
With Droid phones if you put *#*#4636#*#* into the dialer it will pull up a secret menu where you can shut off the antenna and do various other things. What other easy hacks can you do on Droids or iphones? (self.AskReddit) submitted 9 days ago* by frozen_beer Edit: correction, I mean ANDROID the operating system. Edit 2: The settings on these menus are intended for phone techs. If you do not know what you are doing, don't fuck with it. Some important programs will get damaged if the wrong button is pushed. 2960 commentsshare

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[–]OUohya 697 points 8 days ago This is the exact type of thread when combined with my limited technical knowledge and extreme curiosity, will leave me with a fucked up phone. permalink

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[–]mobugs 60 points 8 days ago The old motorola startac could be turned into a snooping device from a menu like this. You could listen random cellphone conversations in it. permalink

[–]plasticmouse 46 points 8 days ago How so? That sounds really interesting. permalinkparent

[–]FUUFighter 19 points 8 days ago ETACS was unencrypted, so using a secret menu on the startac you could tune on the various frequencies assigned to the service and listen what was on the air. Nostalgia time. permalinkparent

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[–]HancockTheApp 1268 points 8 days ago if you type "star3001#12345#star" in an iphone and hit call it pulls up the secret field test app. you will notice instead of bars for signal strenght you have number. The close to zero the better the signal. Hold the lock button until the turn off slider appears, but don't turn off. Now hold the home button until you get back to the home screen, and there you go. Just tap the number and it will change back to bars and vice versa. pretty cool, a lot more precise than bars Credit:Lifehacker.com Edit: for some reason Reddit is deleting the star symbol when i submit the comment, that's why i had to write out "star" permalink [–]Tokeli 590 points 8 days ago Pst, the * is used for formatting on Reddit. Just do \* when writing a comment and it'll show up. permalinkparent

[–]BomberJjr 572 points 8 days ago Reddit hacks permalinkparent

[–]huzzy 194 points 8 days ago *Wow,* I wish I knew this yesterday. Sure would've been helpful.*That sounds sarcastic, but it's not supposed to be. Just testing it out. permalinkparent

[–]baconOclock 44 points 8 days ago It's called an escape character. permalinkparent

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[–]wolfmann 66 points 8 days ago This works in just about every programming language as well; \ = the escape character, so if you want in Java a string that contains double quotes you do just as above: String x = new String("\"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.\" - Nietzsche"); ironically, \ does not need to be an escape character either! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_character permalinkparent

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[–]Call-Me-Ishmael 64 points 8 days ago Wow, we used to put that same code into our old Nokia brick phones in 2002 and it worked then, too. I wonder why it's the same on an iPhone. permalinkparent

[–]NewArchDemon 14 points 8 days ago Somebody is a smartass. I loved changing the carrier information and special messages using that code. permalinkparent

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[–]NoWarsNoKings 167 points 8 days ago Along the same lines. If you happen to be in a frozen app, instead of turning off your iPhone entirely, just hold the Sleep button until the shut down screen appears then hold the home button. Voila, app has been force quit. permalinkparent

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[–]azn_dude1 173 points 8 days ago If you put 4 spaces before your text, it will show up as code and Reddit won't italicize it. permalinkparent

[–]indefinitearticle 49 points 8 days ago Additionally, you can use the '\' character before any markup characters to override rendering (as in '\*' to get *. permalinkparent

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[–]amishzombie 74 points 8 days ago So besides changing the bars to numbers, is this useful for anything else? permalinkparent

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[–]cakeandpiday 24 points 8 days ago What is the number range here? I get that closer to zero is better, but how far away does it get? permalinkparent

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[–]I_AM_NO_MAN_ 52 points 8 days ago I'm at work where I generally have no service or half a bar sometimes. It's at -130 right now.... permalinkparent

[–]mfo245 36 points 8 days ago -130db should have no service. -100 to -120 db and you will hand to a stronger signal, if no stronger signal is present, you will usally drop service. iPhones have notoriously horrible diagnostic tools concerning their RSSI (received signal strength indicator). Also, if you ever see something higher than -40db, run. You're cooking your brain. permalinkparent

[–]silentplummet 12 points 8 days ago* I am not a radio engineer. The unit of this number is probably dBm; absolute power as received by the antenna, log base 10 referenced to 0 dBm = 1 milliwatt. 0 dBm = 0.001 W = 1 milliwatt -40 dBm = 0.0000001 W = 100 nanowatts I doubt 100 nanowatts is capable of cooking much of anything. The power absorbed by your fleshy wet brain will be less than that of the equivalent volume of tuned metal antenna at 3G frequencies. permalinkparent

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load more comments (9 replies) [–]Notacleverredditor 133 points 8 days ago Will this fuck up my phone? I just got it today. He's too young to die! permalinkparent

[–]I_AM_NO_MAN_ 78 points 8 days ago Doubt it! They made it so that people could use it. permalinkparent

[–]Notacleverredditor 125 points 8 days ago I guess, but "secret field test app" sounds a little sketchy. Haha permalinkparent

[–]econymous 439 points 8 days ago If it fucks anything up, you can hold it under water to reset permalinkparent

[–]Notacleverredditor 166 points 8 days ago* Sick, man thanks! LPT! Edit: ... Fuck you. permalinkparent

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load more comments (7 replies) [–]ralphpotato 57 points 8 days ago I just tried it. It seems to be a completely diagnostic thing, so it does nothing but allow you to evaluate data. It won't do anything to the phone. permalinkparent

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[–]bluemtfreerider 52 points 8 days ago JUST DID IT. ITS FUCKIN SWEET permalinkparent

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[–]funkadelicfunk 26 points 8 days ago ummmm how do you undo this?? the bars will show when i push the number but once my phone locks then unlocks only numbers show up :( permalinkparent

[–]RationalFapper 66 points 8 days ago On my iPhone 4S (up to date iOS), I just went to the field test app again and clicked home and it switched back to bars. permalinkparent

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[–]OddaJosh 36 points 8 days ago* FOR ANDROID USERS: You can view yours, too! Go to settings and to your about phone section. Should be somewhere in there where can view the number. Depending on your phone you may need to go further in: eg on my Galaxy s2 you need to go: settings > about phone > status I am still trying to find a way to have it replace the bars though! permalinkparent

[–]woodstock365 13 points 8 days ago On CM9 you can do this in Settings > System > Status Bar > Signal status style. permalinkparent

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[–]clickity-click 50 points 8 days ago you are my hero. seriously. permalinkparent

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[–]roryrhorerton 181 points 9 days ago I don't have an android to confirm, but this site lists a whole bunch of codes including the one you mention. permalink

[–]culasthewiz 221 points 8 days ago Think before you give this code. This code is used for factory format. It'll remove all files and settings including the internal memory storage. It'll also reinstall the phone firmware. PS: Once you give this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone. So think twice before giving this code. http://i.imgur.com/Cl74c.jpg permalinkparent

[–]BCMM 215 points 8 days ago Pulling the battery in the middle of such an operation is likely to be a really bad idea. permalinkparent

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[–]Montmorency222 545 points 8 days ago I'm strongly considering put the code on facebook telling people not to put it in their android phones, and just let curiosity happen. permalinkparent

[–]Clabel 499 points 8 days ago Some men just want to see the world burn... permalinkparent

[–]Huitzilopostlian 37 points 8 days ago Some men just wan to to see phones Brick. permalinkparent

load more comments (10 replies) [–]a_random_hobo 133 points 8 days ago Fuck it, I'm doing it. permalinkparent

[–]dodo_ns 74 points 8 days ago OP MUST deliver the reactions! permalinkparent

[–]Nimanzer 222 points 8 days ago* Here's one from my Twitter http://i.imgur.com/1gffn.jpg Edit: follow up tweets lul http://i.imgur.com/qxjGJ.jpg permalinkparent

[–]banana_box 20 points 8 days ago not surprised...coming from someone who says "rebooted his phone" after a factory reset permalinkparent

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[–]MALON 11 points 8 days ago How did you phrase it? permalinkparent

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[–]qposter 79 points 8 days ago Find some haters and tell them dial this to support chick-fil-a. permalinkparent

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[–]idontwantbtoknow 89 points 8 days ago* And /b/ be trolled. permalinkparent [–]connormxy 7 points 8 days ago I love the guy who played along with the gingerbread permalinkparent

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[–]velkyr 47 points 8 days ago Okay... who's the asshole... permalinkparent

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[–]Ikarus3426 299 points 8 days ago* Heh, that's cool the ##4636## thing actually worked on my Razr maxx. It brings up ton of info on the phone and some settings (which I'm afraid to touch). It also shows how much you've used an app. I play a lot of Solitaire. edit: Formatting tricked me again with the asterisks! Meant to say *#*#4636#*#* permalink

[–]thesixth 212 points 8 days ago I was kind of sad seeing how much more I used my Reddit app than texted people. permalinkparent

[–]flackdaddyxpress 136 points 8 days ago WTF there's a reddit app? I'm ashamed I didn't know, granted I'm relatively new to reddit still TIL. permalinkparent

[–]kcg5 224 points 8 days ago* alien blue, you will never go back. EDIT-top rated comment, ever... Love dat alien blue! permalinkparent

[–]TCromps 49 points 8 days ago I use Alien Blue on my iPod more than I use my laptop for Reddit. permalinkparent

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load more comments (21 replies) [–]jeannieinabottle 182 points 8 days ago* Baconreader is amazing for Reddit on Android. Edit: Droid changed to Android. permalinkparent

[–]nlyles1 34 points 8 days ago Love baconreader, its so clean and easy. for all those with androids i highly recommend it, that is unless you wanna actually be productive during the way. permalinkparent

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[–]CogBlocker 202 points 8 days ago reddit is fun > Baconreader permalinkparent

[–]y_scro_serious 97 points 8 days ago Reddit News > RIF permalinkparent

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[–]chef_borchevsky 64 points 8 days ago I use redditisfun. Works great (built in browser for all those imgur links, will let you know if you have redditmail) and check out the settings if you don't like adds (which are pretty unobtrusive from the get go). Only reddit app I've used and won't change. permalinkparent

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[–]InfernalWedgie 28 points 8 days ago I only recently started browsing Reddit on my phone. Now I find out there's an app. My life is over. :\ permalinkparent

load more comments (1 reply) [–]ElTimablo 7 points 8 days ago Only a couple. permalinkparent

[–]the_anj 21 points 8 days ago There's several. I've used several of them, but found Reddit News to be the best. But I'll admit I haven't tried the others in awhile, so they might have improved. permalinkparent

[–]S_Pbr__M 142 points 8 days ago I am fond of Alien Blue. permalinkparent

[–]Ovechtrick 56 points 8 days ago Alien Blue is great, but only for Iphone/Ipod :/ I end up using Reddit is Fun, works well. permalinkparent

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[–]dusty78 22 points 8 days ago Reddit interprets pairs of asterisks to mean italicize what's between them. Use this: to get this: *#*#4636#*#* yours currently looks like this: ##4636## Italicized #... it doesn't change much. permalinkparent

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load more comments (21 replies) [–]CdmaJedi 412 points 8 days ago* This actually isn't entirely true. This works for most Samsung phones that run android. Each manufacturer has different codes for their handsets. HTC running sense and EPST: (on verizon you have to hit send afterwards) nexus/samsung Edit: More Samsung Secrets Codes Copypasta almost any phone your msl is the master subsidy lock number, which you can get from your provider or deep inside your phone software if you feel like reading hex dumps there are many, many, many more sorry for the formatting. reddit really hate it when you type two pound/hash symbols together edit again- all of these are messed up because reddit seems to use stars and hashes as formatting codes. I'm at work, so I can't spend a ton of time hashing out the problem (heh) edit: fixed again permalink

[–]Browsing_From_Work 30 points 8 days ago OP's works because

If you get locked out of the "check for update" feature, you can use the following to force a re-check: permalinkparent

load more comments (1 reply) [–]jewman9000 39 points 8 days ago Good luck trying to get the msl from your provider. We aren't a big fan of rooted phones. ("officially" Hell, I'm using a rooted phone) permalinkparent

[–]the_red_scimitar 9 points 8 days ago Never had a problem with it. Would tell my provider I'm traveling to Europe and need to use prepaid SIM from providers there. Msi given instantly, every time. permalinkparent

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[–]ElTimablo 59 points 8 days ago Extremely relevant username, though I didn't realize Verizon and Sprint supported the light side of . permalinkparent

[–]D14BL0 131 points 8 days ago Only a Sith deals in data caps. permalinkparent

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[–]Blueangel911 1650 points 8 days ago If you take your blackberry and press any button, it will freeze. permalink

[–]Davenog 531 points 8 days ago I permalinkparent

[–]Mudkip123456 157 points 8 days ago Sent from my BlackBerry® permalinkparent

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[–]IndubENTably 104 points 8 days ago But....the email feature is so innovative. permalinkparent

[–]CranberryBogMonster 53 points 8 days ago It...it lets you know you're getting emails...RIGHT WHEN YOU GET THEM! permalinkparent

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[–]randomdude0222 69 points 8 days ago Lol the best part is that you're not joking... Whenever i leave my phone idle for more than an hour (over night etc) and awake it from its hibernation, the phone will freeze indefinitely.. The worst is when i have to literally restart the phone with battery pull, dat booting time.. permalinkparent

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load more comments (42 replies) [–]Kirbyleek 288 points 8 days ago If you go to your setting -> about phone -> and tap on phone version really fast a picture of a gingerbread cookie zombie pops up Edit: android version, not phone version permalink

[–]aspartame 122 points 8 days ago In ICS, if you long-press on the droid that shows up it grows and turns into multiple flying droids. permalinkparent

[–]crossbowman5 101 points 8 days ago Oh my god. Nyandroid. EDIT: I'm on 4.0.4 by the way. permalinkparent

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[–]sky_high_production 32 points 8 days ago Works on Jelly Bean too. permalinkparent

[–]Solarian1 64 points 8 days ago Flickin' the bean. permalinkparent

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[–]Poopwink 35 points 8 days ago I have a Droid2 running Android 2.2 and it didn't do anything :( permalinkparent

[–]fireflash38 15 points 8 days ago 2.2 will get you the Froyo easter egg, not the 2.3 Gingerbread one. permalinkparent

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load more comments (9 replies) [–]wretcheddawn 20 points 8 days ago Works on GS3. Except I get an ICS droid. permalinkparent

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[–]Drewski56 17 points 8 days ago Jellybean here! permalinkparent

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[–]TamerzIsMe 457 points 8 days ago If you call a random number about 20 times in a row and breathe heavy the police will show up. Works on Android, haven't tried on iPhone. permalink

[–]IAmAtomato 208 points 8 days ago* Tried on iPhone, can confirm this works. Trying my Nokia now. Edit: works. permalinkparent [–]jelloey 198 points 8 days ago You didn't really edit! You... you lied on the internet! I bet you're not even a tomato. permalinkparent

[–]phinnaeus7308 10 points 8 days ago Can ninja edit within 3 minutes. permalinkparent

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[–]Spar34 188 points 8 days ago on the iphone if you go to settings>accessibility and turn custom vibrations on you can then go to settings>sounds>vibration patterns and make your own vibration patterns permalink [–]greyham_g 73 points 8 days ago If i ever get a hold of my friends iphones I'm gonna set their vibration to a constant vibration for the whole time, then text them "BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZ' permalinkparent

[–]cumfarts 73 points 8 days ago And that's how thousands of redditors turned their phones into dildos permalinkparent

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[–]noahthewale 14 points 8 days ago Going to point out accessibility is under general in settings :-) still cool though! permalinkparent

load more comments (16 replies) [–]Hotmugofshite 101 points 8 days ago On an iPhone running 5.0 or higher, if your home button, lock button or volume button packs in (as is common on the iPhone 4) goto Settings>general>accessibility>assistive touch and set to on. A glowing circle will appear. This is a home button. You can also lock the phone from here, and carry out other menial task. Not really a hack or anything, just handy permalink

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[–]purplepain13 965 points 8 days ago If you text people, they won't text you back....it's kinda cool... permalink

[–]TehDinoNugget 428 points 8 days ago Confirmed, it works for me. permalinkparent

[–]czar_the_bizarre 305 points 8 days ago Must be some glitch. It works for me, but only with women. permalinkparent

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load more comments (13 replies) [–]BILLYthehater227 67 points 8 days ago Damn you're good! permalinkparent

[–]purplepain13 115 points 8 days ago I took an online course. permalinkparent

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[–]Batty-Koda 91 points 8 days ago 4636 is "info" on the phone keyboard thing. Makes it a bit easier to remember than the numbers. It also makes it make sense. permalink

load more comments (4 replies) [–]Comrade_Nugget 257 points 8 days ago* On a iphone if you put *3001#12345#* into the dialer and hit call it will bring you into the debug mode. it tells you your signal str in dBm, and which tower///sector you are using. just so you know -60 dBm to around -100dBm is normally fine for calls, anything above -100dBm and you haev a high likelyhood to drop your cal. -RF Engineer for cell phone company permalink

[–]allday0212 73 points 8 days ago So if I'm sitting on a tower will I have -1? permalinkparent

[–]player2 28 points 8 days ago Depends on the directionality of the antenna and various environmental factors. permalinkparent

[–]Comrade_Nugget 65 points 8 days ago* no, you probably wont see anything lower then about -55. that much dBm would probably hurt you physically becuase in order to get to -1dBm, you would have to be touching the antenna at the top of the tower permalinkparent

[–]allday0212 44 points 8 days ago Really? do cell tower workers have to wear some sort of protective gear then? What would you feel? permalinkparent [–]kyuubi42 41 points 8 days ago no. -1dBm is only about 800uW (micro Watts), way too low to cause any harm. Your wifi router broadcasts at around 500-1000mW, hundreds of times more powerful. permalinkparent

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[–]moscova89 824 points 8 days ago What about life hacks for windows phones? Guys?Guys?Guys?Guys? permalink

[–]wretcheddawn 1275 points 8 days ago I think you can make calls with it? permalinkparent

[–]zeroman73089 712 points 8 days ago I heard that functionality is still in beta. permalinkparent

[–]KoNy_BoLoGnA 273 points 8 days ago But the clock feature is up and running, no worries there. permalinkparent

[–]blahdeblah88 77 points 8 days ago Just beware of the leap year bug. permalinkparent

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[–]biojellywobbles 133 points 8 days ago Why is everyone shitting on the windows phone? Phone 7 is a lovely looking OS with a great UI, unfortunately they were too late to the party to get the variety of app publishers on other platforms. permalinkparent

[–]kmmeerts 76 points 8 days ago It's a great system, but it's just funny and at least we're not offending any minorities. permalinkparent

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[–]ducttape36 28 points 8 days ago i have a dell venue pro, by pressing ##634# and hitting call you get a matrix screen and then access to all sorts of goodies, like the radio thing the top comment was talking about. it also puts an EM app in your app list to get back to it without doing the hack. Also, while in the EM app if you slide open the keyboard and press all the buttons on the top row from left to right you can edit the settings to enable tethering. Video of the first part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y- o5RJpoQFc permalinkparent

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[–]ass_munch_reborn 402 points 8 days ago* Within 15 days of purchasing a Windows phone, you can return it and exchange for a real phone. permalinkparent

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[–]kyuubi42 11 points 8 days ago xda-developers.com has tons of great windows phone tips, many specific to certain handsets permalinkparent

[–]ztheday 185 points 8 days ago Works great to hold papers down on your desk or maybe a table or something. permalinkparent

[–]bigsten15 64 points 8 days ago What's wrong with a windows phone permalinkparent

[–]ztheday 118 points 8 days ago It's just a joke. I don't know what's wrong with a windows phone. permalinkparent

[–]theshryock 78 points 8 days ago app developers aren't really supporting it. Windows just hasn't gotten a big enough foot in the market yet permalinkparent

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[–]CaptnAwesomeGuy 32 points 8 days ago Nothing, we just like them less than other phones. permalinkparent

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[–]IdoThisWhileImWorkin 105 points 8 days ago Blackberry- hold alt, enter lglg and delete cookies for phone to run faster. permalink

[–]FireReadyAim 882 points 8 days ago Another neat thing you can do with a Blackberry is throw it away and buy a phone that is actually relevant in the year 2012. permalinkparent

[–]ButtFuckSlutsGoNuts 254 points 8 days ago Blackberry user, I can confirm this. permalinkparent

[–]anonymous123421 107 points 8 days ago Not a blackberry user, I can confirm as well permalinkparent

[–]movielass 481 points 8 days ago Blackberry eater, my fingers are purple permalinkparent

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[–]phatcan 26 points 8 days ago If only I had known this before I ragequit Blackberry and bought an Android. Can't say I regret switching though. permalinkparent

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load more comments (5 replies) [–]Teknofobe 2023 points 8 days ago If you turn it off, it will instantly make you not an asshole in movie theaters and restaurants. permalink

[–]internetsanta 1030 points 8 days ago That's not always true, it will make you less of an asshole though. permalinkparent

[–]Teknofobe 560 points 8 days ago There are many factors that affect your asshole rating. Shutting off your phone eliminates one of the largest factors. Shutting your mouth eliminates another. permalinkparent

[–]idlestone 384 points 8 days ago Does shutting your asshole make you less of an asshole though? permalinkparent

[–]Uttel 257 points 8 days ago In a public place? Yeah permalinkparent

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[–]bpkid3331 149 points 8 days ago In Barnes & Noble, definitely. permalinkparent [–]AyooGhinoo 247 points 8 days ago* At this very moment I'm taking a shit in a Barnes & Noble restroom and I read this. You scared the shit outta me. (No pun intended.) Edit: I have verification if anyone is interested haha. Edit 2: Welp, you guys wanted verification! NSFW I guess haha Edit 3: 2nd highest rated comment and it talks about poopin in Barnes & Noble. slowclap.gif permalinkparent

[–]signorafosca 51 points 8 days ago I always have to poop in Barnes and Noble! permalinkparent

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[–]dank_da_tank 182 points 8 days ago in a prison, hell no permalinkparent

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[–]wretcheddawn 122 points 8 days ago And, this feature works on Android, iPhone, Blackberry, WinMo, feature phones and even dumb phones! permalinkparent

[–]Rustysporkman 105 points 8 days ago Not home phones, though. Weird. permalinkparent

[–]wretcheddawn 132 points 8 days ago If you take your home phone to the restaurant or movie theater, this feature will work. Not at home though. permalinkparent [–]MPSDragline 56 points 8 days ago What if I live in a movie theatre? permalinkparent

[–]imthe1nonlyD 52 points 8 days ago Then i feel bad for you, those floors are permanently sticky for some reason. permalinkparent

[–]Froboy7391 13 points 8 days ago My floors are permanently sticky if you get what I mean... permalinkparent

[–]JoustingTimberflake 22 points 8 days ago You couldn't keep it inside the box, could you? permalinkparent

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[–]ass_munch_reborn 67 points 8 days ago Sorry - it doesn't work. I turn my phone off, yet I'm still an asshole. permalinkparent

[–]Anuglyman 98 points 8 days ago Well, they always say, "You are what you eat" permalinkparent

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[–]judehoffman 131 points 8 days ago If you turn this on, it will instantly make you a hero in movie theaters FTFY permalinkparent [–]lunchbox6 239 points 8 days ago I worked in Iraq and Afghanistan, my job was working with RF jammers. That little thing won't have the power to jam anything unless you place it on top of someone's phone. If you had a large battery so you could up the wattage you might have a useful device. permalinkparent

[–]judehoffman 531 points 8 days ago Oh. So just because you're an expert, you think you're an expert or something?! permalinkparent

[–]lunchbox6 153 points 8 days ago Not an expert, just educated in the field. permalinkparent

[–]judehoffman 294 points 8 days ago Oh. So just because you're humble, you think I'm going to go back and upvote everything you've done in the last 6 months?! ...well, you're right this time. permalinkparent

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load more comments (14 replies) [–]TheNewOP 65 points 8 days ago Not availible in USA due to the FCC. permalinkparent

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[–]docpepson 30 points 8 days ago I might buy one of those just so my kid can't text.....ftw. permalinkparent

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load more comments (14 replies) [–]ralfsmouse 46 points 8 days ago* On any cell phone, not just smart phones, *#06# in the dialer will show the IMEI number of the phone. permalink

[–]travisg93 44 points 8 days ago What's that? permalinkparent

[–]ian13 13 points 8 days ago A unique number your phone reports to the mobile network. Keep a note of it, and the IMEI can be 'blocked' if you lose the phone. permalinkparent

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[–]Prousey 82 points 8 days ago I used the ##4636## on my phone, and went to usage statistics for applications. Number 1 used app on my phone - Baconreader.. permalink load more comments (6 replies)

[–]antifud 81 points 8 days ago Here is my favorite: put 58008 into the dialer, then turn your phone upside down, and you will see the word BOOBS! permalink

[–]Verdris 7 points 8 days ago Also: open up your phone's browser and type "boobs" into the search bar. You'll see boobs! permalinkparent

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[–]yesitsjake 61 points 8 days ago For the ladies: *#*#0842#*#* permalink

[–]RougeSaid 18 points 8 days ago Feels good on the balls. permalinkparent

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[–]kaede6 15 points 8 days ago Doesn't work on iPhones. permalinkparent

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[–]brownpaperful 54 points 9 days ago* i tried it and it did nothing but remove the code i entered EDIT: Samsung Galaxy SII - didn't work EDIT: can anyone show me how to take screen shots with my phone? permalink

[–]kelseyjeanette 5 points 8 days ago It worked on my Samsung Galaxy SII... permalinkparent

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[–]Fideon 36 points 8 days ago Every cellphone. *#06# shows you your IMEI number. When doing tech support they always ask for this number. On the back of your cellphone below the battery there should be a round or square small sticker. It could be well hidden or on plain sight. The technicians check this sticker (Liquid Damage Indicator). If the sticker is pink or red it means it has come in contact with water and warranty is void. Source: Ex Warranty Service Cellphone Call Center Agent. permalink

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[–]EmilTheDetective 120 points 8 days ago This thread comes up the day I lost my iPhone

Nonononoono permalink

load more comments (21 replies) [–]MrTeaKup 24 points 8 days ago Working for a phone shop in the UK I get given lots of these codes! Simple ones I use a lot on any phones are things like *#06# for the IMEI number, *#100# for the mobile number and some other cool ones. permalink

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[–]snaxie 13 points 8 days ago If you use either platform to call your grandmother for no reason other than to say "hi!" it will totally brighten her day... permalink

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[–]BossDulciJo 319 points 8 days ago I heard that if you text the right segment of pi digits to an iphone it will wipe its memory. Of course I heard this in my own head while stoned... So not true. permalink

[–]sheetman 191 points 8 days ago The right sequence of pi? As in, a random section of it? That could be anything! I received an email back in the day warning of the dangers of computing pi in binary, as to do so would automatically make you in breach of copyright laws. Calculate pi to a large enough decimal expansion in binary, and you will have replicated the entire works of Shakespeare, the lyrics to every queen song and a version of the bible where Jesus invented the wheel and the devil is actually all right once you get to know him. permalinkparent

[–]cliffhanger407 60 points 8 days ago Calculate pi to a large enough decimal expansion in binary, and you will have replicated the entire works of Shakespeare, the lyrics to every queen song and a version of the bible where Jesus invented the wheel and the devil is actually all right once you get to know him. I'll put on my math hat here. This statement isn't entirely known to be true. What you're describing here is normalness in pi. While the digits of pi which have been calculated are normal, it is possible that there is something we are missing and in that case, pi would be non-normal, which would not allow for your statement to be true. permalinkparent

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[–]Billdozer5 40 points 9 days ago WOW, didn't know that. Is that menu accessible any other way? permalink

[–]frozen_beer[S] 28 points 9 days ago Nope permalinkparent

[–]NeededANewName 24 points 9 days ago Almost all phones have hidden menus like that to deal with various system/network option most users shouldn't ever see. permalinkparent

[–]helianthus42 26 points 8 days ago The random shit people do with those menus... sure made trouble shooting fun! permalinkparent

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load more comments (4 replies) [–]endercoaster 88 points 8 days ago On any smartphone with a web browser, you can access OKCupid and be rejected by women anywhere you go. permalink

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[–]zfusfeld 61 points 8 days ago in this thread everyone voids their warranties permalink

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[–]Nazipenis 44 points 8 days ago If you dial 8675309 and hit "call" a sweet girl by the name of Jenny may or may not pick up permalink

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[–]cjtulowiecki 75 points 8 days ago On iPhones and androids: dial 911 and press the call button. Free emergency service. permalink

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[–]lisabadcat 10 points 8 days ago More. permalink

[–]Apex-Nebula 127 points 8 days ago OP could you try to explain to me why I have you tagged as "puts used condoms in his mouth, what the fuck". permalink

[–]MasterHandle 22 points 8 days ago http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/wqfku/today_my_10_y ear_old_sister_walked_into_my_room/c5fkcp5 permalinkparent

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load more comments (9 replies) [–]oaklandnative 801 points 8 days ago Please don't say "Droid" when you mean Android. They are two different things and it is confusing to use the terms interchangeably. permalink

[–]sillydrunkard 36 points 8 days ago Be careful how many times you use the word "Droid": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droid_%28robot%29#Trademark_use Apparently LucasArts owns rights to the word. permalinkparent

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[–]Lobanium 35 points 8 days ago* For everyone mentioning the Droid name having to do with Motorola, this is incorrect. "Droid" is a Verizon brand name. Much like "Galaxy" is a Samsung brand, "Nexus" a Google brand, and "iPhone" an Apple brand. It just so happens the first Droid branded phone was made by Motorola, but there are other Droid branded phones on Verizon not made by Motorola. Droid is a Verizon thing, not a Motorola or Google thing. In theory Verizon could even offer a Droid phone running Windows Phone 7 if they wanted to but that would be silly. The fact that people confuse "Droid" with "Android" is exactly what Verizon wants. They wanted their brand associated with all Android phones. They want it to be a household name. As someone pointed out earlier, all Droid phones run Android, but not all phones with the Android operating system are "Droids" because Droid is a Verizon brand name. I have no idea how Verizon chooses which phones to give their Droid branding. Its not dependent on OEM because there are Droid phones by Motorola, HTC, and Samsung. I've heard some people say they're on Sprint or AT&T say they have a Droid, which is impossible because "Droid" is a Verizon brand. That would be like saying you have a Chevy Mustang or a Ford Camaro. permalinkparent

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[–]NewDirtyBastard 239 points 8 days ago Explain to the ignorant please. permalinkparent

[–]dunsmoreb 735 points 8 days ago Android is an operating system. Droid is a brand of phones that run Android. permalinkparent

[–]4rch 179 points 8 days ago I never knew that. Wow permalinkparent

[–]tomrhod 53 points 8 days ago Droid is also a trademark owned by from use in , so has licensed the mark to them for the phone. If you check the bottom of every Droid ad, there is tiny text mentioning the trademark. permalinkparent

[–]Volpethrope 7 points 8 days ago How the fuck do you trademark a shortened form of an existing word? permalinkparent load more comments (3 replies)

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[–]bard329 168 points 8 days ago Motorola decided to be assholes and call of their Android phones the Droid series, such as the Droid, Droid X, Droid Razor etc. permalinkparent

[–]rosski47 143 points 8 days ago It's not just Motorola, it's more a Verizon thing. There's also the HTC Droid Incredible. permalinkparent

[–]bard329 114 points 8 days ago Yup. and Motorola and Verizon love the shit out of pissing me off, jointly. permalinkparent

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load more comments (10 replies) [–]danmanlott 26 points 8 days ago ...and you'd think if they were going to take the droid name they'd do their best to make them the best phones by, doing things like, updating them... guess not. permalinkparent

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[–]naewilder 221 points 8 days ago All Droids run Android, but not all Android phones are Droids. permalinkparent

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[–]wolfmann 31 points 8 days ago I'll just xerox you a copy of my Kleenex. permalinkparent

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[–]totalbollocks 8 points 8 days ago Press ##5318008## into an android phone then rotate the phone 180 degrees to make boobies appear on screen permalink

load more comments (1 reply) [–]akkon 6 points 8 days ago My mom didn't know this after 1 1/2 years of owning an Iphone so I'm going to asume some of you guys don't either. The buttons on side of the Iphone that look like (+) and (-) change the volume. permalink

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[–]turbonated 11 points 8 days ago For iPhone users that want to listen to a song on YouTube but leave the app to do other things. Get the song/video you want to listen to and leave the app completely. Double tap the home button, slide to the right and press the play button. Truly mind blowing permalink

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[–]KidStrangelove 39 points 8 days ago on Blackberries, when you run out of batteries and the phone turns off the radio function, you can still check the time, play games, do everything else that doesnt involve data transfer, for a little while before the phone "really" dies the trick is that you can actually make calls when the radio is off - you just have to dial 911 then immediately cancel the call - radio service will be restored and you'll have time to make a quick phone call. permalink load more comments (7 replies)

[–]Self_Manifesto 132 points 8 days ago If you press and hold the off button on most phones, you will get into fewer car accidents. permalink

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[–]SilverPanther 7 points 8 days ago Side question: Anything for Windows Phone? permalink

[–]pepe74 51 points 8 days ago If you put it back in the box it came in, then take it back to your Carrier you can get a better phone. permalink parent

[–]SilverPanther 4 points 8 days ago Zing! All jokes aside though, I actually love my phone. If all you do is surf the web, listen to music/podcasts, watch Youtube/Vimeo/Netflix, email, create/edit Office docs, and use the GPS, then the Windows Phone platform is fantastic. Come to think of it, the only thing it doesn't have going for it is decent games, but I don't play mobile games so it's a non-issue for me. After being an Android, "power user" for years it's great to have a phone with a solid UI that, "just works." permalinkparent

[–]DarthContinent 25 points 9 days ago HowardForums is a good source of other such hacks for a wide variety of phones. permalink

[–]zild3d 16 points 8 days ago Hold Volume Up and Power On (while phone is off). It will bring you to boot options. you can use recovery, manage ROMs, and a few other things from here. permalink

[–]phlegminist 20 points 8 days ago I can confirm this, I used this menu to accidentally wipe my phone's storage by selecting the wrong menu item. Note that this menu does not ask "are you sure?" before doing terrible things. permalinkparent

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[–]AuxPriest 242 points 8 days ago ITT: Nerds arguing over the use of the word "droid". permalink

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[–]cwstjnobbs 10 points 9 days ago Well I'll be buggered. You'd think some of the custom ROMS would incorporate this into the menu somehow. Maybe they do... permalink

[–]myers_1091 6 points 9 days ago Tweaked 2.2 has all a "Dialcode Hidden Menu" whichever has these options permalinkparent

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[–]indefinitearticle 13 points 8 days ago* Wow this is really interesting. I'm going in -- will report back with anything interesting. Edit1: Ha! My Verizon phone tests its data connection by pinging www.google.com! How many times have you opened a browser on your computer and tried to go to google to check if your internet was down, or just one site? Edit 2: Actually there's nothing that interesting here. I have two apps that I wrote specifically to run in the background, but they don't come up in my usage statistics. What is interesting is the *#*##*#* pattern. I'm going to start investigating this further. permalink

[–]wecutourvisions 9 points 8 days ago That is probably a google default, but most tech support people will have you test an internet connection the same way. The only caveat is that google can be cached since it used often. There are many fallbacks. purple.com, cnn, etc. permalinkparent

[–]indefinitearticle 5 points 8 days ago* Well it's pinging, so caching shouldn't affect it, right? permalinkparent

[–]wecutourvisions 5 points 8 days ago Re-reading that I could see how it was confusing. The ping is probably default from google. Most tech support will have you open a browser an try to go to google. (Walking someone through opening a command prompt isn't always fun.) You are right, caching won't usually affect a ping, unless we are talking about a DNS cache and thats a different story all together. permalinkparent load more comments (3 replies)

[–]Brightyler 7 points 8 days ago These are not the droids we are looking for permalink

[–]julessciii 4 points 8 days ago Not sure if this has already been said. But on an iPhone go to Settings>General>Accessability, then go to triple click home, switch it to white/black. Now click the home button three times. Everything is negative. It can switch back with triple click. Enjoy! permalink

[–]BHannify 5 points 8 days ago My battery is 30.7 degrees Celsius. I learned something today. permalink

[–]jacq_willow 5 points 8 days ago* Telecommunication technicians use this to determine what sector of a base station their phone is operating off. It can help to identify problems with particular antennas. We can select what sector and carrier to operate our phones off and make test calls, such as video, emergency numbers and the usual mobile to mobile calls. Some display a code which when converted in hex gives a "molly" code, which the people who receive emergency calls identify so if you say you live in Richmond, they can determine which Richmond town that is e.i. if there are multiple towns with the same name, they can pick the right one to send the police to. We can also it to determine which direction an antenna is facing, if we walk around the base station. Edit: You will not do any damage to the base station at all. The worst you can do is block all mobile reception to your phone and not know how to change it back. permalink

[–]pantheonpie 5 points 8 days ago Word of warning: DO NOT HIT UPDATE ON THE SMSC ENTRY UNDER PHONE INFORMATION. You will remove your phone's ability to send or receive texts messages and will have to look up your carriers SMSC number and encrypt it so the phone understands it. permalink

[–]Corebles 38 points 8 days ago 234895034593053485349503459345384 If you dial this number on an iPhone it will beam you up to the orbiting command center. permalink

[–]uwiggly100 79 points 8 days ago Wow, I'm impressed. Now I need 'beam down' number. permalinkparent

[–]Endless_squire 8 points 8 days ago Same thing backwards. permalinkparent load more comments (10 replies)

[–]jrau 12 points 8 days ago I just tried this out of gullible-ness, fuck you. permalinkparent

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[–]Tastygroove 24 points 8 days ago I'm a phone tech.. It's generally best not to mess with any of these settings. All phones act differenty when you access them. Sometimes, touching a button will erase the setting, and no way to cancel the change. permalink

load more comments (3 replies) [–]Mnichols94 8 points 8 days ago If you're reading on your iPod/Phone in bed and you're tired of the screen rotation when you try to lay your head down, there is a way to lock the vertical screen orientation: Double tap the home button. This should bring up the 4 previous apps that you have used. Now swipe those 4 to the right. Now there should be standard music control features on the right of the bar that popped up, and on the left, a silver lock that will lock the screen orientation. Note: Older iPods/Phone lack this feature, if the double home button tap doesn't bring anything up than sorry :/ permalink

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[–]SirDigbyChknCaesar 11 points 8 days ago This doesn't work on the Samsung GS3 permalink

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[–]___patrick___ 14 points 8 days ago* On iPhones (well, at least on AT&T iPhones in USA) you can dial star3282# (it spells DATA) and it will give you: The date of your next bill cycle How many MB of data you've used since your last bill cycle How many text messages you've sent since your last bill cycle It's come handy many times when I think I've gone over on my data EDIT: I'm stupid. I accidentally typed 3283 it's 3282. permalink [–]nathanthesniper 8 points 8 days ago* This didn't work for me, it just showed me a screen with my own phone number. EDIT: It works with 3282, thanks! permalinkparent

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[–]apple4960 4 points 8 days ago 3282 is DATA. Also, it's #3282 on Verizon. permalinkparent

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[–]JGPH 4 points 8 days ago This is not a hack. It is an undocumented feature, at best. permalink

[–]lovelyallen 12 points 8 days ago Thank fuck someone said it. "LOL I totally hacked your facebook!" permalinkparent [–][deleted] 2 points 8 days ago Which one turns my iPhone into Optimus Prime? permalink

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[–]theundiscoveredcolor 3 points 8 days ago For Android. I just figured this out the other day but if you go to settings > about phone and repeatedly tap 'android version', (eg: 2.3.4) You should get an animation of sorts related to your OS. For gingerbread on my gs2 is an evil gingerbread man with zombies. On my gs3, flying android ice cream sandwich. =] permalink

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[–]nartam11 11 points 8 days ago if you type your password into the comment box in reddit it appears as ******* permalink

[–]CptRibz 18 points 8 days ago penismonkeybuttsex edit: DAMN YOU permalinkparent

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[–]NewUSSR 78 points 8 days ago On iPhones, double-tapping the home button brings up an array of apps you had used recently. So you may already know about that, right? Swipe to the left on that array. Music controls, a quick link to the music app and an option to lock the rotation. For some reason, it's there with all the others, but it's there and it exists. I jailbroke my iPhone just for that capability before realising it was already in the phone, which was a silly mistake to make. permalink

[–]nyuncat 60 points 8 days ago Swipe to the left one more time and you get a volume control. I discovered "swipe left once" and "swipe left twice" on two different occasions, and it blew my mind both times. permalinkparent

[–]demortum 3 points 8 days ago On the 2nd swipe volume page, if you have an AppleTV, there is an option to mirror your 4s on your tv. permalinkparent [–]FredsGotSlacks 5 points 8 days ago Swipe left thrice = blow your eardrums out. permalinkparent

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[–]el_capitan_obvio 231 points 8 days ago Dear People: RTFM. Regards, Captain Obvious permalinkparent

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[–]mattknows 10 points 8 days ago Another iPhone tip is to use the + key on the side of the phone to take a picture. It's a lot easier than using the button on the touch screen. permalinkparent

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[–]hilosplit 18 points 8 days ago On iPhones, will put the phone into FieldTest Mode. This turns the signal bars into a numeric decibel score, and gives some info on the surrounding cell environment. permalink

[–]newsdrifter 7 points 8 days ago back in the day the old nokias had a code very similar we're talking like 1999 *3001#12345# permalinkparent

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[–]drae- 3 points 8 days ago Samsung has a ton of dialer codes, more then I've come across with any other manufacturer. Note that these are often a function of the Touchwiz UI, and therefore only work on Samsungs and only if they aren't running AOSP roms. http://forum.xda- developers.com/showthread.php?t=1069015 has a complete list. permalink load more comments (468 replies)