District Census Handbook, Kohima, Part X-B, Series-15,Nagaland
CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES - 15 : NAGALAND DISTRiCT CENSUS HANDB~QK PART X - B VILLAGE & TOVVN .. ~:'''' PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT KOHIMA DISTRICT '~DANIEL KENT of the Indian Frontier Administrative Service o I RECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS NAG.i.LAND Any statement made or conclusion drawn in this publica tion is wholly the responSibility of the author alone in his personal capacity and does not necessarily represent the view of the Government. The motif represents an Angami Naga Youth in his traditional attire used generally on ceremon;a{ occas;ons like Sekhreny; Puja and other tradi tional festivals. The most spectacular feature" of their dresses are the colour ful headgear t'Tsula", ivory ornament like armlets "Chuthuo" and the precious stone necklaces "Tsutho" and "Tsuzie". The beautiful eo ring is made of wing-feathers of beautifUl bird "Pezie" of Barbet family and balfs of puffed cotton wool. Mithun horn "Hiekie" is used as mug containing rice beer "Zu" in which a wooden spoon "Likhi", artistically curved is used which serves as Stirrer as also decoration. ii FIGURES AT A GLANCE Nagaland State Kohima District Population Total Persons 516,449 175,204 • Males 276,084 97,133 Females 240,365 78,071 Rural Persons 465,055 141,233 Males 241,171 74,518 Females 223,884 66,715 Urban Persons 51,394 33,971 Males 34,913 22,615 Females 16,481 11,356 • Decennial population growth rate ( 1961·1971 ) 39.88 percent 60.85 percent • Area in Km. 2 16,527 7,209 Density of population per Km.2 31 persons 24 persons • Sex ratio ( number of females • per 1,000 males) 871 .
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