Cutting Data Recommendations
CUTTING DATA RECOMMENDATIONS Uddeholm Corrax Machining data are always dependent on the actual operation, the machine tool and the cutting data used. The machining data given is this datasheet are general guidelines that may have to be adjusted to the actual conditions of a specific machining operation. Cutting data formulae Turning Legend π ⋅ Dn⋅ vc = Cutting speed (m/min) Cutting speed,() v = m /min c 1000 n = Spindle speed (rev/min) f = Feed per rev (mm/rev) 1000⋅ vc Spindle speed,() n = rev / min ap = Axial depth of cut (mm) π ⋅ D D = Workpiece diameter (mm) 3 Q = Material removal rate (cm3/min) Material removal rate,() Q=⋅ vcp⋅ a f cm / min Ra = Surface roughness (μm) 2 f ⋅50 re = Nose radius (mm) Surface roughness,() Ra ≈ μ m rε Milling Legend π ⋅ D ⋅ n v = Cutting speed (m/min) v = (m/min ) c c 1000 n = Spindle speed (rev/min) v = Feed speed (mm/min) 1000 ⋅ vc f n = ( rev/min) ap = Axial depth of cut (mm) π ⋅ D ae = Radial depth of cut (mm) f = Feed per rev (mm/rev) vf = fz ⋅ z ⋅ n= f ⋅ n(mm/min ) z = Number of teeth fz = Feed per tooth (mm/tooth) ae ae D = Cutter diameter (mm) hm = fz ⋅ (mm ) < 0,3 D D hm = Average chip thickness (mm) Q = Material removal rate (cm3/min) ap ⋅ ae ⋅ vf Q = (cm3/min) 1000 Drilling π ⋅ Dn⋅ Legend Cutting speed,() vc = m /min 1000 vc = Cutting speed (m/min) n = Spindle speed (rev/min) 1000⋅ vc Spindle speed,() n = rev / min vf = Feed speed (mm/min) π ⋅ D D = Drill diameter (mm) f = Feed per rev (mm/rev) Feed speed,() vf =⋅ f n mm / min vf Feed per rev,() f = mm / rev n Turning Uddeholm Corrax Turning Cemented carbide HSS Roughing Finishing Cutting speed, vc (m/min) 110-160 160-210 13-18 Feed, f (mm/rev) 0,2-0,4 0,05-0,2 0,05-0,3 Depth of cut, ap (mm) 2-4 0,5-2 0,5-3 Suitable grades P20-P30 coated carbide P10 coated carbide or cermet Remarks: 1.
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