TATARICA: LANGUAGE LITERARY TRANSLATIONS OF AIAZ GILYAZOV’S PLAY “THREE ARSHINS OF LAND” INTO THE KHAKAS LANGUAGE Viktoriia Alekseevna Karamasheva, N. F. Katanov Khakas State University, 90 Lenin Pr., Abakan, 655000, Russian Federation.
[email protected]. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of “Pyrom Tasta, Chirim” (“Forgive Me, Land”), the Khakas production created by Tatiana Mainagasheva and based on A. M. Gilyazov’s story and drama “Och Arshyn Zhir” (“Three Arshins of Land”). The target text of the drama in Khakas by T. Mainagasheva demonstrates the translator’s literary and culturological approach to the original: she manages to preserve the artistic concept in the text, being not limited to the “theatre idiolect” of one director, and she successfully reflects the linguistic and cultural features of the original text. Key words: cultural linguistics, translation, Tatar literature, Khakas language, A. M.Gilyazov, “Three Arshins of Land”, “Forgive Me, Land”. The works of the famous Tatar writer A. M. search is the specifics of reflecting the linguistic Gilyazov have already attracted attention of schol- and cultural features of the original text in the ars (see e.g. [Kurakova], [Khabutdinova, 2009], translation to the Khakas language. [Khabutdinova, 2010], [Khabutdinova, 2011], The purpose of the research is to reveal the etc.). Some of his works have been translated into most characteristic elements of the translator’s lin- the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federa- guistic world view in the dramatic discourse. tion and the CIS, into English, Hungarian, Turkish The studies of the language ethno-cultural spe- and Czech. The study of the writer’s work with re- cifics reflected in the idiolect of its speaker are still gard to translation was very promising relevant today, which, in its turn, determines the [Khabibullina].