Bridgeportsandmohawks Ofmeriden Clash Here Sunday
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Pae Four THE BRIDGEPORT TIMES Saturday, Oct: 15, 1921 rts And Mohawks OfMeriden Clash Here Bridgepo- Sunday OUTDOOR SPORTS HERE'S A SHOCK! By Tad Football 1 LOCAL BALL CLUB ow ONLY BROKE EVEN Sport By GEORGE E. FIRSTBROOK. Monarch Although the past admissions to Nwfleld Park totaled between 80.000 ANDERSON PLEASED and 90,000 in the 1921 baseball sea- son, an increase over last season, I RGES WEIGHT LIMIT there were no mountain high profits OVER VICTORY OF according to Clark Lane, Jr., presi- FOR FOOTBALL ELEVENS dent of the Bridgeport Baseball club. 3"he guessing slats of fans who have D, H. S. RUNNERS New Haven, Oct. 13 John Heis-ma- n, been estimating the profits of the lo-c- the University of Pennsylvania club all the from $10,000 to coach and formerly of Georgia way came In The 520.000 have been badly shattered, CHICK CREATON. Tech, out today Yale according to Mr. Lane's dope. By Daily Xews favoring decision of "We managed to break about even Minus the services of six members ffkvthsll plrvon in three lnsses . and' are well satisfied," said Mr. Lane of its regular squad, through ineligi- Iieavywe-ights- middleweights and ( yesterday. bility, the Bridgeport High School Hill lightweights. The weights at which ' Albany Jumps Expensive. and Dale team easily won over the he would make the classification 'Mr. Lane explained that while the Bristol High Run yesterday afternoon are 165. 155 and 145 pounds. He ' were ex- by a score of 23-3- 2. stated that he felt that many of the htae crowds good the heavy n-n- panse involved in theMbng jumps, Matty Skane. the Red and Black m i lijuncB ui leeeiit years especially to Albany, shaved the home captain, easily ton the race, finishing l would have been prevented if this profits considerably. At no time on 50 yards ahead of Cleveland, the first ( division had been put into effect. their visit to Albany last season did Bristol man. who had to fight hard . lie alluded to the fact that wrest- -' trfe local club receive over the guar- (o beat Paul Bucker, one of the Hill- ling (aod boxing are safeguarded antee. top recruits. Skane's time was 15 i by the weight classifications and lowing to the financial depression minutes. 5 4- -5 seconds. Cleveland, advocated changes by the Football aid an- extended trolley car strike the the Bristol captain, completed the Rules Committee, by State Lcgisla-- ) club was but 2 2 mile course in 15 minutes lures or college "Faculties which will Albany a heavy lose.r, 4- 3ichael Hawkins. the owner, is a 26 seconds. Bticker's time, who ) similarly protect football. sgimester and stuck the season out. came in third with the Hilltop colors, I Providence Wants Franchise. was 15 minutes artd 4,0 secohds. S Before the season closed rumors The meet brought otu a batch of College football leaps into the i wire rife that a Providence syndicate promising material for the Red and Jwjas willing to buy the Albany fran- Black, namely Bucker and Vanger, sport spotlight today. chise, and it is that before who finished ninth. It was the first Yale followers in possible time that Vangor ever covered two Bridgeport the annual Eastern League meeting and a half miles. Moorey, another and in Haven Sn. December the deal may material- fin- DoeS" A: vicinity are New ize. of. the new men for the Hilltops, who One McCann said the other day ished fourth. closely followed by today seeing the game between ritj was his belief that Providence Tellsmen the barefoot boy of the up- the Blue and Williams which an ideal to state team. ylould make acquisition Matty Skane has made much better the two tie circuit. in races, but to brings colleges, together ; not time previous owing McCann. by the way, has sign- the hilly course and little contention on the gridiron for the first time et! any contract to continue on the offered, the Red and Black skipper rrianagerial end of the local club next fell back of his time record of 14 in 23 years. season; his 1921 contract not expiring minutes and 12 seconds. to ujitil Nov. 1. But Mr. Lane stated was According the dope filter- sat-iafi- As Manager Billy Lee ineligi- yesterday that the club was well ble, Schwertle was appointed acting Crack Mohawk Football ing from the Yale with McCann. and that he Coach Al Anderson was Paddock through where-McCan- n manager. Series Echoes Spurns to make arrangements very well pleased with the showing eampfiring the past few days will continue here noxc new is obsessed made, by the men, and Team Of Clashes Tad Jones has a wealth of ma-teri- al efajson. with the notion that his athletes will Meriden N, Y. For Year Hart ford "s Profits S5.0O0. next meet with the for the of a, star I te capture Saturday's 15 According to up-sta- dope the as the who IjOS Angeles. Oct. Robert makings club was Yale Freshman, regulars Mensol out, eupid. unassisted. , Hartford the biggest money were unable to compete yesterday was which With Locals Tomorrow Bocal followers will be team, and it is certain that after rrrkcr' in the league, Jim Clarkin's will be. in harness. Tliat the play interest- athletic between and ed baseball Inns here yesterday somewhat disappointed to learn the first half is a num- -' IoIits ranging $25,000 er played $30,000. when they learned the big right-field- Sunday's Football Iancun. that Charlie Paddock, world's Pitts-fiel- Mohawks. lit' candidates will be T Little is credited as being OUT TO of the Xew ,York Yankees Greco Bridgeport. To e.liampion and record holder for pushed -, STRATFORDS In left end "allahan seen the next best money maker with $15.- was expected to arrive Los Schoski Ma Experts Explain 100 yards, will not be in into the to show on Angeles next week to marry his left tackle lone ill Xew York for at game their 0)0 the right side of the ledger, Kcnnev competiton Pad--doc- with next with childhood playmate and high left guard Pjura least a year. A month ago k vorth under fire. Waterbury $10,000. DEFEAT WATERBURY school classmate. Miss Edith Co- Kroeliel centre Browne Football Code announced that he intended wan. Brost right guard Mays Rugby to come to Xew York and enter Although several of Yale's injured O'Lieary risbt tackle Mullins first-strin- g BRASSCO PINNERS F.Iliott Princeton University to take up players. Cross; O'Hearn, " Xew York, Oct. 15-- A novelty right end Brady For the purpose of lo- a special course in English. Cutler, Quaile and Batty, have prac- "We're jerein,g to trim Hart Grunwald enlightening Hii-sho- n invi-tato- n "Waterbury. for Broadway is promised in the quarterback cal football players, managers and Hugh K. sent an tically recovered, Coach Jones plans declared Manager Joe Stavola today, of Watte the P. Kroebor len halfback Bakos coaches on lo Paddock to in to use the same which he has POST GOOD SCORES as he was airing bis opinions on the appearance Hoyt. Oeslnger halfback Moshier Rugby rules, John Field, compete lineup A. C- - football J sensational Yankee pitcher and C. right of this city .former Yale gridinor star, the Wilcox A. A. games in Febru- used in the earlier games. It is like- Stratford Waterbury world's series hero, in a set of Keener fullback Corst and of Yale ary- Paddock wrote back ly, however, that Cross and Becket nontext to be staged tomorrow after- en- Bennett. Hallopin. Gaynor Hunt Charley Comerfcrd the that noon in the Brass "My team songs and dances for a week' s substi- - coaching staff, will dissest the rules lie had every intention of coming will be sent into the second half of "Excellent scores are being in City: gagement beginning tomorrow Good, Richardson, Calhoun, and conduct a "Question Box" at the to Xew York but a matter oc- today's game. Brassco posted has had two stiff workouts this week Iteisenwebor's. Waite's tutes for Bridgeport- - on vs. the Bowling League compet- and all of the players are in tip-to- p evening, in This is the for tomorrow's Recreation Gym Stratford avenue, curred a few weeks ago which Princeton Xavy. ition on Kelly's alleys. The Indu- he added. Coach Ivan More- father. Ed Hoyt. was a famous lineup Wednesday night, according to an an- bis and be now finds The Princeton-Nav- y contest tops shape," football between Ga-ha- upset plans are the with minstrel man of the last genera- game the Bridgeport nouncement made P. V. n it to come Fast. the gridiron bill of fare and strials leading procession house entertains the same opinion as A. & A. and Mohawk team of Meri- the. today by impossible there is today Isix wins and no defeats, the Produc- that the Stratford will tion. A of Boa;d of Recreation.. All much betting on the result next in 5 Stavola, bring den. contest of the exciting brand interested in in- inside and outside of cir- ers being line with wins and home the bacon. is as the Silver aggre- the Rugby game are collegiate 1 defeat. Berg and Dell are tied will the Xew York. Oct. 18 The gov- promised City vited to attend. cles. Both have veterans teams and Stavola take following collected from gation is rated as one of the strongest Later on the should be a whirlwind af- fcr high singles honors .each having sciuad of to the ernment $90,023 semi-pr- o the Board of Recreation Johnson To Work game Pro-!- warriors Waterbury, series outfits in the state, while to a fair.