Agenda to Notify the Clerk of Matters for Inclusion on the Agenda for the Next Meeting

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Agenda to Notify the Clerk of Matters for Inclusion on the Agenda for the Next Meeting HAWES & HIGH ABBOTSIDE PARISH COUNCIL CLERK: Mrs Karen Prudden Coatie, Bainbridge, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 3EF Telephone: 01969 650706 E-mail: [email protected] Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend a Meeting of Hawes & High Abbotside Parish Council, starting at 6.30 pm, to be held on THURSDAY 26th AUGUST 2021 via ‘Zoom’. Members of the public wishing to attend this meeting should contact the Clerk in advance to ensure they receive a link to the meeting ================================================================================== MEETING OF HAWES & HIGH ABBOTSIDE PARISH COUNCIL A G E N D A 1. Notification of the Council’s expectations in respect of recording of the meeting 2. Apologies for Absence To receive apologies and approve the reasons for absence. 3. Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. 4. Minutes of the Last Meeting To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 29th June 2021 as a true and correct record and to sign them as such. 5. Ongoing Matters To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:- 5.1. To receive an update on the Appersett and Burtersett village signs 5.2. To receive an update on the clearance of overgrown hedges overhanging footpaths 6. Planning Applications To Consider Planning Applications:- 6.1 R/56/520 - Householder Planning Permission for erection of glazed canopy extension and associated alterations at 5 Moorcock Cottages, Garsdale, Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5PT - Responses by 5th August 6.2 R/56/467B/LB - Listed Building Consent for removal of timber stair and brick flank walls full height, installation of new timber stairs ground to first and first to second floor levels, insertion of three conservation type roof windows in front slope at Beckstones House, Gayle, Hawes, DL8 3SA - Responses by 10th August 6.3 R/56/185J - FPP for siting of two barrel top huts within woodland to provide short stay self-catering holiday accommodation at Thorney Mire Barn, Appersett Gill, Appersett, DL8 3LU - Responses by 10th August 6.4 R/48/71A - Householder Planning Permission for alterations to stair roof and rear window to create increased headroom at Fell View, Cotterdale, DL8 3LT - Responses by 11th August 6.5 R/56/522A - Householder Planning Permission for construction of raised patio to rear and car parking area to side at Scarr View, The Gaits, Gayle, DL8 3RU - Responses by 18th August 6.6 R/56/522 - FPP for conversion and alteration of a domestic outbuilding to a dwelling, including relevant demolitions at Scarr View, The Gaits, Gayle, DL8 3RU - Responses by 18th August 7. Planning Decisions To Receive Decisions/Information Relating to Recent Planning Applications 7.1 None received. 8. Highways Matters 8.1 To receive an update on traffic increase through Burtersett from Cllr Y Peacock 8.2 To receive an update on the vehicles speeding in The Holme from Cllr Y Peacock 8.3 To receive feedback from Cllr Y Peacock regarding temporary repairs near Bear Cottage Interiors 8.4 Weeds on footpaths 9. Financial Matters 9.1. To approve the following accounts for payment: ➢ Mrs K Prudden - £403.75 - Clerk’s Salary for May, June & July ➢ HMRC - £43.20 - PAYE for Month Ending 5th June 2021 (paid) ➢ HMRC - £26.00 - PAYE for Months Ending 5th July and 5th August 9.2 To acknowledge the following income:- ➢ None Received 9.2. To receive the latest bank balances and sign statements 9.3. To receive an update on the change of bank from HSBC to Unity Trust Bank 10. Correspondence To consider the following correspondence received and decide action where necessary:- 10.1. Email from the Richmondshire Climate Action Partnership regarding the Communitree Project 10.2. Information received from the Upper Dales Health Watch regarding services at the Central Dales Practice 10.3. Email from YDNPA regarding the Local Plan 2023-2040 and Consultation No 4 - Exploring our Options: Local Occupancy and Barns 10.4. Email from resident concerning dangerous exit from their property 11. Children’s Play Park 11.1 To acknowledge an application to the RDC grant funding scheme for new play equipment 12. Important Matters Raised by the Public for Inclusion on the next Agenda To notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the Agenda for the next meeting. 13. Date of Next Meeting To confirm the date and venue of the next meeting. 14. Proposal to Move to Private Session 15. Parish Clerk Contract & Remuneration To consider and agree the terms and remuneration for the Parish Council Clerk. 16. Proposal to Move out of Private Session .
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