't shoot Tara as Dave and Brian block a shot. Dave reaches for Brian's out-stretched hand - six inches apart. The wind is fierce. Tara pulls one, then two of Brian's fingers off the step.

INT. HELICOPTER - DAY Ty grips the cable with one hand and control mechanism in the other hand - sees Tara pry Brain's fingers.

EXT. ROOF - DAY Tara grips Brian's wrist - twists his fingers off the step - glares into Dave's terror - dangles Brian in space. Dave swings on the sling - reaches for Brian. DAVE Noooo! TARA Yessss! She releases Brian's wrist as the cable drops Dave. 102. Dave grabs Brian - secures him in the second sling. Tara leaps at Dave. His right leg kicks her hands. She grabs his calf.

INT. SPACE NEEDLE ROOF RESTAURANT - DAY Everyone's astonished, from President Phillips to dishwashers, and watch Dave and Brian and Tara hang on Dave's leg as they swing on the cable.

EXT. HELICOPTER - DAY The helicopter turns from the Space Needle, toward open water. Dave, Brian and Tara swing on the cable. TIMER - :35 - :34. DAVE and TARA. DAVE (smiles) Welcome aboard. You played right into my hand, or should I say onto my leg. He rips the pant-leg to above the knee. Hand over bloody bandaged hand, Tara slowly inches to the prosthesis' top. Dave yanks a combat knife from a sheath taped to his thigh. Duct Tape secures the timer to Tara's chest. TARA Are you going to stab me? The blade slices loose a tape strap. The timer loosens - :16, :15. DAVE I'm going to let you live. The blade cuts loose a leather strap. The prosthesis loosens. TARA Noooo! Another cut leather strap loosens the prosthesis. TARA (CONT'D) You said you would let me live! 103. DAVE I didn't say for how long. TARA You can't kill a woman! DAVE You forfeited that right the first time you murdered and turned evil. The demons in your eyes condemn you for failure to kill your most hated infidels. May our God have mercy on you even though you didn't give it to your many victims. TARA Noooo! Noooo! DAVE Yesss! He cuts another leather straps. The prosthesis slowly slides off the stump. Tara screams and holds the prosthesis in the right hand like Statue Of Liberty holds torch. TIMER - :04 - :03. TARA TARA You have failed me, Allah!

INT. SPACE NEEDLE RESTAURANT - DAY Everyone watches the helicopter bank sharply and races away as Tara falls. A huge EXPLOSION. Three marshals dive onto President Phillips and cover him. The room rocks. Windows BLAST inward. Everyone screams and tumbles. Furniture and debris swirl and crash. The room quits rocking. Everyone survives.

INT. HELICOPTER - DAY Ty lifts Brian and Dave into the helicopter. Exhausted, Dave and Brian hug. 104. BRIAN We flew like Superman. DAVE And I kept my promise. Always faithful. A small wire hangs from Dave's torn pant-leg. TY Other than minor mishaps on your part, the plan worked great. Tara was worse than ah rabid Texas sidewinder. (touches wire) And you cut loose a very expensive transmitter. DAVE I cut loose our Nation's nightmare. TY You can be prosecuted for destroyin' government property. DAVE I'll plead guilty and save taxpayers' money. BRIAN He can't do that! You're a hero! DAVE Perhaps a bribe to not prosecute? He pulls the pearl-handle revolver from his waistband and gives it to an astonished Ty. TY Betty! Now you earned to know . I flunked third grade math, and toughen my flank with the Sears catalog panties and bra section.

INT. DAVE'S LIVING ROOM - DAY SUPER: "ONE MONTH LATER." Dave types on a computer. A CD plays light symphonic MUSIC. TURK (O.S.) How goes the new novel? 105. Dave's bullet riddled and shredded Kevlar vest hangs on a hook. On opposite sides of the vest the photo - Dave and Turk at the Iraqi desert hole. Two Silver Star Medals hang on the polished-battered frame. DAVE (O.S.) I made you the lieutenant. I'm the sergeant. On the other side the photo - On stage, Dave and the "squad" wear a medal of Valor around their neck. A Medal of Valor hangs on a brass frame. KITCHEN Dave watches Turk cook. TURK If I'm ah lieutenant, why do I cook in this mess hall? DAVE Because the sergeant does dishes. They laugh.

EXT. MATT'S FISHING BOAT - DAY SUPER: "ONE YEAR LATER." A CD player plays light symphonic MUSIC. The "squad" and Ty drink "PIG PISS" beer and fish from BOTH SIDES of the boat. At the STERN, Turk, Dave, Kate, holding Mira (2), Carl and Matt laugh, clap and cheer. Ty and the "squad" join in. Brian walks without leg braces - grips a bent fishing pole - reels in the line. Turk opens two Pepsi cans and gives Dave one. TURK Here's to the nation's latest best seller, "The Tunnel Of Love." Semper fi, Sergeant. DAVE Always faithful, Lieutenant. They toast cans and watch Brian reel a huge fish to the boat. 106. BRIAN That's us! DAVE That's true, my favorite grandson! BRIAN I'm your only grandson! Everyone laughs. Dave nets a large king salmon, swings it on deck and gives it to Brian. Brian proudly raises the fish. Dave puts an arm around Brian's shoulder. DAVE In a few years you will have to compete for the biggest fish with you sister. BRIAN I'll take my chances. Brian and Dave laugh. Turk takes their picture. Dave joins Kate and she hands him Mira. He holds her on a knee and tickles under her chin. She giggles - dark eyes - Tara's eyes - slowly appear sinister; a glimpse into a possible future psychopath. TARA (V.O.) The cute little ones make you want to eat them. And when they grow up, you wish you had. Your ancestral blood will flow pure another thousand years. DAVE (V.O.) Like it or not we're bound together forever. That's another truth.