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Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Article ‘Non-protected’ as , pets and pests in southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Paul Kaseya Kazaba

26 February 2019 | Vol. 11 | No. 3 | Pages: 13251–13260 DOI: 10.11609/jot.4669.11.3.13251-13260

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Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13251–13260 Article ‘Non-protected’ primates as bushmeat, pets and pests in southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Paul Kaseya Kazaba ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Ecology, Ecological Restoraton and Landscape (EREP) Research Unit, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, PLATINUM University of Lubumbashi, B.P. 1825 Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo. Pan African University Life and Earth Sciences Insttute (PAULESI), University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. OPEN ACCESS [email protected]

Abstract: This artcle reports the uses of primates in a fast-expanding city, and human- interactons in the vicinity of a protected area in southeastern Democratc Republic of Congo (DRC). Surveys in markets, households and restaurants suggested that primate is frequently sold and consumed in the city of Lubumbashi. Carcasses of diurnal monkeys accounted for almost 10% of the total weight of smoked bushmeat sold between March and July 2016 in urban markets, and in 21% of households the last bushmeat consumed prior the date of the survey was of a primate species. Kinda Papio kindae, Malbrouck Monkeys cynosuros and Blue Monkeys Cercopithecus mits were found illegally kept as pets. Occasional observatons and questonnaire surveys carried out in both the Sector North of Upemba Natonal Park and its neighboring areas, indicated wild populatons of these species which were mentoned as “pest primates” by 73% of respondents. There is no compensaton scheme for damages caused by wildlife to crops, and culling problematc was listed by a majority (70%) of respondents as the most efectve way to repel crop-raiding primates. Given the current populaton growth, and considering the increasing spatal overlap between human actvites and wildlife, wild populatons of these primates are no doubt at risk, but all the three species belong to the Least Concern category on the latest version of the IUCN Red List. The Blue Monkey is a ‘partally protected’ species in DRC, while the two other beneft from less strict conservaton measures and their legal status of ‘non-protected’ remains. This situaton illustrates the necessity of updatng legal status and establishing a Red List of species at the country level.

Keywords: Cercopithecine monkeys, human-wildlife interactons, , wildlife conservaton.

French Abstract: Cet artcle décrit les utlisatons des primates dans une ville en expansion et les interactons humains-primates à proximité d’une aire protégée dans le sud-est de la République démocratque du Congo (RDC). Des enquêtes conduites au niveau des marchés, des ménages et des restaurants ont suggéré que la viande des primates est fréquemment vendue et consommée dans la ville de Lubumbashi. En efet, les carcasses des primates représentaient près de 10% du poids de la viande de brousse vendue entre mars et juillet 2016 sur les marchés communaux. Dans 21% des ménages, la dernière viande consommée avant la période de l’enquête était d’une espèce de primate. Des babouins (Papio kindae), des singes de Malbrouck (Chlorocebus cynosuros) et singes bleus (Cercopithecus mits) ont été trouvés illégalement détenus comme animaux de compagnie. Des observatons occasionnelles et des enquêtes réalisées dans le Parc natonal de l’Upemba et ses environs ont indiqué la présence de ces trois espèces, qui ont été qualifées de «primates nuisibles» par 73% des répondants. Il n’existe aucun système de compensaton des dommages causés par les animaux sauvages, et l’abatage des animaux à problèmes a été mentonné par la majorité (70%) des répondants comme le meilleur moyen de répulsion des primates ravageurs des cultures. Etant donné le rythme actuel de croissance démographique et le chevauchement croissant entre les actvités humaines et la faune, ces primates sont sans doute en péril. Ils restent néanmoins dans la catégorie « Préoccupaton mineure » sur la Liste rouge de l’UICN; le singe bleu est une espèce «partellement protégée», tandis que les deux autres espèces conservent leur statut juridique «animaux non encore protégés». Cete situaton illustre la nécessité de metre à jour le statut juridique et d’établir une liste rouge des espèces au niveau des pays.

DOI: htps:// Editor: Mewa Singh, University of Mysore, Mysuru, India. Date of publicaton: 26 February 2019 (online & print) Manuscript details: #4669 | Received 02 November 2018 | Final received 21 December 2018 | Finally accepted 22 January 2019 Citaton: Kazaba, P.K. (2019). ‘Non-protected’ primates as bushmeat, pets and pests in southeastern Democratc Republic of Congo. Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(3): 13251–13260; htps:// Copyright: © Kazaba 2019. Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of this artcle in any medium by adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton. Funding: Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement supérieur (ARES), Rue Royale 180, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium. Competng interests: The author declares no competng interests. Author Details: Paul Kaseya Kazaba currently works at the Department of Natural Resources Management, University of Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo. Paul does research in wildlife management, primatology and forest ecology. Acknowledgements: We warmly thank Professor D. Tshikung (University of Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo) and Dr. R.C. Beudels-Jamar (Royal Belgian Insttute for Natural Sciences) for their precious comments and suggestons on surveys of the bushmeat trade; Dr. M.-C. Huynen (University of Liège, Belgium) for her help in the identfcaton of primates kept as pets in Lubumbashi, and Mr. R. Katembo (Congolese Insttute for the Conservaton of Nature) for his collaboraton during data collecton in Upemba Natonal Park.

13251 Non-protected primates threatened in Congo Kazaba

INTRODUCTION opportunistc and less-threatened to date are also hunted (Tshikung & Pongombo 2009) and survive in The latest (2018-19) Red List published by the human-disturbed areas. Internatonal Union for Conservaton of Nature (IUCN) This study examines the use of primates in suggests that more than 60% of the 440 species of Lubumbashi, a fast-expanding city in the south-east of primates (hereafer used in reference to non-human the DRC, and presents a preliminary appraisal of their primates) evaluated are threatened with extncton situaton in the wild. This was done by analyzing data on: (listed Vulnerable, Endangered or Critcally Endangered). (i) the bushmeat trade and consumpton, (ii) primates Indeed, the status of the majority of primates is kept as pets in Lubumbashi, and (iii) the presence of worsening (Schwitzer et al. 2014), mainly because of primates and human-primate conficts in the vicinity of habitat loss and fragmentaton (Roberts et al. 2016) Upemba Natonal Park. and poaching (Cheyne 2009; Ceballos-Mago et al. 2010; Oates 2013; Mallon et al. 2015; Estrada et al. 2017) across the world. MATERIALS AND METHODS In , primates are poached for bushmeat (Fa et al. 1995; Refsch & Koné 2005; Mossoun et al. Study Area 2015) and for multple uses in traditonal medicine The study was conducted in seven municipalites of (Carpaneto & Germi 1989; Alves et al. 2010; Svensson et Lubumbashi (11.450–11.783 0S & 27.327–27.667 0E) and al. 2015). In additon, the illegal keeping and trafcking at three locatons in rural areas: Lusinga Staton (8.9330S of live primates has been mentoned in several artcles & 27.2050E) in the Sector North of Upemba Natonal (Gambalemoke et al. 2000; van Lavieren 2008; Kabasawa Park, and Kasungeshi (8.9380S & 27.3800E) and Mumbolo 2009; Ebua et al. 2014; van Uhm 2016). Poaching and (9.1090S & 27.2580E), two villages neighboring the park illegal trade are among the major impediments to the (Fig. 1). With an estmated populaton of 2.088 million survival of many primate species in several countries in 2018 (UN-Habitats 2014), Lubumbashi, the second across the contnent. largest city of DRC, is connected to other cites by railway The Democratc Republic of Congo (DRC) has and a number of roads, some of which cross both a signifcant role to play in primate conservaton Upemba and Kundelungu Natonal Parks in southeastern (Chapman et al. 2006; Estrada et al. 2017). This DRC. country is characterized by a large diversity of habitats The major part of the study area is under a and a considerable variety of primates, represented tropical climate coded Cw, according to the Köppen’s by more than 30 species, including three of the four Classifcaton (Malaisse 2010), with a rainy season types of great apes (Rainer et al. 2014) and the recently lastng from November to March, and a dry season described Lesula (Cercopithecus lomamiensis) (Hart et from May to September; October and April are al. 2012). Overall, Congolese wildlife is protected by a considered as transitonal months (Assani 1999). With set of legal instruments and a large network of protected an annual average of 20°C, temperatures vary from 16 areas (Inogwabini 2014). Unfortunately, challenges in to 33°C; the annual mean rainfall is 1300mm (Saad et managing parks and reserves (IUCN, 2010) and the lack al. 2012). Around both Lubumbashi and the Sector of local evaluaton and updates of both conservaton North of Upemba Natonal Park, open forests (Miombo and legal status of species, make wildlife increasingly woodlands), the main forest type of the south of the vulnerable to anthropogenic threats. DRC, are human-dominated and highly fragmented Primates are threatened across all ecoregions of the (Kabulu et al. 2008; Munyemba & Bogaert 2014). DRC; for example in the west, center and east of the country characterized by diverse types of rainforests, Surveys on the Trade and Consumpton of Primate endangered great apes (Bonobos, Chimpanzees and Meat Gorillas) as well as smaller primates are poached for Data on the trade of primate meat were collected the consumpton of their meat, and for trade as pets in the major markets of the seven municipalites of (Hartt e al. 2008; Hicks et al. 2010; Stles et al. 2013). Lubumbashi. To avoid bias due to the possible negatve In the south-east Zambezian part of the country (White percepton of the consumpton or trade of primate 1983), which, is covered mainly by savannas and meat, surveys were extended to all types of bushmeat, Miombo woodlands (Malaisse 2010; Kabulu et al. 2008; which were grouped into four categories for statstcal Munyemba & Bogaert 2014), some primates deemed analyses: reptles and three orders in (rodents,

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Figure 1. Lubumbashi City and the three villages surveyed in the vicinites of Upemba Natonal Park, southeastern Democratc Republic of Congo (DRC).

artodactyls and primates). A total of 30 vendors who With respect to the preference and consumpton of regularly sell bushmeat were selected for the frst part primate meat, surveys were carried out in all the seven of the survey. Questonnaires consisted of both open- municipalites of Lubumbashi and were focused on a ended and close-ended questons formulated in order to total of 140 households and 20 restaurants selected collect and collate informaton on characteristcs of the randomly. Questonnaires were addressed to household trade, quanttes of carcasses, sites of origin, and trends members who usually purchase and/or prepare food. in the availability of bushmeat. For the same reason as in surveys at the market level, we Eighteen of the 30 selected vendors agreed to collected informaton on the consumpton of bushmeat partcipate in the second part of the survey and to without any partcular emphasis on primate meat. provide qualitatve and quanttatve data on arrivals of bushmeat during the fve months (March­–July 2016) of Surveys on Primates Kept as Pets repeated surveys. Throughout this period, carcasses This part of the study took place in three stages. were counted and weighed at a two-week interval and First, informaton from veterinarian services of the each tme vendors reported new arrivals of bushmeat. seven municipalites and occasional observatons served This interval was fxed based on data from previous for identfying pet primates’ owners in Lubumbashi. surveys (Tshikung & Pongombo 2009) on bushmeat Second, the purpose of the study was presented to the trade in Lubumbashi. 74 pet primate owners identfed, and only 34 of them Carcasses were preliminarily identfed by consented to partcipate in the survey. Third, interviews macroscopic observaton. Although smoked, many were conducted between August 2015 and February primates were clearly visible and readily recognizable 2016. by body parts such as hands, feet and heads. Local Respondents provided informaton on local names, names used by respondents were linked with results of sites of origins, acquisiton, uses and living conditons molecular identfcaton of the bushmeat frequently sold of captve primates. Additonal informaton and in Lubumbashi (Didier Tshikung pers. comm. photographs were subsequently collected in March and served to confrm two species of primates which and April 2016 in order to identfy these animals at the were traded during the survey period. species level. Species’ range data on the IUCN Red List

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13251–13260 13253 Non-protected primates threatened in Congo Kazaba

(Butynski 2008; Kingdon 2008; Kingdon et al. 2016) and RESULTS pictorial identfcaton guides (Rowe 1996; Mitermeier et al. 2013), as well as the verifcaton by an expert Huntng Sites of Primates Used as Food and Pets (Marie-Claude Huynen, pers. comm. 02.viii.2016) were A majority (almost 80%) of the 30 vendors declared used to confrm the identfcaton of these primates. they buy primate carcasses (and other bushmeat) directly from hunters, who take specimens from a Collecton of Data on Primates in the Wild number of sites located more than 200km north of In order to gather preliminary informaton on the Lubumbashi. This informaton was used for mapping status of primates in the wild, surveys targeted human purposes and helped locate these sites (Fig. 2). setlements in the Sector North of the Upemba Natonal Almost two-third of the 36 primates kept as pets Park and were conducted in August and September in surveyed households were captured in the vicinites 2017. Questons were addressed to a sample of 117 of Kyubo (9.5290S & 27.0430E), Sampwe (9.3530S & respondents randomly selected at the three study 27.4380E) and Bunkeya (10.3980S & 26.9680E). These locatons (Fig. 1). villages are in the neighborhood of the Upemba- Questonnaires were used to obtain preliminary Kundelungu complex of protected areas. The rest of the informaton on abundance and distributon of the three sites are located in diferent landscapes of four provinces diurnal primates identfed at Lubumbashi. Data on in southeastern DRC: Upper Katanga, Upper Lomami, human-wildlife interactons, as well as respondents’ Lualaba and Tanganyika. appreciatons of the trends in wild populatons of these species in the area were also collected. Both Trade of Primate Meat in Markets park managers and rangers were also contacted for In surveyed markets of Lubumbashi, data on socio- verifcaton purposes. demographic characteristcs of respondents indicated that bushmeat is sold only by women, aged 18–60 (38.2 Data Synthesis and Analysis ± 10.6 years). About 70% of the 30 respondents declared Data from surveys were encoded on MS Excel that monthly profts generated by the bushmeat trade, spreadsheets for descriptve statstcs. Quanttatve ranging from 100 to 300 United States Dollars (USD), variables such as age, income of bushmeat vendors represent more than half of the total income of their and purchase prices of primates were described mainly households. Also, 50% of the vendors declared that these on the basis maximum, minimum, mean and standard profts are primarily spent for schooling children. Paying deviaton. For most close-ended questons, frequency rent, purchasing food and savings were mentoned by distributons of responses were ploted and presented 26%, 13% and 10%, respectvely. by bar charts and pie chart. Also, we performed a The choice of primate meat is motvated mainly chi-square test of independence in order to examine by supply: almost all (90%) vendors claimed they the relatonship between the geographic locaton of sell primate meat because when compared to other respondents (within or out of the protected area) and bushmeat it has been the most available in recent their percepton of primates as crop-raiders. years. Few vendors mentoned the preferences of Bushmeat vendors and pet primate owners their customers. Notable quanttes of bushmeat were mentoned a number of sites around which primates weighed throughout the fve months covered by the were captured. Geographic coordinates of these sites surveys in markets. We recorded 6,773kg of smoked were found in the Google Earth applicaton and then meat of many species. In this set, artodactyls (bufaloes, exported as shapefles to Quantum GIS sofware (version warthogs and antelopes) are the most represented, with 2.10.1) as a layer of points, each representng one site. carcass weights accountng for almost 70% of the total. The fnal map (Fig. 2) was obtained by overlapping this Primates (diurnal monkeys found in the area) accounted layer on four other data layers presentng cites (points), for about 10% of the total carcasses recorded during the the road network (lines) and, protected areas and same period (Fig. 3). boundaries of DRC (polygons). Consumpton of Primate Meat in Households and Restaurants Respondents estmated the average weight of smoked bushmeat consumed monthly was less than 3kg for two out of three households. For almost 28%

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Figure 2. Sites where primates are hunted in the southern Democratc Republic of Congo. Parks and reserves are presented as: ‘Parc Natonal’ (French: Natonal Park), ‘Domaine de Chasse’ (huntng domains) and ‘Réserve de la Biosphère’ (biosphere reserve).

of 140 households, respondents listed “monkey meat” Primates Used as Pets among the main three types of bushmeat consumed In the 34 households surveyed, a total of 36 frequently (more than once a month). Further, in 21% monkeys including 19 Kinda Baboons (Papio kindae), 16 of the households, the last bushmeat consumed prior to Malbrouck Monkeys (Chlorocebus cynosuros) and a Blue the date of the survey was of a primate species. Monkey (Cercopithecus mits) were identfed as pets in The main reasons provided for primate meat the study area (Image 1). All three species are found consumpton included availability (46% of 140 in the south-east of the DRC. Bought from hunters respondents) and preferences of household members (nearly 44%), third persons (31%) or ofered by a relatve (37%). However, in 14% of households, the meat of (25%), all of the 36 pet primates were owned illegally. primates, especially that of great apes, was listed among Indeed, all the respondents declared not to possess any the three types of bushmeat never consumed. To justfy ofcial document authorizing either the acquisiton or such a choice, a number of reasons, mainly cultural the keeping of a wild in captvity. For bought beliefs, were mentoned. animals, respondents mentoned a wide range of Primate meat was served frequently in only two purchase prices (21 ± 13 USD). The cheapest monkey, a of the surveyed restaurants. Proftability (for 45% of male , had been purchased for the equivalent of the 20 respondents) and preferences of consumers 3 USD in 2008, and the most expensive one, a juvenile (35%) were the main factors infuencing the choice of Malbrouck Monkey had cost 50 USD in 2014. Nearly half bushmeat served in restaurants. In half of the surveyed of the primates used as pets were acquired within a one- restaurants, as well as in 21% of households, bushmeat year period prior the survey (Fig. 4). Eighty percent were was directly ordered from hunters rather than purchased infants when captured in the wild. in urban markets. The knowledge of the status of wild populatons of primates in the area was assessed. About 70% of respondents estmated that the populatons of these

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13251–13260 13255 Non-protected primates threatened in Congo Kazaba


Figure 3. Proporton of primates’ meat (10%) in the batch of 6,773kg of smoked bushmeat carcasses sold by 18 vendors between March and July 2016 in Lubumbashi. Artodactyls included species of warthogs, antelopes and bufaloes found in the region.


Figure 4. Distributon of the 36 primates used as pets per date of acquisiton and age classes when they were captured in the wild. Data have been collected between August 2015 and February 2016.

species were decreasing. According to the others, primate populatons were stable (6%) or increasing (24%). Respondents also considered that keeping primates as pets was: benefcial (44% of the 34); with no infuence (32%), and a form of threat to wild populatons (24%). In additon, for 58% of respondents who claimed that primate populatons were decreasing, among the types of threats listed, trade of live primates ranked the C third afer primate meat consumpton and habitats loss. More than 75% of the pet primate owners afrmed not Image 1. Photos of primates used as pets in some households surveyed in Lubumbashi City. (A) an adult and (B) an infant Baboon to be aware of the existence of any law regulatng the Papio kindae; (C) a subadult Malbrouck Monkey Chlorocebus detenton of wild animals in DRC. cynosuros. © P. Kazaba.

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majority (70%) of respondents as the most efectve way to repel crop-raiding primates. Although most respondents (30 out of the 37) living within the protected area (at the Lusinga Staton) listed agriculture among their livelihood actvites, only a small proporton (38%) of them showed a percepton of these species as “pest primates” at frst glance, unlike in the two villages neighboring the park (almost 90%, N=80). Results of a chi-square test confrmed that mentoning a fact related to crop-raiding when questoned “what do you know about this primate?” signifcantly depended on where respondents lived, X2 (1, N =117) = 33, P < 0.001. This is probably due to the fact that most of the respondents setled at Lusinga are relatves of staf members of the Upemba Natonal Park, and thus rely Figure 5. Species and estmated number of individuals/troops of one way or another on wildlife conservaton, or are primates declared to be seen more recently in the Sector North of more aware of conservaton-related benefts such as Upemba Natonal Park by the 117 respondents. Overall, the last sightng of these species was: less than one month (for 33% of ecotourism. respondents); between one and three months (22%), and more than three months (45%) before the survey period. DISCUSSION

Primates in the Sector North of Upemba Natonal Park Illegality and Complexity in the Trade of Primates Occasional observatons and survey data suggest Geographic data presented in Fig. 2 refects the the existence of all the three primate species in the illegal nature of the trade of both bushmeat and live Sector North of Upemba Natonal Park and its vicinites. primates. In fact, it is shown that primates are captured The Kinda Baboon was mentoned by 47% of the 117 out of the sites (huntng domains) clearly defned by the respondents as the diurnal primate seen more recently Congolese legislaton. Moreover, the sites mentoned (this was less than a month before the survey period the most are located in proximity or at juncton points for 33% of respondents) in the area. In fact, troops of of main roads, some of which cross protected areas such baboons are frequently reported (Vanleeuwe 2008, as Upemba and Kundelungu natonal parks. A number Rodrigue Katembo pers. comm. 21 December 2016) and of studies have pointed out the impact of road networks have been observed during our feldwork. Malbrouck on wildlife. In the Congo Basin, Wilkie et al. (2000) Monkeys and Blue Monkeys were mentoned by 35% noted that the road density was closely linked with and 18% of the respondents, respectvely (Fig. 5). natural resources exploitaton and the disappearance Overall, these animals were reported to occur in a of wildlands and wildlife, among others. Poulsen et variety of environments: dense forests galleries (for 26% al. (2009) suggested that the road network facilitated of respondents), Miombo woodlands (27%), savannas access to remote areas and accelerated the exploitaton (38%) and human setlements, including cultvated lands of wildlife by creatng markets to wildlife products in (9%). the Northern Congo. This situaton has also been raised All three species were listed as crop-raiding primates. in the specifc case of logging in DRC (Ngabinzeke et al. More than 85% of the respondents mentoned “damage 2014), in the Congo Basin (Kleinschroth et al. 2015) and to crops” as the main problem caused by these primates in tropical Africa as a whole (Laurance et al. 2017). In in the area. Rangers reported several cases of human- the study area, it is frequent to observe wildlife products wildlife confict involving Kinda Baboons and Malbrouck being sold along roadsides. monkeys, which are apparently more frequent outside From the results of the surveys carried out in of protected areas. According to the management Lubumbashi, it can be noted that quanttes of bushmeat of the park, dialogue with local people is ofen used sold in markets are far lower than those observed in the as a way of addressing these conficts, and there is no north-east (van Vliet et al. 2012) and the west of DRC compensaton scheme for damage caused by wildlife in (Ngabinzeke et al. 2014), however, similar trends are the area. Culling problematc animals was listed by the observed in terms of proportons of weight of carcasses

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13251–13260 13257 Non-protected primates threatened in Congo Kazaba when grouped per taxonomic groups: like in this study, Congolese Huntng Act (Mpoyi 2012), many diurnal carcasses of artodactyls accounted for about 70% of monkeys are stll ‘Partally Protected’ (Appendix II) bushmeat sold in markets of Kisangani city (van Vliet et or ‘Non-Protected’ (Appendix III) and thus may be al. 2012) and around a forest concession (Ngabinzeke et hunted under less strict conditons. These include the al. 2014). Monkeys were ranked the second taxonomic Blue Monkey (Appendix II), and the Kinda Baboon and group, representng nearly 30% (van Vliet et al. the Malbrouck monkey (Appendix III). According to 2012) and 15% (Ngabinzeke et al. 2014) of bushmeat this Act, except under a scientfc license, capturing, carcasses. Like the aforementoned studies, we support trading and possessing specimens of ‘Fully Protected’ the view that consuming primate meat refects the species are strictly prohibited and severely punished. scarcity of animals usually and mostly consumed such as Like in Lubumbashi (Tshikung & Pongombo 2009; this artodactyls. From this point of view, and considering the study), Kisangani (van Vliet et al. 2012) and Oshwe increase in huntng pressure reported in DRC, primates (Ngabinzeke et al. 2014), several monkey species are will certainly be increasingly targeted and threatened part of the bushmeat commonly sold and are kept as across the country. pets (Gambalemoke et al. 2000) across the country. Results also indicate that almost all live primates, as The IUCN has a key role to play in raising awareness well as a notable proporton of the bushmeat consumed about the conservaton status of species and thus in households and restaurants (21%), are purchased and guiding conservaton eforts (Rodrigues et al. 2006; sometmes ordered directly from hunters. Therefore, Hermoso et al. 2017). As in many countries, DRC relies data from formal markets are not sufcient to represent on the IUCN evaluatons and many other internatonal the whole extent of the bushmeat trade, and should instruments for defning conservaton priorites and not be considered the only way to determine quanttes strategies. It should be highlighted, however, that the of bushmeat consumed locally. Also, as an illustraton, three species of diurnal monkeys sold as bushmeat, certain food items such as sugar, rice, corn four, kept as pets or considered as pest animals remain part vegetables, fshes and are commonly sold in a kind of the Category ‘Least Concern’ on the IUCN Red List, of informal market startng around 5 p.m in downtown the latest evaluaton being published in 2008 for both Lubumbashi and called ‘marchés de nuit’ (literally, the Malbrouck Monkey (Butynski 2008) and the Blue night markets) (Kesonga et al. 2016). It is possible that Monkey (Kingdon et al. 2008), and in 2016 for the Kinda bushmeat is also sold in these markets, but for logistcal Baboon (Kingdon 2016) . Considering the results of this reasons data from them was not collected. study and the insufcient level of legal protecton for these species, their conservaton status resultng from a Globally Evaluated ‘Least Concern’ but Locally at Risk? global evaluaton does not refect their true conservaton Trends observed in both the city and the wild raise status in DRC. A similar contrast has also been raised by concerns about the fate of afected species. Apart from many scholars (Gärdenfors et al. 2001; Maes et al. 2015; being consumed as bushmeat, used as pets or regarded Erinjery et al. 2017; Thakur et al. 2018) for several taxa as pests, Kinda Baboons, Malbrouck Monkeys and worldwide. Blue Monkeys are all found in the Miombo ecoregion, where increasing fragmentaton of natural habitats has been reported (Kabulu et al. 2008). For example, CONCLUSION in the hinterland of Lubumbashi, Miombo woodlands (occupying 85% of the area in 1956) experienced This study presents a preliminary appraisal of the a decline of 76% between 1956 and 1984 and 40% extent of human-driven threats to the remaining primate between 1984 and 2009 (Munyemba & Bogaert 2014). populatons in the south-east of DRC. Results revealed Adding the huntng pressure to the increasing spatal that three Cercopithecine monkeys: Kinda Baboons, overlap between human actvites and wildlife, due to Malbrouck monkeys and Blue Monkeys, account for (among others) the current populaton growth (UN- a signifcant part of the bushmeat frequently sold and Habitats 2014; Useni et al. 2017), wild populatons of consumed; are illegally kept as pets in Lubumbashi, these primates are no doubt at risk in that area. and are regarded as pests because of their crop-raiding In additon, all the three species are not sufciently behavior in the Sector North of Upemba Natonal Park protected from the legal point of view. Indeed, unlike and its vicinites. The uses of primates as studied in great apes such as Bonobos, Chimpanzees and Gorillas Lubumbashi are likely to undergo a rapid evoluton, listed as ‘Fully Protected’ species (Appendix I) by the and considering the increasing trends in spatal overlap

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Threatened Taxa 13260 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13251–13260

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ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)

February 2019 | Vol. 11 | No. 3 | Pages: 13251–13418 Date of Publicaton: 26 February 2019 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jot.2019.11.3.13251-13418

Artcles Sacred groves: a traditonal way of conserving plant diversity in West Midnapore District, West Bengal, India ‘Non-protected’ primates as bushmeat, pets and pests in southeastern – Uday Kumar Sen, Pp. 13350–13359 Democratc Republic of Congo – Paul Kaseya Kazaba, Pp. 13251–13260 Review

Diversity, structure and natural history of amphibians in the upper Media reportng on the protected areas in Maharashtra, India: Claro River basin, a bufer zone of the Natonal Natural Park Los a thematc analysis Nevados, Central Cordillera of Colombia -- Trupthi Narayan & Pankaj Sekhsaria, Pp. 13360–13376 – Julián Andrés Rojas-Morales & Mateo Marín-Martnez, Pp. 13261– 13277 Short Communicatons

Communicatons Avian survey in tourist sites near Putao in northern Myanmar – Alexey E. Scopin, Vladimir N. Sotnikov, Dmitry V. Skumatov & Medium and large-sized mammals in an Atlantc Forest fragment of Alexey A. Sergeyev, Pp. 13377–13384 Brazil: recording of threatened species – Vinícius Nunes Alves, Caroline Marques Maia, Telma Regina Alves & New record of Blue-eyed Eastern Spadefoot Toad Leptobrachium Renata Cristna Batsta Fonseca, Pp. 13278–13286 bompu (Amphibia: Megophryidae) from Sarpang District in Bhutan – Jigme Tenzin & Jigme Tshelthrim Wangyal, Pp. 13385–13389 Nuisance behaviors of macaques in Puerto Princesa Subterranean River Natonal Park, Palawan, Philippines New record of Low’s Flataced Longhorn Beetle Sarothrocera lowii -- Lief Erikson Gamalo, Joselito Baril, Judeline Dimalibot, Augusto Asis, White, 1846 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Lamiini) in Brian Anas, Nevong Puna & Vachel Gay Paller, Pp. 13287–13294 Nagaland, India, along with frst-tme descriptons of male and female genitalia Current data on the reproducton of Four-horned Antelope – Kolla Sreedevi, Manisha Sharma & Hemant Vasant Ghate, Tetracerus quadricornis in zoological parks Pp. 13390–13394 – Gérard Dubost, Stéphane Labes & Armelle Lutz, Pp. 13295–13303 On the rediscovery of Onychomesa susainathani, an emesine bug Characterizaton of dorsal guard hair of the wild goats and sheep endemic to India (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae) (Bovidae: Caprinae) occurring in the Himalaya and Western Ghats of -- Hemant Vasant Ghate & Balasaheb Sarode, Pp. 13395–13401 India – Manokaran Kamalakannan, Pp. 13304–13309 First record of the callianassid ghost Neocallichirus jousseaumei (Nobili, 1904) (Decapoda: Axiidea) from India Rediscovery of the ‘extnct’ bee Hesperocolletes douglasi Michener, – Imtyaz Beleem, Paresh Poriya & Bharatsinh Gohil, Pp. 13402–13405 1965 (Colletdae: Colletnae: Paracolletni) in Western Australia and frst descripton of the female New distributon records of four species of crop wild relatves to India – Juliana Pille Arnold, Mark V. Murphy, Raphael K. Didham & – K. Pradheep, K. Joseph John, G.D. Harish, S.M. Sultan, I. Jaisankar, Terry F. Houston, Pp. 13310–13319 K. Naveen, S.P. Ahlawat & Manish Kanwat, Pp. 13406–13414

Buterfies of the myristca swamp forests of Shendurney Wildlife Note Sanctuary in the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India – Prabhakaran Chandrika Sujitha, Gopal Prasad & Kalesh Sadasivan, Animal-fungal interactons 3: frst report of mycophagy by the Pp. 13320–13333 African Brush-tailed Porcupine Atherurus africanus Gray, 1842 (Mammalia: Rodenta: Hystricidae) Pollinaton ecology of three ecologically valuable carpetweed herbs, – Todd F. Elliot, Camille Truong, Olivier Séné & Terry W. Henkel, Mollugo cerviana, M. nudicaulis and M. pentaphylla (Molluginaceae) Pp. 13415–13418 – Maddala Sulakshana & Aluri Jacob Solomon Raju, Pp. 13334–13349 Publisher & Host

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